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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
Yes. It's required reading for any game dev/gamer
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
https://pastebin.com/G1P4WqiB (embed)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
https://pastebin.com/vZ9nxmbh (embed)
(old /rwg/ OP)
https://pastebin.com/Q47AZ2KV (embed)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>486929613
first for nothing (brave)
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4th for anime
>You will not survive this, scum!
Cringe Oskar face user
>Shooting bullets at Moyos when you could instead shoot your seed into their wombs instead
quite pathetic honestly
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just as subhuman as the blue xeno
death squad discarded, proceed into the bioreactor chamber
All the modded starting scenarios kinda suck compared to the vanilla ones. Idk it never really matters what boons or disadvantages they stack on you, they never feel as good as crashlanded/richfag/tribals.
>gather enough genepacks
>start my super-soldier project
>my first champion of a new age of war is born
>he's just a hussar without the red eyes
Oh okay.
Step it up, Anon-kun
>reduced fertility
Into the trash she goes. Also where are those gene mods from?
Corintroon kill yourself
now now, corin may be mentally ill and obsessed with his long-running story, but there's no indication that he's a troon
He's delusional, annoying, attentionwhoring retard with weird effeminate/childish mannerisms and who only cares about his personal schizoid fantasies to the point where Rimworld as a game is an afterthought, he's one bad day from screeching about being a woman
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but sometimes he bumps the thread so all is forgiven
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>Into the trash she goes.
It's not like she can't have them, it's just harder than usual
>Also where are those gene mods from?
What i'm using:
>Alpha Genes
>More Genes
>More Gene Complexity
>Biotech Gene Variety (+Gene Variety - Less Complex Gene Names)
>Body Size Genes (Pretty sure Big and Small is better now)
>Biotech Capacitor Genes - Balanced
>AFU Cosmetic Gene Expanded
That's a lot of projection, can you prove it!?
Holy bloat.
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Is there still any point in using the Transhumanist meme after biotech genes and anomaly rituals
You could draw that conclusion, but that's an awfully negative outlook.
Fair, he has some delusions.
But they seem to be pretty common ones on 4chan.
Personal opinion.
What does he really do to attentionwhore?
The ANIME ritualpost, the many replies in one post...?
>childish mannerisms
True, but we only see him posting here, he could be accentuating that more here than IRL.
Also known as: being a goofball for fun.
We don't know if he acts that way all the time in day-to-day, or if this is a silly comfort zone.
>personal schizoid fantasies
Fellas, is it schizo to write a story?
>well uuuuuh technically uuuuhh akshuallly uuuuh
holy mother of goalpost moving jewery
At worst, he's our pet schizo, at best he's ritualposter foundational to modern /rwg/'s thread identity and one of he reasons the thread is still alive.
Anyway, die faggot.
to be specific, do you just hate corinfag or
lil bro got so mindbroken he started to samefag lmao
I might be retarded but is there any way to make polygamy work? My pawns are getting infidelity triggers despite male supremacy and infinite wives allowed.
Do they all have to be married to the guy for it to not count as cheating? Currently they're mostly lovers
Using RJW
Because you want a transhumanist colony rather than a bio-engineering/anomalous one? Are you making decisions purely on in game values?
Not gonna enable Anomaly a second time tbdesu.
Why do you want a transhumanist colony if not for the benefits
For the trans part, obviously.
>he's our pet schizo
he's our mascot, like a goofy little dog
If it was Corin it would be horsehumanism
Because I want/don't want my guys to be dependent on a bunch of gadgets. If it fits my fantasy for the colony then I choose it, if not then I don't.
Same with becoming bio-engineered freaks. Transhumanism and that usually go hand in hand though.
Uhhh anyone that disagrees with me is a samefag and a tranny
can't wait for summer to be over
both the shitposters and the heat
>Royalty is soulless
>VPE is too much
>Psitech is too little
>ARoM is too ugly
>Rim Reborn is too total-conversiony
which way space wizard man?
VPE, unironically.
I like overpowered stuff
Note, I would add that it would be great if raiders had psycasters. Doesn't matter if they are Unwavering.
VPE comes with a storyteller for this
Also if you have VE Empire there are Deserters with Psycast that can spawn without the need for VPE Storyteller
>My pawns are getting infidelity triggers
something is probably wrong with your game or you're misunderstanding something, i don't recall that being a thing. the only possible issues you should have are pawns wanting to sleep together or some issue with a precept you set wrong
Is it Randy, but with magic psychic powers?
Are the girls lovers with each other?
That will require infinite partners on both sides.
If they aren't lovers with each other, then they won't want to share a bed (i.e. 3+ person bed), unless you add a mod to deal with this.
>bloodspatter is red
>bloodstains are blue
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a moyo hussar!
should i take the direct approach to recruit her (jail her), or try to win her over in the 18 days her group hangs around?
For the story.
hell yeah
>moyos are perfect
>and so are you <3
Hello kind sir would you please share what mode for those cutie faces are you using ?
Yeah, pretty much. The description does absolutely nothing to let you know, for some reason.
direct approach
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Which floor type for an art gallery?
Don't have the resources for fine carpet.
ok but ill need to reform my ideology first because my people are charitable and would be upset if i just jail someone.

i should probably change other stuff in my ideology while at it. what do you think? should i make squirrels venetrated? should i get the tunneler meme? what do you useully put in your ideology?
first from left is defintly very gallery-like
tomboy indoctrination machine rescue quest when?
I like the third.
I'm gonna see if debug marrying everyone solves it. But I think it might just be a limitation with RJW polygamy then. I'll check out the code later and see if I can make any sense of it

Nope, and yeah I have that problem too. Gotcha, thanks.

So polygamy is just janky as hell without mods? Everyone wants to sleep in one bed with one person but that just isnt't possible.
second this
Is there a way in the steam workshop to look for vehicle framework based mods that don't require VE bullshit?
There's like 3 vehicles mods that requires Vanilla Vehicles Expanded.
How hard is to create an ideology style from existing weapon retextures? Can't find documentation online.
Facial Animation
Facial Animation Experimental
FAE-Facial Animations Expanded (You have to remove alot of defs if you don't want your chars to look extremely goofy)
Vanilla Hairs and Beards Retextured (for face-compatible beards)
HD Head Attatchments for Nals Facial Animation AND Facial Animations Xenotype Compatibility (for it to fit better with Xenos)
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i use the standard wood flooring
It's for VE Empire, so it has to be "fine" flooring.
thank u
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well shit. i don't know how ve empire works so going solely based on austetics #4 looks the fanciest
speaking of which, i am once again asking for ideas on what to replace this room with
There is definetly way more that 3, it's like, every 2rd or 3rd mod requires that shit. Or I might be looking wrong or something. There is a fuckton of various tanks and military things, but I just want some general purpose stuff and maybe some mechs.
where are alobio and katia's eyes from??
the fucking state of you
From their mother's side.
licky licky
Trying first time in years
Read about big brain tactic of gassing enemy pawns for capture.
So I open ancient danger, put a door, gas the room, open caskets, close the door.

But everybody died instead.
What am I doing wrong? Or was the big brain move patched out?
I think any NPC pawns that get downed have an X chance of dying in the base game
What are you asking for, exactly?
I already told you the mods i use, Anon-kun
It's from Facial Animation Experimental
You're welcome fren
rjw shouldn't affect polygamy, it only has submods that add precepts so your infidelity thingy should be something else. double check your precepts to see if any of them don't make sense

just down them with heatstroke, start a fire and close the room then use a mech to open a casket via a trap or using gunfire. if you don't have a mech it'll take more effort but still possible various ways if you use your head
>just down them with heatstroke
>any NPC pawns that get downed have an X chance of dying in the base game
So heatstroke is exception to that?
set enemy chance of death on down to 0 in storyteller settings like a human being
do the same for pawn instakill chance too
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>Rim of Madness Vampires still not updated
Big sad. But at this point I'll just mod the sunnygofaeg genes into something that is more in line with a vampire and less of weird mishmash of abilities and needs that are all vaguely blood-related but actually are pure AN ARCHOTECH DID IT! wizardy.
I especially fucking hate le deathrest need, it's fucking annoying. It doesn't balance the xenotype out, it just adds retarded busywork and tedium.
i honestly don't remember but i did set death on downed to 90% instead of the default 100% and never saw anyone die from getting downed by heatstroke, being in high temps for too long can kill anyway. either way you still have to be quick to capture anyone downed by heatstroke since they can recover pretty fast especially if they weren't kept in high heat long enough and can die if kept in too long
dunno if they changed it on 1.5 but I played on 1.4 and toxic bypasses that, I got like 30 kidneys & lungs every tribal raid on my tox IED setup because none of them died
>update to 1.5
>update mods too
>my favorite HAR race now have tinderskin
>game keeps throwing clusters of scorchers and impid raids before I even have decent gear
>lost an entire fucking leg from a single fire spew
>in return for tinderskin they now have partial antitoxic lungs and partial toxic resistance, which are fucking useless
>metabolism also goes from +2 to 0
I can't believe a single gene would destroy me this bad
You might just be imagining things. There are some that use VE's vehicles mods as a dependency, but most don't. Most of the ones I know did came out really close to the framework's public drop. There aren't much 'general' vehicle mods outside of VVE. Most are tanks/military shit
>make a patch to remove the genes from the xml
It's that easy.
How about a pure recreation room/cassino? Or a giant armory with armor stands, and heroic statues adorning the corners?
What are some in your opinion mandatory mods to go with medieval overhaul?
Still better than blackedfags
leave as is, new one just looks worse
just had my first ever combat on CE lads
your post has the same energy as
>just got back from vasectomy and my wife's boyfriend congratulated me
they threw grenades at my elephant and it died
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elephant bros...
What are those windows from in the mod preview images?
Look like ReBuild
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No dyingo neeeeee
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Is there a Horse Xenotype somewhere (Corin may ignore and hide this post and replies)?
>low immunity
there's your horse xenotype
Damn Anon, give it at least some good traits. If horses weren't useful we'd have never domesticated them.

centaur xenotype doko
very much cum
I'm thinking about being a based avatarfag so yall can worship me ngl
how many avatarfags do we already have btw
anon horses are wimps that don't realize small predators are no threat to them
horses kicks are something fierce
yes but the only reason you get one is due to them panicking
being peacefull does not make you wimp
running away from a coyote does probably
coyotes have teeth. running away is the better option. especially since it puts them in position for kicking.
doesn't change the fact that what goes on in their minds is PANIC
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you would panic too if something was always after you
Definitely Rebuild.
Man, donkeys are so cool IRL.
>can climb mountains, unlike horse
>are actually smart
>WILL actively murder small predators
yeah I think I'm in the donkey club now
>there's STILL no built-in xenotype editor accessible from main menu
>Xenotype Spawn Control's editor is broken
with miho, how do i get milletery grade ceramic?
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Finally decided to play new version, this crawling mechanic thing caught me off guard for sure, the ususal shooting at downed raiders while they crawl away like a half-dead worms makes me feels things.
Sex with Misaki
If i like cultivation settings am I better off trying Rimworld or ACS first? They both seem complicated and I dunno which will be a better introduction into this genre. Closest thing I've played is Kenshi and I know that's a very distantly related cousin.
Zen-like Misaki
Rimworld has less bullshit and is more centered around a group of people.
Can you still do "finish off" on crawling enemies or do you have to wait until they lose consciousness?
Nope. You can manually shoot them or use melee attack on them though.
>ruskie gear
>shoot women
Of course, since russians are gigantic fags.
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Any mods that let me make tall female pawns.
That sounds tedious.
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Big and Small Genes/Races.
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Oh don't you worry, she is having plenty enough from the designated "throw in a closet and forget about" paralysed fucknugget that fell from the sky.
No idea, nobody in my colony got enough melee skill to finish off yet.
Not really, since most enemy pawns instantly die no matter what.
if you like cultivation than acs is the game for you. rimworld isn't much for the popular definition of cultivation (ie becoming god) unless you install specific mods.
man i wish my giants ware as big. most giants are only slightly bigger than normal pawns.
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>Fucking a black
Not even with a broom handle?
Does RJW have a buck breaking mechanic?
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Trim that shit, retard.
Misaki must be executed now, I'm sorry.
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No, fuck you
Why was she such a shit character bros?
Now that you made that connection, my dick is even harder. Unfortunately, she's stained by blacks, so she's too far gone
Bad writing and you can't just blame the abysmal localization on that one.
I'll take the chance to shit on treehouse any day.
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Welp, I actually didn't think about it, now I need to go look for a mod for some xenogenetics fuckery that can edit skin color because she ended up getting pregnant. And he it's even that black, just somewhat tanned, right?
I guess so?
>no way to make ribaorl combat turn-based without making it abysmal, complete and utter trash, or absolutely unenjoyable
Devmode, I mean, an archotech sympathetic to your cause, is the solution.
Oh I know Rimworld isn't a cultivation game I just figured Rimworld and ACS are the same type of game with different themes, but I figured Rimworld is more polished while ACS is a theme I like. Wasn't sure what was more important in terms of polish vs theme as a launching point.
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>she ended up getting pregnant.
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If I take a brawler with this high melee, is she just going to kill my pawns if she gets into fights?
Insecure white bois ITT are pathetic.
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What the fuck is this shit.
>owl is back
>immediately points out how tynan fucked up the glowgrid even more in 1.5
top kek
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
There is a chance of that, or losing limbs. But it shouldn't really be an issue.
Use this if you're that concerned
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These are abominations is what they are. They die pretty quick, though. One swing of the ol' hammer and they turn into confetti.
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He's just so cool. A true sigma male
Anon shooting Gay Niggers From Outer Space 2 (screenplay by Tariq Nasheed, guest starring Quentin Tarantino) here.
VE faces are ugly, but I wouldn't exactly call them abominations.
Marga here is an Heir of Aurgelmir, she has both the Jotun Frame gene and genetically forced gigantism. Although I had a regular Jotun stay in my base as extra manpower for a quest, and they were still big. Are you referring as "giants" to pawns with the gigantism trait? What matters most is the frame gene.
What a fucking loser.
Rimworld is his child.
I'm grooming Tynan's kid into becoming my perfect girl.
what's a glowgrid
Bad performance is a part of the story
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>most giants are only slightly bigger than normal pawns.
Here's a tip for you Anon
You can edit the Defs of the gene and just change the body size text to be whatever you want
Where you see the glowies
Can they still fit through 1x1 doors?
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>inspired creativity
>pawn has pic related
I hate the anti-Christ.
>he doesn't have 50 skilltrainers stockpiled
there's nothing wrong with getting one (1) excellent quality sculpture
probably some invite-only discord fellatorium
Sadly yes. They're still just a single tile width.
The only multiple-tile things I've seen are vehicles since their coding managed to make it multiple tiles wide
the latter. I sure as fuck don't need the political insight of a game developer, stick to your area of expertise and the reason you even have an audience(game development). just like make good games
>Should gamedevs talk about politics?
Of course. I would hate to accidentaly support tranny, pedo groomer, communist or some other subhuman trash.
Niki is a tranny obviously.
Is 'media literacy' the new 'current year'?
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If you can't enjoy a work of art/product because of the political opinions of the creator(s), then you are severely mentally retarded and should not allowed to breed. if you have children, post-birth abortions should be mandatory to prevent your bloodline from tainting the genepool.
john blow is based so he gets a pass
on the other hand like >>487325412 said if it means they out themselves as retards im all for it
>Artistic 7.43
Make him draw erotic female pawns
They should be able to if they want to, and shouldn't be forced to if they don't.
It's the second game in a row that I've started that will throw lvl 9 psycast VE deserter nigger at me that's night undefeatable with CE on, they were near identical, what the fuck
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i give what i get - these faggots would never "enjoy" something made by a natsoc/WS/WN so i wont just turn the blind eye to their shit, especially given how they always taint their creation with their ideology.
Im all for it. Truth and openess to these people are like garlic to a vampire.
"media literacy" is the new artsy fartsy buzzword used by pseudo intellectuals on plebbit to dismiss and disregard people enjoying unPC shit like Helldivers 2.
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Get the snip, you dumb culture warrior.
>tranny so mad that no one wants to buy his shit
As i said - truth and openess is anathema for faggots like you, every game dev should talk politics to root out the corrupt groomers and other oven fodder.
when is vfe insectoid 2 actually coming out
>/pol/fag mental illness, obsessed with politics
>Oskar faces
>Screams tranny at anyone disagreeing with him
Damn we can play bingo with this one
It's currently being beta-tested.
ETA: who fucking knows
>troon malding hard
Didnt it already came out?
>inb4 also the blacked ntr person too
Many such cases.
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Baby turned out to be white, so crisis averted. I'll be sure to carefully choose human toys from now on!
Unclean, impure, descended from a black male...
I had no idea that drop pods can go through mountain roof.
>VRE Hussar
>Delete weapon prof bloat
>Remove wings (I just think they are silly)
>Add Uhlan too Empire
Actually a really tight Oskarware mod, now to do it too his other ones...
Post the patch.
>>Delete weapon prof bloat
what the fuck was he thinking with this shit
i hope you used this instead of doing it manually
Not having mental breaks while drafters is pretty cool, so I've got to give him that.
If I use this, what do I need to do to fix an existing hussar? Just delete the gene?
no idea, back up your save and try i guess
depending on how that mod removes them it should just disappear on its own
Gonna disable RJW and have cisheteropatriarchal monogamous families that only do lovin' for the purpose of procreation this run.
Congratulations to my hammerman for managing to bag a thicc lizardgirl.

I gotta give her a better nickname than Giggles. That sounds stupid.
Is that the ol Xenohumans mod i see?
Holy shit Vera and Lucy are sexbombs
Please tell me they didn't sleep with... that... guy
If fucking is so bad why does it feel so good?
RimRaces, specifically the Xotann, though i also like the Caeruleans. I wish there was an update that made them into a proper species with their own genes. I like how vanilla they look.
I don't know how to enjoy games anymore...
Play something else, retard.
I can't enjoy anything else either.I'm too old...
Have you tried being obsessed over a female pawn, making multiple colonies with her over real life years and posting her in every single thread?
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No you're not.
Play CrossCode.
It's on GOG.
Patch? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0pu4bq05q1wh1bl3p65bf/AHSfEFOQrg_brXHmNkEcF70?rlkey=5lxss5shpftizfoi9iwoyhuwc&st=uk68t7xr&dl=0
let me know if .03 is too high for empire, kinda rushed it because testing takes forever.
Big and Small Genes is a good mod.
Certainly an infinitely better mod than Sargbloat Genes.
>want to debloat sargware genes
>open it up
>realise I'll be deleteing at least a third of the mod and don't even bother.
Yep, bounced off trying to streamline it too.
I honestly can't think of a more bloated mod
>turns out Oskar was an helpless victim of Sarg's bloat all along
I'm sorry, Potocki... I didn't understand... I was misled...
don't pity him, he's a bloat enabler
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Don't worry, I relived that guy from the fucknugget job and let him go after he recovered from paralysis. He is a considered a member of a savage tribe for some reason, so I wonder if he is gonna be back one day for a revenge.
Funny enough, shortly after that Lucy ended up getting knocked up from random hookup with a jannisary from tribute collector caravan. Take it as you may, but we need the numbers - I am kinda planning on not recruting anyone and building the manpower only with natural breeding and maybe biotech stuff later down the line.
You make it on the Miho Shaft Furnace which is a fuckhuge workbench that only creates two items
>VRE Pigskin
>Adding CE patch to brave/coward trait and using synonyms to to make them stand out more (craven/courageous) as well as making flavour text for brave a bit better
>Going to add a patch to substitute Oskar art tail for AFU graphic gene pig tail.
>colony of whores
What do I do with an Unwavering Loyalty Slave that decided to get married to one of my colonists?

They can't sleep in the same bed. I can't make him a colonist because of his Loyalty. I don't really want to send him away.
damn, it's so over for those two
The more you hate Corinfag, the more I like him.
very important mod desu
You could disable it in storyteller settings to recruit him.
Or you could download one of the mods that bypasses it
>disable in settings
They will still be unwavering
Are you certain? I recall disabling it removed it back in 1.3
In 1.4 it was changed then.
Is it just me or is anomaly fucking garbage as a content-addition DLC?
it literally adds nothing that would be of interest outside of an anomaly run
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But those security doors...
Speaking of which, someone should extract the doors from that DLC and make a stand alone mod.
>but it's illegal
Pic related.
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how do anons deal with their hundreds of mods long modlists?
I wonder if anomaly sold well compared to the other three
Here you go bro, made the mod. it's called Anomalyhttps://www.gog-games.to/game/rimworld
Anomaly is bloated as fuck.
dds texture conversion via rimpy/rimsort, the usual optimization mods
also adding a boatload of ram for reasons unrelated seems to have coincided with successive game reboots getting an absurd lot faster
>polygamy is just janky as hell without mods?
>Xenotype Spawn Control's editor is broken
is this a 1.5 issue?
I told you idiots to wait till a year after release
my dds conversion increased my load times...
>starts raining
>tps plummets
Please.... rain code optimisation when...
>Lolium dead

How do I get my loliwives now...
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>Going in blind
>Naked start with three pawns
Hmmm let's build a cabin next to this mysterious monument, what could go wrong?
>putting your house straight around the geothermal hole
enjoy getting cooked alive, retard.
It's really cold.
Doesn't really change that the moment you stop opening the door to let the heat out it's going to go turn that shack into an oven.
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The fuck is this, Sarg?
means that the burst shot count (of 3) happens instantly
or more likely, 1 shot per tick
is there an issue?
I guess it does just that and the information UI can't handle it.
>leave 4–6 tiles unroofed
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Novice question:
How much of an impact do double wall insulation make for a fort's power grid? I constantly run low on power during the wintertime while trying to keep areas of the base warm. Always seems to hit a component bottleneck to keep heating devices repaired.

What's a better investment of time?
- Double walling
- Heating only sleeping areas
- Equipping / unequipping parkas

Is the base game colonist AI smart enough to go grab parkas when winter starts then take them off at spring?
Parka and armor (including flak) give a lot of cold insulation.
Post base so I can have a better idea of what's the heating situation.

Also, pawn AI is retarded when it comes to apparel.
Best option is clothing, setting your heaters to a lower but still comfortable with parka temperature, and minimizing the number of times someone will go in and out of a door that leaks temperature. Double walling is a meme and unnecessary. Start trading for components or rushing towards the ability to make your own. You shouldn't ever get bottlenecked with the map's spawned compacted components + trading + random events until you hit that research.

And build fewer machines in more efficient places.
pawns just automatically equip the strongest set of clothes, they don't give a shit about temperature
aieee... this is becoming ridiculous...
Is there a mod that adds mechs that can do childcare? Snowdrop is having the life drained from her by these kids.
Also new child, new name suggestion time. no more power puff girl references
Ivy f
Yule m
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Appreciate it!
I'm on my very tutorial mode map learning how to do all this shit. Going easy on the mods, but "Minify" and "Replace Stuff" have been really solid. Moving A/C units around constantly when growing the tutorial house was becoming a huge pain.

Not much to see from this screenshot, but the lake was a huge pain in the ass. Have a moisture pump on it now, but thinking of how soon to move to a different place on the overworld. Still learning what buildings exist and do what.

This afternoon, read somewhere about sticking to 11x11 grids for starting ease.
>people design their bases so orderly while mine always look like a fucked up jigsaw puzzle finished by a 3 year old
Try pressing the buttons on the bottom right, a lot of them are pretty nifty
>Still has wood exterior walls
I'd hurry up and replace those before disaster strikes.
Oh shi- these are really useful lol

Yea I was running out of surface stone. Embark map didn't have many rock hills. Figured out how to embark new bases and use this "Deep Rim" mine mod.
You can always deep drill some stones, I'd prioritize switching walls before flooring because a single Zzzttt... event will raze you to the ground
Will do that right now!
I've been getting the Controlled Weather events, which knock out power a lot. Whats the deal with windmills not working during the storms?
Your non-bedroom and non-rec room rooms are way too fucking big is why you're having trouble. Build them smaller, use fewer heaters, and use more vents/let doors between rooms naturally equalize temperature.

Replace all the wood walls in your base with stone blocks immediately.


Also, put nice chairs in front of workstations. They fill colonist's comfort bars while they work, which keeps their mood from tanking.
Oh, and store your fucking medicine inside your hospital, please.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GE2qo5_3eA Post tunes
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Gotcha. I kept running out of balance for freezer space and keeping the animals fed. Learned the hard way about not having enough hauling animals to pick up an uranium (~400) quest reward.
Any general rules about keeping X amounts of plots for certain sizes of animals and colonists? I know about the "human meat for kibble" prioritization.

Will do!


Smart idea. Is this where one is supposed to tell colonists what kind of medicine to use?
To move your medicines into the hospital simply make a stockpile/shelf there, toggle off everything but medicine that you want to use, and then set it to critical or whatever priority that is higher than your other stockpiles. They'll carry it there automatically. The thing in your picture is the setting for the highest level of medicine they will use, if you set it on glitterworld then they'll use glitterworld medicines even on the smallest of wounds.
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Lowtech living comfy
I'm not feeling too good, Anomalybros...
You ideally want your kitchen turning raw nutrition into more compact meals as much as possible. Letting rice and meat sit in your freezer is worthless. There's absolutely zero downside in Vanilla to just freezing every meal and stockpiling that instead.

Corn is the best food to grow when possible. It takes the longest to grow but is the most labor/nutrition efficient.

20 tiles worth of rice on fertile soil is enough to constantly feed one person. You can easily supplement that with gathering wild plants and hunting animals as well.

That tab allows you to designate what the highest tier of medicine they can use is. They'll use anything below what you designate as well. Always set that to Industrial. Never use Glitterworld medicine unless someone is dying from a disease or you aren't willing to risk a surgery failing. You can't produce it in vanilla, only get it from quests/trading. Save it for when someone's genuinely going to die without it.

Go throw a lot of those textiles outside in some water, or trade them to a trader with a deficit for less expensive things you need/don't want to make. You'll raise relations with them proportional to how much free stuff you gave them. You need to get your colony wealth down, and turning them into clothes you aren't going to use will only make it worse.
NTA but won't processing your food bump up your wealth?
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Yes, but only temporarily. Your colonists will eventually eat it, after all, unlike gold statues. Just stockpile lots of meals and then turn off sowing/your hydroponics until you get the number down. And only luxurious meals are particularly large influences on wealth, and those are entirely unnecessary except to keep extremely upset pawns happy.
Is there an enclosed grid size that a single heater/AC unit can cover?

Is kibble worth making if the player doesn't have meat-eating animals?

Gotcha, I was saving the glitterworld meds for the biosculpter pod to fix a bunch of scars on the folk.

Mass donation happening for the neighbor factions lol.
Kibble lasts forever and is useful to feed animals during harsh winters or whenever you can't graze anymore.
>13 years into a colony
>get my first sanguophage shuttle quest
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uhh bros?? should I trust the mystery man...? he's not going to anally rape my entire colony, right?
just don't let him cook meals, deliver food to sick people, tend injuries, or perform surgery
he might go berserk or something but that's no big deal
also don't hurt him prior to betrayal, he might retaliate with spookiness
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post the current state of your colonies, anons
>get set in fire
>your pawn runs around out of cover for 20 seconds
wtf is this nigger garbage
Tynan game design
you'll want the
>Stop, Drop, and Roll!
and at least a hundred other mods to fix similarly stupid things
>Adds like 30 different fish
For what purpose
fire is genuinely too busted for the enemy in my opinion simply because of that mechanic
Here you go.
Base is way too big to screenshot without Progress Renderer.
>shamblers wander into base
>get distracted on a raid
>colonist needs treatment
its always the doctor first
>the front door is broken and 3 zombies are in the barracks
>also there are 5 zombies breaking OUT of the freezer
do shamblers like twisted meat or something?
It's not necessary to minmax that hard. Just keep it warm enough. Progressively add more heaters if it's not enough, and build an airlock for the main entrance/exit of the base.
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wrong tab(again), sorry
Whatever, /v/irgin.
small, medium, large and salt or fresh water. 3 of each.

just a little bit of bloat.
>Rice x447
>Colony's population: 3
>try rjw
>make the most depraved ideologion I could just for laughs
>spam sex rituals
>one girl's pussy went from tight to abyssal in a span of 5 days
>gets mood bonuses instead of penalties from soreness
>one girl is always full of cum and got pregnant 3 days from start, barely can move at all
>colony never does anything remotely productive beyond just surviving and fucking
They actually did it, they got me to jack off to sacks of potatoes crudely animated into vague sexual positions through sheer imagination
yeah but you should leave anyway because we don't want /v/ here
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Is this true?
It is "forbidden" because fictional depictions of rape are a big no-no in [current_year]
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I-I kneel...
Disgusting fat fuck. Fatties are such abominable creatures.
>all those dependencies
>anime thumbnail but VEFA pawns
the power of the STORY GENERATOR

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All these cute little ratkins that I want to just capture
You can say rape, anon. It's not reddit.
It may not be a katana but she will wield it regardless
Reproducing with rats!
The Taint
>Anon comes back home
>always hearing this
>all the fucking time
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Sup homos. Any cool new must-have mods since the last expansion came out?
I installed the game recently, but I haven't touched it yet.
I have played dwarf fortress before, and for what I have heard, this game is kind of like that.
Would it be recommended to start with it on vanilla, or are there some "must install mods before starting" ?
I'd personally go play purely vanilla first to get a feel and then go do a modded playthrough after that based on your experiences and anything else that catches your fancy. You can get performance mods so you don't tear your hair out later in the game if you don't have a giga machine though, like Rocketman and Performance Fish
name them cosmo and wanda
>like Rocketman and Performance Fish
>performance mods
Any idea how they "increase performance"?
I remember installing a mod which "made the game run smoother by removing 80% of the foliage", yeah, my game loaded faster but seeing everything without grass or trees kind of reduced my mood to play. There was also this other mod from another game whic changed the way the fonts were rendered (the default game had vector stuff making the letters, because they were originally korean, but that made the CPU work harder in calculating every character on latin letters).
Thanks for the tip, I'm going to binge into this game on vanilla on my vacation next week.
I'm not too savvy about it, but I think one of the changes was that they made the game stop calculating the needs of things that aren't necessary for you (wild animals) every tick, it's not a graphical change or anything major that you would feel. Those mods come with settings that have a lot of technical stuff, so you can just meddle with it there and toggle off stuff that you might not like.
thank you again
nta but if you experience a chunk of lag, rocketman is just doing some big tickrate purge and should clear over soon
>It's just a prebuilt faction with forced map spawns and LITERALLY nothing else

I like it, but it's also bloated since it's basically a kitchen sink of the author's gene ideas. It even has genes that don't do anything without HAR.
There are a few QoL mods that do nothing to affect gameplay except make it less fucking annoying/function properly.

Bed Rest for Food Poisoning
Designator Shapes
Graphics Settings+ (use RimPy to optimize the game's textures with this installed)
Replace Stuff
Smart Speed
Smarter Construction
Vanilla Fix: Haul After Slaughter
Allow Tool
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I hate imps so goddamn much.
I made the LL mod and you are being too mean to Corin anon
how could that be
surely you delved into that to make fun of him
you're not actually a disgusting human being who is into that shit, are you?
RocketMan just shows you the nitty gritty of the game's engine and will tell you what the source of lag is while doing minor code optimizations.

Biotech and Ideology are the meatier and better DLCs. Royalty is okay, I guess. Anomaly adds fucking nothing to the core game loop unless you already have hundreds of hours in the game and is already beginning to annoy me unless I turn it off.
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I'll keep building walls until random niggas stop sapping into my base
Sure you did buddy, sure you did.
I find that the more walls and turrets I build the more common it is for sappers and breachers to come, in one playthrough where I made tons of turrets surrounding my inner base I had exclusively sappers and breachers and nothing else during the ship engine startup raidspam even though I have one open entrance straight to my base with bait animals on top
It's just an anecdote of mine though, I have no idea what affects the spawn or if it's even not fully random
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I made it to poke fun at Corin anon since he always gets shit for it but then people started shitting up the thread with it and now its kinda just old. pic related
That's quite a harsh way of poking fun at someone
found the corinfag lover
everything he said is true though
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i want to apply this mod, i have rimworld 1.4, what do i do with those files?
>then people started shitting up the thread with it
No one has mentioned it in days.
Drop them into your Rimworld/Mods folder.
like rimworld/mods/mymod folder that include all those or just put them as is?
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Like this.
ok ty
Why would you make it if you aren't into it? Such a waste of good art that we could have on a non cuckold fetish.
The thread is derailed every time Corin anon posts without fail.
Maybe he should stop posting about his horsefucking whore?
By Anti-Corin posters.
1v1 each other, NOW
MCC Halo Reach. First to 15.
This, Corinnanon is at worst a mildy anoying avatarfag.
It doesn't matter if you acknowledge how short you are, you won't be growing any taller
I'll fight the Diabolus once I finish microelectronics
Oh no, they are good optimizations.
They clean a lot of "unnecessary" data. Only noticeable thing - they clean dead pawn data.
For "story purposes" Rim stores all names and relationships of all pawns. ALL PAWNS. And some animals. Dead ones included.
If at day 20 you killed a dude raider you can see his sister 100 days later and she will have negative opinion mod with her brother's killer.
While it's very cool and open a lot of possibilities for "Story (tm)" it also generates a lot of lag.

Oher optimizations are unnoticeable. No RImworld I do not need to know my pawn's shit need every 0.0025 seconds, you can ask them every 1 second and I won't even notice.
This, so much this! It's unwholesome as heck to sh*t on him on god fr fr!!!
Low hanging fruit as tattoo mods are extremely easy to make, Right now I am working on a complete remake of Rimnosis and some Archotech related mods
just lurk the thread
We have unironic Corinfag a-logs and it's hilarious.
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Please go back to rimworld
I don't get this commotion
Corinfag and LLfag said to stop its over chuds...
Imagine lifting her up and using her like an oversized onahole
Snowdrop owes us sex
fr fr no cap skibidi?
maybe i'm blind but he's hardly posting when compared to the other posters
Imagine Corin and Snowdrop scissoring...
>"ugh can these people just like STOP talking about corintroon?!" he says, insisting on talking about corintroon
Its not Corin Anon he's at worst like a little brother playing with his action figures
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great reading comprehension
he literally just avatarfagged while saying everyone else should get back on topic. there is literally nothing inside his head telling him that maybe, just maybe now is a bad time to avatarfag. or that maybe all this is a result of his avatarfagging for years on end nonstop. the basic cycle is he avatarfags, someone eventually makes fun of corin, and that results in a guaranteed (You) and more avatarfagging from him, i honestly think he likes the attention though and he's going to keep getting it so it doesn't really matter at this point
Which facial expression mod is that, anon?
Maybe he just has a humiliation fetish and likes being publically degraded.
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Fix your disgusting fonts.
Stop talking about Corinanon, hater
I didn't read what you were babbling on about, I just saw a screenshot with disgusting fonts.
sure, sure
Is lactation part of the base game or does it come from rjw?
Tynan added lactation in Biotech because its his fetish
Babies having random skin color is also his fetish?
Is that really a thing? My babies have been fine so far
>start getting only drop pod raids
this is so fucking retarded
Appreciate it!
Can I have a look at mod list?
For some reason rjw doesn't work for me. It loads without errors but I can't see the turnable icon in the bottom.
You mean the RJW tab in the bottom menu or the RJW pawn options gizmo? Because the latter is disabled by default in recent RJW versions for some reason and you have to turn it on in options.
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I can't say no to a Ratkin
>It even has genes that don't do anything without HAR.
That's not really true, the custom bodyplans still have most of their mechanical and visual effects without HAR and only need HAR to add the set the anatomically correct number of limbs.
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Oh my fucking God...
Rat Onahole
>anon doesn't have a preview mod
>profaned a peace ritual
Islam is right about rats.
WELP I'm retard. On my defence how I was supposed to know I had to turn it on myself if not instructed to do it?
Confused the fuck out of me too when I updated t 1.5.
>can't wear a helmet with a gas mask
The rat likely happily started a fire while playing which burned out of control into a forest fire, forcing the two factions to end their peace ritual and start hunting the perpet(rat)or.
Such story...
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>25 impids with bows and swords
>20 mercs all armed with sniper rifles and 10-20 shooting skill
Goodbye world
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he's always got your back
The rat: she starts war, she sustains war, breaker of societies, ender of civilizations.
Suffer not the rat to live.
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>get malaria
>dumb niggers start a social fight
>sniper guys are about to attack
Stretch the rat's holes before your colony dies
very powerful rrat
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Hehe, these dumb motherfuckers died to the millions of traps I installed. I'm about to fill my base with wooden spike traps. The only casualty was this poor little proty
give me a close up of that little naked pyromaniac rat
I'm on the fence of buying this game. Hows the replayability?
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here bro
is it possible to turn down the frequency of mages etc in the rimeworld of magic mod?

I want magic users to be very rare
Mod Option or using another mod that tweaks trait commonality
Yes all pawns get two skin color genes so you can't breed you pure blood aryan ubermensch without them randomly changing skin color every generation
It's not meant to be used anymore for performance and compatibility reasons use the rjw heart tab at the bottom of the screen instead
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Let me ask again. Any recent must have mods?????
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I'm going to fucking sleep, I'll deal with this damn erotic rat tomorrow
Don't worry, i'll take care of your wife for you...
Should have pulled out
You don't understand, she doesn't let me
stay away from my colony
Don't worry you can rest ill give her what she wants
Use Steam Workshop.
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>wonder how i'm already running out of power
>i've been running an unconnected geo gen for a year
Hmm I could make a gene that applies the regen void touched does. Time for xml delving later I guess
You would think the game would have a notification saying "unconnected power generator" or something.
>search for cirque
>its north, west or east facing
>repeat a hundred times
Does anyone use holsters mod?
I once bombed my own power line. it only took a few days to realize but still.
RJW Genes desperately needs to get debloated or split into multiple sub mods.
I just wanted RJW-Biotech compatibility and genes for genital/breast size.
i never seriously looked at it because even back then it looked like serious bloat but you could probably easily do that yourself, or at least use cherrypicker to remove what you don't want. was cherrypicker ever updated for 1.5?
What the fuck are a-logs
People who get unreasonably mad at people on the Internet, more specifically lolcows.
Best coal mod?
>capture enemy pawn
>remove his pp
>install bionic vagoo
>into the rape dungeon
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>VPE completely squeezes out the ExoticMisc category instead of adding a separate tradeTag for psitrainers
hohols are degenerates
I hope HATO's surrender terms include deporting them all to uranium mines in siberia
Rename him Buck Angel
he will never be a real woman, the was_male hidden hediff is there to stay forever
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>hohols are degenerates
>I hope HATO's surrender terms include deporting them all to uranium mines in siberia
Ukrainian hands wrote the code.
you can already do that with base rjw though
opinions on RBSE vs EPOE?
Cybernetics extended?
I think I've reached the point where the game just freezes when trying to generate a raid. Great game, Tynan.
>adds a mod that adds fishing and fish into the game
>wtf why this mod add fish wtf bloat much???
I think it may be related to VPE's storyteller. Went back to Randy and it's fine.
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>see rimworld posts by other people
>wanna play
>actually play
>don't wanna play anymore
what is this phenomenon
Find a female pawn you can obsess over and post her every single thread
what mod lets you put lettering down on the ground as decals? is it included in one of those vanilla expanded prop mods?
Exactly that one.
appreciate it anon thanks
Speaking of which, i see people talk about their waifus but not about their doughteru. why can't you talk about how proud you are of your pawn without your self insert cumming in her?
we are maidenless
Do we even have self inserts besides Snowdrop anon?
Daughterus are sleeping.
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Forgot pic.
>implying im not cumming into my daughters too
stop being so degenerate
One simply understands.
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>mod about utility pillars
>has perfect stripes floor tiles
wew Lad
>White female
It was so over for that dog before it even started
something about them make me see a stripped wall, not floor....
how can i tell my caravan to stop in where they are so i can gather food?
Press "Rest".
If you have a mod to set up camp, press "Set Up Camp" to hunt local animals and such.
with rest the just go to sleep
i want to fill up food storage
I don't want greasy anons jacking off to my daughteru
You don't. Foraging is not about filling up your food storage and it is done automatically.
Is there a way to stop my colonists from harvesting early? I hate it when they harvest when not every single planet is ready. I want harvests to happen all at once, when EVERYTHING is grown.
Why not
no. if you sow normally they'll all be ready for harvest around the same time anyway so it just happens naturally. there was a mod that averaged out the growing times but i forgot the name and who knows if it works on 1.5
Compressed Raid (Continued) 1.5, good or bad?
but they are starving
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>my sarcophagus i put in a walled of part of the freezer wasn't actually cold enough to stop the body from being dessicated
fucking hell
>accept a quest to have a psychic suressent (for girls) near my colony, guarded by 2 rabid foxes
>"how hard can it be"
>first try to send a caravan there
>load up a tank with some supplies
>for some reason colonists loaded some of the supplies and than started just wandering around, doing nothing for the rest of the day, even sleeping outside
>had to abort the caravan even before it set out
>minor annoyance

>2nd try
>send in a different tank
>thought i could do without food. needed space for ammunition and fuel anyway so only brought like 4 meals
>it was close enough, figured it could do the trip in less than a day

>caravan went to sleep immediatly as it finally left my colony
>waking up it was in starving mode
>weather due to starvation, or female driver (psychic was still in effect) what should have been 0 day trip looked to be 5 day trip inside a fucking tank 5 tiles away from me
>meanwhile my colony slowed to a crawl because it was filled with waifu

>take 3
>only take the 3 guys of my colony- my self insert, an impid moyo and finally some japanese goblin i recruited from jail
>no tanks, 2 donkeis and a ghost horse
>made it there in a day and got rid of the supressent
why are women so useless
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The same people that accuse Oskarslop and Sargware mods of bloat will defend this.
i thought everyone already knows CE also has an impact on tps, you don't radically change game mechanics otherwise
what's /rwg/'s opinion on self-inserts? definitely not self-inserting as a guy with a shitton of slavewives atm
Don't like it. Pawns are my puppets/dolls they dance and suffer at my whim.
how is medieval overhaul as a means to have a 50 hours long early game before going industrial
is the transition smooth
Bloat honestly. Medieval Overhaul is best for a Medieval (Fantasy) only playthrough.
I'm more of a "pick a favourite to dote on" player
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la creatura...
You can't go industrial with Medieval overhaul since it replaces all the components
Also things like metal smelting become very annoying since you don't get industrial methods and stuck with medieval furnaces
noooooo my plan is ruined
thanks for telling me. looks like I'll have to find other ways to extend the early game then
I played rimworld as sims before but had to lower difficulty to adventure instead otherwise shit would get destroyed
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what the fuck
classic tynan prank
It's a valid way to play, but not having one gives you far more creative freedom.
>Also things like metal smelting become very annoying since you don't get industrial methods and stuck with medieval furnaces
You can use Project Rimfactory Materials to get around that iirc, just make sure to use Resource Dictionary to set the defs to the same if they're not already.
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>4gb of this
now im even more confused
that's often due to unity having a stroke when it fails to close properly or audio issues
mine would reach 50-60gb and would crash notepad++
make the folder read-only
why do we hate neronix17 again? some mods from the outland series don't look half-bad
>thumbnail has nothing to do with the mod
why are modders like this?
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Another wedding for the colony.

They will never know i used psychic love to get the demon girl and Grief together so i could have my strongest pawn get some healthy sons. Thank Tynan for lover and wife bonuses stacking, those three will be happy and i will get my uber-warriors.
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you look lonely, anon
How are the ceiling fans casting a shadow, aren't ceiling fan lights usually placed under the fan?
Immersion... ruined...
Sounds like you should have planned ahead.
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This guys is very autistic. Please be kind.
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if you aren't tribal you need really high forage rate to travel and break even
>combat overhaul adds ammo types
>mod adds tons of unrealted shit only loosely related to the topic of the mod
Oskarfags will claim there is no difference..
Oskarfaggotry should be treated like every diesease ever.
Unity bug.
Dont exit the game by menu, kill it with task manager.
Is this compatible with combat extended?
i have, they told me it would take 0 days when i formed the caravan.

so i can't camp on my current tile on vanilla?
Always bring more food than you need.
Forming a caravan can take a shitload of time.
>Weather Normalization Devices DON'T work on Toxic Fallout
The one fucking weather i need it to, and it doesn't work...
i did bring more, just not enough so it deplated quickly.

do pawns even gather staff when they are on a tank?
Also, pawns may or may not eat food loaded on a vehicle. It's inconsistent.
you can't park a caravan on your own colony if that's what you mean. in vanilla if you're tribal you can send out a caravan with someone that has decent plants and park the caravan right next to your colony and they'll end up foraging more than they need to survive, and if the caravan is attacked you can quickly send help if needed. you can also do the same strategy but park the caravan on a friendly colony without the risk of the caravan being attacked. the pawn being outside of colony will also lower your raid points since pawns and wealth not in your colony don't count. if you're just trying to send out a normal caravan you should always bring food regardless
which scenario you started the game as, you either start as a tribe with low tech or as something else like crashlanded with a higher tech level
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is there a research i need to do is it strictly a scenerio bonus?
*Sigh* It's another "fictional characters are living a more desirable romantic life than me" day. How shall I fantasize about killing myself this time?
have you considered sleeping in different beds
or using condoms
yayo overdose

captcha: SPMAN
send your naked self into a canibal impid tribe and fap
Good meme
Funny meme
NoReddishBodies or Inclusive Skin Tones?
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
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look at this fuckin' bitch i found in an mining site

just look at her. just fuckin' look at her. lmao.
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Okay so Inclusive Skin Tones is actually just Blacker Niggers.
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Wow, thanks Randy.
inclusive skin tones so more darkies spawn to kill and enslave their women.
what even is an apocriton
never seen one in 2000 hours
Mech boss from mechanitor feature.
They only show up if you summon them with mechband dishes.
They have shields, wield a toxic gun and they resurrect enemy mechanoids.
>want to fight mechanoids
>can't fight mechanoids unless I join them
what did tynan sylvester mean by this
You dont have to "join them", you just need mechanitor link - you dont need to have any active bots to actually call on the bosses.
It's just an harmless spinal implant bro, promise.
anon... I'm not installing any weird brain implants...
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>be powerful advanced robot
>die to bronze/iron age weapons
Kekanoids, not even once.
Fuck tincans
>bronze age weapons
a sandstone club is all you need
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Based grug
on that note, any mods that make mechanitor bosses show up without a mechlink?
nevermind, apparently they do and the reason I don't see them is because I end my playthroughs too early
They dont even do anything..
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You just know
You get a few free bots by installing the link though
Sounds like a free steel chunk to me.
As much as i love mechs n bots, i like my TPS more
And you can disassemble them with zero consequences.
If anything its even more beneficial, especially if you establish yourself somewhat before using Mechlink.
Can we agree that mechs are just kinda evil?
there's this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2885792215 but the author thinks a different, more bloated mod serves as a perfect replacement for his so no update ever
>Can we agree
But has the dust settled? Oh no no no bros?
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Man, it feels good to finally have armor. It's been a long time since anyone has randomly died or had body parts blown up
why did you rename the rat?
Can anyone lend me a female pawn im really lonely...
that rat died a long time ago to mechs. she got instakilled
Right. A player returning after a long, LONG hiatus. What fucking mods or modlists do you bastards play with these days? Because I'm sure as a motherfucker that vanilla is still barebones as fuck, some things just never change
I can lend a 26 yo clumsy lightning mage/cook who seems to be cursed since she's the only girl in the colony who's still single
Prepare Carefully, of course.
If you ask nicely I'll tell you mods that aren't gonna confuse the game in mysterious ways.
Prepare Carefully and the entire Vanilla Expanded collection. Perfectly stable and doesn't affect game performance at all.
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I have a 22-year-old, Beautiful Ascetic with good cooking and social and also has a love enhancer. Just get past her Wookie husband and you can get rejected like a normal man.
Kill yourself tranny.
DBH, CE, Character Editor, SOS2, some of the VE series.
Tell us what you want and we will tell you what mod to grab.
Stay away from Prepare Carefully, it breaks the fucking game.
Learn to take a joke, brainlet.
>implying it doesn't break the game
Oh, you're actually retarded, nevermind
>SOS2 breaks the game
It doesnt, fuck off back to /dfg/ tranoid.
Start with everything in here. It'll be fine, I promise.
Uh-uh, getting pretty agressive there for no reason. Feeling called out since SOS2 tanks the performance into single digits?
That is very nice of you friend. I'd be happy to go out with her. I have kind and jogger traits and i have good shooting skill, hopefully you can accept me into your colony or otherwise send her to me for some time to see if she even likes me or not
That's a deal breaker... Even if i had a chance with her i could never betray another man like that...
>Just want a few guns from the Wehrmacht
>Only CE mod I find is the entire arsenal of the Wehrmacht
>SOS2 tanks the performance into single digits
3rd world brown tranny reveals himself.
SOS2 runs fine even on top of 500mods modlist unless you play on a potato.
What if I... loaded the mod even though it says its outdated? I'm guessing that it will work perfectly being a few patched defs.
What uncommon graphics mods do you guys use?
...I just asked for mod recommendations, I wasn't planning on starting a war
Where do you think you are?
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>global warming
jesus. it's hot as fuck out there
science deniers we got too cocky....
>usees tranny
>usees generic thirdworlder insult
Yeah certified /v/igger moment
There is way too many to list lad this game is dogshit. If you want I can dump a Rimpy file for you.
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what the fuck... do i need to replace every single wall with a cooler?
why are all humpshrooms humpokuses now
Watch as I gene-edit myself to have a highmate's mindrape abilities and none of the downsides.
Both of them will kneel.
>oh shit i fucked up and revealed myself
>quick, better use muh /v/
>cant even spell shit correctly
Brownoid moment.
Too bad faggot. Its free for all here.
Jokes aside : its really waaay to open question to ask "what mods" when the game has more of them than fucking Skyrim..
regrowth stealth patch
Re growth renames it for no reason
There is a perfectly good reason Mod dev likes it that way :)
Sperg Bjornson
the four horsemen of shit modding
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I still have no clue why the game is no longer telling me what mod things are from
guess I'll spend the evening looking for the culprit
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I'm probably ready you mechanoid bitch, I want that signal chip
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And then Anon died, leaving his wife Snowdrop as a widow.
Oh you're back
Snowdrop had real good time with us. She handles multiple swords at the same time real good i tell you, great wife pal.
Lol kiss your ass goodbye faggot.
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I may have lost more than half of my mech defense force, but I won.
fuck you
>fuck you
That she did. Other anons too.
I can't see anything
looks like one of corin's screenshots
how do you disable the -30 incestuous social relation?
I have rimworld sexperience ideology installed, and I want it to handle the incest social debuff. but right now it has the -15 from that PLUS a -30 from something else, and I'm not sure what it is. I don't even know if it's from some other mod or if that's part of the base game maybe
maybe romance tweaks more options from loverslabs
RJW Sexperience Ideology should allow you to set incest precept to FREE and then anyone with the same ideology wont mind.
Other people will and there is nothing you can do except maybe tweaking every other ideology in the game.
it does allow that. I want there to be some revulsion, but only "disapproved" which is the -15 level of revulsion.

what I have instead is -30 (from somewhere) plus the -15 from the sexperience mod.
Thats a good start ig. Plz do, I'll take a look at the modlist of someone who's been playing the game recently and go from there.

See, I know what I want, I just don't know what fucking works. I want quality of life, better combat, more mechanics like sewage, and more buildings. But no extra races, most of them are corny as fuck. Unless there's some well made mods for that now. Shit of that nature. But if I just start throwing together mods that I like from the workshop its gonna be a month until I figure out a stable modlist
>this is apparently not a vanilla feature in the first place
aaaaaa wtf
>i could never betray another man like that
what the heck why is the op image a screenshot i posted like a year ago
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>Sick child birth
It was inevitable, really. At least I now have a mech that can help feed all of these children.
It's naming time for another squirrel, make it good.
Are you planning to play long enough for the kids to grow up?
You WILL be in the OP and you WILL like it.
finally some good mod
Probably, but since I have child aging set to 100% I'd need to play for 11 more years for the first child to reach adulthood
Do it, and if you need to restart just char edit import. Continue the legacy.
>11 years
I played a colony for 8 years and I had 1 million wealth with comically powerful pawns, what do you even do after that
I mean I'd continue if it didn't murder my fucking TPS but I wouldn't know what to do in 3 years
Anon, you're going to be miserable.
are you speedrunning
8 year is how long it takes me to graduate from tribal life with ~200k wealth tops, often a lot less
Stay with 100%. Your immersion will be otherworldly.
What was that mod that let you extract bionics from the skeletal corpses in ancient ruins?
loverslab won't accept my real email, what throwaway email sites work?
Use outlook, retard.
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Foxes have come to eat my squirrels, too bad for them they entered right next to three very hungry frostlings.
How can I be miserable with my squirrel wife while surrounded by my squirrel children?
Not only was the raid dealt with, the food is coming to me as well
>he doesn't have a throwaway google account from back when they were given away like poisoned candy
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What? That's not normal? I mean at one point I was scanning like 6 lumps of gold with the long-range scanner and getting 3k gold in two quadrums just by going around the areas and shredding them with my double drill arm miner, selling masterwork and legendary human leather corsets like it's trash because production specialists are broken and making dozens of marble grand sculptures and placing it in random places just to keep that one artist pawn from being idle
>long-range scanner
sounds like sorcery to me. never used that
also human leather is obviously worthless. nobody would buy that
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Jokes aside, long-range scanners are absolutely fucking stupid for light stuff like gold and components. I will never make a single component on a fabrication bench ever again if I have a good miner
desu I don't think it's appropriate to even have a production specialist unless it makes sense in the context of your current roleplay (for example, you run a colony of dwarves)
ideology breaks the game far too easily if you use it to minmax - it's way more fun to give yourself handicaps or meme precepts with it
You're absolutely right, I was trying out several mods with a high tech supremacist colony focusing on producing high quality items and around mid to late game everything turned extremely easy even with the empire sending bullshit hussars at me
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Imperial sniper just one tapped a revia visitor the moment he crash landed. Nice free mortar barrels tho.
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This sounds like an insult from a 3rd world country.

Zey has an 11.74 skill with animals. He tamed a wolf and a cougar and is currently training them in body recovery and defense. It would be wise for Jenni to watch her words around Zey or she may find herself at the receiving end of an animal that took a dislike to training, they are not meant for pets after all.
>It would be wise for Jenni to watch her words around Zey or she may find herself at the receiving end of an animal that took a dislike to training, they are not meant for pets after all.
She's a white female pawn. She'll be more than fine
Yeah, I'm claiming Jenni
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What's with this crack in the floor, that shouldn't be there. It's bothering me more than it should. Stone tiles don't look at nice in the bedrooms as I though they would, makes it look more like a cell versus a cozy bedroom. I think I'll go back to wood flooring.
That looks like a power cable.
you can also use carpet
btw that end table is doing nothing currently and the bed is taking a massive stats nerf from being made out of slate
It's a power cable, you can probably get rid of it by making your power conduit directly connect to the thing that needs power and reconnecting it
>the bed is taking a massive stats nerf from being made out of slate

Should it be made of wood?
anything that's not a rock, steel is also okay
you can check it by checking the information on the bed itself, stone beds have a bad rest multiplier
anything that isn't stone like steel or plasteel is also fine
stone beds are alright in actual cells because you don't want prisoners that have particularly good rest effectiveness
Is Snowdrop gonna keep giving birth until menopause?
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>hard snow

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woah, a VE bootlicker in the wild
Wood, steel, and jade all work. Stone beds do have a use as prisoner beds, since the extra time sleeping means less time plotting escapes.
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What the fuck is F?
apparently 50F is like what americans find comfortable because it's right between 0 and 100 but I could be wrong. they're quite simplistic people
scenario bonus
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11 Celsius for you non burgers.
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That sounds extremely based
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What mod do I need to hide stored items?
Adaptive Storage or Deep Storage
I think this is the warmest I've ever seen my map. Since Blossom is about to become a child I've started building the housing unit for all of my squirrels. Snowdrop is pregnant again, yes
She's totally into Zey
How many children are Anon's?
None they are all mine
Does Anon know?
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All mine
Die in the arctic
But Owlchemist Perspective: Storage might be the answer...
Of course, it's outdated and it was experimental in the first place.
Those are foxes? I thought they were bats.
I want a game that combines Factorio and RimWorld, biters included.
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Build a nursery already! Or a bigger bedroom
mod for the japanese goblin?
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Fun fact: these two are the last impids left on the planet. I wiped out every single settlement that can house impids, pirate bases included. This, THIS is what happens when you set my fucking psychite grove on fire you beardless, horn-havin', pathetic, captain kool-aid lookin'-ass faggots. The imp*rials are next
big and small - yokai, probably
>Deserters are genocidal maniacs with anger issues
Who could've seen that one coming
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long time lurker, first time poster. I was getting bored of my colony but I liked my dudes. I sent two of them to a different tile and set up a small outpost before moving everyone else over and turning it into a proper colony. Colony 1 had a local insect infestation that was slowly getting out of hand so it was a cool little race against the clock to complete the exodus. I'd use drop pods to shift supplies over to colony 2 to help them build it up ahead of time. Sent the kids and non-combatants over on the last drop pods while the fighters back at colony 1 made the trip on foot.
Comfiness is important to me
caravan formation is bad
caravans are weird
vehicle caravans are weird
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the old digs
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One day I will be flying high in the sky
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>another refugee wants to join
>ignore her for 2 days
>she converts to my ideology in the meantime
well she really likes it here, let her in.
yeah its youkai. i call small oni 'japanese goblin' because of that one suika amv.
read the childhood and adulthood of this pawn named "Lumi"
>Want the ui change from alpha memes
>Don't want Sargbloat
Do I need to decompile to seperate it from the rest?
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what about her? she eats all my junk, she is a good girl and will be getting a new spine soon.
read his backstory
>Ordinary Miho
where do i read it
yes sarg would only give you a rude response if you were to imply that you don't want everything from his mod
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>NOOOOO rebelGOD, you must tolerate this race of permanently hostile zippo lighters with horns hellbent on setting your shit on fire!
Sorry bootlicker but that's just not gonna happen. I'm not in it for the cause however, it's just that wasters are the only xenos that will be tolerated in my city-state because the know what the fuck is up, and rebels are always willing to hand out some bitchin' gear like fletchlings or cluster shells in exchange for killing you posh cunts. The psychite must flow, simple as. Now hold still while i nuke you, this one's for Vicky
welll that is why I am asking here duh, deleted everything but the .dll let's see if it works.
Hover over the Childhood Caravan child in Bio
Why is Lumi so common anyway, how much did he pay to Tynan? I got Lumi like everygame prior to modding out the donor pawns.
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>she used to be a he
good to know. but she is still one of the better pawns of my colony.
Execute him, Anon.
It must be done.
I have never seen him myself, but I do know of him because of how infamous he is. I've only really seen Sparkles, and only once.
Honestly with glitter tech is possibly actually female
It's a matter of principles. It's what separates us from lesser beings.
at most im willing to remove her vagoo and boobs and install a bionic dick instead, but this save doesn't have rjw installed so i will just neutur her instead.
Just give the boy a good plapn'
I never met Lumi, I saw Bowman almost every playthrough though
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Zey is killing it with the taming and training of dangerous animals.

They'll all have bed and a heater soon as I get the materials.
why would you waste a heater on animals, animals and pawns generate a not insignificant amount of heat just being in a room together anyway
>pet squirrel died of go juice over-dose
too bad it's a struggle to keep even large pets alive unless you give them the restricted to home zone treatment
>there's no decent centaur mods
it's over
The first of the babies has finally become a child. Since she has a base ratkin hair, if you have a favorite hair style from the mods listed I'll change her hair to that.
Fake news, Snowdrop is alive and well
To the gulag with you.
Epona race renaissance.
for 1.5
>New quest!
>Betreyel offer: 4CHAN/RWG/
>4CHAN/RWG/ has recently been informed that Lumi is in your colony. Lumi is tranny and a fag and 4CHAN/RWG/ wants her dead. if you do not fullfill this faction request you will anger them greatly.
>reward on gain: +30 goodwill
>failure or refusel: -200 goodwill
Rolling characters is tedious as fuck. Is there a mod that lets you save all your start settings? If you start the game and the map sucks you can try a different spot with all the same characters?
get character editor
without using a mod you can move to a new map anytime you want and abandon a map anytime you want.
you can even save pawns, start a new game, and load those pawns in
this lets you circumvent old save lag
would be more storyful if she were to die while giving birth and then anon had to take care of their daughters
Is there one that just saves and loads pawns without being able to edit them?
what's the matter
no self-control?
>snowdrop dies
>anon can't take of the babies alone she asks the eldest, Blossom, to help with her late mother job
>Slowly Blossom takes more and more of her mother duties
>Eventually she finds herself in anon's embrace while preforming her mother's signature leglock
in short, snowdrop is in the way now
what a story
anon catches a disease and the only male left is a white horse. do i need to say more?
you can always steal the horse's equine penis and graft it onto one of the sisters
Can we not?
I will not lustpost about Corin.
I will not lustpost about Snowdrop.
Then it falls upon me to rise to the occasion.
Weird cannibal child detected It's Snickers 2.0
if it was ana anime id say its just a 'doggy eat dog world' tl gone wrong
truly the hero we need
do the "left behind" pawns in character creation show up later in the game?
They owe us sex
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Finally, airship
yes they exist as world pawns, which makes it possible for you to gun them down without noticing during a raid
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shut up, it gets bigger
Exceptionally tiny
The sixth squirrel baby needs a name
Wait kid can play/take care infant? Btw what mod you use so all kids are Mother's Xenotype instead of El Monstrosity?
It says 1.4 but it still works, and yeah, kids are allowed to care for infants in vanilla
Dibs on Blossom
Something is making faction, pawn and ideology names not be capitalised properly, and I can't figure out why.
I'm impressed you even noticed
something something kitsune temptation
something something bloodline tainted
something something foxed
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and then snowdrop's grave gets destroyed without a trace by a meteorite
>he doesn't give custom names and ideoligions to his factions everytime he generates a new world
Why yes, it does take me at least one full day just to start a new game.
This has grown on me over the years, is that a bad thing?
can you change a pawn assigned gender in bio so it would switch to/from he and she?
If pawns have a vagina they are female, if they don't they are male
No. Hags deserve love too
Rjw works that way
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>captcha XHRATK
We warned you anon. We warned you about rats.
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RJW-Genes has ways to override that and also ass babies.
not if you add the penis and only then remove the vagene - in that case, the pawn is still a girl
Btw forgot to ask my question, can any practitioner of Tynanomics explain to me why ThingDefOfs get randomly removed from the Rimworld namespace between versions?
/vst/ starsector anon here, this mf was plague upon us since he is perfect definition of sand nigger. So I came to thank yall for taking this fucker into your community. Starsector community is very happy about him leaving us. Hope yall gonna enjoy tranny fuck that has been known to be turbo anal about it all.
wheres ur general at
is this game fun
We had general, but it was failing so we moved to /vst/ to make generals there. About the game yeah it can be fun, but community is absolute dogshit
multiplayer mod?

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