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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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I had to bake it, I get to make the OP

Previous thread: >>>>486831125

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Zachtronics games

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:
>Hearthstone (learn how to add a “/” to your search)

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current and recent /egg/ hosted servers:
>Satisfactory (private server, ask in thread for IDs)
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
Wtf is an "anchor post" I see other gennies use?
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Remember: No Buffers!
stormworks is a perfectly good game
what generals are you using, pretty sure none of the other /vg/ threads do it?
Moon Logic was supposed to improve my UPS by turning dozens of combinators into 1 but it actually takes up to 4ms per update and it's responsible for 4/3 of the lag of all the mods combined.
for draw threads it's intended so you can quickly hover over all the requests made in that thread, or all the deliveries
lol, of course it's worse, the mod has to use lua
Is mech engineer /egg/? Randomly popped on my youtube it looks interesting
That's exactly why it was supposed to be fast. All mods and major parts of the game run on lua.
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pixel mech rpg
>old thread isn't even on the end of page 10 timeout yet
>new general is already up
i see we have new thread racer troons in our midst now
/egg/ has fallen, billions must die
how do i unload trains properly? say i have 3 wagons and i want 3 lanes of ores but one of the lane is consumed at a slower rate than the others so the train stays with 1 wagon not fully unloaded and the other 2 lanes empty. how do i stop that and make all 3 wagons get emptied and keep all 3 lanes full at all time?
buffer chest and higher consumption
Ackshually they seemed to have taken out the ability to equip the build gun while swimming by using the sampler / eyedropper function, so while you can build underwater its just too much of a pain in the ass nowadays. At least out of sight out of mind rule applies to floating platforms on the sea.
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Truckbuster engines still a WIP.
You need a balancer, or to up consumption to 100%
Are they all the same material? Load balance. Are they of different materials, are the other lines starved / idling because of this one line being slow? Add more buffer space for this slow consumption item.
No, the "base mod" only contains data definitions.
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The answer is nuclear rocket turret.
Buffer would be useless in this situation because the problem comes from one of the belt not consuming as much as the others. So a buffer would just hide the problem for a little while.
Surprised to see so many shitty advice on /egg/.
Are you really surprised?
Looking at this, I'm honestly surprised at how it's firing in salvos. I wonder if that's gonna be an actual limitation with its targeting, where it locks on to a target and then spends like 1-2 seconds just firing off four rockets that way before being able to pick a new target, or if it's just how they set up the demo for the FFF.
Did we ever see them in motion again other than this showcase?
There is some more in the FFF. Seems like they keep firing until they run out of ammo.
I'm retarded, I didn't think to look at the EXACT fff your gif was from before posting
Yeah in every other video they look normal, nice
From memory, laser turrets used to have an ammo-conserving feature where they'll refuse to shoot at a target that has enough incoming damage to kill it. They originally made this back when they shot blaster projectiles, and I think the spidertron uses the same behaviour.

I figure the rocket turret is doing the same thing.
The orbital training grounds slash debris hunter
Somebody cut off spider's legs.
This made spider very angry.
>figuring out engine cooling
>entire computer crashes
shit game
>Whole-ass unrelated anime section for first 30 seconds of the trailer
That was weird
Anyway, Shapez 2 release date: August 15th
What do you think about Crust? I played the demo and it was kind of okay.
>that FoV
more sickening than space travel
>loops and twists are hidden behind some supporter pack
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i bought the game 2 days ago
holy shit what a masterpiece
Besiege expansion update (and some minor changes that probably extend to base game)
game still runs like shit with anything beyond a few chaos engines
Anon, how old is your PC?
show base
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Okay fine I'll admit it, it does drop to 30fps on a 2080 once you have 56 chaos engines going
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i rebuilt my factory at least 10 times trying to mitigate the spaghetti, i think the 11th is coming soon
i am not a complete newbie with factory games
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Is Automation an /egg/ game?
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please dont yell at me for tinkering with the resources options, i got the exact opposite of what i wanted and it's really annoying
i might restart my map before changing everything for military packs
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>18.6 hours
>easier resources
>on green science
see >>487279582
Do patches tend to break mods in Factorio? I just started my first SE run and considering how long they tend to be (and how slow I am) I certainly won't be able to finish it before 2.0 comes out. Should I pause updates until I'm done with it?
I wonder what will happen to SE once Space Age comes out.
SA will break all mods.
i'm gonna be honest resources aside i had beat the game by 18 hours my first time playing
green science at that point is just horrifyingly bad, like i don't understand how you're that slow
i bought the game 2 days ago
why are you being so mean
i dont even know what comes after military science
like fuck off
Posts that have to manually be "hauled" up to the top of new threads lest the new thread "sink" to the bottom of the catalog.
Do not suffer the bug to exist unhindered
Just ignore the retard. You are doing fine.
I'm at the very early stages of the story still. The game is decent but it definitely needs a lot of polishing. The story so far keeps throwing curveballs at you in the form of timed events to force you to rush into things. I don't mind it but I can see people being put off by this if they are used to taking things slow.
The UI/UX is annoying at times. There is a radial menu popping up with RMB that doesn nothing faster than clicking on the bottom menu and just gets in the way when you expect the usual "RMB to cancel action" behaviour.
You can't undo anything. If you build something by mistake, you have to close the building menu, click on the ghost and delete it. If you deconstruct something by mistake you are fucked, there is no way to stop the action, you just have to watch until the building is demolished and then build it again.
I've had a few visual glitches with the mining overlay where it didn't show the hard minerals anymore.
Also the games feels somewhat made for mobile because of the way certain buildings need raw resources to build, while others need money. There are no microtransactions mind you, but I get this feeling that the game started as a mobile project and then grew out of it with these little leftover mechanics like paying money to upgrade single buildings and having certain buildings only available with money instead of raw resources.
I'll keep playing because it's not bad, but it's not great either.
Thanks, I guess I will try it out once it leaves EA.
You're doing okay anon. Don't be too focused on having the perfect setup early on, later it gets a lot easier to rebuild stuff if you need to.
That's really decent. The ratios are a bit wack and the radars are a bit overkill considering what they actually do (they just allow you to look at an area remotely when you're not near and randomly highlight a chunk outside of their constant view range, having multiple in the same chunk is nearly worthless unless your name is "Michael Hendriks") but other than that, it's actually a good base.
I've been playing on and off for the last two years, still haven't reached the endgame (I keep restarting because of autism), you're doing fine, don't worry.
thank you lads
you are right, they are completely useless
i was stress testing the steam engines actually, i forgot to remove them
i honestly like the sound they do when they're close to max output
>ratio a bit wack
elaborate, if you have some advice then im all ears
you can see i have one to keep an eye on extraction operations
for ores I just have or condition wait 60s or empty inventory. for some spots I just have it wait till empty (like my oil dropoff). lines of ore you can kind of control with splitters and more lines, or taking the end of one line of ore and connect it to the beginning of a new one if it gets too unbalanced. so it kinda depends.

for my fancy deliveries I have a strange setup as a challenge. At the same stop I have 2 trains where one is carrying red circuits or motors in car1, sulfur in car 2&3, and engine units in car 4. it comes to this stop near lubricant so that motors (electric engine?) can get crafted here. (it goes to another location to drop off sulfur and red circuits and pickup engines) another train brings green circuits in car3 but I dont want its car 1,2, or 4 interacting with or picking up the rest. So some of it can be solved with filters but I also have a wire system that checks train contents at the train stop, runs the wire through a comparator and then out to certain inserters. The function is to check for certain items on the train to disable inserters so that one of my trains doesnt unload sulfur or pick up things it shouldnt into the green circuit train.
Cute. Breddy good for the first 10 hours.
oh neat you're making a bunch of the mistakes I did
dont listen to him hes lying. im also slow especially because sometimes i look at the problems and avoid them for awhile then come back to the game later. also I still almost never care about ratios and just focus on overproducing stuff and if I get an ingredient shortage I solve it by having enough space to spaghetti in some extra materials
Not really I think. I bet it tickles similar kinds of autism but automation doesn't really have you automating anything and even designing cars is kind of simplistic? As in you adjust the sliders for trim, brakes, gears etc. but it ends up with just adjusting stuff to fit your market niche.
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you're just not cut out for it man, you've been blankly staring at a screen like a literal npc

>dont listen to him hes lying
i literally posted my playthrough a few threads ago. this is the last save i have; the rocket finishes in <20 minutes
yukkuri shiteitte ne
>i was stress testing the steam engines actually, i forgot to remove them
By the way, the game doesn't really tell you that but you can check how much power you have in the entire grid by clicking any eletric pole.
>elaborate, if you have some advice then im all ears
Red science takes 5 seconds to make, gear takes 0.5 (base time, assembling 1 only has 0.5 crafting speed so everything takes twice as long). That means that a single gear machine is enough to supply 10 red science machine. Assuming they all use the same tier of asssembling machines. The 6 gear machines are a bit overkill for both red and green science. The copper wire to green circuit ratio is backward (both are 0.5 base time but the green circuit takes 3 copper wire while the crafting recipe only gives 2, so your setup produce 4 wires and consumes 9 every 0.5 seconds.)
It's small stuff like that, other than that, it's fairly solid. Just remember that each belt is composed of 2 sides which can have different items. For example if a machine requires both iron and copper wire, you can put the iron on the right side of the belt and the copper wire on the left side and let the inserters pick everything. One example of that in >>487279364 is the green science setup, you can merge the belts. This is useful later on when recipes require 3+ items. By the way, the belt and inserter buffer chests are a very good idea. It's always good to have a small stock of base building material.
Other than that, you're doing better than most new player I've seen.
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are you doing a strictly all-IVA run for realism and such, or its mostly for eyecandy?
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>when it looks like this
>Gatekeeping a single player game
You're a very sad person.
>Playtime: 15 hours
And slow too...
You are aware that you can set up item filters in cargo wagons to allow for circuitless mixed cargo loads, right anon?
>And slow too...
i'm sorry nerd i don't play the game 20 hours a day. i only have 400 hours total
It's wild when I see screenshots of people's finished bases and it basically consists of only science production. Like I might not go for a lazy bastard run every time but how do you people stand having to manually craft stuff, especially once you have access to bots? I automate damn near every item in the game and make sure they get dumped into red chests so I barely have to think about my inventory anymore
i mostly yoinked what i needed off the supply lines
also you are a free tier 2.5 assembling machine so if you don't have 100% craft uptime it's LITERALLY inefficient
oh also i didn't use bots or trains
the former because i didn't research it and the latter because i just used a belt it seemed easier
in the minimap you can see some belts bringing in ore
Full course PY mod set for next server?
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I use both
>It's always good to have a small stock of base building material.
Yeh it's a good start by that anon. Especially with common building materials like belts, inserted assemblers, miner, etc. it gets really useful.
>Other than that, you're doing better than most new player I've seen.
Agreed. Don't think I did as well back then.
>i don't understand how you're that slow
Well which is it now?

As much as I the game rule irritated me, lazy bastard was a nice way to train myself to automate anything I might use.
You have almost twice my playtime and my best run is 5 hours...
To be fair it's fully cosmetic so whatever
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I am not convinced, it's still a pain to make any meaningful progress. See you again when they upgrade the whole game
>15 hours with 400 hours experience
Do you even realize how retarded it sounds to be like 'I have 400 hours of experience I can speedrun the first 15 hours of the game faster than you can you suck for being at green science with your 0 hours of experience' like wowwwww what a surprise. faggot
Nope was not aware but my solution is working
>puts arc furnace indoors
>oh no this is too hard
Bro you've got no one to blame but yourself here. Did you not notice the air lines moving away from the furnace as it was outgassing? Make a vacuum, maintain the vacuum. It'll keep your shit from catching fire.
Depends on what you want, but if you want one the other is probabpy worth your money
Supposedly he is doing a month long bender or something
I probably have the saves, but that will have to be done tommorow and might be a pain to get if I have them up to date
If you want to play on a serb now
>factorio zone hot potato
>host it yourself
It might also be worth considering choosing something other than BA aswell
(Also reminds me I should upload the previous runs)

Didn't see you but it seems the servers burn out after a few overhauls ~150 hours into one of the roughly third overhaul
Might be a summer thing though
bro arc furnace doesnt do shit when the outside temperature is already ranging from 150°C to 750°C. That aside my main "problem" comes from how fucking cumbersome this shit is and how fucking long it takes to do anything
>arc furnace doesnt do shit
It emits gas when you smelt shit. That gas fucks up your vacuum and enables heat transfer with the outside. You're already in a spacesuit, make some space to live in.
... just stand on land and then point into the water.
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i see, thank you very much
valid advice, i will pay more attention to the outputs
how do u make automated electricity in satisfactory ?
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What am I in for?
Looks really stupid complicated and not fun at all.
just research past the fucking bioburner phase lmao.
excavator autism
bought it today and it starts a bit slow but it turns better after a while
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>This looks silly and like I won't enjoy it.
>I have bought it and am about to play.
I actually haven't yet.
do i have to do that in the awesome shop ?
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Explore your hub
i didnt build one i want to have my assembly line perfect before i start doing the story content
Then enjoy your biomass burners
Only produce what you need. Why do you need so much? Satisfactory is an environmentally friendly game :)
>>487323935 >>487319645
Stop replying to bait
tips for main bussing screws? there's just so many I can't use them all before saturating the belt. Do I just have to have 90000 stackable belts going up into the sky to handle all these fucking screws?
lmao even
yeah theres no trains in the game and you cant just make screws locally cuz its too complicated and takes up space on your bus branches its cringe
yes. you can't just produce them next to whatever's consuming all the screws. You have to ship them across the map on your main bus on magic floating sky platforms
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I guess, you can say that you're screwed
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finally orbited the mun!
made good money and some science
barely had enough fuel to get back - was slowing down mostly by atmosphere, and it took about 10 laps
no overheating or damage to instruments, and absolutely randomly landed near KSC - what are the chances?..
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one of the thing that annoys me in this game is how hard it is to make trains tracks look good. Can't even have a correct gradient, but doesnt matter in this run
stop pretending just to make other people mad
Grats, going for surface landing next, or trying Minmus?
wtc train mod ?
>magic floating sky platforms

zoophilic post
i just hope they will adjust the rocket's acceleration and/or speed to compensate for biters rushing into walls
every mod except Krastorio 2 failed to do this and the result was always rockets chasing blue and green biters into the walls, blowing it up and causing a breach
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why yes, I have sex with my raven wife, how did you know
>magic floating sky platforms
>easier resources
there's no such thing as easier resources unless you're playing with death world settings
otherwise, bumping up resources just saves the player a few hours of rebuilding shitty mining outposts
how dod u even hold all the screws to make those platforms
The platform building sounds cool.
I wonder if the game will have enough content to keep it interesting.
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Shhhh it's okay, you're going to be alright
wtc floatbuster mod
>biomass burners
>power storage off in the distance
w-wait are people not memeing? Do people really use the burners that late in the game?
they were there as backup energy just in case, before i unlocked infinite energy with geothermals
I played a fair amount of the 'closed' beta, the first game is practically a concept demo in comparison.
The space platform system is interesting, it almost turns the game into conveyor belts inside bigger conveyor belts. Didn't stick with it to the point where trains got added (if they did during the beta, anyway) but even without them there are 'pipes' that act the same as belts but on platform scale, so you don't need to keep building on the micro scale
Are you not supposed to? They use renewable resources, unlike coal and oil.
My setup makes more power than yours, furfaggot. Over 1k Kw and I just feed it the blood of my enemies. Overclock the burners and underclock your factory so it all runs beautifully and only makes what it needs.
>decorative walls
Why? Are you some kind of barbie house playing faggot?
you don't even play the game, that's what makes me laugh
base satisfactory doesnt have trains
>he's seriously defending screws
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The store
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Anon may also be interested.

Always liked this one.
nice 2005 lightning bro
do people really play this ugly fucking game ??
>screws in the mall
for what purpose

when there was a serb up they did this shit too, why do people really not just make screws locally? belts never get high enough throughput to make shipping screws worth it
Where else would you get your screws from if not off the Main Bus?
>more magic sky platforms
Because it's also my dump. I can leave my inventory in that arrow crate on the left and it will sort it all. Also almost everything is made locally
bullshit this game doesnt have sorting splitters or filter inserters
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I've now automated black science, wouldn't have thought that "wall" would be the limiting factor.
>playing this shit game unironically
you cant even join belts kys
Where are the biters anon? Check your outside walls.
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The game takes place in Zermatt, where is my chocolate
kill yourself furfaggot
What's that?
>that pile of accumulators
lmao i know that feel, just so you know biters also evolve with time and whenever you kill their nests, so be mindful of that. If you can afford to let them crash on your defenses instead of hunting new nest they will evolve slower
the bugs' name
Time for my next project, the American NR1 spy submarine. The smallest nuclear submarine ever built, and with a very curious design.
I'm losing my sanity, factorio is making me insane
needs L shape door for subbuster
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curious design indeed but i've spotted a mistake, I corrected it for you
>that. If you can afford to let them crash on y
you scare me anon, I drove around to kill nest that where close to me and now I have a buffer between my pollution and the next nests. I thought they only evolve when they get polluted or if I kill them so it's better to get rid of the nests instead of having them constantly run against my defenses.
needs L shape door for subbuster
Yeah that's why i'm warning you, i did that too and it may not have been the best of ideas. They wont evolve faster than you can research hopefully but be prepared for harder combats or just round your base with flamers and call it a day
just use a PID to manage it
3 things contribute to biter evolution: time, pollution produced (even if it only gets absorbed by trees, grass, etc.), and spawner kills, in increasing order of severity.
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>go to the stormworks discord
>ask why my engine runs at 60 rpm all the time
>they tell me to reduce the fuel manifold setting to make it stall
Is reddit always this retarded? They literally don't understand that if I'm not at a Stochiometric of exactly 0.2 and delivering full fuel flow to my engine that it is not generating optimal power. And then they say to just PWM my engine to keep it from going to 60 RPS because my engine design is too powerful.
PID settings to optimize power for a given RPS?
If you're a subhuman worm who can't even make 1k SWatts don't even respond.
use L shape engine door to truckbuster
>too slow to make the edit myself
Truly shameful. Although I would have put him either in the engine room or the pressure hull.
along with reducing the fuel manifold setting, also reduce the air manifold setting proportionally so that it's always 0.2
you should be able to solve this
Why would I ever reduce the fuel manifold setting? I won't be generating optimum power then.
oh no, I'm fucked. I only have a very loose circle of gun turrets around my base with ~50 magazines each. At least I have one side covered by water. I think I will rush flamethrower while walling all around my base, Are 5 Oilspots enough to fuel ~100+ flamethrowers?
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I don't know how to feel about leaving such a deep imprint on the psyche of a random tard with just a few posts about video games. Imagine how thoroughly beta, utterly buck broken, a man has to be, that repeating my words hundreds of times, for weeks, is the only thing he can do. All his thoughts racing as to how he can get my attention by rearranging his limited selection of memes, like he's trying to find the correct incantation to summon me. Truly we live in a society.
Are you storing this power?
Then create an on-off cycle.
Are you not storing this power?
Then live with inefficiency.
you know, might just be a bot. Wouldn't be the first time
>le just PWM your engine
If you weren't too busy literally sucking donkey dick and didn't have brain damage from subsisting solely on animal cum you'd know why that's a BAD idea.
Stay bad at the game, cuck. My engine makes over 1k swatts.
You can type ` (backtick/tilde) to bring up the console, then type /evolution to see what your current evolution factor is. As long as it's below 0.5 you won't have any big biters to deal with, and gun turrets with yellow ammo should at least be able to hold their own. It's really not a huge problem on default settings, but you should at least be aware of it.
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>Are 5 Oilspots enough to fuel ~100+
Probably, just set up some tanks to buffer and trigger a resupply train whenever they get low. I set up these barrel buffering things which were probably overkill, because they don't use all that much fuel anyway.
Bro? Your lasers and artillery?
Honestly you will be fine. You have an extensive array of solar so your pollution is already rather limited
Solar is for elf faggots. Rip that shit out and put in proper coal and oil plants.
Kill yourself furfaggot
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It's better than not playing it and unironically samefagging at people as if you do. Does this mean you also don't play Stormworks, after all that fucking spamming over the last month or so?
try it out in satisfactory if you put a belt to another belt at a perpindicularlized angle they dont join together stuff just stops at the end of the T belt there arent even inserters either so you have to hand collect and hand feed all the machines
Use a PID to optimize your turrets.
I won't because I don't play it
Prove you play Stormworks by making what the guy you keep reposting from was trying to make yourself (hopefully you are actually capable of doing it better)
google "truckbuster"
Prove you play Stormworks by making what the guy you keep reposting from was trying to make yourself (hopefully you are actually capable of doing it better)
yeah but there are splitters/sorters/joiners of some kind
google "truckbuster"
Fucking post it yourself you lazy cunt
google "truckbuster"
>/egg/ - Troll Feeding
I'm not going looking something somebody else made
I'm going to bed
okay, I think I will at least make a wall and then decide which way to go
can I put the tanks back to back into the fuel line or should they split off from the main fuel line?
I could do that but I think I rather burn stuff
>that banner gif of an anon being told not to feed the troll, and defiantly doing it
google "truckbuster"
Why is the average player so afraid of circuits? Even the most basic "Disable inserter if chest above x" and "Activate pump if fluid tank above x" are a huge boom to factory design and are extremely easy to setup.
normies get filtered by programming because media saturation of the "leran to code" meme makes them think it's arcane magic but also a ton of work. and then it filters people who ARE familiar with programming or electrical engineering because they work so much differently from usual scripting systems but also bear no real resemblance to normal combinational logic.
it's not immediately intuitive how to set them up and when you're already overwhelmed by the factory which, let's be honest, must grow, it's easy to see the circuits and think "man i dont have the resources for that, sure looks cool tho"
>Disable inserter if chest above x
useless, just use the red x button
>Activate pump if fluid tank above x
only useful if you do non-ratio'd cracking
circuits are useless in the vanilla game and only allow you to go for suboptimal builds if you do anything with them
t. circuitfag who designed his own LTN once
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>mfw I'm neither a normalfag or a code homo
Circuits were made for me.
they're pretty much optional except for maybe trains? But honestly not even trains. Also what >>487356065 said about the way they work in game
But it's not coding at all. It's basic arithmetic. We learn about > and < in primary school.
It's true that a lot of players don't seem to know that you can just link two things together and don't need any of the combinators to start doing very basic circuits.
>useless, just use the red x button
Multiple item in a single chest or satelite production so that it doesn't take all your solar panels.
>only useful if you do non-ratio'd cracking
Even if you do the correct ratio, you don't need all the oil products at the same time. There are spikes. Guess what, advanced oil cracking completely fucks up if you end up with a full tank.
I did see a lot of players avoid trains all together...
how long have you been on 4chan and you still assume anon is the same person not different people?
actual room temp iq
I gotta be honest, when im playing the vehicle builder in KSP i pretty much have the same dopamine response as when im playing honeyselect2 character creator
Just instead of "Yes... Put more piercings" its "Yes.. More boosters"
>We learn about > and < in primary school.
americans dont
>Guess what, advanced oil cracking completely fucks up if you end up with a full tank
Pumps act as priority splitters for fluids so you can set it up in a way where this will never be the case. Zero circuits required. Soon to be made impossible with the fluid rework, unfortunately.
>I was just pretending to be retarded ackchyually it was someone else teehee
bro you literally havent automated science... you're not allowed to speak
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the world would be a better place if you killed yourself
>If I keep posting screenshot from reddit they will never notice I never play any games
you literally dont even know what PIDs is and call others reddit KEKLMAO
>Last played: today
>Achievements unlocked on June 30
>Didn't play the tutorial
This is suspicious to say the least. Either you were looking shit up or you've played the game before (either pirated or on a different account).
I don't know exactly when (childhood memories are very blurry), but I'm sure I had learned that by fourth or fifth grade.
Might not have learned it by third grade, though, which is what comes up as "primary school" - the term in America, at least in my area, is "elementary school", which is 1-5.
americans don't learn
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Last played today is from taking the screenshot here>>487288536
Again you can check the archives to see me posting about it around June 30th and the days leading up when I was in thread.
I just don't play tutorials (proof for other games pictured). I asked a number of questions in thread and read stuff in game and on the wiki when I needed, so I did look some things up. Checking my history it was about the rocket and its components.
I suppose the *average* American doesn't learn, but I do...
Yeah, here primary school is anything above 6 and below 11-12, we learn the inequality symbols right after learning about addition and subtraction but before learning about multiplication and division. High school and college are considered secondary education part 1 and 2. Tertiary is simply definied as the numbers of years post-secondary 2.
>literally underage
> I asked a number of questions in thread and read stuff in game
So you did exactly the same thing this guy was doing except that now you feel smug about it and try to gatekeep him? What the actual fuck is wrong with you. Engineering is about cooperation and sharing knowledge.
>on the wiki when I needed
So you were literally playing with a guide, are you proud of yourself?
>we learn the inequality symbols right after learning about addition and subtraction but before learning about multiplication and division
In America, multiplication and division are learned first.
+-, then *÷, then <>=X. (solve for X, balance/simplify equation... all goes in "algebra" if I recall correctly)
>greater than/less than operators are "algebra"
> <> means "solve for"
Americans, everyone.
X (unknowns) are learned surprisingly late here. It's fairly late in secondary part 1 as a preparation for secondary part 2.
well the first thing you learn to do with <> is to simplify the equation
> (3*4) < (3*5)
> 4 < 5
American here
> great
>^v^< mfw boobs
caress -> |o-o|
Give it up, audience. A round of applause for Common Core
Should I give a drm free copy of factorio to my mom? She's getting tired of her facebook city building games that runs poorly, are half translated and cost hundreds to play long term.
If it's not clear, I was putting <, >, =, and X all smushed together because they're learned at a similar time.
That wasn't meant to be an equation or anything, just like +- and *÷.
What else would you do with it early on?
I mean, there's also
> 3 < 4
> 4 > 3
>pick the correct one???
> 3 = 4
> fix this equation
kind of problems too.
ah I fucked it up the line was
^ caress
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just wait
you're going to love this
TLDR put it on another belt
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based... .post xml pl0x??
Personal logistics is one of the coolest and most underutilized feature in the entire game. You rarely see players use it and I don't understand why. You can literally tell your bots to do all the item grabbing and unloading work for you. How cool is that? Replace your mall chests with passive providers and now you get remote access to your mall from anywhere on the network.
>Oh my backup coal generator has been activated, better put an alarm for when that happens again
Yeah it works
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yeah, but it kind of depends on the layout. and how you can fit the refuel stop. i usually keep them in the middle so they're safe from spitters. here's the rest of the base from the other screenshot. in this case i had to retrofit the fuel stop into an existing outpost so it's a bit fucked up.
I love factorio
how do i convince one of the guys i'm playing SE with to stop making tier 7 mods from scratch and to go loot ruins instead
holy fuck there's like ten thousand of every t3 just buffered between rockets and trains and warehouses
Why did you > me?
Orbital cannon his face off the planet and tell him to rebuild his base from scratch.
Oh this is great. This is absolutely fantastic. I'm adding it to the cursed mod folder.
i knew there was a mod that converted all liquids to solids
i did not know there was a mod that converted all solids to liquids
science pipes are kino
this caused my anus to hurt slightly
>drm free
drm free? that sounds like a dangerous gamble for wube. what if someone just uploaded it and passed it around? that could ruin their business unless they've added an identifier to ban accounts that did it
Factorio but buttplug but plugged but linked to factorio through mods.
Your turn Dosh.
Dosh isn't that kind of youtuber, go get Maxor to do it
Delicious purple juice plumbing.
>supplying a nuclear setup with barreled water delivered by bots is actually not a bad idea
or, you know, just put the nuclear plant near water?
>letting the game dictate where you shall or shan't build
let me guess, you build around trees too?
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Trees are your friends. They help your factory stay nice and clean.
I'd tell you to fuck off back to your forest, but… I just finished using it all up at my factory, it's not picky about it's fuel.
No, you can't go back — I'm already paving over the treestumps and building another smelting section there.
I do have a vacant position in the mines though, if you're interested.
>science is liquid
>need to barrel it to put in labs
Fund it.
>barrel it
cringe, make pipes only and force the player not to mix the lines even directly between labs
Can a building have multiple fluids?
I mean refineries can so no reason a modded lab couldn't right?
Yes, what do you think a chem plant/oil refinery does?
oh yeah I didn't think about those
my brain was only thinking of assemblers for some reason
Your mum can
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Why is factorio so good, bros?
No other game comes as close as modded factorio....
Built like the good old days, with the improvements of the modern era. It's a good mix of the old style and new that other games lack
A few things
>deceptively simple goal but with endless depth
>comfy art style
>basically no punishment for fuckups besides time
>seeing your little base grow into a monstrosity. this aspect is lost in the tutorial, which is why i think it's actually poor in understanding the appeal of the game
>pretty freeform
devs play their own game
This is LITERALLY the mark of a good game and I've yet to be proven wrong
there are a bunch of games were the devs say they play their game and are complete garbage
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OCD guys, are you here?
Which one is better? There is no way to make them vertically and horizontally symmetrical as there is 2 places for a signal, not 3.
Such as?
Try to make them symmetrical, once you can't anymore, establish repeating patterns.
I.e. the top left one is symmetrical, but the inner circle's signals are all in the same spot, rotated 90 degrees.
tl;dr: symmetry, if impossible do pattern symmetry.
What do you guys think of Industrialist?
>captura de pantalla
De donde eres parcero?
not my file
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Oh you must be spanish
Muerte al Espanoles, sin Las Ketchup
Use your files then.
Show me your pid, I showed you mine.
I fucking hate the Spanish
will rail 2.0 fix this?
Not south american, I just fucking hate the spanish the goddamn lying piece sof shit making me feel love
Queensryche was right
I am NOT drunk
Also also how are you supposed to work out ratios? Like Dosh keeps saying muh furnace stacks are optimal, but how did he work that out?
fix what, just take your autism pills
>it's a plastics episode
I don't think they make autism pills
Ritalin is supposed to help
dunno if I qualify for an ADHD diagnosis
nor would I want to go through the social process of getting one
and I don't want to be a methhead
I can't tell if everyone else is autistic, or if I am
I feel like I have a solid, mature, logical, but heartfelt and passionate approach to the world
But I never make friends unless it's with people that have autism, and women never connect with me
>Sunlight powers the solar panel
>Solar panel powers the grid
>The grid powers the laser turret
>Laser turret kills the biter
>Ergo, the sun kills the biter
Feeling like a kid killing ants with a magnifying glass.
You are autistic, don't worry, lots are nowadays.
Then which games have you played before factorio?
Judging by the cute belt loops, i guess DSP?
That's way too much of an orderly setup for a complete newfag of the genre.
I've got a small base capable of hitting a consistent 30spm, what are some good targets or thresholds to go from there? I want to eventually make a 1k+ spm base but I'm wondering jumping straight to that would be best or if it'd be easier to hit an intermediary goal like 200spm that I could use as a template for copypasta
grape drank, finna get me some of dat purple stuff shiiett
Nuclear power is just mini suns. So nukes is just using the sun against your enemies.
You gonna want a very, very long rail going away from spawn and base yourself there. Ore size and richness scales linearly with distance. Your goal for now is to secure your starter base, produce enough military supplies and general base building/defending stuff to leave your base and make a new one where the biters have meganests of their own.
It's literally the opposite of mini suns
That depends on whether it's fission or fusion.
it's not "the sun" though because no energy is used from the star in space that provides solar power. it comes from uranium, which comes from the ground.
so basically you're a retard
And uranium is only produced during supernovae, which are the ultimate power of a star.
It's near impossible to find a power source that isn't derived from the sun or its parent star at one point or another.
List one (1) source of power that's currently viable today (i.e. no sci-fi crap) that can't be traced back to a star
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Have to grind some money to upgrade the research center
I have SETI installed, but otherwise mostly vanilla parts, and i am pretty sure the prices for upgrades have been changed along with the behefits from those upgrades
I have done 2 upgrades of the launch site, and it still has a 72.000 kg limit - no size limit though
72k is barely enough to take 2 kerbals to the Mun’s orbit and back
Maybe i need to try adding more stages, but i doubt it will make much difference with additional mass from engines - and i dont have fuel hoses unlocked, so i cant transfer fuel and drop empty tanks, along with side mounted engines…
At least taking tourists to the mun yields ok money
Obviously none can since stars are required to make the people who make the power source. That being said, gravity is an efficient storage of power and can easily be stolen for energy and doesn't require stars. Hydrogen-boron compounds can also be used as batteries, they're just less efficient than ones with heavier elements, and neither element is produced by stars.
'Geo'-thermal, wind, and 'solar' would all be possible without stars too.
Rare twingus pepe
I'm yoinking that carlos
well if you're going to be this pedantic, you said
>So nukes is just using the sun against your enemies
"THE sun". do you know for a fact that the star that powers the solar panels produces uranium? no? i didn't think so. if you had said "using the power of stars" you would be correct, however, those aren't the words you used.
>mfw i put down a single solar panel (it provides 0.01% of my factory's total power demand)
I can't wait for vulcanus.
>research solar power
>maybe a solar run?
>check a solar calculator
>850 solar panels and 714 accumulators are less than 36 MW
>nope out and slap down another steam boiler stack
Every time.
Can't blame ya. They are mainly useful for a separate energy grid that solely powers your fuel production so your boilers won't run dry.
They're mostly useful in the endgame part of the game when nuclear starts becoming too UPS intensive to be worth it. Accumulators however are good when you transition to using a massive amount of laser turrets instead of ballistic because ammo is too hard to get to your remote bases.
I'd rather have something like geothermal power plants on a volcanic planet.
Using solar panels on a volcanic hell planet somehow feels even more elvish.
Stirling engines would be pretty cool to see, although probably very simple mechanically. Just stick the hot end in the lava and the cold end in the air, and you've got free power.
Oh hell no
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i have no fucking idea what i am doing
it shows. just make sure you don't run out of diesel
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Please if we're posting things I want in stormworks a gullwing gunbuster door drag car
Electricity should just be a byproduct of processing the lava into metals.
there's a lot i could critique there but i'd say the most important is to try and build things closer together. i don't mean everything, because you do need to leave room for your trucks to get around. but all that space between the blast furnace and the casters is wasted space. you can't put anything in there because the trucks wouldn't be able to access it.
try to build things in blocks. i'm not at home so i can't post pics but in my current playthrough i have all my smelting (iron+copper+steel) and all their input/output storages in one block. there is no space between any of it. the trucks can only access the input and output storages, because that's all they need to access. i gues you have done the same thing, so good job, it's just too big for no reason. make it more compact.
>inb4 city blocks nilaus consent haha fag
look alls i'm sayin is you can fit a lot of stuff into a relatively small area if you try, and you kinda have to in this game because the map isn't infinite.
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but i have an extra large area...
Now to be honest, the prospect that the island will run out of resources is kinda sad to me, especially considering how slow it's been going
oil will run out first so make sure you have a ship and an oil rig ready
i died of no maintenance because fucking belts need advanced construction material and it locked up my entire production of everything. The prospect of resources running out is really driving me off tho
As cool as it looks I seriously doubt it would be any good, way too much weight ahead of front axle, would need balast somewhere in the back
post xml pls>
the shape just reminded me of something better
>but i have an extra large area...
You'll be adding a whole lot of stuff, especially things that use a fuckton of area like farms and water collectors. Also don't forget about all the underground ores, you can't build on top of those if you want to dig them out and you need extra space around them for ramps and general access to the dig site.
Space runs out fast, I'm seconding anon's advice about trying to keep things closer together.
pls post xml i need for gravbuster
It will take forever for them to run out, like literal hundreds if not thousands of in-game years. However, some resources can be harvested off-map with a ship (like oil or sulfur) while others can be obtained through the market.
Basically, you can set up certain self-sustaining production chains to make a bunch of items that you can then exchange off-map for non-renewable resources in return. So, in the grand scheme of things, nothing is really finite.
Underground oil runs out fast tho, so make sure to repair your ship ASAP and find an off shore oil rig for basically infinite oil

Belts are not the most basic method of transport in this game, trucks are. Belting everything early game is a mistake
l shape door xml pls
i see, an american game i guess
well i went for belts because trucks fucking suck at their job and it pisses me off
they are actually pretty great and they get even better once you unlock a way to control them more precisely. you just suck at utilizing them.
no talky without L shape doorbuster
Also, you don't need massive production lines like in factorio. At least at first. Only a couple of assemblers will do.
black biters
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This is why you need biofuel made from biter corpses.
I remember from Blizzard: WoW, Warcraft reforged, and Diablo
Ubi says they played the new AC games and Rainbow 6
Bunch of indie shovelware like what dosh has played
343 and halo
radioactive decay of elements produced by stars
that's cheating, a planet can be made up of space dust crushing itself and the force of gravity heating the ball up without the need of a star
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I felt like I didn't explore PvP enough, so here's a shorter follow up video. It's actually quite fun, of course I've also never lost.
how long does that stay hot though, before eventually it seeps out?
is that really the source of the geothermal heat we have today on earth?
isn't that uneven solar heating creating temperature gradients
>is that really the source of the geothermal heat we have today on earth?
apparently yes
also from heat generated by friction of heavy materials sinking past lighter ones. basically, the earth's core retains heat incredibly well
based king
>mfw geothermal is not renewable
>heat is not renewable
how long does a star stay hot?
nta but yes
well, compared to solar:
>don't use it, it warms the surface
>use it, it warms up the surface anyway, unless we beam the power off to another planet
>don't use it, it sits there
>use it up, nothing bad happens except for a lack of nuclear fuel
whereas geothermal is directly shortening the lifespan of the earth's core heat
team bean btfo
biofuel is, and always has been, a solar panel with lower space efficiency
whether it's good or bad?
that's complicated cost analysis stuff that I'm not gonna delve into
my engine makes more than yours retard over 1k swatts
Dosh we talk about how OP landmines are almost every single thread, do you even read the thread?
>we actually got the dosh with random loser vs other teams
attaching dynamos to dead /pol/ posters spinning in their graves because Stellor Blade doesn't have big enough titties in it
I just unlocked assemblers in Satisfactory but still don't see how I can get inserters. My power keeps fluctuating too because I have to hand insert leaves and wood into these fucking biomass burners. I have truck stations shipping ore across the map already but have to manually refill stations with wood and leaves to power the trucks. When does the real automation start?
They're just annoying in normal play when flamethrowers already do all the work, but in PvP they're insane.
Video leak, next video will be on Minstrelsy
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>satisfactory has better pvp than factorio
I played satisfactory with friends and would constantly cattle prod them for no reason
I can see PvP in factorio working if its properly balanced.
1v1 will suck desu. Needs to be some funfest with 5v5 or something like this. Where people can do stuff.
Also some initial base/Defender advantage must be present for it to work and allow people get into tech.
Perhaps if we go by starcraft terms: Limited map size with some ressources placed between both bases to incentivize combat
To add to this: for PvP to work properly, construction time is needed, so you cant place things instantly
>not smart gunning them for no reason
actual satisfactory gameplay
>dosh is so fast he was able to rush out the rushers from last round
>comments about a biter tied to science
I wonder how that works
/egg/ PvP server when
Tell me what /egg/ to play anons.
Will space exploration mod with pvp work?
Should teams be able to destroy enemy teams' silos at any point? What if there was some research you had to unlock first before you were able to damage enemy silos? With something like that you would HAVE to build a proper factory and get research up. Then sabotaging other base's production would have a reasonable impact instead of beelining directly to their silo.
I don't see why it won't but why would you want that?
My penis wenus of course! Play with my erecting, penis wenus
the minimalistic combat and ass balance reminds me of tib dawn
related, the most retarded outcome to an rts match I've ever seen:
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Hmm, that depends on what kind win condition we want to set. If its like league of legends or something where you need to blow up big base then it would make sense, although it would be better to add/code some ways to defend it.
Like make silo shielded, and put multiple shield generators that need to be destroyed and they have some of their own defenses so it's difficult to kill them early on. This way rushing and nuking one building will not work this easily.
Gives some extra time and makes the game on a larger scale (assuming people start on different planets). There are also way more weapons that can be used from space which can be fun.
Landing spidertrons on enemy, nuking them from space, fighting in space over ressources
You guys don't want factorio PvP, you want other game with factorio like production lines
Flywheels why?
>>have a reasonable impact
>rush base
>delete power pole cutting off half the boilers and 1 belt near smelting stack
>muddle up all the alerts with random damage elsewhere
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Over 4,300 in this game. Made the mistake of trying to explain it to my coworkers and the best I could come up with was a digital version of the train tables old autists make
smoothes throttle response to actual load avoids crashing when clutch dumping
stores energy so no need to active restart at low rps
jank implementation makes starting be electric motor less ponderous
looks cool
provides test load
Sounds like Mindustry would be a good fit. Production very similar to Factorio, albeit simpler, and with a much heavier focus on combat.
Kill yourself.
Is your engine jumping rapidly in rps and stalling?
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Behold, my city blocks that I still need to fill in my x100 SE run
I actually have no clue what to do
nice image retard
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>x100 SE
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Fuck you too :(
Oh, My apologies would've offer a solution to fix your particular problem regarding your ecu and engine.
Can't wait till you'll build a 1500 by 1500 swastika that all trains feed into like a sushie belt
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what problem?
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Its very fun
just tell em the goal is to make a soviet republic not fail, usually they understand how insane the task is
They wouldn't know what soviet or republic means
so do you fill it with junk spacefill or good spacefill?
I'm not a billionaire yet. It's junk spacefill. The good one is bright grey.
Later ill make some sort of patterns out of it to look cool
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Workers and Resources Soviet Republic
Workers and Resources
Maybe one day factorio will have enough skilled players that give a damn about pvp to get a 5v5 match going all the way to rocket launch. One day.
Is one of my settings fucked or is it normal for the game to stutter like mad during winter because the snowploughs calculating where they have to go takes an unnecessary amount of cpu time?
Flywheels why?
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I haven't noticed any of that in particular
>giant flywheels
>still derails
Remind us, how many swatts does that engine make?
Stay bad at the game.
Do you guys know how to make sound posts?
is it fun?
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I think it's a lot of fun. If you enjoy engineering challenges you'll enjoy laying out all the elements required in a city
And the logistics surrounding all of it
like this?
or you just want the script for it to play the sound post?
No I have it and it works, I was just wondering if you guys had it
Are there any non-joke mods that have liquid science? I actually like it.
Maybe just give the silo a bunch of armor so that it requires teching up to even be able to damage it, same way as larger biters.
That would be impossible simply because the destructive capability you gain is not designed to be used against your defensive capability. That means you can never maintain a Nash equilibrium long enough for the rocket to be launched under current ruleset. You gain significantly more destructive power than defensive power which means that you can obliterate the enemy defense and win by silo destroyed.
If instead, silo destruction wasn't a win condition, then the fight would become a hide & seek game of who can stay hidden long enough to launch a rocket. The only way for the pvp mode to be balanced long enough would be to either nerf the destructive capability of players or increase their defensive capability. Giving turrets more range than any weapon other than artillery for example. Banning artillery and spidertrons. Things like that.
that just sets the lowest possible rush to tank cannon rushes instead of car with grenades
Bigger teams seems to be the answer. 2v2 you don't have enough people to run defense on the entire perimeter while attacking simultaneously. Make it a 10v10 and suddenly you have enough to protect the silo, place mines to counter the tank attacks and so on. A hypothetical 50v50 shitfest would be chaotic enough to last for a long time.
Remind me, what's stopping me from giving my friends a day 1 copy of space age from the website and playing "local" multiplayer with an external program so we can explore the dlc together while I wait for them to eventually buy it? Asking for a friend.
Dunno. The only real issue I can see is the artillery. Mines seem to be a potential hard counter to tanks. Nukes are a game ender but are countered trivially by turning uranium patches into no man's land. It would be nice if it was possible to rush the rocket ahead of artillery but I don't believe that's the case. So basically artillery needs to be neutered somehow. Not necessarily in a convoluted way either, just multiplying the science cost should suffice. Other than that, I believe the defenders should have the advantage most of the time since producing tanks costs resources and the attackers waste time by being out of their base instead of teching up.
>Mines seem to be a potential hard counter to tanks
Mines are op in offense. This has always been the case.
>Nukes are a game ender
Nukes require the same things as launching a rocket and significantly more science so it's not a problem. Artillery cost more science but less overall things to start spamming. The important part is that it can be used and has no counter other than "destroy the enemy's base" which is already the goal for destroying the silo.
>turning uranium patches into no man's land
And how would you do that?
>attackers waste time by being out of their base instead of teching up.
Attackers gain time overall by sabotaging your base and forcing you to take care of them. Attacking is the advantage. Think 1v1, who is in a better position? The guy who has his base attacked and is forced to deal with a tank (even if he succeed easily) or the guy who didn't get attack and his base kept producing resources and science? Now think in a group where the base keeps growing when the attacker leaves.
>Finish deathworld run in 5 hours
>"I wonder how fast the speedrunners do it"
>Only 8 names on the leaderboard
>Fastest time: Just under 3 hours
>My time: 7th position
>I respected all the rules
Maybe I should start recording my runs...
I don't think placing mines by hand can outrange turrets. Can it? They're a defensive tool first I believe. In dosh's video you can see them being used to blow up a mostly defenseless silo in a one-sided game. That's not indicative of much.
>And how would you do that?
By surveying it with radars or having somebody do drive-bys from time to time. Pvp stuff.
>Now think in a group where the base keeps growing when the attacker leaves
In RTS the attacker has to pay the (relatively high) cost of the units he's attacking with. A successful defense means the attacker just wasted a lot of resources and is set back severely. Now in Factorio, I'm actually not sure if the cost of a tank+some shells is going to be something worth considering before rushing in to attack the enemy silo. You might have a point there.
The best way to do Factorio PvP is like those games where you can only PvP a third of the time or whatever. Like the last twenty minutes of every hour you can PvP then after that it's disabled for forty.
>all weapons are powered by solar
>no personal batteries
>extra long nights
Actually you brought me to an idea, night should be a thing. Dark nights like with the mod, where you actually need lamps and shit to see anything.
So just add the dark nights mod to your pvp server. The pvp mode is completely moddable.
Placing mines by hand can outdps pretty much anything that isn't directly attacking you. You make 100 of them and you can destroy an entire base within a minute. They cost 2 explosives and 1 steel for 4 of them, deal 250 damage each and can be placed extremely fast. They can outdps a nuke and you can even place them from a car. Their only downside is that they can be destroyed after being placed but before activating. I managed to destroy one of my base in 2 minutes with 500 of them.
>In RTS the attacker has to pay the (relatively high) cost of the units he's attacking with.
This is not an RTS. The cost of a unit here is barely worth mentioning. A car cost 117 iron and a mine cost 1.25 iron. So at most creating 200 mines and a car will cost you less than 31 blue science packs. Not even counting all the other crap you need to make them. 200 mines is enough to destroy almost any base. It may as well be free.
Factorio is (obviously) balanced around biters when it comes to military. Cheap, highly destructive mines are good but not great when you're dealing with giant waves of insects. But when you're dealing with mostly the equivalent of a giant nest, they're extremely powerful. I've decided to try and see if I could breach through a wall of 2 lines of turrets loaded with uranium ammo using only a tank, grenades and mines, guess what? It only took 2 tanks to completely breach the defense and get inside. No amount of defense or walls can survive a coordinated tank rush. Once inside, mines are more than enough to destroy the entire base. Realistically, no base is going to have fully upgraded uranium turrets lines like that before tank rush becomes viable.
What's helmod and why is it recommended in every mods?
That's the issue with PvP here. There is a lot of bullshit that isn't balanced correctly. For proper pvp it needs tweaks. Mines need tweaks, cars need tweaks, guns need tweaks and what I would also do is adding a construction time for buildings and make it so player can only place one building at a time (except maybe belts or some shit) and buildings start at low HP like in starcraft.
This way a player won't be able to drop 100 mines and 20 gun turrets around him and it would look more reasonable.
I would also make walls much much stronger so they would actually mean something. I would also add like in this mod where walls would block projectiles and you can shoot through your walls but your enemy is blocked.
Some PvP mod is necessary with the specific goal to fight.

The initial PvP square looks like shit too, i'd do something with that as well.

It lets you plan factory. I like factory planner more. You can add recipes there and say how many belts of things you want and it will tell you how many machines with what modules it needs and how many inputs it needs
kill yourself
It function with mods? How does that work? Does it check stats directly to tell you the ratios based on time/consumption?
Well Factory planner works with my Space Exploration mod.
You add recipe, add machines, say which modules/beacons you use and it will calculate you the rest either per minute or per belt if you want
Another thing that could help is a wall of biter nests separating the teams. You're much more likely to have a one-sided stomp as soon as it breaks down, but it acts as a way to make sure you get up to a certain level of preparation before the warfare starts.
That's fair. Appreciate that you actually went to test it. Wonder if a 100x military costs mod would be helpful.
Rebalancing military costs would absolutely be necessary. Buffing static defenses would probably go a long way too; changing them to focus on anti-player instead of anti-alien focus would help too. If, for example, you could have an EMP turret or a poison gas one (killing people but leaving the tank) that'd change things significantly.
Haven't played stormworks too much person spamming use a pid is really killing my enthusiasm for the game.

But flywheels sap power from the engine since you've gotta keep them constantly powered then you've got the decay of rps because they spin down and if you aren't immediately using that rps to generate swatts or power your output fan/jet/wheels/tracks/propeller it's just a waste.
factorio pvp but one person plays as biters and gets points for evolution/expansion/raiding parties from the usual sources
>the winning strategy is to elf as much as possible
Factorio pvp but I'm raiding your oil trains from gastown.
extremely boring; same idea as pvp tower defenses where the biter guy just harasses barely enough to cause a drain by forcing him to make defenses while piling up a massive attack force to send in all at once overwhelming the factoryman
factorio pvp but instead of killing each other you just stink up your opponent's base as much as possible so that the biters attack and kill them first
>building massive fans to blow pollution towards them
>sewage pump wars
>siphoning pollution out of the air to make a solid projectile you can shoot over the border
Factorio giga sized server but it's public and nothing can be destroyed or removed.
>Either spend 30 minutes in a space ship or spend 30 hours to make it take 20 minutes
Such gameplay. Absolutely great mod there. Hopefully space age isn't gonna be like that.
factorio pvp but instead of fighting we kiss
Your thread is over there: >>487509551
new dosh vid, its fan v fan PVP.
very interesting seeing dosh doing the play by play.
you're dumb and late
Did Dosh seriously imply that gathering resources in a fucking strategy game added nothing? Does he play BW on BGH or something?
Is he fucking squidding me?
This is pretty damn cool anon. I want to try something like this or white knight 1/2 to launch payloads of varied sizes.
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is angelbob/seablock really the 2nd hardest modpack after pyanodons?
Nothing is as hard as the Py suite, but AngelBob is still not a cakewalk like Krastorio or IR2/3.
Based and lean-pilled.
Gathering resources does nothing. What it does could be done simply by a capture system. That's what a ton of strategy game does. You capture the point and get resources passively. Unlike your shitty starcraft bullshit.
wube are incredibly chill - see the free demo and lack of DRM
personally i bought the game only after about 200 pirated hours
Red alert, SoupCum faggots have attempted to discuss strategy games
Do not engage
If you make your mom play factorio you'd be my hero. Fuck I miss my mom.
Your mum gets passed around just fine
Red alert you say...
What's the deal with Krastorio buffing guns to the point that you can take down behemoth before automating military science?
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It's the based-autists effect.
>Why are adblocks so great
>Why is linux so fast
They fucking love their games. We call each other autists for making "complex" circuits and train shit, but it's almost nothing compared to these gamedevs and their love for the game.
Based DoW/CoH chad
tanya sexoooo
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I personally stop my autism at mapview, but my vote goes to rotational symmetry, wherever possible. First one I think? Hard to tell for me without the tile overlay.
Unrelated, but do you know what the difference is between your roundabout design (all chains) and a design with rail signals going out? I never tried your way, I'm curious.
As far as I can tell, in your design, you prevent trains from stopping in the roundabout and in the exit rail segment.
Pros: deadlock is impossible, Cons: you limit each path the trains can take to only one train.
I don't think so, rail still seems to be 2x2 tiles. The most significant changes, as far as I understand them, are :
1. How close you can place them (even more compact In/Out stations, almost zero wasted space).
2. New signal spots for curves (even more efficient intersection design, to maximize train/minute).
I don't think there's any change on turn radius and rail length in tiles.
Yeah? Numerous top-down strategy games that attempted to refine the formula threw out resource gathering on the ground for some other more abstract systems. You can intercept resource gathering units on the ground, so can you also curtail the equivalent resource gathering methods in games without them by other means.

APM and accurately jumping the view around the map is a skill but it sure isn't a commonly-accepted-as-fun skill to have at competitive levels of play. Only a few dedicated autists could could do that for long term entertainment. That is why traditional RTS died out.

That said with /egg/ level of resource gathering complexity I could see a hypothetical RTS which has a lot of base micro but minimal offensive attention required. It would be structured primarily around the player's ability to ramp up production and outproduce the opponent. For competitive play it could leverage random terrain generation to keep things fresh, mirrored on the opponent's side for fairness, and players know the map is mirrored so with some scouting they can surmise what would be the best macro approach for their offense and where to hit the opponent. For example, the battle has reached a certain tech stage but both sides know that sulfur is required and sulfur is only found at certain midpoints on the map, so players can decide to:
>double down on lower tech production, intercept and disrupt enemy sulfur collection
>try to secure as much of the midpoint sulfur as possible
>try to guess where enemy might setup their sulfur processing and/or transport logistics and/or lower tier supporting lines
In the last scenario, it would indeed be a valid competitive level skill to setup production lines in a way that could be quickly rerouted elsewhere in case of damage.

I mean, you could use Factorio for this and mod the above kind of gameplay in, it would just be a lot of work equivalent to making it from scratch.
Woah, that's a lot of words
Too bad I'm not reading them
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Whats the best “4th tier” science in KSP ( the one that costs 90) ? I have grinded enough cash for the upgrade, and have enough science to unlock a single science node for 90.
I have SETI installed along with utility mods, but otherwise not much different from vanilla.
Im tempted to unlock the very first primitive solar panel, so i can build a satellite network - this will potentially allow unmanned tourist rockets, so i can have an extra seat for a tourist to do fly-by missions.
Or i can go after monopropellant tech, so i can refuel rockets in Kerbins orbit - this will potentially allow me do a dangerous landing attempt on Minmus.
Any other suggestions anons?..
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>I'm playing a city builder with Soviet aesthetics. It's like Simcity, but a bit more complex.
Here you go
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>how did anyone work that out
When you type "E" and hover your mouse over recipes, you get their details. It tells you that the recipe for making iron plates takes t=3.2 seconds and outputs o=1 iron plates.
When you hover over stone furnaces, the game tells you its crafting speed : c=1.
With that information, you must figure out that the throughput in item/s of one furnace making plates is : c*o/t = 1*1/3.2 = 0.3125 item/s.
Another /egg/er pointed that out, that's how I learned about it.

Then, by hovering your mouse over belt recipes, you get their belt speed : 15, 30, 45 item/s.
Filling up a yellow belt with plates will require : 15 / (1*1/3.2) = 48 stone furnaces.
Filling up a red belt with stone furnaces would require 30 / (1*1/3.2) = 96 stone furnaces.
Filling up a blue belt with electric furnaces would require 45 / (2*1/3.2) = 72 electric furnaces.
>doesn't remove safety limiters
I only ever upgrade science stuff first because getting more science gets more upgrades
I think miniaturization probably unlocks enough science for the rest of the tree
If you don't want that just do electrics because sending dudes is a waste of time and space normally
Didn't expect too see a fresh take on the RTS genre in /egg/ off all places. Too bad that the RTS fanbase would sooner have you crucified than let their beloved corpse of a genre be tampered with in any way.
what does this mean?
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What are you having trouble with?

Man, I hate it in megabases. Thank god it only requires coal as input.
I have very high expectations for it in the expansion, the base plastic output of the biochamber is insane : could be like a fourth of a blue belt without any modules, and only taking items as input : just imagine the fucking throughput of big bases with train insertion. Insane stuff is coming up.
The feedback loop might be annoying, but it looks like what we have to do with the centrifuge currently, so it's probably still manageable.
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The cycle of life
Space exploration is 2nd after pu
Everything else is a distant third
You're right, 100-200 spm is a good goal after that. And pasting that 5-10 times will definitely work, assuming you use trains. 1000 spm is a good goal, you will never have performance issues and the scale is impressive.
I think >>487428357 is right, but jumping the gun a bit. Anon is absolutely right that big patches make megabasing easier, it's just that 1000spm is still easy enough to feed with normal patches and high productivity research (level 10-50). This is assuming that you use trains : no more of that low-scale belting ores everywhere.
I must specify that I'm playing on railworld, so I'm probably underestimating how small the resource patches are in vanilla default. In trainworld, you can quickly move away from the closest and smallest patches of the starter area, and the patch size or resource count gets retarded really quickly. I'm talking 30 hours of resource, 30 chunks away from spawn. And 50 hours of resource, 50 chunks from spawn. Even if you output 8 belts of ore in every patch.
black biters on asian lamps?
I want to see the face of the nigger that has to maintain this POS.
However it looks kino, therefore its speed is superior.
maybe amber alerts?
i don't get the joke either, but it's clearly supposed to mean ambulance
>that's complicated cost analysis stuff that I'm not gonna delve into
Do it anon. I think the solar panel would win because minimal post-manufacturing maintenance.
Having to plant, water, cut, move, process, and burn the beans is a pain.
If we could burn the bean juice at more than 40% efficiency, it would win.
BW/SC2 players will remain BW/SC2 players. Doing something like this would be targeting a whole different audience. The question is whether it'd be profitable and successful or not.
It's purely a default settings problem. You only get a few belts per patches and you'll rarely see 20m patches if you don't get very far away from spawn. Anything below that won't last you that long before it starts running dry and you start losing belts.
I agree, the changes required to make factorio a balanced pvp experience would destroy the current production gameplay.
Starcraft is a terrible resource management game. Can't have everything.
Looks cool and complicated. Do you plan to make everything fit inside square cityblocks later? Is that your starter base?
>a lot of base micro but minimal offensive attention required
This is basically biter battles.

The problem with adding factory-builder gameplay to RTS is that it's really hard to give the player any control over their offensive units without enabling insane levels of economy harassment, because you only need to take out one belt/rail/power pole to bring an entire expansion offline. It's probably a solvable problem, but I think you need to sacrifice a lot of the factory aspect of the game to allow economy harassment without making it oppressive.
I'm not holding my breath for Industrial Anihilation being good, but it's probably worth observing what they do
I thought I didn't like modded factorio but it turns out, I just hate Krastorio. It's so slow and trying to make things faster just forces you to wait even more. Trains? Need a shitton of research for that. So you're forced to belt/pipe your stuff which cost precious metals that you could be turning into science instead but you're not making science fast enough even when fully dedicating the entire starter patches to it. Man what a mess. I'm glad I'm done with it but it took until purple card for it to become somewhat enjoyable. Nullius at least made the early start a puzzle that requires thinking what you should automate, box feed and what you should manually move.
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I think a good compromise between mindlessly microing gathering units and abstract passive resource generation would be oil drilling.
>resource point needs a well/drill building
>has to be connected to your base core with a pipeline/belt
>attacking a pipe/belt doesn't completely destroy it unless the oil well/mining drill is destroyed
>you can at most damage it, which has to be repaired with special, consumable units to make it functional again
This allows you to harass the enemy by damaging sections of it, but also doesn't disproportionally waste his time rebuilding it whenever you attack it. Instead he sends a unit over just like you did. When you actually want to push for that resource point yourself, you will have to attack it head on and are then free to destroy his pipeline as far into his base as feasible, to make it harder for him to retake it later.
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Yeah. At this point any push forward will have to come from the devs themselves, and targeting a brand new audience at that. It'll probably be a while before we see any kind of breakthrough. The reality is that the titans of the genre simply aged too well. An RTS buff can just keep playing their AoE2, Supcom, SC, C&C, Cossacks etc forever. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with those games but there's nothing left to explore in the formula either. Nobody wants to play a clone of those at this point.
I will never recover from the disappointment, when I first found out that there is no option to load artillery with nuclear shells in vanilla
Thanks for reminding me, I found the github.
Didn't know how to play those files, it's great.
Kinda disappointed that the dominating team from the first round didn't just cripple the other team beyond recovery and then locked them into a Brave New World style reservation kept in check by artillery. That would have been kinda funny
>being describing a game idea where you do /egg/ shit on one level, and on the next level up you are doing rts shit with the resources you've produced
>realize this is just eve online
the wheel turns onward
no new ideas under the sun
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>tim and eric and star trek managed to predict how we'd interface with AI
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Based Zero-K enjoyer. (Dosh do a video)
I will modify your idea.
I want a thief-like imsim, but in a sci-fi/cyberpunk setting along the lines of Neuromancer. But before you go on a heist you get to prep the location with an EXAPUNKS style hacking system, maybe get to take some viruses along on your USB drive or plug your laptop in somewhere, if they have isolated networks
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Space platforms are basically trains as far as I know.
You set them up and it's done. Then you can upgrade them when they're in orbit of a planet with a bot/silo network, with rockets. If you put building material in rocket silos, they can send the stuff to a platform automatically, if the platform demands it.
Then you can go in mapview, zoom on the platform and build with your mouse. The belts, platform tiles, storage areas, etc : everything is built automatically.
New player bases are absolutely blessed
Out of curiosity, what are practical uses for sushi belts?
I remember hearing that they do come in handy in certain scenarios, but I'm not really sure which those would be. Maybe for feeding science labs off one belt?
They work when you know what you're doing and can filter items in and out of them. That requires very good calculation, circuit knowledge and generally a deep understanding of how the game works. It's a lot of work to save a belt or two but sometimes you have to squeeze a few too many items into not enough space. Never comes up in vanilla, rarely comes up in non-meme mods. The punishment for failure is a deadlock.
>Never comes up in vanilla,
Ribbon worlds
No practical uses, but they can be a fun exercise just to try something different and needlessly complicate things.
Science off one belt is one common usage. But in general, they allow you to make builds more compact, and can allow you to better utilize the belt you place. Which to be fair, only matters in very specific circumstances. Like the 100% speedrun base, which I'm pretty sure is like 80% sushi builds and the rest is spaghetti.
A thought occurs to me, if you have enough materials available at one planet, you can just copy-paste your space platforms down with blueprints and just add more space platforms to your interplanetary logistic network on demand.

I wonder if you can transfer items directly between space platforms or if you need to send them down and back up into orbit. I'm imagining having a fleet of slow efficient harvester platforms driving through asteroid belts, offloading their resources to a stationary crafting platform in orbit around a planet, which then sends the completed materials to a zippy delivery platform to whichever planet needs them.
Not default ribbon worlds, no. Only customized versions that limit the size even further.
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In 1.1 vanilla they are never worth it in my opinion, because by trying to save one belt or two, you end up with a lot of complexity that can't easily scale up. Currently, for malls, for specific win conditions and for fun I guess.
In 2.0, the puzzle of trying to make extremely compact platforms might make sushi worth the hassle, it will be easier to make (I think?) and it will be a lot of fun to fiddle with it if you like optimizing platforms.
However it definitely won't be required. The grug approach of making two platforms instead of a small one will work and be fun.
Didn't they say it's just one platform per planet?
They said that the platform was more or less a remote base of operation to move between planets. It's your spaceship.
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Having inter-platform mechanics would be very fun. Sadly I didn't read anything from FFFs on that.
>platform blueprint
>transferring items directly
I hope we can do that. Your idea sounds like a lot of fun. I also wondered if, for small distances, it wouldn't be more efficient to load rocket fuel with rockets, to make the platform even more compact. I also wonder if fluid rockets are a thing. Maybe a way to make quality barrels shine? It would make sense to feed coolant and fusion fuel cells directly, in endgame. Because coolant is mostly recycled.
Geez I hope not. Throughput would be pretty shit.
>because you only need to take out one belt/rail/power pole to bring an entire expansion offline
Which is why you would build multiple logistics lines to reach those expansions. You would need to make use of redundant systems rather than single-point-of-failure designs, and of course the game has to provide the player with ways to do this. For power transmission, having a fast vehicle periodically deliver charged batteries and return empty ones (ala DSP) allows bypassing of the vulnerable power pole problem but of course comes with the caveat of maintaining said vehicle fleet.
That was about the landing platform, wasn't it?
Thanks anon - i will take electrics.
I need money way more than science at this point.
>graphical mods randomly stop working in KSP
it's joever...
>/egg/men literally cannot play anything that isn't factorio
I'd do more FtD if there was another competition.
I'll play stormworks the nanosecond they fix the joystick bug.
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uh actually, using nanosecond all the time is MY thing
that's that thing that i say
you will never be a meme
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I've done nothing but play Warframe and Oxygen Not Included for three weeks and I'm starting to feel the mental pustulence.
>had a dream where my duplicants were grineer marines on a ship instead of an asteroid and lost the game when a tenno came in through the printing pod/airlock and killed my entire colony
>had another dream where I built a factory to manufacture modded weapons in warframe and crashed the economy
Try playing good games you utter fucking retard
Orrr NOhhhh!!! GITT CLAM!!! ATTAAAFFF!!!
Redundant transport lines is just kicking the can down the road. In the end, you transport from point A to point B. If you know where A and B is, then you know where to look for transport lines.
The vehicles idea might work however. If instead of transport lines you have a fleet of armored transport trucks, then eco harassment has to find the trucks, which can be anywhere, including hiding in base.
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so this is what it feels like when the pid guy dies
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>and this is where the engineers get to live
>noise pollution
That wall between them and the tracks is almost as tall as the house. Also that's what you get for getting the bigger lawn
What the fuck am I supposed to do with a lawn? I'm an engineer not a wifebeater
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top fuckin lel
>dupes as slowly-degrading grinigger clones
Surprisingly doesn't change much. Just less weird military-industrial aesthetic and more shitty Klei "style".

>ONI, but with Keith Thompson, and whoever's in charge of Corpus and Sentients stuff doing the art
Muh dick.

>grineer-style "purpose-cloned" staff
>mix'n'match genestock in the sciency blender to roll for a genetic template
>limited number of uses
>have to balance between "reviving" key staff and having competent workforce
>bonus round: grow rejected templates anyway and rig them with cheap bombs akin to Ghouls
Would be an interesting mechanic, I think. Especially if a job has % chance to kill assigned personnel, getting worse with both the shitty general workforse OSHA? Wuzzat? Musta been Corpus bullshit. and poor maintenance of the facilities.
Don't blame your lack of imagination on me, comrade
one min-output oil spot is enough to fuel several hundred flamethrowers
when people say they're OP, they don't just mean "oh they're very effective and it's a good idea to incorporate them into your combined-arms defense", they mean they're OP
>one min-output oil spot is enough to fuel several hundred flamethrowers
Not continuous firing, but only a few will ever be engaged in biter grilling at a time, so in practice they consume almost nothing.
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>instead of launching rockets to other asteroids you launch attack craft to plunder orokin derelicts and corpus ships
>Orokin Not Included
>end game lets you use kuva to reset the clones gene failure.
>chance to clone a defective grineer pacifists, either keep them on limited jobs, but risk them turning to steel meridian, or recycle them for a chance at a more stable tubeman
>unearth rare orokin relics for major bonuses, maybe unlock named characters (Janus key for Vor, etc), maybe start a tenno invasion to capture said relic.
>multiple maps with multiple materials, asteroid bases, earth forest extractors, cetus mines, grineer ships, gather the materials into large scale manufacturing facilities, then ship the guns and junk off to the kuva fortress for higher tier genes for better clones for better material collection on raids.
>trade with corpus, or rob them, or be robbed by them, or start a fight, then immediately get interrupted by a tenno, get your good clones to extraction, or get the good loot the tenno ignore while they hunt for whatever bullshit the lotus wanted them to gather.
>hire the stalker or G-3 to remove troublesome tenno agents.

yeah could be fun, but it kinda of feels like you couldn't get much more in-depth than it just being a rimworld mod or ONI reskin.
good point
Is this picture from skibidi toilet?
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>DE and Klei are both (may god forgive me for uttering this word) Canadian
>both have a game featuring defective retarded clones running space colonies looking for ancient artifacts left by their progenitors
>said progenitors both fucked up the sol system so hard it's unrecognizable
>they both even went so far as to completely eradicate every old world species and replace them with their own creations
I'm surprised they haven't done a collaboration already.
There should be both, COI has the right idea though it leans more heavily on vehicles as the standard. In a hypothetical /egg/ RTS the humble belt should be standard but only within the confines of a "base". Remote outposts could also use the local resources then ship out more complex products by truck, mayhaps with waypoints designed to obfuscate the exact location of the outpost.

Trains in this context would have much higher throughput and it may be so fast that most low-level offensive units can't hope to disable it, but of course the tracks are vulnerable. I'm really not sure how to solve that problem in a simple way without feeling contrived. Either tracks are indestructible or the train can repair its own track and is presumably armored and armed. A sci-fi giant multi-trailer vehicle that can move freely on open ground is basically an all-terrain train and can serve a similar role without the need for tracks, but then you might as well just go for the invulnerable tracks option. Invul tracks would help the opponent find their way to the other player's bases, so perhaps people will place down decoy tracks too?

Ammo constraints can help with preventing destruction of infrastructure. In a normal RTS most units typically have infinite ammo and can range as far as they want. In an /egg/ RTS they will likely need to be supplied with ammo and maybe even fuel, which hard prevents game ending early rushes.
>better crew less likely to fail
>failure rolls vary in severity
>from false reports, to a Corpus asset salvage team, to losing troops to neural sentry, or even to bringing a Tenno on their tail, or some Infestation
Shit's starting to look actually scary, once you're looking at it from the rotting retards' perspective.

>promoting goons to revivable Liches with Kuva
Oh, that's a good one. Maybe treat them as RPG chars, with XP, levels, and other such stuff.
Meridian is more a bunch of turncoat rebels than anything.
>gather the materials into large scale manufacturing facilities, then ship the guns and junk off to the kuva fortress for higher tier genes for better clones for better material collection on raids
So does the player then acts as a local commander, or one of the Queens? Sounds like a commander, something like Ruk, but less combat-oriented.
Kinda imagining now how you'd get requests from the fortress or fellow commanders, with items being anything from raw materials, to combat-ready equipped troops.
Then, as you work your way up the food chain, you move from shitty backwater asteroid mining outposts to someplace like Ceres, where you can put down some proper fucking industry.
>multiple maps with multiple materials, asteroid bases, earth forest extractors, cetus mines, grineer ships
That sounds like the gameplay would be split between the "homebase", which is the player's current assignment, and the forward bases on the procedurally-generated maps where you direct your forces to seize the resources, excavate artifacts, mow down the infested, and so on in a typical RTS fashion.
You only have what forces you brought along for the ride, plus building things out of local stuff. A more tactical RTS, where it's not a huge invasion force, but a relatively small group that you're controlling, and engineers' buildables serve as force multipliers and generally support your limited forces.
I think the older 40k RTS had something similar.
Is doctor eggman actually an /egg/man? He automates his destruction of sonic and his attempts at world conquest. So in a way, he's an /egg/man from a non-/egg/ game right?
>"I'm going to play the game for the first time"
>"I want to do everything on a single belt like I've seen in a youtube video!!"
>"What the fuck this is so hard!!"
>"Bullshit game uninstalled!"
I always thought this type of people were trolls trying to bait a response but I can now confirm that it's real.
Train tracks could be made out of sci-fi nonsense solid lasers, which are emitted by tall pylons. This way you have intuitive points to attack/defend, it makes sense why you can't destroy the tracks themselves, and because the bridges themselves would build instantly, redundancies are also less annoying. Destroying a pylon can disrupt supply for your opponent, but you might prefer disabling a train going on the light-tracks, which lets you steal whatever it was carrying.

>In an /egg/ RTS they will likely need to be supplied with ammo and maybe even fuel, which hard prevents game ending early rushes.
That isn't the issue. I rage quit mindustry when I got to the mission with AI fliers. AI finds unprotected belt, sends fliers, destroys it. Eventually I react, repair and protect it, but the AI finds more. And eventually my entire factory was under turret protection, so the AI started sending suicide attacks, with the only purpose of destroying some piece of belt that I would have to go and repair.
I think "the belt" just causes too many issues to be worth it. Maybe just having everything be a bot mall would work better. Layouts would still matter for efficiency, where you co-locate production and consumption, but logistics would be more macro focused. Harassment of logi bots would hurt, but losing 3 bots would have a proportional effect, compared to losing 3 belt.
trillion dollar infinite budget dream game is a giant mmo of multiple layers stacked on top of eachother
>autists playing in the mines clicking on rocks
>autists driving trains and trucks
>autists arranging belts and pipes inside factory
>autists laying out factory buildings and roads and power plants etc
>autists waging war
>autists commanding war
>autists maintaining control of resource areas to defend the autists clicking on rocks
that's just foxhole
Lel, yeah sounds like foxhole
I just want full blown soviet union simulator from the farms to the bureaucrats
wait how do they even go to work, is that puny bus stop even going to do anything
Everything is supposed to be in the squares, I already have some things like datacard production, reformattting, thermofluid, chemical gel and machine learning data
I want to put each catalogue in separate block.
>46 days until satisfactory 1.0
I'm not gonna make it bros...
You're describing EVE with a surface mining add-on game. It remains to be seen if Vanguard can succeed where 514 failed, then there's a nonzero chance you could make it.
>they're doing 514 again
hell yeah I loved playing that shitty game and thinking I might be ruining someones spreadsheet with how much I sucked
There's a other bus stop at the top. Ultimately the goal will be to get a metro station plopped down in the center of it
could they walk all the way to the center? Adding pedestrian paths later?
Hopefully they can all reach the center otherwise I'm fine with a few houses being used for closer employment. Paths will come later, just finished laying out that section of water and sewage this morning
>Watching Dosh's space exploration
>One of the possible victories is a archeology hunt for puzzle gathering, then assembling 60 images together, then solving a vectorial math problem (unique for each playthrough) while generating a terawatt of power
Jesus Christ
Hey Dish Washer Kun play this in one of your videos over a part where We are alone normally would play to see if anyone notices.
a terawatt of power in late SE isn't really that bad, is it?
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I'm back to 1000x
Got a 900/min green build up, but man does pollution just slide across water. I was worried about having enough stuff to do while I wait for mines, but I think I should make sure there's no nests on the other side, because I might need some fat walls to defend otherwise.
That was just for the stargate thing, but yeah, they seem to give you plenty of choices for generating energy, but I didn't play it myself.
Maybe we should gather up all the autistic people in the world and just put them on an island somewhere. See what they build and how long they last before their inevitable starvation.
I'm doing an x100 SE run, but x1000 seems bit wild. How do you deal with bugs? Even at lowest settings they outevolve you
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World's worst military science build is up, but I don't need it to run very well.

Right now? I don't. The only mercy I afforded myself is playing on rail world, meaning no expansions. This is why I'm so scared about the pollution going across the lake, but luckily there's no base directly in the way, and the cloud seems to have stabilized a bit. At least until all the trees start dying anyway.

Long term the plan is flamers defensively, mines defensively and offensively. I was thinking that I would just go for mines directly, but flamers are 250k packs closer, and need half as much military science. If my calculations are correct, this would be before behemoths start appearing, so I might be able to defend myself for a bit.
Pave it.
how does this attachment work
pig disgusting american suburbia
>metro station
i think timegating technologies could balance PVP
i.e you can't research cars, tanks, etc. until a certain amount of time has passed
>release mag
>rotate mag-spiral to insert next mag in the chain
>pull trigger
>marvel as the reciprocating charging handle hits the empty mag and nothing happens
oh and turrets must outrange SMG by 2 units, and have the same range as car turrets
isnt there a WWI game like this? no mining, but there's "logistics" points where autists do busywork to generate fps resources like ammo and grenades and then have to truck the finished ammo/bombs to the frontlines where different sorts of autists are fighting
so CoI/W&R but with combat

or Tropico 5/6 if it weren't a baby game and instead gave you fine grained control of logistics and soldiers

or maybe even an SA-MP Roleplay server
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Ten years in. Primarily spent the past five years struggling with pollution from the industries I built too close and drought from my under-powered water setup. Thankfully a geological survey revealed oil nearby, giving me the funds I'll need to try and design a better town to the south east.
proud american there
Well once you get flamers you pretty much won because they kill everything
that's just real life
you can just shoot power from stars to get that since you need stabilizers next to stars anyways
Alright, I'm getting bored, I'll try to take this base with what I have (unupgraded gun turrets and nades).

I don't think they're particularly effective (without upgrades) against behemoths, which I WILL be up against before blue science. This is why I'm also going for mines, they should let me clear nests without much issue. Then I get to hand build a megabase.
>vector math problem
How many dimensions?
Rewatched that part of the video, it's a 3D vector, so not very complicated, it seems that the hardest part is solving the image puzzle in order to be able to solve the vectorial part.
3D vectors is unintuitive which I always have a hard time to explain to shooter people especially talking about penetration. Because for them, they are facing the shit head on so that's a 0° angle but they don't understand 3D
>This is why I'm also going for mines, they should let me clear nests without much issue.
Yea it's ridiculous but mines work well, not only you won't get aggro but they also blow up the nests pretty gud
Wish there was a way to nerf evolution beyond integers
What part is unintuitive exactly? I don't get it.
don't believe dosh lies! The game is actually really hard and you need a lot of turrets of every kind!
Won't lie, it took a few reloads to get the hang of it and two deaths, but it worked. The engineer is so lucky that biters are so dumb. Now I'm wondering if flamers are worth it now, maybe I should take a detour to grab the car
>300k packs
Flamethrowers kill behemoths just fine, even un-upgraded, what are you talking about. Just one flamethrower is enough, but maybe if you're doing a meme run and won't have robots for an eternity, you might actually want some extra defenses because they will probably take out a wall before getting roasted, but flamethrowers are about 10x as powerful as anything else you have access to.
it lives
i dont think machines live, anon
The game crashed so evidently it died
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such a shame
do woods protect me from the bugs in factorio or are they running through them? Same question with rivers and oceans
They squeeze through trees, but can't cross water, but trees absorb pollution better.
Water = impassable
Forests = slowed
No and yes but not the way you think they do, forests absorb a ton of pollution preventing them from attacking you
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Is it me or does Helmod (1.0.11) acts very retarded since few updates?
>computing by factory
>product input
>2 Temperate Seed Generators MK2
>for some dumb reasons Helmod decides I need 26 Arboretums MK2
I swear it worked perfectly fine in the past.
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>help panel is way back from version 0.11.13
Helmod is a mess.
Thanks a lot. Looks like I feel into "it's harder but more powerful" meme
That was true a few years ago but factoy planner has gotten quite a few additions to get it up to par.
Are you guys really sure that flame thrower turrets are good? I feel like they will run out of oil very fast the more pipes and turrets I build the slower it gets filled up.
It's not any more powerful since quite a while. You should be able to do anything helmod can with factory planner, but without wanting to kill yourself.
have you tried making them run off of light oil?
Flamethrowers are basically free even when being fed directly from crude oil.
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no I thought it just gives them 10% more damage.

Also wtf happend here? Why are the rear walls and pipes damaged? The flamethrower can't shoot backwards and the wall wasn't breached.
you retard, move the wall forward. Spitters can shoot over walls
Without modules, 100 oil is made into 55 gas, 45 light and 25 heavy. Using the heavy oil instead of regular oil means you're running them almost for free, except for the opportunity cost of cracking the heavy oil, since you're getting all the products you care about. If you aren't using your light oil and just cracking it, you could use that for flamethrowers instead and still come out ahead in crude oil usage compared to piping the raw stuff to the flamethrowers.
But I prefer heavy oil because you absolutely always have too much of it. Just make sure you don't back up on gas for too long, which shouldn't be hard as long as your factory is doing anything at all.
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there are people who actually paid 20€ for this trash game
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>euros see a backyard with a playground and wonder which noble's estate they're looking at
>Every non-American is Yuro
if you're not a euro then shut up. Favellas are not homes, crumbling "concrete" skyscrapers are not homes, mud huts are not homes.
Cardboard boxes are not homes
why do leftist bugmen hate the idea of privacy and high living standards so much
Be careful not to overdose on the memes
sounds like someone is salty he can't solve the last level :^)
Something K something rule of the worst so everyone must live like the worst did
it's not the backyard, it's the row of nothing but family houses. It's ugly and inefficient
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>let's bitch about being forced to live like the worst instead of trying to improve their conditions to the benefit of everyone

Because they don't want people to go homeless, duh. It ain't much, but it's a place to call home, and it beats sleeping in a cardboard box.
The panel types are relatively quick to build, and they last a good long while when properly maintained.
>hate the idea of privacy
>anything resembling privacy in an "everybody knows everybody" suburbia
I seriously hope you comrades don't do this.
It's practically like a small village, meaning there is scarcely any more privacy than in a thin-walled concrete box.
>hate high living standards
No one said the class hate ever went away. High living standards are expensive, and thus inaccessible to the common man.

Meanwhile you're hogging the land that could've been used more efficiently, possibly denying people facilities that they are asking for.
Inefficient! Wasteful! Capitalist! To the gulag with you!
how do you cool anything to 20°C when the lowest temperature you get is 125°C and for some fucking reason radiators dont work in artificial vacuum
>too much heavy oil
what I do is build enough chem plants to crack everything my refineries make, all the way down into gas
and have that refinery+chem plant setup be big enough to handle the most science I will plan to produce prior to doing a major rework
then tank/pump/wire setup so it only sends it to be cracked when there's over a certain percent
and have a significant buffer of light and heavy for general use (lubricant and solid fuel)
crude oil goes to flamethrowers simply because it never ever deadlocks, even if science is perpetually idle
if I could (inefficiently) turn excess petroleum gas into light oil, then I would use light oil
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I reinstalled W&R but I just can't bring myself to lay out another sewer system where the land gradient will invariably be not quite right
I want to want to play this game, if that makes sense
digging to lay the sewer lines?
start with/add in more money to offset the cost of these?
>I want to want to play this game, if that makes sense
you don't know how many games give me this feeling
life itself gives me that feeling
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Still trying to do an optimal "city" block design. The main thing I'm going for is compactness, so it's right turn only and the interfaces with main lines are strict.

Have not tested it yet.
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That's a bit better. 1 less tile vertically.
I got an optimal city block design: where ever it fits, it sits
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Correction, didn't work, one beacon was not placeable due to rail signal. That variant is unusable.

That's a more productive attitude than what I'm doing.
1k swatts my engine makes more than youtrs
Is it ugly because it's ugly, or is it ugly because you've been raised to believe inefficiencies of state productivity are ugly?
Pumps, you tremendous faggot. It is utterly amazing to me that the concept of a slope filters /egg/ers this bad
/egg/ only exists on the extreme points of the IQ graph: the flatline moron, the peak mid wit and the peerless genius
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Think I found a bug in factorio pathfinding. It refuses to pathfind out from the lowest train here. It's rotation independent and moving the signals around doesn't help either. I suspected problems like these would occur in complex bidirectional train networks.
bro? your PID?
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what happens if you remove all the signals?
because it works fine in my current SE save
Mouse acceleration bug.
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You found the problem. There was a missing track piece that was impossible to see. Right works, left doesn't.
i was wondering if the top intersection had something wrong with it but dismissed it because it didn't make sense to me that the third row would be able to reach both exits but the fourth wouldn't
glad you worked it out, but i have no idea how my post helped
Removing the signals was a good idea because it showed there was no difference, and immediately narrowed down the problem to the missing track piece.
Prove it.
How many hours do we have until the FFF?
about 5 hours
stay bad at the game nigger truckbuster makes over 1k you dont even PID keep PWMing that ""engine"" retard :^)
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Seems to be working, not perfect but working at least. The trains are pathfinding through the station areas because they're a slightly shorter path.
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If it's the most efficient music in the universe, why am I still using screws?
The driveways shouldn't be directly across from one another. The houses should have some variance in how deep into the lot they are.
the problem is the arterial road layout, promixity to a highway, and lack of any services in walking distance

you shouldnt need to hop into a car to go get a loaf of bread and quart of milk
Hoa has charged you one trillion dollars per millisecond till you move your oil refinery and build it in an approved hoa layout
>you shouldnt need to hop into a car to go get a loaf of bread and quart of milk
to be fair, that's part of the point when it was designed
keep poor people as far away as possible
however, it is no longer feasible, because the middle class is much poorer than in the '50s
>keep poor people away
well then you shouldnt have to get into your car to get a bag of qinoa and a quart of onions. same shit
A shame, I think 2D would have been a natural match for Factorio's 2D nature. And it's simple enough to reason about without having any knowledge of vector math. Basically young/uneducated players could discover vector math on their own just by trying to solve the puzzle. That'd be cool. 3D is also something one can spatially reason about but it's unnecessarily complex for learning.
Higher dimensions are not harder to work with, if you have the necessary ducation. They just take more work and are impossible to reason about with our 3D spatial intelligence.
A game designed from the ground up for PVP would not necessarily have the same vulnerabilities you see with belts in a traditional logistics game where its factory first and combat second. It's easy to handwave away belts being difficult to damage by low level weapons like generic machineguns, compared to production buildings. It could even be done in a way that its very hard to destroy any building and belt but their production rate and item speed slows down with damage at varying ratios, with buildings losing more of their production rate in the first 20-30% of damage sustained. Though I can understand that there would be pushback and dissatisfaction from not having a valid very early rush strategy. That's a whole can of worms for more experienced people to work on.
i believe in using SUVs to run over manlet walkable city proponents
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This might be it. >>487673996
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>bros why would an /egg/ rts be hard to balance when warfare relies mostly on production and logistics and every loser in history lost becuase they couldnt protect or sustain logistics???????
>non RTS players try to design an RTS
in every rts game that has resource collection, one of the key ways to win is to either kill the resource collectors, kill the buildings that resources go to, or otherwise distrupt "civilian" duties.

With how sensitive supply chains are already in typical /egg/ games, an RTS based on it any of them would be untenable unless it was very defense-oriented. Even then, either it would end up as the winner is just whoever is better at logistics and outpaces them to create a bigger army and sustain it better in an endgame after in-game centuries of peace, or it would promote early game rushes that ignore 90% of the tech tree. which is already how the "classic" very imbalanced RTS games like AoE2 and StarCraft 1 already work
>unless it was very defense-oriented
It would be by definition of an /egg/ RTS. Our defensive options tend to be turrets that require ammunition to be supplied and maybe also power. The offensive units would need the same thing except they need much more time and effort to resupply. I can see that this paradigm can have no reasonable start-of-game rush victories but it can still have victories achieved at the "spam low cost units after 5-10 minute mark" stage.
>it's before you have resources to build turrets, if they're even available due to tech tree gating
>opposing engineer just comes by and shoots you
if it's factorio style it would devolve into being a twin-stick shooter

if you have turrets from the start and turrets are better than any offensive capability available, it would descent into turret creep or rushing alternative victories (think wonder/relic victory in AoE) and basically just be single player speedrunning

if it requires conquest style victory, it would just be AoE tower creep (which no one likes)
Depends on whether there's an engineer or commander unit.
Aside from total conquest victory (all builder units destroyed) maybe victory based on "capturing" certain objective points on the map, which involve feeding them a certain amount of X items, which you can only know once they are inspected (could be game option to know at start or must visit it)?
>which involve feeding them a certain amount of X items,
how would you do this without belts/trains/whatever, which would be constantly being damaged/destroyed since they're the objective and thus the center of fighting
Getting inside the enemy base is already a guaranteed victory in nearly every RTS in eggsistence. /egg/rts would be virtually no different in this regard.
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egg rts is just rts with more resources/having to transform usual wood/stone/oil/whatever into more resources.

egg fps is where it's gonna be at.
Maybe force the use of (initially weak) arty, and/or biters as your agents of destruction
Maybe have some production goals that stave off biters, or maybe have biters get closer to your enemy
This plus some early game auto repair turrets might make it interesting
Maybe even having a build timer so turret spam isn't as powerful
maybe play another game
So playing the engineer?
>FPS zachtronics game where you have to build your gun, armor, and ammo
step 1: time-gate technologies
step 2: use landmines (which should be invisible to non-friendly forces)
there, pvp is fixed
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>step 1: time-gate technologies
Pretty sure that's already an option. You literally can set technologies to unlock on a timer instead of research.
How would you make Factorio PVP mo' bettah?
Uncrewed I'm so sorry is a good example of potential /egg/ RTS, where you design your units.
Things like weapon recoil, or being top-heavy can fuck up your units, units power (feels more like fuel to me though), weapons need ammo.
If you go by the same principle of "here are some parts that do a thing, make something with them", freeform units like that can make for some interesting stuff, even more so if you also include buildings.
Designing your own weapons/tools/modules as well takes this to the next level.
but thats not egg only belt logistics is egg
kovarex show us the improved pvp gameplay
Either use conveyor nodes for unit-to-unit belts, catapult-like things that toss resources to the next unit/destination storage, or just a transport unit shuttling things between mines and factories.
Even cooler to use belts or whatever for units to do things like armor hardening, filling carriers' hangars with units, and so on.
Nobody at Wube Software remembers that pvp exists
You push them off for a window of opportunity, you use a fast moving transport for a one way trip, you sneak in an undefended simple belt setup while feinting a conquest strategy elsewhere.

High pressure rocket launching.
if that's the case, dosh fuckep up then
not gating it just encourages 12 pool all in type of gameplay
Counterpoint: Factorio without science bottles is no Factorio
for the sake of the video, he should've used that option
however, if improvements are to be made to PVP, then time gating WITH bottles is the proper choice
so, tech isn't researched automatically, you still need to make science, only your labs stop working if you were to try to research tanks before the let's say 30 minute mark
Factorio-as-RTS focuses on the silliest part.
>build a resource extraction/manufacturing/research center near the front lines
>most income is from what I can mine nearby, only have a small starter pool of resources to build early mining and defenses
This already stretches disbelief to comical levels.
I don't hate it, but it's definitely a quirky convention, not something to lean on so heavily.
Having the enemies be intelligent and proactive, rather than reactive like biters, is not a good idea.
>build a resource extraction/manufacturing/research center near the front lines
>most income is from what I can mine nearby, only have a small starter pool of resources to build early mining and defenses
That's every rts though?
Anon, your reading comprehension...
I'm saying that's the silliest part of every RTS.
>already stretches disbelief
The fantasy of /egg/rts would be that the base building part would be much more complicated and involved. You really do need to know how to lay it out rather than put a resource collection building next to resource and then click the worker drones around. That's why its really got to have random terrain generation too.
Why does Greenwich get to be the center of time?
Is Desynced any good, speaking of egg RTS?
I dunno man, look it up, it's probably documented.
but *I* want to be the centre of time
they changed the name a while back because it was eurocentric
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Context? Sushi is pretty hard after all. I failed when I tried, I should try again.
I wish there were a vanilla entity that filled an entire belt with a percent of some item.
Will new combinators enable new behaviors? Or at least, make current creative use of belt, like sushi, easier?
I should play Foxhole. I wish there were a multiplayer /egg/ with that kind of persistent world.
On the other hand, "multiplayer /egg/" might be cursed as a gamedev concept.
1000x frontline update: I'm shifting focus to secure the western choke, I don't think I can preemptively kill enough nests and temporarily cutting production did not help. If I knew that I can kamikaze clear nests this well, I would have gotten heavy armor and bullet damage 1 much earlier, probably before green. But no way I'm restarting now.
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Let's go with something like this for this run.
Dosh regularly does this thing where his inserters take from the tube part of undergrounds, what is that?
Are these loaders?
AAI lubricant-requiring loaders?
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Currently, flamers make other turrets almost obsolete by comparison.
They need a few changes to your wall design (spoiler)can't have walls too close to them, endgame spitters/worms still can fuck them up, they won't be able to kill endgame waves in time so you still need firepower for the surviving biters getting closer, they're rendered absolutely useless from one (1) biter getting in, etc, but they will have the most kill than all your other turrets, by far.
I don't think they're overpowered, because setting them up when you unlock them (so, without bots), is an absolute pain in the ass.
Their low attack angle means you can't be too retarded with their position.
The simple fact they require any kind of fluid will slow down new players.
But experienced players will find them overpowered because they know the meta. I think many experienced players appreciate them, especially the resource-efficiency Borgs like me.
When I think about it now, wall defense in factorio is exceptionally cheap. As a new player you're always stressing about your iron going to waste in the guts of biters, but a few damage upgrades make perimeter defense very efficient, even using gun turrets. Earlygame is the only time when you're truly at risk, but taking just one more iron patch lowers that risk significantly as far as my experience goes.
I noticed that my second biggest mistake, where biters are concerned, is researching currently useless technologies too fast, emptying my starter resource too early in the game and making expansion a pain.
Technology cost increases linearly for 99% of the game, and exponentially for the last 5 techs. But you can only research like half of the tech tree with your starter resources. It's a truly well balanced game.
Will this game teach me irl knowledge?
I don't really know what a /lit/ spook is, but privacy is a spook. Can't live in a society without privacy loss.
I self lubricate
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It looks cool, congrats anon. I see that kovarex's output stations had an impact on you too. I also find them elegant.
Have you considered making your blocks bigger? What I mean is, as block size gets bigger, the relative "wasted space" of rails and inter-rail surface gets lower and lower, assuming you can even fill all of it up. This means you could make more "square-like" beacon setups, increasing energy efficiency.

However, they get less and less practical to place down as their size increases. I'm currently experimenting with radar-aligned blocks and they're slowing me down a bit in earlygame. Maybe I should make a "quarter-block", something a bit smaller that can fill the space between lakes easily.
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tfw off-by-one
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Bible-accurate angle
What's the most efficient music of the universe?
why me? this always happens in threads I make to posts I make, someone replies to me about something stupid that could post about anyone else but they pick me. I feel singled out not for that thing but because they want something else but I'm too autistic to understand what they're nudging at
you know the FIRST post is also off by 1, and so is the post above you
Absolute mongoloid retard
That's what you get for using inferior RHD, should have used superior LHD
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I'm going full roof-korean mode.
*shits in your water supply*
No nice way to put it, kid. You're being gangstalked.
Fucking zerglings man
Cursed as fuck, no wonder no one plays it.
Everything in factorio is about long-term planning : expensive technologies, extensive and efficient logistic systems, modularity vs. average progress, etc.
So it's either about disabling parts of the game to make it faster, or adding additional PvP combat mechanics to avoid the braindead spacebar+run.

If PvP must be about APM, then I would change the balance of vanilla weapons and add mechanics around using the environment (biter thumpers, faster cliffex but numerous cliffs, night time shenanigans, easier harassment for noob players).
If PvP must be about cooperation and logistics domination, then I would make either a turret-defense mode or a solid free-for all, that rewards the player with points, taking very contextual situations into account : throughput/cost for oil and ores, health lost to biters, technology selection order and how useful they were. But that last one has to be well thought-out and fair. Nothing worse than an half-assed point system that's easily gamed by experts.
It's a good thing, now we know it's one way to fuck up (for people that don't like the APM part of PvPs).
prevent turret spam
add early & cheaply available counters to car/tank rushes
make all resoruces except basic starter patches contested in the middle of the map
Sometimes it really does feel like that
>Optimizations 2.0
my body is ready
A points system sounds kino, since in theory it would actually allow you to decide how you want to prioritise and specialise. E.g. rushing the rocket and hoping for max production points before you inevitably get attacked, vs. turtling in a highly defensive setup but sacrificing some raw production and science for it; or going all-out on attack to try to take over other people's bases and make up points that way, vs. focusing on your own production and sending light skirmishes to distract and slow down others (and trying to make sure it does so more effectively than building and sending the skirmishes slows down you).

But it really is kinda doubtful whether this hypothetical perfectly balanced points system is even achievable. Factorio was not designed for this, and it's possible that no matter how you tune it, one type of strategy will be dominant.
>45 minutes
>one post about it
/egg/ is fucking dead
What is there to discuss? They optimized performance, everybody liked this.
Well for example, I want to complain about how there's still no indication that they're gonna let lamp RGB values be controlled by signals
>radar optimisation
That map scanning gif made me think, why does Factorio update the entire map every tick anyway? Feels like something you could do entirely client-side, only within the visible portion of the map (e.g. the current minimap range, or the entire map only when in map view and zoomed out sufficiently).

I wonder if there's any logic that relies on an up-to-date map view, or if they just never got around to it. It always felt weird to me that radars had a noticeable UPS impact even if they were on the other side of your base and you weren't looking at the map screen.
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>kovarex face when he nuked their LAN games UPS by pasting his anime waifu with rgb lights
I stopped caring about Factorio a long time ago.
feels good to be a botfag

Proof that people actually prefer Earendel blog posts but are too tsundere to admit.
I shat in your cereals this morning and I'll do it again. Taste my cum
Why are you bragging about taking a creampie in the ass?
Using pumps is sub-optimal and an admission of failure
not at all. unfinished barebones garbage. wanna know something? look it up. wanna know what opcode you made does what? write it down on a piece of paper. wanna make or look up truth tables? write them on a paper. there is nothing in game. the only thing that i figured out that I didn't know is how multiplication is done and if you don't invent it yourself you'll never know the game tells you nothing and there's no way to know if something is optimal or which other ways exist to do it. all you do in this game is make the basic math opcodes and then use them on a couple basic leetcode problems like sort and that's it.
just play nandgame
>multithreadfags in shambles
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>admission of failure
>stop playing the game instead of using pumps
>The problem with belt reader is that it is so easy to use, during our playtesting it was used quite a lot, not only on space platforms which was the intended use case but also in other places.
Good to know, I suspected as such. I wonder what the other usecase is. Maybe Gleba?
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Khassar de templari...

I wonder what the image was.
I am NOT gAY
I have relationship with women
It was supposed to solve everything...
Surely with better CPU architecture...
Are inter-network buildings a thing that comes up in the normal game?
Might as well forbid weird behavior like this if they're useless and prevent optimization.
You misunderstood the blogpost: all they did was make it harder to implement the multithreading, and the way he did it was just merge the networks together.
But what actually killed the performance was the memory bandwidth: updating the networks in parallel was just not efficient. The inter-network buildings didn't hurt (if anything, they helped a bit, since they basically reduced the number of separate networks).

On a semi-related note, I hope they take another look at optimising separate networks in general, especially w.r.t. the production tab which I think was the bottleneck.
maybe apples unified memory is the answer
>The time spent on Roboports in our recent play-testing save file dropped from an average of 1ms to 0.025ms per tick.
>In the office LAN party save, the overall save performance was increased by 15%, and it generally depends on the amount of robots, but with some heavy robot saves, the overall performance gain is usually around 10-25%.
didnt read the rest
Still using belts. Robots? Nope.
They have to switch Factorio to quantum computing. The half measures are no longer cutting it.
It's usually done with rows of accumulators in order to prioritize your solar network over your steam network.
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threads mean nothing. 13% max cpu utilization tells you that adding cores won't do shit. the game is constrained by memory latency and even the best cpu in that regard (7800x3d) struggles with megabases.
My bad, I completely misunderstood. Does that mean that, even before trying to make things multithreaded, you should always check if ram speed is at fault? Or is that a specific scenario where you have to try before knowing?
>Roboports now have radar
I mean, it makes sense.
Optimization fff be like "Uh ackchyually it saves 0.285 millisecond every save so on average you save a full second every 789 hours"
Is ram speed at fault too?
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She's working very hard
The ram speed is more significant in late game when a lot of memory is used and updated by the cpu each tick. In early game when little memory is used and most of it fits in the cpu cache then ram speed almost doesn't matter.
So if I understand that correctly, those infamous bot only megabases that made top of the line computers run at 40 UPS are going to run somewhat closer to a normal base now?
They should run fine now.
The per-tick impact of roboports dropped to 1/40 of what it was.
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Bitch I'll fite you. I've seen so many poorly or entirely not optimized stuff I go half-mast every time I read about performance improvements.
Thank you.
The true problem of those bases (and any base that makes heavy use of bots) is the fact that roboports are all active and huge networks increase the computing time exponentially. The best way to avoid that is simply to cut the networks and move important stuff through belts or trains. The effect was quite drastic. You could add a few roboports to link all your networks and suddenly your UPS dropped from 60 to 30.
That's one of the things Wube has fixed. This removes a lot of the arcane knowledge required to make botbases. That's a good thing.
physician pls go and stay go
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biter bbq unlocked
thicc walls
t. AAA dev
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damn wtf that's my cat
never seen another with coloring like hers
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>are you craving my mcservros?
Beautiful cat, regalian
I mean, it depends on what you're doing. Usually most things are gonna be CPU-limited - it sounds like electric networks are just a very specific workload where you need to iterate over a ton of data (significantly more than fits into the cache, presumably) - but doing very very simple calculations on it, so it ends up being memory bottlenecked fetching the next batch of data after it's already finished calculating the first.

I suppose profiling it before starting optimisation would have saved them some trouble. Multithreading is hard though, as is optimisation in general, so it may not always be entirely obvious even if it makes sense in hindsight. For example, maybe normal network calculations are not actually memory-limited, but by multithreading it you break data locality, so prefetching is less effective (depending on how entity stored in memory), and suddenly memory becomes the bottleneck. Or weird shit like that. After all, they did speed up the network simulation a bit (just at the cost of like 30x more CPU usage, which slowed down the rest of the game).
So basically we need CPUs with like ~1GB of L3
just compute in memory lmao
CPU manufacturers have been trying to shill their "multicore" memes for years, and yet even today game devs prove time and time and time again that parallelization does shit for performance and that single-core clock speed and memory access speed are the only real factors that matter. Games and processes continuously tap out despite CPUs "only" reaching 17% utilization because the first core is the only one that matters. When are we gonna escape this twilight where companies force us to pay for cores that we don't and can't use?
Multithreading does have a lot of actual uses, it's just for shit like running simulations or rendering video, not gaming.
There are many legitimate usecases where parallelisation is very useful. Games are one of the rather few types of demanding enthusiast usage where single-core performance is what matters most. Moreover, the majority of current "demanding" games - namely, AAA slop - are generally GPU-limited so gaming CPUs don't even matter all that much.
It's really just niche autists like us that get hit by this.

And compiling, and serving multiple tasks (i.e. servers), and running multiple VMs or containers...
What are some fun things to do in ksp these days? I've been feeling stagnant for the last year or so. Every time I go to play my weekly 14 hour session, I end up doing the same thing: 4 geostationary comm satellites, a few more comm relays in solar orbit, and then a bunch of unmanned probes in planetary orbits around the other bodies in the system.
AI chips are made with hundreds of GB of HBM (high bandwidth memory) stacked on top nowadays but consoomer cpus aren't a priority for the industry because that's not where the money is. You'll probably die of old age before HBM arrives in consumer stuff.
Well, we've already had HBM in some gaming CPUs. But yeah, it probably won't go mainstream in CPUs.
That being said, is bandwidth really the problem, rather than latency? Unless you can pack all your entities into the exact update order so that prefetching always works reliably, I feel like bandwidth wouldn't be the limiting factor.
Gaming *GPUs, that is.
hate it when there's no local bakery in the area
Both + low energy. It's stacked on top of the chip just like the vcache.
anyone have the factorio blog post about some mod causing massive lag because of iirc sprite issues and the devs took the time to fix the underlying problem even though it'd probably never affect the base game?
no. nobody has it
Thank you anon
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I kind of like how walls from old fortifications look like, so I'll leave them. Also god damn they take long to deconstruct.

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