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Issue #217: Copycooze Edition

>Official Site and Discord

>Basics (Tutorial and Collection Progression)

>Collection Tracker


>What is Marvel Snap?
The GOTY CCG from the creators of Hearthstone. A deck is 12 card singleton. Players play 6 simultaneous turns to 3 lanes. Winning 2 lanes wins the match. Matches are played for ladder ranks (cosmic cubes) and players can SNAP once per match to double the stakes (max 8 cubes).
>What is a card series?
Cards unlock in a random order, but specific cards are unlocked within specific collection level (CL) ranges: Series 1 cards (CL 18-214), Series 2 (222-474), and Series 3 (474+). Series 4 (Rare) and 5 (Super Rare) drop through a 'Spotlight Cache' starting at CL500: https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches-details-drop-rates-and-card-acquisition-changes

>How can I increase my CL faster?
Upgrade every card you get to green rarity (frame break) ASAP. Spend the rest of your credits how you like.
>When should I snap?
>Whose cards reveal first?
The player who is currently winning reveals first. Otherwise at random. The player revealing first has a glowing portrait.
>What should I spend my gold on?
Variants and bundles with tokens. Mission refreshes.
>How do I recognize a bot?

>Comic Recs

Previous: >>486233807
Going to play copycat with moon girl to play 2 of her on turn 6
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Tomorrow's the big day. Place your bets, /snap/!
I only recognize three of those guys
always bet on hoog
does the third person show feet...
This one does:


/ourguy/ always tells it like it is
arishem is perfectly balanced and loki is the worst card in his own deck
Finally got infinite abusing Darkhawk. I struggled a lot playing Phoenix Force. I would get doc ock by arishem decks and insta lose. Sadge.
Doc Ock n cock is pretty fucking annoying right now

But as SD does, he will get nerfed before Arishem does
First few days of Diner will likely be a bloodbath, but afterwards you'll probably have an easier time getting bots. Someone is bound to calculate the "peak times" for such as was the case for ladder.
Provided no one manages to get the really good stuff, the devs might also ease up on the wait times or even the Bubs requirements in the last week.
I still don't understand trough if said Bubs "cap" will reduce if you happens to go down a tier or not.
From what’s been said, it’s impossible to fall down a table, but you need to get a certain number of bubs to raise your regen floor.
>Ock/Leech/High impact card on turn 4 is OP

Wow where have I heard this one before?
It's mid. I spent 3 keys to get him and I regret it.
Hard to say
Cassandra might make him better
My personal opinion is pass for now
the momemt Ajax becomes meta Luke Cage will be in every deck. plus ajax can get rogued and rogue will get the same amount of power he had
>not getting ajax with cassandra this week
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spent 4 keys, used him for a day. haven't touched the card since. the rare times that i would even consider playing him there were almost always better options/plays
ez skip
Top kek, another amazing screenshot of the kind of bot that has the perfect play to win.
(Only played selene turn 7)
No. But you wouldn’t be unhappy if you got him as a surprise spotlight drop. His art exudes a very cheerful vibe.
what was your final turn play?
Everything on the right and sif.
So fucking goddamn tired of getting BTFO by cards the opponent didn't even put in their fucking deck. It's hearthstone discover all over again.
this but cards they did put in their decks instead
how are they going to nerf the angela kitty thena trio? it's the only thing that's playable outside of arishem and you can just throw in a variety of 2 to 3 card things inside of it and it's performant all the time.
i feel kitty is lowkey the most problematic of the three, i hate it
Kill yourself
I really fucking hate when tlsg plays a wong deck.
There is no way you can tell me Arishem cards are totally random. The shit they get is just too perfect sometimes.
>Oh did you try to win the game by playing points?
>Shang Chi
Which nerf is the most fair for Arishem
>Cards cost can't decrease
>6 of the generated cards are rocks
>Starts with one card less and your max hand is 6
>Can't draw until turn 3
>Arishem takes 6 slots in deck creation
Tho realisticaly they'll just kill Coulson and make Arishem start in your hand at most until another card powercreeps him
1 hr and 30 mins left for ajax
More like GAY JACKS, amirite?
Arishem starts in hand with smaller starting hand size.
how do you avoid patching on pc? i want to coast through the ladder against bots. every time i've launched on steam recently though it forced the update
Turn off auto updates, if you see the game updating when you open steam click on it and manually stop it
I don't get the hate for ajax. I regularly get him above 20 power
He's felt nice in my toxic deck. Gives me a choice between playing Luke or not rather than just praying I draw him. Even if I have Luke, Ajax is usually not a terrible play. Of course, there's not much point in playing him in any other deck, but I feel like he does what he was built for well.
i'm not that interested in cassandra
if diner is a pain in the ass i'll just skip
Your other rewards bro?
such as
240 - 200 credits
250 - 2 Red matte borders
300 - 155 boosters
350 - Mystery variant
400 - 100 Gold
500 - Some amount of Bubs
750 - Bub refill upgrade
1k - Some amount of Bubs
1.5k - Nova base avatar
1.8k - Bub refill upgrade
2.5k - 2 Red matte borders
5k - Some amount of Bubs
7.5k - Bub refill upgrade
10k - 200 gold
15K -"Loves Dubstep" title
21k - Bub mart level up
30k - Mystery variant
40k - 300 credits
60k - Bub mart level up
100k - 3 Black matte borders
200k - Some amount of Bubs
400k - Deadpool vs Wolverine Card back
600k - Bub mart level up
1m - Premium mystery variant
2.5m - 3 Blue distressed borders
7.5m - 3 Red distressed borders
15m - Cassandra Nova Base card
30m - Bub mart level up
50m - Cassandra Nova variant avatar
100m - 3 Blue distressed borders
200m- 3 Red distressed borders
500m - Cassandra Nova variant
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This game is so easy
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I hate you.
>Living Tribunal (fucking lmao)

In that order fml
Will copycat be worth spending tokens on? I have no keys but i have the tokens.
wait until later in the week to decide that.
Wait a few days. God damn.
This shit is so hard to read wtf does this say
But it heckin quirky like le deadpool.
It’s literally just conquest
I'm honestly shaking from the first couple of games
What decks are we playing in deadpool's diner?
>first diner game ever
>first copycat game ever
>get her in my starting hand, she copies fucking DARKHAWK
>they play arishem
max bubs well earned
i don't think there's a way to know if the darkhawk i copied was a card they slotted or generated by shem
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What's a good replacement if i don't have Alioth?
Absorbing man to meme copy blob.
oh...well i guess im just done for the day...great gamemode SD...really going to keep me playing...
Don't go to a casino anon.
Renmeber to claim your bub refill upgrades on the reward ladder
>thought deadpool's diner would be a silly for fun game mode
>it's actually the most hyper competitive pay to win way to play snap
it's literally conquest with a cooldown that whales can circumvent. Its fucking stupid
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This gon be good
>skip gilgamesh, he forces himself into my collection anyway
Is Cull worth 2 keys?
what's the top version of Arishem? I just got from the tokens and I can't wait for him to get nerfed to the ground
I wanna see the shitshow.
literally nothing but negative feedback lol
I don't think people realized how p2w this garbage was going to be
Forgot screenshot
He's good but i would personally save
Tfw 2 keys, already have thanos and cull, guess i might just buy cooycat if shes proven to be great

Also won a few diner matches, felt good, got borders and shit, then lost a match and suddenly cant play it anymore, wtf is this shit? At least let me regain bubs from 0
Thanos is evergreen although he’s ass right now. Cull doesn’t even go in most zoo lists.
There hasn't been a single positive comment so far
>Pay to win mode
>Aggressive whaling encouraged
>Playing past turn 3 is suicidal
And the icing on the cake
>Arishem is tier 0 and the format rewards randomness

Perfect storm of retardation.
wong tiger niggers should hang
Just play your leech by turn 4 white boy
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shit event
how the fuck is anyone supposed to get into the millions of bubs when this shit is time gated.
holy fuck
Even outside of whaling the mode encourages playing the most shit eating, binary, deck checking decks. They keep reinforcing the aspects of the actual game I don't like

I'll say this though, copycat is fire
And your gold, chud?
Just never lose and retreat properly.

But yeah with Arishem around, its gonna be hard.
1 hour later not a single up vote lmao
I really like the vfx on the stolen card, will definitely try to get her with my next key, either copycat or thanos variant
wtf does this even mean
Diner would have seen 0 backlash if there had been an option to earn bubs for free a la proving grounds
Wonder what they were thinking
Copy cat not needing to be played to have her ability go off is actually kinda insane
i knew she was going to be good at 3/5 with her ability and not needing to be played but feels a bit TOO good, I fear she might get the nerf hammer sonner than later sadly
>180 if both snapped
>160 if only one snapped
isn't that too small a difference?
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Oh no! You're out of bubs, chud.
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data shows people played deadpool diner and didn't turn off their phone during games, so it's here to stay, it's FUN
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Deck got shuffled due to korg or subterrena and drew my copycatted shang
these absolute faggots are going to kill the game
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Hilariously, it’s also anti-streamer since one bad roll can result in them with their thumbs up their asses in front of an audience.
Unless you paid Gold to get ahead like Dera did. Then it’s Bot City.
>mostly against Arishem in the new game mode.
>Getting fucked by random bullshit.
Fuck these retarded niggers developers.
They've heard enough. Shut up and consume peasant.
man i really dont fit mobile games, wait an hour to refill or pay? no i am just going to go play another game instead.
oh fuck i completely forgot there were multiple tables
the UI really is for shit in this game
this is the first time they;ve outright time gated you from playing. it shows a shitty trend that i hope they don't lean into
8 hours to full refill :)
>shitty TIME GATED gimmick gamemode
SD bootlickers will defend this
sd thinks the correct cost to 'skip' diner and get cass nova later is 75 dollars. given the 6k token bundle available right now. therefore they expect lower than that amount of spend for the average mediocre player to get cass nova playing the game mode and buying bubs sparingly with gold.
>First game drawing copycat

I would love to skin a SD dev alive for all the grief this game causes me
You don't know how whaling works, do you?

It doesn't matter that the mode is unplayable for 90% of people. The point is to manipulate the fish brains of a subset of the population to extract thousands of dollars in gold sales by exploiting FOMO and gambling impulse control.
This mode feels like it's made to prey on me specifically
I'm someone who when I lose I immediately queue again out of sheer butthurt and I can't do it here
I've already spent 100 gold to play after a loss and I'm itching to do it again
There's a certain point where it boils over though, you can't have only whales playing the game.
with enough bots you might just be able to
That sounds dangerous. Perhaps play the other game modes to see if that’ll aid in getting that frustration out of your system.
watching dera cassandra doesn't seem that good
that said he didn't face an arishem yet oddly
just queue a different mode, friend
Having people play the game is secondary to income.
welcome to mobile games
I've been winning pretty consistently in the diner, but I'm still only at 2k bubs. How the fuck are you supposed to hit millions? I thought the stakes raised steadily, but it's still just a few hundred bubs a game at most.
buy more gold goy
are you changing tiers or are you stuck at the 80 bubs one?
Just noticed the tiers after making that post. I thought drawing of food was just to fill space.
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Spend gold
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Well looks like the mode might become playable yet
That doesn't do shit it's like proving grounds
Just make it that you can't go lower than 80 bubs
Whales will still pay to play in the big boys (bots) table
>opponent is doing darkhawk + mystique
>I have 2 blobs in hand
>the second one hits leech and doc oc
there goes 1k bubs
>we are making the grind slower
Thanks I guess.
Less than 5 hours and they already have to change it lmao
i knew i was smart to wait and see on this new mode
wait so what's in next week's spotlight beside hope and proxima
oh right
Man you absolutely should play daredevil for diner
Sorry, No new cards in the spotlight. You have to play cashgrabs diner if you want the new card. Now get spending, chud
Crunched the numbers right quick.
The goal of the very first day is to reach the 7,500 Bubs Regen Threshold.
Once you do, even if you lose everything every eight hours, you will eventually regenerate enough each day to reach each new regen floor boost.
That is until the 500,000 mark whereupon the regen boosts stop. Thats where the grind really begins. At this pace you will reach 500,000 by the beginning of the last week of the season.
The pros of getting up there early is obviously the bots you can exploit since the last week of the season will have a lot more players congested on that tier, making bots rarer.
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Deadpool's Diner? More like Arishem's Mirror
Dera has already spent over a 100 dollars in gold refreshing his bubs.
>Energy System.
>In a fucking card game.
The people who came with this idea deserve to lose their jobs.
The Arishem mirror is probably one of the most soul crushing experiences in this game. Truly atrocious.
Anyone have the bubs breakpoints? I am about to go to bed so I might as well go all out so I earn to the max while i sleep. I am sitting at 1.8k
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I'm trying to build a destroy deck. Is there any reason why I shouldn't spend my 3k tokens on Knull while I wait for Death in the freebie rotation?

I doubt he'll be in the spotlight anytime soon.
No, go right ahead
dont spend tokens on old cards
Knull is the single card in snap that has returned the MOST times in spotlights you are straight up taking tokens and burning them using them on him
Do it, you NEED him for destruction
Also you better have X-23, while not necessary playing without her is very awkward
And you're probably going to lose since everyone carries Shang Chi and anti ongoing due to Arishem

If you really want to play/build destroy, do it since he is a win condition for it. Don't regret it because tokens are really scarce in this shit game.
So, how are we enjoying Scampools Cashgrab?
I lost my first 2 games so i have to wait 8 hours to play again
its so buggy, doesn't work on pc client, works on phone, doesn't work on phone, then works on client
>haha I bet you guys can't wait for the new fun and WACKY deadpool's diner! :)
>timegated pay2play hyper competitive marvel snap
>people sweat like crazy because they spent $100 to buy in
In what world did they think people would be okay with this?
Wait can you not drop reward/rank things?
yup, once you reach the new floor you stay there
Ohh so it's not as bad as i thought it was going to be. Still a fucking grind though.
Waitasec. I screwed up. Last bub regen threshold before Cassandra basic is 600,000.
this alex coccia guy is so bad at the game. holy shit.
Thanks broham, just hit the 7.5k threshold. Going to go all in and go to bed.
with which deck?
A typical Shim, without blob since I don't have him
nerf trajectory: 3/4 then 3/3 if people are still crying enough about her
WaitAndSeeChads, we are so back!
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just lost 3000 bubs because of a three point difference
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Copycat is bad btw, they would never draw it anyway-
>All the usual snap players are playing Rivals instead LMAO
oh did that release already?
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>people are already crying over the mode being too hard
it's not too hard, it's too fucking greedy and p2w
cry me a river
it's easier than you think considering its exponential devs are probably gonna make it even easier for impatient retards like you
in 2 weeks everyone will have the card and pretend they didn't complain at all just you wait
Every single opponent plays arishem. How is this fun? Not being able to play around random undercosted cards is fucking gay.
please wait until october for the anti-ramp card
kys sd dick rider
from the day1 announcement it was obvious the mode will be ranked on steroids (whale mode added too)
and now all shitters ragepost with surprised pikachu face
of all genres you would expect ccg players would be able to read
im mostly free to play i haven't paid for season pass since Silver Surfer
dont you see you are all overreacting like wild monkeys
Can one play ranked mode during deadpool's diner event or is one forced to play deadpool's diner?
It’s not entirely right since there’s a huge gap between the 60,000 and 600,000 bun refill. The thing in between them is just a one time bub amount.
Why is there no Rivals thread anyways?
ngl the only thing i dont like from the event is that it gives 10 red matte borders and not 12
unironically kill yourself. It's been 13 months since the last game mode released, and this is what they give us? Time-gated conquest? It's showing that the game is trending in a shitty direction
uhh is this suppose to be a new game mode? it's just a 2 week event with bubs as poker chips to me (which im fine with) lol
The "new" part of it is being able to buy bubs with cash
Made it to 7.5k then of course Arishem had to stop the fun
Should've spent gold in the first hour, all the tables are infested with that cancer, I didn't see a single bot
2 weeks, if it goes well it'll be reoccuring i would imagine
Depends how much money they get from gold refills
I think it's here to stay since discord and reddit are already backtracking and calling anyone who doesn't like it a shitter
Keep licking those boots
We've discussed turning this thread into a Marvel general thread multiple times so that we can post about Rivals and other shit like Midnight Suns, but nobody can agree whether to do it or not
Problem with the game mode is that snap sells itself on being fast, fun "play a game on your bathroom break" type gameplay and while conquest failed for taking too long, diner fails because you can play 1 close game and rather than have the opportunity to claw your way back up the ladder, you're told to pay up or wait 3-8 hours

the "early game" experience is the worst part of this mode if you don't make it to like 10k bubs in a day, your ass will be waiting for bub regen or be shown the tempting little "pay gold for bubs :)))))" window
That barely ever turns out well anyway, one game usually dominates
Yeah well unless Rivals is a runaway success then it would still primarily be the /snap/ thread, just with some discussion of other games sprinkled in.
arishem loki is so fuuuuuuun to play against !
We've managed to avoid it so far, but gacha threads are taking over /vg/ so sooner or later we might have to make a Marvel general or something.
Maybe a CCG general so that LoR can come back.
A marvel general sounds aight, can talk about all the gacha games, mvc, old and new marvel games w/e
i guess if u just want to talk/complain about snap tho itd be eh
The real answer would be they just made a gacha board, but it's been years and it hasn't happened yet. Smaller threads are getting eaten up, where as if all the gacha shit was separated then they could stay around just fine.
I thought that was what /vm/ was
Generals aren't allowed on /vm/. Also not every thread that wants to have a general is a mobile game.
*not every game
We have only 404ed once and that was during a deliberate raid when some autist kept spamming new threads over and over.
It's not an issue yet. We're slower than the average thread but we don't have a problem staying alive.
It has that we get new content every week
your face is new content every week
The only reason I haven't instacopped Copycat is the Arishem infestation. There's just no point in milling that shit.
What are (You)r first impressions of her?
no idea, I spent 3 keys to get her but I don't actually plan on playing her unless she pops up in a tier 1 deck with over 200 games played in top 10% infinite
I'm betting on the chance that she'll be in a future Spotlight when Arishem falls out of the meta. Plus, I don't have Baron Zemo anyway so I'd be running sub-optimal Mill even with her.
She's great if you're not playing vs Arishem. Arishem will eventually (hopefully) get nerfed and die down a little. She'll be much better then. The fact that you don't have to play her for her to copy is great.
I got Copycat with 1 key, I really regret it, and I'm not being ironic or cheeky about this buyer's remorse that I'm genuinely feeling. Hukling, Madame Web, and Scarlet Spider are going to be busted and I don't know if I'll be able to get all 3.
Personally I'm skipping all of next month just to get the activate cards. It's a new mechanic so it'll help to get all those cards early as they'll be getting new support.
Madame Web is an ongoing card and you are legally not allowed to skip her (it's written in her effect if you read it).
If he was a 5 cost, he would OP

> Madame Web
No way she stays like that, she'll completely powercreep Jeff

>Scarlet Spider
Kino. Probably a Diners card though
I was going to get Wiggan but the amount to times i've sklipped turns on Arishem is too many, i'd probably do the same and wait for the activate cards
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Literally can't play
Can't redeem the bobmart stuff, token counters doesn't go up or down
they might be pushing updates to it right now so it's broken maybe
Deadpool's Diner Variant.
Pretty shit. Maybe they'll give us another venomized album in the future.
Also what are you guys using your borders on? I might use matte red on this dino.
Do Bubs Regens count towards the Bubs accumulation ladder?
Is Diner just full of bots right now? I've won like 8 in a row vs bots.
late night is bot primetime, farm while you can
Deadpool's Diner is a separate mode. you can still play ranked/conquest like normal during it.
>Loki gives me Blob, Arishem gives me Abs man and I draw my own Blob
>Bait out his Shang with Blob on turn 4
>Turn 5 Blob
>Turn 6 Abs Man + Shang on his Sasquatch
Arishem is so stupid. Rarely does it give me bad cards. And if it does I get Loki a lot of the time.
> Rarely does it give me bad cards. And if it does I get Loki a lot of the time.
That's the issue, but nobody seems to see it, you would notice it a LOT more when you don't have Loki to bail you out

>SD nerfs Nick Fury & Coulson and Arishem and Loki still remain free next OTA
as if this dogshit game isn't just gacha in disguise
Defs wasn't this bad at the start, now they've rugged pulled everyone
Don't worry guys card acquisition improvements are being conceptualized :^)
please understand, small indie company with an unknown ip
It's not so bad once you start getting refill upgrades from the reward track.
They did some things extremely wrong with this event though and it's unbelievable that they didn't have enough foresight to see that getting locked out for hours right at the start wouldn't go over well with people
The average player isn't going to drop 8000 gold on more gacha currency after a bad loss so scampools diner is pretty much only bots and paypigs while everyone else waits for the timegates to refresh.
>crashed out after reaching the 21,000 threshold
It’d be wiser to wait eight hours to access the higher tables again rather than immediately jump back into Taco and Pizza, yeah?
correct, the higher you go the more free wins (bots) you get
I used one on morbius
3 to go
I'm at a point in my collection where I'll go for quantity over quality, unless the new card is insane. Sitting on 11 keys right now.
This week is a bit both for me, because Copycat is a straight powercreep upon Cable (whom I already like very much, take me back to my Pool2 Dino spamming days), so she's fun for me AND strong.
I already own Thanos.
I'm also missing Cull, sadly he's mainly Thanos support, and Thanos turned out to be unbalancable with his current text, but I might just cop Cull and wait for the purple guy to be overbuffed again. Lockjaw getting his multiple triggers back is a step in the right direction, I'm just not sure if it's enough.
No, they count towards YOUR bubs to bet
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>They made round 1 for free
>This faggot shit talks people who literally couldn't play
what a tone deaf retard
What are you card back holders doing all the way down in ramen!? Have mercy!!!
Imagine how barren scampools diner would be without bots, and people are still waiting five or more minutes to get a bot match. SD is full of utter incompetents
>people actually getting scammed to pay 100 gold for like 100 bubs
wait till they find out how many bubs they can get for that gold in a week from now
It doesn't matter how much more gacha currency you can get a week from now, it's still a scam either way
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This border goes great on a lot of cards
Chucked it on my coulson for the token card spawn
What table do they start showing up. It’s been real people up to Bubble Tea at least. Haven’t seen a bot in ages despite retreating a bunch, and I find myself being matched up against the same people sometimes.
How much does cassandra cost, 300usd?
6000 Tokens in August.
If you can make it to the 600,000 Bubs Mart, you can pay around 3,500 Gold for 12,000,000 Bubs which count towards the reward track, making acquiring Cassandra much easier. If you have the gold.
dera spent $100 to get her on stream iirc
At least we have definitive proof that he's a hack.
retarded devs

fuck you ben
Copycat looks like a general good 3 cost. Probably third behind nocturne and guardian. Since I didn’t have keys for them at the time I have 11 now. Should I spin for her. I would for sure if I didn’t already have the 2 other cards.
The bubs that regenerate over time DO NOT count for the rewards, if you lose 2 times in a row you're fucked and can't make any progress for the entire day
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i love how the people that doom post and complain about the game are now bitching that stupid people are paying money to lose in another section of the game
She's amazing. a bit underwhelming right now with all the Arishems but when he starts falling out of the meta = gg

Copycat in hand = steals the bottom card text > if they ever shuffle their deck (korg, rockslide or any hammer card) the card can be shuffuled into a top deck into a deaddraw
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>Negative gold niggas are perma bricked out of Deadpools diners
I can confirm because im a negativenigga
tell me your ways, negativenigga

I too want to debtmaxx in Snap
Request a refund from google, applestore (both are usually no questions asked for the first refund, or first bulk refund), steam doesn't have it, worst case go to the bank

they refund you, you get -gold in your account, i had minus 20k gold at one stage, now im back up at -11 with all the free gold they gave
>Burn opponent's Coulson via Hotel Inferno
>Immediately plays another one generated by Arishem.
>Then plays Ench on my Ravonna.
>Well, I guess I can play hawk now.
>Arishem gives them a second Ench.
Well, there go my bubs I guess.
Worth spending 1500 gold for the 1.2k tokens? I only need 800 to grab white widow.
Ive got 2.5k bubs how about you all?
The red matte borders look like shit. Are there any cards they look good on?
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Any hero/villain that main color is red. Onslaught, Iron Man.
Looks great on my Deadpool (the Clayton Crain one), Inked with red stars

Go figure it would look good for him during his event
The distressed red border is probably going to look better on him which is why I haven't used the matte one
Never won a single game of dd. Feels good man
I'm at around 9k.
Once I switched to a clog deck I actually started winning.
It's not really my style of deck but it feels like you gotta tryhard for this mode
What happens if you haven't drew copycat yet and you play iron lad and he gets her
Manage your bubs better. Hate to shoot sd bail, but I’ve lost more than 2 times in a row and still have bubs because I’m retreating earlier than usual.
What do you think? Please read copycat. And please read Iron Lad.
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>Arishem player manages to draw stormbreaker to win the game.
Fuck me. I'm going to get an aneurysm trying to do the diner with these fucking decks.
Haven't played since hit monkey's season, is the game still fun or went the hearthstone memerng route?
100,000 but though the matte black borders are nice, almost too nice to actually use, maybe I’ll save one for Gorr if he’s any good, 15 mill seems a long way off as I’ve barely got any bot games (it’s mostly Arishem from Hot Dog to Ramen and beyond) whether it’s at the very highest table I can enter or the one just behind that. I’ve experimented with various times, but as ever, early morning is best not hours and even that might not be a guarantee; the worst is when you wait for a match for half a minute and you just wind up paired against some jackass with an Infinity border.
It's curious how matchmaking works since sometimes it matches you with a bot after barely waiting 5 seconds
I'm guessing when you get matched with a real person the matching actually happens very quickly and any time spent waiting is actually establishing a connection
i lost my bubs on a big bet in plate 4 but i had fun losing so the mode is good actually.
That’s what Scarlet Spider is for in September.
Aren't they all 5 power again?
Yes. They should all be the same power of whatever doom is at the time.
Based getting powercrept by a what 4 drop?
>Cant play any cards that go above 9 power because of Shang chi

Why is this allowed? Why do you get punished for playing the video game?
because slapping le big numbers isn't strategy
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Decide to wager all my bubs so I can force myself to break for the day.
>> Can't stop winning
>> Progress 6 tables
Why is the game like this?

Best deck in the game is a casino wtf do you mean
TLSG and Dekkster make great decks.
Alex & Cozy make great content.
Regis is okay, not a fan of how autistic he is about not using variants.
don't have that problem with my zoo deck
>oh...well i guess im just done for the day
Your bubs regenerate hourly, retard.
what the fuck is tlsg
For competitive destroy you need either Knull, Death or X-23.
Regis got Cassandra in the first hour by paying 3000+ Gold to stumble into the upper table bots:
Content creator who only plays the most toxic shit imaginable but somehow still has a reputation for being heckin wholesome
Glad to see the retards on reddit have finally realized Arishem is broken
Umm, are my bubs bugged and not regenerating? Its been way longer than 8 hours and i only have 40/240 bubs. I literally cant play the event.
>DD is le pay to play since I spent like 300 burgers and got Casandra day 1!
Sure? I went all in at like 20k bubs last night before going to bed and woke up at max regen bubs.
Dera is one of the most dense content creators snap has
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It's out
I am starting to think people that don't like DD are people that only retreat on turn 6.
All the complaints seem to be I have no bubs to play anymore!
And no I am not an SD glazer, I stopped playing for 6-8 months after HE released.
DD is mostly fine, it's just the shitters getting rattled. It should an entry level match (which they've already said they're doing) and some way to mitigate the amount of bots after a certain point.
Thought this was Persona 5 from the thumbnail
The mode is just very p2w, since if you pay you can play more agressive and climb faster.
It's also very grindy if you want every reward, since you will be going up and down plates because of normal card game RNG
How come snap is happy with a tier 0 format? I 9/10 of my games were against the same Arishem netdeck.
the devs said just slot darkhawk into your deck bro
What's planet retard like?
We've been complaining about it since Arishem released. That said even though I don't like it, I am taking advantage of the fact that playing Arishem is like playing the game on easy mode.
not even playing anymore but I doubt arishem is all that high on the broken scale, at least in comparison to some of the other things that've been around
it's just really, really easy whilst being fairly strong, so it's everywhere. same deal as release HE
there's also something to be said about degenerate play-patterns but no one seems to care about that shit, least of all the devs
desu not that mad with the diner
it just feels awful to check out streamers paying hundreds to skip to bots tables or getting pumped by simps in chat
it just shows how whale-oriented the design is
Arishem-less Loki is technically better but with Arishem the deck is just easier to play because you can be shit at the game and the opponent will still have to retreat sometimes because of either you high rolling or having no idea what the fuck is in your hand.
Does darkhawk really even counter arishem? If I play it early they shang chi or rouge it. if i play it turn 6 they alioth it.
Not really
If they draw like shit yeah
You basically need Cosmo, and since it's rare to have priority against Arishem you often have to play him early, which fucks with your other plays to a certain degree
Even then they still have Blob to make your Darkhawk smaller (although it will still probably be large enough to win a lane by himself)
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Feeling tempted
hate the face
Let's fucking goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
holy sexo
>2400 gold for spotlight variants
I keep trying to lose all my bubs so I can stop playing for the day but I literally can't stop winning.
>not enough bubs for the first table after losing to some highroll Arishem bullshit out of nowhere
Legit why isn't it just free? The difference between 8 and free is nothing.
how many bubs will you get in 8 hours at your threshold?
He’s also using his big reservoir of bubs numbering in the millions he bought with gold to harass players on the lower tables who have more to lose.
idk i only played a few minutes late last night and was getting nothing but bots until i got to ramen.
Oh wait I misread that as bots
Idk, i have the first 3 bubs refill upgrades but not the bub mart. The game doesn't tell you how many you get per hour on a refill. I guess ill check in an hour
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people do not fucking retreat at all, it's crazy how easy this mode is
Hell yeah this looks sick
just standard kitty/thena with juggernaut to help with mirror matches
You can, click the bubs next to play, you will see it on the p2w screen
Time to recklessly spend 1 key and hope to god i get Copycat
keep us posted!
Damn. Guess I can't be too mad about getting a card I didn't have. Oh well.
the button is locked for me, no idea why
Can't click it, it's locked for me
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Maybe you didn't reached the upper tiers again?
Anyway here a screen to see how it looks
Well it just refreshed for me, 938 over 8 hours is 7.5 k
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just lost 1 million bubs retreating from a match where my opponents gwenpool hit all 3 buffs onto ironman while they had 6 other cards in their hand
Alioth is an unfair card
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>-1 million bubs
I like the idea of deadpool's diner, where there's a mode you can keep playing for rewards and shit when you've done all your dailies.
But the bubs thing works against that
>hot loc
>shem meta
literally can't play the game
Play Darkhawk or Arishem
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>-1 million bubs
grinded enough to be in bot heaven
feels great
don't have darkhawk blob or mockingbird or loki
I actually like playing shem but the mirror when the opponent has one of these 4 is shit, and it is a bit braindead even without them
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>all these people freaking out on day one because they haven't finished the event reward track yet
There's plenty of time, the higher you go up the more bubs you generate automatically every hour, Don't freak out because you lost and the game is prompting you to spend gold
Thanks, Cosmo completely changed my winrate. Cosmo -> darkhawk ->mystic has won me millions of buds.
unironically the biggest thing is just knowing when to retreat, if the arishem deck hit cable into coulson on turn 2 it's probably time to dip. you'll hit the milestones eventually so just wait the 8 hour increment if you went broke
Mariaposter come get your new pixel variant.
already bought it
thanks for the last 200m brody
Keep getting fucked in the most ridiculous ways. Unironically lost to Black Bolt on Kamar Taj and Stature several times.
>Having to run Quicksilver in my Thanos deck so I can avoid Spider-Ham

PLEASE randomize the position of "starts in your hand" cards this is ridiculous
People were freaking because they lost their first game and were locked out of the event. SD probably thought they'd all fork over cash to keep playing with a smile on their face. It's actually really funny how tone deaf SD is about these things
just run Mobius for a 0/10 if its happening that often
niggas STILL playing destroy and its STILL will fuck your ass unless you draw perfectly and win the prio 20/50q
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>MFW copycat hits their knull and they help bring it up to 100 power
>didn't see a single arishem for nearly an hour

most fun I've had in snap for weeks
destroyer nimrod just took all my bubs....
Just 2 days more until new PoE league. Wish Arishem could get disabled in the new game mode, i'm just tired of seeing it.
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>play Loki
>opponent retreats so fast I don't even get to see what my cards turned into
the fuck you want us to say
Hell yeah enby pride Lokibro
Anti arishem players think they're so cool playing a 5/50 and a 3/20
Rude ass
What's everyones current bubs status? Feel like I'm really behind
I'm at 30K and feel dread before starting a game, also started quitting turn 1 against Arishem and got better progress
Considering the regenerating bubs don't count towards the rewards ladder it seems like 600k by week 2 doesn't guarantee Cassandra
Just got the 750 bubs regen upgrade.
I'm at 600k
15k. Should i be worried? I just want base Cassandra, they said in a few days then millions of bubs will feel like nothing but idk
>Everyone is playing either arishem or darkhawk
Nice meta shithead devs
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>play echo and octopus in a lane
>echo doesn't trigger from octopus pulling ongoing into the lane
400,000 on the track, just got the card back, but then I took an 80,000 hit immediately afterwards, so I'm down to like 20,000 usable bubs now. Just gotta belly crawl to 600,000 now, I guess. It's going to be interesting to see how Diner will interact with weekend Snap behaviors. Probably horribly, but one can hope.
the distressed borders look kinda ass tbqh
Ajaxbros, we won
So anyone here get cassandra yet?
>tfw no Silk or Nocturne
I feel like I literally can't play any deck because I'm always missing a key piece and keep running into full lists that fuck my ass. Holy shit I fucking hate this gamemode
1.48 million. I've been grinding A LOT, but I either play Arishem and lose every mirror, or play ThenaHawk amd get fucked in the ass because they always randomly generate some answer.
The only list with decent resulta has been HammerTime, but it has to retreat a lot due to some clunky hands.
600k just got the last regen upgrade before the cassandra unlock. Early floors went pretty fast up until the grind to 600k.

Seems like things really slow down. The jump from kebabs at 81k base stake to ice cream at 409k seems massive.
Doc Ock does not "play" cards.
Why is my bub shop locked?
>they said in a few days then millions of bubs will feel like nothing but idk
In the words of the Deadpool & Wolverine movie, that's more of an "Educated Wish". The devs are HOPING that a large enough amount of players get Cassandra so they won't have to do anything to adjust Deadpool's Diner, at least enough to offset the sheer quantity of people who were time gated at the Cereal table. Theoretically, if you get a hot run, you could snowball into getting thousands into millions of bubs in hours if not minutes; they likely have the math to prove it's possible. Of course, now the data is compromised by how some bought in and climbed way faster than expected, and how there's nothing stopping them from going into lower tables to help or hinder those there. Interestingly, a lot of content creators have been very honest about how they basically paid to get ahead with Hoogland being the only prominent one who actually got to Cassandra without spending any money.
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>Can just spend money to skip ahead of everyone and only vs bots
i bet those guys are having alot of fun
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we got new meat?
didn't jeff have a full head of hair last year? what the fuck happened to him
Dekkstar has won me this shit before.
Probably him, hoogs or regis...
All three of those girls look exactly the same
Maybe try a list without those?
>Sersi, Anni, Mockinbird.
Don't fuck him like that anon.

Nah but really, are there really full f2p players here? This game mode is not for them.
>They still haven't fixed Knull sfx.
God damnit.
I just lost all my bubs to a randomly generated galactus
Ironically, I used to run this list (minus bird) last season, but ended up dropping it since anni started feeling underpowered. Now I managed to buy Mockingbird, I'll give this one a try
Anyone noticed a surprising amount of chinese/japanese Arishemfags at this hour? I wanted some bots
Does buying bubs with Gold count towards the reward track/gauge?
yeah, it's what all the streamers were doing to get into bot brackets and get her day 1
Ok. Thank you. I was watching a clip of Dera whaling in Diner and his meter seemed to increase with each click but I just wanted to be sure. I just got up to 60K, and damn is that a huge gap between it and 600K. I know the meter says 1w5d, but in case that’s not enough time; and I hope it is, as I’m saving my gold for that comic cover Absorbing Man, I just want to be aware of all possible options.
Yes, I am an f2p
Been playing this game since Wakanda season
I'm the person you responded to and I mean I'm sorta F2P. The last BP I bought was Hope and I'm pretty selective about what I pull for. I pulled for Mockingbird because I wanted to run her in SHIELD decks and then she ended up being stupid good. Annihilus I've had forever and Sersi I pulled for because she looked fun, got her in 1 pull too so I got lucky.
You could probably get away with running Viper over Sersi now that she got buffed and maybe a Goblin over mockingbird, but you do NEED Annihilus.
>Copycat makes a sound when she's drawn by the opponent
Wow. That kinda hurts her. It's more subtle than Red Hulk but attentive players will know you've drawn her.
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What? Haha, this game always soo damn greedy, so shit. I lost last turn due to an error that couldn't get me back into the game, now I see that to participate I need to pay.
I play this game on mute most of the time lol
didn't grind too much i prefer going for max table possible and folding as soon as i see 50/50 or worse situation
playing hazmat ajax also helps to catch netdeckers offguard
The black matte borders look like ass. I seriously hope no one was dumb enough to buy the bundle lmao
post deck
You need to buy him dinner first.
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I fucking love her bros
People with high points aren't "good" they just paid attention to this shit event. I lost all my points literally skipping turn 7 thinking it was turn 6. I had a lot of point without even trying.
Our resident whale did
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I love her this much bros...
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good grief
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have just reached 1M with it
I never lost to that deck.
This mode is the same as the main game: Just know when to retreat. The difference here is that if you accidently lose due to neglecting the game while doing something else or something else happens, you're timegated and need to wait. Nobody at this point care about Snap, so almost everyone just do dailies while playing on the side and fuck off.
... that is a netdeck, just saying
At what point does a deck stop being a netdeck and turn into a homebrew? 4 card difference?
1 card diff bro!
oh im in the top 150
probably dropping fast since in never playing it again
I'm being serious, actually. Snap decks are only 12 cards. Even when you're trying to do something different a lot of decks end up looking homogeneous.
These guys singlehandedly keeping snap funded.
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just realized how hard Cassandra fucks cerebro
made it to 600k, that's enough for tonight
Rest well. That looks like a tiring ascent.
didn't really do the math on anything, I just go play on plates I have like 4x the bubs for which I think just means I go down a plate on a bad retreat or something
It’s pretty good. Almost lost 80k to it. Only won because I recognized the Viper play from having played the Red Hulk version of clog, had a favorable third location, and slowed them down with Widow. Shang, Hazmat, and Titania would be a pretty mad turn 7 play.
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Forgot the pic.
It's funny how this archetype doesn't even exist on untapped
The site has become total garbage since they started paywalling higher rank stats
guys I just bought a subscription to untapped premium+ and instantly got cassandra nova, highly recommend!
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How's everyone's diner going? I just got NOIR punisher from this shit. rewarded for being a chad I guess.
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its funny how arishem niggers play 4-6 original deck cards and 2-3 generated by arishem
I've just lost all bubs to two arishems with full hand loki and two arishems stealing my magneto with copycat
will they ever address this bs generation?
Patch and OTA next week
In all my fights against arishem, the times I didn't got Dr Ock at turn 4 are rare as fuck.
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>have Ajax on the board
>opponent plays Copycat who stole my Hazmat on the final turn, losing him the game
Why did he do it bros
I got to 65k, got this Blade which is pretty good. I'm dead tired though since it's 3 am so I just let some random Arishem shitter have my bubs so I can go to sleep.
I wouldn't be surprised if the RNG is weighted to give you your own cards more often than the random cards. They probably made it like that so it doesn't feel as shitty and random to play than if it was truly random and you went through stretches of not drawing any of your own cards.
They've already admitted to artificially influencing RNG to make it less random before. Like Nick Cage is less likely to give you Agatha and Scarlet Witch is less likely to give you ego or worldship. They said they did that because it would feel shitty to get those bad draws. They have to be doing the same shit with Arishem.
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Yea the 600k bubs upgrade gives alot of bubs per hour
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*Nick Fury
lmao idk why I typed in Nick Cage.
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Pretty good
Bretty bretty good
Shame about the card tho
Yeah, but if there's any time to use its now, since Ongoing is meta as fuck.

Still, there's better options and she's still hard to use.
This is now worse than the lockdown thanos meta
Kill Loki
Kill Arishem
Kill clog
Kill Darkhawk
meta = good
first game of diner went all in as I had what I perceived as an unbeatable hand. Opponent had copycat, stole my shadow king and used it against my ebony blade kek. see you all in 8 hours.
She's amazing bros......
She may very well be but it's still shit design
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The mentally ill may cure Deadpool’s Diner.
Half the cards in this game are shit design. Seriously.
She's the best 3 cost in the game, overtaking Nocturne & Red guard now
What about Cnova? I feel like that bitch is on crack also.
I feel like she's not going to be too good until they nerf Arishem.
Until then Nocturne is preferable against all the Doc Ocks
Not even close. This meta is fine but we have reached a point where things are getting stale. This meta is solved, that's the issue. We need nerfs and buffs to shake things up.
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What are the most toxic tables in Deadpool’s Diner?
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Cull shitter here i come
the 40k and 80k easily, it's the biggest hurdle to reach 400k+ tables
i no longer understand what "neurodivergent" is supposed to mean.
Anyone with a brain disorder
Originally a euphemism for autism, now it's just anyone who doesn't think like 'normal' people
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nu-speak for retarded
If you think this meta is fine then you are just a shitter
Still at 100k...
how do you mange that??? my hourly regen is only 75k
Is this the least skill dependent the game has ever been? Seems like they keep adding RNG card after RNG card
Your rng skill bro?
Made it to 600k, some advice
The exponential groth stops at 80k due to the 4x requirement of the next tables, once you make it here start going all in at the higher table exclusively , playing safe gives you little bubs from here on
Also 80k is probably the worst table rn, clogged with Arishem and tryhards
Had a good first day of diner but yesterday I got locked out in literally 2 games
It's sweaty as fuck and full of emoters, during the most shitass meta ever
Good thing i'm not interested in cassandra, i hope they never do this again
Yeah. That’s the next trap. And Ice Cream’s gonna get real bad next week once more people get there.
Huh? What kind of reply is that lmao what do you even mean
how did you get 100k bubs regen per hour? my own hourly regen of bubs is only 75k
He probably meant total.
the webshop added a new weekly gift feature.
you're going to get the boosters
I don't watch them, aside from Regis to see how a card works sometimes
Who do I vote for the variant?
Every fucking game is just Arishem after Arishem
I vote for Regis but I know he's gonna lose, I like the dude more than the rest so
I think Hoogland is probably the best player taking part but he is also known for choking whenever in a tournament
I'm not gonna get the free Cassandra bros :(
game should be more random
people complaining about arishem being rng are morons, his problem is that he's too damn consistent and you always see the same uncounterable plays from him
The best decks in each meta just autopilot flowchart curves
The combined randomness of draws and locations is not enough to offset netdecking sameness and meta slaving
that and some cards that you see in every deck are just generally too good in most situations
>get Subterranea turn 1
>I draw 4 rocks in a row, totally fucking over any chance I have
>opponent draws none
What are the statistic odds of this happening?
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i'm not going to make it to the free card lads...
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Kind of a muted vibe on the border but pretty cool with inked
Reminder to emote and mute Arishem players
I mute everyone bro, in fact, don't talk to me
Found a nip gatekeeping the 80k table with a Cassandra deck, emoted a lot and shit
Sweetest win yet
Man, the lack of any queue between 400k and 2 mil is fucking painful.
and fucking borders as a reward for 7.5M
Just hit the 60k regen. Will I make it bros?
She was never going to be free. The ones who have Cassandra now all paid big money to get the card, with some going as high as the triple digits. Even if we had the whole month, 15 million is an insane ask with how widely spaced the tables and regen tiers get.
i'm so glad it wasn't copycat locked up behind this shit
Diner is garbage in the current meta game
loving the turn 4 doc ocks every other game
I got hit with a t3 doc ock because he was randomly generated and they had quinjet down kek
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Welp, time to stop.
I'm CL 1751 and i either get bots or the same 5 arishem niggers. I memorised their nick names already.
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Forgot pic. I play destroy slop without death and nico. If i don't draw deadpool im pretty much fucked and i autoconcede.
got these two
I can understand Nico because you dont have but without death it's rough.
I've been farming the same arishem nigger bots.
Forgot pic. There is also other arishem bots but i didn't get any pics. I see them since morning,
Nice Sabretooth
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Just be low CL anon
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These two. Like the Klaw but prefer base Zola more.
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Sorry for spamming the thread, but i think i've reached the bot heaven.
I think players are just more spread out now since my C5 is tearing things up and I'm only at 25k.
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Low CL destrioy slop anon here. Just got her, i don't think im gonna grind further.
2m off Cass. Will get her tomorrow if I can stomach another hour of the game.
Maybe dumb question but if you buy bubs does that just go to your amount to bet, or does it increase your reward track amount?

Also how the fuck do so many of you have millions of bubs already? I have 200K lol
Bought bubs count toward the reward track
Regenerated bubs don't
another winner for hipp. looks great.
Why isn't this in the peach momoko album?
It will be in a different Peach Momoko album
Look at this cutie
>opponent clogs himself with hydrabob
>cant snap back cause he will move
interesting dynamic
Anybody else just instantly retreat if opponent is Arishem?
The real problem with this mode is that Arishem is everywhere. And Arishem is very fucking random so you can legit just lose out of nowhere when you were winning normally.
It makes for a very unfun experience.
started doing that today yeah
i played some arishem when it came out and it does feel nice to play, but you're a sociopath if you're running lokishem right now, like what do you even want out of this game, it's completely braindead
You have to if you want to climb.
Only if they drop quinjet on t1
>quinjet on 1
>coulson on 2

>grandmaster iron fist
>it doesn't retrigger his on reveal
Arishem generated turn 4 Galactus just took all my bubs kek
arishem randomness is the least of this meta's issues
his consistency of drawing the "only top players win with this" list that you slotted on top of the energy cheat is what makes it broken
It's crazy that they progressively introduced max energy cheat cards, saw they were both busted, and decided to greenlight arishem
>one or two wins away from cass
>cba to go on the game to even attempt them as it will just be arishem matchups
holy shit destroy is a garbage deck
oh yeah, destroy buffs when
jokes aside, shouldn't it do well right now? Counters loki and clog and can outpower arishem and thena kitty
Loki counters destroy, anon
The dyslexic activist
average hoogland viewer
literally only if loki manages to get knull and is ahead everywhere. not ever destroy deck plays knull. the destroy enablers are bad cards for a loki board state.
Literally everybody has known that Loki counters destroy since a day after his release. He can also steal death. You're telling on yourself by saying destroy is good into him and you won't be allowed in the clan.
who's every" destroy has been a meta deck in several metas where loki was popular. it even managed to be a meta deck in the tail end of the mobius meta. and that's jsut stock destroy. nimrod and deathjunk have always been good into loki. and hell stock destroy is good NOW.
You're telling on yourself again. Just stop while you're behind.
i've been following the stats for over a yhear. destory has been far more consistently good than loki itself. loki only kinda kept down silky smooth and thanos in specific metas. and thanos had the better states every month after january.
You're talking out of your ass anon
>play darkhawk and cassandra to counter arishem
>they shang my cassandra followed by leech and rogue against hawk

Great counter deck guys!
>more Elektra variants
Just buff that bitch already
even at 1/3 i dont know if you're playing her.
even kmbest the guy known for his obsessive loki videos has been saying loki hasn't been a problem at any point in 2024. it's heyday was long gone before arishem.
Looks like a boy
You got some fat tittied boys where you live
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Holy shit I shouldn't have neglected this deck, I used to love it a couple of seasons ago, this Cassandra goes to you anon
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She does not. She is a woman, a very beautiful woman.
First break. Lucky?
That's beautiful. Fuck you.
Should I make the border infinity or keep it as is?
Infinity for sure. Maybe purple cosmic when that releases.
I'm gonna have fun with this card
I'm trapped between having none of the good old cards and not all of the new good cards
lost all my bubs to cable
love that guy
>Lose 1.2m bub game to 3 power difference
>Game exits to a full black screen
Yeah. about right.
Hope you randomly generated two extra Shang Chis :)
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>Arishem player plays Shang + Quinjetted Absorbing Man on last turn
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>copycat steals magneto and she brings over 13 power worth of cards into bar with no name
Oh, you're a 24 card deck that played quinjet on one?
Enjoy your 80 bubs, faggot
>Stuck at Icecream.
Well fuck this gonna be hard.
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Maybe if you're a literal retard with no brain, it's braindead easy and only LOOKS intimidating, im a low infinite shitter who caps out at 6.5k snap points and never win inf conquest and im already there, once you get 600k regen by spamming the 20k table its brain dead easy and you can yolo 3 times and get 15 mil

it exponentially gets so much quicker as long as you don't go full retard and always play the highest table you can, 2 below is fine

i literally cant spend gold btw because im -11k gold in my account KEK
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£0 and hated every second of it
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>The only reason bots exist in Deadpools diner is so that whales can actually play games when they skip 12 tables
Bravo SD
Why do people pretend Nova is a counter card to Arishem?
because if you draw it by turn 3 it's like a 3/18 or something. and the rest of their deck is weaker.
It would be stronger if it capped out as a 3/9 as every Arishem deck runs Shang and they can just Loki away the cards they don't want anyways
Brah she is like a 3 cost pre nerf blob>>487636174
Why are you shortening Cassandra Nova to Nova when there's already a card called Nova in the game? Call her Cassandra or Cass
Good point
7 Arishem in a row
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I regret not getting sersi desu
isnt sersi's output incredibly bad compared to any good card that scales
Sersi is garbage
Arishem also overshadows how a lot of the meta before him is still overtuned.
kill yourself
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Diner would've been less awful if Hydra Bob had been the prize. A new card, but a "joke" rare. Also his effect ties into the auto snapping feature of the mode.
Hydra Bob doesn't move on autosnaps
>t. C5poster
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Do variants from season passes eventually come into the shop? Asking because I want this Wolvie variant
No. At least not yet, they said spotlight variants would never return but they eventually did.
I pray to christ that the guy who just played a 56 power Red Skull knowingly losing both other locations instead of giving me progress on force concede and win all 3 locations missions was a bot and not an actual living breathing retard.
I got old teacher Agatha, which I’d wanted to buy from the shop for quite a while before the album system made it nearly impossible. So even if I don’t get Cassandra Nova, at least I’ll have that.
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>Darkhawk in every deck to feast on arishem
>Even Arishem runs a darkhawk for other arishems
I hope to god they gut darkhawk next update because hes in literally every game along with shang
Got everything from the diner. Time to never touch that mode again
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>MFW copycat deletes the text from the card she steals from and putting rocks into their deck shuffles it so they can draw into the dead card
She will be busted in a no arishem meta
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>rescues us from Doc Ock
holy based
Kill yourself faggot what is wrong with you
Really? That’s super lame.
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>Its ok that darkhawk is the real meta while everyone complains about arishem
Shit bait.
its the fact that arishem can have two shangs that's the problem actually.
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>He can have 3 with copycat
Man I'm level 200 something I have no idea what the fuck an arishem is and I'm kinda glad I don't
cherish your innocence while it lasts
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Which one? I already have Cosmic Red on her
didn't mean to reply
It's alright. By the time you get to the CL where you'll run into him he'll have been nerfed.
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I like the middle one but cosmic looks better with the stardust
The mattes are nice and subtle in game, i love them
Yeah, I mean I guess they're "free" so I'll use red matte and try for a better inked split.
@ 8mil / 15mil

probably get cass in a few days, or tomorrow if im lucky spamming 400k tables, 500mil sounds a bit far fetched tho..
Yea 500m seems like a lot of work but that variant does look good
Im on 4 million 10kcl, mostly zoo with Gilgamesh i bought with tokens
It felt pretty awful to play. i had to retreat like
80% of the games whenever i faced Arishem

What are you guys playing? i came back to the game last month, and i am missing meta cards like Arishem, the bird, and the thena package
Depends what you have and what you like playing, combo decks are pretty good, destroy is good, clog is really really good

Having move cards like Jeff, Nocturne & Vision for the Ock is really good, Dark Hawk & Mystique out right just wins majority of the time

Smart retreating is also a must, if they have coulson and loki by 3, get outta there
Game has now surpassed Hearthstone as most RNG ccg. What a sad showing by SD.
snap had more toxic rng than hearthstone from the start because of locations, second dinner never curating locations is literally the worst thing about this game other than the desperation for money
3 minute matches of SNAP gets me so toxic man. beating certain cards makes me feel so good and into emote spamming

fuck darkhawk players
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I'll just stick every tech card in the game into my heckin kewl deck and win!
At least snap doesn't have "you lose because your opponent won the go first coin flip and gets to play their 1 mana 3/3 with upside and snowball you with removal attached to minions."
>Playing ongoings and cost reductions
you issue..
Yes I should just never play any card over 10 power, no ongoings and no cost reductions. Sounds like fun.
I want Arishem nerfed so I can play mill again.
Legit the second most broken card they've ever released and it managed to avoid the ota nerf because of the normies on reddit crying.
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Take care yall, it was real.
What made you do that?
just don't let FOMO get to you to play it again
They did curate locations. Some have been outright removed from the game, they get reworked and tweaked in balance patches and we just had a patch like last month that changed the appearance rates of various locations in response to destroy having a million locations that benefit them.
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>average darkkek player
You're going to miss out on activate and clans bro.
There was a period a few months ago where no decks were playing tech and every game went to turn 7 without shangers, so it turned into a wong fest

that was fun
Namora is suffering for Arishem's sin.
For those who have reached 600k, what’s the table wisdom if I manage to get to that level?
Is it still wise to just engage with the table below your maximum (I hope not, Kebabs is awful so far), or should I just gamble and bail on Ice Cream every hour until I win big on it?
Pretty much only 80k and 400k, never 2mil and just farm, close to 15mil now for me
>or should I just gamble and bail on Ice Cream every hour until I win big on it?
1 all in loss in icecream just kinda fucks you if you like just casually playing, just keep it at kebabs and farm up
how do you usually play the deck? Everytime I do that I either lose or get fucked
Ahhhhhhhhhh darn. Thank you. Will do. I guess if I win Kebabs a bunch each day, I can make it. Did a bit of math under that assumption. If I manage to get there with 10 days to spare this weekend, I can get by with winning kebabs around 29 times a day if I win 50k bubs on average on that table.
no wisdom I play 400K tables until I bum
which is inevitable
last time arishem braindead nigger loki'd t5 full hand of my tech cards and topdecked exactly blob to win the game
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>spend the last 2 turns with a completely clogged board
>still win
It's so over for Arishem
diner late night is a lot easier
agreed. I woke up at 3am last night and played 8 games in a fuckin daze, got 3 bots and won all my games. Got like 4million bubs

and you know what? i didnt evne play well.
once you get to 75k refresh/hour you let it refill to the 600k refill cap at which point you keep betting as high as possible retreating before the first auto-snap if you don't have the nuts; this ensures your climb is exponential and that you get cassandra nova in only a few days or maybe 4 or 5 if your luck is terrible
to clarify: what makes this the most time-efficient method is the fact that the reward track cannot lose progress
I wonder if it’s by region or if there’s a magic 3AM at a certain time zone where there are more bots.
So even if you wind up retreating a couple of times, it’s best to wait an hour for the Bubs to refill back to 600,000 and try again for Ice Cream rather than engage with Kebabs or Steak?
in terms of time spent actually playing, yes; however you can also just keep playing down the tiers if you keep losing (more time spent playing but you can continue to make reward track progress)
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another anon, I personally suggest to try Ice-Cream only when you have double the amount of it, worst case you can retreat and only lose 50k at turn 3 than 400k for example and you can still try a couple of times before it might be worth the risk.
Nevermind that, I fucking cruisied trought that shit and won a lot of games, even if some had very close calls.
I'm sorry that I'm been using clog but fuck that goddamn
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Seems to be a copy cat bug rn. I didn't play copycat and as far as I can tell was not in this game, so how is Ebony Maw copycat'd
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>copycat steals my shang and he double shangs me
It's perfectly reasonable that he have her on hand, the steal effect happens when copycat get drawn, not when played.
That's why I consider her a must have card, she do something even if she's not played.
OHhhhh. WHat the fuck thats crazy...

Now it makes sense why they always land insane ones, because they wouldnt play it otherwise.
In case he got fucked because why the fuck would you play a 3/5 on going: can't play cards at this location
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Fucking gottem
>had the alliance create screen pop up out of nowhere
even the game wants me to be the one to make
Lisan al Gaib...
Also if you ever happen to hear the "silenced" sound effect but you don't her on hand, it's 100% absolutely certain that one of your card has been copycat'd
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FOUR blobbas, courtesy of COPYCAT!
Is Cassandra still going to be on next week's spotlight rotation?
Nico - Hope - Midnight, rerun week
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I had Copycat over Quake and she was good but I found that was really too many 3 drops..
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>Blob was changed because of mystique combo in a 24 card deck
>I am lucky to draw darkhawk and mystique together once in ten games in a 12 card deck
Just play around the nocturne moving right and transforming the location into bar with no name lol!!!!
>-400k bubs
i lost a diner's game because of my opponent's nocturne changing the right location to danger room and it killing my iron man copied mystique, nocturne should be a 3/4
They have expressed before that she was getting played more than they would like, it's possible she gets nerfed in some way
Anyone else losing a lot? i have tried bounce, zoo, phoenix force, thor lockjaw and nothing seems to be working for me honestly im losing confidence in myself

No matter what I play I just lose against players. Bots are easy wins tho. I am on 5 million points.
t.arishem player
Try Clog, it carried me way more than I hate to admit.
What the fuck is the point of me playing when all I face is bots?
This bot cost me 20minutes in fucking silver 1.
Pulled mmm out of great web I filled on purpose to the left, pulls it back to the middle. Mlwrb then pulls the only card to lose me the round, shehulk.

Final game was a 50/50.
I can't even bother finishing missions, game is just so fucking dead it's depressing and sd is doing it on purpose.
Can someone tell me how it works?
>t1 iron fist left
>t2 gm left, iron fist goes middle
>t3 vulture mid, doesn't move
is it something dumb like iron fist made gm move twice?
Rank these 4 cards in order of importance to get with 7 keys currently, right now I'm thinking

Hope, Red Hulk, Jeff, and finally Copycat

I guess if I'm trying to build a Thena deck mainly then Jeff 2nd. Where would you slot Copycat?
Clog is my best deck too. Can you share code?
I'm just using this one >>487518018
I do have cannonball but eh, it's difficult to plan that shit, especially if they don't have their lane full
everyone is ranking up in deadpools diner of course conquest would be dead
it's pretty close
i'd say hope is the most situational of the 4 so i'd put her last
then copycat 3rd cause it relies on rng
red hulk 2nd as he's generally busted
jeff 1st actually because he isn't tied to conditions like the rest and can win games at 2 cost, but he might be powercrept by spider season
I am missing Mockingbird and Sersi from that list. Without those, the deck doesn't function.
meant for >>487712569
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Horrifying that this is the best “Collector” Bundle there’s ever been.
And I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they're selling it while there's a very gold hungry event going on
I never complain about their bundles cause it boggles my mind how anyone could actually decide to buy them
It's so comically expensive for the shit it is
>Nocturne leaps and turn location to slokavia removing the one card i needed to cement the game
Whats next a jeff that has shangs destroy ability attached that activates when it moves?
... i bought this cuz i need to catch up. guess im a whale.
deserved for slotting "i win cards"
imagine malding over noct when they released copycat who doesn't give any clue about opponent even having her in the deck
so they can have 3/5 darkhawk or 3/5 ironman or 3/5 doom and catch you off-guard stealing all cubes due to LOLSORANDOM
You know that's has been stolen trough, the game does give you an hint that something was stolen.
Too bad that said hint is awful
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>playing cassandra multiple times on lukes bar
now that is cancer
how does it hint?
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Forgive me AnniHawk, you didn't deserve to be forgotten. Maximum effort at 1am was an absolute breeze
You know the sound of Leech when it kills your on-reveal card? It does that "THUK" sound when the card has been hit.
When She get draw, she does the same thing and you can hear it pop. The issue is you don't know which was affected but it's 100% accurate.
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average turn 3 for arishem 'players'
my nigga playing in the desert
Won't hate or belittle you for it. Most of the bundles before this one have been pretty bad, boosting its value in the eye. There's an oddly classist tone to this season, creating the paradoxical notion that you need to spend money on lavish things so as not to feel poor or behind. And the "Bubs Mart" adds an extra but ultimately ephemeral extra usage for gold. It's undoubtedly tempting, a shimmering product that makes one recoil with its price while making them wonder but for the grace of God.
It's my new oled monitor, the screenshots are mad bright for some reason
just lost 200m bubs ama
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Ouch, what were you up against?
Bounce. Miscounted by 1 in their ironman lane when I dropped Usagent into it.
Copycat is good, but not as good as I expected. Sure she occasionally copies a good 5/6 drop's abilities, but most of the time she copies an "alright" ability from a card they weren't going to draw anyway. Even when you copy something crucial to their deck, they weren't going to get it anyways so you'd probably win without her.
I meant the Thena/Hawk list not bounce
Was it Arishem?
I've seen it used with baron zemo, which makes no sense to me because you're going to copy a card and then pull it out with no abilities.
I had to take a piss real bad. so i hit retreat in deadpool's diner while the turn was playing out, then closed the game. Now that i opened it up again i didn't lose any bubs. wtf
They can draw the dead card if you shuffle their deck with a rock after you draw copycat
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Is the strat for diner to play on the table below the highest one you can play at?
DD's bugged as hell
Some people say you have to restart to claim rewards, also you apparently can lose all your bubs due to internet issues when waiting for a game
And once I played on pc, went from 600k to 200k
20 hours later I played on mobile and the counter still showed 200 bubs so I had to play kebab since the 400k tables was blocked, after winning that game I went to 900 bubs (and lost them to Arishem)
The game has a hard time synchronizing bubs between platforms, but rebooting usually fixes it
The strat is keep playing in safe tables
Retreat at max turn 4 in highest table if you got a shit hand, turn 2 if opponent plays Arishem and you don't
This dude playing C5 in diner and i fucking lost to it
Didn't mean to reply
Noir Album WHEN
>try to play literally any other deck than Arishem in diner
>get shit on
Fun game mode.
your deck should contain darkhawk in diner. it's just how it is.
this twitch event is so boring, they are all just farming bots for points, how is that fun? I dont think there should be bots at all I play card games for the player vs player decisions, not winning 1million bazinga coins from a bot who just plays a 1 drop on turn 6.
Idk why they didn't just do it in a conquest format instead of this boring shit
Is it even worth my time to start playing this bub shit?
Yes retard. The rewards are good. Gold, credits, cosmetic stuff and a free new card.
Is it stuff that I'll actually use though? Gold is fine but I already struggle to stay under 10k credits and if the cosmetics and card aren't usable why bother?
>mockingbird still hasn't appeared in my shop after a whole month
Ben Brode, you fucking wanker
then just uninstall the game or something if you don't want to play it then weirdo faggot
I've been glancing at that streamer competition going on, and are they all just playing against bots?
the fuck kinda event is this
I don't mind playing the normal game, but everyone says the new bub promo mode is shit and they don't enjoy it, so why should I force myself to play it and be miserable like they are? Does playing with Cassandra Nova somehow justify it?
I have 2m bubs
Am i going to get cassandra?
This looks like shit, they could have come up with something better.
no :(
i dont know deathpool lore, is he mentally a child or something
but it's le quirky and ironic, it's supposed to be bad
deadpool is a silly chungus after all
bro there's like a week left, yes
that's just how this event works in high ladder, and Dera just lost to a bot, most likely costing him 1st place
SD underestimated how bad i am at this game
And holy shit i hate Arishem they quinjet in their opening hand and two shangs every fucking game
It's free to do and you get rewards for it.
If you don't care about Cassandra just play it casually and get what you can
But it's shit though?
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deadpool was tortured by weapon x until he went mentally ill, which manifests as 4th wall breaking somehow.

DEATHPOOL is his daughter by Death from that other marvel mobile slop
It's not that bad,. Just retreat vs Arishem or play Arishem yourself. Retreat if you're losing by turn 4.
Also if you play at like 3 am then it's nothing but bots for easy clmbinbg
His entire body is full of cancer which fucks with his brain
Secret government operations gave him a healing factor that's better than even Wolverine's, which keeps his cancer at bay, and that's essentially his only power
well for a while he also had true immortality from some then-obscure lore that thanos cursed him to never die and unite with death so he would regenerate even if completely vaporized.
Another easy W from conquerors. Any of you end up NOT voting for Hoogland for some reason?
i didn't vote, can i still vote or nah?
No, the event is over now.
damn, i was going to vote dekkstar anyways
So, what happens if I don´t get Cassandra in the cancer mode? Did they announce a way to get the card after the event ends?
She's in a spotlight iirc
>Conquerors event was just people vsing bots the entire time
Such amazing gameplay. Bravo SD another successful event
this deck lost me 2 games vs arishem
sounds like cassandra killed the deck
it was an event by nuverse actually
Than you! Just checked it out, she´s coming in the next week´s spotlight, thank god there´s no reason to keep playing that awful mode anymore
My bad
How come they've been saying they don't want to make junk and clog too prevalent for months and it always gets to be meta by some fucked up ways
>oh nice my bubs recharged
>immediately lose them
i'm struggling big time bros
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Stick to tables that you will only lose half of your bubs if you get blown out so you can keep playing. Only go to the big table when your going to stop playing for the day so they can recharge next time your on. treat the first 4 turns as a mulligan, If locations or draws suck and opponent is cooking it might be time to retreat.
shes not going into spotlights/token shop for a few weeks
nico is replacing her in the cache next spotlight
She isn't coming in a spotlight
She'll be available for tokens a couple weeks after the event ends
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Oh.... welp, time to diner
what an absolute trooper, my heart goes out to them
your retreat button bro?
large number of gold bundles next month. probably trying to take advantage of all the people who spent gold in diner.
Man you really can't snap in Diner
People retreat immediately
Some guy with the cassandra variant avatar just donated me 2m points. Bless his heart.
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Sersi saving my day by transforming Anni into Alioth.
I should feel disgusted but honestly, fuck this deck as well.
And I got a winstreak after, finally I can just chilll.
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Halfway through. I spammed the kebeb.
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Please someone post a good deck to play against this arishem diner bogaloo (no cassandra)


do it quickly before it gets patched
How do I know what # match I'm on? Does it just automatically give me a bot if I retreat 9 times in a row? I'm about to exploit the shit out of this holy fuck
The poster says default avatar/card back is the biggest tell

>How do I know what # match I'm on?
keep count kek
i don't think anyone has ever had a hard time spotting pity bots. they play worse than random it's been shown that they will go out of their way to lose if you make a terrible turn 6 play. as well as everyone getting experience agaisnt that type of bot when first starting out.
Does it matter what table you retreat at? Or just any one?
>play tribunal
bots dont have jeff
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got cass today with this one
well i did it again, got a bot and then fucking ego was a location so this game just legitimately hates me and wants me to lose
So this is why everyone is retreating turn 1 against me
there's a ton of reasons a bot can get a random card. and jeff is old as fuck now. even though most bots play decks from 2022 the devs say they're always adding new ones.
+8mil over 3 bots, not bad
Does the retreating reset if the opponent retreats turn 1 on me?
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Doesn't seem like it, my last 2 matches were bots, first lost to the bot was dumb shit draws via arishem
but then it gave me another bot in response
What deck should i use for this? The redditor said tribunal but that's not very reliable if you don't draw what you need
They're pity bots, they will actively try to lose
You have to draw absolutely awful to lose to them.
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Time for the bimonthly Jeff split
Let's see what I get
Which i am. I've gotten the bots only to not draw a keycard like Ironman or Tribunal himself
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It's mid
But how do I know what number match im on…? I havent been counting.
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can confirm it works, just hit the 15m for cass using this method and tribunal:
ravonna renslayer
super skrull
iron lad
iron man
blue marvel
the living tribunal
thanks anon i just got the 15 million
fuck this game mode second dinner can suck my dick

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