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Previous: >>487244445

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

liz sex
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Me too, Merlina.
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let her cook
good night bros
I ship Eric Bloodaxe and the poster below this post
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For me, it's Draco
goon night angry miyu molester
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Cute boys? Why do you need others when you've got this guy right here???
Is Ambatukam /alter/core?
Iori is MUCH cuter than Fujimaru
So many whores in Chaldea and he's still a virgin
you mean he's a loyal chad saving himself for Mash
i want to molest Miyu while she is happy about it
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Fou fou
bros, how do we feel?
terrible tbhdesu
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Is this history's oldest Redman?
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Would you buy this shirt?
I feel alive
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I laughed, something is funny about how it's just his shimousa sprite

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molested by Shirou
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Is that...
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1 day and 17 hours until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:

Skadi was really cute in today's story chapter! Thankyu for making captions for her.
I gooned for 3 hours straight to furry porn and now my dick feels like its going to fall off.
>gooned for 3 hours straight
rookie hours
LB7 soon right?
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>1 day and 17 hours
so close...
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I love this expression.
Ibuki is a pretty good support for Arc.
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I want to protect Skadi's smile...
Chaldea is a girl only zone. Merlin is welcome due to now being in compliance, but will have to go disappointed. Unless she likes the drivers or the homo, I guess.
Frieren Alter in FGO!?!?!
And Arc is an okay support for Ibuki.
>4 years later they still try to milk summer 3
Still flops
>5 years later they redo summer 3 with "popular" characters
Still flops
>6 years later they just rerun summer 3
Still flops
>Lv. 90
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Imagine the doujins though.
Use my Arc, she is level 100 and has Bazett CE but only NP1...
SSR Kyoukutei Bakin
SR Boudica
SR Atalante
SSR Britomart
SR Asagami Fujino
SR Daikokuten
Would you like this summer lineup?
Post the other one.
Yes, this would be based summer
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my first thought too kek
SSR Artoria Caster
SR Suzuka Gozen
SR Illya reskin
SSR Melusine
SR Baobhan Sith
SR Barghest
Would you like this summer lineup?
>mfw I made a "slightly" political post recently
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I think I need a visual representation of Ibuki in Shuten's outfit...
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>SR Illya reskin
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sounds like a flop summer, but maybe if they put in work on the male costume side (maybe 2 more than normal and one very popular male servant gets 2 perhaps?) it might have some chops
It's over
cute anytime
stop winking at me
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Dump it.
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For me, it's Cummer
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Ok, fuck it, I'm just going to read this on Atlas. Fucking hate VN style and this slop can't hold me much longer. I'm a few steps away from skipping. It's overly verbose with nothing happening.
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For me, it's Mysterious Ranmaru X, Gender: Unknown!
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do it, I did
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Happy because of more Koma dreams...
It's just a little taste of what's to come next year
Who is Cummer on a rate up with?
kuro suzuka
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bros i poured all my resources into the Merlina banner and didn't get her...
>Gender: Unknown!
nothing unknown about that penis, sis.
Female ranmaru's have bigger dicks than male.
>long drawn-out sequence where the plot of the manga that does not matter at all to the actual plot of the event is explained in length
>followed shortly by a scene of Jalter saying that they need to cut a character from their manga because their plot does not matter to the central plot
is sakurai being self aware here
>I ran out of money already and i get paid on the 13th(In 21 days)
Uh oh...
How am i going to afford Skadi now... or food...
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Would Yakub be proud of Albert?
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How do they sex?
You can easily suck dick for at least half a bigpack.
Uhh how do they..? With the size difference??
i dont feel like jerkin it anymore
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I should have been at work an hour ago. Still in bed
I'm the one that impregnated Ericebro
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Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
milk bath
cave spelunking
if you catch my drift
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>add an extremely niche cope grail that is best in slot for like 5 servants but is inferior to black grail on every other servant
>don't put it on rate up, meaning almost no one will ever get to even use it
What did they mean by this?
Skadi no...
pool diluting
Please understand.
What would you do if Ibuki farted in your face?
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the fact that it has a use at all already puts it above 99.9% of CEs, that's something
servants don't fart
Ask for more and more until she pushed so hard she sharted and i would lick up the special chocolate off her asscheeks until its clean.
holy sex
Gotta bait seiba fags and mordred tards to dump their money on story
i think we should just kill the homeless
But now you can tell people with NP6 Mordred to roll for her CE
Im fat so my chest is bigger than my dick does that count
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Kill all bobniggers
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gonna depend on the size of your tiddies, sis.
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This, but kamaniggers
light a fire near her asshole so she would explode
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bros, when is the mom battery coming?
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I reject broship.
>new segment basically opens with Skadi casting a spell to learn how to draw manga
oh no bros it's over for real...
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Who the fuck keeps installing the linkedin app into my phone?
it's time to move out anon
Sorry, it was me.
Take the hint
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Melusine love
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I went ahead and read the last section too while I was on atlas.
>also mfw 4chan won't let me post my true thoughts for some reason
Illya? She went to a better place.
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Oh, for some reason the Goredolf reaction image that I had was being blocked. This one went through fine.
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BASED Kuku enjoyer
what was the text on the blocked goredolf?
Don't post again.
(empty smile)
Kuku is a flop
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>last section
It's just going to be "IBUKI SO STRONG AND COOL" again, isn't it?
Post again
More Kuku for us.
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weird, it was used a few times after that praline post
There needs to be a "Dark Timeline" where Chloe absorbs Illya.
Basically, she has a cool CG (as is typical of sakurai characters) but I guess there's more motivation to explain the actions. It just all falls flat because the entire story has already tested my patience and I do not care about anyone in this main story anymore. Take me back to Erice's place, I'd rather play Argonauts with Voyager and Jason.
thanks I needed a replacement.
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THE JALRUS!?? I'm outta here!
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based and archetyping pilled
I'm glad alteraloading is becoming obsolete
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Why did NOCO tone down on the Erice sluttiness? Did she get cold feet?
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It's called pack filler. Surely you've played trading card games like pokemon/ MtG/ YGO.
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>Kiichi hougen
Damn, it has been a while
sailor is pretty slutty on account of the skin coloured top
A much better place!
This is cringe
This is based
I wonder how long I'll be stuck on 4/5 BGs. I'll probably give in to despair if I get multiple copies of nu-grail before I get the last bg
This is melting
this is gonna be a weird question, how old can the AI make them? can it make grannies lol?
Bros? My Ibuki keeps flaunting her ass to support strangers...
I think my eyesight is just too good to fall for that.
This is kino
Why are there no male characters with proportions like Ibuki
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Sister abuse
darius is basically the male equivalent of ibuki
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That'd be Orion(True) no?
I feel bad for jerker
Why can’t males have a giant ass like Ibuki?
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When is this literal semen demon getting a rerun?
that's my discord pfp
That's one of the Noblest Phantasm that was ever phantasm'd
You can't call anyone a literal semen demon anymore except Lady Avalon.
Steroid abuse.
literally the next event i believe
No idea. I used adult, Mega MILF and unrealistically maximum exceptionally collosal gargantuan very large breasts tags just to try and force a decent breast size. And that last tag is just me butchering things together in hopes they work, there is probably a better tag I don't know about.
Post her big culo
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Next anniversary
The actual semen demon is on rateup right now anon.
I want my male/female servants with massive cocks and uneven big balls
is Sorbet a good catalyst?
>uneven big balls
all balls are uneven, nigga.
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FGOsisters and Okitasisters, which dress should I cop?

My favorite servant is Kuro by the way.
That's impossible. Only I alone have uneven balls since I'm special.
yeah but in RAITA proportions

the blue one
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What's uneven about you is your brain
they're pretty different in feel
to avoid controversy, the one on the right
post bmi
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Molay has the better design, sorry
So when do we get a BG rate up?
What would you do if you saw Raitabortion irl?
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16, I think? 5'11 and 110-ish pounds.
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consider time travel
Why are you gay?
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Get some meat, sis
check in with a doctor for a stroke, unless it starts speaking portugese
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That would mean I'm a genius in some things which makes me special than others. Just like Einstein
How 2 time travel?
Get some meat sis.
I can help
she's an incubus. doesn't count.
That dress is clearly white
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that's a cute vinci
there was a bg rateup in the past which was never repeated in year1
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Post fc
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Aoko in 642 days
Shouldn't she be part succubus? The other option implies she has a penis.
should've gone for the tit slap instead
Post hands
There is no such thing as a female incubus. The female equivalent of an incubus is a succubus.
What is the difference between literal semen and figurative semen? Is that like impossible burgers for succubi?
she's half-incubus, because her parents were an inbubus and a human. incubus and succubus aren't necessarily female and male exclusive variations of another, they're different species of demon entirely. so she's a half-incubus, just like merlin himself.
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Brand new Vritra art!
>The other option implies she has a penis.
Well, she is merlin
Japanese just uses Dream Demon, it's an Albert choice
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>The other option implies she has a penis.
what's the literal japanese translation of her third skill? the wiki says it's called succubus bridge
if merlin is trans wheres his suicide NP?
Again doesn't specify (Muma)
tl;dr Muma is translated as both Succubus and Incubus in the English version
Ah, I see now. You're just baiting,
You guys remember Sita?
Type moon doesn't lol
hmmm. interesting.
you say that like she's a character of consequence or who anyone cares about at all
"type moon forgot sita!!" who gives a fuck? does anyone give a fuck about rama or sita?? GIVE ME SANTA FRANKENSTEIN
Explain Purin
The entire point is that Rama and Sita can't meet again. There's nothing more to that story.
Who the hell is frankenstein
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Me I’m Frankenstein
Why is Albert like this?
Ibuki is "everyone's" pal!
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He didn't want to invoke Freddy Krueger
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big asses are only attractive on women
Merlina must smell like the sun and flowers
why isn't pal put in quotation marks
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How do her feet smell like though?
>Mandricardo completed the 8 boat leap challenge
I don't "make" the rules
Merlina fighting Jason...
and cum
Punch Bob in her prostitute zombie rotting face
>ascension 3 arc
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I honestly don't think I've heard Douman's voice until I cleared the 3rd area just now
Weird voice, not what I expected. He sounds like a shady businessman rather than a villain.
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>tried to loop the zerker node
>still kinda shit due to refund, needs plugsuit
>realize I can just use Douman, Arc and summer Jannu to 6CE it with 3 DPS
>have no hangups about the plugsuit
>6CE everything effortlessly
Ibuki love, bro.
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>got 1 mil points
>go to event shop
>think that points cap is 3 mil like usual
>6 mil
Why is she blushing
point ladder hate...
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>Santa (unpopular servant)
You've never used a support Douman? He absolutely sounds like a Japanese used car salesman or something, he does go harder on villainy in some of his NP lines tho
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>don't read event
>make retarded assumption
>wtf my assumption was retarded?!
I'll be plugsuiting the 90++ node, it just feels like a bit of a waste to do that for a node I'll run only for today. Plus I get to see Arc's NP more
She has Covid so shes blushing due to her fever
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>mommy issues : the villain
Lets go.
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>he is unaware
Good morning, raitabortionbro
>nuplugsuit already at lvl 7
plugsuit 3.0 when?
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his stupid fucking MMMMMMMMMMMM noises make me laugh ngl
It's honestly a bit strange to me how much I've warmed up to him after hating his guts for so long, he's just such a silly foppish little guy
u wut?
Good moming
Yea yea just like Santa medea in 2018
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0 and I give Hans 1 grail.
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damn you don't gaslight me I have a physical santa fran arcade card...
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>90++ soon
There's something endearing about how hard he commits to the bit even though after Heian, everyone knows that even though he's actually a competent schemer he ALWAYS fucks up right at the end from getting too cocky.

Literally a saturday morning cartoon villain.
Don't make me repeat myself
Outdated and easy to clear. 90** is the new thing to worry about.
>he's not 3/4 of the way to level 8 already
>taking what seems like a somber story and slapping in a mascot character catdog
I am very fortunate that the first 90++ quest matches up perfectly with my 120 grail.
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>3 million HP
>But takes 10x damage from Sabers
Saber from Fate Stay Night is so back bros...
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Yeah, I'm ready.
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How important is NP level for Ruler Skadi?
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You need at least 1
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Good morning bro
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dmcniggers should go back to their genera- oh wait
Time to save.
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NP5 or nothing
Ruler Skadi is useless without NP5
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RIP, bricked account.
reminded of THAT image...
Are you using her as strictly as a support or as an actual farmer?
but raikou's face is her prettiest part
Ordeal Call is a meme. You can only do a max of 3 times in a day.
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I got NP3 Erice too.
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Aww the turd is awake and wants attention badly from the mombros this time.
>blew all my luck on a whim
>won't be able to NP5 summer skadi
bros I fucked up
On who?
what should i jerk off to bros?
63 gilles de rais
When will lasengle introduce lv100 quests?
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Yup, someone forgot to flush him in the morning.
Well, at least Skidibi has other rate ups.
90+ happened ages ago.
Sounds like Rin
I thought succubus does the semen sucking from men then they transfer that semen to the incubus so he can use it to fertilize women
Did I fucking stutter?
Why did you remove him?
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He actually meant to type forestkin
multiple? More than just a rerun? Phew
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Wish me luck, bros.
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I wanna rock
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I don't know shit about this game or the series but I hope you get the cool kneeling man
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Should I go for NP2 Skadi or NP1 Skadi and NP1 Ibuki?
He’s going all out for that attention
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>everyone talking about rolling for summer skadi
>simultaneously not a single person has posted a team with summer skadi for the 90++ team
really makes me think
Skadi, no!
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Do you have an Arts looper already?
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here you go bro
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I'll be chugging apples for this since the node drops swords
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Doesn't that mean they aren't rolling her purely for gameplay? Or is this a 900 IQ reverse psychology ploy to trick your bros into posting them for you because you're a big cute tsundere?
Depending on her NP levels Ibuki might be a worthwhile investment. Unless you don't care for her.
He’ll just reply to himself as usual. Just do the needful on his shit.
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should I roll summer skadi for my np5 jets?
Literally designed to flop
Maybe a few SQ for Fujino but SKIP
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>full refund against a berzerker wave with only 1 castoria
not bad ibooby.
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Wtf is this?
This isnt Saitama...
too bad she's extremely ugly
>TFW your Saberstolfo is NP2 and you have OG Skadi
So you're a tsundere then. Got it.
are happy endings a good thing
It's pretty fucking based. Dump buffs and turn one and just loop wit NP for the rest of the node.
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What are you risking with here?
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The yukata costume version of him has some very funny voices
I advice to put on your earphones tho...
its quite refreshing after a year of busterlooping, agreed.
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>C tier
Wow thanks a lot for the good luck guys...
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Oh based, the useless idiot might be useful.
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what a guy.
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what did they get wrong?
two whores in one party, sounds risky to me.
POST YOUR steam profiles
Uhh bros, where's Morgan and Kama?
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me on the right but bald
What are the best Quick AoE farmers for Summer Skadi? Is it still Dantes and JETS? Anyone new? I don't have either of those.
I borrowed a friend's on JP. She's really fun to use, the Magic Bullet gimmick is so fucking satisfying
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skadi (ruler) and skadi (caster) should be a tier lower
both merlins, melusine, waver, xu fu, gong and arash should all be a tier lower.
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She never said this.
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pretty sure its caren whoretensia
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Make a new tier for Castoria and Oberon
I don't care if Vitch and Skadi enable looping for their respective card types they aren't on the same tier as those 2
>81% with two castoria
Uhhh...you aren't running 6CE
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Probably something like this. Cost is fucking me here, I don't know how to shift it around to max bond. Maybe I should give up on bonding arc in this situation, but...
Is NP1 good enough for her?
Besides Caren there is Douman, Rikyu and teen mom, besides summer Skadi herself.
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yes i am
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oh, looking at this picture I've just realized I forgot to Fou her. I need to rectify that
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>A tier farmer
LOL she sucks
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She got a nice NP upgrade but NP will still only get you so far. Still still be able to farm but NP2 would be the sweet spot.
I mean yeah bro we're still talking about quick here.
The Zenobia CE isn't a points CE, dude, that's 5CE.
>You are ba-
Uhhh... no im not.
Reset router+Clear cache+Ratio+Take this L+Noone asked
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middle like most of the poll
it's a currency CE. it counts.
I'm lost. I have no idea who my next target will be.

Who are you saving for, bros
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>Hopeman that low
It's over
Can i take none of them?
They all ugly.
Okita Alter and Charlemagne are pretty good too. Huyan will be good as a Quick assassin looper and Britomart will be an improved Bradamante for the time being too.
not him, but does it break if you put the bazett CE on ibuki?
It doesn't even increase the currency dropped by the node, you moron. Even if that was a 6CE definition, which it isn't, you still wouldn't be 6CE for that node.
Caren, Rikyu, Ushi gozen, Arisu, Azumi no Isora
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pope lady
Koma, Caren, Raitabortion lily
Yes, 81%
I didn't give a shit about popess and I'll never roll for a Neroface. I was told that this guy basically hard carried LB7, though?
Honestly I don't really care, 99% of the people aren't even going to use them.
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no you can still complete the node, but it's not enough to get full refund without using another skill (assuming you have her append unlocked)

lalalalalala, I can't hear youuuu its 6ce
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Summer Bob and oc3 Bob
Im saving for Summer Chloe NP6
>no it doesn't break the loop, it just doesn't give you enough refund to loop
>doesn't know what 6CE means, thinks it's just any 6 event CEs
You're a tourist.
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Wait, 2kun you motherfucker. I have just realized you forgot to put the anni servant on bonus for this summer. It's over!
its goon time
uuh do I stop here or keep trying for erice?
arc is on bonus
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Is it really 6CE if the event ce doesn't affect any of the drops for that node?
No one cares about that cuck
Meta changed so isn’t as good
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>inserting words into statements that wern't there previously
no YOU'RE a tourist. visiting over from FAGSville.
...play the game, dumbass
>tfw didn't get a CE drop so I can't 6CE
Why tonight if Skadoop is tomorrow? Bastards
I don't want to
erice is 48 rolls avg/copy
Why NP6?
How desperate are you for Erice over Skadi?
So is Ibuki acting like a retard all an act? or is she the type that goes
>y'know what? I think I'll give someone a nuke, it might be fun
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Swimsuit Wife
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No lol. The guy could be using Kscope for the same effect.
felt like my intention was obvious by the image but I can spell it out for you, if you want.
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stupid xu xu
Damn, Nobu and Sei are OLD!
Was that the precedent set when they added all those low stars that one time?
If not then yeah, you did need to spell it out.
>MLB my Bazett yesterday
>wake up to full 20 friend requests after clearing
They weren't on rate up though.
My wives
bro or death
You need NP6 for 120 and all 3 appends.
If you have only NP5 you will be 30 coins short.
i 6CE and just use command spells to sort out any problems. simple.
Seeing as you were immediately understood, your perception of reality is clearly obvious.
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For 4*s? I thought that was the case for SSRs but that SR's needed like fuckin 9 or something.
That's only for 5*s. Kuro is a limited 4* so you need 10 copies to max her out.
...you need NP10 for summer Kuro
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Ok saving for NP10 Summer Kuro then.
I think requiem is a mistake
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Here's your new anniversary servant
>10 copies on a split rate up
Good luck bro you'll need it
Make him turn araund so we can see if he has a big GYATT
>split rate up
this shit needs to get in a hole and fuck off
What made him so mad
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The server selling his choccy milk was fae (didn't do anything wrong, just fae)
Sharing it with Fraud JK Shitzuka has to fucking sting too, literally any other SR from that summer woild be beter
gm /alter/
how did you sleep last night
ive seen this chart a dozen times and more, and its so bleak every time its posted
great info but damn it hurts
Racism is cringe.
Burning my Oberon in protest.
Raikou GYATT
>summer suzuka has a shared banner with kuro
aw fuck I don't want that little goblin I want np5 suzuka
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Skadoodle tomorrow right bros?
Yea bro, go back to sleep
1 day 14 hours
Love the fact teen mom has spiky brass knuckles attached.
>would be able to do the 90++ node 5CE with summer oei with only one meta support
>if i actually had her second append unlocked
Then unlock it?
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Say I stopped caring about acquiring servants for farming and just want servants that are fun in a story brawl or in CQs. Who should look forward to picking up? Or who might I have overlooked that's already in? Mighty Chains just got me having fun again.
Is it unlockable? Does she even have coins?
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>NP 16
Why do ONLY Ibuki and Shuten see each other as haze? There are multiple servants with different aspects of themselves both summoned and they interact just fine, e.g., Liz+Carmilla. Is it just more Hackurai garbage?
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if you like mighty chains, you should take the goho pill. she's on rate up later this year.
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I wouldn't say she's good, but summer Banana's high NP gain is way more fun with Mighty Chains.
I have her NP2 and I can never seem to get the Gogh train rolling, any tips? Who should I take as a third member?
>Is it just more Hackurai garbage
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>Then unlock it?
>10,10,10,7,5,1 facility upgrades
>400K points
Can you keep up?
Go check the threads from last night for this same argument.
A good team is
>Xu Fu
This can get the GOOP train running as a 6CE without "wasting" bond on any meta supports. Summer BB is also a solid choice if you've got a decent one, even Douman works well despite not being an existence outside the domain.
>nat ap 403k
I even hit max ap at least twice, thanks gamepress
Writing an interaction between Ibuki and Shuten that isn't "huh is someone there? All I see is haze but it's making me really mad >:(" is too hard please understand...
I'm just mad it may have resulted in less Shuten screentime
Are there any Craft Essances that lower a characters max HP?
I want to use all 6 of my units not just 4
I wish they would remove the cooldown on Plugsuits swap ability.
Watch yer step, bud.
>nat AP
>10, 3, 5, 5, 10, 8
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I am going to loop with Seiserker and you won't stop me.
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>hate sakurai quite a bit
>/alter/ OVERhates sakurai to the point of schizo delusion
>now when I see an anti-sakurai post, my contrarian brain immediately thinks "what's wrong with this guy"
>even when he's completely correct like >>487282332
Sakurai broke me but in a different fucking way. Maybe /alter/ broke me.
Bros i'm staring to think that "Primordial runes" is just author fiat deus ex machina bullshit...
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It was really funny that Skadi invalidated Horta's entire metaphorical character struggle in Summer 3 for a badly written rewrite. And by funny I mean not funny at all.
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Then check THIS out
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this event was actually "okay" until today. not amazing, but about on-par with dinosaur summer
holy fucking SHIT today was genuinely unbearable though. not a single thing of consequence happened at all yet it took nearly a fucking hour to get through the story nodes. jesus fucking christ
and the whole time the plot was about trimming unnecessary plot from a manga. there's no fucking way that wasn't on purpose. SURELY not.
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>Remove the haze thing
>They just see each other and be angry constantly
Wow, such an improvement, blud. Nasu needs to hire this guy ASAP.
I can muster up a Molay, Holy Night Sign a good CE for Gogh or is there better?
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holy fucking KINO
Sakurai-sama does it again!
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I'm just going to skip the rest, it's not fucking worth it any more.
this unironically
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Then answer is you're contrarian scum, and refuse to join the angry mob even if the mob is right at it's core.
She poisoned our water supply burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses.
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The most underrated servant in the game.
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Honestly the only section I really, really liked was Erice's.
The only part i liked was how Ibuki designed Shuten's outfit by pure "coincidence", i though it was funny.
I said the same thing last thread. This whole event feels like Sakurai simultaneously trying to apologise for Shimousa, Heian, LB2 and LB5, while also backhandedly telling everyone she’s never gonna change.
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pretty much
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Is the update today the last park attraction?
>check THIS out
Avram, is that you?
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Yep, same.
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using a friends gogh too the 3rd best character for gooping with gogh is a good AoE character who fully benefits from gogh's NP buff or can help buff gogh further while having a good NP charge. Means foreigner characters like voyager+molay+summer BB are all great though they have 50% NP charge or ashiya douman who doesnt get full value from gogh's NP buff but still gives a extra 100% crit damage, 40% attack buff and extra curses to make it easier to get 100% NP charge with both goghs and a 80% NP charge skill meaning you can 6CE if you have ashiya douman's NP append or use a 20% NP charge mystic code
>Theme park event
>Mini servant-fes to shill future Servant-fes
I get it Summer 3 was good can you fuck off and try something original we are at a theme park for God's sake.
I like to use Bestia del Sol, or at least I did until I got her bond CE which is actually really excellent. But I imagine holy night sign will at least work until then.
Bro, is my Gogh helping you?
too bad the future servant fes fucking sucks since it got none of the charm points of the original
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Who's stall is it?
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I realized today that I would be much more inclined to read the slop parts of FGO if it wasn't in VN format. Which means I will now give each event a chance and, if after two nodes, it's sakurai-tier slop, I'm headed to Atlas to read at a faster pace that is comfortable to me. Still won't [SKIP] though.
I liked the hotsprings part as well, and I can't deny that the haunted house part had a couple of amusing moments although that was by and large carried entirely by illya making a funny face a few times and shuten being unfathomably erotic
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>Sakurai broke me but in a different fucking way. Maybe /alter/ broke me.

Kneel time.
>todays node was shallow callbacks to summer 3 while completely missing what made summer 3 fun
>It was such a hit they decided to base the entire next summer event around it
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I called out of work sick today. I think I can work, and it wouldn't even be that hard to complete my tasks, but I don't want to get anyone else sick in case it is contagious. Am I a lazy person? Or am I considerate of others? I do not know the answer to this question, Father.
yea, I do wish more people who got gogh put her in event support, spending way more time refreshing trying to find a gogh compared to just doing arts looping with ibuki
I love Prototype!
I love Arthur!
at least next event has plenty of summer suzuka, right?
She just stopped trying in FGO for the most time. And yes most of her screentime in fgo has been insufferable.
you want cool soloists
gogh, super orion, QSH, sherlock, taira-no-kagekiyo, bazett, draco, wandjina, kenshin
>all slop
such consistency
no, yes
Is there a specific CE you want on her right now?
Going into work sick and risking the health of others is pretty rude.
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We've done theme park written by sakurai before. It was called oniiland, and it was garbage. Hurry up and give me the sequel to something that wasn't trash the first time.
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how did DEEN manage to redeem it's entire adaptation in a single episode?
why didn't ufotable do the same?
why were the Heaven's Feel movies so dogshit?
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I can throw mine up but I almost never have event CEs. I don't MLB shop CEs early and I don't roll often. What do you want on her?
I found out who the person attacking Kama, Raikou, etc. every single day is
I'll be honest and completely forgot Onilands existing.
I don't know nor do I care.
call him gay
the 5* bazett CEs good enough, pretty much anything I can do to farm with
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>Fate Prototype
Lady Avalon wouldnt appriciate you calling her manga slop.
>why were the Heaven's Feel movies so dogshit?
They were fine besides Sakura's characterization part.
i've can add my gogh in all in case you want to look for me and if we're friends
what CE would you want
I will start putting her up, let m-
What in the god damn? ok I'll just level he-
>15M QP
someone greentext the event story I let it run on autoplay it but didn't pay attention.
just today or all of it so far
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Bring it I want to see pig David in the fires again. Yes that was a thing latelets. It happened
Okay I threw MLB Bazett CE on Gogh, assuming we are broghs.
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you can't fool me, i just finished replaying Stay Night and decided to rewatch the HF movies, they were undeniably shit and completely missed every point of the story and characters
How would you feel if every summer event past this point on JP just used the servantfes theme and setting again?
this is wild to me
i either let the 5star rot if i dont want them
>osakabehime, jinako, ruler artoria
or level them to 9/9/9 asap
anyway good luck with doors and please enjoy using gogh once you level her bc she is the best servant
>Douman sits on a grail for a fucking year
>His best plan to cause trouble isn't to give it to one of the insane beast candidates so they can evolve, he gives it to Skadoodle so she can kill herself making a theme park
>Hijinks ensue
>Seth Rollins runs in
>You get the grail and go home
all of it. I only followed day 1 and a bit of 2.
>my 8 ft tall onee-san was the villain for some reason
what a tweest, shayamalan would be proud, bravo sakurai
why haven't we unsummoned douman yet bros
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>head to summer camp
>redman boomer talks about how back in his day VHS's were the hot new thing
>senpai dies
>bryn and sigurd make out in the corner
>sigurd dies
>senpai dies
>your genderbent clone is running around
>now neither of us will be virgins
>senpai dies
>kiara loli
>abby loli
>correct them
>senpai dies
>correct cute dork lesbian
>senpai doesn't die
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next event will save /alter/
Same reason we have Kiara in our Chaldea
Yeah haha...
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Who would've thought such a cute oni would be the villain
i'll chuck it up brogh.
The next event is GUDAGUDA right?
Do we get those Chinese servants everyone forgets about during that event or later?
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
chinese servants are for halloween
that's the event after
It's wild to me also since my policy is 4/4/4 for all servants on rolling, then 8/8/8 for anyone I'm interested in and 10/10/10 for ones I'm going to definitely use. Figure I was doing it half asleep and then just never used her again. Anyway, shouldn't take too long, looking forward to trying her out! I'm not sold on her personality, but she does make me feel at least a little protective. Not in an "I can fix her" way, more of a "you can't be fixed but I can make sure you're included and not bullied" way.
All that ended up is in
>Aesctually it's perfectly fine for a head of orochi to be as strong as a super zeus
At the end of the day it's just Sakurai making her characterssuper special donut steel. Like today with skadi being the perfect mangaka.
>only MY hatred is justified
Get a grip
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Morning bro
>brand new servant we havent even contracted with nor seen before
>our own servant fuckery going on
>"i will keep an eye on douman teehee"
>"Okay! Thank you!"
im glad we are written like a complete retard who forgets how many times we epically get betrayed by a servant
>message is "ONEE-SAN LOVE"
>Berserker Ibuki at NP2 but non grailed
>no Saber Ibuki in sight
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Ok. Next event after gudaslop will save it
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>>only MY hatred is justified
Correct. None of you are real, you are fragments of my imagination.
Prove me wrong?
Jarcher is my onee-san.
I don't recall Douman being my wife...
OK ask me anything
she's not your onee-san when she's in saber form.
We only get betrayed by old men and the obviously irredeemably evil servants who shouldn't be playable in the first place
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Are you sure bro? She's always been our wife, did you hit your head?
My scheming wife Douman...
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Thanks, I got Halloween and GUDA mixed up.

Now tell me this servant's name without looking it up.
Hard Mode: Also tell me what she did in life.
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what was this in JP?
I wonder if that was just skadi using "hip slang" unfitting her advanced age and everyone went along
>huyan zhuo
>famous for having DOUBLE CLUBS
>got genderbent into a girl by being combined with a goat or something
huyan zhuo
i don't know, just like I don't know most historical characters not from my region of living. That's what reading the FGO story is for.
I do know he was in a chinese book and that he also has a greek horse named "empanada" inside him.
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No, I don't remember THIS.
That's two swords Chinese guy Zhou Somethingoranother mixed with a Greek vampire boar.
Dunno. Sakurai is a fan of repetition so it's probably just that.
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Douman would never betray me...
He's only working with Ibuki to gain her trust and save the day during the last act
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DONKEY GIRL, it just works
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she's so cute bros... no wonder we keep her around
I will now roll for Douman
>[servant who has betrayed anon literally every time] would never betray me...
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>Douman JK wife
>Puts curses inside your ass every time you sleep
>she sucks the life energy out of men and kills them
You have my attention.
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I'm convinced Wu loses 10 IQ every time she appears in a new event
I want that femgong. It barely even looks like Taigong, but she looks very IMAGINEable.
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>picture of a cute girl
>"what if she put things in my ass"
why are you like this, damn it
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Wait donkey girl is a Chinese succubus?
Is there one last fan level area to raise tonight or can I use all of my ice blocks?
this picture made me think that taigong was going to be the real antagonist of tunguska, purely because he was next to oberon and douman
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Please post welfare Waver edits, I've lost them in my old pc
One is the welfare support lineup with him frowning
One where Shiki got her strengthening and Waver was turning to dust
And one when the SSR ticket was announced
The life energy draining is from the Greek part of her, not the Chinese part.
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Douman keikaku will save the day, sis.
>If Douman becomes a girl he wouldn't be a scheming bastard
You need bond 12 but it's doable if you like her.
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There's only one SR-specific-ruler-alt-of-an-existing-character that I want to see.
But she calls herself an onee-san in her saber form too
This is the last yeah. You can now focus on upgrading from top to bottom.
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you need to save 1.2k ice to buy the 4 ascension items for summer valkyrie when you complete main story
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When was the last time she showed up and it wasn't to be the butt of a half a dozen jokes?
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Servants for this feel?
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why? he's literally the exact same as archer gilgamesh in abilities, the only thing he could possibly offer are two new outfits.
>Ibuki dressed up as Shuten
>No art
Fuck you in the ass with a pineapple, Raita.
This is great speech but her design undermines it more than any bad writing possibly could
You posted it. She's been nothing but comic relief ever since Agartha. It's not just her though, it's what happens to 99% of the evil characters in this game.
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Huyan Zhuo was the last of the 108 stars in the Water Margin. Shi Jin was the first and he was merged with Liz.
His role was mainly as Qin Liangyu, an offical military general whose responsibility is to capture the bandits or rebellions. He was later convinced by the rebellions that the court is corrupted and joined them.
But she is not Huyan Zhuo. She is Empusa, a greek banshee larping as Huyan Zhuo as a result of Moriarty's plan in Shinjuku, just as Clytie larping as Gogh.
Huzan Zhao mixed with Empieta from DMC5, yells homete a lot
>Prove me wrong?
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Gomenasai, my name is Gil-sama.

I’m a 4000 year old Sumerian Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese gacha games. (FGO, School Idol Festival, Magia Record)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license three thousand and nine hundred years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Ufotable or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!
>words words words
but is she for me?
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He has Japanese flavor now.
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>She is Empusa, a greek banshee
Great now I want to roll her. I love greek servants.
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Yes. If you Homete her everyday.
>the only thing he could possibly offer are two new outfits.
You're right, they just need to give him the weeb outfit costume and a new interlude where he orders around Iori and Seibah. Naturally it'll come with an upgrade to his second skill and make him even more absurdly strong than he currently is.
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Did somebody say jalterlove? yup I did,
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>whenever I see Merlina wink during her NP my urge to push her down and fuck her gets harder
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/alter/ is healing...
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She got over her fear of ghosts! Maybe cats too! Or even ghost cats, or cat ghosts! No one can stop her now!
F/SRs existence is entirely justified by the fact that it made "Gomenasai, my name is Gil-sama" into a canonical part of the lore
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We love Sakurai events.
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Or... hear me out. Now I know this won't be popular on /alter/ given the many anti-Japanese sentiments but you gaijin don't matter. We make Ruler Gilgamesh who orders around EVERY Japanese servant and is an S tier support for only Japanese servants.
and that means what in english?
I love LB2.
I've been quite enjoying this one to be honest.
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Servants are basically ghosts, so all cat servants are also cat ghosts.
Bob looks great in white
Go away shitposter
fund it.
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She had a serious moment in Imaginary Scramble when she saved the day with BB by brainwashing Yang to be slightly less psychotic.
Though even that came with ton of jokes.
>got 40k points on the ladder
never before have i veteraned so hard, between work and nolifin a new game i enjoy whenver i try to catch up i get bogged down in 30minutes+ of reading and i legitimately fall asleep during it
IS was so kino...
I completely forgot, yeah. But the only moment she's actually serious is when Yuyu is knocked out.
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I need meat, /alter/.
"Praise me"
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>event story finishes tonight
>no skadi until tomorrow
u rike?
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I actually thought someone was falseflagging as him when it was iphone bob posts randomly attacking people like Bargfags and stuff...
guess I'll have to take another loan then
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How did Oei get away with it? It's ridiculous.
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I need to catch up on the story from yesterday and today, was it any good?
*unzips pants*
Here eat up on daddys special sausage.
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Have a burger.
Post more pictures of Bob, bro
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>was it any good?
holy based
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I in fact do not rike, but I'm more mad about needing to wait for the rerun for this skin
Fags mad at the better waifus than his corpse.
For some reason if you look cute you get away with ton of stuff that more evil looking character would get shoved into a bottle for.
Nah probably still him
Today's node wasn't as good, there's some cute moments here and there but you're better off reading from Atlas.
Yesterday's was the ghost mansion, right? It was okay.
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What’s with this bob hate outbreak?
Yeah, I realized it after the Sherlock Kama post above.
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Yesterday was Wu kino.
Today shat all over ServaFest and Jalter's struggles and was generally a chore to read.
Yeah both of those
I had some hope they may bring that to this event, but I don't know. I guess if they did they wouldn't announce that too soon, at least until her banner and rate up info comes up.
just Turd having another melty presumably
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Really? I thought the background for farming looked fun, but I'll take a look when I get some time today. I did see people seemed to like the Wu stuff here earlier though.
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It's not wrong to love evil women.
Is this not with this event?
Most likely
It’s deleted
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Why is Wu so sex? It's not fair.
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Raikouschizo got bored in /fgog/, just look at all those deletes holy
He is a total failure, a bad joke
In JP it came with Summer 8.
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Also Shuten shows up and is funny and cute.
Costume never ever
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Bro, your archive reps?
That’s a shame. I’m not sure which ascension I’ll use, probably random, but I don’t like the one with the fish.
Know what’s funny? Check the last thread too, bunch of deleted posts as well.
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Well, we will only find out when she gets her rate up and if there's no extra info about a spiritron dress on the news page. I'm not holding my breath but it's possible I guess.
Ibuki is so nice bros…
All her room lines are nice to (you) or saying good things about other girl servants…
A good break from all pissed off bitches that shittalk you in most their lines or talk about how they hate *insert servant name* here.
Bobfag got outed as the turd
>Bryn + Sigurd segment
Instant skip

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