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Previous: >>487271508

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - For Display Only
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template (for those who don't have 4chanX)
What does he mean by this
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where are the sex mods
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Corin my wife (made this this morning)
i NEED policewoman, policegirl and rat NOW
>6 threads
did /zzz/ save /vg/?
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Friendly reminder not to invest in these characters.
why hasn't a thread count been added to the generals?
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Not much time left
Should I roll Ellen dupes
c6 anton chose me. i didn't choose it. have his stupid fucking weapon too. corin has been the biggest disappointmnet so far. i really hate everytime she comes onto the field.
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At your service.
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because who cares
we go through 10+ threads a day
because the threads are going 110MPH
Investing in all of them besides Ben because blocking is boring
I can not and will not be stopped
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Nicole is my prostitute wife who whores herself out to other men with larger dicks then jerks me off while I watch the recordings later
if you want to be broke and skip a bunch of new characters then sure
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Neptunia collab when?
Literally don't have anyone else to invest in. Aniki it is for now
i was going to invest in ben bigger SHIT
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I don't regret investing in Corin because whenever she enters the battlefield and just erases a large chunk of the boss' hp it makes me laugh.
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I mean which one should I prioritize? I only have 160 pulls btw.
It's really easy to groom Corin
>if you overlevel with blue mats it doesn't give you back green mats
defend this
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But... I won't be skipping them?
sorry bwo but Corin is fun
remember to invest in the characters you like for SOVL
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Shhh, they're sleeping.
>he hates the whirligig saw "SORRY SORRY SORRY" meido
metafags are soulless
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come here
then why do you need to ask
youre just gonna paypig anyway
>sig engine
>2 soul rock, 4 chaotic metal
>press e
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I regret rolling for C1 Ellen
Previous: >>487291865
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Imagine the smell
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>sorry Proxy, but incest is illegal in this side of the Hollow.
Don't listen to this kind of retard, invest in the characters you like metafagging in a PvE game is for boring people
same but unironically and I'm not trans btw
zhu yuan's jiggly ass
fugg me doo xdd
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might try him when i have enough spare mats
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Chapter 2 is some real /m/kino goddamn
Skin not oily and greasy enough.
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I like Corin's noises so it is only natural for me to invest.
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reposting this from this morning, this time all compiled into one image

faction themes
Has our mascot been chosen? Is Corin /ourgirl/?
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>*bbbzzzttt* *bzzzzttt*
based zenless zone zero enthusiast
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Oh no officier, your pants are down!
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You guys keep saying 4p polar metal is bad for Ellen, what should I go for then?
Do we have any calcs for Zhu yet, or will they be tomorrow? Want to know how much of a gain e2 is, since her first 2 dupes look really good.
>leveled Corin
>leveled Piper
>leveled Nekomata
>skipped shark
>skipping cop
>skipping lolicop
>rolling rat
>almost nothing weak to physical
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>Tiernigger talking about investment.
You know the funny part? You could give most of the people posting these shitlists M6 T0 units in each role and they'll still get mogged by a horribly geared M2 Billy in Shiyu 10.
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Billy no! Rat thirens are our greatest ally! He's regressing to his biker days...
do we know the A ranks for the upcoming banners?
besides nicole/ben ofc

hell no its billy
>Having to wait a whole month for Qingyi
Fuuuuck man. Staying f2p until 1.1
Shiyu will be all phys weakness when rrat drops
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What is the most cinema commission in the entire game and why is it The Prophecy?
banging my boo
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>bad for Ellen
Its not 'optimal' for Ellen. Woodpecker or Puffer is a better 4p choice.
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Take it with a grain of salt, leakers are known liars and attention whores
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The true theme of Belbog is
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>and why is it The Prophecy?
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I invested in both Billy and Corin. I like them a lot.
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what kind of hair style is it???
4p Puffer just buffs ultimate though? I use basic attacks a lot more so 40% on the seem better no?
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They're sleeping on my guy.
>billy has handles on his shoulders
>zhu yuan has handles on her ass
Does the Comminuted Fracture achievement only pop during the story commission? I swear I've impaired this mofo more 3 times in other challenges.
I laughed so hard when I saw that part. Extremly cute and wholesome.
>Anby on Qingyi’s banner
really rubbing it in huh
The kot is stronk
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>anby in the same banner she's getting powercrept
Qingyi's design seems really basic for an S-Rank. Apparently she's trash without her masteries, so definitely not worth the investment. Atleast I don't have to feel bad about skipping her.
It's for if you fail to get her at least you got more cinemas for anby!
I was playing the sims and made a house with all the cunning hares and my sister told me I’m schizophrenic because I added pools as hallways to navigate the house. Also Billy died making pancakes like 30 minutes into playing.
>I use basic attacks a lot more so 40% on the seem better no?
Your EX is a bigger part of your damage than your basic attacks, unless you use them WAY too much (which seems impossible). But if you on-field Ellen a lot, Woodpecker is better. Puffer is better if you got M0 and use her mostly in the Stun phase, for the ATK% after using Ult.
Let’s discuss Zhu Yuan and how meta she is
I'd rather anby than fuckin anton on ellen's banner
Which means her W-engine will also have a rate up as a cope. Still not trusting leaktrannies tho
It is optimal, kill yourself efficiency tranny
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I can't wait to C6 them
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All the farewell dialogues and the call to arms etc. are so good. True End in particularly is great with everyone coming together and reconciling/finding together, like the dad and his son.
Why the fuck isn't this official.... Easy money
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You follow up EX with a basic though, that's what I mean. Currently on shiyu17 with this Ellen and finally looking to fix her gear since she's been doing pretty well until now
miyabi love and romance
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what's his story?
why is the game so boring? i want to play but i its not fun
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he tasted bathroom tiles
her ex and ult do a fuckton of damage and those arent buffed by polar
so youre trading that for... a singular buffed auto?
i tried 4 accounts
i got shark on 2 accounts but didnt get lucy once :(
Is Seth supposed to become a nonlimited unit. Otherwise it seems kinda unfair that that banner includes 2 different limited units.
Shes in the store retardbro
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Sex with a sword autist
Lucy is free though
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favorite wipeout?
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All A ranks are non-limited, don't worry if you don't get him on jane's banner you will get him eventually
The 3-rd basic has a bigger multiplier than her EX...
And it's not singular you use after every EX
Should I make a alt to get all the cops on
>Didn't name it Khors
Missed opportunity for even more feels
Does Zhu Yuan experience workplace sexual harassment?
rate my upcoming teams:
11/Kodela/lucy/Rocketboo(when I get him)
inb4 getting giga cucked by the banner tomorrow
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OHHHHHHHHHHHH I mean, its not what you said, but you made me realize that Belobog is probably based on RPG Classes.

Grace - Mage (Iron Witch)
Ben - Shielder/Paladin? (Defender)
Anton- Swordmaster (all about his drill)
Koleda- Barbarian
Yes, but she thinks it's just some male buddy cop stuff.
>You follow up EX with a basic though
Usually you want to always EX1>EX2 though, so the damage boost for your EX will go further than for your Basic. Its 2-3x the modifier for EX and EX2 respectively, even compared to your 3rd basic.
I think Polar isn't so bad particularly right now because it speeds up killing small mobs, which is really useful in the current SD. But once thats done, against the boss, you want your rotation to revolve around mostly dumping EXs and Ult on the enemy and not spend a lot of time basic attacking. Also keep in mind that its just 20% for a lot of the time, unless you switch to Soukaku for more Anomaly and that means even less time to basic.

I don't want to come across as Polar being terrible, as I said its not 'optimal' imo but definitely not bad.
I don't work there so no
A-ranks tend to become available in the version after their release, but they share the same odds as any of the non-rate up A-ranks. This distinction only matters if the A-rank
would be released in the first half, wherein they won't be available on the second half's banner.
Sex with officers of the law
Its so in 5 years both Geroy and Khors can be playable without confusion
I work there and yes she does (by me)
she's tethered to qingyi, the worst character in the game, so zhu yuan is trash too
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Less than 24 hours to go.
she sexually harass everyone by the sole fact of having a huge fucking butt
>Its 2-3x the modifier for EX and EX2 respectively, even compared to your 3rd basic.
I want to clarify this, this is under the assumption you go all the way through your chain. Which of course isn't always the case, but still common if you want to basic 'that' often.
>so the damage boost for your EX will go further than for your Basic
Where are you getting a damage boost for the EX? Unless you mean the ATK% boost? Puffer only buffs ult
>all of the BE art/animations for ZZZ right now are for Grace
makes sense but I want to see some for the other girls too
>tfw got C6 Broman
>Koleda- Barbarian
reaching quite hard there
what store?
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>Unless you mean the ATK% boost?
Yeah thats what I mean. The ATK% boost for both Puffer and Woodpecker applies to your EX as well, while Polar only buffs your Dash and Basic.
I dumped Soukashit for Rina on my Ellen team. I don't give a fuck if it's worse, I refuse to use an ugly ass gremlin whose only character trait is FOOD FOOD GIMME FOOD!!!
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i get this piece of shit on every account
also multiple times
i dont want this faggot at all
Anyone else hates these teleporting Siggas?
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do you have to actually put him in the team? wtf i dont have him built who tf use this mf anyway
you should not be using ex without having enough to use sharknami after
Isn't Belobog like, construction tools?
Koleda = Hammer
Anton = Piledriver
Ben = Brick or something
Grace = some electrical tool?
>have Lucy at C1
should I grab another copy from the store? her C2 is apparently what makes her good
check the signal shop, is not really free, you need to roll and get 140 tickets
You need to make him leader of the team too, not just put him in the team.
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I want Nicole to call me little guy
i just let my bangboo carry him
his trust event appears on the first floor so he doesn't need to do much battling
Just did some quick math at skill level 7 and EX-Basic-EX-Basic is 2700% of attack, wheras EX-EX-Basic is 2205% without any bonuses. Not really relevant for the set discusion but got me curious
I did. Even if Lucy is on rate up banner, 10 rolls only gives you a 50/50 shot of another 50/50 of getting her. It's definitely worth 7 rolls to guarantee her.
what in the loving god is sharknami? are you playing in EN or some retarded shit? my ellen clearly says "Sharknado"
what in the actual fuck
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Qingyi is the real busted unit out of the next batch. A high-power stunner that can fit in any team composition. Loaded kit with boosts to daze, attack and packing very strong multipliers.
>Anby's EX at level 16 has a 1431% damage multiplier and 810 daze multiplier
>Qingyi's EX at LEVEL 1 has a 1670% damage multiplier and 1097% daze multiplier
Honestly unbelievable numbers if they are indeed real.
Why is that? See >>487310889
Unless mowing down mooks in aoe I don't think it's better
How does she compare to lycaon? I wanna know if I fucked up spending resources on this nigga
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important counterargument: I have jerked off to Anby but not Chinky
sovlkaku is not for everyone
>having this big of a melty over the fact that someone else plays in a different dub
Fuck prydwen and fuck meta fags
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Am I bangboo seeded?
Oh I also read that standard pool has some weird pity system where if you get two characters you have a 98% chance to get a weapon on your third 5 star and vice versa. Some dude in the CN community compiled around 1.3 million pulls and found that pattern in the pull history. So its impossible to get 4 characters or weapons in a roll in the standard banner. Seems like i'm going to get balled next.
Ok but Anby is shit, how does she compared to Lycaon/Koleda
is that your answer?
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I thought it'd finally be challenging but nope. Do I need to wait for 45?
important counterargument: i find both attractive and will own both
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soukaku sisters.... we seem to have lost...
bwo you'll get ellen in your next 10 or 20 pulls
My dude I'm not even the guy you replied to in the first place
If you're seething this bad that someone else on God's green earth has different preferences than you I would REALLY do a self check
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Don't care still saving for the twink instead
so is that your answer?
im saving for the Ass cop, if she didn't want to come to me with the first 50/50 she aint the girl for me.
Don't care, still running my retarded wife
Lycaon has fantastic daze buildup and shreds Ice defense to help with his and his team's damage so hard to say. We'd have to wait for her release.
seethe seethe seethe
Don't care, Anby stays in the bench for being a snitch in the plot.
You don't break Proxy code
Anby is A rank anon and a character you get for free as well.
just want to know where did the sharknami thing came from
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>Hard-working, but not to a fault
>Has a loving relationship with her mother
>Cute personality
>HUGE ass enveloped in TIGHT spandex

Heh. Yea, I think I won. Buhbigly.
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she's just being hard
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Dude their theme is just construction tools you're reaching for something that isn't there.
so you're playing in EN got it that explains it, it's unironically Sharknado
There are good A rank characters in the other MiHoYo games...
the former takes way longer
the multiplier is if youre holding down NA3 for the max duration
built for criminals with a certain skill color, which happen to like big asses and watermelon
That looks like a misleading calculation, because the first one takes more time than the second on to execute.
It 'is' a relevant thing to consider for this discussion though. I also think that if you only have 2 EX to dump, the former could be better in the stun phase assuming you buffed up with Soukaku outside of the attack chain etc. to maximise the stun phase. But In your example you also do 2 Basic and 2 EX and the 12% on all 4 will take you further than the 20% (and probably even the 40%, though I'd have to do the math on that) on the weaker 2.
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Lycaon is a gay furry so they aren't even worth comparing.
Qingyi wins by default.
discuss: Zhu Yuan would be better if she wore a microbikini
sure, Lucy and Nicole are great, Anby is great also but you really can't compare them to S ranks.
Are stunners better than supports on double anomally team?
brick bros... what disks set and main stat do i put on my neko?
Just wait for mods
I dont get it
are you playing jp subs too?
Why are you schizos like this?
This is my first hoyo game. Do they still censor the desgin after releasing it? I don't want to brick myself before putting money in it.
most of this theme shit is just grasping at straws
even the Sons of Calydon being inspired by fairy tales (which kicked all this off) is tenuous, since the Three Little Pigs reference is the only clear thing going for it (and even then she’s not “based on the Three Little Pigs,” their names are just a reference)
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That might be true in Genshin but it's obvious it's bullshit in this shit game. Or at least it's not 98% after two.
No, having less clothes its just attractive to kids.
real MEN prefer clothes that put emphasis on the womans part without them being too revealing
both CN and JP subs and menu says Sharknado
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Never happened again after the stuff on Genshin. Snoy is losing power.
the standard weapon-character rotation was in genshin, so its probably legit if theyre using the same system
In HSR, Herta is literally the best character in the game for one of the end game modes, and she's not only free, but you get all of her copies for free. The player character is also high tier right now.
This only ever happened once with Rosaria in Genshin and most people itt were too young to even remember.
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yes go away
its only for five star weapons and characters for that pity pattern they say.
thats crazy
explain why that was worth a spergout
Genshin had that happen, the censorship was forced on CN servers but you could choose to use the uncensored versions on other servers. The characters were still censored in cutscenes though.
I said it's not relevant since I just did napkin math that didn't account for set bonuses. Ellen gets so much free stats that it's kinda hard to see what's good and what isn't. I don't think you even want Ice% on [5]
Those big tits and angry face are making me hard...
no idea about JP but if you put both voice and game in CN Ellen skill is called Sharknado
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Based and maja pilled
In Genshin it works for 4* too, at least.
Someone please spoonfeed me how to use Defense and Anomaly units. I know the standard Stunner -> Support -> Attack rotation, but would Anomaly replace Support or Attack? Does Defense replace Stunner? Cause Ben's M6 increases his Daze and in the new beta version that just came out, Seth's M4 was reworked to increase his Daze, too. I don't see a reason for them both to have bonus Daze unless they're intended to replace Stunners. Thank you.
>already level 22
>still no Scarlet Invitation so I can do that limited arcade event
What gives?
>most people itt were too young to even remember
Too young to remember... 3 years ago? lmao
The former of those is what you do on M2+ Ellen, to be fair.
precisely, that's the point of my post. and that's why that other anon was confused about the sharknami thing, which is unironically a wtf name considering both JP and CN use Sharknado and Ellen voice too when you use her ulti
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I think I've played HZ too much.
Read their abilities and put them together if they have synergy. You don't need to combine classes together.
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bwos what am I building for my first team in shiyu 10?

how many multiple level 30 accounts do you have?
Not really. I heard the head of CCP culture department disappeared after he said he was cutting down on gambling which sent Chinese tech stocks like tencent down and the laws were quietly cut when he disappeared
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Need some ass expansion as well, specifically from Nicole
Defense agents can pretty much easily replace stunners. Stunners focus on daze in general with all their attacks, and while Defenders have some daze too on their normals its not as much. Defenders excel in counterattacks, inflicting a lot of Daze, Damage, and Anomaly as a reward for hitting your skill timing. Ben also gives shield as a part of his skill. So its kind of up to you if you want to use Defense or Stun. Defense takes more skill but is more rewarding.
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis
Rat-Bite Fever
Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome
Weil's Disease
Eosinophilic Meningitis
Arenavirus infections
Seoul Virus
Q Fever
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why does every girl in EN sound like they have nasal congestion?
its especially noticeable with ellen.
>I don't think you even want Ice% on [5]
I still struggle about that one myself. Everyone 'says' you do, but I'm not sure and don't have the discs to experiment with it right now.
Yeah M2 llen changes that, but he has M0 as far as I could tell.
>both JP and CN use Sharknado and Ellen voice too when you use her ulti
He is referring to her EX2 which is called Sharknami. Her Ulti is sharknado.
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Akshually in Jp it says "Shark Tornado".
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this is what I cleared with
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Is this true? In NA Ellen banner still has 22 hours to go, they wouldn't overlap the banners right?
anomaly are like sub dpses, they can be played with dps or used with other anomalies for disorder. basically just different flavor of damage
ben is our only defense for now, but if youre comparing him to a stunner, he takes less field time. Stunner=onfield until you stun, ben probably wants to pop off counters then switch
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RNGmoe also has the live countdown with your preferred region
Sharks don't have noses
focus on the fire weakness. level up ben and pair him with Lucy, and then also throw Anton on the team for their core skill bonuses.
How does this game have an even shallower combat than Genshin if they didn't even bother with an open world? Where did the dev time and budget go exactly?
I am a filthy wagecuck but I decided to play a gacha since they don't require much time
However I only have time for 1
I want to play a new release since I hear you start a gacha near release or not at all
So i ask both /wuwa/ and /zzz/ to convince me to play their gacha
Your turn /zzz/
its not weak to fire though
try electro team. He shits himself when zapped
Yes but have you considered the 100% certainty that your genes will pass on when she has a litter of 20 kids?
Post hands
>ice team killed the ether boss
What did your levels and gear look like?
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Piper go brrr
Why did you run mono-ice into the ether weak boss instead of the ice weak boss?
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>even shallower combat than Genshin
d-dont look genshin bros
Don't ask retarded questions if you want a response
>30% from core passive
>10% from 2p polar
>25% from Engine (if you have it)
>20% from Soukaku core passive
Yeah I think I'm investing in Pencoin
>Waiting until Jane Doe to use up my pulls.
Bros, I'm starting to think I'm bricking my account by going without a limited 5* for so long.
NTA but its unironically much easier that way.
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ahh uhhhh ehhhhhhhh
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Appreciate them using the DSL orb for the BP timer.
go play wuwa lol
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I tried it the other way around and the first side took like 4 minutes
its resistant to physical so this way performed better
I did have level 45 dps though, skill talents unleveled
It can be less fun but you'll be alright as long as you have characters to play with
It's never worth it to invest to clear end game content, unless you invest on rerolling.
Genshin might be deeper due to reactions, but its boring to play because the feedback is worse and while being a swap heavy game, the actual swapping isnt as smooth. Also rotations gameplay is cancer
ah i didn't realize that, maybe its a variation.
Why did they nerf Qingyi to the point she’s NOT META?
You're missing out on some fun clearing harder content
If you're going to save for so long at least hyperinvest into the units you have right now
get the fuck out of my bread and my game you triplenigger
Ah, then I forget what the weakness is. Electricity? Regardless, Anton - Ben - Lucy is a solid team for it.
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It should be pretty free at IK40+, especially with Grace/Rina.
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nice try
Need to pin her against the wall and hump that ass until I ejaculate
how the fuck do you s-rank shiyu blue 10
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convinced yet?
To add on this does devalue 4p polar as well since DMG% should be additive with each other
Who should I choose for my standard S rank? Or are they all equally bad?
How to play Ben?
>on field dps/stunner
>enemy is about to attack
>parry with Ben when flash yellow
What's next? Do I switch back? Do I say on Ben and try to EX skill parry the next hit? Do I just run around while waiting for the boss to hit me? If I start attacking with Ben he enters his own combo and I might miss the parry.
Heddy is for the streets
have and ellen and an anomaly team lol
rina gets to fuck this?!
Ask in 8 months when you actually have the selector
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>He doesn't go hyperspeed with keka
meant for >>487313885
They're all equally good, but the dpses might not last long. Stick to support and stuns
No reason to go for that selector now unless youre a brickGOD though
Yeah, I also think PEN 'should' be better. But I haven't been blessed with a decent PEN disc yet.
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stick with us
Stay on Ben and use his EX skill parry, yes. You can hit him with your basic attacks in the mean time (you can interrupt his attack combo animations at anytime with his EX skill). After he has no more energy, switch back to whoever you want.
>different timezones
>same remaining time
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Choose Nekomata and only spend your rolls on standard until you reach the 300. The limited units will always rerun, but you may go years without ever seeing kot.
What would I have missed if I start now (aside from the daily primos)?
>tfw not knot lvl 40 yet, because I was like 5 days late starter
its so over for me
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you aren't strong enough to choose the kot
You're gonna miss out on almost 4 pulls worth of currency. Bricked AF.
shark maid banner is ending soon
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>zzz already has almost twice as much fanart as w*wa on Danbooru

zu zon
a good lot of the events that begun on game's launch are still going, I believe, so not much. though I do think some of them might end tomorrow.
I do have an ellen team, and she melts in her section, but the robo boss has way too much fucking health
I do have grace but I've been investing in S11 instead, and I have no idea how grace is supposed to "do damage"
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i play this game for fun and im not here to shill it
doesnt wuwa take longer to load into the game than it does for hoyo games to clear dailies kek
Same question, but for Bangboos.
you're such a fucking nigger, dodging my fucking filter like that. eat dicks in hell you stupid faggot
I did it with a Ellen team and a Neko team, but yeah. Having Ellen definitely helps a lot.
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were you the one who made this image? Good work if so
only faggots filter, maybe you can try reddit where stuff is automatically hidden from you
I don't care about the current banner, but I'll try rushing the events as much as I can.
Do I need to be a certain level to gain access to them?
There’s nothing wrong with one of the best gacha games ever, Wuthering Waves
I didn't plan on dodging them, I just don't have it in me to say the name of this game
Good word to have in your filters admittedly, wuwa discussion here always boils down to shitposting
This one is unironically "read the skills". There are pretty much no general bangboos (maybe aside from butler or resonaboo for cc but theyre botg neutered without the passive triggers). You want a bangboo thats needed for your team
>shitposters mad at filterGODS
Your tears are delicious.
do you have rina or piper? grace ideally wants at least one of those in her team
yup took me a couple hours last night but I got it done in the end.

this morning was just about putting all the images together and making some small edits
>durr my filters
bro just downvote it lol
I only filter racist/homophobic/transphobic rhetoric, no reason to filter actual game discussions
>nooo my precious sensibilities can't bear to see half the thread!
>ass blasted
only if you have a hard drive in the year of our lord 2024
How come Belobog has no themes?
People praise the elemental reaction system a lot, but in the end all you do is unload all of your skills and bursts with and delete everything without much interactions with the enemies at all unless they have some kind of time wasting gimmick or shields.
I wish his ult was a big ass drill attack instead of the lame jackhammer move
bro your regular expressions?
>kitsune have up to 7 tails
>Miyubi has none
Me taking pictures
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So I already have a T3 starlight engine for my S11, do I have to make a second one for Zhu Yuan now? What's your play anon
cry more shitposters. threads and generals are infinitely more comfy with filters
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I literally said the sites name, use google
Kitsune can have up to 9 tails many have less.
Yae Miko has zero tails, even when doing her ult she only has three.
burger here
will I wake up to Zhu’s banner tomorrow or will I have to wait even longer as punishment for my birthplace?
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>can build fire, ice, ether and shock teams
I know I should focus on only 1-2 teams at this point but I am 100% going to spread myself too thin.
Bro genshin is action combat? this looks great
Gotcha. Thanks anon.
who knows? maybe there is one and its just not obvious whatsoever. everyone I've heard suggest something has said something completely different. I think we just have to wait until they add another member before we can figure anything out theme-wise
you're only proving me right, unless this is bait
but go back either way
So I got brimstone.
Do I need to roll for Zhu's weapon or should i be good?
>Yae Jobber
>Yae Miko has zero tails
But she turns into an actual fox and shows her shapeshifting. Miyabi has no shapeshifting we know of to explain her lack of tail.
boo! wthering wves
9 hours
This is just speculation.
The latter
Me taking pictures of Qingyi's ass and thighs
Saw on a website that her banner drops at 6am eastern time
You'll need 3 teams or at least 3 different kind of DPS for later shiyu because enemies resisting your team is really fucking bad
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I tend to just get Ben to start up his pillar aerial piledriver and then switch to another character as the animation has invuln during it's entire duration and still builds meter for Ben. After that you can do all sorts of freestyling and just make sure you get the parry from Ben so you can bank on those ridiculous damage multipliers on both the defensive assist and Ex skill.
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Phew, Lucy-chan is such a good girl... this little piggy can't get any happier. I can't to see you with a full belly soon...
should I roll for ZHU? will ether going to be strong? I don't really care much for the character
the calydon ones after lucy are kind of a reach
When has she ever shown us her fox form? she only has tails when using her ult.
Don't let defender confuse you, anon. Ben is a support. You parry with him to apply the shield and buff for you party. After you got the buff, you switch to your field charactor to stun/dps. You are wasting dps every second you stay with Ben.
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Pipers ass
You will have the power to mix teams and match weaknessess bro thats like 2x damage trust me
just check when Ellen's ends, hoyo doesn't do gaps in the middle of the patch
bro the game’s been out for three weeks
you’ll have plenty of time to build all those teams
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Grace uses a nailgun
will never understand the appeal of fat bastards or beastiality
bros, I play zzz and ww, and I kinda like both :/
Easier to self insert
Nobody cares.
Its just adding humiliation to the rape.
zased zased zased
Zhu Yuan is constantly sexually harassed at work but is too retarded to understand it
Roll for who you like
big boss...
WTF is that kot torpedo
its the exact same masculine appeal as rape
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So is buying these a must or a waste?
I'm sorry, you guys are my only friends
why do you guys always respond like that if someone asks if a character is strong
it's a very fair question
You only get the buff from counter attack with his EX skill, not normal assist so you kinda have to stay on him and wait for the boss to attack you.
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>22 hours
god fucking damn it
>fat bastards
self-inserting for IRL fat and ugly guys
degrading to the female
we are merely anonymous acquaintances
both, start grinding those 2400 denny missions
That's it then
Koleda = Hammer
Anton = Piledriver
Grace = Nailgun
Ben = Brick
>I don't really care much for the character
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very cool gro.
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Which bangboo should i pick next. 30 rolls away to guaranteed
A must if you nolife this game
A waster if you don't
I can only self-insert as buff gigachad with a massive cock, sorry
You will once you turn 35+
im unironically out of dennies because of this
more or less the same value as farming dennies
so only you have tons of dennies
It's about equal to the amount of battery charge you'd spend on a denny HIA run for the same result, but could be more value down the line.
Yes, you need to be level 15 and complete some main quests
>rabies are the kindest
wtf is this bizarro world
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Ben doesn't use a brick, he uses some giant tamping rammer.
they're for compacting soil. no you wont find any that look like his.
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Zhu should be here tonight, their banners will overlap for ~10 hours for NA. Server time should be UTC+8 so converted to UTC-7 it should be here at 9pm for west coast Americhads.

but you're not done with the shark? what are you doing?
huh tard-kun? your rocketboo for team 2?
full A rank teams will be able to clear the hardest content in the game
even if they couldnt, youd need years to make back your S rank "investment", assuming a player that didnt pull it would be B ranking limited shiyu (wont happen)
therefore, if you dont like the character, theres no reason to waste pulls on them
i mean, what's your two favorite teams?
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>5 hour thread
>barely halfway to post limit
uhh what happened zoocucks??
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Feels like SoC and NEPS are hard reaches or just straight up copium.
I would have believed you if Lucy had a slight wolf motif instead of having a boar mask.
Ellen slept more than Piper ever did.
I bet you think Zhu Yuan is a rooster ONLY because she has red highlights, and Qingyi is dragon because she is green.
Nice, that doesn't sound too bad. I'll try rushing it today
>It's about equal to the amount of battery charge
Its about 1.5x more stamina for what you spend to what you buy. It gets much much worse on the tier too.
>tamping rammer
I don't even know how that's called in my language but I don't think it's the same thing Ben uses.
WW is like the 2nd best zelda game i don't think it's a problem.
I hope you’re right
I’m so set to wake up early to pull Zhu
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Bros I think I'm actually in love with Nicole...
Because we've seen the same story every time.
>"hey is X strong"
>Fast forward a few days to a week later
>"WTF I hate this fucking character why did I roll??"
That's why people get told to roll for characters they like, unless the character is ABSOLUTE dogshit, you get the benefit of using your favorite AND clearing content
What male characters do we know? We know Harumasa, Lighter, Seth, that All Might ripoff, and Hugo Vlad.
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This is a recycled thread retardbro
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wuwa takes longer to play daily while ZZZ only takes a few minutes to do your dailies because you can use so much at once. Also because wuwa has separate rolls for weapons and characters.
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Every character is strong with maxed skills, good w engine, and tapes. It's a retarded question.
whale harder if u wanna S rank everything bwo
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>use orientation on a disc for the first time
>get this
Bro? we are in a Hoyothread, we only like skinny turbofaggots here
well its not a brick.
>level 65
so it goes to 70?
sounds fucking impossible
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ww sucks tho.
it has charm and uniqueness to it but the ocean fucking sucks.
No it's not, every Mihoyo game so far can be fully cleared with free characters, asking if something is strong is pointless and if you engage with "but which one is stronger" retardation you end up getting tier faggotry which no one will ever agree on
bwo you were supposed to use it for elemental damage or energy recharge
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rub one out and that feeling will fade
Just peed my pants accidentally in McDonald’s again
>using it on disc 4(four) with the least amount of mainstats
uhhh retardgawd what are you doing
All Might ripoff? You mean Bringer? Because I don’t think he’s ever gonna be playable.
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woo... wa?
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will roll for Qingyi and then skip everyone until the idol faction banners
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According to leaktrannies the 1.1 weapon is ATK type, but in the meantime yeah, if you are not a paypiggy starlight it is
Gosh, she's so rapeable in this scene.
Yeah, I dropped genshin after prologue. Why make a real time combat game without blocking/dodging? I don't want another ubisoft game to explore the open world either.
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Mostly a waste. They aren't cost efficient, and it would cost more stamina to farm the dennies for a material rather than farming the material outright. As an example, you can spend 20 stamina on either 3 blue certification at minimum, or the 20 stamina on 22500 Dennies. It doesn't seem to improve at IK50 either.
Zhu Relics?
see you dont get it, the issue is when you're self inserting the choice is almost always between a twink femboy with a 2 inch cock or a fat bastard.
The fat bastard is closer to the gigachad it's only natural
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I've been gooning to Nicole all week and it's only making me fall for her more...
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People that respond like that are simply dodging the question
im really tempted to use it for anomaly prof since I cant seem to get a single one
are all the mains really weighed equally
what the fuck is a relic
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Lucy's pigs are literally called Grassy, Woody, and Bricky. They are based on the 3 little pigs without a doubt. Piper just constantly talks about wanting to sleep.

Qingyi's a dragon because she's wise, implied to live forever, is durable, and just straight up has dragon symbolism on her. As for Zhu Yuan, roosters are considered active and ready, that combined with her colors made me feel like it fit her really well.
i only had 8% crit damage and i've already gotten plenty of non crit damage disc 4s
but does it have combat atk or out of combat atk?
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>coomerbro conflates love with lust
Many such cases.
Nicole is a canon prostitute and is no longer suitable for marriage.
A character wanting to sleep doesn’t make them a Sleeping Beauty reference. Ellen loves candy, does that make her Gretel?
A record is a relic of the past hipsters were gaslighted into thinking they were cool or collectable.
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Why does the RAT get a special summon animation?
what does this have to do with Zenless Zone Zero?
>want zhu
>want qingyi
>want jane
>want yanagi
>want miyabi
>want caesar
>want idol group
Move out your parents' basement to your dream country
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>canon prostitute
The perfect wife for me...
I fucking need BOTH rat and qing yi
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Before new banner I want to tell /zzz/

Lucky or not, at least you tried
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you already know
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I'm also hard
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It's simple.
Why would you roll for a character you don't like? >metafagging
Ok, what do you gain from it? A couple rolls?
How many rolls did you spend to get that meta character? It's not a strategic investment that'll make you reap millions of rolls and materials.
The fucking free starting team you get can S-Rank anything provided they're leveled enough and the gap reduces the more copies you have of them and their signatures.
There isn't and there won't be a single piece of the story you won't be able to see if you don't have the meta team.
Roll. For. Who. You. Like.
Use the characters you find fun.
I suggest you get better taste
>Sleeping beauty is about a girl who wants to sleep
>Zhu yuan is a rooster... because she gets up early
You cope with shit reasons like this and have the audacity to say belobog has no theme
No because she's based off a Shark and not in the fairy tale faction. that's just a character trait in that case, Piper's whole personality is based on it.
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Time to join the F2P+ players and be rewarded.
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I wish Qing came out before Zhu personally
>As for Zhu Yuan, roosters are considered active and ready, that combined with her colors made me feel like it fit her really well.
Zhu Yuan would have been the only one I would give you, based on her ponytail looking a lot like a roosters tail. The rest is kinda nonsense. Seth is clearly not a tiger.
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bwo he needs the money
Server time in hoyo games are basically synced to a regional timezone, so you can stop coping. Asia comes first, then EU, then NA.
Character strength and placement in the meta needs and should be talked about it.
If you truly like them you'll roll regardless of how dogshit or good they are.
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nigga how am i supposed to get mats then
Yea it makes more sense for a stunner to come before the DPS cus now I have to build Anby cus I only have 1 other stunner
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M2 Ellen being 5x funner does not bode well for this being a f2p friendly game.
save up for M2 + signature W engine or bricked account
this is your warning
But you’re making up that they’re “the fairy tale faction.” Lucy’s pigs ARE a reference to the Three Little Pigs, but that can just be a cute little reference, it doesn’t have to be the foundation for the entire faction.
I started looking for a job last week, anon, you can too....
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VIDA + 4
I just didn't see the theme until people started to point out that its based off of construction tools, literally in this same thread.

I made this for fun, because I like the theming they are giving off. I'm not going to argue with you over every single detail, rather, I'm going to post this picture when I feel like just to make you angry and seethe.

Updated with Belobog theme, of course.
sugoi whale anon
get a job
if you already have a job get by on the bare minimum amount of food and cut any useless subscriptions
Stop playing gacha
>not attack
you'd get mad if I told you to scrap it, but you're going to be disappointed anyway
Why does it need to be talked about? I'm going to use who I like and clear all content. Everyone else can use who they like and clear all content. Show me the characters who can't clear all the content.
i have m1 and its fun, what does m2 change?
+2 On HP, +1 Pen, +1 Either of the crit stats
>Anomaly Prof
Its trash bro.
Anomaly cannot crit.
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Instant noodle is delcious
you don't need that netflix subscription
I'm F2P you thing I would be playing Anton otherwise? lol
zhu yuan is the perfect woman and I need her in my life right NOW
lets you alternate between the spinny hold attack and your EX skill until you're out of energy
f2p+ players cant get all S ranks either u lying rat fuck
A little late for prefarm bwo...
do you have a video?
You'll get bored and stop posting it within the week and I'll be in your head rent free as every poster who calls you retarded every time you post it.
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bros... our official reddit...
Care to explain? The server time they mention is CN server time, which is UTC+8, unless you can prove otherwise. Converted to PDT which is UTC-7 gives us 9PM release time.
Does food work for Shiyu defense?
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>MFW I find and download the ZZZ Diaper mod with lore friendly designs and brands.
Soon, crinklebwos!
>building crit on an anomaly unit
for what purpose
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So er what team should i make?
how bad is the grind anons?
In time you will have a lot of dennies from events/story etc and the store is a way for you to turn them into mats(in other words stamina)
Seth might be dog, I just couldn't really tell from images alone though. he looked more like a feline (white bengal tiger) to me.
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They release two attackers at once specifically to bait you into missing out on the characters of real value.
I have 15 batteries
I can prefarm anything
Who’s the leader of Victoria House?
chaotic metal plus woodpecker
I'm so sad I built Koleda instead of Anby. She's more of a brick than neko
>CN server time
and what are you basing this on?
>unless you can prove otherwise
you may prove to me that the server time is based on UTC+8 at your leisure
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for what purpose is a police robot built like this?
My polar metal disc got increased flame damage...
nigga you already made them
is there any page that's keeping track of how many tapes we've gotten so far, like people have done with hoyo's other games?
delete your account
>Ben on cop banner
Why do they do this
there is no grind, you're not allowed to actually play this game more than an hour a day
it’s harder to evade the police when you’re bricked up
We've been over this many times. She needs to collect genetic evidence on pedophiles and other sex offenders, so her body is designed for maximum entrapment and extraction.
If you want to play it for yourself, get her trust mindscape and take her to hollow zero. It lets you loop basic 3 > EX 2 as long as you have energy.
shes built to be unintimidating and likeable. the police should serve their community after all.
I'm really struggling to effectively use anton.
Nope. I think this is the only thread I care about responding in because I wanted feedback on the Belobog stuff, but from hence on I'll probably just post it and ignore replies (Unless people are able to figure out if Cunning Hares have a more distinct theme besides what I posted there).
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Thanks, managed to clear it.
literally nothing to grind once you used up all your content. Its just log in do 2 fights to burn stam log out
Anby is free
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Miyabi and expy waiting room
She reminds me of the android girl from Majikoi, green hair, twintails and all.
i want lucy as well!!!!
as a no life f2p chad who is Interknot level 43, what Shiyu Critical node should we be at?

Level 5 of 7 B rank?
that's not even a c2 miyabi though
IDK how Kolade plays but using Anby in high shiyu is a massive pain.You need to do her combo to deal daze but it's full of ranged enemies and bosses that attack nonstop on don't let you reach the pause for the extra daze
I think the S-rank cops are supposed to represent the Four Divine Beast.
Zhu Yuan = Zhu Qiao (Suzaku)
Qingyi = Qinglong (Seiryu)
Unless Seth already represents Baihu (Byakko) we’ll probably get two other S-ranks to represent the two final beasts.
I'm going to be honest bwos, The next banners are kind of trash, huh. Will 1.3 save the game?
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you should have 10 cleared by now bwo
If you're really good/got Grace/Ellen/S11 you could be done with SD17
2pc pecker 4pc ether probably
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I can't wait to be back home to my PC, so I can mod this game and give Anby her thong back
Yeah, I dunno if you are the same poster as before, but I think that's totally possible unless Jane Doe is a part of the faction, in which case I think its the Chinese Zodiac.

Whatever the case, I'll update things once we find out Jane's Doe official faction.
Depends if you got Ellen or not.
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Use her on your second team. Qingyi will be the best stunner for a long time.
Good job. If you work on your discs, S is easily in the cards with those teams/level.
ok but how often are you going to have enough energy to do basic 3 > EX 2 in a row outside of a buffed out hollow run
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Corin underskirt... erotic...
I like this one since Xuanwu could easily be a defender
link to the mod thing?
I think should be already safe by now
Hey you only need a B to unlock the red shiyu defense.
Learn how to deal with scarcity. Pick favorites. Save currency.
Well it's not up to me to prove anything to you, there are multiple countdown websites corroborating the time I listed for west coast NA, and the fact the US and CN news post for the banner lists the same times means your explanation is wrong anyway. If you can find anything that states distinctly what UTC timezone server time is when they refer to it be my guest and show me. Otherwise, I will continue to assume server time means CN timezone, you know, the country where they made the game? I hope you feel embarrassed in about 8.5 hours.
How do Rain and Wise know each other?
I think people overextend this. Zhu Yuan and Qingyi are a classical Phoenix/Dragon combination. The other two are their own thing, even if they're in the same faction.
Got a question for those here who got the Brimstone. Does the buffs of it persist through a full chain attack? Like let's say you break with Ellen with max stacks then go through the full chain attack rotation, the stacking buffs will not wear off no?
they both know Nicole.
But I like characters based on how meta they are.
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I'm happy you're happy with our characters, gweillo
I already have koleda
but you don't get the rewards if you don't S rank, and you make that level harder, and since you couldn't S rank, you definitely won't S rank the red ones, and still get no rewards
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The selector discussion has got me wondering whom I would choose between Koleda and Nekomata (since I already have Grace and S11).
I think Koleda is actually somewhat hotter desu. Anyone else agree?
They both know Nicole.
Also Rain is a frequent customer in the video store. You can actually see her in the store as early as Chapter 1.
First red ones are easier than blue 10
As long as you don’t spend above $10,000, you’re still a F2P player
>but you don't get the rewards if you don't S rank
You get rewards for every rank as long as you clear it. Just not full rewards
And if you can B-Rank Clear SD10 you can almost certainly B if not even A-Rank clear SD11.
>lists the same time
SERVER TIME - which is different for each region

Thinking that they're going to do things differently from HSR/GI and let Ellen + Zhu banners be up at the same time is retarded.
I like koleda better but you can always wait and see who you get frist on a lost 50/50
How old is Yuan?
>perfect loop so I can coom to it
thanks bwo brb
She frequents his store.
>[character] is supposed to represent [thing]
no they aren’t
shut the fuck up
You may as well build pity for Anby dupes on Qingyi banner then, you won either way.
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She’s a 40 year old virgin
uh oh denyfag melty
Give it to me straight bros are Ellen and Zhu just bait to empty our primogems before the actual good agents are released?
Koleda works with Grace and S11. Nekomata is a brick. You should pick Koleda.
uh oh meltyfag melty
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I've finally hit Knot lvl.40 and my Ellen is built like trash- Can I get help with her disks? What should I be focusing on for the Base Stat for #4-6 Disks?
I'm very stupid when it comes to building characters in videogames...

Yes, except thats also true for the next two agents. And the two agents after that. And so on.
I think we need more original characters
uh oh melty
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Now that I can grind for discs, what will be the best build for Ellen?
Crit stats or atk stats?
Yes, but they are the best dps units until jane releases so pick your poison
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Ummm bro your media literacy???
Is you is rolling four Zhu Yuan
Define good. Sexo, good plot or overtuned?
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So apparently, the best F2P team for Zhu is Anby/Nico/Zhu, but I have the furry stunny, wouldn't it be better to put him instead of Anby in my case?
If not, why? It's just because of the Anby/Nico faction synergy?
Reverse corruption is hotter than corruption.
what the fuck, I have these exact characters
How are you playing anton? is it really as simple as getting meter and then mashing basic attack?
He feels so underpowered, same with anby
The ice side destroys everything but I'm spending 6-7 minutes doing no damage with anton and co, I barely cleared shiru 10 to unlock the next stages
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more or less it appears to be the case.
Grace will have virginal post marriage sex with Billy in the missionary position with the lights off.
you need more crit rate/dmg
Belobog also have a "Yakuza" thing going on.
Looking at the upcoming release schedule it looks like I'll be applying for a job after 9 months of sitting on my ass.
No, but you definitely dont need both. 1 is fine
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I just A ranked SD11 and I got polys
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Anyone got the other messages if you miss your date? Do you get a trust decrease and they get angry or sth?
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>[4] Crit rate/dmg
>[5] Ice%/Pen%
>[6] ATK%
2-Piece Polar Metal, 4-p Woodpecker or Puffer
2/2/2 might also work
I want more men in this game because I'm tired of having to fill empty party slots with women.
>grinding for discs
If you want to use him for your main team go ahead, you won't miss out on much
I can’t believe metatrannies are still seething at Ellen when shes literally a maid shark girl. There is literally no good excuse to not want her.
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Since I assume you also don't have her weapon, you want a
Crit% disc on 4,
PEN or ICEdmg% on 5
ATK% on 6 (you can consider energy% here with good substats).
2p Polar with either 4p Pecker/Puffer. I'd recommend Pecker for the crit% until you have better discs though.
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Indeed, you wouldn’t wanna miss out on KatanaGOD Miyabi who’s very MOTIVATED

Disk 4 crit rate/dmg to a 1:2 ratio, disk 5 ice dmg, disc 6 atk%, and jesus fucking christ give her 4 pc woodpecker since 4pc polar metal does nothing for her burst heavy kit.
its a bit of a waste, unless you cant fit knot into another team
You can, you miss out on Anby synergy and his Ice res shred but he's so good it doesn't matter
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Should I not use the daily energy to get better discs?
hi retard-kun
go to prydwen and copy that
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just b urself
i spent 10 batteries on discs
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what the fuck is towering dome of the void
>Koleda and Grace
Does she have good anomaly build up? I thought disorder teams didn't care too much for stun.
lycaon shits out stuns like crazy and has a pentillion I-frames
>He feels so underpowered, same with anby
They are. Do you have M1 Anton? Learn the trick to keep attacking when his energy is low. Also learn to dodge alot with Anby. When enemy is stunned pay attention to Rina's buff next to Anton's portrait then switch to Rina for EX into quick assist back into Anton. Also be ready for a lot of wrist pain
I’m starting to feel that this is a mihomo game when I want to play all the characters I have but I can’t due to resource restrictions
There's already cc for their outfits?
what do synergies do?
It's not bad on her own, Koleda when built outputs way more stun than Anby and could fit in any team regardless of synergy just to stun quickly.
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You call me retarded yet direct me to a site with so many words...
I h8 u
yeah, and you're short 100 polychromes
name a gacha that allows you to build everyone available after 3 weeks
I'm fortunate that I'm extremely picky, I like maybe 1 in 4-5 limited S characters.
We're just at the start. Once we hit max level and have build our rosters, we're gonna have time and resources to catch up some of the other ones.
Well there is also no rule that says you can’t build everything easily in gacha games
Go to skills and click on the core passive
>Ice: Freezes enemies then shatters them for big damage
>Assault: Big burst of damage
>Shock: Enemy takes extra damage when hit
>Fire: Enemy takes damage over time
>Ether: Enemy takes chunk of damage intermittently
Did I get that right?
The difference between Ice/physical and the rest is easily noticeable, but the difference between electric/fire/ether isnt as noticeable to me
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ZZZ or WuWa? You can only choose one.
Fire stuns humans and shock stuns robots
Why are the fins so sharp?
>got Anton's signature
Do I use it over starlight even without dupes? The man sure needs his ER and having a weapon only for him means less gear switcheroo.
Even if every other anon calls you a retard, I believe you.

Seth is probably confirmed Cat/Tiger by the marketing already establishing conflict between him and Jane. Cat and Rat are a classic conflict, Dog and Rat not so much.
I have 7200 quartz, is this enough for Zhu Yuan, Qingyi and Jane Doe?
Project Mugen
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its simple dummy wummy anon! so u go onto the character u wanna build and click "Build"! then scroll down!
Oops sorry anon, didnt meant to reply to you >>487321298
the shock stunning machines is nice against the mech bosses, you can sometimes interrupt their attacks and they have to reset for a few seconds.
of course, you only need 480 quartz
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it's an unwritten rule, which is why everything is timegated one way or the other, and every few months they release new mats you have to farm for certain characters, etc.
mihoyo honestly handles it well, those are usually tied to weekly bosses and normal bosses (for all their game), so it's not a big deal

other gachas force you to farm low rate materials and other shit just to upgrade them
but eventually in all of them you have more than enough and never need to farm that until a new thing comes out
so cute!
Dragalia Lost 2
> I hope you feel embarrassed in about 8.5 hours.
Anon banners don't overlap in hoyo games zhu's banner will only start after Ellen's end
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Ice also adds 10% crit dmg and Assault 10% Daze.
i uninstalled ww after a few minutes when they were dropping 1000 ching chong names per second, i'm tired of chinks not containing their urges
>Zhu is 21 hours away
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which of you is this?
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Please god make the yen tank so I can buy cheap chromies....just go back down to 0.0062 please...
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does this say rape or am i crazy?
kill yourself psychopath
I would never play unplayable MMO trash like WuWa
every coop subhuman should leave to play that cancer and never return though
it has everything you disgusting scum want: mandatory forced coop for artifacts, mounts, korean MMO-level grind and high difficulty endgame content for tryhard whales
go play that evil trash instead of trying to destroy Genshin
fuck multiplayer as a concept
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Why is nobody talking about wuwa anymore, weren't these people targeting us after failing to beat GI and HSR?
I still play genshin I have no need of edgy genshin
Mahjong Soul
You're crazy.
It says pop, but it's somewhat easy to read it as rape.
Just look at the daily reset every server has a different timezone
Bro? your PVP snake?
they got banned for advertising, now stop talking about them
Stop wishing for the Yen to tank I live in Japan I don’t want my livelihood threatened so you can buy more characters
Zenshin Ztar Zrd
/\ mental illness
*sucks cock*
>failing to beat GI
wuwa is fundamentally a much better game than genshit
>why is nobody talking about wuwa
open world games are on their way out, 4 week long banner of the most boring character killed all hype the game had
so I want to play Ben but S11 is the only character I don't have. Am I fucked or does Lucy constellations make her a dps or something
Its the same guy that keeps posting the "alright now come back to wuwa", you can tell because its literally the only frogposter in the entire general that spams the same 3 frogs over and over.
waito piggu go homu
Schizo was caught trying to false flag both generals into hating each other and started posting gore and shock images.
your account has to be an asia account to buy on jp, right? i can't vpn to jp to buy for an NA account??
>wuwa is fundamentally a much better game than genshit
lol no, it's standard unpolished recycled asset chinkslop with zero creativity behind it, unreal can only do so much
>4 week long banner of the most boring character
they shortened the first banner albeit
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Anon blue shiyu defense is permanent, you can always go back and S rank it later, red resets in 8 days.
The only right answer
anyone know where ZZZ mods are posted that aren't gamebanana
Wuwa doesn't do a single thing better than Genshin
sorry bro gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette
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Why do so many CC'S hate ZZZ and love WuWa?
you can
not really but you can all in on Lucy's ult damage for decent effect. Ben can also be just used as a decent stunner with less impact but higher damage.
Shouldn't have made importing so expensive and inconvenient for years then.
Stop grooming children you white trash teacher
They signed a contract
Assault also applies a debuff to the enemy that causes them to take increased daze. As long as you can proc assaults quickly you really don't need a stunner.
because of views
they'll do content for both and play both sides anyway
You can also use a jp app/play store account
I own a coffee shop I’m not a teacher
>skip button
>much better combat
>non scam weapon banner
>non garbage female 3d models
>much better artifact system
>much better world traversal
total genshit death
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I didn't know Tin Master posted here.
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That's Lucy at the top btw
Wuwa is peak gachaslop
ZZZ is peak hoyosoul
Anyone who disagrees with this is an indonesian or jeet
Sorry, shork is eepy.
I don't care about your shitty asset flip faggot go back to wuwa
genshin 3d models in general suck, and their animations are lackluster compared to wuwa
but genshin has an advantage in that it manages to contain the chinkfaggotry, wuwa has nothing but obnoxious chink namedropping nonsense every 0.2 seconds, which makes it unplayable
It's all humiliation/corruption, anyone who says self inserting is bullshitting you.
>10 rupees and a rucksack of basmati rice has been deposited to your account
it was that time of the mo-, I mean, grifter cycle
half of them came around to zzz afterwards
Is that infinite abyss mode worth doing? Does it have any rewards?
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feels like I've been playing for longer, bros...
is it over for me
>He didn't deny the grooming part
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These are the total rewards if you full S clear it before reset.
Fuck it, I'm gonna sleep on her tits. HZ is over
Just turn on a VPN and go to the top up store in your browser and buy from there
>story is shit in a genre where your story can be mediocre and people will eat it up
>pretty much no team building, every teams wants vurina and there's no dot, em, equivalent, everyone just wants crit.
>rolling for weapons its always bad no matter the context
>true, majority of genshin designs are much better and unique despite that
>both are shit, wuwa has the early-mid game advantage, genshin has the late game advantage because it has better recycler and you don't waste as much resources wanting to min-max
>worse open world and level design
genshin is shit but wuwa has no ground to stand on and no future. Only retards will say "graphics = better" like its console wars all over again
it's tanked multiple times bro, I don't need to wish I save 40% with a VPN as a britbong
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Oh Ellen ain't gonna like this
o shit, thanks
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What did they mean by this
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T-There is a red shiyu defence?
you are (knot) prepared
you get some crates and dennies for reaching the end but not even a cheevo
aim for 30 and be done with it
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they just like good games I guess
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Damn, the storytelling in this game is really good
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oh no no no
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she is here!
in my own house!
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This is okay right? I didn't play a lot of the mihomo games before so I don't know what to do for the equipment. Should I have even rolled on it with two bad stats? I just don't have any good disks at all.
Yeah, you need to beat blue SD10. It doesn't need to be S or even A, just B rank will do. The lower number red SDs are unironically easier than SD10 so you'll be able to clear them.
any tips for Grace? I might be doing something wrong because mine does no dmg
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>do a 10 pull on the weapon banner on a whim
Made for ntr.
>he didn't S-rank all stages for the critical nodes

jokes aside, once you clear the first 10, more unlock and those reset once a month (hopefully just the first rotation and subsequent ones every 2 weeks to get more stuff)
yeah it's fine but you'll replace it if you get a crit damage +3 roll
Is ok, don't worry too much about it right now
For a first piece, its passable. You can't wait for perfect pieces at the start. You'll be switching out for better ones over time.
its good enough
chinkhoyo games are stingy with energy and have shit gear grind systems so you wont be seeing a better improvement for months to come
if you dont have any crit rate/crit damage [4] disks then you always roll even just to cope until you get something better
try to be more selective on [1] to [3] because they have set main stats, [4] to [6] are lottery gambles so take what you can get
in another universe you saved those rolls and it got you a 5* character instead
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He said infinite abyss so my mind went to spiral abyss
I forgot that there's a commission called that.
filler disc
>best girl is free to play
Stop tempting me to roll
but u gotta whale mega hard to hit S on all on em
impossible as F2p bwo
when is idol faction banner
>Anon starts playing a card game
>"Im starting to feel like TCGs are jewish practices by default because I want to own every card but cannot without paying for them at great cost to myself"

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