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Previous: >>487291865

>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
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reposting this

faction themes compiled into one image
Someone make a new version of this but with even more retarded headcannot shit
Confirmed to be OP metachurl
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grace is cool
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Bro what's this
>king arthur
Belobog also have a "Yakuza" thing going on.
Wow! Pepper coffee! For free! I will now dump two tablespoons of pepper into my morning coffee. Thanks Mihoyo!
more than half of this is bullshit, fuck off
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Did they added this button during this 140mb update?
>didn't get Grace from standard
It's over. In a team with Jane Doe and Seth, who'd be the best third choice? I don't have Grace nor Rina.
I drew this
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Should I push for M2 Ellen or should I save my guarantee since its still early game?
>Grace before the censors got to her
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Love my shork gf and her JK gf's
It was a couple of days ago.
that appears once you reach level 6 for the shop bwo
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How many hours for NA chuds?
Belobog follows the highschool hoodlum/Japanese Yakuza framework/aesthetic. Mixed with construction workers/contract holders. Not sure how they missed that.
Thats a very smug broke bitch. I will take this for future purposes.
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this thread existed before the other one, and I posted that before realizing that text was still in there and edited it out in the other thread.

anyways here's an updated version of this with belobog.
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Used a tuning calibrator and got this, fucking +2 on HP twice I'm glad I don't have a gun on my desk
24 hours chud. 9 hours for eu gods
me likey
check your ellen banner countdown
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just waiting for Zhu Yuan now
over 140 pulls on the waiting room
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The belebog, cunning hares, and the ones for the unreleased SoC characters are all weak. We need more info besides their appearance and name to figure out SoC characters.
Thank you bros. I had no idea it was tied to level 6 shop
Her face pisses me off. Good job.
you wish EUbro, it's at 1pm for us
so still a while

>tuning calibrator
that'll be me next week when I need the extra push for shiyu defense and the game says fuck you
Do you care about the M2 playstyle? You're already pretty stacked so I'd sit on that and pull for more characters
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>Your favorite character
>Do you browser 4chan?
Fucking gro-
>Hairy butthole
Huh, maybe not so bad
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Question, can I level up cope discs and recover the EXP back when I recycle them?
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20+ hours and 100 rolls just to get dog nigga and some ugly bitch with a nail gun...
Goodbye bros, I like the game, but it just wasn't meant to be
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I just realized how terrible it's going to feel when they add more characters and eventually half my roster on this screen will be greyed out.
Is this normal in gacha games? Or a consequence of leaning so heavily into fighting game styles?
>you wish EUbro, it's at 1pm for us
Aieeeeeeeeeeeee i'll be in work rip
Yeah, admittedly the unreleased characters in SoC are best guesses. I mean, Caesar's theme is pretty obvious, but the other two we'll have to see.

belobog was updated in this one >>487307727

and cunning hares I should just put no distinct theme besides being criminals.
Little over 160 for me just in case I get unlucky.
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Healthy shork
>got literally the best standard characters
holy retard, you might not have time for ellen anymore but if you did your account would be loaded
Other gachas I've played don't show unowned characters when viewing your roster.
lord lycaon, harem king, at your service
>2/3 of the most futureproof characters
>Is this normal in gacha games?
Not in other Mihoyo games, you have to go out of their way to the archive menu to see unobtained characters, your actual character menu is only owned ones
They're doubling down on the FOMO in this one, locking trust events behind ownership is also very jewish
Nest with all 11 modifiers is fucking ridiculous. The jump from 9/11 to 11/11 goes from difficult but pretty reasonable if youre smart and play well, to just complete utter cancer rape.
Bosses with more health than shiyu, spawning in elites overlapping combos that glitch out the parry system because the game cant path your character to stand in front of the attack.
Its just absolutely retarded. I managed to beat the first floor boss but then the second floor boss (big mecha and another big mecha as an elite) and oops they resist my damage and cant change shit obviously because its HZ.
If anyone manages to clear 11/11 with level 50s whale or not I while kneel.
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Bro just save for Rat
you'll get a lot more from getting a second a dps than m2 ellen. you can always get m2 on a rerun.
Post your gender identity, sexuality, favorite character, astrology sign and say one thing nice about /zzz/
wait wtf is this
how many rolls does it take to c6? i just realized japan vpn lets me pretty much buy 50 rolls for $50
Isn't she a girl?
No way that voice is a dude's, at least in JP.
Imagine how hot and sweaty it'll get in that suit.
Please save my general
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What the fuck am I watching
bwo you're shiyu defense critical nodes?
you HAVE cleared the default nodes already, right?
bro they reset next week, get to work
I think it's just because they're going for the fighting game style. A lot of the UI is style over functionality. I like it though since I can see who I'm missing
Yes, unless you are a whale or a luckchad it's more than likely you won't get every character.
The limiteds are one thing but remember you can purchase the A ranks in store if you end up missing any.
That's how I got my Lucy.
I thought it was just suppose to be a prerecorded mascot voice
how many hours is that
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JP took too much liberty
he's a tired middle aged dude in that suit in the canon dub
In 6 months 2/3 of your roster will be permabenched anyways
Its a tired ojisan in CN. Could be anything in EN. The JP one is a play on those mascots, so its probably not their real voice either.
Jean was one of the last good things of Genshin and they ruined her, you deserve this.
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I will be skipping Zhu Yuan.
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I'd assume it gets a lot easier at 60 and AFAIK it's one-time only rewards so there's no rush. Still nice to have something else to check your account progress against aside from Shiyu I guess.
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Keeping these streets safe
>he bought store lucy
its over for your account bwo
How did they ruin her? The outfit change?
Oshino Shinobu
Maybe, can you repeat the question?
I can imagine at level 60 being able to one shot or close to one shot the boss adds that spawn and then it'll be a lot easier.
But characters like Piper just become fucking useless because she takes more than 0.5 seconds to pump her damage and doesnt become invulnerable and daze lasts a maximum of 6 seconds on bosses.
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>ben is rate up on zhu banner
what the fuck did hoyo mean by this?
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im sorry brother, but that general is forsaken after everyone there bent the knee to the toilette cult's death threats over mualani getting close to his level of power
I will never roll toillette, i will never kneel to him or his nematode followers
Shipping her with Kaeya.
Best I can do is post about how much I want Shenhe to bruise my pelvis
When did that happen? Is it a recent thing?
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Enjoyable kek. The latin verses are kind of cringe, unless that's what you were aiming for in which case they're cringekino.
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I want to grab koleda by the hips and toss her in the air like the dad she barely had
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This is another case of "two character talked to each other, I'm getting cucked!", isn't it?
Do not roll for weapons. Starlight engine its good enough.
>But's its just ATK %
The main stat for the weapon is, but the passive is essentially a separate modifier called "Combat ATK %" which is as unique as DMG %, CR, DEF shred, etc.
Woodpecker electro works the same way, so that set has more potential than it seems.
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do I have enough for fatass cop or am I doomed
No. fuck gig.
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>MFW I find and download the ZZZ Diaper mod with lore friendly designs and brands.
Soon, crinklebwos!
just get lucky
but what's the difference between attack % and combat attack %?
dekinai harder cutie
I will get deceived by her
I will fall in love with her
I will have sex with her
She will break my heart
She will have a soft spot for me and toy with me for the rest of our lives
She will ruin my expectations for future women
We will enjoy the sexual tension from our fling and have multiple ones throughout our lives
We will have a globe spanning attraction where we encounter each other in unexpected places but work together to overcome our obstacles
We will be able to look into each other's eyes and know exactly what the other person wants to do
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How critical are w-engines for units?
>Ellen with street superstar
>Anby with steam oven.
>Soukaku with bashful demon.
Am I bricked?
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Posting cop music for good luck and blessed rolls.
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no hoard more!
I thought she was a cat?
She wouldn't lie to me right?
Yeah, they're pretty easy.
>120~ rolls before starglitter refunds
decent chance of getting her within 3 weeks I think
pull character and engine if u like them
dont pull at all if u dont like them
how to decide if like? ask your dick
>Enter the thread
>first thing I see, graph poster and a faggot kissing Scaramouche
>close thread
Yeah, It's fucking over
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How is your progress bros? (Got S rank in all the basic levels)
kys diaperfag
You people would genuinely rather have the cop than the shark girl?
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You get back 80% of your investment.
the latter gets added to your base or something like that, so it multiplies better
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Too real...
Should be enough unless you have dogshit luck.
Find a four leaf clover just in case.
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>beverly hills cop
>NEPS theme isn't fat bubbly ass
2/10 chart it's like you havent even played the game
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thanks based dog
If she's a rat why is her name literally "Doe". Something ain't right here...
Genshin has been in decline ever since they hired a female as the writer lead.
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>survey reward is shiny stuff
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>dps ben
>bitches don't know about my slam dunks
literally can't progress further right now
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lust provoking image
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Normal attack scales from char base atk and weapon atk. you get them from disks, passives, disks etc.
Combat ATK is basically buffs that have a condition and/or time.
Woodpecker electro, Starlight Engine are the best example of them but technically Sou and Lucy count towards combat atk and are additive.
example, your ellen has 2k attack and you have 20% combat atk%, thats 400 extra attack, if you have soukaku/lucy the atk buff remains the same
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what you mean? i have already the shark girl and her weapon? and the sharkboo
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a lion.
Nicole is named after Ferdinand Demara, a famous con artist and imposter, and Billy Kid is obvious. Anby just borrows her name from Nicole, but is obviously the mysterious ex-super soldier trope. So likely a deserter. Neko is mostly a Bakeneko reference, but is explicitly and ex-gang member. Thematically "Outlaws" or Criminals is about as good as it gets.
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this shit was damaged
especially if you recall all the "learn to program" posts all years long
Which disks should you focus to max out first? the ones that give flat static stats?
You still have a few days no?
Bwos Corin gave me polys and dennies and other resources in a random street event
Does it happen if you keep dating the same agent every day?
I lost the weapon banner...
How many Dennies to get Nicole to pretend to be my girlfriend?
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This is as far as I go since I need to start prefarming for Qingyi.
It’s just the halfway point of the current update.
Oh, no, I'm waiting on Zhu before making a 2nd team for SD
How? I spent like 20k polychromes and only have 2 S tiers
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So, asuming Piper is the pied piper, Caesar and King being someway historical yet part of tails.

What the fuck would be Lucy? Snowite with her dwarves?

Also, Belobog are just yakuza, Aneki, kyodai, justt look Anton and Ben
100 gets you the full experience
but act now and for 1 million you can permanently own her
lucky duck. What does her W Engine do modal wise? I have soukakus and i feel like it gives her another attacck. I have to put weeping cradle back on and see if theres a diff. I have Corins W and her hair just turns green
Think I need to have sex with her to verify she's a female rat first
I thought doe was only for deer. ESL here, please understand.
Only had it happen with Corin, except for the follow-up to one Ellen event.
Good thing I didn't buy out the store like a dork~
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Did you know that soukaku's enhanced skill has multiple hits and can hit up to 8 times including the projectile on larger bosses? The multipliers on this skill is insane and can easily freeze enemies.
It makes the red parts of her hair glow
>What the fuck would be Lucy? Snowite with her dwarves?
If you scrolled down in the image you'd see.
Lucys boars are named Grassy, Woody, and Bricky.
3 little pigs
No, the Starlight Knights would never go on the racist website, and so I've never visited it
Should I reroll for the shark maid, or wait for the cop? I like both, so I'll go with the stronger one meta-wise
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Luciana de Montifero
The wipeout screens look very nice.
Yes, I always switch to her when bosses are at 80% daze and she freezes and stuns them even without gear
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This happened
Too bad I cant compare with other since she's the only one I kept going out with every day
>Something ain't right here...
Why not reroll like 10 accounts with the shark right now then keep any that get her, and then roll for the cop when she arrives, keep the one(s) that get both.
rerolling its worth it only if you have the patience to do it, however, shark is gone tomorrow so it may not be possible to reroll for her.
also, roll with your dick
walled by red 4, got A/B for 9 and 10 back when I did them and haven't revisited
been waiting for Zhu, got her all prefarmed and ready to go so I'll push more tomorrow
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Wasn't sure what to think of the prophecy at first. Felt like you are just stumbling along, doing shit wrong.
But I somehow still managed. Good rewards, too.

Once you can grind, you have beaten it. Typical jrpg in that regard. Also that "this takes about 2 hours" was dang accurate..
>Parker's dad helping his son get some pussy
yeah, I'm thinking based
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skill issue took me 40 pulls to get them and also Guarantee Zhu Yuan
i'm F2P btw
I really dig the episodic format- given the overall style of the game. it fits.
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Corin seems more like generic murderer thing than frankenstein. She even has a shining scene
Which is the best BP weapon to pick?
they will both be powercrept so just roll who you like
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I saw a piece of art today with Grace with tons of pubic hair.
Pretty nice
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Corin is so adorable. Yeah I'm going on a date with her and Ellen every day and use the third slot to finish up the rest.
>The names buck, formerly wise
>What the fuck would be Lucy?
She's the big badgirl.
>Those boars
I chuckled.
All of them are shit except the fleshlight one for Grace if you don't have her sig
That's it
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How have you never heard of the term john/jane doe before.
Did you get the true ending?
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Reminder that Jane's jp lines speak in old edo-period dialect that high class prostitutes used. She's like a taimanin that uses sex to go undercover. You're literally rolling for a whore if you save up for her unlike the pure virgin cops.
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McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II
The combat is fast and flashy.
He said he's ESL and Jane/John Doe is only really a American thing
Jane Dam (formerly Doe)
So you’re saying she’s a good fuck?
Sex with cops
>king arthur
retard. Aside from the biker faction everything else seems right.
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Who do you think I should push to 45-50 and who should I lave behind?
I'm pulling Zhu Yuan tomorrow
Sorry I don't know every saying from 60 years ago gramps just bcs u we're alive back then doesn't make you smarter retard OMEGALUL gonna riz Ellen now kys OMEGAPOGGERS KEKINSANE
Go back
14 hours
she's a good rat
she brings plague (std)
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>You're literally rolling for a whore if you save up for her
You've piqued my interest...
I just can't get into Sokaku. her voice is grating in EN. How does she sound in JP? Wish we could selectively change languages for characters. Make all the guys speak Tagalog or whatever so I can ignore em.
Why is Yanagi a Hanya?
Yes but consider rat sex
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rats bring no plague-blight stupid man-thing
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Sources say Ellen Joe will publicly announce at a press conference she's dropping out of the banner tomorrow
Your f2p team is Zhu, Anby, Nicole. So whatever you play for the other one. Grace/koleda,Piper, Lucy I assume?
It’s still frequently used in the modern day though. Just look at the Epstein case. It’s used to describe the anonymous victims.
Damn, you outskilled this entire thread
>Jane will edge you for hours trying to get information she needs out of you, as is part of her job

holy fuck might get her engine too
You didn't clear
Targeting all rats for immediate impregnation.
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I want Lycaon to pound my boypucci every night while making me wear a pup mask, paw mitts/booties, harnesss, dog collar, and forcing me to live in a cage and drink out of a dogbowl also General Chop makes me hungry for Ramen
she applies a lot of dazze for a support
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Zhu's mindscape doesnt seem all that good
good job bwo *kisses you passionately*
Lips or Cannon provide okay generic options for anomaly and attacker according to your current needs and future rolling plans. Most people should probably choose one of these. Gameball and Spring are niche options that are potentially good, but very specialized. If you rolled a bunch of good S-Rank balls already, these may be appealing. Six Shooter isn't much better than the Stun options purchasable at Box Galaxy and probably should be avoided.
gratz bwo
In the latest summer event, poor Diluc got cucked hard
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Good job bwo
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Corin rape
Fuck you anon I work with what I have
Better than ice metaniggers
Don’t pull for dupes for early limited 5 stars in Hoyo games. They’re always shit.
I've heard it many times just never knew it's used for mice. I thought it's only for deer or unknown person.
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this is what real struggle looks like
Bwo? Your Anton? Your Ben Bigger? Your Anby? Your Billy Kid?
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>400 primochromejades
>1 (uno) boopon
>some character raising materials
nice event rewards mihoyo
M1 is good for uptime but other than that it's eh
cinema 1 is a good qol but pulling for dupes is a moronic thing to do
Does "X rolls for guaranteed S rank" transfer to the next banner?
SAA, haven't done 4-7 yet but I assume I'll drop to B for those.
I kneel.
Shit, I liked Jean too. Glad I stopped playing a good while ago
It was pretty good for the time investment
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>need any dps, doesn't matter which
>probably going to get knotted
Game's cursed
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Ratto Sexo
So getting crit rate as mainstat on discs for Zhu Yuan is pointless, right? She gets so much crit rate from her signature/core skill
M1 seems lke a huge increase on damage
>stun > chain attack > ex skill > unload shells > get 6 back > unload > ultimate > get 9 back > unload into air because enemy would be death
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Yes it does, like every other hoyo game.
Yup I'm rollan
With signature you probably want crit dmg mainstat, yeah. Otherwise it depends on subs since IIRC she gets crit damage from her talents if hakushin is correct.
Any Hispanics in chat
it's simple just pull for things you DON'T want and they will come for you cuz you are unlucky, was literally what i did, i know Ellen would get Power Creep like Seele or Venti did i knew they would be super bad in the long run that's why i pulled just to loose the 50/50 and guarantee Zhu Yuan. the weapon was just cuz i was feeeling the need to waste pulls... the BangBoo was cuz i thought it looked cute...
when do mihoyo start making good units?
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I just finished 100%ing the event and I genuinely have no idea what that guy is talking about
>Falling for /gig/ schizophrenia
don't be stupid anon
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I activated them all, now what.
Is Zhu Yuan Lawrence a good main DPS? How does she compare with Ellen and Soldier 11?
No it doesn't, first hoyo game to do this.
What's a good S11 team?
Nah it can be good to achieve 100%.
Ether set gives like 53% CD and she gains 28% CD from leveling up her passive, so thats 131% CD from the getgo.
Don't roll for weapon, Starlight engine its good enough for her, if not almost as good.
yeah, like, anon should already know this, like, every HOYO™ game does this, like, isn't it obvious??
>Nicole has highest decibel count
I beat the prophecy if you mean that. I tend to always just do everything...
Koleda, Lucy, Soldier 11.
you can stock a lot of bullets from a parry, chain attack and nicole calling her in from quick assist
ex skill also stocks them
you should have 9-12 bullets that way to use before the stun duration runs out - more if you have ultimate
M1 honestly not needed
No, only star rail and genshin do this, honkai third impact doesn't and this game is inspired by honkai third impact.
Fuck your wife
(((Certain individuals))) spam /gig/ with NTR schizophrenic every other banner, like clockwork
Shame it makes the thread unusable for a few days, but it makes for a fun show
S11, Koleda, Lucy (Standard Fire Team).
S11, Piper, Lucy (Disorder Team).
Those are MVP points, which are kinda useless
proccing anomalies is extremely good
what do you think the bolts and scars represent then
Good to know. I quit Genshin a while back so it wasn’t a big enough of a deal for me to bother fact checking.
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mvp points are useless metrics you fucking retard. Go to HZ and check your exploration history to see your damage spreads.
I wanna another 5 star I don’t wanna wait I wanna roll I wanna spend jades I wanna get koldea
Gonna be honest bros, compared to HSR this game version of SU is kinda hard and takes time, especially in the later levels.
My starlight engine is on my S11, so I'm either forced to use Rotor on her or try for her signature, unless I swap those around
It's been like that for months. Spending the last 3 weeks here I have no idea how I used to use those threads. And how I'll be using them when Natlan comes
She provides damage, CC, and debuffs just by showing up briefly to shoot her shot. She's a good support.
No Koleda, but I have Piper and Lucy, so that works. Thanks.
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Zhu Yuan is looking like the most future proof unit we have seen so far
I can fix her (but I won't, I'll let her ruin me).
just make another engine?
That's because HSR's SU and all variations suck ass, and Acheron sold well just for letting you skip them lmao
Starlight engine is craftable.
Rotor is, ironically, worse than starlight engine since the passive doesn't crit and it gives flat atk %
if you couldn't instakill SU enemies with acheron/rm/firefly technique, SU takes way more time
I forgot you can literally make them lol
How do I beat Shiyu 10?
Anton seems to do the most damage to the mech but I have no Grace or Rina should I try power levelling him to clear it?
I have Ellen at 48 and Neko at 45, my Neko is strong but the mech is resistant to physical.
I could not make Anby work in the Grace comp, my DPS drops like a rock.
but what about the 0 bangboo ending?
post ass
>Zhu's mindscape doesnt seem all that good
M1 looks like pretty good qol to me. She runs out of bullets fast.
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Just use boopons to scratch that itch
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ellen side one neko side two
Yeah she is and she’ll be good. The dupes aren’t worth going for though.
if I had Koleda, I'd make Koleda/Lucy/Ben
if I had Grace I'd make Grace/Rina/Anton
if I had S11 I'd make S11/Lucy/Piper
now I can't make any decent team
>bro Lucy/Piper is broken!!!!
yeah if you put Koleda, Grace or S11 on the last slot
it's shit with Nicole or Ben
rotor has mainstat crit and unconditional atk%, which is decent
it's superior if you cant reliably trigger starlight engine - for example during a bosses stun window if you're somehow not using a support capable of a quick assist to your dps
>not even lvl 50 agents
i kneel
Don't fall for the Anton meme anon, especially with no Grace/Rina. Just use Ellen first part. Avoiding resistances is better than going for weaknesses
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if you had koleda, you'd be gay
if you had grace, you'd be gay
if you had 11, you'd make a neat team
Good lord
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Do I just reroll at this point
>all this shilling for SHITlight engine
anon pull her signature w-engine
>c1 keeps shots more consistent
>c2 gives 50% damage increase on basics
>c4 reduces 25% resist
>c6 gives more shots and a massive damage increase

I dont know what else you could want from a DPS
Why don't you just buy an account
> for example during a bosses stun window if you're somehow not using a support capable of a quick assist to your dps
Every support can do that tho.
yes, unless you wanna play with a disgusting shitty furry oc
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True, I love my autist Soldier 11
I still playing the game to secure her at 300 pulls
Why? You're hardly in the game
>only 70 rolls on limited banner
>a 5* after 50 rolls on standard (earlier than the standard ~60)
Just keep playing nigga
if you win the 50/50 its fine
Go for Ellen first? You're like 5 pulls away from soft pity
>just spent money on the most expensive option for polychrome
Should I hold it bros? The regret is hitting me pretty hard
I wanna know what a MATING SHUN GOKU SATSU looks like.
lycaon is good but if you dont care about meta and dont like the furry yeah just reroll
huhhhh what the fuck is this? how do u unlock this commission
are they still giving that extra 1600?
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nah fuck off, im glad the game has a viable f2p option and even if it didn't have it, i would still wouldn't roll for the weapon banner, if the game becomes that p2w i just quit, is that easy.
I come to roll for characters, not numbers
Did you atleast do the vpn method for a joocy discount?
currently yes but some people might be running some weird comp without one
>>a 5* after 50 rolls on standard (earlier than the standard ~60)
Anon you're guaranteed a 5* at 50 for the first time.
I would.
Do, you buy me polychromes instead
Why did you do it?
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grace uninterested footjob
Grace/Rina and Lucy/Piper are meta so its not that impressive, I'm just dogshit at this game. Not as meta as the ice team, but still meta. I lucked out with my free pulls honestly.
Gameplay-wise: disagree (sounds like shit)
Style-wise: agree (ponytails are perfect)
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>Ass shot at th end
Yep, It's a roll.
I am addicted to all the banners like a crack addict and I spend 5+ hours a day on this shit
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>Chapter 3 is Lycaon shilling
>Lycaon story is Lycaon shilling
>Rina story is.... some NPC
I wanted to know more about Alexandrina Sebastiane...
Yea every gacha addict regrets their first spend. It washes away after a while...
Unless you don't have good disposable income... Then you shouldn't spend at all. Like seriously.
i cant imagine playing this game on kb/m
What instrument does Rina know how to play?
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wise...stop looking wise
Sadly some Genshit style writers remain working at hoyoim
Bolts are present in all the victoria services characters,

Which scars?
no I dont want to risk a ban
A lot of identical dudes at full mast floating in a black sky. Before suddenly...
~~Electric Guitar~~
>Qingyi, Zhu, and Jane all have huge asses
What is it about pubsex that causes this?
Seems like you learned more about Rina then
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nekomata's secret sex technique!
Does the Shiyu Defense resets?
I don't se a timer anywhere
Every team uses support units bro.
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>got KNOTTED but didn't even pull the shark to help cope
im sorry anon but its over.
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Hohoho~ sasuga retard-kun!
Is Jane's that big?
Stable doesn't.
Spend it on battery and work on your f2p pulls. That still counts as f2p mode in my book, you just bypassed the shitty battery system.
Semen needs to be kept warm & fresh.
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so close...
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Wise AND Belle both looking very disrespectfully.
Prerequisite to be on the force. Large gluteal muscles to help haul away criminals
doko brain retard kun
how the heck
This is the first Gacha game that I've ever gotten invested in. Do they ever release S-rank versions of existing an A-Rank character. I'm kinda hoping that Billy, Anby, or both eventually get S-Rank versions, since they still have more lore and everything.
Better keep them for sidequests and worldbuilding and keep shaoji as far away from ZZZ as possible
you only need one pull
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nta but is it really as simple as turning on a vpn and going to their top up site? Wont they notice my card or paypal is American?
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Lucy's pigs are named Elvor, Alvor and Lachinum in JP though
i honestly have no idea what im doing, if i had like a little more damage, I woulda won...
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Uh oh
I see thanks.
They could, if they cared. But they don't.
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arf arf arf bark bark bark WE LOVE OLDER WOMAN!!!!!!
>S rank Billy
BWAHA- Oh I'm so sorry I mean PFFT sorry sorry...
f2poor here
Should I try skip both Ellen and Zhu Yuan to get The Section 6 S ranks?
They've done it for HSR so it could happen. The question is if you want Billy to go giga tryhard edge mode or still be funny yahoo guy.
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Honkai Star Rail has done it. So it's possible.
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she's great at it without even trying
Roll for who you like.
Shrimple as.
a proper maid wouldnt put her feet on the seat. that's unclean.
anon... idk how to say this
but that comp makes no sense
I can see that, you have 2 supports and an anomaly, you need DPS or at least a stunner.
If you like them better and think you can have fun with your standard roster until then, sure.
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zhu yuan rollers i wish you the best of luck tomorrow
may you win your 50/50s early
If you are waiting that much, may as well reroll when they come out,
agents are made to be double-teamed by the siblings
HI3 and HSR did it (though, HSR has only done it once in a year and a few months, but, still) so it could happen
Anby specifically I can see getting an S rank eventually
Faity Tale is a big stretch
A lot of running and donuts.
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kid erotic ToT
Zhu Yuan is guaranteed. I just hope i luckshit and get her early cause I want the entire Pubsex squad.
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>/zzz/ is peaceful because the shitposters went back to spamming /gig/
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I love him...
Zhu Yuan should last you for a while if you have Nicole dupes. There won't be any other Ether characters for the next few patches I think.
>nta but is it really as simple as turning on a vpn and going to their top up site?
it is
>Wont they notice my card or paypal is American?
you won't get banned for giving them money anon, besides imagine all the false positives if they banned people who bought top ups while traveling
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I have -1 INT. What's my favorite agent?
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she has a hanya mask on her should (not obvious in that picture but its there)
Thumbnail looks like the meme blowjob face
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It's been a thing for years in Genshin and nobody's ever been banned there for it. Hoyo gets the same amount of money in the end anyways, the only reason why it costs more in USD is because of currency strength and taxes. The day they start banning for this is the day the whales who've enjoyed thousands of dollars' worth of discounts leave en masse.
don't jinx it
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Kot is calling...
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>grace as guaranteed 5*
ok suddenly this game is good
in her naked absolute cinema, she has scars on her arms that make it look like they were attached
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Why doesn't anyone draw Piper's canon underwear though. You can see her straps are orange at all times
>some sort of niche group used to use x dialect among literally millions of people
>therefore this character who also speak said dialect is from said niche group
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You did top up for Zhu-ass right?
I just wish the yen was weaker, it was 15 dollars cheaper not long ago
Insecure much ratfags?
Hoyo made her so cute, damn.
I will need visual proof of this
>that make it look like they were attached
Given her retard strength and the mention of a severe illness, they probably are.
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So why should i still play after Ellen banner end ? im not going to switch character as a F2P and not going to farm daily until rerun lmao
her quest also has a falcomkino ost for some reason
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Corin is a cruel mistress. Go on without me bwos...
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"the iron witch" is such a cool title grace is a beast
Going to top up 2x 8080 most likely. Aiming for C2
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i will NOT brick my account and i WILL pull for Zhu Yuan
>and not going to farm daily until rerun lmao
You'll regret that when the re-roll comes and you still want her
How many hours Asianbros?
Theres the Section 6 Anomaly char coming in 1.2.
I was considering skipping the launch dps chars to roll for Miyabi and Yanagi.
How many dupes does Nicole need?
I will continue to not roll any characters with Chinese names.
its too cool of a nickname for such a boring design
Bolts, stitching scars, shackles and chain.
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wtf moot ate my file
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Is there a point to mixing element? Seems like going monoelement parties are more useful, don't you think meowster?
I spend a lot of money on this, please Let me cope!
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Honestly it's a bit refreshing, if weird, that this is the first ever gacha where I don't give a shit about the limited characters because the standard banner characters are just way better designed so I don't have to whale for limited banners
170/300 on the standard banner for Lycaon so far
Remember to masturbate before deciding to pull!
if you rolled for the Shark you have already bricked your account...
Who do I use in a Grace Piper team if I don't have Rina?
I have Koleda but I'm not sure if a stunner of a third element is valuable in such a team
>Is there a point to mixing element?
Distortion is a nice damage boost you basically get for free against beefy bosses. Depending on what your elements are.
>shackles and chain.
Mixing anomalies gives you disorder procs. You can also run factions together for the bonuses instead of elements
do u live in japan?? how do u pay in jap dollars
>It worked
Thanks it's usually ÂŁ100 but when I buy it in Yen it's only ÂŁ60. A very nice discount.
bro aint heard of vpns?
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You didnt brick your account with Ellen, did you?
Don't care, Didn't ask fuck off furry motherfucker you will always be a minority
VPN dummy
If you proc a 2nd anomaly while the effect from the 1st is still active it applies DISORDER which is huge damage.
It's alright, we're getting a defender in 4 months.
>It's a selfish DPS defender
It truly is over...
People really need to stop jerking off Soukaku. She's cute but she fucking sucks.
The spike in difficulty at floor 10 really is something...
Any tips? I might just go with Policewoman team for first half if I get her tomorrow, but if I can't then Anton??
that's no zaku boy
how do I do this
teach me step by step
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Remember to spend and paypig hard for your findom goddess. If she isn't C6W5 by the end of the banner you're eating dry dogfood from a bowl for a full month.

Nicole doesn't care if you go hungry, eat rice and beans for a year, just upgrade her already you piece of shit *spit*
Okay pedophile
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I hope I can get Ellen's engine.
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Hi /zzz/, I want to play a game.
>in what manner were characters sorted like this?
1 dupe to make her field last longer
honestly she works with zero dupes, you just need to level her core passive, her EX, and her ult/chain
nicole is incredibly low budget for a top tier support
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Anyone else having issues with the perfect dodge achievement?
Been grinding this game since day once, but the counters been stuck at 26 for weeks now.
The game even tells you when you've achieved a perfect dodge on the decibel meter, and with shit like the modifiers in Hollow Zero that make it even easier to perfect dodge and routine mat grinding I can't see any reason for it not to be increasing.
I closed it too fast, but there was something like a progress bar with boxes at the end of a rally comission, any idea what's that about?
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"Shittiest designs at the top, based designs on the bottom"
Step 1. Get VPN with Japan
Step 2. Go to Zenless Zone Zero-Top-Up Center
Step 3. Log in
Step 4. ????
Step 5. Profit
How many people they could kill if they got mad?
Finally an artist that doesn't draw her short shorts as a thong.
Say goodbye to Ellen's banner for a while!
c6 in particular is a team wide crit buff if you somehow get a lot of nicoles
racism level
the higher the more racist
GL sharkbro, by the time my cooldown is over it will be too late but still good luck
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>the clunkiest DPS from a beta test two years ago will be meta forever because... SHE JUST WILL BE OK SHE WILL BE SHILLED MORE
I'm straight so I rolled Ellen... sorry meta-posters
Its the little things. I really like her nails, for example.
nonsensically by a schizo with poor understanding or shit taste or is intentionally obtuse
this answer cannot be wrong
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Oh come on, at least it's good?
...reason being?
>see Miyabi as it will last forever
lol ofc, atleast try to hide the fact you're retarded and have shit taste
>Piper in 1 year tier when Jane is literally in 1.1
nice incoherent tier list
wtf dude that's like $500
nobody is powercreeping billy until billy ultima
thats not belle
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I'm level 25, need to get to 30 for that big reward before the banner changes over. Should I just keep hammering the main story?
but I don't have any JPY in my bank account
uh, um, uuuh... She's the only ether... aaand... uhh..
Ben Bigger
Ben Bigger
Penis length in a descending order
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why wasn't this censored? what's next, exposed pussy?
Who would you not mind losing your 50/50 to? I want Zhu but if I can finally get that damn furry or Koleda I'd be happy.
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he also saved 500 dollars by being a clever vpn rat
literally taking money away from hoyo
>picks up phone
i want to cum on her back.
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no knot no buy
Ooof, I know that feeling.
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based retard
no retard he just donated $500 to the CCP
Also, won't I get banned because I've already made a purchase in USD? and if I buy with JPY then I cant ever use USD again or else I'll get banned?
I cant be the only one who thinks its a bit fucking stupid that they are releasing the entire police faction one banner after another for 60 days straight can I?
good on knotboy
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ZAMN can I have one of those, boss?
We're getting Yanagi in 7 weeks though...
Welcome to the 25% club anon!
Losing to my Husband is never losing. He's the reason I play
Kinda funny how Grace got all worked up at the thought of her robot “children” becoming rebellious and impure and yet seemed pretty ok about her daughter having the hots for a debilitated building until it attacked them.

Like what’s that suppose to mean Grace/ Hoyo writers?
Nekobrick since she's the only one I'm still missing
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Supporting the boycott it seems. Keep fighting the good fight and buy top-ups with a VPN gwe- bwo... It's literally stealing from DaWei
Banks or some magic man in the sky converts your currency to JPY which is the entire point because JPY is so weak whereas your currency strong....
Where did Nicole punch Billy? I need that part of him for my "things Nicole touched" collection. Like that box outside the store.
no i also think it's weird that we have 3 police banners in a row
I only got Anby...

I hate it.
Putting all the nip faction together makes me think it's country of origin?
But some don't make sense
Also make sure to buy BP plus monthly, its literally stealing from DaWei too.
yeah, this snail's pacing of banners and content will unironically kill the game
Don't call her like that, it's not nice...
You don't understand bro Hoyo still gets the same amount of money it's just a better deal for everyone :)
You won't make it unless you play without stopping for the next 12 hours
But what if I want the CCP to conquer America and Japan?
That way they can't release them during the Tiananmen Square months
i think will take more time to Zhu Yuan get power crept since she is from the "ODD Element" and they tend to make the Odd Element have very few characters, also Grace is a Very Niche playstyle will probably take a time to get powercreeped or even never get powercreeped if they want...
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>guy spent 3k usd on rolling for ellen a few days ago
willingness to do anal
He's just like me
Can I ignore discs all together if I level the characters and engines to the max?
you won't get banned either way
I hate that this makes a degree of sense.
how does hoyo get the same amount of money when yen converted to yuan or wahtever and USD/euros isnt the same?
Did they just sent some email with 1000 fucking dennies just to remind us the snake event is ending soon? Wow I could never imagine
Theres chests you can find in rally commissions
She requires 5x the on field time to buff 1 person with 1k ATK, Lucy does 600 teamwide ATK, off field damage, and barely needs to be on field at all.
Unfortunately no. Welcome to the mines.
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Correct, it's the language that their names originate from
>Old Slavonic
Soldier 11 uncategorized because I don't think we know her name
no thanks, jigsaw
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Imagine being that gay
no, your attack will be 1/3rd of what it can actually be
at a bare minimum you would need to level up disk 2, 4, 5 and probably 6 eventually.
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How does it look, savebros
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mididi dibidi
Fuck. I'm really not a fan of that shit, same as with Genshin
FUCK no Jimmy. This is a Miyohomo game. Disk grinding is the real endgame. Welcome to hell. Its not as bad as it could be. Notorious hunts don't cost energy.
Miyabi will be the Xiao of ZZZ
Anby can also use it, you just exchange energy/attack with Impact stat. Might be better honestly if you're not fielding Anby a lot.
read her abilities again
this pic alone is making me roll qingyi
>how does hoyo get the same amount of money
They don't
That's the point of regional pricing
When priced in reserve currencies like dollars or euros, they're getting less money from the same top up if it's from a weak currency
That's FOREX for you
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>Super hot
>Really cute personality
>Bis is the hotterst 4 stars(Nicole)
>Gameplay is a mix of martial arts and gun slinging, making it super unique in general
She is perfect in every way...
At my lowest I stole my rich friend's credit card and spent 6k on getting Firefly and her M6 during her last day. I have never felt more shame trying to explain to someone why I needed to gamble for a character in a video game.
no on cares about alternate accounts
>but its my real account
since no one posts their id you can't prove that
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I'll be buying BP and shit with yen to save a bit starting from now I guess, if I get banned I will hunt you niggers down
This is the correct way to play ZZZ
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For me its
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>I stole my rich friend's credit card and spent 6k on getting Firefly and her M6
For the most pathetic character too, damn
You have to share the story now
Uh... Fireflybros? What is this?
So with discs 2, 4 5 and 6 I would be alright? Is there any website I can check for which stats are better for which characters? I have Ellen with Brimstone
Can't you only do those 3 times a week?
Spoilers: Lucy needs her ex, Soukaku needs nothing for free 30sec long 500 atk buff.

People get too hung up on the bigger buff. Also Soukaku's skill is really damn good.
hopefully main stats are good enough for most content. I stop doing artifacts when I get mainstats and 60/120, doing more just feels like an exercise in frustration
Now I can imagine hot lesbian post mission sex with Anby/Zhu/Nicole in the party. (The Cunning Hares actually seduced her to blackmail later for money)
are those air bladders?
cheesed to meet you
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Dont get me wrong she has a very nice body, but I saw that pic of her malfunctioning before i got to webm related in the story and they both turned me on so much for some reason
>spending real money on pixels
>pixels not even stored on your own hardware
>actually stealing money from friends

Holy junkie. Like, become an alcoholic or drug addict, you'd do less damage to the people around you junkie. Your father should've beaten you more as a kid to prevent you from becoming such a fuck up.
I can see...
I'm strengthening the Yen to GBP ratio which is a great deal for all involved...
Why should I. Someone living in the shithole UK pay 99.99 when someone in the Paradise of Japan only needs to pay 60?
I think good anon, you would see that that is simple unfair and unfit for proper equality and I am simply leveling the playing field of life....
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The thing I like most about Soukaku is her cute smile!
He should have done you a favour and charged back everything. Unfortunately with gambling if you stoop to such a low level and are given the capacity to do it again, you're going to end up doing something worse.
I cant even imagine a conversation happening between you and a friend where the outcome isnt a chargeback.
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its cause of main stats
disk 2 is attack flat, but its a source of a large amount of attack
disk 4 is your main source of crit main stat, it can also be crit damage but only S ranks can probably bother with crit damage or whales.
disk 5 is the only source of main stat elemental or physical damage boost, just like other games its pretty rare and valuable.
disk 6 has all the strange modifiers and can be worked on last, but it impacts a fair amount of classes, like impact for stunners.
I need one soldier and wouldn't mind another Koleda since her C2 looks pretty good.
hoolly retardgawd read lucys cinemas some time
its absolutely absurd that EU-cucks somehow have to pay taxes on digital ingame gacha prices, so the 50 USD pack is like 60 euros, while its already a scam in 50 USD, lmao, insane
cute genki oni
Lmao we got another one guys
You should seriously stop playing gacha games altogether.
do stunners care that much about crit?
Nigga your lowest was a month or two ago? That's not the past that's practically the present. Why would you do such a thing?
Copfuckers, our time is coming
>Lesbo c*ckhodry
Seek hekp
Literally when?
The yen is at an all time low if you did it in early July it would have been 2 dollars cheaper at best
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Sir you need to explain yourself NOW
i must be blind because i don't see
the line is going the wrong way if that is what you are thinking
Thanks for the help anon
she's an imp not an oni
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This makes me feel really sad anon. I've pissed away a couple hundred on a couple characters I really wanted in some of these games, but never more than a minor portion of a week's paycheck and always my own money.

You wanna know what I recommend for you? Quit these games and get into gunpla models or something. The kind with cute anime girls. At least then you can just fucking buy them and actually have them in your actual possession. Hoarding is a more minor sin than gambling at this point, man.
>char that hasn't had a banner
Who is the retard...
Should I focus on leveling up the flat static mainstat disks first? I mean 1 2 3
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I get all my top ups for free from my good /zzz/ bros
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I want to pat pat Corin. But I don't want to muss up her headband.
How? It shouldn't even cost 1/5th of that to get E6
i mean if you get your crit high enough its a better dps increase than the attack %
The masculine urge to mindbreak a female
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He redeemed............
crit rate at slot 4
ice dmg% at slot 5
atk% slot 6
4pc polar metal, 2pc woodpecker electro
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Is he ok?
Anomaly mastery or atk% on disc 6 for piper?
I've never looked at this animation in detail before but lol
He's just... gone...
Around the week of release the 12,000 yen bundle was only like 63 dollars, now it's 77
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i-is he ok?
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>4pc polar metal
I adore they put so much effort into bangboos.
He did charge it back. It's the only reason I can't play Star Rail anymore and picked up ZZZ.
I got help for it. I never gambled before in my life and Star Rail was my first gacha.
ich over
they don't take foreign currency, your bank does the exchange and makes you pay the trade fees
Mario Galaxy game over
He's actually fucking dead, what a trooper.
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They don't really care about anything so you might as well build it yeah
>discussion about powercreep
>uhhh just ignore the cinemas they dont matter
>is proud of doing a good job
>overdo's it
>gets sucked into a mini black hole explosion
its over...
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You are genuinely a piece of trash and I hope your friend took you to small claims court to get his money back from that disgusting troonfly character
Embarrassing waste of life
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How much xp do you gain per stamina spent?
>i did it
>i activate it
>killaaaaah queen
>bite the dusto
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>I adore they put so much effort into bangboos.
Don't, it's entirely because they planned to charge you money for them
its 100 energy > 1000 exp
sex with adult women
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Energy Regen
She doesn't need any anomaly mastery to land 3 assaults in one stun
out of 10!
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Hi /zzz/, I want to play a game.
>in what manner were characters sorted like this?
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Nigga who tf is gonna spend money on Boopons?
but, u literal have 100 chance bangbus, u are not fighting the 50/50
>Zhu Yuan
>because.. hair fluffy
yeah why not honestly
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this was the one thing i didnt get, do they just roll those fees into the trade you made or do they attach it to your account at the end of the month?
that looks like an age tier chart, but age charts don't make any sense without values besides letter ranks.
Never play a gacha game again.
Will rape you being S, won't rape you being D
Nicole spends all day in /biz/ taking retarded advice, Anton does the same but in /fit/
Since Pubsex & Nicole in C tier, that can't be sex tierlist.
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She seems to have an aversion to cats. Birds often fall prey to cats. That's my grasping at straws.
there's no way to swipe for the little niggas right now
>they dont know
bangboos originally broke pity and had banners exactly like w-engines do
>do they just roll those fees into the trade you made or do they attach it to your account at the end of the month?
Up to your bank to charge you currency conversion fee's.
>It's the only reason I can't play Star Rail anymore and picked up ZZZ.
Dont pick up ZZZ. Dont play it. You cannot trust yourself to play these kinds of games. You RECENTLY fell into such a mental state that you thought it would be ok to steal, and potentially lose a friend over nothing but nonsense in a game for some dopamine rush.

Youre doing the equivalent of getting banned from poker so you go to a blackjack table instead.
If none of this was a joke, uninstall the game, delete your new hoyo account and get a single player game to spend your time on. Youre going to do something worse again, you plunging back in again instantly in another game is just the sign that its going to happen
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Bangboos were supposed to be another paid banner, coinflip and all
I feel like a side quest where it's revealed the Cunning Hares could actually make a profit if Nicole wasn't obsessed with shit like crypto schemes would fit perfectly.
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thanks. i should be able to hit 40 tommorow then
>I stole
Wtf is this anon, it's a fucking videogame holy shit.
Onii-chan...I got MOGGED.
but they dont now, so whats the point?
He was talking about the beta bangboo banner.
what flopped harder this or wuwa
>Anton does the same but in /fit/
I wish /fit/ still had advice. It's all onlyfans and eceleb shilling now. Used to be one of my favorite boards.
>recommending plastic crack to an addict
holy crap dude
he will drown in unbuilt kits with that lack of impulse control
nta eslbwo but
Star rail
i don't think you will get a neutral opinion anywhere
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Did you C6 Ellen? You still have time
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It feels so weird playing a 3d gacha game with well designed characters, I don't know if I can ever go back to genshit
>I stole
You better give good head for 6k, bratty anon...
nta but most bangboo were or are already made so I wouldn't expect many new bangboos outside of faction or event bangboos
My love life
Lucy sure not so much for Piper who is a fucking mess.
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You know, this brings up a very good question. Why is Nekomata a Cunning Hare and not a member of Section 6 when she both has a japanese name and is also her alias being directly named after a japanese yokai. Is this dumb cat a S6 plant!?
Ask again in two weeks when we have sensor tower
Like I said, I got help, and losing a close friend over my retard brain is something that will keep me honest forever. I haven't spent a single cent on ZZZ outside of the topups.
>less than 6 hours
this why people hate asia ?
>replying to obvious bait
nigga it doesnt even cost 6k to e6 a character even if you lose every single 50/50
are you people retarded?
are Klee and Jing Yuan bad characters?
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yeah i logged back into genshin and the characters just feel uncanny
The point was that you shouldn't congratulate mihoyo for putting effort into bangboos because they were created and animated to be a paid product, no shit they put effort in them
Betty was such a dumb hoe, insane
I would personally go for Mastery.
With S-rank anomaly mastery disc I get 2 Assaults after an EX spin and a 4 hit basic attack sequence.
WIthout anomaly mastery I get one full meter of Assault per spin, no extra.
This is running Fusion Compiler instead of Roaring Ride btw.

Using Roaring Ride and no S-rank anomaly mastery, its 1 Assault and half an Assault meter.

Using Roaring Ride with S-rank anomaly, its 2 Assaults after a full spin and one auto.
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Is Zhu made out of jello or something?
Her tits and ass doesnt stop jiggling on her character demo
why is billy not a member of sons of calydon and anby obol squad? I'm sure you can figure this one out anon
She’s a hobo
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We dont accept your kind round these parts
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People like you shouldn't be playing gacha game.
>. It's the only reason I can't play Star Rail anymore and picked up ZZZ.
With that story, I would strongly recommend for your own sake to stay away from electronic products literally designed by a small army of marketing psychologists to make you addicted and then prey on your addiction.
Good games and things exist you can enjoy without the temptation of gambling. Its destroyed a lot of people.
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at what Knot level do I start getting S-rank discs
I don't wanna waste materials on anything below
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goodbye our first banner of pure sex...
>7 A rank Wengines and the knot
I just forecasted your pulls
>Exposed pits
>Arrows on her arms pointing to her nubile tits
>Shorst handlebars

clearly she was designed as a truck stop whore
They aren't paid anymore and still have effort put into them so why wouldn't I congradulate them?
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Koleda's tummy...
Piper I am gonna smack the fuck out you to wake you up and make you wear something that isn't hot garbage.
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Maybe its time to go back to the bodybuilding dot com forums no joke, this place is in sharp decline
you can tune S rank discs at knot 40 in the CD shop and domains with S rank discs start at 35
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>I got help
The help you got was shit unless youre lying. There is no way your help said it would be ok to enter the equivalent of a gambling den again.
They just didnt. Do they know that you started playing an identical genre of game from the same company to the one you stole from friends to fund? Have you told them you've placed yourself straight back into that vulnerable position once again not even a month after the incident?

Dont kid yourself anon.
Genshin designs work fine with the artstyle of the world, I'm actually disappointed at how plasticy and soft the shading on ZZZ is
It really needed harsher shadows and highlights, like a comic book
>Lucy and Piper
>Zhu Yuan and Qingyi
>Nicole and Anby
>Koleda and Grace
why do they make a duo of fuckable girls for these factions so frequently
Do i roll for Ellen engine and use starlight on ZY or roll for ZY engine and use Starlight on Ellen?
I got soldier 11 bricked?
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>and domains with S rank discs start at 35
Where? Do I need to also complete the story? I just got to lv. 35. Thanks btw.
Depends. You got any semblance of rhythm?
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grace is like "what is this bitch yapping about" ong
IK 35, but only 1 and it cost 60 battery per run.
I don’t see anything wrong with this. If your friend was weak and let you do it then they should be taken advantage of. Try and manipulate them more to funnel your gacha spending bwo. You call it your worst but you might have found a pay piggy. Don’t feel guilt about it either he obviously wanted to give you the money.
The last day of firefly's banner was 2 weeks ago man. Uninstall this game before it happens again. You have problems.
youll get a quest for it its in the hollow zero area
>like a comic book
Who's better for Lucy/Piper: S-11 or Koleda? I'm like 30 rolls away from my choosable S rank and I'm bored of my ice team. Not interested in the buttslut cop.
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>WTF did I just do? Did I just spend 2.5k on some pixels?
>Anyway I spent another 1k cuz why not
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good bye puffy nipples
welcome puffy vulva
How do you start the event?
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it is just me right now this shit is happening like every time I swap screens
Made for boars of course
pretty sure ZZZ will make at least 2-3 wuwas in the same timeframe
S11. Piper damage kinda falls off late in the game, she usually gets relegated to Assault bot in high Shiyu runs.
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Thanks bros.
Did someone unplug your phone line slowbro?
My point stands, the lighting and shading is terrible
Just look at the pink haired woman, she looks ripped out of koikatsu
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>rolling for W-engines ever
I want more characters already.
>Forgetting to hang out with Nicole
You monster.
Looking forward to Zithering...Zeniths?
>I haven't spent a single cent on ZZZ
>outside of the topups
I spend money on these games but I don't think I will ever just casually drop 2.5k.
Most I ever went was Eula C6 and that only cost me like 1k (And even then I felt sick even though I was fine financially, although it really was a waste because I don't even play Genshin anymore)
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everyone agreed Piper was superior until they found out she was a granny, then lolicons switched to Lucy
I was expecting a cuter response desu...
Abusing Nicole is fine but she's no Corin!
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everything else is running fine just the game is chugging right now
>Furtranny casting stones
That anon may be a thief but he is still more acceptable of a human than you are, disgusting freak.
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i never liked piper's appearance to be honest, but lucy immediately stuck with me like nekomata
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I rolled and I'm happy the hair effects look awesome
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No. abuse Anby. her movie autism reminds me of my ex and Apparently im still a bit bitter. Corin is for snuggles and loving only. Like Nicole.
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Still would despite my broke ass not having her yet. I have Lucy at least.
Connection has been fine for me on EU. So unless you’re on another server it might be something on your end.
I'm glad I got into genshin as a poorfag
had a brief time during inazuma when I had gotten a proper job that I decided I wanted to grab every limited character that ran but two lost coinflips and a raw top up later I was cured of that ambition
Imagine how sexually frustrated she is and how happy she would be to fuck you because everybody else avoids her like the plague due to looking like a child
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Ah but you see Anon... Corin reminds me of MY ex!
Lolifags don't care and jump to any new slop. Piper always looked fucking retarded loli or not. Lucy I can give a slide for at least not being totally shit looking. Not to mention robotcop and idolgroup will be spammed way more when out.
lazy sex with piper
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Don't forget to roll for Nicole's best weapon
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God this hurts. I remember being just like this with my first girlfriend, thinking she had a good reason to stand me up.
I already have it maxed out
Ah. Then we must agree to disagree.
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nyot rollan for weapons
>roll it 4 more times for +9% damage
fuck that lol
Complete newfag to gacha games as a whole - I just have a few questions if anyone coudl help a fella out:
1. People screeching about ZZZ being a "flop", and I've heard of some gacha games in the past that'd be online for like a year, then run off with the money - could this potentially happen with ZZZ?
2. In your opinion, what are the top 3 best gacha games around currently on the market? (you can include ZZZ)
3. People talk about a "coinflip" when you use your tapes, what's that all about?
4. why are there so many currencies and ways to increase your characters stats? is it purposefully confusing?
I didn't expect to enjoy ZZZ as much as I have, but I feel like half the time I'm just bumbling around like a fucking idiot
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im about to end it all... I hate this brat, stop giving her to me!!!!!!
How straight they are, S is 100% straight and bottom 100% gay
This looks like Lucy is being held hostage and Belle is making a video for the girls of Sons of Caledon to stay away from Wise. Like legit it looks like that cartel vid of the guy complementing the girl before butchering her.
>Corin waiting outside your store/home while it rains, getting her cute maid outfit completely damped.
>Every 20 minutes she knocks on the door, softly, as to not disturb anyone around her...
>But no response from (You)
>she stands there for hours, waiting for you at the door until the sun sets and she slowly walks back home.
>It's a good thing that it's raining, no one will notice her tears...
if people didn't realize tho u get very few of those tuning devices, so don't just use them on any disk, they are extremely rare. The tutorial when it opens gives you exactly 1 stat tuner, and you can buy one for 1200 Merits? at the outpost, and I think theres some on the bp.
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Fake Piperfags can go and stay gone
Roll for your hagrat faggots
Zhu Yuan is boring design, her ass isn't enough
And this is why I ask her out despite being at max trust.
Make your own opinion, matter of taste
You have a 50/50 chance to get the character on rate-up in the first 90 pulls, thats the "coin flip"
Its purposefully confusing to divorce the in-game currency mentally from real world money for you, to lower your inhibition to spending
Yes i me am are is skipping and all ready rolled ellen
wuwa has always seemed like genshin if liyue/xianzhou luofu was the entire game instead of just one region so that's a flop from me
it's a hoyo title, it will ru nfor AT LEAST 5 years
Prep those snacks, Paethon.
My goth shark GF
No it will not EoS, it's a hoyo game
Genshin, ZZZ, maybe HSR
If you get an S rank it's a 50/50 chance you get one of the standard S ranks instead, if you do, next S rank is guaranteed to be the banner S rank
So you have things to grind over time while waiting for new updates
1. no it's doing well enough financially and mihoyo doesn't kill their games like this so don't fall for shitpost
2. I barely play gacha games the only two I stuck with are gbf and zzz
3. 90 rolls has a coinflip chance to get the character on the premium banner
4. idk that's standard for hoyo but it's better organized in this game than their previous titles believe it or not
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Thanks for the quick responses! Pretty sure I got lucky in my first 10 pulls, so I'm gonna try to stick with this
JESAS it's like the game wanted you to build ellen
Beginner luckGOD
damn what the fuck
get soukaku and you'll have the meta team
sir this is a chinese game
we need to stop pretending the game was originally in japanese
I always prefered Lucy. She feels like an S agent to me visually, same with Soukaku. Piper not so much but she's still cute obviously.
This game is kinda weird in that i don't care much about any of the current S agents outside of Ellen to an extent.
1. Mihoyo has a good track record.
2. Genshin, HSR, Nikke
3. It's specifically for the Exclusive banner, at the 90th pull you have a 50/50 chance of getting the Exclusive character.
4. Stat hell is just something you expect out of JRPG-influenced games. The multiple currencies are there to draw out the game, its supposed to be a live service after all.
do zoomers not know what a vpn is?
based fireflyfag
There's a hard limit to plastic crack in the form of storage space. And it's cheaper so you hit that limit fast.
She can't get powercrept if you stop to play after lol
its just an outfit seam you virgin

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