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>Recent News
Summer Live Stream airs 07/27
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfK7-PHc1ko 6PM JST

Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>July Schedule
07/23 - 07/30 Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
07/31 - 08/07 Story Event

>Future Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

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Previous thread >>487208527
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i love my wife
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I do too
back me up with a pic bro
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Neechan love
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yep, here you go
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today I will remind them
pretty sure the two maleringing schizos both had uno ringed
what a weird coincidence huh
hopefully erune oppression ends in second half of the year
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Post grubs with full names.
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Io Euclase
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Uno is the canon grub malewife
De La... SUCCESS!!!
Cantante... FLOP
thank you
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Oigen Estapera
I warned you about maleringers
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Margaret Bluemarine and her wife Marilyn Squallfield, also Ursula
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Catura Granwife
AI fanart for game with official AI art
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The Order Grande
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
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cute and canon
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Charlotta Fenia
I still don't know what to think about the bottom right smile looking fake.
Gran Johnblue
>11 out of 31 releases are m*le
Eternal winrar
>tags: possession
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This made me laugh
Jeanne Dork
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Maria Theresa von Österreich, by the Grace of God, Dowager Empress of the Romans, Queen of Hungary, of Bohemia, of Dalmatia, of Croatia, of Slavonia, of Galicia, of Lodomeria, etc.; Archduchess of Austria; Duchess of Burgundy, of Styria, of Carinthia and of Carniola; Grand Princess of Transylvania; Margravine of Moravia; Duchess of Brabant, of Limburg, of Luxemburg, of Guelders, of Württemberg, of Upper and Lower Silesia, of Milan, of Mantua, of Parma, of Piacenza, of Guastalla, of Auschwitz and of Zator; Princess of Swabia; Princely Countess of Habsburg, of Flanders, of Tyrol, of Hainault, of Kyburg, of Gorizia and of Gradisca; Margravine of Burgau, of Upper and Lower Lusatia; Countess of Namur; Lady of the Wendish Mark and of Mechlin; Dowager Duchess of Lorraine and Bar, Dowager Grand Duchess of Tuscany.

Need a Bikki set if you catch my drift....
This could have been Vajra or Catura instead of Pozkala
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Poz Seidon
I enjoyed the Sato/Mirin banner. Even though I had to spark by the end…
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What if Galleon got one?
Europe too based
>rigged poll
The point?
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>almost everyone else has an SSR by now
I bet Sevastien or Joel will get one before Aster
fukushartedroon do be like that
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Melissabelle Goldmaize
Mordred will get his this year
>Ilsa higher than Vane in 3/4 (maybe all 4 even) regions
Why isn’t she in Rising???
Asia's 11th place was probably Golcilius
the fuck is wrong with them
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Satoru Gojo
They already added Nier
Too galge for FKNECK
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>cygames spinoffs are obsessed with super early characters
>but we are never allowed to have the early villain
>stopped playing grub after Light GW because I got burnt out
>didn't play Dark GW even though I knew it was happening and left again
>suddenly the urge comes back
How bad was Dark GW? What did I miss out on?
El Ratto Bikkisson
Why is floox allowed to parade in here advertising his shit? It's obvious he is the one posting, /alg/ was a mistake
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>four homoknights
We love floox here
>four society
>soon 5 homoangels
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Would rather have Bea and Ilsa over Vane who's not only a homoknight but a homoflop who not also onlybeit had the lowest trailer views, but by a DRASTIC amount
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vaneflop stay flop
>2 pozlials
>b-but bea is taking ilsa's slot
blud thinks xe's slick
No lies detected
And I would rather have someone from an unrepresented group over those three, but I'm not going to make a scene every three days about it.
yes surely we need a second gun society member that's what will save the game
HIVbrained maleringers are freaking nuts
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remember when blud tried to tell everyone aliza should be another draph but when told they should make one of the males a female draph instead he went silent? What was THAT all about?
yes surely we need a second sword trangel that's what will save the game
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>And I would rather have someone from an unrepresented group over those three,
Ain't no WAY blud said this about homoknights
Vampy would be a much better pick than Shillsa.
More popular than homoflops.
Never should've gotten Eustaceflop in the first place
Very true
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But she has drain
Make your own DLC roster if you think you're better at choosing characters than FKHR
That's a problem i can solve...
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homoflops will always be flops until eos
i have, multiple times.
GBVSR needs 2 Belials and 3 Lucis to be saved
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- 3 flowers mean [I love you]/[confession]
-1 single rose is [love at first sight]/[single target affection | 5 roses [deep love] | adding to 6 roses is [complete devotion]
Yaia, Monki, Toot, Kumuyu, Nano+Gobu tag team character
Making male characters into female ones is not option since FKHR and cygames want to enforce 50/50 male and female ratio. Female characters compete with female characters for slots and males with males. Them adding Vane was not stealing a spot from a female character but from a better male one like adding fucking Naoise or Seruel for Irestill rep or Albert or literally any of the tens of knights thats are not part of the dragon group

2B was the one that actually st0le slot from proper granblue female character and should have gotten much more hate than she did
when I look at vira I wonder who's grub's most mishandled character
loliflops are also flops
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>Them adding Vane was not stealing a spot from a female character
Ain't no WAY blud just went full mask off
A 3rd belial alt
>50/50 male and female ratio
just like in relink right?
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>I wonder who's grub's most mishandled character
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Instantly disregarded
Pass 1

Pass 2
yup that's a kamige
>It's all downhill from Anila
Fuck bros... FUCK
it's a male slot so it's fine, 2b's problem was wasting an actually valuable slot
For Versus/Rising FKHR actually said it outloud in interview. I dont think they said anything similar for Relink
Too galge for Fuckneck
Who was the last character you impulse rolled for? How many rolls did it take? Did you spark? Did you not have enough for a spark?
>inb4 "I have self control"
Then I'm not asking you
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>1 single rose is [love at first sight]/[single target affection]
Last impulseroll i did was tigers, 220 rolls and i didn't get them/not enough to spark
Before that it was cyuuny
Usually i don't actually impulse without a spark.
Halle and I did not get her
>50 rolls
I have 1 spark but I don't want to use it yet because it's probably my final non gw spark that I can get from game stuff alone, I've drained most resources
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I do wish they enforced Race diversity in similar way they do gender equality tho
Well he's right about 2B at the very least
lolipagger got mad lmao
>relink doesn't count
what a fucking diseased director
retarded ilsafag
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There is nothing wrong in the enforced 50/50 either. Thats a decision someone made and now others are forced to kneel to it and choose male characters. And then they choose the shit ones
- 3 morning glories
- [fleeting beauty] [short lived loved] [unrequited love]
- these 3 represents completeness, the beauty of a short lived love that didn't bear reciprocation
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peak maleringer moment right here
Reminder that they don't give a shit about this and vikala and vane were gonna be in regardless because of VA contract
Look at Grimnir, nobody voted for him and they still gave him and CD and character slot (and might as well have less usage than lolno and pozdiva)
maleringers are extra crazy today
I warned you bro
>FKHR and cygames want to enforce 50/50 male and female ratio
Which is retarded. Some arbitrary guideline they are trying to follow doesn’t make replacing Vane with Ilsa (or any other female character) “not an option”
Grimnir has the RoB popularity excuse.
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>Trailer views don't count
Let's bring up the relink stats shall we? Not a SINGLE homoknight showed up despite you weirdos saying normalfags LOVED them. Want to know who did show up doe? Society members
Bikki exposing Flopdalphon as a shilled flop really did a number on theur psyche
>muh rob
Should have been Bampi then.
>bringing up trailer views when I didn't
retarded ilsafag
Yeah that sure worked out for forte, DAO and vampy, right? Let's just admit fktrn would delete all the zodiacs and release vane with horse ears and rat wearing snake shoes if xe could
>you cannot use this evidence because I didn't
Maleringer IQ? -5
Maleringer logic? Nonexistent
>trailer views don't count
>relink stats don't count
ilsaraging creatures should get the bullet
Play fair
- blue roses do not naturally occur, as an impossibility it's something out of reach
I guess that makes sense since he wants to win but he's a jobber so that's impossible
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So does Jannu who actually got voted for, I’m not seeing her in the roster though
If we are going by views, the FGC clearly said no to the generic bullshit they showed overall. If people want lame humans, beg for BB and jack off to platinum and tell them to give jin some wings
Only draphs can save this IP
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True we gotta treat these weird ass mfers like the special ed class LMAO
Satoru Gojo and Ryomen Sukuna, then Lunalu, Korwa and Forte. Rising? Saved. Thanks? Not necessary. Verification? Not required.
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Blue? That's violet
No one actually likes dorafs, especially noticeable with the amount of people accepting dragon and halle
>Let's just admit fktrn would delete all the zodiacs and release vane with horse ears and rat wearing snake shoes if xe could
FKNECK is mentally ill enough to do this
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>1 single rose is [love at first sight]/[single target affection
>blue roses are not naturally occurring, and have served as a symbol of unattainable desires or a longing for the impossible
>blue roses can also symbolize a deep admiration or pursuit of an ideal
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you can tell the IP's on its way out when it barely got more views than a 20 years old grampage that was shown on saturday night when everyone was doing stuff outside with their families or on a date
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No one says this
>niggas like big tits
Wow, who’d’ve thunk?
okay fine, I'll give you the love at first sight
Good, HIVtrash franchise should get killed off.
Are there any farmable guns worth playing soldier for?
Exo Cocytus one :^)
casual draph lovers like the big tits and horns
professional draph lovers care about the height and proportion.
M3 Chev gun :^)
Minority can't save an IP
If anything Erunes are future.
EruneGAWDS...the supreme schizos
but there's not enough erunes either...
Exactly why their 2 flopges flopped
Then I will remain a nameless Shion lover.
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Well that’s unfortunate
This one I do have. Is it 3 zeus IV, 2 bubz and 1 subaha for bullets?
What was FKHR thinking with the entire season one pass being human?
I just realized Relink has no male Erune
- totalling to 9 roses [eternal love]
They REALLY needed all four homoknights in every spinoff possible
2B is a robot
Faa is an astral
Don't get the comparison. So far dragon's performed more than well everytime she showed up, whilst tall halle flopped like her banner
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Astrals are cooler than humans, doesn't count
Yet it has two male draphs for some reason
The male draphs aren't the problem
The immigrant is other, Faa is probably other + primal (human). Also:
>people didn't like it when we added Uno for racial diversity reasons so we won't do that again.
Basically, thank Jyuna because I doubt Uno would've gotten as much hate without his video making it easy for secondaries to meme about it.
POSEIDON...... WON !!!!
You really need to think a little more about the games you play.
He’s a human from another dimension, don’t kid yourself.
If white men had control of the spin offs we would just get a bunch of 30+ year old women instead of a cool diverse roster of genders and races.

You really want someone like Elea in a spinoff instead of Ladiva or Ghanda?
They aren’t but it’s still interesting they decided to include Ghanda at the last moment instead of slotting in another human
The problem?
>2 male draphs
>ONE female draph
>this isn't a problem
And then he woke up, face down in an uncleaned toilet after huffing knock-off Mr. Clean.
>The immigrant is other, Faa is probably other + primal (human)
Not just white men. Men of every race would love to see that.
Faa should have had horns
where was ilsa's trailer? where was ilsa in the most used relink characters? what the fuck are you talking about?
Yeah. Yeah I do. Why do they keep bringing the same people over and over is beyond me, did they really need to have Lancelot both in Versus and Relink? They did not, it was done to please people that don't even play the game
FKNECK is fucking nuts
Wouldn’t have improved him at all.
And instead we have a bunch of humans, primals (humans) and others (humans)
I don't see it, but maybe if they would appear occasionally, but not all the time.
Now that you mention it, him growing horns in Faa0 would make more sense than the Jin Kazama cut he gets.
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Explain this
I was never a big fan of his wisp form, mostly because i like how Faa looks so it feels like a downgrade rather than powerup.
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>tfw fire dokkanlet
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That one butcha u doujin
da same old cd
He reminds me of that subzero chick in ps2 era MKs
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good night and have a great rest of the thread grubbas
fcksatroonthenacks slurpers are getting more deranged by the day
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sleep wyell
Mirin is "Japanese"? Please don't tell me my wife is a white woman.
>You really want someone like Elea in a spinoff instead of Ladiva or Ghanda?
uhhhh yeah?
Like others said, all four homoknights being automatically included is the problem. Not even the most loyal of slurpers can actually explain it
Any snow bunnies in da grub?
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Explain what?
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>You really want someone like Elea in a spinoff instead of Ladiva or Ghanda?
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Don’t be silly. She was born and raised in “Japan”, that makes her “Japanese”. And no white woman would say “Gozaru”. Think about it.
yaia outta nowhere
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Anila, Galleon
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Explain this
Canonically Haase
My life is forfeit...
death to all crossposters
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I don't think they really ruined her in any way though
just neglected
Gwynne's mom
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>shittedcuck samefagging
the absolute state
>eurocucks got home from work
grim grim grim
I was playing a JRPG and it had a double boss fight against one monster named Seraph and another named Lich who started as enemies but teamed up to kill the player party.
Player name? Cantate.
Zoi went from being the literal manifestation of the hopes of humanity and in the top 5 for power levels to being a mass produced clone that ate pie so she is more unique than her identical sisters and only exists to lose fights to show how dangerous the villain is
Imagine if the entire roster for spinoffs would be only hot grub moms
it's numpers
Zoi won't job her next fight
Because she will never appear again
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I wanna play this anon's game
The absolute fucking state of FKACK
>she thinks this is the eurogods' doing
>exists to lose fights to show how dangerous the villain is
It’s the same for Worf and Vegeta everyone loves them. Why can’t people love Zoi too?
fukuzack will never forgive MILFs
umm gbf players don't have jobs tho?
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post ruined characters
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[insert dykeshit here]
Dunno about Worf but Vegeta's monkey with a shotgun type of personality is what made him entertaining in Z at least
Why is oyakodon so based?
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there's something about breeding multiple generations...
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no one gives a fuck about your retarded point system
do you honestly expect me to believe Aliza is a popular grub just because western tourists voted for her?
cute and...kinda canon...
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>reading Jamil doujin
>Cassius and Sandalphon show up
Did FKHR write this?
>reading jamil doujin
nigga you are fkhr.
kek, multilayered shill
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>reading Jamil doujin
She can't be stopped
Well, people tend to go.,
>this character topped in three regions
>ok, but this other character was higher in two
Which is why I made the list.
I have too many revenant weapons what the fuck should I choose for DB
>inb4 grain
>breeding the barren womb moms
Doubt they're on menopause
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More popular than Ghandagoza.
even setting aside zoi's event, she's a victim of primal spam in general. humanoid primals lose their appeal when there are countless humanoid primals (or primal adjacents like dragons, speakers, maybe even fenie) in the crew
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Gbfg approved spinoff roster
Djeeta(male), neechang, Galleon (chibi plushie form), Funf, Zoi, Toot, Korwa, Poz, Mugen, Jin, Grand Blues Lyria, Forte, Spinnah, Golden Knight, Camieux, Yaia, Yggy
Primal pals was a mistake
>no Carm
That’s a Marge
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dios mio
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Guest character:
Literally assassinated.
That would be too kino
>no Lich
>no Cantate
>no Cupisloshers
Try again
What was THAT about
>Cupitan is an orphan
Shame we'll never meet her mom
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Cupi can be redeemed if we meet her whoreslut mother
as a feetfag I'm not even disappointed at this point, this is just sadness
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remember when people pretended that Raziel and Magus were for (You)? What was THAT all about
her mom will come back
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>all these SOULful characters
>not a single one is in Rising or Relink
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I'm Astaroth, by the way.
Astaroth is a girl now
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Bros, I'm thinking of coming back to this game as a casual player, but I'm not even sure if that's possible. I don't even have as much time and energy as I used to grinding grids out in this game.
Any thoughts on how I can play this game casually while still having ok progression?
>Rex's youtube channel
shan't be watching
nigga just don't.
Sure. I barely log into this game and have a primal grid in all elements except wind. Are they optimal? No, but who cares.
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cute and canon (you)nit won albeit
uh ohhhhh
who's the skipsis now pffftbahahahaha
>bitch mom
It's worse than I thought. What a shame and a waste. They really ruined Cupitan. All we can hope is KMR try to save something from her somehow.
>gets banned multiple times posting low quality shitted porn intended to "shock" people
>still gets less (You)s than the time he paid 300 USD
>still gets less (You)s than the other shitposter who only ever posts granblue archive
A literal one.
da failed schizo...
Just Lraph things
i like the chuuni pink titcow
Give me your serious predictions for the last two summer batches. No, it won’t be S.Mugen no matter how hard FKHRT wishes to do it
Even lil raph gets more (You)s by posting his dumb opinions
S. Mugen
Y. Poz
S. Cock
Y. Rat
S. Galleon
S. Melissabelle
I’m honestly surprised neither sturm nor drang made it in. Out of everyone, you’d think they were a shoe-in.
where the fuck is the Satyr video btw
the 45 minute one
we're getting Satyr just to fuck with me so I spend 150 moons on a character
corn yuisis and cantate are shillclub btw
No one says this unironically
lil bro cantate gets 2 words per seasonals
when will shillclub effect kick in?
>corn yuisis
Egg sex
Legit wish we got yukata rat so every remaining zodiac fags quit and the character gets branded as a game killer forever
Anyone have fast FA teams for Dreadbarrage?
None of the usual sites have any guides.
oppressed summer unit not soon
what the fuck were you doing light gw
just gonna use my GW team for 5*
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what's next for cunny enjoyers?
Wouldn't be any worse than Anila getting her fifth unit.
They can't stall Aster any longer, it's her time to shine
Y.Metera it is!
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Not happening
Good picks but still missing at least 3 more to catch up to last summer’s 4 characters(+ summon) in one banner
It's time
Meant for >>487307159
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>They can't stall Aster any longer
You underestimate my POWER.
too many damn summers
>>487306202 +
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Common erune W
I kneel....
>You really want someone like Elea in a spinoff instead of Ladiva or Ghanda?
Contrary to what people think, most players aren't colossal faggots or fujos.
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its her time
S. Novei
Y. Pamela
You think they'll get any content after cygay snubbed them with the orchestra selection?
>S. Novei
Consider yourself lucky they got Hayamin back at all for Relink. And that was the last time too, since Relink flopped they don’t have the money to afford her working on grub ever again.
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There is still a bunch of unused designs, at least two more are definitely getting in, it’s the year of reused art after all
...to get ignored by FKNECK
say it with me:
I really enjoy the pained looking expression Isaac has.
How many VAs are going going to add to the list of never appearing in Grub again? I someone says in every other thread how a given seiyuu will totally never work with Cygames again.
>read up the kakage drama
>everyone , both artists and nodraws on twitter are shitting on him
>meanwhile the maIeringing lil L thinks kakage did nothing wrong

maIeringing and brainrot really goes hand in hand huh
Are you surprised?
boring, skip
dunno what any of this means but maleringers are freaking nuts
Granblue fantasy???
It is a crime against humanity that shillnyo got an alt before Athena
kakage is unironically granblue fantasy related albeit
Why would le ebul maleringers defend a galgetard artist you stupid fuck? Take your antipsychotics.
The list is mostly female VAs because FKHR doesn’t like giving girls content.
uh oh maleringer melty
yup, incoming nutty hours
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He was THE JKfag for the longest time until the JK content drought made him turn to vtumors. Most of Rosetta fanart came from him
many such cases
Imagine her fucking Gran in front of Clarisse and getting pregnant again... dokkan's face would be glörious I bet
>JK content drought
Doesn't exist. He just sold out
inevitable outcome in a fkhr world
>Give me your serious predictions for the last two summer batches.
S. Athena
S. Lamretta
S. Rabbit
S. Isaac
S. Scathacha
Y. Lecia
Y. Manamel
S. Drang
That makes Gran her stepdad...
JK gets 200000% more content than most Grub characters.
Really? When was the last rosetta event? Raiden just got 2 of those mind you
>Mortal Kombat out of nowhere
Style change
She's featured in MSQ, meaning she has several events worth of content.
So she has none? How curious.....
>stuck in MSQ jail
many such cases
None of what?
Make primal grids for the elements you have good grands for. Many old grand weapons got buffed, so they're pretty ok filler for now. Murgleis is unironically very usable. Spark when exalto-type (latest broken grand weapon type) is on rateup.

Host & fa magna 3 daily, for the elements you have no way of going primal. You have 3 hosts so progression is faster than it used to be. Farm events like crucible and pg if they have a good filler weapon. They have pretty great mainhands and even decent grid fillers these days.

Tons of old characters got 5* that makes them very good filler for when you lack the optimal meta unit. They're often very fa friendly too.

It's pretty doable to grub casually. This thread is just filled with transvestites and schitzo doomers. Remember, power creep always exists, so current 8 grand weapon grids will eventually go out of meta for some new weapons.
How many anni events has Raiden been in? JK has 4.
Rosetta appeared in anni events?
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>features in MSQ
>gets killed off
>MSQ keeps getting delayed
So when was the last rosetta event? Why are you dodging the question?
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>current 8 grand weapon grids will eventually go out of meta for some new weapons
no..... my investment..............all...for...nothing.........
whoa, the trademark maIeringer dishonesty.
can't say I predicted this move.
Okay? And she has a billion appearance in MSQ. Most characters don't have even get into events.
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>Will you buy the scamcha?
Not in Shart of the Suck, that’s for sure. Hell, I don’t think ANY of the main crew were there which is even funnier in hindsight
>don't have even get
this maleringer is BROKEN
thats what he gets for becoming a vtroon.
Rackam was in it but only at the very end of part 2 and then he’s never seen again.
Irrelevant. Why are you dishonestly comparing a NPC with 2 appearances to a main crew member with a Grand, a 5*, 3 seasonal SSRs, and 2 summons?
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>angry dishonest posts complete with typos defending cy
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Style Change: Delicious Mixed Toilet!
Next is epic avengers anni where they also include society, zodiacs, evokers, accordants, homoknights, and MSQ
Get a life retards
Answer the question before posing new ones. When was the last rosetta event?
this general unironically gets more content (in the form of FKHR edits) than the actual game itself.
Why is the numperscord like this?
Meant for
Get out of MY thread RETARD
Because she is part of the main crew and deserves all that and more?
KEKAROO maleringers do be like that
he isn't going to reply or it's going to be either deflection, whataboutism and/or pure lies.
maIeringing is an epidemic.
You don't own the thread numperstard
I just told you it's irrelevant. Content is more than just headlining an event, dishonest galgetard.
No, she does not deserve having more alts than Kat, Oigen, and Rackam together
I really hope someone is saving all of them
>this general unironically gets more content (in the form of FKHR edits) than the actual game itself.
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You offering? I’ll take yours.
>Rosetta MSQ appearances are like 3 lines max (and she's fucking dead)
>whatever event appearances she gets like anni are basically the same
>units are all shit + old (except halloween which is just shit)
like yeah she's better off than some characters but i wouldn't say she's in a good spot.
like clockwork
>I just told you it's irrelevant. Content is more than just headlining an event, dishonest galgetard.
Let's try this a fourth time: When was the last Rosetta event?
Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies according tot the wiki.
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>crew JUST unlocked the 5 star dread barrage enemy because half of them are playing GranHinaBlue Archive
so fucking grim
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Yes, she does, Kat, Rackam, Io and Oigen should all have this much too but we really need a seasonal Sandalphon in every element first
Lraph is a legit predictable NPC like that
So what you're saying is that they shoud have Rosetta take a break and give all that much to Kat, Rackam, Io and Eugen. Cool.
I like your crew...
my crew is at ~1m honors lmao
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come join us grubba!
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It would appear the simple question of when the last rosetta event took place was a bit too difficult to solve.
I love this doraf
She already took a break, the last thing she got was the 5* uncap in 2021 which didn’t really change much but that’s not the point
>other main crew members don’t get content because JK keeps hogging it
is the same kind of argument as
>only content we get is more of a male
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It would appear that i want to FUCK Monika
>stopped drawing anything because his wife doesn’t like it
I hate women so much
You're basically looking for anything with six slots, 3+ of them being rifle bullets, and the last one specifically being a rifle bullet for subaha bullet. Exo gun for water, M3 for light/wind. (There's also the Hekatonkheir Muzzle for light from a side story but there's no point to using it anymore with M3 Chev gun.) Water also has Clarion, but only if you can farm the materials to awaken it so you'll have to wait for water Proving Grounds, and Exo is still better. Dark also has a Proving Grounds weapon in Bismark. Anything else is gacha (Partly Powerful Popgun for fire, Aertire/Desert Arms for earth) or moons (Hraes for water). I can't remember if dark has anything that fits those criteria.
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Rat's EN VA looks like someone used the pre-alpha version of FaceApp on FKHR.
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Fuckable sexy doraf
Floox agrees.
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>Proving Grounds
This shit pisses me off so much. Why isn’t it permanent already?
Why are all her units so bad...
then they would have to come up with no content to fill that event slot...too difficult..
Yeah, it's weird that they shove the weapons in so many places but you can only get the materials whenever they feel like running it and only for one weapon.
V.Moni is still good for ougishit if you are a hruntlet
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>summer stream coming up in three days
>a whole new “roadmap” will likely be coming out with it
>the very last thing from the last roadmap still hasn’t come out
>just had a seven hour maintenance
>to add a mass draw to the rupie draw
her grand was already worse than the arcarum unit on release
Hey now, it also added the latest episode of Clarisse’s cuckventures
My favorite thing about the maintenance is that, as usual, they put it on the last day of TWO events when they had a dead day immediately after. Why do they never just do it on the dead day?
>>to add a mass draw to the rupie draw
Late spring to early summer btw
Middle of summer is early btw
Incompetence. That something like that even requires maintenance at all is proof of that much.
post teams without horus
They seriously need to stop doing roadmaps, I can’t think of a single instance where they’ve released the announced content on time.
but i don't wanna uncap the borgar
>other main crew members don’t get content because JK keeps hogging it
I never said this. But she already has enough units – and there is a limited amount of characters they are willing to release every month. And no, I'm not saying that they should give new units to the usual suspects either. Sure, you can give JK one more, but a lot of other characters need it much more.
I didn't read the other post you're linking to because it looks like a schizo post at a glance.
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They're known as "The Shillciety"
love 'em
Only Cassius is shilled. Ilsa never gets anything.
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You just know xe'll take a detour in europe until the stream to dodge the investors asking him about the EVO views, the lack of hype from the reveal and the people quitting

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