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“Season 2 Out Now” Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>>>487248513

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Samurai Jack released 7/23
Beetlejuice has been officially revealed

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! We continue to grow positively!
Thoughts on Jack? I'm having a good time with him so far, even though he's new I can tell he's gonna end up as a solid high tier
Hell yeah first ranked match + first time playing as Jack and won with an iron giant partner
they quit out after round 1, maybe because i t-bagged
They disabled ranked rematches
Been a while since I played the game, did they finally add that input buffer toggle?
The fuck? Wtf did I play then and why does it say ranked game in my career section?
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>He doesn't jump straight into ranked with 0 practice
Jack is my new main, this man is too fun.
Yeah, that and you can turn off the solid color coating for the opponents
Yes set it to 0 it's MUCH better
Because they disabled rematches in ranked not ranked
Reading comprehension anon.
Ranked REMATCHES are disabled.
The system is suppose to be a best of 3, but due to a bug its best of 1 ATM
very based. I'm just mashing side normals to up and it seems to work well
Rematches, anon
Nice team mate literally made me lose as always
One of the rift nodes makes you smaller and way faster. Its literally a beta node.
Yeah OK my b I didn't sleep last night
>go into ranked
>play against a jake
>kills me because somehow his fist move hit BEHIND him
>i then proceed to juggle him hardcore with jab combos
>kill him with air side special and up special
>final kill is with neutral special
>salt taunt his ass until the win screen comes up
>instant dc
>check profile
>went offline
how do you do samurai jack spinning move? I’m holding the direction and pressing, but he’s just doing his extended kick
Dash attacks completely ruined how this game feels to play
Oh great weeklies are broken and don't count towards the milestone
All 3 players blocked
jack is super fun. im molesting noobs right now with him
it's true
my name is pickle rick and i'm here to say, adding nubia to the game was really gay!
Daily reminder that this game is dominated by animated cartoon characters.
Yeah they suck ass and should be toggleable in options so they're input only.
Wow my harley team mate who is OP beyond belief almost made me lose, how can you be that fuckin bad at an amazingly OP character that just got nerfed when it was already broken OP lmfao uninstall the game even though I won the game for us
its his neutral air attack
Just got buffed*
the hobo jack skin has weird animations, why is his paddle floating to the side of him?
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thats 6 live action characters, 6 comic book characters, 15 cartoon characters, and 1 oc video game character, lmao.
>doesn't dc and then block them as soon as they appear
What are some warner bros owned video game only characters they have?
Agent Smith is fuckin gay
Good good
mortal cum butt
How do I git gud at this? I've played traditional fighting games my whole life but I have never been decent at smash or smashlikes.
practice dodges
Mortal Kombat

Pretty much the only vidya IPs worth a shit
Characters from any of the following:
>Mortal Kombat
>Lollipop Chainsaw
>Spy Hunter
>Robotron 2048
>Smash TV
>Total Carnage
>Primal Rage
>War Gods
>Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
>Mace: The Dark Age
>Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.
>Kasumi Ninja
>Ultra Vortek
>Fight for Life
>Back 4 Blood
>Robot Unicorn Attack
Maxwell Scribblenaut
>Courage, Barbie and Harry Potter getting stages

I feel bad for Dilworth cause courage gets fucked around so bad by Time Warner
Damn I keep getting faggots, ok 2v2 ranked with randoms is impossible, 1v1 only now
Why isn’t anyone taking about the fact that
>Harry Potter
>Mad Max
Just got leaked?
Know how to dodge attacks, and use those dodges to extend your combos. Also, neutral dodges parry your opponents. And remember to change the input buffer to 0, it will make the game feel MUCH better.
How much do the Boost variants cost? I have to assume they're gleam exclusive.
I’m only bronze 3 with Jack
I have to assume the devs are intentionally doing this to stir up 'free' chitchat about the game on social shit. It is far, far too easy to not put shit in the client files that you don't want people seeing.
Calling it now: Next two are the PPGs and Wicked Witch with Aquaman in S3.
Is the Courage stage his house or some other location?
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>Reindog has an ESL moment
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>Treasure Raider rift node
Whoa hey PFG you can't just go make something that has even a tiny semblance of fun after a whole 2 months of suffering and shit effort what the fuck
Don't forgot Steamboat Willie for some reason
Wasn't it supposed to be an Over the Garden Wall stage?
If you play Samurai Jack, you are ass at the game.
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the multiverse needs moms
Jack's down air blows fuckin cock
hes trying his best
that and his upsmash yes
you just use nair/upb instead
or down b because that move is godlike
theres no way that this isn't intentional
this game is an open book
He is tried his best*
>all the shitters coming out to ruin your ranked mode games
yeah woo I'm so fucking glad we have this shitty mode now that attracts the worst of the worst
love my 26 damage teammates
Servers are dying and match quality dies with it

Two matches got cancelled
why don't you just play 1v1? I know there's some annoying as shit characters that are mitigated in a 2v2 enviroment as opposed to 1v1 but I'd rather deal with that instead of a shaggy teammate or afk teammate
I think today you learnt you are just bad at 2v2s
cause I'd rather kill myself than play 1v1
why the fuck does the game keep freezing on me and locking my inputs? this did not happen last time I played, but now it leads to me constantly SD'ing and making me look a damn fool
I just got an email from the harry potter fanclub! omg!
>You have been invited to join your fellow Harry Potter fans for the Back to Hogwarts celebrations at 11 o'clock on 1st September 2024. Join us throughout the summer as the excitement builds, and get ready for some special announcements on 1st September!
>Barbie allegedly leaked.
>He-Man has bumped into the DC superheroes plenty of times and Mattel used to have the comic's license
HE (-Man) IS IN

Maybe if PFG asks Viacom if they can use the Ninja Turtles and are told to fuck off they can even ask Mattel for the Street Sharks to make up for it?
Theoretically once you grind to gold you should start getting good games.
because someone in your game is on wifi and tony made sure to hide that information from you so you wouldnt know to complain about it
>playing jack
>grab a giant at 0 on dexter's lab
>he dies
realistically, which one of the turtles would get in? my money's on mikey
>Rejecting any crossover
Damn this game fuckin sucks

Damn this game fuckin rules
So is the ranked jack skin gonna give you the one you got the highest rank for or does it give you all them?

Gold jack looks way better to me than Platinum jack
Maybe pull an Injustice 2 and have it be all four tagging in and out?

Or just pick The Last Ronin so you have someone with all of the turtles’ weapons at once.
If people are playing with a Friend in 2v2 and have more than 15 wins with their character they should be put in a Friends vs Friends party only Queue, this is a fighting game and this thing kills randoms getting ranked points
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This rules.
they said once you reach a rank you get the skin for good even if you drop out of that ranked, so all of them
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so i think getting the first box on the star meter of the first rift (easy) gave me 1500 fighter coins
go redeem your rifts you bloody basterds
i have 20k coins and nobody to unlock
this photo is funny as hell. the tiniest little smirk as if he knew his blessing were coming. god exists for his benefit.
Why does some of Samurai Jack's shit seem undodgeable like that side b when you have rage or whatever the faggot fuck it is
Imagine if the devs actually understood the purpose of the start up frames
What a gay ass character, smith is fuckin gay too, so is everyone else in the fuckin game. Going to sleep fuck this gay ass shit.
Samurai Jack is so ass to play against.
Jack was OP in PTE, and he'll still be OP in MVS. You can't stop the samurai.
what is their obsession with these new characters and side specials that define their entire gameplan
The fighting game tradition of making the DLC characters broken at launch

Look at how bad Pyra/Mythra is
it's even worse when he has focus because he zips to a point and then turns that point into an invincible fucking aoe that can kill

what the fuck is this shit, he barely has any cooldown on his attacks either you try to get anything in and eat a jab no matter what, and shit hits fucking behind him all the time
Thats not even fighting game, that's just the live service business model as a whole. You have to always release new stuff as OP to encourage FOMO
How tough am I? I've reached gold rank... with random teammates.
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yeah, so?
I had to stop playing because I kept screaming at the top of my lungs shit like "WHAAAAAAAT" so loud it would hurt my throat
Any pics of Courage's stage?
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Why weren't these in here from the get go? Actually reasonable price for a F2P game.
the purpose is you set them to 0 and make harley top tier
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while playing velma
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Because the rats working in this game are fucktarded wastes of life
Wonderful. Thanks anon
>Jack has Jason's neutral special as just a side effect of crouching
What the fuck.
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>fast character with a sword
>is broken
Looks like a 1st grader found blender
It burns his meter though
It's also a lot slower than I thought it was after doing it, I just saw that in his move list.
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>loses his big damage moves for 10 grey health at most
>takes way longer to charge, realistically you can only get to 10 from a ringout
>no damage buff or passive t hat benefits from it like Jason's knockback resistance while having grey health
Jason's is more of a risk/reward kinda move but this one just sucks. Does it at least give the gray health to his teammate?
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That's what places in games look like during their initial conception. A bunch of primitive blocks that gives everyone a rough idea of where things will be and what the main part of the stage will consist of.
I swear they just give moves some stupid amount of startup frames and they don't bother tying it to an animation
Some brainless trogolodyte at pfg only knows how to do side b
I think it does give it to allies.
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I know people hate the side special cause its super cheap and easy.
But damn his neutral charge beetle slash is so fucking good. I think the full charge does close to 40 dmg base.
wtf how do you get post game stats
How do you cleanse debuffs in the Jason fight? I thought that one reflect gem would, but it doesn't.

They trying to generate hype or troll

Because when something actually leaks, they take it down real fast
See that Fern? Look below him.
It says it at the bottom of the screen. Push Y (on xbox controller)
Y on keybopardx as well i think
Somebody in the last thread was asking about the steamboat map possibly belonging to over the garden wall but comparing that boat to Mickey's, it is definitely Mickey's.
Welcome to being a tekken player except the season passes in namco games are even more overpriced
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Had no idea ranked was out, youd think thered be more fanfair.
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total multi-nigger death
it was obvious Jack would the broken the moment his moveset leaked.
They did an entire announcement about it at evo...
People still watch that?
Nope didnt got any, you sure its not from the infinite character rewards i got 300 from it
why would there be any fanfare
the only people who actually care enough about meaningless ranks in a video game to inflate their ego are gonna be the same ones complaining about all the stupid stuff in the game and not want to play anymore
nobody gives a flying fuck about this nigger game and everybody at EVO laughed at the pathetic gook nigger Tony Huynh which is why he looked like he was about to cry like a failure. Maybe next EVO when his game has 2 players and he miraculously gets invited, he kills himself in front of the audience when he gets asked onto the stage
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Dear Bugzvii....
I hope you gets canceled from Multiversus Community. Nobody likes you.
show this to him
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Good news
>500 players already left after an hour of playing
say bye bye multiversus, bye bye! bye bye tony! bye bye!
im thinking about getting the mogwai starter pack it is just 69 mexican pesos for me, maybe less if i sell some stuff on steam i’d get 2 more characters and 1000 more gleam, i already put more than $2000 pesos in this game the only thing stoping me is that i said i would never pay for a character, but it’s so cheap i might end up changing my mind
no cause i don't have any character at that high level. Maybe is a specific rift node reward? I never look at those, i think i completed the taz one where i got it, but i also got a bunch of other stuff at the same time so i assumed it was because of the crate. idk, i only know i saw a straight up "x1500 fighter currency" notification pop up when that happened
Every steven player im with kills me with their shield placement
Isn't this one of the comic covers?
how does one "cleanse a debuff"
i left cause it's late here in europe, i did some missions and rifts but i'll try ranked and the rest of the stuff tomorrow
>Ranked matches are best-of-3 sets
Why do I keep getting single matches?
What’s your account level? Im sure 25 and 35 give 1500 fighter currency
>niggas still can't read
Look through this thread and people asked the same question
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don't think so but it looks cool

there's a gem that does that

cause in true pfg fashion rematches in ranked don't work right now
Look at your gems there’s one that cleanses fire and ice on dodge
>opponent is edgeguarding you
>your teammate is just sitting there doing nothing like they've never picked up a controller in their life
come the fuck on man just press a single button
wonder woman down b
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Close but not exactly.
i think you got it, i'm lv25 right now
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this happens to me too
>Its a Gizmo and Wonder Woman match
Look out! It's evil Gizmo and Woman!
they couldn't even proof-read
Because they are learning the process
Have faith anon :)
Tony Gooknigger Huynh chong wong ding dong can't spell properly, give the little chink nigger time will you? Poor oppressed 5'1 manlet gooknigger came from a chink sweatshop now....
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Oh this is a good deal.
I kind of want to buy hobojack but the only bundle for him has a bunch of fucking gems I don't give a shit about.
oooooh i'm cahrgin'!!!
If you don’t have gizmo and stripe there’s another starter pack bellow for the same price that includes them
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AS Games reps WHEN
>No charge, CAHRG GOOD
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>iron giant still top of 1v1s despite all those nerfs
Guess it didn't stop too much.
But this really highlights just how overpowered shaggy is. Maybe now devs will have to make nerfs on him when its shoved in everyones face he is the best character
I know some people didnt like Aku's replacement voice in season 5 but i want an Aku announcer pack
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50 glemium short of the battlepass so I'm buying a starter bundle to cover the cost

Rick and Morty
Taz and Bugs
Gizmo and Stripe

Mind you I have none of these characters
Taz and Bunnyhole
why the fuck does the game keep matching me up against those top 2 faggots in 2v2
rick and morty
Gizmo and Stripe I think are a lot more fun and diverse. So I'd go with that bundle personally.
I dunno who this 3D artist is, but he has no idea how to emulate MVS' art direction. Look like boardwalk caricatures.
>do rifts
>collect stars
>get medal
>change medal for 100 gleam
>get battle pass
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Guy on the right looks like a top down view of a prehistoric elephant.
I would like this deal... 1k gleamium is $10....
is someone close to beating the jack medal event but need to beat the requeriments to "play with a friend"? im missing that one
>160 gleam short of getting jack
welp time to afk rifts
protip for rift afkers is to use sports attire skins for 50% more character levels
gold 2 and I'm done for today, another tyler93104 with default perks on xbox as a teammate and I will lose my mind
dead nigger game.
Is it just sports attire on rifts that gets the boost?
I couldn't tell what was giving boost
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Man Jack has made this game incredibly unfun to play.
>Spam side
>spam side
can't punish this with more than half the cast
>spam side
>spam side
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What's this stage based on? Blue part freezes players, green part heals.
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>BP literally only gives you *50* free bonus Gleam after you regain the amount you spent
Maybe it's a cityscape? Gotham or something?
>bp can be gotten infinitely for free
>still not good enough
This is a level of entitlement I can't even begin to comprehend
looks like it's just another rift map, there's a generic temple level in the new rift that's kind of like melee adventure mode.
What the actual fuck, poor man, i will never say anything bad about lebron again
NTA but I second with gotham making sense.
Right side could be lazarus pit shenanigans and left side mr freeze/penguin base.
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That makes sense. Also, we're getting what seems to be a second PPG stage.
I actually really liked that. The challenges that are based on platforming are the most fun ones.
Not him but cheers dude. I was trying projectiles with Share the Pain and it wasn't working and I couldn't think of anyone who could do it.
Is there a reason why playing basketball for so long would do that?
constant high stress movement and stopping on a dime in shoes is bound to fuck your feet up
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Green and purple stage, no idea what it could be.

Ever played basketball for more than an hour, shit will make your feet sore all day long.
slit your throat tony. i hope you get brutally raped.
Thanks doc
based tony hating anon
Reminds me a bit of the Jetsons with all those poles, but at this stage, it's impossible to tell.
>already got tier 4 gems
>already beat the Jack event and got all 20 rewards
holy fuck am I an animal
tony huynh, commit suicide. kill yourself. the world would genuinely be better without you.
Same, i guess i’ll try ranked to humble myself, im sure i’ll get my shit kicked as soon as i reach gold
>second ppg stage
>flying cars
this is probably a scrapped stage for the cyberpunk event, or orbit city from the jetsons
bro S2 really is beginner friendly, they even give you a 5 dollar entry fee to start your battle pass grind
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It's PPG related because of the pickle stand
>each ranked game has a Jack on either team
>I always get the one that's retarded
I feel like I could just super easily complete this rift event just by switching to easy but something compells me to get 61 stars on Experienced
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They also have two new Starter Packs for $5 that give you 1000 Gleamium and two characters. Compared to season 1 they're pretty generous.
Pickles huh.
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Could be Little Tokyo Townsville to fit along with Jack. Maybe we'll fight the fish guy.
Get one of the pair starterpacks it gives you 2 adiditional characters and 1k glem
theres more packs like this anon posted >>487327058
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There's also this.
But I already own all the characters
Little Tokyo would be a neat stage, especially if they have Dynamo in the background.
So now that we have their models, what do you want their attacks and specials to be? I'm thinking Acrobattack for sure, maybe some of that fiery feline attack too. They have some pretty cool stuff, but some of them are already present in other movesets.
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why is the ranked event skin reward for Jack only? I thought we were getting ranked skins for every character?
No they said multiple times it was jack only. And retards like you still happen
Is it just me or is performance significantly worse after the patch? I'm getting actual 2+ second stutters when clearing Rifts or trying to navigate the menu in general.
>multiple times
posts receipts retard
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Just got back from EVO. Multiversus presence was very lame because they didn't have a booth. Day 1 I asked at the MK Booth if they knew anything about it and they had no idea. Day 2 I asked again and they had a couple people in MK shirts giving out cards at the start of the line for people lined up to play MK. Instead of being at the end of the line and trying to get attention of people walking by you had to sit in the MK line for a card. Shame compared to 2022 when they had a huge booth with big screens and announcers drawing everybody in, plus the biggest money tournament that year. Games like Sparkling Zero were part of the Namco booth but still had set ups for people to play and I wish Multiversus did that.

It was a ton of fun however. The crowd loved the Samurai Jack announcement more then I thought. They were going nuts even though half of them had no idea what the game was.

its better this way atleast we get skins for characters people actually use
It's Samurai Jack, people love him no matter what.
what does tony smell like
>One Ranked match win gives 20 RP
>But one ranked loss takes away like triple that
For a second there I forgot why I hate ranked modes in games.
>anon finds out he has to have a positive winrate
>learns he doesn't
You were bad the whole time now you hate facing the truth.
>Arya just tracks you down and combos you to the top and you die at like 40%

I dont understand
Dodge her knife
>tfw have a dogshit general winrate, because I just afk and do dailies on FFA
FUCK YES, I've actually been suggesting this stage tons of times
welcome to the real multiversus, advantage state being so strong that once a player gets a single hit you're just fucking dead and now it's even easier than before with giant character models and ten year hitstun
hope you enjoy it
Alright sure ill do that when they also have a wonder woman or finn on their team
finally, a marvin skin that isn't a recolor
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There's also a part where the house gets abducted.
I think they will save the cinematic in two weeks. Beetlejuice already shows up in an upcoming event
how does evo smell like?
Marvin really said
He was no where to be found. As far as I can tell he was never on the show floor trying to advertise the game. When I was asking the MK staff about Multiversus they had no idea about it at all and even said Multiversus won't be at EVO because they are most likely waiting for San Diego Comic Con to reveal anything. So I know Tony wasn't there day 1 or the staff should have known something. Day 2 I was there early and looking for him but nothing. I was talking to the MK staff about how good Multi is all excited as I small talked while they gave me the cards hoping there was some Multiversus staff around that would feel my hype and want to talk to me, but no.
I was surprised to see him for the Jack reveal. I went back to the MK booth afterwards to see if they had a card for Jack that they weren't able to bring out until after the reveal but they did not. I was also hoping I would see Tony there and have him sign one of my cards but nope. He went backstage after the reveal and was never seen again. As far as I can tell Tony showed up for the reveal and then left afterwards.
I remembered i had some money on epic games so this became ridiculously cheap snd now i have 3000 gleam ready for whenever harley gets more skins
Wasn't there an anon who kept asking for golfer Marvin back in the day?
>season 2 playerbase can't even beat brawlhalla
it's O to the VER
>They are most likely waiting for San Diego Comic Con to reveal anything

Wait what, they're revealing something at SDCC?
I would accept this, however I shall not be taking responsibility for the fact that a retarded baby would make a better player than most of my teammates.
>No Marvin cards
Do the devs just hate him or something?
That reminds me, has Beetlejuice's moveset been datamined yet? I kinda wanna know how he's going to fight.
>wanted to buy the 1k gleamium for five bucks
>closed the game because I had other shit to do
>come back
>bundle's not there anymore
Your loss Tony, those five bucks could've bought a nice cup of coffee or two
yes, anything sports attire get boost and it's on any mode, rifts or pvp
Yeah performance has been worse for me. I'm noticing much more loading time in between matches and some rifts were stuttering for me
I don't have xitter and trying to use that website when you don't have an account is fucking impossible.
Very big room so the smell is fine. All the smelly jokes are left over from when tournaments was everyone crowded into an arcade but now days there is never a noticeable smell. If anything with the heat outside it smelled better in EVO then at a local restaurant

I didn't notice. He must have gotten left out for being the last one of the old roster and they only focused on making new cards for the new roster. Unless they forgot to give me one. The first guys I spoke to in the morning said I could only pick one card, but another person afterwards could see I like the game and they got all excited and sat down and pull out one of each cards for me so I can have a entire set. So it don't imagine they would have missed out on Marv for both the normal and foil card.
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>People spamming salt emote and taunt as Jack

This is like teabagging with Kazuya in smash ult


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What are your thoughts on clones/Echo fighters?

Should alternative characters just be kept as Legendary variants if the devs aren't going to create an all new moveset? Or are you fine with something like pic related being a Wonder Woman clone with an offensive sword instead a defensive shield?
>implying the game can be anything but an unbalanced mess
echo fighters shouldn't even be a thing, period
keep them skins and nothing more
eh, they are fine if they are pretty cheap or are free login characters. nubia is a literal who for me man
>As far as I can tell Tony showed up for the reveal and then left afterwards.
heads down on the game confirmed
For some reason I pictured Temmie saying this.

I would be surprised if more than 5% of players cared about ranked.
It's fine if they're the equivalent of Banana Guard: Someone we earn for free through log ins or an event. I don't think it's fine if the character is sold to us, especially not for 6k. I would also agree with the argument that Nubia should be a Wonder Woman skin we earn from an event or something. If you're making Nubia an Echo then why not Batkek at that point? He's arguably far more worth making one than a legendary skin.
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>check the shop
>its real

why do they hate money so much?
i'm pretty sure tony himself literally said this on his twitter, how ranked wasn't a thing in season 1 cause balance wasn't there but people kept asking for it so i guess they just went fuck it
i still see them in the specials
Is she even going to be a clone at this point? She has a completely different weapon and no sheild.
Wonder Woman The Ranked Mode i love wonder woman i love not being able to stop her constantly lasso'ing and shileding
It's good that they find a real Japanese man to voice Jack.
and the ranked mode will kill yet another game
i've cracked the code to counter jack spammers.
literally just spam projectiles at them, jack is like bg, he has tons of range and oppressive capabilities but lacks counters to zoning/ projectile spam
use shaggy bc he has infinite sandwitches he can throw up and down for unexpected attack angles
My character just runs off the edge every few games, anyone else?
Have her give higher damage output without the defensive options. If they DO end up doing echo fighters and the such, I'd definitely rather they do it that way, notable stat changes with maybe one or two different moves. Doctor Mario style.
Is there anyone who legitimately thought Harry Potter, one of Warner's biggest franchises, wouldn't be represented in some way in the WB smashie?
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>Harry Potter
excited for others
excited for others
will absolutely be a main of mine if they add him
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First medal is going to this.
>Need 3 points just to rank up and im losing 5 matches in a row in 2v2

Im getting to gold and never touching ranked again
>main doesnt have a sports ready variant
>lose 100% xp
>projectile damage still isn't counted
player faggot games
That's not all

Steamboat Willy confirmed and nobody seems to care
Yep I constantly die due to this
Lag because retarded TONY didn't add gamepause on lag to the rollback netcode
I care. People say it's a jab at Disney since the short went into public domain but I kind of see it as them having the opportunity to incorporate one of animation's most significant shorts into their animated fighting game.
Are we sure this isn't just an updated version of the Over The Garden Wall steamboat map?
We should have a Dover Boys map
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The OtGW stage is different, there's even a version where you're on the boat wheel for some reason.

Any pics of the PPG’s models?
They look WIP.
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Imagine its not Steamboat Mickey but this
ya was gonna say my queues have been hitting 20 seconds which wasnt the case the beginning of S1
High chance the random MK booth worker doesn't know what they are talking about so don't hold weight to it seeing how they were wrong about Multiversus being at EVO. But going by what they say, yes.

It's crazy because you will see Harada walking around the floor looking at the other booth. Years past I been on an elevator with Ono. You can tell when a developer really cares about the scene.
Huh, weird.

But how many new map leaks does that put us up to now? At least 10 if you include the Titans Tower not being out yet, right?
If you exit ranked the queues become instant
Tower is in rifts. Fun stage.
What changed. Connection had issues before but not this badly
retarded twitter fags
like HP was already very likely before but after hogwarts legacy showed the pushback on the ip is all confined on twitter it's just a matter of time, at absolute "worst" they'll have stuff like hermione or voldemort first instead of Harry
Titans Tower is in the rifts, two variants even. One is just a flat map, the other is like The Court sort of.
List your noticeable nerfs/buffs
>Nerfed LMAO
Uber Jason. The cunt takes forever to ringout even with level 9 horror gems on easy rift difficulty.
How did Jake get nerfed?
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>Titan's Tower
>Back to the Past
>Acme Labs
>Candy Kingdom
>Camp Crystal Lake
>Cat Concerto
>Wabbit Season
>Coyote Canyon
>Gremlins Midnight Showing
>OTGW Riverboat
>Quidditch Arena
>Barbie Dreamhouse
>Courage's House
>Mad Max stage
>Second unknown PPG stage
>Joust Stage (?)
>Gotham (?)
>Steamboat Willie
>A handful of other stages that we have no idea what they could be
No there now two steamboats stages, one of them being a direct copy of the Steamboat for that short
>Fight a jason in 1v1 that has all the high tier badges and 3 season gold wins
>Literally cant get an attack in and i cant dodge out of any of it

And then he taunts cause of course
Is that why every match in ranked is WW or even double WW
Jake nerfs
>Can't cancel into Bite after nAir
>Can't do combo by doing nAir nAir
>Second nAir (pierced armor) is 1 hit instead of 2 now
>Second nAir wastes a special move
>Second nAir lifts him up so he can't ground combo now while gliding down
LMAO you can't make this shit up
So are those WW and Joker nerfs ever coming? Because the big patch came and went and nothing really happened to either of them. Then the even bigger S2 patch came and... nothing. In fact WW got her lasso reverted from the nerf it was given.
I made sure to equip the salt emote and have been maining Jack in ranked. Salt + Teabag for every win and every side special kill.
They just BUFFED WW they don't want to nerf her
WW buffs
>Lasso has no cooldown
>Can combo more consistently
What the fuck it's weird to see me get posted here
Wonder if they’ll get a meme actor like Nicolas Cage for Willie.
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Removing move decay was a mistake and just leads to even more ladder combos and side B spam than the beta

Oh sorry not all side B spam cause some characters just get no advantage state or have really slow ones
>>Can't do combo by doing nAir nAir
Did anyone ever do this? Hi neutral air felt like a joke.
Lasso shouldn't have a cooldown, it's literally her only interesting move. Everything else should be nerfed.
There still is move decay, it just doesnt announce it.
MVSbros are we back?
I'm fine with echo fighters as , mostly similar normals, slightly different to unique specials, and only 1 a season. If it means we can expand the roster more, why not. Just don't do it on important characters or new IPs that aren't represented yet
NEWFLASH ASSHOLE. Its still in the game. Their mistake was removing the indicator showing that someone has entered attack decay.
Moves need more decay then so you cant just do jack's side B over and over or add more cooldowns or characters i dont give a shit
Tony, can you please, PLEASE, let us see our ping like in every other multiplayer game ever made?
Absolutely not, the game has never been laggier.
Same for me. No weekly mission progress. Just great.
You could combo in the ground with this move
The trend of giving each character their own MMR in fighting games is retarded sorry
NO. Removed with attack decay indicator and move charge indicator.
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It is completely toned down from the beta. The fact that people can't even tell if it's even says all you know.
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>cleanse a debuff
Any advice on how to do this rift objective?
To the faggot bugs bunny that keeps SDing in FFA. KYS!!!!!
It barely exists and every Joker will spam side air and up B until you die
delete christopher robin from the game then either read the thread, ctrl f this "cleanse" objective, or read what the hell your gems do for once. either way, read more.
Pretty sure its not i can still spam air moves and do tons of knockback and easy kills
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For the ones in the Discipline levels use the gem that cleanses it. For the Horror one use Wonder Woman's down B.
>in silver
>already getting matched with evo finalists
holy shit I'm just gonna sleep on ranked for a while
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>mad love mayhem bundle
>ten bucks for two fucking skins

please, for the love of god, just slash the prices in half and refund people half the gleamium they spent. They're absolutely leaning towards a lower price point but it feels like technical difficulties are getting in the way of a mass refund.
>instead of introducing public domain, they throw a curveball and the fighter is actually Oswald
>It's an official Disney crossover
>Cant even get out of bronze and im stuck using Smith

Can someone tell me what perks are good on Smith cause all his unique ones seem like shit to me
I've gotten matched against the top two players like 15 fucking times, one time on my first ranked match as a character
I was close to buying that bundle because i like both skin.
But i don't like using joker so...
I agree if it wasnt disjointed and has a ton of knockback and gave armor
Listen, either they are going to have the characters cheap or the skins. You are never going to have both and I'm certainly not going to complain about skin prices when you can currently get two fighters for 5 bucks
>ring out an opponent that has lower damage than you
Holy shit, why do they keep doing this one?
>the only skin i ever got is the madlove one
there are ZERO fucking bundles with gleam to buy, what are these nigger doing
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Even if you JUST want mad love harley it's a better deal than using gleamium to buy the skin.
They are absolutely leaning towards cheaper fighters AND skins, that would help so fucking much with the game's survivability and it looks like they KNOW it.
So I closed out and opened it back up and then my progress counted, maybe that'll work for you too.
That's a lotta stages! Now they just need to actually add them to multiplayer.
There’s 5 actually. If you’ve looked out and have neither characters, you have the double pack. I didn’t have Finn or Jake, but had at least one from every other pack, so the AT pair was the only character bundle I had.
I think id honestly rather fight Pyra in Ult than fight Jack in this game. I say that as someone who mains G&W in ult so i get tapped once and i die.
That's what I figured. I assume Taz and Bugs, Joker and Harley, and Jake and Finn are the other three?
Echo fighters is a such a stupid concept. Fuck Nintendo for making this a thing. Quality will always be better than quantity
Hand Cannon
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why would you buy that though
what's Red from?
And what about the normal perks

Also what do i do with him in neutral just summon clones or try to jab combo them?
Kek, I literally wrote this as a suggestion in their discord. The House in The Middle of Nowhere, it starts out with flat ground but later it's like floating in space or another dimension because spoooky things happen in nowhere
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Angry Birds
>Up B in disadvantage the character
How are you guys gonna use your 2 medals? I considered using them to get arya and marvin but im sure i’ll get more fighter currency later so im buying the skin for tom and jerry, plus that helps me get more prestige so i can get armored wonder woman later
Marvin alt and Gleam
My 2 what
Pyra/Mythra absolutely shits on G&W but ok sure man an OOS UpB is gonna salvage that matchup
Red Hot Riding Hood, old Tex Avery cartoon
Show the Mad Max level :o
You can't get Finn nor Arya. Only Tom or Marvin. This isn't a charity, chud
You get 1 from jack’s rift and the other one from the sports event, you can trade them for stuff
Cope, he's cancer too.
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>tfw Warner distributed the Blade Runner movies
Look out! It's Evil Iron Giant!
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G&W chads have to go up against Steve chuds constantly so i dont care
Because I love Tom and Jerry, and because Tennis Balls and Tennis Racket is like his primary means of attacking
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I got Marvin's outfit with one of the medals, I'll get Tom and Jerry's with the other.

Any additional medals earned this season will be put towards gleamium.
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How do I get objective stars?
I'm talking about the concept and term "Echo Fighters" which originated with Smash Bros. I know other games had palette-swapped characters before that but the concept of "Echo Fighters" originates from Smash.
Why are Finn and Arya skins not purchasable with medals in the medal shop?
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The "experienced" difficulty level for the rift. Completing each object will give you experience towards finishing the event now... Which is not that bad. MUCH less monotonous now.
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They’re bugged. Instead of Sports Gear, Finn’s is listed as a Shark Week skin and Arya’s as Beach Ready.
I missed the warm up lebron event so I'm gonna use one for that, idk about the other
Oh it's a froyo night for sure! :D :D :D
Ok anon just for posting this, you will be cursed with WW and Harley matchups now
Hmmm, I suppose maybe I'll wait with buying anything more from the medals shop with my second medal. If Finn or Arya was available I'd buy that, but I am not super into Marvin. Maybe they'll add some new shit midseason, otherwise I guess I might get marvin anyway since it's a decent skin.
tags are so fucked
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>This will be the major ship to come out of MVS
>Not FinnxVelma or anything like that, but JackxJuice
Oswald's in the Public Domain?
I throught it was an ironic ship like shrek and shadow
Jackniggers deserve it.
>pushback on the ip
You think so because your only interaction with the world is Twitter and Twitter through the lens of 4chan.
Normalfags loved Hogwarts Legacy and the game made a gorillion dollars.>>487344589
Maybe it is. It's hard to tell with Fujos.

Or JIGGERS as I like to call them-
The cyber banners do feel very Blade Runner-esque
This gives alot of hope actually. Feels like prices will be addressed in the future.
Aw sheit, Jack's cheating on Johnny!
aw man, I already had most of the characters so rick and morty are the only ones that show up for me
Don't forget that Asia loves them some HP, so that new Quidditch stage will be a welcome surprise for them.
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this match was fucking aids

>tfw you lose a kill because the hit stun is 10 years long and someone else gets the final hit while you have them stuck in hitstun
Harley is an adult woman, say that to arya mains or even velma mains the DC babes are fully grown women
I would 100% play Voldemort and Hermione, I think those are both way better choices than Harry. Possibly Hagrid too.
FFA can feel pretty frustrating unfortunately, they might need to change how it works...
I'm still fucking buggin about Vela apparently being 15. I always thought the mystery gang were college 'kids'.
The same cartoon as this iconic wolf, honestly she is the only one competing with bugs in that pic
There just needs to be bigger stages.
>I always thought the mystery gang were college 'kids'.
she is in this game, they sell 2 different swimsuit skins of her and she was added first over scooby so they definitely know of her sex appeal
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Wow, seems like they might actually be taking ideas from the discord after all.

I've suggested this map before. "A mad max level that works similar to the SNES Mute City level in Smash, but instead of ships moving alongside a track you are fighting on top of a convoy of cars racing towards the camera in the desert. Occasionally cars would swerve and crash off into the distance leaving you with one less platform to fight on, but it would later be replaced by a new car driving into view. Occasionally the warboys might pop out of the window and throw something at you or lunge at you while screaming "WITNESS ME".The 1v1 or competitive version of the stage could be just the stage platform with the guy playing the electric guitar in the background."

I've also suggested this level

"The house In the Middle of Nowhere from Courage the cowardly dog. The level would start off as flat ground, but eventually the level would be floating in space or another dimension. You can fight on the upper floor of the house. Eustice sits in the middle of the house in his chair commenting on the fight and hurling insults. Occasionally Ramses drops by and completely destroys the house with his swarms, only for the house to later magically get rebuilt".
Yeah they've slowly aged up all the chars throughout the years until they're vaguely 16-20.
Only in the original show, most SD shows after that usually have the gang as either adults or at the very least high school seniors.

Scared for a sec, I thought you were gonna post the other version of that animation.
LOL they didnt nerf Finn ToD and even if you try to DI he can just combo with tackle LOL
Well now you've piqued my curiosity
Would be kinda cool to see a universe where the scooby gang aged in real time and they are all around 70
I’m just getting to gold rank and I’m done
I forget the artist's name, but it's the same guy who did that one Bugs Bunny in a dress edit that went viral a while back. You know the one.
Just go into this game. Is there any level of matchmaking in unranked at all? Because it feels like I'm just being thrown to the lion's den here and its matching me with whoever pressed the button at the same time.
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The Jake change seems like they had an idea thats a step step in the right direction but it doesnt work. The new neutral is extremely hard to hit with and it doesnt combo into itself at all.
Casual matches are usually random, but you can make custom lobbies as long as you have some friends.
I actually don't lmao
ive only watched a few samurai jack episodes is it even worth it
>the last 5 matches I've played have either had an AFKer, a DC or someone just running off the side of the stage
alright I'm done with this shite game
I'm spending more time in the lobby than actually playing the game
the main ship should be me x reindog
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>infinite levels actually work now
Just double checked, artist/editor is wtperv.
I really don't think bigger stages will help the problem or two assholes just constantly jabbing each other while a third party lines up a kill move, the players are just too retarded to do anything but tunnel vision and mash buttons
hell bigger stages would make the problem worse as it'd be even easier for Shaggies to run away and charge up their garbage while having no trouble killing in bigger blastzones because he has so much knockback
what do you get for each infinite level?
im destroying you faggots on ranked
Been a long time since I've seen it, but it's definitely a fun show from what I remember. Though I've heard mixed feelings about Season 5.
yes. My fav eps are
>the one where Jack fights his dark side
>the one where he climbs the mountain to refind his purpose
>the one where he continuously tries to best a guardian of a time portal
>the one where a two headed beast wants him to guess which one of them holds a time portal in their mouth
>the one where he fights a cannibal family
>the origin special
>"jump good"
i got 60 toast and a bunch of fighter currency redeeming the levels after 16
Just fucking christ you spent $2000 ok this worthless shit!?!?!?
that's a hundred bucks
2000 hispanic dollars = 110 american dollars which is still too much but not more than some other people in this thread.
he said 2000 pesos retard
with ranked the way it is, I can’t imagine getting to master
Your fucking controller is getting unplugged/loose wire or something
Probably the only ones playing. Just block them. I'm going to go down the entire top leaderboard blocking everyone
He boot too small for he gatdamn feet
Oh wonderful... I love pitbulls vs toddlers.
>tiny little dropdown box in the corner to change rift seasons
dogshit design, somebody finish this placeholder before it goes live thanks
He's gotta go jack off more
BJ otherworld
That's my favorite sport too. Kinda sucks that my team always loses, but oh well
So its one of those games where if you haven't been playing since launch there's absolutely no point in ever getting into it. Got it..
Oh shit, you're probably right. The purple and green should've tipped me off.
Twitter = fag
Nope, I did have that problem before, but I got a new cable specifically to rectify that. And even then, when my controller would disconnect, I would just stop in place, not run off the stage.
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i need them and i need her to have an egg birthing move with very detailed animation
Yeah with a dollar sign so I thought he meant the equivalent of $2000
I actually didn't even know they used $ too until just now
My cord is loose and it does make you hold in the direction you were going sometimes if it comes disconnected so you'll keep running off the edge
I'm only bronze IV and I already was having an anime tier fight with a Lebron.
I can't imagine how fucking sweaty and chaotic a master fight would be.
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Laundry day.
Everyone in ranked is dodging all moves perfectly in a way I've never fucking ever seen in the whole time playing unranked. fuck unranked is so useless I've really been playing against massive retards this whole time.
>they actually "fixed" the Smith taunt and are now charging 1k gleamium for it
lmao fuck these motherfuckers
Jack is for Johnny !
taz just feels ten times worse like my hitboxes are even fucking smaller what did they do??
How the fuck do you see the hitboxes now, is there even a way? Not knowing the hitboxes in a fighting game is crazy.
It's fairly telling that my first several matches in bronze have had people actually trying to fight and all victories from either parties were close calls then we toast each other then I went right to unranked and immediately got matched with a spamming shaggy with a joker pfp
I swear to god I used to be able to follow some attacks up with a jump and neutral air but it just wouldn't do it. Couldn't tell if it was my controller or not.
>Path Of The Samurai Rift
>New Rift challenges aren't too grindy and don't as heavily force you to have certain characters/skins unlocked to complete them
>The writing for Jack/the whole Rift seems higher quality than some S1 Rifts
>The new Temple Run node
>The beetle swarm boss battle
I'm sorry to say, but I think this Rift might be kino...
Yeah, I actually enjoyed going through. Was pleasantly surprised to not see a single "protect the rift crystal!!!!" mission. The Temple Run node feels a lot better than S1's break the targets, too.
Yeah it was, dare I say it, fun.
>Samurai Jack killing and eating Bugs Bunny
Even the Break the Targets in this node was actually interesting because it wasn't so overly zoomed out and you had to destroy bamboo to reveal targets.
I can't believe I'm finally able to say they put at least some effort into this rift.
They even give season 1 players a little challenge with Uber jason
jack is so fucking retarded op you can tell playing as or against him for 2 seconds
did they fix the retarded hitboxes on a lot of characters?
yeah they finally made it so taz can't land attacks anymore thank god
>Ringout opponent that has less dmg than you
Where's an ideal Rift to bang these out? They always take me forever.
Fuck no, that's atrocious game design to force decay instead of simply balancing the moves. No other fighting game does decay.
Maybe one of the ones where you take damage for every hit you do.
what character can cleanse their own debuff without the gem?
Use tanks, they're a good way of accumulating AND outputting damage.
>Joker throws big explosive card at you 1 inch away from your face and you die instantly
>Also keeps doing aerials and Up B
Wonder Woman's down special
yeah, carrying people to the top is insanely easy with him
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>In The Shadows is Auto Dodge but with an even higher activation rate.
There were a few grammar errors here and there which sometimes threw me out of the story. Very clearly first draft material.
what's the song playing in the background?
Jesus fuck what is with the 8-10s wait on the server for the results screen after every match? Used to take 2-3s on average before S2 landed.
sorry but finn needs tons of nerfs
https://x.com/multiversus/status/1815883819406245985 forgot the link
>literally any character that is good at hitting people up + jack
>free kills at 0 every time because of his dummy strong kick
make it stop
bros..; multiversus is saved?
did all the weeklies, got golf marvin. gonna log in a couple of day more and then i will fuck iff from this game…for a week
this game is kinda generous with the skin, we get a shit ton of them
Sounds familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.
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Completed everything this season's got to offer so far (except ranked) I'm surprised you can earn event xp through rifts and pvp now
Wouldn't quite say that yet even ironically
But season 2 so far is enough on the "not-shit" scale that I'll likely stick around for it and even season 3
>damage dealt badges just nonexistent for some characters
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How the fuck did a Jason have this many wins already. I guess just afk farming rifts?
Still lost though
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This must have been a mistake.
post your name if you need to do a few rifts with a partner
i only need about 3 stars and they're all "play with a friend" slop
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Got two gold medals in one day, I'm a happy camper
Stripe boss on Easy, which is the second rift. The mini clones count so take about 100 to 120 damage and just keep killing them until time runs out, replay until done.
You could probably also try it with the Banana Guard vs Harley rift with the swinging hammers, but I haven’t tried that one to see how much damage you would need to be at. But that one Harley has a lot of stocks and on easy touching the hammer destroys her
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>power pledge

Ugh i have batman adam and gizmo i’ll be fine but the next power pledge is gonna be a pain
Who to use for sweet spot?
samurai jack double slash shit is impossible to dodge
What's with the Rift XP rewards on the second difficulty?
Tasty grind
Harley. Do the neutral hammer swing and face away from the enemy. The sweet spot is the back of the hammer.
why does the rift event says it ends in 12 days but there's only 2 tiers?
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Hey... Guys... I think Multiversus has a chance of surviving.
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Each challenge counts as EXP towards the event progress. Both Easy and Experienced challenge progress counts towards the badge but only Experienced gives you EXP for the event.
Everything's changed to make rift events be per rift or something. Every few stars levels it up and it's just for goodies now instead of locking entire fighters behind it.
just played on warner lot didn't realize it was in already
Nubia being her own character and the Steven Universe and Arya skins kind of prove that one Reddit leak that got touted here a while back as bullshit, huh? It also implied the game was doing well, lol
I just need them to nerf needing 5 Charged attacks.
Technically it was in since Season 1 but it was wire frames to fit with the whole computer theme of the rift.
What surprised me is how the Titans Tower is playable in S2's rift. It even has a cute thing in the background of Jake and Shaggy playing some platformer starring Starfire
I still think the game is probably doing well if Warner decided to buy the company outright.
>inb4 hurrrr they're just doing that for a tax writeoff
I swear these 1v1 ranked niggas are using lag switches or something because these matches keep having random lag freezes but only after I take their first stock
If they just keep doing bundles especially for skins the game could be more profitable than MK one day

MK has a retarded battle pass and pricing now compared to this game which is saying a lot when it started out so bad

I actually bought the mad love/killing joke skin pack which i havent spent money on this game since launch day
>35s queue in ranked
If its 2v2 it's probably trying to sort through the algorithm that prevents teams of the same fighter

Is what I'm guessing anyway
How does lag switching even work?
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>this problem DESPITE more players online this season
That's how you know they fucked something up.
Try more than 1 min LMAO
were you always able to start queuing for a game, change to training and it still queues
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sorry but fair and balanced character
Don't mind me just spamming Jack's side special
Honestly surprised Jack isn't an assassin-type
>has a ToD
>tons of free dmg
>despite removing taz move of holding one attack for too long finn has 4 different hold moves.
>has some of the best 2v2 support in the game as well
Remove finn and AT from the game.
Maybe we shouldnt have made atrocious hit stun and lack of decay a thing
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when will it be his turn ;-;
When people forget that the movie existed
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>tazzy boy still bitching about finn
It's completable in a day anon, good shit.
Should they stop adding DC characters after they get around the main League characters
true shit. i'm fucking relieved that movie bombed, Ezra Miller was doing irreparable damage to my boys. to think it could've been him who got the launch roster movie ad treatment instead of Black Adam makes me sick. i'd much rather wait for him to come later as his comic or animated series self. lol
I did all the rift couldrons with a friend on experienced which was enough to get me the rift medal, then after I was done with that I just played some ranked with my friend a little while using my beach harley skin since it counts as sports attire. Then I did some ffa shit too for the dailies.

NGL I have played a lot today though, it's 4am here lmao
garnet is so ass to play omg why did I buy her, they baited me with their shitty beach skin
Man why are all my icons and shit messed up, the image when I open this event is basically just static.
That's because The Rock is easier to market than a literal cult leader, even though Black Adam also bombed.
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>garnet is so ass
i love this game
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Maybe 2-3 a year at max atp. They'll still need villains.
That was the worst way they could've gone about that.
that finn faggot better turn into fionna so I can make her suck my dick
>he doesn't play ranked
You deserve this, stop being scared shitter
Why are the yasuo yone genji always op as fuck
forgot how sweaty 2v2 can be. ffa is where the real shit happens
they should probably take a break after that, yeah. Flash, Green Lantern, Darkseid, and maybe Lex are the only other DC characters i consider more or less a matter of "when" instead of "if". i wouldn't even be opposed to Supergirl just being a Superman skin if she eventually gets added. that's part of why i think Flash and Green Lantern will make it in, they're both ripe for Legendary Skins portraying the different Flashes and Lanterns. i wouldn't be surprised if Harley gets a Punchline skin someday, either.
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they'll probably make her into a fully fledged fighter anyways, more popular than nubia that's for sure
Sounds like too much, I'll space it out.
There you go, now show the world you are in the top 50% of stevens. It's not like you can lose RP until you hit gold so no reason to get too mad about losing early on.
Robin is 100% a when than an "if" it's fucking Robin. Him and the other Titans deserve to get in.
I just met a jack who had the final BP tier skin and wondered how that was possible, then I realized that faggot just paid 70 bp xp levels
fuck you, i'm sick of so many DC characters as is
how much money is that even? what retard would waste their money like that?
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How much would that cost?
Nobody cares about Generator Rex
I played a bit today and while the game is still weird compared to other platform fighters it can enjoyable.
I have been using Harley because she is super cute and her mobility is actually tolerable.
Something I do hate is that unlike smash or any other platform brawler you die on the top of the screen no matter what instead of only dying when you receive knockback. Died a few times trying to stop my momentum by jumping or using a special.
Ever heard of the term "whale"?
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I only want robin in if it's the TTGO version
Zaslav saying he saw it thrice and it made him feel all of the emotions is a close second.
Did you fix the input buffer and deadzone? It's in the options menu.
>we're upset that taz only uses a couple moves and want him to have more variety
>so we're going to just buff his best moves and do nothing to address the rest of his kit being shit
It is funny using an armored move and ringing people out from the middle of the stage though. Really all they needed to do for taz is make tasty an actual thing that can happen (enemies lose their tasty stacks when attacking and 90% of his moves trade because he's just a little hurtbox ball with a little tip of him being a hitbox, pluss all of his moves are slow as fuck to come out and have a bunch of lag so you just can't attack people quickly enough to apply weakened stacks) now since this update I HAVE gotten tasty a couple of times but it's just as a reward for fucking spamming nair and neutral ground which were already two of his best moves. Jab still dogshit (and it feels like it goes into jab 2 way slower), down special is still dogshit, every other move still has an itty bitty hitbox while the rest of the cast has disjoints, they nerfed the sandwich which was op and I went out of my way not to use it too much but it's main use was defensive because it 's the only fucking hitbox you have that doesn't trade or lose to every other move in the game and leave you totally vulnerable. Just spam right bumper and tornado and that's how they want you to play taz i guess.
obviously, what retard would whale in this game?
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Dare me to buy every battlepass tier right fucking now?
It's 100 gleam per level I think, so he'd have spent 7k so like 70 bucks maybe?
please don't do that anon! i would be so owned! :(
Samurai Jack fans
I think harley players have a thinly veiled urge to lick all on my nuts and slobber on my nobber
dare you to send me the money for ME to buy every tier of the battlepass right fucking now
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Could you make the gleamium back in infinitier chances?
So is there anything you have to do to get the ps+ stuff, because I downloaded that but it's not in my inventory.
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>Spend 7000 Gleamium for every BattlePass Tier
>Earn 8000 Gleamium from infinitier macroing
>Phil Lamarr
Opens many doors... hope they kept him a little longer to voice even a spoonful of lines for any of these characters
>All the same VA
I feel you, not here to play Injustice. Embrace your other fucking IPs.
Static was datamined in the beta, and it wouldn't surprise me if he's voicing Aquaman too.
what the fuck?
also Wilt would be an insane fucking pick
it'd be surreal watching him doing a basketball match with Lebron in a rift somewhere down the line
Phil has a lot of range.
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>Agent Smith: "Never said a man to do a machine's job."
>match was 1v1 against Iron Giant
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he was talking about YOU the PLAYER
Something about a black guy voicing a ginger that tickles me a funny way. Guy's got good range at any rate.
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Catwoman probably will get in eventually too
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Aquaman statue in TT stage
Ah, so they're going with Mullet Aquaman.
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i would like Robin and Raven, i only think they're like one tier below essential, but i'm already talking about having 10+ DC characters + "Echo" skins, in a game with like 22 characters. i've gotta pass the baton back to the cartoon fans somewhere, in the interest of fairness. lol
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Samurai fucking Jack has the best command grab in the game, it has 0 whiff and kills at super low percent

To the Superman, the Jake, and the Banana Guard on my team
You first.
Does anyone know if infinite bp tier has the same odds yet?
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Don't know, but clearly he's saving the fuck out of this game and keeping the updates rolling. Godspeed chad retard, thank you for saving MVS.
More like Poseidon. God damn.
>Dick Greyson
>Green Lantern
>Zatanna but only because her moveset would be interesting
>Raven but only because she is already confirmed
>MAYBE Lex Catwoman Green Arrow and Poison Ivy

These are the ONLY dc characters the game still missing, anyone else is a wasted spot, fuck dc fans and their stupid heroes, fuck dc for making superboy gay, and FUCK darkseid!!!
see you in 2 weeks
Static's not a wasted spot
Is this ranked shit really ONE match??
I agree, Multiversus totally needs Frekazoid!
Yes. Which is weird, because you'll notice it says 0-0-0 in the center of the pre-game lobby. What the hell is that for?
Once again.
Rank is a best out of 3 format.
However due to a bug it is currently a best out of 1 format. This will be fixed when patched
Critical bug found just before launch, please understand that the players would rip our balls off if we delayed the entire mode any longer
There was a supposed glitch with rematching, so they disabled it until it gets fixed.
>Parried Jack's charge slash with full meter as Smith
I have become The One.
The only person you listed I even want is Raven, but I do want two others, Static and Terry.
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Idk he kinda cute
To the Taz on my team
You were GREAT. You were fucking AWESOME.
Forgot about him but true

Just add terry as a skin
Tell me how to see Samurai Jack's hitboxes or I'm killing nyself
If I remember correctly, the devs themselves said if Terry was added, he's be his own character. I could still see Bruce with a Beyond skin though, since he did originally wear the suit.
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To the Stripe in FFA
Thanks for the 1v1s afterwards, hope you learned the matchup better :)
>The one on the train
>The one where he becomes a gangster (featuring the Anthill Mob from The Wacky Races)
>The one where he helps a crew of astronauts
>The one where Aku tells a bunch of kids fairy tales (with himself as the hero) to try to win them over
>Every episode with The Scotsman
>Cómic Book accurate Aquaman
Let's fucking go! DC Chads we won! It's a new beginning!
The 0.01% chance it's a draw if that's even possible in this game? Maybe it's possible if both players die on the exact same frame? I don't think it is but maybe they're future proofing it? Thats being extremely optimistic but in reality it's just another fucktarded nonsensical fuck up.
>tfw multiversus will have the most accurate depiction of DC characters in any video game
What a timeline we are in lads
Bro Morty is fucking cracked what the fuck is with this character
>clean 2 debuffs
>horror gem fight
am I missing something here?
>finn and fucking flowey
to what end
Indeed you will, because I fucking love this game and I enjoy talking about it in this general.
It's okay they "nerfed" his best move. (Nerfing his range that still can go half way across the screen so it hardly affected anything)
Then buffing the entire rest of his kit to compensate.
Retarded devs
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i love cringe :D
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this makes me roll my eyes so unbelievably hard anon. i have respect for the muck we crawled out of but dammit
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>Jack is a blast to play
>events are not only farmable but rewards are actually worth the grind
>ranked gave me the best matches i've had in the entire game's lifespan, beta ranked included
>having so much fun with the new rift I completed all non-friend missions for both difficulties even if the last couple stages didn't give me any major rewards
What was that word? Hope? I think I'm feeling a little bit of that right now even if deep down I know they're gonna fuck it up sooner than later

You are a shit rank anon. I'm plat and never seen a match with anyone lower than plat in my games
Here's to hoping the "Grab a friend" objectives aren't mandatory for the reward track if you manage the equivalent of cauldron reward unlock on each rift.
Injustice games should take notes on how to properly write DC characters who aren't Batman
Yeah... Just like last time. I remember feeling this way before.
Lol in 6th grade i had to write a music report and play a song and I dug and uncovered the full version of the peanut butter jelly song that was like rare at the time and presented it
Jack is fucking cancer and needs a god damn nerf immediately

People whine about Taz but jack is literally just side special the character
They should have Jack say "you're already dead" every time he side bs.
That's...kinda messed up. You don't have the chance to learn from your mistakes
I just realized that Jack has NASB 2's slime gimmick plastered on him. Did WB do it better?
>You don't have the chance to learn from your mistakes
>this shitter playerbase
>learning from their mistakes
good one
You get like 80% of the rewards once you get the cauldron.
They still want me to play as Jack and/or bring a friend to get the last few
nothing tilts me harder than going even 2-2 and the guy teabags and salt emotes on an overtuned character pretending like it was a wash
I have never played nicktoons, how does that gimmick work?
>38xp if you lose
>Get event points just by playing
>Rift is better than before
>Bonus points to the cave search mini game
>Water tower stage so far seems fun (only played one round)
>Know there's way more stages in the future
>The filter skins look better than the Matrix/tooniverse ones
>They've got most of the unfucking from launch done and can focus more on adding cool shit rather than just playing catch up
Buff Marvin tho
For me it's when they leave before the tie is broken.
Nothing makes me happier than salt tea bagging with jack, especially if I just barely won.
With 0 communication I can feel them seething on the other side
I never really utilized the slime gimmick beyond using it for the final smash, so I wouldn't know.
This but it should be "Owa mou shindeiru."
I love how all of my attacks always get overridden by my opponents' attacks or theirs' come out faster even when I'm in the middle of doing mine.
Holy fuck let me toast back already, and add a hold-3s-to-confirm to the store pages.
You mean the event for the medal? You can complete it by yourself, but you'll have to get all four stars for all the stages.
jack aiming his side special in the air should be a perk like they forced it on marvin and harley
I mean you don't even need to do rifts at all for the event.
Then they won't accidentally get money, oh yeah we could sue them like fortnite, need to do that ASAP before they fix it
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I was talking about the event that requires rift stars to complete. That one also has a medal as its final reward
I'm hardstuck bronze bros
>Ranked rewards tab says each medal has "5 divisions"
>Only takes 3 rank level ups to get from bronze to silver
What am I missing
Are online matches getting worse for anyone else. Instead of being booted from games it’ll force me to play a match where my shit is either delayed half the time or won’t even let me move.
Basically by using the slime button with a special move input, the special move will gain power and even change outright on occasion. Jack having this is very much suspicious, especially since his powered-up Side-B is the exact same as El Tigre's powered-up Down-B.
Thankfully not for me, but sometimes it gets stuck for five to ten seconds after a match is done
Tell me Samurai Jack's moves that come out the fastest or you're not based. If you read this and know and don't reply then not based.
I'm glad I never did anything this regrettable as a kid
Wanna 2v2 ranked if you make us lose I'm telling everyone but if I make us lose I'll admit it. Not really but does anyone that thinks they're pretty good want to 2v2?
No wait I somehow missed the next tier part of the text and now I'm retarded.
Nah it was fucking awesome everyone loved it, everyone already did love peanut butter jelly time because all normie kids saw it on ebaumsworld and there wasnt even youtube so not much else shit to entertain us. and I still love that song
Lmfao shaggy and WW still busted. They will never nerf them
More pls
Also speaking of ebaumsworld which is also WB related, I remember my friend's bday in 5th grade a bunch of us stayed the night at his house and we're looking at shit on ebaumsworld and kazaa and shit and watched that lyrics video where the girl's face from the exorcist pops up and we were all scared as fuck and ran away from the computer and we were all sitting in the dark on the couches not looking at it and we were all too scared to do shit then I finally said ok I'm just gonna go over there and click out of it and saved the day. But I was thinking like the girl from the exorcist was gonna pop out from under the desk or something. Lol later on I printed that picture out at school and left it in the printer and I also did that with goatse LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>Aquaman, Zatanna, Green Arrow, and Poison Ivy are exempt from anon's list of "wasted slot" characters
thank fucking God you're not a dev. lol
shotabait Damian and Superboy are one of the most kino pairings in recent DC history. literally built for DC supervillainess hags.
>Dick Greyson
>Green Lantern
>Zatanna but only because her moveset would be interesting
>Raven but only because she is already confirmed
>Green Arrow
>and Poison Ivy
can someone tell me who clark kent is im a little confused
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Some shmuck from the daily bugle, surprised you remember the name of such a minor character
Nice ass but the faces and characters in adventure time trigger extreme cringe in me so I can't fuck with it
oh. i always got him mixed up with that black guy robbie rotten i think his name was
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>>Dick Grayson
The sexiest magician girl ever!
Then later on that night one of our friends was still scared hours later and he had all the lights on and wouldn't turn them off and grabbed a blanket and was actually hiding in it. So when he was asleep we poured honey on him lol. Then he woke up and it lead to him and our other friend about to fight but the scared one like ran upstairs and was calling for the bday friend's dad like "Mr. [Last name]..." like a bitch trying to wake him up but he didn't get up or do anything lmfaooooo. Then we made fun of him forever after that.
for me it's
>green lantern
nobody cares except niggers
nobody cares
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finally made it out of bronze
Oh yeah and he turned on Disney channel too before hiding in the blanket and it was like fucking Winnie the Pooh or something and we were all like wtf this is fucking pathetic
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does anyone else think superman in this game looks like ryan from the office
it's the dopey eyes.
Someone mentioned Wonder Woman can cleanse with her down special.
Lol gotta love jeets that can't program shit but have all of these amazing assets
About to 1v1 some ww with a gold skin I've never seen
I am gold in 2v2s and I still get matched with bronze 3 teammates. Ranked mode is just standard 2v2 mode but now mojo has no hazards.
Damn I fucked them up
I don't like that skin or the new rick and morty ones, I hope next season's selection is better. Or that they add new skins for the prestige store throughout this season
I'm going into ranked just to get the gold Jack skin, the other skin look like shit so i my rank will stay gold and I'm okay with that
I'm just playing jack in ranked cuz it's fun right now
Honestly putting these tags together must be the most mind numbing shit. 30 new cosmetics and you have to go through and make sure each one is appropriately tagged with completely arbitrary bullshit.
Does this one have a cape?
Do they want revenge?
Are they a child?
Have they killed?
First appeared between 1980-1990?
Just the worst.
It's not that hard. It's actually really easy. Should take a few minutes. But they're pathetic.
yeah there's not really much
Like there's Beach Slut Harley and all but not everyone plays her and not everyone decides purchases with their dicks so lol
Maybe trolldog just to piss people off in 2v2s when a friend gets the emotes.
Speaking of trolldog.. That, the WW/Harley one, and the reflecting one are all pretty high quality compared to a lot of the other emotes we've gotten. Wonder if that'll hold up going forward.
Cope. Not only is DC literally the flagship Warner stuff but the fans put the money where their mouth is and makes literally everything "profitable". AND the movesets are high quality. Representation is deserved.
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nah they're just retarded. What about this looks "beach ready"?

And I don't even get the bonus xp i'm supposed to with sports variants fuuuuuck
there should at least be one new legendary skin for the prestige store each season since most of those are pretty high quality and give you something to use the points on
They tagged so many skins as both sports and beach that they got confused
>Coward the Couragely Dog
Probably what they wear to the beach in India
Courage really wasn't so cowardly after all so it would make more sense since it's just a name
Breaking the banner pattern they had going to give hufflepuff a second banner over slytherin. I see you pfg.
I'm fine with Echo Fighters if there's at least some difference between them and the original character, like Mario and Dr. Mario. If they're 100% the same thing, then just make one of them a skin for the other.
Not even tied in with sports attire. She is not engaging in the sprit of competition-just relaxing at the beach.
parrying is impossible in this game because I can't do it
Omgg I hate fictional evil ppl they're freaking bad and stuff
Or take a few minutes to slightly change some moves but nah can't do that it's gotta be a le echo btw ultishit is dogshit brawl 3 for fucking extreme retarded pedo soijacks and groomed tranny toddlers
Have you mapped neutral dodge to a specific button?
Fuck Slytherin fags, or Slytherinniggers as we like to call them.
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your shitposters, but a great deal more to stand up to Tony Huynh. I award 10 points to MVSG!
I mean we haven't seen her kit in action yet so she might not be a clone, just a very lame diversity roster pick.
No one ever responds to posts asking to 2v2, in any thread so far yet
What a strange, silly place.
>Gotta get back
>Announcer Pack
>Samurai Jack

>Fleischer Supes likely to come soon
>Regeneration Suit Supes on the current BP
I'm so conflicted, reg suit Supes is probably my favorite look for him but if I buy Fleischer Supes then I'll kinda feel obligated to play as that. And switching skins every couple matches is kind of a hassle. What to do, what to do, the supermain life sure is a difficult one
if only there was some sort of screen before matches to select your characters
Damn that would be a huge upgrade and revolutionary to this shit. Oh wait that's the standard but they took a step backwards to before the first ever fighting game was created
Do it, that's easy parries right there.
now that ranked's in the game, they should bring it back for regular matches but keep it locked for there
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>Start 2v2 match
>Superman team mate
>He's afk
There should be a thing where if you do literally no inputs during the match, you're sent to time out for a while. I get people can be bad. I get that they can get their ass beat without landing a hit. But they'd presumably would be trying to move or fight while getting clapped. That supernig roach didn't do that.
these are all good characters, the only thing that i'd want in the game is either speed upped in 1v1 or new mode with faster speed
I'd rather play at my own pace.
unfortunately this board has a reputation of making people who share their ID's to play fighting games regret it. lol
I don't give a fuck add KULTKLASSIC I'd you want to 2v2 come kill me I don't give a fuck
I swear AI used to take over for you if there weren't any inputs. Maybe I'm misremembering.
Yeah that's too obvious of a solution for these fuckin retards man they're trying to reinvent the wheel and failing
>coop rifts completely unplayably laggy
Great update
I just finished both rifts with a friend 0 issues and we live on two opposite sides of the country. Either you or your friend have shit internet.
it depends character to character, but i think it'll occur most often with DC characters. i wouldn't mind Supergirl being a Superman Legendary, but i don't think Terry McGinnis would work as a Batman Legendary, or that Red Hood would work as a Robin Legendary. Red Hood and Batman Beyond would need unique movesets. Black Lightning and Static could maybe be a Legendary situation, but i think some people would be disappointed if Static didn't have some air-to-air moves incorporating the manhole cover he flies around on. pretty much all the Flash's and Lantern's can be Legendaries of each other, except maybe Atrocitus as he relates to Lanterns. all the Robin's except maybe Damian could be Legendaries, just cause i feel like Damian would have some special League of Shadows + Katana action going on.
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>Marv and LeBron against a Smith and Bugs
>Win first round
>Final kill is one of those goofy LeBron ball throws that baps someone off the stage into the blast zone
>Win second around
>Enemy team quits
>I toast the LeBron
>LeBron toasts me
Five star team mate right there. Cheers, bro.
She needs the top hat, but otherwise, yes.
rifts, hit the target level, jump off the side to your death over and over again, counts as a win every time!
I'll stop using your mum's wifi then
i love it when anons are so blinded by rage they don't read the post they're replying to fully

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