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>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
>lidia is not a lobotomized masher like eddy
huh that's good at least
>no hype
Its ogre
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My Husband
No, it’s Lidia
>created 56 minutes ago
Imagine how strong Kazuya's and Reina's child would be
Ogre? Good choice for final S1 dlc
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never said it was new and hot
Kazuya was drained by Jun after T8's ending, he can't make babies anymore
>tekgen/ tekken General:
simply don't post if you don't like you have free will
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thinking of exploring caves while Lee is having fun with his brother Lars
Wish I could behead you, trannoids.
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you're late
I'm coming back to Tekken 8 after a bit of a break. Heard Azucena got shot, might as well switch to Dragonov
based and same
you missed it
He's the last character
it's ogre...
Lili EXISTS for rape
we know it's Josumi Mishima
Are they play wrestling or is Lee mad for real?
why are you brown?
now that heihachi is back he will knock up another woman to make more rivals for jin
>turn on tekken
>play 1-2 games
>turn tekken off for the day
anyone else or just me
I’m not and stop implying that white people are too sissy to rape
Play wrestling, of course. Lee just likes making funny faces.
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that's enough matches to complete the dailies now
Kuma>>>Heihachi>>>Panda >>> Reina>>>Kazuya>>>J*n
Lars doesn't exist nothing in 6 does even you don't exist anymore
is that the war criminal or his mom?
The DOWNFALL of Tekken - Tekken 6 Retrospective
[war criminal]
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a mishima king and his robot queen
lars is perma virgin
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holy shit we street fighter now
coming back to tekken. which characters are easy to learn? I like playing jack of trade characters
robot vagina counts
That summer when Lidia saved my life. A Tekken 8 Journey. An emotional retrospective. 4HD HyperSurround. 194 Minutes.
No >>487332895
those are akira vf inputs
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the queen that beheads herself... hopefully there are no kids around, Lee already has enough expenses thanks to his bum nephew, no need for him to pay court settlements to angry moms
I want to play reina, but lidia is so attractive, bros....
>can't pick between a child or a tranny looking woman
>I like playing jack
same as it was in tekken 7, just with an extra qcf for another blue spark
>Anakin says Lidia is stronger than Dragunov
>Speed says she's worse than her T7 iteration
Why is no one consistent in their opinion of her
go with whatever chikurin says. nobody put in as much time mashing with her as him.
Trust speed he's a pro now
shut up noob
Wait for my opinion on Thursday but first impressions from playing against her: she mid.
Jack 8 doesn't look very interesting. Don't want to jack off
if Heihachi is the 3rd character does that mean the 4th is an even crazier pick? God I hope it's Ogre
She's worse in T8 and she was post nerf in T7 uironically
>easy to learn
>jack of all trades
Jin. If you don't like him try Dragunov, Shaheen, or Law
it's Iori Yagami, crazy in all aspects
heihachi might have originally been the 4th character and the story mode was going to be his reveal but hey thought he was the best choice for an evo shock announcement.
hmmm nyo :3
stop using logic, that's not how tekken works.
iit'll probably be the most bullshit thing ever, like roger
being born a man was a mistake
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Say hello to your orange muay thai guest character
so true bryansister
>no dragunovs to plug today
is everyone playing lidia or something?
unlikely now that SNK is owned by the Saudi prince
it's even more unlikely cause of the fact that that character is entirely new in her own game that is yet to come out, so as a guest she would have next to no recognition
Not happening. Still can't wait to play her in cotw
think i'm starting to grow feelings for shadow 20z
remember, they have a special indication for when a guest character is included
Thanks for the suggestions. Looking at the designs Darg and Sha looks interesting. I'll try em all out when my copy of Tekken downloads
>final round beach theme
the fucking RUINED IT LMAO
>>487323362 (OP)
>no footprints in the beach stage
the fucking RUINED IT LMAO
it's depressing that we're getting less and less characters in each season, and every fighting game does this now, I guess it is the way but it fucking sucks
>>487323362 (OP) (OP)
>no kiss before marriage
the fucking RUINED IT LMAO
tekken 7 had multiple seasons with only two characters
It's special sand developed by Violet Systems, tougher than any other sand in the world and equipped with nano-sized monitoring devices.
can it be used for sexual purposes? if so, count me in
beatiful family
data on this has mysteriously disappeared together with collected images
i'm a mishima too!
PhD In Punishment
>doing bryan db1+2 after 1+2,2 at the wall due to muscle memory
god I miss old bryan db1+2 man the tekken 8 version is so goddamn sad and pathetic
Jinpachi wished to marry Wang Jinrei
Lars, Lee and Kuma having relaxing tea in another garden, away from the weirdos.
now show the rest of heihachi's children
What if Wang and Jinpachi had the same wife
Yep. They put Terry and Mai in slime 6 so they are marketing hard. Preecha announced at Thaiger Uppercut will generate a ton of hype for CotW
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Harada-san, should we double our day one sales by including Tifa since our game is literally coming out weeks before a FF7 remake? I can amend the Noctis contracts and get it done this week.

Annnoooooo no. Chipoture and Nike makes more sense. Also make batteru passu and forget to renew it. Hai.
so I basically have to wait 15 minutes to find a match now because Murray did his epic prowess matchmaking and no one can play a new DLC character from beginner rank

thank you Nakatsu
skill issue
I'm in green rank and beat a whorang and lars back to back with Lidia. Pretty fun session 2bh
yeah prowess is supposed to represent skill, big emphasis on supposed
>can't farm noobies to feel good about myself
lol cry about it nigger
I'm tired of people pointing me every time they find something off.
I know I shouldn't even bother reading but it's part of my job...
i don't want to farm them, I want literally to play ranked and not wait
ok but look at me in the eyes and tell me the SAND FOOTPRINTS weren't your fault
Hold this iWR2 bitch
Thank you guys, we finally implemented this amazing skill based matchmaking, have fun with our ft2 casino and please don't plug!
Alright I want to learn Dargonov. He looks cool as hell.
That's it expect me and my footprint in your face.
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>Asuka still has the biggest knockers when wearing the summer bikini
Why don’t the retarded faggots who make fighting games just copy online Chess for ranking systems instead of creating their own in house dogshit system that never works properly?
>Lidia does 110+ dmg when a wall exists on the stage without heat or rage
>82+ dmg without a wall
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>dragunov is clearly OP due to massive over-representation at EVO
>I just like his design lol
Yeah, 'nov is a pretty cool guy. He makes /tekkit/ seethe and doesn't afraid of anything
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you still can't sidestep ff2 and it's now plus on block
you still can't block punish her hopkick
she now has one more epic stance to look out for
easily top 5 best heat in the game

thanks M
Based love Asska and her fat tits
Nina players, can you justify:
>S tier combo damage (even without db2 loops)
>S tier wall carry (even without butterfly loops)
>S tier poking (even without hayashida step cancelling)
>S tier block punishment (11i wallsplatting heat engager, deathfist heat engager punisher)
>S tier whiff punishment (db3+4)
>Amazing CH game
>Amazing anti-movement tools
>generic d4 with an extension
>safe df2
>f4u which is basically a wr2
>2nd best throw game (unbreakable chainthrow, full throw game + small hands)
>FC mixups
>50+ damage ws 13i wallsplat
>heat engager powercrush
>every single Nina main south of Tekken God being a shit noob who spam f4,2, f3, d4,2, db3+4 over into no rematch
I think it's time for a nerf of two...
i for one am happy (in tekken's case) because T8 has many characters already and 90% of the ones left are annoying in one way or another
next post please
I dropped her, too easy to win, I really don't know how Dragunov, Jin and Feng players can keep up like this for years
I didn't watch Evo for tekken 8. So Drag being good is something i didn't expect. Also he fits what i'm looking for in an archeptype and playstyle
same, I dropped her and Jin after 1.0.5. Might as well play against CPU if you want to win that easily.
Based fuck Ninaniggers, literally ever single faggot who plays her is a carried shitter
My justification: game's shit anyway so who cares
>I really don't know how Dragunov
low self esteem
i wanna fucking cum on her massive tits
Nina is a fundamental tekken character with tools that are unlocked by the mkst skilled pilots. Like 'nov. If you lost to Nina, you lost to a better tekken player.
>Tekken kino in the Olympics
Man the world gets pretty based sometimes
sorry arslan but you have been carried by broken waifus your entire career and need to be called out for it
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Imagine going back into Tekken 6 or Tag 2 era and telling Nina players (me) they'll get a tracking df1 that literally jails into a high extension, thus removing the necessity of sidestep cancelling
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>i wanna fucking cum on her massive tits
server is kil?
her df1,2 has jailed since like tekken 3...same as anna
can people talk shit about King and Feng as well? they need some representation too
Arselan would never compare his waifu to 'nov lil bro
I play dragunov because I suffered through him being shit for almost all of T7, and he’s fun to play and makes trannies itt seethe. In short: dilate tranny.
Atleast harada MIGHT nerf nina after she won evo
>steam servers down
Arslan literally won EVO without using sidestep pressure lmao
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get fuck'd 'nov.
s2 nerfs will come for you
Based 'nov loyalist dabbin on em
Dilate tranny
I haven't played in like over a month. Are lobbies still hosted here?
>steam took a dump in the middle of a quick play match
great now murray is going to hit me with the hammer
Get plugged rusky
They're hosted up ur azz
Sergey Govnov
iktf bro dorag was my secondary main in T7
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How did the King of these threads break them yet again?
>Most hated character is Russian
>Second most hated character is Chinese
All is right in the world
Dilate tranny and post your main so we can laugh at how much of a faggot you are.
I main Dragunov lmao, now go get plugged
why is Paul the only character in Tekken 8 who has a default 5 costume?
you forgot the mexican
they realized they beyond mentally ill
Only queers hate 'nov lil sis that's a known fact
i asked Nakatsu during a date to make a default 5 costume for Paul, all i can say is that he delivered it
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we love dragunov over here
and in her hair
>too scared to post main
Tranny detected, get wr2’d nigger
Now that the dust has settled, is Lidia bottom 5, bottom 10, or bottom 15?
Everyone except King mains know that King is absurdly retarded
>10i throw that does 70 damage if King's back is within range 5 of the wall + decieving input
>absurd oki off literally everything that knocks down
>unseeable crouch dash into chain throw that deletes 100+ hp if you guess wrong
>unseeable crouch dash into launching mids
>gigantic reach on his pokes reminiscent of Fahk
>absurd damage on his pokes
>poor combo damage but everyone's combo damage is low relative to older Tekkens when there's recoverable HP
>hit confirmable 2 hit CH launcher
>best low in the game
>jaguar step having a safe launching mid in heat + grab that gives unbelievable oki
I don't understand how it's possible to lose with king if you have the (moderate amount of) execution required to play him optimally

Everyone including Feng mains know that Feng is retarded but he's never going to be meaningfully nerfed just because
in less than 6 months


for 7 years again
Lidia's not a bottom
I am
Bottom 2 beside Panda
Imagine the restorative properties of Asska's pusy
Boiling tranny
>arslan brings home pakistan's first olympic gold in 40 years
it would be unimaginable kino
How do you play Nov. This is my first time trying the character
>dragniggers exposing their low IQ
Tekken has always been a game of metas. You play the strongest and most braindead characters. Simple as.
The fact that I main Dragunov doesn't mean I like the character or approve of him.
I'm just a tier whore like the rest of you dragniggers.
Can't wait for this spastic character to be nerfed so I can move on to something more fun to play.
bottom 2, until she wins TWT
'nov got em false flaggin
Feng is Harada’s main, he will not be allowed to receive meaningful nerfs until that faggot retires or dies.
Like Jin, you ponder which broken mid to use until you convince yourself that he's hard for some reason
agree with almost everything but
>>best low in the game
at the old +7 and -13 on block with high crush and being unseeable possibly, but it's linear to both sides and +5 currently
>>poor combo damage but everyone's combo damage is low relative to older Tekkens when there's recoverable HP
I mean, mostly this is because he has the worst wall damage in the game, damage in the open isn't that bad
Fuck Kingniggers
Fuck Jinniggers
Fuck Fengniggers
Fuck Ninaniggers
Fuck 'Novniggers
Fuck Liliniggers
Fuck Xiaoyuniggers
Fuck Yoshiniggers
Fuck Alisaniggers

Actually mindbroken
>not enjoying Dragkino
Why is PhiDX such a bitch?
cope :)
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Play a real character faggot
hello new person which of the hot women in this game is the most top tier so i can make homos seethe
capcom had 1st Okama in video game, poison.
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Tekken legend Knee couldn't even beat an NA online grinder with 'nov. Shows you how honest this character is.
nina and alisa
Dilate tranny
Any dragunov as drag queen costume? Russie drag queen.
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I swear JDCR is on the verge of a mass shooting ever since that robbery
cope :)
to all Lili players that said she wasn't that good, I want to apologize

>larps as a pro
>hates the most based character in the game
>played noctis
what the actual fuck is his problem?
washed knee really went to evo and got flushed by......... TrizzyTheRapper
dragunov was cool only when a few based chads played him.
now it's a slut character hated by 90% of the player base lmao, you guys have no self respect if you play that shit
he's what the Drag downplaying schizo in this general dreams to be
Yeah. And he is the stunning and brave menhera Drag queen.
Dilate tranny
*Drag downplaying king
>anti-Drag fags are actual faggots
is Asuka top tier?
>keeps repeating the same thing
>mindbroke the dragnigger
LMAO even
once she gets going she has a lot of plus frames but is let down by her jab being minus on block and having limited offense
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a Nina downplaying schizo?
Alright ill play Alisa then thanks
Lili is weak and completely exposed and embarrassed, terrified of rape
Dilate tranny
I love xiaoyu she is my wife!!
you are absolutely BOILING rn over those two words LMAO
Dilate tranny
yes, that wins tournaments with the character he downplays without anyone else achieving it nor even making top 16's
cope :)
same shizo
fuck self respect. If everyone is playing top tiers online then fuck it I'm going for the gold too
Dilate tranny
glhf anon
there with you pal, it's the sad truth. ride 'nov like a slut till they nerf him.
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Dilate tranny
Shut the fuck up, if you keep seething I'm going to do unimaginable things
lol no. She was literally the worst character in the game until just recently. She is currently mid, like she always is.
>go into practice mode
>mess around with king
>try doing so wr giant swings
>blue spark version every time after 4th attempt
>mfw have only ever seen 3 kings do bluespark gs in ranked

there's no excuse king is an insanely braindead characetr
I wonder if I get him to Tekken God this week
i will not dilate, but guess who will keep getting plugged L M A O
Dilate tranny
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3 butt buddies playing make pretend
Who broke dragnigger?
Dragunov should get this costume.
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the absolute state of dragniggers
arguing gets us ever so closer to nowhere. i say we all take our shirts off and shake hands
Dilate tranny
'nov got em seething.
i'm into that as long as we are all men in here
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dragnigger do a favor and get plugged of tekgen
good, we manage to stop thinking about lidia for a bit, we should do this more often, to be clear, i will still plug dragniggers, so stay mad LMAO
Learn to spell you dumb nigger
To be clear: you will still dilate tranny
>'nov got him seething so hard he esl'd "plugged of tekgen"
Will you plug this place if he does?
Even if he does get nerfed. I do want to stick with Nov.
how is this even fair
Plug your dilator tranny
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You don't have anything else to say than tranny, do you?
Do you like them? you're too obsessed
The mocap actors for the DLC characters are in the credits now. Eddy's mocap actor, a karate mocap guy for Lidia and Heihachi, and Fahkumram's mocap actor from Tekken 7 are all there.
>die after 3 interactions
Epic game Murray!
Dilate tranny.
>Fahkumram's mocap actor from Tekken 7
that's Murray, you're not fooling anyone
Here’s your proof bitch
>"the west is better than the east!"
>"you must be from the west"
no fucking shit ni gg er
you are so mad LMAO dilate tranny
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I love women
you're so mad and (you) the guy two times calling him mad thanks Murray
Fuck off mutt nigger
so what can I hit lidia with in HAE?
just the party mechanics heat and rage?
>ESL tranny babble
Dilate tranny
>malding "n-no u!!"
lmao dilate tranny
We understand you like trannies, but keep it to you. There's no need to mention them in all of your post
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>tranny coping that people like him
dilate tranny
Dilate tranny
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Okay I'm dilating, what now?
I miss pre tekken 8 dragunov posters. Would prefer the whining to the constant tranny posts
real world photograph of anti-drag tranny dilating while he plugs in rage
can you shut up? damn thanks whoever broken dragnigger now he won't shut up
Tranny dilating hard
'nov got em seething (and dilating).
Dilate tranny
why does he mention them too much
makes the anti-drag tranny shit and piss himself in rage
Why is Shaheen so boring?
Just call jannies and hotpockets, sad cucks.
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I love asuka's big naturals
I will give my LIFE for asuka's big naturals
asuka's big naturals are EVERYTHING
Probably because it’s funny to bait retards like you by copy pasting two words
The bikini nerfing them is the last straw
coo coo bro...
>i will never suck asukas fat sweaty hangers
Why live?
asuka's big fakes, she will never beat the nubra allegations
You should know jannies are inexistent here just porn gets banned
Infiltration is considering playing Tekken...
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>Someone in Anakins chat brought up TMMM saying Lidia is mid
>Anakin literally snorts out a chuckle and goes "The main man?I...you know what I'm not gonna say it you already know what I'm gonna say" and then says Lidia ain't mid
What the fuck does Anakin have against swee
>saudis just pushed SF and Tekken into the olypics because the prince loves FG's
dam imagine being next to actual athletes playing Kekken you might actually be able to make a living just mashing
>what does Bamco NA shill master has against Bamco EU shill master that got T7 Season 4 and T8 beta before everyone else
Probably the same thing everyone else has against him, the fact he’s a retarded faggot
>literally not able to use a single low against kaz (and probably others) without getting launched
>not mid
tbqh he's right, this is far worse than mid.
that's just kazuya, a lot of characters only have -13 or worse lows
why are you using lows vs Kazuya mr greenie?
that was always the case with lidia. her main low poke in t7 was -14
Does Anakin even won a major for T8? Was he at evo? I feel like he hasn’t done much in 8. Not that I miss seeing that smug ugly mutt faggot on my screen
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>sitting here wondering if i should even pick her up
god dam it
mainmong said the same thing about her in tekken 7 then she went on a killing spree for almost a year until she was forcibly neutered
It's over for us...
okay but can we talk about the fact people were apparently still taking the tekken story seriously after 6
*after 3
Jun joined oskar in the bra-stuffing practice. they made her too big in 8, only a matter of time before a patch nerfs her since she's specifically intended by harada to be one of the flat ones like kazumi.
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Lobby is up
Tekgen NA
No Pass
All regions welcome
and more-sama... yamete kudasai...
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See you faggots at the Olympics I guess
Do you think Lars mom was flat like Kazumi

this song fits so fucking well on fallen destiny sometimes I forget it's a tekken 5 song
post it one more time, no one saw it yet
No way, I kneel saudi money omnipotence
USA will NEVER get a gold medal...
don't worry they will do Olympics 2 and 3 in USA just to make sure they'll get it, just like EVO
Jinpachi's wife was 100% a DFC goddess
9/11 chair
Oh my god Dragonov is so damn fun. I feel dumb for not picking this character first
>people not realizing what this means
Look up the history of the olympics and how many scams they had, your about to see tons of new peripherals pop up and get banned, dudes hopped up on new types of drugs,shady characters trying to swoop in and collect money. Its gonna be crazy.
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Snake bros... it's our time.
>Saudi government
I hate these fuckwads so much, you have so much blood money you start turning everything around you into soulless entertainment
We already have Fraudistan and South Crookrea
this is rich coming from a mutt (or mutt puppet-state).
Great so we will see athletic dudes/gals competing and some bald fat ass chipotle fan playing videogames
>Anakin perfecting people left and right with Lidia
bruh she cant be that bad
Anashit isn't in any position to laugh at deadbydaylightman though
So true xister, we need to rely on our DEI approved corporations and wholesome heckin influencers and YouTubers instead to save the sovl of the fgc
I miss bronson streams so much
Lidia likes horses huh
>just a worse and more clunky reina t. mailman

ridia sisters...
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how the FUCK do I stop getting so FUCKING MAD while playing FUCKING TEKKEN bros? I'm not the type to lose his composure, but I swear to god this game is part of some MKUltra psyop to absolutely mindbreak me and destroy my life.
how long do you play per day
Yes instead we should be funded by the 100% white and Aryan united states of America
it's funny that he said she was the best design in 15 years and then said there was no reason to bring her back for tekken 8
I know we joke about the chokelord a lot on here, but he's still pretty much a tekken god compared to virtually everyone he's going to play against online. He could do that with literally every character on the roster.
he turned on kazumi within a year too
shooter sisters
we're not real sports...
alt+f4 into unistall
I wonder why no fps
is this really because of the guns?
there are champions in league and tekken that use guns too one even has a chainsaw
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Get those pink tanks ready people
they have MenaRD and Punk da fraud for sf6 as america's last cope
This worked for me.
>Imagine you’re trying to park your car in a lot and a car unexpectedly pulls out in front of you. You have to slam on your brakes to avoid hitting the car. I bet you think something like, “What is this guy’s problem? Isn’t he paying attention? What a jerk. What an inconsiderate jerk.”
>Now imagine you’re trying to park your car and a cow walks out in front of you.
>How are your thoughts different? Do you think “What an inconsiderate jerk this cow is” ? Probably not! Depending on where you live you may think “Where on earth did this cow come from?” or “Oh no, Farmer Joe’s cattle got out of the fence again!”
>But at no point are you angry at the cow. Because the cow is just a cow! And you know it doesn’t understand your human agenda of trying to park your car.
Knee the washed will lose gold medal for Korea
mena would compete under domincan republic. every single american competes for another country at theolympics if they can get away with it. even down to competing for peurto rico even though PR is america.
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do you think he even remembers he said that
Yep. That's me.
They should ban Arisa from the olmpic games she's clearly not natty
he used it for leroy and reina, he's got it as a catchphrase at this pint,
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This is so fucking retarded it’s unbelievable
No gay nigger in the main menu yeah I wanna play this game again
white trans is in the main menu
Jin is not natty
ban him from the games
lidia looks more fun than reina
not even make up can fix lidia face
lidia butt face man
whats wrong with Lidias face?
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what rank is this guy
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Lidia is a beautiful WOMAN
that joke cut you deep huh emilio
I missed the pic.
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why are we bullying our aryan wife, lads?
Akuma claims Heihachi is stronger at his old age at least.

Didn't he think Lidia was mid tier in Tekken 7? When that definitely wasn't the case?
which teken girl would u fuk?
Your mom
Jin kazamer
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kuni 1 always
all of them
there is another
lidia's heaven and earth plus on block mid splats from a mile away like jin's heat smash...
Only when she has full stacks
Wait a minute that's t7 top lazy fuckers
>Why is no one consistent in their opinion of her
Early opinions are like that. Nina for a while was called weak by her players and Fergus, but over time it was made clear she's not weak.
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T7 bikini top>>>d8 they were lazy to correct proportions kek
I think he was always meant to be the third character because he's the most "hype" one to show at Evo, so I'm not sure the last character will be a crazier pick
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coming this winter...
I just need a hole
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that should've been nina beside steve and we all know that
I didn't get the job again
We have too many fat white bitches in this game now. They better add a short, petite, flat chested, slant eyed, small posterior having, neotenous, black haired, dark eyed, brown nippled, mono eye lid, thin lipped, heart shaped face having, fine ASIAN goddess into this game in winter
that doesn't describe any asian tekken girl
i look exactly like this btw
Who's the best Dragonov to watch. I want to learn more about this character he's extremely sick. Did try Jin, not my cup of tea. Shaheen ain't the vibe for me.
play asuka retard
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...I went back to Tekken 7
there lore of her thrown around in 8 shes prob coming back
I went back to my parents...
has anyone ever played against Mushie
mushie balls
What the fuck is Saint Cola saying? I can't understand this dude. How does he keep finding work?
>flat chested, slant eyed, small posterior having, that's reina nigga
No. too mid
Thoughts on Ling Xiaoyu?
Aruu main
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none of them
they'd all fuck me
with their cocks
lily lost...
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intense tantric sex
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Atif, Nobi, Ulsan. Brawlpro streamed a bunch of Evo practice on 'nov if you want some English commentary
which one of you dorks forgot the forward slash in the thread title
How are niggas still falling for marriage? Do they really think they wont get divorced raped? I just dont get how retarded you have to be for that shit
kill yourself
'nov obsessed 'gen
'nov owned 'gen
it seems that my superiority has rustled some jimmies
Does Keisuke stream anywhere?
blast status?
Alive gen alive game alive genre

Kneebros.. Lossing to trizzythen****r and then chaircrush... NA is laughing at us..
So is Lidia more popular than Eddy?
4th character is gonna Miguel. This is why he wasn't base roster when everyone thought he would be a perfect addition for Jin's story development. As the DLC story unfolds, Miguel will appear at the end and finally beat Jin's no devil having ass, then spare him after Jin dogezas and licks his boots.
>learned how to 3x ewgf with kazuya to the point that i thought of it as easy on both sides
>take a 2 week break
>i'm a literally handicapped negro and it's impossible now

why is murray stealth patching the game to remove my staples?
dead trash game
tekken 7 was better
>Miguel will appear at the end and finally beat Jin's no devil having ass, then spare him after Jin dogezas and licks his boots.
In your dreams Miguel, just like when you dream of your sister still being alive
awful lot of boomers in here
24ers killed kekken
It's so weird especially when marriage statistics are right there
If you're older it's totally fine but anyone getting married under 35 is really gambling
450 on kusoge7 must not be very good if everybody upgraded to kino8
No dad having fags
Based kingreyjr got the asska bikini showing off those bazookas
My friend's(Lili main) dad beat his wife and kids and is the reason he goes to therapy. He was also a Bryan main
The should make Tekken: Extreme Beach Tekken Ball
Who has the best tekkenpits
My dad only came back when he found out I have the gene
The swimwear just exposes how shit the models are
I wish I had the gene
Only Armor Kingbeeno can save this game
tekken gene is a meme, just play drag
Don't care, I'm gooning to Asuka tits and Lili legs
what tits?
Hopefully the 4th is new OC (not by M) even though outside Reina the new ones have been flops.
Anna mogs the chinkslop bitches
>not by M
unless you killed him and we're a doppel for months now, impossible
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Here's your DLC
The winning moment for @ArslanAsh95 kissing the ground as the crowd chants "goat of Tekken" and he takes his 5th EVO Championship with Tekken 8
Miguel should've been a girl...
he never started playing Tekken, female characters aren't Tekken
I like tranny cock okay I did not chose to it just happened so yeah
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Ling won’t be able to resist anymore when I ll pull up in those
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farcam lamb/craig double pack to start season 2
get ready for the next battle
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There's only one girl i'd marry and it's Lili
I am NOT crazy
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No. Here's your DLC
you're the one who's crazy
Haven't played in some time. Can I choose which character is displayed in the main menu yet?
Soon (tm)
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Can't wait for the cinematic pan over Heihachi's moustache desu
Hopefully they'll use this pose
They won't even show his entire face, it'll all be super zoomed in on his mustache
More like Kinokken 8, amirite?
>pakistan will get their first Olympic gold medal
>via asslan winning at mashen 8
I want to get good at this game, I played tekken 2 and 3 for ps1 and 5 for psp, love the chacaracters but I can't say shit about the gameplay since I'm obviosuly as bad as it gets
picked up tekken 8 and I just keep getting my ass kicied, 30 hi in, 29 in ranked and I'm still in green ranks (you can't lose ranks til yellow lol)
reading the op will not be enough right?
well what characters did you choose? and the OP has some decent resources, but you can also just search on youtube for beginner guides, there are plenty
Fergus will win gold for the glory of ireland
watch rooflemonger's beginner guide for basic overview of mechanics and then play through Arcade Quest until you beat based Harada and unlock the super ghost battle skins. By that point you should have a basic scaffolding to build off of. Might take you a week. Then when you go to ranked, make sure you stop after a few matches and review your replay. You will find all sort of weaknesses in your play reviewing replays.
Sneedkicks is winning gold for US
>watch rooflemonger's beginner guide for basic overview of mechanics
If you're actualy doing that, watch it at 2x speed so he talks at normal people speed
read the overview document! the moves listed there for your character can take you a long way. Just knowing a good poke, a good low, a good punish move and the combo from it can get to you orange/red. Even just knowing RPS and using moves with better risk than reward will help. Especially things like hopkick(usually diagonal up/forward + right kick) can give a full combo on launch and beat a lot of other moves on startup, but aren't fully launch punishable on their own. Knowing just how to rotate between 3-4 options on offense can beat a lot of players if they don't know how to deal with those moves.
The other thing I can say is BLOCK. A lower ranks players will keep pressing and end strings on unsafe moves. Higher level players will do safe moves or mixups and you'll need to learn how to duck or sidestep but against lower level players just blocking and letting them do incredible unsafe things and punishing those will get you pretty far.
If they are blocking at low ranks just spam throws. Doing jab jab throw goes really far if low rankers are blocking since they don't know how to duck or break throws.
I never played tekken until t8 and this is what I did to get out of the beginner ranks.
will they use their real or gamer names for the olympics?
>ah yes speedkicks and anakin represting the USA
where's her dick?
>"El Negro from Venezuela now takes the stage"
yeah time to goon to some gay shit chicks with dicks my favorite
Anna is throating it

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