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Previous: >>487306936

>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
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So Anby, what did you think of "Oh~ Sweetie"?
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Seth with sex
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faction themes updated with belobog (for now)
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wtf this bitch was about to let her copied mech straight up kill grace? She should be in fucking jail
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I wanna fuck Piper and Lucy
holy sex
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>MFW I find and download the ZZZ Diaper mod with lore friendly designs and brands.
Soon, crinklebwos!
I imagine sex with Piper is "I'm tired, just use me as an onahole today" 90% of the time and the fucking like an absolute sex demon the remaining 10%.
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>trick Anby into watching hardcore porn as a joke
>she starts reviewing it like it's a real film and complains about needlessly long sex scenes ruining the plot
He's based for this though.
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anby post
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tomorrow's gonna be 29 celsius somebody fucking save me
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its like they really want me to use this bitch or something...
eh? only 29?
>Walk into bedroom
>Piper is in her 10% Energy mode
>Instant loss reverse amazon press
if you see someone jump off of a cliff, do you jump off after them?

grace was running straight at the uncontrollable mech and there wasn't a lot she could do to stop her (or the mech)
...your lowest was two weeks ago?
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How does she walk around with the tail. It looks like it would weigh as much as her body. Her lower back would hurt as hell unless she got muscle legs and stomach abs. Still it would probably be not enough. It would also be uncomfortable to lay on her back. 0/10 would not want to be Ellen
>S11 remembering Anby's training in her character reveal
high level kino coming up when they reunite
Cunning Hares love!
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>your favourite Agent
>last time you had sex
I'm not gonna lie bwos, but this bangboo event kind of sucks. I'm just going to hope this "flagship event" is only barebones because they don't want to overload the player with too much things to have to do.
late 2019
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>sorry proxy but incest is illegal here.
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I desire to cum inside all the women in this game.
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Poor Lycon getting eye raped
This is the most important poll
By the time you are reading this it's too late for you, it's going to be now
the "flagship event" of 1.0 is the story
Its funny I agreed with her about not having everything having human level awareness just to be sent off to be destroyed. Only for this bitch to use the very thing she was against and go full pants on head retarded. Grace didn't even have to do anything to win her argument.
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For me it's sucking on her obscenely lewd belly button
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I can't believe I'm saving rolls for a catboy...
I want to C6 him.
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>gives you a free dupe bangboo m5 that is actually good dps
>some cute story around how they act with each other
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Are Bangboos slaves?
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>two years ago
>Fairy Tale
>King Arthur
That is such a stretch.
That's not that hot anon...
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Allow me to convince you, officier
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I will fuck my little sister, you can't stop me
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>Literally not even looking at the waves
Corin is stupid!
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I'll have to fuck that fat chinese ass if you won't let me fuck belle...
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Of the currently released Agents, probably nekomata.
She might not be meta but she's the most fun to play and has the best personality.

Nicole is pretty good too, but I'm not a fan of whale tits or moles.

Last sunday, but I actually have a GF and we fuck a few times a week.
Any way to fit both Ellen and Grace on a team?
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>Get Neko
>Dodge playstyle is fun
>get walled by mech
>Anby can only electric with energy or with the third hit
>realise Anby gets free electric with her dodge attack
>play dodge Anby
she procs jolt incredibly quickly now and does much better damage with electric attacks
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>2 Years ago
Rina activates everything but it's not a good team.
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Not even in my dreams
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who thought this was a good idea?
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Anby. I'm 32 years old and a HKV.
A genius
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Corin, like 2 hours ago. I still haven't taken a shower...I'm a bit sticky.
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just try and stop me, BITCH
>Whale tits
Uw0tm8t. Not even her pre-nerf was whale tits.
Ejaculating just from having my face buried in Grace's stinky, smelly boobs..
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fat assed asians are a different breed bros...
Does having sex with boys count as having sex? I need to know before I answer the question.
Wouldn't Caesar be The Emperor's New Clothes?
I will not betray my wife Anby for another Electro Stunner.
gay sex does not count
But who's your favorite agent?
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whats the correct answers for ben biggers trust mission where he buys the milk tea?
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hold on...
that hand motion...
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what if i lose the 50/50?
july 2018
i still talk to her every now and then but we arent together anymore. i should really try to get back into the dating game before i get too old
use that
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There are too many INCELS in my thread
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I love him...
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Never had it
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>Never because a butt mousepad doesn't count I don't think
Just do some coinflips right now to practice
But it's not involuntary...
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For me, it's Coco.
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objectively too big.
Anton is a great guy, a real bro. I bet he’s popular with and great with kids
Never! A Starlight Knight never loses!
tell him to get anything but the sweet tea so the mint or the grape one
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That's just drugged Corin with contacts
Yer daft. They should be bigger. head sized. Imagine the fun jiggle animations flailing about.
She'd derail the entire show for an hour by making burger analogies to explain how shit the film was
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petting Lycaon
hugging Lycaon
smelling Lycaon's fur
Ellen would be hot if her tail looked good
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you rude bitch belle
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2- ZZZ, Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail
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Soukaku's lines in Hollow Zero are so cute.
>Why didn't you buy any snacks? :(
>Do I get a lolipop for seeing the doctor? :D
My fucking heart, bros...
anything larger than a C cup should have a mandatory mastectomy
Last month
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So.. she is hot then
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I headcanon that she's just a womanlet and acts like a retard on purpose
>uhm she's canonically 12 or something
When did I ever mention rewards? I'm talking about the gameplay.
...is it?
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Reminder Piper has a bigger ass than Qingyi does (measured and factual)
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Zhu Yuan
A bit over a month ago
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thats literally not what horsepower means lmao
Bah. Tainted ye are. The lack of tits is whats driving everything to madness anyway.
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uhm she's canonically a retard
Does Pity carry on to the next banner?
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It's been about three years...

brushing Lycaon
holding hands with Lycaon
cuddling with Lycaon
Mihoyo can only write three types of characters
>mommy/stoic man
Every single ZZZ character fits in one of the three
In the game right now? Ellen.
About a month ago.
yeah if you have 20 rolls left to S rank on ellen's banner and it changes to zhu yuan, you will still hvae 20 left
Ben Bigger
Okay, I gotta ask because ZZZ is my first gacha. Why the FUCK are all of the content creators for this game bottom of the barrel clickbait view farmers? Everything from the day 1 doomposting, the revenue autism, to this shit. Why?
For me, it's Zhu Yuan
Anon thats 4 types of characters why did you combine two of them
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What's lucy.

Damn, beat me to it.
Any freebees to expect in zhu yuans banner?
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iie senpai
we live in a world of fat
wherever you look is lards of fat layered upon fat
fat so thick you can't tell where the tits end and the stomach begins.
we live in a nightmare of flesh.

the beauty of a thin girl is a fleeting moment of time that must be cherished.
About four months ago
mommy and stoic man are two different things..
>are all of the content creators
Because you rely on 4chan drama baiters to rec you content creators?
>why did you combine two of them
It's the only gendered archetype
Hes part of the "3rd" category
you forgot about the overworked supernaturally patient woman (usually in a critical position and singlehandedly keeping the country from falling apart)
your jeans and ganyus, essentially
First ga-
>ZZZ is my first gacha
Erm. Yes. But here's a thing. IGNORE THOSE RETARDS. "content" creators are just there for the clicks- not their output. I encourage you to never bother with their drivel. That and gachas tend to attract gambling addicts and other assorted fools who are easily entertained by such crap.
Which Agent says this after losing badly?
When is the fox girl coming out? Is it gonna be the banner after Zhu Yuan?
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>roast beef pussy
>roast beef pussy with hair
Fucking disgusting. Keep that whore shit out of my face. If it ain't an innie pussy I ain't looking at it.
Somehow zhuyuan is the rare women in power that isn’t overworked to death based on her newest trailer, maybe mihoyo is learning
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Proudly fitting in the autist category
>Aug 15th for Seth
Chat is this real?
welcome to modern day entertainment
next three banners are zhu yuan -> qingyi -> jane doe
we dont know for sure whos after that yet
Neko is not as dumb as she pretends to be do her story.
>Spends free time on math forums
>Does meetups with other math autists
If he was just an accountant sure, but Hoyo made sure it wasnt just his job, no its apparently his obsession
that's all gacha "content creators"
you might come across the occasional math autist but the rest are 100% grifters
Oh you mean real 3DPD shit? Who cares about that. I jumped down the anime titty hole years ago and never looked back. I want my huge boobs in 2D/3D Anime stuff anyway.
It is 36 here in freedom land. Don't be a fucking baby.
>fox girl
Six months.
Six months.
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chat is this sfw?
7 years ago
Genshin has the same problem. All the CCs are dogshit clout chasers. Unless it's some niche 1000 view lore enjoyer I wouldn't watch anything related to hoyogames or hoyo game ripoffs
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>steps on you with her fucking boots
Sevy isn't like that.
2D does not live in a void.
Her wee trotters
Little girls in grown up boots is so sex
Yeah I got a promotion when my boss saw it
i'm a wizard
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...On opposite day
just hit knot 40, I have enough juice to get 4 characters to 50
I assume best practice is to level DPS characters, right? since they're on the field the most
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I love my biker wife
DPS > Anomaly > Stunner >Support
Imagine not dodging military service in current year
>since they're on the field the most
Bro? You're stunner?
Don't go to 50 just 45 for the core passive. To resource consuming and not really worth it yet
I need her to be on a banner I really want to M6 her...
Genshin has a million flavours of shota (edgy, drunk, bookworm) and the odd decently written female character like Ninnguang, Mona, Yanfei, Faruzan
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h...holy FUCK...
ZZZ is a gooner gamer.
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>ask for my debt money
>trust down
>tell her my business is doing well
>trust down
>trust only goes up when I assist in her quick money schemes
Cheap bitch.
a few months ago
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That's literally what it means. It got standardized over time but the unit itself was coined by comparing the amount of work a horse could do vs steam engines.
I do a combo with anby and use her EX and that usually does it when im also using her to parry and counterattack too
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Also first gacha here. Will there ever be a point in the game where I'll be drowning in exp items? I feel like I made a mistake getting two teams to 40 and I'm completely unable to level anything else up.
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Weird Mei
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Am I?
Yes. after a point they will stock up- and events tend to give them out too. The only true grind that will never end will be for discs.
ben bigger
That's exactly how horsepower was defined, the horsepower of an engine was the number of horses it could replace
>lifting water from this well needs one horse, so I need to always have 5 horses on standby to replace tired ones, therefore the engine that can lift the same amount of water outputs 5 horsepower
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Is this perfect rolls or shit?
Ganyu? You could argue it. She seems unable to grasp the concept of being overworked despite the fact that it makes her have to spend every single moment of free time sleeping.
Jean? Nah. She's just a completely vanilla do-gooder who is physically incapable of delegating tasks and saying no. Essentially, she's just a doormat of a human being.
>Will there ever be a point in the game where I'll be drowning in exp items?
Yes, but a few months down the line when you're max knot
did she wet herself over lycaon yet
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Can any of you zzigers make a webm out of this

That's a relief. I've beaten the story and haven't even touched the disc stuff outside of the tutorial.
slot 5 means no
Yeah, now you're just starting out so you have a lot of characters to build at the same time, but eventually you will be building maybe 1 new character per month and you will have plenty of exp mats and you will spend most of your energy on farming drive discs.
the equivalence people make that it represents the power of one horse is a stupid common misconception though, one horse outputs like 13-18 horsepower
damn nigger you got told, I'm actually curious as to what you thought it actually meant
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Previous: >>487339921

>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5WS9Ohb-fI [Open]

>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE [Open] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY [Open] (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I [Open] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 [Open] (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [Open] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [Open] (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
Formerly Nen
Perfect subs, wrong main
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I never reply to posts like this, but I can't afford to lose 5050 to a FAT COP SWEATY ASS
how many times have you failed these past few days
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The screenshot literally tells you its definition varies per region.
We're at 200 posts, it's obviously a meme
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Love his little mischievous side...
Like 7-9 months, depending on how many characters you roll for, you'll probably end up levelling every character to level 51 just for the ascension standard rolls at some point.
I want Kot
I'm saying the equivalence that 1 horsepower = 1 horse is wrong and grace used that exact analogy

Reminder for all mimo friends that the inventory refreshes in 12 hours and 2 minutes
New thread
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It's not wrong. Go complain to James Watt about it.
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her tucking game is insane <3
last night
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FUCK I thought it was 750+ posts how do I delete a thread. Sorry I was looking at the old thread.
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gonna curbstomp this stupid cat
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Where's my Clavicle Gang at
Just adopt it and give it a name that implies racism like the rest of us.
>been playing Koleda/Lucy/Piper the entire game
>dick can't stop getting hard looking at 3 cunnies on the screen 24/7
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ok but expect no sex from your sister
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Yesterday with my wife
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Roll for cop or save for rat?
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I need both of them.
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>sees your dick
go do your 5 runs of tvslop
you are missing out on rewards
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It's actually so depressing you can't fit Qingyi into the comp
I would love to mix and match
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she is lesbian btw, not for you moids!
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Just let it die/jannies clean it up.
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I found the sister repellent
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No they're both single women looking for HOT PROXY VAGINA/COCK

All sexuality falls before the sexual prowess of the MC siblings
Funny it took 2 days for the shit meme to die after you promised to keep it alive for 2 years.
Fuck yes!
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what are the best mobs for investiagor log farming?Should I just pick them entirely based on weaknesses or one has better drops?
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Do you think Koleda went commando when she was masquerading as an elementary schooler?
Do you have photos in your house of people you haven't had sex with anon?
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remewmber to repawt and ignyare!
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>after she swallows
so is the cunny cop better than the furry butler?
Last month. I was supposed to have a threesome last week but both girls I had an arrangement with couldn't make it this time.
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Looks like the shitposter got bored of /gig/ and came back here
I'm out, goodnight /zzz/iggers
>tfw you have a photo of a tortoise with a poorly photoshoppped tank turret on its shell on your wall
Dont go down this route anon its not worth it. Last time it shit up the thread for the next 500 posts of complete troon delusion. Just ignore and move on and they will too
Anby is better than the furry for the sole reason that she's not a fucking thiren freak
>one yuri pic gets posted
>schizo has instant melty
These lolis shouldn't be dressing like this
Post more
Lets remind him that this is a yuridev game
these adult women who do not pass the height of consent should not be dressing like that
I'm a feminist and I believe they can dress like that if they want to.
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ever heard of having best friends?
Piper is a working adult apparently.
They are not lolis. mid teens at best. Now Nicole dressing like Lucy? Hot. Big tits in tight Shirts are miracles of the universe.
the actual only use that Piper's shorts-straps have are being used as reins by me as I rail her cunny missionary
So does Ellen even like her friends or what? She seems like the bitchy girl that the others hang around because she's pretty.
Lucy should wear a summer dress
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>f2p didn't roll for Ellen
>got wengine-fucked as second S rank from standard
>1/12 chance of duping my only S rank character when I roll for Zhu
I hate it
I’m trans and want to get knotted so bad by Lycaon why did they make him so hot?
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Lewd her butt once more and you will see what happens...
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God I need some autistic pussy
My only lustful thoughts about her are above the belt. Sadly nobody seems to care about her chest.
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Sexy voice...
Great body...
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>your favourite Agent
>last time you had sex
Last summer but I didn't particularly enjoy it. I think I just don't like sex
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too many to choose from, everyone's extremely likeable in this fucking game. But I'll stick with Corin
5 years ago
Grand Warlock
32 year old virgin
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I like how it's universally agreed upon that grace looks like this
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What's the age limit on Grand Warlock? I may be there. I'd need to update my card.
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He is pretty cool
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i hate rally comissions
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thanks bwo
36f is freezing
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GigaBASADO, it'd be cool if she got into ZZZ as well
She is in jail. She got taken away by Pubsec at the end
been 40 C daily in southern europe fuck off
Bitch you can literally see her body in game and she isn't a body builder you repressed homo.
1.insanely unlikely given the amount of money hoyo rakes in from paypigs
2. Wuwa > ZZZ > Genshin, HSR is a visual novel for gameplaylets
3) rolling for limited is a 50/50 chance hence gambling, it does carry over.
4) to keep you hooked and grinding daily
Unhinged Corin is so sexo...
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don't listen to this tencent shill, wuwa is trash and it is the one that'll die in a few months, its just another soulless tencent version of this gacha called tower of fantasy which was a soulless clunky mess that died within 6 months, same will happen to wuwa, just play Hoyo if you want the safest route
>hehe retard
>nicole thread
I'll let it slide anon
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finally completed all the main story right now and unlocked contacts
can I technically just farm trust by repeatedly advancing days to go talk to agents or is there an upper daily limit?
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Yes. She's just naturally grouchy but she's griped about work getting in the way of hanging out with her friends before
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>can I technically just farm trust by repeatedly advancing days to go talk to agents or is there an upper daily limit?
There is a daily limit of 10 interactions (only counting the random trust events) per day in total. I think there is a limit of 3 per agent too? I'm not entirely certain.
Trust farming happens really fast though.
>next 2 characters after Zhu share Element/Role with Anby and Piper
But why? It seems too soon.
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pls respond
the event show on the map anyway, you will see if it stop to spawn
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I'm surprised at how mild the character writing is. Each agent has their gimmicks, but none are overbearing or annoying. They all seem like normal people. I'm especially surprised by Lycaon, I went in expecting him to pander heavily to gay furries but he's just a chill butler trying to wrangle his subordinates. I felt the similarly about Harumasa but that little interaction he has with Soukaku next to the Ballet Twins was funny as fuck. If this keeps up I may end up rolling for males (no homo).
Miyohomo is terrible with element/class stuff. IIRC I think genshin still lacks a Hydro claymore character despite it being what... 5 years old now?
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>defending mihomo
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holy shit
There is no difference in drops-
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good riddance ugly ass hag
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what the correlation with liking Nicole and being a virgin?
Wizard in training
Imagine elen with lazy pantsu...
Don't reply to it. Report and ignore for off-topic/advertising.
>no difference in drops-
Alright. Guess I'll just stick to whatever dies faster. Ty.
None of that has stopped them from being lewded so I don't understand your point.
>the burg
My condolences, but to be fair it wasn't a great piece in the first place.
I just wanna sleep and use Piper as a pillow/littlespoon
I don't even wanna fuck her
she just feels like top tier comfy relaxation
Would you?
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Show me one W*wa character that looks like this buddy
I'll wait
The overanimated promotion material made me worried, but the actual game is rather down to earth. This is the first time I genuinely enjoyed the main story in a hoyoslop.
>burger analogies to explain unrelated shit
wtf Anby is a true blue American?
what are you doing anon? level i...oh
doesn't matter, that's like saying hex maniac is skinny
The game launched with 3 physical attackers and only a single ether character despite mono elemental being very viable in this game. They clearly led with their best designs first and didnt care at all how balanced each element was in terms of choices and this is the same moving forward.
They are on track to do exactly what HSR did and just powercreep the shit out of everything with constant new S rank releases since the cadence is the same. Unless they slow down with 1.4 and do 1 new banner 1 rerun
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Date events its more pandering. He does show he is very into you and even pointing out he wouldn't let anyone touch his tail besides someone close. Regardless you can play either sibling and he still down bad for them.
Now show her in game model.
unironically Lycoan character made me not hate him when I assumed he was going to be gaybait. Love tard wrangler characters.
Same. I am cautiously optimistic about future releases even if some of their designs may not be very interesting to me.
This fucking weather holy shit i'm melting. How can I enjoy Zhu Yuan with this weather
Holy fuck Im finally on the Shiyu frontier, forcing Electric vs the purple robot was a fucking bitch. Fuck all of you for shilling Anton.
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post more photos of this CUTIE
Its a good way to have characters in a gacha. Make them all MC-sexual.
don't be a pussy
>27 Celsius
lmao this nigga never had 40
>I went in expecting him to pander heavily to gay furries
Why doesn't everyone say this about Lycaon and not Ben? Why do we also not talk about the straight furrybros?
>complaining about 80 degrees
Nigga it was 90+ this weekend and felt like 107 with humidity.
That’s 41 celsius.
I was told bosses didn't get new patterns on higher difficulties, that was a lie.
Since I'm still clueless, am I supposed to be building mono-element teams, or a mix of elements? This is assuming everyone can get their element/faction bonus of course.
how do I get my switch procon to work with the game
>and not Ben?
Lycaon, to be fair, is wearing a leather mask and therefore looks a lot more "fetish fuel" from the start.
We don't all have African admixture to resist heat
>he can't deflect the UV-rays with his white forcefield
you're a disgrace to the aryan race baka
Your breed will die in the coming years.
Time to reap what your kind have sown.
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closest, waterkuma designs are god tier but I wish they werent so chesty
Funny enough some I don't get that vibe from every character. Ben just seems more relaxed around you but nothing else. Anby sounds like a typical friend who just wants to talk about movies and eat food. Anton doesn't know what dating really is. Nicole might be a bit flirty under the guise of trying to make money.
Mono-element only works with ice for now because right now it has supports that debuffs ice res, but Nah, mono element is a meme.
Look up anomaly and disorder teams.
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sucks to suck
I'm finngol
I wish it was a comfy 27 instead of the freezing 16 that I have right now
I think they will pump out characters until they can get enough backlog to implement the 2 banner system. I'd count on at least several of the initial characters being mandatory for certain team archetypes involving future characters. For example they'll throw a cryo support out there that will be absolutely bonkers with Ellen, an ether stunner that works great with Zhu, etc. So that way people will feel compelled to dump money on two banners in a patch. The firefly/ruanmei banner is basically their ideal scenario. They want to hit skippers with a second fomo.
Wuwa is never releasing another design like that. Literally just a conga line of hags in generic Chinese dress since the 2nd banner.
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busty* brainfart
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>*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*
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man I wanna fuck rats
This is the only character that stands out in that game
kek good luck in the war against russia
NTA but I happen to like his Boob goblin designs. I love em short and buxom. A character not unlike Ameli from Girls Frontline would make my dick explode.
Heterosexual men like this shit? She unironically looks like a man. Where the fuck are the tits that's like the whole point of being female.
What kind of CP discord server share bullshit is this
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Poor guy
>mono element is a meme.
It wouldnt be if they released a more balanced array of elements on release lmao.
hoyo leakers are absolutely obsessed with internet clout to the point that they dripfeed leaks while slathering them with ads for their discord instead of just posting things
After seeing that one Ellen.gif, absolutely. Would let her deepthroat me as much as she wants
When's the buttcup banner going live?
some like cunny, some like hebe, some like hags, variety is always nice
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the funny thing is that their discord is probably down now
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who the fuck cares, the characters are still sexo, no one actually cares about this cept like 2-3 weirdos
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Dare you enter her magical realm?
oh, that explains that then, thanks
Hagfags are paypiggies for gachas. They all amp each other up with:
>oh you're skipping? what are you some kind of fag?
It doesn't even matter what the character does, as long as it has big tits and ass and coomer art with bigger tits and ass people will roll.
>global warming will finally kill all white people
Wait, that's not the police faction...
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Desubh budding breasts is more realistic for their age and proportions
True flatties are only real if they're in the single digits
It's sexier this way
Whatever it is you want most, anon.
k normalfag
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Knot lv check, you guys already at 45+?
this >>487349121
Nice anon, solo hzs are fun. I did one with Anton it was not fun
Grace incoming
>new Grace has a toned tummy
good lord...
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Last minute Shark
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What if she bites?
PGR isn't dead WuWa won't die especially with Tencent paying
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this look like a chinese dress hag to you?
I see
43. Getting to 45 on natural energy will probably take 1.5 week.
Yesterday with my AI girlfriend
Why the fuck do you have to clear hollow zero 7 times a week for the rewards
Are we expecting a mass censoring like they did for forced "cinematic" outfits in genshin?
They look better in the after pictures, this isn't Nikke
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Playable Rost soon...
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She looks like the girl from Ratatouille if she was a rat hybrid
They fucked it up by changing the elements around during the beta. Nicole was originally a physical support
Without hesitation. I'd plunge my cock in there and let her suck out both kinds of nasty fluids from my dick!
it looks like shit. wuwaniggers are slurp this crap up? lmao
She won't bite. She might fall asleep though.
Because it’s fun
It's not that fun
she looks like she makes out with miyabi while males watching and fapping their tiny yt dicks!
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ah here comes the cope, feel free to post your superior 3d models that you don't have
Spend multiple threads during the last few days telling people not to invest in Antoncoin
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Eww what the fuck is THIS?!
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VRCHAT ERP with Lucy
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She is actually playing zzz too but she's progressing much slower she hasn't finished ch 2 and she's only level 30
her current favorite character is Lucy
I hope they add co op
Don't read spoilers they're blogs

Post Anton images please my Anton folder has 5 images
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I consider it a win!
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I'm getting fucking filtered by SD 10, do I keep mashing my head on this while I'm pre IK 40 or wait for the IK 40 powerspike? The only thing I can think of that can let me meet the dps check is an M2 Lucy on my crayon muncher team to unscuff it's rotations but well... that means fishing for another Lucy.
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wrong, she craves BWC just like all asians
seethe more
Im still completely adamant after seeing the cutscenes that Miyabi is going to release as anomaly (which didnt exist when she was last seen in CBT) and will be an ether character to shore up Ether to 3 options.
Yeah, that works.
you are having fun you will continue to have fun you like pressing left click
The amount of cope in these responses...
I'll just kiss her instead..
>commissions starting to dry up
I-I just wanted to max Zhu day 1... go on without me bros...
Why does Lucy look like she's being held against her will? It looks like those cartel videos where the guy will compliment a female prostitute from another gang while she stands in silence and gets butchered after.
cope, she will never let disgusting male fuck her!
How the fuck do you unlock the bangboo friendship event mission? I’m level 30, finished chapter 2, unlocked notorious hunts, and unlocked the disk shop and still nothing
I hate the onboarding and the UI in this game
>he isnt switching out of animations to keep pressuring and moving around
hoyo is just a conspiracy to make me lust for Chinese women
I doubt she will be Ether, but my personal Miyabi cope is also her being a Ice/Anomaly. Anomaly are both potential support and DPS, so they could make her M0 Ellen support and M1+ dps for the people who want to invest.
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who else hasn't logged in for 3 days?
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That gif makes me uncontrollably horny.
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Found a hint for S Rank Anton that is totally going to happen
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>both kinds of nasty fluids
wat? What is both?
Big Wise Cock
Just you
You trying to salvage it because you like the character doesn't stop a design from being shit. Fuck off with that overdesigned filth.
Just finished the Zero Hollow segment and unlocked the Bangboo gacha. The team I have now is Lycaon, Nicole and blue oni girl and they seemed really good during the last fight in said hollow segment. I did one 10-pull for shark girl and didn't get her, but I'm not sure if I should even try with my last two 10-pulls for her. What should I focus on doing for my team and what not?
Belle should be bare foot when walking around her house and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
>aislop models
7 days for me
I am getting vorenigger energy from this, I do not like it
yeah, most of us are just waiting for zhu yuan
no point playing
It would fit her beta play style better, she was really clunky and awful in CBT1 because her damage was tied to stacks from finishing her combo and that was so long and so easily interrupted that you basically had to keep her off field until you stunned something and then waste the entire stun window doing her combo for no damage
Only if Miyabi has a MASSIVE futanari cock
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>explicitly lewder pre-censorship (huge cleavage, shows a lot of skin)
>implicitly lewder post-censorship (unzip her tank top for convenient instant paizuri)
I'm fine with this.
Got 16 encrypted tapes, enough to buy 48 more, want Qingyi but interested in Zhu Yuan now, at chapter 2, should I risk pulling for Zhu?
>120k disorder
wait Grace is broken holy shit
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Grace feels like an Overwatch character
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Morons. Don't reply
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This is.... weirdly specific
It's the whole thing they used with CHANG. Chang looks like shit too, but wuwaniggers are coping with shill scenes to hype up a shit design.
Thats where her tail growth went
if you're willing to spend money get zhu, if not, save
Is there a titcow on the Rader to pull?
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Good to hear, she's got good taste too. Hope you two enjoy yourselves!
Don't have many Anton pics either, sorry.
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I somehow doubt the katana wielding fox girl will not be a DPS, but I also am not convinced that she is ice. Her big flashy cutscene in the game uses a lot of blue fire effects.
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>you can buff ether skill chips everyday for the next 7 days
>but it STILL takes up you daily coffee limit
>"free" as in it costs 0 dennies to buy, instead of paying 2500 dennies for a cup (wow so expensive)
Yeah whatever, thanks hoyo
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>Every guide/video spends half its length just explaining her kit
>Rest is about how her signature is her BiS and other obvious shit
Yeah I know...I guess ZZZ is still too new to get more sophisticated number crunching.
if wuwa is a great why just one day after changli they are already lower on HSR with nothing going on?
If you're F2p you can pull for one character every 2 months
You can only pick one
None in the current forecast.
If they do this to Nicole I will legit quit.
Yeah theres a nun from an unknown faction with huge milkers. But judging by Grace's changes I dont expect her design to stay the same
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Right side bitch in 1.2
Yanagi I think, you can google her for her model.
The pity carries over to the next character banner. So if you roll and don't get her you're closer to getting the next one.
>If they do this to Nicole
They already did
>no Anton edits with the Kamina glasses yet
/zzz/ is so fucking soulless
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Thank god she's not, no bigger waste than a good design be relegated to Blizzard diversityslop.
Hes talking about additional nerfs you retard
I know- I mean further. Ill give them one.
gurren lagan is slop and soulless boomer trash
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And this is why we dont play genshin kids
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Rolling for both of them just because of this
Which ZZZ girl has the biggest bush? We have our designated footfag and pitfag characters, who is the bushfag's champion?
6 months* and you need 2 to get garanteed btw
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6 months will net more than 2 characters even if you're a lucklet
Question: is Zhu Yuan going to be strong? How does she compare with Ellen Lawrence? How likely is she being powercrept?

Are the "Archons" from ZZZ going to be playable soon?
Where is Amilion?
Why is Eous the best character in ZZZ?
Those pits look fucking disgusting. You'd think fetish artists would at least be able to make their shit look appealing.
Nicole. Too cheap to shave.
It's incredibly difficult pre-IK 40. What's your first team anyways? I had to put Ice on the first side because my only other DPS is Piper. Only ended up clearing after reaching IK 40
would would would
The coffee is normally randomized bro, this is ether shill cafe time
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Too attractive for Overwatch, it wouldnt fit their DEI tool they showed off.
You'd need to make grace black, have atleast two missing limbs and maybe even an eyepatch over a missing eye to hit a good score
Damn, FGO doesn't even do that. I know it is made up by the fact that games from this company give out like what, one single pull a month? I've never played a Hoyo game before, but I am well aware of their one multi-only anniversary gift for genshin.
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>The coffee is normally randomized bro
Its not random, its fixed according to the day of the week.
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so is the w-engine banner a scam for a couple of months unless you're a whale? feels like getting characters is more beneficial right now
HAS to be in a wheelchair too. No mechanical limbs allowed
>post op Jing Yuan
>stronger than Seele Joe
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Whoa wtf, you cant say that
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I hope Guoba actually makes a Zhu Yuan guide, he's actually looking at the Starlight Engine thing unlike the other vapid CCs reading shit off Zhu's prydwen page
Damn I'm a retard, never noticed.
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if thats overdesigned then most of your upcoming chars are underdesigned lol, especially section 6 and pubsec
W-Engine is for if you really like the character and want them to perform at their best+want them to stay relevant in the meta for "longer" read years instead of the year or so it'll take for them to get powervrept.
>Verification not required.
whoah, TIL
turn based games made your brain completely smooth
Shit man. Next thing you know kids are gonna be runnin around in bearface. It really keeps the Ursines down- ya know? Then the salmon prices go up...
Nicole's engine is pretty good if you run her
She flopped bro, move on
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Do not insult Ben
Its a complete scam forever
Man stop replying to the blundering graves shill
>look mom I posted it again!
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Zhu's W-Engine might not be worth it specifically from what the calc fags are saying. But I'm sure we'll get broken weapons eventually
It's a common feature in chink gacha. Also you usually get 50-60 or so pulls in a patch give or take (just slightly below pity range to push you to buy monthly.)
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Soldier 11's side takes near 7 damn minutes, dps isn't really the issue but holy god that robot scuffs the ever loving shit out of your rotations hard. If there's a cleaner way I can deal with Grace's retarded baby I can definitely clear it pre IK 40.
I hope so. I was pretty happy that the only two gacha cc's who's opinions I give a shit about ended up making ZZZ content.
>girls with sensual showing
>to just showing teddy bear
Glad that I dropped Mihoyo shit games since long time ago and stick to porn
changli was never supposed to be totally for (you) but guess what, game is so fking dead they changed it, like they changed the whole story to meet chink pandering. souless ass game
>On the left, Ben Bigger
>On the right, Nen Nigger
Qingyin looks so fucking cool bros it's a crime she has lower daze buildup than Lycaon. Why is a limited worse than a fucking standard at their job?
Tbh that's actually important info, especially because people coming from Genshin or HSR might be trashing good artifacts by undervaluing ATK%.
She should have been flat
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I play both games, its pretty obvious hoyo blew their load on the starting roster and the rest are meh aside from miyabi and the sons of calydon
I fucking hate niggers. I hate them so much. Scourge of the earth since millennia ago.
got Elen in first ten pull and rushed for the weapon since 75>50%.
And she solo Shiryu 7 while my Anton (best dps of the game btw) with 5 dupe of his weapon can't even kill the third wave.
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so whats the general best discs for DPS? 4 hormone punk and their element related disc right? need to figure out what i should be grabbing for pubsex
Every anniversary has given out atleast 20 pulls what are you talking about? And that's just for logging in not accounting for everything you get by playing
File deleted.
Will wuwaniggers off themselves when they realize how ineffective shilling that soulless trash is?
Don't acknowledge them, just report, hide, filter, and ignore.
At least 2p Woodpecker (for Attacker) since all of them need crit. After that it depends on the dps.
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Who will be your new profile icon?
>I'm a red steeplechase starting today.

hook me up on them bro, I'm so fucking tired of
I would pay a monthly subscription just for unlimited energy. Let me grind for mats!
>so whats the general best discs for DPS? 4 hormone punk and their element related disc right?
No. 4x woodpecker electro is the typical default best set for DPS alongside either attack% or element damage%, it doesnt really matter which one.
I balme the fucking Europeans and British for bringing them from their shit huts
Frens, what is the best element against robots?
Is this Zhu Yuan's element or another one?
I'm getting filtered by the giant robot in Abyss 10.
>this is ether shill cafe
I know it's part of the event
my issue is it's basically a nothingburger if you don't care for the two ether characters
I don't think even Anby would enjoy a nothingburger
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Is this the worst elemental disk set in the game? We dont even have fire anomaly.
Do we have any videos of how she works in real gameplay? Everything ive seen is just ungeared in test domain. she hits a lot, enough to max out her w-engine buff very quickly.
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I love how he almost knocks the stand over but makes sure to adjust it back before pulling his loot away.
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Ellen is a nasty girl
fake pic, zhu yuan will never fuck a moid
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Lycaon of course
Lucy or the rat
this definitely seems like a lv issue, some of your characters are not even 40 and that boss fight is designed around lv50.
your disks also matter, maxed disks are potentially 60% more damage boost, even with bad random stat rolls.
Generally you can treat a signature weapon as roughly equivalent to pulling an extra copy of a character in terms of power. You're trading currency for making the game easier. On occasion they'll even make the signature weapon bad enough that it's better to pull one or even two extra copies of the character instead of their weapon
I already posted them above.
Maybe there are others, but I don't exactly go searching.
why do they look like the powerpuff girls? Also the correct answer is Rina for the bedroom eyes.
Lucy can proc burn just fine.
Rina! Boob Ghost maid!
Soldier 11 can proc a shit ton of burn, especially paired with Lucy. I do still think Woodpecker is better on her though simply because the attack%s arent a dump effect in this game and if youre proccing a lot of burn you might as well be turning it into disorder
Why is there no Wise/Belle icon?
Isn't that the Resonia icon? Also the profile pictures for DMs are better
Hard choice. First though is Ellen or Lucy, but Ben speaks to me
im getting mixed messages here...
600 energy coming soon!
Is the hot cop good enough at M0W1?
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No Belle and Wise icons?
>Male vocals
And is she getting released?
She's good enough at M0W0
>blizzard strayer equivalent
She-s good enough at M0W0
You're so close, I think that should be doable pre-IK 40 for you. Consider switching the teams sides. The Ice weakness is a trap, Ellen+Stunner is excellent against the robot.
If it's like HSR they'll give you Belle and Wise for free and all of the rest of those will be tied to buying the expensive version of the battle pass
There is no 5* electro main DPS yet, right?
What is the strategy against the giant robot? Anby?
>lucy and piper are after rat and butt cop in the files
That is interesting
Replying to you because it pisses that fag off zenless zone zero
You don't even need her weapon and can just use crafted starlight, if you really like her M1 makes her future proof and usable in any rotation
You dont even need her weapon desu she's looking very f2p friendly
Are you? It looks like a pretty clear agreement on atleast one of the disc sets you take
i always roll S1 for my dps in hsr and i don't plan on changing that here.
she was featured in the main story and we have datamined sfx for her, most likely gonna be 1.3 aka after next patch, they'd be dumb to wait any longer imo
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These quite literally all look like garbage. The art style is horrendous.
Qingyi or Nicole look the best but I would only use them begrudgingly.
>want the rat
>will never replace lucy
>Crit rate
>But only if you proc anomaly
>When anomaly doesn't benefit from crit
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>There is no 5* electro main DPS yet, right?
Grace is a fully fledged main dps as anomaly class. There isn't a S-Rank electro attacker though.
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Corin. I hope my friends comment why I use it + Corin profile banner. The answer? I want to PROTECT CORIN
Not clicking and don't care. Still rolling.
Is Grace Anby Nicole a good enough team to progress until they release someone I want to roll for?
Hello, Bakery Department?
Qingyi or Lucy, but Grace's makes me laugh for some reason
when do I start farming for discs
I've been maxing out the level, weapon, core skills, and skill levels and my characters have been doing fine
I just hit 41 earlier today
am I good? or should I wait until 45?
Spam anomaly with Grace.
Most people clear it without Anton.
But does she even have a good team with a strong main attacker?
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Considering the Police interlude is actually in the game and the sons of Calydon chapter isn't, it's not that surprising.
You can't even build trust with Lucy or Piper they're obviously nu and unfinished
problem is, chinkslop + soulless story just for you pandering makes the game boring as fuck and totally dependant on antagonists to survive, and wuwa doesnt have that since everyone is trying to recruit you.

but feel free to play it, just refrain from shilling that shit in other generals
You cant make this up. What is actually wrong with black people
Good, I'll log in, blow all the asterite I saved, and then log off for the next few months.
Average /zzz/ thread
Only in disorder teams where someone else can "pop" her Shock procs in one go. Pure electric teams are Nekomata tier, maybe even Billy tier.
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Looks like a faggot icon make this video. I don't give a fuck. Model is eternal.
>I'm a retard and i don't plan on changing that here
You can break each leg individually which does a % of max health as damage but I never learned what the conditions for it breaking besides just hitting them a bunch. I think you might just have to suck it up and wait until IK 40
>6 rounds of 100 energy farming
buy an ad faggot
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You don't need to justify your purchases with us, why did you even ask in the first place
Don't like any of them, what the fuck is this
Is fire not easier to proc? If thats not the case then this makes no sense.
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Dunno, it was way too easy. Guess it's the future of the game where you just kill everything with firepower and zero skill. And it's not like Koleda has insane whaled stats or anything.
Graces' best team atm is Grace/Rina/Piper. A pure Shock version with Grace/Anby/Rina or the one with Anton instead of Anby have been used to clear SD17. Though Anton is only viable if you master his tech, which is a bitch to do so I don't recommend it.
Soldier 11, kind of hate this art style
Belle is getting worried. I have not slept at home in days. I keep spending my days at HIA. Ever since I met Rina...
What is so great about the M1?
>upset people have money to make their dps better.
>while he throws his materials to copeshit.
I mean go for it but her signature is only 8% better than the f2p option.
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>wuwshill got banned
Thank you mods
this but unironically, I always end my day at HIA before I logout I'm basically only ever at home to get my allowance from the movie store.
She looks like SUCH a slut...
>ask for advice
>get good advice
>y-your just coping
Buy top-up for all i care, keep supporting the game, that will show me!
they'll come back. their general is so dead that they have to post elsewhere.
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I asked this a couple threads ago, but has anyone else gotten a hollow zero cutscene with voiced dialogue event with Solider 11? If so when and what hollow zero?
Want to potentially confirm something
>Omnipotent Silver Wolf
>Still powerful
Pubsec? More like Public Sex (with cops)
>Belle is getting worried.
Don't worry, Rina made sure she's occupied and has no time to worry. Victoria Housekeeping takes care of everything.
Stunners are kinda busted since you just stun and chain with bangboo. Anton on the other hand needs energy to even deal damage before running out and having to wait. Will do an Anby solo run when I unlock the knot 45 one
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I might do a 10-20 roll for Nicole dupes, I'm very scared to do so thoughever.
shut up north or ill kill you again
Who asked for your advice again? I said if thats good enough or if I should go higher, not lower smoothbrain monkey.
C1 is arbitrary and it makes you seen autistic
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Well she can have her shark as long as I have my ghost. Fair is fair.
I must live in the same timezone as him, he's always here when I am
>Who asked for your advice again?
Literally you
i love her fat ass, still pulling.
Funny how they took worst things from G*nshin instead of going forward with QoL changes from HSR.
>your advice spend less
who asked?
Why is this nigga assmad about being told not to roll Zhu Yuan's weapon lmao. It's not that deep bro.
what do you mean by chinkslop? the cast being too chinese? both games have chink chars, I expect wuwa to have more normal named ones than the current 3 if they plan to do the whole region shtick.
she's not for you though, she fucks miyabi only!
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Just found out I got banned. I didn't hack or chargeback or anything like that. The only slightly questionable thing I did was buy stuff using a japanese vpn. Has anyone else been banned for it? Good job telling me I wouldn't get banned you fucking faggots. Money stolen.
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Based janny is back. Thank you for your service
You? You asked in the first place you dumb fuck lmao.
Are the Welkin and BP in ZZZ good? Kind of concerned about Mora in game.
Do you count as f2p if you have both, like we do in Genshin?
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Anyone else got a cum-jar?
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About 8 years ago
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You denied salvation
miyabi, of course. she's a foxgirl.
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ZY should have been free...
cum and pee
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Aren't you forgetting someone?
>he didnt top up in the browser
lmao even
/wuwa/ threads have been comfy lately. Was the shill a falseflagger in both generals?
You're literally not f2p unless you steal money off dawei's pocket with the monthly and BP yes.
you spend money you're no longer f2p.
you buy the 1 dollar thing you're no longer f2p.
just admit that you spend money on jpegs, anon, it's nothing unusual these days.
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>He bought
Yeah, Miyabi will not be around when I watch a movie with her on my couch lmao
The baseline is that, not going lower than that. Maybe this question would have been easier for you poorniggers. Is M1 or M2 significant? Because nobody gives a fuck about you telling people to spend less poor seanigger.
When we have the standard 5* selector who are you choosing?
My heart says Grace.
But my metaslave side says Lycaon or Rina.
>asks if its something is good
>people literally respond it isnt
>"who asked"
seriously retard? you already made your mind, why even ask, are you that sensitive that if people don't pat you in the back and said "yes" you get mad?
You are the only one losing here making retarded decisions lol
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premum BP is really good in the first or second month
after that, don't bother
welkin is megaworth, gives you 18.5 or so pulls after a month
cheap fuck
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No, Corin swaps out with Rina. Double maid service! And they are so varied in their bodies and styles- its a delightful mix!
it'd be funny to get banned for not being a hoyo slurper but no that's not what happened.
>how dare you play both games and like wuwa more
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I want to fuck Lucy's tiny little body
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>Good job telling me I wouldn't get banned you fucking faggots
You fucking retard holy shit
oh shit, thats it, im skipping. I am not rolling for another account brick in a hoyo game
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Obviously. Didn't you see how he only started in this thread when his melty over yuri didn't go anywhere?
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We love the general here.
The Jew fears the Chairman
over all stuff how was your first thought powerpuff girls and not panty and stocking
I want him to use me like a chair and lay on me with his fat bear bare belly.
I'm going to have an autistic meltdown if I see one more Lucy fanart that forgets her inner thigh mole.
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Raptor Thiren for Zenless
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I did too and I just checked, I'm good. Don't scare me like that
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If they gave me 7 selectors I would pick Neko 7 times
Simple as
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I have bought with VPN several times. Got scared and booted up the game. Luckily i'm not banned. Are you sure the money did not get charged back?
email them
>Retarded europoor scum read the question as if to say, convince me to spend less.
From your perspective, I get it, you are poor and will only cope with M0W0. So you try to bring others down to your level. I was asking about M1 and M2.
Was intended for this one
alright bro own up, what hacks did you use/?
>buy stuff using a japanese vpn
Why? This probably red flagged the account since it jumped countries like that. Just email them about it.
I was almost dropping Genshin, just waiting for Natlan. The pokemon shit made me drop the game for real.
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I've been doing this in HSR and now ZZZ for ages. Is it over for me too bros?
no he got banned for advertising
Skill issue. I'm fine since day 1.
For 2pc disk sets, why is the 8% crit one recommended over generic 10% attack/10% elemental attack?
Is there something fucky going on with the formulas below the hood or some calc spreadsheet everyone's looking at? At first glance 8% crit chance is still a lower increase even if you stack up from 50% -> 100% crit damage.
I better buy Welkin to get f2p status.
i like seeing koleda getting more apprectiated here.
Where did you buy your account?
nekomata or soldier 11
Its like 20% cheaper to buy with yen for some countries (like mine)
You didn't use the browser so you bought ingame and it made it look like you bought while you were in japan on an account that logged in from not japan before lmao.
it isn't, anyone not using hormone punk as their 2pc is an idiot
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>goes online
>finds the first ban message
>crops out the suspiciously short UID
>image is suspiciously the exact same size minus the cropped beta disclosure
>default ban date
Sorry anon, you didnt hide your tracks properly
You don't need anomaly agents to proc anomaly.
>buy stuff using a japanese vpn.
we're just joking, sorry bwo..
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Ok anon you had your (You)s, now tell us what really happened
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Is Koleda decent enough at stunning now? Is she still much worse than Lycaon?
All that mattered was getting those sweet (You)s brother.
come clean anon
what did you REALLY do?
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You must've either did something really stupid or you're lying. Either way fuck you for putting me in momentary panic.
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>tfw koleda was my first s rank and I haven't dropped her since
>20% cheaper
Huh. I forgot the yen is down. Maybe I ought to look into this myself.
If it wasn't for the sponsor I'd dismiss this as a shitpost. He has the same cadence as Allan from Smiling Friends
Kek even the image on the tv is the exact same
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I can't believe he conned me out of my (You)!

He's unrepentant...remorseless...he's enjoying those endorphins like he fucking owns the place...
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Based noticer
how are people already fussing over stats
I can't even get 6 s ranks with okay mainstats for one character
You can scream all your want, i could be the poorest fag in the world or bill gates and it wouldn't change a thing objective fact, weapons are just numbers and are not different from buying fatalities in mortal kombat.
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Still haven't pulled her but I liked her design ever since they started teasing the game, and her JP voice is icing on the cake. Belobog as a whole is pretty great.
You don't, but if you aren't reliably procing it then it's not good no? Anon compared it to Blizzard Strayer which is pretty much always on unless you're fighting a boss
Crit is always more valuable before the crit ratio than a similar amount of ATK%. Thats still true even in ZZZ despite ATK% being much better here,
the bugfix made her pretty solid.
Lycan is still the best general stunner at least until Qingyi, but she's worth a spot in the 2nd team.
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I think it was at Trust Level 3 (but not yet maxed) and at Floor 1 of the 2nd difficulty level of either the Construction Ruins or Abandoned Skyscraper. I don't remember which one exactly, but it was a new unlock.
I kneel, investigator-sama
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My heart and my dick both say Rina
I want to see Koleda in a cute feminine dress
still worse than lycaon but not by much. i say she's good.
So do I go ahead and pull on shark since cop is trash? I never got Anton...
Apply to N.E.P.S. they would hire your ass in an instant.
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It feels like the impact piece doesn't do much, would a def or pen ratio piece work better here ?
Thank you anon. It really seems like fucking no one takes S11 as leader because I couldnt find any of this shit online either. Its neat thats in there though.
Except she is better by the merit of not being a homofurry.
I want to hire Zhu Yuan's ass for night time sports
Why the fuck can't you skip these shitty cutscenes?
What's the point of letting me skip dialogues and comics but not this?
How long till ass cop?
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whoever I won't be spooked by until then, really. And yes, this includes the Kot.
How do I save her?
What is this mess?
Do 2 crit, 2 defense, 2 attack up. For slot 5 do either penetration or fire damage up. At max level defense might be the best for slot 5 but thats a worry for another day.
3 hours and 25 minutes if you're on Asia server
All in Pen Ratio bro, trust me.
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why would you skip everything?
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Depends on when I get there. Priority with who I'm missing is Wolf > Rina > S11
If I have them all by then, will probably grab a Grace con.
3.5 hours for asia.
zzz.rng.moe website now have timeline, just use that to view event & banner schedule.
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>official subreddit banning any mention of Zhu Yuan's trailer

So the SEAmonkeys overe there not only hate lolis but adult women as well.
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My last roll into Ellen's banner, my 10th fucking Sockaku of the game.
(Spent the dupe signals into another actual final roll, and it was nothing anyway)
No M1, sad.
holy shit that's cool as fuck
I hate onis but I'd roll for her
Oh, and for slot 4 do crit damage up.
I haven't logged in after getting both Ellen and her weapon day 1. It was only 6 pulls total. I didn't even play the game past getting the pulls lmao.
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I definitely want Rina if I don't have her until then. After that Lycaon, just to complete the VH set. No idea who else I'd choose if I got both before that. Probably take Soldier 11 or a Neko dupe.
Cause I'm rerolling to get Ellen before it's too late
Hope they add a character planner soon. Is this done by the same people who did starrail station?
That looks trash
don't care go back faggot
That's piper bros, it was over before it began
Stupid goonbait game
Coomers should be killed, Genshin is better
>the reddit is...
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Hey so someone has been asking whether the shark bangboo is better than the penguin and I don't remember if the question ever got answered. It looks to me like the shark is better, though. When you have two ice characters its chain attack builds 100% anomaly buildup, the penguin has that at 90. I can't speak to how often the penguin attacks, but the shark's traps are homing traps and it seems they do actually move, so it still does actually seek enemies.

More importantly, I have a 3 star penguin and a 1-star shark and the shark's stats are still way better.
If you run a monofire team for example the enemy is going to be almost always burned. And you don't need to proc it with the wearer, it says hitting burning enemy, so you can use fire anomaly when they make it to proc it easier.
>Crit is always more valuable before the crit ratio than a similar amount of ATK%
How so? Is the formula not just 1.1x damage for attack up, versus 1.08 * (1.5~2ish depending on your crit damage) for 1.04x ~ 1.08x for the crit boost?
If they had kept Peace Piper over Vanilla Piper the whole Natlan drama on Genshin would have been so much more funny.
C8 Soukaku
C0 Anton
I mean at least it's not totally Antonless but I'm thinking that I'm blueberry-seeded.
the cooldown on penguin's skill is longer if I remember correctly
on paper he's straight worse
I keep hearing people say this but I've yet to see any proof that this was Piper
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that would be a really good costume
give her a flower as her eyepatch
It's unlikely but on the slight chance Zhu Yuan comes home early for me, should I try to roll a dupe or her w-engine next?
For what it's worth, I'm already like 38-40 into weapon pity
Yen crashing so maybe. MHY wants your dollars.
what worst thing retard, u get all drops whatever day the only thing is that some days u can get extra materials once

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