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M1 gang edition

>What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to repair generators and escape. The killer's objective is to catch the survivors and sacrifice them.

>8.1.0 | Lara Croft
>Tomb Raider Chapter Trailer

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

Previous Thread: >>487001762
Sex with Wesker.
Vittorio's are always bad.
>somehow manage to dodge slice and dice's Jupiter size hitbox
>He gets his power within seconds anyway
>play trickster
>pure unfiltered rage and hate every post game chat
it's great. it's GREAT.
*eagle sounds*
Got to find Sam
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I wish one of the iri add ons let us have two goons out at once
As it stands I only really use assassin now
I wish an iri add-on let me goon
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I haven't been in this thread in a few months, what's the perk we're supposed to shit ourselves over now? Weaving spiders? WoO still?
We have evolved past such petty things and now shit ourselves over survivors being able to repair generators at all
Killercels seethe when I unhook in their face and it takes them 45 seconds to reach the unhooked in a straight line so they cant tunnel
>TWO assassins?
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>3 party streamers burnt
>Ghostface Killah disconnects 30 seconds in
good thing i've only seen it like once since it got buffed, no one uses that shit lmao
what i have seen a lot of is iron will + dh + ds
don't fuckin tbag him next time bro, god damn cut the poor ghostface killah some slack
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No, I meant like being able to have the jailer patrolling but still being able to use carnifex to break a pallet in chase or send assassin to terrorise someone else
>someone brings a Badham offering
man they really want this to suck don't they
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Surely Rebecca will get a more suitable outfit to run and parkour in, any year now....
so... TWO assassins. nice...
I haven't played against a single Knight since his rework.
>iron will plus dh
>play Hux with depleted o2 tank
>slipstream them in chase
>half their build is gone
Right after we get new Cheryl outfits.
when will best girl Lara get more? I want her not-Nathan Drake look from Rise with the blue shirt
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Cheryl has pretty much all her clothes from her games. What she needs is her gun
This desu, the real problem with Cheryl is literally all of her outfits are linked. Let me mix and match her grunge outfits and shirts.
>It's another killer only chasing me and one other specific survivor the entire game
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>Crouch tech billy
>His cooldown is 0.5 seconds long so he gags you anyway afterwards
usually when this happened to me as killer it's because they're literally the only two I can find. Your teammates were probably just being super sneaky or running off as soon as their hearing impaired visual terror crutch device twitched
She still doesn't have her shirtless outfit.
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How many dcs do you get?
I want to be with Sable desu
>try to use a bug to your advantage
Deserved. Fuck you
Just like billy players like to use lopro flicks to their advantage
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Next collaboration is with Stellar Blade. Dozens of outfits.
That "bug" makes that S tier killer balanced
They must have been the wraith then because they were standing next to me.
I can guarantee with 100% certain that when balancing killers like demo and billy, BHVR did not intend for fucking crouching to be a direct counter to their power
They didn't intend for pallet looping to be a thing either.
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*crouches rapidly up and down*
*humps rapidly back and forth*
1 - 5 dbd
6 - 9 league
0 elden ring
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For me? It’s Ms. Sable Ward
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She's wearing far too much clothing to be the actual Sable.
>going for adept on a dishonest killer

you didnt win.
If you use both of Ghostface's Iris with Knock Out, Deadlock, Corrupt Intervention and Deer Stalker, and spend all game 99ing everyone before taking them all out 1 by 1, it's almost literally impossible not to 4k even if there are one or two uses of Unbreakable because they can't find each other. It's best to 99 them unseen but you can also just go right up to them and do it in their face in short bursts between reveals. There's nothing they can do to stop you from what's coming.
Unknown is the funnest killer they’ve released in the last 3 years
and Sable is the sexiest survivor they've ever released, amazing how both were the same chapter
its amazing how good a chapter can be when they create a survivor and killer with sovl
Cheryl is in the game.
>hand picking the most dishonest killer perks and still not 4king and only 3king due to unecessary altruism.

you didnt 4k
>enters the entity’s realm because “tee hee I like horror”
>subjected to an inescapable hell where she’s used as some sort of emotional power source to an eldritch god, forced to enter near impossible trials where she gets torn to shreds and painfully forced onto meathooks, only to die and do it again and again forever
So uhhh, is Sable happy, bros?
I just merged my account, wtf is an eternal blight offering
she gets off on getting chased iirc
yeah and so is Sable, who I love
The ARG buildup to him was probably the best thing that's come out of dbd
>nothing but killers running dishonest perks and losing
.>dont get to use one of my perks because its timer runs out (sign of an honest perk)
>after the value from his dishonest perks falls off he just crumbles and loses

just get good. killers are not sending their best!
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>Single handedly digs BHVR out of the brink of financial failure
she's so perfect it's unreal
>doing adept Adam
>Got hooked first
>Got no skill checks while healing others
>Killer didn't fall for pebble once
And I still got out hoe
>See jester vittorio
>switch to mime feng to be funny
>play vs super overtuned killer
>win with a survivor i dont even main

killers could never
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now do Adept David
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feeling cute, might teabag later
Kek I'm playing on the switch thanks to cross progression and my latency is way better. Like I could use dead hard mid swing with ease
I got a flash back to 2018
where has noob3 gone…..
>end up in a game against Sex With Wesker
>too distracted by people floating around bent backwards like Farnsworth in that one episode of Futurama where Bender was bending shit in his sleep
what the hell did they do to Wesker
My friends can't last 10 seconds in a chase against a Killer, how do I tell my friends to get good without sounding like a prick about it?
That episode is really good
kindly suggest them to watch videos on how to improve
nta but most people just arent gonna invest that kind of time, they kinda just play games for fun with friends on weekends once in a while, as a social thing, and dont care about getting good.
if your friends actually wanna get better and are interested in the game then just talking to them about techniques and sending them stuff while acting like you're interested in getting better too, and not like you're suggesting they need to improve, will lead them down the right path.
If they're invested in the game they'll follow through and learn the tricks, if they arent that invested theres really not much you can do.
ugly noses and bulging eyes are not perfect dbdcel
Cheryl is more cute and graceful and comely and girlnextdoor and shy and sweet and vulnerable yet confident and soft and warm than she is sexy
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Sable needs to be executed by the fashion police and taught how to do makeup that doesn't accentuate her cinderblock chin
above all she needs orbital decompression and nosejob
A bot just tbagged me behind a pallet and waited crouching at hatch until I saw it to jump in. AI has truly gone too far
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Reminder to vote in our important DbD poll!

When are skermz nudes gonna leak
Not even surgery will fix that mess
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>this is suitable for a horror game

Lmao I played a match aginst you as killer. DBD is so fucking fucking dead the same 10 people are just playing it lmao.

Did you kill her
Don't really remember, but I was probably playing wraith with all the gen regress perks.

I remember that name doe.
>tfw have never played pillzthere in dbd or tcm
the deadgame psyop has to stop
For me, it’s playing pig using only sloppy butcher and surveillance
>the SMG vibration traveling through Cheryl's tender belly, shaking her healthy warm hip, jolting through her firm upper thigh, rocketing into the crutch between her buttock and her groin
This is a great image and I thank you
Spirit is my favorite killer for a couple reasons and I think she's the best killer in the game.

>Well regarded top A tier killer
>can phase and mess up skill of even super skilled players because they literally have no idea where she's at but you can see where they are at with audio cues and scratchmarks
>demolishes lower levels
>good on big maps
>destroys on smaller maps

Spirit and nurse are so one sided, predictable and they just take way too much skill.

If its a blight just camp a pallet or very sharp turn, he has to switch to m1 killer now and is easy to counter if you're good at looping or now how to save pallets.

If it's nurse just be good at juking and mindgaming.

With spirit you can never mindgame her. Honestly if she didn't exist I wouldn't play this game, or I'd just play huntress for the meme value of hitting trickshots.
>can't get value out of scourge hook because none spawn close enough
>survivors finish 4 gens while I got 1 kill
>not even a bug they literally did all 4 gens in a matter of 2 minutes because 3 people can sit on a gen each and do them so quick
great game totally balanced bro
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are you guys hype for 2v8???
Yea but queue times are going to be crazy after the first day when killers see that the only killers worth playing in the mode are Nurse and Huntress.
no cuz I cant play my favorite 3 killers killers
why do the devs love the huntress so much
i wont leave sissy
It’s gonna be fun for about 2 hours before it sinks in just how unbalanced it truly is then nobody will give a shit anymore and BHVR won’t bother to make it permanent
yeah I'm so heckin excited I might even pee a little
I frickin love temporary gamemodes, especially when they're incredibly buggy and have zero playtesting
>they literally did all 4 gens in a matter of 2 minutes
They did not literally do that
>zero playtesting
Didn't you see those totally legit fog whisperers playtest the mode and have so much fun?
should i buy vecna?
>Try to get friends into DBD
>First game goes okay
>Second game my friend gets hooked, tunneled, nodded at and hit on hook repeatedly
>Third game we all just get slugged and bled out
Wow the new player experience is incredible, I know survivors can be toxic but killer players are just niggers, they take this game way too seriously
as obnoxious as swfs and retards with 8k hours are, the balance changes after dead hard got nerfed just made it too easy for shitters to get 4ks. the game is very snowbally now, it's why ragequits are so prevalent.
Survivors and Killers is like the chicken and the egg of toxicity. Dont try to take a side because you're always on the wrong one. Fact is the game is just poorly designed
Actually looks like a sick vinyl album cover!
>*shits pants*
>*everyone laughs*
>”heh, i sure showed them…”
uh oh #jealous birdcel spotted
That’s some heavy duty conjecture but I will give you its a nice image and she looks really cute
Yes. Only shitters will respond otherwise. Behavior has been on point lately.
Her current outfit is peak but yes we could really do with more.
Beccy takes priority
Hopefully never
>grunge outfits
What a strange description
>Beccy takes priority
Beccy is simply inferior to Cheryl. And Beccy's game is the black sheep of the classic (that is, good) Resident Evil games.
delicious boobies
i think i see her nipples
thank you
>black sheep
No that's Code Veronica.
high test post
effeminate low test post
shut up bitch
Why wouldn’t she be? Sounds like a good time for that kind of gal
BHVR will eventually get bought out by Asians and then we'll have DbD 2 with proper female characters.
Rebecca is in the game.
actually that was because of a loan i gave cote he owes me approximately 5 million dollars now
Futufaggacucks OUT
That’s the best part. They mimic the real experience so perfectly
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This is a lich.
Note his fearsome appearance, his grim visage, his aura of absolute power over entropy.
How can bhvr take such a simple design and make it so purple and nerdy and effeminate?
trans post btw
Homelander in dbd when?
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p100 in lobby = instant leave and look for new match
flashlight in lobby = instant leave and look for new match
matching names = instant leave and look for new match
maching survivors = instant leave and look for a new match

Remember SWF are ruining the game and make up a large portion of players. You don't have to play against them.

I only play with 10 and below I'm not playing with sweatfest SWF. If I play even one match and its a sweatfest 4 gens for 2 hooks, I'm letting my game run for 20+ matches losing to get to bypass the level matchmaking.
sorry dbdcel but light triad games like dbd cant have dark triad aesthetics
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Looks kinda gay actually

THIS is a real Lich
yes, I play the game casually. Just because I am good at the game doesn't mean I should be punished and paired to deal and put up with toxic SWF that flashbang every single down, background play every single down with flashlight save and get 4 gens in 2 minutes with 2 man rush and have unfair advantages using comms and gen rushing.

I'll just leave my game open with a mouse script(that I'm working on) that lets my killer lose over and over and over.
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Idk that one looks kinda trans actually what about this one
Why are killer players such babies, if theyre getting matched against you and their p100 it means they just play a lot, not that theyre good
why is dbd so popular on twitch?
because ugly people/boneless subhumans prefer light triad vidya games
you have 8k hours on the game. are you saying youre a boneless subhuman?
nah i’m merely the exception to the rule
You killed me on my first hook. I didn't lose the match, that doesn't count.
It's an entertaining game to watch. Hell I like watching dbd more than playing the fucking game.
this is what an average dbd player looks like
>take a break to play deadlock
>come back
>wesker (my main) is bugged so every power hit puts survivors in a broken animation
>making it harder to intuit/read their movement and distance to pallets/vaults
excellent, well done BHVR
The survivors becoming race cars is funny.
>its harder to see where they are going
it also makes them impossible to control or know where they are going, its extremely beneficial to you as killer
Man I wish more people played as Xeno, it's really fun to go against. The turrets create a really nice flow to the match and facing off against it feels really rewarding with good turret placements. Until you realize your teammates are fucking retards that stack turrets by the generator.
You're the exceltion that proves the rule
>Garden of Joy
>Autohaven Wreckers (Wretched Shop)
Yeeeeeep that’s a DC!!!
yeah but i'm a killer player so i must be the victim here
You. I like you.
>stalin was just another jewish golem that run rampart and attacked his creators to sieze power. he only eradicated hihger ups kikes to put there his own people who also were kikes in most cases
>load into nostromo
>long wall with pallet next to long wall with window next to A JUNGLE GYM
the fuck is this map
why are killer mains the most buck broken group of people ever
When do you plan to kill yourself
Because 5e is gay and boring
Watching the Chucky movies and I think it's crazy how much better the first three are compared to the later ones.
Genuine question. How do Nurse players even enjoy the game? After the first 10-ish games she becomes so easy and you just stomp every lobby, it’s like playing with god mode enabled.
post your 200+ winstreak
why is billy ONLY 3.6 when revving a chainsaw?
>they're buffing grandpa perks
urban + distortion is so much fun
players are so used to just turning their brain off sound whoring and wall hacking nowadays it's incredibly easy to avoid or drop chase
to deter Billymains with billybrains from looping while revving
>make killer not shit
>survivors start pissing and shitting violently
>noooooo I need my 4k cooooooootttteeeeeeee my incel power fanatsy aieeeeee I'm the big bad killer wtf i should be able to press q and teleport everyone into the basement and instantly slightly them *shits diaper*
Play a single player game Jimbo
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cum shot
Billy is already the strongest killer in the game, no need to buff him further
friendly reminder:
if you had to camp to secure your victory, you did not win the match.
>survivor stays to watch me ratting while i wait for her to leave so that i can get free gen and escape
mental illness
>nerf literally everything that made survivor strong
>wtf why are survivors upset?!?
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Exhibit #368 on why I love lightborn.
>mention how BHVR would rather invest their workforce in making more feng skins than fixing the game
>paynigs come out of the woodwork foaming at the mouth to remind you that "IT'S A DIFFERENT TEAM, STOP BLAMING LE ARTISTS!!!"
Yeah, and they've got too many of those as opposed to competent coders. Lay off like 50% of those worthless art degree grifters and hire some people who actually work for a living.
shut the fuck up
I'm sorry that your diversity hire contract's about to expire, Takeesha
They make maybe 3-5 new skins a month. One man alone should be able to do that if working full time. Still no Rebecca skins
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>checking the number of people downed with a power on the leaderboards
>hundreds of thousands
>only 300 survivors killed
atlantis mmr
>Still no yeti killer
>Still no spider killer
>Still no half-fish abomination killer
But they would rather hire fat black disabled troons to fill their diversity quota….dont be upset chud
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yeah i hate how they won't give me non-lobotomized survivors despite winning every game
it's not just me either they won't give the streamers good survivors either
there must be some grand conspiracy to explain why all these trivially observed survivors are so consistently mediocre but the survivors anonymous posters baselessly claim they're matched against are so darn good
How many pages have I written about how It wasn't programmed to harm the poor, this holiday season?
DBD's one of very few games where 99% of cosmetics for any character (not licensed) look bad/uninteresting to me so I mostly play as default killer/survivor
idk what it is with their stuff or it's just me
I could take it or leave it, but a Killer that can do a Nightfall-like effect with snow everywhere and can isolate and hide Survivors from each other would be cool, could even be pure Kino on Ormond.

>Spider Killer
Honestly there's not that many ideas that could fit. Webs? Pinhead. Tunnels and stealth traveling? Alien. Poison? Plague if they do damage or Pig if they kill if you can't find an antidote. You could combine these in some way but unless we get actual wall-crawling or leaping or something it would be pure style over substance. Would still be cool though, even though I KNOW they won't do it an actual spider-spider Killer (non humanoid) would be fucking amazing to troll Arachnaphobes with, but we know that will never happen for so many reasons.

>Half-Fish Abomination
More style over substance here, just use the Hag/Artist skins for it instead. If we ever got actual power skins then we could see some cool artist crows replaced with sharks or something, but other then that I don't see the appeal.
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A mischievous glint, shall we? she says in a husky voice, a smirk playing on her lips, eyes sparkling with mischief. There's a playful glint as she addresses the power dynamic, playfully smirking as she offers her ministrations. An audible pop and rivulets of—admit it, pet—the ball is in your court. The game is on; the choice is yours."I don't bite…"unless you want me to, she purrs, half-lidded eyes sending waves of arousal pooling in her belly. Take your pleasure, she urges, fiddling with the hem of her skirt, kiss-bruised lips curving into a bruising kiss. You hesitate, torn between propriety and desire, and she grins wickedly, fiery red hair contrasting with her long lashes."The night is still young,"she purrs, propriety be damned as the world narrows to just the two of you, pupils blown wide with pleasure. Her tongue darts out, tracing your ear, and her chestnut eyes hold your gaze as her nails rake angry red lines down your back. Her cheeks flame as she revels in your response, cheeks hollowing with each sharp intake of breath. Stars burst behind her eyes, inner walls clenching around the void that only you can fill. She craves your touch, your possession—heart, body, and soul belong to you… for now. Eyes alight with mirth, she teases,"Naughty boy, but before that…"—the minx traces a finger along your jawline, deferring your pleasure as the tension builds,"but first…"Oh my…
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Hardened is too strong and should also require you to heal up from being injured first, so you can't just do your sidequest at the start of the match and not interact with the Killer before completely countering their power.

Also Rookie Spirit should also be good in a similar way but I can't think of how right now.
>frog poster says something stupid
Well for the yeti I will admit I was just thinking of a killer that could leap great distances. Imagine getting flattened by some great beast that just jumped half the map to land on you.
The spider I was thinking of an actual non-humanoid spider that leaves webs similar to freddy snares.
As for the fish, I just wanted an atlantis map
All based ideas. While I'm sure we won't get a "big jump" or flying killer because of jank hitboxes and dev laziness (closest we'll ever get is Vecna's "fly" lmao), non-teleport map travel is a great concept.

While an underwater Atlantis map would be great, I'm more leaning towards a R'yleh for the inevitable Lovecraftian horror (but not actually called that because racist lol) chapter. It would actually fit with the new theme of portals in maps, like the D&D map, given the "non-euclidean geometry" could have stuff like that, with water dripping everywhere and great glass windows looking out into giant whales and huge anglerfish monsters swimming out in the inky blackness.
Evens: I write about Rebecca and Cheryl spraying their special milk at each other
Odds: I write about a masochistic baby killer getting aroused about being bullied by a bunny Feng and pink hair Nea
0: I have sex
>frog poster says something smart
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The acrid scent of pine needles, so familiar, so comforting in its promise of entrapment, hung heavy in the air. My traps, gleaming like wicked jewels in the moonlight, lay patiently waiting, extensions of my will, my desire... for what, precisely? I couldn't say. A tremor of anticipation, a frisson of something nameless, coursed through me.

Then I saw her. A flash of pink, a blur of motion, a creature unlike any I had encountered before. A Feng Min, yes, but transformed. She was enveloped in a fluffy, rose-hued bunny suit, its absurdity somehow… alluring. And beside her, another apparition: a Nea Karlsson, her pink hair a defiant streak against the gloom, her face obscured by a face mask, lending her an unsettlingly anonymous quality.

They moved with a predatory grace, their flashlights twin beams of accusing light that pierced the darkness, momentarily blinding me. The click-click-click of their frantic button-pressing, a maddening, rhythmic taunt, echoed through the trees. And then, the indignity of it all: the pallets, crashing down with the force of guillotines, severing my pursuit, followed by the rapid bobbing of their heads, a silent, mocking laughter that seemed to vibrate in the very air itself.

Humiliation? Anger? No, something else entirely. A strange, intoxicating heat bloomed in my chest, a dizzying rush of… excitement? The more they tormented me, the more potent this sensation became. Their audacity, their utter disregard for my authority, their flamboyant disrespect... it was exhilarating, overwhelming.

Like a madeleine dipped in tea, these vibrant, impudent girls had unearthed a buried memory, a dormant yearning. Was it the thrill of the chase, heightened by their unexpected defiance? Or was it something deeper, something darker, lurking in the shadowy recesses of my being? The feeling was as elusive as a half-remembered dream, yet as potent as the strongest elixir.
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I found myself almost welcoming their taunts, their blinding lights, their relentless pursuit. Their laughter, once irritating, now held a strange, seductive melody. Was this masochism? Was I, the Trapper, the hunter, becoming the hunted? The thought, unsettling as it was, held a perverse allure.

I retreated into the shadows, my heart pounding, the scent of pine needles now mingled with the intoxicating aroma of… something else. Something I couldn't name, but desperately wanted to understand. These girls, these mischievous, audacious creatures, had awakened something within me, a primal instinct, a hidden desire. And I, the master of traps, found myself ensnared in a web of my own making, caught between bewilderment and a burgeoning, forbidden thrill. The hunt had taken an unexpected turn, and I, the hunter, had become the prey. And in that realization, a strange, unsettling pleasure began to bloom.
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glad got this cheevo. by far the worst looking survivor
where the fuck is sam?
Dbd birdcel cope
thats a strong cro-magnon elf that will bear ink_him a dozen strong jawed babies while I watch
Ink_him will bbc-inject everyone
#Can't stop sucking black cock
#cummagnom chad
Bugfix Patch

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How come whenever I play as my wife (Lara Croft) I gain a massive skill increase? It's similar to several hundred hours of playtime gained, but only when I play her, able to win mindgames and spin killers. Is there an explanation for this phenomena?
Give me at least 3 fun killers to invest time into (you cannot say wesker or oni)
>they finally added killer bots to the game

Took them long enough even though I think they shouldn't have added bots to the game in the first place.
Blue Hag, Blue Trapper and Green Nea
>Decisive Strike buffed to 10 second stun
Kill, fuck marry
This but when playing Ace or Renato.
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>killer uses the Game (which you just lost btw) offering
>204 posts
>No mention of Otz
>205 posts
>no mention about me being trans
Do better assg
text = input("Enter some text: ")

if "Otz" in text:
print("I'm trans")
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Fucking mongoloids never should have added this in the first place.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
std::string input;
std::cout << "Enter a word: ";
std::cin >> input;

if (input == "Otz") {
std::cout << "I'm trans";
} else {
std::cout << "Input does not match.";

return 0;
She asked her only friend chat gpt to post it so she has no idea what that means
transwoman btw
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Why does the description of weave attunement not mention that it causes survivors to automatically drop depleted items? Franklin's isn't even necessary with it.
because it doesn't do that?
What perk does then? I have every killer perk and none of them do.
bubba and legion have addons to make you drop item on hit like franklin's
other than that there's no other way to force survivors drop the item.. unless something's bugged I guess
*pushes you down on the bed*
I think singularity is way too overtuned now
I think YOU are way too overtuned
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another gaudy outfit for f*ng
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I fucking hate Feng
She is a mixture of cute and sexy which causes my brain to short circuit and cannot decide whether to cuddle or fuck her roughly
Should've had the cancel-by-sending w/ cooldowns from ptb, and we should've had an iri that doesn't cancel when you do that
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Skibidi toilet killer in DBD when
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New survivor: Johnathan "Tiffanee" Manning
>A speedrunner from the origin of the scene and big time fan of the Laser Bears, Tiffanee has experienced a life of hardship. Loneliness, addiction, and weak male role models stained the life of a young boy otherwise full of potential. When xer best friend, Feng Min, suggested that maybe society's labels actually were right and xe was wearing the wrong one, a new future was given to xer. That is, until xer republican mother heard the news. Xer vision was vignetted by dark mist as an oppressive look of disappointment crowned xer mom's visage. Next thing she knew, xe was in the fog.

>Social Chameleon: Tiffanee can disguise herself as another survivor for 10/15/20 seconds, with the same shimmering effect as Mirrored Illusion.
Dev note: We heard the cries for social stealth and think this could play well against obsession-based builds. Killers can counterplay by looking a little closer.
>Cancel Out: When another survivor on the same generator as you fails a skillcheck, the aura of a teammate not working on a generator is shown for 3/5/7 seconds.
Dev note: We think Yun-Jin's release opened the door for more selfish perks. With this, pressure can be directed away from generators being completed by several survivors, which are usually critical or the last remaining gens.
>Final Out: Successive hook escape attempts slightly/significantly/greatly increase the chance of success.
Dev note: We wanted a more consistent in-between for slippery meat and deliverance. With all 3 attempts compounded, the chance to escape rounds to exactly 59%.
They bugged Macmillan and Autohaven
people get mad about this but kids slop has literally been like this since the dawn of time. youre just older.
>2.5k hour fox yue ends up eating shit from a 100hour scrub (me) because i see her neon ass tail halfway across the map
thank you bhvr
how so?
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it's getting a tv series and a movie
DBD collab is basically guaranteed
would you shut up man
that's not very skibidi riz of you fr
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Invisible walls around a lot of the main buildings, and you can run out of bounds on some of the walls and leave the map.
haha if I saw feng irl wearing that I would yell to her "FENG WHAT DOES THE SCOUTER SAY ABOUT HIS POWER LEVEL?" and then she would respond with 你他妈刚才跟我说什么 你个鬼佬 :D
Feng isn't real thankfully
how do they do it
In the patch notes it states they did a global cleanup of tile collision and fixed issues where missing tiles would spawn.
Best guess is they managed to severely fuck something up while trying to fix those issues.
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I like how BHVR shits out cosmetics constantly for their popular characters but can't fix their fucked up faces
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This is the Central Intelligentsia of the Feng Party. 您的 Internet 浏览器历史记录和活动引起了我们的注意。 YOUR INTERNET ACTIVITY HAS ATTRACTED OUR ATTENTION. 因此,您的个人资料中的 11115 ( -11115 Feng Skins) 个社会积分将打折。 DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN! 不要再这样做! If you do not hesitate, more Feng Skins( -11115 Feng Skins )will be subtracted from your profile, resulting in the subtraction of cute outfits. (由人民供应部重新分配 Feng Party) You'll also be sent into a re-education camp in the Feng Min Femdom Zone. 如果您毫不犹豫,更多的社会信用将从您的个人资料中打折,从而导致口粮供应减少。 您还将被送到新疆维吾尔自治区的再教育营。
为党争光! Glory to the Feng Party!
That head would be so cute if the hair was just normal braids.
Why are the devs so allergic to just plain everyday outfits.
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>that Claudette
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good to see they've fucked with the camera again
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That's just because I play with max FOV
The animation was designed for old FOV and becauss they did a pretty good job so far, they haven't adjusted it since they added a FOV slider
Can someone please explain to me why every single and I mean this every single Wraith is a fucking tunneler at 5 gen dumbass?
impossible to get even a 3k in the current game's state, easily one of the worst periods for the game
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These Sadako reworks are getting crazy.
This + sloppy & NOED
It's come to a point where if I see a Wraith, I try to cleanse every totem if he's doing a hit and run playstyle
If he's commiting to chases and thus trying to tunnel the first hooked, and we can genrush, I still note where the totems are so we can check them after last gen
Well look at the killer they're playing, one that barely has to try to get free hits and move around the map
So does Hillbilly so does a lot of other killers that can zip around the map and get easy hits but I mean every single Wraith plays exactly the same way I know thats said a lot but they ALL just straight tunnel at 5 gens and its not new players either these people have cosmetics and purple dlc perks
>play as cute Rebecca
>get slugged for 4 minutes
>play as neon flashlight Nea next game
>its a baby killer who I stun on every pallet while teabagging
>feel bad and go back to cute Rebecca next game

And the cycle continues.
>Otz is playing slay the spire again
>On a DBD update day
It's over bros.
>I'm trans
>on a not-pride month
It's over sisters
If I'm not getting a 3/4k 95% of the time, the game is in a terrible state. Truth.
The role is called killer not childrens birthday entertainer, I don't play this game to chase around sweaty survivors and give them the time of their life.
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cool, thanks bhvr
Ok what the fuck did they do? Ever since the TR update this game has gotten 10x more buggy now survivors dont even have unhook animations you just unhook and boom you teleport on the floor also healing animations dont even work properly anymore they just rub your crotch while you stand still people are falling through the floor in azarov like HOW YOU DIDNT EVEN FUCKING DO ANYTHING TO THE MAP HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN
>people freaking out over the game being even buggier after an supposed bug fix
first time?
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I am so sick of being in chinese lobbies.
Have you tried not being chinese?
All of you are my friends!
Console limitations, please understandu
>spamming the locker animation because someone else is inside while being chased by the killer
I hate niggers who do this shit.
If they're hiding in lockers all game not helping anybody they deserve to be outed
The gen bug should be a feature moving forward. It solves:
>survivors giving up on hook
It's a great change.
Hiding in lockers as soon as you hear a terror radius is not very efficient
Replace a flat out free gen with 20% less time needed to complete all future gens per survivor killed, the give killers rewards for spreading hooks like a mini base kit pain res.
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Would you guys let Firefly whore herself out if she would share a percentage of her earnings with you?
Pimps typically gets paid 50% of the money earned from their hoes. In NYC, $500 to 600 for someone somewhat attractive is a pretty average price. That means you could earn $250+ a day just by being confidant enough to allow Firefly's pussy get stretched out by other men. Even more if she fucks multiple men a day.
how about you fucking kill yourself
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Shut up moon cricket get back to work
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buddy I think youre in the wrong general
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but anon, it DOES say that
play survivor ONCE
Lisa B is uppity again!
FUCK no.
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>CoconutRTS video
>5 minute spiel on how he invented a new strategy that will break the game and get a killer/perk nerfed
>rest of the video is him running the most dogshit build possible and winning because the survivors were born in test tube yesterday and haven't developed frontal lobes yet
can't stand that gook
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>buddy I think youre in the wrong general
>rest of the video is him running the most dogshit build possible and winning because the survivors were born in test tube yesterday and haven't developed frontal lobes yet
streamers play at a special advertisement mmr bhvr uses to make the game look good by giving streamers free wins
>DS is now base kit
>Franklin's is now basekit
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"That's pretty huge actually, hello? Okay, not too bad; creative AI (a defect card) Let's do it. We're in a really rough spot if it's a Gremlin Nob, that's my concern. Oh, Chupi's having a dream, do you guys hear him? (Chupi barking in the background in his sleep)"
dont tell him, if hes too retarded to read he should go back to yugioh
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Gahds is crying and malding............
Let this cuck be a lesson on why autistic hapas need to be condemned to work in Amazon warehouses for the rest of their lives and forbidden internet access
make it 10% and make deadlock basekit to counter gen rushing
well you'll be happy to know they lied about fixing it then. if a survivor DCs rather than dying normally it still happens. so remember to DC before the killer hooks you a third time.
Anyone else feeling a bit more transgender than usual?
we have an option to remove and add breasts from survivors. maybe killers too
>Otz only has 1,4k viewers after playing slay the spire for 2 hours

What the hell he pulled way bigger numbers playing other non-dbd games just a couple months ago. What happened?
I only play to check pub players egos and remind them that the people actually good at the game only play comp. Funny how they're ALL scared to 1v1 or 4v1 me.
>Otz has announced his transition
Who tf is the hapa this guy keeps bringing up
>playing based boy knight
>3-man on the game
>2 of them in anon bitch mode
>all they do is pre drop and use exhaustion perks
>get the 4k like a champion
>get salty tears from the anon mode nea for playing knight
A man can only get so hard
>>2 of them in anon bitch mode
Why does anonymous mode make you reddit trannies seethe so much?
don't let the broke boy haters get to your hustle grindset, you're making money while they're making memes.
Important: Which bird did the Nea sound like when hooked?
reddit sisters we are being targeted
dont engage, the skitzodoxer has been blessedly silent for a while
thank god i can tunnel again, we are so fucking back brothers.
why did you have to stop
the gen bug meant survivoroids were getting 1 out or sometimes 2 out.
who did he dox
he didnt, he just posted a bunch random nonsensical pics of people and addresses
>Tried that knockout ghostface with double iri add-ons that one anon mentioned
>Got sent death threats
Killer can be quite cathartic sometimes
what's up with otz and the tranny flag?
the nina breakup ... was hard...
>tunnel everyone one by one to 2 hooks so they're too scared to take risks
>still considered a good boi killer because i 8 hook before I start killing
How devious
I hope he does so then I get a gen completed for free.
that got fixed, nice try though
otz broke up with niina.
a lot has happened since i left /assg/ and dbd behind.
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Check out my tincanman.
He's very cool
He sure is. Now if only he received any buffs to compensate for this current state.
You have to be 18 to post here.
You should have sex with him. That could help.
he attacked them because they were being nationalists which made them bad commies, idiot
no the other one is cooler
you are a cuckold be silent subhuman
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New patch, new features :D
Good thing I'm almost twice as old then.
See >>487414110
(still no beccy basketball doe)
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This also happens on Autohaven
*gets you pregnant*
calm down sissycuckold hurry up and end it already
Good post.
I’d like to re-educate her if you know what I mean….
What’s up with the transgender posts Transil? This is not the time or place for this. A smart trans woman such as yourself should know better. Please express your transness in a more on-topic manner.
Fungusbrothers… our power continues to grow…
What on earth is their spagghetto code
i had a survivor lose chase with me by running off the edge and teleporting, when i followed them i teleported somewhere else :(
relax transil
why would that be your face when
your profoundly shitty taste in women empowers your subconscious to compensate for your shortcomings
in good gameplay
Not necessary but I wouldn’t mind it. Would have to be huge to be done correctly. Not sure what else you could do for a power. Maybe some snow/ice related thing.
I wouldn’t mind a Shelob/Ungoliant/Aragog inspired magical spider killer. My only concern is it’s a little too close to the Entity itself which is already modeled off of a spider. Maybe they could even go with one of the classic giant spider movies though.
>half-fish abomination
Most obvious choice is the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Not the most exciting in terms of prospective powers but definitely a classic.
>I'm more leaning towards a R'yleh for the inevitable Lovecraftian horror
I don’t think they could do it justice, R’lyeh’s architecture is nigh incomprehensible, and I don’t think they could replicate nearly the same feeling to really sell it, same thing with Y'ha-nthlei, it’s just not something they’re capable of, at best they could do a horror themed Atlantis with stuff like you say
or so the jews would have you believe, anyway…
this so much this
little girl sex
Based fuck killeroids
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little bitch sex
Which Dead by Daylight character are you referring to?
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freddy or unknown?
m3gan (unreleased)
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Rebeccutie is not a bitch!
pig is really fun actually wtf
survivor psyop post
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What in the fuck is happening.
>mega coup dash that can go one times and a half around a lot of loops, lot of mind game potential
>helmet slowdown, plus you can hear survivors interacting with traps quite far away for quick second hooks
>pair it with other minigame perks like plaything and penti for extra indirect slowdown
>crouch stealth taking a lot of survivors on gens unaware leading to a free hit or occasionally a gen grab.
she seems stronger than a lot of killers
All true btw
I wouldnt be surprised at all if this was true.
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m2, m1
i'm not saying she's m2 killer tier ffs
Are xeno’s tunnels actually *physically* under the map? It’s probably not needed because of the footstep tracking mechanic, but would perks like Whispers and Spies work while in the tunnels?
she's really strong in low mmr.
wait until you get into proper mmr and stop catching a single survivor.
dbd youtubers make me sad
The only good ones are those openly cheating to make Behaviour look like the incompetents they are.
trolling prophet is the best DBD youtuber ever, he destroyed spook n' douche
people used to joke about it before the MMR update but i think it's true now because they have numerical values to everything. also because MMR systems are not designed to create fair and fun games, they're designed to farm your dopamine receptors and keep you engaged and playing more. so it's completely within the realm of possibility they can flag certain accounts to have weighted experiences. they don't make every game a stomp because that'd be too obvious and the streamer wouldn't be able to get good content, but i definitely think there's something going on so they get less shit games than the rest of us. these streamer solo games are bad but they're not as bad as the average solo experience by a longshot.
Show video.
Aww yuu twying chu make me angwy?!
they are still dedicating precious moments of their life for something like dbd
probably not and even if they were i don't think the tunnels are actually to scale with the size of the map
Spook N' Douche never recovered from this.
Thanks, I'm not watching that Prophet.
>everyone other than A+ tier killers get shit on by 4 swf
yeah man, I dont base my feelings on a killer on 1/10 games
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literally first game after hotfix
nice patch BHVR!
>playing broken dishonest overbuffed toxic knight with an obvious 3-gen build
Fucking deserved, chud
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I think of one of these guys isnt like the other ones.
low mmr post
maybe, 2k hours in the game getting 3k/4k roughly 60-70% of the time, does that make me low mmr? idk how the system works
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OTR still bugged lol
gen bug might be still in and also work regardless of whether someone died or not, just had 2 gens pop at the exact same moment in one game
it's been happening to tru as well
>just when killercels thought it was safe to come out of their mothers basements
It's such a huge different of how he was and how he is now since he has become more mature.
Killeroids real quiet about this one uh
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>bming after using strong addon
That's not very Cowgirl Rebecca behavior... That's more Team Wesker Rebecca
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Does anyone want to swf? I'm US East
>Play SM
>0 gen slowdown perks
>They still whine in post game chat
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DbD becomes actually fun tomorrow. Get ready. Killers will already be crying I'm sure.
Bam the sequel...
>hit a sick crossmap chainsaw with billy
>gamebar only saves literally 0.1 second at the end
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>killer disconnects
>end up with a Trapper bot who walks backwards at you and knows which way you're going at all times
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Its going to be a shit show and im ready for it
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>Your face when you can't use any licensed survivors in 2v8
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not really but tomorrow for 2v8 maybe, i could post the steam group if there'd be enough interest
survivors are all basically skins
okay, and you couldn't use them at all in the April Fool's mode where everyone was tiny. It's gonna be that all over again.
Honestly go for it. I can't get any of my friends to download dbd for the new gamemode.
Different survivors have different volumes for breathing and grunts of pain. Unless they changed that to be uniform I still recall a video long ago going balls deep into the mechanic.
spoken like a 4 slowdown bligger
don't people bitch that Ace has "basekit Iron Will" even though he has some of the goofiest loudest yells
Spirit mains with 6000 hours say Renato has quieter breathing and footsteps and hard to track injured sounds
dont be like that they run lethal pursuer so its 3 :)
they said you will be able to play all survivors
oh cool, survivors can send you to forgotten ruins and trap themselves outside of the map bounds, making the match unable to end.
>he doesn’t dc to map offerings
>solo queue teammates give tunnelers extra kills by being altruistic in the endgame
Bitch just leave why are you giving that bitch satisfaction
>Have Open-Handed and Kindred
>Hooked in endgame
>Other teammates should be able to see the killer just standing there looking at me
>They still just crouch 20 feet away for 2 minutes
>Literally every single game the survivors bring a map offering
>Every one, I am not shitting
>I have now run out of sacrificial wards on all killers
I have not been on a "killer sided" map in ages. If I DCd every map offering, I'd never even get to play or would probably just get banned or something. Fun game.
Remove this cancer mechanic for the love of god.
The match I played was billy and he can go from across the map and instadown the unhooker and after 10 seconds down the unhookee
Literally a skill issue. The unhooked should just body block. I hate when survivors do it, but if you're complaining it means you're not abusing it, which is on you.
you don't deserve a free exit escape you piece of slime
I was the one that got hard tunneled from the start of the match, only 1 gen left when I died tho :&
Killer had franklin's weave so I accidentally hit dc
Kill was Nurse or Skull Merchant so I accidentally DC'd too
Khello frens, this is Otz, and let's see that dead khard
FAT dead hard bro, absolutely massive
Just got me some glaucoma from that
Every singe survivor player should be forced to play at least 3 games of high mmr killer every 20 survivor games.
If they DC or don't get at least 6 hooks, another game gets added to the count.
That should shut them up.
99% of survivors have no idea what playing killer against players like them is like.
Stfu entitled killeroid, you’ll eat my skillful OTR bodyblocks and you will LIKE it
based, I dc when things aren't going my way.
there is no high mmr
the matchmaking in this game is so broken you will get a survivor with 9k hours and his teammate is a meg with three perks
show us some clips of your high mmr games :)
I exclusively play solo queue, not my problem that you get so used to destroying uncoordinated teams that when you face 1 swf you crumble
Fuck off scott with your gasloighten you rat
you autowin 20 games in a row with killer get a single mindbreaking game where its a couple friends who dont suck ass and you whine about it on 4chan
you suck :)
>disturbed ward in 2v8
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Another smire campaign by the rat discord! But this time I haven't got my username. Now I'm anonymous now The irony! You're ripped you inbred hillbilly. Ye hang tight. Fool.
Bold of you to assume I'm not facing a swf or at least of group of two the vast majority of games.
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I think sadako should get some more cosmetics
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I think Sadako sucks!
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>“Hold on guys I almost forgot the Eyrie offering”
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I'm convinced it WAS a feature they were working on as a 'there's still hope' mechanic if someone is killed too early that they left in a half baked state in the update instead of keeping it aside. Because no matter how spaghetti the code is, how could that bug possibly arise?
That's a 13 year old girl
sadako is in her 20s
>implying they might just stop including the switch version for certain things instead of letting it hold every other platform back
good. I can't even picture anyone playing this on the switch anyway.
Is that photoshopped or is that really how he has to live? That's really sad and unnerving for him, they look like they can just snap with a small accident.
>secure a 4k
>last gut boops my snoot
>i'm pig and im forced to let him go
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voted :)
Shooped but the the og arms are not much bigger lmao
Am I crazy or do survivors give up against pig more often than not and start begging of door/hatch via "booping da snoot"?
oh my fucking god
the gen bug is still in the game but the UI shows the "proper" i.e. incorrect number of generators. they only fixed it visually. the gates still open when the invisible real number hits zero.
only when pig is doing well, if they're juicing her, she can get fucked
>3 woman out against a p100 artist
>Next game we all die to a huntress only running yellow territorial imperative
Solo queue is so unserious
Fuck.. I hate when you guys post porn on here. My girlfriend uses my PC and will see shit like naked RE girls or something. You guys are gonna fuckin' ruin my relationship.
Godamnit anon now they’re gonna post more of them
Good you shouldn't breed because you are a spineless cuckold who lets a pathetic femlet command him
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How do we make this perk good?
You can't without reworking it do something else entirely.
Your only have 4 perk slots, so niche perks like Mad Grit will never be good, just meme shit.
It's why the 4-slot system sucks ass and Perks should work off a point-based system instead.
Weak/niche perks are cheap, while strong perks are expensive.
It's already the king of what it's for, this massively punishes bodyblocking. If you're especially afraid of being bodyblocked, or if the meta shifts to frequent bodyblocking with some new perk, or if you just enjoy punishing the occasional, normal bodyblock, mad grit is there.
That would require Behaviour to actually know the worth of perks and they dont because they dont play the game.
Isn’t starstruck better for anti bodyblocking typically?
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>waiting in spectator for several minutes after you die just so you can cry at the Killer and/or your team-mates in the post-game chat
How fucking asshurt do you have to be to do this shit.
Just move onto the next game like a normal person, holy fuck.
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>Good you shouldn't breed because you are a spineless cuckold who lets a pathetic femlet command him
>finishes match
>survivor waited all game to insult you
>it works and you get your fee-fees hurted real bad :(
>cry on 4chan about it
On paper, yes, but in reality, no.

Starstruck has more value when you land a hit, but you will never actually land a hit because it tells Survivors that you're running it.
Mad Grit on the other hand has no indication until you actually land a hit with it, and even then some people might still not realize you have it unless they're SWF and tell each other that you're running it.
You could be put into the exact same situation with either Mad Grit and Starstruck with a nearly full wiggle bar when someone comes to body block, and with Mad Grit you injure the Bodyblocker and then hook who you're carrying, but with Starstruck you down the bodyblocker and then the survivor you're carrying wiggles free. If that person who blocked had 0 hook states and the person who wiggled free was dead on hook, during a pivotal movement, Mad Grit would have saved the game whereas Starstruck didn't.
also starstruck only matters for healthy survivors, it does nothing if they are injured and gonna try and use some form of endurance (pills, dead hard, mettle of man, off the record, ect.) to tank the hit
mad grit has a benefit no matter if the survivor is healthy or injured
Tunneling Chucky with brutal strength + rat poison, who else was bored
>Pre game chat
>Other survivor tell some irrelevant story
>Tell him who cares
>He literally throws the game and whines in post game chat about it
This happened yesterday.
Noed is such a trash perk it gives you most of the time one extra hook and thats it
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close the tab retard
Why the fuck is there no beach map
Because Sadako got cucked.
*I take off my shirt, revealing the dense, almost freak like muscle tone it has* "Heh.. you're gonna wish you never said that to me, you whore." *I grab you with one hand on your breast and the other on your waist and hoist you above me* "I am going to break you now." *I slam your back onto my bent knee and shatter your fucking spine, you're screaming in pain like a freshly born infant*.
Same reason there's no water in the swamp.
Devs said they don't know how to program water and that it would make Trapper OP (yes really)
Yeah you're a dense freak alright
They're saving a lake/water map for Jason & Camp Crystal Lake. It's why we haven't gotten a campsite map yet despite it being so iconic to horror.
Well you're dead and a crippled ghost tranny so who's the one really winning here?
im not excited at all before 2v8 because it's just one giant cock tease that'll get killswitched on or early after launch and they're never gonna bring it back because it means they have to actually work on something instead of tweaking perks again
Probably your Gf from all the gay porn she sees in this general.
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Gabrielbros... why do they do this to us?
It's about sending a message
But faggots(the majority of Gabriel mains) like that cosmetic from what I've seen
worst design i've ever seen in this game so far
These devs have the balls to release the buggiest fucking updates possible and then still have the dc penalty
Everyone was calling it ugly
Doesn't take any balls. They don't lose any players at all no matter how bad or buggy the update may be.
Arent Jason and F13 seperate IP's now?
it's not gonna be killswitched. it's a temporary gamemode in the first place. they might bring it back for two weeks again a year from now, and that's it.
Ive seen 7 mori's tonight. What the fuck is happening
i think the plan is they're gonna do pools of 3-5 killers each and basically iterate and test shit for the game mode before it becomes permanent in chunks instead of having to develop all the maps, killers and survivor classes at once. honestly not a bad way to do it for BHVR because if they had to make a feature complete 100% new game mode from scratch it'd never come out, staggered release like this is the only way.
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Been having good luck with this build, was thinking of replacing stbfl with something else tho. Was thinking either Spies, Surveillance, or Floods of Rage, thoughts?
Angry killer chuds venting their frustrations over the gen bugs
>run like normal
>get downed finally
>pig stands over me teabagging and shaking their head and then hits me on hook over and over
average killer player when you run for more than 10 seconds and dont teabag or even run meta perks lmao
this needs a hard nerf
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you will never understand the suffering i've gone through
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Given the hilarious amounts of bugginess going on lately were there any bugs that you guys missed? I'll always miss the freddy bug where the dreamworld just had the blinding skybox.
So, they're supposed to have fixed that generator spectactor bug right?
It just fucking happened again
Or has that patch not hit yet?
Hey it’s me, the guy who was asking if whispers works while in xenos tunnels
It does… might unironically use it in my build now so I know when I’m wasting my time lurking in a spot of the map with nobody around
Too many to list really.
Killers like that are usually survivor mains
just had a match as chucky where i didn't get a single down in 5 gens
Unironically a skill issue
What was your build and what were they using?
stbfl, bamboozle, brutal strength, and superior anatomy
>billy camping a basement hook
fun game
Pfffft hahaha oh sorry...
what build do i run then?
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Hey I played that game a few months ago, was pretty solid all around actually. I liked the Lily girl, reminded me of Rebecca
DSing Xenomorph should kill the survivor.
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>what was supposed to be a bug fix patch broke a ton of other shit
The 2v8 launch is going to be a fucking mess isn't it
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>New customization menu
>Go to charms
>Can't search charms by name anymore
Build seems alright, maybe you were playing the tiles wrong its hard to say without any footage.
so if a billy is spamming his chainsaw and theres nothing on the map what are you supposed to do
bk bt endurance is anti tunnel measure and should not work in end game
Man I missed this ‘cord ‘mote
shut up bitch
You’re all homosexual. Thus, they gave him something homosexual.
If we ever get a Camp Crystal Lake map I doubt its going to feature a fully swimmable lake and wil probably have an invisible wall blocking it off or something
This is me when I see faggot cuckold transgenders being faggot cuckold transgenders in the Dead By Daylight General on 4chan.com
your point being?
>My girlfriend
cringeworthy forever alone pathetic virgin larp post
this so much this
tell ‘em
I really want laurie to schlick on my back…
This cat was tortured to death by a Chinese guy iirc
I really wanna eat a full bowl of those noodles one day. They look so good.
I've had some at my local sushi place.
They are as good as they look.
Very filling.
You actually can, you just gotta search it in one of the other clothing tabs lol. But yeah, new charm UI is a mess and also if you wanna remove one you have to first find it on the list and click on it there (which could be fucking huge with all the charms out there but again, you can just use the search on another tab)
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>What are you going to do now your generator bug is patched survivoid?
Or actually, you can just double click on a random charm on the list to remove one
You’re right. She does look like Rebecca. Cute. But inferior. Sex with her still THOUGH.
Thank you for your contribution to BASED board culture.
cuckjewnd: sometimes i avoid talking to people let's say in groups but why do women just randomly start talking to me? they ask me questions as if it's an interview.
cope: they wanna know how deep you’re in this rabbit hole. the moment they find out that you’re about to shoot up schools they’ll call 911 on yo ass
Sounds legit. Chinese "people" are subhuman.
all asians are subhumans
#neanderthal/denisovan mutts
Does a survirvor have YOUR name? If so, confirm.
I have the same name as Skull Merchant but for males.
Yea my name is Baermar.
Yes my name is Sable
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does he shove that corn up his ass?
this is what happens when you let women into your community
Why is Skull Merchant’s ass so fucking big
The pipes, the pipes are calling for both Ghostface and I.
Wesker should have a brainwashed Jill and Beccy running around in his games punching survivors and kicking gens like superior Bemny zombies.
>b-but that's way too strong
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>Played too much dbd yesterday
>Up till 5am
>Finally go to sleep
>Literally all of my dreams are about dbd
>I still remember them clearly
>Playing as killer in every dream
>Facing bully squads even in my dreams
I'm taking a break bros.
Bwo... you are supposed to take monthly breaks or you end up mindbroken like the sissytranny schizo
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>hear clicking sound IRL
>get the urge to look at a wall
>hear an impact sound IRL
>look around to see the visual notification
>walk by locker
>walk as far in front of it as possible
>see someone with pink or blue hair
>get mad
>release update
>release hotfix
>more bugs
I think people are right about DBD needing a “health” update where they stop focusing on constantly pushing new content for once and focus on stabilizing their disgusting fucking coding so this stops happening
Okay, saar, so you having problem with code, yes? No problem, I can help.

First, you telling me which part not working. Is it the jumpy-jumpy part? Or maybe the enemy-shooty part?

You see, this code, it's like making chai. You need right ingredients in right order. Maybe you put sugar before milk, then chai no good, yes?

So, you show me the code, okay? I look for the masala that's missing.

Maybe you forgot the semicolon, like forgetting the elaichi in the chai. Small thing, but big difference!

Or maybe you have the wrong variable, like using salt instead of sugar. Big problem, very salty chai!

Don't worry, saar. We fix it together. Just show me the code and tell me what's happening. We make your game run like butter chicken, smooth and delicious!

Okay, now you tell me, what is the problem, hanh?
I literally see red like a bull when someone pallet saves against me I become furious
play hubris slinger
I basically only play during summer. I'm away from my pc for most of the year. A month is all it takes really.
The only solution?: Stop going outside and play even more dbd!
>they stun you with a pallet
>spear them through the pallet
>cant attack them even though they're exposed
Once they realize you have hubris they'll literally just stare you down opposite of the pallet until you are forced to kick it. Good in theory, would probably suck in practice.
Unless you also bring enduring, spirit fury & brutal strength.
Hubris is shit since killers cant get a hit within 20s 90% of the time
Really only Wesker with Brutal Strength can sometimes catch up with a fast pallet break + bound
What killers are based and I won’t get made fun of for playing?
None, killer is cringe
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Pro tip for Trapper: if you're about to pick someone up who you think has DS, place a trap right by your feet and pick them up with the trap right to your left. After using DS, they will fall right into the trap.
I genuinely don’t think there is one. All of the “high skill-ceiling high reward” killers are gonna cause people to complain about you playing an OP killer, and all of the weaker killers like trapper and freddy are going to call toxic assholes out of the woodworks to trash talk you for playing a bad killer. Maybe if you play a mid-tier killer people won’t make fun of you too much but be damned sure to never hook the same person twice in a row under any circumstances or you WILL hear about it
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>enormous bug
>takes them a whole week to address
>they finally roll out a fix
>the fix doesn't work
thank you for the pro tip, meg
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Here, you can look at this picture in the meanwhile.
Shut up killeroid gentech is a feature, not a bug
Survivors will always find an excuse for their lacking brain power/skill and blame any and all of their inadequacies either on their teammates, the killer they are facing or the killer player himself.
All survivor players have the brain of a woman, that is the conclusion I've come to from observing them. All act and are feminine as fuck. Constantly complain and absolutely despise all killer players (without whom there would be no game to begin with). That is not to throw a bone to the survivor trannies, you're still not actually women.
Anyways... What was I on about. Oh right: No reason or accountability.
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Brought a hillbilly to coldwind with a map offering + 3 flashlights.
Typing this as they slowly bleed out on the ground.
An eye for an eye...
I play sadako, unknown, pig and slinger. I’m kind of the mid tier killer king now I think about it
>the fix doesn't work
and other hilarious tales from agartha mmr
Thank you cote for letting these great american players play on NA servers.
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You can blame consoles for that. Patches never use to take this long till we got console tards and their slow as fuck patch approval process.
I get maybe 2 of these per lobby as an OCE player, and they’re fucking terrible it’s insane, they can’t last 10 seconds in a a chase, kill themselves on hook if they get hooked first. Never do generators either for some reason, you’d expect them to be good at that since they work in factories
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ngl i miss this game so god damn much
I used to dread facing survivors with flashlights. If I saw more than 2 in a lobby, I'd dodge. Now I celebrate.
The survivors always run to you like moths to a flame, just in hopes of getting that EBIC FLASHLIGHT SAVE COMPILATION - "KILLER DC?!?!!".
It is pretty annoying getting flashed at every pallet, but most of them don't realize I can still hear their footsteps and they are simply staying in a loop they should have left ages ago.
It's almost like any survivor that equips a flashlight loses 50IQ points, that is to say, goes into the negative.
>weak asf bars nigguh
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>crippin fo life g hell ya go money gal guns whos with m
blendette is better than chuddette and meg is an upgrade over neg so it all worked out in the end
>people STILL slug for 4k 8 years into this games lifecycle
ink_him and chadta1ent have so much in common.
when do you plan to kill yourself
I wish I could watch ink_him and chadta1ent take turns fucking my wife Sissy then we all place bets on which color her baby come out with
>people STILL run to the hatch for escape 8 years into this games lifecycle
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His potent bbc seed shall grant me many chad babies that will help chata1ent once the Killer uprising starts
Should be replaced with a final girl QTE obviously
has there ever been anything like 2 v 8 before?
There were bugs long ago that would spawn more survivors and killer's than the usual 1v4 so kinda
twins vs four survivors all using mirror image
In Identity V, yeah
>2v8 dropping literally right now
>zero hype in the general
holy dead game....
Dead by Daylight is my favorite video game! I can't wait to delve into the fog with my friends!
killer queues are already taking forever.... it's over....
and now killers shall experience survivor queue times
are there enough RE characters in the game now you could do a full RE 8-man stack or would you need to pad it out with a couple of SH characters?
I think there's 7
foreverial looking for a game. locked into matchmaking and literally loving it like a machine


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>killer queues taking forever
>no one wants to sit around and do 8 gens all game
who could have seen this coming
my hope is that the mode proves to be popular enough that (most) license holders will be eager to sign off on their characters appearing in it. especially considering RPD used to be big enough for 2v8. not going to hold out for Myers or Freddy though because those license holders are fucking awful and don't give a shit
>nerf survivors for years
>2v8 finally comes out
>turns out no one wants to be one of the eight punching bags for overpowered killeroids
Who could've predicted this
Why would license holders have any opinion on this?
Chris, Leon, Jill, Ada, Rebecca, Claire, Sheva. You could do cosplay feng jill I guess. Hunk if he were survivor. They should add Billy, Ashley, and ps1 graphics Barry as skins and then re fans would finally be eatin good.
>another dogshit killer sided game mode
shan't be playing
2v8 is free escapes if you're not in hadal mmr aka this thread's average mmr
huntress seems pretty shitty in 2v8, not enough utility
>Ace snubbed for Mikaela and the homo ogre
Kinda pissed desu.
because they have to approve of every aspect of BHVR's depiction including crossovers with other IPs
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Can we not make this baseline for normal mode?
Trapper already has above 50% kill rate. He needs nerfs if anything.
If you added the Carlos skin, it'd be a full 8 stack.
No fuck you, I hope Trapper stays dead so I can play against something fun such as Wesker, Billy, Blight.
Killer main here, I agree so survivors should definitely queue up haha maybe I'll switch to survivor it's so easy and fun haha but I won't so join so queues so I can play haha
The mode drops in 20 minutes, doesn't it?
nigga it's been out for 40 minutes
My bad.
>new game mode comes out with preset loadout and no meta or bully perks
>survivors are suddenly bad
really makes ya think
hey can a huntress have sex with me ill be in mother's dwelling in like 10 minutes
>back to back killer double teaming to tunnel survivors out
Terrible mode. They should have made it 1v8 but with some slowdowns for killer.
in what world would that be fun for the killer
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I've been in the killer queue for 40 minutes
my doordash will come before i get to play
The skill based role has a 10 second wait time right now.
Does this mean two killers can hump one survivor now?
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Otz lost and he's the best killer main on youtube so you are wrong.
it's called "spitroasting"
Gawdess otz and tru3mp linked up and are now killing survivahs toghetah
Otz intentionally plays poorly to appease his survivor viewer base.
I mean Lights Out already proved that survivors actually rely much more on perks than killers.
He has to carry tru3 and he's shit at the game so it balances out
>nina cheats on Otz
>he hooks up with Tru3
Based. W*men were a mistake.
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critique so far
>survivor is immensely boring with actual chases being like 5% of the match at most
>survivor is also immensely overpowered, 3 hooks per player is a fucking joke
>billy and trapper unplayably bad, nurse+huntress is the only real comp and still gets 0K often
once survivors are done with the archives and stop running half the map length for an unhook and just slam gens instead it's gonna get even worse for killers
Oh no....your 70% kill rate might become 65%...
>finally get a mode that isn't 200% killer sided
>killers start to piss and moan
the endscreen definitely feels like it needs to be completely different for this mode, it needs to show who did what how many times and it especially needs to show the killers who got how many hits and cages. it just feels completely intuitive that you would see this postgame.
Trapper is great, just put your traps in totally random spots (there's so much chaos survivors don't have time to check every bush or random corner) and save the rest to close pallets off or get a speed boost. he's more of a support and defensive character, you should let whoever you're with handle the majority of chasing while you patrol gens, try to trap the places survivors keep running to and supporting your team mate by cleaning up when he's nearby.
Total survivor death
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>kill stealing accusation postgame
it begins
i think it's just because the first challenge is a cage challenge, afterwards people won't give as much of a shit because it's objectively better for like Trapper or Cuntress to cage people so Wraith/Billy/Nurse can use their mobility to follow up on pressure
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Holy shit killer queue times are 10x worse than normal mode
Otz and troontalent are basically doing a podcast
Why is Meg looking at me like this?
if you play Lisa or Rebecca as anything other than a Medic you're a faget
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Because you didn't take them...
Wholesome big chungus Otz linked up with literally called for Total Survivoid Death Tru3?
probably gonna be like this for the first couple of days, hopefully after a bit everyone who played killer will start to grind out the survivor challenges

speaking of, can you do normal tome challenges in 2v8? obviously perk reliant stuff is impossible but what about others?
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*Dead Hards your post*
so... why isn't 2v8 live yet?
turn off DBD and then it on again you are over an hour late
Mode is pretty funny but I feel bad for these killers. It'll probably get better but right now they're barely getting one kill. Game is over in 10 minutes. Shouldve made it 10 gens instead of 8. They doubled the players, why wouldnt they double the gens?
>huntress/trapper banner
>one charm
>dwight icon
epic event tome. SKIP
playing killer with a bro is fun
>killer isn't fun to play
>survivor isn't fun to play
Another brave and stunning mode by BHVR
Now dbd devs need to balance 2 modes when they cant balance 1 mode

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