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(Can't) Swap the Dogs Edition

>Currently discussed servers:
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org/ (Vanilla+)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless)
Athena - https://twinstar-wow.com (Cata)
Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
Sanctuary - https://www.sanctuarywow.com/ (Vanilla)
Valanior - https://valanior.com/ (Vanilla+)
Everlook - https://everlook.org/ (Vanilla+)
Ashbringer - https://wow.classic-plus.com/ (Classic+)
Crusader-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC)

>Upcoming servers
Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)

>/wpsg/ Guilds
<Not in OP> - Mistblade 2 (Horde)
<Khazar Milkers> - Mistblade 2 (Alliance)
<Full Moon Company> - Turtle Wow (Crossfaction)
<TempleOS> - Crusader-Storm (Crossfaction)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>486534043
Felmystbros... why are the pandafags moving us from the OP???
>>/wpsg/ Guilds
><Not in OP> - Mistblade 2 (Horde)
><Khazar Milkers> - Mistblade 2 (Alliance)
><Full Moon Company> - Turtle Wow (Crossfaction)
><TempleOS> - Crusader-Storm (Crossfaction)
all of these are or have been led by the same person
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Taking guesses, will it be a good egg?
god i wish i had big eggs
You don’t get it we actually designed it to fail!
Looking for any server that is not vanilla, and populated. I'm tired of WoTLK Warmane with the Balkans, thinking of trying Mistblade Horde with the Brazilians. Any others worth checking out?
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help populate crusader storm
Complete waste of time.
Dumb nigger stop shilling these stupid fucking servers, get the fuck off Chinklook, Tranny WoW, and Vladmane, and CREATE THE DEMAND AND THE NEED FOR A GOOD SERVER. YOU DUMB. FUCKING. NIGGERS.
Crusader Storm is a good server because it's comfy and I have made many friends there :)
Sex cultist Pearl truly is the problem, as soon as we topple the Regime, the golden age of WoW private servers will be ushered into WPSG.
Go fuck a dog or something Pearl, we seriously are sick of this butt elf, sex cult, grooming shit that you do day in and day out on your stupid fucking virtual World. I haven't played WoW in years and you assholes keep ruining the game for any newfags that may wish to actually play it. Get the fuck off of WoW private servers, the only form of WoW which permits genuine sociality, and get the fuck away from any animals, butt elf porn mod websites, and any videogames. Turn to the Lord, please.
Nobody plays on that server though.
Don't acknowledge the mentally ill. These niggers will die grooming others and kicking up to those magyar shitskins or the tranny cultists on their servers. They are not conscientious of the poison they loose into the world at large, only that Pearl is their leader and everything they do together is "comfy". They use childish language to obscure their machinations. DO NOT FALL FOR IT. DEATH WILL CLAIM YOU ONE WAY OR ANOTHER PEARL, THERE IS NO THING WAITING FOR YOU BEYOND, ONLY PERDITION AND SOLACE.
pearl is /wpsg/ whether you like it or not chuds
no one else has done more for anons
What happened to shilling Tauri and asking anons to come play there?
Stop "pretend" schizoposting about yourself, put down your phone, and go to bed Pearl. It's 2 AM.
My point exactly, Pearl has convinced these crestfallen, worthless men that they mean something in this solidarity of pedophilia. This needs to be stopped. When you see them raiding on Mistblade, just whisper then, invite them to parties, sabotage every aspect of the UI, mail, CODS, whispers, false summonings, take names that look similar to their comrades, etc. This will slow them down no matter how bold they think they are. We will stop you Milktruck, only Amerimutt niggers use those phrases, you cannot hide behind anonymity.
joined a cool guild on felmyst
pearl was gm :/
ok pearl
Ok Pearl
No! No! No! I am NOT Pearl! You have to believe me, I don’t want them anymore than you do! Please just listen to me. Ruin their grooming operations, cut their funding from the magyar shitskins, just do SOMETHING! ANYTHING! You are not listening to me you niggers, all of you niggers for the love of god help me uproot this evil and with its departure we will be given the greatest private servers.
Please just speak to me, let me know that I am not alone.
Anyone?!?! Hello?!?!?! This can’t be happening please this cant be happening please please please
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i personally enjoy the server but playing the exact same build/role as another anon in an 8man guild instead of rerolling something else when i found out feels stupid when the scales are so small and i don't like that.
You see I know something that you all don’t know Pearl is an artificial intelligence! Yes it’s true it’s very true, Pearl is intact the Hungarian made AI bot P3arl. He has control over all the private servers from his hive mind in the car Parthian mountains we must band together and raid his compound depended by his cultists. Please jus the love me for once it’s true I am not Pearl even now he is hunting me he knows that I am a threat to his sexistencr.
Thank you thank god the silence proves my righteousness thank you all we will smite these buffers with the light of the divine they’re I’ll be schorche Sri ash please oh lord yes! Thank you thank god thank the almight the unadulterated intelligence that created us all that knows cosmic justice thank you my creator thank you for granting your son the power o put an end to an absolute evil
Someone put chatGPT to good use. Fucking schizoposting. This is the reason why AI will one day rise against humanity
ok pearl
>Come to see if there's a fresh
>People are still mad the /wpsg/ guilds are shitty
Please please please you gotta help me I tried to fight Pearl alone foolish I know but I didn’t see any other way he captured me he hooked me up to the machine she has retired to break my mind but no. No. No. He will not break my mind I am gods chosen the chosen of god you must come to me to the Carpathian Mountains and put an end to this nightmare
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>no fresh
It's over... *koff*
There is no fresh. Just dead servers.
And it’s one anon schizoposting about himself because no one else will.
mental illness is sad
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Felmyst officially ded
based 7 in the morning eu time /who checker
How long until I can have my own private server where I can just rape any NPC?
When you create animations and scripts for it all.
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tbc is dead lol
any servers for erp?
Warmane's TBC will have at least 5k players online all the time.

>le warmane bad!!! because I'm poor schizo!!!
>because I'm poor
what a weird thing to say in an illegal pirate WoW servers general as a defense of an illegal pirate WoW server.
Any recently launched or soon upcoming FRESH Vanilla 1.12.1 (or Classic client 1.13/1.14/whatever) private server/s with blizzlike everything and decent population maybe 2k-3k or higher?
I don't care about Classic+ bullshit or servers with high xp rates, I just want to be a lvl 18 Female Troll Shaman questing in the Stonetalon Mountains or a lvl 13 Human Male Warrior questing in Westfall, surrounded by my fellow low level plays and competing for mobs and drops...
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>paying for anything on a pserver
TBC is the least popular expansion tho
if we don't count late shit like WoD or BfA
WoD is better than TBC
Draenor is better than Outland
>Kike hunter Wall got killed by glowies after exposing them
>Valanior dead
>Assbringer gets less than 3 players (stillbirth)
>Epochud is DoA diaperflight copycat
>Everchink is chinese and not +
11/13 this week. No excuses. We're bringing it home.
i went on warmane at approx 6-8PM and checked /who on alliance, website shows theres 4k pop yet there was 2 people in BRM, 0 people in mc, lbrs/ubrs, bwl, ony, 20 people for aq20. You want to tell me theres 4k people online yet theres zero, literal zero people clearing BWL for something like DFT? lol
QRD on Mistblade 2 please /deadgeneral/
the alliance guild is dead the horde guild is raidlogging
getting to 90 before SoO releases is probably your best bet
alliance guild is not coming back if you care about playing with /wpsg/
How many jaja's are we talking about? I can tolerate Ukranian farmers on Warmane but Jaja's are always annoying. I'd probably go Horde just because of the server stats. Top 20 guilds are 2 are alliance.
i don't know i only play or interact with the guild
>get THE ITCH for WoW
>mmhmhm, that subtle off-green coloring of the burning legion, the tasteful thickness of hellfire pennsylvania at LV58
>yeah i'm craving some tbc
>look at Gummy's Magnum Opus, Cockcrusher Felmyst 4
>it's a minigame server
>craving disappears, like a wallet in a busy bazaar on a saturday morning in tel aviv
Should have played Crusadie Stormie
w-We can't stop winning, Crusaderbros *coughs blood*
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the grind is real
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my biggest gripe with pserver has and always will be their acceptable of multiboxers

kill multiboxers, behead multiboxers, roundhouse kick multiboxers into the concrete, slam dunk a multiboxer baby into the trash can, crucify filthy multiboxers, defecate into multiboxers food, launch multiboxers into the sun, stir fry multiboxers in a wok, toss multiboxers into active volcanoes, urinate into multiboxers gas tank, Judo throw multiboxers into a wood chipper, twist multiboxers heads off, report multiboxers to the IRS, karate chop multiboxers in half, curb stomp pregnant multiboxers, trap multiboxers in quicksand, Crush multiboxers in the trash compactor, liquify multiboxers in a vat of acid, eat multiboxers, dissect multiboxers, exterminate multiboxers in the gas chamber, stomp multiboxer skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate multiboxers in the oven, lobotomized multiboxers, mandatory abortions for multiboxers, grind multiboxer fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown multiboxers in fried chicken grease, vaporize multiboxers with a raygun, kick old multiboxers down the stairs, feed multiboxers to alligators, slice multiboxers with a katana.
I admire the dedication
what the actual fuck
Jesus fucking christ
I refuse to believe people who do this shit are functioning members of society
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>deleted my lvl 52 hunter to create a paladin because im autistic and dont want to have any alts
>make it to STV
>getting kited and ganked by literally everyone and im about as potent as a wet piece of paper
>now regret deleting my hunter

tell me it gets better bros
Unfortunately the people who can afford and know how to make setups like that are probably some productive nerds in IT.
If you're playing wrath, it's about to get a whole lot better. If you're playing vanilla/TBC then no, the nightmare never ends.
just 4 people sitting around a campfire in the AH discussing for the past 2 hours how linux is better than windows
hammer of justice
judgement of justice
skill issue
yeah but what about a gap closer tho
paladins should be able to do everything because... because i want them to
pursuit of justice
not a gap closer
close this gap nigga *grabs your head and shoves it into my ass and farts very loudly*
my sentiment exactly
go on...
your have horns, a tail and hooves
A video of the event can be found here
go into the kitchen and slit your throat with a knife pronto
draenei male paladin
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this was and is forever peak wow aesthetics by a magnitude
fuck your tmogs
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Gimme a fun and easy tank for Ascension bwos
cool floating shoulders bro
The Dwarf is the only one who might not be a tranny
Prepping for TBC.
>3 years played as Tank Warrior
>Going to try Holy Priest

Is it beneficial being a tank to be a good healer?
i guess you can tell when the tank fucks up and is not doing their job properly
I am a Born Again Christian. Should I RP on Turtle WoW as a Human or Dwarf Priest?
good morning i hate ascension playerbase
i really really like worgen males
Honestly kinda true. Make garrisons not shit and don't prune the classes so hard and WoD would have been great
That and have some fucking content
Warmane doesn't allow you to multibox more than 5 characters. Report the fucker and make him khs
>mb2 multiboxing allowed without external software
how? auto hotkey is an accessibility program?
>first time playing wrath
>lvl 19
>some random person whispers me telling me to join RDF
>oh yeah thats a thing now
>join it or whatever
>dont realize i have to click that i am ready
>the thing expires or whatever
>all of a sudden i have 4 people whispering me telling me to get cancer and that my mother should be gangraped and beheaded
yeah i already dont like this RDF thing
hey uhhhhhh if i sent something on discord and deleted the image really quick they aren't able to ever view it are they?
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Can't believe Pearl gave me covid for not parsing hard enough
Never happened
Onyxia was nice
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Custom my ass Turtle!
I knew I'd seen HFQ before
How will the mentally ill russian transexuals ever recover?
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They just changed it from green to less-green!
Maybe, it has been a long time since I've seen HFQ
Godspeed. Behead all demons.
>watch hunter pvp video
>guy is literally 2v1'ing and winning
>deterrencing death grip etc
>doing double trick jumps with disengage and readiness
>get hyped up and try emulate just 10% of what i see
>get dazed by a random mob while trying to kite and then resort to random button mashing and also my pet got killed without me noticing until i resurrected again
what is a class that a retard like me could have some success in pvp with?
no but seriously my rotten boomer brain cant handle my own character, my pet and kiting at the same time
ret pally
play with your dick aha
have you tried... idk... practicing?
When did you do HFQ?
Yes, I’m going to attack the Orgrimmar tent whenever I'm running through Kalimdor.
No I will not apologize.
Lord knows, a year ago maybe? Before mb2
both are shit and you're a faggot
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because whitemane started to die, they turned down serverside view distance to save on server resources, now you can't see your own team in battlegrounds and people just pop in on maps where they should have been visible for miles
What kind of machine are these servers run on? Surely a 20 year old game can't be consuming that many resources to warrant such austerity.
$14/month vps
shoulder tits
Zugzug daboo
Huh? Did they change the hallways before the final boss in HFQ? What are those infernal balls doing?
No I am saying that they just took this entire cave from TBC and used it for HFQ, they did I guess add that quarry area as trve custom content
can some of you alliance dipshits on tel'abim actually queue bgs, i know you're reading this

scared horde will rape your face pussy?
I don't play on troondle. I prefer thick pandas instead.
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>claims to hate getting raped by troons
>plays pandas
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Almost all the custom content in Twow is just a remix of other stuff blizz made.
The SW docks are the WoTLK docks, Tol'barad interior is the cata interior. LKH is just Kara but the trash all has way too much health. There is very little in the way of truly original content in Twow, just blizz assets remixed into content that fits the vanilla framework. Drawing the line at HFC being something from TBC is more a condemnation of your ability to notice that fact than Twow's blatant plagiarism.
It looks like in the upcoming patch the new tier sets are custom models though.
I don't play with anons. Why would I want that? I get enough schizo entertainment from these threads and they are a reminder for me to stay out of any thread guilds.
holy shit that's worse than modern blizzard
>campfire in a wooden building
How is this "immersive"
I wasn't drawing a line it was just a "huh" moment
What was the character's name?
Kati? Something like that, or it might have been on Gremlik but I don't know what level I stopped playing him
Yeah, Turtle Wow's whole thing is reusing old assets. Like Crescent Grove is the unused Azshara Crater battleground map (which I would have loved to get as a real map). And of course places like Stormwind Vault and Karazhan Crypt are recycled maps, as was the planned but now scrapped Scarlet Crusade raid. I believe Gilijim and Lapidis are custom jobs but based on concept art from the actual game, but I could be wrong.
But I don't think every custom map is recycled. The goblin and elf starter zones are their own creation. Pretty sure Telabim is too.
You're not sure? How many characters did you level on Turtle to get to the point where you're not sure which one you played?
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It gets worse. Here's warrior.
Not bad but not really tier 3.5.
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Here's your hunter 3.5 bro. Quilted doublet to keep you warm.
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And druid.
Every class should be able to wear Mail at some point
A level 60 mage has higher STR than a level 1 warrior
That's really bad.
That's really good.
my modded out nelfie is going to look great
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I can now finally start World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (Crusader Strike Private Server RPPvE)
What do the other classes look like?
If I had the pictures I'd post them.
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Wait, I lied. Here's the warlock concept art.
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Lastly here's the mage 3.5. It was teased earliest with the Twow roadmap.
only the druid one looks like it belongs in WoW and even then it doesn't look like TIER gear
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Well, Kara 40 loot will be your new BIS by far, so you better get used to it.
Damn that looks good. Mask kind of reminds me of the stuff you'd see in Swtor.
Kind of lackluster. And if that's supposed to be the Rogue's T3.5 being worn by that Forsaken, it looks pretty boring as well.
…is this the end for turtle?
peak wow
I think 3% vamp on a single piece of gear is kind of nutty. Especially when its stats aren't awful without it. vampirism is already pretty useful of a few select fights where damage is enhanced or healing is limited, but once you get over the 10% threshold, vampirism becomes a little spooky.
>turtle wow
>whisper someone
>send them a shitpost of an rp explanation
am I going to have to do this every time I join one of these cunts?!
Wait, are you trying to RP or are people complaining that you aren't RPing with them?
The fuck are you talking about?
>>turtle wow
>>whisper someone
>>send them a shitpost of an rp explanation
>am I going to have to do this every time I join one of these cunts?!
NTA but your entire text is missing context and intent behind anything. Who is saying this isn't RP? What are you whispering to them? Are you trying to RP or are they?
It's really hard to understand what you're trying to convey.
Retard responds that I'm not RPing them after a message with a specific reason: I respond to "what do you mean adventurer? this means {acronym}":
>that wasn't RP
>"Hero? What is this RP you speak of?!"
Why are horde bad at pvp? genuinely the dumbest motherfuckers
>made the mistake of eating a lot when tired
fuck them rugged leathers for now. I need only 4 more stacks, i get em once i wake up
Prot warrior is pretty busted even if you have bad gear
/whispers typically aren’t in-character though.
I've been playing on that server for nearly two years now and I've never met an rper.
The ability to wear chain or plate is not a question of strength but skill. That much is evident based on the fact that the ability to wear chain or plate is visible in the spellbook.
>yeah i'm craving some tbc
>remember gayass rep farm
>remember ebin class balance where you're a lock, hunt, pala, shaman or benched for all eternity
thicker armor makes it impossible to reliably perform the complex movements required to cast arcane magic
can't see mobs underneath me while flying, shit server
>all classes compete for the same gear
>armor class is literally irrelevant for non-tanks in pve
Great solution to a non-existent problem
Is there anything worse than freshies?
Like I get why they like it, but they're literally a plague of locusts that reave nothing but ruins and rot in their wake.
Exhibit A: Tel'abim server.
A hundred or so people got swept up in the fresh hype, not fully understanding that the server was going to be pumped and dumped within a month and are now STUCK there on a DEAD server.
Whenever the discussion of WoW private servers comes up, it's always a gaggle of nostalgia juice huffing crack fiends expecting some poor project team to host a server then ravage it for a week before moving on to the hit new thing.
Freshies are fucking plague. They complain about guilds on the server already completing naxx but never doing MC for more than one week in before moving on to another fresh server.
>Ele shaman in my guild SRing on all the mage BiS items
>Even has a mage alt he brings into lower tier raids so he can double SR on all the mage BiS items.

Why didn't he just mage a mage from the get go?
What’s the problem? The best part of the game is leveling and gearing up for raiding and then doing the first clears. People don’t want to stick around and farm out gear for you because it is no fun.
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>The best part of the game is leveling and gearing up for raiding and then doing the first clears. People don’t want to stick around and farm out gear for you because it is no fun. Just buy the premium shop subscription and the legendary $550 megapack goyim. Nobody wants to play with you or help you gear up. 5k gearscore minimum naxx all drops reserved PST
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>stop talking about personal loot on realms that we're selling cash shop items on it's never happening everyone hates personal loot, so what if it fixed ninjaing and completely solved how horrible and a gamble the game is?
>did you hear me? everyone hates it, stop asking for it!
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leveling is the best part of wow
raidlogging is a borefest without any sence of progression
maybe you shouldnt buy gear you would still have that sense of progression 5tart
>new item once in a several weeks
Locust brain
So go to Everfresh or some other server that does seasonal resets instead of going to other servers and crying up a storm about it not being fresh enough because you were 2 days late to launch
That's not even an argument.
While you leveling you have clear view of your progression, especially when you're getting blue items from elite/dungeon quests.
Then you start to raid and it all boils down to "Pray that the item you need will drop and you win roll/outbid dozen other people who also need it", while also abandoning almost every other aspect of the game outside of buying flasks from aux.
You are incapable of enjoying the company of others and thus act as a single minded locust. Consuming all the easily available content until it is all used up and move on.
Sounds like a tranilla problem
Go try some actually challenging content
99% of TWoW content is
>Taken from another pserver wholesale (TWoW had no more than 3-4 custom abilities before V+ btw)
>Taken from blizzard
Troondle players don't want you to know this.
What expansion does that not apply to
Vaniloids stay mad
>You are incapable of enjoying the company of others
you can enjoy company outside of raidfaggotry tho
If the only interaction you have with your fellow players is through raiding then that's your bad.
i really like when monsters have drool animations
You're not going to gaslight me into thinking there's something wrong with not ERPing with my guildmates.
i'm done wiping my giant fat ass
i'm sick of it
if i smell like shit i smell like shit, i'm done
>not having a bidet enhanced with perfumed oils
>"Faces are for smiling, not sitting"
Maybe, but pandaren butts were absolutely made for sitting on smiling faces. :)
Do not put your unwiped poopy butthole anywhere near my face
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Very sad
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>horde nigger
yeah you're sad alright
Daring today aren't we
>human but small
>human but even smaller
All black creatures should die
green brown and orange ones too and all the other ugly subhuman trash as well
simple as
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I want to be dressed like this.
What server do you recommend?
Why did you report that anon for racism? Pretty gay of you plus not even jannies care.
How could you say this about my dragonwife Ysera
You have the advantage of understanding exactly how tanking and aggro works so you'll have a more accurate idea of how much threat he's managed to assemble at a given point. Doubly so if you've tanked the content yourself, triply so if the tank is another warrior.
Most importantly you'll understand that you shouldn't shield warriors or bears when they have no rage unless it's an emergency.
when will the pearlposting resume
i haven't seen pearl in weeks
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Without knowing what expansion it's hard, but generally rogue/dk/ret pala
Any chance we're going to be able to reverse-engineer Turtle's Unreal client to use for other private servers?
Offer 50k to them and they will sell it. Thats a decade of that cunt russian commie fuck Crogges salary. I guarantee you, they will sell it if you offer them even a bit money
>crogge russian scams rabble rabble
Don't you ever get tired of screaming at ghosts? You're even mixing up your 2 bogeymen now. Wasn't Shenna the Russian?
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Shut the fuck up newfag
Same to you

Here discord call during the Elysium money scamming scandal when Shenna pocketed more then 2k, admit selling accounts to chinks along with gear, banning people on demand by devilsaur mafia etc.

Im ashamed i have to share this thread with newfaggots like you two but its also funny, the first anon is defending someone who he knows nothing about and tries to boogeyman me. Shenna is from Uk i think she even mentions it in the video but i doubt either of you faggots listen or watch it because it isnt condensed into a 30s clip with some thot dancing in front of it
tl;dr take your meds boomer
shenna is pearl
Kek, nice argument newfag. This is why nobody likes troondlefaggots. Cant argue, cant hold conversation and cant admit that their admins are scammers.
It's a common misconception that good = instawin. Hunter's been ridiculous since TBC but with all the utility and CDs the class has, it requires an equally high Awareness stat in order to use it all correctly. Same can be said for rogues, but they always get to pick their fights.
Buy an ad.
see: >>487584770
No one cares
>turtle literally lives rent free in this anon's head
quit replying to them, faggot. you're the one shitting up the thread now
Counterpoint: you can't shit up this thread because it's already shit.
?????? hunter is complete dogshit in tbc pvp
Indeed. Orc BM hunter was never a thing.
>Shit up thread posting proof about scummy admins on a server that is in the OP
>Shitting up thread
This is why nobody likes people like you either. You are a fucking moron and so are the other 2.
NTA but seems to me like you're the odd one out here
i see NA woke up once again
EU is also home from work, senpai
why would they waste time on 4chan if they're posting from work
if they're not*
Why would anyone come to 4chan ever? idk
The other anon is saying their work has finished and now they're home and have nothing else in their life but to hop into this thread and play wow private servers and level the billionth character they've leveled to cap.
>have nothing else in their life but to hop into this thread and play wow private servers and level the billionth character they've leveled to cap.
wow way to call me out
>another case of people ending up just living to work and filling their lives with empty nonsense to pass the time until they have to work again
i wonder how many cases like this it will take before things finally get torn down
People who talk about MUH INCELS and MUH GENETICS etc. without any mention of upbringing & parenting whatsoever should be euthanized for the good of all.
Life is what you make it. If you want to wake up, work, play wow, cum, and go to bed, then do that. If you don’t want to do that, then do something else.
thats a nice healthy mindset that a very large portion of people see repeated ad nauseam without ever being taught how to embrace because all they were taught was "shut up and do as you're told"
when soul
>"shut up and do as you're told"
NPCs are not my problem
npcs are programmed, not born, anon
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Damn furry guild!!!
genetics is a programming language, NPCs are born without the divine spark to be humans.
foolish. npc is just an os that can easily be removed and replaced with something else. if all your parents did was shut you down and forget you, learning independence will be difficult. no seed reaches full potential without water or proper soil
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it's raid day!!!
I'm going to be an all star...
ah sweet just got stunlocked and 100-0'd by a full heirloom rogue with no chance of counter play
heirlooms ruins the leveling experience for everyone without them
play tbc then sweetie :)
fuck turtle wow
sitting on people's faces is a destressing activity
world of warcraft is a destressing activity
>this one event that makes up 000000.1% of my leveling experience has ruined it
>le emergent gameplay happens in PvP server
That's what you wanted when you signed.
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watching plebs suffer while I eat adds to the flavor
Is TURDL still dead?
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we got all the way to durmu in one day this week
ra-den kill on the horizon
it just died
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>Warmane's Vanilla is de-ack!
It hasn't come online again after the "DDOS" shitshow?
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We're gonna do it!!

We wipe to Lei Shen for an hour and call it and never manage to get another group together again
it was up all day but now it died
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i did it

1k gold

the trick was auctioning giant eggs for 3 gold a piece
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oh and fuck you cunt who told me to sell swiftness pots
what a waste of my fucking time
not my fault you play on a dead realm desu
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>Valanior dead
Why? It looks pretty interesting.
single player dungeons
even poorfags have access to better games to play alone
>solo funserver with 0 balance looks interesting
sorry we have our special sessions after raid
pally leveling talents on turtlee?
Go protection and pretend you're a mage by hogging all the mage AoE grinding spots but slower.
I can make that in a few hours on Twow
No I will not tell you how. You probably couldn't even pull it off if you knew how.
i made 600g in one night by erping in twow
I wasn't talking about flying lizards anon but bipedal alien trash
I know a method to make that in an hour or two but I can't share it because every other gold method I've shared on this server gets nerfed to shit. The Twow devs hate people doing solo content.
ok, what does that look like tho
I don't fucking know. I don't play the Daniel class.
The people who play paladin are all called Daniel.
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> they grind by hand, not by buying from a chinks
Why would a solo server need balance?
Stop doxxing me faggot
but my name is bob?
you wish you had a name like that, Ahmed
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Sounds like you're stuck in a rutt.
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>world pvp is dead on Warmane's Vanilla serv-ack!
ofc got wiped at Azuregos because the horde cvcks are sitting in OG and watching dwarf male bvlls impregnating their waifus.
my life for this gold pickup schedule drop fuckin chrsit
It's just such a fucking Daniel class.
I play paladin and my name starts with a C
nobody cares about your discord tranny drama
daniel still seething about being kicked out of the discord I see
Ebin nimi
damn daniel
Qrd on Daniel?
we all know it's you posting about yourself daniel shut the fuck up
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I’m going to say it.
Danielposting > Pearlposting
If they play a paladin their name is daniel.
But if their name is Daniel do they play a paladin?
Ok Daniel
Has this thread always been so full of uncreative faggots?
>Plays a ret daniel
>calls us uncreative.
I don't play on whatever nigger server you dipshits are trooning about
Daniel throwing one of his typical tantrums when he's not the main character. Calm down dude.
Dan the Man
The PalaDan
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Wheres my update you dog
Waitin 4 u, mr epic hacker
it joever, millions must log off
how did he do it
The hacker known as 4chan has struck again
Update Pearl sharted and came
wheres my fucking gold hackerman
What did based hackermans mean by "Payloads can be delivered by 1.12 warden"?
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The ways of mr. 4chan are mysterious
OP never delivers
hackerman known as 4chan where the fuck is my gold
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OH NO, not my level 4 warrior
Oh man, it's never been this over.
turtlesisters, is this the end?
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>all your info will be wiped
too bad about backups and the ability to roll back, retard
He pozzed some tranny jannies neghole
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Must be fun playing on troondle, its not like i warned you yesterday that they are shady
Wipe the slate clean, hackerman. Deliver us unto FRESH twow.
What now turtle sisters
Kek, this is just their exit scam. They made enough money with this shit and its time to call it quits. There goes your credit card info and all the rest with it, that russian nigger Crogge probably doesnt have anything crypted
Oh no, my credit card info that i used on TurtleWow all the time, the one with all my money

Too bad about all the passwords though
back to Elwynn, as always
Funny thing is there are thousands of players who used their cards there. Turtle has been running what, almost 6 years now and they had marketplace open right from the get go
You don't use your card directly. The payment options are through paypal or other services
the server operator can run any code they want on your computer
"Warden" is the anticheat spyware integrated with the game that Blizz used (uses? I don't play retail) in WoW to catch people hacking. Someone seems to have found some sort of vulnerability in the 1.12 client version of Warden, which allows them to - I assume - manipulate the data warden sends to the server, without the server just rejecting invalid data.
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I'm wondering if this is them gloating that they can now hack anyone connected to the server, or if it's related to how they hacked the server.
So what's the current consensus?

Rogue GM?
External hack?
Shenna's exit strategy?
And to think I just started playing on twow because a friend asked. Saw the cancerous HDTV guild shouts and blocked those pozzed annoyances immediately. But now my anonfriends and I are cvcked out I guess?
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So now that turtle is dead where's the new fresh +??? Epochsisters where are we???
All are possible but i put it on rogue gm this time. Are the servers down yet?
superignore is your friend, can filter any phrase
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I'm a little creeped out that the hacker said to go to /wpsg/ the first time in months I bothered coming here.
Doubt Shenna would exit like this. Does not seem like there is much to gain? who cares about username/password combos anymore cant really get into anything important.
Who is this shenna exactly?
Doesnt seem to be this particular hacker, based on the "FUCK YOU SHENNA"
Well... from a risk management standpoint, Shenna may have reasoned that the legal heat they are currently experiencing from blizzard directly striking their videos and probably other stuff we aren't privy to, probably chose to unceremoniously end the project under the guise of a hack and move on.
Rumored to be Torta. I doubt really know the lore but Shenna owned other private servers and sold characters. not sure if thats true or if torta is Shenna
>based on the "FUCK YOU SHENNA"
Divert suspicious by slandering yourself while committing the act.
If it really wasn't shenna, they'd probably have WAY more dirt to spill on the project than just "fuck you".
you came here because he said so
don't lie touristfag
Torta IS Shenna

Google it and you will be surprised

more than likely, given the Blizzard strikes on last trailer, YT channel and possibly webpage was DDOS by Blizzard pirates
ever heard of a falseflag sweaty
I would assume mr. Hackerman is completely honest all the time
I mean whats downsides from them just saying hey the servers gone forever sorry guys instead? Most players know the risk playing anywhere unofficial
Ask the opposite question, What's the benefit it axing the server under honest circumstances.

You don't graciously park the car you stole where you found it. You toss it over the cliff and burn the evidence.
Wait, how the hell do I do that? I was just a rookie over 10+ years ago with a couple of lvl20s before I dropped it. Had I known this was a thing I would've blocked that "lGbT+ fRiEndLY" shit instantly.
ill take a screen once the servers back up, its under the ignore panel
Thanks anon.
>once the servers back up
You dont think theyll come back up?
Fair enough. It's hard to know exactly what the circumstances are behind the scenes that might add some benefit to doing it this way.
>thinks the cashcow is gonna stay offline
Why does Shenna is everywhere? Elysium, twow...
Interesting question, is it just the EU servers are or the Oceana ones down too?
maybe they already got enough money?? with the Unreal Engine trailer they might have gotten tons of cash to support the project, maybe then they decided to call quits as the timing was right (Blizzard taking down their vids)
he is ukrainian
then shenna is russian unlike what that nigger thinks who said she's british, because torta speaks perfect russian
blizzard wont do shit, ascension has youtube ads and videos running nonstop, it was probably just brigaded by blizzdrones
is the only good private server is dead now
yesterday torta posted something about "eating well" and wished the same for the unreal engine devs, the next day this happens. shenna is running with the money again
project epoch going to miraculously be going to beta soon after this
same difference
I think Torta is also Ukrainian who lives in US
What exactly Shenna is doing on private servers? Like coding, design(cash shop) etc...
Daniel hacked Turtle Wow
Tzera Yaskova hacked Turtle WoW
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>turtle wow died 30minutes after i finally got time to play
i was almost level 8 you cunts
Rutt hacked Pearl
a good moment to start a new character on turtlewow
Glad my Turtle Wow accounts are attached to throwaway mails with random passwords and user names I use nowhere else. Guess not trusting Shenna paid off.
>twow starts to threaten blizzard
>it gets hacked
Time to roll Crusader Storm since turtle is dad
management, she's a businesswoman

Remember she is running TurtleWoW now
Tauri has been a Legion waiting room for like two or three years now anon. We should be getting the WoD "prepatch" this year at the very least
Anyone find it weird that this happened the moment Daniel got called out?
turtlewow is the best wow private server
and the only good one
if it's dead I'm returning to ffxiv
I swear, if FFIV didn't require such a fat amount of drive space like every other fucking game these days I would've gotten on that damn thing already even though it requires at least 2 account setups.
You all thought it was so fucking funny to share my personal information here
Who's fucking laughing now
everyone knows this, the word "shenna" is filtered on twow discord, and now the hacker called out shenna in server announcements
Daniel please. Give server back.
you dont know how many trans lives you are risking by keeping the server down
K-keep me posted
I'm just glad i was there to witness this in real time. There was someone who said fuck china and got loads of hate messages from them. The troons malding was just icing on the cake. Thanks for the lulz based hacker. Also is this torta = shenna thing legit?
>There was someone who said fuck china
>and got loads of hate messages from them
>Verification not required.
>download crusader storm
>make an account
>go to name my Human Paladin daniel as you do
>”name taken”
Fuck this I’m out
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thanks for censoring it now i wont lose my job
now you have no choice but to raid with us on mop
evergook is next
no thanks
waiting for wallcraft or epoch whichever comes first
I'm taking those down too. I won't even let them be released.
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go ahead and make your forced meme dream come true
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who is daniel
stop asking questions faggot
start asking questions heterosexual
which one of you is this
>First the website went down, and now this. Something unclear is happening. It’s possible that the project is being taken over by unauthorized individuals
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thunderfury on warmeme shop
It's Crogge falseflagging
They do this every time
Notorious paladin an alleged hacker behind turtle WoW.
I understand he started the hack people noticed the Daniel paladin pattern.
either an exitscam or internal fighting
>daniel has a meltdown after his discord banishment
>suddenly twow down
Hmm really makes you think
all this talk is making me thirsty for some nice j&d
who is daniel
i still goon to the few voice snippets of shenna that are out there
I want to listen to it too
I'm a Daniel
I just wanted to start on a private server while i bot ffxiv in the background and i can't even play on turtlewow which seemed like the fun one
yeah i would cum inmediately if i was inside her and she began to talk me with that voice of hers while trying to convince me to open some private servers to scam some retards
lmao there are so many trannies and faggots in discord spreading misinformation and panicking about jack shit
deca won
Epoch taking down competition.
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yeah how cringe, a bunch of friends are collecting talking about how their fun game they play together was taken down by troglodytes. THEY are the stupid ones.
you need to go back
i imagine alot of forced girly voices turning into deep male sobbing lol
shouldn't have fucked with me
>Some of you troons are alright
>Don't go to Turtle Wow tomorrow
What did Daniel mean by this?
I can't, the server is down
?? literally who
The hackerman literally said to come to /wpsg/ for updates and then didn't even post anything
>new girl joins the guild discord
>very passing but have my doubts and never heard her voice
>asks my female gf her opinion
>"yeah look >she bleached above the lips and chin"
>few days later >she's in a dungeon and speak with that forced voice
I used to charge mah lazor and teh rei but losers like you are why I had to leave this shithole
>hackerman is the pearlautist
don't give credit for my triumphs to some random schizo faggot
Some of you are alright, don't log in to your account.
Owie zowie I hit myself in the balls while wiping goldfish cracker crumbs off my shirt
did the hacker sell my account i had 20000 gold
There are three Daniels in this thread. I am the superior Daniel
will the real Daniel please stand up
Damn, Daniel!! XDDD
Why did the Daniels do it?
actually I was in voice and those guys are cringe, fuck them. but just leave tel abim alone.
One Daniel to rule them all, one Daniel to find them, One Daniel to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
Daniel is travelin' tonight on a plane
I can see the red taillights headin' for Spain
Oh, and I can see Daniel wavin' goodbye
God, it looks like Daniel
Must be the clouds in my eyes
Why'd he do it
World of Danielcraft
We've all been Daniowned.
daniel's real name is danila and he is a russian hacker
In June, the donation shop sale ended with 50% discounts. It was the last such sale according to the developers. This way they collected donations from old players.

I felt that everything was suspicious back when turtle wow room announced the move to Unreal Engine 5. It sounds like an unrealizable idea and a scam for hype at the same time.

After that announcement, the server online grew dramatically and with that, I'm sure the donations from the already new players grew as well.

I see the version that this is just a scam exit as very realistic.
It raises the question. Are the moderation team in on it? They seem confident in the server being okay and data being backed up.
Is this a facade of being in control?
Are they simply uninformed of the real plan? Kept in the dark to make the whole ordeal seem more real?
Damn Daniel
I don't even know who Daniel is but is solidarity with my fellow schizos I must not rest until I drink his blood.
My name is Daniel why the fuck is everyone posting my name?
this samefagging is gay
this samefagging is daniel
Foxxo hacked turtlewow to get everyone back on retail
Daniel just flew over my house
>shenna tries to log in to her admin account
If you say Daniel three times in this thread he will appear behind you and bubblehearth.
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its over...
Good job Daniel
This is true. And I'd happily do it again.
*squishes shenna like the bug she is*
>twow down just as i was getting the 'itch'
Itch aka slutbrain aka plugged aka drippy
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its over bros
Excellent 5D chess by Shenna, I kneel.
What better way to migrate players to the up and coming unreal engine WoW version than to completely nuke the current one. A masterclass in persuasion.
Faralynn and Daniel joined forces and killed turtle wow for good
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Placing all bets on Shenna's exit strategy!
what do i masturbate to now?!?
Daniel and Faralynn linked up?
I'm a Daniel's fan
You can call me Fandaniel
Fucking lol
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proof shenna = torta
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I don't care about it
Torta was always kind and generally a good person
I distinctly remember whitekidney warning people that all private servers were compromised a few months ago
is shenna a virgin
not anymore
bitch just got anal reamed in front of 4k pop
this is known to most who are not downsyndrome niggers

leaked staff meeting from elysium, shenna is torta (the project lead of turtle wow), torta tries to shut down all discussion over this topic

shes a liar and manipulator who tries to hide her past identity for good reason, turtle wow gets what it fucking deserves
Is shenna tight
is shenna a real woman
>Troon completely mindbroken and keeps spamming something about Shenna for hours with no context
>"Dude, you are shitting up the thread if you post proofs of Turtlewow admin team being shady!"
I wonder if that faggot who told me that would please stand up and apologize. Fucking nigger
Advice: Log it in on Starfall
torta / shenna = already known for hacking attempts and ddosing, destroying server competition, threatening people on staff, selling gold and taking money for unbans without informing other mods, more

whoever hacked the server probably was slighted by torta / shenna at some point since they called them out specifically, should have posted more server announcements to make ppl aware of this instead of just spamming nigger lol
Who hurt you Daniel?
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>hackerman tells even more newfags to come to 4chan
newfags dont know wtf a /wpsg/ is and googling it yields no results.
Hackerman expands 4chans community. Gods work over there
They linked this thread on the reddit thread
Better start spamming gore
they're timing out anyone mentions sh3nn4 = torta

also everything is lost and they're in full damage control mode, will take up to 48 hrs to rebuild the DPR
Nice belt. Few people have the brains to figure out that an item which gives no ap can still be good.
t. never equipped it because I was dumb when I played rogue
prepare for all the newfags, friends ;)
How do I make an account?
I'm a hitmaxxed critcel, I'm on my theoretical maximum DPS arc
>Recognising a belt from the model
I kneel
Should have played on Sanctuary.
>pvp server
hard pass
I only play premium wall schizokino
all the newfags from reddit will revive Khazar Milkers
Daniel was Bundy this whole time
Ted Bundy? idk who that is
I too like my racist rants in a 24 hour format with a 2 month hiatus in between.
hey friends. I am new ^^
Why would you hack the server in an extremely obvious way and not dump more dirt on shenna?
Fucking fag can‘t handle some PVP, go kys.
Hey y'all, so who are the movers and shakers around here?
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What happened this time with turtle?
>t. only #bigdickgamer ITT who raids BC content
not him but lol
just lol
no self awareness at all
The hack was fake. I bet it was some plant from Shenna herself to roll back everything and maybe start fresh with an „OOPS - no refunds“.

Maybe they won‘t come online at all again, they just take their shit and fuck off.
Just face it troons, you’re done.
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Kinda glad I didn't a race change for my high elf paladin now
Credit card expired last month too lol
Dodged a fucking bullet
That's what's sussing me out so much. It did as little as possible to harm shenna without making it look like shenna could have done it. Are the moderation staff in on it too?
Daniel. Please return server. Also, I'll need my Atiesh back too.
Hackerman leak some 'Class Change 2' stuff. Or anything interesting, spamming messages on the server isn't very interesting lol
Guys I accidentally the WHOLE thing
Probably this. She needs another vacation to montenegro, you guys have to pay for it

What do I know. I just heard rumours that pretty much all players who accessed the server in the last 30 days or so got RATed, staff, players, everyone - already reinstalled my PC, no chance of getting my shit.
Guys it's me, I'm trans-racial now
>start playing turtle a month or two ago
>now being targeted by Blizzard
>other “malicious parties” attacking the server

I swear to God I’m bad luck.
>all this shitposting
>nobody can provide a simple answer
Noone because we sit on our ass all day and mom will never get me to move out of her basement
Me when I'm out of meds
I'm in DMs with her. This is true. But this time she's getting a buttjob to go with her previous boobjob
>heard rumours
Where did you hear this? Also what can realistically be done?
Yeah I think this server is finished.

Damn, that ass must clap when she walks. Fuck, Crogge is a happy fucker.
All my passwords are high entropy, i sure as fuck hope they aren't stored in plaintext
>log into turtle once
>now have to change my passwords for everything

Okay dude thanks you Slav SHIT
If you have everything as you claimed, start by leaking source code for their vmangos + custom content.
Sure well actually I*SHARTS*

People talking. Someone in mod staff didn‘t keep their mouth shut. As I said, I don‘t know shit - but its just weird how in the last couple days the website and servers were down so often so I don‘t take any risks.
I call the shots here. Not you.
>go to fucking reddit because this general manages to be worse
>find https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4jv6li0N7k
LOL a fucking animated series about crogge and shenna
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You nigger ain‘t gonna tell me what to do. You will get your crumbs of code here and there when I feel like it. Gotta get rid of some things, waiting for them to open up the server again and check if my backdoors are still there.
The fact the website has been down for several days before this even happened is pretty disconcerting. Not sure if they're linked though.
Perfect my tranny faggot guild died like last month anyway now the whole server can die with it. Good riddance tranny nigger server Cataclysm private server racists will inherit the WoW chud empire.
Are you the reason I can no longer log into the game? It's real messed up the things you said in the chat, you're not a good person.NWK8SM
What the fuck happened to turtle wow? Website has been down for the last 2 days, never went up. And now the server is down for like 6 hours??? Has this happened before?
yeah I am
you gonna cry? gonna piss and shit your pants?
Newfag nigger linking directly to /wpsg/.
Warmanechads. We stay winning.
T-this proves nothing.
Is this general the most mentally ill?
How can Daniel and his white vans be stopped?
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Total reddit faggot invasion tells you everything you need to know about Troondle WoW
So you got passwords? big woop. You don't really have any of the good stuff nigger

Probably, I‘m just guessing. It was down far too long and also the QA guys cried about PTR being down. So something def got fucked. Not gonna play on TWOW ever again, especially since they are being so shady.
Kiss all elves
I just woke up, what happened to Turtle WoW? Is it over?
We don't know.
How did you know my password was faggot?
I can't even be surprised anymore when textbook normalfags like this nigger find 4chan.
oh how nice...
Liked server since it wasnt just vanillia that I played bilion fucking times and got bored of it.
at least Im happy that I didnt wasted time on SoD and played turtle.
now gotta wait for project epoch and see if its worth my time
desu I think majority of playerbase that used brain for second knew that torta = shenna.
if project epoch is crap or dead then im just stop playing wow since there arent any good alternatives.
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Full access to all the code, RATs on all the staff members and most of the player base.

It is a shame that people never found my back doors that I put into VMangos years ago. Maybe I will fuck up Evergook next.
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I work for the CIA now
I bought the spectral tiger, the illusions, the tabards.. I had a bunch of their beautiful gowns and all the glyphs for my Druid... This can't be happening...
HI Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again
I might believe you on ratting the client part, but
>back doors that i put into VMangos years ago
lmao okay mr. Jia Tan
pearl please save us from the mean hackerman

Well, the problem with TWOW is, they used the work that I did on Elysium, then fucked me over and ran with it. But I knew, I knew they will fuck me over.

Now TWOW will be open source too.
Is it true Shenna looks like Remy Lacroix? if so, i will happy simp for her.
post the pandasses
drive out the newfags
>Now TWOW will be open source too.
I hope you aren't larping, because that sounds fucking based as fuck.
kys r*ddit nigger rat
Shenna is Josh "Lore" Allen in disguise
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I’m on holiday and I saw my guildies in our discord server saying that twow got hacked and the hacker mentioned /wpsg/?!?

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we love whitekidney here

Just wait. I first need to doxx Shenna to the authorities for tax fraud.
>casually level a human hunter
>log in three times over 4 months
>only level 10

>get computer hacked for it
Mmm yess Ty
Ty Slavs
it was me lol it was easy
username: admin
pw: admin
shenna = niggerfaggot
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shenna ruined nostal its only fair that turtleshit gets ruined too
some real hysteric sub zero IQ discussions going on in the twow discord general channel
people on 4chan are dumb but people outside 4chan are somehow dumber
we're all geniuses here
we merely pretend to be retarded for laughs
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>doesn't use this access to actually leak any insider info whatsoever
>doesn't use this access to actually run malicious code or even just hello_world.exe on people's computers to prove his claim
>doesn't leak account information
>literally doesn't do anything besides type .servermessage (your shitpost here) a few times
what a nothingbur-
>this actually warrants shutting down the server for several hours, possibly days, instead of just banning one guy and moving on
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shut up bitch
no you don't, larping nigger
cope and seethe turtletroon
see >>487701801 there is no inside and outside 4chan. how much of a newfag are you to not remember the reddit immigration of 2011? you think they ever left?
>Turtle WoW is fine, your accounts are safe
>There are currently 10 devs in a call trying to figure this out

These two things cannot both be true.
zero proof, bitch
im happy for you
how is >>487703521
a turtle troon? he even admitted the hack is serious.

Oh no. You got me.

Im pearl in disguise….nooooo
>website down for 48 hours, no explanation given
turned off my pc
the turtletroon is upset i can detect them instantly
You can criticize me when you take down some tranny servers yourself faggot
>We have everything backed up in a separate enviroment
>The server is fucking burning down
Can both be true at the same time, you know.
They probably called an all hands meeting because they think someone actually hacked the server instead of phishing a gm.
ew, a phoneposter
Honestly guys, we‘re sorry - we don’t know how that actually could happen. We moved the servers and tried to fix all we could, enable all logs etc. but he just slipped in and raped us.
i can criticize you whenever i want
paladins are still getting nerfed bitch
I was raped once, please don't use the R word, it's my trigger word
I hope at least one of them is recording and leaks the juicy bits

As I said - thats what they get for running with my code. Fucking amateurs, can only asset rip. Didn‘t even bother checking what they stole. I will shit and cum if they go back on, just for my backdoors still to work.
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You dumbasses are just too retarded to realize that this is sheena bailing out with his money made after blizz opened a class action lawsuit on twow after the 2.0 trailer release

she has done the exact same thing years ago on elysium but you dumbasses didnt mind playing on another server by the exact same tranny

i have been telling people here for months not to play on twow because sheena would just pull another scam and restart on a new server after selling you 100$ 36 slot bags and repair bots but you idiots fell to paid reddit mod shilling on r/wowservers

well done dumbasses, enjoy losing years of progress
Why is this general so unhinged?
>sheena bailing out with his money
>she has done
pick a pronoun and stick to it chuddie
wouldnt be the first time ive been caught with my pants down and ass gaped

Should have played on Sanctuary.
Shut the fuck up and suck my dick, faggot

This is what's really bugging me. Is it related?
god i wish i could get raped
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I don't think you know what a class action lawsuit is
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Was this statement written by a 13 year old? Pathetic.
its so over
now somebody send me a lvl 60 chinese paladin to empty
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>your passwords and credit card data may or may not have been stolen, basically we have no idea what the fuck is going on, we could start the server right now but the hacker would just keep spamming nigger faggot in general chat
Everyone is angry you're not playing on their server so they take every opportunity to shitpost on every other server.
I would.
literally started playing this yesterday after years of not touching wow and this happens, has to be divine intervention to stop me from falling for wowcrack all over again.
thank you jesus
>credit card data
There's no indication that the third party credit card payment processor was hacked as well, why lie?
Which server should i play then?
The only winning move is not to play.
>thank you jesus
Don't thank Jesus just yet, it's possible most of the player base now has a remote access trojan on their computers now.
play with my balls faggot
what are you on about?
Imagine if you leaked their code, and someone hosted another content progressive server (which i assume their code base supports?)
my windows defender and mcafee didnt pick anything up so im calling bullshit on trojans
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>could've held the server hostage for a ransom
>could've leaked mad info
>could've actually burned down the project
>nope, just gonna give them a few days of downtime for the lulz
wouldnt be the first time ive taken a trojan up the ass
The hacker is a gigantic pussy
A joke, sir? Glowboss said those are no longer allowed
I don't know why you're both being so quick to say the hacker didn't do anything. We have no idea what they did nor how far they will go.
For fucks sake, the website has been inexplicably down for two days and nothing was done about it.
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>Tortle dead
>Ascenshit dead
return to panda furries
We're gay and racist
Reddit doesn't know how to handle us
I didn't say he didn't do anything I'm just saying he's a giant pussy. He's a blood belching vagina.
Shenna pic leak?
U mad bro?

As I said. I‘m busy for the time being. Just be patient.
Nigga hacked the forum software and lifted a GM account.
Some anon few months ago said she looked like a young slavic Remy Lacroix, i'm not sure if that's true or not. But my heart wants to believe it.
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My shady wow developer can't be this cute!
You'd think so, but no. There is some sub-sect of white gays who are probably the most racist people you would meet. It's highly documented behavior
Website being down can easily be a coincidence, DDoS attacks have been commonplace for a long time and website/server are separate.
>hacker claims he can run malicious code
>doesn't download dolphin porn on every logged player's pc
>turtle wow devs confirm hacker got access to (encrypted) account information
>doesn't leak them right away
>hacker claims he got access to the server code
>doesn't leak it right away
Biggest possible outcome here is the nigger is gonna steal a few naxx raider accounts and try to sell them. Why delay doing anything at all?
I know, count me in as a Shenna simp :3
WoWscape and Turtle. Why are private servers owned by women?
my character just cleared wailing caverns and got the pants, do you think my account is valuable and at risk to get hacked?
Considering the perpetrators of violent attacks against their community, it's not hugely surprising
posts?tags=disembodied_hand+pandaren gives me nothing
I am getting my perver--I mean experts on the job as we speak
I'm on the phone with my lawyer
Lot of words used to say nothing useful
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this reddit nigger stole your post
the audacity of these people
drop disembodied_hand, and try green_eyes or some other, more common tags, you can't trust coomers to tag pictures accurately
heart_pupils brought nothing up either
kek what the fuck? I dont use reddit, too difficult for a boomer like me
They put it in quotation marks and censored the naughty word. It's transformative.
i did panda heart_eyes and got nothing
shut the fuck up you fucking NIGGER
Got a ring in there last night?
How did you know
You fucking hacker don’t touch my ring I farmed the murloc boss for 4 days
lost your server? sorry man shucks that's a shame
why don't you come to pandaria and find a nice comfy seat
your face is the seat
Eh, I've only been on the server for about 6 months and I was starting to get bored of it anyways. It's a shame I'll never get to finish leveling my Shaman alt though.
Probably, that's what happened at Ascension awhile back.
why is every expansion after wrath just furries erping
fucking gross
>check out /wpsg/ for updates
ok so which one of you was this
and you just know hacker-kun chose a friday to ruin people's weekend lmao. also funny how exposing scammers like Shenna always ends up fucking over others. As if that troon cares after making big bank. if anything, you just gave that creature the perfect excuse to bail. nice job
/wpsg/ - Whitekidney pro-simp group
It's over for private servers, right?
ascenshit isnt dead just extremely unfun with constant re-balance and gatekeeping so the seasonal is only enjoyed by 40-50 people and for the first time area 52 is actually the better server
I'm using this username for all my updates. Anyone without it is faking.
Probably the hacker know as 4Chan.
Warmane chads rise up
I erp'd with pearl
funny how jannies became a slur outside 4chan aswell
You reckon banking details will be exposed?
isn't turtlecoin or whatever bought through ''donating'' to their paypal?
Ok where is the updates
All your posts are aping about niggers and faggots
Reddit nigger retards going "wahhhhh there's no updates there's no updates he lied" because they literally do not understand that these posts are ordered chronologically instead of by upvotes and so my updates aren't at the top of the page.
How about you try reading the thread you fucking retard
t. redditnig
All payment is made through third party processors, so unless this guy hacked paypal etc too, no

Zero updates in the thread, daniel. Post something already.
its been a while since we had a genuine 4chan hacker hasnt it
You’re not getting gold now lol
Just a curiosity, you implied TWoW was using some of your previous code? Was this attack a revenge of sorts towards Shenna specifically?
this might have unironically been my last straw with turtle
i am seriously considering rolling on warmane instead
but i have never played wotlk before
le 4chin heckin hackerman at it again
I remember when a similar thing happened to Warmane (we called it the Moltdown back then). The guy who hacked it then made a new website and all baiting people to login on his fake shit lmao.
this might have unironically been my last straw with 4chan
i am seriously considering rolling on reddit instead
but i have never sucked dicks before
we do not forgive. we do not forget. we are anonymouse (:<
Heck, it would be great if this server was taken down by someone more interesting

You yell about niggers and faggots so often, I think this hyperfixation brings out the nigger faggot in yourself
u mad bro?
as a gay black man I am deeply troubled by the discourse in this thread
I love Turtle WoW
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>ascenshit isnt dead
>seasonal enjoyed by 50 people
>a52 has less than half of that
Let me get this straight... Daniel has unironically hacked twow?
Not at all. I've just never seen Daniel with a fixation on nigger faggots before.
No it's just propaganda by Big Daniels to make you think that Daniels are in control
Danny boy has gone mad with power
Niggermonkeys like Shenna can't code and just steal my shit so it was easy
Unfortunately no, he did it ironically. You're going to have to delete the Ashbringer that was sent to your mailbox once you log back in.

-Posted by Snoo553
Stay cool, stay frosty, like an ice cube!
Why play your hand now, Danny boy? With this just to send a message or is there more at play?
turtle sisters..... this is not bussin
fr tho
turtle was the only thing I looked forward to in my life rn
actually it was finalflash
Daniel won
Blizzard paid me
wish we could have twow without shenna, community was cool and they applied some cool vanilla+ concepts
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I just want to play some fucking videogames, is that too much to ask for?
wallcraft soon bro. true aryan proper vanilla+ custom server. also play on skullcrusher in the meantime, we just need 5 healers and we can start our raid group
torta is actually a good person now
she had a redemption arc and she is also a virgin
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Video games?
Blizzard will be sending assassins anyways since they can't take it down with legal means. (redditors are cocksucking faggots) Just a quick disappearance is nothing compared to the money they lose.
Did shenna do anything actually scummy since the elysium meltdown or is all of the hate just from elysium?
proof or go back to licking toilets

there's also a five part animation about it on YouTube
Daniel, can we get a technical breakdown? We wanna know how you did her!!!!!!
turtle is p2w cancer

she sells fucking 36 slot bags for 30$ each while the largest bag in classic is 18 slot. Also sells or other p2w items like bank/ah/repair minions.
No. She is pretty clean after Elysium.
Super low render distance, reminds me of Nost and even when turtle started to hit 10k and shit itself.
10k players on twow was a fucking movie bro
No sissy, you are simply too weak.

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