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Daniel the Tauren Paladin Killing Turtle WoW Edition

>Currently discussed servers:
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org/ (Vanilla+)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless)
Athena - https://twinstar-wow.com (Cata)
Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
Sanctuary - https://www.sanctuarywow.com/ (Vanilla)
Valanior - https://valanior.com/ (Vanilla+)
Everlook - https://everlook.org/ (Vanilla+)
Ashbringer - https://wow.classic-plus.com/ (Classic+)
Crusader-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC)

>Upcoming servers
Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)

>/wpsg/ Guilds
<Not in OP> - Mistblade 2 (Horde)
<Khazar Milkers> - Mistblade 2 (Alliance)
<Full Moon Company> - Turtle Wow (Crossfaction)
<TempleOS> - Crusader-Storm (Crossfaction)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>487342896
Turtle sisters i
can you invite me to full moon company
troons ruin everything
Torta = Shenna
Daniel appears out of fucking nowhere and a few hours later turtle WoW is erased.

Daniel, I kneel.
no i can't because the server is dead dummy
will i get my lvl 8 druid back?
torta is actually a good person now
she had a redemption arc and she is also a virgin
Say it with me: Daniel won
what did he win?
is this a good guild
Pearl killed this thread. Daniel restored it.
We’re so fucking back.
Torta is a liar and a manipulator who hides her past identify for good reason.

Someone (not me) should post about how crazy it is that Torta and Shenna are both women from Russia with the same birthdays, what are the odds?
Bowser = Crogge
new CEO of blizzard due to his accomplishment
there are a lot russian women in this world with the same birthdays
78500000 women in russia
/365 days = 215068 women
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reject Tortle, join Mistblade fursisters
Where is the core so I can boot up a non shenna ran version of turtle wow.
>Member Since: 9 Sept 2018
shortly after the elysium drama

okay now factor in how many of them are project leads of world of warcraft private servers that siphon money from paypigs for new panties?
>cannot stomach vanilla leveling after 20 years
>have to do it every few months when whatever server I’m on collapses.
Reject the pandatrannies and the hordeniggers.
Embrace tradition. Join Sanctuary.
Torta is deff Shenna I was in voice with her at one point. Also when that fag Vorag posted the to catch a cheater video. Torta(shenna) was super pissed about it and wanted to nuke Vorag from the server for making a video about it she wanted it brushed under the rug. The entire team had to talk her out of doing it.

It is the same person
What is the end goal of this hack?
He admitted previously working on the core used by TWoW so I'm guessing this is a private vendetta towards Shenna?
He won't get any money because they have backups and no direct access to banking detail.
Is he just stalling for attention? And for what? To spam profanities worthy of an edgy teenager?
I'm tired boss
it's over pearl
give up
why in the fuck would the Twow Team ever allow this scum of the earth to infiltrate their team lmao
Cores are worth selling, especially cores like turtle will fetch you a few thousand.
to make you mad lol
you in particular
I'm looking through your window at your tear and poop stained underwear RIGHT NOW
shenna is actually a good girl
lots of people just dislike the turtle wow administration in general
If you bought mounts on Ascension years ago you indirectly helped fund my cute pastel colored panties. Thank you guyz =3
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>think about coming back to twow
OK maybe not
It's an excuse, Shenna is cashing out because Blizzard's bringing too much heat for 2.0.
what's the Vorfag lore? link vid?
I'm starting to think this isn't the same Daniel that backed the server. Do you have any proof besides your words?
>friend yesterday asks me about playing
>he gets set up then goes to bed
>wakes up to this
>he downloads retail "just to mess around since it's free to 20"
owari da...
maybe this is good time for them to nerf paladin into the ground back to where it belongs.
if that is true than I hope that Daniel doxxes the troon. It literally can't keep getting away with this shit
It was worthless anyway, back when the guild bank dupe existed we duped millions of them so tech they are worth basically nothing once we sell them all.
You heard it from a stranger on 4chan, of course it's true.
Daniel would never let paladin be nerfed
wtf whoever hacked turtle wow has just ordered a Chance the Flared Stallion® dildo to my house
Some people are saying that hacker could deliver payload through patches, how likely is this?
<Not in OP> can't get enough players to fill a full 10 man raid from /wpsg/ so he killed Turtle so the few users of /wpsg/ that only use Turtle might migrate to Mistblade 2.
That's it. That's the entire story. He's never even played on Turtle, he just knows hating Shenna is a meme.
Anon, why was the order placed a week ago?

Its just about team abuse. Shenna was pissed that he made it though.
Whoever hacked the servers initiated an autoupdate on the live realms, sending MPQ to the players. If you played Turtle WoW recently and still have the client on your computer, nuke it.
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Bout yea likely
y'all are the kings of schizoposting
very likely if he had backend access.
Patch isn't required, 1.12's anticheat can already execute code on your PC, this has been known for 15 years now.
The actual question is pointing out a single pserver that has actually ever used this for malicious purposes.
You're not welcome here.
Just remember to change your password when you get back in. Daniel has either the raw text or the easily cracked hash code of almost, if not every user and god knows what he plans to do with it.
shut up bitch
But is the server up yet?
Daniel will buff paladin
I'm out of the loop but has Shenna done anything scummy since the Elysium bullshit or are people just hung up on that?
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Redpill me on Shenna. I know nothing of Turtle history.
Once a jew, always a jew. Only the oven can cleanse her
i stopped browsing /wpsg/ a few months ago because of all the turtlewow shilling and faggotry going on (fuck your programming socks)
but i just found out what happened when this video came into my recommended https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDihlDDkBa4

you guys are literally so based for kicking those retarded turtlewow faggots in their own lair
I killed princess last night but didn't turn in the quest, I swear if this fucking nigger abandons it...
so this retard had access cuz he worked on the core?
notorious fresh server cash shop pump and dump admin that is also supposedly behind the longest running vanilla server

zero happenings since elysium
My main PC that I have turtle on just froze and the cursor was moving on its own, someone had remote access and was trying to browse my files before I pulled the plug
who is daniel? why does he go by that name? does he have a last name?
Hmm, curious if it works through Wine, maybe Linux saved my ass
i tried pulling the plug but it's too big
I woke up to an empty bank account an my twow account bulging with dono currency, I'm on the phone with my bank right now but things aren't looking good for me
Daniel or sometimes Daniel the Paladin as he is sometimes known plays a paladin and hacked twow
Don't wanna call Twow admins liers but it seams like a bigger problem then they let on.
codemonkey that got uppity over not being allowed to dictate how much paladins get buffed in the next class patch
Here is the Turtle WoW World Database leak

No shit. Idiots in the discord can't read the obvious subtext that shit is likely way worse that it appears.
Daniel also known as DDOS Daniel
don't want to put too much information out there too quickly but I'm currently in talks with Shenna and if I don't receive the compensation I'm asking for there may just be a little surprise for the Turtle players who let that update happen even though there were no patch notes
only 160 MB?
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ill take the core off your hands please.
thank fucking christ i stopped playing twow and no longer use the pc that had it
its all plain text, why would it be bigger?
>if the well-known scammer and sociopath does not comply, I will punish people that got nothing to do with my vendetta

shocking, really. at this point Im beginning to suspect that Shenna paid you to provide him with an excuse to bail out.
This is just the quests, spells, npcs, etc Not the account information.
You speak in riddles, maniac. What update is this? Why do you so torment the fateless slaves of Shenna?
is that a dolphin vagina?
Sheena was a private scene character like 7 years ago, and a few sorry fucks over at /wowservers/ got giga fixated on her because omg a girl, and also she was involved in some shady business with a project that everyone has forgotten about at this point.
When Turtle WoW started in 2018, a few persistent /wowservers/ posters started trying to smear the project by connecting it to Sheena and the fiasco related to her, and it was all really just motivated by being a sad fuck who delights when a server fails. Except Turtle WoW did not fail, which confused and enraged the few posters, and so they've been claiming that Turtle WoW's Torta is Sheena for what is coming up to be a decade.
Imagine living like this :p.
That's literally it. Even if Torta somehow was "Sheena", it would not have mattered since Torta and the entire Turtle WoW team invested, at this point, 6 years of their lives into a project that has no comparison in WoW private server history for little to no monetary gain.
Relax, I wouldn't do anything too bad to random people. Just something noticeable enough that they'll never touch anything associated with Shenna again out of fear of it happening again.
If you can't 1cc Ten Desires you don't deserve access to your computer anyway
>for little to no monetary gain.
nonsense, twow has raked in mad cash shop donations in the past couple years
your email and passwords are compromised
brazillians have already stolen your credit card info
>they'll never do another 50% sale again because paypigs will wait for that instead of buying full price
There is a vulnerability in the 1.12 warden which allows private servers to essentially run code on your system (RCE) through streamed modules. These modules & checks are streamed to your client when you first connect to the server. Server owners can create modules that uses a bug in the client side anticheat to run anything they want on your system, including spyware. There's a few projects that has used this in the past to drop malware on peoples computers.

The exploit itself used to be in the hands of a few, but if Turtle is exploiting this that's a big yikes and likely means that other server projects have it as well. Warmane has known about it and has actively used this exploit for years.

Imagine if you're playing on a server and you are pissing off the server owners. Bam, spyware.

Anyone running the 1.12.1 client is affected by this.
A few days ago, twow login servers went down for a couple hours, and trying to log in started the Updating Client feature.
Some retards thought they were actually dropping the update unnanounced and let it run. If this isn't a LARP, daniel actually used it to upload some malware.
Checks out, looks like it was dumped on 25/06/2023 21:35:38

Many entries in the tables that you'd only expect to see on TurtleWoW. It's an actual world DB dump. But not that useful without the Core source.
literally who? just play the fucking video games and stop being faggots
what a sad retarded fuck you are
thats right it just so happens that two girls from russia who both share the same birthday, are both into managing private servers
whats next, theyre actually twin sisters?
You're not playing on my watch buddy boy.
i have other games to play man-child
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>one year old
oh. so its fucking nothing, then
warmanesissies... why is our server so boring? all we get is the occasional ddos...
like what
Can you tell us something interesting you found while in there, Daniel?
put on a tripcode you larping faggot
Do you see the other private servers in OP?

He has no wife, no children and is a fag.
I just want to level up and fish on my goblin i just started...
anyone remember 2013 when dorner posted the method on how to get a free 60 on valkyrie-wow? all you had to do was message shenna on the forums that you made the payment. dumb hoe didn't double check if you actually donated. those times were quite different to say the least.
yeah but no one plays those
when i was younger i used to think 4chan was better than reddit. but now that im older i see that reddit is better. these threads are just people jacking each other off in the dark, while on reddit people are still jacking each other off, but at least i can see useful information without needing to sift through all the bullshit
i found the sylma warhorn logs
it's only in these vidya generals where faggots are obsessed with other losers like them and like to name them "daniel"
trueee can we have some fun with juicy details pls mr hackerman
Okay, so an SQL table from over a year ago. Is this even related to the hack from today?
I don't know how anyone who has spent +10 years on both can in anyway say that reddit is better.

Most retarded post in this thread and that's saying something.
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Yes I found out that I am massively gay
*grabs you by your greasy ass hair and shoves your face onto my ass*
Oh yeah?
*releases the most vile fart that's ever been farted straight into your face, causing your eyes to melt*
wake up to wow pserver tranny admin drama

good thing I didn't bother trying turtlewow
why is beastmaster not a real job? I would love to be a wow hunter and have a huge collection of pets
they think this is the hacker
Just work at a zoo.
Daniel based
Even if they did, the server is still not p2w like Molten/Warmane (unless you consider being able to grind faster and having more bag space a "win" in which case, skill issue), and if they managed to profit off their hard work - you are not going to argue against them working hard and achieving results, right? - that's completely fine.
But again, I doubt that the kind of work that they've been doing has been all that profitable. I'd be very surprised if the hours they've invested so far came anywhere close to a minimum wage. Even in Russia.

I don't know you, and you definitely don't know me, but I can tell what type of a person you are. In 5 years, you will still be here, malding at those more successful than you.
Any turtle bros here? I think I'm done with this server. I don't care about the crash but I didn't know the owner was such a scammy douche bag owning several pservers.

What is the best classic server after turtle? Im looking for populated ones.
>I don't know you, and you definitely don't know me, but I can tell what type of a person you are. In 5 years, you will still be here, malding at those more successful than you.
judging by your name you are shenna's dicksucker no.1
kill yourself
Who the fuck do you think you are namefagging in my thread
Only Pearl and I get to do that, bastard
>le hivemind is better
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just host any discord server and you will have all the beasts at your disposal
not even shenna pic leaks
1/10 hack would not recommend
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Accepting refugees to pandaland
SoO soon brothers
Blizzard's. Private server sissies are finished.
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>quadrupling your bag/bank space, bank pet, repair pet, vendor pet, AH pet, portable mailbox are not p2w because... because... you're not literally buying gear!!!!11!!!!1
I loved Daniel's throbbing hot cock in my pussy
Sorry for giving you AIDS
>I'd be very surprised if the hours they've invested so far came anywhere close to a minimum wage. Even in Russia.
Tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars AKA no more work for the rest of your life in a shithole country level money, in exchange for work done by volunteers. You have no idea how jewy the whole project is, nobody actually working is getting paid.
My cute sociopathic scammer trannifu......
I've chakramaxxed enough to be able to play a 1:1 recreation in my mindscape for about 5-6 hours a day
You can buy dual spec with real money, which is essentially buying 350g.
im unironically attempting to do that in real life
my brain's visualization is still not strong enough to get past the starting stages
but over time i might get it
You can't sell it to other players.
Saving 350g is not the same thing as buying 350g.
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no one wants to play in your furry cult
>(unless you consider being able to grind faster and having more bag space a "win" in which case, skill issue
yes, I do
>it's not pay to win it's le pay le to le save time!!!!
this argument has always been a joke
How many more servers must I destroy at the behest of my wife before we can have a full raid group?
Why would it matter if you can't sell it to other players? If the game sold you frostmourne from the cash shop would you say it's not P2W because the item is BoP?
we're the biggest /wpsg/ guild
definitely not something to brag about
/wpsg/ is a degenerate evil shithole
general filled with autists
you fear the evil autie gang
How will twow apologize for this? Free donation coins?
I'm mostly namefagging because I've been around since 2013 lol even though I don't really play the game at this point. Sorry for larping a character in a thread about a mmorpg I guess.

I know you don't mean it, anon. Please look into your heart and try to find the spark of hope again. There's an entire world out there waiting for you <3. I believe you will make it.

I admit I haven't been keeping track of TWoW for a while. I know this thread is, uh, tense at this point, but I'm genuinely curious about how jewy the project is. I can tell they're making money, but doesn't most of it go for like marketing?

Also to others, sorry, I'll never consider xp boosts and bags, pets, etc "pay to win". Most of us are oldfags, we know the game inside out. Winning should mean clearing the endgame content or maybe just enjoying the game.
Feel free to return to reddit whenever you feel like it, nigger.
it only seems like that to you because you are only here when you are here and thus the level of autism and degeneracy is higher than normal
wow this really is proof that private servers are just as good as blizzards servers huh
>doesn't most of it go for like marketing?
What marketing? They don't pay for ads. They don't pay for marketing people to come up with ads. They don't pay anyone. Nearly all of the profit is funneled to the owner.
Are you saying their GMs receive no monetary compensation?
>I know you don't mean it, anon. Please look into your heart and try to find the spark of hope again. There's an entire world out there waiting for you <3. I believe you will make it.
this is something only a tranny could write
literally in your own words you first "wished me hell" and insulted me by saying "you are a basement dweller that will stay here forever and all mad!"
and now that i called you out you try to flip it on me like those christian priests "god bless your soul, i hope he forgives you and saves you!"

what a feminine pathetic characteristic
just say that you cant handle taking it but can only handle dishing it out
Discussion time.
>Who hacked TWoW?
>Why did they hack TWoW?
>What does this mean for the future of TWoW?
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your motivation behind this is solely to try and unify wpsg?
kind of based. but we are like the german confederation at teutoberg forest and will never unify unless you think you're some type of arminius
That couldn't possibly be true, who would work for free?
At what time did this update get sent? And what does it look like when the update happens? I'd like to know if I've been cyberhacked.
We didn't on elysium, haven't done janny work since for a reason
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>we noticed it yesterday because they took down the login servers and we didn't do anything about it until today
epog will save us
check if your wow-patch.mpq file in twow folder was downloaded recently, anyway you should need to run the client to be at risk so just don't. backup your config and interface addons then delete the whole folder imo
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I'm not gonna put it here, message me on discord and I might if you can convince me you're not a Shenna dickrider.
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Only the head gm (lexie) the rest work for free.
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cheers anon looks like I'm okay
So if I only run the exe file that bring me straight into the game not the client file, I should be safe right?
how's he scammy and which other private servers did they own? i'm just asking because i don't follow the drama
it's she, thankyou very much
Should we delete the file and redownload the game or not???
its like 7 gb just redowload that shit and copy WTF folder/addons
guy is too retarded for a proper backdoor anyway, if u got windows defender you'll be fine lmao
post some shenna i need to jerk off
I've not seen this even though I've been playing more or less daily up to yesterday.
see >>487696425
who's in charge at warmane now?
i remember those streams where kaer admitted to the fake pop but shortly after lordaeron launch he disappeared
>who's in charge at warmane now?
Same, but I don't think anon would lie
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Supposedly the developers, designers, and community people get paid? Do we know for a fact that they don't? Surely they can see all the money coming in, right, and yet they tolerate all of it going to the "Sheena" (lol) for literal years while selflessly but stupidly contributing their work to the project? Is that the narrative we're going with, anon.

I just said you're malding at people more successful than you. I said nothing about wishing you hell or anything like that, lol, but you did tell me to kms. You are emotionally unstable! But that's ok because having powerful emotions means that there is a powerful Life Force inside of you, anon, and you must direct it towards something meaningful.
>I just said you're malding at people more successful than you. I said nothing about wishing you hell or anything like that, lol, but you did tell me to kms. You are emotionally unstable! But that's ok because having powerful emotions means that there is a powerful Life Force inside of you, anon, and you must direct it towards something meaningful.

>starts yapping about life force
ceritifed tranny
did you change your name from jack to luna? or starlight? lmao
mmorpg players are the biggest losers lmao
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You know what, Turtlesissies? I'll let you play again if you remove all the faggot pride flags from this announcement.
All these stories about MoP being for ERP and how people totally aren't playing there just because it has the best gameplay and raids in WoW history, yet no one's reacting with faggot flags out of nowhere to announcements in their discord.
im bored can we get some leaks or smth

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Sorry, I'm based
yeah the gold rush feeling is over now, let's turn the lights back on and go grind some boars

You are powerless.
If you were online you wouldn't notice cause only the login servers went down, people didn't get booted from the game.
You had to try to log in during a short window of time before the devs stopping it to see the update prompt.
Not your discord name that is your alias in the server you are in...
>implying this doesnt happen on every discord server
can this shit actually happen?
If you don't trust me, just go ask how much each contributor position gets paid on the turtle wow discord. I'll wait.
If you can't find me from that you can't be trusted with the information I have.
no mate chill, you can read the hacker's messages here, he's an actual retarded trying to get some money off a core he worked on in the past, he had root access and all he did was fearmonger and type some n-words, redownload your twow client and you'll be fine
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Right, that makes sense. Also:
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>he's an actual retarded
oh no no no you messed up!!!
clearly feeling a bit flustered!!!
I hope you don't share randoms account info or something like that.
>the hacker was one of pearl's erp goons
It's just a fantasy nickname that I had for over a decade. I'm sorry if trannies live inside your mind tho. Maybe you should do something about it?

I am genuinely asking desu. Not saying you're wrong.
God I love stroking my tranny cock at Sally Whitemane, she's so beautiful
No, it just stops you from using your computer until you can 1cc a touhou game. I'm going for Ten Desires because I'm a nice guy and it's the easiest one. It's pretty easily bypassed, but like I said the goal is shock value and ruining Shenna's reputation so that's fine.
youre right guys im a retarded tranny
i suck tiny peckers all day
what server is this from? its not the twow disc
>tfw daniel isn't inside of me in goldshire rn
I wonder if this shit works on linux lmao
Keep seething Zofryer
Daniel won
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>we noticed someone got full access two days ago and didn't do anything about it until they started saying nigger in server messages
Shenna status?
please understand
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can you falsenickers leave me alone I'm just trying to have a pleasant conversation desu
im a cock sucking bitch i love falsenickers in my underwear
wow modding community discord
Ah no problem if I had twow installed, I lunatic 1cc all games except marketeer have not gotten around to it.

You should totally pick LoLK instead of TD ;)
meant for >>487724279
hi guys, ever since i started playing on turtle ive been having thte desire to eat my own cum, should i succumb..? also ive started reading futa hentai comics and its really worrying me am i being groomed by turtle wow
Still a bit until new PoE league.

What server we playing on sisters?
this reminds me that a while ago, some guy drew all of his twow characters as obese and ended up leaving after everyone clowned on him
hey guys what if we played ashbringer instead
Can someone boost me in Theatre of Blood?
Most braindead shit I've ever read.
86 gigabytes of child pornography hidden in the Arathi Highlands textures folder
I have already contacted the authorities about this.
Shenna will not get away with this.
delete your twow folders NOW
i just looked up shenna in their discord and there's 138 results lol

this guy rly is braindead
shouldn't you be on the ukrainian frontlines?
past results and probably 50 today alone have been deleted, got a discord message logger and i've been seeing shitposters get 24hr timeouts all day for mentioning shenna = torta

Post full logs please.
Isn't Keygen just a harmless crack tool?
>windows user

This thread is full of trannies, whatever server you promote here will have to deal with them. Every single /wpsg/ guild or group has been tranny and furry central. Even Lexie is here, at least lurking.
any lexie cute cock pics
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i fucking hate this discord
>you shouldnt hate other races
>you should instead hate the people in power
>you shouldnt hate the opposite gender
>you should instead hate rich people

populism and marxism is a scam, real anti-hatred can only be found in ultra pacifist ideologies like bahai faith
Indeed, antisemitism is the way to go
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when turtle troons post pics it becomes immediately obvious how disgusting they are
they're not your anime femboys
The user that took the screenshot said a minute later that this wasn't detected in the twow folder.
>playing on blizzard servers is x10 better than pservers ran by people worse than blizzard employees
well shit... it always boils down to this.
cuz ur life is miserable mate but that's ok, we don't all deserve happiness
I honestly think this is someone from the turtle wow dev team.
Is that you Jamey or Akalix?
every non-casual mmorpg players life is miserable, that's why they play mmorpgs in the first place.
yall are so fucking weird
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>turtle troons telling themselves they're cute girls
Unironically this.
I figured, it would be highly unlikely to somehow find a KeyGen due to a forced update. Even Daniel's claims of forcing a supposed external game into the .MPQ is quite borderline. A generic Trojan could be possible, or perhaps a bitcoin miner, but both are easily detectable.
Why are all WoW players either 50 yeard old dads or trannies?
i am vomit
Is it true Shenna looks like a young slavic Remy Lacroix? if so, i will happy simp for her.
im not a simple tranny
im the ultra tranny
Yes, its Jamey :p.
Torta and "Shenna" sharing the same birthday does not prove they are the same people. Even if they are the same people, who cares? You sad fucks need to go outside and touch some grass, probably never even kissed a girl in your lives.
imagine wearing this shit but not taking good care of your skin to look beautiful
I gagged. JFC
Infiltrate? She is literally the co-owner anon
>Why are mentally ill freaks not taking proper care of themselves
Truly a mystery.
>private world of warcraft servers
you idiots really believe this?
Tribalism is a plot invented by the rich? Yeah this guy is fucking dented in the head.
why is she playing a male dwarf?
and not a cute female high elf?
this doesn't make any sense
i'm mentally ill but my skin is like porcelain
Akalix is a literal faggot and can't code, basically just a stereotypical annoying, entitled, corporate speak yielding HR bitch, except he works for a pserver. Jamey is infinitely more capable and might not be a faggot, certainly isn't as much of an attention whore, so idk
You have to be one of the dumbest fucks alive
There was this one old woman in my guild on Warmane, real nice lady. Said she didn't believe in race-mixing
what if Whitemane was a femboy

these are the "straight white dwarf gigachads" who keep gassing themselves up ITT

you have to be genetically gifted or on an HRT regimen to get soft creamy white skin
welcome to the reality of things, Only real men play cute night elf girls.
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thanks for reviving my character yesterday.
If someone has the mpq that hackerman pushed, please upload it somewhere. Would love to take a peek at what's inside
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Which other tranny would you like me to post? 4chan's shitty one file limit forces me to choose
Pro-tip: check who's reacting with rainbow/tranny flags in turtle's announcements, check the discords for Macrochelys/Blackwing Guard/Natare

Some trannies are more extroverted, like Lexie posting about "lgbtq+" shit ingame 24/7 - including with colored letters in wchat -, others (like Saskia from Macrochelys) don't go around posting pics as much
then i am gifted
>4chan's shitty one file limit forces me to choose
just make a collage lol
This is the most lively these threads have ever been, and you didn’t even have to post your character’s ass like a manslut even one time. Blessed Daniel. Thank you for saving private servers.
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go on
What are you playing during the down time? I'm reinstalling Heroes of the Storm.
Yep that or drop the images into catbox and post a link
Pretty non-inclusive for a Transwoman to be Bisexual rather than Pansexual. What a biggotted faggot.
c-can i borrow your skinsuit anon... geheeheegeheee

>Heroes of the Storm
very based
I just meant the pic was gross, I'm not gonna waste my life as a tranny crusader.

I like my femboys like I like my women: non-existant.

*runs away crying*
no i need it
trans ppl living rent free in your mind
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Do you really think i'll work for this shitty general?
I'm only posting here while taking a dump, but take this collage someone else posted weeks ago
not your personal army, summerfag
alternative to turtle. preferably without russians, chinks and faggots
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1) why don't you just try and prove torta isn't sheena? I honestly hate these fags playing on pandaria erp in chopstick land. I wish they would leave their fantasy and return to full moon company on turtle.
2) If you wanted to prevent this, you should not have censored every chat channel in turtle. you should have left basement alone for people to have fun discussion's that isn't pineapple on pizza that's on world chat. Some people want to have discussions about real life events. Think about why 4chan hasn't been banned off the internet? Everywhere needs a containment zone and that was basement before GM's started monitoring it and muting people that even say, "austrian painter."
duskhaven reforged coming out soon™
also while duskhaven is lvl 60 classic+ (story resumes after killing cthun in aq so no naxx)
its on 3.3.5 client so no weird warden shit
never really saw her again after I stopped playing, but she was just a nice old lady. no idea what she was doing on a wotlk private server
who cares what she believes in, it's not like wow players get married
>power tool
>really dangerous in the wrong hands
Torta deleted these posts, what is she talking about?
What little trust I had left in Turtle Wow is gone. After five years on the server I’ve uninstalled. Epoch can’t come fucking sooner and if they were smart they’d push their release asap. Goddamn this is such a colossal fuck up. Easily the biggest shitshow in private server history.

im kinda done with wow for a few years, the only one that peaked my interest was epoch but i dont think its coming any time soon
> Easily the biggest shitshow in private server history.
not really, maybe the biggest in the past few years
I played Twow in the last 3 days I had none of that on my scan.
3.3.5 also has warden problems, in fact that's pretty much how Warmane injects 1.12 spells/talents/data into the client without any custom patch files.
Oh yeah? Name ten bigger pserver fuckups. Hardmode no Shenna.
Can we all just agree that the real winner here is Wall
big if true
Big fan of the retarded faggot larping as the hacker.
fuckups were dime a dozen back a decade ago
from bugs that get taken advantage of, to server devs going full schizo
see >>487696937
elysium leak mp3
Yeah, that's basically me. Twow was already getting kind of boring, and once I got to raiding I was once again reminded why I've quit WoW in the past. I just don't have the patience to farm gold and consumables just to re-run the same handful of raids over and over again for a minuscule chance at advancing my character's power. Kara40 and Grim Batol don't excite me at all because I'd probably never even see it. They should've added more 10 and 20 man raids for smaller guild progression.
yeah just from my memory bigger scandals:

>moltdown (which was way worse because we lost everything)
>wowscape (american legal drama)
>nostalrius ofc

other minor ones

>elysium had some scandals due to shenna/crogge
>scriptcraft (i think this was just a meme, dont think they ever ran with any money, just never delivered)
>gummy's tbc (guy in charge was a retard, us-based as well lmao)
>whitekidney had a bunch of failed scummy 60 projects

feel free to add more, cant think of more now
There are no trannies in <Not in OP>.
>b-b-but someone said there were with no evidence of anything
There aren't.
So it’d be easy to rattle off ten.
Make it twenty for a real challenge.
if you want specifics, i think someone talked more about it on Trinitycore or Wow modding discord.
You are the one making a positive claim, so the burden of proof is on you. By default, there is no need to "prove" that Torta isn't Sheena because there is no reason to assume so beyond the moid void incel "logic" of seeing a girl be involved in a private WoW project and that evoking some horribly repressed and disfigured emotions.
A private server is not a freeze peach containment zone, chuddy. It's *literally* like entering someone else's living room, shit on the floor, and then cry about not being able to freely express yourself. Please change and grow as a person OR alternatively acquire the bare minimum technical skills to set up your own project. PROTIP: you will never do this. Not because you lack intelligence, but mostly because you have no agency. And also, if you did, then someone could hack *your* server. Does your imagination reach that far?
(Also lol at fake namefags, keep going xd)
post it on vocaroo
im not your father, go look for it yourself
Not that it matters but you’re not entirely correct about this.
ok you owned this guy, damn

also shenna and torta have the same birthday and are both cute russian girls on suspicious private servers, but it's probably a coincidence
name them then
>shenna and torta have the same birthday
sorry i actually lied i dont know anything
he kinda owned me
>Wall is off his meds and releases a video calling Trump the antichrist
>Troondle gets hacked
Wowscape was owned by a woman also btw
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address picrel
nice reddit spacing
I know what you did akalix
Post proof, shouldn't be hard? Or maybe you're just a lying faggot lel
Hackerman, tell us about the turtle wow staff, who is a tranny, a janny, cringe or based?
I came to an agreement with Shenna. He bought me a Little Caesar's™ Extra Most Bestest™ Italian Sausage Pizza™ for $7.99 so I turned off my hacks. Server will likely be back by tomorrow.
see >>487731745

theres also a reddit thread detailing torta's past


would updoot cha if i could
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the question is, who isn't? jamey's probably the only one surrounded in a sea of dilation
im friends with shenna and shes a woman you dumbfuck
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i couldnt have wished for better news to wake up to
finally trannywow is fucking DEAD
Rushed piece of shit, where they just let people exploit bugs without any consequences. Also, the fact that you can solo heroics and mythics is giga cringe.
t. someone who played all alphas
oops wrong thread but should check that one too

sorry you had to find out you're gay and want to fuck a man like this bro
Literally nothing here even indirectly implicates Torta, please meds immediately
>shop looks the same
>they both sell rare mounts
How cute is Shenna?
shes a homely blonde slavic woman with a curved nose (similar to jewish nose)
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gets good around 30mins in when the guys read out their letters of resignation, i have no fucking clue what is happening but i'm invested

torta's birthday being the same as the modcraft(?) user profile for shenna's? no way did you miss that or just ignored the smoking gun. plus twow jannies have been deleting posts about it all morning
I infiltrated the server, but grew bored when I couldn't come up with anything witty and transphobic to post
I’d really rather not because I consider them my friends. And ultimately it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t figure into the guild. No member is sitting in guild chat talking about tranny shit or whatever. Whatever people do outside the game is kept outside the game, which is why I don’t think you lied, I just think you don’t really know some people the way I do. And maybe that’s for the best to be quite honest.
She looks like a slavic Remy Lacroix, r-right?
so it's bullshit then
.t in the guild too
was about to play turtle this weekend
good thing i havent opened it up in like 2 months
yes but her hair is straight
Murdog, certified warrior chad.
address the birthday allegations.
can u timestamp the shenna parts i already jerked off
so what if its the same birthday? theres many people with the same birthday
it just so happens that they are both russian and play private servers
small coincidence, tomato tomato
Damn sweet, i'm definitely now a confirmed Shenna/Torta simp.
Shenna and Torta being the same gender from the same country with the same birthdate and year and also both wow private server devs is such an insane coincidence that it’s safe to say 99% they’re the same person. If that doesn’t matter to you so be it but don’t act obtuse because it makes you look foolish.
And personally it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t give a single fuck about Shenna drama. I can’t care at all. Why should I?
Shenna is the woman talking, i ain't fucking transcribing and time-stamping shit anon. No clue how far AI has come a long, but maybe theres some software for this?
you're coping, stop gaslighting me
shes gonna take your money and leave you though
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i'm just trying to spell out how you got to this point, not the rules you have made.
turtle wow fucked itself when it allowed bugmen to invade the server and then started mass censoring people. Community was 10x better 3 years back with a much more helpful community, except then you allowed a bunch of china men who play the game like a job and refuse to use English which is like throwing a boy in New York City and not expecting them to start shoving people after a few days.
I know the reason you allowed the cao ni ma's in too was because they are so used to pay 2 win games, that you tolerated the amounts they dumped into the cash shop, but even now when there are what? 6 bugmen servers and 1 active western, you still allow cao ni ma chat support to persist despite saying you would remove the support for it over a year back.
the reason the reddit thread exists as well as the pics here is because of fucking over your own player base and saying you don't need to expend the calories and take agency to address the issue other's bring up time and time again.
>.t in the guild too
Post your IGN with proof it’s you (timestamped login screen photo)
sir pls i will need to jerk off in couple hours again
I'm not gonna give her any money, i'm sure she's not hurting for money.
because you should care, watch the carbot animations five part series about the torta/shenna wowserver drama too
The birthday paradox, also known as the birthday problem, is a mathematical phenomenon that states that there's a greater than 50% chance that at least two people in a group of 23 people will share a birthday
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kek. selective deafness. the entire twow team must be in damage control right now
anyone who was remotely receptive to the retarded shit you're spewing out no longer is after this post admitting you're just trying to defend your friend's fraud
Why? Unless the pserver drama is funny I can’t begin to give a fuck. And if it is funny tell me how it’s funny.
What is even more scary lexie is turtle wow's head gamemaster they go by sparkles.
turtlewow literally ddoses other servers many times
now turtlewow gets what it deserves and this dumbfuck shenna whore can suffer
its kinda funny
I don't like that the server is gay, i however couldn't give two shits if Torta is Shenna (she is!).
More than a few Turtle gms are pseudonyms for other players, why is that? It's not just 1 or 2, it's definitely a thing.
How so? Because when I looked at it in the past it was just dumb gay boring shit.
molten wow
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no cute femboys = boring drama
it isn't, its objectively funny
this, I'm in a guild full of people who're just like me
who cuss like me, who just don't give a fuck like me
who dress like me, walk, talk and act like me
and just might be the next best thing, but not quite me
a moment of silence
yes i am indeed a braindead retard and my mpq sham failed
good effort tho

I NEED Worgen male
okay pearl sorry the attention wasn't on you this thread
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>now that the dust has settled
what went wrong?
youre not as braindead as me
Banning Daniel from the discord only made him more powerful than any of us could ever imagine. Like a phoenix he arose from the ashes to burn down everything the trannies held near and dear. Daniel has become the bringer of death. May God have mercy on his enemies.
>What is even more scary lexie is turtle wow's head gamemaster they go by sparkles.
All of the gm team actually plays on the server. Also sneaky is still around he goes by jimtwo now after fucking over full sack.
you must be such a loser irl lmao
newfag wants everyone to feed him
literally every server got ddosed by turtlewow
chromiecraft, warmane etc
source: my ass
Is there actual evidence of this, or?
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Why can't we just go back to having fun.
not him but you're the loser, he's based and so is daniel and you're just mad your toy got taken away even when it's justified like a little baby boy
also its not beneath shenna to do either
when shes bitter that her montly donations have dried up she goes a little insane
keep coping idgaf loser lmao
Just gonna lay this out: anyone asking for “proof” of anything said here is a niggerbrained redditfag who takes the internet too seriously and needs to type /s to let every other fag on reddit know they’re being sarcastic online least their retarded statements be taken seriously.
Because words said on the internet are super serious especially on 4chan dot org. Oh wait oops forgot to type /s there better reply autistically to what I’ve said.
My question is how did Shenna let this happen a second time lol.

First with Elysium now turtle wow, I just am hoping the core gets leaked.
the biggest picture shows a healthy server with a good reputation for fairness and equality being attacked by transphobic racist bigots. And that might be all there is to it
it's like 4chan wants users to be mad that they can donate to someone who makes a nice thing for them.
turtletranny or pandatranny
choose your hero /wpsg/man
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okay now i know you're seething. damage control today on high. what stage of cope is this? We still in denial?
they're both arrogant and foolish, same with anyone that drinks their kool-aid.
there's nothing wrong with being transphobic. it's actually very mentally healthy to be so.
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>tranny tussle
rope race edition
Daniel is the true and honest hero of /wpsg/
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you are absolutely delusional if you think private server devs would waste time and manpower to fuck eachother over.
this shenna/torta hate is pure brainrot. maybe its true, maybe not, I literally dont care. turtle has always delivered a solid product. they dont need to sabotage competition, their server speaks for itself
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bring it back up

i wanna play world of warcraft
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>the biggest picture
is your team still refuses to acknowledge these points, as well as turning against the 'healthy community' mentioned earlier.
>shenna would never ddos new servers
Who threatened to dox Feenix when he wanted to release that Progression through expansion server ealier this year (or was it last year?). Lots of fucking scumbags running this scene
this may be the last recorded wow skype drama in history, thanks for posting anon
Think the consensus was that it were the sanctuary-wow clowns
Really? I thought it was Warmane. Since in his final post he mentioned a 'competing team with a similar server'. Afaik Sanctuary will never progress from Nilla to MoP.
>Turtle wow dead
>Not in OP cancelling their raid today

Sad day for /wpsg/
i remember, i thought it was actually turtlewow
couldve been sanctuary though idk
Honestly, a PTE (progress through expansion), project that goes further than Warmane Onyxia would be super fucking kino. Maybe one day Trinitycore will have similar quality cata and mop support as 3.3.5 does. Sadly the closest thing we have is cl*ssic.
since turtle wow is down
any server recomentations?
vanillia would be best but tbc is ok too, fuck wrath and later bullshit
>Honestly, a PTE (progress through expansion), project that goes further than Warmane Onyxia would be super fucking kino. Maybe one day Trinitycore will have similar quality cata and mop support as 3.3.5 does. Sadly the closest thing we have is cl*ssic.
i think twinstar was thinking of doing something like that, i dont think they ever did though
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even the hacker has cut off communication.
Shenna couldn't get to Daniel so he sent his goons to kill Casey instead
Sanctuary got announced around the same time as the Feenix server and was slated for release around the same time as well. Sanctuary might've just been scapegoated since they were involved with Alexensual and had a whole reap of drama going on at the same time with their dev team fracturing before the server even came out.
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wait for project epoch to flop or wallcraft?
I will probably try project epoch but still wanna play wow till epoch relase
Your only "decent" options would be playing with chinks on fully progressed Stormforge TBC or Warmane's Onyxia that's soon to progress to TBC.
a handful of anons are playing on crusader-storm (fresh tbc pve), but it's a very small server. if you're into that, a paladin or shaman would be sick.
if you're into that.
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Go ACK yourself lexiebean
we have a shaman
I've been playing twow for a while and as awesome as the game itself is the mods can collectively tongue my anus. Im torn on this hack, on the one hand I fully support the hacker freeing twow from the hands of shenna and fascist libfag gms, on the other I just want to make sure that this game is allowed to go on being played. In short, I just want to call out nigger activity while tanking without being banned. Thank you.

Also please no upload virus to innocent.
Pearl lost
Daniel won
hahaha ur mentally retarded
warmane openly selling gear
pandaren butts
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yeah danielfag should just make torta hand ownership to based jamey
what's wrong with getting my boar mount and shouting nigger murdering chinese players?
and stormforge tbc have very low online numbers
I was waiting for crusader strom but after seeing online numbers I dont wanna play on it anymore, seriously cs have less people online than shitty Polish wrath server I used to play somewhere in 2011
shit, gotta make wow break or something
>ego of some bitch gets hurt
>lashes out at everyone around him

Well, shit. I guess I'm gonna have a wank, then.
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>Daniel now has all my fetish ERP logs
>modding discord just found an RCE on warmane
honestly I would've let the server come back up by now if redditors were more polite when they came here
all this namecalling they've left me is petty and they should be embarrassed
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plebbit fag sisters......... did we just lose?
>twow is kill
>turtletroons bought programming socks
>now their credit card is STOLEN
its over, chuds won
damn those pajeets I sold the info to work fast
>aol email
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>here's some gold kind stranger
this dude married his grandma!
just woke up
why do i have a new credit card and $4000 in animal dildos
Your attempts to draw attention to yourself are pathetic. Do as much damage to the server as you can to have something to remember at the end of your life.

Or are you a nigger faggot?
So, no evidence, no proof, a single db from 2023 thats been shared before, no insider info leaked, nothing actually done other than the initial breach. What a big nothing.
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>reddit spacing
starting to use big words i see. it's ironic seeing that reddit and 4chan are two sides of the same coin of basement dwellers
damn bro you sound like you're on the verge of tears
really this sad about your game being taken away?
Um, turtlesisters, why is the server down for five hours now?
its over
Daniel I forgot my password can you tell me what it is?
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Is there literally anything shitjeets can't turn to ruin?
mfw when everyone is upset yet homesplice hacker man is just looking out for everyones best interest and preventing you from playing wow end of the world if you have to go outside or something
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>its over
kind of feels good. like a disease has just come off me. i guess i can go back to vrchat now. what am i in for?
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kek this. first time i've laughed in months. years even
what the hell? is that an auto punishment for using the retard word?
Wtf, one of the retards from here hacked the servers?
Should i just delete my entire twow folder?
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im not playing anything else. im not watching anything. im not listening to anything. just sitting in a dark room on the floor waiting for turtle wow to come back online... bleeding from the knuckles as i punch holes in the walls pretending to be fighting murlocs on the lakefronts of elwynn. the sounds repeat in my head "hey there" "what can i do for you" as i speak with marshal dughan about the threats the alliance heartland faces and purchase rare magical goods from antonio perelli for a reasonable price.. im filled with rage at the fact that im not in elwynn forest advancing the ideals of the alliance and completing dangerous quests for powerful equipment and coinage. turn the servers back on. turn the servers back on now or im going to lose it and start tearing up the floorboards in search of kobolds im losing my fucking mind turn the servers back on now im a paladin of the alliance and you cant do this to me
what you need is nice thick panda girl
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yeah they gave this power to lexie for any problem word power users
delete system 32 first
come on vrchat with me and we can rp in elwynn and i will hold your hand and take you to dukein myself.
I will play MoP if I can log into panda JOI
I already went and got a haircut, bought some new clothes, and had lunch
games over, turn the server back on
Go on a quest to the southern side of your nearest city and bring me back as many illicit firearms from the kobold diggers you find.
>the retard word
can't you RETARDED NIGGER FAGGOT TRANNY puritan americans stop coming up with gay taboo shit?
>nooo, you can't use that meanie word!!! it makes me feel bad!
<just ignore it?
>nooo you need to ban the word! if you ban nigger there will be no more racism! if you ban faggot/tranny everyone will love faggots and trannies!
you pieces of excrement sound like a bored housewife married to some senator looking for an excuse to censor metal bands in the 80s, grow the fuck up you bunch of pansies
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>hopefully this weekend
Delete wow-patch.mpq and you should be okay.
Delete that and backup addons then delete and run antivirus? Anything else I should do?
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>this thread
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Which one of you niggers wants to buy my account
I'm not a retard
said by a retard
bros, wallcraft is about to be antisemitic schizo alt right KINO
seriously though, I am still looking forward to full release
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Each day without my panda girl, I wish it away...
if i'm a retard what does that say about shenna when I am currently shitting all over him with my intelligence
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you lost pearl
>sit where?!
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got any proof you took down the servers?
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"if im a retard is shenna also a retard????" bro shut the fuck up nobody cares about shenna but you, get a job or something
every time you are rude to me I add another day to when I'll let the server come back
you owe us pics
who the fuck cares? you cant do shit now and obviously u still a retard
imagine being gullible enough to believe Shenna's lies while the server's still down
dumb nigger
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who the fuck is shenna retard pedo
i wish things could have been different between us
u would be my panda girl
whoa that came out of nowhere
got something to tell us little guy?
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a man of class
tell it yourself, daniel! im sure u know what im talking about
Also fuck Shenna, fuck troons and most importantly fuck newfag tourists
I might have awhile back but sadly 4chan isn't the place to post stuff like that. I keep it to Discord. This place doesn't seem too fond of femboy programmers anyway.
POV DANIEL farming tears
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Just wait for Act II
It was me.
I did it.
ff-uck you! DD:
use linux you win10/11 brainlet
>Went away for an hour
>Come back
>Twow Discord wants my phone number now
Fuck that.
this dumb fucking larping nigger hasn't even posted proof it was him.kys daniel
Twow was fun while it lasted the only thing that sucked about it was the fascist libfag mods and now that I learned about it this shit with something named shenna. All I care about is knowing how to not get my pc and data fucked in this warranted hostile takeover.
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>imagine giving turtle your credit card info¨

couldn't be me.
except the part where I literally wrote that I was going to update on /wpsg/ and lo and behold here we are but okay
If it gets leaked you can download your own character and import to any TrinityCore based server but I'm pretty no one cares.
>but I'm pretty
post pics cutie patootie :3
Can you please restore the servers now? I don't wanna spend all weekend without turtle wow. In fact, for the last 3 months or so I have played turtle every single day. WoW crack is hard to quit once you get hooked. I literally spent the entire day today staring at gear on WoW head because I don't know what else to do and I am panicking.
link weakaura
>not using a throw away email account.

some people need to learn the hard way.
play on mistblade 2 and join <Not in OP>
I was banking on playing tonight and tomorrow in my hospitals empty lab getting paid shekels to dick around in STV. now I guess I will stare at the wall
he said in the comments that she uses the same password for the email and everything associated with it. if it's real she's a fucking retard
I FUCKING love turtlewow. i play this game 21 hours a day with 2 hours to sleep and even when i do sleep i wake up SHAKING in a cold sweat wanting to play turtlewow. im PHYSICALLY ill when im not playing turtlewow. this is what i callDEDICATION!!
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Blizzard paid me to do this
I did what I did for Pearl
I didn't hack anything. I just like to larp as a hackerman
>imagine buying anything that you can have for free
seriously, some people are retarded xD
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People need to learn to use different passwords for everything and use password generator.

If you cant remember each password, Write it down somewhere (which you should not do but we all cant be perfect).
I FUCKING love turtlewow. i play this game 21 hours a day with 2 hours to sleep and even when i do sleep i wake up SHAKING in a cold sweat wanting to play turtlewow. im PHYSICALLY ill when im not playing turtlewow. this is what i callDEDICATION!!
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i want vanilla plus and not pandaria
I know it's you Gees
poor daniel, ego so small and fragile. seeks the validation of others to maintain his own self image. fragile daniel can't figure out who he is without someone to tell him he's a good boy. the deepness of the insecurity revealed in the cruelty towards others for no reason beyond making himself feel better, or for another attaboy from his peers. This is a normal human, weak, fragile and prone to lashing out and hurting those who have nothing to do with them due to some past trauma. It's shameful, but remember to have pity for people when they reveal such personal damage about themselves.
enjoy your time with no turtle wow, faggot.
who is pearl
Unironically not p2w though. But it's definitely pay to skip the tedious back-and-forth travel time though. And there's far too much of that. So unless you're saying p2w = pay to speedweed, you're a retard.
t. someone who's only played a short time but understands the mechanics.
I FUCKING love turtlewow. i play this game 21 hours a day with 2 hours to sleep and even when i do sleep i wake up SHAKING in a cold sweat wanting to play turtlewow. im PHYSICALLY ill when im not playing turtlewow. this is what i callDEDICATION!!
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the tranny patriarch
How much you wanna bet John Hackerman got tired of getting ganked in STV and now he's going to dish out some Browntown Street Shitting Poo-in-the-Loo Do Not Reedem justice?
redditors trying to act tough with me when I'm holding their server hostage and there's nothing they can do about it is like a woman trying to act tough and condescending while she's literally being raped, it's just silly
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we know pearl. thank you for your contribution.
I FUCKING love turtlewow. i play this game 21 hours a day with 2 hours to sleep and even when i do sleep i wake up SHAKING in a cold sweat wanting to play turtlewow. im PHYSICALLY ill when im not playing turtlewow. this is what i call DEDICATION!!
I FUCKING love turtlewow. i play this game 21 hours a day with 2 hours to sleep and even when i do s leep i wake up SHAKING in a cold sweat wanting to play turtlewow. im PHYSICALLY ill when im not playing turtlewow. this is what i callDEDICATION!!
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it's true, she is quite attractive
>le turtle serbian
>gimmick is going slowe and enjoying the world and leveling
>le vanilla experience :)))

>...it's definitely pay to skip the tedious...

if you cannot see the contradiction here then you are retarded
Is there anything new to autistically grind?
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I made this mistake yesterday. Logged in. made a character and decided I was going to play with some vidya bro's. Instantly I noticed that mobs agro at 2-3x their normal range. well that's ok I can just kite. Oh. when they die they respawn nearly instantly and they're INVISIBLE. you can't hit them NOR can you see them Well, I guess I can deal with this. I can just run away. WRONG. Mobs don't have a tether range and will follow you until you die or kill them. I complain about this in gchat and what do i get "LEL UR SHTR M8 GIT GUD" "I NVR HAD NE PROBLEMS UR BAD M8". I'm bad for dying to invisible mobs who will never stop attacking me? Right virgins. I will post this in every wpsg from now on to let people know that hellground is a tremendous fucking piece of shit with 0 population and awful AWFUL AWFUL scripting. Don't waste you time on this shit server.
Botting's allowed for farming. Your argument's null.
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this one's entering stage 2 of withdrawal
I FUCKING love turtlewow. i play this game 21 hours a day with 2 hours to sleep and even when i do sleep i wake up SHAKING in a cold sweat wanting to play turtlewow. im PHYSICALLY ill when im not playing turtlewow. this is what i call DEDICATION!!1
They call me Danny Phantom because I pass right through your antivirus as if I was a ghost
Anyone leak the core and databases yet?
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>confirms in the thread that his wife literally used the same email AND password for everything, including the email itself
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>friday night
>game gone
>it's plapping time
I FUCKING love turtlewow. i play this game 21 hours a day with 2 hours to sleep and even when i do sleep i wake up SHAKING in a cold sweat wanting to play turtlewow. im PHYSICALLY ill when im not playing turtlewow. this is what i call DEDICATION!!1I FUCKING love turtlewow. i play this game 21 hours a day with 2 hours to sleep and even when i do sleep i wake up SHAKING in a cold sweat wanting to play turtlewow. im PHYSICALLY ill when im not playing turtlewow. this is what i call DEDICATION!!1
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honestly cant read this as anything but that what you said wasn't true and your love isn't real. Nothing i did was bad enough. But maybe you just needed an excuse. Hope you have a nice life and find someone you actually love. I'll be here if you ever need help with anything. Again I seem to be the only person capable of true love. Goodbye, I'll always remember you.

you are stupid for throwing everything away like this, just like you were stupid for doing it before. You feel better about yourself for a tiny bit and suddenly you just discard me cause you think you can do so much better. Enjoy the threadmill then.
leaving this here incase you blocked me
I've missed you dated.
I was about to do big game hunter... this is so fucked up, he's gonna get away
just made an appt with a new escort for 4 hours from now
wish me luck
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who tf are you responding to with your blog?
realistically does turtle have any legal recourse against the unauthorized use/access of their systems? I mean they aren't exactly in a legal white area themselves.
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happy plapping anon
That is still my favourite wow webm ever
What's this about tauren paladins? Did twow add those?
warmane won.
Yes and Worgen, and Pandaren and Vulpera.

As well as Ogres and Furbolgs
looks like a russian jew/armenian hybrid
in fact that face could easily be from some LA jew
Hey tsister! We believe and standby for that matter that all sisters are born with their own unique nigger faggot aspects.
i always feel bad for wow players cause they play wow but
damn this is something else sorry you guys had a retard ruin your game I guess
Holy shit i can't believe it
tauren paladin is made to breed night elf priestess
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Akalix info just got doxxed, hopefully this doesn't affect TurtleWoW coming back up by the weekend
tauren are for me.
Ascension is mocking TW, and it seems that it was in fact a leak
>A different popular WoW server has had a leak of their database. We have very little details of the nuance of their leak, but here are Ascension's current recommendations

Never trust a slav woman that wants to be the paramore girl and acts goofy.
Hey I haven't played turtle in years but I got a text from my friend that you guys fucked it. What's the tldr?
join the turtle wow VC, devs coping
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>you must confirm your phone number before joining
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kek no way. proof?
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>GMs are just now realizing how bad it is and how the devs have been downplaying it for hours

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server got hacked
server is down
>Never trust a slav woman
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what are they saying?
Alex won bigly
Xienna lost
>check out /wpsg/ for updates
brace for newfag flood, thanks faggot. rules 1 & 2 existed to prevent this from happening.
tranny in vc is blaming the hate against ''''torta''''/shenna on sexism
>Pearl took down turtle wow by sitting on it
I kneel.
they don't know anything about 4chan and quickly start seething then leave.
don't see the issue
besides /wpsg/ could use some energy.
that was 13 hours ago retard, the influx already came and went, and zero updates happened. nigger faggot.
Daniel saved /wpsg/
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Come home TBCman
some classic content
I want MoP+ we are not the same
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>1. You do not talk about /b/.
>2. You DO NOT talk about /b/.
I thought this was suppose to be Vanilla+ but Wall decided to go fullretard and add funserver races like murloc and traight up fanfiction coomer races like Draenei. SAD!
tawney you furry faggot
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I wanted to see TW Die thanks to incompetence, but this is enough.
Yea im done with ascension
Everyone keep saying my build can do 70k while i barely scratch 50k and everyone keep fucking gatekeeping the talents for every fucking build.
After whole day i found which talents i should maybe switch to do the legendary 70k, wasted 4 hours clicking re-roll like a mentally ill schizo.
Now im doing 38k and builds is practically ruined, all scrolls all rerolls gone to shit BECAUSE FAGGOTS KEEP HIDING BUILDS
32 players online
yeah, I had more excitement when he was first posting about it in these threads. He listed extensive and thorough ideas for class balance, all of which seemed well thought out.

But the project has ballooned in scope to the point where I am still hopeful, but not quite giddy like I was before.
Hey guys got an update for my turtle sister's, Sheena and Daniel have been in talks, and have come to an agreement of two full frontal Sheena nudes. Steep price for the servers to come back up but we made it
You could be 33!
Even if Turtle wow recovers from this i dont think its going to hit the population it was at before. A lot of players will quit playing and it will take some time before it reaches its old population. That is if they ever manage to fix it and Sheena hasn't bailed out with stolen passwords and emails already.
>cozy pre chinese TWoW pop
I might actually come back for that.
Enjoy sitting in que for 6 hours to find a dungeon.
I imagine maybe 500 people at most will stop playing. MMOs are crack to a lot of people.
is what happened actually fixable / preventable from happening again?
Nobody is gonna fucking stop once the server comes back WE'RE FUCKING ADDICTED AND WE CANNOT QUIT
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>if only
sheena leaves, jamey leads
hanji is banned from western servers
zealot jannies quit
the server will heal
I'd play in CS if I didn't have to do the vanilla leveling
I have two lvl 60s on twow both with raid gear and im already considering migrating to another server.
It should be simple as fuck, however Sheena is a slavnigger with zero coding skill so it will probably take days before the server is back up. After that it will continue to get hacked as long as the hacker wants to screw with the server because slavniggers with -80 iq or running pirate servers using chatgpt coding.
We do that already.
I might be able to give you a 64 shaman
Even if hackeranon isn't providing us with any interesting updates, modding discord has definitely been cooking lately.
you mean the tranny who defended dragunovi after i proved that SoD item and class changes were right and Turdl class and item changes sucked cock? mainly for paladins warlocks and rogues
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>i proved that SoD item and class changes were right
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>I will NOT change my password
>I will NOT delete my trundle folder
>I WILL keep playing on trundle after they inevitably reopen the servers
What are you gonna do about it Daniel-kun?
You won't do shit
I never trusted turtle to begin with so I actually used a new password that wasn't in my kinda short list of recycled passwords.
I'm really glad I did.
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if you trust some random, I'd give it a try, can't promise much though
I used a password that I only use for things I don't care about.
He isn't wrong, they lost their shit and made wall of texts over it.
All because blizzard decided to fix the damn things in SoD and remove Spirit.
Hey guys is the server up yet?
>not using a different login/pw for every pserver, let alone everything
i shiggy diggy
lol, some /pol/tards stream captured the moment turtle was hacked

>entire twow server requires phone confirmation to post in, again
I don't have the memory to remember all dat.
I would write it down but I'm scared someone would find it
why are so many people talking with that shit up, do people really give away their phone number to discord?
This sounds fucking miserable.
Yeah bro someone breaks into your house it's to steal your WoW accounts
Y’all never heard of keepass its 2024 lol?
Yes, most people don't even bat an eye at this shit.
when I was a teenager on facebook I always thought it was weird how people would just put their phone number and sometimes address on their page, some things never change I guess
>never used discord, no social media account except for a twitter account to follow my favourite JAV star
>phone off 24/7, very rarely / almost never give out number anyway
>no forms of identification, no passport or drivers licence
>never leave house

I used my 20+ year old pw on turdle so okay you can hack like my 3rd but not my 5th gmail GG hack kun welplay.
im not playing anything else. im not watching anything. im not listening to anything. just sitting in a dark room on the floor waiting for turtle wow to come back online... bleeding from the knuckles as i punch holes in the walls pretending to be fighting murlocs on the lakefronts of elwynn. the sounds repeat in my head "hey there" "what can i do for you" as i speak with marshal dughan about the threats the alliance heartland faces and purchase rare magical goods from antonio perelli for a reasonable price.. im filled with rage at the fact that im not in elwynn forest advancing the ideals of the alliance and completing dangerous quests for powerful equipment and coinage. turn the servers back on. turn the servers back on now or im going to lose it and start tearing up the floorboards in search of kobolds im losing my fucking mind turn the servers back on now im a paladin of the alliance and you cant do this to me.
DAMN sir galahASS indeed
do you babies not know how to setup two factor on anything important
Damn bruh we gotta go back to moltenwow ffs
I do have that on everything important and I also use a different password for all of those services, just for shit that I really don't care if it gets hacked I use one and the same password that's easy for me to remember and I can type in in 2 seconds.
if you just write your passwords in a book druggies, white trash and niggers will literally never touch it because reading is boring and racist
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4chan is a degen pool, troonies live rent free in your head
How many anons are playing in Crusader Storm still?
>Havent played Turtle WoW in about a year
>Start playing again about a week ago
>This happends
>Now I dont want to play anything else but turtle Wow and I cant
Well crap
So from what I'm getting, Turtle will remain down at least for the weekend? How embarrassing
I hope warmane gets hacked also.
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Whole universe seemed to unify into this shitty fate.
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4 of these are inactive and 1 is a bank
What is turtle like nowadays? I had a 60 druid boomkin/feral with BWL and emerald dream gear. This hack kind of makes me want to play again. Are there tons of leveling characters or is it mostly 60s?
Leveling ranges from packed zones one day to single player game the next.
plenty of leveling due to hard core and other challenges.
Hey guys, turtle wow told me to come here for updates
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Could the hacker at least have leaked some Karazhan 40 spoilers?

Just spamming nigger and im gonna assume trump 2024 is a bit boring. Anyway good thing i mostly raid log on Turtle so i didn't get any update.
I started 3 weeks ago and it was quite busy moat hours. I was having a good old time right up until this shit
now that turtle is dead, can we have alright threads again? sea creatures go and stay go.
so what are some other good servers with good pop?
and dont give me some warmane tier shithole that u shill cause u bought thunderfury with irl bucks
It's comfy and busy. It's not filled to the brim with chingchongs like it was about a year ago.
I’m the richest player on twow and I can’t be stopped. When the server comes up I’m taking the economy down
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I've examined all the publicly available info relating to this breach of TurtleWoW, and have concluded that it was simply someone who gained access to their DB either via phishing a staff member or by a forum breach.

The exploiter was aware of an RCE exploit but was not able to accomplish such a feat as it's very complex. So they spammed chat instead, and possibly have been messing around in the back end of the server. They may have tampered with the patcher, which would result in bad patch data going out but this isn't particularly malicious (there's nothing in the MPQ that would be dangerous), however TurtleWoW does use a client patcher which is another vector that could be exploited - and far more easily than Warden injections.

I wouldn't log on to TurtleWoW until this has been resolved, but I wouldn't be too concerned about anything happening besides possible userdata leaking. There is a very strong chance that the person carrying out this attack has obtained all their data including core source, but I don't think anything more will come from this. The person decided to spam the chat with 4chan refs instead of legitimately abusing the RCE vulnerabilities silently because it's not that easy to actually do, but the reality is there; if someone gets in, and knows what they are doing, they definitely could do so.
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Why would Yarrick do this to us turtlesisters?
Isn't gummy's felmyst dead on arrival? That guy never learns does he? His servers never stay online for more than a year, he refuses to add reasonable quality of life stuff like dual spec.

Also people like me, that love TBC, are tired of rolling on servers that are bound to die fast. Waste of time if you ask me.

Gummy's heart is in the right place, but his autism doesn't let him provide an actually successful long-term-living server.
was thinking of giving it a try, might whisper someone there soon
the only proper way to play WoW now is a personal server with bots. Everything else sucks.
>legitimately abusing the RCE vulnerabilities silently because it's not that easy to actually do
He tried and failed to deploy a payload through the client patching system that Turtle uses (because that's also vulnerable on 1.12.1), then the Warden RCE. Guy's a troglodyte.
Are you the wallcraft guy? How are you doing? I was super interested in your project until I saw you were adding things like hunger and weather resist gear for tanaris etc. Not knocking you, just not the direction I think WoW should go. Is your project/community still active or not really?
Playing on the ultimate dad server Crusader Storm, very very small pop but I hope to see it through to at least kara and some 5mans and then see how the wind is blowing, maybe Felmyst and Turtle being shaky will get us up to 100-200 pop

Believe we can all invite so yeah, whenever, 1-58 is pretty quick honestly
/wpsg/ would be dead without turtle posters
Hey guy's GM Akalix Here. i wanted to say that Torta is definitely not Shenna. Torta is a completely different person. i have been in voice chats with Torta and i promise you that she is not Shenna.

Everyone thinks Shenna is Torta and desu i blame Alexensual. i have discussed with the epoch team and we are aware that alexensual is masquerading on multiple identiies.

you may know him as Cur, Smoke, Spitte, Ness, or Teppic, but i promise you, it is all alexensual trying to sabatoge our server with lies.
Thanks Akalix, Jamey here, can confirm this is not fake nor gay. :p.
I'm solid, Wallcraft beta is nearing the end of its cycle, people still log in regularly but people are basically done raiding/ranking and await the full launch. I just saw the turtlewow thing happening and wanted to post about how it's nothing for people to panic over.

The weather systems and thirst/hunger are a completely overblown meme, people who actually play don't even really notice them. You would have to go an hour without eating or drinking anything to die - the system itself is designed to tie in to player abilities like being able to summon storms, or curse people with hunger/thirst via spell secondary effects but most of those aren't even present yet. But you'll hear a lot of people who have/will never play complain loudly about it, making it seem like a massive thing.
hey guys pearl here i am interested in joining the admin team
clearly wpsg is not a force you can handle however i have complete control here and would be a valuable asset

i require $40k annual salary and no obligations to play turtle
Wall, why don't you work for Turtle and make it great again?
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Wall is a known schizophrenic who has mental delusions and has convinced himself that the us government hunted him down. Beware!!!
Personally it's what the fuck ever at this point. but if bro was lying about Sheena and torta being the same he did a great fucking job convincing folk
>a known schizophrenic
OOPS! All based!

Zilhah? Zilhah is my friend arsehole. This must be that same guy who has been hunting me down for the last 15 years ever since i kicked him out of my guild on hyjal for ninjaing an item in the stockades.
hey akalix, turtle fan here. can you guys at least let us talk politics or whatever on 'basement' without gm jannie harassment?

if you are going to play on my server you will abide by the rules.
Lot's of leveling going on because of the Turtle WoW 2.0 hype.

Pic related.
Everytime I see Lexie post in #general I see his 40 year old man face and remember his bogan ass voice when I was in Macrochelys

That's a fake photo. I'm onto you Alexensual.
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I'm only interested in Wallcraft, I have no interest in developing in any environment that constraints my work. Being independent offers me the freedom in my work, and without such freedom the work would feel rather meaningless.

Reminder that this dude has been harassing me nearly every day on every forum/discord/etc for 7 years because I gkicked him on Hyjal day 2. Pic related; his near-daily DMs to me along with his ban appeals from Everlook. He still has a hateboner for zilhah who banned him from everlook discord. Actual nutjob lmao.

Shenna and Torta are the same, I don't know why this meme still exist.

blacksheep and mirrors are two different people

also i believe whitekidney over you. whitekidney gave us lightshope and northdale and has more street cred than you ever will.

Turtle Wow staff member here - you have no proof Torta is Shenna and she is not.
now that turtle is dead, we should all go back to vanilla+
Thank God blizzard made SoD and rid us of shitty clients, shitty private server "theory crafters", shitty schizo glorified modders ("devs"), faggots like Lexie... The list goes on
Turtle Wow staff member here - Torta shoved a pinecone up my ass and told me she won't take it out until you guys stop calling her Shenna, please help.
stop posting on 4chan and get the server running
what is wrong with speaking in basement?
none of us here ever even talk about alexensual.

Wall is samefagging here asking about his own server ... all wall does is lie ... I didn't who Wall was until 1 year ago ... 7 years wahh?? guy is a lunatic! and i'm not blacksheep, that guy is from the ukraine im from the usa lolol ... 7 years? 7 years old i was playing on the elysium launch without knowing who anyone was
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jamey we love you
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it's time to take your meds

only if Zilhah gives them to me!!! i want the good stuff
>finally get Lexie foot pics
>They're just middle aged man feet
(Daniel's father so many years ago)
i have proof that blacksheep, mirrors, cur, smoke, ness, teppic, and alexensual are all the same person.

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glad you finally googled how to use tripcodes, unfortunately that's not how it works
Interested newfag tourist here after Daniel hacked our twow sisters, yall just chat about servers here?
The plot thickens, the schizo also hates wall too but shills alensesual
who do we believe Wall or Whitekidney? Whitekidney is saying the people that warned him about Wall were right about him being a schizo. Wall is saying its all one person from 7 years ago but isn't denying he is a schizo.
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this is epic
Is that a yes?
What does whitekidney have to do with anything related to the turtlewow hack or wall commenting on it? You've samefagged this whole thread into shit across the last 20 posts, just like you do in every thread. I hope blizz shuts down all pservs just so people like you are forced to seek help
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if they take this shit down, holy fuck man... would save me a lot of time.

i hope you can get help too wall
>we "could" have the server back up and running almost immediately

is it coming back up in the morning (eu) or what
Who wants to bet the scale of what happened slowly becomes apparent over the coming days as the expected time for the server coming back up slowly gets pushed back time and time again until the mods simply stop responding?
>bring server back up
>get hacked again because didn't change anything
You never did deny that you claimed to be kidnapped by the New York Democratic Party and forced to work for their campaign, though. How can anyone trust you to run Wallcraft when the 2024 election is coming up and the DNC will probably be coming to kidnap and force you to work for them soon again? Why haven't they yet, anyway? Does the DNC not have faith in your skills anymore?

I know its you alex
I know its you WK
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/vg/ seems to make people act gayer and gayer
blizzard won...

retailchads won...

they fucking won...
judging by all the harassment Wall gets, his project must be really good
What if it was Greenthumb this whole time? Swipes the Scarab Lord, The Guild Tab then unleashes Hard R revenge across the servers? Sounds like something a filthy faggot would do.
Warmanechads we still comfy on the best server?
Why can't we all just get along
kill you're self
The scope bloat risks making it more soulless, i sadly can't say im hopeful.
Agreed, kill yourself
Wall might be schizo, but he is literally a vmangos developer. That alone gives him more 'street cred' (lmao fucking niggers polluting our language) than Whitekidney who is just a literal money man.
That would be so fucking awesome. Whoever does it, i will definitely be in for the long haul.
>"street" and "cred" both with ancient classical latin etymologies
Can you do it for me? My dad would be pissed
The "scope bloat" is blown out of proportion. You can unlock alternative races upon completing endgame stuff, which gives you longterm goals to work towards. It's almost exclusively post-naxx content and doesn't alter the vanilla world in any way. People act like they'll be seeing level 1 Draenei in elwynn when that's simply not the case.
warmane onyxia is the closest thing
its a vanilla to tbc to wotlk
i think theyre launching vanilla naxx in a few days
all on 3.3.5 client
maybe if they buy a cata core from twinstar they can set up cata right afterwards but warmane is kinda shit for any server that isnt 3.3.5
Hairy balkaniggers hands typed this post.
>turtle wow dead
>pearl dead
This feels like Christmas
mistblade, alli or horde?
for general playing? whatever
for playing with anons? horde
still need hunters or is it just whatever class at this point?
you should roll a Pandaren Monk with a straw hat and small shoulders t-mog.
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this would be my first mop toon so i guess panda monk with shoulders is a meme? question still stands whats needed class wise?
Uhh, we're in a weird spot where we technically have ten I think but it's basically impossible to get people together to gear newcomers considering we're at the end of ToT
Come SoO gear will be easier to quickly acquire and we can do flex to get everyone together to raid regardless of numbers
Basically yeah, go whatever you like, a backup tank might be nice as I know our warrior would like to bear arms now and then

Monks are pretty good I think, never played one but they look a lot of fun. Don't really see them as DPS often but their healer and tank specs are both pretty good and unique I think. I have heard the class was strongest and funnest in MoP so there's that
We're full on healers but if you went a class that could off-heal our third healer would enjoy that bigly
We don't have a druid currently so any spell leather is yours and we have one rogue so even feral/guardian works
We don't have a DK either and for some reason our raids drop 90% plate
ok guess ill level a class and then make a dk at 55
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>oh i know what i need to do, fuckin... smoke some crack
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no need to flame me brother man(have actually been living a really clean life and moving forward, bigly) im just laughing at the situation....haven't played wow for some time cant find any good servers...carry on
why are you like this?

hey rand the police are here.

why are the police here mom?

police: we got a call you've been live streamin and shootin up heroin
You were in our guild on either nostalrius or classic wow launch and killed one of the westfall NPCs for 20 hours a day. Me and my friends still joke about it.

you have ogtucker mixed up with ngor
Maybe if you retards stopped rolling alts on servers like Crusaderstorm and actually played on Mb2 it wouldn’t be as hard to help newfags gear and stay on the server and actually raid with you. Kind of fucking sucks to join the guild and start leveling, and no one is on to help you out or even talk with you. That’s why I left.
autism i think
hehe haha ;p
the difference between then and now is night and day, my lifestyle and health that is.
lol yeah good times...your probably thinking of guard thomas , on nostalrius yaaa.
No it was definitely Ogtucker. He played orc warlock. Ngor who did something similar years later, and I remember him being a turbo autist rather than a funny guy who had fun griefing other people.
there's a difference?
yeah it was definitely guard thomas lol. Hope you're doing well in life. You brought us joy.
glad you found it amusing, and as a matter of fact, i am doing very good with even more hope for the future. thank you for the well wishes:)

ngor is ogtucker?
Yeah that's fair but there's nothing to do on mb2 when you've been playing it for almost a year, there's not really any long term grinds in the game, gearing multiple alts is a pain, the cloak quest sucks to do more than once. PvP is beyond retarded, there's no other long expansive quest chains, there's barely any open world group content etc. MoP just seems to be a pretty poor expansion for longevity
Don't blame you for quitting but I don't blame people for not logging onto a realm with nothing to do in the hopes of having someone to maybe help directly.
It's just an issue of small guilds I think, you can't expect 7-8 people to pull the weekly playtime of 20 and raid twice as much to allow new starts to gear up especially at the tail end of a tier
It's also mega gay to say but if someone asked for anything on the d*scord then someone would always be around to log in and help out
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The jump from 60% flying to epic flying is insane what the fuck
this...there's wayyyy less yellow niggers around now. that shit was awful.
Yeah, having regular flying be 60% was a strange decision. I think they later changed it to be 150%.
Turtle is up!
I think it was because back in ye olde day you could end up getting to 70 without epic riding so normal flying was balanced around you just having normal riding?
I don't recall, I was stupidly bad with gold when I was playing TBC back then haha
epic flying on a 40 pop server 2 days after the normal one ? 2600g in 2 days with a dead economy?
I agree mb2 is not a fun server to play on.
He went to craigslist and offered his bussy up for that epic flying mount.
what are you on about? SoD is a steaming pile if dogshit....
this hacker and his lack of updates has been disappointing.
I made everyone's toons have big boobs.
yes, even the males.
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cool lets see proof
New thread
Because they either made it or are mindbroken
we actually did have some guys making a bunch of alts to do this every time we had a new recruit
it doesn't seem to increase retention at all
ultimately if you don't enjoy the gameplay itself enough to do quests alone (which you're still gonna have to do at 90) I don't think you're going to continue to play out of obligation even after hitting 90
can you hack into the gm discord next and leak everything? thanks
unless you can ride around on giant tigers and make them do spinning jumps on the zoo mailbox I'm not interested
it sure seems that way.

t. dad

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