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crying and shidding and pissing our pants edition

>Currently discussed servers:
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org/ (Vanilla+)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless)
Athena - https://twinstar-wow.com (Cata)
Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
Sanctuary - https://www.sanctuarywow.com/ (Vanilla)
Valanior - https://valanior.com/ (Vanilla+)
Everlook - https://everlook.org/ (Vanilla+)
Ashbringer - https://wow.classic-plus.com/ (Classic+)
Crusader-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC)

>Upcoming servers
Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)

>/wpsg/ Guilds
<Not in OP> - Mistblade 2 (Horde)
<Khazar Milkers> - Mistblade 2 (Alliance)
<Full Moon Company> - Turtle Wow (Crossfaction)
<TempleOS> - Crusader-Storm (Crossfaction)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>487712318
"Torta" in spanish is slang for lesbian
is that because lesbians are fat and look like turtles
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lets see if john 'daniel' hackerman is a larper or not. where's the update faggot?
Greenthumb of TurtleWoW is a massive faggot
she isn't gay she has dated hideous, slavic, hunchbacked men.
Update: I am currently having sex with your mother. Be back soon!
>le hackerman is your average chud
blizzard won...

she fucking won...
that explains Turtle wow
Blizzard's really turned it around.
Well if they're physically replacing everything like they said in d*scord it sounds like there's nothing he can do now no matter how good a hackerman he is. This is likely just gonna be a funny one time thing.
I'll fucking do it again
Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com/ (TBC no changes)
i wanted to come back but km is dead and none of them are coming back for siege and horde guild is full
mb3 when?
whos playing wallcraft ? with wall and zilhah the schizos
what does physically replacing everything even mean? it's code innit?
Daniel didn't even put atiesh in my inventory. Dude could have feasibly derailed the server over the course of weeks but chose to say nigger a bunch and blow his cover.
come back anyway and do flex with us sweaty
If Daniel had access to the servers through any other means than phishing a GM account, that means he likely had much deeper access. The only way to 100% get that out of your system is to replace the hardware or there is always the risk the hacker still has access.
You are a larping fag admit it now Daniel
larping nigger detected
Call your mom and found out bitch
If Daniel is not arrested for this I think I'll lose all faith in the goodness of the world.
Daniel just flew over my house
many people use same login credentials everywhere there is a good chance they have your retail wow login creds.
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deleted my blizzard account years ago.
think i'm safe?
The hacker actually did post in the thread a few times but he wasn't named Daniel, that's a meme because this all happened while a shitposter happened to be claiming that paladin is a "Daniel" class while this was all happening
I suspect it's another namefag that's just laying low right now.
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>not using 2-step clarification
He did update in the last thread, he was posting a fair bit. It was just more rambling about nigger faggots and everytime someone told him to actually do something cool and leak shit he'd just say he was busy without elaborating or screech about them not being in charge. Seemed like a proper schizo
first day here?
You can go back and read for yourself retard
>The hacker actually did post in the thread
The most disappointing thing is that Daniel posting was genuinely more interesting than anything he had to say. Provided nothing interesting and ranted nonsensical posts about plagiarism and rehashing.
At this point it's looking like the dude was capable of nothing more than logging in, typing nigger and leaving. Which is insane. He could have done a y number of things but just slurred a bit and whined pissed and came all over 4chan.
>playing retail wow
anyone can put anything they want in the name field little bro
or your bank account or anything else you sign up with an email address or username
Paladin is a Daniel class desu.
We are Daniel. We do not forgive. We do not forget.
So you're retarded and should be ignored got it thanks
anyone retarded enough to use the same password for turtle and anything else deserves what they get
Yes I am retarded, and yes if you are redditor here looking for real information because you're mad about losing your addiction you should in fact ignore shitposting instead of taking it at face value and getting mad about it.
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bois i'm in. do i start with posting n?
I just want the core to peak that would hurt shenna the most.
d*ca won
I'm not from reddit and I don't play on turtle. please stop replying to me with your aspergers claiming to be a le oldfag while using zoomer lingo
nothing there was even jargon lol, those are just common words
you're seething and throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks
I'm a NIGGER!!!!
>little bro
That's twitter zoomer speak
ie you are a twitter zoomer, and it is cringe seeing twitter zoomers play the newfag card
Leak the core
Lexie lost
Akalix lost
Shenna lost
Jamey lost
Glitter lost
Cherry pie lost
Crogge lost whitekidney lost
Ques lost
Shang lost
Dragonigger lost

Faralynn won
Daniel won
so are you taking offense from being called little because you're a manlet, or from being called bro because you're a tranny?
either way keep crying bitch nigger
>doesn't deny being a twitter zoomer
I won
Won what? This little argument is just you getting mad because you seriously think people aren't just naming themselves daniel and calling you a nigger faggot and they must seriously be the hacker. If you weren't seething and retarded you'd realize your mistake and move on with your life instead of trying to redeem it with namecalling.
I just want to play a version of turtle wow without fascist libfag mods who are eternally triggered and that also has based incorruptible devs running the show.
Not him but you lost and are seething
Go back tourist
Lol lexie is glitter(y) idiot
If the core is leaked I'll make one. Also without a shop just to spite shenna.

I will be with current player database and another will be fresh.
>no mention of JimTwo or best girl Roomba
They stay winning
I'm so fucking scared, you guys.
Will hackers get my cc info and access to my /ss/ folder?
stop larping and start posting pandas
yes I'm looking at it now
SS sucks, I can't self insert at all because I am a big strong 250 pound 5% bodyfat bodybuilder
so I'm deleting your folder
best server to just kinda chill level on maybe a dungeon but not really looking to power through, vanilla or tbc
end of day 1 with no proof or evidence from any of the hackers, meanwhile server will likely be up again by tomorrow

what will the next drama farm be I wonder
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Soooooo glad I don't put effort and time into private servers, I'll never understand how people can put in 2398198192 hours into a game that is ALWAYS at risk of being shut down or hacked like this

Blizzard did this.
hacker was a chump who, at worst, jacked the server core then tried and failed to upload something through the update system
who's faralynn?
Soooooo glad I don't put effort and time into retail, I'll never understand how people can put in 2398198192 hours into a game that is ALWAYS at risk of being ruined in later expansions like this

>so glad i put all this time AND money into the retail servers!
blizzdrones lmao
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Who the fuck wants to bet there isn't any hackers and they're faking this whole thing because in reality Blizzard is shutting them down and they don't want to look like losers for giving in to their takedown notice?
nothing is permanent anyways fag its about the journey. only gay niggers were tripping over their character being unplayable
i'm the hacker though so you already lost that bet
doubt it. i'd more likely expect torta to run away with the money since the chinese pay pigs are returning to microsoft with china ban uplifting.
they could always move server to russia
It's back up in approx 12 hours, so I'll bet against you.
okay hackerman I need you to post proof that you hacked us by giving me your full name and address and telling me exactly how you did it or you are pussy larper
I am socially retarded so I think these provocations are clever
If they were going to lie, they'd put their donation page back up.
is the hacker known as 4chan here? please dont sell my passwords to russians plz
I REALLY don't want to start another character from zero.
>shutting anything outside of the USA down
blizzards literally only shut down a couple of USA based servers and bought out the rest, such as nostalrius where they just straight up paid them to shut down before classic's release
Jim two is sneaky
I am literally two pieces away from full BiS on my priest, I aint gonna start again I'll just quit.
give me your priest's name and I'll add those pieces into your inventory
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i wonder if shenna would be interested in moving to vancouver to get pumped with my WEST european seed
she can be my slavic eva braun in exchange for no longer having to deal with slavic ogres
Yeah, it's either this or turtle faked the hack in order to convince more people that a change in client is necessary to prevent further damage.
>oh no 1.12 is insecure!
And they will run right into the open arms of Shenna, where even more intrusive anticheat than Warden will be waiting for them. Fact that nothing meaningful has actually happened is even further proof since a real hacker would have done more damage.
Where are the best 1.12.1 github addons consolidated / explained? Fuck 1.14 shits buggy, trying to get my setup right.
I admit, it's a little suspicious that the hacker was able to gain access to the whole server and claimed vast knowledge of its workings and vulnerabilities, the seemingly did nothing but say nigger and shut it down.
it's so sad that you come to the conclusion that the reason someone might not do as much damage as possible to random people who've done nothing to him is because he can't rather than because he's not a giant dick like yourselves
cope lol
You beat up babies to prove that you're tougher than them, big guy?
leave daniel alone he is retarded
I am once again asking for a turtle wow without liberal moderators, trannies, chinks, niggers, and faggots. Also no cash shop, make everything only buyable with in game gold.
deal but i get to keep my bags i duped from dying as hardcore
Project Epoch.


No trannies, English only, no cash shop, better client, does literally everything Turtle WoW does but bigger and better by a mile.
Project Epoch.
It's never coming out.
it seems so obnoxious with a hundred trees in every town and city. how about leaving the world alone and just do class/race/profession and such changes instead
trees are based fuck you cityslicker
It's so cool to just start something and then shit gets hacked and I gotta change all my passwords cause I didn't think to just make a throw away email and password.
absolutely nothing in the videos looks more appealing than any other vanilla+ server
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shenna did a false flag to justify an intrusive client, which turtle goyim are already being prepped for with superwow, the "addon" that's a closed source injection by balake the cock, probably a crogge alias
serial paypiggies who also subscribe to retail and 27 different tv services will gladly lap it up from their windows 11 OS and account that uses the same email as their bank account
>f word
Americans are literal children scared of saying Voldemort
the usage of the word "yesterday" there makes it very unlikely that that guy is American
The air of positivity on the discord annoys me. Sure we have no evidence the hacker did evidence. You know what we also have little evidence of? The server ever coming back.

It's just as likely the staff have no idea what's going and weren't informed of what's going on. There's probably 100 missed calls on Shenna's burner phone asking for directions and she's half way to Moldova with a suitcase full of bitcoin going by the new pseudonym, Daniel.

Expect Daniel WoW in the coming months.
That cancerous brainrot is spread by American cultural influence, there's no reason for an European to care about shit like nigger/faggot/whatever otherwise
Just like the cattle were riled up to parade about George Floyd, the fentanyl wielding pregnant woman robbing nigger saint, because their American masters told them to
It’s to be expected that the sycophants will follow Torta like puppy dogs but anyone with even half a brain knows this situation is fucked. The server is compromised and even if it does come back you would be playing at the cost of your personal information and computer’s safety. I deleted the game after four years on the server and won’t be back.
funny, we say the same thing about fags here being influenced by Europe, and it's equally valid
Yeah this thread has problems but saying nigger and faggot and tranny aren’t one.
larpering fag
when you feel the need to explain something obvious as if anyone else would've been tricked it makes you look like a simpleton
>and it's equally valid
It's not, Europe has been culturally irrelevant on a similar scale for at least 80 years. But then again the US is just the continuation of the British Empire so it's expected that you default to pretending "Europe" is this influential third party while closing your eyes to your own faults. Ironically a lot like brits claiming they wanted the UK to be British and that's why they had to leave the EU, but they were already importing pakis/pajeets by the thousands on their own and ramped it up to millions afterwards despite not being in the EU anymore. Meanwhile the 70IQ chumps cheering for Ngubu in their footie team will keep blaming foreigners while they're sodomized by the City of London. Americans are exactly like that, just a slightly modified version of it, much like Turtle is 1.12 WoW

Outside the kosher media, out in the real world, Europeans who actually care about their surroundings more than Netflix don't give two shits about US nigger/faggot worship
not reading this shit
you saw a post from a European tranny seething about people saying tranny and now you're writing an essay about America
absolutely unhinged
who remembers cryptica
So now that turtle is compromised, are we going to the fresh everlook PvP server ?
not on my watch
That shit isn't fresh anymore.
The twow population has to go somewhere, and it certainly wont be warmane or skullcrusher
Please take out everlook instead
who says I can't do both
Hackerman is a Daniel class
Me and the other t sisters want to play on our cute mages
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I wonder whats in that folder theyre so scared about.
it's a secret
but it's pretty funny that none of these retards are taking any countermeasures against the malware at all because they think pretending they haven't been infected is a win somehow and makes them le badass!
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i just wanted to play vanilla wow with 1x experience on a decently populated server without any bullshit is that really asking too much?
There is a PvP vanilla server that came out a month ago and has 10k people
Oh? Name?
Daniel-san for fuck sake, just let go
let go of my balls nigga
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low tier loli bait
Obviously it's still running, noobfag https://everlook.org/
Why do blood elves lie all the time? Warlocks can't wear plate and shields.
you could if you worked out
Jorad is who you could've been if you took physical fitness a little more seriously.
I really should have rolled warrior instead...
you should've rolled gnome and run around in IF begging for money
I'm going to do it again.
Your actions can't stop me, it's not a hardware issue so changing machines won't stop me, you can't remove my backdoor because none of you can code and had to steal it in the first place.
I'm finna hack
As funny as the hack was it will be disastrous for /wpsg/ posting culture the coming years (or months if we're lucky)
Paladaniel retchads literally winning infinitely
Blizzard paid me to do this and I will not stop trying.
This tranny in the turtle discord doing voice posts pretending his voice passes for a woman's is really fucking cringe. I'd call him a faggot there if these niggers didn't want my phone number.
hey, its the faggot in the turtle discord. I can do a perfect e-girl female voice, regular female voice, black girl voice, optimus prime, smaug from LOTR, and many other impressions. Sorry ur sexless and pressed buddy maybe go outside and get some pussy lmao. Let me guess, you some Republican sweet home alabama cousinfucker alex jones listener? Go to inforwars and buy some penis suppliments how bout it
damn this nigga's seething lmfao
If your "e-girl" voice was perfect no one would know you're a tranny you stupid faggot
I'm way cooler than Aaron, he sucks balls and I took his server away from him because I am bigger and stronger than him so there's nothing he can do about it.
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YWNBAW, nigger
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back
they only know im a faggot because I willingly switched between girl voice and guy voice in the chat. You mad mayhaps?
No one bothered to listen to more than 1 of your faggot voice messages dumbass. Even if you weren't a disgusting mutilated freak spamming voiceposts in a conversation is obnoxious.
classic copypasta
imagine letting some feminized nigga get you this heated on the internet purely for existing. Have you considered getting a job and finding some pussy?
bro your first post in this conversation was a whole essay, you can't pull the u mad card now. Have some self awareness.
I type fast so its zero effort. You think posting requires effort? You new to 4chan or something? Buy rope cuh
I was JUST about to let the server come back up before this tranny started shitting up MY thread. Now it's gonna stay down forever.
let it back up or ill dox you. Also how do u know im a tranny and not just a regular unmodified Non-GMO faggot?
TurtleWoW? More like DanielWoW
This is a very forced post.
Anyway you already moved goalposts so you lost. You know damn well your "girl voice" sounds like a faggot, not a girl, and all anyone is thinking when they hear it is "damn this faggot is obnoxious".
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>/wpsg/ posting culture
trannies trying to call people incels is hilarious
they only switch to dudes because they can't any girls, and guys who actually can get girls are a lot less likely to settle for some balding faggot in a dress.
cope. just admit it was flawless until i swapped back to guy voice and your assmad and redfaced and triggered about a human male individual making female vocal sounds because you probably eat dino nuggies in your moms basement while jerking off to the things you claim to despise. Thats right, you jerk off to trannies. Im calling it
because you put pronouns in your discord profile.
No one listened to more than one. No one heard you switch back to guy voice because the entire voice is a guy voice.
Im good looking, fully confident, and have a 7 inch dick so I have no problem getting women. I'm just not into women lmao. I've rejected many women, meanwhile you seething in your moms basement eating pre-packaged garbage malding on some antiquated imageboard. Do people even still use this place? Sad hahahaha
Hi its Bomb Phonkey pls send feet pics
Based Daniel
projecting and seething
you realize biological women put she/her and that I only used a girl voice up until I put on the guy voice. No one knew until I hit the guy voice. You're mad. You're pressed. You are probably ugly. You probably have facial acne and acne in your ass crack. You are not physically fit. You are sexless. You are hunchbacked. You are a homunculus manlet shrimp dick mongrel jerking off to trannies secretly. You smell like a gas station. You are hurt. Cope
yeah this absolute meltdown just oozes confidence lmao
>arguing with a 4chan LARPer
back in my day we recognized bait
jesus fucking christ
>you realize biological women put she/her and that I only used a girl voice up until I put on the guy voice.
A biological woman's girl voice would actually sound like a girl, which is how everyone here knows you are not one.

./Has high WPM and types a tiny amount text

Are you special needs? Do you have down syndrome?
you've been seething on a website you apparently think isn't worth using for half an hour now, yeah I'd describe that as a meltdown
sammi meltie
someone from the discord linked me it and I genuinely had a good laugh. The fact that me existing in a discord server can still piss off 4chan in 2024 is peak comedy to me. I used to browse this shit back in 2005. What yall old mfers still doing on here? HAHAHAHA
personally I thought he was seething but he typed out laughing in all caps so now I know he's actually laughing and not crying and shitting his pants
I just feel bad for all of the turtle players that aren't going to get to play because of this guy.

personally i got stuff to do but thanks for the laugh guys

its not 2005 anymore btw use something else
he reddit spaced
Yeah better limit crying over the fact that you've permanently destroyed your body to only 5% of the day.
27 is way too old to not have grown out of this phase by now.
thanks for giving me leverage. now i dont even have to hack their game to watch the drama of it being down. Might be more fun than the game itself icl
Shall I come out girlvoice you, then?
Perfectly healthy mentally, successful irl, not worried about finances at all. Also not on HRT btw but nice try. Next slander
I got timed out for 24hrs for doing an alex jones impression but alright come try, I'll stop doing e-girl voice and do a regular girl voice. You're on.
>I'm done with this argument I've got stuff to do I'm leaving
>actually stays around because he's too mad to leave
Trying to claim to be an oldfag and doing this classic shit that only the maddest of faggots do is hilarious.
>2005 was 19 years ago
>27 years old
No way an 8 year old was using 4chan in 2005, so was he lying about being an oldfag, or lying about his age because being a 30+ year old "femboy" is horribly embarrassing?
is everlook starfall an alternative? or bad server?
I am an oldfag. And I only stayed cause a tranner showed up. But you're right I gotta quit enjoying posting and dip I do got shit to do
At this point I just want to damn server to come back so I can see if Daniel was making it up.
nah I was on 4chan at 8. I also had found those darknet cartel murder photo websites around that time too. I don't really recall how I stubled acrossed it but I did.
Good times desu
being a 27 year old "femboy" is horribly embarrassing itself
I'm not letting it come back up until Sammi finds Jesus who will promptly tell him that he is a man and to stop acting like a faggot.
It means someone who is born male and is feminine. You think I like tryhard or actively try to be that way or something? I think the embarrassing thing here is acting like you know somebody when you don't but hey
You know half of Lutheran Christians support LGBTQ stances and that half of the bible verses regarding modern homosexuality and transgenderism are old testament and vague and your standard everyday Christian absolutely picks and chooses the old testament verses to take as word of god and ones to ignore. Do you eat shellfish or seafood by chance?
Ywnbaw faggot
How many times are you gonna say you're leaving and then come back and post more shit? Do you think anyone is reading this shit and not thinking you're furious?
You neets are still pathetic at debating. This got boring like 8 replies ago. Have fun Daniel. I got like 50 games to play so WoW being down is inconsequential.
put more effort in and maybe I'll get mad. Also being a woman is mid honestly. Thankfully I was born male.
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Only women and faggots seek attention. Faggot.
Thank god I was born male. Being male is so much easier lmao. Women are mid. Try a little harder next time, maybe I'll get mad just for you
I'm actually enjoying it and that's why I keep tabbing back. But if the arguments start to get lame or boring I'll dip
No one forced you to listen to voice message
Hell yeah.
Wait you think im black? Does that mean I get SNAP and Welfare now? Lets goooo
Sammi came here with tranny pronouns. Now he's insisting he's just a gay man and infact actually is not a woman.
Bullying truly works. We'll save Sammi's soul yet.
Daniel has brought a new age of /wpsg/, freeing us from the faggotry that was Pearl and delivering kino.
Check out my new virus
yeah I had she/her on there as a meme. Its not that serious my guy
Yes Daddy Daniel purified me of my microplastics and GMO HRT chinese brainworms thank you 4chan!!!
Hell yeah put it in me
We still say this in 2024? Oh god I really need to leave
yall are falling for a tranny bait
He's not a tranny anymore. We saved him.
it was so effortless too now I got all this free entertainment
it's real, he stopped posting in the discord around the time when he says he got muted because even the turtle jannies think his faggot voice is obvious and don't want to hear it
they banned me for my political alex jones impression according to one of the GMs, but dont let me mess up your headcannon of what happened carry on
What time is the server coming back up? Turtle says later today.
The server will come up whenever they decide to, but I'm just going to get it taken right back down since whatever they're doing to try to stop me isn't actually going to work. The only way they could would take way more than a day.
Their latest post says all that's needed is a hardware change. So they don't acknowledge whatever backdoor you're using?
If I play this private server you have to promise to deliver malware payload right into my Windows 10 bussy. Otherwise ur a fake hacker yeah I said it
If you just lazily slap the same shit on different hardware it has the same vulnerability. Much of the turtlewow code is straight up stolen from me, they'd have to rewrite almost everything themselves to get rid of it and they can't do that because they can't fucking code and just steal.
>twow tells you to redownload the client just in case
>but the hacker's actual plan was to replace that link while the site was down and add a keylogger and other various fuck your shit up viruses
>people create their own backdoors
Did they really use non-original server binaries made by another developer and then not expect that developer to have coded a backdoor in it? Thats funny. I used to do server development for another MMORPG called Perfect World where developers used to do that same trick. Small world
>the day that turtle wow died
>to the tune of American Pie
I hate niggers and trannies now
I'm going to stop being a fag and become based
So true
Turtle wow devs don't seem to care or consider this vulnerability.
stop proving and bullying me sonya
I think literally every project in existence is built upon some version of MaNGOS or something that used it as a base, no one codes an entire emulator from scratch.
Can you just let me play? Please?
Not until <Not in OP> has a full 25 man raid group. Pearl deserves it.
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I care so much
You do.
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I do not.
Any suggestions for a fun and relatively easy class in pandaland?
>unironic undead paladin

It's never been more Daniel.
I'm cool. Cooler than a cucumber.
Daniel, what's the ultimate goal? Destroy the server or cause mischief?
Unholy DK and Survival Hunter are both pretty simple and do good damage.
My goal is to finish SoO in 25 man heroic with a full /wpsg/ group.
That sounds awful. I can't believe people choose to lock themselves in a time where kung fu panda land and an endless raid tier is all there was.
You don't have to worry about that because I am taking away your ability to choose.
>V+1488 finally got back at (((Shenna)))
We are entering the white man golden age.
I could enjoy the ambience in Krasarang Wilds for hours.
>no mention of the dwarves
shenn is buckbroken by them to this day and they didn't even have admin access or cheats of any kind.
You do
big if true
What server should I play I don't want to play 1x
No pay to win
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i logged in on mon/tuesday and downloaded some patch, but i hadnt played in a long time so idk if it was legit. am i fucked? is it time to fake my own death and start over?
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ok I did it
I hacked the turtle wow server
and I will do it again
don't @ me fags
download this and start practicing
you're going to have to be able to beat this game in one go to get your computer back when I activate the malware
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brb moving to brazil
nah the retard fucked up and the client got stuck downloading the patch
The panda refused to sit on my face for relief so i left
Turtle is up!
stop feeding the obvious tranny bait you fucking newfags and go back to talking about shenna's past
add some gold and gear to my account
the tranny hasn't even posted or been replied to in over an hour, settle down
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Stormforge furries won...
>obsessed with trannies
this is the most faggy post ive read in a very long time. impressive how much faggotry you condensed into 1 sentence
It's up!
Saying things you sincerely believe and having others disagree with them isn't b8, it's just an argument.
b8 is when you say things you don't really believe solely to get others to disagree with it.
Hope this helps!
When the server comes back up DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE PATCH.
Turtle WoW is gone. The mod team behind it have all been comped. Discords and account logins are not who they seem. They are strangers wearing the faces of familiar people.

The shutdown was only the beginning. This goes far deeper than anyone realises.
When that server comes back it up will be under new management. Your account is not your account anymore. If you download that patch. Your PC is not your PC anymore.

Stay safe. Some of us are still trying to fix this.
i believe pandaren women smell incredible and that people who disagree with this are faggots.
Comped? I wish I could get free sushi baka.
i bet those nipples are full of pepsi
please guys dont play on Twow anymore and check out our 50 pop server
Pandaren are fat chicks and fat chicks stink.
fat chicks stink because they sweat and don't wash it properly because they are lazy but pandas don't sweat because they are bears
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When Pearl comes back DO NOT DOWNLOAD MOP
<Not in OP> is gone. The mod team behind it have all been comped. Discords and account logins are not who they seem. They are strangers wearing the faces of familiar people.

The shutdown was only the beginning. This goes far deeper than anyone realises.
When that Pearl comes back, <not in op> will be under new management. Your account is not your account anymore. If you download MOP. Your PC is not your PC anymore.

Stay safe. Some of us are still trying to fix this.

You joke, but right now, none of the people in the discord puppeting the admin accounts are who they say they are.
They appear to by cycling the users around to give the illusion of multiple people. Look at their old posts vs now. They're not the same people. The hacker has also temporarily limited access to the site to give the illusion of transparent communication. But it is firmly in the hands of the hacker.
The moving to new hardware thing is partially true. When the server comes back up, it won't be hosted on the old machine. People are probably going to notice horrible performance right from the relaunch.
So why is this happening? Simple. There are members of the userbase who have been marked as people of interest in the eyes of foreign governments. Turtle WoW is an easy in into their computer.
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Truly schizo hours around here, huh?

You joke, but right now, none of the people in the discord puppeting the Pearl are who they say they are.
They appear to by cycling the users around to give the illusion of Pearl. Look at their old nudes vs new nudes They're not the same Pearl. The hacker has also temporarily limited access to the site to give the illusion of transparent communication. But it is firmly in the hands of the Pearl.
The moving to new hardware thing is partially true. When the server comes back up, it won't be hosted on the <not in op> machine. People are probably going to notice horrible performance right from Pearl's reappearance
So why is this happening? Simple. There are members of <not in the op> who have been marked as people of interest in the eyes of Pearl. Stormforge is an easy in into their computer, futa and gay porn shall be downloaded as soon as you fire up MoP
Imagine if what happened to turtle WoW happened to Epsilon. It would quite literally destroy the RP community.
>>487846203 this and also, landwhales stink. pandaren aren't landwhales.
Bestiality gotta be the most American fetish yet, and who can blame them considering theyre sharing their society with literal 60IQ monkeypeople.
>undead paladin
i don't get why people meme about this. paladin is a borderline loreless class. it's a priest that learned how to fight. undead priests exist. undead warriors exist. undead possess the power of belief, which is the only thing that matters for a paladin.
whats the problem?
Seriously what the fuck? Turtle wow is down for 30 hours now, and the mods literally have no clue how the hacker got in?

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