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Previous: >>487319807

>Version 2.4 "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2F2dAXuus (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl3MagK3uyM (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>A Moment Among the Stars — "Bonajade Exchange"
>Myriad Celestia — "Stoneheart's Oath Ring"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Hotaru love~
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This one
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Constance soon
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Luciérnaga love
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Bronya rabu!
I want everyone from the annihilation gang
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Why is Silver Wolf the only one allowed on the train?
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Himeko is tired of her hacking her way in.
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where tail?
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>schizo having a meltdown here
Of course it's an Aventurinehomo
>gigger mad that star rail gets a character for you
star rail won
Took you long enough to notice
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Same, Kat soon
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Cute Firefly lil bro :)
>Hertaschizo is making homo threads again
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Can you drop his lore, please
>Pivots to Fireblade to bait
>When Blade is literally me
Firefly love!
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That one in the middle? Me.
Trash all Wind-Soaring Valorous relics Y/N? I do not plan on pulling for Yunli or Feixiao.
We love Firefly here. Hertaschizo can go kill himself
firefly won
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Don't open
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That’s fucked up bro…
keep atleast the really good ones for 2pc 12% atk, maybe some of the more promising ones since even if you don't intend to pull them you can change your mind or pull for someone else who wants it later
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Its a useful 2pc if you are building characters without strong relic sets like DHIL, Argentina, Clara, etc
If you don't have any of those uhh, yeah I guess you could trash all of them.
Reminder that Kakaurine made 2.1 one of the worst patches with his hours long PoV about his irrelevant backstory.
Everything is an investment for the future, if you see any good peace, save it.
Boothill was not necessary for this arc
I'm saving them as cope pieces for Herta
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my brain is so numb from 2 weeks of /gig/ cuckposting that I couldn't even tell it was bait
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I love Firefly I love Firefly I love Firefly I love Firefly I love Firefly i love Firefly i love hotaru I love luciernaga i live liu ying
make it 100x100 Fireflybro
This could be said about half the cast.
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Luciérnaga love
He was at least funny, I really needed Katsuyuki Konishi on Hsr, now i need the goat Takahiro "pussy shaver" Sakurai and Tomokazu seki
>Completes Acheron's "quest"
>Jumping off point to introduce the rest of the IPC
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D-did you know mihoyoverse recently released a very fun and engaging new game called Zenless Zone Zero and the renowned Genshin Impact is about to release the new 5.0 natlan region with lots of amazing, well written characters and a very exciting story? P-please play them bwos, please!
Aventurine's story was the best part of penacony so what does that say about it?
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Just 2PC? The +6% CRIT rate from 4PC is really that negligible?
Zzzzzz, I'll be playing real games
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>post in the ff thread instead of the worm thread
you guys are based sometimes
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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I am playing ZZZ but I'd like HSR to get at least a tiny bit of non Xianzhou stuff, at least send me back to the HSS for ome genius lore or back to Belobog which is cozy, Xianzhou is just a waste.
6% crit rate is just two substats, I guess if you're REALLY desperate for crit rate but eh, DHIL set barely matters to begin with.
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Pagfly turn when?
Uh oh Hertaschizo melty
You have shit taste and you're a faggot or a woman.
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>falseflagging as NTR Siggafags to stir up some war with Firepags
Wow, new low
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You lost homo, as always.
>natlan region with lots of amazing, well written characters and a very exciting story
Wow, they're going to finally make a good story for the first time in 5 years!?
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I simply prefer tight character writing instead of a bunch of headless writers trying to make a coherent plot.
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I like both Firefly and Aventurine, please stop falseflagging my boyfriend.
gojo jobbed
>tight character writing
>complaining about the "incoherent" plot when said writing is actively a reason why it's like that
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>FireflyGODS are so powerful they sidestep homo threads with ease
guh m-my knees
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>Schizo thread lost
>Procedes to give activity to the real thread
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You know the sheer hatred Mihomo showing with genshit makes me scared for HSR
I mean it's easy to do if you just samefag another thread instead
Fireflyschizo won
Hertaschizo lost
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Real people vs 3 devices joe
waifus always win
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
>/giggers/ get (you)pandering for the first time in forever
>they still see it as cuckholdry in disguise
Very mentally ill
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For the next one, bake an Acheron thread.
If they had followed up on Aventurine instead of moving onto the next thing the plot would have been more coherent, yes.
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yunli powercreeps every feet in hsr
why are you ban evading and why are you an ugly hapa
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did we get raided? I dont recognize half of the post in this thread
Your reaction when they start humiliating TB for no reason?
they're just sparkles feet without shoes
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[spoilers I thought more people would use the other one and it'd win because it was made first, now I kind of regret posting a bunch of ship pics at the beginning of this thread since it made the reply count go way up /endspoilers]
I'll pull for her feet, incredible display of art
Play Duel Links, Or I'll hack your pulls
Don't worry firefly fren, I'm still here:)
>they're just sparkles feet but with powercreep
shitterfly has literally no persnonality, every line that bitch says is "u-um i don't know" or "stop goofing around!" she has literally no appeal other than indians and mexicans jerking off to her being "for them"
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robin visited me, see you later virgins
Can I watch? O_O
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hsr for this feel?
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I kek everytime the guy wears his usuals for a wedding.
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I pissed in March's bed
Just one homo having a meltdown, don't worry too much about it
>pag melty
The ipc schizo is having a melty because his thread LOST
I spent like 40 minutes in one duel in master duel today I've done enough yugioh for the week
How long will this melty last for, Hertaschizo?
Genshit is literally a cuck game
>jujutsu reddit
Hope she survived
Last time I played it's all Revolver, Blue eyes and the funny tree man.
Still the same?
this is so funny lol
the guy is like
>why am I not dying!? WTF I'm stabbing myself so much and I'm not dying REEEEEEEEEEEE
It's 2021, and you, employee at Mihoyo Shanghai, have been given the power to name this game with the condition of not referring to previous titles. What name would you give?
he cut her throat
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I've seen this metldown happen three times already and it's hilarious how he has to use the same pics every time because Firefly barely has art thats not by herself or with TB.
Star Rail.
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>blaming random schizos and boogeymen when the gojocuck pag has been spamming for a week straight
Trails to the Heavens
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nice general starkeks
People can survived some fucked up shit sometimes
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holy shit
Caelus: The Galactic Baseballer
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The Astral Express
At least we aren't a total cuckge like genshit
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hahaha it's like samuel actually has a personality LOL SO relatable!
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Sunday won!
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this is the gojocuck. he also spammed dead fetuses here some months ago
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lol, did you actually roll for that?
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I love democracy
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My girlfriend is so cute
Someone post gojocuck's face
It was posted in /zzz/
firefly interacted with blade
why nobody is shipping them?
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The firefly by herself (as in, just posing cute) are posted by me, dunno who the Firefly x Sunday or Firefly x Blade guy is.
I often post Firefly herself or Steltaru/Caefly depending on the day.
Though yeah is pretty funny how rare her non-TB ships are, I think robinfly is like the second biggest and that one doesnt have a lot of art either.
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you will never be loved, paggie
>he doesn't have the information
rangeban one of the islands in indonesia and see how the thread improves
Yeah I mean the dude shitting his diapers spamming ship art, he's gonna run out soon lol
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Is Hertaschizo the Gojoschizo?
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Good morning Fireflybros
Your girlfriend is a cumdumpster
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>he skipped this
because you are mentally ill and can not stop spamming porn and gore. also I hope they doxx you so another mentally ill faggot can swat you
well, I'm new so...
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We are getting Dogmatika/Albaz soon
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She's my cumdumpster
Good morning Luciérnaga fren.
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Greetings, bwo
GM bwo
I kinda regretted it until I played the 1.4 story
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GM bwo
are you trying to cope by posting this everyday or something?
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Good morning bwo
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I'll get Sigga Heifner's playboy bunny next time
people would not try to doxx you if you stopped being a fucking mentally ill faggot for one second
Just want let you guys know that /gig/ is behind this. This general was even linked in that general
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disgusting molecunt
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I hate the IPC, the only FUA I will play is Xianzhou's
Your Himeko and Herta???
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i've noticed a lack of kafka recently.
post your kafkas.
shooting for eidolons on reruns.with how much i've got saved, and how much i will be saving down the line, im excited for e6.
>The IPC schizo LOST so hard that he had to call for help
Oh no no no no no
Stop giving the cuck attention
>and all they could find was my soc pics
this nigga posts in /soc/, lmao
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I wish they would unbrick Blade.
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We still don't know what happened...
why do you do this, anon?
why are you trying to make feel left out?
I don't have Kafka...
>he's making people up in his head
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That's a pretty nice Kafka anon, hopefully you win all of your 50/50s
This shithole sucks.
who is the cat?
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I guess they are technically FUA but it's so inconsistent that I just regard them as PF cheese
I wish they would make a cute girl with an upgraded version of his kit.
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I rolled her cone on rerun and I don't even use her in moc.
I'm just staring at her in-game model.
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doesnt mean you cant get her later, anon.
just save up. kafka continues to age like fine wine.
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Cute and canon
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I wanna do Firefly fluffy hair...
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You "people" are deranged
that's what I'm doing
but if she gets rerun in 2.5 like the leak said, then I don't think I'll be able to get Eidolons for her...
and I want Acheron too... I hate being a latelet
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What does boba tea taste like? Is it actually good?
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>thread is fast
>check out whats the leaks
>it just 1 schizo having a melty firefly superbreak him
so that guy just melty over this shit? what a fucking loser

>rerun in 2.5
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Put DDD on rateup... please...
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Good morning for my SEAbro
Good night for my EUbro
Please kill yourself burgerkek
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I'm like 2 speed away from hitting 160 without RM which I need to do once JQ comes out.
hey I just started and I heard Tingyun is really good. would it be worth pulling for stuff until I can redeem her from the starlight exchange and get some more characters along the way or just save all my pulls for some broken limited to carry me later
No he's been doing this for days now.
It's fine, nothing to get too hyped on desu.
Well, it taste like sweet water, but that's for me, i only like savory things.
you never know, bro
these gacha companies know how to fuck you up with surprise reruns
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I think everyone in this thread deserves a big ol'
Firefly love!
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Pay that tax yurocuck
Voting Trump btw
Save your pulls for a character you like and/or Ting to be on banner. You won't notice what her strengths are until you've been playing for 2-3 months anyway.
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Topaz is BiS for Yunli and wi probably be BiS for Feixiao too tho
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firefly liebe
It's sweet tea with bubbles
I want sparkle to grind on my small dick
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Topaz is worse than new march without her starter pack
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Absolute state of yurope
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Yunli's BiS is Robin Fofo Ting.
Topaz is all right in some single target situations, or in the current MoC since numby can shred that faggot DoT robot
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Will Caelus get as kino like this?
The lacking general
So first he came for russians, then he came for pags and he's trying to go for yuros next?
Honkai Star Rail?????????
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>Voting Trump
Based, I'll post more FF to celebrate
>Hypercarry a counter based DPS
You people never learn
For starters, firefly is the rean of this game.
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how fucking hard is it to ip ban one proxy nigger
What is the melty about? Is it because we skipped the 50 posts early Aventurine thread?
Soulful art
You have no idea how her kit works if you think she's not a regular hypercarry.
Hypercarry Clara is also (usually) better than using her with Topaz, if your logic is 'no counters - no damage', then 'no counters - no numby advances' so the damage still falls off a cliff.
Yunli gets a pity ult even if she doesn't get hit, but if you use her ult before any enemy action it's a guaranteed nuke.
As I said, there are some outlier situations (DoT robot) but in general hypercarry will be better, even in AS.
Bro, its 2024. Do you really think that someone needs a reason to have a melty?

did you just wake up from a coma?
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You didn't clear it
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I think so? Maybe whoever baked the aven thread didn't know that threads are only baked at >750 posts.
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nice Kafkas bros. I rarely see Kafkas that compare to mine anywhere outside of /here/
BladeGODs there's a week left, what's the verdict on Jade?
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>No hahas
>No ogre form
>No tachi
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Of course i didn't clear it, she cleared it for me
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Not canon
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my E1 jade's bringing in the support credits
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Wtf I thought all my money was going to Dawei and Xi Jinping... not like this... I dont want to support American companies
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Not worth your 25600 Jade, its barely better than RM+Bronya (and worse if you have eidolons on them)
Maybe for PF (I've used Blade a lot as a fill unit in PF with great results) but eh, probably just depends in the rest of your units.
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Leaks doko?
He won't even go berserk again
Biggest flop in existence
>no valimar
>no dev favourite and forced shilling
These are absolute must to be considered rean.
I miss Tingyun, I'm so glad she's coming back home soon.
I have E1S0 RM (lucsacked her E1 on rerun since I figured it'd be better than Jade so I did like 30 pulls to try) and E1S1 Bronya.
That's unfortunate, it's about what I expected to hear.
What realy turned me off from her is that Herta + Jade is mega retarded in that one event, way better than Jade + Blade, so it felt like a massive waste to pull for him when he already does fine in most PFs for me anyway.
Blade's problem is that he does no damage, Jade lets him attack more but he still does no damage.
I remember when this thread had vocaroo posts and the streamer event had faggots simping for one girl. Now days this thread looks grim after the ugly hapa started posted in it
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Come in me if you want to live, Trailblazer.
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>no dev favourite and forced shilling
Can you fireflyfags at least post new art since she gets so much. You always post the same shit.
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but I'm using Huawei, a chinese phone living in a 3rd world yuro country. my country can't get affected by inflation and I can freely pirate and use vpns to buy top ups for even cheaper than my current currency
you're not real
I can only cum in my hand...
Schizos do be lazy and repetitive like that
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Yeah thats what I have as well, Im waiting for E2 Bronya on standard banner so I can run the -1 Hyperspeed team (I even have him ready for it, picrel) but she refuses to show up.
I tested him last moc in floor 11 and he cleared on 3 cycles, I'm kinda curious about his future performance when wind gets shilled a lot thanks to Feixiao.
And yeah, plenty of people are skipping on Jade, PF isnt that hard (yet) and Herta Himeko stomp the mode most of the time.
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>leave for a week because of Firepag spam
>come back
>it's even worse
>You have no idea how her kit works
Its literally just Clara with blast skill/counter, everyone knows how it works and everyone who has Clara also knows how terrible she can be in hypercarry against bosses, and thats without mentioning the rng hell if you run Yunli without her sig. Running her with Topaz is way better, you already have an ult battery with Huohuo so you gain a lot more from having another DPS that also boosts your main dps' dmg
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I will add to the Kafkers
Why are you posting the same pic over and over? Did you run out already?
Stupid ugly hag, drop those cat ears. You are not young anymore
Do we know the featured purple lightcones for the 2.4 banners?
One thing I wanted to test with Jade is using hyperspeed Bronya with 130 speed Blade, since Jade's speed buff puts him to 130. It's one of the few use cases I thought wuold be good for her, but you can also just do 0 speed Blade with HP boots to get the same result with regular -1 Bronya.

>I tested him last moc in floor 11 and he cleared on 3 cycles, I'm kinda curious about his future performance when wind gets shilled a lot thanks to Feixiao.
I still use him for MoC11 now but I haven't used him for MoC12 since like january, I'm also hoping Feixiao's wind shilling will help. I tried to use Blade against Kafka the last time she was up and while I did clear it was rough, but I got 3 or 4 cycle clear with Ratio right after, that hurt.
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I'm sure I have the fastest Bronya in /hsrg/!
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Apologize. Now.
she's in her early twenties and still fertile
Firefly making some guy seethe just makes me like her more
>got ignored on /zzz/
>spamming here instead
It's the other way around actually. Aventurine's plot didn't follow up on what came before it but was it connected to anything. They went back on track to the main plot and Aventurine's pointless side quest was tossed aside like the waste of space it is.
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God this place sucks and space china isn't even up yet
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I hope all the remaining characters are wuxia themed and we never leave space china
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why is stuff like the three kingdoms cool but modern fictional versions of china are always the most boring shit
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>still seething
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will his plan succeed
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The council has concluded that... you lost the game
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>he got banned
jannies he is using a proxy and will be back soon please stay
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Yeah thats the same idea behind 128 SPD with E2 Bronya and Ruan Mei, you get his slow ass to 164 spd and then get Bronya to 162/163, iirc its better than Unlimited Blade Works too but I don't know how it works with Jade instead of RM.
And yeah I also tried using him vs Kafka during that MoC Cycle and he took way too long, here's hoping for a good wind shilling season.
If only the mental midgets here could do the same
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Working on 160 spd.
Love mom.
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>I'm like 2 speed away from hitting 160 without RM
Have you considered FOFO E1?
Who should I be looking into getting in the future if my only limited characters are Firefly, RM and Dr Raito
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thanks janny
it does not matter if they dont permaban all his ips because he uses a proxy
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If your love for Firefly falters simply because she chooses another man, can you truly claim to love her? Such love is not unconditional; it is bound by the chains of your own desires. You are no better than Hockley in Titanic who, in his rage, attempts to kill Rose for choosing Jack over him.
stonehearts except for jade
another dps you like
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Art Works
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Is Kafka worth rolling if I'm not planning to roll for Black Swan?
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Emne my beloved
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Stop using my Sigga for shitposting, he has a wife already
not really
i was expecting the bird bro, im super broken...
the schizo is trying to make firepags and avenhomos fight
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If you don't still love Hotaru even if she picks another guy, can you really call that love? That's just conditional affection, my friend. True otaku love is unconditional. You're like that pathetic villain in 'School Days' who loses his mind and tries to kill Kotonoha just because she chose Makoto over him. Seriously, get a grip
E6 Guinaifen is good enough desu
his wife is obsidian
Roll for whomdst you like
I need a 3rd DoT to cope since RM is busy. Gui or Sampo? Guis at E3 while Sampo is only E1.
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>tfw Aven is my second favourite character
I don't even know why he's mad, reposting the same mcdonalds fanart is kinda silly too.
Gui with the lukacone
He's doing irreversible damage to Stone heartsposting
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not really, BS makes her good
Kafka sings "Toxic" by Britney Spears
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Are you fine with building Sampo instead? She works with him, just not as well. Sampo, Gui, maybe Luka. Jiaqiu if you're unironically more interested in him than BS works too I guess.
KEKsidian is the concubine
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great upgrade in not only power level but also fun
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I played hypercarry Kafka forever, she's fine.
Those eyes make me go feral
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>Ponytail Firefly
if anon already has Guin with eidolons it is 1% better than JQ e0s0
its also less rolls to get to pity and & a 75/25 flip to get the cone.
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Her smile is too bright for me...
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does BS need eidolons?
what about her cone?
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Man they really fucked over JQ, does he even have a niche anymore beyond being better than Pela in E0/1 Acheron hypercarry?
How did Firefly mindbreak Hertaschizo this bad?
The best one
Greatly increases the odds that the wearer will be attacked and increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36%. After the wearer uses their Ultimate, they receive 1 stack of Firedance, lasting for 2 turns and up to 2 stacks. Each stack of Firedance increases the DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attack by 36%.
>powers up clara's fua
so this is Clara's new BIS? Do I need to farm FUA relics for Clara?
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cute and cannon
He's good for Flopio
getting the cards you want sounds like a pain in the ass, and the last time i tried my shit kept being cancelled and i couldn't do anything
Absolutely canon
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Eidolons for BS are a massive team damage increase, cone is a 25% personal damage increase over EotP.
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I tested E6S1 Gui vs E0 Jiaoqiu and Jiaoqiu is better, though spending 25600 jade for either the cone or him isnt worthy anyways, you're better off getting E1 Swan, E1/E2 Kafka or E1 Robin/Ruan Mei or just wait for a proper DoT support.
Nah, they fucked over JQ by making the 15% Vuln only apply for Ults, it should've been Ult/FUA.
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>xhe's still at it
Damn, even Penacony NPCs have more lines of code
Ephemeral beauty
*Guin with JQ's signature cone is 1% better than e0s0 JQ
is what I meant
>161 SPD, 117 ehr, 4k atk
Holy gyatt
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I mean they kinda deserve it for spamming her so much
so E1 is recommended?
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Based SAM poster
>those hands
This is factually canon
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American hours... aren't that great
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He’s mad this ain’t a H*rta sex robot general anymore
its one faggot with a proxy. He is also half asian so its must be his SEA genes that are acting up
And why isn't he posting Herta instead of kakaurine?
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Because he’s a massive shitposter

Yup, that confirms it
They definitely do but spamming in response is kinda pathetic as well.
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I would roll if it was a cute fox girl, no way I'm rolling for a dude just because he's slightly better.
Brute forcing one side is always w/e. They need to release more DPS that can be used with generic supports. This is why I will never roll rot.
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shitposting used to mean something, now it's bottom of the barrel spam. sad!
And now he’s falseflagging. Kill yourself, Hertaschizo
I-Is Master Duel enough Kaiba?
Yeah, E1 is her biggest upgrade since it also buffs Kafka and Acheron (if you run Acheron). It'll also buff any future DoT unit that gets released and put on that team.
Am I free? I'm finally allowed to roll for Lingsha, right?
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What's kino about it?
roll for ligma
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>Clear first node in one cycle with E2S1 FF
>Barely clear with absolute trash on the second one
Fuck I'm living the dream bros
Imagine when she discovers the H-scenes wolfie added
you are pretty ugly. can you post your face again or are you scared
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Clara vs the DoT man sucks ass.
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I didn't even roll for firefly, you're just an attention whore retard
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oh no not the soc pics that i posted myself. you didnt hack into shit retard those were public pics
and all you could get is my state i live in nothing else
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I'll never roll anymore
Luochud with Clara is a pretty good combo, I felt really safe against Argenti.
u a ugly nigga for real
what matters is the aoe double debuff with just e0 jqui + luka cone s5 for Ratio to easily 100% FuA everything.
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I need firefly to violently beat me up
More mommies, more milkers
I like this style a lot
>Chinese New Years will occur during 2.7
Bwos… I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I think we’re going to be stuck on the Luofu for longer than just two patches.
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Firefly is happy today.
Why is Aventurine black
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If Tingyun is in December how many jades will I get from now until then?

I'm completely F2P+Express+BP
we should sue mihomo for false advertising then
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Eh? You mean 2.8?

2.3: Firefly & Jade (June 18th/19th ~ July 30th)
----- <- Wardance Arc between versions 2.4 and 2.5
2.4: Yunli & Jiaoqiu + March 7th [Hunt] Up to E3 (July 30th/31st ~ September 9th)
2.5: Feixiao & Lingsha + Moze 4 + March 7th [Hunt] Up to E6 (September 9th/10th ~ October 22st)
----- <- Unknown territory
2.6: ??? & ??? (October 22nd/23rd ~ December 3rd)
2.7: Tingyun 5* & Sunday [Unconfirmed] (December 3rd/4th ~ January 14th) (NT: If they do it this way Sunday banner would land on December 25th)
2.8: ??? & ??? (January 14th/15th ~ February 25th) [2025]
—-- <- New Planet
3.0: ??? & ??? (February 25th/26th ~ April 7th) [2025]
3.1: ??? & ??? (April 8th/9th ~ May 12th) [2025] <- 2nd Anniversary

"Leaked" Characters:
>Tingyun 5*
>"Remembrance" MC
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>I want the kickboxing supersoldier to beat me up
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this thread is unusable
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me at the back
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Now that firepags have killed /hsrg/, which gacha are we migrating to?
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I'm rolling her ASAP
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Hi3rd: Star Rail
Huaiyan & Xiaolongbao
Tingyun & Sunday
Charsiew & Wanton
Xi Huangdi & Mao
Aglaea & Dr. Ratio Destruction
Bosenmori Mei & Banjobug Mei
Monty Python & Mehmed
Karaboga & le generic spartan helm guy
Shiro & Sakura
Jing Yuan 2 & Yanqing punished form
And ching chong to you too
Oh, I did my math wrong then. Oops.
>We’re going to spend more time on the Luofu than Penacony, the literal new planet.
Can’t make this shit up.
>Monty Python
is there really a character named like that?
>no content
>no leaks
>space china for 2 onths
why can't jade's slow ass banner end already
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There's only one thing that can save this thread now.
Ni hao
Wo ai zhong guo
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>hsrg has a "bag scatfag yurishizo" equivalent now
literally dejavu, plus another proof about slow generals being as bad as fast ones
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>ff porn
post claras instead
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It's not Tingyun.
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wo ai ni liuying
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prepare for the worst crit ratio you've ever seen
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Is this true
At least bag ignores the scatyurischizo most of the time troglodytes here give the resident schizo attention and wonder why he continues to spam
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Mahal ko si Alitaptap
>completely F2P
I hate this meme
I'm gonna say it. Hertaschizo was right
its not a meme
just blew a massive load to sparkle feet
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>fofo posted
>nsfw stops
bros I'm noticing
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dont we also have some schizo that seethes at nahida? I've gotten pretty good at baiting him
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Bro, did you forget we got Kino HSS spooky floor on CNY ?
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We need more of that
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pics or it didn't happen
>literally just RM's autism floor
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are we rolling
>robot cowboy archetype wasted on Flophill
it's so over
>Trailblazer found the swarm floor
I dropped it don't got enough time
does anyone here play this? I thought most of the anons here only liked shitting on zzz and raiding their threads instead of actually playing the game
I think anyone who does play it doesn't play HSR much if at all anymore.
>let your imouto go to buy videos alone 1(one) time
>she gets trapped in a hollow

My imouto will never be alone again.

meh. dropped it.
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Yunli & Jiaoqiu & March china 4 star
Feixiao & Lingsha & Moze 4 star
New SU expansion
Screwllum & Stephen lloyd trust the plan
i play it
I didn't want to roll but her ass is very convincing
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yes but if I lose the 50/50 I'll quit, your move Dawei
You're on 4chan
You DEFINITELY have enough time if you're here
please answer the question
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Autism doesn't give me scare jump
I'll be rolling Screwllum
HSR and ZZZ are my only 2 gacha games.
there is no question
There not much to do if you only play HSR. I beat moc 12 fast and back to nothing.
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>we still don't have a playable girl this brown
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If Tingyun is in December how many jades will I get from now until then?
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I'm playing it while there's nothing going on in HSR, kinda getting bored of doing the daillies already though.
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I casually play it, meaning I don't spend much time on ZZZ compared to HSR. I'm sure people who grew up in beat 'em up games/hack&slash will like this.

I hope it succeeds because it looks really well-made for a gacha game.
You're going to have to pay me $5 per month if you want me to answer retarded simple addition questions for you.
i thought this list was bigger last week
Yeah this is why I dropped it. Also the weeklies, like wow I sure do love manual SU that you have to do half a dozen times a week for max rewards.
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Rerun when
The daily is literally login, drink coffee, eat ramen, collect profit.
Mean HSR need auto 2x 60 stamina + fri ND support to get 60 jade.
Idk who you mean. But i might have removed games I'm not playing as much.
use the feedback survey
shotafags got opal
They're laughing at Seele in /zzz/...
how is your crr higher than your crd
her playable ass looks smaller compared to her trailer
More likely to be added to the permanent banner
I'm also using up stamina because whats the point of playing if you don't
i remember that background but with more apps from somewhere
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Rate chest and everything has a rate sub but only the chest has a dmg sub.
I should probably farm her pieces more.
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I wish I had the time to play ZZZ as well... I really want that stupid rat, but I'm way too invested in HSR and my other game.
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where is that cone coming from
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Ruan Mei, when are you coming back, our children are asking for their mother...
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>Apple website
>Still can't run from Firefly
She's strong!
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Why is Hotaru's ass so fat
Don't worry bro, I'm saving from 1.0 until rat, I'll roll enough copies for the both of us. I have 190 rolls saved so far.
Anon, most people play both games right now
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I play both games. I like both. Not a single good Firefly relic though if you're asking for an update on that.
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This combat needs optimizing
Oak rolls
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evasion when?
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No, "daily" in Gacha is the minimum activity to get "gem" from login because that's the only thing worth your (valuable) time.
spending Stamina/fuel is not good metric because their value is degrading the more built your account is.
Mihoyo learn from Genshin and HSR did good job. Now ZZZ is even shorter and compact
I play it. I wish HSR had something similar to the trust events.
Trust events are way too (You) pandering for this game, as nice as it would be to get to know the characters a bit more. ZZZ doesn't have the voice acted character screen thing where you can see the character comment on other characters, along with hearing their battle sounds.
I liked trust events at first but then came to hate them. They're so tedious, and getting the same lines over and over again just suck. It was cute to eat noodles with Soldier 11 for the first few times, but now I need to do it like a dozen, once a day timegated, to get the wallpaper? Nah, I'll just not do that.
we get soulless text message and parlor car shit
sometimes we dont even get that! not even bond lines...
Small indie company
Please understand
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an average everyday Clara. nothing special about it
Soldier 11's is unfinished, as in you can't complete it at all. It only takes 3 days worth of trust events to max out a character, and there's 4 events per character I think.
>sparkle is in the astral express
get out friendless loser

I wish we had a defend option.
Also wish we had advanced fast-forward controls, where we can pick toggle if we want to fast forwards all turns, only enemy turns, every animation except ultimates or everything but specific characters.
zzz is 16+. hsrg is 12+. You can tell this just from reading the generals already
Use Welt's cane
wait when we unlock our room in 3.0 or 4.0 where we can decorate it and invite characters to have sex with
How come the express isnt filled with squatters? I thought it was open to any body?
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When is it our turn...?
i still play it, can be fun past the 10h long ass tutorial
I bet Black Swan stands there invisible and watches 24/7. Fucking FREAK.
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You are one lucky man... or unlucky if you lost most of your 50/50
I still don't know why for it's ok for Clara to be nude in her E6 but not Hook and Bailu
Hell no. I only play WuWa and HSR while waiting for NTE/AzurPromilia/Exilium, depends on which one releases first
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We live in her world
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Need a toot
>Playable sunday
>Getting your own room on the express
oh anon... Was Tingyun coming back not enough for you?
I'm gonna ask it in every survey from now on desu, we even have the same phone messages so it would be super easy to implement.
Uhhh clara is 21 in my headcannon so i can masturbate without any guilt, it just works ok?? i guess hebe model is the exception? idk
I need a room so Tingyun has a place to call home.
My Sparkler is gaymarried to E2 Acheron
No i skipped numby, because that's the character you're getting, topaz is just an accessory
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lol no she's 14-15 it's the retards trying to say she's 10-12 that need a reality check.
SW is 50 years old
If you don't use your stamina in ZZZ right now you won't be able to clear endgame or future content, there's no point in logging in just to log in.
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the day they release one is the day i'll whale
What's the difference between normal marriage and gaymarriage?
>hsrg now praising zzz
yup this general is dead to me, this isn't the same general from 6 months ago who has a backbone and resolve to shit on other mihoyo games. it's almost like every good poster have fucked off already
I'm very lucky because most of the 50/50 that I lost were to her. and the reason she can be naked in her E6 art is because she's in puberty, while Bailu and Hook haven't had their first period
i was just shitposting bro, but yeah i've seen people sperging about her age for some reason
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not bad
The only argument for her being 10 or so is "acting young" but even then Clara clearly acts older than any of the other children like Hook. She's no older than 15 though.
This general is filled with zoomers and it shows
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Good night frens
Good night bro

I quit after trying it for two days. The gameplay is samey and boring.
they don't have the balls to try this here even though it would fit the setting, it's too late
it's either at launch or never
Good night baby
I'm too old for that shit, 4 niggas in a row is my shit
how do you say that when your game is just pressing the auto button
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Good night, anon
Remember how I told you that /hsrg/ has no real identity? It's a bunch of gigger and higger and there's like 5 posters that never played any MHY games.

All retards have done here is play pretend. All inorganic shitting post which is kinda sad to look at.
Acheron and Sparkler are both girls
Grats bro, no one even tooted...
I got it from the limited banner
Its there because I have nothing better. I am rolling for YL cone for Clara next week though.
its not so bad. at e0 clara doesnt use skills that often so using clara as an sp battery with lots of energy regen to keep her ult up works
nta but I do remember that and it's a gacha game what did you expect
really? mine is always spamming skill
although i do have sparkle
That's exactly why I say it.
Every single live service game is filled to the brim with boring, time-wasting slop, and the less intrusive they make said slop the better.
Play real games instead of gachaslop
whoops you forgot to reply bro >>487363257
So what you expect this place to be a hivemind all praising or hating the same thing? Get a grip lmao
>She's no older than 15 though.
yeah she really is perfect
I don't why people have such a hate boner for SEA when american hours are clearly the worst.
Los Angeles has the worst posters but over the years everyone started blaming SEA more
2.5 beta out?!
Not until 2.4 comes out
Does the combat in this game ever become engaging?
Will there ever be a point where you actually have to flex your brain to beat a fight?
that's the early game. having complete teams removes a lot of skill from the game. But in general the random nature of gacha makes that almost impossible.
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.

But I do? What do you think I do with the rest of my day after I get done with my five-minute daily login? Five-minutes, in which, I don't even really play the game and just put it on mute while I watch tiktok.
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>I still don't know why for it's ok for Clara to be nude in her E6 but not Hook and Bailu
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Numby is not wife material
Numby is a fuckdoll
Her boobies not that big
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Heads up! The wheels are spinning
Across the plains, in valleys deep
To dawn, the wheels that sing
An unending dream!
Heads up! The tracks are running
Across the plains, where shadows hide
We run, we stride, woah-oh
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cute feet
I want to marry huohuo. That is all.
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what the
>click on it, see sparkle doing a roundhouse
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You now remember Hagfly
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aventurine is a sad, pathetic man
Bro you can do better
She's ugly and weird
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I can fix her
She will return as a lord ravager
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Do we know for sure if Yumli E2 affects her ultimate counter or now. According to this page here... its does not look like it does.

wdym she's the cutest railer
>you can do better
Do you honestly believe this
I hope she gets a power up in the future, preferably wearing a bunny suit
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His bf will protect him.
gotta uplift my anons here
ultimate is a counter so theres no reason to think why it wouldnt
The best women look better without makeup
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>When dealing DMG via COUNTER, ignores 20% of the target's DEF.
>When triggering the COUNTER effect from the talent, launches the COUNTER: "Intuit Cull"
Yes anon, we are sure
that is insane for e2 Argenti E6 is 30% def pen
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Is rolling for LCs gay?
I want to do worse. I want that stinky loser Sparkle.
Stop sexualizing everything.
Wow you weren't lying, that is kinda shit.
The eidolon is not listed under the ult. Thats why I was puzzled. Maybe a mistake on the site admin.

What is the difference between defence bypass from e2 and RES PEN from e6? Different multipliers?
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Just because something is gay does not make it sexual.
damn sugilite is making rounds
e1s1 us 80% crit dmg for free so he peaks early.
In ~2 hours we're getting the Yunli Keeping up with Star Rail + Sponsored CC guides for Yunli.
E2 is for any counter she does, regardless if it's from Ult or from an enemy attack.
E6 is ONLY for her Ult stance parries.
Yes, res pen and def shread are different buckets. They multiply with one another.
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I still haven't done the match-3 event
QQ triggers my AGP
its like 5-10 pulls in jades gro
Dear God PLEASE have Feixiao use the Valorous Set.... Atk% Crit% Ult Dmg and FUAs all look like they belong to the dogbitch pleeeeease let her use Valorous
>RNG mechanic
Please no.
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im ready for yunli to save HSR!
Now that the FGO posters are gone. Do only firefly posters remain?
Can't be worse than relic RNG plus we already have crit rate% anyway.
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It's not happening, the initial kit for Aventurine was an evasion oriented tank but people kept complaining and Hoyo couldn't make it fun so they just chose to make him a shielder.
Ultimate is activation only. Its like a flag to other shit like erudition blessing. The damaging part is counter because it's on different action (listed on action queue).
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Firefly is love
Firefly is my wife
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If she had a snake form then it would've been leaked by now, sorry
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oh my
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still going to mating press
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I am both a Firefly poster and a Fate poster though.
finished 2.3 after putting it off for as long as I could
what do you mean the little redditor goblin is actually part of the genius society?
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>FGO posters are gone
They are the firefly posters anon
Her ult doesnt do damage tho
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There's nothing to spend my stamina on
Double relic event is giving me nothing but slop
do you also expect them to find some way to make this a letdown? either a male or random servant for the freebie 5* that's good for one boss and then forgotten
nevermind, actually, on second thought, it checks out
all members I've met so far have some kind of mental illness and she did somehow craft a lot of gadgets
I assumed those mindbroken coomers were all the day 1 f2ps itt and likely kafkafags or clarafags.
bwos, what's gwo?
If we get literally any playable UBW character (this means not Sakura) that is not Aloy tier, I will not be disappointed.
Pretty rude to call Ruan Mei a redditor goblin.
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God after zzz I really wish we had a cute pervy imuoto Stelle
if Archer is the 5* I wouldn't complain if he changes the battle BGM to UBW when he uses his ult
though honestly speaking he's probably the least boring pick for a 5*, seiba is just sword girl and gil is lmfao
I want Gil the most, but it won't be Gil unless there's like 3 or 4 Fate collab characters.
Fate has more than coom, that's why it's still alive and making bank.
If i have e0s1 acheron, is it better to roll sparkle and save for ack e2 than the fox? I really dont want the pink fox
It's a UBW collab so I'm expecting Saber, Rin and Archer. Maybe Shirou but I doubt it.
fate is alive because of its superior writing and story
I meant Sparkle.
I don't think bug mei is a redditor or a goblin, I'd say she's some /x/ schizo
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Belle is so cute and helpful, while March is just there to be our wrangler....
I enjoy the mechanics and heroes but oh my god that game has awful everything else. obvious greed and unfun grinding systems for all your skills and light cones, rotating dailies, 300 pity bullshit and all that. If the voice acting stops in the later stuff I can't see why people would play other than loving VNs and Fate.
if you don't like the fox then don't roll for the fox.
Yeah that's what I expect too
But I want my ack to be happy. She deserves better than my current comp for her which is just welt and pela with gallagher or sometimes sogga. Im building gepard for her so that might be better than sigga. I just dont know what the nihilty should be if i get her e2
Penacony was Adventurine's story. He was the MC
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Remember to check your Parlor car daily for that pathetic loser, lest she causes mental anguish to your PomPom
trannyturine flopped
kill yourself analwormer
>Post 666
Sunday was right to have faith in sigga
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This guy says I get 80 free pulls if I download the game through his video. Is this true bros?
This general is such a fucking joke. We should all be nuked from LEO
It is technically, you have to do the content albeit
There's no way using these dumbass no name youtubers is a better msrketing strategy than just posting a trailer as an ad
I liked it so much better when we were dead
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drew hanya
the only time one of these ads didn't lie about the starting free rolls was Alice Fiction and look how that turned out
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Cute Hanya bwo!
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cute imouto
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What did Yanqing mean by this
Please draw more. That's fucking cute and makes me regret not building my e6 of her
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I still need to log into ZZZ today, and at least burn my resin, but I really don't feel like it. I think I'm just going to uninstall it.
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I don't even like Firefly that much but holy fuck Penacony is peak
Will we ever get a good arc like this again?
I feel so empty after beating MOC12
If we survive loufu slop and greece is good yea
You guys werent kidding. My e2s0 ff and e1 rm made it too easy. I did it again with 2 different teams so that i didnt feel soulless
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Uh, maybe. in 6 month?
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>Reading Yunli preview
>Last image is in Chinese
Hoyo doesn't care about this update at all eh?
New arc seems cool and the space greece stuff could be even better than Penacony
Cute hanya bwo, unsure if youre the same xueyi anon but if you are, youre improving
I'm gonna play the patch fully in JP, I don't trust EN
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>watched the streams for 2.4
>got excited by ubw collab so much that my adhd forgot to put codes on my account

be honest with me bros, how bricked i am right now that i lost 300 jades, i just remember it today after i woke up wtf
They transfer all localization team to zzz
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>Yanqing is still raving about swords
I thought Jingliu taught her that the sword doesn't matter
did Himeko have the meme coffee schtick in HI3 too
Not even 2 pulls, and around 6 days in dailies can make it up, yeah mega bricked, sorry bro
go back to sleep and pretend its a dream
Depend on your interest on
>gay fox
>tomboy fox
To the two Clara players remaining in these threads: do you recommend Lynx with her? Or should I just go all in on FUA meme and just run Topaz/Robin/Aventurine with her? Thanks.
her damage might be considered ult damage in the enhanced state
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love you all!
and yes it's me, thank you!!!!
>the leader of SH is a shota
>the leader of IPC is a shota
Nice game railkeks
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You tell me
Yeah in the next slide Yunli says that swords dont "matter" as in, a skilled swordman is just as deadly with some dull iron bar as it is with his sword.
Post your other art bro. I want to save them
>>the leader of IPC is a shota
Why are you dumb
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where's your fofo?
Lynx is going to struggle, like you're probably going to need to restart against Argenti, he does a ton of damage is liable to kill your supports.
No, she's a hag that drinks a lot to cope with dying young before she can find a partner and get married.
so, did all the firefly clones born with the entropy loss syndrome?
>Durrr, what is her Ult?
>Healer that only heals as much as Natasha
lmao, I mean you can run it, but it's no secret you're just making things harder for yourself.
Yes, Jade mentions this during the 2.3 quest.
I only do dailies because I can't be bothered to do the story.
im skipping all of them and waiting for my nine-tailed tingyun
I guess I wasn't paying attention
>She might want more than just touching it once.....
>Thinking SSJ5 Yukong will be playable
Bwos… I remember there was a time when Lynx was considered a meta healer. Sad.
irc her testing kit used the valourous set so it's likely (her supports were rm and topaz)
although it might be a placeholder for the rumored upcoming relic sets
The translation is close so it's fine on that front, it just sounds less creepy in JP. Probably because it's weebshit and being a sword-maniac is typical anime stuff.
>TFW have a guarantee but still want to pull for Yukong dupes
It's just not fucking fare
4chan is one person
It's not fair, she's supposed to be my gf, but Jing Yuan keeps getting in the way.
>has 4, 5 at most
BIS against Kafka
>but but my Huo2
140 pulls vs fucking none
She was my cope for a whole patch until i got fofo
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i ship yanqing with yunli
>release Jade
>no relevant event outside of some web shit
How come Aventurine and Topaz gets a fucking arc and the hag gets nothing?
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just asking because as is HSR Himeko reminds me a lot of this bitch
down to the schizo coffee brewing gimmick
We know Jing yuan, Yukong and Huaiyan
So when are we getting new animation leaks?
After Jade's done flopping
leakers say she was tested with it so there's a chance, better wait for beta before farming it though
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War... has changed
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I used her extensively for a year, the only limited sustain I had was fofo. I had to always put Fofo on the harder side of MoC, despite the team synergy because the power scaling of enemies has made lynx very sus. It's doable to clear MoC 11 and 12 with her, but teammates are going to occasionally die, and you will sometimes need to reset. If you have Bailu, she's unironically a lot better, even sometimes when there are debuffs that Bailu can't clear.
I got tired of how she she was and rolled for FX's rerun, and it was the biggest improvement to my account the entire time, I don't think I've had a character die in any MoC/PF/AS since I got FX.
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Avenpaz good and young
Jade old and busted
she still has a niche with clara, yunli and blade unlike natasha and bailu.
>Penacony is peak
I guess that's true for someone who only consume gacha.
Fucking zoomers cant even use their retarded terminology correctly
okay, this are all the drawings I've posted, ordered oldest to newest.

i still use lynx since huohuo is ugly as shit
>Penacony is peak
I guess that's true for someone who's a fucking genius with impeccable taste
This guy is clearly better than us. Time to leave the thread gachabros
Thats cool bro, youre improving as you keep doing it
>Penacony is peak
I guess?
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If you are f2p then you are kinda fucked, but if you are willing to spend then the next 2 patches are you dream if you want to main Clara. Yunli's cone is her BiS, HuoHuo is probably her best sustain and Sparkle is her best harmony(unless you pair her with Topaz). Lynx is complete dog shit, dont even bother
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lmao I don't know what they meant asking for people to do their SU equivalent that many times a week, they just don't get Herta's genius.
she's fine but not super necessary, Clara should have her ult aggro up the majority of the time and that already puts her at around 70% chance to be target, the additional aggro from Lynx on top of that only ups it to 80%~
the niche with Yunli is
>I didn't roll her LC so this character is shit
I enjoyed Penacony up until 2.3. 2.3 ended up making Penacony leave a bad taste in my mouth. 2.3 should never have happened.
Clarventurine sweeps
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>That improvement
DrawGOD I kneel
none of the upcoming banners seem to have anything I care about until punished tingyun but I don't know if my gambling addiction will allow me to actually save until december without wasting rolls
Her niche is dead now, a cone killed the one thing she had going for her
bro, your (insert another gachage here)
if only she were older so I could seduce her at a bar

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