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Previous >>487315279

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Sebaceous for this feel?
Bros, how do I get an /alter/ gf/bf?
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Mom Love!
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Kama Love!
Medusa love!
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I'm an /alter/ bf that's up for grabs.
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I love her so fucking much, please bring her back for literally anything.
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Mom love!
Is 4chan having problems for anyone else?
>3rd Anniversary had the most broken Quick support in the game
>4th Anniversary gave us 7 new Bronze servants

It's actually sad how irrelevant the 8th Anniversary is if you don't care to roll for Tonelico. It's just a random week with half AP hands and x3 success.
Does Riddell appear in ANYTHING besides the bonus story after Mahoyo?
Yes, but probably not in the sense you mean
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Images are taking a long time to load for some reason.
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>Barghest (Archer)
Tempting (haven't checked if they're all available)
>Nitocris (Assassin)
>Sodom's Beast/Draco
The trouble is that Barghest is a 4-star in a split rate-up. I'm probably going to save absolutely everything for her and see if I can get Tiamat in 30 rolls.
If all the Lizes died in the Burnt ticket Offering, then why is there a new variant every Halloween?
Uh what's her problem
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That's not just Aoko in a wig?
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Does anyone have the webm of her dying laughing
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I need sex bros...
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>they finally do Summer Jack
>they make her overtly horny for you on top of her existing feelings for you
How would you react?
Most things
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Japanese moot forgot to pay the image posting bill for the month.
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Go see a hooker, bro.
After some troubleshooting it seems like it's a problem with my browser but it's all being very weird.
Me when it comes to FGO. Just fucking end it already.
OG barg I blew 800sq just to get np5 barg and np13 bob. Never again. I’ll try for NP1 probably.

Kkuku, Tiamat, mini mom.
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Don’t be rude that’s clearly not a horse. That’s lu bu
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i have arrived
You need “sex bros?”
None that I’ve noticed
Fairy Dripcelot
Yes, some images are not uploading and throwing a connection error.
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hey bro
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Servants for this feel?
I know she's general pool so you lot probably have had her for ages but I got her this week and I'm so happy seeing her in My Room.
gz bro
Now you can support your quick servants
I've actually had her since 2020 but I completely forgot about it until recently.
Yeah, it's been infested with too many individuals who have personalities I don't like. For example, Huyanfags, Trungfags and Marie Alterfags.
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congrats bro, threat her well.
Once she hit bond 4, she was eagerly licking the smegma out from under my foreskin.
fgo is not your daddy's ugly bastard doujin universe
All of them
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The apex, the peak, the true meat of FGO story are Atlantis/Olympus and Avalon le Fae. After that, it's a steady decline.
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Please don't
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The forgotten assassin quick support…
Besides Too many chat bots.
On my phone it’s been getting really slow recently, sometimes totally freezing and I’ll have to restart brave
Randomly on my computer it’ll say “connection failed”
>The predecessor Saika Magoichi was my mentor. His skills and spirit were worthy of being Saika's Yatagarasu. But besides that, everything about him was the worst... He would always be late for work, had no motivation when dealing with male clients, and quick to make advances on female clients.
Is there historical basis for Magoichi Saika being a flirt? It's consistent with his portrayal in Samurai Warriors personality-wise but I'm not sure if the writers are just referencing the SW Magoichi or the historical one.
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Servant for this feel?
I haven't been able to see the individual IP count for almost a full year.
your favorite servant (she loves my bald head)
>tfw you meet the hot messes Chaldea has summoned with your name on them
when's the next lotto event?
I would actually summon this jannu, and fuck the shit out of her
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>see list update from last thread
>more than half the green names are otome stacys
/alter/ sisters are too fucking strong.
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C'mooon, it's not a weird thing to be your sister in a dream…
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does this happen irl?
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Summer cat, soon.
Yeah, not long ago someone in china married an AI
>Gareth doesn't actually know where her dog came from
This feels like I'm being warned about something
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mighty white woman
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The dog is sus
Why doesn't the summon simulator work on gamepress.gg? It says: Error Status: 404
Error: No route matches URL "/summon-simulator"
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Guro is allowed in Comiket, this ban was bullshit.
qt broom
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the dog felt that the shitposting in /alter/ was too strong so he responded to our cry of help
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joan of de arc
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The site is kind of a mess because the whole thing imploded some time ago.
Stop burning your luck retard
Probably because they're in the process of redoing the whole site to "v2" (read:fucking everything up and deleting a ton)
Also don't use shit press whenever possible. Their event guides are the only think worth looking at and even those are bogged down with dumb shit
What made jannu so racist she supports Argentina over france
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It's only natural to not want to support the french
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too much bond!! that's too much!!
> the whole thing imploded
Well that's just great
> Stop burning your luck retard
I am already a fucking jinx so who cares
> Their event guides are the only think worth looking
Yes, I mostly use it for those and to check the tier list.
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Caenis and Gordolf
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caenis isn't a chill baddie she's an insecure dyke
Just use summer Carmella
Why don't they just make max bond servants give a 10% bond bonus to the other servants?
>wedding ring over her belly button
Absolute diamonds.
Too many free SQ
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They have said that they want people to use variety of servants instead of always the same ones, why would they give you a reason to continue using the same ones?
That gives bond autists (like me) a reason to keep using servants once they've reached max bond.
yeah lots of wedding bands use diamonds
Actually thats a Sapphire.
Diamonds are see through not blue.
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They should make a servant that Oberon's himself. Has 50% buff resist from other servants, but has 180% self charge, atk spatk npd buffs and a wide super effective mod and overcharge benefit. Just kitted to infinity, then after he nps he buff strips himself and gets unremovable np seal, plug block, and target focus immunity
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This is not a diamond.
if there's one thing i've learnt about gems growing up its that the "emeralds are green! sapphires are blue! rubies are red!" thing we all learnt as children is complete dogshit and theres basically a colour for every gem
I want to go back inside
Bad news, you're not the elder sister anymore!
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They should make a servant that's Freddy Fazbear. Because hes a -- animation matronic invented by the, william after and he can also bring in his friends: chika the kitchen, bunny the bonnie bon, foxy the pirate fox (rrrr) and then theres freddie whose yellow because wiliam after was like imma make a yellow one! cus im a green-- no yellow-- buih- bunonnie bnut its not bonnie its like a different one with springs in him
Emeralds are pretty much always green. They might vary a bit in hue and lean a little towards blue, but they actually are the one that's true to what you learn as a kid.
Arf arf arf arf
Rocks are possibly the most boring thing in existence.
Why is Erice even an avenger?
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Caenis is a bisexual man
>humanity's greatest ally
Nah, you fuck off.
Just want to tell everyone that I have just saved this picture to my hard drive.
Rubies are literally just red sapphires to begin with is part of the problem.
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Didn’t you read this summer? She’s a “they”. Probably has both
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*Shoots a gem through your skull and makes the gem explode inside your head turning your head into a red mist*
Whos boring now?
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>THIS summer
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Avenging her novel
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God, I wish I was Illya there.
10% is much less efficient that using a new servant. It's just a little nice thing so you can still use your wife without feeling like you're losing out on potential bond completely.
Honestly happy that Requiem is abandoned. What a dumb premise.
What even IS the premise of Requiem? Erice is killing servants or something?
Sex with cups.
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Yeah I skipped Caenis summer year on accident. Idk when it was even released. 2022 I was riding across the country on a motorcycle during the summer event. 2023 I was just depressed and not playing fgo. I have no clue what the last two summers were besides that caenis was released and I don’t have loli binci
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The premise is that everyone in the world has their own servant.
Okay I definitely did 2022 either og or rerun cause I have lancer senpie.
Guess it was just last year I skipped.
Is there a webm or gif of nervous Skadi?
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Soul vs soulless
Give me the chapter and I'll make you one.
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Are there copies of servant or do you get stuck with the Traum nameless shitters if you weren't in the first few thousand to get a servant?
It's a world that was radically changed after a grail war where basically everyone has a piece of grail within them that allows them to use magecraft using mystic codes, and everyone has a servant (though most people don't have enough mana for the servant to do anything that crazy).
As for the actual story, Erice was one of the few people in her world who didn't have a servant, but got Voyager at the end of volume 1. Maybe that means another grail war was about to happen or maybe the story is about the world being fucked up and on course to being a lostbelt idk. It would have to actually have content past that point. There is a volume 2, but I don't know if anyone has finished translating it yet
I don't know. I abandoned any interest when the basic framework of the setting was revealed.
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Mosaic City is Soo beautiful tho. I hope they revisit it in a future Fate project, preferably a 3D videogame.
I shouldn't say got voyager at the end of volume 1. I think it was she found out his true name or something then? He was just sort of bumbling around for a while. I don't really remember a lot of the details at this point
Soul vs Soul
Diamonds can be blue. Look at the Hope Diamond. That said, I find diamonds unimpressive since the market is so rigged and they’re actually a very common stone.
But in Miyu’s case it probably would be a sapphire.
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What is this?
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Etosetera etosetera
>and on course to being a lostbelt idk.
Sounds like it already got pruned since volume 3 never fucking ever
>Skadi moans and says “don’t stare at me like that” as you approach
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My best aoe quick servant is spishtar do I have to roll for S. Skadi?
The way the buildings are just scattered haphazardly makes this look more AI than most litterbox links in these threads.
its tomorrow apparently.
>Use a command spell to make Skadi lactose intolerant while she's eating ice cream
>She starts shitting all over the floor
Worldwide holy grail war happens and every who's still alive gets their own personal grail fragment (eternal youth and body modification and cantrip magic) and Servant.

What if someone didn't get a grail fragment or servant? What if someone's Servant goes rogue due to incompatibilities or its fundamental nature? What if mage families want to do sketchy mage things while everyone else is stuck with welfare magic that they barely understand? What do people do for fun when they have basic needs taken care of and who are itching to show off their cool servant? How do people cross the wastelands between the remaining grail-defended cities and how would they develop in isolation? What if Akihabara was a beach resort? What kind of gruesome crimes and murders can happen in a posthuman paradise?
It's kind of funny because my irl sister actually does look like that. Petite with bob cut.
sect 7 arrow 2 I think. That or arrow 3. Thanks
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Mom Love!
I need Erice's 14 year old cunny.
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Ati love!
is she also albino
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The other game.
Anyways i got Bazzet swimsuit.
Well it doesnt turn into a swimsuit until you ascend her she has a apron on in the first ascension.
But it will be swimsuit Bazzet once i ascend her.
>Use a command spell to make Skadi lactate uncontrollably
>She start squirting milk all over the floor
There are different versions of Elizabeth that form an idol group.
IIRC her hand burned at the end of volume 1 and she got her seals.
bros, how much longer?
I'm curious, do you tried out every game that Prisma crossovers with?
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fluffy bullboy
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stop abusing your command spell! your servant is not for abuse! your servant is for hand holding and walking home gently!
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Would Skadi eat ice cream made from her breast milk?
Spishtar is horrendous at quick looping, her refund is piss poor and her 50% charge isn't enough to make up for it.

I'd still recommend rolling for skadi since the cost:benefit ratio of rolling for a meta support is vastly better than any other servant. You only need np1 for them to do their job and have more use cases than any singular DPS.
As long as it takes
but discord bros told me to roll for douman...
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Who should i get with my Walfare ticket
Normal Illya,Normal Chloe or Normal Miyu?
I can only choose one.
Why not
Is S.Skadi even meta?
wtf is this?
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fat erice
The only male you should ever roll for is Merlin, and that's only because he can give your female servants cocks thereby increasing their value.
None of your business.
Answer the question i cant decide.
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She's a giver, but I can see her being tricked into eating her own breastmilk.
Only if you garnish it with your milk
she enable quick bg looping, but quick still sucks, not enough op servant like sibuki, morgan, junao
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Douman is really good but you can always roll for skadi and if you get her early you can use the rest of your sq on Douman.

Another nice thing about Ruler Skadi is she's a decent quick looper of her own, like how Vitch is a very usable buster looper.

Yes. Very. In the era of starting charge event CEs in addition to second appends and Oberon quick is very competitive. This isn't 5th anniversary quick looping.
post some illyafes or morganfes 6CE quick setups
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I mean it's out there
How many quick servants can actually BG loop?
>only have Skadi from this list
Yeah. Erm. I have more SOVL than you metaiggers
I really need illya sex.
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>No Douman
Peak soulless desuqh
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I've been in this argument before and have no interest in retreading it. Here's a high tier quick servant with no niche farming Illyafest and a high tier buster servant with two different niches failing to farm the same node.
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My King is too cool
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How does this image make you feel?
Sorry I’m not a faggot
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Let's see...
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google says its grand summoners
Why you gotta do Nobu like that?
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That's Caeneus.
Rock solid and throbing.
But shuten is way hotter than ibuki
The opposite. If you're not a meta fag and you like quick servants and want to make them perform at their best, then she's The gal for the job. You usually have to go out of your way and jump through hoops to make quick servants work beyond basic 5ce looping on 333 quests. In the sense that skadi is the thing that makes it all possible, yeah she's meta, but compared to buster and arts and multi-core, no, she's just a Band-Aid for the leaky pipe of the game.
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Nothing specifically against nobu. She's pretty good. The only argument I'm making is people have double standards about quick.
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Whatever happened to the gook? His antics were quaint compared to the schizos we have now.
Low IQ post
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Too long
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Quiet day today huh
/alter/ is dead
namedrop me bro
yeah...hey did you watch the new family guy?
salt shaker skadi
The market is also rigged through advertisements that denigrate synthetic diamonds over dug-up ones, as if there was any real difference.
my cute wife!
this is about as cherrypicked as its possible to get...
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He had a schizoid episode yesterday, didn't he? Replied to himself for hours about ORT and devolved into screeching autism.
>through advertisements that denigrate pirated diamonds over real ones
As they should.
Fuck piracy.
You wouldnt download a car so why should you be able to download a diamond.
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>Quick isn't shit
Then why does Scathach Skadi start with "scat" and have the letters "s", "h", "i", and "t" in her name?
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quick still works
The difference is one company doesn’t own all the synthetic diamond machines. Well maybe they do but it’s a different one
he's completely correct though
Except the Emerald City was white, but everyone wore green-tinted glasses.
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Would say more things, but i'm kinda tired today
>You wouldnt download a car
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Most of the ones who were considered to be good back in the heyday of quick can 6ce now. Some don't even need ruler skadi to do so. Parvati here only has a 10% charge but she can 6ce comfortably.

He asked for an illyafest or morganfest node and I gave him an illyafest or morganfest node. I even picked the "best possible" buster servant for the job given her anti divine AND anti sky niche. People act like buster needing starting charge 99 and having anemic wave 1 damage isn't a real drawback but it very much is.
Should i blogpost Prillya's Summer event when it gets translated and comes to global?
Better watch what you say Anytime I have pictures of you
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don't tell me what to do, nerd.
WAIT is this Brave Exvious?
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>ai generated sloppa
Everyone is laying low before the second coming of quick tomorrow
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Do we get Skadoodle today?
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Anytime? More like out of time.
They just put any random person under the King and Queen section huh?
Didn't realize da beers bothered to send shills to /alter/. Did they think people here buy diamonds lol
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tomorrow or thats what skadifag said, pls confirm so i can go out and buy ice cream.
The only reason i wouldn't download a car is because i don't drive.
but if you could download it you could learn to
800 sq with no SSR. This event can fuck off
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Is Ati alright? Nyo....
On the 24th or after reset tomorrow and on the 25th since I'm on the east coast.
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The ones you would expect. Dantes, Jets, Rikyu, Karen. Sei can after her buff in a year and change. It's all 2x summer skadis and some third support - mostly caster skadi, Nero bride, or Oberon.
You could just check the news yourself.
Please return my bros key and otome to their rightful places as greenlisters (true)
He said his cancer is in remission hes recovering.
Way more quick servants can BG loop than that bro
After reset on the 25th
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We should get the valkyries tonight.
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but its too high
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I wonder if a synthetic gem would be worse for Rin. They probably have less mystery, but they have the same crystal matrix structure.
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Good to hear
Natural gems have no less mystery we know exactly how they're made
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Homosexuality is a sin but I'll look the other way anytime
Yeah, but they're shat out by the earth like Oberon and fairies.
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Since Nasu verse works on conceptual bullshit, just do some fancy ritual when making the stones. Do some salt bae shit on it, if you can put a 200% mark up on steak, you can up some Mystery to some stones.
I thought this was common knowledge and it's all just conspicuous consumption at play? I mean my engagement ring was expensive because of the brand name jeweler and not so much the stone itself.

It's probably better for her since they're more consistent. For industrial purposes they give more control on the shape and hardness of the diamond for each specific application.
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Looks like you’ll kiss any girl Anytime
There's mystery about faeries, PHH scientists don't have a clue about the science behind those.
Those fae need more fiber in their diet fr fr
Cute potato
Was it actually cancer? That's scary as hell. Hope bro is ok.
Somewhat new player here - the Chaldea website is telling me to farm Secluded Cave for blue zerker gems, is that better than the actual zerker daily?
Anytime is not just a homo but a homo slut.
Her pussy has been fingered by half the girls in the town shes the lesbo town bicycle.
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Hurry up with the next section.
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It's just a larp, bro. Literally did it to line up with the gag in the event about nurse chasing after skadi with a needle
Sisters, Onii-chan said Summer Melusine is better than Summer Ibuki.
No, the 10 AP Zerk daily should be way better. I'd recommend using Atlas Academy's page for this: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/drop-lookup/#/
...that's a little too quick isn't it?
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shut up
They also can't read and don't know how to play the game, so their opinion isn't worth shit.
I smell a rat. I already see two mistakes on the nobu side. When I get home I'm going to plug this in myself.
That's kind of shitty of them if it was all fake. I'm deleting their stupid ass.
Why did you think I would care?
ok thanks bro
I don't really know how that could be given that she's the same unit as ibuki but worse
No lol. Maybe it's telling you that because you're setting other items too? As a standalone it should be the daily Berserker training.
Well Skadi's element is Quick so maybe she helped speed up the recovery with her rune magic or something?
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Quicktards can't even Alteraloop. Pathetic.
What are the mistakes? If I screwed up I'm happy to fix them. Only thing I can think of is not using plugsuit buff early.
How it feels to do an event with no guide
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It's called Moloading
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Turns out I am just retarded and the planning tab is just telling me to farm for grease while at it
Doesn't she know how to create crystals already? Why would she ever need to buy them then?
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It's called Arcing!
Thought so lol. If you set two or more items it will search for the best node with both.
If you're farming blue berserker gems you're making a mistake. The ONLY time that it's a good idea to farm them is during a lotto.
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Actually no. We had a poll and Alteraloading came in first
I can't wait.
Anytime… tsktsk
No. It is called Archetyping, after Arcueid Brunestud and her Buster NP plus charge. You might not know as a tourist, but she is a hugely popular Servant on /alter/, with over a dozen 120 NP5s the week of her release.
Maybe we should be calling her Anyone from now on since she will sleep with anyone.
That whore has slept with half of the Type Moon universe.
B every day, all day, nonstop
3 hours left, have you already decided your valk?
Ah, Asimov’s erotic adventures. So true
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It's actually called Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lilyloading.
Which one is green twintails?
so who is the next must have gameplay support after Skadi?
Why do you even need a guide, it's literally just
>read the daily story node and do the latest available node
That's it
i'll load up lily if you get my meaning
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*Blocks your path*
For one, third wave Oberon buff is more than enough so you can arctic buff turn 1 to help overcome that valk.
For two, there's 40 stars on the field and +200% buster starsuck and yet neither of those buster cards are crits. A 120 maou buster crit should easily do 200k.
pink and soft
this really activates my thought keys
This event ain’t even complicated
What do you use to generate those images? The chaldea.center website never makes high res ones for me.
Friebdly reminder Ortlinde is the Redditor choice.
There isn't one.
None. The closest are summer kuro and yui but neither are close to must rolls.

Roll for who you like.
That's a feature, not a bug. Courtesy of the 4chan administration.
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even with three buster cards relying on a buster crit t1 sucks for automataing, you will get fucked by card draw
Oberon was the last great support servant
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I don't without a visual aid.
No because the story refused to give any of them personalities, Rindr was the only one of the new Valks to get lines that weren't just repeating what the other 2 said/will say right after.
I'm a latelet who quit the game like a year ago, maybe 2 years ago, I read lb6 but thought the game was unfair for newfags and was too jealous of day1 gods so I quit
I was just wondering how LB7 is and if melu is still the best character in the game when it comes to gameplay
Nah. From here on out is either mid or gimmicks
doesn't release until new years m80
@everyone I’m shitting.
Which servants would want to watch me sittin on the shitter
Kiara Sessyoin
Oh, yeah, the attacks should be crits but let's be real, the problem its not that the cards aren't crits, the cards should be removed entirely. It's not a good comp if it requires card rng.

Nobu still leaves the first wave valk with about 75k HP if you pop plugsuit buff.
True, but it's still an error on his part.
Yeah, I thought the choice was obvious with the two best (Hildr and Olrun) bundled together, but Geirskogul turned out to be the best of the new trio. I'll still be choosing Hildr 'cause she's the best of the lot.
l'm glad we are finally free of that shit. Like I don't really like Scadoo at all but I need her for Tlaloc. Also summer Kuro is pure sex so she already was in my roll list, she being good for gamaplay is a nice bonus.
Valkyries aren't supposed to have individual personalities. They are a mass produced article, sharing the same opinions and perspectives. Brynhildr was the anomaly among them who had her own heart.
It's part of their charm.
@everyone now I’m showering. Which would watch me shower
Johanna is technically a support
But they do have individual personalities.
Shitzerade. Which is appropriate considering the content her artist has made.
is np3 ibuki enough? i want to save for next year's power creep.
She's nice to have but isn't a must have
No, Melu isn't the one and all servant that you could throw into any quest anymore. Fights have veered into you having the correct servant with the correct damage niche at a high NP level now. She's still very useful and the best Lancer there is so you should still roll for her if you like her. She can comfortably farm the next lotto at NP2+?, but the next after that requires you to max her to approach a clear.
The Valks disagreed with eachother several times in this last node.
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Except they clearly have personalities?
Deep down they might be the same but they express themselves in very different ways.
she's also technically not very good
events are not canon, you retard
With that logic the new Valks aren't canon at all.
Twins are identical genetically with only minor differences as they grow, but usually have very distinct personalities.
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>he hasn't even made it to solomon yet
wowzers anon you shouldn't act so uppity when you're so early in the game
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Anytime, anywhere, and with anyone...
Anons, my brother hear me out. I think all future waves should either be straight 1-1-1 or 6-6-6 with no inbetween.
Either you're going to ST loop your waves or we're going to have so many fucking bodies on the field that all AOE servants become Loop-viable.
She gives fat Arts crits which is a nice bonus, but not something that Arts focuses on. Not that they need to anyway since competent Arts attackers primarily refund off of their NP.
Kriem is so lucky
She supports Douman crits better than Summer Skadi.
beni's cute pink asshole
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delet this
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wow what a powerhouse of a servant, i need to twist for her NOW
to have Siegfried and not a dumb slut like Anytime
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I want to do things to this Pope(fake).
>Alteraloading came in first
So that's why she is quick...
but is she a gameplay must have support?
...dreamt Siegfried
Kinky Neromashin Pope giving birth in front of everyone
No, Oberon was the last must-have support. From this point onward your choices are entirely your own.
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Damn, an EX- tier servant supports ANOTHER EX- tier servant!????? Saving for them both RIGHT NOW!
Exactly, summer servants aren't canon, bro.
Actually it's called booping because it's cute and alter is kawaii.
This Skadi would make a great vibrator!
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Summer 9's Swimsuit Clytie Van Gogh Will Save Quick!
Spread The Word Around!
Anyone (female)
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Reminder to fuck the bird
Actually it's rootin tootin' NP bootin and anyone who says otherwise isn't /alter/
the only thing getting deleted is her hymen
How did you get this picture of me.
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Actually, it's called GOOPing, short for "Gogh Looping".
It's the hottest new craze sweeping /alter/.
Just look at the list of benefits:
>Uses non-meta servants (saving bond!)
>You actually get to see your servants card attack animations
>Can get completely cucked by wave format
>Literally useless in 90++ (soul)
Melusine never was the best in the game. She has one more use case coming up in the Illyafest 90++ lotto node, but otherwise she has long since been surpassed. A 120 NP5 won't even suffice, she simply doesn't do enough damage for it to matter.
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She can fail on low-ish rolls at NP2, NP3 is needed for clean sweep. Or shoving a lot of grails and fous up her ass.
Actually it's called big pack refunding because you get it all back after spending it, see?
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>not feeding her all your grails, fous and exp
That much is a given.
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>refund declined
>Somewhat new player here
Post your FC so I can add you
post FC so I can mating press your grailed servants
If she isn't a favorite then there's no reason to waste grails and especially gold fous on her. And as said, she is useless for proper farming after Illyafest, so there's no reason to do it for gameplayfag purposes.
Post FC mind
the duality of /alter/
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Cute Yui, Cute Milly.
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I am bedridden and got a strong fever, does that count as a catalyst for Skadi
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Why would you try to get any support servant if not to make your faves more viable.
You really shouldn't bother, wait for the lottery later this year.
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Does your favourite servants artist make "fan"art of them?
I have farmed this entire event so far with my NP2 funny vamp
Not any of those anons but none of my favorites are viable. Most of them don't even have an NP charge.
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Yeah, but not lately...
The only Arts crit servant I use on a consistent basis is Saber Lancelot and while Pope Joan would be a great support for him, I figured 2x Castoria/Castoria + Merlina + Summer BB to do Arts chains for three turns more or less achieves the same effect.
Who are your favourites? Depending on how much cope you can stand, even the most dogshit 0 charge servants can be made "usable" in a looping format with summer chloe.
Latekek here. How does NP refund actually work? Is it specific to a servant and/or NP. I have NP3 Emiya, buff him with Waver, summer Vinci and Castoria, use his 3rd skill to change to arts NP card, fire off and he refunds to 200% overcharge. But when I do the same with Nero, she barely gets to 50% NP charge. In both cases I had class advantage. So how does it work?
Oh right. Me neither...
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Tsuna, Li Shuwen, Panda. You know, the usual suspects.
No, that's just a catalyst for being a weak ass pussybitch.
> verification not required
NP hits, base NP gain, Arts buffs, NP gain buffs
ESL and/or phoneposter opinion
it is specific to the servant in multiple ways.
Amount of hits of the NP plus innate NP refund
I wouldn't mind this Destiny Order
I dont even remember who tsuna is, lol.
NP refunds per hit and the refund value differs between servants
Emiya's NP hits 3789268 times per target enemy
Meanwhile Nero's hits once
How the fuck is Panda one of your favorites?
fun fact, undead enemies give more refund than non-undead enemies.
I'm just a redditor telling my reddit bros the best choice.
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Medea lily's boyfriend.
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It depends of the servant. For example, Chacha generates more NP gain from her Buster cards rather than the Arts.
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Yeh but very rarely, but my god it is worth it when he/she? does.
2x Vitch + Summer BB would ensure he does big Buster crits. Other two are duds.
so dead enemies?
I'd probably uninstall the game if I used 30 PAID SQ for a Vlad
So, is there any advantage of NP hitting once or is it a complete liability then?
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Summer Wu meta incoming.
Countdown doko
Do people not like Panda? I found that she was actually quite compelling. Her design is actually one of the only good ones from the Type Goons and she provides a nice Lancer niche.
I like the background conflict she had pre-Chaldea where she had to make the decision about whether to support QSH's world and the fact that Li Shuwen considered her a viable option even over such greats as Liu Bei and his brothers even though she would be reasonably weaker but much more dedicated in her loyalty.
this but ivan
the latter
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She had like 1 line of dialogue in lb3 and never shows up in anything else. She's barely a character.
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Tsuna said she was cringe.
>undead enemies give more refund
So all servants
the biggest benefit is that it looks cool
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Big single hits are aesthetically pleasing.
Is she for (you)
I wouldn't mind a free pizza. It's been 4 years and Drake and Schez are the ones who spooked me the most.
Oh, the guy who wants to fuck Ibaraki's cunny. Seems like a man of integrity.
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>Micro bikini summer Chacha never
>not even Chacha coins
Chacha bros...
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He's a massive tsundere
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oh hey someone saved this
I'm fine with her not showing up in anything else. I've found that most servants have an overall worse showing the more they show up in events.
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It fucking sucks.
>Ibaraki's mom's cunny
I have NP3 Vlad from spooks. If he somehow gets himself to NP5 I will kneel and grail him to 120.
For me it's Karna, dude literally won't stop showing up at my Chaldea.
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Did Merlina ever say anything about Douman's cursed morning glories? Big missed opportunity if so.
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I wouldn't mind the Wu treatment with summer Chacha...
He was in love with Ibaraki's mom when he was younger but when he saw Ibaraki's prime oni-cunny his neurons activated harder than ever.
It's over
>roll for proto merlin
>get spooked by astolfo
wtf i'm gay??????
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Just saw a Genji man with a Oni girlfriend
Heian-kyo has fallen, billions (of Genji) must die
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thanks bro
now I'm hard at work
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He was cool during lb4 and the bespectable event.
I probably would unless it's specifically Yodo; I would feel like we're never getting her then.
I'm not sure if this is a joke about Tsuna and Ibaraki which is a meme or if this is from the POV of Tsuna watching Kintoki and Shuten playing grab ass down the street and he's going full supreme gentleman on them.
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>billions (of Genji) must die
Gee I onder who is behind that post
For the anons feeling uncomfortable with curren state of the threads here's a sample filter list of some of the filters I use.
This is by no means complete though, my entire filter list for other boards and generals is way bigger.

>Problematic servants

>Problematic phrases
/blue apples/i
/good morning/i
/good night/i
/animation update/i
/speed up/i
/dead week/i
/black grail/i
/poster girl/i
/saving for/i

>Asorted off topic
/samurai remnant/i
/strange fake/i
/kara no kyoukai/i

/days until/i
/learn from the last thread/i
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Anytime :D
Why is it all Sakurai characters in the event story and the extra stories so far
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Tsuna doesn't hate oni. He's just like the Angra Mainyu of icing them with fire.
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When will we get?
Every servant has a base NP gain on hit. It then depends on the type of card from there, buster has zero NP gain, quick has 100% NP gain and arts has 300% NP gain.

Servants base stat X card type X card type effectiveness buffs X np gain buffs per hit, with hits against 0hp enemies (overkill/over gauge) being multipled by 1.5, and also multiplies by the target's np multiplier, most being 1.0, assassins .9x, berserkers .8x, riders 1.1x, casters 1.2x

So Lancelot with a 0.5 np gain stat on a 30 hit np with +130% quick and +145% np gain will refund 84.5% with no overkill hits, needing 10 overkill hits to hit 99% for the loop.
you forgot
/This is by no means complete though, my entire filter list for other boards and generals is way bigger./i
>He's just like the Angra Mainyu
Tsuna no Watanabe is the Oni Mainyu...I see.
Never hopefully.
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>reddit spacing
Because Sakurai is writing the event
Never ideally.
Looks normal on mobile. Crymore desktop fag
Who is this year Xmas welfare?
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What do you think about this art? Is it soul?
There is no Christmas this year. It's Nemo the year after though.
>fgo gets a PVP mode
> after setting a team of 3 servants for at least 24 hours, you can challenge the teams set by other masters

What three servants would you pick?
Bros, what the fuck!
Single hit is fine for buster, but for arts or quick it's bad. Buster doesn't care about refund.
thats even worse desu
>How dare you to phonepost in a phone game general!!!
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26 hours.
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I was in Japan a few weeks ago and an older japanese man in Osaka came up to me and yelled at me to go back to my home country and stop dating Japanese women (I have never done this).
It was very bizarre in the moment but in hindsight very funny. He later showed me his poetry book.
why the fuck are you chugging apples
Red Hare, Lu Bu, Chen Gong in that order so that the horse goes first and then the Flying General can delete.
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Lip love!
someone make a caption of this
Three servants with necromancy equipped. I will RNG you.
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Mi ancestro
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I have some questions about the shape of his head.
Best looking NP in the game though.
Too old
based, I wish we would get more RTK servants instead of nip literally fucking whos
scat and skadi can do that
>The helmet stays on
Based monkey
Me too, anon. Hopefully the Mats book entry for Red Hare and Chen Gong which mentioned Guan Yu and Cao Cao are the foreshadowing kind.
i used to think oberon looked retarded as fuck so i'm willing to give WOOO man a try
merlin ones are cuter
How the heck would that even work? whoever starts wins.
Anyway, Summer Ibuki, Castoria, Reines all with Volumen
Illya, Miyu and Kuro with just their bond CEs.
I don't really care about the knights. We got my favorite (Percival), so I'm fine with what we have. I guess Agravain ended up being cool.
I hope I make it that long.
This scene hits different now that AI is everywhere. What a difference two years makes.
That's new dialogue, retard
I play JP too.
new dialog?
>name drop kintoki
>Shuten does whatever you want
Why are onis like this?
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>merlina has 80% NP charge
Ayyo what the fuck bros?
built for big heian cock
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I look like a balding rat irl.
Your say that, but the three original valks have distinctive personalities. The newcomers are WAY more nuanced, tho. Maybe a bit too much in fact
She's in love but doesn't know it
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I'm also really fat, I have no redeeming features.
The closest thing a human can be to a fat balding rat.
ask me after I see its expressions
In love with me...
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>alteraposter is a jew
You have money right bro?
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I'm a neet.
Arm too skinny. No wonder he miss a lot. DYEL servant.
But you're still my bro.
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>mfw it's finally time to pick a valkyrie
I kind of want to pick pink+green because they're the most unique but I know I'm gonna pick Ortlinde
It's true though.
If you're into women who save their piss. To each their own I guess.
i skipkekked the whole event cuz it looked boring
can someone qrd me on the valk personalities?
No, in love with kintoki. It's not your typical love, she's a fucked up sadomasochist that wants to rip and tear and be ripped and torn, and kentoki is the only person tough enough to take her hits and strong enough to rip her apart. There are others, but not ones she interacts with. She is an Oni, not a human, so sex and romance probably never cross her mind and would likely discuss her if they did, but the thing she loves doing she wants to do with kintoki.
She'll do stuff with you too, but with you it's really a one-way Street. She'll Gore you and that'll be it.
I'm picking thrud
piss jars are the ultimate expression of love
Boondock Saints fucking SUCKS Why do all you incel nerds even like this dogshit movie?
I can fix her
I can fix her.
P-please stop blackpilling me bro... S-she loves m-me....
Bro I was in like middle school at the time fuck off
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>one section of this event is just mini ServantFes
>It's my favorite by far, feels like the writing instantly improves and becomes both more meaningful AND more entertaining
>then it ends and I just want another Servantfes
go with hildr if you like pinks like a red-blooded man should.
My wife. I self insert as Ryoma btw
I liked it because Willem Dafoe was gay in it and he was cool.
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I'm falling in love with this hag...
vghhhhhhhh MOARRRRRR
Next year is literally just a servantfes knockoff. I guess you can look forward to that at least.
Face it gogh bro, you're just a jalter chad in denial. When will you accept that she just makes everything better? You love jalter. You love Jeanne. Grail them. Grail Jeanne Reddit alter and you can be happy
Using 2x Castoria + Merlina along with your DPS allows everyone to use their NP on turn 1. You do need Merlina's append 2 maxed.
Personally written by Nasu so it's gonna be goghwesome
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me = sexy big man very smart and nice
you = cringe loser lololol
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Why? she naturally starts at 20% always
60% from Castorias + 20% from her charisma + 20% from her passive
Some of my friends already mlb’d their ice block ce, allowing me to farm ice blocks faster
No... not cuckbait...
There is never a farming quest that you would ever do that for.
You also would never do that for a challenge quest because it requires burning your 8 turn CD party-wide invincible on the same turn that you give your team party-wide anti enforcement defense stacks that are consumed despite having invincible.

There is never a situation where purin's bonus charge matters.
Thanks Sakurai
Why does she love doing cuckbait
>yang drooling over darius of all servants
tee hee hee
>There is never a farming quest that you would ever do that for.
Good thing I never once mentioned farming. If you haven't gotten the memo that Merlina isn't for farming except in the rare case you want to use her as a plugsuit support or to save Castoria bond, I don't know what to tell you.
>because it requires burning your 8 turn CD party-wide invincible on the same turn
Mobro, I need you to activate your thought keys.
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i jsut want to fuck aoi yuuki jesus fucking christ i lvoe that worthelss beautiful shotacon WHORE princess id rip one of my arms off with a spork j ust to taste her lips for a secopnd please marry me dumb trash hag i love you kill pyourself
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Since we've got a Journey to the West even, an upcoming Water Margin even this Halloween, when do we get the Romance of Three Kingdoms event and more importantly, when will we get the Dream of the Red Chamber event? Dream of the Red Chamber event written by Sakurai will be so lit.
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When is the next Nero rate up? I still only have 4* Nero at NP4.
Oh you're right, well 40% starting charge is still nice to have in other cases.
She likes shipping more than anything when writing FGO stories.
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moar like this, but quetz
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Gonna tell this to you straight bro. I don't give a shit about chinese literature, and every character in it is literal who tier.
>posts OC homeless fairy
>>Literally useless in 90++ (soul)
This is unfortunately true, gooping has hard damage limits in exchange for easy 6CE...
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Where is the castoria getting the charge from? Who is plugging for whom? Can you plug this in on Laplace with a 0 charge DPS and show me how this works? I'm seeing one castoria come up short in any situation that leaves 1 DPS 1 castoria 1 femlin after the plug swap.
Gonna tell this to you straight bro. I don't give a shit that you don't give a shit and neither does FGO. If anything, FGO certainly gives quite a fair bit of shit about chinese literature, so you're going to have to deal with it.
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Which voices would you make her do during sex?
For me it'd be Kumoko (she sounds like Jinako on cocaine)
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That makes her a good choice to use for the quests before 90++ unlocks!
yes, yes
maybe some crossed arms under boobs pushing them out a bit
That's nice and all, too bad the devs seem to like chinese literature enough to LITERALLY MAKE AN UPCOMING EVENT ABOUT IT. Feel free to skip and/or whine about it later, I guess.
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>upcoming Chinese event
>Donkey girl is fucking GREEK
Not helping their point if they supposedly care about chinese literature
Someday, sometime
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Valkyrie choice when. I must give Thrud all the love she deserves
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>American history
>it's actually all just british and spanish history
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This game is Chinese core though
That's a lot of Wu Zetian
nta but while I do love her genki voice if it's sex she's using the shuten voice
Huang Feihu and Nine Tattoo Dragon are still chinese
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This but young Ayako Kawasumi
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Mother smash indeed all night.
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>European history
>it's actually all just ROMA history
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Remember to redeem your Anniversary CE's before the reset, /alter/
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History is just a big bowl of slop mixed together.
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I'll admit, I actually *do* love Summer Jalter. She's blunt but very caring and passionate, on top of giving good advice and being dependable in a crisis.
>Nine Tattoo Dragon
This is Liz
>Huang Feihu
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look at this dumbfuck, he thinks history is soup
Sun Wukong is kick ass, though. Genuinely my favorite pick for a Grand Lancer.
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this but barg?
I think I figured it out.
DPS and castoria 1 spawn in at 20%
Castoria 2 charisma's them both to 50% and targets castoria1 to 70%
Plug swap castoria2 for femlin, spawns in at 40%
Femlin charisma to 70/90/60%
Castoria1 charisma to 100/120/90%
Castoria1 targeted on femlin to 110%

Hard to math it out all in my head without anywhere to write stuff down. Maybe easier with a notepad.
>sun wukong
>drawn by takao
He is right tho
Monkey king is based but grand lancer (true) can only be Longinus
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It is after lunchtime.
Depends on if you classify stew as a soup
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TWO grand positions.
He's already taken by either case files guy or keikenchi, which means you're at best getting pako kino or at worst the ushi/martha artist.
no sub right now bro
but I have this
>Grand Pretender because he pretends to know what the fuck he's doing
nice thought keys bro
>at worst
Astrea artist
Longinus not only is a regular ass servant, but he's a minor character in Erice's novel
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What about the Astraea artist?
It's like they took Merlin and tried to make him as unlikeable as possible while still being on your side.
why do anime bikini bottoms only cover half of the ass?
I would only fuck 4 out of the 5 characters in this gif
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I'm sure he was just being modest. I'm sure he qualifies for EIGHT different grand positions.
I don't want to remember this fucker
>can only be Longinus
Why would he? It doesn't make sense unless you're somehow saying Jesus is a Beast or some kind of threat against humanity. Being a Grand doesn't just mean being a big shot, it's someone summoned because of some specific purpose to protect humanity. Dude's main claim to fame has little to do with that.
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Native American history is the most fascinating history though.
>ahhh da water spirit made the rivers nd da tree spirit made da trees
>and then a bunch of white people killed a whole bunch of us now we run casinos
Sion is great
Yeah I wouldn't touch Miyako
yet another reason requiem got pruned
I for one want sanzang's artist to draw him. Kinda neat to have matching art for the. He has only drawn 2 servants too so it's nice to have more.
What are the chances the anniversary Servant is summer Arc or something?
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That is true, all those native americans plus strayan obos lores about weirdass primordial gods and entities are cool.

If you're going to be dishonest and over simplify shit, then even european legends sounds dumb.
aayyy the god turned into a bird and raped some chick
ayy the god turned into a horse to get impregnated by a horse
Now this is gay.
Longinus (the spear) is a big deal in Fate, I wouldn't be surprised if it had anti Beast capabilities due to being coated in messiah blood. And it's on the same level as rhongobongo.
>aayyy the god turned into a bird and raped some chick
low test
>ayy the god turned into a horse to get impregnated by a horse
holy based
Grands are summoned to fight beasts and other world-ending threats, they didn't necessarily fight beasts in life.
>summer arc
Wouldn't bet on it
>or something
Very likely. Given this is the year of clap on jp I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a clap anniversary servant. Touko and Curry butt are obvious. It would be pretty cool if they did something unexpected and pulled out Roast beef, April, or VV. I would die laughing if they unapologetically released Zepia.
But Percy already has it and he isn't grand anything.
his is an unrelated spear with the same name
>Source: DUDE trust me!
I'm onto your tricks fisherman
summer Sitonai when
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Good times
It's going to be Neko-san.
Cats have nine lives after all and it's a milestone anniversary year for fsn.
Yeah, pretty much any of the actually isolated cultured for the majority of human history are just fucking cool. If Nasu wasn't such a hack he could do some really fucking cool stuff with it.
>Skadi less than an hour away
>Thread couldn't be more dead
What went wrong?
Skadi is tomorrow...
Where mikon?
damn I want to fuck nejire so hard
If Nasu weren't a fag and could commit to things, the official set of 7 grands should be
>King Hassan
Oh fuck skadi is tonight???
God, remember how stoked everyone was for Merlin? "He restarts the game's whole meta!" "You can do 2m damage buster crits with Kintoki!" "MUST HAVE, you may as well restart the game without him" but then they implemented break bars nearly instantly and Merlin's just for CQs ever since.
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The PRIDE of Chaldea. Kneel.
Just because a Servant *hasn't* been summoned as a Grand doesn't mean they can't be.
Neil Armstrong is a jobber in the Nasuverse. He'll be grand level in like 500 years
I had completely forgotten that she's a demi Servant, they really threw away that plotline
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so what's the youngest grand we know of
Tezcatlipoca is a fantastic choice for Grand Berserker, though. And Arash is a terrible choice for Grand Archer. Hou Yi would be far superior.
Literally setting yourself up for a lion joke
It was always just a meaningless donut steel classification for Mash
No that's gay as fuck. Not your selection, but the idea that there have to be seven active grands at any given time and that a servant isn't just elevated to Grand status as necessary. That's the gay part. Since when does Nasu align to preconceived notions? His whole method of making things cool is by saying something works a certain way and then introducing something that doesn't work that way. I wouldn't be surprised if a future chapter put two grands of the same class active at the same time. Just because it's something the community doesn't expect should be possible
Well, Galahad has been sulking silently for ages now and cut Mash off.
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There is no "official" set of grands, the designation changes depending on what ayaalaya thinks needs to happen to resolve a conflict with a beast, that's why there's so many "grand candidate" servants because they're sufficiently strong for the planet to consider them when they designate a grand to resolve something
how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man.
My dad should be the grand archer, he's the best ever at everything and once shot a wild boar.
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i prefer Jiro or Mount Lady, but still great choice
I think Merlin.
>and once shot a wild boar.
That makes him stronger than Diarmuid.
Post belly
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umm, what??? my dad is stornger than your dad
nasu needs to learn that while breaking rules and destroying status quo can keep things interesting, doing it too often makes it feel entirely meaningless
but maybe that genie can't be put back in the bottle
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Could your favorite Servant qualify as a Grand? (filthy extra classers need not reply)
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"KAMA"la Harris
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Still stalling
I've seen my dad BTFOing your dad.
King Hassan is from like 900AD
Galahad is such a faggot, honestly. Fuck that little nerd.
Abhimanyu bro
I made that joke 4 years ago and wish I still had my Kama Harris edit
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King Hassan is ZIusudra who has lived since 5000 BC
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It isn't happening, unless it's a gag
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No, Kama is a Beast
I'll cum to it later, thanks.
I may vote for that reason since it would seem like some funny /alter/ meme if we get in a war over someone named Kama
Yeah I'm not saying I necessarily like it, but that's just kind of how it is.
Like how much you want to bet Grand saber is going to be both artoria and Arthur at the same time. Firing off the Excalibur to end all excalibers
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>b-but le planet doesn't like ext-
King Arthur's time was around 1776.
yeah, but she's kinda broken as it is
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It's goghver, you have to move on from this dream...
There is already a canon Grand Foreigner, dumbass
Someone in /alter/ said the only thing needed to be grand Caster candidate is to have Clairvoyance.
Therefore Emiya is grand caster candidate.
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Reminder superman >all your shitty servant
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My favorite servant doesn't even qualify as one of the seven main classes.
Gogh SHITTER embarrassing himself again...
Mash animation update when?
grand mom...
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*indian tranny
I could see an outer god (in this case the plant one) being able to copy Alaya's servant system.
I found it pretty easy in the archive anon
in bed
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>Presence concealment A+
Lip could be an Assassin. A very, very busty Assassin.
Well he is a strong fisherman.
>Superman is weak against magic
>servants are basically people shaped clumps of magical energy
>there is a whole class of them dedicated to magical shit
New bread?
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same situation as >>487372537
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>>Superman is weak against magic
Superman would die to Gae Bolg
Edison could beat Superman, because Superman has a conceptual weakness to America as he himself is a patriot farmboy.
And superman gets his as handled against Batman and/or Constantine
If they said that, then they're wrong.

Grand Servant candidates are taken from among the top Servants in their class (there are multiple top candidates per class, generally, except in the case of Assassin where only First Hassan is good enough to qualify naturally, Tez is only subbing in for him and by his own words shouldn't normally be able to). Other than that, Alaya will pick among top servants for the one best suited to the specific Beast being targeted at the time. So while Orion was best suited to handle Vitch, against a different Beast Alaya might have summoned something else instead. Classes aren't set in stone as Beast counters either, so if Orion wasn't available to be summoned as Grand Archer for whatever reason then Alaya might fuck off and summon Grand Rider or Caster or Assassin instead.

The other rule for Grands is generally that they must be "human" as per Romulus' profile. So straight Divine Spirits can't be a Grand unless they strongly associate themselves with humans in some fashion.

For Caster specifically, it isn't just Clairvoyance, but EX ranked Clairvoyance, eyes that see through the world and across time. That's why Merlin (sees all present), Solomon (sees all past and future), and Gilgamesh (sees all future) are candidates.
Even her normal class is forced as fuck. I don't think she'll ever qualifies as one.
Real thread, ignore the troll
Okay, it's not "weak against" but rather "has no special defenses against". This means while a fireball that blows up a tank won't blow up Superman (who is much stronger than a tank), a wizard spell that turns Superman into a frog will still turn him into a frog because his stronger-than-god body doesn't have any anti-frog conceptual nature.
So instant death effects, transformative effects, and charm effects still work just fine. Jobs to Kiara.
Eat shit and die you asshole
So what are the odds that Ibuki ends up a stupid bimbo dindu that only gave douman the grail because she wanted a fun place to drink and flirt and all the blame ends up getting pinned on douman?
NTA, but if a spell can be resisted by force of will, he can resist that way, he does it with mind control attempts sometimes. When somebody tried to brain scan him to control him in one comic, they mentioned his mind had some powerful telepathic blocks (some his own through mental training, some put there by friends like Martian Manhunter or Zatanna) that they struggled hard to fight through. And just trying to fuck with his brain chemistry was like "trying to move tubes of concrete". Definitely not invulnerable to it of course, Maxwell Lord managed to do it in one case over a long period of time spent carefully and slowly wearing down his mental wards over time, but it took years of patient, slow pressure.
Only weakling magi use spells that can be shrugged off by willpower alone. All the best charms work off axiomatic principles or irrefutable concepts.
You find Kiara beautiful, you lose. You think Kiara sounds lovely, you lose. You think Kiara smells nice, you lose. You think Kiara feels delightful, you lose. You think Kiara tastes good, you lose.
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Mom Love!

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