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Previous >>487343292

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Kama Love!
Very base
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This one
better thread
post servants you could beat up in a fight
hard mode: no women/kids
>do five impulse summons for not merlin and Garth(because she is cute)
>get Garth on last summons
>role count my servants
I have a lot of dogs now!
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I apologise for Kamabros, we are not all like that.
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Bro this outfit is fucking TRASH
Cute potatoes
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Kamfy thread
even the kids could beat everyone here up though...
>hard mode: no women/kids
But I want to punt Habetrot...
/alter/, what's your thoughts on this?:
Was the servant fes event as bad as this section was?
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Lip love!
female servants with the best asshole?
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I'm not redoing my post. It can die in the other thread.
I feel like the answer is just Mash because she has a human form and thus a form where she has no stats
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Damn brat.
right here janny
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no, the kama falseflagger is not a kamabro
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My picture failed to post...
lil bro just get over with it
Uhhh Grand Foreigner Gogh. The rest are too hard.
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post more momtato please
is grandma in here??

Bros why do I always feel in a lighter mood after talking with a girl
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servant fes was great and so comfy, you really missed out newfag.

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They give off pheromones like mantids or dogs.
I think you know the answer to this without me telling you
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Look at her go!
During story it seemed like only some of the valkyrie lines played. Particularly the same ones with id numbers in the atlas script.
What are the chances that things like the level up dialogue is broken?
Shakespeare, Hans Christian Andsersen, Mozart, Orion (the bear), Jekyll (not Hyde), Bart Roberts (while distracted by his cyclops fetish) , Chen Gong and the Nemo Marines, Professor and Baker, but not Nurse or Engineer.
Maxwell's Demon I bet. If he does his disappearing thing it counts as my win.
Mom found a shiny!
it's ash not ask, learn to pronounce it correctly.
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Better quality.
She Kam and she Gogh and she Sei all around!
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what a cunt
No one, even Illya could kick my ass with no effort.
Skadi tonight?????????
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nice heavy hangers
No. Why? because fuck you, that's why.
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Yes it is.
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any of the servants without Independent Action/Manifestation/Navigation provided they do not have a Master
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>didn't get the job
I kneel if i can have 2 hours with those 2 servants in the sex torture chambers.
Will we ever get non-joke hand-to-hand fighter servants?
I bet you couldn't last against Boxer Karna before he disappeared.
Raid 2 is still my favorite movie.
become a vtuber
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I'm sorry, bro... I wish you the best of luck with the next one, hang in there!
Keep trying bro, you'll land one eventually.
>posting in the other thread
Why are Goghers like this....
Beowulf isn't really a joke.
I'm sorry man, it's rough out there
Don't give up bro. It took me over a year of searching to get a firm call back.
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If its your first job, it usually does take some time, significantly more than usual anon. Keep it slow and steady with applications as much as you can do.
it was only deleted because of discord tranny clique
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Is Grand Summoners worth playing? Can I just make a FSN team. They're all at the top of the tier list anyways.
>use 2 swords anyway
Yeah he's a joke. What about samson? I don't play SR.
I only play fgo how would I know
It's not like there was anything inherently bad about it.
Uhh as servants? None.
As humans? Make love not war
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aside from the blatant shitpost baiting OP
Nah, that event was fun since it's mainly written by nasu. Even with the loop at play, the writing is still less tedious than this version's.
Yeah, well he's here too, so...
that liz looks weird.
Nah, Servantfes was awesome.
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Hang in there, bro. You'll make it eventually.
other generals on this board are spammed 24/7 with porn and their normal states are cuckwars, it says a lot about how hard you spammed to get it deleted in like a minute without it breaking rules
It's a numbers game, bro. Apply to 200 jobs, you'll get one eventually.
why would I give a shit about what other things other retards do, retard?
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what the fuck?? 1M HP???!??
simmer down, esl kun
he's right though
I'd probably be more annoyed if more people posted before it was axed. As it stands I don't think anything was lost.
And a dragon that has buff removal if you don't kill it instantly.
Have fun.
throw saber hokusai at it
Yan Qing and Li Shuwen are jokes?
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I don't really pay much attention to the OPs, I definitely don't actually open the image to see what the random screencap contains
it's just funny that this board is getting absurd amounts of necessary reports constantly all day and the op that made one autist that ban evades and spams all day everyday got deleted in a minute, we know janny isn't partial to him either so the only answer is that he spammed the fuck out of report, overshadowing actual shithole generals full of porn
Your NP5 Saber Lancelot?
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4 minutes to go
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Soon it will be less than 24 hours until I can finally roll.
For me it's the first movie. The mc is too overpowered in the second movie, and I enjoy "fighting to save your life" trope of the first movie more.
Grammatically correct, actual-ESL-kun. If you have trouble reading it you need to work more on your studies.
Where are the ATI team compositions?
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I alone am the honoured one.
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It was such a surprise when Douman revealed that he had betrayed us.
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Saber Lancelot can't clear this, his epic 1 hit NP cucks him too hard on the regen.
Beowulf shatters his swords when he gets serious.
Samson uses his nuclear god fist, powered by love. After he uses it he has to cool down like an overheated mecha.
This retard is really mad his shitpost OP got deleted huh
What a loser
>Yan Qing and Li Shuwen are jokes?
Yes as in I forgot about these literal who lmao.
>NP5 Saber Lancelot?
Am I supposed to have one of those?
How could he do that? I thought he loved me...
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I'm literally shaking!
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My body is ready.
It's doable if you use the damage CE
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>about what other things other
only an esl would use such garbage prose
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Beowulf, old Li, Yan Qing, Caligula, Himiko, Sojuro, Bazett, Passionlip, Aoko
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I don't believe anyone here seems that mad. If he was surely he'd have started spamming Muramasa by now.
He already did
Oh yeah, she's the only Saber with bonus bond in this event huh
yeah but
>5 CE
Weird choice to double down on admitting you're a retard with poor English skills but you've never hidden it anyways.
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Finally, quick will rise again
nah, he's pretty mad
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bros its time......
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Reminder the main quest ends tonight, but Skadi is still a whole day away! U WILL RIKE!
It's time.
/alter is full of omega whales. Or if you want to no life and spend an eternity to 6CE
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9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....
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Tomoe should too, but she's ngmi.
Why don’t we call the female Merlin Merlyn as a nickname?
It's not a fucking lottery, what are you using 200 apples for?
No :)
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>no skadi
But muh /alter/ bragging rights...
Well I’ve just got to the ice castle so I’m chillin
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I cannot roll for Skadoo. I'm too poor after hitting pity for Avalon.
Look behind you
right here
*unzips dick*
I'm just going to go with Lady Avalon until I hear a nickname I don't hate
now you're just scrambling to hide your embarrassment lmfao, don't worry miguel you'll get there if you keep reading
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Souls that returned to the heavens,
Earth bound souls that didn't return to the lands.
Ye undying retainers, become my servants!
Come forth, my Torturer Jiangshi Troop!
Answer my imperial summon with haste!
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This is a shitpost to end the thread
>Already did
I count 3 Muramasas in this 30 minute thread. Seems chill.
Only have 621sq.
>want Skadi
>want Kukuk
>want Tiamat
>want UDK
>want Mini Mom
It’s joever.
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Not a part of this conversation, but I don't think the Mexicans (or close enough) have ever really tried to hide their primary language here. If anyone here is an ESL in denial it's probably something else
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How much do you want of each? Doesn't seem that bad unless you want several copies.
You'll make it. I felt lilke dogshit for years and now I work at home and feel moderately better.
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Please put your MLB fist of hail on Oberon. If you don't have it MLB, put teatime on him
Uhm where the hell is Skadi /alter/ you told me tonight was the night!?
Use that or save 20 bucks each month for big packs
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Reminder that an Oei can 6CE with the lotto currency CE
...If you have her append unlocked!!! Hahahaha, You DO have 120 servant coins for her, right???? It's only bond 11!!! HAhahahahhahaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fucking retards
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Why teatime, who are you bonding with?
Report in, bros. What's the damage this time?
sorry about your bond 5 oei bro...
All but 1 of those are damage dealers and useless at NP1 so he probably wants at least NP2 if not more.
>lotto currency CE
>summer event
0 Skadi
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Can she handle the 90++ node?
isn't it bond 12
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>tfw bond 10
Damn it, I meant shop currency. Bear with me here.
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Still waiting with remainder of my quartz stash. Minor mental damage.
Xu Fu
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Good morning, bros.
Jarman learned his place...
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Hello bro
Relicanthbros we so won.
So this is the power of A rank luck, huh?
someone do the funny face+text line thing with just "going to suck"
I think bond 11 gives 20 coins doesn't it? so that'd be enough
I could be wrong. but either way I doubt anyone here has a summer oei so high up.
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I really love how casually Miss Flowers speaks.
no skadi ded gem
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It does, but bond 11 is only 100 total
i was working on asimple edit it but I don't have her funny face and realized it wouldn't be funny without it
I didn’t get all the jobs for a year and a half. Also lost all my friends. Was gonna kms but then I realized I can go to college for free so I’m doing that. Still might do “it” but not yet. Not today. It has to get better
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>want her because shes arts merlin
>turns out shes really fucking cute
>cutest np animation
shes only np 1 for now, should np3 120 her because i sure fucking love her
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To whom would even have to explain it? Mind your own damn business.
this, someone post a screencap of the sink face.
She's not getting any kind of bonus in this event. You are better off finishing this event asap and farm bond anywhere else.
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Skidadle Skidoodle your funds are now a noodle
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let her cook
That’s clearly scathatch. No Skadi. You casual.
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Oh wow for a big name servant she has so little expression wtf.
This bird is far too smug.
They are both the same trash.
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Will you let me cook?
No, you probably only make gruel
She looks like she has down syndrome in the face close-up
>break Ibuki break bar
>she removes invincibility and uses her NP
Oh so it's one of those fights...
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Chiyome will soon cook.
Protip, guts doesn't count as defensive buffs
Yeah pretty easy 3 turn.
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How would Morgan respond to being called the "old model" Avalon le Fae?
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nta but there's just not as much skadi. I even use a scathach picture for skadi on my rayshift, though that's largely because pictures of servants with boba are hard to come by in the first place.
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Just bring your sexcretary and shrug it off
dear fate general. may I make a confession? no? too bad.
>looking into fate again
>decide to revise ideas because I love the concept of creation, regardless of what's form they take
>end up with a for an heroic spirit
>the first is a being who was stuck in a cycle of loss, doing his damndest to keep smiling despite the fact every time he got a place to call home, it would be taken away. thought avenger class was fitting
>second, is less relevant
>start thinking on plotlines, distrusting guda out of fear he'd lose them too the moment he got attached
>slowly grows attached to chaldea, letting that fear slip as bond level rises
>think it good, wonder what's been going down in the lore
>learn about ordeal call 2
may I ask why I can't have nice things, that fucking count killed my concept at the finalmoment
WOOOW Ibuki is so strong and amazing! Sakurai, I kneel.
There are tons of Skadi pictures, what
should have played around it bro..
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No. Take this and get out.
There’s a big difference. Skadi is bigger “I won’t say which way.”
Or you can just stun her everytime
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I'm happy for you bro. Or that really sucks, sorry bro. Whichever applies.
Just change the class to Saint or Guardian.
tl;dr I'm happy for you though or sorry that happened
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I still can't keep the personalities of the new Valks straight. Which one is the cutest?
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My husband!
Hildr, but pick a different one. She's mine
punopupupu servant when?
Old: Hildr
New: Geirskogul
Keep in mind the servant is mainly the old one.
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23 hours and 34 minutes left!
Wait the final node doesn’t even unlock tonight?
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completely and utterly forgotten
There's 8 scathach pictures for every skadi picture.
fan artists tend to make characters bustier and assier in general. Lots just use a generically curvy body type and slap the character's head on it. So while yes scat is a slender athlete and skadi is a plump princess, in a lot of fanart they're both equally curvy.
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Allow me.

For those curious since we already know the Valkyrie's normal personalities each Summer version comes with an alternate form and personality as well.


As we all know Thrud is autistic and overly serious so she doesn't realize she loves (you).

Ortlinde is more neutral but gets flustered easily and is the most embarrassed around (you).

Hildr is cheerful and very open about how much she loves (you).

Rindr is best described as curious and laid back. She has a very casual teasing personality. She likes when you tell her how much you like her. She gets a nosebleed when seeing Brynhildr and hates Sigurd.

Gerskogul is slightly less autistic than Thrud and fully understands her feelings for you but does not believe they need to be openly stated (she is acts smug about it too). She does however openly act more hostile toward those she deems an enemy. She gets a nosebleed when seeing Brynhildr and hates Sigurd.

Olrun is openly happy like Hildr but not as bubbly/ditsy. She is much more reserved, proper even, and doesn't yet fully understand why she feels the way she does with you. She also gets a nosebleed when seeing Brynhildr and hates Sigurd.

In order from top left->right:
Olrun, Hildr, Skadi (obviously), Rindr, Gerskogul
Bottom row left->right:
Ortlinde, (you)=crossdressing, Thrud
jokes on you I'm grailing her to 120
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Yan Qing is literally featured in the current event, bro...
Which sucks cause their difference is what makes them each better than each other in different aspects, SAD!
The softest
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Reminder that Thrud is voiced by Aqua and is the cutest.
I'm playing it just fine, did you meet the point reqs?
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sakurai really wanted a beast version of her favorite oni huh
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you suck at story telling and you fail entirely to form any kind of solid point.
Remember anon, we aren't in your brain. Try again.
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Husband, make love to me.
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I forgot to spill my seed to her in the last 24 hours. Thanks for reminding me.
>gets a nosebleed when seeing Brynhildr and hates Sigurd x3
Who asked for these dykes
I think it'll be funny if I go back and just fill the entire screen with each time you or someone else nodded during this event
The first Valkyries we got are NOT “old models”! They’re the big sisters and the “new” ones are the little sisters! They are NOT “old”!
alright, tl;dr then
I threw together a fucker and was happy with it, only to moments later realise dantes' would kidnap the fucker away from a happy ending
I'd suck on her armpits for hours
I think someone should complete the sakurai bingo
I think of her every night.
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In reality
>Near to 0 screentime for Orlun and Gerskogul
>Rindr got the most
It made me question whether I really want Ortlinde or maybe I want a bit matured Thrud and funny Rindr.
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You're half right!
Which valk is the one with black hair again. I think I’m going to choose her
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if you want chloe posts, just ask
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i want miyu
post her feet
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Bros, I think I'm going to pick the joker valk
Yeah. Thrud understanding her feelings more was a nice touch. Rindr is just icing on the cake.
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Only if you make that face back when you were Aesc, then you're really gonna get it
No one has any clue what you could possible be trying to say. Likely because you do not a firm grasp of the English language. These posts reek of ESL. I’m guessing. Polish or some other form of Slavic mongoloid
How the hell are you gonna buy the big packs now?
>Ibuki can just create a new age of gods whenever she wants now
Sakurai wank is retarded
Starting a new age of gods isn't so impressive after Ishtar managed to start the process in Fate/Strange Fake in the middle of a modern american city.
The Reddit one
erm bro she's Zeus level so this is child's play
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Gonna cum on her face.
>just watched fish beat my support castoria's ass with crits
sorry to whoevever bro's castoria i borrowed
Sakuri proving every word she writes is not cannon
Why is she green
She's gae
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What is the functional purpose of a Valk's headwings?
errm, we're trying to yell at sakurai here, please leave your facts out of it
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the problem is if that could be so easily done why the fuck did any of the gods let the age of gods stop
And thus we can ignore everything this retarded ass writer has ever put into the game. Good
Would this even really be a bad thing for us? Why not just leave it?
she's da jokah
Talking to yourself isn’t a we
>Polish or some other form of Slavic mongoloid
I can understand if it's Asian, but even European has somewhat diffficulties understanding english too?
clae larping
>Skadi talk no jutsu'd Ibuki
was she grailed?
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to make my penis even harder.
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idk she died so fucking fast lmao
I literally have never heard of ibuki douji before FGO or maybe I have and just forgot and now this literal who can just do shit even literal high level god-tier servant can't? Get the fuck out of here sakurai you filthy whore.
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The sun over the tower in this event made me realize LB2 goofed not having Gawain supercharged by supersunSurtr instead of Napoleon that nobody likes
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>Ibuki tries to NP you immediately after break
>dr ass super hard counters her shit
Where Skadi?!
Ortlinde > Hildr > Thrud
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seems I never did any feet focus chloe, but here have this
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skipkek, i kneel
I want to see her asshole
Because it takes a Holy Grail to make it work. Ishtar's entire process was going to set off the Counter Force badly if she didn't acquire the Holy Grail of Snowfield to pin it in place.
They already got a Holy Grail here so they can do whatever.

Despite what Grand Order might seem like, Holy Grails are hard to make and even harder to hold onto.
ill be fair and assume that the lack of humanity to bend the planet to the collective logic/will of the dominant species to end the age of gods actually allows you to start it, specially without modern day rongo seals and/or CF in play
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Why do they make so many goddamn callbacks to this terrible event?
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What's the 3 turn setup using Saber Oi?
You definitely never have.
Im going to be using the green one doe
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AI fag is weak.
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Bro, your 2hu lore?
Wait Skadi is not today?!
>Ruler Ibuki
Honestly I think Sakurai wants a full set of 7 Grand Ibukis, Beast Ibuki AND extra class Ibukis.

>Next year on JP, Ibuki gets so drunk she flies to the moon like a Khajit
>Prease roll for Mooncancer Ibuki
It's so over for me...
Never heard of Suika Ibuki from Touhou?
i wish we had more funny fights that shit out buffs for you like these
This game operates very much under the rules of that meme of
>thing, Japanese
Generic random humans (Japanese) can easily solo SSR servants in Heian and Remnant, so just imagine what god level monsters (Japanese) can do
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Check all their voice lines to determine who you like the most. Rindr's "Hehe. Sou ka...sou kana." really got me feeling things.
This observation may aid you.
Blackie is seen as the brains of the operation. She's the default of the 3. Much of this event she's been the one with the group.
In combat, she changes to the blonde one. Blondie is the combat expert.
So pinkie has no brains or brawn and is just a stupid bimbo.

So maybe that will help you with your decision. Black is smarts, Blonde is ability, and pink is /alter/
theres that tam lin CQ at the end vs morgan where you focus on getting tons of buffs for your main dps and morgan will get buffs too
>full set
Do nips even care about Ibuki?
I mean, who asked
She is one of the three strongest yokai in Nip lore, the other two being Tamamo and
Otakemaru (Not in FGO).
KILL Albert
that I have tons
>So pinkie has no brains or brawn and is just a stupid bimbo.
pink it is then
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Butt monkey Douman is the only good characterization Sakurai can do it seems
why is there egg
No but FGO has never done what anyone ever asked, literally just the fanfiction writing room for Nasu's pals
Today I will field Kiara.
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>it’s another immediate NP after break bar
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>three strongest yokai
Isn't that shuten?
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Moon Cancer class Moon Rabbit Oni Ibuki Douji...
It's Ibuki Douji in bunny girl outfit
Also known as Inaba Douji
Legitimately just because they like the sprite and think it's funny
Is that the final official list? I thought it was supposed to be Tamamo, Nurarihyon, and that ghost; I think the one Douman is fused to.
>not expecting this shit after all these years
stun her
then seal her NP
Asclepius is great for this fight because of that seal
To be fair, it IS pretty good. He's just much more likeable when he's constantly jobbing and bullied by fake zoomers and big-tiddied librarians
Goddamn it I forgot her NP removes buffs before damage. I thought that was a breakbar mechanic.
Level 90 Ibuki can tank it.
Shuten and Ibuki are the same person.
Why does Nasu keep this stupid bitch around again?
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I love her so much
...ibuki is shuten, how the hell can you not know this by now?
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>six arrows
Really thinking about skipping, bros.
NTA but does Lancer Ryoma's buff removal resist counter her kill-everything NP?
Is this assuming she has append skills? Otherwise you are short on NP charge at turn 1
Which node was this from again, I've sorta been skipping this whole time
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>Slap mlb BG on uncle Vlad
>Turn brain off
Shrimple ass
The hero show one. I think 4.
For himself yeah, Murasaki has party-wide buff removal resistance too.
>how the hell can you not know this by now?
Because my hand immediately press the skip button whenever my brain notices the sakurai bingo.
dunno, I don't have lancer ryoma
>I will "permit" you to oppose me, but only if you're strong enough to oppose me!
This is so retarded, if they're strong enough to oppose her then she's not permitting them to oppose her, they're just opposing her normally..
yeah that's a good one
Wtf you can't just ask someone why they're green
Anti-demonic too.
Kiara is a fan of Chuck’s Suck and Fuck emporium.
If you'll recall, Ibuki is so incredibly powerful that it's difficult to even stand when she's in the same area.
Trusting pink haired girls is iffy but Hildr is one of the good ones.
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Now that all is said and done, do you love Ibuki-Douji?
That was for 5 minutes and then Douman immediately vored her with a tree.
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Use Beni!
She can NP seal the first turn, and then she has party-wide buff removal protection.
I skipped the last node because it seemed really disappointing so no
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I can't decide...

I was considering just putting Morgan in the backlines and accepting the death of my frontline, but that works too.
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Douman is almost the strongest threat we've ever seen, ever. He would've been a Beast if he just couldn't for reasons.
a level 90 Ibuki can tank the enemy Ibuki NP
We can get the other ones later, right?
Every single appearance she's had has, somehow, incredibly, made me like her less each time. And I already didn't like her at all.
No. Fuck her. Even artoria the face of the franchise is not as wanked as she is. Sakurais IS a mistake.
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Brother, I did not read this event. My brain carries a limited amount of information, and keeping most FGO events stored up there is a waste.
ibuki=shuten wasn't even invented by type moon
It's been a thing that's even cited in plenty of nip pop culture stuff
The Saber, yeah.
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He's a literal clown and gets clowned on by a zoomer girl.
No. I wanted to press the skip button so bad every time she showed up. At least her 'serious mode' I can stand.
what do JP bros say?
was there a rerun of this?
>Douman is almost the strongest threat we've ever seen,
He jobs to a Japanese author nobody has ever heard of.
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Unironically yes.

I love that her evil plan is creating a forever summer event, exposing the hypocrisy of Servants being retards and Chaldea causing more Singularities than it stops at this point
I love her shoving her ass at enemies in one of her attack animations
I love her bickering Shuten-Douji out of screentime
I love that she's cheering you on even while being the mastermind, and I love that every single one of her ascensions is erotic
I love that she's just the strongest for no particular reason, making the entire plot and cast bend over backwards to shit their pants about this dumb bimbo being super dangerous
I love the fact that she's technically as much of a jobber as Douma despite all of the above, but she just gives so few fucks she barely seems to care about victory or loss
I love that canonically also despite all the above she outsmarted (you) and everyone on your team

I love this ridiculous, tone-breaking character. She truly personifies FGO as a game more than Saiba does. Raitabortion love. RAITABORTION LOVE.
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>120 birb
That's Seimei no Abe: his perfect counter.
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they might add them to evocation shop at some point, but your pretty much stuck with only 1 out of 3 for the forseeable future +2 years
Is there a specific flavor that’s associated with Skadi or is it just haagen-dazs the brand.
Oh shit, that's a good idea actually! I just recently upgraded my Beni to be serviceable, I've just been stumped on how to use her until now.
as the other anon said, every time she has appeared, she has made me like her less and less AND she started at fucking 0 for me. Ironically, every time I see the stupid bara clown, I like him more and more. MMMMMMMMMMM
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No, they rerun the rate ups but not the event so you can't pick a welfare and they have not been added to the evocation festival yet.
Chose your destiny.
there's a legend
if you notice, it has Columbus face
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I think the lack of any fanart even after a second fair showing says everything about I*uki that I possibly could. No one cares about this shitty snowflake.
Because they reused Douman and had the sprite lying around from last year anyway so they just threw on some paint and called it a day
Actually, everyone has heard of her.
Eh, I forgive her. Nothing bad came out of this in the end so no harm done!
File deleted.
What is the context of this image?
I like ibuki douji so much that I rolled for her saber version so I wouldn't have to pick seiba from my 5* ticket. still don't have seiba and I never will. jury's still out on her berserker version, I kinda don't like Arts as a rule. berserker feels like a unga bunga buster-only class to me.
yet I roll for shitty arts supports like femerlin and arts loopers like summer ibuki despite hating how they function. go figure.
Sherbet isn't a flavor.
Maybe there are people who are into that, but I really don't like the way Sakurai depicts her 1st ascension character; treating others like pets and all that.
I know she's technically a god/dess, doesn't mean I'm obliged to like or agree with her.
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tbhonestdesu, everyone jobs to Sei
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I'm just glad her FA is her 1st ascension which is very cute. The other two are never seeing the light of day. I like her more than Skadi and Merlina in any case.
No, I detest her as a character, that has garbage writing, a design that unfortunately is too busy and noisy, and more than anything I hate that she's taken over screen time that would've been better spent on Shuten and Shuten Summer
The one you posted? To make people vomit.
She deserves it. Her feathers are now the most beautiful they've ever been.
FGO Columbus did it legit though.
No, the post I linked to with Medb and Circe.
I deleted my image because the nipple pokies might be a bit too triggering to some tranny janny.
Can't pick the best one because I already did two years ago.
And I won't pick the black haired one because she's ugly as fuck.
Welcome slut to the second archive.
nope, I love Shuten
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I'll probably forget she exists after this event. I don't hate her. I don't really feel anything towards her. She'll be like her beserker form and oh yeah I forgot about them every time she appears on screen. Conceptually, I think if she showed up in a chapter written by another writer I could find her very cool.
you chose correctly
>ibuki douji (fate) 581
>shuten douji (fate) 6.3k
What went wrong
based, shuten love
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Hmmnm no, I shan't be summoning you and seeing you again, Lady A, good bye forever.
>2 years ago
you mean in jp?
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Valkyries should be pure, noble, and BLOND!
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There is literally nothing wrong with petplay
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When will we get the strongest Japanese servant?
I can't decide to get Aqua or Xuanzang
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We should get at least one Onigger a year (not including summer/Christmas alts).
Shuten's design is clean, has a simple but effective silhoutte and isn't cluttered all over the place by all sorts of stuff, whereas Ibuki is the entire opposite.
>t. Takeuchi
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Ibuki is purple and has a tail.
Takeuchi is truly my greatest ally
It's cute art of two cute servants by our main man raionmimi
Sorry, but I am a vanilla guy with no extravagant preferences.
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she also has a well defined character as well, in comparison to the bipolar ibuki
He’s going to beat the shit out of Alaya for standing in the way of humanity.
imagine vs imagined
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...yes but I'm asking what is going on in the image.
>Is that the final official list?
That is a weak yokai who got mistranslated as "the supreme general of yokai" at some point and the nips barely care about him.
>I think the one Douman is fused to.
Douman is not fused with any folklore yokai, he is fused with an Aztec god, a Slav god and some historic nip bureaucrat who hired Douman to curse someone.
They are the same, the thing is Shuten-doji is her name given by humans while Ibuki-doji is her "natural" name.
Shuten doji means "little drunkard"
Ibuki-doji means "child from Ibuki", as Ibuki mountain is were she got born and reigned.
In the Heian-kyo event is said people perceiving them with different forms is because humans can't really understand the true essence of an oni but both Shuten and Ibuki look identical to each other in their eyes.
>written by another writer
Is that what we got with SamuRemu? That would explain why she's better liked there.
This event fucking sucked. Does everyone just give it a free pass because of all the gameplay servants associated with it?
The best part of the event was just about Skadi being in an entirely different summer event drawing manga.
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What does big sister's expression here meant to convey?
Douman was fine, the Skadi and Valk parts were sufficiently cute, Gareth's fine, Wu's fine.
Like usual, it's the classic Sakurai nipwank cancer that drags things down.
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I don't think anyone implied that a Sakurai event was going to be good.
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ServantFes related scenes are always very heavy with foreshadowing. I feel better now.
I think I'm actually changing my mind. I was going to choose Ortilinde, but I really want the Clae valkyrie. I'll go Hildr/Olrun.
Post your Skadi funds
>"Master, let's make babies!"
The multi-colored Valks are all Takeuchi's flop OC. I'm pretty sure he even made the blue one his main character.
Oh lmao that game her in there? I was hoping for Shuten to show up instead, but I guess it's just fucking over with Shuten as a character beyond a few jokes to make Ibuki look ever
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>you don't get MLB barg CE until 1.7M points
probably one of these guys

Yukiko Nojima
Mari Okamoto
Yuki Ikeno
Yuki Harao
Etsuko Maen

Sakurai and Higashide kind of manage it, but don't really write it.
Ibuki is literally the bossgirl that plagues hollywood movies currently
>is smug
>is the strongest for no reason
>is beautiful admired by everyone
>don't need no man and make men a clown or cuck simply by existing
The thing is, people instinctively hates this kind of characters. Shuten is also kinda like that but at least her simp is just ibaraki, meanwhile every sakurai character tongue ibuki's ass.
>japanese servant larping as american
>canadian larping as american song
checks out
>bunyan is canadian too
It was a commission for someone so only they could tell you what exactly the scenario really is but it seems like Medb's sexually teasing Circe.
Great reaction images from jalty this time around too.
how are you already at that many points this event still has 2 more weeks left
How do I increase the rate of points I get?
I did not expect my favorite nu-valk to be the one with artoria hair but that's how it played out. thrud is my least favorite normal valkyrie but she was hard carried in the end.
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I actually play the game.
Wasn't you referencing petplay as a type of sexual foreplay?
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They're both just wearing loose men's shirts, it seems like they both got railed by Mini Cu or something.
I'm not, that's the problem
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>Kaoruko 3T Ibuki
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She's so goddamn stupid and cute I might grail her.
upgrade buildings
the newer ones give more
Upgrade your facilities. Start by the last ones unlocked and work backwards as the later ones give more bonus multiplier per upgrade.
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I love her so much.
upgrade attractions. you get like .5x-1.5x more points per rank. i think i'm at like 65x the base points now?
no you're a retarded apple eater is what you are.
She invokes lust but i wouldn't say i "love" her. with or without sakurai shit wank.
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0 apples used. Skill issue.
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Could you handle a real woman like Altoria?
and you're a lying faggot to boot. good look on you.
it's not just foreplay but the confusion stems from claiming to be vanilla
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I love my violent violet possessive, depraved hedonistic, dragonic big sis and her big butt!
define handle. how much does she weigh
Seething pointlet.
Bro, your Edison/Geronimo/Billy?
NP5 and grailed to 120.
What's confusing you there?
You retards realize that you can check point ladder rewards, right?
boomerlore nativeworship fraud
also a boomerlore fraud, never even died in a shootout
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I might try going for a sixth copy after Skadi and max her.
we're all capable of math, except you.
So Merlin’s presence was totally pointless for the story?
I just don't like Ibuki because she's purple and that makes her look like a nigger (and her eyebrows are ugly)
Keep them coming bitchboy.
So to pick the Valk I liked the most, I went to check which skin I was using for my OG Valks at the moment. It was Thrud. So Thrud it was.
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so who are you looping the 90++ event quest with bros?
Best of luck Lipbro.
>read Summer Wu's skills
Dang she's actually pretty stacked.
And her skills do a lot too.
>All frauds
I see, they are true Americans.
>never even died in a shootout
Cause he won, duh.
It's always nice to see these kinds of numbers.
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Normal people are weird you weirdo
The time has come, but there was only ever one choice for me.
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>Let us talk, my friend.
King of inventions? More like King of Patents!
I'd vote for Medb.
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>she's actually pretty stacked.
damn right she is
How does the Trung team works again?
What about Jane and Abbi?
>Normal people are weird
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>female leader
>killed a freemason
That part is based though. Still a woman (lol).
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Her eyebrows are actually great. I don't think there's eyebrows better than the maro.
90++ is just 91
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if there's one thing guda gets points for, it's giving medb the respect she deserves
>Ibuki's master plan was creating a forever summer event after seeing you enjoy Summer 5 and 6
>Ibuki also knew that she's too autistic to use a grail properly and let Skadi do it
Its rather funny that despite her being presented as a walking super powered idiot, she outsmarted the entire cast.
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>Xu Fu
>Support Castoria
Hell yeah own Castoria bond SAVED
I already upgraded all my facilities
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I bet she could take ORT if Sakurai was writing about it.
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He was just there to say this last line. I was wondering throughout the entire event why was Merlin just letting her do as she pleased. But it looks like he just doesn't care.
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Merlina max hp > Merlin heal.
super fraud, all her stories have been dis proven along with all associated with Wild Bill Hickok.
i mean its hard to say how much of what happened is really on her for lying or whatever, for me, hard to say. i wouldnt call a peer pressured 12 year old a fraud. just not that important really.

of the American born servants, Voyager is the least fraud.
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>Ibuki's master plan was creating a forever summer event
>she outsmarted the entire cast
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I can play along with some of your (or any other girl) whimsy/go with a flow but I don't care about it. If anything I'd rather just see my partner in a beautiful dress.
I want to sleep with my face in her armpit
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She's been under fire lately at accusations of abuse for her oiled, shirtless entourage of servants. Damning recordings from inside her chariot seem to paint a picture of abuse. "And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the balls. You can do anything."

When asked about her statement, she simply smiled, shrugged and changed the topic to her plans to ban cheese by building an entire wall around Wisconsin, with claims the state would pay for it.
>Female incubus
So a succubus?
Shit hours when the medbcuck is awake
So... now I'm voting harder for Medb?
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Yoo how the fuck you 3 turn 90++bros
dw about it
No, it's an Incubus (Female), like those Succubus (Male) you see in doujinshi.
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Little Kama...
Why are you on 4chan if you aren't getting off to tile patterns?
Who would you want then?
>inb4 a president
first: Presidents are lame, I don't know why americans worship them desu.
second: All of them are inside Edison, so they can't be their own thing.
my two tamamo vitches both survived the np. your servants are weak to need that hp boost.
I was expecting them to die but they kinda surprised me.
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Yeah, this event just felt like a shoddy imitation of summer 3.
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Still the queen.
I call her Midb
honestly the second god ibuki showed up on screen in a slow pan i hit skip rather than waste however long they wanted to shove her in my face.
did i miss anything?
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Teensy Tinyma...
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Enjoying Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
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Brown BB my beloved
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Alright now I'm getting connection errors when trying to upload certain files like another anon was having

What the fuck?
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Little Passengerma...
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5CE it with welfare Oi
>eight (8 (otto)) erices
>zero ibukis
it's 90 + 0 + 0
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>actual boss battle
>instant NP on 1st break
Kama lived anyway and looped to demonstrate who the real Demon King of Summer is.
Can trung sister castoria xu fu friend oberon team 3 turn the 90++node
Someone give me the boring easy 5ce of the 90++
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No, the plot was so predictable and ripped off wholesale from a previous event that a child could've written it.
Was it ever explained why summer Achilles has a mini Tarasque?
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Here she Kam...
Who the fuck needs 40,000 hp
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I normally like to unga bunga nodes for event bond but this 90++ shit is cancer.
Look at those black panties. She's literally asking for it.
Why did Erice call me here tonight?
>Blue Kama skin never
Kama bros...
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>I'm done with summer vacation. Can we stop please?
>Oh, ok Master here's the grail. Well that was fun. Hurray hurray Go go Chaldea fighto ruv!
God I love her.
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>Saves the day
>Summons everyone to help
My hero...
apparently he did lmfao
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illya grand order....
Not him, but outside Edison, there aren't very many Americans that would make good servants. The nation is just too young. The exception is Ben Franklin ge would kick ass.
Sakurai really really likes eggs
>I am God Ibuki, you will enjoy this eternal summer. No? Alright then, I will rebuild this bleached Earth from scratch and make a new Age of Gods. I will permit you to struggle against me and prove you're strong.
This is all you missed.
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>>eight (8 (otto)) erices
>>zero ibukis

uhhhhh idk america has no real culture lmao.
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the amazing maeve
>can only do 5ce
Bros help
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I don't even care about Miyu but I'm still rooting for her for Summer 9.
Just not as much as I'm rooting for Lip.
He borrowed it.
Avenger Robert E. Lee, obviously.
she's going to explain her AU fanfiction where she's the chaldea master instead and the fine details of what servants would be there and how all the plot would be slightly different because of her choices.
Because hers dried up without ever being inseminated decades ago.
5CE 90++ is better drops than 6CE 90+
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Thats all you need for 90++
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wow you really dodged a bullet there! That's enough to 120 Erice and get get her mana loading almost immediately, and all without adding a disgusting pig to your chaldea!
The similarity ends with Ibuki/BB wanting a forever summer. One was more akin to a persisting theme park that never closes down while the other was trapping people in a time loop.
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>>can only do 5ce
Should have roll for Ibuki NP5 ;) it's not too late to roll for her!
If Calamity Jane can lie her way to servanthood through acting in a stage show i see no reason that we cant have a Man with No Name.
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I would legit be all for that.
Whatever your culture happens to be in this modern age was just stolen from America.
edith wilson
the wright brothers
neil armstrong
sitting bull
queen lili'uokalani
daniel boone
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Teddy Roosevelt would make a cool rider.
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What the fuck? What is this coomer shit?
Just make Armstrong appear properly
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an extremely meta ST nuker servant.
well that's american "culutural export" forced on the rest of the world by globalism. nothing that could be made into a servant
my cum can fix her ovaries and her brain
Maybe. I just don't really like servants rooted in modern history.
>nothing that could be made into a servant
Walt Disney SSR Caster.
Pretender Neil Armstrong
Why don't people acknowledge Voyager as a high quality and interesting american servant?
Also, following in line with him, the Hubble Space Telescope is another machine that absolutely should be deified and given a soul.
>modern history.
Teddy is older than a lot of other servants.
This entire conversation started from someone pointing out he's the best American servant.

Tesla's cool too though.
Wtf I didn't really need NP3 I was just doing my daily 1 quartz roll
Ok I guess
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Oh Neil is a good one. Probably a rider but you could maybe squeeze foreigner in there since Voyager got it.
Globalism could be a servant. He'd be pretty strong too.
>another american fraud
I agree

because star trek did it first. should have done voyager 2, you hear about it more nowadays anyway
All of his personality is from a French novel.
>Probably a rider
Explicitly a rider, he 'appears' in Extra for one scene.
>Neil is a good one
>but not the Wright brothers
why can't anyone appreciate the voyager of the stars (air travel edition)...
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Armstrong is a canon servant but he's an E ranker who cannot win fights.
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Make him like Ryouma but instead of having a dragon-wife he has a bear-wife.
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How would you rate the Summer story bros? I thought it was okay at best.
I've made my choice Chuds. My Aryan birdwife
it is actually fucking absurd that the first human on the moon isn't a huge deal for this stupid franchise about the moon
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>I will permit you to struggle against me and prove you're strong.
Vritrabros... She's stealing our queen's gimmick...
…is the cutest!
born in serbia, otherwise the only non fraud american
Based, blonde women are just so hot
We care about our E rankers. Mandricardo (my friend) and Charlotte Corday get the finest treatment at my Chaldea. I would welcome Neil (1* Foreigner) with open arms.
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Why does everyone always forget Lobo is american?
And became an American city where he did everything that everyone remembers his name for. Unlike other faggot countries, anyone can become an American.
bricked your account with the worse one, grats
It's cute. You'd have to be a literal child fucking tranny pedophile to think that's a coomer outfit.
>All of his personality is from a French novel.
That only influenced his outfit enough for it to be a fake out. There's constant reference to space probe shit and stuff on the golden record in his interactions.
>le heckin' doggo
back to r*ddit
Al Capone, Benjamin Franklin, Wright brothers (could make them into sisters for the twin servant gimmick), and Walt Disney (now that mickey is in the public domain) are all good servant candidates
Because he's a wolf and the man on him isn't American.
The wolf is from a native legend and they don't consider themselves Americans. The rider is a hessian, a German mercenary hired to fight against the revolutionary colonies.
Fuck if I know where the original Invisible Man is from, you might have it there.
White woman moment
morgan even has a line about how it's a coomer outfit
I don't like most of em
Miyu collects Illya porn?
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Why should he be? He went to a rock. He didn't wrestle a lion with his bare hands, he didn't slay any dragons.
Neil Armstrong is not a warrior. You can't even pretend he met wizards or found a magic sword in a cave like some of the other bullshit because he lived a perfectly normal human life in an era of cameras and audio recording.
Nope. The other 2 are terrible. One's an autist with ADD and the other one is an autist with ADHD.
You're a retard if you didn't pick Thrúd
>mickey is in the public domain
Wrong. Steamboat Willie is public domain.
>implying Thrud isn't the biggest autist.
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Well, it wasn't an impressive call, but I did call it.
I'm sure you have a source to back up your claims pedo.
Also Morgan's a jealous hag who fucked men for fun. Opinion discarded regardless.
Kinda boring but at least you didn't got the soulless Reddit one.
I'm sure he wasn't trying. He probably only fights seriously when it's time to defeat ORT.
maybe because in TM the moon isn't just a rock bro.
>ignores every other servant based on an explorer
>ignores nasus extreme autism about x did first
>ignores the fact that leaving the earth has huge importance in fate
No. There's a reason JP didn't vote to rerun it.
huckleberry finn/tom sawyer or just Mark Twain himself
Yea that's what I mean.
You could just make most of his attacks references to Steamboat Willie and Oswald the Rabbit
Neil was not noticed by the moon, blessed by the moon, nor did he challenge or defeat the moon, so whatever the moon is doesn't change the fact that it's just a thing he stepped on.
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Hokusai doesn't even need double castoria to 5CE the node
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5CE makes it easy
he also didnt really *do* anything, might as well make Dale Earnhardt a servant if piloting a vehicle gets you to servanthood.
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reminder that bunny ear wearing servants are whores
*a thing only he stepped on
he literally made contact with the moon bro, he got to run his fingers over its dusty mounds and plant his mighty flag of democracy upon it

I know you're just being a contrarian retard but there's huge significance to everything he did
My personal whore...
How many Illya doujins are being produced?
you don't know that, were you there?
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this event fucking sucked ball and you all should feel bad
good morning muramasa
What about nigger Jim?
I don't know what the big deal is about Abigail honestly she wasn't actually possessed by any lovecraftian outer gods she was just in some stupid trials and didn't do anything????????
He only got in because it's an important step towards the Age of Will, automatically granting him Pioneer of the Stars and servant status. A racecar does not have the same pedigree.
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You can go cheaper
I said Ben Franklin. He would spend all his time hanging out with Marie like everyone else she ever met.
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>No Guts
I'd rather use oberon bond than castoria

still just a pilot, id put wright brothers above him
why arent you using the story support bro?
>Abigail honestly she wasn't actually possessed by any lovecraftian outer gods
Then play Salem?.. You know, where she's possessed by Raum's machinations?
Abigail Williams is a singularity servant. She's not a natural born Foreigner. She doesn't just come like that. She's not even a heroic spirit at all.
>ascend Hildr to final ascension
>she gives me a SMUG look while saying I've been so nice to her
My Room. Now.
Holy shit Gareth hits like a truck
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umm but none of that happened IRL???
"Significance" does not mean you can arm wrestle with Hercules. Be glad he is a hero at all in an era past the downfall of magic and mystery.
truck made out of pillows
Keep in mind she gets event bonus power.
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absolutely grim list
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>apparently an ass
We just know, if you know what I mean.
newfag doesn't know the joke
It happened in Salem. If you want there to be a singularity event where Neil gets possessed by Azathoth and becomes SSR Foreigner Daemon Sultan Armstrong, go ahead, write that story.
I don't remember Ishtar having it. Isn't she like very mid? It's not a bad thing.
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Your brain is a complete creative void.
She's personally responsible for causing mass hysteria and getting like seven people executed.
>Law Enforcement
>looking at AI lists
The actual greatest legends are the founding fathers, generals, gangsters, inventors, and innovators.
>a 12 year old is responsible for the actions of adults
He becomes an avatar of the Crimson Moon actually
That's it?
no second part?
no new map?
no new enemy?

so we basically got 3 (three) 5* but just half of the usual summer?
now I see why people complained about this back then
holy shit
I can't believe it wasn't sitonai
This one is. Don't you think that qualifies her to be a hero? Even if she wasn't, she's still the scapegoat which would also qualify her.
>12 quartz compensation
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>actually the most influential american creation (outside of global banking)
I guess what was considered an adult was different back then, but I can't even imagine taking a 12 year old seriously. That feels like going for your gun because a kid said there's a monster under their bed
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>global banking is an "american" creation
bro give it to me bro
who could be behind this post?
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How about Mike Fink?

The moon is an alien supercomputer. If Jing Ke can become a decent servant for failing her only assassination attempt, marie for being executed, and Jack by killing some hookers, Neil can be a good one for being the first man to leave earth and touch the crazy awesome thing that empowers the second strongest creature on the planet.

>But he only stepped on it!
So did Columbus and he only touched some dirt. Even for all those supremely strong pharaohs pretty much ordered slaves around. It's their association with the egyptian pantheon that makes them strong. The moon is one of the most important celestial objects in legends the world over and that's not even including all of the insane Nasuverse shit it does. It's the space equivlant of touching the holy grail. Sure I don't expect him to be a crazy strong invincible demigod, but having some type of really powerful reality marble or something should definitly be something he can do.
ok, spread your ass
Speaking of money, Rockefeller would be a decent servant, and if you added Teddy Roosevelt you could have an Edison / Tesla rivalry between the two

>But he only stepped on it!
He didn't though...
its joewarida
Stop arguing with the troll, retard.
Holy shit his reality marble being "the view from another planet" would be cool as shit. Moon gravity, gazing at the Earth, total isolation from everything they would otherwise be connected to. Would be a really cool mental impairment/connection severing type of NP. Instantly conveying the insignificance of Earth, and the life upon it, in the cosmos.
I bet it wouldn't be as funny as
>AC rules! DC sucks!
>No, DC rules! AC sucks!
i don't like or hate her
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Have you ever thought of the opposite to how servants feel?
>Um why is Master sucking grandma Wu's nipples? Is he not for me?
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Which ascention are you using?
I unironically like the 3rd one
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>So did Columbus and he only touched some dirt. Even for all those supremely strong pharaohs pretty much ordered slaves around.
It's funny to see the politically correct crowd having hooks even into JP.
>Those Pharoahs who worked thousands upon thousands of slaves to the death for their self-aggrandizing monuments = Cute wacky sitcom
>This explorer who managed a then utterly monumental feat of exploration = Evil slaver man and the most evilly depicted character in the game
It's fiction either way, don't care. I just think it's funny to Notice the American-ish influence on their character designs and narratives.

And no one assed.
mighty white woman
None of them because I don't have her but I always thought the first was the best.
2nd until summer ends, then 3rd indefinitely
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guys I found a good one.
Captain Stormalong.
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at np3 level 100 with 2 castorias (one preferably with append 2) and oberon
From Flapjack?
2 obviously, she looks like your plapable cousin who lives out in the sticks.
Assuming you're actually white of course and can find that scenario relatable.
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>(Look down without saying anything)
Does anyone ever actually pick these dialogue "options"?
Hello, new thread?
most of the pyramid builders worked on it voluntarily
Same. I don't like her sword.
>picked that 10min ago
I mean mostly because mildly sad scenario.
Sometimes I will pick something like that if I think it will prevent someone else I don't want to hear from adding more dialogue boxes.
It's definitely generically bad fantasy sword design, of which there's just too much.
Just like how you voluntarily fund Nasu's retirement fund.
Looks like a gunpla or something should be holding it to me. Easily the worst Round Table weapon anyway.
Still here and still trying, huh, retard?
Columbus was basically a fraud and had a fleet, idc about him being le evil man.
Magellan actually succeeded and only had one ship
I guess that explains all the low quality posting
none because I don't like any of the designs. i don't use anybody that I don't like the design of...
This is the thread bros

Kill yourself /fgog/ troll
>this is the thread my discordsisters
Honestly at this point its pretty clear you're rather the discordnigger since you always raid this place with at least your phone or something, go away, nobody is falling for your shit, its wasted effort every single day
kill yourself habibi you spam 24/7
Says the retard who spammed his troll OP images even after a janny banned him tonight for it 12 times today
Get a life you sack of shit, you spam harder than anyone here
didn't get banned, they just removed the thread because you spammed report and they saw there were two threads. i'm not autistic like you spamming report all day so they just removed the one they saw had reports. you are genuinely at least twice as pathetic than any other shitposter here and need irl help
I didnt even though, you're just an autistic piec eof trash, you will never be accepted here btw, wasted life and effort from you
dude you're crying in anger and trying to convince me you weren't the one seething earlier and reporting, you have no self awareness and are clearly heavily stunted mentally
You lost. You continue to lose. Stay mad.
>no argument
the fact you whine about an anonymous not being accepted is such heavy projection you know you're a loser lmao only a faggot avatartranny like yourself wants attention so badly

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