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Previous >>487373435

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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First for canon.
Skadi in 21 hours 37 minutes 56 seconds
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Reminder, Sakurai doesn't care about what'd make sense. She only cares about her characters and doesn't care about how it affects the setting or the characters you like.
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Skadi... bigger...
European myths
>dragon slayers
>demonic and magic swords
>grand wizards
American "myths"
>train robbers
>literal whos
What gives
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Good night, bros.
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Kama Love!
>ignores the guy (female) that lassoed a tornado for a mount
Post 90++ teams.

Good night, bro.
So how do you counter a normie who will go with a flow but doesn't really feel any specific excitement because of your petplay?
americans are (supposed to be) just displaced europeans, there's nothing original there
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try looking to actual native american mythology if you want, you know, actual mythology instead of historical figures
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Hessian is a popular mascot of the area I used to live.
"Lobo, the King of Currumpaw" is a part of the 1898 book "Wild Animals I Have Known" based on the wolf hunting in Southwestern US. I read it years ago and It was a good book.
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Established after the age if myths.
I think summer gareth has the worst summer outfits in the game (as of now) and was an overall mistake. HOWEVER, I also think her 3rd ascension is great and her attacks are cool (in that third ascension). what np level (minimum) would I need to make her usable?
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Good night bro
I'm still waiting for the White Fang servant...
Algonquins aren't American.
Theres no such thing as native american mythology because americans destroyed it.
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Huge L for Ibuki from my wife. Less huge L for me because my game crashed.
>Neil Armstrong is not a warrior.
He was a naval fighter pilot.
Just stall
use pots in the 90++ or Traum?
7 days before they expire so
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Burgers have cryptids, ayylmaos, and glowie conspiracies which are all much cooler than "guy with big sword kills big lizard"
Wait a minute, is this just heian-kyo again but without Kintoki in a summer event coat with LB2 sprinkled over it?
I somehow feel scammed
Stop arguing with the troll.
It must be hard to live with a giant chip on your shoulder like this
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>Greek, Roman, Nordic, Slavic, European, Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu, Japanese, etc folklore
>Divine Deities, Great Rulers, Kings, Knights, Warriors, Mysticals, Creative figures

>pic rel

We love Fate Grand Order for rich servant compendium
Altera, according to Atlas.
That's my favorite boss in NMH2.
She's talking about Altera
America and Americans have naturally subsumed large amounts of indigenous cultures even despite everything that went down. If you mean in the sense that they were predominantly in now-Canada, that's not historically entirely true at all. If you mean Native Americans at all don't count for American, I think you'll find the lines get a little blurry with that.
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I thought the orange valk's name was Iris, or Geirskögul, why did her name change to Irs in the epilogue?
the "natives" of america were just whichever tribes survived the most recent tribal conflict. there wasnt much going on there besides scraping by to survive. which is why so many were eager to fight alongside the settlers to wipe out the enemy tribe that last took their hunting grounds.
most of the boomerworship native myths are recent creations "oooh theres a spooky ghost of dead natives there give me a casino now pls"
Those are all from egypt doe
What do you mean by counter? Is there a competition?
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Unfortunately it's the consequences of being a country born in a more modern era. Education, information sharing, and the like has helped quell superstition which is what breeds that sort of mystical story.
There will never again be a country born into the modern era that will have tales of its foundings entrenched in the mystical.
There will never again be tales of why the sky booms and flashes or what the weird noises in the forest could be.
We know why the weather changes, we know why things happen, we know what animals are, we reached the stars and saw there were no gods looking down on us.
That's probably why Nasu talks of the death of Mystery in his settings.
If you want to know why things are the way they are, there's no need for speculation.
Tales of people doing something moderately cool will no longer massively inflate into super heroic feats through exaggeration or retellings.
We turn to stories now and will never mistake them for reality. Entertainment can no longer transcend into legend.
It's... well, the end of that Era. An age of humanity instead of an age of gods.
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Alright which servant do you want us to add next?
Because Geirs or Geirsy would have made too much sense as a nickname.
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Reminder: every servant with Lovecraft DNA is American by proxy
Grand Saber MOM
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Irs is her nickname.
Irs is her nickname, GeIRSkogul.
I think that any native isn't American because they don't think they are and more often than not they fought a war to prove it.
It was pretty cool, but Philistine though
>>grand wizards
Those are American
Yeah, it's like a manga where you have a degen female and a normie female.
>ascension item requires 1200 bricks
>to get the np copies you need to upgrade shit, which also requires a ton of bricks
>bricks are a pain in the ass to farm
Whoever came up with this fucking event design is going straight down to avici when they die
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Ahh I see, thanks.
You have 2 weeks brother
Yeah they said it when they introduced her
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One day we'll get the mighty niggerman. Then no one will be laughing.
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Bedibros, it’s our time
things that affect all of mankind
>There will never again be a country born into the modern era that will have tales of its foundings entrenched in the mystical
That's definitely my favorite track.
El Santo
No one ever explained what is wrong with a north pole singularity that doesn't expand or threaten human order.
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let her cook
Need Illya porn
Don't forget about best Korea
classic american literature does hold the most potential tbhdesu

singularities are erm le bad
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Just one more year.
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>Lord of All the Beasts
Superstitions merely evolved
Now they're called "conspiracies"
>Skadi said that she had enough and was content with everything
>Ibuki retreats
So Ibuki did this not only for us but for Skadi?
I can always count on my brothers to back me up when I skipchad.
Skadi in 21 hours 20 minutes 48 seconds
Certainly, but regardless of that elements of their culture was passed along to colonizers. There was, for a while, and in certain parts more than others, reasonable co-mingling. Much was lost, but fragments live on. Live in the right parts of the country and you'll meet members of tribes to this day, and there is just cultural cross pollination. No matter their feelings or how much of it there is, the North American tribes are still a unique element of American culture to this day.
It's because, weirdly, Nasu likes the idea of reality(or earth at least) working in layers. If something gets in the way of the layer, it doesn't "fit" and it unravels. The reason the top layer of earth is called a texture is because he's treating it like a video game model. There's the polygons, bones, animations, and the textures on top. Like texture packs.
A singularity is a big bump so you can't lay the texture over and it'll fall off and unravel.
That's as far as I know.
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She Kama and Go-ooo~!
Does that mean he's like Beast XI or is he like Grand Ultimator?
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She Kam and stay...
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1 more day until Deadpool 3
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I wonder how many /alter/bros will summon Skadi Summer
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What if the entities he wrote about are real in Nasuverse? If even random artists can become threats to humanity by meerly attracting their attention, I would think the man who wrote in detail about them and their world would be certain to have a connection to at least one, and likely a very knowledgeble one at that.
>Marvel slop
I seriously hope you guys don't watch this
All of them. I believe in my bros
I'll try at least.
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This, but Bob.
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raise your hand if yo balls so sweaty you nekked rn
Some non-zero pulls from me, because Caster Wu is both pretty good looking and very useful.
You don't look like it, giga clown.
Pecos Bill unironically has Riding EX
>Rode a mountain lion
>Rode a tornado until it formed the Grand Canyon
>Had a unique mount capable of launching his fiancée to the moon
I'll throw some tickets but won't go too crazy
I need to maintain my funds
Friendly reminder that Albert and his gay viking boyfriend are working their asses off to give you the best possible translation.
>Rode a tornado until it formed the Grand Canyon
I thought that was created when Paul Bunyan had to take a leak.
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shit event
shush it zoomer
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There's like 5 stories about how the grand canyon happened.
So will this event get a rerun in the future so people can get all 3 new valkyries or are we stuck with just one forever?
Are we all in favor of calling Proto Merlin Merlyn?
Which is Nasu canon? Altera did it?
it completely shits all over summer 6
Her riding skill is a unique special snowflake skill, Rodeo A.
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comfy looping with elephant twins
good morning bros
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I will
No :)
Stuck with one for at least 2+ years UNLESS we actually get to vote for our reruns somehow.
Since Summer 6 and Arcade collab weren't terrible picks I honestly would rather stick with JP's choices.
My NP1 Trung with MLB damage CE didn't work here. Fuck
also >>487390505
and Davy Crockett. That guy is probably the last real "mythical hero" where legends sprung from his exploits. Maybe that'd give him some "turning of the age" kinda shenanigans.
In Texas, at least, it was attributed to him.
Alfred Bulltop Stormalong seems like a shoo-in for an American Fate legend or a skin for Bunyan, being a sailor and all. Sailor Fuku, etc.
Give me a good reason why I shouldn't choose Hildr and Rún over the other two
I regret missing last summer and the summer before that even now that they've brought up last summer in the dialogue like 15 times... and I'm never gonna get to play them
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Unfortunately Riyo nerfed Pecos Bill, probably at the behest of Nasu. You know how everyone is ridiculously weaker than their legends? For example, tons of the Indian gods and heroes are universe shaping badasses and the like, or more, but in Fate they all gotta be weaker than japanese stuff or arthurian stuff.
This Pecos Bill can't even ride all the things she can lasso anymore despite being able to do things like tame tornados, dig up the entire Mississippi river, steal storms from California and make them spew out enough water to fill the gulf of mexico, and more.
that sucks, I dunno if using CE xp bombs to level the damage CE high enough would work or not for np1
by actually being an engaging summer event with likeable characters and enjoyable scenes? summer 6 was complete slop with servants nobody wanted, in a less of an fgo summer and more of an expedition feeling event where barely any servants were able to go, and with terrible forced drama and horribly characterized da vinci
You will get to play last summer again in two years.
No Arcueid appearance in this event even though she’s a bonus servant?
I bought ice cream, she'll come
Indian myths make sense unlike "lol i lassoed air xD"
Well, I don't entirely understand the exact question still honestly. You mean how to convince someone to go with it? Talking about stuff openly is the generic answer I guess, I think that's important for some more esoteric kinks, but in my experience just putting on a collar and handing over the leash as a surprise gets the ball rolling pretty fast.
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>Alfred Bulltop Stormalong
I hear he died from a tummyache. Not a good look.
Hey, remember when castoria showed up in the summer camp event?
Hildr has less screen time and characterisation that the other 2. And Ortlinde is like 70% of it.
That's how every summer works, retard
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yeah wtf i wanna chill with Gordy, mash is boring!
>Lasso (Rank A): Her lasso can capture any target without fail. Even targets as large as Ivan the Terrible can be tied up by Archer, but that doesn't mean they can't overpower her.
Imagine implying Ivan the terrible can outpower the person who destroyed half the universe by shooting out all the stars from the sky except one as proof of his love for Slue-Foot Sue.
All of the Valkyries are good choices. Just don't choose or discount one because of stupid memes.
>Used to get multiple summer reruns per year
>Have to wait 3 years for just one now
Why'd they do it bros
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>giant woman in a sailorfuku riding a pirate ship
You have earned my saintquartz
That was Fujino.
>Indian myths make sense
yeah okay
>but in my experience just putting on a collar and handing over the leash as a surprise gets the ball rolling pretty fast
If you did this to me I'd probably freak out a bit. Even during the act, it would a bit awkward.
Because people complained about reruns so they removed them all and somehow made the game worse doing so
i want to get fucked in the ass
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>people complained
somehow i doubt thats why. more likely just a squeeze on free sq
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say no more
That was Yu Meiren
Hello I can help you with that
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>compliment indian myths
why do retards get immediately defensive? also lol myths making sense
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At least it's slightly more dignity than death by cheese
So, how do you 6CE the 90++ node with Ibuki?
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With Arc, you should give up on her ever appearing in this game until we actually get a full blown Tsukihime event.
mash is better than this useless fuck
have you tried playing Fate/Grand Order?
I like green hair Rún and bubbly Hildr but I also like Kuudere Irs and Imouto vibes Ort... fuck it I like Thrúd and Rindr too, I hate choosing
saar you bloody bastardt insinuate it do not fakking make sense you bastard bich
What exactly did i get defensive about? Some joke servant got nerfed, thats it. Indians run this game.
Just woke up. Where is the Skadi banner?
>people complained
what the fuck is wrong with Japanese players
I ate it
>ah yes, if I, a GOD, were to use the Grail, I would go truly wild
>Skadi gets the Grail
Kay. Guess she's chopped liver.
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don't choose the pink one because I chose the pink one and I want to feel slightly more special.
shoved it up my ass
Does this count story? If so then Dino Arc gives Arc +1.
That's it, I'm choosing the pink one
Just make it part of A(Bunyan)S's kit as the replacement for Bean Soup Lake.
Fuck if I know why the skill is called that because the only legend I remember about Paul cooking was him getting his buddies to use bacon for 'skates' to cover a tremendous griddle in the grease needed to properly make a fuckton of pancakes.
>gf you have been intimate with already standing in her bedroom offering a leash for you to take with fuck me eyes
>sorry I don't know what you want me to do with this I'm freaking out
Which valkyrie did you guys pick?
You remember those dead months we had a while back where there would be like 2 weeks of nothing, a rerun, and then 3 weeks of nothing?
That's what he means by complain about reruns. If they had just kept the reruns and added new events as well nobody would complain about reruns.
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My friend will always be better and more likeable than Ibuki ever could
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The pink one (actually the green one)
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>this guy on my friend's list hit pity for Ibuki so he grailed and gold fou'd his NP17 Erice as revenge
not sure if based and well-balanced individual or schizoid behavior.
Hildr, don't really care about the other Valk she came with but I've always loved the pink one the most.
Especially after telling you to fuck off and that he isn't your friend anymore lol
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Isn't it just sex, but I waste one of my hands to grab the leash instead of groping her?
>Which Valkyrie is your favorite?
>Takeuchi: Thrud is my favorite, Ortlinde is the one I am most emotionally attached to, and Hilde is the cutest.
Never mind, I take it back.
I kneel, Riyo.
>need to tidy up
>Enkidu is the janny
He is the one who flushes
Why can’t they make it so that Arc shows up in a scene or two in summer enjoying herself?
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when is jp's summer event?
>event has ended
>still no summer Sei banner
had to go for thrud and rindr even though ortlinde is my favorite valk (in theory). not sure how I should feel about that.
it's next week
late august
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Oh it works actually, barely. Just not with that team
Swapping Oberon with LanLingboi does wonder
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>Could have had a cool American power house that can beat people so bloody it creates a permanent landmark in the Painted Desert and so strong and fast that he dug up/create the Rio Grande River just cuz he was a little thirsty.
>Had a horse that could and did leap to the moon.
>Stuck as a shitter because Riyo memes and Nasu autism wouldn't permit someone being able to beat of his favorites
WTF is Manure more of a chad than us!?
Because she wasn't introduced in the story yet and it would make no sense.
it's sex but you were handed a physical object that implies "you can pull me and put me where you want me and I submit to you" you dumb idiot
mid august since im assuming their anniversary is on 4th august
Alright Herc, prove once more you're the strongest berserker.
I can do it without the leash.
inb4 Koyan does all the work and Herc killsteals with a buster chain.
bros, if Trito was added, would Nasu allow him to be stronger than jap wank characters?
no, I took this picture with my phone while riding up front. doing this dangerous move for a pic that goes hard is ultimate chad move
Remember when Gareth debuted in a random story scene in summer 3 way before her release? They could just do the same with Arc
The only one remember is when he tripped and that created the great lakes.
koyan died after 1st gauge broke (ibuki instant np)
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>Gilgamesh uses Ea
>Lassos Enuma Elish and rides off on it to go show Slue-Foot Sue his new ride
Would have been funny
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What's your opinion about Mmmmmmman?
It's different because Arc is a bigger and more important character, so they wouldn't just waste her debut on an event.
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You can eat food without seasoning too but it tastes better
the only good part of this event
No man. Remember what they did to Parvati? How they made her super weak when she could casually create gods like Ganesha that could kick even Shiva's ass to the point Shiva needed to be underhanded?
Look what they did to Karna and how he's weaker than Gawain despite the fact Karna should be massively above him ESPECIALLY in defensive abilities?
It'll never happen. Nasu clearly has favorites and it's only certain western stuff and the rest is japanese.
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pretty soul
I like this clown. He entertains me.
Based. My status is maintained.
read this as Tito and now I'm wondering when /ourguy/ is getting in
chat, how do I 3 turn the 90++ node?
That Kama is kinda fat
So good he has copycats.
As the ancient Hawaiians once said...
Who is chat? I don't see him on the spreadsheet, did you mean to post this somewhere else?
>that could kick even Shiva's ass to the point Shiva needed to be underhanded?
That didn't happen.
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>3 CE drops
>3 damage CEs
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Does this guy laugh like Douman? I may consider getting him if so.
I can't decide between Ortlinde and Thrud
ORT because her true form is ultra powerful.
That's what happened in the story I was told.
And then Parvati got so pissed when she found out Shiva killed Ganesha that she was gonna destroy all creation. Now she's a weak shitter Sakura face. Nasu's a hack.
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>Lassos Ivan's Mammoth and thinks it's a cow
>Lassos Europa's Talos and pretends to be an anime protagonist
>Lassos Lobo away from Hessian and he likes her better
>Lassos the storm border from Nemo
>Lassos Pollux and leaves Castor losing his shit while chasing after them
>maximum crowd size multiplier is 101.5
You were lied to.
what a fucking CHAD(forma de stacy)
>destroy all creation
Shiva can do that casually. He's also one of the three gods of the gods unlike Parvati.
use wheeldecide like me
>Enkidu with 1 million hp in the 90++ node
Well I guess they intended for people to use the damage CE.
Ortlinde comes with a blonde one so that's basically the same as Thrud
There are 6ce setups.
Am I halfway done with the slop yet
Look either he gets overpowered by a child and kills a perceived threat or he got outsmarted by a child and cut off the child's head. Either way it's not a good look for Shiva.
It still sucks they get so downplayed. Karna should have absolutely been way better than Gawain in every situation.
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Uhh why did skadi make this story again? It's like she's telling me something...
I thought Ganesha was physically more powerful than his father, but maybe I don't understand Indian myth
don't mind me, just rolling my valk
1-3 Ortlinde
4-6 Hildr
7-9 Thrud
0 - reroll
I think her egg timer is ticking and her last attempts didnt work
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Roll. OrtlindeCHAD btw.
Probably a case of different interpretations.
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Curse his sudden but inevitable betrayal!
i need to have sex with this fat neet so badly
Bro I swear, I'd rather have a girl wearing just either something sexy or just a beautiful dress to "season" it rather than a leash and uh...
Indian bro is just lying because he doesn't want Ganesha or Parvati to be stronger than his favorite
I chose Ortlinde.
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With Ibuki and Merlina, can I just facecard the 1st enemy in 90++ and then use Ibuki NP on the 2nd and 3rd?
>this land is a fertile land, and we shall call it Pseudo Parallel World The Stage of Carnage Shimousa
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welcome to club aya!
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>>this guy on my friend's list hit pity for Ibuki so he grailed and gold fou'd his NP17 Erice as revenge
Now THIS is melty
Facecards are a meme
>1 million heaven attribute
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not comfy
I wanted to use my Ibuki
>Karna should have absolutely been way better than Gawain in every situation
Well Arjuna should be able to solo everybody who fought in the Kurukshetra war (including Karna) and the thirty gods.
>Pseudo Parallel World
I can't believe that they still haven't retconned this as Pseudo Lostbelt yet.
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to each their own, things aren't exclusionary though
yeah it fucking sucks how much the indian mythology gets downplayed. they're really cool sounding.
>either this which have 20% chance of fuck up
>Or use BIG BURLY BUSTER team with Kintoki but have to put Mashu in the team
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I don't really mind. They're still cool in series, they just don't trivialize everything.
>level 80
You're going to need to grail her for the big lotto she meta for anyway.
SAARs have no money to spend on jap gacha
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Guys guys, it's really quite simple.
Which lotto ? i kinda strap for grail
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comfy farming time
This is wrong btw. Atirathi is stronger than maharathi, there's probably other errors too.
But I can see some meaning if you do it for the whole day, outside of the bed.
If they are un-nerfed there'd be even more complaining about why they're kissing Indian ass so much. Frankly in a franchise where all myths actually happened it's good to have some balancing and not just have one faction completely dominate all others.
fat Elvis servant
I think it was illyafest
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yeah but certain characters get wanked way more than they deserve, like ibuki, so it feels kind of unfair and unbalanced anyway.
Wikipedia is really shit for info on Hinduism in general. You just know there's like 20 different factions of poos trying to one up each other. Like if the pages on Catholic and Protestant saints were full of powerlevel faggotry.
go habetrot go!
>Protestant saints
I hope they do traum summer next
>summer astolfo
>summer joan
>summer bradamante
>summer kriemheld
>summer zenjubo
>summer xu fu
>summer sancho
Summers where it's just one set of servants are gay. LB6 summer is a bad model and it should not be done again.
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Speaking of, servants like Gilgamesh and Enkidu need to be brought down a dozen pegs. There's no reason for him to have something like Ea or for his Gates of Babylon to be so much more powerful than so many servants.
>Protestant saints
I didn't think we had saints.
All 3 5 stars this summer were Sakurai sluts
This is probably devs' actual statement.
Stop with the lies.
I can't decide
Dear god, let me actually beat Ibuki's ass for once. Stop with the didn't counts, it's getting juvenile.
The white woman of course (Thrud)
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Same. I started to consider Thrud instead of Ortlinde.
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Oberon in 20 hours!
Which one is the most for (you)
??? How are you losing that? I just used the free Valks with Castoria and Merlina. Ibuki's NP doesn't kill btw.
Nope, she let you win this time too. She is canon too strong to beat.
Rindr, because she seems to be most shilled in this event
>mfw I nutted too hard
Seems so. I learned something. Maybe it's more like if the gnostics kept trying to sneak shit in.
Sorry sweetie Sakurai can't let you just beat one of the beast candidates / grand candidates she came up with (every Sakurai servant is a fucking beast / grand candidate)
>eternal summer paradise where you can spend the rest of your life having fun with all your servants
uhhhh what's the problem again?
It would be bad for the rest of humanity.
douman tricked us into thinking it was hurting skadi
Don't they all have different ID numbers?
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Bros what about the pieces and monuments? I heard Ordeal Call need shitton of them. Do I need to hoard them now? I never buy any of them for years and currently sitting in about >500 each
Billions of still bleached people? I guess you can round it down to millions since some of you niggers are better be bleached, but it is what it is.
you need 700 each
should have been buying them from event shops for the past year retard
hoard. there's more to come.
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Did they really recycle BB's event plot
Is Douman good at NP1, or should I go for NP2?
Sakurai writing is just a worse recycled version of Nasu writing, what did you expect?
I keep buying them and then keep getting new Servants that make me use them.
Oh yeah. Meuniere and uhh, Sylvia.
The message of FGO: Immortality bad, endless happiness bad. People should suffer and die.
His NP is weak no matter what. It's good for its IK and he has big crits. Yes he's good at np1.
How exactly will destroying lostbelts bring everyone back?
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Which one is /alter/ and which one is reddit?
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NP1 is enough.
the /alter/ approved term is Merlette
If I can't live in my world then nobody else gets to either.
nasu goes on forums and types suffering builds character unironically.
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Okay, starts hoarding now
Better late than never
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This is clearly supposed to be Beast Ibuki with the focus on the ridiculous horns, right?
We should call her Merlyn
NP1 is fine, you use him for his skills and for curse meme teams
By the way, that sun thing is Douman and when his NP close-up happens he's inside it. I don't recall if there's official art of him outside it, but there shouldn't be.
Her name is Merltria
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>someone okay'd this mess
No :)
>This machine is fine with being me? Really? I can always change with Thrúd. That's right. Is that so, ufu, really? Eh? I seem to be in a good mood? Is that really so?
If the horns were more subdued like the her third ascension I'd really like this. The fishnet is sexy and the white hair is awesome.
Welcome to the conundrum that's been haunting us since like LB2. We get an answer after LB7 when we learn what the bleaching truly was.
sakurai clearly told raita to just keep adding horns adn hsir
Yes. Beast candidate remember, so horns.
>Yes, it seems that the personalities of us sisters are different after all, you say? I've said this before, but our fundamental principle is the same for all of us. Our textures, that is, our exteriors are each different, but our interior is the same machine. Yes, it's the same. But… If… Master likes the texture that is me, that…
I wonder who's in charge of Beast designs. They're all way overdesigned now. Surely it's not just on the artists, right?
It's supposed to be when they fully evolve into a Beast that they grow horns, candidates aren't meant to have them, or they're supposed to be incomplete/withered. Does Fou got anything on his head? No.
Stop questioning everything!
-sakurai, probably.
Purin is retarded because she's neither cat themed nor is she pure. And yes, I get that it's supposed to be pretender, but it's barely reflected by that dumb name.
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Nasu will no doubt introduce some retarded asspull right at the end. My guess is that he'll just rip off Evangelion and have the universe reset with Guda as a salaryman. The fact the characters just go around destroying LBs without even considering how to fix the world despite supposedly including geniuses really shows how bad the writing is for this game is though.
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Well it's not like killing termites restores your supports, but you still need to take care of them first.
Just ask Brolga to do the magic.
Yeah thought so. Shame. They're kind of ugly.
EOP-kun, purin is from PU-ro-to maa-RIN. It's her japanese nickname.
What if all bleached people are localized inside Marisbury and he's trying to become 100% of humanity localized in one person
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We just need to dye the planet.
Isn't it some quantum lock shit? i.e. the timeline would fix itself, but the trees of emptiness are pinning this fucked up timeline in place?
Lmao how? She has Anti-Army NP which translate to at most country scaling. You literally have servants with Anti-World, or planet level scaling.
Ibuki is weak as shit.
Does Tohsaka bleach her anus?
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Our queen... is angry
Wu chu?
That's not how it works, secondary.
The only one I think should be bleached is caenis
She's angry cuz they still haven't given her the OL suit. I'm also angry.
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They're all fine wherever the fuck they are. After the LB saga is wrapped up it'll be
>She landed
greeks are white enough
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Hurry up and get your escape from the salaryman ending.
Literally is retard chud.
>going back to the fucking Servantverse

Better to commit sudoku.
(Caenis is technically Albanian adjacent)
Thanks for further proving that you're a gay tourist.
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If you really want to know (actual spoilers for JP)
The texture of humanity is just fine on the surface of Chaldeas. The bleaching, which as Bluebook told us took place over three months and had aliens invading and shit, happened on Chaldeas, not Earth. After that was all dead and done, the bleached white Chaldeas and Earth got their Textures switched. So humanity has been alive and well through this ordeal, just very very small and completely cut off from reality by the singularity wall that is Chaldeas.
Anti-world effects the texture.
Reminder that Skadi is canonically a jotunn. In other words, she is the "giant woman" to your "human man". Besides, she has the rune magic to grow into a giantess.
Your two favorite gals on the beach
Why would you ruin her like that?
So, how do you 6CE the 90++ node with Ibuki?
yes we know Skadi
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Man, this takes so fucking LONG
In the Eddas Jotunn are not indicated to be any bigger than Aesir by default, and the Aesir are about human size.
I love that this was so well established someone's huge fan theory properly predicted it as a plot point before it happened.
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Okay but what about all the people dying and the invasions and shit? It's not like you can undo that.
What about the other couple?
That's the fun part, you don't
There was no invasion of real Earth anon. Chaldeas, the simulation of real Earth, got invaded. Then the textures were swapped between Chaldeas and Earth. Chaldeas simulates 100 years into the future; that's why Bluebook remarked that Area 51 was so retro. Everyone on Earth is completely fine and living their day to day life as if nothing happened at present, just in Chaldeas instead of Earth.
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Well at least this means we won't be getting a sealing designation, but it also probably means no Clocktower promotion and bonus.
yeah i still dont get it
Oh. How the fuck did blue book get onto real earth?
So we murdered all those people in the lostbelts for fucking nothing? I lost my wife Gelda for nithingburger? Hey you know what fuck you you shitty mushroom.
The corridor to Area 51 that we walked through at the end of Traum is fucky. It seems to bore through from Chaldeas to Earth and vice versa.
No. They still had to be taken out so we could put the population back.
Molay mating press
The textures were swapped... If he was on Chaldeas, 100 years in the future, and the textures of Chaldeas and Earth swapped, where would he be? Earth. We remained on Earth because we void sailed or zero sailed or whatever the fuck it's called before the textures swapped and caught us in it.
True, but the jotunn as FGO portrays them are giants.
The only time we had any idea that maybe one of the lostbelts could be permitted to achieve primacy and therefore reside on Chaldeas is LB7, which we are absolutely not allowing to persist because it's the one with the deathspider.
which one
Both, but the second one is a more appropriate answer to your question. Bluebook was on the same bleached earth as us due to the swappage. After all, we were picking up his books. He even saw the Lostbelts from afar and steered clear of them.
The Area 51 he finds is the same one we find, and it seems to go down into Chaldeas somehow.
We had no idea and it's unclear at this point if we could have reverted it without doing it. It's possible, probable even, the fantasy trees were blooming to turn fiction into reality, and thus had to be destroyed to prevent the process from completing. On the otherhand, this was all according to keikaku for Marisbury so who fucking knows.
>Clocktower is going to cheap out and just give us the Goetia retirement cash without any bonus for the LBs
Total Fae death
Turn Bongland back into a giant sinkhole
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we're a marisbury clone.
so does it even matter if we don't swap the textures of the planet back? does earth matter?
are you volunteering yourself to get mr hands'd.
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Oberon is 58 seconds
Daybit claims that whatever Moneybills's plan is, and we still don't know what it is, it will guarantee the security of the Human Order but will turn humanity into the enemies of the entire rest of the universe. So at the very least we might want to swap the textures back to stop whatever it is he's doing.
Skadi in 19 hours 16 minutes 43 seconds
>Guarantee nobody can fuck with us like Velber, ORT, and the Alien Planet has been trying to do
>"This is a bad thing".
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>turn fiction into reality
Aw shit.
The weird part to me is that it seems like the plan for Olympus would basically do that? Well, could, anyways, in some sense. I'm guessing it has to do with something like siphoning power from everywhere else or something.
Not the case for Ibuki.
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can't believe the day is finally here...so nervous...
Sounds like the Outer Gods arc. That'd be neat. Maybe they could release as novel instead though so I don't have to keep playing a gacha.
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What's the time travel corridor between Earth/Chaldeas and Area 51 then?
>a female incubus
what the shit, is this because of some sort of rule of not using the word succubus?
incubus and succubus apparently have different origins
"Succubus" is banned in the west now or what
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You'll find out when Ordeal Call is over.
You are HORSE
I thought it was some kind of parent/genetics thing or because she just likes being on top
I can't get over that it's not zoofoo but shoofoo
I can't get over that it's actually jofuku to japs either
god I hate chinese
Incubus fuck women, succubus fuck men. It means Merlina fucks women not men.
you are fucking retarded
Xu Fu quints
It was just a silly joke, bro, don't get mad.
Incubus also implies "incubō", or "nightmare, lies down on one whilst one sleeps." While Succubus is only succubare "to lie beneath". Feels a little bit off that way.
There's a huge difference between a huge slut and a shota predator.
Neither of those imply anything you just said. Why do you want to make things up? Nobody who doesn't even understand that a succubus is actually a kind of dream demon rather than a sex demon is going to have any reference frame on latin linguistics.
What kind of dreams do succubi give you retard
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>There's a huge difference between a huge slut and a shota predator.
There is?
Whatever kind they want you retard. Don't tell me you've only ever dreamed about sex.

Yeah man it's totally Albert's censorship and not what was said in the Japanese text.
>that twink build
Freud told me I have.
Give me a comp that can 5CE 90++ without MLB damage ce.
Plugsuit Oberon.
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That says succubus.
"Female dream demon" is what google gives me.
No wonder she is so terrible and childish
Made for male cock
Made for female cock
Did I mentioned anything about your precious boyfriend? Calm your tits
>about to get my 2nd full set of 75
My options are:
>120 Melt who gave me a ton of copies on her rerun earlier this year
>Summer Kama who beat all odds to bless me in New Years GSSR
I'm really struggling to decide since it'll be another yearish for the next set I'm sure.
Why are her nipples so puffy?
made for cuckqueaning while I take paisen in front of her
those are the other orochi heads trying to break free
A full enhancement is 125. 25 per card.
>summer goddess
I don't understand why Sakurai tries really hard to wank this particular servant
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Guess there's no rush to decide then.
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Yeah no she looks too grotesque. I'm sticking with Moosashi
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Google translate gives "A female incubus with a similar aura to me."
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>Waku Waku Erice Land extra story

Illya is not having a pleasant night.
I love bare girl feet.
More barefoot female servants when?
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0 — 1 grail for Hans.
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>why does talentless nipwank hack try to nipwank her nipwank trash
Why is grass green?
Why does riceman exist?

This is literally the same stupid shit she does every chapter she gets.
Just keep adding random nip words to nipwank to show how totally super powerful it is due to more nipwords!
>unironically uses sakuraislop
So Rakshasa are some kind of shapeshifting tiger demon with automatic sorcerer spellcasting, I get that part, but what the fuck is eboshi supposed to mean again?
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It's over.
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Overrated imo
Shoegazer Watched The Stars, Toothpaste and Subuta.1/2 are all better
His hat, same as what Suzuka usually wears
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Eboshi is that silly tall hat he's wearing. Think of it like "Skull Crown" but EXTRA japanese.
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Ah, of course, the hat forged from thousand folded nippon steel or something.
Skull hat? The great and terrible demon wizard king skull hat? I'm starting to think Douman isn't very smart.
taiga is to blame for this
*rapes you*
Post feet
next you're going to tell me he was intentionally made to be a funny jobber or something crazy like that
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Also Space Boys!
>Always liked the pink valk more
>dont care bout green valk
>never really liked yellow (old)
>like yellow (new) the most
>black was always cute
>don't even rememebr brown doing anything in this event

what do
That's the thing though, he's kind of portrayed relatively competently... except when it comes time to job to a bunch of raitabortions.
Like Mowman was on top of it during this event.
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>comfy grinding with 90++ node
life's good
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Retard acquired
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>Americans are seething about nipwank because no one knows and no one cares about their legends (they don't have any)
What setup?
It's just a theory, mind. Sure, he got beat up by his lunch twice, got trapped in a cum jar, and named himself after a fancy hat, but he still managed to make Japan sort of important and then destroy it anyway.
Someone needs to find Sakurai and break up her and takeuchi or nasus relationship so they stop letting her write this garbage
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>FA shows all 3 of the Valks
>Icon is Thrúd

I guess we know who's the best and who fillers shitters according to the game.
You're forgetting this:

>Mike Fink is a legendary roughneck who is also known as the "king of the keelboaters." He was a real person in the nineteenth century, but he became an infamous and reviled character in well-circulated tall tales. He was said to be a large man with a booming voice who was quick to a fight. Reports also claimed he was an excellent sharpshooter on par with the famous folk hero Davy Crockett. One of Mike Fink's famous snappy and boastful remarks: "I'm a Salt River Roarer! I'm a ring-tailed squealer! I'm a reg'lar screamer from Massassip'! WHOOP! I'm the very infant that refused his milk before its eyes were open, and called out for a bottle of old Rye and now I love the women an' I'm chockful o' fight! I'm half wild horse and half cockeyed-alligator and the rest o' me is crooked snags an' red hot snappin' turtle. I can hit like fourth-proof lightnin' an' every lick I make in the woods lets in an acre o' sunshine. I can out-run, out-jump, out-shoot, out-brag, out-drink, an' out fight, rough-an'-tumble, no holts barred, ary man on both sides the river from Pittsburg to New Orleans an' back again to St. Louiee. Come on, you flatters, you bargers, you milk-white mechanics, an' see how tough I am to chaw! I ain't had a fight for two days an' I'm spilein' for exercise. Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
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>There are more side-quests after you finish the main story
>Not even time gated.
Give me a rest.
You're wasting CE slots
You're not taking advantage of all the bond bonuses
You're wasting important support bond
Still comfy? Didn't think so.
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Golden Rule EX
The difference between Ashiya Douman and, say, Thomas Edison, is that one of these is only known by people in a single country and the other is known across the entire world.
Actually modern America gets all the wank in Type-Moon. It's America that eill advance science far enough to end mystics.
When was the last time sakurai writes something good? Between heian kyo, chunguska, and this event, I am this close on dropping FGO, who's main selling point is the writing.
Ask me whether I care about the 2nd.
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0-4 Thrud
5-9 Hildr
You care enough to let America live rent free in your head
Pseudo thought keys are Chinese and Rakshasa are Indian.
Why does Mordred get to appear in every fucking event?
/alter/ is my head?
How many fucking time have you posted this?
She's an archangel, not a valkyrie.
The valkyrie has silver hair like Bryn you fuck.
That's all europoors, because not a single European country but Russia has been relevant since 1945, and they haven't been relevant (besides constant cope) since 1990
Do you care about the first?
All American founding mytholgical figures were figuratively wrapped up into Billy, Bunyan and literally Edison.
The space race and the tech advancements are covered by Voyager and again Edison.
So the only horizons left is literature which they tap into from time to time and the Military, which as Japanese writers working for a major gaming company with a large Japanese fanbase is very close to pure IP poison. I would love a SSR Patton tho, make him the embodiment of the US armed forces and give him Nukes as his NP and you have one of the funniest and most controversial servants ever.
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The point is Sakurai's MO for stuff is "Add more words/titles to the name and it's stronger because it just is"

Stick in there for the Nasu chapters bro.
And also even Sakurai is tolerable often enough during scenes that don't involve japs. Like the Skadi and Valk parts were cute this event.
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>not a single European country but Russia has been relevant since 1945
Look who woke up.
What about Ortlinde..
Meant for
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Is it tomorrow yet?
>the point is Sakurai's MO for stuff is "Add more words/titles to the name and it's stronger because it just is"
examples other than douman?
Well Lostbelt 6 is Nasu's take on the Wizard of Oz and that's an American novel.
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>not a single European country but Russia has been relevant since 1945
sorry. tomorrow was going to be today, but we decided today was going to be yesterday and so now yesterday is tomorrow.
Gareth's head looks like a coconut and her face activates my cutness aggression.
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Wait approximately 2 Albert hours
Foolishly deciding to read some of Douman's dialogue, there were like a bajillion other titles and names he threw onto Ibuki to show she's like super duper god Ibuki for reasons.
I promptly hit skip somewhere around Daijoubou-kami Ibuki Whatever.
Interstellar Combat-Purpose Annihilation Type Mobile Fortress, Flagship Zeus
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Arcade collab will save /alter/...
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Sakurai is Nasu's cousin
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I know Nasu has likely never read the other Oz books, but a being like Tip is pure-grade Fate conceptual fuckery material.
smug kama after senji "shiva" muramasa burned up another bedroom clapping her cheeks like a man possessed
wow that's crazy. could you imagine if people did that? Take on long titles for names to sound impressive and cool? Like imagine if some weirdo called themselves the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven or something to explicitly mock the whole practice.
Edison only includes politics, he isn't a hash mash of other inventors like the Wright Brothers or Henry Ford, nor is he a collective business tycoon including Rockefeller. Hell he doesn't even include famous founding fathers that weren't president's like Ben Franklin. Billy is a mix of wild west heroes but he doesn't include gangsters like Al Capone or Bonnie and Clyde, nor frontiersman / explorers like Lewis and Clark. Then there are the two most famous American assassins, Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth.

There's quite a few people that would fit as servants who aren't covered.
That's so stupid
It's like if Billy the Kid went evil and his title became Stampede Cowboy Hat King Billy the Kid except you're meant to take it seriously
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It's the story forced support doofus
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I see
>you may have defeated me, but i have taken on this new power and become
>Daikouten Raiten Ibuki no Kami Tenshin
>but by combining my Soumensu power with the newly gained Shikatsu power
>I am now actually Shikamensu Taisui Daikouten Raiten Ibuki no Kami Tenshin Eboshi Rakshasa of the Tenfold Enma-tei
t. Sakurai
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Imagine choosing a Valk named "Turd", LMAO.
Aren't (You) basically a being like Tip? I only read the few three or so.
Chadalot clears easily 90++ node
You won't make it to next summer, rat.
>/alter/keks getting filtered by shit writing
God this is great. I love shit writing and how it makes people mad, hopefully more writing is shit so people are mad
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So who we blame for the state of this thread?
>not enough with just fou' foufoufou, sakurai feel the need to includes gareth's dog's bowwowwow
What's her problem? It's not like writing this event is like writing an essay where you need to reach a certain word count to pass.
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Takeuchi just love blonde women too much
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Life in general is shit writing
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So who we state for the blame of this thread?
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>Chuuni party and a German
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Idk the last two weeks was kind of a banger
The inventors are covered in Edison's mass production robot aspect. Likewise frontiersmen are again covered by Bunyan.
Oswald feels to recent for a IRL person, like voyager makes the cut because its a personification of a space satalite, living people who were effected by Oswald are stilla round and it could stor shit.
The Gangsters and Booth would be some kino 1-3 star servants though. I'm now imagining a 2 star Booth that plays off his actor background.
Screw SQ checks, what about your EXP checks for your 120 Skadoo?
Thanks, I'm glad someone appreciated that.
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>Yes. We sisters really do seem to have different personalities to you, then? As we told you before, we all share the same core directive. Our textures—that is, our outer chassis may differ, but we're all the same machines on the inside. Yes. The same.
>But, if you prefer me as the outer texture, then... I...
Out of all Valkyries, she seems to be the one that's insistent with this whole we are the same business. I mean Hildr is easygoing, while Thrud is just stoic to the point of autism.
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Top: Sakurai LB King introduction
Bottom: Nasu LB King introduction
I'm not 120'ing another servant again any time soon.
Top: Jobs to Mash
Bottom: Jobs to peasants
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Ehem, ehem...
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>while Thrud is just stoic to the point of autism.

This is why we choose her. Love me some autistic females
>The inventors are covered in Edison's mass production robot aspect. Likewise frontiersmen are again covered by Bunyan.
So what, every katana master is covered by Brojirou and we didn't need more because none of them offer anything new or unique, right?
There's a lot more that could be mined from history and milestones across the world than literal hu japs that are likely obscure even by the standards of japs themselves.
>Soul vs soulless
My knees started bending on their own while reading Morgan part
>Stampede Cowboy Hat King Billy the Kid
Hell yeah, yeehaw!
I prefer the first one. Olympus is still bad.
bro solod the fourth holy grail war off screen in Apoc and we never get any info about it, makes me mad
You're not meant to take it seriously.
Shakespeare is a 2 star rarity servant and literally who Sei Shonagun that wrote one book nobody has ever heard of is a 5*
Morgan's music theme also helps with the kneeling urge.
Also she was totally right and did nothing particularly wrong given what she was working with. It's a miracle and testament to efficacy that nothing imploded on her sooner.
Total Faerie Death btw
Stars are not power or relevance, unless you think Mordred could defeat Lancelot or Jack the Ripper can defeat Romulus.
Morgan and Bob did nothing wrong.
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>Morgan's music theme also helps with the kneeling urge.
>bending a knee to Morgankek
Then why we don't have 120lvl Morgans here?
And I read her book. And I enjoy her more than Shakespeare sitting in the library just writing with Hans (probably a bit homo). Your point?
>Finish the story
>Still conflicted on which Valk to pick
I had two years and the decision still sucks.
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Blonde/Blonde: Normalfag core
Black/Brown: Reddit core
Pink/Green: 4chan core
>didn't enjoy hamlet
Basic ass bitch
Gib saice and I'll tell you three.
What if you made a pretender or alter ego 5 star John Wilkes Booth that had the incorpated aspects of all political assassins, and not just the two American ones but also Gavrilo Princip, Nathuram Godse etc.
>but what about Mata Hari and other assassins already in the game
Rasputin has Angra Mainyu in him and Melt has Artemis, so I think it would still work fine
Then why did this threat I'm not meant to take seriously get his own pseudo-lostbelt
And was a big thorn in another two, one of which where he was the main cause of the lostbelt going to shit
Tip is the MC of the second book. Tip is also Ozma. See for all anons as a infant Ozma, the rightful princess and heir to Oz was spirited away and given to a witch to hide. that witch decided to hid Ozma by using magic to turn her into a boy who she named Tip. Tip grew into a rough and tumble type boy and went on a big adventure which ended with the Good Fairy revealing the truth and making a potion that could change Tip back into Ozma.
However Tip didn't want to do this and it took pressuring from all the friends he made along his journey to get him to go through with it. So Tip drank the potion and fell into slumber and Ozma awakened. then over the course of the next 3 or so books all of the Tip aspects of Ozma faded out leaving only a proper eternal child empress with godlike power over Oz.
All you need is some way to make Tip and Ozma into separate beings and you get prim authority and "X is also Y so Z can happen" Shenanigans.
so Hitler should be a 5 star because i enjoyed his book the most?
>unless you think Mordred could defeat Lancelot
purple is hagcore
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>except you're meant to take it seriously
Exactly. She does it every time and there is not the self-awareness present to indicate she's not pushing it with full sincerity.
She WISHES she was funny enough to come up with
>Stampede Cowboy Hat King Billy the Kid
I would chuckle at that. It's funny and acts as an amusing acknowledgement of her own memes/flaws.
But in her case, she legitimately thinks this makes her characters cool or endearing in a non-comedic way.
Or Douman.
Bro I am 27. Ask me whether I remember ANYTHING about Shakespeare at all. Ask me if I remember what I ate for breakfast actually.
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>Pink/Green: 4chan core
That's right.
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Her autism is endearing.
Canonically only GalaCHAD can defeat Lancelot, bro.
roll my bro
>Then why did this threat I'm not meant to take seriously get his own pseudo-lostbelt
To lose embarrassingly as he tried to beastmaxx but failed.
You didn't (You) me but I'm kind of primarily a Sakurafag. Morgan's fine but she's way far down the list.
i would prefer seeing 5 star Pretender Sesostris
>Pink/Green: 4chan core
Why you people associate yourselves with zoomers hair color
Morganshit ruined everything in LB6
Yeah, but, why THIS one. Ibuki-Douji is not exactly huge even in Japan, she's a minor regional variant of a more well known myth. There are much more well-known things in Japan to wank, which are famous all over Japan (such as Momotaro). Why not those? Does Sakurai live in the same area as where Ibuki-Douji's local myth is?
So why did they make it so you both have to wait until you finish the story to get your Valk and then you also have to wait until you get enough ice to actually make them usable?
Need Illya sex.
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Oh shit, sorry bro (real).

dozo, friend :)
Baobhan Jedi when?
>need like 800 or 1200 total ice
>still probably smarter for overall event stuff to finish the constructions first
My poor useless lv40 valks.
Bro you madness Enhanced Agravain?
>People (implying humans)
>Implying plural
Morgan deserves smooch on her lips
He will be the 4* in Romani's rate-up BTW
Because she's an alt of one of fgo's most popular characters. Top ten easily.
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>American "myths"
>He didn't finish each construction the day it came out and then wait for the full multiplier to grind hard...
I want to smooch her daughter’s feet…
Ah yes the shit conclusion of a shit character written by a shit author retroactively makes his influence on LB4 a joke
The Yuga cycle being reduced to 10 days as opposed to 4,320,000 years was just a funny meme and not the driving force of LB4 being the way it was
I don't know why we still haven't gotten him yet.
The KoR really lack a straightman to balance out the memes they've all either become or even debuted as.
Other than Titoria who isn't always included because she's not classic Seiba.
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Pink is pretty altercore.
Still chose blond though.
For part 3 (or fgo 2 or whatever), assuming they're going the direction of outer gods as the story hook, they need a chapter in America with cryptids.
Give me wendigos, skin walkers, jersey devils, mothman etc
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I would unironically roll and grail Michael Jackson (forma gaijin-sama)
Does he start black and gradually get lighter with each ascension?
I get the feeling Natsu just doesn't like him. Not in a "I'm going to intentionally shit on the character" way but in a raw apathy way. reminder that Super Orion only became a 5 star Grand Archer because Natsu liked the design that much.
We're still missing 70% of the chalemagne knights with the only two new knights in the chapter about them being roland and charlemagne (both who we've known about for ages)
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/ourgirl/ was never in doubt!
egyptians rage when you mention ancient aliens. it is pretty racist admittedly.
I reckon it'd be a chapter in Salem again. Roanoke could be cool though.
Also I'm not supposed to take any other character with a long-ass title written by Sakurai seriously because that's how you justify her being trash at her job, all she's ever written are things you're not supposed to take seriously
Isn't that the same reason why Oberon became a twist villain covering the entire LB6 and not just a throwaway one in act 1?
If so it's weird that the best story moments in Fate are determined by Nasu liking character designs
Skadi in 17 hours 41 minutes 52 seconds
>Someone stole Durandal recently
Do you think Roland can win the current grail war?
>implying they won't fuck up and summon mandricardo
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Why is she always targeting someone's ass?
green looks like moldy miku. and black is >character development.
blonde seems like the only viable choice.
There's no way that was the real Durandal. Looked like a piece of scrap metal.
You know, Orlando el furioso enamorado
>If so it's weird that the best story moments in Fate are determined by Nasu liking character designs
Traum only exists because Takeuchi nutted to Young Moriarty's design
Doesnt ring a bell.
Takeuchi can't get it up unless it's a Saberface.
>Use fake Durandal as catalyst
>Get Mandricardo >>487405009
It checks out
Astolfo's husband
I mean if that happen all you gotta do is one run to the hardware store for some wood and your set.
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For me, it's Cummer
Anyone having issues posting images? Sometimes it just says "error posting"...
Skadi in 17 hours 40 minutes 50 seconds
#2 Faerie of Paradise
I'm pretty sure he self destructs after 1 go.
I changed mind last second.
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It could be .png related, I converted a .png to .jpg and could post, weird.
You're off by a bit.
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For me, it's Bummer
So does that zombie from the side story come back in any future events are is their just a random undead fucking about.
Well I can 3 turn it, but unfortunately it's 5CE, and it's sloppy because it requires Ibuki to have a crit card follow up. So no automating and might fail anyway if Ibuki gets no cards.
Oh well, this isn't a lottery event anyway..
just follow the guide, bro
Grail her to 120
Don’t call her like this…
It's just a summer spooky tale if you ever watched some Japanese horrors.
>You're off by a bit
the soft-range-ban bro...
It has been stuck in a rock outside for 1300 years.
After sitting outside that long any sword would look like scrap metal.
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Other .pngs are fine. I don't know what's going on...
Bobmer then?
I picked Black/Brown because that specific shade of brown both looks nice and is uncommon compared to darker brown haired servants.
Not Durandal
Turd and Grindr...
Have anyone made a poll for the three Valkyrie yet?
sure thing redditbro.
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>Erice event
>Dark Shuten event
The correct term is Flob (fluffy Bob)
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It's just a random set of old images that are getting hit and I don't know why. Country isn't a factor as I live in the most important country on Earth.
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These are redditcore servants.
Valks are 4chan
Sei is a reddit moderator!?!?!
But my new ones are getting hit bro...
Instant np5 if they get Yuuki Aoi to do the voice again.
Gilcucks, we are reddit...
Oh no no noo gilkeks
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Upvoted + no one cares + L + ratio

ah, then it must be some other cause, but it is indeed random images
She is a terminally online Zoomer that's still acts like a teenager. obviously she is reddit.
>Black girl with power over zombies
>Call her N(igger)-Zombie
No she's 4chan. That's why she uses greentext when she's acting as Seimei.
We need African servants. Desperately.
That's just a list of current hot-shots honestly
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>Fou is Reddit
Merlin is certified 4chan-core
That explains all the "N's" flying around too. She must be the next anni servant or something.
>t. reddit
She does it as an ironic joke bro
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we won Castoria bros
Oh shit the mihoyo fans have arrived
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Total. Morgan. Victory.
your egyptians sis?
What is going on here?
>are is their
Sex to be had soon
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Me and my gf
>Morgan and Bob appear
>Gareth calls Morgan Mother
>Morgan disappeared after that
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>All of them are white-skinned servants
I thought reddit was woke and inclusive? Well, at least my chocowives are safe.
Literally me when I see sakurai character
Can't relate.
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your pic has some embed shit, I had the same problem with some old pics I saved here, convert them to jpg and should solve the issue, you can also just convert slightly edit and save just to get rid of whatever it is
It's not embedded stuff, I use 3rd eye, none of my saved images have any embeds.
3rd eye is not embed (true), bro...
just fucking do it man
If the image is something a known spammer uses, or something that's nearly NSFW, a moderator can permanently ban that image from being posted and it will give that report. So you'll have to alter the image in the slightest way to change its MD5.
do NOT look up steganography
does she know that Gareth is her daughter? or is it another Mo situation
i swear phh morgan is feeding Tony with random shit
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Could be written better.
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Favorite new valkyrie locked into least favorite old valkyrie
Favorite old valkyrie locked into least favorite old valkyrie
She's aware and has a relevant voice line for all the servants that are her "children".
Oh you're telling me then. I'm not in the know.
I know his way works.
I'm pretty sure it's just an error on 4chan's part, not a moderation action. The images that I have had soft banned are too random.
I don't know I just crop screenshots... >>487405654 was an example of one I had to convert to get it to post. So weird, I guess it's just not my day.
Ati, no...
You wrote the second part wrong but it's okay, I understand
sometimes its just 4chan being finnicky

NAI pics have their prompts and seeds embed for example and it doesn't care
she doesn't know shit about them tho
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I did Aesc
A 130 year old tree that was growing in my neightbourhood has fallen recently in a storm and now its getting chopped up and parts are getting carried away and its kind of sad seeing something that was there my entire life disapear even if it is just a tree.
Do you guys know what i mean?
I could beat up Lancelot. It wouldn't even be close.
Is it an Ash tree?
>LOL added a vampire survivor mode
HELP I love those but I dont want to play LOL
t. Galahad
vanguard is a ccp rootkit
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Sorry bro, I'm not a woman.
No sister zone.
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Just play Vampire Survivor then
Or Nikke, Nikke also has one of those for whatever reason
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Is this a hidden message
Save me niggerman i am going insane
Reminder Vanguard(LOL anticheat) runs at root level periodicly takes screenshots of all your tabs to make sure you arent running some sort of undetectable cheat and browses through all the files on your computer checks what you are typing to make sure you arent looking up cheats and runs even when the game is turned off and if you try to turn it off you have to restart your pc to discourage people from turning it off ever.
bonus reminder: it has no macos support
The fact that the Valkyries are designed by Takeuchi means they're a reference to something right? Takeuchi only seems to design servants with some measure of importance to either Fate specifically, as a Saberface/Jeanneface or is a reference to another work like Nagao/Fujino/Shiki.
swapping bodies with erice could fix the problem?
Ibuki Daimyojin was already used in LB5.5. Pretty sure the fact that she's a divided spirit of Orochi and the other shit were already present.
Ibuki being an autist that barely understands humans and just lets them do whatever they want because she like seeing stuff happen was also in 5.5. That's the entire reason why Douman managed to vore her even though she could have killed him.
Takeuchi was designing celestial warrior maidens long before he started drawing even Tsukihime. It isn't that the Valkyries are a Saberface, it's more accurate to say that Saber is a Valkyrieface from his earliest artist days.
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Only good post in this thread.
Both peak female and peak mom.
Nah thats mom and friends and her resort and side story.
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