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Previous: >>487304297

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo [Open] (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE [Open] (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 [Open] (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs [Open] (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
2nd natlan trailer when?
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Remember when Cryo was considered good?
That means not much. You can influence the story and remember it at the same time. But the fact is Traveler is just the observer, nothing more. Story develops with or without us.
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Just rolled Navia. Post your trucks so I know what to work towards
the safe horny fire goddess...
Teyvat is a simulation. Nothing that happens in it matters
Predict the [absolute] state of Columbina and Varka fans at the end of Natlan's lifespan so we can look back in about a year and see if we were right
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Wriothesley is so lucky...
I'll post my truck when a non shit geo goblet happens to me (never)
First nahida...now nilou wtf broooooooooooooooos
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Crit rolls are good but ATK% rolls are bad
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Sex with Kinich
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captaino will be the local jobber who goes out in flaming glory
columbina will be the funny weird aunt no one likes despite her best (worst) attempts at humor
based Hat Guy
Need this for my kino atk%
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That's more for me, the cameraman, to record!
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Rejoice, you can now get a on-set goblet or circlet and fill the other one. No more getting cucked by one dogshit piece
hope we get to record her pregnancy
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Man, I wish I could get a Crit DMG circlet, damn things just refuse to spawn
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Why is this little branch of Irminsul so cute?
>varka is the faggot design of the 3 adults
>not the short haired one
holy fucking yikes. He looks nothing like Varka described.
wandie's pov
use my thread or else I will get mad I fucking hate capitabo
What are your thoughts on blooming?
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Retard that thread will get deleted 100 posts in like the last one
swirling bloom
Thoma's wife is so cute...
the fuck your calling a retard I don’t like this OP picture you homo
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Nilou is the queen of NTR
so say I'm in inazuma when I stopped playing forever ago and I've barely started that region, how much could I probably save up for capitano if I started playing again to his release?
momoka is cringier than colly
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LOL I didn't know that Grummz used my meme.
I was scrolling down on and this got me off guard xD
FYI i still think the Jews are behind this shit....
Imagine Gorou fucking Kirara in her new costume...
Depends on your 50/50 luck, but I'd say at least C3
cute ddlbg
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a non-dogshit goblet...
A lot
>t. Kaveh
Dori made you a fair offer
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if you guys aren’t using my Diluc thread I won’t be mad
just recycle it next time
Thanks, from what little I've read about him he should be quite strong hopefully
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...dabba doo!
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Just to be clear the banners in the OP are all fanart. With that being said Capitano is expected to appear in this region so there's a good chance he might become playable, though it probably won't be within the first couple of patches
All in all you'll have MORE than enough time to save up for both him and his signature
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Genshins for this feel?
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Nahida is really sexy.
Come again?
>pulling for m*le no face edgelord Gary stu
ayaka+fischl+clitlali are gonna be almost meta in natlan
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Has this been posted before? It seems like a massive game changer yet no one is talking about it. Or did all the actual Genshin players leave /gig/ for the day because of the last twenty hours of non-stop cuckcord spam?
All this picture makes me want to do is cuddle Nahida
She’s seducing me through cuteness into wanting to sleep
Scaramouche is so horny today
sexy little kachina
utterly rizzable
hello how can I show you my last pulls so you tell me if I reroll or not
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Kachina was such a nice and sexy surprise in the Natlan unveiling video.
Perhaps if the game stopped being about turning the MC into a worthless cuckold we wouldve talked about something else.
Alas, here we are.
Don't reroll unless you got nothing but Ningguangs and Kavehs
i got filtered by the toy blocks bros..
It's been posted numerous times throughout the day and people did talk about it
If you want a summary of most of the replies they were primarily
>People saying they'd use it to get EM pieces or elemental damage goblets with crit stats
>Mindbroken CV slaves complaining that they'd still not get perfect pieces since you still need to level up the artifact and roll for some substats
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Finished the second part of the event how long is the 3rd one on the mines?
Mavuika with Bennett
Which one and how?
It's the shortest segment.
If you killed yourself right now, literally every single person that either knows you or knows of you will breathe a sigh of relief. Never reply to my posts ever again, freak.
I got ningguang and qiqi
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why are you forcing mda's art as your cuck fetish aetherpag(now cuckschizo)? he literally has a traveler nahida doujin in his pixiv bookmarks
>Finished the second part of the event how long is the 3rd one on the mines?
new gig copypasta
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Nahida has already won.
Fortunately all she won was a slushie.
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Genshin Impact is my favorite game. I love logging in every day and enjoying the relaxing atmosphere, exquisite music, spending resin, and messaging my friends.
I recently rolled Sigewinne and I am looking forward to obtaining Emilie next, I will roll her and her weapon. I also renewed my welkin today.
Thank you to Hoyoverse for creating such a masterpiece.
I love Chiori
corpses should be left well enough alone
the very first one
did she release yet
>>Mindbroken CV slaves complaining that they'd still not get perfect pieces since you still need to level up the artifact and roll for some substats

>Emblem Electro Piece
>Critical rate
>Critical damage


>it all goes into atk%

Vietnam flashbacks.jpg.exe
>Nilou's leg is getting numb due to Traveler's head laying on it for a long time.
>She politely asks Wanderer to move Traveler off to the side so that she can stand up and stretch her legs, as opposed to being uncomfortable keeping the Traveler on top of her for no reason.
>Retarded pagpags and schizos on /gig/ think this means that Nilou hates you and the devs have a grudge against all males because Nilou's leg fell asleep after the Traveler using her thighs as a pillow for a few hours.

Literal mental illness. You guys are literally hunting for things to get mad at at this point. I'm thoroughly convinced none of you have interacted with another human being that wasn't immediate family.
>cant come up with a counterargument
>resorts to personal insult instead
You're not even attempting to hide your retardation. MC is being turned into a joke. All female characters are being turned into shipping bait. Mavuika will give up her role as an Archon to shill Xniggerqe. I, too, wish it was different.
Did you read the tutorial prompt?
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>drawn black-haired dude fucking Nahida
I wonder who
>>Nilou's leg is getting numb due to Traveler's head laying on it for a long time.
that fat bitch has 70,000 HP and endless stamina, she can dance for hours with no effort
you are telling me she can't tank a head for a few minutes?
>laying on it for a long time.
did the dialogue specify this?
rhinedaughter trust
Very short, your Sanhua needs more crit damage too
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Chlorine is playable, yes.
I'm waiting to see how it actually ends up working
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sweatiest genshin?
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The results of the poll I've pushed for the last day are in!
Wrio is the most soulful character on /gig/!
They also ignore how much of a bro Wanderer was.
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I will be pulling for Kinich.
But I will not be pulling for Emilie.
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I just realized that after 5 regions(soon to be 6) we only have 2 playable adventurers and they are both launch characters.
What the fuck is wrong with Mihoyo?
We have
>a perfumer
>a fashion designer
>multiple dancers
>a chef
>a rock musician
>2 pharmacists
>an opera singer
>2 secretaries
>a lawyer
>an ex-lawyer
>a fireworks maker
>a detective(not even from the streampunk france region, what were they thinking?)
>a basic houseservant, not even a cool combat butler
>a bunch of normal nobles from various regions
>a (((merchant)))
>a funeral parlor director
>3 scholars
>an architect
>a journalist
>a nurse
>a judge
>a mafia leader who does 0 mafia business
But somehow one of the largest organizations in the setting only has 2 playable characters?
There is not even some explorer or something?

Why do are so many characters mundane modern characters slapped into a fantasy game instead of fantasy game characters?
No archeologist who explores ancient ruins?
No monster hunter?
No engineer/crazy scientist character in the steampunk region?
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not your cuck fetish that's for sure. he has a traveler doujin bookmarked and only likes some lumine/nahida artist on twitter
>53.2% of players have a bricked account
Why are you still playing?
help im missing one excerpt of bliss, is there something that doesnt show with the gadget?
did you do Jeth quest? last one is where you get Liloupar
posted the wrong screen shot, some of her echos aren't leveled yet, gonna work on her again when I get an ok build for Changli
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i keep saying this time an again but each region shouldve had two adventure guild characters, one male and one female.
Why is Wrio's sticker in front of Aloy? Same for Sigewinne
Bros... I think I'm warming up to wormderer
Ningguang is honestly okay to carry an early account, she just can't compete endgame but you'll get tons more characters before then. Not bricked. (Qiqi is useless but has prepped your next 5-star to be guaranteed a banner character)
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Xilonen will begin Geo's golden age as a support for elemental reaction teams. Screenshot this.
>all those trucks
>the hydro sovereign below ayaya
>chiori this high
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I want to spit on the face of the nigger that insist upon the Defense stage being a thing in Abyss. Fuck I hate that stupid shit
The best yshelper image I found had them and Chiori cut out or not on it
Kinda scuffed but not a big deal
For me, it's Arlecchino.
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For all the shitposting and hate they get in /gig/, Navia and Chiori have a far higher ownership than you'd think. Neuvtroon is also much lower than you'd expect.
I swear I knew it was that place but I couldn't find it and gave up.
I'll look again.
I'm really surprised that nearly a quarter of /gig/ posters have Xiao and Baizhu
focused on trade and making money
nobody can adventure it's a shithole
too busy working on academics
french aren't adventurers, they live for spectacle
only exists to be conquered
Headquarters of the Adventurer's guild and constantly sending Fatui out across the world, adventurers will be here
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For me, Its Fischl!
This is a fictional story.
They don't have to bring reality into this.
They chose to bring it up specifically to spite self-inserters.
In fact, if you to think about this realistically why the fuck does Tabibito not use his anemo powers once to save himself from falling?
Oh right, to wank Wormderer, the ACTUAL hero of the story.
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absolute kino
this is better than the clorindes jacket that has a cutout for her breasts
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>french aren't adventurers
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spent 30 dollars in this kusoge this month, you can thank me later
Aren't Kazuha and Beidou adventurers pretty much? Every time they talk to us they're in some new city
>No monster hunter?
I'd say Clorinde counts, as she was trained by a Hunter specifically to kill monsters
I didn't think any would be left off the map, but did you sit on the bench with Forest Gump?
Albedobros we're so back
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he's chill
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is it the one that was rambling for ten years until chest spawned? if yes then i did that one
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>i'm in the 9.6%
feels nice
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How do people own more Aloy than Kokomi, Eula, Cheld or Kazuha?
The hell /gig/?
Genshin for this feel?
Pantalone was a mistake. What a boring fucker. The other 3-4 Harbingers all have hype
>There are people on /gig/ who don't have Raiden
do worthlessly and wormney have high ownership ANYWHERE??
bro you chad mc?
well shit then i have no idea what im missing
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How can I get a qt White Mexican Furina cosplayer gf?
ironic how she ended up being a geovishap's pet
Beidou would be the closest - uses a Greatsword and has actually killed a monster
>95 while abyss anon collects almost 200
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damn, I missed the poll somehow, but it would only give a slight bump to Yoimiya and Clorinde
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explain how the fujodevs intereferd with mualanis kit but didnt do anything about her hyper sex design
She was literally given in an email, why is that surprising?
Technically they aren't but they are the kind of characters the game needs, literal wanderers who can reasonably fit into adventurers.

She is one in her lore but really, she is more known for being a court duelist
Considering all the dangerous monster roaming around and the fact that the world was overrun by the void wolves a few centuries ago you would expect more monster hunting organizations/traditions
I'm surprised Yae is that high
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"Capitano may be more physically powerful than me, but I'm certainly more dangerous than him".
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How will HYV shill for Cryo when it's so garbage? They will probably force Sualani into abyss/Imaginarium but its still an easy boss without Cryo
dendro cryo reaction
why would i roll her?
I have a gay strategy for that gay stage, which is to just intercept any cryo slimes' first projectile volley with your body if you cannot get to them beforehand.
>77.7% ownership
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Navia has got to be the most beautiful Genshin we've had so far. You have to an extreme homosexual to not roll for her.
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>have reactions for pyro, hydro, and electro
okay makes sense
>have no reactions for anemo and geo
annoying but makes sense for their design philosophy
>no cryo reaction lmao
seriously wtf. couldve called it wither cause the cold kills plants and shit.
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>tfw they will just make a character that creates that reaction instead of improving the base game mechanics
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My bad if is on last one is on the wenut cave on north with water and some slimes lower level
It's over, I need to roll for wriothesley now
Okay so I feel super sick but the nap did help
But my dream had Nahida giving me water and positive reinforcement about getting better. And then she headpat me.
I want to go back to sleep.
>t. Celestiakek
safe horny censored design
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choose a limited fontaine 5 star to be shunted into standard.
why is China god John li canon gay? he gave childe the Chinese marriage gay symbol item
>she is more known for being a court duelist
That's because Marechaussee Hunters are basically a legend at that point, but as far as Clorinde is concerned they're not that different from Duelists. But I agree, there are way too many monsters roaming around and way too few people killing them
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The teams must have struck a deal or something
>Elemental skill "To kill a god" gives 1 charge of "Absolute Power"
>While Capitano has charges of Absolute Power, charge attack will put him on a special state where he will charge a special slash which will increase in power the longer you hold
>Release at the perfect timing for even further damage
Would you roll for Arc of Deliverance in Genshin?
I missed the poll btw
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Either inflated numbers or a strong support that's good in spite of being Cryo. Or they won't even bother and they'll just make the upcoming Cryos mediocre since they gave up.
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what even happened here? i remember it was all purple and fucked up but why?
She is just another ugly safe horny dyke from frotaine.
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is nilou good for me she's cute
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Yes, I want more unique charged attacks
good night wandie
>no dendro character
>not even dendro traveler
Navia caspar
I replayed her trial for 20 minutes trying to have fun and couldn't. She's not fun so I didn't roll.
you don't have a dendro
Why? There are a few vocal faggots that don't like her, but she is still one of the most consistently posted girls here. You'll see pictures of her in just about every thread. Compare that to Yomiya who's from the same region but is fucking never posted, and Ayucka who is also from the same region but is only ever shit posted about.
she would help you kill enemies but it would lock you into a dendro + hydro team(you can get 2 dendros by visiting sumeru) but I don't know how dendro reactions scale in the low levels
just get collei and dendro traveller and youd have the perfect team with her
No one cares about your Raiden btw.
No, you need a party of only Hydro/Dendro characters for Nilou to work. But I suppose you can get Dendro Traveler and Collei for free
who’s the ugliest genshin
Chiori so I can get spooked by her
>because of a fellow canadian within my ip range, image posting is banned so i can't claim my wife whenever that kind of post is made
Please be fair and don't claim my Ganyu, bros...
I'm surprised Peruere Lawrence and Neuvillette are that low.
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Oh, that place?
Hmmm, maybe a bunch of grapes were dropped there, so the water is purple? Humans are so silly.

I wonder when Hibiki will be back...
Sayu and Diluc
They deserve each other
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Childe SOON
generic blonde hag with a huge ugly dress
I don't think a lot of anons like using strawpoll and it was only 24 hours but it still ended up being a pretty good sample size
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I'm just gonna take a wild guess and say you should try living somewhere that isn't Brampton.
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me on the left
she's good for puppet dick
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Here mine
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I'm gonna beat you with an axe
Xilonen will already be the fabled standard geo character so I say Sigewinne
I rolled for her due to her design. I don't even know how to use this and I didn't even have her artifact set.
At least I have her best f2p weapon (the r5 Serpent Spine)
diluc and yelan
Your mobile data? Your VPN?
My pov every night
This is really hot I'm gonna masturbate to this later.
Considering the absolute state of it, that's more likely than you'd think
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Actually it's fairly popular for girls in South America, particularly Colombia and Brazil, to dye their hair red.
>Umbrella warfare, I guess!
>Watch out!
>This one's got your name on it!
>Comin' at ya!
>Umbrella warfare, I guess!
>This one's got your name on it!
>Hey there!
>Feelin' lucky?
>This one's got your name on it!
>Umbrella warfare, I guess!
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even or 0 and post the full video
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Out of the males? Very hard choice but Fontaine had a lot of really god awful designs so probably Wriothesley or Neuv.

Out of females? Ayucka or Kokomeme, but Ayucka's memes make me laugh so I actually like her a bit.
they are now contained to combat balance and story writing
Have we finally moved on from siggy
Can I call her worthless without someone cuteposting her
her voice in story is good but wtf happened to her playable voice
sounds too gay
I'll probably run another and make another graphic after 5.0
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Clorinde being soft spoken and aloof has really given me whiplash after moving on to Navia.
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Shut up woman
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>heh, well, with rocks
I just found the blue gate on second region of the summer zone. Was there also a blue gate in the first one that I missed?
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Mi querida esposa Mexica Ajolote Citlali.
The vag lips don't move
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fujodev is not the culprit behind the nerf
its the bastard who makes everyone with dark skin a brick that pushed the nerf
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For me, it's Iansan.
>waoooooooow, lacky!!
The one that lets you take part in Meropede Trials? No, it's the only one
>Jean and Mona have the highest standard ownership rate in /gig/
>I still don't have either of the them after nearly 3 years
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>Be me
>Be Mexican Poorfag
>Join the world of a /gig/ger for rainbow roses
>start collecting rainbow roses happily
>suddenly fag kicks me out of his world

What did he mean by this?
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>Nana 77.7%
>Be Mexican
>collecting woke flowers
Why the fuck does gig like siggy so much anyways when she’s such trash as a unit?
Soulless metafags will never understand
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Sigewinne is cool.
maybe try stop spamming the same post over and over lorelei
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For me, it's Iansan's fertile womb full of my colonizer semen.
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>muh safe horny
go back to r*ddit, tourists.
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Sigewinne is meta
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i spended all my rolls on nilou
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How good a unit they are doesn't fucking matter metachurl. Siggy is cute and funny and that's all that matters, I rolled her day one and skip meta units if they are ugly/boring characters.
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i'm coping
where shes from?
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She's really cute. The entire world could be against her and it would only make me want to protect her more.

And put babies in her.
>safe horny
Every fucking design in this game is safe horny.
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I got Diluc on second standard pity and have literally won all 6 of my character 50/50's so far so I'm an asshole to complain

However, I want my fucking jean.
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This but Ako
I like pastel colors sis.
I would never roll for lolishit but siggy is genuinely cute. I don’t think they can ever top her
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Nahida is unsafe horny.
I'm gay and i love Jeanshin Impact
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They won :3
when did MHY stop making Dainsleif commentaries for each characters?
This mindbroken the chinkcels
Aether is unsafe horny.
>/gig/ most owned standard character is Mona
>Most of my banner spooks were Mona
>Mine is C7
What's going on here?
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just two more weeks
Dumb hinakek, we are all gay /here/, go away heterossexual.
>rolling for the loosest slut in teyvat
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just woke up
why's there a 6 hour gap between threads?
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modern france
How exactly is her bad?
She traps niggers and heals for a shitload
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doomposters really pretended to care about blacks a week ago lmfao
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buy her skin too cuck
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Does the fucking word "genshin" actually come up at any point and do we have a point of reference for it NOT being pronounced jen-shin?
she will enable geo to react with dendro
How come CCP doesn't like bikini on anime girls?
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My wife killed our game
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mods pruned one of the threads 400 comments in and recycling ruins thread organization
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Which bullshit excuse do you guys think they will pull this time to explain why Mavuika isn't the archon?
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The birth rate must be maintained, gooning to anime girls is illegal, you must reproduce
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Yes, "Genshin" refers to vision holders but the troonslators changed it to allogene.
lolno. There are plenty of coomer games out there made by chinks. It's just MHY bending their ass backwards because they unironically have CCP representatives in their offices.
they need to add a skip button

Upon losing the 50/50 on a Limited Banner, you will roll a 5* on an Alternative Banner, compromised of the Standard Banner 5* Pool, and 4 other Limited 5*s, of which are specific to the Banner being rolled at.
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Where is cuckfag you lost anon?
Lol i remember this girl quit the game after Dehya ended up being so shit and she was looking forward to getting her so bad
I hope this is true just so I can roll her and still say my account is archon-free
We really were the Allogenes Collision.
the first Pyro archon is going to be resurrected making Mavuika just the acting-archon until then.
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>lose 50/50
>permanently brick my account with Wormvillette
Inazuma was peak Genshin, noting comes closer to the 2 fights versus Raiden , kazuha parry, and Raiden vs Shogunbot, pacing was all over the place but at least had real truly epic moments
He lost…
>unsafe horny equals fucking ugly
Lmao I guess you're right
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Slow, big hit gameplay - involving charging?
Navia is closest. Lyney sort of also
Mualani's feet! Licking between her toes!
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i love this white woman
every big chinese company has to have ccp representatives, gay retard
Mavuika is a fanatic follower of the Pyro Archon, who is currently deceased.
Mavuika isn't a true archon, she's like a yae-tier deity who inherited the title of archon after the original pyro archon died (xbalanque?)
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>Hydro and ATK based bonus characters
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Genshin Chad we won....
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moe is the only good thing that has come out of that game.
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After 8 years in this god forsaken website i finally posted in the wrong general

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>pyro archon (real) gets revived
>it's hua
My knees would explode
thanks for backing up my point, retard.
About a year ago, when the teaser trailer for Fontaine first came out, I felt absolutely no interest in almost any of the characters and regretted we were leaving Sumeru to go to NOT FRANCE. The only part of the trailer I enjoyed was Siggy trying to make Wrio drink her beverage.
I assumed she was going to end up being 4* trash but I said I’d C6 her anyways. Cute > meta.
due to poor decision making and the game desire sensor working overtime, I do have a C6 siggy anyways
the first pyro archon is a dude
Who even cares? The only thing that really matters is that yet another female Archon would be fucked over for another forced garbage homoshit character that nobody asked for because the faggot and femcel devs are spiteful little cunts.
So another fucking fountaine...

Very innovative writing fat xiao
Looking back it's funny to see what characters and weapons ended up keeping relevancy and which didn't.
I remember during Xiao's first run I was at hard pity but was undecided on rolling Xiao so I rolled on the weapon banner and said "Alright if I roll his weapon I'll get him". Then I ended up rolling Jade Cutter and being really disappointed.
But now Jade Cutter is still a fantastic weapon I can use for most of my sword characters and Xiao is pretty irrelevant

...although I took a long break from genshin and the character I ended up using my hard pity on was fucking cyno lol. Dodged one useless manlet to get another one
Is Nighttime Whispers better than MH if I plan on using Navia with Furina? Never farmed this set and I don't think anyone else on my roster can use it
Mavuika isn't the Pyro Archon, but is pregnant with him.
By the end of her AQ she gives birth to a red neuvillete baby, signaling the new era for Naatlan
explain the Statue of the Seven then
my truck needs more fuel.
also she needs to hand back those artifacts, my chiori is naked now.
i hope this is true
no more female archons
Imagine being a new player today, having to go through 200 hours of quests just to catch up with the story
This is why this game is dying
She's actually the Pyro Archon's lover and only took the role as the Pyro Archon in his memory.
Golden Troupe is also better than MH if cracked stats

Fire nuevillette
I was a hard cryo enthusiast before Sumeru dropped.
..Yeah, you know where that got me.
How do we not have a claymore character with a normal single hit charge attack?
Why do they all have some shitty multi hit CA that no one uses?
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if you skip exploration and events is quite doable
Kinich is going to be the first one
yea needs skip button, most new players indirectly got spoiled from videos or fanart by now
I wish I could start Genshin with that much content ahead of me, that would fucking rule
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No? a reverse fontaine
furina is a fake archon who's putting on a show and pretending to be an archon
mavuika is a proper deity who is very capable of being an archon, but chooses to direct her efforts into reviving the previous one
at least Natlan can be skipped right to after Mondstadt or something. First decent main story design choice in ages.
Based rolling for Wanderer's lover
Imagine being a new player today, having 600 hours of content and fun ahead of you
This is why this game is thriving
I still need good GT pieces so this works out, thanks
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How come Mexican women love Genshin Impact so much?
I want to chew on Neuvillette's horns
She'll give birth to her reincarnated sonhusband, REDvillette.
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No longer exist in his hand.
I haven't bought a welkin in a year.
Lmao I still remember the posting from back then
>Ganyu OP unable to be powercrept roll Cocogoat NOW or your account will be bricked forever
>her efforts into reviving the previous one
who will be male
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The sarcasm is palpable
It says penis underneath
if they promote her as archon i shall roll. no i wont be rolling for whoever replace her
>Start 4 years late
>Have to play through 4 years worth of content to catch up
Who could have thought
This absolutely is an issue even if the Genshin defense force doesn't want to admit it. A lot of newfags get put off when they see something that's extremely long, and not being able to skip parts makes it even more daunting for them.
What's wrong with male characters
>be a newfag
>have to endure the sewers of fontaine
Hoyoverse headquarter

>Junior writer 1: serrrrr, we are getting excellent feedback for your story about furina being a fake archon. All the youtubers are crying, including tectone

>Xiao:goood, that's use the same idea Natlan.
damn i looked her up and found her whining about pedophiles in a post about that red cat girl from zzz lmao
Calm down Furina
the war raveged lands.....
the empty sumeru area...
the hydro buddypoke...
electro pork...

its fake
you cant resonate with it
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Genshin "males" are poorly written, look obnoxiously effeminate, and more often than not get shilled way too hard. The shilling ends up coming at the expense of every female character that's in a particular region too, causing more anger and resentment.
Where's your frog picture?
>be new
>see Citlali
>start playing the game for her
>have to go through wormeru and shitstaine story quests just to get to Natlan
nobody will do this, give a skip button NOW
>tfw she calls herself "acting archon" but loses at her tournament and has to give the resurrection to someone else
>we, the Traveler, get her to accept being the archon herself
>Xuhblank remains dead while the Fatui bring back Guizhong or whoever
Gorou fucked THIS???
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Ignore the meta for a minute. Who are the most FUN characters to play released in Fontaine?
I started in 4.1 and didn't meet Fischl until she showed up in the TCG intro quest and acted like I knew her for years.
Not having the option to do past events does kind of suck.
they wouldn't be so bad if we could get a beefcake model for characters like itto
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Post cute siggy
I need more cute siggy
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the prison mindbroke me into wanting a skip button
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Sumeru is great actually. Nahida is a hero and best archon.
Fontaine Acts I and II are also great.
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I once witnessed a monkey peeling a banana at a zoo in Australia. You could tell it was born to do this from its seamless, instant, beautiful technique.
I wish I could be as good at something.
I'm the biggest Genshin slurper
I've been playing Genshin since 1.0
I only play Genshin
I buy MP+BP every month
I buy x2 top up reset every year
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The problem isn't male characters. The problem is female sexuality.

The solution is Shounen anime that appeals to both but when you're making a coomer gacha game that shits out constant characters it's impossible to constantly feed female sexuality without shitting on other characters.

It's the nature of being attracted to Chad.
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>why does the ccp hate bikinis?
>lolno, they dont, genshin just does it because they want to
>genshin does it because they are big enough for the ccp to care
>thanks for backing up my point
No i didnt, the ccp cares about bikinis, simple as, they also forced the fujo devs because they wanted to tamper with westerners who dont consume the already massively gay western media, they will only back down once it starts affecting china
>(You) untwist a dogshit twist
Kino after Fontaine
sis your Itto?
ugliest characters in this game:

>Hu Tao
>Kujou Sara
>Raiden Shogun
>Yu JIn


They look all like NPCs.
Why is Nahida so cute
She looks like the perfect headpat target
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Cheld has neither been shilled nor come at the expense of any other character
And even if he did it would be better then shilling your waifu
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Clorinde, the dash makes a world of a difference and dodging attacks with her burst just feels right
genshin needs more twins (both girls)
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I limited my praise to Acts I and II though.
Sorry Xiao.
I kept getting lost in there. I guess that's why its' a prison.
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Finally, something for my Childe
Fontaine flopped all banners goddamn flopped!
The second thing I do if I ever meet him
More like i hate these characters in the game
Genshin needs more incest.
Navia "pull the trigger on every nigger" Caspar
>rerunnable events
>as if anything relevant ever happened in these
Remember the meteor event that went absolutely nowhere? Or the Albedo event that has been completely forgotten? Fatxiao will just retcon these like how he retconned Azdaha not actually being the king of the dragons.
Definitely Navia
Unironically GODvillette
spin2win baby
if every character does infinity damage?
siggy and clorinde
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you are good at posting hu tao
>be new
>see Citlali
>start playing the game for her
>roll her and get to explore an expansive and fun world with gripping questlines and unforgettable characters
WOW! Thanks Hoyoverse for this amazing experience!
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It's okay, you'll come around. They all eventually do.
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How do I earn more fabrications?
Inazuma still owns us a 5* loli
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Electro Sovereignbros...
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Thanks bro x
You don't, each region has a limited supply (since fabrication coins are also limited). If you want a figure you don't have, you'll have to hope someone on your friend list sends you one. Don't forget to set your Wishlist though
This, as someone who has never had Long Dong Zhong or any other shielder her dashes make avoiding attacks much more fun.
Plus just generally shooting enemies with a fucking gun is cool.
She just feels so much better to play than the other dps characters I own
my computer friends and i drew this. i love my computer friends.
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Valkyria Chronicles 3 did it better
Fischl's best sexual feature?
You're done at the forest! Go fabricate at the city and the mines next, they have separate fabrication pools.
You get 30 in every land. Anything missing has to be given by your friends
Do every event like the battles, doll collecting with the hat, and flying around shooting balloons
>safehorny incelbait for redditors
>SOVLful friendshipKINO with hebe fanservice for 4chanGODS
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Okay but where is the new free 5*?
Wanderer bangs Nilou while Aether silently records...
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Breaking her prideful Fischl persona into meek amy during
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Only a whale will own them all but I'll tell you how I've been feeling so far.

Clorinde's gameplay is fun in theory but her skill is rather clunky in that it's obnoxiously vulnerable to interruption and trying to use the lunge to dodge attacks only sometimes works, as whether or not you teleport behind them can be inconsistent. In addition, the auto-target for who she attacks after teleporting behind someone can be haphazard and end up attacking someone not intended, similar to how Diluc can sometimes just completely turn around to use his ult on the nearest enemy and end up hitting no one. Also, her cooldown is way too long for a normal off-field rotation but way too short for a sub-dps.

Navia is much more fun, especially in a plunge team, and gets cucked less in overworld exploration as I find Electro-immune or electro-shielded enemies way too common after 6 months of playing as Raiden and Clorinde. the gunbrella attacks are nice big pops of damage but because of that your Crit Rate had better be fucking immaculate. It's unfortunately that in a plunge comp she can't really use Yelan or Xingqiu who would normally be her best friends. but there's always Fiscl and Xiangling to feed those crystalize reactions.

What little I've played of Wrioth in combat events has seemed solid, a burst that just makes you punch things really hard has a very obvious appeal.
so welp there goes Pyro Female Archon

she will die or give her powers back to revived Xbalanque and he will revive her as a normal human or some shit as a "reward" for being loyal. Or it will be just Fontaine 2.0 and Xbalanque resurrects as a Dragon Sovereign and she will gave away her authority and Archon power to him while she ends as mortal...

they really don't want any female Archons anymore. Furina ended as flop so Neuvilete could become Gary Stu of Fontaine and now we are getting same bullshit writing just to make male Archon or another male Sovereign that gets everything and become another Gary Stu. That rumor from 2 years about new writing team hating idea of female characters being in important roles like Archons, God, etc. may be actually legit

and there goes my hype and motivation for Natlan. For fuck sake why Genshin story sucks massive dicks. Fat Xiao doing his "best" once again
do you have anything to shill except this one character?
I've seen wuwa shilling in like 6 other generals and its only ever this character
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post cute
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Rate my dinner /gig/
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>called Padisarah a "good girl" in Simulanka
>called the same Padisarah a "good boy" in Teyvat
Nilou is WOKE....
Being Bennett's cumsleeve
Lantern Rite 2025 will give us a free Liyue 5* selector
who will you pick?
Most of them
>Navia (shotgun)
>Chevreuse (musket)
>Clorinde (gunslinging)
>Xianyun (flying)
>Sigewinne (cute animations)
>Wriothesley (boxing)
>Charlotte (cute animations)
>Neuvillette (hydro pump)
I guess Furina and Chiori are the odd ones out since they're just sub DPSes, unless you have C6
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>beer with sugar snacks
Aren't those the gummies that make you shit your pants?
I self insert as wanderer now
Tsaritsa will win. I trust the plan.
Haven't had marmelade in a long while, but I don't like beer so 7/10
You will have to wait. Currently they don't have anyone else.
She respects people's pronouns like she respected Wanderer's last night
why is the cameraman sleeping? um heloooo??
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The true winner of 4.8.
Yep, Inazuma was pure trash carried only by Raiden.

Beer should go with fried chicken.
I wanted something sweet today ok!!

We’ll find out :)
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Another cutie I've never seen before
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>not the best flavor
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don't care
You aren't the one fucking Nilou.
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Xilonen kit data, off field support, built for non-geo but usable with geo too(?)
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best non-Zhongli shielder?
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I really REALLY need a QT White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf

I wonder if she's making tons of money with her Onlyfans, those anime figurines are hella expensive.

Hopefully she will make a CitlalĂ­/Xilonen cosplay
Does siggy have any interest in romance?
she was calling swoof a good boy
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Just be a mix of coomer and shonen gacha, it's that simple
Nobody has ever complained about Diluc, make more characters like him.
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>fruity bussi

I ate it yesterday does that count
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C6 lynette
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With Yelan's banner in two weeks there is really only one correct answer.
Is it just me or is Xilonen the most forgettable name in all of Genshin?
Layla I think
lmao, all into the garbage substat. i much rather have something that puts all the rolls into substat of my choice.
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I’m glad that mini durin turned into a schizo voice in wanderer’s head in the real world
I hate mascot creatures so much it’s unreal
Wrong, Raiden was pure trash carried by KINOZUMA
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Haribo candy feels like you're eating old, dried gum.
Pic related is too expensive for me personally, but they're much better.
>Nobody has ever complained about Diluc
redfag doesn't know what xis talking about, who would've thunk
cute sombrero cocksleeve
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>physical geo character
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why does Navia look at kirara like she's going to rape her
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Thoma on NA spammers > Layler > GreenKoT > Diona > Yanfei C4 > Baizhu
I'm a cuck...
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the cat is fine too

or failing that, use 3 def artifacts and a whiteblind on your Noelle. Her shield more effective against geo and let's be honest, you're asking this question because of the Viashap Trounce domain.
so she has navias passive where she gets more attack based on how many non geo teammates there are?
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The problem with a lot of the grifters talking about the boycott is they know shit about Genshin. July's revenue is going to be shit and the boycotters will take a victory lap and people like Grummz will look like an idiot because he only knows the problem on a surface level. Obviously the boycott will have no effect or impact, but none of them know whats going on beyond like a tweet they see on their timeline or a fucking big streamers reaction
hold the camera steady, retarf
She's competing with Xiangling for the name that people annoyingly shorten as "XL"
Tough hill to climb
So a universal buffer? At least she won't be a brick (hopefully).
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They just fucking need to leave the last 3 letters of the alphabet alone for a fucking minute.
Layla doesnt fit anywhere with her trashy element and zero utility besides shield.
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Yes. Get Nilou. Then level up your Dendro Lumine and Barbara, and get Collei from Floor 4 of the Spiral Abyss. And also don't forget to claim one copy of Kirara for free from the summer event. There's your cheap, easy, but strong team.
Diluc got sidelined instantly and people did complain about him never showing up, but it's been years so anger turned into apathy.

Imagine if Vegeta just fucking disappeared from DBZ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_i9z_nS2U4
i would default to XN
Xylophone is more memorable than random gibberish like
>Yun Jin
Layla fits in my bedroom, snuggling with me as she falls asleep on my chest
I think she is bar none the best written character in Fontaine.
I will also never roll for her and celebrated when she was made a 5* so that I may be sure to never have her
hat guy...
>all liyue
china fucking flopped
What about anemo?
John Lee is very memorable though.
He is the ultimate chinaman.
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>jobs to glue
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I could honestly see them giving Mualani away for free. It could be why they're nerfing her so much in the beta. It would show off the improved animations of Natlan characters and give everyone more fun movement options. As much as people here talk about selectors for existing characters, remember that Ratio was a new character when he was given away.
It would be so funny if this actually, genuinely happened.
People would be so unbelievably pissed.
I picked Lumine btw.
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he needs to keep his slug fetish in check
>i could honestly see them giving away [fontaine character] away for free
l m a o, why do giggers still cope like this?
>enables classic DPS's
>enables burgeon in Dendro
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I regret investing any resources into my traveler
>anemo traveler
only good as a cope option in some teams if you don't have Kazuha/Sucrose/Venti, not bis anywhere
>geo traveler
only good as a cope option in some teams if you don't have Zhongli/Albedo/Chiori and soon Kachina, not bis anywhere except the Zhongli microwave meme
>electro traveler
>dendro traveler
only good as a cope option if you don't have Nahida, not even bis in teams with Nahida like Collei and Baizhu are
>hydro traveler
>a tail even
Do not touch fluffy tail
You were saying that after every new character nerf
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Yeah the Raiden shogun effects are really cool
Cryo traveler will be T0C0 trust the plan
I could honestly see them giving Wriothesley away for free
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>sleeps all the time so she's good for snuggling
>cute knife ears

>mutters horrifying secrets in her sleep
>freezing cold body temperature
Is it explained why Sigewinne has actual hands instead of clumpy hoof things
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>wrio is standard!!
>xianyun is free for anni!!!
>chiori is free... because she sucks!!

i want to eat her ears
I'm a proud cuck
a potion
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>most owned limited male character is CEO
She is a Little Mermaid
Layla is really cute
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>sleeps all the time so she's good for snuggling
Do you people play the game? When she is asleep half the time demon layler comes out and does all the shit she forgot.
You need to wife 2 people in one.
nararara blind boxes
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Whenever I'm short on books and mora I wasted on dendro traveler I cringe
Muh dendro traveler is good!
Yeah, for two patches
>not bis anywhere except the Zhongli microwave meme
I'm still mad that they didn't lean into this mechanic at all after Zhongli. It's the goofiest way to play the game and I love it.
I exclusively fap to my waifu being churled
bro they won't even give qiqi or dehya away during anniversary meltdowns
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Where is melusine merch
Man I haven't even been in this thread for like half a year. But I do think if they're going to give a 5* away it's going to be for the release of a new area like Natlan. Ratio was given away to shill/hype people up for Penacony.
some poor nurse out there is going to check an xray and find one of these things in someone's rectal cavity
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Don't forget to use the n word with kirara
>/gig/ shits on Kazuha
>almost half of this place owns him
celestia has a perverse sense of humor
We love Kazuha here
>Imagine if Vegeta just fucking disappeared from DBZ?
Reminder that this was SENILEyama initial idea but the CHADitor said "no".
What if Xbalanque is the Pyro archon and the Pyro Sovereign ?
Navia, Lyney, Clorinde and Xianyun for me personally
he was the original regret not rolling for character, all of /gig/ rolled for GODzuha when he returned.
wtf is that a ZZZ reference
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Obviously Johnny boy and Yelan both have high ownership due to their excellent utility, but I also think it helps that their designs are less... overtly chinese. Zhongli just looks like he's wearing a western business suit and Yelan is in a slutty cocktail dress.

As opposed to someone like Ning who can only ever be described as a jingoist ideal of the perfect "cultured" traditional chinese woman. Or Yun Jin who has some shit on her head that I can really only speculate what the fuck is going on there.
Toriyama said that begita reminded him of his bully, and wanted to get rid of him.
It is only through fan popularity and his editor that he lives.
Yeah killing off the anti-hero main rival character to your endless growth shounen hero would be retarded.
>least owned hebe
>least owned hag
>least owned potato
>least owned manlet and homo
Lyney and Wriot
yunjins looks like a baby bonnet to me
what if xbalanque is a motorcycle
is there any lore behind the hypostacy bosses?
Tbf that's way lower than his ownership among the wider playerbase that plays consistently, to the point where there are genuinely a good number of anons that are actively avoiding him
Who is going to tell this cutie that she's always in the wrong thread? :(
of course the pyro archon is a white woman riding a BBC (big black cycle)
i just made a hod 4 piece with hydro goblet for my jean im either a mad genius or a drooling retard
>Elemental hypostases are life forms which have completely abandoned their former appearance and biological structure, making them able to reach the highest level of elemental purity. They are ultra-compact structures with a high mass, and are the highest forms of elemental structures, usually formed either at a location bursting with elemental energy or at a clogged ley line.
Mondstadt's economy is just shit compared to the other regions
And Inazuma is too isolated and conservative
>Hydro goblet
The second one.
I rolled on the first Kazuha banner because it had Rosaria and I couldn't resist.
>mogs your leica
I'm not rolling for any Anemo that gravitates around VV. Ever.
whoever designed boreal flurry's controls needs to get shot
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weird, the characters that have had fewer reruns are the least acquired.
which one is this one?
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desu this event isnt the worst, but compared to gaa2 with fischl's domain and story of coming to terms with her imperfections it's kinda lame. I'm not that far though so maybe the ending will be better
Geo Dehya
Why are you here instead of
ah yes "chinese woman", white hair, red eyes, pale skin, tall and hourglass figure.
you will enjoy the on-rails slop, gweilo
ok but hear me out man she gets candaces burst on her
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Predict Emilie's ownership rate.
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Xilonen will make microwave on par with other meta teams, trust the plan
If not her, another character in Snezhnaya
Green Bayonetta is so cute
5.1 Xilonen
Xilonen owns three elemental jewels, jewels change its element based on teammates
When she enters the night souls state, she reduce the res% of the jewel's element+geo
When she leaves the night souls state she will produce a reduce res halo
c1 reduce night souls consumption
c2 different buffing based on elements in the team
c4 During halo exists, teammate's normal atk and charge atk
will include a def% increase of Xilonen
c6 Provide an extra % increase for all kind of attack
Who the fuck is candace
that’s what Chinese women look like
you would know this if you visited the PRC
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Ok congratz you are now doing pitiful hydro normal attack damage when the majority of her damage comes from her skill/burst which is still anemo.
They are all named after a letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Also someone fucked up naming the hydro one since it should be teth not beth.
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5%, if she's lucky. i'll roll for her ofc though
I have no reason to shit on Ei's hubby
but what if Mavuika is the pyro sovereign ? would you roll for redvillette ?
My wife
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My workplace is actively jamming the internet so it's not possible to play Jenshin here.
ready the camera
who is the sluttiest girl in teyvat
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I like the view from the other side. That cross-strap thing on her thigh makes it look like her buttcheek is hanging out. It's great.
None. Genshin girls are boring planks of wood
I roll for all archons not named Venti, and adjacent characters
Now if the green goblin would stop dodging me...
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Why did they take a design that was OBVIOUSLY intended to be tall female and stuffed it onto a medium female model?
>RES debuffer
So she’s Kachina except good?
Or do you run off field Kachina with the artifact set and then also run XN?
Is XN + Kachina going to be the new Kazuha?
>planks of wood
at least kazuha still has grouping
petra set?
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same, i know she's not the best at applying dnedro at all but i wanna use her bc of that skin
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No way
New players have to play the game? To catch up to people who have been playing for more than 4 years? In a game where there is no matchmaking or any kind of rank/leaderboard?
You are a fucking idiot, really. Kill thyself.
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I can't wait to see kazoo remain on his throne, it will be funny
I think you just give her the new set
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Inazuma's bicycle.
yoi...... nah nilou
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Hot indeed fellow Plank Chad
Grouping is a meme and not needed unless you run some brick that literally doesnt work without it like Ayaka.
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Isn't an actual Yashica medium format pretty cheap
>Venti got to be the best anemo support for less than a year
>Kuzuha has been the best for several years
Defend this.
Bit low-octane on the crit, but still enough to isekai any untermensch churls wherever I see them.
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Paimon will die in Khaenriah
you arent thinking big picture enough bro!
im getting 7 k hydro nas from jeannie!
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>Grouping is a meme and not needed unless you run some brick that literally doesnt work without it like Ayaka.
Imagine telling someone this during 1.4
Nilou is literally Firefly in term of team building
>need nahida/ruanmei
>need MC/TB
>need kokomi/glg
>complains about genshin being kiddy
>cant solve the kiddy puzzle
use that brain
Most abyss enemies aren't even groupable anymore, or can be easily baited to be if they aren't
Despite that he's still the best in mono PECH teams and in Ayaka, Keqing and Klee teams where his buffs and short cooldowns matter (which is still a huge amount of teams to be bis in) but he isn't as ubiquitous as he was in the past
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>c4 During halo exists, teammate's normal atk and charge atk
venti is still more soulful due to being a cute girl
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But slugs are too sexy!
No one had built characters back then so they had to rely on crutches like that.
>"wow this event is focused on cute girls! look at how cute kirara is!"
>ends up it's just shilling a manlet faggot
>epilogue is entirely dedicated to homos, and possibly as long as the entire thing
jesus fuck. i think it's about time i stop being tricked by mihomo.
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Grouping huh? That's cute, check *this* shit out
>Runs away
Not going to lie, this event feels better than bottleland. I think the scenery is just better.
press V anon...
from a design standpoint, no doubt
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Check the quest hints to arrangle the thread so it represents the pattern on the banner. As Kirara says, the pole she's standing next to is not used
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For me it's Ako
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i did it, also, kirara is of legal drinking age?
Your Baron Bunny?
Venti forced the devs to design entire encounters around him to this day
i dont think anyone cares about drinking age back in ancient times anon.
It was better. Bottleland had 0 effort put into it and it revolved around filler NPC garbage. At least this one gave Scarakek some development, and it also hinted at future happenings though they won't ever follow up on it.
she's like 100
She's a nekomata, a youkai. She's probably older than she looks.
Isn’t she going to still be worse than Kazuha
There’s no way she breaks 40% res shred which is what VV gives, and Kazuha gives 40% bonus damage+ with 1k EM anyways
>runs away
>gets oneshot because he cant use shield while running
She's a youkai anon
you forgot Hat Guy for recreational purpose
Lmao based as fuck
She's a yokai so she's probably old as fuck
This game has a running joke about the traveler not being allowed to drink because they look younger than their actual 500+ age
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yelan my boy
thats just so the fandom doesnt bitch about a minor drinking. no one back then gave a fuck if a 12-14yo smoked or drunk alcohol.
She's a Youkai so she's probably old enough to drink
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I just finished exploring Simulanka. Did every sidequest, opened every chest, got all the vouchers/pages/whatever.
Tell me what I thought about it.
Yeah at this point his grouping is only needed for Ayaka (who needs to have her burst hit) and Klee (whose bombs go everywhere without the grouping)
Everywhere else his grouping is irrelevant and it's the fact that he's vv the character and his damage bonus buff carrying him
New natlan set is +40% damage to the whole team so she is already halfway there.
Give her 40% shred and some good off-field damage and she stands a chance.
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how the fuck am i supposed to know what a youkai is?? i played pokemon as a kid not yokai flop
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You think Nahida is really sexy.
>Give her 40% shred and some good off-field damage and she stands a chance.
Things that will never happen
i know your ip address kurumi
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It is genuinely criminal that you have to be grounded to initially activate Xianyun's skill when Kazuha can use his mid-air.
>he never watched InuYasha as a kid
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>beta v1
>Mualani best ST dps of the game, bad in AOE

>beta v2
>ST damage supposedly nerfed to the ground
>testers find out that she can do a slightly better combo, but still too clunky

>fast forward to the last few hours
>testers find out that after the new changes she plays very well in AOE
>they claim that she's better than Neuvillette in AOE now
peak cinema. I wonder what's next
I feel like I’m being gaslit to think this myself
Now whenever I think of “sexy” the first thing I think of is Nahida
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This game is so dead
shut up aveline
Pic of me and Kirara from a few hundred years back
single target
Mondstadt characters are the most pitiful and abused:
>bar one they're all bottom-tier ingame
>barely any limited characters
>completely nonsensical censorships
>tiniest region in the entire game
>most time-wasting and pathetic weekly bosses in the entire game
>Rosaria has the ugliest tiniest eyes and a very goofy eyebrow expression making her look out of place
>Diluc has dead eyes and looks constantly stoned
why are YOU still here if you complain about genshin all the time? You keep making videos about how genshin is failing but never talk about playing WUWA, HSR or ZZZ

What is your deal? troll?
suspicious wealthy man with his furry gf
Yoimiya has a great AoE on her burst, best character
Obviously they'll nerf her AoE capabilities next.
sexually transmitted damage
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I honestly believe that women like Lisa and Yae have a high bodycount but they are not sluts.
>character development
yeay lets put character development in limited event! what could ever go fucking wrong?
>lore hint
omg omg lets wait another 3 billion fucking years to get another lore hint
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Fucking Neuvillette in the ass in front of Aveline!
Fucking Furina in the ass in front of Kurumi!
Should I roll for Navia or Mualani? Halp.
nah, i'd win.
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It's still too early, she's getting hit with the fujohammer again, but I don't even care
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>AI sloppa of getting cucked
Why do the Chinese create these scenes of scenarios where they kek themselves?
They are making the villain in their head
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All that resin was a series of 30 uninterrupted 50CV on artifacts in the timeline you didnt do this.
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Are you new to the game or did you mash skip through all of Inazuma? As the not Japan region it introduced a ton of yokai from jap mythos and even refers to them as yokai apart from there more specific titles like Oni/Kitsune.
Wandie is so lucky...
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What's the thing you think of when you think of "Nahida"?
klee for sure
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you're not from Teyvat, sapphic lust demon
Anon she literally cannot be better than Neuvillette. That would powercreep the entire game, they wouldnt want to do that only a year after his release
don sombrero gets to fuck this
is there a platinum rank in the event minigames?
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I'm sort of glad people generally think Bottleland was the worst one, because it's also the one I rushed the hardest.
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mashed... i haven't mashed since like 3.0
am I supposed to be impressed?
You didnt crown anyone
Pyro Traveler will be a better new set user than Kachilla.
you can wait for mualani rerun. she's too volatile rn
Because that's practical. You must never forgive those, who ruin story for you. Pain is the best tool to make yourself remember.
doesn't kirara tell you which pole is the starting one?
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not even the fighting domain?
>That would powercreep the entire game
If they cared about that they wouldn't have released Wormvillette in the first place.
Now she is!
if I remember correctly there's only one way it fits
my sombrero has a female body and is called Meier
I'm yet to use a single crown. Maybe when EoS is announced.
Navia might not be back for a while. Mualani will get a pretty fast rerun and nobody knows how she is going to pan out yet.
unfortunately she's geo so she still can't swirl for reactions, I'm having a hard time figuring out who she's for other than navia who's geo and also wants non geos for her passive
Was Hydro Traveler able to jump out of water or use Pneuma/Ousia? I genuinely do not know this information.
Navia is the only fontaine character I rolled for since shooting shit with a shotgun is fun. Mualani just looks like Yelan 2.0, when it comes to game play.
I'm about to start the Nilou Wanderer event, what am I in for?
Newfag here, should I read the event story? I do know that the shota is supposed to be evil-then-turns-good but otherwise do I care?
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I'm sorry, I can't keep this lie up. This information needs to reach the public. The world needs to know this.
Kachina won.
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>alice, the woman who is too scared to show her face because she knows that she would job to everyone in teyvat
>they wouldnt want to do that only a year after his release
Neuvtroon... his very first rerun was a massive failure so they got all the money they could off him, so the logical next step in the eyes of Mihoyo would be to replace him with a new character to milk the whales once more. Obviously it won't happen because the devs are in love with the faggot, but it's still the type of thing a gacha company would usually do.
No idea about water but they can use Pneuma/Ousia.
First reruns are almost always quicker than second reruns
>Was Hydro Traveler able to jump out of water
Yes. You can test it yourself easily.
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i take all back
the event is good now
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Makes you wonder how they would fuck up Pyro Traveler considering their track record
none of this game content need to be read
>jump out of water
Everyone can do this, no?
>use Pneuma/Ousia?
Hydro Traveler is a Pneuma-aligned character, and the Pneuma attack happens after using your Elemental Skill
Yeah. HMC is the only non-fontanian that can dolphin jump.
I don't think any other iteration of MC can dolphin jump, just HMC specifically.
yes, traveler is the only nonfontaine character to get the dolphin jump and also can use the fontaine element.
I'm sorry I flopped so goddamned hard...
nilou waifubait
cute kirara
cool king
side quest is pretty fun
>get buffs while other females are nerfed to the ground
how does she do it
Please let Whiterina heal your toons. It's triggering me.
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Children's story shit
But decently entertaining.
You don't get a choice, their is no skip button.
That's the only main quest spoiler in it if that's what you're concerned about. You probably won't need to know event information for later if you really don't like the story.
>the cope version of the real shortcake nahida that got scrubbed from the internet because the modder went schizo over kemono
I'll give it to hazeker for filling the hole but the real one is unbeatable
read it
hexenzirkel stuff is kino
yes to both
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The free character we gave you isn't good enough so be sure to roll for spend resin on the characters that are actually good gweilo
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that's why i use siggy in my navia teams
i can't stand seeing my team half dead due to furina's psycho pets attacking everything on sight
event is foreshadowing future happenings in main story
i wasnt around for the original, do you have a pic?
Please Rosaria... I don't think I can swallow any more...
New Thread
i should just wait until next patch to farm for boss mats right... my autism wants those characters i just rolled built NOW
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just switch your alignment after you're done fighting
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It's amazing how Klee looks so fuckable even after all these years.
remember to try out genius invokation tcg
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you guys already deleted my other thread
I really hate how harmony MC is bis now in HSR although I don't have a good rationalization for it
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You get some Klee's Mom (Alice) lore. It's also cute but most people like to pretend to be grownups like they are not already playing a game for fucking babies.
yoimiya reruns were like 2 months apart

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