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>[Patch 3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[Patch 3.25] Major Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

Prev: >>487312204
Friendly reminder to GGGniggers: I will not press extra buttons regardless on how much more power they give me. I will either automate that shit using macros or not include them in my builds. You might as well make everything automatable so I don't need to spend 5 minutes writing scripts at every league start.
>at every league start
skill issue
yep we're playing this again

We're posting in this one brothers
Where's the PoE smoother decompiling guy? Release it nigga
raping niGGGers
still play rf jugg
Can anyone list the main categories of skills you need?

main dmg skill - 6 link
movement skill - 2 link
2-3 aura skills - links don't matter?
retal skill - 4 link
molshell - 2 link

I don't want to use curse/mark/warcry

Any other kinds of skill I need?
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play slams
Pick a skill you like and look at how people use it
Same but I don't use a macro, I just only use 1 button. Also I don't use flasks unless they are automated
Doryani's Touch status?
I thought since the bald faggot was gone niGGGer was going to stop doing gay little nerfs for no reason? What happened?
they remembered that autistic trannies like you exist and inflicting minor inconveniences on your ill-bred ilk brings the whole GGG family joy.
>for no reason
yeah, let's just buff everything in the game every league. I'm sure the game will become super fun. fucking retard
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>Log in just to fuck around in my hideout and delete a few characters since I am basically at the cap
>Game has crashed on tabbing out twice in a row now
uh... bros?
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>Battlemage's cry literally has nothing to do with "mage" anymore.
>inb4 "Actually crit is a mage mechanic because blue gem"
Shut the fuck up, crit works on way more shit than just spells.
They didn't even bother to change its name. Holy fuck.
Also they nerfed both of the only usable builds on berserker this patch i.e
>General's cry directly
>Power Syphon through battlemage's cry
I really fucking hope these new "melee changes" won't just leave berserker ascendancy even more worthless.
>>Battlemage's cry literally has nothing to do with "mage" anymore.
It still triggers spells on the exert
it still casts spell on exert right? i dont think anyone uses it for that but still.
hey man rue talks a lot about girls with penises on his stream and now he's gonna do a video interview with lily so that's an interesting coincidence right
Some people like me use it to proc a curse.
You are probably right actually. On both statements because nobody fucking used it for that. The attacks counting with spell damage was such a huge fucking steroids it was all the warcry was known for.
So yeah shitty mage I guess?
>power siphon
but the 150% spell damage effectiveness is now the base behavior of power siphon, along with the gem getting 115% attack speed effectiveness, and wands have buffed base crit
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slam THIS
What the fuck is Crushing Fist? Did they show the skill at all? I'm going through the league reveal and I can't find it.
Am I retarded?
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less than two days until I play archmage ball lightning hierophant for the first time
If your complaint is it has nothing to do with mage you're wrong, if your complaint is it's no longer one million percent free damage for strength stackers then good riddance
I don't think that's the reason why syphon was nerfed, it's because power syphon was nerfed on BERSERKER exclusively due to the changes to rage
new skill
top of the page
when I played strength stacker I used it for blood rage, assmark and hydrosphere (sunder) but when I usually look at str stackers they have nothing linked, I don't think most even know it does that lol
Which were considered the best spectre corpses? Was it the fortification pirate or the haste tiger?
pretty sure he means gameplay footage of it
What do guys think of the retailiation skill?
Especially Crushing fist?
Are they punji tier nood trap?
There are multiple retaliation skills they didn't preview in the announcement
talk me out of using utulas hunger on my slam build
are the new max hp roll values better than it now? it raises my hp by over 33% compared to a basic liferoll setup
Meta will always be to kill thing before it can hit you.
Things kill you by hitting you.
You don't want to be hit.
You don't want to be killed.
You don't want to use a retaliation skill.
crushing fist with fist of war is the highest bleed damage hit in the game, but it will never activate in Ubers since they rarely hit you and prefer dots/damaging ground effects instead
>can't use them without blocking first
massive trap
it's just fundamentally bad
they should be changed to have a cooldown that is reset by blocking
Low armour unfortunately, now that determ gives less flat having good armour rolls on gear is more important
life rolls on everything look like they're going up by 50%ish
can you block with a two handed sword in poe?
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Is vengeful cry dog shit? I don't understand its purpose. Its trigger is to fucking take a SAVAGE HIT!? What the fuck?
decent points
I'll decide on what I'm going for once I'm at maps
99% bait. being unable to attack until youve been hit or blocked is very bad. only real use is as a clearing skill when your main skill has bad clear, because the alternative means you are waiting for a boss to attack you which is going to get you killed a lot.
Yea, that's why I asked. I wanted to see the animation for it.
Damn... Guess I'll just wait then.
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Okay, poll time /poopgee/
When do YOU equip your MTX?
As soon as you get into town?
After your first lab?
At maps?
Never (Sigma Exile Detected, DO NOT CROSS)?
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this feels like more of a poe2 thing. if i had more sockets i would dedicate a setup for skills like this for sure. just something i could press now and then to break the monotony.
If you have something that self-hits hard it could maybe be useful but the only one I can think of immediately is an echoes slammer and those already have easy rage access.
yes but not natively
you have to get some kind of unconditional block chance like from rumi's
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At level 1 of course
Yeah, I am using it to cast my curse as well.
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Toucan is equipped immediately, everything else at maps
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I equip them slowly over time as my character gets higher level
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anyone have the old snoobae standing for captain lance clip?
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this but this
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hmm im going to be running a two hander for molten strike zenith i wonder if i can use this
sick troonfest xis
>5 warcries being autocast every 2-3 seconds forever
I can't handle that
the first time I accidentally hit N
tranny domblowjob now gets 300% of increased minion damage. that seems like it just might be enough to be usable.
I can't fucking decide.
-Flicker berserker
-Slam (which fucking slam there's too many and they're all so nice!) berserker / chieftain
-Gladiator cyclone bleed explosions with dw max block easy and chill league start and swap to slayer something later.
just b urself
I think chieftain anything + warcries is going to be busted. Warcry buff effect is getting slept on very hard.
Slayer with frenzy + endurance charges is gonna be so fucking strong.
I'm vaguely considering putting one on to push only because I may have a free socket after a certain point and just tapping Swordstorm on block might add a little to clear. It's not really a priority and I'd have to do the math to see if it's worth it when I could just instead use the space to turn one of my 3-link skills into a 4-link.

Counter skills were already ultra niche, short of using them like a weird CWDT. These retaliation skills are even more niche; frankly unless they provided some defensive benefit off or on-cooldown/use/trigger I can't see any reason to invest in them substantially.
Warcries consume mana even when autoexerted. Melee skills cost 120% more mana. Have fun, I can't wait to see your day 2 reroll.
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tell me what builds are bait
Mana costs are way less of an issue when you're only attacking once a second rather than 6x
All melee builds are bait
poe is intrinsically bait
That wacky locus mines build is 100% gonna be cancer as fuck to play.
Honestly all jungroan builds are gonna be good but cancer to play unless you really hate yourself
I gradually equip them as I level to signify progression.
doubt it
Rollan for starter
1-2 siege ballista hierophant
3-4 sweep slayer
5-6 cast on crit poison soulrend assassin
7-8 reave. ele reave? jugg
9-0 mirror arrow necro
>1-2 siege ballista hierophant
You missed the best one
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Why does Path of Exile have the most toxic community relative to how nerdy it is?

Like it should be a wholesome chungus community like Dominions or Factorio, instead at least half the streamers are just generic dudebro streamers who'd probably prefer to be playing counter strike or dota
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so all our caster weapons are gonna look like this now that we have recombinators right
I wanted to give myself a 20% of not having a bad time.
I heard mirror arrow's not terrible though, should be fun to try it out.
>Why does Path of Exile have the most toxic community relative to how nerdy it is?
because console users are allowed to play it. no other reason
the recombos are gonna be 10+ Div in terms of resources to use
why? they didnt really add that many exciting things
factorio is on switch
PoE is a d2 clone. D2 had one of the worst playerbases in gaming history, and all of the pond scum that lived in that game migrated to PoE.
ARPGs attract a special brand of autism.
>should be fun to try it out.
I hope it works out for you
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Sweep slayerGODS WW@
They only earn the right to wear MTX when they get to maps
>2.79 attack rate
So you don't deal full damage until you've been attacking nonstop for 2 seconds?
will try it but it feels like bait honestly unless you get that secret anoint that makes them not go on cooldown
you weren't supposed to point that out
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>Be bored
>Looking through some of the old MTX to see shit
>Come across goofy shit like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t5B0yLPDD0
It is also amazing how many old ass weapons are like "Yeah this only applies to... Mmm... one handed swords, two handed maces, and claws" or some shit.
I also feel like there was a turning point where they through up their hands and just started making clown outfits (literally).
Blood Magic. Easiest solve of my fucking life.
>live economy
>softcore metrics like div/hour
all of those create stratification and thus inevitable vitriol in a community
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End of league recombinator craft in standard :)
gladCHADS are we going dual wield with swordstorm or sword/axe with shield for eviscerate + glacial shield sweep?
>I also feel like there was a turning point where they through up their hands and just started making clown outfits (literally).
The company made a stance that all MTX would align with the grimdark aesthetic of Wraeclast. That no MTX would add too much visual clutter in town hubs. That there would never be any dragons, specifically mentioned by species because Chris has a hate boner for Dragons.
They've failed no every one of their original promises.
The total amount of stats given by this tincture is:

-277% increased poison damage

69% crit multi (for PA)

Another side effect is 77% chance to poison, which is more or less irrelevant to my build, but can enable poison builds while sparring a LOT of points in dead passives "chance to poison". So the passive investment can reimburse itself on things like that.
I won't show the other tincture since it would be disingenious (It's a crit chance tincture in a PA build), but it's also giving:
415% crit chance
47% attack speed
Note, because I don't think people are properly understanding this:
A crit flask with AS affix in a mageblood is giving
195% increased crit chance
33% attack speed.
bro you forgot your 30% quality
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>just play molten strike bro
>only 2000 divines to clear ubers
Don't get baited by leaguestarters.
What happened to all the quests and stuff i did in necropolis? I need to do it all again in standard?
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What's the verdict on autoexertion?
did they make that stance before or after razer footprints
on friday everyone starts completely fresh new characters
So if I can't use a Leaguestarter setup..
What do I use?
>Inb4 RMT
how are there 5 mods?
after you unlock the map device in your hideout
the entire point of the build is that it has the best scaling at the absolute apex
the only bad part about conner's video is that he kept implying it's playable at a budget level and it's really not
It has a high reservation:damage ratio
Autoexerted warcries still cost mana and give no buffs but have a lower CDR (higher uptime on exerts)

it is up to (you) to solve mana issues, check your possible uptime for exerted attacks, and decide if it is worth it.
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>the slam retaliate has 60% less ailment damage so you can't get a big bleed or ignite
>meanwhile, the other retaliations being able to have 2400% damage effectiveness worth of poison is OK
Really GGG
giga based, come to my hideout to HUAAAAAH HUEAOOOO HUAAAAAA
>Removes the buff portion
>And Charges in the case of Enduring Cry
>Reserves Mana
>AND still costs Mana when the Cry goes off
Shit. Literally worse than Spellslinger a hundred times over.
take your pick. all of these are approved by the best buildmaker in the game.
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COD4/MW2 lobbies were toxic this shit is childs play
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>All of the new armor has super high quality textures and bonus effects like glowing when you do X, spraying enemies with Y, or something else
>All of the old armor has low res, shitty textures, looks like crap, and doesn't do anything
>Both are pretty much the same price
Explain to me why rupture support isn't (20 x attack rate)% more damage for bleed flicker? Hits inflict bleed even if the target is already bleeding. Can't you just slap on an ungil's and ball out of control? Even more with PA?
>I also feel like there was a turning point where they through up their hands and just started making clown outfits (literally).
yeah sentinel league because erik quit after archnemesis (to make a magic the gathering clone, but, like, real magic the gathering). introduction of the battle pass. transition from some really cool armour skins and weapon skins into riding a surfboard and sharks falling out of the battle bus onto your slain enemies, and all of the terrible town shit they've slapped into the game. hey if you battle pass you can get floating eyeball armour that will broadcast your stacked deck cards to the whole fucking town incredible this doesnt ruin the game world at all
>bleed patch
>it's shit
classic GGG honestly should see this shit coming
incredibly strong for slams because it's 100% uptime on double damage and 50% more AoE at the very least
past those two it's trading 15% mana reservation for 18% more damage on overexertion, depends on the build at that point
So yeah, its bait as fuck for noobs who think they will pull these shenanigans with a couple of divines.
this is the thousandth time we have run acts and we have become exceedingly efficient at it
It's not really that toxic
It's just that in softcore everyone else is a rival
You don't really want to reveal your secret strat/build because it will affect the market
>sentinel league
The literal LED clown costume was available back in 3.8, long before sentinel
>>All of the old armor has low res
They've been slowly updating old ones to higher resolutions over time, but some will slip through the cracks for a while.
This even includes old challenge rewards like the Talisman armor set (but that's probably just cause it uses the same base model as a shop set, that version is just drenched in blood, so when they update that one, they update the Talisman/Rigwald set too
Sorry, I should have made it clear that it has a high reservation:damage ratio if you're using the overexert support, but I assume you are if you're using it for more than, I dunno, intimidating cry.
Keep in mind that Overexert takes a support gem slot too. So the question is if you can get more damage by subbing out overexert + autoexert and equip a normal damage aura and another support in its place. Overexert, when fully buffed, is 100% more damage, however that requires 5 warcries, which is either a 6 link using autoexert (and 75% mana reservation) or a combination of autoexert and manual warcries.
>ascendancy gives you a FREE mageblood
>and double damage shock
>and permafreeze
>/poeg/ still isnt playing Warden
yeah but that's their fault for being stupid and falling for conner's tricks again
his 6-10d version is more like 15-20
POE is in a weird spot. Veterans who played the game for years have an elitist mentality and don't want to help newer players out. The veterans that do want to help are shills and will do anything to make a buck. The new players don't want to put in the work to learn the game on their own and get frustrated. Its a vicious cycle that cannot be broken.
who here oakCHADS
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When are they gonna update the manticore set. I bought it because I'm a romaboo
By default items can have 6 affixes (3 prefix, 3 suffix)

Helical bases have +1 suffix and -2 prefix for 5 total mods (1 prefix, 4 suffix); manifold bases have -2 suffix and +1 prefix for 5 total mods (4 prefix, 1 suffix)
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Hmmm, what build is the best to league start to rerroll to the Vinespike Cordial + Inextricable Fate Combo for 100% chance to poison in all type of damages? Probably TR/Scourge arrow? Because its easy to rerroll to warden and can use some of the gear?
I sloom.
Even better, you can pair it with a mageblood if you don't need the life flask
yes there was a clown armour set one time that wasn't even like a bad set or anything and a carnival existing in poe isn't even like weird or anything, but sure, eminem could play his new single in lioneye's fall now while we all shoot fireworks out of our ass and that'd be pretty reasonable in game and in the game world now because there was a clown armour set once
and, man, there's been so much worse armour sets

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Yes, every single new league you start from 0 with nothing but your MTX/stash tabs available to you.
I know what you are thinking anon
>"But it took me an entire week just to finish the campaign"
And one day you will be done with the entire campaign in a few hours.
Really you might get to a point where you just enjoy doing the campaign more than the end game because the campaign allows even shitty builds to be played on for fun in them. Oh and also because you are not a gambling addict.

>ranger and witch have a sliver of armpit exposed
Well, for me its worth.
>The Surrender
>Level 30 Crushing Fist
I think that's gotta be it. But it will cost an insane amount of money.
Free chinese game please understand
>when they buffed life mods
no it clearly says 840 points which are free with your supporter pack purchase
People waste money on stupider things than that every day, like GME for instance.
Wow you're so clueless. Berserker is now top tier for slams, flicker, and some other melee stuff.
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Probably not for another 2 years. If you feel it's significantly below average compared to current MTX, you could try submitting a request on the forums.
Here's the old Talisman set for comparison (I never got the helm).
>that guy trying to make buying the turtle hideout his whole thing
like half the trades i went into last league were the shitty turtle you aren't special
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Anon, I just want to say I got a legitimate belly laugh out of that set. Holy shit what the fuck. The top comment being "??????????" summarizes it perfectly.
Isn't there literally no reason to not take Oak now that they removed the +50 max health mastery and the quest only gives 1 point? That is if you need health of course, but still.
With the life buffs and grace / determination nerf, blood magic is the new meta. It's very good now. Mana costs are a non issue for all chad melee.
Yeah, I'm just gonna take 15% all res and then tell myself I am gonna respec to get the +1 passive point later and just forget about it.
It honestly depends, they showed shit like +180 life on body armor
this is so retarded it's gone full circle back to based
The town shit started in Archnem though, if it was really erik keeping it out how did that get in while he was still involved.
I literally just said I HOPE the changes won't make it worse. Too much changed and not just for berserker, you won't know if the changes made it better or worse than before until the league drops.
>"But my favorite youtuber told me that slams-"
Kill yourself. Play the fucking league and then come tell me how good/bad it compares.
15% res is honestly just worth it. I'm not gonna squeeze any more value out of that point anyway.
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>dagger only
it's still insane with squire right?
>they showed shit like +180 life on body armor
And if you take Oak you get that +50 max health too. If you need 180 health then you also need 50 more health.
this is the way
it's dagger only?
>dagger only
Damn, really wish I could have used that with Vaal cleave for shits and giggles.


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If this didn't have the dumb thing on your helmet it would be a kino armor set, as is... no thanks.
Does this mean no soul gain prevention, or halved duration?
should be none
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I don't wanna play fucking melee, but everything else sucks
Yeah the real problem with PoE microtransactions is that everything is priced with the supporter packs in mind. The one thing GGG refuses to do for whatever reason is rolling discounts on older MTX.
Unspec literally everything north of Overcharge and try again. You have to go to the melee nodes if you're gonna play melee. Yes, there are staff wheels up there. No, you don't need them that badly. You can just anoint Serpent Stance.
Have you tried opening your eyes
vaal lightning trap
Bro???? Your archmage???? Your hexblast??????
>Your hexblast?
Did they not nerf this? Oh I forgot we can't nerf mines, sorry.
Dervishniggers got my Sinvicta tech that I've been using for 500 straight years obliterated. WTF bros....
What are you talking about? Didn't they just backtrack the gear swap thing entirely?
Settlers of Kalgur? More like settlers of niggur.
So Hiero is super OP now?
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Playing sanctum now causes GGG to send a rape squad to your house to fuck your butt while you play, but it's still the most efficient currency farm.
Do you still play it?
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Just thought of a really broken interaction but I'm not gonna say what it is because GGG will 100% nerf it pre-launch if they find out
Where do you get tattoos now?
I delve
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weapon swap bros...
Never did in the first place
I was playing slams long before any streamerfags. Did sunder all league in Necropolis. I was one shotting bosses with it then. I think we'll be okay now.
Soooo just get another source of rampage? It's not that rare of a mod is it?
Very funny to walk back the Dancing Dervish then and then just randomly obliterate the only usage for the Sinvicta axe
New league mechanic
Probably from shipments in the new league mechanic. The content reveal video mentioned something about "Karui trade routes"
god i fucking hate jungroan, i followed his locus mines power siphon build exactly and couldnt even kill hydra. he probably only makes these builds to flip uniques. He is truly a plague on the poe community
post your pob
Alright thanks, wasn't sure if there was something else.
Are you retarded?
He specifically said his sinvicta tech is dead, and it is, the whole point of it was to get rampage without dedicating a gear slot.
eh it's more likely that you fucked up somewhere. Jungroan's builds are extremely finely tuned but that means any small change completely fucks it up. He always calls out other build makers for being less efficient in some way but their builds are usually retard proof and his aren't
Honestly rampage created such a visual mess I didn't even bother, even if the buffs were insanely OP
GGG confirmed in the PoE discord of all places that rupture is still capped at 3 even though the gem doesn't say so
I didn't read the post only the image lol
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Understandable have a nice day
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build for this feel?
>Trusting Jungle Ryan
No shit, his build have been bait since forever. Just another RMTer faggot like Fyregrass
>their builds are usually retard proof
Name three truly retard-proof builds.
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Tri charge stacker, too bad discharge sucks
pconc of bouncing pathfinder. annihilates everything with no gear, just need a good life flask and life flask sustain.
Because it's full of tech nerds who have zero social skills, and twitch chat users who have zero social skills, and... etc.
Nigga Jungroan rolled through 900 Tujens (yes, taking ALL good currency) in 1 single hour on stream. You can't compete with gook APM. Play a less button/movement intensive build.
>2 days until league start
>i have a graveyard of shitty dead PoBs and not one (1) good build to play
Play a shitty build then. Are you trying to kill monsters for fun or set a new world record for fastest 7/7 uber kills?
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Quick reminder that you don't need Replica Farrul's Fury anymore

Any single automated warcry + Medium Jewel Notable "Mob Mentality" = 100% chance to generate a random charge every 3 seconds.

With at a minimum 24 second duration charges, you'll always have all charges barring a (2/3)^8 chance of failure.
what are most usual defensive layers spellcasters use?
Pohx RF
maximum life
Should I start explosive trap trickster or BAMA guardian in HC?
and how are you getting 140% increased charge duration along with guaranteeing 20 power every time the warcry triggers mr. sekrit tech?
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>Name three truly retard-proof builds.
bodyswap of sacrifice triggerbots dark marionette wraithlord
sometimes minimum life
autoexerted warcries can't generate charges
I assume that means the cluster also won't work

Don't care, still my build
BAMA. Not sure why people aren't talking about BAMA.
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I'm out of the loop but the upcoming league looks neat so i'm back. Scion is the only starting character I have not played. I recall that Scion/Ascendant used to have physical dot (bleed) builds that worked as league starters in the past, and that stuff related to this is getting buffed in 3.25. Are there any viable Scion starters that aren't going to feel terrible now?
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Did some recording with my camera at 960 fps to check input lag on POE with lockstep.
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>bodyswap of sacrifice triggerbots dark marionette wraithlord
misers like you will do anything to keep DD in the game...
Any buildfags here got any ideas on how a pathfinder can cap crit with a CoC lancing steel build? I wanna try out some poison shenanigans with perfect agony but I don't know how I'm gonna cap crit with this ascendancy since coc builds usually go inquis.
Scion bleed looks like it will be pretty good, its almost the same as Gladiator but instead of bleed explosions you get a lot more damage.
It depends on the specific wording. If it says when YOU warcry, it doesn't work.
Scion is the worst starter and always has been
It has fuckall for damage multipliers early on so it's painful to level
my secret Reaper build is coming together nicely
I played that shit for 2 leagues straight, never again
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Why is blood magic not an ascendency for the witch?
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does this combo work with totems
If you want to ignore mana costs on witch you already have EB

yo dawg have some nasty ass roaches when you flamedash
yes. your totems are you offensively
>too bad discharge sucks
Isn't discharge one of the best clear skills in sc trade?
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I was only one challenge away.
No. Even Belton's 500 mirror Discharge build cleared worse than a 1 divine bow character.
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you tell me
Getting a 100% chance of bypassing enemy phys reduction would mean you always ignore their phys reduction right?
Absolutely not, it gets dunked in the toilet by a bevy of map mods. Leveling to maps? Just shy of retard-proof (people will not upgrade their Resists at all and then wonder why it goes to shit in Act 6). In Maps? Far from retard-proof.
ty, i didn't know if the life flask part would fuck it up
Shame they still haven't fixed that bug with alt Reapers being unable to pop their ability if you have multiple of them active.
I wouldn't go up to the Scion life wheel when you're not even taking Golem's Blood for two points. I would drop that junk in the middle, take your 2nd large cluster next to Resolute Technique, and then see if you can squeeze Versatile Combatant for block in somehow (maybe Replica Reckless Defence or clusters to add the missing attack block) so that you have a layer of avoidance against multiple small hits. I'm not going to sit here and fix your entire build but you want at least 50k max hit to most/all damage types, a layer of avoidance, ailment immunity, and then make sure you can get at least a few million DPS once you have your buffs and flasks active. It will take some moderately expensive upgrades to get the damage up and it's probably never going to be as good as a metacuck build but you can probably make it work.
looked over all the builds on the doc
they're all looking pretty shit
GGG despises Discharge for whatever reason and it's basically dead. CoC Discharge is my favorite build so I try to make it work every few leagues and it's always deficient in some way or another. This league I'll be giving it another go as a staff Jugg.
Yes. GGG is retarded and gave up on trying to make pure phys good so they just gave pure phys permanent 100% overwhelm with 2 modifiers.
For the love of god post the challenge mtx league rewards GGG
no don't post challenge mtx, post some weapon enchants
What are you looking to do, sis? If you want to blast bosses go hexblast mines or archmage hiero. Want to map play bownigger or wandnigger. It's that shrimple.
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yes but Pathfinder sucks, dots suck, chaos dots especially suck, you already have access to poison, or you're using a non-poison chaos skill

this annoint/boot combo is really good at helping you achieve a shitty build 10 points sooner than usual
Beyond having having capped att/spell block and high armor, what other defenses should a duelist have?
endurance charges

business idea: remove traps/mines from the game
>War of Attrition
This is garbage right? If I'm taking 100 seconds in a fight my build already sucks
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Retaliation Skills Are INSANE... WHAT????????

i had fun playing palsteron's scourge arrow of menace totems in 3.23
u can't stop me
business idea: ds lily skips the league start and lives under my desk for a day to periodically suck me off
I forget, can you block when you hit yourself via Boneshatter?
glad has so many shit nodes that it's the fourth choice for a lot of builds
the first choice should really be picking another ascendency
No, wiki says you can't block it.
The effect carries over between invuln phases too.
Sure, it's worthless if you can instaphase a boss, but if you're at that point on a Duelist, you're playing Slayer since Champ is dead now.
Then how the fuck are people planning to reliably proc their Retaliate skills in certain boss encounters?
chat is this real?
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Just pobbed a fucking 600k dps vigilant strike jugg with nothing but skill tree, gems, and 450 pdps axe.

>Pop all defensive flasks and molten shell
>Hope boss triggers your block before they all run out
>If they do run away and wait for them to recharge
>If you do block you should, with a ton of Retaliation node investments, the glad ascendancy and the secret anoint node, be able to reliably continuously cycle through 3 equipped retaliation skills over and over with either the same becoming live or another one becoming live after each use
Essentially it looks like you just need to block once.
I call them "Retardation Skills" like Cucking Fist
If your plan is to actually get hit by Pineapples, you should be using the Keystone that makes it trigger every 6th hit to remove the RNG. And then also go Slayer and just steal the Ret node.
i'm 6 linking my retaliation skill
yeah and a six link
at the end of the day you're still playing shitty ass vigilant strike
Glancing Blows with recovery on block mastery is just okay. If you can squeeze Versatile Combatant to 65/65 block it is much better though.
Intimidating cry will still intimidate enemies if autoexerted, right? That has nothing to do with a buff or charges.
Me too. With General's Cry
Holy fuck, Temporal Bubble on the Locus Miner build is pure fucking cancer. You have a deadzone and now you're forced to go into it to even deal damage to the ene,y
Oh shit I didn't even notice that passive. Might be a better idea of just playing Jugg then so you can take hits with no issues? Means I wouldn't need to waste so many nodes on capping block chances too
you should see looper interact with those... lol
Right before a new league starts I make sure to clear out my old stash tabs back into my main inventory stash to lower GGG's server cost overhead. I'm cool like that.
worst case scenario you take the rage mastery
legit how do I get good at editing videos, how do some of these streamers get videos out so fast. I've been trying to make a beginners guide for the past two or three weeks and it's just been so painstakingly slow learning how to use adobe premiere
I haven't played standard in years, I must have so many characters waiting to have stashes cleared.
they've used it for years or if they're a bigger streamer sometimes they just hire editors
Yeah. Downside is no Bleedsplosions for clear, but you can just bring a not shit skill for that. And you can actually use a 2-hander.
it's a uber solver for hardcucks (or would be but they'll be 100% heiros and juggs)
>Looking at Perforate
>Specifically "of Bloodshed" just cause
>245.7% damage with 88% more Bleed, 461.9% effective
>Lacerate of Haemorrhage
>346% with 132% More Bleed, 802.7%
Fucking what is the point of Perforate? Lmao.
>And you can actually use a 2-hander.
I think only one ret gem works with 2 hander, you'd want the sword/axe + shield so you can use 3 of them and cycle through.
I only somewhat cared about the bleed because Eviscerate did bleed but I wouldn't say it was my go to.
Can someone please elaborate the difference between archmage BL and Ice Nova for me?
From what I understand, BL is one button from the start, and Ice Nova has a higher ceiling.
I think Bex's legacy and how they manage the social channels have some blame for it. They tried to be "oh yasss toxic snarky memey gotem! xd" as if they were a fast food franchise and Bex using her personal account for corporate shit to be the face of the game didn't help either. Those behaviors attract toxic, retarded insufferable niggas that due to >>487361914 and >>487366002, confuse being bullies and retards with being "cool dudes".
Just look at those dudebro streamers that look cool and wholesome until they open their mouths.
pretty much. the skill tree is the same so you either start nova if you like pressing more buttons, or start bl and switch to nova when you can afford to use kitavas thirst or need more damage.
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I can't tell if retaliation skills are a meme or not.
you sound like a little sissy who can't take some banter
You have to either spam a billion buttons (and still risk losing your streak due to RNG) or get hit to use them.
Is the dude who pobbed the chains of emancipation chieftain still here? I need your pob. Kinda wanna try something stupid like chieftain rallying cry zombies
>Puncture of Shanking
>20/20 437% with 69% more bleed
>Old 8s duration bleed reduced to 6s

Also Lacerate of Haemorrhage has 172% more bleed at max quality. GGG really should learn to buff objectively worse skills.
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I didn't check anything but I assume they are just Vaal skills
literally use your main skill and then pop retardliation to burst rares and shit
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>Oath of Winter
>Cold Mastery
>t1 cold on weapon
An in the exhibit A, you have a retard that explains with his gorilla behavior, what I'm talking about.
Go teabag "people" in Halo, faggot.
raised by a single mother? it's showing
Yeah, even factoring in Fist of War (69% More ailment) it's still worse than Lacerate of Haem with NO SUPPORTS (780% effective).
It has worse range (gotta stand directly on top of enemies), worse damage, AND randomized hit spread that is not guaranteed to even hit a stationary target which actually gets worse the more AoE you have.
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>write script
>read it out when recording
>just start over you flub or misspeak
>ripple delete all mistakes, non speaking durations
>unlink audio + video
>apple default transition to audio(J cut)
and wa la
Man-children, plain and simple. It's like Chris once said in a gamedev conference, he designed Path of Exile to waste your 20's playing it. That's exactly what happened. All these big streamers and content creators did just that; play Path of Exile for years on end. Some of them never held real jobs, some never went to college, yadda yada.
I'm glad to announce that I will be playing Frostblades Trickster
Thank you for the reply. I'm playing SSF, and don't mind grinding merc lab for either gem, and I'd already resigned to the fact Kitava's Thirst would be a long way off.
Clear speed looks pretty shit on BL but I'll mull it over for the rest of the week.
>D2 had one of the worst playerbases in gaming history, and all of the pond scum that lived in that game migrated to PoE.
yeah they were bad. but if a bar was full of d2 players, and one tribes 1 or 2 vet walked in, they'd evacuate the building and set it on fire
If you stay away from reddit and twitch I don't think the PoE community is really toxic at all. I can probably count on one hand the times in the past decade someone actually in game was being a cunt when trading or whatever.
>and one tribes 1 or 2 vet walked in, they'd evacuate the building and set it on fire
All I can picture is a single Anon sitting in a bar burning to the ground and all he says is VGS.
can i CWDT 5 warcries together, forbidden rite myself and make them all go off at once?
Warcries aren't spells.
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I just want to play Gladiator and I want the build to incorporate a retaliation skill but I need somebody else to make a guide for me to copy I'm too much of a brainlet to make my own builds
are you tellin me if I hang out in the designated angry manchildren spaces I see angry manchildren
no....20 minutes of theorycrafting ruined by me not reading what cwdt does.........
WTB maven + sirus carry build
pretty much. vgs
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I tried ruthless to test it, so I could start on ruthless next league
Oh boy what a drag piece of trash that is
There is no sense of scale, it's literally "fewer drops and higher mob damage" and that's it
It was incredibly boring, every area boss I was circling them around doing chip damage for 1-5 minutes, I quit in act 3 already
That shit needs to scale all mobs hp down by like 70%, what a chore
It has the hard punch feel, I give it that
But boy, once you start spinning, and you NOTICE that you are spinning, it's already a mechanical fail
this is how I imagine every commenter on reddit but brown
Can someone explain the multi-warcry tech. Do you cast battlemages, then it triggers other linked warcries?
I see builds that have 5 warcries linked together and that's all i can figure
bmc only triggers socketed spells
warcries are not spells
Perforate is a slam and i guess you can pile up more stuff on that, but it's kinda a rigged game if you have to invest to get to the same place as no-investment-skill

What do we think about this Energy Blade Charged Dash build? It's probably shitty but I don't give a fuck I'm playing it anyway.
The tech is you press all of the buttons like a piano. Just pretend you're playing old wormblaster.
I've only seen it in an automation linked with vulnerability
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Anyone else testing Locus Mine Power Siphon right now? I'm testing out Fledgling and I'm trying to see if it's having a huge impact or not. Would help if someone else could also toss one on and see
You literally have 4 warcries and just push them all the time, there is no tech. There was a strategy with a pseudo rotation but that ended with the change to seismic afaik
Perforate has multi spikes if you can land all of the spikes I think it does more damage. I don't know this to be true since I never played a real perforate build outside of testing it. Bladestorm is more fun than both lacerate and perforate.
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>can't exert retaliation skills
well then what's the fucking point?
completely DOA skill category.
which one would you want to exert?
>pconc ass
>2.5 mil at 80

>pconc trickster
>1.7 mil at 80 but es pool + charge duration + recovery

>pconc slayer
>2 mil at 80, more endurance charges

Which one will be most comfy to get stones on?
which skill that you can only press every 3 seconds that does a billion damage would you want to exert?
gee I don't know
fucking all of them?
why would you not want to use the new support that adds 100% more damage? plus get a billion exertion effects on your skill?
tough to argue against trickster's smooth as fuck mapping if you can utilize ES overleech and polymath
sorry the question should be, you think the skills with 2000 damage effectiveness should be able to be exerted? are you feeling okay?
That's what I'm thinking, a couple extra eater phases won't kill me. But ass can go PA right off the bat and its damage is tempting
yes, I think they should be, and I think you're a giant faggot for thinking otherwise.
Every time I've tried to play bladestorm the damage has sucked real bad. I feel like a crit rupturing build should exist but I can't figure it out.
that's stupid, they already hit like a truck and you scream and shit your pants that they don't do 200% more damage ontop of 2000%. get a grip and go play diablo.
You need to link them to "trigger on AHK use"
Bladestorm is technically inferior to both perforate and lacerate, it's just more fun to play. It's still the best skill to pair with rage vortex too.

Holy shit, it's never been this bad, I'm going to end up play the same old shit.
every slam has to hit like 2.5 times in a 3-4 second window to outdps ANY retaliate skill, and they get to use all of the goodies released in this patch.
I do not care that retaliate skills hit hard, they are fucking cooldown locked, not being able to exert them completely kneecaps them. they are going to be dogshit.
can you cancel berserk without going to 0 rage?
gladiator viper strike hybrid bleed/poison
gladiator viper strike hybrid bleed/poison
What gem is colored BU?
>Playing sanctum now causes GGG to send a rape squad to your house to fuck your butt while you play
Damn I wanted to do Blight, guess I'll have to build a Sanctum runner.
im going to fall for Jungroan's bait
i am nothing but a stupid fish
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I haven't properly played since Ultimatum.
I really want to go Berserker slam and only found Ben for reference, how fucked am I? I really wish I knew how to make builds so I could just do it myself.
Or just use the ring that gives you penance mark
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did we get tricked?
What's your endurance charge generation method?
enduring cry
wouldn't you only actually want to exert crushing fist? the others are for bleed, shield skills, a warcry and then a spell. there's no reason to exert those. you're not going to get hit, quickly hit intimidating cry or something since it has no use otherwise and then retaliate lol?
ok but its literally FREE damage if you have links and block
annointing disciple of the unyielding or forbidden flesh/flame unflinching
You know that isn't automatable anymore right?
i would want to exert the bleed one because it still has insane damage effectiveness and hits twice and overexertion is one of the highest damage multipliers in the entire game now.
I'm probably just gonna try to make Perforate Glad work.
automating it was always for retards
I might fall for warden bait, what do I put into my pob notes to sim it without going full retard
Being a juggernaut + enduring cry + endurance charge on melee stun support
>you know you need to click buttons in your video game
yes nigger
who will play fire mjolnir with me?
I don't give a fuck what some ledditor thinks. Crushing Fist + Fist of War is like 4000% base damage in a 2-link and you don't have to run an autistic exertion setup.
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yeah it seems pretty good as 2 5Ls to be honest. Between all the cooldown and "chance for them to be usable" again, i think its likely youll be able to use them non-stop. I'd probably start with something else though
"Jugg - dogshit ascendancy for cowards" - Ben_, aka Lightee, aka Darkee
is he /our guy/?
you realize a 6-link groundslam btfo's that, even without exerts?
holy based
thought it was the regular veil mod
interesting shit, same as Mjolner but no +1 chain, lightning damage and giga attri req
hmmmmmm, fire spells are kind of trash desu
I've never played a Jugg before, now I'm going to league start it.
Ben doesn't make guides or hold your hand, but his builds are good. You'll be fine if you aren't a retard.
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So let me get this straight
>Marauder was a slave
>He escaped slavery
>So they exiled him back to his homeland for that
>And he's so mad about it he's going back to kill them

Is that correct?
I regret to announce that I will be playing Frostblades Warden.
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haven't played Necropolis, did they nerf the Seance / Ghost stuff? Used to run this on every atlast for the quant and thought now that they removed quant from gear, you'd want to juice quant on the atlast as much as possible.
I just spent 10 hours POB'ing a giga min max'd rupture bleed build, alt tabbing several times to make sure they didnt update anything on the official site, forums, or reddit

this LITERALLY cant be true I will literally kill myself. PLEASE tell me you're joking
You might be the only person disappointed you can't have intimidating cry on your bar for some extra hit damage sometimes on your bleed build desu
Gotta get revenge on those jews that enslaved him in the first place.
tinctures and the shock are in pob, the only thing you need to sim is the Avatar buff. 30-40% More damage on average.
yes, they basically removed the extra quant and rarity on touched mobs
And he wants to nut in the ranger, witch and scion to reestablish his clan.
Don't worry I saw on zizarans stream there will be an autocry guide up soon
Fuck playing slams this league. Every 2 bit faggot streamer is telling their legion of retards to play it. Echoes of Creation is gonna be like 20 fucking divs.
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hmmmmmmm, Idk, for me is
"safe" Ice Nova (I already know how to build it )
Lacerate new Glad
Inquisitor Sweep (with that much added damage, first tri ele sword then get Voidforge)
so GL if you can make it work
gn btw, 2 more sleepys after this
>a 6 link btfo's a 2 link
no shit retard
I don't think eviscerate needs to be a bleed skill, the damage is good enough that you can play it without using the bleed, and it has a more favorable cooldown than the fist
but even if you can only use it with bleed, you would want to use the support that gives you 100% more generic damage for exerting your attack a bunch of times.
Most people still aren't going to play slams. Slams scare people.
wraeclast is not the karui homeland
Bait build predictions in 3.25? What builds do you think will cause massive frustration?
Lightning Strike shit
Do we even know what all the tinctures do?

Also simming avatar as an average seems like bait. You need your build to ok damage without it and the thing you're really interested in is how long it will take to build it up.
so what's the point of your 2-link?
only for first day before you have a 6-link?
What's a novel league starter that most people won't play? I want something fun, but also to clear the atlas in a reasonable time
Have they given any notion in which way recombinators are nerfed?
most warden builds
He originally was exiled for killing an officer or some shit.

You do realize that 4000 damage is literally just 2 hits with boneshatter + brutality + melee damage.

Except boneshatter attacks several times per second rather than once in 4 and usually goes in your 6-link.
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anything from ruetoo
no, fuck lance too and fuck every streamer you cocksucker
I guarantee you they are, dude. People fetishize melee even if they really don't like it, and when every fucking streamer doesn't know what to do due to massive changes they all just collectively went "Erm... Slams I guess..."

perfect agony poison shit . viper strike of the mamba hits the 36mil dps cap with like 50c of gear.
any hipster spell in an Archmage setup. crackling lance, tornados of turbulence, etc
bleed is going to bait the FUCK out of people because no streamer can understand how aggravate will work in actual practice and how fucking shit 1,000-10,000,000 variance on their 1 attack per second slams will be
too many buttons won't play no matter how good it is
ed/c occ or trickster
im partial to occ
but trickster is what metamappers like
>no streamer can understand how aggravate will work in actual practice
It just triples the Bleed's damage (assuming they weren't moving) and does nothing if they are moving.
/ourgog/ KINO
I guess I could go poison prolif pathfinder with ambush then? That sounds like it might be fun, but maybe annoying to map with
I've been working on a crimson dance sweep build that looks pretty nice, I'm worried about the clunk but I think the numbers work well. Avoiding aggravation entirely is the way to go if you aren't glad or perfect agony.
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my molten strike of the zenith is going to be a long term build for me i know it costs a fuck load to make so im just going to need to be ready to sit at 20-40 million dps for a while till i hit 100s of divines and get that 100s of millions of dps
>AUTOexertion (which reduces button need)
>too many buttons
I think you're thinking of Overexertion.
i think you would just use a good clear attack like Reave in a 4link and then swap to Ambush+6link Mamba+maybe some Pyroclast mines to oneshot bosses/Uber bosses
>looking at all the boneshatter guides
>Everybody is running totems that are getting deleted

Where is the 3.25 bs guide?
Everybody says it's gonna be good and nobody has it.

Also how the fuck do I make the red balls?
>Mark on hits applies ONLY to the rares
>That means I get one charge every once in a while
>Manually clicking every trash mob to get my charges sounds like hell too
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>You'll be fine if you aren't a retard.
Owari da...
T-Thank, I think.
Why is every talk about exert always about slams? Can't I just fucking exert a strike skill or I don't know fucking cleave or chain hook? Is it just gonna be shit?
We don't know the majority of the explicit modifiers. The implicit ones are:

>Poisonberry: 100% poison damage, 30% chance to poison
>Rosethorn 130%increased crit chance
>Prismatic: 100% increased weapon elemental damage
>Fulgurite: 30% chance to shock 40% increased shock effect
>Blood sap: 20% chance to bleed 100% increased bleed damage

Ashbark will be the fire ailment version of Fulgurite
Borealwood will be the cold ailment version

We don't know what these do yet:

The explicits we have seen are:
Attackspeed suffix equal to the T1 utility flask suffix
35% Increased effect prefix with increased mana burn rate
25% crit multi suffix
11% elemental penetration suffix
Life gain on kill suffix
25% Increased effect but no extra mana burn prefix
anything raider
bleed gladiator
any fucking slam build that content creators are recommending to their viewers that require you to press 3-4-more buttons to actually do your damage
archmage DD
ok seething lancel
dont be a retard
its going to feel like shit to have to hit something 3-4 times to aggravate a bleed and then you have to pray that your most recent bleed was a big roll or your damage falls off a cliff.
You get a very limited number of exerts per warcry unless you're zerker+cluster stacking
The only skills that are worth using at low attack speed are slams
Mamba's clear is like old ed with pf prolif. PF prolif is usually mid because it's just one poison but with mamba that poison is enormous.
I actually bought this
Thinking of buying the midnight pact as well
>gladiator bleed
right click one time and every monster on the screen blows up
>aggravate chance copers
attack 8 times to make sure you aggravate every mob once
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eq jugg fuck it
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some things only work with slams, like seismic cry
>Thinking you need the Aggravate effect for trash mobs (who have no HP and 99% of them never stop moving)
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What if you exert retaliations
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sad day for the PoE community (and Grim Dawn)
hope he is doing fine and getting tons of pussy from tinder
Well, do you guys have any suggestion if I want to play berserker+focus on exert+anything that isn't slam?
The only Cry exclusive to Slams is Seismic.
Strikes get Ancestral.
The only thing Slams actually have over Strikes is Fist of War.
you can't
>he thinks he will get to 40 mil dps
you're going to get filtered by red maps when you realize how shit the build is with <100 divs of investment
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we will see im gonna screencap this shit and make fun of you even if you dont answer and lurk like you are not there
I thought about this and think it sucks because it adds another way to the build where you cant do dmg, adding another deadzone to the screen which now changes depending on where the enemy is. since you are already tossing mines away from you and closer to enemies they are going to be on avg closer to the mine so you get less dmg from farshot
fist of war and slow attacks just plays better into it
Is ancestral cry just shit? Like it's additional targets on exerted attacks and elemental resistance from the buff
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hard reminder for bleedtards
pob calcs average bleed using some stupid shit with constant standing still attacking and bleed duration.
give yourself 99% less attack speed and you will see your ACTUAL average bleed damage if you hoped to just hit something once or twice to proc aggravate
(hint: its about 95% less dps)
I've never played poe past act 2 and I'm interested in giving it another shot.
Is making my own build feasible at all if I pick something super simple and retard proof?
I usually just do my own thing for a first playthrough and then respec into a real build at end game if I feel too weak.
For non-glad bleed slammers its
>slam once everything dies
>slam again if something didn't
aggravate or not. Your bleeds are long and you're reapplying and maybe aggravating them all the time. You're going to have an aggro bleed running almost all of the time outside your opener against anything that actually takes any time to kill.

I do not understand what all the crying is about
Nope, definitely not. Slams are still hcuck shit, as seen by only people like Ben playing it. No softcore streamers will play slams, and the sc players who do will mostly be the type who follow a maxroll guide and don't go past eater/exarch anyways.
Been playing for years in and out new leagues and still can't understand 75% of the shit the game throws at me.
Some people is just dumb anon, not that i don't want to learn.
The key factor is that when stuff happens and the game evolves while you are playing from the start, everything is easier to digest.
For someone new this game is a nightmare.
it's literally up right now

>I've never played poe past act 2
>Making my own build
This is all I read.
No, google a real build and play that.
really? why does 50 shock stacks vs 1 shock stack = the same dps then?
PoE is one of the few games where you can pick something simple like a Fireball Witch and your build will end up so shit you can't complete the game and get stuck. It's a complicated game. Just follow a guide from Zizaran or someone like that.
I would suggest playing something else.
If you don't mind not being able to clear the campaign you can try, alternatively pick an easy starter build and as you learn you can start changing things to your preference
We like DS_Lily here.
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we need need neeed this back
would love to be selling these for 10d each to Glancing Blow fishers
Oh actually you could theoretically do something with Rage Vortex, but I have no idea what kind of state it's in atm
>glancing blow fishers
what? that hasn't been popular in a long time.
If it's actually implemented then pob is probably doing some "clever" "helpful" thing where it scales your stacks based on your attack speed and shock chance like it does with bleeds and to get any actual useful information out of it you have to hunt around in the calcs tab.
Poe is legit overgrown, there's just too much shit and it's redundant or overcomplicated.

>Let's add another bunch of modifiers on top of 6 random modifiers you already had on your map
>Enjoy rolling while you roll

But the more obvious problem was showcased by the Necro crafting
>Corpsemaxx to the extreme
>Craft a perfect tier one chest with every res, life armor and Regen
>That's worth like 20 chaos because all the really desirable shit is eldritch, delve or other unobtainable modifiers

That just serves to showcase how about 60% of shit in the game is obsolete and is a waste of your time, being outclassed by the newer and cooler shit.
Are trickster and sab for hexblast basically the same
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What Warden build? I'm thirsty
wtf bros? I was planning on using a build someone posted here when I realized that they're playing perfect agony and relying on the ambush skill to cap their crit.
sabo is for 0 hp max dps sanctum running, trickster is for actually playing the game
That was so fucking kino...
gog...more like POG!
We're rocking out with our GOG out
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>More Duration
>Decay buffed (wtf)
what if Ben knocks up Lily and their baby becomes a poe2 streamer
needing to cap crit with perfect agony is a meme
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>THE melee league
>still no voice lines for marauder after act 4
men can't get pregnant retarded faggot
the crit chance drops to 13% when i deselect ambush
Sunder levelling was so smooth and damage was amazing with no totems, I can't believe it's going to do double damage on Friday.
And despite feeling like ass to level with, Perforate had all of its base added damage removed.
Marauder is not a talker
About being retarded.
Reading the autoexertion warcry gem.
Why would anyone use a warcry that doesn't buff or add charges in that way?
Tits too big.
For the exerts, the name kinda gives it away
It doesn't do double damage on low levels. It's only ~25% more dmg at level 1 (level 12 req) then it scales up ~100% more damage at level 20.
dumb question but can you freeze bosses?
He's literally me...
you wouldn't. it's for the exert
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Now you see the way of the world, don't you anon
Yes. But bosses can't have their action speed lowered below 50% so they will be frozen but still but still move/attack/etc at 50% speed.
Yes but they only get a 50% reduction in action speed (30% before 3.25), which is still very good
for earthshatter, exerting, and the new exert support gem
Some are immune but a lot of bosses usually have a minimum action speed they stay at instead of being frozen.
Sounds like shit.
What do you think?
it's good if you need exerts and don't want to press 6 different buttons
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>3 second pause
>3 second pause
thank you anon, I'm free...
FREE double damage and 50% more aoe does sound kinda bad...
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>replica badge of the brotherhood
>30k es, 30k evasion, 60% suppressed spell damage, ghost dance, es gain on hit, 10+ endurance charges for pdr and edr

so what the fuck can even kill this ascendancy?
Its not bad, it is just something you need to to build around instead of fitting in every build.
I generally try not to think when I can
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isn't seismic and intimidating the only good exerts?
Any blue mob with overlapped auras from rares
why this nigga always spell shit wrong in his thumbnails? is this the power of uk education?
Shaper, Exarch, Maven, and Eater.
And Simulacrum.
What are you doing to gain end charges?
Rallying is also like 20% more damage or something
Yeah but the point isnt the exert itself, it is the "skill deals more damage per exert" that you get from a gem and from the tree.
berserker gets double exertions so it's x10 attacks

3 second cooldown baseline on autoexertion

that character would have no downtime with just one Warcry cooldown notable
look at the unique helm echoes of creation, and the new support gem overexertion. you're getting like 150% MORE damage if you use every exert. it makes slams actually good.
Overexert gives 18% more per exert.
Echoes give another 15% more per exert.
For slams only.
And accurate map mobs
And most of the mods in a t17
And probably the new league content
And crits, and shocks
>Exerted Attacks deal 5% more Damage per affected Ally, to a maximum of 25%
isn't that only 5% if you don't party?
I wasn't around for affliction and the new corpses, can i get a quick rundown on which one where good ?
Retaliation gonna be any good or nah
And the lightning Elder Guardian.
If you've got heralds of purity up it could work solo, kinda finnicky though
herald of purity gives you 4 niggas
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stop hitting yourself
>2200% damage
lmao just kill this game, PoE 2 can't come any soon enough
so theyre frozen but it just doesnt look like it since theyre not a unmoving popiscle?

seems very good. follow up question, the new ice retaliate says it ALWAYS freezes, so if you hit that on a boss it instantly goes down to 50% action speed? theyre not immune to the always wording right?
What should i do for double strike of imapling ?

Champion got master of metal and some defenses, while slayer get masterful form aka the single best node in the game
hitting yourself is good. generates endurance charges, cwdt for easy cursing
Don't fall for the leaguestarter meme exile.
Herald of Purity.
"Ally" includes minions.
Dark Marionette corpse gets up again after dying. You can use it with guardian blessing now instead of divine blessing.

For spectre builds? This league? Nah.
It's literally so you talk about his video or correct him in the comments. Literally everything he does is cynical content parasite hustle. Probably learned it in the same two week course that taught him to make a video about every news post immediately even if you have nothing at all to say.
Probably good enough for maps but not comfortably on a budget.
So if I don't play a league starter.. how do I acquire the resources to make my build?
>Inb4 RMT
>Warcry cooldown notable
You probably won't even need one since you will still go for 1 extra exertion.
And you certainly won't need one if you go with mace that gives you 2 extra exertions.
i think it's just 100% freeze chance but you still need to do enough dmg to actually freeze
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That's the buff, not the exert
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so league starters are a meme now? should I just pick a skill and try to make it work?
pathetic ungogged retard
>2h mace enchant gives you up to 150% phys damage as extra elemental
ok is it me or are slams actually gonna be fucking insane this league, like straight up one shotting bosses?
that's the buff, not the exert
Buff portion is not affecting you.
Post more ass while I work on my build on PoB will you?
Most Slams used Brutality and this League they can also abuse Impale, but I suppose they can utilize Ele Damage With Attacks.
Also don't forget that modifier requires some super endgame material from some boss exclusive to the new idle game.
It will freeze but you still need to hit enough for it to have any duration (freezes of less than .3s don't freeze). The warden node should synergize pretty well, though I think you'd still need to hit a freeze of more than .3 seconds for it to work.
I'm not too sure on freeze mechanics, so I could be wrong.
squirt isnt pee
the numbers on that enchant is just retarded. what were they thinking?
>straight up one shotting bosses
God I hope not. I'd like melee to be playable for more than one patch this time.
Yes you are right. However the duration scales off damage so if you deal really low damage the freeze will be the minimum duration of 0.3 seconds.
considering theres an enchant that's literally pre-nerf vengeant cascade, who knows. hopefully that enchant won't be on bows so bowfaggots can step back for a single league for once
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Decided to spend some time working on my hideout.
Probably going to bring the right side in a bit to hide the trees that go so high that blocking volumes can't cover them.
I want to play melee but I don't want to play slams.
bleed lacerate glad

I dont think people appreciate just how shitty it feels to play
>ok is it me or are slams actually gonna be fucking insane this league
Yes, it's fucking stupid. They balance this game like ass, there's 0 (zero) reason to not play slams this league. Forced metashift bullshit
enudring cry + swift killer + the endurance charge every 15 seconds implicit from body armor good
Nice anon, looks quite detailed
that enchant is dagger only
I hope everyone is ready to make a new build in 5 days once we know about the actual OP enchants
I thought daggers got the 100% reduced soul gain prevention enchant, are they actually getting 2 busted enchants?
Oh right i forgot about the duration on swift killer
>more duration support
He's just lying.
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any pobs for slams im too retarded
>still slower and worse at clearing than any generic bow build
>still worse at bossing than any mine build unless you invest a gorillion div

99% of slam zerkers use this template, just swap some points around if you wanna go impale, bleed, endurance charges, or some of the warcry nodes for more cdr
>looks quite detailed
Funny thing is, it isn't.
>Basalt pillars along the edges
>Spam a ton of small basalt pieces along the stairs to hide them
>Water planes (max height for this lower level, min height for the higher level, lines up perfectly)
>A few water fog effects
>Ryslatha trees to clutter the edge
>Of all things, I use the last version of ice ground under the water and then cover it in broken floorboards at haphazard angles to hide the majority of the ice ground, little bits poking out look like shimmers in the water
>Add a few wreckage pieces
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Is jugg just dead now
There is literally VC there that gives any proj build x2+ damage and you're crying about 150% damage spread across 3 elements...
it's only 1h dagger/sword
thanks bro
jugg became top 3 if not the best ascendancy
chieftain is better than jugg in every way
Where can I read the list of enchants?
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i am build noob, question for someone who knows their stuff - would this idea work?

1. Pathfinder + Vinespike Cordial + Master Surgeon + Inextricable Fate
2. All damage poisons
3. Wilma's + Explosive Arrow Ballista + standard EA/TR tree
4. Scaling attack speed via Onslaught, Daresso's Defiance, Death Rush, etc.
5. EA totems cause 3+ Grasping Vines on target before any EA explosion, synergizing with EA ramp
6. Scaling chaos/dot/poison, Nature's Reprisal Withered useful and always max stacks
7. Applying Grasping Vines gives EA Ballista some crowd control during ramp, which EA normally doesn't get
8. EA Poison damage always works, unless EA ignites sometimes overlapping or low-stack explosions
9. Master Toxicist works because dots attribute kills back to me

i assume no dot build can be amazing (36m dot cap), however, i'm more just worried if this even technically works at all or if the idea would be DOA
>any proj build
opinion noted and put in the bait pile with bleed
please stop saying that for no reason, it just makes you look retarded
god is why bleed STILL SHIT. i want to play SST because it feels good but ti's still fucking DOGSHIT
I'm planning to try a janky Cast on Melee Kill Inquisitor build this league. Finally after so many years I think the melee base damage is high enough to trigger it without sacrificing too much from your spellcasting.
why did they have to buff bows...
I have no idea about your 500IQ build but I started necropooplis with EA and it was awful. I think any EA build being touted right now is just a cope.
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When did I say i wasn't?
Tranny Earthquake can already do that. It's gonna be even stronger with More Duration on top all the melee buffs
chieftain is for rf players who play for 2 weeks, realize they can't get 10 divines in that time and then quit until next league
so basically you want EA/poison instead of EA/ignite. maybe you'd want to do some low tolerance/alchemist mark shenanigans as well.
Jugg more comfy. Easy chaos resistance, easy armor, easy life regen, easy endurance charges. With damage taken as elemental getting a huge nerf, I think jugg will be stronger than chieftain.
as powerful as that looks i dont like the delay
pob endurance charge stacking and get back to us
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How much of a wet fart is Warden gonna be?
i have to switch into chieftain from jugg when i get into the expensive part of this build >>487384417
no one is going to build properly to build up a gorillion shock stacks and strong scorch stacks. theyre going to get baited into making bad deadeyes
Instead of EA you could use a skill like Artillery Ballista and scale it using a flat elemental damage bow. I ran poison Artillery Ballista pf in Crucible and it was one of the best builds I played, killed all ubers week 1 in ssf. It might be even stronger this league since you don't need to spend points to get poison chance since the eater boots guarantee poison.

If you're dead set on using EA though I don't see why it wouldn't work.
That doesn't mean chief is better than Jugg in every way.

That only means chief is better than jug in that specific chief build.

Overall literally every change they made to the game buffs Jugg, this is the Jugg patch.
i just out found that energy blade inherits Abyssal sockets. My Charged Dash build is now 5% stronger.
good ideas, but i don't think either work - both say when "you" hit or when "you" poison. i don't think totems inherit this, they just inherit your stats and the skillgem.

dots work because who knows why, GGG has decided any mob dying to dot is attributed back to the player for some reason
what would be the best way? some returning proj molten strike shit?
is connor converse a bait build maker or is he legit? dude makes a video every pre-league claiming that he just made the strongest/best build before the league is even out
lily is a girl
>goal is to get highest pob number
>hmm i should switch off of JUGG
retarded shitcrow
skill issue
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Warden lives and dies on how powerful tinctures are. If they're good someone will work out a build that either becomes immortal or does 56 quintillion damage that is difficult to theorycraft without having actual items to roll.
He's a mana tranny.
Yes but no. He tries to make the build that has the absolute highest damage and defenses possible. For most people you shouldn't league start it like he tries to but just switch to the build once you have a bunch of currency if it looks interesting.
Look, i'm just gona take a bunch of impale passive and a big sword then go swinging.
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his rain of arrows build was very strong, but the breakpoints you had to achieve felt like ass (as did the entire build).
He does not care how a build feels to play in maps. He only cares about delve. He does not make this clear in his videos because he's kind of retarded socially. But his builds are functional as delve builds.
It's shit, it completely killed warcries for anything that doesn't abuse exerts.
>recombinator is back
>grasping mail "Armour is increased by Overcapped Fire Resistance"
voila, easy 100k armour and 90% all max res. I'm going breachmaxxing
there is rarely such a thing as best build in poe, ESPECIALLY in softcore where most people are focused on farming currency and not some other challenge like bossing, delving etc. pick a farm and there will be a few best builds for it. I think he has good ideas and has played a lot of a few builds so can minmax them but I wouldn't trust him on early league progression. he admits that he plays slow and waits for expensive items to drop in price which is code for he cant league start for shit
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thats what im going with from 91 to 100
Jung situation where the build is almost always incredibly good, but usually includes some borderline unplayable jank for most people/only feels good after 200 divs.
Bro's suckin' off conner converse
unbreakable change is a buff????
please stop posting molten strike of zenith build, the required gears to make it playable is absurd
is Cleave of Rage back?
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>he has to use a mirror chest and determination to get 100k armor
Never played it.
POE2 release date?
How is closed betta test (CBT)?
Anons, which new weapon enchants do you think will be strong with Archmage?
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just RMT
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>playing a build i have never played
>follow a build from someone who made the best version of it
show a better build dumb faggot
it unironically is, previously for most juggs, armour did fuck all against big ele hits. Now endurance charges give you 8 x 5 = 40% ele DR all the time. So your armour now boosts chaos DR too, Jugg is super tanky now
Blade Blast of Dagger Detonation got gigabuffed because of the quality changes. Don't tell the content creators.
>open one
>padded to hell
yep thats what i thought, have fun
there is no cheap way to make lots of high damage attacks very quickly, much less to also have some durability too. i think tran elehit, either totems or manaforged, is going to be the best option for a while, but it also benefits hugely from a few uniques which are likely to be rather popular and expensive at start.

at the higher end wardens potential damage output is insane, but that isnt very special in poe these days. unless you feel like fiddling with tinctures, i think its the freeze node that distinguishes warden from inq. if you are willing to toggle tinctures on and off for bosses theyll probably add a ton of damage very cheaply.
post the pob so i can copy
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>>padded to hell
every fucking build is padded to hell its path of exile who the fuck do you think you are fooling here?
I want to hear his conan-esque observations on the gay and retarded shit he fights against
Seems like I got my 3rd build this league: Puncture of shanking + sadism + Perfect Agony as a Slayer.
any other dark twisted psychopaths planning to try eviscerate bleed glad?
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There aren't better builds for raw numbers. He always makes the most mathematically strongest in numbers build with broken mechanics poe doesn't nerf or is behind the scenes every league. It's just sad because it really shows what kind of person you are when you play builds like this. You're definitely the person who complains that his team always sucks in multiplayer games, who used cheat codes as a kid, and who played elden ring with the wiki open his first playthrough.
>still dont have a league starter
>poesmoother ruskie made it cost 20 euro
its over i am denied of the game
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>unbreakable change is a buff????

Nigger, juggernaut gets 60% damage reduction from all sources MULTIPLICATIVE with every other defensive layer.

The new endurance charges literally mean 160% eHp, a 1million damage hit is now a 400000 before armor and other mitigations count, and on top of that every item gets more health and more armor, and the melee skills get buffed
Just do sissyran's lacerate glad and spec into the retaliation ascendancy node instead of the lucky block one
replace the bladestorm setup with your retaliation slop and enjoy, that's what I'll do.
I am going with eviscerate + glacial shield sweep (or crushing fist) + expert retaliation support + anything else to boost dmg
this is assuming he doesn't update his pob to include retaliation skills
at least make it less obvious by turning off flasks, molten shell and making it vs guardian
Carn says Boneshatter got shafted by the changes and i'm willing to agree, the minor increase in damage is heavyli outweighted by loss of attack speed from Protector as well as basically everywhere else like Rage etc.
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i actually chose it because i wanted to challenge myself in reaching the highest DPS i can possibly get as i only play 1 build per league and i wanted a infinite scailing build that could also beat all the content and do the challenges, i have suffered doing shitty builds for the past couple leagues glass cannons shitty LA champion so all this buillshit you are projecting here is bullshit

>complaining about the team
i have never done this
>use cheats as a kid
we all did this in GTA
>elden ring with wiki
nah thats gay i went completely blind i was not even excited about it, then it turned into one of the best games i have ever played

project harder you might get an awakened gem out of the ass of maven
so who is giving up a 6-link for retaliation skills?
he is the strong silent type
im going zerk
are you retarded?
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tinctures look fun
what build should i go
>bleed lacerate glad is... le CLUNKY!
kek you fuckers made me actually set it up on standard and it isn't clunky at all. Feels similar to cleave
the clear is decent if not pretty good for melee. Better than boneshitter for sure
The only bit of clunk it has is totems, but that's gone now. If using stances is clunky for you then you can drop it if you want.
And YES I will use stances along with retaliation slop
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an attack build
>Totem kills the strongest build of one of the strongest ascendancies
>The totem in question gives 20% attack speed
>It's over, we will never recover from the loss of 20% attack speed
>20% attack speed was our life
>The ancestors abandoned us, the spirit of karui is lost now that we don't have 20% attack speed
aren't totems "you" though? it works in pob anyway
ele cleave warden
You realize having the highest dps doesn't make a build good right? Look at his builds in the past. They all have insane damage and tankiness but that's it. They are built to showcase killing bosses in deep delve in a few seconds and that's it. If you don't delve these are shit builds. Their clear speed is always complete trash, they require really weird mechanics and usually have tons of buttons and buffs to keep up and are clunky as fuck to play.
Bone isn't even the only Jugg skill btw.
yes it is, piss drinker
His builds are good for valdo's too. But yeah, pretty shit to play and slow
this is just a shittier and janky as hell scourge arrow (of menace)
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im finna spin
alright /v/irgins
>build scaling attack speed to scale damage lost multiple sources of attack speed
>this doesn't make it worse somehow
>literally a day and a few hours away
>have a medical appointment tomorrow so can't skip tomorrow by being comfy sleeping or theorycrafting
zerk's double exerted attacks node looks incredibly strong since it allows sloomers to scale attack speed, maybe an expensive forbidden jewel node to steal
what does it do?
i actually watched the entire video on the build there is a specific ascendancy for accuracy staking that makes attack speed fucking ridiculous on the jugg which makes the jump slam movement gem quicker than a bow user i have looked in depth at this shit it looks great for mapping desu
tfw no slammer bf to slam monsters and then slam my bp

why live
another league again fuckin newfags from /v/ coming here and then those bitch made faggot ass cock sucking bastards finna be white knightning on 1488
give me a funny or punny name for my slam character
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Guess I'll try to build a retaliation glad, it might end up being shit but I prefer novel builds over playing the same shit again and again.
I'm trying to figure out what I steal as a berserker, marauder has inzane nodes for damage or defense
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What skills kill stuff while barely needing to aim. I got old man hands and refuse leap, cry, slam for every single pack.
how do you get away with this? editing the ggpk is 100% detectable by the simplest checksum
locus mine power siphon
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RF for true old man status
Ice nova of frostbolts or BLoO for quick damage
Ele hit of autism if you're running legion dunes or some other degen strat
>cleave is decent
opinion disregarded
there are levels to this game. I too thought lacerate was half-decent about 4 years ago around heist release.
That was more than 10 patches ago. The skill is garbage and trying to compare it to equally dogshit skills is no metric.
100% unironically, GGG doesn't care
>Ice nova of frostbolts
>Old man hands
I don't know anon
Maybe with Kitava's thirst
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I'm gonna be tectonic SLAMMING with jugg this league.
>Maybe with Kitava's thirst
two button builds are cancer
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What's your excuses for not playing earthshatter now that autoexertion is a thing?
ground sloom looks cooler
pobbing it with low tolerance/alchemist mark the damage is actually pretty good.
pressing warcries was never the problem
why would i play zerk over jugg
it's not as cool as ice crash
motherfuckers pre-nerfed double strike of impale. I'm fucking mad
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I AM playing earthshitter jugg this league. Slam league was one of the funnest leagues ever and I can't wait to experience that fun again
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it was strictly better than regular before right?
but yeah now it just looks worse.
you can't use slam skill with a 2h sword my brother
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are you ready to SLOOOOOM!?
I had to pose with the sword because every time I held my axe it shattered the camera. I'll be using an axe for the league of course.
slam my bp zaddy
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mines, ballista totems, SRS
Yeah, regular had some piddly bleed. but nothing else really. The real kicker is the implae aoe on kill and i'm gonna play it still, but i'm kinda mad that i could have played the OP skill for once.
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keep sleeping on ps mines
so does autoexertion use its own cooldowns for warcries or does it still rely on the warcry's cooldown?
>supported war cries do not grant buffs
so does that mean i can now just manually cast intimidating cry while auto-exerting the other 4 war cries which do fuck all anyway?
Anons who played ice nova of frostbolts this league, please tell me this: is kitava's thirst a crucial day 1 upgrade which should be prioritized over literally everything else if I don't want to kill myself due to non-kitava playstyle?
Puncture Glad?
>this doesn't make it worse somehow
If bone doesn't work you can use literally any other mele skill, fucking sunder for example
why would i take movemnet speed boots
...Is slams the only valid melee builds after the changes?
Like, what about strikes and other melee attack skills? Still shit?
It should be ok on the brand or self casting for a while but if you're gonna be a crybaby, you're better playing BL or any other skill until you get kitava's.
you want to automate intimidating cry unless you really want the movement speed for some reason. Honestly just automate as many warcries as you can fit and manually cast enduring cry for charges or something.
1-5 bownigger
6-0 archmage
jesus take the wheel
welp GGGers nerfed fun IMMEDIATELY.
Tincture effects only apply to attacks with your weapons, including from proxies like

Blade Trap
or ballistas. The stats from Tinctures are not local to weapons, but are specifically restricted to only apply to weapon attacks. Tinctures apply to both weapons while dual-wielding. Tinctures do not work with Unarmed skills, shield skills, and minions using your weapons like

The Dancing Dervish

The Iron Mass
.[1] Tinctures only affect melee weapons by default, and do not apply to wands or bows unless the Warden's Seasoned Hunter passive skill has been allocated. Tinctures can never affect spells or non-weapon hits.
>Melee literally garbage without exerts otherwise you're just sacrificing huge DPS
so fucking gay, fuck war cries
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Can't wait for journalists to play PoE 2, arrive at the first town and be greeted with all the ported mtx that blasts ear-piercing sounds and visual diarrhoea. Welcome to Wraeclast, bro.

It's up.
The projectile strikes will remain good, maybe shoot up to the top. Boneshatter will probably end up weaker overall. The other strikes will all be bumped up but probably none of them will go over the top. One or two with weird properties will come out of nowhere and become viable for end game but probably not meta.
0-4 : Double Strike of impaling Slayer
5-9 ; Power Siphon Trickster
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giga bait
>bro just get 200 divs worth of items what's the problem just farm bro
connor can suck my cock, steve is the only delvechad I respect
Steve took handouts, his run is invalidated
steve is just an autist who grinds his face against a wall
connor makes builds
Puncture of shanking seems the to go way
>steve is just an autist who grinds his face against a wall
that's what I do with my homebrewed builds
he's the king of delve whether you like it or not
I can't go wrong with following Ben's zerker slam right?
Its not. There's a new secret way of building SST I haven't seen anyone posting about that's gonna be extremely OP
>bro just only do damage every 5th attack
have fun clearing with this skill
tell me what it is. i don't play trade i won't spill the beans i promise
ben? you mean the nigga who literally said he hates playing 1 button builds because he enjoys piano keying while playing?
chur bro
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Is Unbreakable worth using now? It was good before because of the elemental mitigation but now not so much. You should have enough Chaos Res from items and enough overall life/regen that chaos isn't really that big of an issue. I guess this would just further boost, if you needed it too?
What would I take instead of it?
looks kewl https://pobb.in/M7XQ3GOzVxku
the entirety of jugg is shit now just play chieftain
all nodes except undeniable is good for all builds (and undeniable is good on non-rt builds)
Maybe I'll just play icespear bow coc again
chieftain with forbiden flame unstopable jewels
>can't press more than one button to play the game
>press millions of buttons daily to whine about button pressing itt
yeah I'm sure your carpal tunnel is real debilitating you lazy piece of shit
this except zerk
Your divine flesh?
far shot works with spells now so that's pretty good
stronger than it was before if you use xibaqua
you need significantly less armor to be as effective as last patch
obviously dont use it without xibaqua
Build sucks for anything but deep delve and valdo's like usual. So if that's all you want, play this build. If you want to actually have fun doing anything else, don't fall for this shit
How the fuck do you even use Berserker? So many nodes seem so pointless.
Damage is like the one thing that build did not need. It's a squishy as fuck corpse that you have to manually dodge everything.

The sniper's mark nerf sucks though, it made the visual vomit so much less satisfying.
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is it even worth it if you're getting endurance charges? endurance charges dmg reduction might be higher vs large hits.
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kinda dont want to play
yes? everyone who is rolling melee this league is effectively getting tricked
same sister its overhwleming when they dont release some prepatch like blizzard does
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i will let you know in a month my review on the build
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>SLOOOMers when they try crafting their first non-floor two-hander

Use your standard supply of essences or jagged fossils and report back on your success rate
I'm KINDA thinking about re-doing a build i did years ago, Storm burst totems. With the new quality increasing base duration, ashes and MORE duration support instead of increased, You can pretty confortably reach16 orbs per totem, 6 totems is 96 orbs. Infused channeling lost the ''don't work with totem'' bit so it's a new good link, and protects your totem too.
where can you see the reworked ascendancies?
If I can't play melee what the fuck am I meant to play? there aren't any other builds.
we have recombinators lol
Bro axes are gonna be nutty with recombinators back
ele hit deadeye into warden respec
should be good, I've read about people going that before swapping to shockwave totem
why do they put normal frost bolts in the kitava headpiece
I played storm burst totem last league, it was fine. Nothing super crazy, but could clear all content relatively cheap. Just doesn't have a super high ceiling .
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>trying to PoB a lacerate glad
>can't get more than 1 mil dps without good gear
sure if your res is always 90 or something
but all the largest hits in the game have insane pen, xibaqua cuts stuff like that in half
Thanks fren
how do you even recomb a phys axe
do you just fuse a t1 % and t1 flat then veiled orb the hybrid?
reduced elemental dmg taken isn't weak to pen
>90% max res
>7 endurance charges
>max roll uber shaper ball
chieftain: 6k damage
xibaqua jugg: 2k damage
I did it for ritual, which arguably was the best situation. Plop the totems, arcane cloak and sigil of power for the massive extra damage, then jsut dodge around while the totem kill the enemies and my fps. The ramp up made clearing annoying tho, that's what making me wary
I did it with hierophant, an i suppose that's still preferred
yes it is, end charges are strong because its layered on 90% res.
take away that layer with pen or -max and its suddenly shit
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>yes it is, end charges are strong because its layered on 90% res.
tinctures cant be used for SST? wtf is this HORSESHIT
at 90% res, let's say shaper's ball penetrates 40% pen, 10k hit will deal 5k damage
with xibaqua, 5k taken as chaos at 80% = 1k, 5k taken as ele at 50% = 2.5k, for 3.5k total
with new endurance charge DR, not taking xibaqua: 8 charges x 5% DR = 40% DR, you will take 3k
new endurance charge is fucking insane, it trivializes penetration, you don't even need to jump hoops to mitigate
What post is this from?
patch notes was updated
Molten strike (even the basic one) always had damage. The problem is it sucks for mapping. Just be aware what your getting yourself into. Maybe test the skill a bit.
t. Has played MS like 6 times
Give me your most non-meta build so I can feel superior to the masses, right now.
Do tinctures work with blade trap? Melee weapons after all.

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