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>[Patch 3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[Patch 3.25] Major Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

Prev: >>487351823
Allie is our girl
finna league start frostbolts hiero
ayo this nigga based
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has ANYONE managed to make a non-dogshit melee bleed glad?
it's impossible
stop talking about melee, nobody cares
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>still no build
play SST
Chieftain League
>farming ryslatha's
nah no thanks
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that's not melee...
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Thoughts on this build by Zish, the "frost blades expert" according to reddit?
he's a retard
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if you equip MTX before clearing your whole atlas + voidstones then you didn't beat the game and you're a loser.
simple as.
>5k max phys hit endgame setup
oh thats pretty bad
>steelskin checked
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>UUUUUUH we can't just give shit skills numerical buffs it needs to be nuanced and like thinked out
>DUUURRRRRR melee still bad how we fix? DOUBLE DAMAGE BIG NUMBER
So the new flesh and stone is a less costly, almost as good pride? Especially since it does benefit from auras, apparently.
melee is mechanically poo poo there's no other way to fix it in poe1
not having to place two totems all the time unironically fixed all its problems
NO because bleed is dogshit. There is a reason that bleed is only used to activate CF before this patch.
Should i use Pride + flesh and blood + Close Combat + Impact from slayer and go full MELEE maxing ? Those numbers here look mighty fine if i stand close to people.
the range is extremely bad
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melee in pooe1 was so fucking bad that when they initially went to rework the system it spawned an entire new game.

Only took them half a decade to listen to the players
yeah but if i'm literally melee-ing ?
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>want to try Hexblast of Contradiction Inquisitor
which guide if I want to get my hands held up to 4 stones?
retarded attentionwhore
>being a meleecuck
Feels like I'm just self-sabotaging if I'm not going jugg. Endurance Charge change is just so fucking retarded.
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kek it do be like that
you are very often not going to be in melee range of what hits you
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The endurance charge change is fucking retarded but juggernaut was always invincible so this doesn't change anything there. You're self-sabotaging if you're not planning around endurance, but you're not self-sabotaging for picking another ascendency since you still need damage.
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They got rid of Rising Tempest for this huh. Bummer.

I guess it's pretty hard to get shock duration though, so it's not so terrible.
my plan:
groundslam (of earthshaking)
auto seismic (50% more aoe) because it's 6 attacks
not bother with other exerts
yea archmage is gonna be great, I'll do that while meleecucks fight over items in trade.
that's completely useless, especially for a anoint only
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I thought we were all playing firestorm?
Endurance charge generation is the worst fucking thing ever, good luck having consistent charges if you're not jugging
anon... you can still get endurance charges on other ascendancies
oinko sky
Is it a viable idea to play weapon swap cyclone and bone?

>Cruise through the level spinning around like you're playing RF again
>Tough mob/boss
>Switch weapon to bonezone and DPS him down

Does that make any sense?
I just feel awkward having to stop to hit or slam the trash mobs, I'm used to just running through them.
>charge steal rare
>die because you only get a couple charges every 10 seconds
cyclone coc [some spell] and you don't have to swap
I ain't playing no shit where my charges fall off when bosses phase
Bro I'm trying, but it needs so much to not be shit. I mean sure, you end up tanky, but 4mil dps sounds terrifying when we get the woods back.
intimidating cry is double damage, retard-kun
Rate my Molten Strike of the Zenith Warden

Config is for boss, lower shock/scorch and turn off Unbound for trash clearing DPS
Nah. If you're talking Warden's freeze node and the shock node it's not terrible. Shocking Blows gives 50% duration of shock and also 30% increased damage though. Also if you're maxing ignite duration it's annoint-only so you'd have to take it.
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she's not wrong
Its insane for ignite what are you on about.
I usually MTX up after campaign
Oops left out Precision, you get the idea
not being able to exert it kills that skill. don't know what they're thinking with that one
finna mtx with my sanctum gold armor on the strand before i even pick up the fuckin weapon off the ground
meh, sucks without the berserker node, only 2 hits
ignites already last infinitely long
IP grabber
>warcy piano, mana cost and attack speed issues circumvented
Yeah, I'm playing crushing fist.
that's why you take deep breaths and measured fury. it's worth the pathing for double damage.
no, it's garbage for ignite.
bleed glad
perforate or whatever for general clear, explosions to most of the work anyway
beefed war banner+big fuck off eviscerates for bleeds on bosses
yes no?
Can we buy maps with the new Gold system?
grimrobros... where is he?
Not with replica emberwake they don't.
no, just items that stack
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>15% reserv PER warcry
>Can't be made lower
>Dont get BUFFS them
>They still COST mana
What an absolute dogshit gem. Who in the right mind would use it?
no, BUT you can buy div cards which you can redeem for maps
he's currently 50k ausd in debt from failed pulls, he's coming back to RMT his ass off
There is probably no single content creator that bait builds and traps people harder than Grimro.
>RF trying to sneak in
RF is shit
What isn't bait?
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rf jugg bros...we made it...
my build
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>softcore trade
>build creators
>can make several insanely high dps, dot cap on ubers unique builds no one has posted or is talking about
>all of them are squishy turds

I know we're getting extra life and defenses this patch, but only on rares..I can't figure out how to scale defenses properly now that determ and grace are literal dogshit. Every build loses those and there ain't SHIT to replace them unless you have access to end charges...which most don't. How the fuck did they change so much shit and somehow make builds even more pigeon holed? Please tell me I'm retarded and missing something because everything right side of the tree feels fucking retarded right now
why did they make rf back to percent hp dmg only? it was better with flat dps because then you could play rf builds which didn't stack hp or es.
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What's your opinion about it?
>Bro, just trust this stranger
This needs an extra feature. Maybe upvote/downvote, idk
post it
archmage, hexblast mines and EH/LA
Fat piece of shit loser?

i'm going to play bows again this league :)
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Is there any reason for me NOT to use this on rage stacking Berk?
Once you have actual gear just run one or 2 of them for mapping
just invest whatever you would invest into defense in more damage so you phase them before they kill you
atack on titan looking motherfucker
Say it with me Molt....
my cock in your mouth
yes. like most unique weapons it just has too low dps to be worth using.
the build you know and have played before and which didn't get nerfed
can't decide on doing spellblade tri-stack, archmage anything, or hexblast mines. not sure i want to be stuck in sanctum jail early game
They barely nerfed anything this league you can just run any of the starters that was good previously if you don't want to take chances
He just posts what he plays, I don't think he's much for build guides.
There's a category of bait that involves people playing builds meant for content that they either don't know how to optimize or don't have enough time to invest in.
I think most blasters fall into this category but they're still functional builds.
did LA get nerfed? i always play it and never check the notes.
Are you retarded?
I mean I can get to dot cap but these life/armor/eva totals are micropenis levels of small and having 180 life on a rare chest instead of 120 and +1 max cold res on jewels aint gonna solve it
It's bad for leveling compared to rain of arrows. But very slightly better at top end now.
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Hear me out
>Vaal Arc Ignite Elegirl
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Genuine revulsion when I see this faggots face.
He specifically states if you are a shitter that can't figure things out then you are going to have a really hard time. Its for experienced players. Also he has only created a build guide one time like 4 years ago for CF Glad that transition to TS.
The one time he did it he did better then like 99% of build creates and had all the steps to craft and farm all the gear in the guide. I still to do this day use his guide for Phys cluster crafting to make a few div day 1 and 2.
It's literal shit compared to a psycho axe that just has phys damage on it.
Though, they changed those bases didn't they? I can't remember already.
Anyway as that other anon said rigwald's savagery is a wet noodle.
Rupture is still 3 second 3 stacks max despite there not being anywhere in the game stating that, right?
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yeah but its a double wield weapon and I can just use good crafted rare sword in another hand
havent played a shield build in god knows how many years

about how tanky exactly does 75% block and 75% spell block actually make you in current POE? useless vs most bosses? invincible unless you stand in degens? I really have no idea
every other attack is shit then
alright nevermind, im league starting blade trap trickster
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>be GGG
>HATE unique items
>but release more unique items each league
>also balance skills and game around those unique items
How is this behavior called?
Probably good but I'd wager it feels like total shit to play
massive bait
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should i start with templar into archmage something or try melee with slam or shield
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I'm in metagolem archmage territory and I want mom to come pick me up.
So do I count as "leeching" with the new version of vaal pact ?
For example i want to use feed the fury cluster jewel node
splitting steel epheremal edge trickster
league start
Depends on what you are doing. The highest content both in bossing and mapping often has very dangerous dots which block does nothing against and requires you to spend quite a bit of character power to obtain 75/75.
In general content though it will feel amazing as you will be essentially not taking damage large parts of maps and block builds often take life on block shields meaning you are almost always staying topped off.

TL;DR really strong early and mid game, good defensive layer as long as you have others end game
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>lvl 83
having gladiator lucky node makes it 87,5% block
Wouldn't SST build be better as cold conversion version not bleed?
Charged dash ignite
>spam poeg about molten strike of the zenith
>play another build they dont know about with lower prices
so what's the state of general's cry? dead? on life support but still doable?
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cast on crit lancing steel ice spear perfect agony pathfinder using the grasping vine tech with inextricable fate
I immediately trust and believe in this build but I am still going to run my face at enemies with a build that overkills survivability for softcore trade
you will never fit in
oh no
Honestly, 1:44 in the video gives you the real experience.
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Hmm nyes I'm thinking puncture of shanking
endgame is 4.9k without 7.9k with steelskin but still pretty bad yeah
Checking the gems now, swordstorm looks kinda underwhelming considering you can't exert it.
I was really looking forward to doing a glad dual wield build... might try to build around impales and see how it goes.
impale a SHIT (still)
why are chuds jugg instead of gladiator when you get this defense for 2 ascendancy points and 8 passives?
reminder this is just a softcore list of mapping as fast as possible
most of these retards play shit like deadeye with 20k ehp to zoom maps
i want to pob it but its not in pob............
Well, yeah, but it's the only somewhat decent thing other than bleed that can be built upon near the dual wield passives, and bleed would be kinda useless with a multihit skill
What's the state of SRS? I've never played it, I know it was a well rounded build.
I like mapping, expeditions/logbooks/harvest, essences.
>falls over to a dot in .03 seconds
Because Glad has literally no damage and no 4th ascendancy node that isn't skill tree notable tier. Also, 3.10 it was much easier to block cap spell and attack.
Good with bladestorm.
what the fuck dual wield build were you exerting things on anyway
>want to play bleed slams
>best ascendancy for hc is chieftain
>roped into using 3 non-instant shouts minimum every 10 seconds
>i i autoexert them i lose 45% mana res, 20% life per second buff, 50% armour and 30% move speed
>45% mana res is literally another grace/deter
>mfw overexert support gives me 100+% more dmg

ggg are fucking retarded, there isn't a logic option to use autoexert when you are min maxing. Anyone come up with none boneshatter slayer builds that ddon't map clear like ass?
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>melee league
>cant mute war cries

>>roped into using 3 non-instant shouts minimum every 10 seconds
this is false
I fucking wish I could clear the acts in less than 4 hours, but in reality it always takes like 8-10 hours.
What are some strats? I find that I'm usually heavily undergeared for the later acts.

Also, am I always supposed to focus on maps right after the acts for the most efficiency or am I free to do other things? Feeling a bit sick of filling out my Atlas.
any league starter to 40/40 without ever gettting
>adorned high rolled + jews
>original sin
nigger why cant i just complete the game in yellow gear fuckin race faggots nerfed poison seismic
You can just run past entire areas. Also you can skip like half the side quests. In fact its probably worth it to even skip some important side quests when you first get them and just come back later when you have speed and gear to rapid fire through them.
Do you like clicking a lot?

The most fundamental problem of POE is that the most powerful builds are all shit or clunky to play.

The game would be more enjoyable if instead of some bullshit like traps and ballistae they buffed the simple shit like fireball. When your game is centered around totems and not fireballs you have a fucking problem.

Also allow the melee to swing while running or something.
>takes 10% more dot damage than jugg/slayer (still invincible because of new end charges)
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Not really a point of playing anything else when Zenith is broken as fuck. Even with decent gear it doesn't use anything that's ridiculous to start with.
search for tytykiller on youtube or watch ziz's play with me. he's got a couple for starting from scratch / not using twink items, which, new character is like 6 / 7 hours, man. you don't have to feel that bad about 8. it's a lot of just using the correct gems at the correct times so you're always doing a lot of damage. a lot of it isnt even knowing the layouts or anything, it's just not being overlevelled, stopping to kill whites, and it not taking you 15 minutes to kill a boss. a good one there is like using puncture on brutus to trivialize the fight instead of like trying to auto attack him to death on a two link

>went to bed
>missed like 10 generals
stop posting so much you fucking faggots
Im gonna play ruthless this league.
dead game
I will not get baited into Ice crash Ignite! I will not get baited into Ice crash Ignite! I will not get baited into Ice crash Ignite! I will not get baited into Ice crash Ignite! I will not get baited into Ice crash Ignite! I will not get baited into Ice crash Ignite! shit I am brainstorming it
it was just the same posts as before you're not missing out
how do you expect the game to have any kind of longevity for non retards if you can quickly and comfortably finish challenges intended to last weeks or months for experienced players in trash gear that drops constantly
The amount of players that can clear the campaign under 4 hours is extremely low.
General tips:
-Practice league start, literally nothing brings your clear times down more then this
-Obey the 3 level rules (it expands to 4 and 5 levels later on but 3 always is good)
-Completely ignore league mechanic
-Skip everything not needed
-Learn map layouts
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but enough about sleepoch
I'm confused by the wording here. Is the increased projectile damage taken line part of the snared debuff? I need to know if more quality will boost it
almost certainly yes
this time you should at least do the fast circles and upgrade your town so you can send your slaves to work the second you enter maps
I'm investing in warcry cooldown recovery speed because I actually enjoy pressing the warcry buttons each slam
I was planning on exerting bladestorm, since it wasn't clear b4 the gems page was posted that retribution skills couldn't be exerted.
I wonder how they nerfed dark marionette free aura
Ruthless is boring imo. You gain almost as much power as the standard league but just don't get to interact with stuff as much. Ruthless SSF is much more fun if you want a challenge.
probably aura effect
don't think so
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Unlikely worth it, they stated gold is shit in the campaign which means the faster you get to maps the faster you build up your settle and find better nodes to farm in the first place.
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>Why you suck at leveling - XP Management
This is gonna be good!

>Obey the 3 level rules (it expands to 4 and 5 levels later on but 3 always is good)
I didn't really know about this. I've just been pushing as much as I can (and dying a lot in the process)
so 30% free moar dmg and then up to 60% extra?
okay that's a really good node. especially if it stacks multiplicatively.
That seems better though. Going 30% to 90% instead of 0 to 100.
reason I ask is because some idiots has them as a free level 19-20 aura in their setups
like Palsteron's LS POB
>just settled on Slayer
We've already gotten gems so I feel like it must've dodged nerfs.
One of the things that practice helps you with is knowing where you struggle so you know what to look for before you get to that part in the future.
Merveil rapes you? Make sure you have a sapphire ring before you fight her? Can't consistently find a sapphire ring? How can gather the materials need to make the sapphire ring when do I need it done, etc etc.
actually this annoys me because I had just found a shitbuild that actually wanted four other nodes
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With 3.25 can't you just go Cyclone, get a fire MTX, weight down your Cyclone button and effectively play RF except you do like 4x the dmg?
someone post a zerker slam pob
wait ice shot of pen is that good?

its not a bait for me to league start it??
Im playing Cyclone
dont care playing cyclone
great thanks
fuck off
which one, normal or trans
Glad finally got a 4th ascendancy node. Doesn't make Bleed good but it does improve Glad builds.
Way better. How many fucking fights last 100 seconds.
GGG really fucked up on melee this league. It's legion cyclone league all over again. I did a quick practice run with ground slam into sunder at level 12. Once you get intimidating cry, it absolutely destroys everything. I can't even imagine it after these absurd numerical buffs.
If you like melee at all, do nothing but play it this league because it's going to be nerfed into the ground for 2+ years after this one.
And no, I'm not talking about gladiator / bleed. Those are still shit.
which cyclone build should i do ive been thinking about it for a few days now
Login asap
it's edited. not real.
I can't stand these players.
And RF hasn't actually been RF for a few years now. It's a trap build where RF just so happens to be on.
God damn anon!
I think it's better than it looks on paper.
~2000% damage sounds on par with the other retal skills, but it combines your damage from both weapons so it's kinda ~4000%.
Global flat added damage can potentially be doubled by this too (not sure).
The main concerns are how clunky it is to play and if all 8 hits are guaranteed to land or if there's some RNG involved.
Alright, what's the best memery you can concoct with using Limbsplit's gore shockwave to cast on crit
bruh i do 40/40 every league without any of these on rf jugg.
same but not until I'm sitting on a good bit of currency
Oh yeah, I forgot this place was full of literally severely mentally ill people for a second there.
Okay sorry the trap build with RF on is shit.
aer0 is the (only) guy that made the build and he told them to put that tier, make of that what you will.
>How many fucking fights last 100 seconds.
>Soul eater
Welcome to 3.24 no skills do anymore
ggg done removed the left click tech
Feel the weight
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Did they do anything to change up delve this league?
It's called enduring cry. There are tons of other ways to get it on kill / block as well.
This is literally the most upsetting change I have ever experienced in PoE.
Shockwave slayer is the best one but Tumult currently has manacost of 6 which is not sustainable so probably new builds will be using regular Cyclone instead?
I would not recommend this guy. Whenever I've clicked his stream he always talks about how he got a fat cock.
To (You) and everyone else:
Jugg is such a trap. Enjoy your zdps. Go berserker or chieftain. Berserker is king of slams.

Should I buy a mouse with 8 side buttons?
Does the game even allow to set them all up for 15 warcries and shit I'm going to have?
jfc, im trying to eat here. somebody kill that thing before it lays eggs.
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Ruetoo or Zish for Frostblades?
One uses FOoK on Slayer and the other the base gem on Warden
all vids i found about hexblast mine. gonna binge em later in bed
someone fix this so it has 5m dps without ryslatha
i like zish's vid more cause he doesn't sound like a rambling schizo but he also showed 140 million pob dps which sends up red flags but maybe the build is actually that op idk
IP grabber
>manacost of 6 which is not sustainable

How the fuck is it not sustainable?
Shouldn't instant leech keep you perma full?

Failing that you can lifetap it. Lifetap adds damage and there was a mastery somewhere that additionally buffs the skills that cost life to cast
Warden forces you to stack up your charges before you are allowed to use your damage toggle. I prefer the Trickster variant for almost 100% frenzy charge uptime
That guy is the definition of a pob warrior
In his trickster one he had all 3 totems checked (with no linger of course) + linked with maim and cull AND included in the full dps
Also shit like 50% shock and focus
guys' entire repertoire or mana management techniques is elreon jewellery
this nerd did a fucking PRACTICE run

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Sounds like kino times are upon us. It paid off, make slams great again!
You play chieftain rf not for the 400k dot dps but for the pops. With dogshit gear you can afk in sims and ultimatum. Especially with nu endurance charges that you get from free from inexorable.
Ruetoo it is then
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You're an idiot. With the changes of damage taken as ele, defenses are going to be more tied to base armor and endurance charges. Damage is always easy to get with gear, defenses are going to be what's hard. In the end with good gear a jugg will be doing 98% of the damage of a zerker, but be 5x as tanky. There are a few specific builds that require a zerker or chieftain, but for your average player, jugg is better atm.
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How is Earthquake of Amplification? From the description on the wiki, it sounds more suitable as a bossing skill, maybe.
any fellow smoothbrains starting wander?
none of that locus mine shit
This image goes hard.
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>aegis seething fury perfect agony spectral shield throw bleed
i'm cookin
>the dislike ratio on all his vids
Johnathan shouldn't have enabled this giga shill. Not even his own community likes him.
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Is warden complete dogshit? ramp up in every phase
Feels like there has to be something with tectonic slam getting buffed and endurance charges being retarded...
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>update pob
>added keystone tattoos
wasn't someone just talking about this?
ur retarded
post rueto build
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It's slamming time, faggots!
>1 million dot multi
>ez crit cap
>immune to all damage that doesn't one shot you
i'm a genius
anything that needs ramp is fucking SHIT
i remember when people coomes over poison molten strike with free vengeance cascade because of absurd pob dps but in practice it was fucking SHIT
>test out duelist act 1 run
>die 10 times to brutus
why the fuck is he so strong
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Zenith already ruined this league for me. Better than any other build and can start with literally 0 investment. Can't believe they buffed this shit. I love making alts but there is no point this league since zenith can run anything and do anything.
is seething fury still in the game
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Brutus is the minotaur guarding the maze.
yeah, it's from corrupting viridian jewels
>instant leech
Slayer doesnt use Vaal Pact.
Also its 6 mana BEFORE supporting gems and scaling gem level. You also need to cast other skills like frostblink or banners.
uhoh i just realized it might happen again
if oak gets new enduring cry and charges...
Is there anything with poison that doesn't have ramp to begin with? Maybe mamba viper strike?
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Or just help him and then respec in end game
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earthquake or earthshatter?
speed run poe any %
why is glancing blows so dogshit?
any build can do 40/40, just buy TFT carries for the dogshit conditionals and bosses you can't do on your trash build.
>>immune to all damage that doesn't one shot you

ur retarded
oh neat
are you going trickster or sabo?
Any way to build Tectonic slam like it was build back then? With 2 fast weapons and spamming it?
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>Reddit pollls on what league mechanics people are going to do
>89% are doing blight

this is it dude THE league starter
Fuck juggernaut and fuck endurance charge generation I'm just going hierophant for conviction of power
trickster 100%, not because i have any idea what is better but because i just think trickster is cool af, i love the look of the trees with all the masteries
minimum endurance charges works
do you know what aegis does? you know what the new glad nodes gives you?
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how the fuck am I gonna get this on day 1-2????
What's wrong with blight? I love tower defence games.
run lab, like a normal person
you spend 30 mins in lab retard
by running lab
tfw doing full melee campaign every day until release
I hate melee so much it's unreal
Blight should be ok but with them adding more shit to ritual I got to keep doing it. It's a full scarab + blood filled ritual or bust mode but shits fun. Found around 8 synth items worth 10d+
>30 mins
more like 30 hours, mazie.
no one is forcing you to play melee retard
>new scarab so you only have 1 lane
>new oil
sure why not
then dont play melee in the campaign and respecc later
Rest in peace Vengeance and Reckoning, you will be missed...
Yes, deal with it.
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Because 89% of people are going to be playing blight, the oils are going to be worthless, and you can no longer sell blight maps.
Ritual is a trap every league. It's my favorite mechanic, but it is unironically the worst div/hour you can do in the game outside of chaos recipe.
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Still playing RF. You guys can go get baited by blight, melee, and lightning strike warden all you want.
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You're about to learn a valuable life lesson.
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Go for it champ.
>grr he's playing rf!! i have to stop him!! i know... i'll LIE and say it's bad... heh heh... that'll show him... soon he will give up and play melee like me...
>and you can no longer sell blight maps
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Can I force my shitter slaves to run my Blight maps for me?
>they don't know how stupidly strong warcry buff stacking is now
champ is gone
My idea is letting them run shaper maps
>grr he's playing melee!! i have to stop him!! i know... i'll LIE and say it's bad... heh heh... that'll show him... soon he will give up and worship pohx like me...
If a build requires me to press a button every X seconds in order for it to work, it's a SHIT build.
Yeah I'm ritual maxxing this league
i don't really do blight for profit it's more of a get a bit of everything at league start + a ton of xp with verdant anoints on blighted maps
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There's something about the Act 4 mine that just numbs my fucking brain.
slow, time consuming and bad rewards except for really high highrolls
They're very different skills (FB vs FB of Katabasis).
I think Katabasis is gonna be pretty comfortable to play, but normal FB will probably do more damage on a high budget due to projectile scaling..
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more like humiliation ritual
>1000 kaoms
>leap slam
>rise of the pheonix
yeah we back
You can still sell blight maps, just not on the auction house. But yeah, blight is going to be worthless this league, everyone is going to run it so the oils will be worth nothing. Usually a great way to start because you need no gear, hence why everyone is going to be running it, and also why all of those people will soon find that it's worth nothing because golden oils are going to be like 5c
wtf, i was gonna do it too
time for change of plans
Me too, fellow chad. And warcry speed and power.
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back to the beach, that is
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What Atlas mechanic is going to be slept on this league?

And don't say Ritual, no one likes Ritual.
people have too many streamer brainworms to accept the fact that if you have a 97% chance to avoid damage you will not die
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Any new Discharge tech?
>boss kills you because its attack is unblockable

wtf????? this is bullshit!!!!
chaos recipe is pretty easy if u use the helper thing but idk if that still works cause last league it didn't work cause of some API issue or some shit
That's more like it.
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bye bye gladcuck
this, they employed CIA-trained psychologists to maximize the amount of sleepiness I feel in Acts 4 and 9
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doing a Drox Fist glad, this shit on a 6 link will be kino and if not I'll just quit the league
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Isn't Ritual the only place to find the King of the Mist or whatever.
Anyhow, just pick one of the hot new "tough" mechanics. Slower mechanic = more toughness = more quantity & rarity
Essences, Beasts, Ghosted Exiles, Legion, Blight, Ritual, Harbinger, Delirium, Alva, Heist, and Ultimatum
>15s duration warcry buff
>press two buttons every 15s, receive: 40% more armor, 40% resistance, 4% max all res
>when you see it
he is the type of people that hate games that needs to be played, probably prefers console movies
(YOU) need to know: Gladiator is only useful for having a smooth league start with max block and bleedsplosions to get your atlas completion easily. After that, it falls off hard and you should be changing to slayer.
You said that you will be able to slap spell suppression on pure STR armor with recombinators, but then I saw that recombinators will be usable only on pieces with the same base type, meaning no SS on non-DEX gear...
So how do I compensate determination nerf if I still need 100% SS?
>takes 50-200 damage from it because of resists and/or suppression
Oh no
Jugg is just noob training wheels.
I haven't played in awhile. How hard is it to get ralakesh?
>So how do I compensate determination nerf
Determination itself has been nerfed, but there's a chance you end up with more armour than before on account of new bases giving more and % on Determination not being nerfed.
Low-armour builds can use tech like petrified blood, doppelganger's guise, arctic armour, charges.

>if I still need 100% SS?
Do you really "need" SS if you can get SS's benefit from having ~7-8 endurance charges? Something to consider for left side of the tree.
>Slambuild XY
>Bleedbuild XY
so we gained 2 new builds while a few others got deleted. Cool
that fuckin tranny tuna actually forced this garbage word, whats next? homebrew?
Slay, queen
Shatter for mapping / clear. Quake of Amp for bosses.
is there a reason not to use call to arms support with like enduring cry?
boss attacks that can't be blocked are easy to manually dodge. just don't be bad
Call to arms support no longer exists, might be a problem
Just grab some max ele resistance nodes. Getting up to 80 is trivial (Soul of Steel + mastery, your choice of resistance wheel). Then have a way to generate endurance charges and grab both +1s. Congrats, you are now taking spell suppress level damage from everything that matters.
>archmage hiero
Do people go ball lightning of spiraling into the ice nova version?
Been using it for 5 years and I didn't know who tuna is until a year ago.
It's not a garbage word, it's a perfectly fitting term that describes the concept.
you're never gonna have that gear in this league
The best thing about melee in this game is how much it filters people. It's the most simple mechanic ever and fun and satisfying to do and they can't be bothered to press the buttons.
finna league starting ephermal edge trickster ci... but what skill bros? whats the leveling guide
Anons, I have a very important question for you. Should I go slam berserker or flicker berserker? Why?
I'm having extreme fomo either way. Zoom around farming incredibly fast on flicker but struggle on bosses until I get rich. Or move around blowing everything up in one shot and taking down bosses fairly easily, but I'm a bit slower.
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i just loaded alk's earthshatter POB in the updated path of building, removed the extra configs and it went down from 4 mil to 400k DPS.
is earthshatter a meme?
big nose squad
post the pob
Chieftain best for RF? How is the RF bossing now days?
He's really good at the game. Probably the best melee streamerfag there is.
>alk build
thats your problem
tuna invented card games
>that episode where alkaiser gets one shot by some detonate dead mid dash animation
great game
you wanna know why it's like that? he's a retarded hardcore streamer who runs t16 maps magic over and over and over and over again because he's scared of dying
Earthshatter Lvl 90: https://pobb.in/IUEofQGpUJsA (4m+ dps)
Earthshatter Lvl 96 https://pobb.in/33iLCKds71_Z (7m+ dps)
Earthshatter Lvl100 https://pobb.in/gw6V0td6PWAQ (~20m dps)

as far as i know the custom modifiers were added before the last update so they should be removed.
builds where you fall and cant turn back since you are dancing with the devil
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anyone want to critique my league start? I've never done a melee or block build before so I'm unsure if it's actually good...
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Why would you play anything but Zenith. Do you just not like having 100x less defence and 100x less dps for the same price?
greenpill me on zenith bwo
calm down retard
in the content reveal mark said aura's from them wouldn't be as powerful
1 look at the first pob and i can tell that you are retarded.
Baffling that guardian has been deemed good enough for consistent nerfs even if a bunch of them are for ruthless

any flicker rmt xixters here? whats the conciousness?
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how many sleepies left
your degens defense, trash taste retard?
Stash tab sale this weekend?
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33 hours
32 minutes
4 sleeps
11 poops
ES is one of the hardest to POB skills in the game, because you don't know how many spikes realistically hit at a time (sometimes it's 1-2, sometimes all).
On top of that, certain very important mechanics, like Echoes of Creation helmet buff or the new Overexertion gem, aren't in pob yet, and these make up for huge dmg improvements.

I would trust alk. Maybe just make sure you're not using his POB that was made before POB added better effectiveness of added dmg etc.
I don't dislike the mechanic but I hate playing with 4 fps
your poesmoother subscription bro?
20% Zenith is gonna cost 50 div. Quality is imperative for that skill gem, and if ggg doesn't revert the buffs to it this league, it's GG. No point in playing anything else
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factually incorrect
I think I'm good
it's the only molten trans gem so it's easy as hell to get
I've gotten it twice from normal labs
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Not just the regular gem you fucking idiot. The regular gem will only be like 5 div.
enjoy your zdps lmao
I just got cured of racism....
Oh right and other ascendancies just pick up the node that avoids cleansingfirewall
Oh wait, right, you just dodge this shit because its his slowest most telegraphed attack.
based archmage bro, ziz version or grotha?
post pobs
you can be racist and like women, it aint exclusive or hard.
grotha https://pobb.in/IuNC766dT3NQ
ziz https://pobb.in/20ygT23MsdQV
new tech just dropped, if you look for gay married man it guarantes them being tight and discreet. on grindr.
IP grabbers
thanks tripolarbear
I equip MTX in the first act, because it's the most boring part of the game
Just manually smooth it bwo.

Download this- https://github.com/aianlinb/VisualGGPK2/releases/
Download the smooth files.7z- https://files.catbox.moe/ovgxnl.7z

Extract the smooth files.7z
Open the SMOOTH folder and you'll find a ROOT folder.

Run VisualGGPK2.exe
Select your Content.ggpk file
Drag and drop that ROOT folder into your VisualGGPK2 window. Replace.

To revert, open the ORIG folder and you'll find a ROOT folder.
Drag and drop that ROOT folder into your VisualGGPK2 window. Replace.

There's also two note.txt files.
one describes which folder does what. It's missing a lot.
and the other note is how to add custom colors.

Stuff will almost certainly break once the league launches.
that's the ball phase
And if I only used smoother for zoomhack?
I think I have become too stupid to make good builds anymore.
went from #1 flicker on poe ninja to being unable to make a slam ignite chieftain.
i think i will just steal bilds now
im using smoother because im poor from the 3rd world and you are hacking you piece of shit? and now it costs money on top of that?
what a world we i mean i live in
Just steal Steelmages build and call it yours
Glad you feel defeated enough to not reply to my post, you illiterate thirdie pig.
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>you are hacking you piece of shit?
PoE is literally unplayable with default zoom though?
>they did not do anything to Explosive Arrow
So... what build can i do with it? Is EA even viable anymore? Mind you, i dont want totems/ballistas.
replace 1 file
smoother just uses this library to automatically do ggpk operations. it downloads a bin of things to replace from the smoother guy's website and mass replaces everything. maybe I'll mess with it later.
thanks i'll try it out then
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What crys to use on autoexertion knowing that it gives no buffs?
schizo moment
11k ehp yikes
struck a nerve faggot queer?
play rage vortex
I want to freeze things on trickster. Ice Trap or Explosive Trap with cold conversion?
it was such a pretty, pretty, pretty pob but it turned out to be a pretty big waste of time
I will play the next build posted until I quit the league
Sexiest build?
uh oh
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I still have no starter. Melee looks like a scam...
Time to play EA
IP grabber, be careful
>ascendant with gladiator block + slayer overleech
>retaliate giga fist of hell/max block chance easy
>broken faith shield for wither+100% phys to chaos convert and leech
>cherubim maleficence
>dissolution of flesh/petrified blood combo
What am I missing? What main skill should I use?
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LS is still dead.

Adding HP to RF will not take it out of dumpster tier.

It will honestly probably go for more than that. It's in a league so far into its own that anyone not running it will be retarded. I'm going to guess 15qual will be 50 div, 100div+ for 20 qual.
Take a bath with a toaster nigger, it's good tech
So assuming I dont plan on being rich playing warden isnt really worth it? It seems like an ascendancy thats actually pretty expensive.
you will never be a real women you lack the uterus
thanks god
femoids are disgusting
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Can we all just be friends?
(I love cock btw)
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why would you ever play the clunky skills if the smooth ones did just as much damage?
play 3 warcry piano bleed chieftain
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she's right
Do I really need to use all warcries all the time or is one enough for maps?
you will never be a real man, pin dick.
tuna ty kurwo jebana przecweluje cie w ryj
>t. 5'10" """""""""""man""""""""""""
no it won't, you're a retard
and quality is cheap as shit you just run merc lab for quality font
>dumbest nigger alive
>potato monkey "male"
many such cases
don't ever reply to me you disgusting slav(e) russian rape baby.
Act 1 is fun, though. Going from level 1 with no movement speed and no movement skill to level 10 with movement options is objectively the largest power spike you will ever experience in Path of Exile.
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Screw it, I just take the Ruetoo pill! Whit that out of the way, what are the Poeg certified foods and drinks for league start?
You might have to use more than 1 if you're pushing map progression on leaguestart but once your gears in a good spot you should be able to clear with just seismic
why are tranny faggots like this? heard you have trans skill gem mousepads?
>why are free thinking individuals like this? don't you want daddy government to like you??
next time dont miss trump
are you autistic? why would anyone here care about burger """"leaders"""?
witch feet
Biggest bait build maker on the forums
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yejibros we're so hyped for the new league that we bought the $90 turtle hideout supporter pack
>playing american game
>tries to insult as "burgers"
do eurotards really?
all these people shilling for bleed dont tell you how hard is it to craft a decent bleed axe
It's a bad game and we're bad people playing it.
Also burgers are tasty.
>american game
>american board
>american language
>why do uga chaka uga uga im french im white do care usa??
i talked myself back into SST bleed
>Kiwi game
>Japanese website
>English (The UK) language
Hope that helps.
League starters are for retards.
>Bu-but I'm saving a few hours!!!!
Still retarded
Even American shouldn't care about American presidents though.
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gonna league start poison seismic sabo, obliteration wands for 1 c , gonna do betryal for the helmet , melting ubers, giga tanky
looking forward to camp in 1488 and report everyone who says anything out of line. watch out. :)
>Check build on forum
>3m damage at lvl 60
>Check items
>All double corrupted items
>Check config
>4 power charges/frenzy charges
>Unholy might
>Everything ticked
retard doesnt know how channeling skills work
if you have enough attack speed you'll be draining mana faster than leeching
For maps you want Intimidating and Seismic up at all times. Most people will end up autoexerting one or both.
for me, its onions and redbull
i bet you are that <beer> guild faggot bitch negro

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