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Previous thread: >>487314456
Happy Birthday to Ifrit and Rangers!

LoneTrail Live Action fan movie: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Rx4y1x7K9/

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Ray of Light]6* Sniper Ray, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Mulberry
[7/9-7/23][EPOQUE]Reed the Flame Shadow, Mint
[7/9-7/23][0011 Re-edition]Kroos the Keen Glint skin
[7/18-7/28]Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Rerun - Jieyun skin
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Clear like Hearts; True like Reflections]6* Caster Nymph, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Vanguard Blacknight
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast]Reed The Flameshadow, Typhon, Proviso, Totter
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast & EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Stainless, Beeswax; Astgenne
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
Thank you Blaze.
Doctor, please stop giving sugary drinks to your kots. It's bad for their health. You're a medical professional, you should know that.
Cum inside your operators
My soulmate...
What if i just want to brush their hair?
Oh small Rosmontis, punish me for my sins. Enact great violence upon me for the evil I have brought to fruition with my own ignorant hubris. Dash me upon the stones so that I may never so foolishly repeat my crimes most heinous upon the innocent.
He isn't actually.
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Kot thread
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You lost me
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Can you STOP meaninglessly imagedumping without having a proper conversation? I'm sick of such childish behavior, you should reconsider your posting behavior and add more sense to your posts. Without proper argumentation and logical constructions with an attention to the others you won't be able to have a good conversation which nullifies the value of your posts and makes it all pointless noise that is not worth of my time.
Next time you'd think about making a post, think twice. What are you going to say, what are you going to post, what if that was already discussed before, you better not repeat the same theme again so make a thorough research before posting and read the older posts in the thread of even from the previous thread as well because a lot of Doctors would remember the posts and we do not want to go in circles about the same ritualposting and discussions about Sarkaz milk or the other utter nonsensical crap.
The image must be posted in the highest possible quality, preferably .png but if you cannot post .png then post a good quality .jpg but don't just post a stupid reaction image or some stupid gif or webm that would eat up the bandwidth of the server and increase the Rhodes Island's expenses so be aware of it and better ask someone around if your image is an appropriate one before posting it.
Don't get agitated and never reply to the obvious bait and don't write something rude to a person you don't know, we don't want pointless fights here so don't just post some insults like an infant because you are not the one anymore. Properly tell them why do you think that they are wrong and make at least 5 good arguments to enhance your position in a conversation. Better add some quotes from the reliable official sources of the information and a few quotes of some famous writers to show that you are aware of the situation and not a stranger to the subject which would surely improve the overall quality of /akg/.
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It stops being funny when people spam it so much.
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Operator for this feel?
*smack* Didn't ask for the opinion of lesser Doctors
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>Reed running away from Mandy
Do you think we could take IS5 tournaments to the Olympic level?
No but Austin can go
So what am I, Your Voluptousness?
I wonder if those taste like rock candy.
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I love Arturia and her double bass.
why they do that
IS5 tournaments are going to die faster than I can sneeze
IS5 bit ze dust. I wonder how CCB#3 would fare
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Dumping the bodies of the assasins who killed Theresa
>Wuh so pathetic she left a body
Why don't we have more people wanting Popukalt?
because no one wants her to grow
It's going to just have a no sniper risk be literally required to hit 600 points. Might even be specifically no flinger risk. Can't let Rosmontis or Greyy in there after all
Because no one gives a shit about popucrap
Nyo, it was one of the ones Theresa killed
Wrong, scatfag
>Theresa left a body
She was the nicest king
She's the most boring Reserve OP Team member
Why is my CEO such a slut?
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Melantha, Ansel, steward, Adnachiel, Spot, and beagle exist. Fang got her alt already.
Melantha is the best reserve op
You ever open a pack of trading cards and ignore the filler until you get to the ghost rare in the middle of the pack?
No one really gives a popucrap.
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She's a bnuy
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You guys are pretty mean.
why'd they make her ears so short..
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5 days until Namie, with Mizuki getting another skin too.
>Summer character getting 2 summer skins
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I refyuse, popufar ears are a must
>Mizuki getting another skin too
Swimsuit or maid outfit?
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Post more bnuys
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You guys think it's worth going to spark for the fourth sui for the sp talent?
cute labrat
Nian, Chong, Shu, and Ling are all good
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please fuck my sister
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>grindstone stash is running on fumes
>only grindstone farming event in the next half year is a rerun
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b-but Dusk...
she is good for sex
Sui stack makes her usable...
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God please, I can only get so erect
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goat milk
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Birthday FEAST
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Lupo property.
>amiya is cute as fuck
how does she do it bros?
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Simply by being herself
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No need to try, she just is the cutest
Imagine 20 year old sweaty naked Amiya saggers
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I do, but only because I think an operator with laser eyes would be funny. Other than that I don't care much since I've never raised her.
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Stop putting thoughts in my head amiya.
>looking through your porn magazine
>she's putting ideas in your head though
Wow Doc, how irresponsible of you. How are you going to make this up to her?
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No thanks, I'm interested in Eblana herself
Mating press Amiya
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YES! It's Amiya hours
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Let's make very detailed posts about sex with Amiya
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Amiya hours are over
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Nuh uh, Amiya hours will continue
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Amiya hours (part 2) have begun
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Schedules are packed, therefore we are not able to fit any more Amiya hours. How about next week? We have a few minutes open that day
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I don't think so chucklenuts.
Pinus goes in the vigna
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Take this, Doctor. It'll keep you safe.
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We are squeezing Amiya hours into Rosmontis hours
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I support this suggestion.
Ok Reed, I will.
I kinda want to fuck this thing...
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I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this doctor.
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It always seems to be Amiya hours when I wake up.
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Still looking for friends koikawa#1529
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Waking up to Amiya seems like the dream.
Damn, I wish I could read...
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Sent, keep in mind usernames are case sensitive
He's a neurologist so he's at least trained in general medicine. Knowing mtn dew is ass for children's health is within the scope of that training I think.
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unleash the tide
Sex Astris, more like hehe
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god i fucking wish
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*fingers your prostate*
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This is one of my favorite recent Amiya images, surprised it doesn't get posted more often
Is she ok?
Accepted silencebro #2
>keep in mind usernames are case sensitive
I refuse.
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Hey, keep to schedule.
akg wants to fuck THAT thing?
I want to fuck Savage hard and fast, as Amiya is bound up and forced to watch.
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Using AOE guard with two blocks feels wrong, so I try to not use her.
Her talent should've given her +1 block.
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Savage would let Amiya have a turn
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Jerboa Jerboas
Not if she's also tied up
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Sauce? Don't think I have this one.
I... i dont think rope can hold savage back?
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Kot sex? Sex kot? Kot sex in kot.
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Sure, I have an extra spot. Sent!
What's Amiya's endgame with Doctor?
She acts like Doc is her lifeline.
I hope mascotmiya is out next April fools operator.
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Who is your wife?
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She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Doc when she was 10.
Dont think that has changed all that much honestly.
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Thanks. Surprised saucenao didn't catch it if it's on pixiv, usually it's on point with those.
I love my wife
>"Amiya, why is Civilight Eterna quite a bit more... developed than Theresa?"
I am my wife
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SpaceMiya is great, too bad it'll probably be years till we get her on global
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>"I don't know, Doctor. She's just like I remember."
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Zero G sex with amiya
but thats angies thing...
cute wife
/akg/ fucks rodent girls.
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Here's how my Sam Houston team is shaping up. Who do I raise next?
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You got me
Thank you!
This artist keep drawing Theresa being thirsty bitch.
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You can try
Post the version of this where she's angry Doctor is level 120, it's how I feel after hitting 120 yesterday
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Smooch on Deggy Weggy...
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You're welcome, I always refresh for more Amiya artwork on pixiv and other sites so I can always find good stuff earlier, I even have the DoctorXAmiya tag on Pixiv bookmarked, side tangent, remember when those type of ship tags were used often on Arknights work? It made finding certain work easier but nowadays it feels like those tags are rarely updated even when artwork that fits under them is published
I feel like if you call her deggy weggy she will kill you
finish your indra
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Sure, congrats on 120! Contrary to what people might say, Blaze is still your best friend
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Love my best friend
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>he thinks he can escape just from being lvl120
goodbye newcutie
hello best friend
>Sam Houston
>Samuel Houston (/ˈhjuːstən/ , HEW-stən; March 2, 1793 – July 26, 1863) was an American general and statesman who played a prominent role in the Texas Revolution.
Okay, I'm not a Burger and I can't ascertain it from from a brief wikipedia skim, how does a Sam Houston team become bears and cats?
Also, I'd say Morgan or Aurora.
finish inside indra
Would /akg/ roll for this?
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You just reminded me of that one multi chapter siege and doc coomfic
The one where there is a chapter where siege has doctor fuck indra in an alleyway raw
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Ah don't worry about it, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery you know?
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The Sam Houston State University mascot is a Bearkat. Idk why https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sammy_Bearkat apparently Cincinnati is also Bearcat when you'd think they could easily do some Roman shit
Waai fu's dad as an operator when?
Hmm... sex with Amiya and Angelina at the same time.
Brunette threesome.
Will never happen, though.
He's in no shape to fight anymore.
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Deeply unserious looking creature.
>Not rolling for father-in-law
At least give us more female furry ops before any male ones...
Only when he pays his child support.
meaty ofsxe
Not likely imo but hey who knows.
Would be a bit awkward considering how strained his relationship with waai fu is and the fact his daughter is thinking about seeking permenant employmant with rhodes.
He's basically a bum working for pennies.
>has valuable treasure
That he can never use for anything.
It's just a trinket now.
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Waai fu is the only one right?
And the only female NPC one is Fumizuki?
Would you pull on a Fumuzuki and Wei banner?
And so he'll never be an operator.
When we get Jie
anon that wants to fuck fumizuki would probably love to roll that banner
Wei, yes!
Fumizuki can tag-along, I guess.
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Enough Amiya.
Ch'en time.
Fine but only if you post the funny cube
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>anon that wants to fuck fumizuki
That description fits me...
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I like how all Reed fanart includes her plushie
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I am a bit surprised we dont have more than waai fu for furry female operators honestly.
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Sure, but I'd prefer some fluff.
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But it would embarrass her and it would be cute!
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I need a Gaulish and an Iberian vulpo girls for my vulpo collection
are those the regions without foxes?
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You should sex Ch'en
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Gonna be a Kal skin, just you watch
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Because that's the best part of the new outfit.
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We currently have Vulpos from Siracusa, Columbia, Sami, Minos, Kjerag, and Higashi.
how bout sargon?
no chocolate foxes or anything?
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Only if Mon3tr get a matching Rosmontis outfit.
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Of course she can.
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Im promoting rope.
Those too
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Not sure what that sargon assassin from RA was meant to be, she might be one.
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This thing is quite fun.
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She is a vulpo but i think anon wants playable characters.
Think HG demotes sargonian assassin from a miniboss in RA to a generic enemy in RA2
>Be a warlord in Sargon
>Raise a vulpo tax
Nothing can go wrong
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Kinda looks like you're just groping her to be honest doc.
I doubt she cares though..
Doctor needs to go to sargon and seduce another assassin.
Maybe multiple...again.
I wonder if race-specific taxes a thing in Terra.
What's Singapore equivalent there?
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Are you sure about that?
Maybe i should double check.
>>487374482 (Me)
Iberians probably did it
Do we have any bolivarian foxes?
Yeah, I was thinking as a possible future operator. It feels unlikely since we don't have a great record of getting ops based on generic enemies. Closest we've gotten is Paprika I think.

If charms don't work maybe check if one would be interested in a long term contract rather than an hourly one.
I'm surprised there's still Aegirs on land.
How the fuck Thorns even survives in the cities?
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>300 characters, 8 furries, 7 are male
scam of the century
Sounds like you want more female furry representation
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Bolivar is mostly Perros, so I wouldn't bet much on it.
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Theresa was such a doc simp she probably was constantly seducing him, the whore
And all of them were top-notch.
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>Girls' Frontline has more fem furries than us
It's no fair
>all of them were top-notch.
I mean Waai Fu is nice
where 6* badger?
also where 6* raccoon?
Those too
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>head to Ropes dorm to enquire about all the stolen items (hats, money, ID cardo etc)
>open door
>see a bunch of operators all in tight shibari, squirming about on the floor
>see Rope giggling and admiring her handy work
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nta but yes.
What complain do you have against Mountain?
He tick all of my list and more.
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forgot webm
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Sorry but this is the only racoon you are getting
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I like the new fish animations but they don't get much love
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Is there a reason to watch JP and EN stream?
I want my kangaroo or platypus op first.
>What complain do you have against Mountain?
Personality shaved down to be inoffensive, it's just tiring to see every male furry in these games have nearly identical personalities with at best set dressing quarks. It's why Aak is the best furry.
>He tick all of my list and more.
Your what list...
i want to cuck Wei so bad...
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Imagine a cute badger girl complaining about how people keep picking her up.
Need those too
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I wonder how much it must suck to get stuff stuck in her fur...
JP streams are extremely underwhelming, mostly merch shilling.
EN streams are at least somehat fun because they get the actual characters to present the information to you.
Dude kinda deserves it
Guy is usually an idiot and his wife is waaaaay too cool for him
Oh, I forgot CN has summer stream.
It's probably going to be only 45 minutes as usual.
>in other games
I only play Arknights.
>my what list
My life companion list.
I want to grow old with Mountain.
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Ch'en's butt
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On my face preferably
I need to slap that butt.
I was the only poster in /gfg/ defending the furry skin batch while all the tasteless NPCs were shitting on it
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what a cute woman!
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Rope is a good girl
Do you wanna be deepthroated by an hour worth of merch ad? Watch JP streem
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Ch'en lingerie
You mean you don't like seeing merch based on the same half dozen operators as
the last half dozen sets?
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Logos mom
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Blaze doesn't love this newcutie...
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Celebrating mother's day on Rhodes Island with impure intentions
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Do you have the one where Doctor can tell apart an operator's tentacles by taste?
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Why are bears so obsessed with getting praised.
what did he mean by this
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Blaze is a good girl, she loves everyone
They are good girls and you should totally visit their club room with your guard lowered and your phone turned off.
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I think I have a thing for noblewomen.
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Here, have a Beeswax.
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>ass grab
Zima is so forward
>i want to cuddle a burr!!!
How the fuck is the bear not trying to shred him
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If you want me to join the bearpile you can just ask
I chose the bear
>Columbian shills slandering ursines
Some bears are well behaved.
Bros... give it to me straight... Is Logos' mom ever going to be playable...?
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No, but the robot is her voice
probably not?
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Bears are not for cuddles.
You WILL get mauled.
Us bnuuychads WILL laugh.
They clearly know each other.
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I dunno
Sounds kinda worth it
Do not start a rivarly with burrbros, We bunnybros can coexist
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Delete this
see >>487377913
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Bunnies get eaten by kots.
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Good evening, Didi love.
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Wrong! B-because.. uh.. it's in their, you know(?), nature!
B-but I don't mean they're doing it on p-purpose! Just to clarify!
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I kinda want to fondle Zima
I'm sorry Skadibro
>tfw peppe already has a tap animation for the base
It's so over...
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cuddly, soft and warm bears
I always remember the scene from Golden Compass when the jaw was tore off in one strike.
And that pic of bear's paw size compared to a human head.
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It's cool.
Can we agree that durins would be the best cuddling partners?
For me its either Robin or DurNar
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yknow whats not dangerous?
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Only if you have 2 at a time
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I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this elf.
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aaaiiee stop sending me clues
Water can drown you, carry diseases, blind you, carry dangerous animals, freeze you, boil you, and you can die from not having it
That's a nightmare of an existence
Everyone who drank water has died
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come closer and closer
deeper and deeper
Stop sending them and you'll stop getting them. After a month or two, you can send out 4 a day like me without getting any back.
post profile so i can cluepress you
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why is she like this
My thanks.
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id fuck it
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You know what's dangerous?
Dorktor lol
a dangerous animal
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can someone translate?
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post objectively nonhazardous ops
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but I do warcrimes...
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pink demons know on a biological level that doctor was built for them
this is a reference to her trust tap right?
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I only have images of hazardous ops and evil women...
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The safest, softest, sweetest little thing on the landship
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Truly Humans (Homo sapiens) are the most dangerous animals
*tips fedora*
Doctor is NOT cool or dangerous
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Doctor is cute and very easy to just pick up and carry to your dorm whenever you want
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Husband and wife
Post Rope being an absolute menace.
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>Don't have a key to the lock in your heart? Don't worry, I'll help you find it.
Yeah probably
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stop that
delete the folder and start over
Hello, tourist here and i might install this game
What's the name of the donkey girl? Is she a limited unit? Are there more donkey girls?
Shut up
*Amiya blast*
>Nymph thinks she can unlock doctors heart
on a different note i wonder if doc is aware he closed off his heart
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You have stepped with the wrong foot and for this you will die.
He doesn't have those supports anymore
Hello, tourist here and i might install this game
What's the name of the daughter cat you only remembered after 5 years of playing Arknights? Are there more long lost daughters?
>on a different note i wonder if doc is aware he closed off his heart
Probably but also LT says he doesn't care
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>LT says he doesn't care
did you know that polar bears are one of the few animals that actively see humans as prey?
they also have the best sense of smell among all land animals, they are capable of smelling a seal under 2 feet of snow from miles away, which means they know when a human is near
this means that all encounters are premeditated on their part and rarely have good intentions
something to keep in mind
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You are now Amiya for the next 24 hours
What do you do?
No, you aren't allowed to kill yourself.
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This explains quite a bit...
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not reading all that
or cringe....
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Her name is Catapult, no she's not limited, she's easy to get because she's three star and there's no more donkey girls but we have other horse girls though
>Immediately assumes it's Amiya
Smh fake bunnybros you are
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Well, it's a good thing we have a method of dealing with them.
I inform kal'tsit that something has happened and likely wait out the 24 hours
I rape the doctor
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Rosa is such a bully!
are you gonna shoot yourself?
most ammo will only piss them off, you need a big game gun to get the job done and it still isn't a guarantee
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Hmmmm, nyo
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>he cant shoot two big ass polar bear eyes within 100m then get close and box it to death brass knuckles
This is why Doctors have such a weak reputation on /akg/
This doc is gonna get raped by a polar bear
Catapult isn't a donkey anon. She's a regular horse. A donkey has big ears
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Yeah right? I could totally take on a polar bear, listen when it's time to go I just start seeing red and bodies start dropping
WHOOOOOOOOOOAH made me think of this immediately
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I don't think the Sarkaz like it when you keep cooming to them Doctor.
She literally is dude, have you looked at her tail? That's a donkey tail
I looked it up and a shotgun works fine. Everyone in burgerland has one.
What about in them?
Maybe the devil harlots should stop laying their grubby mitts on on the Doctor and stay the fuck away then?
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Hell yeah give them pussy white virgin bears the old 1-2
Who wants to be first? HUH?
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Working out to be able to hug polar bears more effectively...
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Now fight two bears at the same time
In bed?
My pelvis wont survive
T..thanks for the info anon.. I really am a tourist but have been coming here whenever it's slow to get funny reactions from the donkey amiya meme
Like these, it's not the first time, nor the last and you can look up on the archives, keyword;
>what's (or what is) the name of the donkey girl
funniest reaction post so far was one anon seemingly genuinely mad at me for calling amiya a donkey girl

And sometimes others anon follow the bandwagon with their own meme inquiry, even though i have no idea they may been referring to, Haven't really read on AK
But they are funny nonetheless

don't plan on installing arknights until an anni event or any event that can give me a headstart in resources and rolls, sorry
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Except it's not, it's just tied to prevent it from fluffing out
hello genshin tourist here is there any cuckshit in this game?
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Doragon feet...
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Love this girl to bits
Wouldn't the Shu event count as that?
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This characters husband gets hit on by another man for multiple story chapters.
Not really?
We have one or two divorcees in the game though.
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>don't plan on installing arknights until an anni event or any event that can give me a headstart in resources and rolls, sorry
There is one pretty soon, we're getting another Sui fragment, ie a chinky dragon.
A woman called Priestess loses her lover to the devil
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>t. Pozy
If you hate the existence of male characters (you are a genshin player on /vg/ so you probably do) then I would not recommend this game
A pink haired devil seduces one of the protaganists from his way better coworker
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>leave the base for a day
>it all turns red with warnings all over
what the fuck
am i missing something or am i really supposed to juggle all those menus every fucking day
>you are a genshin player on /vg/ so you probably do
>Gayest general
>Is a game with 3x our males percentily
That's like hate coom here
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pozy wozy!
we want you to get wozd?
literally only have to do it twice a day
Priestess deserved it
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only once a day with good setups
They also have 30x the maleschizos that we do.
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Doctor, it's time to repopulate Ursus nobility
i told you
i told you they are intentionally trying to kill arknights with base beta and SSS to make way for endfield
I don't know, why you ask?
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Pozemka is probably a good cuddler too.
what's are the good setups
>inb4 they require ssrs
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I wont lay my hands on rosa until she is atleast of age.
most of em require 5* but Mlynar is undoubtable the biggest QoL in the command center
I already have China fatigue and I cleared the event days ago
Hmmm, I wonder why they removed the shoes...
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She can't fuck me, silly billy.
She doesn't have a penis.
Damn i can see why
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Aurora > Rosa.
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doctor belongs to the operators
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Only the faggot core of /akg/ will.
who woke "them" up?
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They don't even have the balls to confirm the gender, whatever makes you think you'll ever get the face?
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Shifts over
>I only play Arknights.
Sucks being limited to this kusoge while there are better games out there that you're missing out on
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>check news
>no content
I mean they gave him a voice and gave some descriptive comments from the operators.
And at the very least feels like they settled on him having white hair...
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they won't reveal anything until Saturday my dude
Lowlight said years ago that Doctor's appearance is up to the player, the voice and hair are just place holders
Endfield is a different game
endpipi is godlike design
>white hair in clothing brand collab and anime
>voice in the ARG tapes
the voice is almost certainly confirmed from the tapes but you can argue the hair color i guess.
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I really dont like male Endpipi, man its Hoyoslop but at least the male mc from Star Rail looks cool
>finally getting the concept art for this year's SA
I can't wait to see Nearl and Siege
>Appearance is up the player
anything but bags under the eyes snow white hair and a face that says says they're 1 more repeat of babel before going nuclear is not doctor.
Let's beat and rape Shamare.
>years ago
Why do people pretend like that retard has any say in canon? He's just an ideas guy.
Reminds me of that time Rowling trolled everyone by saying Dumbledore is gay and everyone accepted it like dumb worthless cattle.
Or Miyamoto with TTYD.
God I need to nuke everybody asap.
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You mean this? Ryuzaki released the concept art for his ops almost two months ago. Dunno about Siege though.
Let's hug and smooch Amiya.
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Unironically she would win
>gender not listed despite looking like a female
So, will she be an artificial creature?
>Lowlight said years ago that Doctor's appearance is up to the player, the voice and hair are just place holders
I mean sure, but in the super old interviews they said they had their own idea for Doctor and they sure as fuck haven't held back on imposing it recently. Like every terran race OC got wiped.
She's already confirmed ot be made of Originium.
>artbook design with light skin and white hair in a ponytail
>anime has light skin with white hair and tired eyes
>clothes collab has white hair peeking from hood
dude has white hair
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>made of rock cancer
Safe for sex...?
Susie makes my heart go doki doki
If you are the doctor, sure?
It means I can say she has a futa cock and no one can do anything about it.
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Ambience Synesthsia 2024's recording will be released on 7/25 to Bili members. The rest of us plebs get it on 8/25. Hoping somebody will DL it for the rest of us like last time.
Hopefully those stickers are posted here, they are cute.
This is all I want, then I can die in peace
Are you 100% you can take her if your ATK and DEF is reduced by 50%?
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Man, I want this as skin
doesnt it get uploaded to youtube with en subs, though at a later date
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Arg tapes I can see the argument, but the anime is not canon and I mean
>>>>>Brand collab
Lowlight still said it, besides it's not like that is great of anything, it's just generic anime twink plus eyebags
Yeah, what does the author have to say? what he says doesn't matter, I, anon on 4chan, know better than him
Fair enough
>Not canon
>Place holder
And that's it for my responses, anyway you guys are surprisingly defensive of the "canon" Doctor design even though it's not even that good or original
>all sexy characters except Amiya
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Rita sex...
Eventually yes.
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I don't follow any of the games artists so I didn't know, thank you
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After marriage.
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Post Sexmiya
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Cute and sexy Rita wife
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Bnuuy things.
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Why does she bring the doll into the water?
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kore koso ga iberia no destrezia
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Swordfish love!
Ulpipi kicked Red woman
what about the rest
Didn't change
>Ulpipi t0 confirmed
I kneel...
Lmfao. You are such worthless cattle.
Don't reply to me again you stinking peasant.
Imagine getting to rest your head on this oni's chest...
>5 straight-faced serious people
>and Myrtle :D
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cute horns
too bad she's for Specter and not for you.
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You don't know that
Why respond with no imagine
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How did this character become such a failure?
all her enemies have plot armor
Bad kit and the writers either hate her or think they're better at writing than they really are.
Doctor, do you take Siege to be your lawfully wedded queenwife
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Nta but it's a screenshot from an NGA thread
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Degen on S2 with a couple of vanguards in SSS can perma stall the beach boss.
I thought it would be interesting to share.
Cute kot, I love my serval more
I still want to know though
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No... No I don't think I will.
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El banana love!
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They need to hurry up and give Mizuki his Delta so Asky can get her 2nd one that's hopefully better...
You want Mizuki to get a module just to be powercrept again?
Every other IS is some silly adventure like Ceobe getting high, phantom putting on a play with his buddies, Mizuki going on a beach vacation nymph visiting the sarkaz retirement home to listen to their old tales, while fucking is4 is Magallan getting lost in the equivalent of skinwalker demon infested Finnish backwoods.
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these guys are very silly
We're not even 600 posts yet
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I tappa the lupo
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>goes and has a chat with an actual mountain
>not silly
>phantom putting on a play
with his murderous assassin buddies
>Mizuki going on a beach vacation
where hivemind evolving sea monsters are consuming the world
>Magallan getting lost in the equivalent of skinwalker demon infested Finnish backwoods.
Hello is this the sex general?
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No, this is.
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I could survive
Why did she do it?
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Nearl is strong, but weak to intense fingering.
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leaks doko
Operators who are weak to anal?
Yeah, one in my sink. Skadi, go fix it, will you?
Your wife
I hate Skadi.
I seriously fucking hate her.
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Margaret's pent up lust...
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las criaturas de Namie...
What did the seaborne want with a electrician anyways
They don't even have electricity
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Luv her
These ones
>Purple hair
and especially this one
Ansel, Bubble, Chestnut, Doctor, Ethan, Friston-3, Gnosis, Humus, Ifrit, Jaye, Kal'tsit(Mon3tr's hole), Lancet-2, Minimalist, Nightmare(Gloria only), Odda, Puzzle, Qanipalaat, Reserve(Sniper and Logistic), Sesa, Tomimi, U-Official, Vanilla, Weedy, Windflit, and Zou Le
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lights. pretty.
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48 hours since I last ate.
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I don't know if that's true or not or what the circumstances are, but I hope you at least drink sugar water or something
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You better not be fasting
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7 days. I will endure.
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Why horns no glow
I want to get down to 140 from 160 and tired of the slow process fluctuations from just reducing calories.
Gummy, get off the Internet and eat something.
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T-they stole our thing!
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>140 from 160
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So you want abs or something
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You are going to die
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I have a choice between my first Ch'en or a P1 Saria - does regular Ch'en have any use for modern gameplay? I am indifferent to her character.
Not sure if lbs or kg. Either way, you'll lose more weight by lifting weights, doing squats and lunges. It not only burn calories more than just cardio, it builds muscle that increases basal consumption by a little. Don't have to go max /fit/. Start with big water bottles so you learn the form.
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Hell yea bro lose that weight. Mind over matter.
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Good luck bwo
She's still has the offense defense SP generation over Degenbrecher, good for starting up Chong and Thorns and the like.
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Fuck you Suzuran, I'm a hagfag and won't listen to you.
You need nutrients
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>Frequently bought together
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Thinking about the nue...
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>You need nutrients
Eat up, anon! I made it just for you!
youtube recommended the phantom of the opera's main song, and after listening to it, phantom is 1000x cooler to me
>Ulpipi still made it to top 3 despite needing Gladiia as a secondary voucher for use too
Pretty impressive considering the only guards he is below are tier 0.
>despite needing Gladiia as a secondary voucher for use too
Nope, because IS5 is absolutely fucked in terms in relic economy he just gets to fuck around with relic boosting his already huge stats and giving him sp on s3 deactivation and become crazy.
He does not need Gladiia, Eyja is good enough in IS5 and medicmiya before you get Eyja. Though, Gladiia is solid in IS5, there a lot of holes.
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Surtr just isn't good anymore
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If you take a bite out of that you will explode, you can't trick us we played Deepness
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Seconding the medicmiya thing, in is5 4* are free and 5* are cheaper, it's very easy to have spare hope on medic vouchers for her and you can find her on caster/guards ones too since Amiya, and Ulpianus has incredible synergy with medicmiya due to her talent heal so she keeps him alive very easily for just 5* hope costs. She gets picked up with him often.
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Operators who will stimulate your prostate with at least 2 fingers during a blow job?
Goodnight, /akg/
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The entire summoned hand is going up there
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Asky would never...
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I'm thinking...
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I don't feel like replying today.
>Logos at 7300 things on Lofter
I really should have measured him before chapter 14 because that boy has had some growth over the last few months.
Why bother making threads when no one talks in them?
It was around 3.5-4k
What do you want to talk about
Let's talk about Sarkaz sex.
I think lovey dovey sex with Asky would be nice...
File deleted.
Why has Mudrock fallen out a favour?
You're cringe
How are you posting images you piece of shit.
an image got deleted
(You) could never have lovey dovey sex with Ascalon without her remembering (you) killed her mom. Any relationship with Ascalon will be permanently marred by that fact.
Kill yourselves dead faggots
Finally I am witnessing the dead of /akg/
It feels so good
File deleted.
CEO privilege
You can have lovey dovey sex in a toxic relationship
Why are you so old?
How old are you, grandpa
I'm 31.
Ah, a Euro
What? Why did you assume that? I am Columbian.
Ain't that kinda early for retirement
Not when you don't have a family.
Columbian's don't retire
that's kinda sad
>witnessing the dead
Whatever you say ex-Arknights player
All pictures have vanished...
Game for cheese pizza lovers, irrelevant to us
May this teach you a valuable lesson about not spamming.
You guys have an image spam problem
Opinion on upcoming 6* ops
Obviously busted in multiple ways with regen and shelter lingering on heal and an irresistible teleport.
>Luo Ze
Meme gameplay that gets out striped of it's meme power by Ulpipi pretty quickly
Gets mogged by hoards and crept by W like the rest of the snipers but also doesn't steal W's vouchers and applies fragile
Chinks have been praising her a lot but I doubt she's future proof because of her bad stats, the fact most people didn't roll for her also means she'll likely not get good module support
Elememetal man who also has insane utility, won't fall off ever.
Insanely bulky stats and comical self-healing talent means he is uncounterable by any mechanics while supported by Gladiia or relics, even forced retreats are dodgeable with s3
Giga mid and coasting on elememe damage and her fear not being resisted
I think it's safe to say you should never roll for non-limited women at this point considering Degen is falling out of meta in CN.
>Game for cheese pizza lovers
The promo is all characters for women
>Obviously busted
You waited to post this until I could no longer post images mocking you, didn't you?
Opinion on upcoming 6* ops
Must pull, just Saria but better in almost every way (no sp boost without her siblings, unlike saria)
>>Luo Ze
Not needed, fine to raise if you get when rolling for Shu
Must pull, just a good op and uber limited
Not needed, but useful, although kinda comparable to some lower rarity ops like Ethan and Manticore, who are far cheaper for IS
Must pulls, the two strongest operators ever
Good with relics but you don't need him to beat IS and it's just RNG related, basically Passenger, though more useful outside of IS
Not needed, especially when you get Logos
She has Sanctuary, regen, and the top 2 highest hps on s2 and s3, a bundle of buffs for as little as three ops, doesn't even have her damage resist module yet, and prints sp while off field.
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Amiya sex
>elemental man: won't fall off EVER!!!1!
>elemental woman: elememe bad and gimick, resist any day now :<
Why are you like this
For me, it's Priestess.
NTA but Logos has far more than just elemental damage
>-10 res
>150 arts damage extra
>chain attacks enemies off skill
>low skill rotation
>slow off skill
He's just an overtuned caster like W is an overtuned sniper
What's the appeal of gaslighting, crazy, manipulative bitches?
Reed has all of those and no one is going to say she's more broken than Mlynar
It's objectively true, nymph was given jack shit in the way of enabling her own damage while Logos was given an adjusted Eyja kit with insane synergies even before the elemental damage rolls in. If Elemental resistance starts rolling out you just slap on the minus res module for Logos and still do effective true damage.
Reed doesn't slow
Reed is also overtuned
Everyone knows she's good and yes, you've got people saying she more broken than Mlynar, just look at IS4
That said her damage isn't as high as Logos' and no she doesn't have all that, like slow or chaining off skill
>no one is going to say she's more broken than Mlynar
Chinks do think she's mlynar tier though
And she doesn't reduce res, just increases damage, while Logos does both, so she's got 2 out of the 5 mentioned
Obviously everyone knows she's top tier, but not as high as the other two
>If Elemental resistance starts rolling out you just slap on the minus res module for Logos and still do effective true damage.
Thank you, I will cherish this quote as the ultimate proof of the low IQ of everyone who guidefags their rolls from NGA
>I doubt she's future proof because of her bad stats
She slows almost as much as Manticore while doing real damage even without module and her s2 reduces air mspd at a low sp cost. Not to mention s1 might as well be an infinite duration skill for her and even s3 being great with relic buffs that lead to absurd shit like 9 thousand arts damage every second.
>the fact most people didn't roll for her also means she'll likely not get good module support
What kind of retarded logic is that? Just look at Executor.
>although kinda comparable to some lower rarity ops like Ethan and Manticore, who are far cheaper for IS
Not at all, both of those have little effect outside their range and much less relic scaling to the point Mantiocre negatively scales with relics. That's before going into how they don't get to use good skills like Ascalon.
Even if his -res module doesn't hit his arts fragility talent it's a fuck huge buff with how many hits he can shit out from his first talent and skills.
>both of those have little effect outside their range and much less relic scaling
Not really though, Manticore not as much but Ehtan makes up for it by literally being free and with relics can just make it so enemies don't even get out of his range
Obviously the higher rarity would be better but you can get more from the hope by just picking the free, even if slightly worse option and then spending the hope on something else
ambience synesthesia 2024 bilibili video will include the starset performance, not included in the bluray
So when is the video releasing
>dates visible in image
6* ops are pretty much free in IS5 anyway though
>Point Logos at Patriota (forma de blanco)
>he removes 20 of his 80 RES (very optimistic assumption)
>60% of his damage still goes to shitter
>bAsiCalLy tRuE dAmAgE tHo!
You can stop embarrassing yourself futher
I can't open the link dude
>a ponposter shows up after the image limit is gone
>can't even post cute Pon images
That's our Pon...
>Just look at Executor.
An insanely popular op that was shit for 4 years until his alt dropped and is also by Skade? I genuinely doubt more than 20 people (the masses that make no art or content don't count for anything) really like Assclown across the whole globe.
Look at you fags.
Policing others how to play the game.
So embarrassing.
Here's a cute Poncirus image
I'm still stuck with Beagle and Spot, I hope I get Cardigan, Cuora or Bubble with the free rolls that Shu will give
Otherwise I'll have to raise Shalem
If you need me to, I'll wreck this place without hesitation.
Pon :(
Bro, your recruitment?
How long have you been playing?
For me it's
Honestly, he's not that bad. But I prefer Asbestos' tankiness.
>image limit was wasted
I warned you.
2 weeks
instead recruitment gave me Click, Ambriel, 3 Podenco, almost max pot Rope
also, Cardigan can't be recruited

heck, he'll at least put in work in IS2
>max pot Rope
Take the hint, Doc
Those are great actually, you had good luck
Missing Cuora does suck but Spot and Beagles are the best 3* defenders, Cardigan is not quite as good. Shalem is more offensive but he should tank well, especially against arts damage
Don't forget to borrow units you need to fill a role. Some newbies have an irrational aversion to support units which I don't understand - you get to try out more operators and benefit from their niches without spending any of your resources
Hmm... Amiya
I will get my wife her +2 aspd no matter what people say.
ray is such a fucking bad IS3 starter
Ray is bad in general
>Some newbies have an irrational aversion to support units
Not me. I borrow Mudrock, Exu, Goldenglow, Eyja, SilverAsh and Texas Alter all the time.

I actually like Rope so that's fine
Reminder that Ifrit and Ranger's birthdays were two days ago.

You are saved. For now.

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