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Previous thread: >>487356928

LoneTrail Live Action fan movie: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Rx4y1x7K9/

[7/19-8/2][Standard]6* Sniper Fartooth, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Caster Rockrock (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Ray of Light]6* Sniper Ray, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Mulberry
[7/9-7/23][EPOQUE]Reed the Flame Shadow, Mint
[7/9-7/23][0011 Re-edition]Kroos the Keen Glint skin
[7/18-7/28]Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Rerun - Jieyun skin
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater

[7/18-8/1][Standard]6* Caster Lin, 6* Specialist Mizuki (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Guard La Pluma (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Clear like Hearts; True like Reflections]6* Caster Nymph, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Vanguard Blacknight
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast]Reed The Flameshadow, Typhon, Proviso, Totter
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast & EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Stainless, Beeswax; Astgenne
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
Remember to post responsibly this time.
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Bnuuy love
My soulmate...
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Can you STOP meaninglessly imagedumping without having a proper conversation? I'm sick of such childish behavior, you should reconsider your posting behavior and add more sense to your posts. Without proper argumentation and logical constructions with an attention to the others you won't be able to have a good conversation which nullifies the value of your posts and makes it all pointless noise that is not worth of my time.
Next time you'd think about making a post, think twice. What are you going to say, what are you going to post, what if that was already discussed before, you better not repeat the same theme again so make a thorough research before posting and read the older posts in the thread of even from the previous thread as well because a lot of Doctors would remember the posts and we do not want to go in circles about the same ritualposting and discussions about Sarkaz milk or the other utter nonsensical crap.
The image must be posted in the highest possible quality, preferably .png but if you cannot post .png then post a good quality .jpg but don't just post a stupid reaction image or some stupid gif or webm that would eat up the bandwidth of the server and increase the Rhodes Island's expenses so be aware of it and better ask someone around if your image is an appropriate one before posting it.
Don't get agitated and never reply to the obvious bait and don't write something rude to a person you don't know, we don't want pointless fights here so don't just post some insults like an infant because you are not the one anymore. Properly tell them why do you think that they are wrong and make at least 5 good arguments to enhance your position in a conversation. Better add some quotes from the reliable official sources of the information and a few quotes of some famous writers to show that you are aware of the situation and not a stranger to the subject which would surely improve the overall quality of /akg/.

No image dumping below this line: _______________
still refuse to think
lore knowers, is this IC?
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Official naked Amiya.
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last thread: demolished
If you need defenses then some other good borrows are hoshguma (high def wall), Saria (Spot but far stronger), the Specters (immortality and respawning), Gladiia (huge self regen and damage reduction), and as more meme options Weedy (infinite push juggling) and Gravel (cheap FRD that can absorb a few big nukes)
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Alcoholism accusations are all fake and wrong.
Dr. D is going to have a melty again...
I do have Hoshiguma and Saria among friend supports
My Specter is about to get her E2 and Gladiia is at max pot (not sure how I managed to beat the last stage, I didn't have E2 access yet, but I did)
Alchemy stars does regular balance patches
>Using characters that are less than 6 months old as examples of forever meta
Vigil is also a bad example because of the role vanguards play in general meaning someone who could do the tactician role on a meta level would be gamebreaking, even Mumu got kneecapped there.
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If you forcibly dumped all of the information from Kal's nerd organ but she maintained her ambient emotional state, keeping her emotions but losing the context for them, do you think she'd collapse into a tired, nervous heap on the floor?
The spine monster's approval is enough.
I don't understand half of what you just said but a nervous kal sounds sexy.
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Kal will never stop hating us.
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My pelvis: also demolished
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Dog and pancakes? who?
That's as good as her approval. The spine monster shares everything with Kaltsit apparently. People think it's how she revives. Everything is copied to mon3tr, then it becomes able to talk some day. The pv4 even has multiple rock statues that look human and a line connecting them to her.
Ceobe alter
Lizard medic skin
Eyja alt skin
Sad cat?
Zalak defender
Dog and honey cakes
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When is the Chinese summer AK stream?
"If you completely wiped Kal's memories leaving her an amnesiac, but the chemical balance in her brain remained the same, meaning her emotional state carried over but without any of her built-up habits or knowledge of why she feels that way, would she just collapse in on herself.
Desert cat (Kal skin) is killed with hammers (not releasing)
Dog with honey cakes (Ceobe)
Crying cat
Parrot with honey cakes (Ceobe alter)
>Sad cat?
Ask the dokutah, happened to him
I assume the lizard Medic is a Reed skin
His soulmate...
Ceobe Alter will be a sniper who prioritizes enemies with the highest DEF
ATK lower than Exu
She'll be meta due to new enemy design
But Doctor's baseline emotional state is an incomprehensible mass of screaming, not nervous exhaustion.
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I sleep.
Most overused classes, they should stop releasing any of them for 2 years.
>C! Alter
Who is bird pancakes? Any liberi that we have who's associated heavily with food?
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Leaks doko
Exu isn't a bird.
New op probably
I bet it's Ceobe's new friend in Sargon
I mean the other red girl who hangs around Exu
She just had a skin.
>Not Elysium
It's over...
Gavial 4* is the only other lizard Medic
we're probably getting a gavial summer alter
Mao Mao Maou...
Probably similar to what happened to preserver. Anguish and screaming as he goes through memories in the process of losing them. Then eventually just anguish since no more memories. Then eventually dead inside like Kal's default face. Doc even asked if Kal ever experienced something like it and we know her memories are muddled when she respawns. So maybe that's how.
Two hours after this
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Thinking about tails...
Gavial 2nd skin
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Finally getting the ACTUAL Gavial summer look from Great Chief. Gavialt fuckin robbed us.
Tomimi medic alt? Either welfare or banner five star
Literally who?
C getting another skin would be based.

Though I bet it's Tequila instead.
Patternkeks btfo
really going to try and sneak in your "elfy welfy" even here
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Tomimi sexual healing...
To be honest if we get dupe l2d skins for the stream I'll admit HG has gone full retard.
NTA but I think you should get help
We literally just got a 2nd live 2d Reed, we get an average of 1 skin for a new character per batch now.
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it's so tiring...
holy fuck i hate IS3
>take multiple encounters
>don't get ending 4 trigger
>have to just abort run
Proved that you never play IS2. Get fucking smarter.
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L2D skins are nice. Just release them instead of 15/18-op skins from now on. I wish they'd do that for skinlet operators though, especially lauch/year1 units.
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Leizi bikini soon
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>Get fucking smarter.
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eat your greens
kots need all available nutrients to grow healthy so they can nyo
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The summer characters are returning. If it were parrot cup it'd be Ceylon but probably new character.
Elysium will appear with Mantra
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If I can manage morale with 3 dorms, is there any reason to rush unlocking the basement? If my calculation is correct, I should be able to build the 4th dorm in 3 days from the daily free bricks.
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Would a woman of her age and position really...
Inam is a bird
It's Eunectes and that dumbass bird she has obv
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We have no leaks, only hints you're getting is the promo image.
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I believe in ryuzakiichi, he will disappoint us once again by not releasing any Leizi skin
Not really, just save on the LMD and do the 15-slot 252 base setup from gamepress RIIC base guide
I wish HG would stop insisting on shilling the massive failure that is Gavial during summer events
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>non LM7 Inam looks good
Many such cases. Sad!
Bro, your eyes? Inam is an azLing4 creature
You mean SHITling?
Oh fuck wrong shit artist.
are these skins or characters?
Yep, 252 is already done! I had to rush training dorm lv3 to be able to auto farm the Adele event stages (playing on TW), though (so no max left for me sadly)
Gavial is one of Lowlight's favorites, so tough luck.
Pepe is in!
>everyone who's art I dislike is LM7
Mental illness
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>pepe and summer C!
i will sell my very fucking soul to lowlight if c gets an alt
I'm so sorry
>waaaaaaagggghhhhh azling azling azling waaaaaggghhhh
Totally ignoring that after a certain point his work stopped being dogshit and plenty of people like most if not all of his recent stuff. Get new material, this was outdated years ago.
>Ceobe alter
I wish, dossoles and sla had no gavial and were all the better for it.
For me, it's Priestess.
I will skip wuh if she's good
Who is this? Is that a leak or prediction? Why does theirs matter?
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off yourself jaryl
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Goodnight, bros.
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Ummmm, Pepe bros? You told me she was going to be a limited and that we weren't getting a summer alt?
this is a certified dogsmooching general, i have no doubt everyone will roll
I really didn't like his old stuff but by Irene's release he got way better. Absinthe's skin for example I liked a good bit.
Don't bother arguing with australians and seashitters. They are unable to think.
if you didn't like his old stuff you can't like his new stuff
odds of an ursine meltdown: rapidly increasing
You are combining multiple different claims into one
Peppe's existence doesn't deconfirm an alter
Why should this even be considered?
The biggest ursine meltdown since 1986
>azling crying in the year of our lord 2024
>points not in favour
Firewatch winter skin, Inam NPC, Irene NPC, Tuye E2, maybe Flint E2
>all year 2 at the latest
>points in favour
Pallas and both her skins, Tuye skin, Flint skin, Absinthe, Robin & her skin, Heavyrain and her skin, Irene (op) and her skin
So why are people still whining about him?
If you like THAT Firewatch skin, you're not allowed to like anything because your taste is fucked beyond repair.
Summer Ceobe + Peppe is an instant roll even if they're both completely unusable trash, and I'd roll for either of them individually if there's a usable operator anywhere on the banner (even in the 5* slot)
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Rat on promo art
LM7 is cooking up something real special for Ceobe2's face. Hope you're ready.
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Damn, I almost perfected its style on mspaint
Ceobe is the only op that I find it fine for lm7 to draw because she is intended to look a little retarded.
VERY important poll

Bro you can't ask me to max pot with the next 6 months of banners. You can't.
i put that just to add as many options as possible, i am fully aware not that many people will be able to get a fully potted limited C!, especially with our current banner spread as you mentioned
>rat with a shield
conk crete?
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>Namie/LM7 banner
Holy fucking kino. The level of seethe will be unparalleled. The cult-like Namie haters and the LM7 rage brigade will be destroyed in one fell swoop.
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Who knows
Bro, your Lutonada? Cement just got a skin.
Rat With A Shield is obviously Lin's summer skin, fools
While the others are pretty obvious. Liberi pancakes is unknown. Most likely a new operator, but here's a list of all Liberi.

La Pluma
Mr. Nothing

After thinking about it, the only remotely feasible option seems like Bryophyta because he helped run a family diner. He's also likely in general due to already being a summer op too. Maybe there's some other hidden pancake connection among the Liberi.
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>Closure once again going nopan with a longish tshirt
If it were Lin, they would've went Rat bubble.
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Who is leftmost character?
Irene 2 (she's flat as a pancake)
Almond I think.
I miss last thread when the image limit was reached
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Namie won... Arknights lost......
Ah yeah, thanks.
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That can be arranged
Post your wife being cute
Any remaining doubt has been dispelled. The era of Peppe has arrived.
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Pepe doko? 6* Earthshaker doko?
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Indigo’s boobs rubbing all over my face
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what are the odds c alter (if real) is going to be cute
>assimilating with sluts
Kin is doomed
>forging event
I'm ready for summer Nian
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>trying to beat waves 12
>hit out of control with 21 life
>every thrower guy can 2-shot every op i have
what the fuck
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why did you think we all aiiiie at the mere mention of the acronym
High Surging Waves emergency Out of Control is an experience everyone should have at least once
People also literally can't complain about a summer alt being too goofy if it's C. Me included. Can't get mad at it.
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Reset Priestess
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Reset Ceobe!
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Reset Pram
2024 Summer Event Main Interface Music Preview (from the game files)
Is Ceobe now the most shilled character in the game? They even gave her an anime.
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Based pram!
Ceobe alter wouldn't surprise me. Despite being invisible in popularity polls, HG likes using her as a mascot, gave her a short anime, and frequently puts her in 3D animations.
Classic HG move of putting out something they like and not necessarily what the fans want.
It's easy to work passion into stuff you like instead of into stuff that the fans like a lot more than you do.
Yeah I am skipping she will be another unit who didn't really need an alt like Eyja when they were already strong before. Also their artist still sucks massive cocks I don't care how broken they make them.
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How quick you are to forget
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wyell wyell wyell
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Will thankfully be completely overshadowed by C
I wouldn't have a problem with Ceobe alter unless she was completely fucking broken
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Where's Weiwei??
So how reliable even is the leak
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Where's my Red Panda?
I'm happy because I liked her from the start
They never ate Mandy's corpse though?
bouncing on my lap

good girl! +1 summer alts have been added to the treat list

cute and based!
Completely made up
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>don't get quite enough light for best relic
>izumik can one-shot almost my entire team after absorbing 3 jellies
fucking awful boss design
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Why are you bringing her up out of nowhere?
might be bullshit but i (and half the thread) choose to believe it
what scares me the most is akg as a whole not saying it's fake, meaning it might actually be fake since this general tends to be dead wrong about upcoming ops most of the time
It's only polite when talking to her ghost
Some random dude saying information without evidence.
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Shalemfags, can you tell me why your boy has something like half a dozen lines where he seems to see the future?
>Haimao got fed up with LM7’s retard faces so he made him draw the one operator where it’s almost expected
Chinese text?

Vague emoticon?
Doubly reliable.

It just need shitty camera effect to be triply reliable.
I don't expect Ho'ol to be retarded bwo.
The universe talks to me, it's sending me good vibes on this one.
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I'm back from my vacation. Time to Priestess post.
>Bird Food
Maybe it's Ho'ol?
Just give her a kit with this skill and I roll
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Waiting for Lapipi2
The universe is singing to me...
Only semi related but I really want another scarlet troupe event. Especially since it has Dionysus links and could also be a Minostent event.
Kill yourselves ceobefags, just fuck off
Oh shit, snake bird food. We getting double lm7'd this time.
If she has a shifting skill I'm game, will max pot of it reaches Force 4
Your days are numbered, Sergei.
I remember an anon making a post about the irl mythological links to his shield, any got the screencap or link?
There hasn't been a good summer event since Dossoles so I don't expect anything good from them
Next year Max will allow Zelensky to missile your city you ursus whore.
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New stickers
More like games days are numbered, no one cares about your mutt, that shitty cartoon proves that, Global and CN barely watched that shit
Not really new
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Cute sharmy.
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Can I get a smooch husband?
So Long Adele was absolutely better than Dossoles, it wasn't even close.
Lol, fuck off, you are coping right now, little ursus can't win lmao
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Very cute
Seaborn are friends, not food
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love this fish
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>These threads are just image dumps now
Weren't you fucks shitting on /bag/ for the exact same reason?
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>dude I like how this artists makes people seethe
>so I will pretend to like the art because I let 4chan become my personality
I am attempting to module the *twimst* woman and suffering at every step because I am retarded and cannot read
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Beautiful autistic eldritch horror...
Hope we'll get the bard modules soon, can't wait to see more fish lore.
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P. lost.
Jellyfish love
That's cute
What's the problem anon? Mats, the module mission, or whatever, we can probably help you if you need a hand
I like this artist
He puts equal love and effort into both his normal art and his guro stuff
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>tfw I was wondering why this image wasn't loading
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a reminder that this woman is only 157cm tall
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I was your honor, being a silly little goober and forgot how to read. Already M3's the wife and beginning to work on skills.
Almost perfect.

Ruined by her dumb horns.
now imagine sankta nymph
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Chat is this real?
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That's not that small on Terra, the average is 158cm I think.
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The remnant of some deep blue memories.
If you got it everything is fine. I don't have Quercus but heard a lot S1 is her better skill, guess you'll do both though. Good luck with it.
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But the brain eating is her biggest selling point.
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There's a Ceobe avatarfag on the Ursus board, I wonder if the guy that seethes at C posters here think that it's the same person.
Link your source next time.
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>gem forging city in the desert part of Sargon
>operator from the desert part of Sargon named after a gem
Hmm yes its time for gotesex!
>Sargon themed music leaked a while ago
>Sargon city in livestream
All signs point to THAT
in other words, the sankta version could be doing the brain eating purely to satisfy her deranged desires instead of being driven by instinct, necessity, or other excuses
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NOT hiring.
Be mindful of your stupid nickname next time you apply.
I bet he he couldn't unlock the module because he was using S1 and didn't read the skill names.
I did it too.
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If its Carnealt I'm gonna loose my shit
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I don't appreciate your racist tone. That's a proud Iberian name.
I forgot to use the silly creature that is all
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please make her legs thicker
We hired people called GRAVEL and CEMENT. Plus Pepe is a normal name in Iberia.
>t. MeowMeow
>This is fine
make everything bigger. Goatflation
How the fuck does Joseph become Pepe
reed would have to hit eyja in order to heal anything
Iberian magic
Worst limited banner incoming
Mating pressing that wolf
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Joseph's Lateran title: Pater Putativus
Religious text abbreviate it to: P.P
Over time Iberian pronounce P.P into Pepe.

Yes birds are dumb.
I don't like summer alts (or skins) because I don't like sandals
I like proper high heeled shoes worn in formal occasions
>Classic HG move of putting out something they like and not necessarily what the fans want.
Entire story of W.
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someone is in need of correction
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As it was written
Unironically asking now - why does lowlight and most of the inhouse artists love namie so much? What gives?
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But we love Wuh?
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Fuck devils.
Do they? She got two operators, dude.
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I want Carnelian alter to powercreep Wisadoo
I don't like summer alts (or skins) because I don't like sandals
All female operator summer versions should be barefoot
>got the same relic as Mostima
>no cool time control power
yes, "we" being you and two other people
Shut the fuck up you stupid retard
She didn't get any relic, she was just in charge of the ship
All me
She lost it too
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Where can I use those?
Did they finally add a chat function to the game?
Guilds soon maybe too?
Hella basado if I dare say. I always knew I could trust Lowlight's vision.
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What about Elysium?
>HG will bend backward just so they will make sure there is no male alt in the summer limited banner
QQ, Chinese messaging app, stupid Gweilo
That's quite tall by Arknights standards
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Elysium should get an alter when Mantra dies. That's what I expect will happen. He's got an arc about refusing to step up because of her. She's going to die and Elysium will become team lead as Elysium alter.
Since that's important it's not going to be in a summer event.
Arknights really is a CCP cult.
Not only you have to be a total HG devotee but you also need to be Chinese to participate in the cult's activities.
But no one actually ever thought Elysium would get a summer alt, it was all just joking about the patternfagging image, with most saying if he did get any content it's be something with Mantra, not summer.
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>nun outfit anthology at C104
Holy based
That's just her arts catalyst dumbass
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Skipbro, stop posting, PLEASE.
>no cool time control power
Are you stupid?
The watch is used to control the skeleton, which can control time anyway, why would they need to have the exact same power?
You don't seem to understand that you're nothing to HG
Their chinese playerbase vastly exceeds the global playerbase, and even then the ratio of profit/player for the chinese is far larger too.
You are irrelevant, all you get is what Yostar bothers to do for you. And Yostar's priority is Japan
Why not? Retard.
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>Ceobe got an alt
>Meanwhile my wife still hasn't got her first skin yet
What are some Arknights alternatives to try on dead week? Other than Path to Nowhere and Watcher of Realms.
Because enemies who use bones can also use time related powers. Are you stupid?
>to control the skeleton, which can control time anyway
Probably only had control over the physical body and not the consciousness.
Bloons TD
Sengoku Rance
try an actual videogame, gacha games are a waste of time that you either drop soon, or it'll eat up a significant portion of your life.
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Don't move.
Your wife is already dead lol&...

Next year in Higashi!
Monster Musume TD
Estelle alter soon, trust the plan.
Earth Defense Force 6 releases in 18 hours
Mostima can stop you the exact moment you cum
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This or her sister game scratch my kemono itch before Endfield is out.
>Why not
Because it's a common trope for some powerful being or relic that was split apart to gain different abilities that original has, kinda like the sui? If they were all the same it'd be boring.
I do not cum to sankta
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Where wolf fucker bros?
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Moist Timmy is Sankta no longer.
I can see the argument
>pretend like i'm about to cum
>get timestopped
>now have 50 seconds to actually cum while she recharges
more than enough time
XCOM 2: Wrath of the Chosen
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Sex with lupos!
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only futafag left. It's over.
I'm playing Terrarria again, having forgotten everything after seven years.
Watching Ookami to Koushinryou.
The remake is better than I expected.
Granted some moments weren't as good, but overall it's nice.
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Play Skyrim and do Thalmor run
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I have also been watching it. It has been nice.
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Just call it Spice and Wolf
Most of them are busy being litigated after the Penance incident
>playing Skyrim in the Year Of Our Lord, 2024
>not playing Morrowind instead
I shiggy diggy, may all your recruitment slots yield Catapult foul wretch
I'm learning Japanese and French.
Morrowind is dogshit. Might as well play Daggerfall.
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Boomer hours.
What the fuck happened to make her tits sag almost to her bellybutton?
Play Elden Ring and use ashes for every boss
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Go to sleep, Hellagur
I'm tired of MTL and shit translators.
Using power of friendship is only for based players.
Who let the cat who ceded a Dukedom to Lethania in here?
Please do not compare Daggerfall to Morrowfart
Victoria arc is literally Skyrim plot.
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What is Morrowind and Daggerfall? Are they coming out this year?
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In a few days, people will regret skipping Jessica alter.
>ceded to GOLD whore
Delpipi will never.
Never read Skyrim.
Please elaborate
I got spooked by her on Ray's banner.
She's fine, though a bit clunky to use as I keep wanting to change her direction when I've already set her in the best direction.
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Go try out Aigis, AK predecessor. That shit is alive for 10+ years already, I bet Wisadel will look tame there
Aigis was a live-service...? I thought it was an offline game.
Dublin is Stormcloak
Victoria is the Empire
The plot got hijacked by Dragon(Sarkaz)
The Unicorn is Thalmor
Dublin won
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Can't wait for TES6 Hammerfell and their black MC.
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Higanese is acceptable, it's the spoiler that I'm worried about
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I skipped her.

Nyo regrets.
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How dare you post kot while making this statement. Traitor.
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>The plot got hijacked by Dragon(Sarkaz)
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hmm nyessica nyis mid nyi skipped nyas wyell
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JessiKyot is nyusless.
>Stormcloaks and Thalmor win while the Empire eats shit and dies
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>Dublin won
Are you implying Stormcuck won the civil war? Lmao
W-where's the tomimi...
*Floats* What now kot?
French seemed to love manga and I want to know their true thoughts.
What about german
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How ready you are for Shu?
Horn love! Taking her to the chippy.
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She came...
Ofcourse wuhkek would suck Thalmor dick.
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French are the biggest comicbook fags on the continent, so it's understandable. Reading Asterix in original sounds like a decent goal
>but Belgium
No such place
It sure wasn't the empire
Your leader is Thalmor's bitch
Imagine following the guy that got buckbroken by them
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>completely irrelevant as a character
>has a metric fuckton of art
>goal is to establish a Tara nation
>manage to establish a Tara nation, one that the Viccies aren't going to fuck with any time soon because they still need Wellington to bail them out if another country attacks Victoria again
Uhh yeah, Dublinn absolutely won, what is the question here?
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Clean version doko?
The power of nice tits and busted gameplay.
Cause she was meta for a long time, duh. Why even ask when you know.
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Being the most sexo helps.
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That's how.
Speaking of nations, how does Siracusa defend itself? It's like the one nation I don't think I've seen having an army mentioned, just mafia.
>got some of the best skins in the game
Not hard to understand why. It also helps that literally everyone has her.
Protected by Laterano
If you conquer Siracusa you're stuck with being in charge of Siracusa.
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She's cute
>literally everyone has her.
By blackmailing every country that matter.
I'm pretty sure Siracusa is central to Terra's underworld.
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Wolves together strong.
All that mafia money? Used to sustain a fleet of high speed battleships
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Because I'm a straight male with big dick and I love red sexy woman who's also strong as fuck in the game.

Any other questions?
Lol no, they have Laterano backing them up. Literally a puppet country.
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The Sarkaz is unblackmailable.

Imagine threatening a Sarkaz that you will leak their sex tape....
Zoomershine, perish.
The 8 family basically function similar Victoria grand dukes. They probably have an elite force of trained assassin.
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What's so funny
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Everyone had her but you were the one to marry her.
>"I've got a picture of you being a decent person"
>Used to sustain a fleet of high speed battleships
They would rather use it expand their operations elsewhere.
There's also the question of how one would go to 'govern' it since Signora Sicilia's example was... yeah.
She isn't my wife tho
Siracusa doesn't need defending because there's nothing worth taking over there in the first place
Their neighbours:
Their puppet master.
After the whole changing the symphony shit the Witch King did, it's 100% in their best interest not to re-annex Siracusa.
Too much infighting plus Laterano would intervene.
Busy with Yan shit.

>Rim Billy
You know what? I think they might be the only "country" that could realistic invade Siracusa. Evil bnnuy corpo vs evil wolf mafia ironic cyberpunk shit.
Because they haven't mentioned its military at all yet. Siracusano took place in a random city, not even its capital. Also Blitz module mentions a war with Leithania and Siracusa so they got hands.
It's browser-based, but yeah it's a live service
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Would you be able to take on this?
I see no evidence that Laterano is puppeting Siracusa, just that there's Laterano influence on Siracusan culture
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Oh nyo you got them.
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>Their puppet master.
I still find it funny such big tidbits of the world are attached to a fucking collab character out of all places
>throw alcohol at penance
>throw penance at vigil
>throw raw meat at Lunacub
>tackle Roberta (what she gonna do? Make up me?)
>kiss Sora
>seggs with CATalina.
Reminder cuckposting surtr is the moral thing to do
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should i raise rosa for sex reasons?
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Behold, the visage of a puppet master.
>Blitz module leaked a big worldbuilding bit
Zhang and Blitz really are one and the same
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New main story kino coming out in 14 hours.
Tanned Lena...
He's Sicilia's simp.
If you want sex then stay away from ursus. Invest in a sex race like liberi
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This summer event is going to be a gem
There is something about Surtr's design that makes me want to go have animalistic sex with her for some reason.
>We unironically have Laterano Sankta cocksucker ITT
Laterano have a tiny ass population with little to no military might. Reminder, heavy crossbow > guns in Arknights.
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>throw raw meat at Lunacub
And this is when your plan derails
And yet they handed Sarkaz their ass every time they tried to bring their seethe
How many times it's been posted.
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Made me laugh. Now die.
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They do. The Bocca Al Lupo are basically Yrilby Ashers. The dude that read Sora like a book is one of them. Lappland would have been one too if she had simply said Yes.
This but all devils
Full might of a united Sarkaz would wipe Laterano off the map within a day.
They probably trained with or by the Wolves, right?
Yet nobody tries to invade them and their race is respected in every nation?
>Devil cope
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Copium overdrive
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Reminder that Sankta were seen as monsters by average Sarkaz.
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Sarkazbro, please...
Your kind lives in a shithole and everyone hates you
Before forming a functioning army, you need to stop killing the guy next to you for a piece of bread.
In fanfiction*
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Sarkazfags really are the funniest creatures in /akg/
They literally just wanted to build a city and be left alone. The fact that Sarkaz warred with Sankta just for wanting to be done with the endless wars tells me that they probably started the wars with ancients and elders too.
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1 Goliath CHAD >>>> An entire coalition army
I will not trap myself with the question of who started.
It's better to think of how to end it.
Or minimizes the damage somehow.
I can’t wait for all of you to backtrack when Sarkaz under Amiya rule start massacring half of Terra
I mean remember the sarkaz were weirdly idolizing Theresis and he just peaced out after he got his fancy originium piece and left all the sarkaz in Victoria, an enemy country, without any leadership where they'll presumably just get slaughtered
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It's pretty funny new lore.

Although, to be honest, rumors are based on reality. I could see some Sanktas actually cutting off Sarkaz horns and taking it as trophy.
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