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smoke break edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>487297839
i don't even know why i'm trying
some of the unreal docs are really good
some of them really leave something to be desired
Because you love game?
do you live by yourself? would you move back home if given the chance?

that looks tasty, recipe?

what demos do you think he'll play? there is no way he'd stream every single demo but it'd be funner if he did more than typical amount he does in those review videos. 8-10 is just way too little especially so that it's playing rather than reviewing the pages and such. should play like 20 demo day games, that'd be pretty fun to watch.
Will my game suck, or will I somehow not be like the other hobbyists who's game barely makes any money? Only one way to find out.
path of exile is free. It's online, massively multiplayer with hundreds if not thousands of hours of content, and its FREE.

Do you seriously think your game is so much better that you can charge more than path of exile? LMAO
>Will my game suck
Any game made with love, and as much time it deserves(can be a lot for some people <3), does not suck
My game is better than Path of Exile simply because Path of Exile players do not play my game.
shut up "mr. podunkian" (arthur lee) and post your game
I love lamp
(Like if you get the reference)
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What ever happened to that dev making a game inspired by World of Horror? Did he eventually give up on it? Had some cool pixel art
>eric barone a pedo
we need a campaign to get schizos detained
He diddled me last february
>Because it's fun?
That's the problem, though. It isn't. The gameplay doesn't work at all.
It will if they make some small changes and you become less retarded.
I'm guessing he took Jas-pasting too seriously and thought it was indicative of her personality in the game.
>what demos do you think he'll play?
he said he will only be streaming the porn games and show full NSFW scenes with penetration
Who's the best pixel artist on /agdg/ anyway?
>Hardmode: must be active
the vampire lolivania one I think
True. I'm a Path of Exile player, and I would not play your game.
Project Nortubel is the most aesthetically consistent, if you want to measure it in that way at least
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>650 reviews in 2 days, Godot, solo dev, joined Twitter in 3 months ago
An overnight success for a technically simple game.
Then I investigate a bit and the game has been in development for at least 3 years and the guy was a professional gamedev for much longer than that.
Shit. There really is no easy money, is there?
Oh, I forgot that game was a thing. Haven't seen it in a while.
If all you want to make money you're better off doing literally anything else besides gamedev.
>guy was a professional gamedev for much longer than that

Does participating in jams count?
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Is wacky character customization enough to sell a game?
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It's so fucking over all hope has been lost
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I'm horngry again...
good streamerbait but otherwise no
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

Reminder that the best marketing trick is to make a good game.
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Just got my character model back from the egyptian man. He didn't just take my deposit and run.
I am no longer racist toward your country.
Your link seems to contract your statement. The link suggests that it's not enough to make a good game, it has to be a great game.
low quality shitpost
i remember you, did it come out good?
Mostly positive is like 70-80% review score, which is a fairly terrible game.
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feels good when you write a min max IA.
>Shit. There really is no easy money, is there?
not in gamedev unless you magically come up with something simple that goes viral like vampire survivors but that is not something you can count on

so no, there is no easy money in gamedev
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Does PoE have cute lolis though?
Nah, he's right. I always say that none of the orblike devs have any hope of making it because their game will compared to the likes of PoE and LA. They don't stand a chance.
Kid Icarus.
kys p*doshit
Looks like shit. This is SFW, why not just post it like normal?
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Your reply seems to be retarded. It's not enough to make a great game, it has to be an amazing game.
guys you just know I gotta say it...

I seriously LOVE this hobby!
The face is awful, but the rest is nice.
He is remaking the face and detailing the rest.
I'm pretty happy so far!
I can't upload images. And I guess it's reject and find a new artist.
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great game, worth the arthritis
you fail to consider that there are varieties of orblike that the market isn't catering to

PoE is heavily disliked by a large portion of the potential audience who are into orblikes

Lost Shart isn't even competition
Gamedev saved me from homelessness. Life sucks when you're unemployable like I am.
>If you want to make a living as a musician, just make a good song.
>If you want to make a living as a writer, just write a good book.
>If you want to make a living as a painter, just paint a beautiful picture.
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Do you have a "why them and not me" game? Or perhaps an "if they can do it I absolutely can" game? For me, it's Arctic Eggs.
Is it the artist or you who wants it to be 1bit monochrome? I think they did alright within those confines
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damn boyos, first implementation of the gib system, hahahahah. gotta amp it up to 100.

anyhow, whats cooking today?
what do you mean by that? what are your actual issues? I'm not judging, I'm also unhirable(nobody is willing to hire me for better than entry jobs, I'm smart but bad with people)
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the gore bot was less annoying desu senpai
This but unironically.
i doubt it's technically simple
If you had a 2k budget per month to spend on gamedev, how would you spend it?
Paying myself a salary of 2k a month.
My resume looks like
>2006 finished high school
>2007-2018 a bunch of things I did that I can't prove because the companies and people are no longer around but maybe I can show you some source code?
>2019-2024 indie game developer whose games are not exceptional but are providing a livable income and that's about it
I can't even get an interview. I blame first myself, and then the people who were throwing money at a high school graduate in 2007 and made him think he's on a good path.
Oh boy, ANOTHER /agdg/ boomer shooter. How original...
This >>487367513. If I can't spend it on myself then someone to do multiplayer code for me.
Ten million platformers, yet you complain about this game in particular.
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/agdg/ doesn't have that many platformers, actually. I think we have more mech games.
I love the part where I get eye cancer from how bad it looks, I can’t even watch more than a second before closing
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I got inspired to work on this again, thoughts on mixels, rixels, dixels, and assorted ixels?
The 2D platformers have gotten crabbed out of existence. The boomer shooters are next on the chopping block.
But surely you understand that the egg flipping mechanic isn’t why that game succeeded? You took the least interesting part of that entire game, copied it, removed any semblance of story, art, soundtrack, and decided “this will be great!” Idk man
>2005 stopped going to school entirely
>2008 school ends, no qualifications due to taking no exams
>2008-2024 friendless neet who never finished a game
hire. this. man.
>i can't prove
>skills acquired(gimme a test)
did you even try?
the indie dev period might be your worst detriment.
you are so much more hirable than me jesus christ you fucking normie
Only nodevs care, but legally, you can't use the LPC sprites without open sourcing your game.
You could’ve picked any engine, and yet you chose the absolute worst one that can’t even get 30fps in an empty level with a 4090. Amazing
>I can't even get an interview
You have to find the places that care about skill, not your resume. Then you have to prove it to them. Show them you're going to make a difference in their company/game/whatever, not just be qualified code monkey.
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Panzer inspired tank
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boyos, no need to fight I come in peace. just point out stuff you don't like in my vids that you think should change. I like posting in between deving here. and then change/add stuff.
As someone who has done interviewing for software roles, if you don't at least lie about having a bachelors on your resume, it instantly goes into the bin. You do not even get to see our take-home tech interview.
what if the dog ate his payslips?

pretty sure places only care how indian you are
Yes but I'm making a different game. I took the egg flipping mechanic, improved it, and built a casual esport around it. It will also cost significantly less.
Nice anecdote but I know of self taught AWS/network manager/webmonke who got hired. you worked in a more professional company and that's fine.
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no one cares, you gay fucking retard
Nice, I like the muzzle brake
I love gamedev but honestly I love my cats even more
you're going to trigger the psychos
anyhow boyos, time for some coffee, probably dev a little. have to make things FLASHY.
And for a good reason. I don't want to see other devs falling into the same trap salary man shi fell
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i dont know why it wont work
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It looks cool on the actual tank too.
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it's the engine used for 100% superior japanese games like octopath traveller
I wasn't getting paychecks, I was issuing invoices. And I did actually list everything I've done including companies I've worked for, and my skills, but you have to think how that looks to a HR lady who's looking at a bunch of resumes.
As I said I can't get interviews, that's the filter. What should I put in my resume to get interviews?
last 3d realms event had over 80 boomshoots, I counted.
it is the 2d platformer of 3d.
What if I made a boomer shooter but without any combat? Just exploration, secrets hunting, key hunting, and switch puzzles.
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Modeling hair is hard.
why does the gun kind of look like a penis in the first few frames? Also nice gib system.
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Made some death animations for enemies today.
>thinks you can just walk in
>seems to not realize an algo stands in your way
>why does the gun kind of look like a penis in the first few frames?
hmmm, no idea, but I was thinking about putting in subliminal frames and stuff for fun

>Also nice gib system.
meh, it's a base, supposed to squirt blood to bu they got rendered out

time for coffee
Idea guys, how would you design a final boss fight that’s based around the players’s ability to pick up and throw stuff?
pick up throw boss into lava
true. I miss gorebot
bring back gorebot

what's with their bodies suddenly jerking after falling over? Is it them transitioning to ragdoll physics after the animation?
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Finished the icons for all the items you can get. Fire will need to change to be monocolour like the rest of them (it was the first one I did before I decided on monocolour). The various symbols came from game-icons.net, except the pan which is just an isometric screenshot of the in-game pan. Now to make them fall into the pan.
Yeah that's ragdolls, I have to fix that next.
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>help me design my game but I won't even show you if it's 2d or 3d
See Portal.

Pls rate.
>>thinks you can just walk in
But I can literally walk in and convince them to hire me.
>but the algo-
Not worth working at a company that hires based on diversity quotas or bachelors degrees
It could be interesting as a game jam game, but this is not commercially viable.
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Maybe I should just go back to sleep...
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lollercoaster, it's so fucking blowver
Nice job on the AI, too bad it's not good enough to beat you (yet)
>just go in the store and ask for the manager
>shake his hand a look him in the eye and ask him for a job
>work for 6 months, buy a house, get married, and raise 3 kids on a single income
if my gramps could do it, you can do it too
>ero dungeons got permanently rejected from steam
i wonder how that schizo is feeling
Just need nice art.

It's enough to be fun to have something to play.
Really? They are pretty pro porn game as long as everyone is 20+
what is this game?
why don't you just leave
I fucking dread making a flat map however I don't want to spend too much time making a cool 3D 2D system or something wacky I'm gonna have to invent an entirely new map system
stop diddling kids
>>just go in the store and ask for the manager
>>shake his hand a look him in the eye and ask him for a job
Unironically, yes
That's basically how Todd Howard got hired at Bethesda. Except they first sent him home and told him to finish college.
Who's laughing now?
how do I add a filter for the retard?
you know what would be dumb? if CharacterBody3D disregarded a node's parent when calculating slide and block
It’s titled “yet another unreal slop drag and drop paid assets into the engine, click play, and pretend you made a game like a big boy” simulator. $49.99 on steam early access
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>Did he eventually give up on it?
Yea basically lol. I couldn't decide exactly what type of game I wanted it to be. I'd like to revisit it at some point but right now I'm working on smaller scoped projects like Crab Puncher instead for now.
report for spamming what appears to be someone's address
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Were you the one that did the pic related WOH mods? or just a style coincidence
Sounds like a tranny name. Seems like madodev got a bad roll on the reviewer roulette.
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Reposting from the last thread:

Is it obvious what's happening here? Just testing out something new. I don't want it to be too obvious.
Nah that's not me. That guy's art definitely inspired mine though. Does he still post his work?
Yeah, I'm sure if it went to anybody else's submission queue it would be front page right now.
Fucked up
probably a jeeta
I want to listen for signals dynamically:
>Some event will trigger a node to expect a signal of a certain type with certain arguments
>When signal is received and arguments match what's expected, do something cool.

Right now I have a system to expect and connect signals. The problem now is that they necessarily connect to one function that handles all potential signals -- which means that their varying kinds and quantities of arguments cause errors every time the signal is received.

Godot has a callv method but why isn't there an emitv method?
I have realized that *ris is unironically the least harmful schizo we have, don't tell him I said that though
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Don't know, probably just a passing anonymous drawfag and WoH threads basically died on /v/ after Halloween which was to be expected.
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Excited for what I am going to be working on today!

: )
The improved model of Shockitty, before and after going through the Bedabots 2D to 3D pipeline.
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Uhhh, I meant 3D to 2D pipeline.
How come in godot any time I copy and paste a node of sprite2d for instance, it always pastes in in some random fucking location and the size of the sprite is all changed and shit, is there a setting to change this? It makes level design a pain in the cock
dude is already making bank on Patreon it seems
what's it like putting so much effort to make shovelware?
how do i even get started with a 1st person 3d game
make a first person character controller
Pick any engine and boot up a FPS template.
If you want to make a game, buy a good FPS template and build on it. If you want to learn, start with FPS tutorials and courses.
unity has a fps tutorial/template stage where you can mess around, right? maybe i can start from that to have the basic things working like movement and start from there
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this is boyos
best biewed in 4:3
so get your crt tv back
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>panic because taking too long to make a decision
>am recording time on and off
>go stop timer because I'm not making up my mind even though it counts as dev time
>tfw it was only 3 minutes
All I've devved on today was mainly making up my mind on breast sizes and adjusting their sizes. The gargantuan size only fits on one of them. The other can just go with a decently large size but not as big. So now my next steps, deciding if they all have the same size or not and how I'll handle the female NPCs.
I don't know how to finish my game.
I know how to finish my game and the ending would be kino deluxe but it would add like 6 months of development time
Building on top of something you don't fully understand is a waste of time. I recommend following a video on youtube or just seeing what you can create yourself from scratch.
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yo, moodboards? post your moodboards.
ofcourse as you noticed it's bugged, the weapons don't render since you use a different camera to render it in order not to clip out the environment.

oh boyos, you implement one thing, and one bug pops out you didn't expect, every single time.

but hey thats the beauty of deving aint it boyos
what's a moodboard boyo, I can only recognize the thing in that picture
yeah but it's fair for people to finish it and want to sell it without recurring payments. it's even the nice thing to do, not milk your whales eternally.
Ahh, that sucks but it happens. Thanks for answering, hope to see your smaller scale projects here too
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All my life, I thought I was smart but lazy.
I was never smart. I was actually just really persistent where other people couldn't be bothered.

That's all you need to be a yesdev.
You're crabbing. It's not a waste of time, it's a shortcut that has benefits and drawbacks. It would be ideal if he understood how it all worked and could recreate it from scratch, but he doesn't really have to.
You think I know how pathfinding works in my game? I solved it a year ago and I couldn't recreate it and yes it's shameful but it doesn't matter.
FPS is a well established mechanic and it's been solved so to speak. Unless he wants to do something innovative with it (like Mirror's Edge or Subnautica) he can just go with a (good) template and work within its limitations.
You open up some image editing software, then put in pictures of stuff that is similar to the aesthetics you are trying to achieve in your game or other artwork. Hence, a board of stuff that fits your game's mood.
You can use it as a loose reference, bit of inspiration, or just as a way to crystalize exactly what you want.
Yes, that's a fine idea.
Sounds like some artfag bullshit to avoid working on your game. How's your save system looking? It it bulletproof?
hmmm not a bad idea then
I'm gonna make one.
>like Mirror's Edge
Na there's a template for that.
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It's looking great, thank you.
Listen Mr. Fun Police, I've been working on my game for about 5 hours straight and I'm about to go to bed. Who are you to criticize me for consolidating a few pictures that inspire me? Fuck off.
What does crabbing mean?
I do agree with you but also disagree, I just think its better to make your own stuff. I don't think you should re-create systems that already exist within unreal/unity (if you are using either of those engines).
I do think however that if you are going to expand upon an existing FPS/TPS template, for example if you wanted to add ledge-grabbing, the outcome would end up more janky if you tacked it onto an existing template than if you created the system yourself from scratch.
I am working on my own game engine because I can't commit to any ideas for more than a week, so I am biased when it comes to thinking that creating things from scratch yourself is better.
lurk more faggot
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here u go, first thing that come to mind media that im ripping
Don't tell me to lurk more you faggot nigger I have been reading and posting in agdg threads for over a decade.
If this image is true im gonna make it my whole game is a fraudery of programming
>over a decade
>doesn't know what crabbing means
That's perfect. It's fun to make, and it's nice to glance at from time to time when working on visuals.
Yeah so tell me what it means.
dwoes tha wittle newfag enginedev wanna b spoonfed?
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>You open up some image editing software
use pureref bro
Why would people buy your game instead of minecraft?
get kuadro and not some bloated payfag webshit
Actually I just googled "free moodboard maker" and used the first link I saw
>What does crabbing mean?
Refers to the crab bucket mentality. You're trying to drag someone down (closer to enginedev misery) by telling them it's a waste of time to use systems that they don't understand.
I don't really know how a computer works but I make a living from gamedev. I couldn't write an OS or a 3D renderer and I'm having trouble with shaders but so what? I'm not going to waste years on learning when the goal is to make games and there are shortcuts available. If I want to cook, I'll start by gathering and mixing the ingredients, not by making a stove or pots and pans.
That shade of green is making me wince but now there's acid rain that makes you go yeouch unless you take cover.
You can see it coming from pretty far away but I still want to add sirens and other earlier alerts too, mostly just because it sounds cool.

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>google pureref
>see picrel
>click off
The fuck does "commercial use" mean in this context?
Thanks for explaining what it means mate.
I never intended to drag anyone down :(
I was speaking from experience as I spent a long time working with a unity asset called "opsive fps controller" which is a character controller asset you can get, I can't really explain my position outside of what I said before, I spent a lot of effort and time learning how to use the asset when I could have put that effort into learning from scratch. When i stopped using opsive, I started to use a much simpler FPS asset that allowed me to do much more learning.
I only said that to him because he was just starting out, and if I could go back in time and take my own advice I would. The most important thing is that you enjoy yourself. <3
dunno I just chose to pay $0 and downloaded it
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AI imeplementation(there will be 6 legs and a second claw)
femcoded post. Please be my gf
You know, guys, i'm beginning to suspect that the godot editor may never get decent font rendering.
If your goal is learning, then your approach is the right one. If your goal is making a fun game, then you should investigate shortcuts. Solo gamedev is already very time intensive so taking on technical challenges that have been widely solved is not a wise investment of time if the goal is to make a game.
>I never intended to drag anyone down :(
This is actually the more "lore accurate" description of crabbing. Real crabs don't pull each other down due to "crab bucket mentality" maliciousness, but because they're trying to help each other but are too stupid to realize they're hurting. So you're not a "crab bucket" crab, you're a "realistic" crab.
here you go
I need real music instead of this royalty free crap...
My goal is learning I made heaps of unity games but never finished them because I always got bored of the idea or lost faith in it. Also with enginedev you of course can still take shortcuts. I didn't write a renderer or anything like that, you can just use existing open source librarys for very complex things like physics or rendering.
I would much rather be a dumb crab than a mean crab
transcoded post
they do have that but if you can't make your own character controller you're gonna struggle to make any sort of game
>because I always got bored of the idea or lost faith in it.
remix the royalty free crap
Most of OoT's music is from royalty free crap
i hate arrays... and enums... and dictionaries...
Hello, Anonymous.
I hope you have been making lots of progress on your game.
Work hard and do your best!
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>not using lists and symbols and maps
Yeah :^(
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Should i work for my mom even on Saturday and sundays or should i say no to her for once in my life so i can make my games? I want to make a deal with her that i can make $10k before i turn 30. I'm a third worlder, and $10k is enough to live for a year here. I'm 23 by the way. It's not like i don't want to get a job or seeking normal employment. I'll get a job, and then every time i go home, I'll prefer to work on my game and writing project instead of doing her bidding every time. I already clean our house everyday, and took care of my younger siblings.
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>enum Items
>item_list : Array
>available_items : Dictionary
Why are anti-loli posters such horribly, bitter people?
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nortubel anime series
with a hash table, you can go anywhere you want
because you won't kill yourself
today i'm gonna make sum fakken progress
I didnt realise how much linear algebra Id be using for physics stuff (but duh, its physics)
well actually I didnt think the game Id be making would have physics to begin with

I never took physics past high school but I did take linear algebra so its kind of fun digging up old knowledge and applying it
US night: dead thread
Europe night: active
we RULE this thread
>223 replies
>only 4-5 webms/images
>of those only 1 looks like an actual game
>rest of the thread is just garbage
What's even the point of this genera, other than the schizo bots posting?
Unless you want people constantly reposting their games, keeping progress posts to when actual significant progress is made is a good thing; and that takes time.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Binkabonkas motor carriage
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>have to integrate astarproject tomorrow
Such a feelsbad to pull in an asset. But unity stock navmesh stuff sucks major cock so no other option
And hey i’ll have an actual game to stim with at that point so yay. Next demoday here i come
>try to make a main screen plugin
>the plugin seems to be added to the editor correctly but the screen is empty
>spend 2 hours trying to fix it
>no tutorial is working
>find a thread with a similar issue on reddit but the only reply is "something changed between 3.5 and 4.x but they forgot to update the docs lol"
>turns out full rect flag has no effect on the size cause main screen plugins are children of a vbox and you need to check the expand flags
>this isn't mentioned anywhere
yeah i should have tried that earlier, but i think this should be at last mentioned in the tutorial
im figuring it out, im figuring it out.
one line at a time.
Yeah bro let me just post the "same" art for days where I make minute changes and just end up getting a negative following of people telling me to fuck of like they did with that one anon for a while. Haven't seen him post in weeks
What looks good and what looks garbage?
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i was thinking about making something mech related
but very different from the mech games seen here, seems that that market is already covered
very hit or miss, gonna make a prototype and see where it goes
Looks like a 97 Toyota Corolla.
who? was it me?
makes me sick
i dont think you should always do what others are doing but i think you would benefit from adding those huge gib things like in overkill, it already looks similar anyways
kino, add shadow people
its not for the weak
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More assets.. I need to make... more hair assets..
Anyone know how to fix this
Look up what a "position" and a "rotation" and a "scale" is and how that's relative to the nodes parent.
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getting this boat to move in the direction of camera while holding down w took me like a whole day
Im also kind of a noob (started playing around with godot this week)
since Im controlling a rigidbody3d and not a charactermodel all the movement is controlled by force/torque vectors

eventually figured out (with the help of chatgpt) that I had to get the cross product of the direction the boat is facing and the direction the camera was facing and use that cross product to apply the correct amount of torque

planning on making a sailing game, wish me luck
>UI scaling
How do you keep your UI looking the same at different resolutions?
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slow down time system implemented, sure why not just threw it in kek. hmm there's couple other things need to be implemented , fine tune the melee stuff, couple more enemies and a boss, and I think this is boyos, time to build some levels.

yeah I like the style, but it's too quick for me at least.
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:: Project Norwubber ::
progress :: Norsprorbler concept art
my game is nyot in a pwesentable state wight meow, i'm sowwy.....
It's fookin' 4chan, ofcourse it's infested with shitters, no lifers , etc. But there's always those few anons that are gonna give you good advice.
path of exile sucks though
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If you want retweets on twitter all you need is someone to call your game woke. It's that simle.
redpill me on game maker
how many hours do you work on your game in a day?
Check the project settings. Window settings, I think.
name stuff in your game after demons so /pol/ and /x/ schizos give you free advertising
There's no based content detector is there? And that woke detector only shows games it detects? So adding something very mildly woke would just be free publicity?
it's free real estate
I like sailing games, good luck
woke game, will rate negatively and refund
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>if only we hadn't included a female character that goes to university
>meanwhile alphabet flags are everywhere and characters identifies as sine waves
It's all so tiresome.
Ah cheers, that got it. I was playing around with aspect containers and it was just making things more complicated
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kek they do seem woke for those two and he's mad for getting called out lel
I don't think he's losing many sales from being exposed as "woke"
Like which based high-T traditional patriarchal right winger was going to buy his game and then found out it was woke?
the guy with that roguelike game. i think it has either Solomon or Bable in the name

doesn't that one anon i just mentioned have one demon in his game? not something i'd do personally, stuff gives me the creeps, like stuff i shouldn't be handling
Almost every AD&D game has demons in it, what's the problem?
ok w/e bye
not what i mean. for example that one anons game with the demon summoning and how calculated it seems, that one gives me the creeps. something like runescape where i can fight demons? not a problem. it's basically how it's handled. not sure if anon's game crosses that line but does make me wonder if he crosses a different line by using King Solomon and associating a demon to him for gaming purposes.
My game has better graphics.
religious fags are mentally ill
No, I'm still stuck on the same bug for 4 days....
In >>487400027 picrel game you do summon a demon. Or a devil, one is a demon and the other is a devil and you can get them to help you.
King Salomon consorted with demons.
That was the cause for his downfall in the Bible.
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Just saw a low/mid tier furry artist sell an "adoptable" for $300. Took like, what, an hour of work? Hurt my soul man.
But also a wakeup call to get into the furfag market.
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There are demon-summoning AI fags in this thread right now anon.
nice crab animation, but your main character needs refinement
>game about crabs is woke
>game about a literal negro isn't
Is that "Woke Content Detector" some ebin troll or something?
you know a game isn't woke just because of a black person being in it, r-right?
What other possible reason could you have to include a "black" "person" in a game?
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I practice demon summoning irl to properly incorporate the experience in my game. The most difficult part is kidnapping all those babies.
oh, it's almost certainly done for woke reasons, but it alone is not woke
submitting to next DD?
Show the obligatory Beelzebub demon
This looks really cool but the gameplay itself seems lackluster
Maybe. Either way I want to have a demo up asap.

I know right? There's a lot of demonology I can use, but at the same time I have no inspiration. Like what the demons should look like and what they should say. The current demon design is really lame imo.

Admittedly there's not much depth to the gameplay, so I'll have to flavor it with some dialogue and other shenanigans. But people who played it did think the gameplay was a lot of fun.

Solving riddles.
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but at what cost...
three fiddy
If we were still in the 90s I would answer yes.
But in 2024? lol.
>The most difficult part is kidnapping all those babies.
Silly, just join your local synagogue.
My game won't be woke
>The current demon design is really lame imo.
I like him. He cute.
I'm Catholic and I can tell you that only a couple of demons require sacrifices upfront.
The billionaires at Bohemian Grove used a baby shaped effigy instead of a real one too.
Most people who dabble on the occult these days have a more benevolent view of demons, seeing them as rebellious rather than evil. This is, of course, extremely dangerous since even the idiom "a deal with the devil" describes an arrangement that seems beneficial at first, but becomes detrimental as time passes.
Anyway, real occultists draw a triangle to trap demons in place, not a circle. You draw the circle around the summoner as protection. Maybe that could be an upgrade or something.
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>tell units to specifically not target cursor
>during combat they still do and it crashes the game
>chase state directly overwrites target with closest entity
I may be retarded, I don't remember writing this shit.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: graphic sex scenes included.
>Anyway, real occultists draw a triangle to trap demons in place, not a circle.
NTA but the circle is required for the summoning, the triangle is there to trap it, they have different purpose, and you can just use a circle without triangles to summon but obviously not to bind it.
The circle also needs to be adorned with specific symbols if you want to target a specific demon or general purpose symbols for any common demon.
Ehh it still depends on how its gone about. I just phrased it poorly on the earlier response I made

It's more so I just don't like putting those topics in games, fear of some form of sacrilege. However I'm not well versed on what is and isn't considered sacrilege. That one anon's game likely doesn't cross the line so I'd probably play it. Along with the game you mentioned. The more elaborate the "summoning" is made the more creeped out I become like >>487402093 that game. That one creeps me out too much. May just be a game but there's some lines I don't feel comfortable crossing even if it's just a game. Not touching an oujia board though that goes beyond just being a video game and is likely detrimental to a person.
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:: Project Nortoblerone ::
progress :: aoaeoaoeoeoaiaieieiaoaoao
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>Make a lot of changes on Entity managements, so that shit turn itself off when dead/out-of-bounds/etc
>Weeks later, realize I can't click on units anymore
>Turn out the cursor's raycast/collider was turning itself off every frame because I never set told it to be Alive
is nortubel woke?
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Best dev
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>do x
>y happens
>mfw z
On the topic of summoning, the circle is only a small part of the whole ritual, but it's one of the most visually striking ones.
You are right about the inscriptions, but I think that might be a bit too complex for the graphic style which is why I didn't mention it.
>It's more so I just don't like putting those topics in games, fear of some form of sacrilege. However I'm not well versed on what is and isn't considered sacrilege.
A lot of Catholic (and broadly Christian) art contains demons. They exist, they are in the Gospel, etc. It's not sacrilege to depict demons in media.
I think it's fine to be at least a little afraid of this stuff because it's dangerous, but it's probably ok to shoot demons in video games. They make for good irredeemable cannon fodder.
Most satanists in real life are reddit atheists too and largely harmless.
Real devil worship is worship of oneself, that is what you need to avoid.
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You DID design your game around being an Olympic-worthy game, right?
Lmao at FPS/RTS.
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working on a new cockpit, to have a better field of view, more panels for my indicators and stuff, less garbage on the screen, reload indicators, third person healing animation, a scratched glass effect in front of the camera.....
>Lmao at FPS/RTS.
Are we sure it's not because of military FPS and the military propaganda?
>your game sells 10k copies
what do you think
>10k copies
Not bad for the first hour
Not enough
I want more
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this hobby is legit fucked
crishaters in shambles
Only if they make shota rape simulators
my game looks like it was made by a toddler
damn that's one skilled toddler
I wish I had this*...

*but without a ton of makeup
Knowing how women do their hobbies, it will mostly be just reading blogs and shit like that. Maybe someone would read my devlog for change
he cute
Meanwhile at the actual olympics
FPS is because cheating is through the roof in their competitive scene, to the point that organizers have to legalize the most basic form of cheating because that would be too much work otherwise.
RTS is because matches can last anywhere from 3 minutes to 3 hours, which make scheduling a pain.
Doubts it's for any "violence / politics / guns/ etc" reasons, 'cause Tekken and Street Fighter both have plenty of problems in those department.
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90% chance she's going to go bogg mode by age 30.
Are there breast sliders?
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At my workplace we had 2 female programmers. One looked like your pic and she was hands down dead weight, dumbest motherfucker in the office but of course no one would complain. Other one looked like left-most in pic related and she was above average even compared to men.
(No it wasn't a tranny, I just don't know what female equivalent to use for "motherfucker".)
second from the right is cute
I can understand the others (even whatever mobile craps they will pick), but why the fuck include games that are just virtual version of shit that's already in the regular Olympics?
Waste of a slot.
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I've been working in IT for a decade and I've worked with dozens of programmers in various teams. Two of them were women, one of whom only did SQL and one who's a tester, but actually very bright individual. Saved us from many disasters. Neither ever did any programming in their free time however
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Is your online reputation spotless? Do you have enemies? Will they keep your game at 69?
On my dev account that I created with a fresh email in order to get away from my opinions? Yes.
Nobody even knows I exist.
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my 2d gamemaker game is lagging
I must be at my 5th of 6th internet persona, between the one 2D artist doing /pol/shit, the 3D artist doing /mlp/ porn, etc
Every new project mean a new (you), until one of them get a success worth bringing to the next.
What's funny is I checked the bad reviews and they're very specific about what's wrong with the game but the guy is kinda deranged.
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How to build mountains? Terrain or something more geometric? Interestingly this is also a contrast in how octopath 1 did things vs 2.
how did you miss the sausage lips?
Almost 150k revenue. Since you didnt stipulate where, I'll redeem this on itch.io, 0% cut. I take the full 150k, the owner bans me for not giving him a cut and then I publish my game on steam. I walk away, after taxes, with something like 80k
Steam mostly show the interesting, upvoted/awarded reviews.
If there are really several hundreds of artificial tranny negative reviews, you would have to scroll to the near bottom to encounter them.
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You just feel threatened because a woman is smarter and more talented than you are.
It is. however, my music guy is a chud who gets baited on twitter.
video not related?
Meanwhile in an alternate universe
>c&c is huge and at the center of olympics
>world leaders throwing gamer banter at each other
>upgrades flash on screen in spectacular fashion
>crowd cheering in unison "AK 47s for everyone!"
>screen shake with carpet bombings and the american section starts clapping
>live cannon fire as players get wiped
How do I get rpgcodex to buy my game?
....she already has bogged lips. How did she even come into gamedev? Has gamedev really become that much of a social clout chasing thing that women are jumping in for the clout?

Second from right is the only dateable one
>Neither ever did any programming in their free time however
Sounds nice. From what i gathered programmer jobs require you to keep learning in your free time which im not a fan if
You know that really important thing I thought about my game and didn't write it down because it was so obvious and I figured there's no way I'd forget it?
Well one month passed and...you will never guess what happened.
I cna believe this. I saw something similar happening with a game that had a sketchy publisher. Eveytime it dipped below 79% it seemed to get enough positive reviews to bump it to 80% or higher.
Be racist towards Japan
i don't have any named online presence except for a steam account with 0 reviews and a handful of friends who i don't even speak to
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Sorry I just like saving webms of women being retarded in the office
Eat your own semen
women get more and more unappealing with each trend
-_- how do women like this get these jobs and I dont even get a phone call or email to come in for an interview? Gamedev is unironically one of the few hopes I have of making decent money. Except now women are invading gamedev drawing in simps and thus reducing the crowd to whom I can shill my game too.
If you're trying to clone a game and nail its style then I guess do whatever the game did.
I'm assuming you've watched the talks they did?
Always write stuff down. Even if it is an idea for a game you plan to make 5 years from now. Write it down.
Getting baited on twitter is definitely a mistake regardless of political affiliation. All it does is waste your time.
are you all doing this for fun, right
David Lynch sends his regards.
Amateur means "lover".
Not just for fun, the women and children too.
>how did you miss the sausage lips?
bog mode is more than just lip filler. She's clearly the type of girl to get more work done and eventually she will walk over the line into the uncanny valley.
bog mode is anything, and all "work" is uncanny
if you think her lips are anything other than fucking weird, you have a fetish
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Sorry to chudpost, but women and minorities have been allowed to get away with open discrimination in the workplace for a while now and everyone just looks the other way.
I work in a very left-leaning field (video game industry adjacent). When I was recently looking for a new job I could find dozens of "women led" or "POC led" companies that explicitly said in the job description that they were looking to hire women or "people of color". From what I remember they always had some sort of "all candidates regardless of identity are encouraged to apply" clause at the end, probably to prevent them from being sued. It was very clear you wouldn't be considered if you didn't fit their criteria.
It's also worth noting that a lot of nepotism goes on at these types of companies and most of those job posting were probably fake. They already have someone lined up for the job but had to make a public call for applications for some legal reason I don't fully understand. At the end of the day you probably don't want to work at one of these places. If you worked at the place in that video you'd probably end up as the informal office IT guy and full time coffee fetcher.
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>bog mode is anything
Are you one of those retards that lives in a world of hyperbole? Stop watering down words until they mean nothing. Her lips are weird but she's not even fucking close to getting bogged yet. Give her a couple of years.
>At the end of the day you probably don't want to work at one of these places. If you worked at the place in that video you'd probably end up as the informal office IT guy and full time coffee fetcher.
I studied the pick-up-arts under the great Erik "Mystery" von Markovik and I know I'd seduce them and get them to fight over me.

But I'd be the IT guy and a coffee fetcher. If they don't require me to think, that means I can think about my game on company time.
she has been bogged
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nice reply
I'm doing this to get two cute girlfriends.
refunds dont show up in the reviews however
what do you guys think about le ps1 graphics meme
I don't like memes but I do like PS1 graphics.
To be honest it would be pretty funny to be a full time manservant at one of these all woman companies. Imagine getting paid to be the office himbo and spend all day walking around the office, taking coffee and lunch orders, and helping the ladies carry anything that weighs more than 40lbs as you try to ignore their wandering gazes and the occasional "accidental" squeeze. You'd have to be really tall and jacked or else it wouldn't be as funny.
This could be a good premise for a game.
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I can't music for shit
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Made a graph and a plan. The multiplayer is mainly for my friends who said they're willing to play with me if I make my game multiplayer as well.
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They do.
they ain't gonna be your friends anymore after they play this shit
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>lost 3 hours of progress because I have to fill papers to defend myself in a police free audition or whatever it's called in americanish
>not counting the hours of "rent free" thoughts while this is not settled

The weight of it on my little recluse codlet emotions is hueg. The good side is I'm getting experience on dealing with such bulshit if one of my game is ever getting popular and bigger crabs pinch me.
At least that's what I'm trying to do. Just let me dev in my cave.
I love the sort of autism that makes people type like this
>they ain't gonna be your friends anymore after they play this shit
Yes they will, and my girl friends will marry me as well, or at least one of them will! Her name is Abby!@
Surprisingly alright. Would need proper post processing I guess, and cool details.
>changing the gameplay between single and multi
Nigger what are you doing? Just take your single player game and dump an extra character in. Thats enough for any fixed camera horror. If you need more gameplay, take mercenaries from RE and add that game mode.
how do i make a baldur’s gate clone
idk just make sure you add a cute elf girl
>be minority
>can't get a job
>have chinese friend who is smart
>no one even wants to interview him
where is this cope coming from?
When they say "minority", what they mean is disadvantaged in some way. Like they consider women a minority because of patriarchy and whatever but women are numerically a majority.
East Asians aren't really considered minority in the US, especially not in tech.
Non-brown Asians are considered Whites for DEI purposes and legislation.
>but women are numerically a majority
Numerically whites are around 7% of the world's population (and that's while being *very* generous on what you consider white).
So of fucking being a "minority" as nothing to do with actual numerical presence. Would result in evil whitey being more of minority than most other categories otherwise.
We need some kind of moustached painter to come along and champion the rights of the white minority
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I love working on my ero game bros, it keeps funding my degeneracy every month.
I want to make my rendered sprites all adhere to a palette for consistency, but I have no idea what goes into the development of a games palette beyond the scope of making pixel art.
There are so many environmental objects, weapons, items and characters to consider.
How did old games come to decide on their palettes? Are there any general 'old game' palettes I can throw directly into Gimp and apply to my assets?
>t. I am a bit color blind so I get filtered by color
I wish I made that much money on Patreon for working on my game.
Despite what everyone in earth seems to think, apparently, my game is NOT shit. YOU ARE! FUCK YOU!
Thoughts about mixels in the context of UI? e.g. sprites are at x6 but icons are kept at x4 if you scale past x4 native.
wait... what's stopping people from just downloading my demo on itch instead of buying the game on steam when I release it...
You will lose the autist audience.
If your game was made for autists, don't use mixels.
If your game was made for nomies, lol who fucking care about mixels.
Me. I got you, senpai.
De-list the demo
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he will defeat them..
prebm (progress webm)
>play demo
>player character cums prematurely and the girl laughs saying she wants the full version
>play full version
>player character cums prematurely and the girl laughs saying she doesn't want a loser that pays for sex
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the demo on itch is just a limited demo version
i don't know how to make separate versions of my game
my game has so few features anyways that if i was to strip any away there wouldn't be enough for a demo.
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>decompile demo
>change is_demo variable to false
>enjoy full version
Anonymous, I...
so your demo is not a demo but the full game?
... how can people test the features of my game if i dont put it in the demo?
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ever heard of a vertical slice, bitch?
*cuts you in half with a big battleaxe*
moba balance patch simulator
STALKER but good
STALKER but you have a mech
>moba balance patch simulator
can I join this project? I have 12k hours in dota 2 btw
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nta but damn
Ok, my capsule art is done. It's ugly but so is my game.
Now I'm just waiting for my Steam check to be paid so I can paid the Steam fee. It's the circle of life.
non porn devs can also make some money from patsimps but much less typically
this guy gets 100$ a year after making games for 7 years
that's a lot of money
I meant to type a month
I need to make at least 512 USD/month
>100$ a year
I wish I had this...
A carpentry survival crafter game
>acquire materials
>craft furniture
>decorate crafted furniture with oil, carving, or paint
>sell furniture in your wife's store
>decorate your home with your own hand made furniture
>impregnate your wife in legendary quality bed
>teach your daughter to whittle
>give your daughter some sisters and or brothers
Same... Imagine being able to afford releasing 1 Steam game every year
It's 6:10 am
Do I try to squeeze in some extra sleep or do I get up and dev
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A reminder that Pixel made the entirety of Cave Story in his free time while wage slaving and he didn't know shit about drawing and music theory when he started. What's your excuse for not working on your game?
because im subhuman waste
Just quit my job for gamedev!
>when he started
it took him 4 years to release thoughafterbeitchance
he did enginedev
You guys are just trolling right? I make $100/hour at my salaried 6 figure remote tech job where I only do 1-2 actual hours of work per day
Yeah, but getting paid to do what you like doing is a lot nicer than getting paid to pretend you're doing stuff.
I don't have one, and work on my game regularly. This this post isn't really directed towards me, but I felt like replying anyway
Yes it's very nice that you won RNG roll to be born in the 1st world and another RNG roll to be born in a middle class or higher family that can pay your education and then found a poshy job
congratulations, seriously. can I get your autograph?
he made a pixelshit platformer before the market got oversaturated. the rest of us have to think wayyyyy outside the box if we want to make it solodeving now...
Good luck bro! I look forward to your 2D pixel puzzle platformer. I'm sure it looks great, and I'll wishlist it to support you, I'll even like your release announcement.
I lost my salaried 6 figure remote tech job where I only did 1-2 actual hours of work per day :(

I spent the remaining 6-7 hours on fapping instead of gamedev
>believes good things only happen out of luck
Hilariously, this belief is the reason you’ll never achieve anything, rather than RNG or luck or whatever
I think that’s what the kids call “cope”
Yuck! I would fire you too. If only there was something like a drug test for porn addicts/chronic masturbators. You should be kept away from normal people
I get paid nothing yet on my game development jobby... But I'm trying to change that
>ghost of sushi sama
>play as ghost sushi chef
>gameplay is taking orders and assembling sushi dishes
>sometimes priests will come and try to lay you to rest
>you have to throw meat cleavers at them to chase them away before they finish their incantations
I didn't say that but luck played a large part in how you arrived in your very fortunate position. you'd do well to acknowledge that, instead of bragging about your fortune to people whom 100$ a month is not negligible.
I don't masturbate in an office so a work setting is fine for me, and I blend in quite well with normal people.
>not "The Ghost of Sushi-man"
Seven fucking hours??? You need a reset brother
Genuinely don't understand gooning
When I need to jack off I go to the bathroom, jerk at lightning speed for 2-3 minutes, and get back to development, and that's only once a day if that.
>Your position is a result of luck
Bing the divine right of kings. There's I reason we are here, with wealth and comfort and power, and you are there in your squalor.
Surely if you were born to Vietnamese rice farmers you'd also be earning six figure, retard
Let’s agree to meet in the middle:
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name
Imagine if you just got your addiction under control you wouldn’t have to blend in you could be a normal person too
I just noticed a dude in my friends list playing Ghost of Tsushima and that's where my mind went, of course you could name it that if you so wish.
That doesn't sound very fun.
Ummmm based?
Get back to the rice patty fields, no more back talk
you will never be a gamedev
Well, it is.
Really? Never? My finished game build and steam page says otherwise.. oh well. I guess I just won’t use this $10k I had allocated towards my marketing budget
>Imagine if you just got your addiction under control
ooooooooooh boy imagine...

Sorry I was checking emails before beginning progress for today. Coffee is ready now.
See >>487400737
Based toilet torquer.
I will only crank one out if I don't have time to bone my wife. It's insane to see how prevalent gooning, edging, day-long masturbation is on the internet. I guess it makes sense, if you spend 8 hours a day just stroking yourself watching porn you probably don't have a lot going on so the only place to chat is online.
I'm still phoneposting from bed and I haven't gotten up yet, but my character controller is coming along swimmingly.
Unreal's Input Mapping Contexts really do a lot of heavy lifting for you.
post steampage then nodev
Doubt it. There's not enough time for proper character development in 3 minutes.
>”dox yourself right now or I will accuse you of not having a game”
I have enough schizo stalkers already thanks
Oh no, imagine that people might know the name of your game. If your marketing strategy revolves around people not knowing that, it's a very bad one.
I understand, you're a nodev bragging on 4chan, we all have our vices
Character development? I simply pull up pictures of older Asian women who are barefoot and crank at maximum velocity.
In the even I do read hentai, I speed read that shit like I have a book report on it due in an hour.
How do you decide what to cut and and what to keep? How do you cope with the feeling that there is no meat to your game without including every idea?
>”tell 4chan incels that hate you for being richer than them the name of your game, chud!”
I don’t think you know what marketing means lmao
70% of the stuff you'll cut probably doesn't add significant gameplay value to your game
The other 30% does and I just cope by curling up and crying
I am transitioning to godot
Turd world schizos want to dox me so bad but they literally have zero power online, offline, anywhere in life. It’s so sad to see and I do pray for them but I don’t think even God can help someone who refuses to help themselves. Maybe I’m wrong and they’ll change their ways through divine intervention
Fine, I'll accept a screenshot within the Steam Dashboard, you can black out your game's name.
lol, lmao even
Set yourself some limitations. Time is a decent limitation if you are decent at estimating, but it could be any restriction. Figure out not what to cut, but what the bare minimum is, and then add from there.
>Character development
>For a wank
How much development does your girlfriend go through during an average 30 minute shag? Do you need to follow the hero's journey to cum in a woman?
The only catharsis you should need is to ejaculate. Unironically transcoded/nonbinary mentality that sexuality is a deeply personal character driven storied struggle with triumphs and defeats.
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Welcome aboard king
I doubt this because I use the exact same exact it to post my nonexistent game desu. Down to prefacing with "I have enough stalkers already" even though I don't.
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:: Project Nortubel::
progress :: Mind Noggoblins deployed in the war between gloufreindel and hohelhein-donn
From what? Transitioning a project already in progress is a waste of time.
All the good devs left so I’m stuck here with you losers.
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In case anyone wasn't convinced that this retard is a nodev, this should be enough proof. If he had a game, it would have been easy to prove he had at least a game registered on Steamworks.
me when i'm financially stable: lots of progress, on my path to making income
me when i'm not financially stable: desperately looking to learn something that makes money, constantly drop things again and switch to something more likely to make money, existential crisis giving up on everything, getting nowhere in life

why can some people grind their way out of poverty while people like me just get completely desperate, confused and completely give up?
i can't think clear and stable when i'm in survival mode.
U rack diciprine
I do absolutely nothing but devving but that doesn't mean I don't do any sort of chores. I still cook for myself, clean my own room, change the sheets, wash my own dishes.

It's absurd for a parent to ask you to do constant chores and she'd be deranged if it wasn't for the fact it doesn't sound like you have a job.
Just sit down and talk with her instead of refusing the next time, tell her that you need time to do jobseeking or that you're going to make something. I seriously doubt she should have a problem with you getting a job. She 'might' have a problem with gamedev because earning money off of that is a real crapshoot, especially if you're third world competing with all the other thirdworlders to get some of that first worlder money.
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How would one implement this drift/sliding in godot?
I started with unity but with no projects
I liked the script language so far
there isn't a youtube video, so no one really knows
discipline doesn't pay my rent in 10 days.
I'm surprised big tech companies can even stay afloat with how many 6 figure salary workers they have that apparently do 0 work
Ah if you don't have a project then engine hopping is a good idea. At worst you'll learn a different perspective on gamedev and return to Unity or something else, and at best you'll find a better engine.
most can't, funny enough! they just rely on government bailouts and rock bottom interest rate loans!
you get paid for your skills, not for the amount of work you do. if they can't learn coding themselves, they have to hire someone who can.
not my problem that they can't write a php script.
friction = get_floor_friction()
Don't @ me you pleb.
That just looks like an imperfect traction controller. Basically, your character controller maintains a velocity/momentum value and you interact with it with by applying accelerations/forces. You could do it with a rotation-locked RigidBoy3D with lowered friction values, but you won't have much control over it. It'll be more work, but the best way to do it is with a CharacterBody3D where you write custom friction, air resistance, directional influence, etc. functions.
they are financed by usurers who have very good reason to value influence on information and data dissemination at any cost. you can leech off the real economy as much as you want if you can keep the normies on a tiktok treadmill
when I tell my music guy what type of song I want, is it a good idea to show him another song and tell him "like that". do music guys find it insulting? I obviously don't want a 0:0 copy but I feel like if I just describe it to them, I might get some unwanted results.
Depends on if he's a red goat or a green goat.
post goat doing goatse if you're not falseflagging as pseudo dev
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:: Project Nortubel::
progress :: i was raped by my dad
Is there a good starting point I can use to start implementing this? Been trying to get this slide/drifting for 5 days now. Don't know where to even start but your explanation seems to be in the right direction.
:: Project Nortubel::
progress :: blue dabba dee dabba doo
That would honestly explain a lot. I hope things get better and you start working on something a little bit higher quality someday
Says the pathetic weasel stroking himself at all hours of the day. You're wanking at this very moment, and will continue to be in another 4-5 hours.
Rot in piss, scum
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:: project nortubel ::
progress :: final boss
Not that I know of. No one really makes this kind of controller because it's both harder to make and less precise and therefore less fun for most games. You should've payed attention in physics class.
KINO SOVL!!!!!!!
>his game doesn't have a USP (unique selling point)
Don't @ me you pleb.
Unfiltered childlike sovl
:: Project Nortubel::
progress: just took a big, greasy, dirty shit in my own underwear while still wearing them. im tracing a picture of a popular movie character and then coloring them in with flat colors. gameplay wise, the shit in my underwear absolutely reeks and i feel like im going to puke. my game has over four hundred characters now, and the player has the ability to move left, right and jump. i think at this point, given that you can jump the gameplay is essentially polished and ill need to work on more characters. the shit in my underwear is running down my legs and makes an awful squelching sound when i move. thoughts?
shut up
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Cave Story was cool I guess but I wish I could capture even 10% of Black Soul's developer's soul in my art.
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I always thought UE was a terrible engine choice for that game, but what do I know, they made millions of dollars off of it.
Just don't overwrite your velocity and you got a good starting point, then tweak the speed values you use until you got something acceptable.
For reference you could look at my shitty 2D chase movement that has a bit of slide going on:

velocity = velocity.move_toward(direction * max_speed, acceleration * delta)
velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0.0, friction * delta)
velocity.y = move_toward(velocity.y, 0.0, friction * delta)
Source please
>10 years later
>AGDG still talking about goats
Were you humbled by the experience and did it make you start considering that you might be wrong whenever you write a post or give an opinion?
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Trying to see if I can make my icons into nice looking tokens without creating more assets
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The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the average indie dev that learning UE is harder or the engine is somehow unsuitable or overkill for their nostalgiabait and syntylikes
Most complains about UE are stupid shit like
>my empty project build is 600mb its bloat
>it takes my 10 year old laptop 5 minutes to open unreal
neither of which are actual real problems
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100 000 projects started in unreal engine every year yet Tomo was the only one who could make his/hers look soulful
1,000,000 projects started in unity every year and yet none of them work
I miss Tomo. The thread is not the same without the giga autistic paragraphs talking about Immersion or just answering all Questions in Great Detail.
mine does tho
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I am sick and tired of working with states.
It's really odd isn't it? Been working with it for like a month and it's very normal
It doesn't have the sheer volume of work unity has but that doesn't mean there's a shortage of online resources for it.
>clojurefag in /agdg/
well that's unexpected
Tomo was one of the few people that cared about my game
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sounds like a skill issue
looks like gorilla anus
From what I can tell. They are just rotating the velocity vector slowly to get that drifting effect. This only happens when they are going above their movement speed cap (500 for walking). It seems they are always rotating the velocity vector for movement and slow it down whenever the above condition occurs. Does that seem likely based on the provided analysis?
maybe i'll make a mech game
stop stealing my ideas
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... how do you know what a gorilla's anus look like, Anon?
and i'll put furry girls in it
Is Tomo the reason why retarded nodevs talk about (but every actually make) imsims? It would make sense that it's a bunch of 40yo virgin incels with a parasocial delusion trying to impress an e-girl who's long gone.
ok zoomer
>calling someone a zoomer while drooling over zoomercore graphixxx
Tomo tried to get me to make my game an imsim. I can't even make basic gameplay structures, that shit ain't happening
Is this AI?
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Imagine the smell in the cockpit.
And the hair the ventilation system, electronics, etc.
... holy shit that would be a terrible fucking idea.
Kinda want to see that mech game now, with this being an actual part of designing your mech. Like the best/most specialized pilots all happen to be angora and/or have medical shedding issue, and you need to massively oversize the life support system for them and/or accept your mech will be on a timer to complete the mission before something catch fire and/or the pilot start to suffocate.
You don't rotate the velocity. You're applying friction opposite the direction of velocity and acceleration in the direction of the camera. When these two vectors mismatch, the result is that the velocity vector rotates.
>Imagine the smell in the cockpit.
Can I get a zoom on the yellow goat that scorns indolence
that's a great face
UE is one of the easiest engines to learn because of blueprint. The problem is that it's still bloatware and there's no benefit of putting all that weight on a 2D game.
you bitch ass nigga faggots seriously need to touch grass seriously
more like wannabe clojurefag. There was an interesting project called arcadia-unity that lets you script games with clojure, with a live repl and everything. I think they have a version for godot too
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>furry mech mechanic sim
>you need to clean the air filters and wash the sweaty, hairy seats after a furry pilot completes their sortie
>respond to pilot feedback about the mech and what needs to be improved
>each pilot has different personalities
>tsudere ones will yell at you about every mechanical or build issue. They will bully and belittle you while you clean their sweat and hair out
>shy ones will need coaxing to understand what can be improved with the mech. They are embarrassed when you clean the cockpit and try to do it themselves
>customize build for each pilot and do regular checkups on all systems
Thanks mate
I'm thinking if I just should say "fuck it" and work with a publisher. I'm not sure I can handle all the financials properly, I'm a forgetful person and often forget about small things that could fuck me over big time. And I just want to focus on making game and nothing else.

But at the same time, I do want full control over my game.

What do, /agdg/?
How many of you are neet and living with the parents
>How many of you are neet
>and living with the parents
you wouldn't get it zoomer
when we played games in the 90s they looked like The Ascent in our minds but go ahead keep jizzing yourself over zoomer nostagiabait and leave the SOVL to us
:: project nortubel ::
progress :: FUCK NIGGERS!
>living with parents
of course. in this economy? plus they're getting kinda old so it's prudent for me to be around
Most small-to-medium publishers allow you full creative autonomy within the bounds of the law for major markets. So long as you're not maliciously putting in history-revisionist nigger samurai in your game, it shouldn't affect you. If you're game is enough that a medium-sized indie publisher is willing to publish it for you, it's usually a good deal.
you are genuinely the dumbest gorilla nigger in this community
>touch grass
nice original twitter meme
what next?
"having a normal one"?
never heard that one before
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I've contacted 10 youtubers so far..
Well the publisher I contacted wants a 20% cut and they're very small, plus they said they might ask for revisions like rewriting some dialogue. These terms aren't particularly great, at least they don't seem so to me.

But, the idea of just forgetting about all the legal/financial shit and just focusing on my game is enticing. That's why I ask.
I plan to move back in with them again in a few months. NEET if you don't count full time trying to make it indie gamedev as work. They make me pay rent anyways.
There is a great bad luck going on in my life right now. Nothing is working out smoothly or working out at all. I have to force everything even things that should be worked out by themselves. I was able to do no work this month. I'm so close to giving up.
Whoever made this has a very high opinion of himself.
I'm a youtuber. What's your Game?
this have soul ngl
are you going to cry zoomer?
red goat spotted
I'm working right now in my house.
20% cut is on the low side. 30% is typical afaik. Did they specifically say what kind of dialog they wanted to change and do they have any noteworthy successes under their belt? Did they say what kinds of marketing work they're going to do?
I'll do it
You'll see
>Did they specifically say what kind of dialog they wanted to change and do they have any noteworthy successes under their belt?
They didn't specify, other than just going through the game to check. Their portfolio so far consists of really small visual novels.

I chose to do marketing myself, as I have some avenues to do it well myself.
40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
Most of them fucking suck; you'll be fine.
One guy'd engagement bait. Curators don't even matter.
google "the Witness"
>mr beast
>dr disrespect
I'm sure they'll play your game bro
I'm the goat that's built for climbing.
I care not for red goats, green goat, or maturity.
I just wanna CLOOIMB
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I am the biggest looser in /agdg/
>NEET for 5 years
>0 friends
>0 social interaction outside 4chan
>drop out
>never had a job
>no drivers license
>worst of all terminal project hopper
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I'll need to check this out later. Is there anything else possibly at play for the sliding/drift or is it really as simple as acceleration and deceleration/friction? I've been trying to recreate this exact scenario for days. Hopefully these simple factors will lead to the desired emergent behavior.
better tighten up then
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>pay an OF girl to fart on my game
>she makes the video public
>makes sure to say it was by request of the dev
no no no NO NO NO NO NO
Kill the OF girl
There's no such thing as bad publicity
Anon you got yourself the perfect marketing trick. Everyone will want to play the game that was farted on.
is $10k enough for any sort of marketing or am I better off shilling my game on reddit and trooncord?
Most of the value you get out of a publisher is that they handle most marketing for you. Creating marketing materials like trailers, capsule art, and store pages. Managing socials. Contacting journalists, streamers, youtubers. Showcasing at events. Etc. If you're doing all that yourself, then wtf are they even doing for you?
pay OF thots to fart on your game

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