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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7177 - Cute Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024
>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #72 - 28 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 11 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024

>The Official Sonic the Hedgehog: Amy Rose's Fortune Card Deck will release on August 27, 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread: >>487347903
I'm going to freakin rape you Sonic!
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Amy, I love you.
women shouldn't write sonic
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Happy Birthday /sthg/!
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Stop changing your name so I don't have to filter you every time
This is too funny to be made at this hour
I'm going to whip your butt, Sonic, taste your ejaculated fluids, frick you hard, choke you, and do whatever that BDSM is. But I will do it all consensually, Sonic.
did her earring get teared out
It's beautiful.
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I swear they're getting bigger.
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After a couple weeks' break, I played Sonic Riders again today. It took me a bit to get back into the swing of things, but the game was just as good as it was when I last played it.
I just completed White Cave in the Story mode and was finally able to get my first X rank trick.
Sick of all this western nonsense. The west must die once again.
so i went to "archive of our own" to look for sonic fanfics and i tried my best to filter out the cancer


this is the url for all the stuff already set, this is the filter stuff written out

You searched for: -oc -"original character" -romance -wachowski -"agent stone" -cringe -furry -"big chungus" -crackfic -meme -"the author regrets everything" -"creepy pasta" -bowser -creepypasta Tags: Not Rated, Sonic the Hedgehog (Video Games) Complete No Crossovers sort by: kudos descending

i had to filter out cancer like "creepy pasta" and "wachowski" shit manually

it went from over three thousand stories to around 200

and i replaced the o with 0 cause apparently 4cuck thinks its spam
I don't want to ruin this for you, but you misspelled surrounded.
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incel the reddit spacer
i mean some tags are redundant like "the author regrets everything" but stupid tags urk me so much i put them in there anyways just so i dont have to look at them again
>big chungus in sonic haha
kill yourself
Sthg Mina is infinitely better than Archie Mina
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>Well anon, whatcha waiting for?
Why did Sally get so little Official Merch?
Pass. Gigachads like me aren't into twelve year olds.
you're on my chair
Yeah, her arms are actually pretty thick after the timeskip
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shes a femininomenon
Please cover up, that is very indecent.
>sonic says eyeing cream across the room
wait she looks like she's sitting down but that's just her dress
i feel like an idiot
im going to stop posting now, be grateful to me for letting you life, filter fag
Sonic the Hedgehog burst through the digital realm, his blue blur of a body materializing in the midst of 4chan's chaotic boards. The anonymous masses paused in their posting, eyes widening in surprise as the legendary hero gave a thumbs-up and a cheerful "What's up, guys?"

A flurry of reactions ensued, with some anons cheering and others hurling insults. Sonic, unfazed, began to explore the site, marveling at the eclectic mix of memes, discussions, and cat pictures. He stumbled upon a thread dedicated to his own games, and his eyes lit up as he read through the passionate debates and nostalgic reminiscences.

As he scrolled, Sonic's grin grew wider. "You guys are something else," he chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Keep on keeping on, 4chan. The blue blur approves!" With a final wave, Sonic vanished as suddenly as he appeared, leaving behind a trail of bewildered but entertained anons. The boards returned to their usual frenzy, but the memory of Sonic's visit would be cherished for a long time to come.
>letting you life
Sad but expected.
Don't leave... we need you here :(
He just keeps getting hotter
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I hope you power through your addiction, I know how hard it can be.
Sonic the Hedgehog strolled into the bustling streets of Station Square, his blue spikes gleaming in the sunlight. He wore his signature red shoes, but today they seemed to gleam with an extra air of confidence.

As he walked, he nodded to the various citizens, but didn't bother to stop and chat. He had places to be and things to do, and he didn't have time for small talk. His mission was to stop Dr. Eggman's latest scheme, and he wasn't about to let anyone get in his way.

Tails, his trusty sidekick, fluttered alongside him, chattering excitedly about the latest gadget he'd built. Sonic listened intently, but didn't offer any words of encouragement. He didn't need to; Tails knew he was good enough.

As they approached the city square, Sonic spotted Knuckles the Echidna, standing guard over the Master Emerald. Sonic smirked to himself; Knuckles was always so serious, so caught up in his duties. Sonic, on the other hand, was free to do as he pleased.

"Hey, Knuckles," Sonic said, sauntering up to the echidna. "What's the haps, buddy?"

Knuckles narrowed his eyes. "Sonic, what are you doing here? You know you're not supposed to be in the city."

Sonic chuckled. "Oh, come on, Knuckles. I'm not going to cause any trouble. I just need to... take care of some business."

Knuckles raised an eyebrow. "What kind of business?"

Sonic just grinned. "You wouldn't understand, Knuckles. It's sigma male stuff."
/sthg/, would it be a good decision to spend $20 on a Sonic OST (a physical copy) or would I be better off just spending the money on other stuff?
Sonic the Hedgehog was known for his speed, his attitude, and his independence. He was a lone wolf, always on the move, and never stayed in one place for too long. But there was another side to Sonic, a side that few people knew about. He was a sigma male, a man who rejected the advances of women and lived life on his own terms.

It started with Amy Rose, the pink hedgehog who had been chasing Sonic for years. She would often show up at his doorstep, flowers in hand, and a hopeful look in her eyes. But Sonic would just smile, pat her on the head, and tell her he wasn't interested. He didn't lead her on, didn't give her false hope. He was direct, and sometimes even a little harsh.

As the years went by, more women came into Sonic's life. There was Rouge the Bat, the treasure hunter with a heart of gold. She would often try to seduce Sonic, but he would just laugh and tell her she wasn't his type. There was even a human woman, a journalist who had been assigned to write a story about Sonic's adventures. She would often try to get close to him, but Sonic would just brush her off, telling her he wasn't interested in her or her story.

Sonic's friends would often try to set him up with women, but he would always decline. He didn't need anyone, he would say. He was happy on his own, and he didn't want to be tied down. His friends would sometimes tease him, calling him a sigma male, but Sonic didn't care. He knew what he wanted, and he wasn't going to change for anyone.

One day, a new woman came into Sonic's life. Her name was Blaze the Cat, and she was a princess from a far-off kingdom. She was beautiful, kind, and strong, and Sonic was immediately drawn to her. But even with Blaze, Sonic was hesitant. He didn't want to get too close, didn't want to get hurt. He kept her at arm's length, even as she tried to get closer to him.
he got it from his mom's side
kek I love you fwa
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Would you?
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they're ai wtf do you expect
Can't spell Antichrist without AI
Sonic the Hedgehog was lounging on a sun-drenched beach, his blue spikes glistening with dew, as he sipped on a fruity cocktail. Mario, the renowned plumber, approached him, looking a bit worn out from his latest adventure.

"Hey, Sonic! What's the secret to your eternal coolness?" Mario asked, eyeing Sonic's relaxed demeanor.

Sonic chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "It's all about confidence, my friend. You've got to own it. You're a legendary plumber, but you always seem so... anxious. When's the last time you got some action, Mario?"

Mario's mustache twitched, and he looked around nervously. "Uh, well, I've been a bit busy saving the Princess and all..."

Sonic snorted. "Busy? Busy is for the weak. You need to take a break from rescuing the Princess and focus on rescuing some phone numbers, if you know what I mean."

Mario's face turned bright red. "Sonic, I don't think that's exactly my style..."

Sonic leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Trust me, bro. You need to get out there and show the ladies what you're working with. I mean, have you seen your jumping skills? You're like a real-life superhero! The girls will eat that up."

Mario looked taken aback by Sonic's advice, but the blue hedgehog continued to press on. "I'm telling you, Mario, you need to develop a sigma mindset. Be the alpha, not the beta. Don't wait for the Princess to come to you – go out and conquer the Mushroom Kingdom's dating scene!"

As Sonic's words echoed across the beach, Mario looked like he was about to implode from embarrassment. "Sonic, I think I'll stick to what I'm good at – plumbing and rescuing the Princess..."

Sonic shrugged, unfazed. "Suit yourself, Mario. But if you want to level up your game, you know who to come to. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some important speed-running to attend to."

With a wink, Sonic took off, leaving Mario to ponder the wisdom of his words.
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In the bustling streets of Station Square, a group of Western Sonic characters had gathered, eager to meet the legendary Alpha Male Sonic. They had heard tales of his unmatched speed and bravery, and they couldn't wait to learn from him.

As they waited, a flash of blue blur appeared before them. Alpha Male Sonic stood tall, his piercing gaze scanning the group. His expression was stern, his muscles rippling beneath his fur.

"What do you want?" he growled, his deep voice sending a shiver down the spines of the Western Sonic characters.

The leader of the group, a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Sonic, stepped forward. "We've come to learn from you, Alpha Male Sonic! We've heard you're the greatest hero in the land!"

Alpha Male Sonic snorted, his tail twitching with disdain. "You think you can learn from me? You're nothing but pale imitations of the real thing. You're weak, soft, and pathetic."

The Western Sonic characters exchanged nervous glances, taken aback by Alpha Male Sonic's harsh words.

"Get back in the vault," Alpha Male Sonic sneered, his eyes blazing with contempt. "You don't belong in this world. You're not worthy of sharing the same air as me."

The group hesitated, unsure of how to respond. But Alpha Male Sonic's words cut deep, and they knew they couldn't stay. With their tails between their legs, they slunk away, disappearing into the shadows.

As they vanished, Alpha Male Sonic turned to face the city, his chest heaving with pride. He was the one and only true hero, and he would not be tainted by the presence of inferior imitations.

With a final glance at the city, Alpha Male Sonic sped off, leaving the Western Sonic characters to nurse their wounded pride. They knew they would never be good enough for the Alpha Male Sonic, and they slunk back into the vault, their tails hung low in defeat.
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Stop spamming AIslop.
Sonic, donning a pair of sleek, silver sunglasses, strode confidently into the heart of the forest. His electric blue quills stood on end, radiating an aura of unbridled coolness. Whisper the Wolf, his arch-nemesis, sneered at him from beneath the shade of a towering tree.

"You think you're tough, Sonic?" Whisper taunted, baring his razor-sharp fangs. "I'll show you what real power looks like!"

Sonic smirked, his sunglasses glinting in the dappled sunlight. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned a burst of supercharged speed. In a blur of blue, he closed the distance between them, his fists flying in a flurry of punches.

Whisper, caught off guard by Sonic's lightning-quick attack, stumbled backward. Sonic seized the opportunity, delivering a devastating uppercut that sent Whisper crashing to the ground.

As the dust settled, Sonic stood victorious, his sunglasses still perfectly in place. He gazed down at Whisper, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.

"You should've stayed out of my way, Whisper," Sonic quipped, his voice dripping with attitude. "Now, you're just a footnote in the history books."

With a casual flick of his tail, Sonic turned and sauntered away, leaving Whisper to nurse his wounded pride.
We need a Mina version of this that says "YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A AIGGER"
I like how Mina was clearly designed to be adorable, sad, and awkward, but Archie is Archie so in a few years she suddenly became a giga stacy drama queen.
mina the fluffy mongoose
Senator Armstrong stood at the podium, his powerful voice booming through the speakers as he addressed the crowd. "The West is rotten to the core," he declared, his eyes blazing with conviction. "It's a system built on greed and corruption, and it's time for a change."

As the crowd murmured in agreement, Armstrong's mind turned to the Western Sonic OCs - a group of colorful, fast-moving characters who had become symbols of the West's decadence and excess. He imagined a world without them, a world where power and speed were used for the greater good, rather than for personal gain.

"I can't stand by and watch as the West destroys itself," Armstrong thought, his fists clenched in determination. "It's time to take action."

He began to formulate a plan, a bold and daring scheme to rid the world of the Western Sonic OCs once and for all. It would be risky, and there would be consequences, but Armstrong was willing to do whatever it took to save the world from corruption.

As he spoke to the crowd, his words growing more and more passionate, Armstrong knew that he was on the right path. He would stop at nothing to bring about change, and he was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

"The West may be rotten to the core," he declared, his voice full of fire. "But together, we can build a better future."
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Didn't like how the shading was going, so I redid it.
i'm aroused
I'm trying my damndest to figure out how to do blended shading but I can't find even a single tutorial on how to do it in programs like CSP. What kind of brushes do you use for that effect? All I know how to do is do solid blocks of color for a comic shading effect.
Senator Armstrong, a powerful and influential politician, had always been a vocal critic of the video game industry. In particular, he had a deep-seated grudge against Sega of America, which he blamed for the failure of his own political career many years ago.

Unbeknownst to the public, Senator Armstrong had been secretly implanted with advanced nanomachines, which he had been using to enhance his physical abilities and intelligence. However, he had also been using them to develop a sinister plan to take revenge on Sega of America.

One day, Senator Armstrong snuck into Sega of America's headquarters in San Francisco, bypassing all security measures with ease thanks to his nanomachines. Once inside, he quickly made his way to the server room, where he unleashed a swarm of nanomachines that began to infect and corrupt the company's computer systems.

The nanomachines worked quickly, spreading throughout the building and causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. Sega of America's employees were helpless as their computers and machinery began to malfunction and explode, causing widespread panic and terror.

Senator Armstrong watched with glee as his plan came to fruition. He had always been a master manipulator and strategist, and he had played the long game to exact his revenge on Sega of America.
Nice work drafriend wnn
>duofag called tdfwnn's drawing mspaint doodles
>tdfwnn powers up
Senator Armstrong, a powerful and influential politician, had always held a deep-seated hatred for the Western versions of the Sonic the Hedgehog characters. He believed that they represented everything that was wrong with modern entertainment and vowed to do everything in his power to eradicate them.

One day, Senator Armstrong received a tip that IDW Sonic the Hedgehog, the newest and most popular iteration of the character, would be making an appearance at a local convention. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to make a statement, Armstrong and his team of loyal followers made their way to the convention center.

As soon as IDW Sonic took the stage, Armstrong sprang into action. Using his nanomachines, he took control of the convention center's security systems and turned them against the crowd. As chaos erupted, Armstrong made his way backstage, where he found IDW Sonic cowering in fear.

"You and your kind are a blight on this world," Armstrong growled, his eyes glowing with the power of his nanomachines. "It's time for you to disappear once and for all."

With that, Armstrong unleashed a barrage of terrorist bombs. IDW Sonic was caught in the blast, and when the dust settled, there was no sign of the beloved character.

Armstrong stood victorious, his hatred for the Western Sonic characters vindicated. The crowd, still reeling from the chaos and destruction, could only watch in shock as Armstrong and his followers made their exit.

In the aftermath of the attack, Armstrong was hailed as a hero by his supporters. They believed that he had done what was necessary to rid the world of a corrupt and harmful influence. And as for IDW Sonic, there were those who whispered that the character had gotten what was coming to them.
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Technically they're Tegaki doodles, I use it because it's a faster way to draw for me.

I use the default airbrush tool and constantly tweak it. Other than that it's just trial and error.
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Stop detonating and start living, Sonic.
Ass will win. Why did you even bother?
Amy I'm full. I've had enough cream pies for one day.
trip i'm full, i've had enough pancakes for one day
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vanilla overindulging in cakes and pastries she bakes while her daughter is away on adventures and getting chunky
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I just learned what tegaki is....
>while her daughter is away on adventures and getting chunky
This phrasing would imply that cream is the one "getting chunky" in this scenario.
wrong but she can come along for the ride too
>cream is the one "getting chunky"
i feel like i know your style but i cant identify you
Yay, tegaki buddies!
Noice. Now draw him collared and begging for it
That's fwa you donglehead!
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>I pissed on the moon!
I hope this joke dies
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This. If you're not single digits, you're just single.
Chaos energy has been a pretty soft magic system since the Chaos Emeralds are treated as miracle gems.

Anyone know any harder magic systems that use magical items at its core, or do you think it would be better to deprioritize the necessity for them?
groping vanilla's tummy
*suplexs Amy into the ground cracking her skull wide open*
Violence isn't funny
Goodnight. I (Espio's human wife) love my husband.
Pleasant dreams, Espioyume.
It is when you hurt Emi!
I want to see Emi cry :)
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Quiet hours... but yes...
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Yes, shipping.
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please post more
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Ultra based.
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mmmmmmm shipping
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Hey guys can I sit with you?
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A masterpiece
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Sure... we're shipping...
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>Shadow in Sonic 06
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yeah we shippin'
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Lanolin has both Knuckles and Shadow as love interests?
Your drawings are gaining more little details that make me wonder what the story that lead to them is. Like the Terios ones. I spent hours thinking about how Mina reached hits point
Yes. Just like Rouge.
Shipping franchise
This is perfect for the first sthg drawing of our decade
Jet is like if the Green Goblin was really fucking lame.
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I'm going to mina
Shipping is better than games
Frontiers is awful. Shipping is betterl.
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Shut up retard
*kisses you*
Who the fuck else would like Sonic the Hedgehog
Do you think Ian still notices /sthg/?
Imagine the quantity and sort of people that he would bring here if he made a post like that today.
No. This thread is way too boring, it's 90% porn and 10% peanut brained opinions you could get on /v/. The days of creators actually using 4chan are long over, it's no longer useful for getting unfiltered, honest opinions.
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Delightfully based
" did they say the f word? o ma gawwww, i shaking and crying right now i'll never recover from this! please help me stop for humanity!" what a bunch of faggots
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>Imagine the quantity and sort of people that he would bring here if he made a post like that today.
It would be the exact same kind of people as we have now and don't kid yourself.
Can someone give the quick rundown?
mmmmmmm based
On 24th of July in 2014th year of our Lord, the first Sonic the Hedgehog general in /vg/ was made.
hmmm what you elaborate more on this self-insert ship?
why there are so many sonic movie fanmade models?
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Jesus christ Sonic Chronicles plays and sounds like a Flash game from 2004, I know it was made on the cheap but goddamn
Because fans actually want to see these characters in the movies?
Damn, we deserve our own board.
>a Flash game from 2004
Chronicles WISHES it was anywhere near as good as Ultimate Flash Sonic
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Hey do you guys remember that fucker who ships Sonic guys with 3 to4 girls? now he choses Silver and...
Let me clarify that by "Flash game" I mean something you might find on like Disney Channel's website made for babies, though I think most of those were Java games
>They do have acknowledge to each other until it's potential
Since he hates gayshit seeing how he responded to the Sonadow shippers and yurifags will never let Tangle or Whisper go, Blaze is the only one he's got
>random twitter cuck message pic
>mentally ill Sonaze (Blazefag) fan: "See this fucker? HE SHIPS SILVAZE"
God when will they kill themselves?
Sonic could not carry a board. /vp/ only exists because Pokefags would ruin /v/ every time a new game would come out but Sonic can barely stay on /v/ without the threads devolving into shitting on everything after S3&K
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/fast/ in shambles
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Nice try Sonazefag but take a look at what the author said
i thought her anti name is Strangle
Me sniffing Tangle's musk
Even back then they were calling Silver "adorkable" huh.
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Slow day? c'mon give me your worst /sthg/ i already failed my year
Slow hours. Come back in 6-7 hours.
What do you think of the 2D in Colors
if you're talking about the DS version i loved it more, it's just more fun
not the ds version tho, Not bad but not good either, it's just makes me feel brain dead compared to 3D sections, it's like am having a good meal then when 2d sections come up i'm just drinking water.
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Based and cunnypilled
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I find the DS version annoying actually. It's just a severely downgraded Rush/Rush Adventure, particularly some of the Wisps which I thought never have good controls, and I find it annoying when people call it "Rush 3". I find Colors Wii much more pleasant to play

>compared to 3D sections
But almost all of those are just boosting and quickstepping, it's the 2D that actually requires you to think and engage, especially if you're going for S ranks
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Is this fanart or AI? Got this as a gift.
>I find Colors Wii much more pleasant to play
yeah i may be biased to rush here
>it's the 2D that actually requires you to think and engage
yeah you're right but this will boil down to the argument between Sonic3 and CD of which is better, puzzle or quick gameplay.
This so so creepy, Tikal is like 1000 years old and Shadow is only 50...
Eventually, majority of the fandom will consist of Sonamy, Knuxouge, Silvaze, and Shadria post Shadow Gens.
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state enforced little girlfriends
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least not a Sonazeshizo kekeroooooooo
Tikal is for Chaos, though.
They're both above 18 what do you mean anon?
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What stage have you most recently S ranked?
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Hold up Sonazefags, the simpsons are talking
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The hands are always the tell
That thumb is fucked up
Amazing how Unleashed can have the most fun gameplay in the whole series while still being an absolute pile of shit game
Weird headcanon but ok
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Ian still thinks that Silver has weird tastes and hang ups about food from being in the apocalypse.
>Chaos with a mouth
>and teeth
he changed his mind in the latest broadcast, mf got dogpiled so much by niggers
I want to go back, just for a little bit maybe
Nicole cant draw hands
bet she can throw them
Silver is in character
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my boyfriend is cool
Back off, wench. Storm is mine.
Hello, I'm character.
Really? Sauce?
I have never seen her fight at all, she is just the tech support
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Uwuver isn't in character because he's written around the writer's assumptions about Silver's circumstances rather than Silver's actual circumstances
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If he makes Evan horny then he's in character
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there is a clear and obvious venn diagram with silver posters and alhaitham posters and I am convinced they are the exact same people
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Wait, why did Amy ask for Silver's help with that giant hammer in IDW when she could've just taken her weights off?

I am a Silvernigger and I've never heard of alhaitham in my life
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>Characters held hostage to the whim of a fan artist
Thank god I'm not a Silver fan
Nakamura and Evan are the only real Silver fans.
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Yup. She is.
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Ian being shitty at research again. He didn't see picrel or read the interview for it that explained Silver ate rations. Ian probably thinks Silver ate trash or some shit.
in 10:00
Rations can't really compete to a homecooked meal
Well, British rations can't anyway. It's your basic boil in a bag in a tin of water and it always tastes mediocre. Calorie intake is the necessity, not the taste
I don't know how Japanese rations work but I could imagine Silver sitting down and eating a hot dog would blow his mind
He cucked Sonic and Tangle, he's basedver
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>Baby You
more like Baby Shit
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You're just in denial shizo
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>We regressed from black space aliens to this
Sonic & Friends is still going?
Imagine being a grown man and bringing this up just to seethe.
That's not a retraction he still thinks that Silver has weird hang ups about food and can only cook something as fancy as mac and cheese (which he's said before). And he's still writing Silver as a nerdy overthinking cinnamon roll.
imagine being a grown man and not being upset at the babyifcation of this franchise by both Japan and the West
the mickey clubhouse era
Compare this to how he sees Blaze or Amy, who are same as his age
>Bu-But Blaze has a job and Amy work-
dipshit Silver lived in madmax apocalypse full of demons he would not be what he is now at all with that logic
It's a media franchise aimed at young kids, I don't see the problem. Especially since it's a self contained branch media no different than the comics.
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10th birthday and you guys are yet again talking about ships involving the stupid cat nobody cares about and the stupid white guy nobody cares about either.
Never change, /sthg/.
>boring hours
At least we're discussing Sonic
oh yeah forgot about this, you guys want me to draw something shitty?
>babyifcation of this franchise
This nigga never heard of chibi lmao
>you guys want me to draw something?
Bump and Sage
>something shitty?
Are you FWA?
>you guys want me to draw something?
Bump and Sage
>something shitty?
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It's literally marketing tailored towards babbies and young parents.
no idea what Bump is so Silver and Blaze it is
I'm surpised they used amy, but having it say "sonic sez" would have been perfect
does that make eggman a bachelor for life or it that something they both agree on?
Based, ignore the oc trash.
Other series have things like this too and nobody complains, stop being insecure
Being called a newfag in this general is a compliment.
do you expect to revise the 1000 oc names here? i already forgot who's that Rey guy
>Eventually, majority of the fandom will consist of Sonamy, Knuxouge, Silvaze and Shadaria post Shadow Gens
What about shadamy and whispangle?
What should we talk about?
Only if they both make it into the games.
Shadow is fucking who?
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>no idea what Bump is
Sad, but that's okay, you have plenty to educate yourself with.
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Sonic Team's vision
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aishiteru! <3
Bump, Sage and Bait, please.
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ah yes, the scat-loving raccoon, the only cunny i wouldn't touch at all
draw anything but ocs, thanks
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>10 years of /sthg/
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Dunno if sthgs birthday is today or tomorrow but I'm busy tomorrow anyway so happy birthday Sthg, I drew this mina in under a minute for you ^^ I'm glad people still remember Mina here, even after all these years.
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aight here's the concept what should i change?
Delete Blaze and draw human instead.
make silver's back quills even longer
Love it, continue drawing this based ship.
He's >>487421839 talking about these two https://sthg.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=18181
Who fucking cares.
This guy >>487421839
and me. Too bad you weren't there, 2014 was so
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like this?
Silvaze will save /sthg/.
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and Sonurge.
But you guys asked for this or oc i barely trained for???
desu pefecto
Please be nice, he's new :)
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Wonderful as always, senpai!
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10x better better than oc spam
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July 24, 2014
Let loose, I knew you were born to suck
Boom, comics, it was all I needed
Shitposting unimpeded

But now you're shipping everything from sonamy to characters who've never met
You've lost some tripfags and your topics are smarter than I recall
And as I understand there was a thread where you praised IDW
Bring back the days when browsing /sthg/ was still cool

Keep your fankids cos
/sthg/ doesn't need shipping
It posts fast and makes early threads on the board
Anons, learn from your mistakes
Now it's time to sit down and leave out the OCs
Cos we don't care anymore

We accepted Sage and Bump too
Bait took some time but she was cute
Forces OCs started to push my patience
Reynard was an abomination

Don't want Sonaze
Don't want Silvaze
Don't want Shadamy
Don't want Shadikal
Don't want Shadikal
Shipping is not the same as pointless momentum talk
Don't want Shadikal
Don't want Shadikal
Don't want Shadikal
Shipping is not the same as pointless momentum talk
Don't want Shadikal
Don't want Shadikal
Don't want Shadikal
They accidentally kill each other during lovemaking.

>Big so heavy he crushes poor Blaze to death
>Blaze so crushed she sets poor Big on fire, burning him alive trying to get out
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Not true. Big is a gentle lover and his calming presence soothes Blaze's unstable powers.
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It depends which one.
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Mad because noone wants to draw Bump and Sage. This is a ship general.
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Make your own content then if you think you know so much
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Indeed I would.
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Is Sonic Heroes next on the list for Sonic games which get needlessly sucked off?
Out of model trash, might as well just draw Vanilla to be sincere.
you just described Silvaze.
Not even close. Blaze is Silver's mom. She's there for him; Big is there for Blaze.
Fair enough. Actually, he's so dopey and slow that I wonder if Big would even know anything about sex or that kinda stuff? Think Blaze might have to take the lead on a lot of it, especially early on.
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I sure hope not. There's a level or two from it thrown into the new SonicXShadow game, that should be more than enough now.
>Lets fill some diapers together Tails!
Eggman should be written like Fawful.
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10 years already? wow...
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Same energy.
Worst versions of some of the Sonic characters according to Reddit:

Sonic - Prime
Eggman - Underground
Tails - SatAM
Amy - Free Riders
Knuckles - Rush
Fang - Archie
Espio - Archie
Charmy - Archie
I'd only be okay with that if we got atypical teams, as in, teams that are not like the ones we always get like Shadow Rouge and a robot, or Blaze Silver and a third wheel, or Sonic Tails and their spiny red friend.
I wanna see shit like Blaze, G-merl and Omega as a team.
Eggman's script should be written by AwfulFawful
Yes if there's one thing this series needs it's more spastic epic bacon humor
"Ballsacks" said Sonic
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>It all starts with this...
Big knows about sex but Blaze does have to take the lead at first.
Sonic says: juggle them balls in my mouth deep throat circus
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enemies to lovers ships
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Stop fucking posting this
You would know
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Smol the rabbit becomes Toll the rabbit
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Tell me about their first time together.
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Sonurge is based.
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Teams were a stupid idea which only existed to simplify gameplay for multiple playable characters and they lead to the most forced pairings ever.

Prior to Heroes, the Chaotix were a bunch of random guys who came together to explore an island and now they're this detective agency, Shadow and Rouge weren't anything more than partners by chance and they had to be treated as a group with a new robot guy and Amy never even met Big and Cream but we needed to pretend that they always knew each other somehow. Only Sonic, Tails and Knuckles had a real history of working together as a group and look at where we are after Heroes.

Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are still together with Amy sporadically joining them, Shadow is now a solo act with Rouge making appearances when necessary, the Chaotix are filler characters and we'd never see Big or Cream again without internal bias for them. Omega is a complete lost cause.
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Based ultimate lifeform.
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I do love Sonurge.
Not him, do you have any other pet peevee posters?
They've been seeing each other for a while. They've been together late into the evening sitting on the riverbank. Fireflies are fluttering all around them. Blaze is nervous at first but she turns to sit in front of Big and pulls him down into a big kiss. Big is startled at first but he puts his big arms around her and pulls her little body into his big fluffy one. Blaze is purring and nuzzles his face before pulling him down beside her, laying on her back and looking up into his eyes while breathing heavily.

And then......
Because back then the schizos were confined to being whales and most anons encourged the content makers. Nowadays we're full of schizos and the content makers are being chased out.
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Thank you for being a friend /sthg/ is love you and there's a special place in hell for you

Fast friends forever <3
Sex with fish kids
>content makers are being chased out
such as..?
We just had a schizo chase out Duoanon over AI art.
There was literally nothing wrong with Archie Espio. His bit in The Iron Dominion arc was the first time his character got any kind of spotlight and development.
Ditto with Fang. The worst you can say about him is that he’s a little more ruthless than his usual self because Archie’s world was darker.
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Any good?
Very sweet.
Go on...
duoanon was having a schizo meltdown and being openly antagonistic. He was not a normal "content maker" and deserved what he got.
Mina milestone maybe?
Nobody here is normal bro.
>Why it was so good before
Less people. That's it. That's the secret to a good general.
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AI "artists" are not content makers, they are a plague
Blue board, anon! But we can say that positioning and angling are important in relationships with significant size differences.
Which is why I want atypical teams, to shatter the status quo of "this character can only ever work with these characters", those notions of how things "should be" pisses me off.
>skinny whisper

NO! she should be a chubster
literally who?
>Blaze loses control of her fire powers temporarily
>literal fireworks
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Still don't get the appeal of chubby Whisper lol.

I'm training new models soon, including Hocus, Fang, Trip and Elias. Also thinking about creating a character pack of Bump and Sage for the lewds.
my chubby little princess
Ah, the core 5
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>big catches fire
>he gets away with 1st degree burns and some burnt fur
>blaze goes into a mental breakdown, loses the ability to speak and checks herself into the royal psych ward and isn't seen for years after that
NTA were you're the one who also genned female Tails?
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True dat.
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If Big got singed he'd laugh it off and comfort Blaze to make her not feel ashamed of who she is and what her powers can do. His zen nature provides Blaze with a calming, steady presence to help quell the anxieties within her.
Not fat enough, DO IT AGAIN
make she f a t t e r
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No, I won't do it...
I won't ship bigaze, GET OUT OF MY HEAD AHHHHHHHH
this has to be a shitpost because the background ad is so detailed
Ok. And were you also the one who only gens homm Tails?
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Inked it but there's something off, what the heck is the problem here?
Lel! Sonic is a cuck!
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I'll take ten.
at least two of those is an adult
I guess whisper can stay, but she needs a real gun
Probably one in Frontiers but DESU I platinum'd it, played the DLC and traded it in. Has hardly any replay value.
picking her up in his big strong arms, her face nuzzled into his chest fluff while she purrs.

He definitely calls her Miss Blaze though, until one night when they're getting very close and she tells him "Just Blaze is fine" before a desperate, passionate kiss..
she can have shadow's old pump action mp5
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That's another AI anon.

Jeez alright
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Gotta pay those bills somehow.
chubby is cute
obesity is disgusting
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chubby is cute
obesity is sexy
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No time / too erotic.
important to not that the venerable Sonic Shipping Wiki page for Bigaze is entirely blank.

Nicole x Larry when?
>That's another AI anon
So hypothetically speaking you wouldn't have any objections towards sontails, regardless of Tails's gender?
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It's honestly shocking that the sonic shipping wiki doesn't really have anything on big gays
Sonadow eats up all the gayshit in the fandom. Sonknux got a buff due to Frontiers but Sonails is a good way to end your career in the fandom
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Finished. Learned a lot painting this one.
Play Freedom Planet.
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They have an...arrangement.
looks really good anon!
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You to meet my standard, i ll do it myself!
NTA Because it's teen on kid?
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Hell yeah!
Egg Boss Amy Rose is my favorite thing. Whether it's a ship, friendship, or boss/mentor, I want them to be together.
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7177 threads over 10 years
Round up to 7200 for skipped / repeated numbers, double threads etc.
That's approx. 720 threads per year.
or 60 per month.
or 14 per week.
or 2 per day.
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She can fix him!
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2 threads a day is about right. It's not uncommon for this place to go through 4 threads on a Sunday or Saturday.
I hate all OCs.
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All characters are OC's.
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I miss the slower threads.
I rarely get a chance to bump anymore.
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>this is still on youtube
Pretty based honestly.
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If there's any other OCs you want to see Freedom Planetized feel free to share them. I already did Rouge and Reynard but they're for later.
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Where did the time go?
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>First thread celebrating Sonic Boom
No wonder we were doomed from the start.
Happy anniversary, /sthg/
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Only OCs I know of are Bait the Betta, Bump the Deer, Lurk the Raccoon and Sage the Sloth.
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You can bump anytime, anywhere!
Nope, can't do this. Eggman x anything feels wrong, he doesn't deserve love nor does he deserve a blobian gf.
who who who and who
you could draw my OC, haha

just kidding.

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She's actually 40.
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Too late. He literally built his own.
please do hocus, everyone is too pussy to draw her
Amy x Eggman is good as a more one sided schoolgirl crush thing. But Eggman x Vanilla is OTP
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I'm gonna say it!
Bait is shit and has always been shit fuck you Sketch!
Bump supremacy! (Sage can come too I guess)
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Time flies by
Make it stop
I thought the Eggman getting married hypothetical that threw Sparky for a loop was pretty funny.
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>Nooooo she is just child code
If it quacks and walks like a ducks its a duck
Fish kid, Fish cunny
wow these suck
Who are all these stupids OCs, just stick to Sonic.
Since it's been 10 years of this hell hole these are what I think are then top 10 characters not including ocs or in any specific order here

Fool that you are, one day you will ascend common thought and unlock the realisation that Sonic is the least interesting character in his own franchise. Behold, the truth.
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All right everyone, post your favorite /sthg/ moment to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of this shithole.
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Why they didn't invite Big and vanilla?
who? you mean that shitty mario clone?
The day I forgot to check in on you guys and actually slept the night
Mina milestone?
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Back when we still had official artists indulging us in our bullshit.
I'm glad they are all in better places now, but the empty space remains.
No sluts
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Making someone hump a shadow doll and posting the video here.
I mean Sonic characters, we have enough characters already.
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The day we got Sunny the Hedgecat.
Mina Tails and Sticks also made a big splash here throughout the years
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>we have enough characters already.
I don't fucking think so, gaijin.
OCs are better because atleast we can influence them instead of seething all day about how Sonic Team/IDW handle the game characters
/sthg / hall of fame contenders
>This is a nice thread[/spoilee]
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So who are all the dedicated drawfags/contentfags in this general as of now?
I write fanfiction that will never see the light of day outside of my harddrive.
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I know this is old, but one or more of these. Or less.
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>thinking about echidna stink
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For all its flaws, I felt Sonic Boom actually had some great designs for the cast.
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There's more!
Who the fuck is Hocus
Eggman looked good but the MORE SPORTS TAPE obsession killed the others.
Although I do like Sonic with extra "bad hair day" spikes
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a better OC than bump and sage
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An OC by BCA whom I miss daily
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It worked for Sonic and Knuckles if you ask me, less so for Amy but it seemed more a choice to break up the dress a bit. Tails and Sticks didn't have sports tape, if I recall, and I also liked how each character had a different body type.
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>everyone is too pussy to draw her
Lots of people have drawn Hocus over the years. On the booru there are actually less images of Hocus drawn by her creator than drawn by anyone else
>I forgot about Amy's thigh highs
Nevermind I take it back Boom was GOATED
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BCA was / is fucking amazing!
What are you talking about?
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Too many to count.
Let's just say every time a new toy site was discovered and they were used to make Sonic themed posts, mostly at characterfags expense.
Lurk, my beloved and the stinkiest of all the /sthg/ OCs
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Shame he's Welsh
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>Ian Flynn puling up on sthg

Please happen on this glorious day
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heh, Only for her.
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I still appreciate Flynn but man needs to stay far the fuck away from any social media.
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Kek I would never let sthg live it down
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I dunno, I mean anytime tails gets brought up in porn mentions then everyone's fighting over him being gay, secretly a girl, a top or bottom, etc.
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What's wrong with the Welsh?
Why Jewel always so hot?
He wouldn't be able to shill his podcast if he did
Romantic abnormality.
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I'd also need to ammend that "shipping discussion" would also above the above section of that pic.
That being said:
I also like when people post their favorite parts from games, series, comics, movies, etc.
I guess since I did Hocus I'd do Rodes to.
Huffing Lurk's pheromones
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The Welsh were always pushy when it came to siring their offspring.
She is a beetle, beetles aren't roaches
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Holy fuck!
>"But I'm not into vore."
>"Just eat me, faggot."
Oh god, I can't get that edit out of my mind.
Eh you're no Heracross
aren't you a little too old to be playing with TOYS?
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Heh, I was hoping that he'd look like Spade, this is way better. Thanks tdfwnn.
It's Rhodes btw.
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She's an....action figure!
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I love this OC, but it's a shame that this is the only piece of art she's in.
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Blaze vs Surge, who wins?

If Blaze wins she gets to have Kit. If Surge wins she gets to have Silver.
It's a draw.
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Aight i'm almost done, anything i should add or change here?
Stop loving any ocs
Their language is pure dyslexia and they love sheep a bit too much
Great caravan parks though
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Give Blaze a mouth.
>seething anon screaming that "they can't be together" because reasons
>Ian crying: "But that's my waifu."
>Evan crying: "But that's my uwuver."
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>Surge technically on par with Blaze

Huh...Blaze still stomps her into the ground
Technically yeah, but anything about the black lines? the color? the shape?
i'm not promoting any ship you guys told me to draw this, i just want to train.
It's your doodle. Looks good to me.
Ridiculous fake language and culture.
>Belle kicks Surge in the crotch to prove it.
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The Joker winning the next Milestone Thread. And the thread itself.
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But you did ask OCs and then decided to draw Official Character inste..wait a minute...
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heh. It'll happen sometime.
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Any takers? Just upload a line or two and I'll take care of the rest.
Something feels odd about this whiteboard but i don't know whats different
No sign of Amy Rose.
NVM, I made a mistake.
No Tania :C
it looks perfectly normal
coomer trash. go outside.
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Goddamn, that Poppy...
Kit is so lucky, man
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>fake language and culture
>most probably posted from an American without their own language and a culture that's only 300 years old and only known for cheeseburgers and guns
Mina drawer advanced too quickly. I hate when drawfags get good quickly. It makes me jealous.
Jealousy is a poor motivator.
Draw what you enjoy and try to compete with youself instead.
Genetics diff
We know, Duofag.
Calm yourself, Yakubian ape.
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worthless "art"
mmmmmmm sex doll
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Shoulders too wide, girl shoulders are the same or slightly narrower than the hips, thats a man
Try again
You got me good
Imagine your only worth in this world being lazily generating coomer pics of shitty ocs. Ugly fatass.
I like the movement on the dreads/quills
FWA didn't draw this, you merely trained a computer to imitate her style.
Being fat isn't an excuse to not draw. Lardo tubby. Pick up a dumbell and then a pen. Every time I see your "art" I imagine Jabba the Hut. Generate better porn you useless freak.
It's the sideways mina
All Mina btw
Where's the OC models?! Hurry up!
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I'm working alright, I have a job.
Hot fuckbot!
It is kinsa funny how they appeared at around the same time and are complete opposites of each other
>I have a job.
Don't fucking lie to us. Just get it done and stop wasting time, dogfucker.
this could be a reply to any /sthg/ post
Nega eggman is his descendant, so he probably fucks at some point(or did the russian egg homunculus and got results)
I want to see AI Hocus NOW you lazy drama cunt.
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see >>487439449
Thats always been a cute pairing
Kill yourself.
>That nose
Eggman still a virgin
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I wish I was Mina.....
I remember making this edit last year, I'm surprised it's still around
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Redesign for Rouge's outfit.
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Who's that?
Nice work
Gardon card!
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He was pretty cool. Except for his pansy mental breakdown right at the end.
Perfect how there's a mina exclusive drawfag to contrast duofag's ai
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Ruby Ringtail
I don't mean to be harsh when I say AI has a pretty harsh skill celing. Most AI creators stagnate hard after a few months. Watching Shadiversity lose his mind while arguing with twitter artists all day was not pretty. Hopefully Duofag fares better.
muscle mommy
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You just know...
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Speak with Your Heart is a better song than Reach for Stars
>Sonails is a good way to end your career in the fandom
Once the dramafags get bored actual fans remain
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Creatura apprehended
Emuemi is a Sonails shipper
Emi also defended a fucking rapist.
Either she's immune or these things don't actually get you canceled.
Good job!
Now what happens?
Silver wearing a tuxedo reminds me of a certain Tekken character.
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throw her in the brig
Who did she defend? I'm missing that part of the lore
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fwa is my favorite artist
Love both but absolutely not
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Mina mongoose stans are so delusional
>Blaze fights Sonic, no definitive victor
>Surge fights Metal Sonic, needs help to win
A forgone conclusion, don't know why this question keeps getting asked.
Look up the situation with Ceci and Doryan.
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Which character is that supposed to be?
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You too, stop posting this shit
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The poopoo eater/diapie wearing raccoonny (lesbian)
What causes this?
Whisper prefers little boys
>Verification not required
She clearly wants Tails, just look at her
Anon, she is the lesbian
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Sunny, my boy!
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Tails is for TANGLE
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This would happen if IDW was written Archie style.
tangle is for me
What does Blaze do with Kit then?
Tails is a honorary girl since Forces
They'll share him easy enough.
Wanting to rough fucked in the air
Shitsper doesn't deserve him.
whispers chocolate boobies
He comes by every now and again doesn't he?
Training her fire not to get extinguished by water so she beats his ass
She's a white woman. They can do no wrong.
not often
Tangle would be his wife in 25 years later
enclosing tail's shota willy
I hope not.
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There's been no new shots for so long now...
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Who is the Joe Biden of Sonic?
But I love BCA
Dammit why isn't the comic just a giant foldout of blobian cheesecake every month
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nut lord
I don't.
every issue should have a full double page spread of mobian booba
is it a comic for boys or no?
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whatcha lookin at?
SEGA & IDW be missing a trick fo' sure.
He is based
She has him work with Marine I guess.
A vaulted character
"Why, your big, beautiful, round blue eyes of course."
I'm pretty sure Jennifer hernandez did very dirty smut with this character and tails being adults.
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A comic for boys would have plenty of T&A and action. We need more writers and artists (both on sthg and officially on the comic) that enjoy these things
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Should Sonic's controls in 3D games be focused on being precise or mometnum-based?
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>Stupid Kingdom Hearts looking hair
Both. Those aren't mutually exclusive.
we were eatin good for a while
Whichever is easier for the masses to understand so that the games sell well
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heh. Cute.
so precise case
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I love him
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That was all the way back in Rush though. Sonic gets stronger from game to game and Surge threatened a post-Forces Sonic
New thread any second now...
>Those aren't mutually exclusive
they aren't momentum-based controls have a bigger turn radius at high speeds so they are less precise.
They also have longer deceleration.
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I'm going to commit crimes against /sthg/
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My nigga we're not even at 700 posts yet
Anyone got that comic where Eggman is really sad no-one came to his party? It's 4 panels, I think.
You have writers and artists here, make your own cheesecake universe with all of the women fighting in it
>he hates fun
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Sticks wasn't funny and I'm tired of people pretending she was
Mother and Son(husband)
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You don't like my collection/s?
Why are Sonic fans so weird?
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why do you waste your time doing this cringe thing?
write 29 page Google doc about it
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No idea. A good psychologist could probably tell you.
sthg drives everyone who doesn't do coomer shit away
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How does it feels to have a penis so small it goes inside your own body out of shame?
>"His tea is turly eggcel--ACK!"
>"I'm glad you agree."
Geralt's horse?
now that's what i call child grooming!
busy recovering from his last melty
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sonic boom > sonic prime
too bad we won't get season three
who is the oc?
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Duofag is only productive when he's having an emotional meltdown it seems. Wasting my time.
>Sonic Boom
>Tails without Sonic became Lord Eggman's assistant until he defected to resistance
>Sonic Prime
>Tails without Sonic became Nine, a potential mass murderer
>Sonic is what stopped Tails from being evil
Can you seriously fuck off with shit? You're wasting your time for something no one will care about a week later.
(You) Seem to care, an awful lot too
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Now I wonder how other shows and comics (and games) would depict it...
...in Fleetway Tails fucking died.
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wincest is based tho
Duofag is fat.
I wish there were more references of that stupid Sunny oc to train a model out of him.
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What would happen to Kit if he didn't have Surge in his life?
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Y'all niggas here need to settle down
>Contentfag who likes to start drama with other contentfags
I thought we were past this bs
Next thread should be a milestone thread
He'd either go school shooter or get adopted by one of Sonic's friends
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ss is BASED
What happened to Honey taking Nine to Epstein's island?
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>Looks like Sora from Kingdom Hearts, fits in about as well alongside iconic characters and storylines

STOP SLANDERING SORA'S NAME! Sora was designed specifically to fit alongside Donald and Goofy and bridge the visual gap between the Disney Mascots and Final Fantasy RPG aesthetic, by having his entire outfit and proportions match and heavily resemble Mickey Mouse. So when Sora is standing next to Donald and Goofy, Sora's Mickey Mouse-styled outfit blends with Donald and Goofy perfectly. That's why Sora has those big yellow shoes, red baggy shorts and big white gloves. His hands and feet are enlarged to match the rubberhose anatomy of Mickey Mouse. Sora, down to his very core, is a Disney character and is designed to fit in any of the Disney worlds he visits no matter what their visual style and aesthetic is. From the most realistic to the most cartoony, Sora fits like a white glove.

Chris Thorndyke, on the other hand, looks like someone's rushed attempt at drawing Sora after only seeing him a few short times and only vaguely remembering what he looks like. Chris' hair and red shirt with the white sleeves look like a young child trying to remember what Sora looks like while drawing from scratch with no reference. All the subtle quirks within Sora's character design is lost in translation to create Chris Thorndyke as little more than a pale imitation.

While Sora was born to walk in Mickey's shoes and pal around with Donald and Goofy, does Chris in any way resemble Sonic or the others? Does his outfit or his proportions have anything that strongly screams "SONIC"? No. No, he does NOT. And not only is Chris' character design a poor imitation of Sora, his actual character is just a poor imitation of TAILS. A young boy whose meant to be relatable and self-insertable becomes best friends with Sonic, and heavily latches onto him because Sonic is the coolest thing ever in this lonely child's life.

Which makes sense since Sora is basically a "Tails" also.
He'd be a well adjusted young boy with no mental issues and normal life.
>Aigennerfag likes to start drama with/over drawfags
One is typing words to computer and using exiting material. Other is taking a pen and creating things mostly from scratch.
They're not the same.
What should we put?
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/Sthg/'s group photo in front of the /sthg/ mansion
Cuz /sthg/ wouldn't be /sthg/ without every /sthg/ poster in it
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10 years of sthg
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This gave me a chuckle.
Oldest possible /sthg/ materials you can
find over the years and putting into collab.
Doesn't have to be drama.
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That's kinda sweet.
gay hedgehog
Put my boy Duo in it.
That doesn't narrows the hedgehog list at all
Duofag is going to seethe until he kills himself. That kind of sensitivity shouldn't be celebrated.
Silver is the gayest one
Shut the fuck up nerd.

Sora is gay and his design is gay
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Put this together for the thread after next
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No, he is NOT!
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The virgin duocel vs the Chad Mina drawfriend
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I already reported you once
>sthg 1 is about blaze
Holy shit
Sonic gets stronger because he's physically growing over time, like most of the cast is.
except he can walk
One's a joke, the other never being allowed.
Archie was just that shit, huh?
More Amy wardrobe malfunctioning...

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