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Previous: >>487379984

>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
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I started today, and I got Nekomata and a w-engine called steel cushion from the standard banner.
Reroll or good enough? I'm seeing people calling this S rank cat "trash" :/
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Soukaku has a good kit but terrible animations. Lucy and Nicole are leagues ahead of her in terms of supporters.
CN whales have already dropped Soukaku for Nicole in their Ellen teams btw.
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>people spend weeks claiming Zhu is whalebait that needs her 30-40% double crit engine
>calcs come out
>worse than a standard engine
>barely better than starlight
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This murder mystery case is so fucking boring and long.
1. In terms of the narrative experience, in the latest story missions of Version 1.1, for the first time, you will be able to interact with New Eridu's neighborhoods and fight through levels to advance the story's progress from the perspective of the mission's protagonist.
2. A button for "Manual Chain Attack" mode will be added to the squad lineup interface before entering combat. In this mode, after Stunning an enemy, your actions will not trigger other Agents' Chain Attacks. Additionally, a "Cancel Chain Attack Combo" function will be added to combat, allowing you to choose whether to use the "Manual Chain Attack" mode according to your preferences.
3. In terms of combat, we have added a series of challenging combat missions and game modes that will be continuously updated. All Proxies are welcome to try them out in the new version.
4. In Shiyu Defense, we have improved the display of enemies' attribute resistances, making it easier for you to select suitable Agents for each challenge.
5. After unlocking a new Agent, the Inter-Knot avatar of that Agent will be automatically unlocked. Now you can select your favorite Agent as your Inter-Knot avatar.
6. The battle menu interface on mobile devices will allow you to customize certain UI buttons within a preset plan, so you can choose the controls that best suit your playstyle.

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soukaku remains the best dps in the game
will she ever be powercrept?
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Good fucking lord.
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How could you reroll an account with this cutie on it
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Can Lucy be a dps in a Koleda, Ben lineup?
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This general is owned by many growing factions!

Hagbwos (I feel bad calling Rina and Grace hags though)
General Maidbwos
Boobwos (always be a good parent to your bangboo!)
And many more bwos waiting to be discovered!

Be nice to all of them! We all get along! Even if mean stuff is said sometimes!

Everyone should really watch Billy be cool in this video!
>best dps in the game is a support character
great design there miHOMO
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Certified best butt in New Eridu!
so she's not good. fml...
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>tfw M6 Soukaku dps is better than Soukaku support
where do you live?
i want to firebomb it
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>puffer electro is zhu yuan's strongest set
I had a feeling. Her kit is literally all burst-focused. At least this time the other sets are within 1% difference so unlike Ellen you're not gimped taking the elemental set
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what the fuck
So if you only choose one, do you choose reasonaboo at 1star or devilboo at 5star? I've been thinking of doing devilboo for bossfights ane hope that nicole grouping is sufficient.
If you invest in her a lot and build her crit it seems she can kinda do damage but it takes a lot of investment
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>Calcs come out
>Prydemonth calcs
This retarded frog needs to be gassed.
How do people get Starlight? I only still have one of it. I'm happy Zhu's Wengine is not good though.

That makes her the better F2P option instead of Ellen.
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>Her W-Engine ended up being mid
>Her M1 ended up being just QoL
f2p gods won...
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My sister(wife) eating noodles(cutely)!
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Can't wait for robocop
Cat is a good carry for phys, basically just check her basic attack pattern out and decide if you enjoy using her or not.
>5ch JP /wuwa/ thread is just seething at ZZZ, HSR and GI
Why are they all like this everywhere?
brickaku is fucking garbage
>bought Ellen starter account
>this lucky ass nigga got Ellen + her sig in 15 pulls total
>roll ZY
>got her in 12 rolls
Account seed is fucking real
starlight is craftable with the chips iirc
Stun meter is literally just a set timer with no modifiers or external factors
It starts as soon as you stun the opponent

Single Chain
Double Chain(Elites)
Triple Chain(Boss)

So yes long chain attacks do eat into your burst window
The one on the left right?
I don’t care. I can’t roll for cops and support police brutality. Don’t support cops. Fuck all cops. ACAB. Cops don’t deserve their badges.
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I'm watching (You) pull
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ZZZs for this feel? Seriously though, when are we getting a shota?
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Damn, nice. Also, explode
Guess I will cope with Koleda, Rina and Corin then.
Its craftable in the gadget shop. I got so many of them off-banner though that its at P4 without even doing anything lmao
it's not bad, but 4p ether seems way better no?
you barely get to ult in this game
unironically reroll, Nekomata is quite literally the worst character in the game and her w-engine is the worst S rank attack engine too (weaker than sstarlight engine too, an a rank free w-engine)
Reminder this is a button masher game and all this sperging about meta is just from losers that suck at video games.
You hit the xxx and the yyy and then the bumpers when you see the flash and you win.
Yes, even in shiyu defence.
Meta has never mattered less.
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What would you recommend as Zhu's engine, milord frog poster?
>free crit
>my m2 anby with all her skills on 9 does half the damage because this nigga stacked 100%+ crit
>his nicole also hits like a train for some reason
disc RNG is unfair
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Would Ellen say the n-word?
Good question.
>Whole identity is we are better than hoyo
>Pls play our game SAAARRR
Absolutely soulless slop. Imagine playing a game because you think it's better than hoyo instead of having people play the game because they genuinely enjoy it and like talking about it.
She was originally an attacker in one of the betas.
Yeah she's the robot
Devilboo if you have it maxed, but Resonaboo's grouping is legitimately helpful and can be really good if the stage is full of weak enemies
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nobody in this game is unusable
if you're a fag or a numberautist ig you can reroll but its a pretty fag move
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Post the Lighter datamined animations please
wrong and spreading false information, its been tested extensively and proven incorrect

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Don't be mean...
Starlight Copegine is the SEA approved wengine
Each chain attack resets the stun bar up to a limit. This is a nothing burger
I'm missing the knot so I can't activate ellens passive with nicole + stunner
Daily reminder: 50% of /zzz/ are Genshin players. The poll has proven that
Just look in the mirror. He is literally (US).
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no shit sherlock this is my account
calcs assume you have the same crit ratio for those builds
her engine helps her to get there way easier
The one with the girl? Aren't those chips not farmable though?
No, but everyone would be surprised when she doesn't
99% of WuWa players play it cause they hate Mihoyo not cause they like the game
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craft S5 starlight
brimstone is slightly better but it really isn't worth 30 rolls to buy froim the shop, especially when weapon banner is 75/25 and 1% here. Even if you're going to roll for engines better to save for the inevitable mihoyo bullshit in the future where the sig is 30%+ better
its not 'way better', but yes your dps will become reliant on how many ults you can pull off if you go 4pc puffer
the only animations they found were him creampieing that schoolgirl npc, weird
Can daze damage crit?
That’s what happens when your brain is rotten by the likes of Tectone
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That Anby is way too cute what the fuck
The pure derp of Ben is tempting though
The only dogshit in this game is the one that comes out of lycaon's ass
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Hagbros itt ww@
im praying to my NA and EU Hagbros winning the 50/50.
You get them weekly from hollow zero if I recall. Go double check before you commit cause I might be bricking you
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Corin. I think she's so adorable and rapeable too

>She could overpower you
She can't go against her master's orders.
any normal damage done during daze can of course crit, exception is Disorder/Anomaly damage
Devil boo then, maybe the 4 star boo are cheaper to level lol
I have spread a lot of misinformation already. Gonna take a break for a minute.
I wonder if they will have combined animations
It doesn't. That's purely a visual effect. The grey bar will deplete faster since the stun duration is static.
Why do you retards think they're adding Manual Chain/Cancel Chain for 1.1?
>open in my open office
>full on anime boobs ads
you get chips from weekly boss bro
You realize pridemonth is using shit crit and shit atk stats for their calcs right? Not endgame stats. So the crit rate on the signature becomes less valuable since you have bad crit ratios and atk becomes more valuable since you have almost none of it ob your stats. They aren't using a well geared character for their calcs. So atk>crit/crit damage when it should be the opposite.
Lighter NTR when
>the 2 kids koleda and lucy have the angry face thing going on
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She can and she would murder you with her
No, I meant the damage filling up the yellow bar
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>just S5 Starlight Engine bwo, craft it
>can't craft it without rolling on the weapon banner for more A-ranks
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that's ben bigger right there
how is free 55% crit damage and 10% elem damage with close to 100% uptime not way better than 8% Pen with 20% ult dmg and occasional 15% atk?
and you want to ult during the stun phase, so the latter becomes worse in certain situations

but if you're farming that then good for you bro
If you played genshin then they're like billets. Technically farmable but on a limit. Also some commissions and shiyu defense levels have them as rewards iirc.
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Yes it is, stop thinking too much.
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His pimp Piper wouldnt let him do that though.
The man is sold to young girls to fund the gang
Nope. They already datamined the animations for all four cop characters and none have combined animations.
>start playing zzz
>stop watching kektone, pokke and the other grifters
>drop wuwa
>suddenly i'm enjoying myself way more
hmmm, kektone really is a cancer on gacha community
fromerly nen
>wuwa @ 129 for more than 2 months
>zzz @ 70 already and it hasn't even been a month
wuwa is daed gaem
So next update we can finally walk around with our agents?
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We will get a shota in the nun faction
Rina is the only hot one but grats.
I've nut 4 times...is it time to roll on new banner yet?
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Greetings, Detectiveboo here.
I have come to you today to present you evidence to quash the baseless claims that Miyabi has an exceptionally long distance between her eyes. What evidence, you may ask? Well, a few straight lines and a comparison, of course!
With Zhu Yuan and Miyabi as the set of eyes featured in this image, I have drawn two straight lines for both of them: One red, which measures the distance between their eyes at their closest points. The other blue, a measure between the distance between the bottoms of their eyes.
As you can see from my forensic straight lines, Miyabi and Zhu do not have any meaningful difference between the distance of their eyes. Literally 1 pixel at the blue line measurement, if Paint.NET is to be believed.
That being said, there is clearly a reason for this flawed perception. Now I cannot say why the people see her this way for certain, but I do have my speculation. Namely, Miyabi has a large and almost square-like eye shape. As a consequence, her eyes are essentially in the largest tier of eyes. There are, of course, characters with similar eye size and shape, and that leads into my second point. Her lack of bangs. Corin has a very similar eye size and shape. However, Corin has particularly long bangs that obscure the empty space betwixt her eyes. In fact, most female characters have bangs that fill in the empty space between their eyes.
In conclusion, Miyabi does not have a wide distance between her eyes. She has big eyes, and no bangs to cover up the empty space. This merely tricks the viewer into believing that she has a large distance between her eyes. In reality, this distance is standard for all characters, but it isn't normally noticeable.
Please stop slandering Miyabi.
Game needs more shota
what are you talking about RETARD
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>Ellen as Gawr Gura
>Sharkboo as Gawr Gura
How is this basic vtumor hoe so popular? Even back when I watched hololive years ago, I much preferred the mesugaki Murasaki Shion.
No, it just means you can use your agents as your Interknot avatar. >>487390937
My progress on No roll challenge. Corin is doing better. Still missing some decent disks but a few are ok.
Do your weeklies retard
holy retardGOD
playing frame perfect ellen joe is a real treat dodge get three stacks attack thrice into double ex chomp for three more stacks makes me feel alive
You can get the mats from notorious hunt. This is the same as genshit.
eventually, yes. but not the next update. it's planned for the "future" according to the post
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I'm rolling for Miyabi because she's WIDE and a chunni dork though
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I also want to bully Corin.

Dumb maidKEK
no chain no chainsaw
Post of the week.
It's not just that her eyes are fucking huge and squared.
Shut up retard your account is ass.
I'm not that anon, but what do you mean 50% crit damage?
holoEN tards are like a plague that insert themselves in every hobby
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>3.5 seconds
>best anything
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>Nicole seeded
>ran out of dennies before being able to fully upgrade all of my shit
I will pat anons on the back if they kill things faster than me.
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I was just pretending. You all got pranked, thanks for the (You)s retards.
>instead of fixing the stun timer, they're just adding the option to cancel chain attacks altogether
Nice one, mihomo.
This is some shitty ass math completely ignoring reality. Don't fall for that bait.

How often do you ult, and how do you ult? Think about this for a second. 90% of the fight it literally does NOTHING. Considering how you tend to exp special and then do your enhanced basics for burst, you get more atk% from woodpecker for EVERY burst you do basically.

There's NO WAY IN HELL woodpecker performs worse. How good the ether set is I can't say. Obviously depends on corruptions.
where is the patch...... let me roll for my gf.....
either rina, piper or lucy
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Corin is for abuse
Nah they have it planned but we don’t know when they’ll implement it

Optimizations expected to be implemented in later versions:
1. Currently, you can only control Wise or Belle in the city instead of other Agents you have obtained. In the Special Program Livestreams of later versions, we will announce our current progress and future plans. Please stay tuned!
I want to roll and plap the cop. But when will she get actual food supports? Nicole is cope (3 second shred) and she doesn't have a good ether stunner.
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Reminder u can get 100 polys hiding in the stable channel. Where u can select the 300 pit each character can be demoed for 20 polys
Fucking KILL YOURSELF retard. If there aren't other people to compete with than you are competing with yourself. Why the FUCK do you think did they put timers everywhere into the game? SO YOU CAN BEST YOUR OWN TIMES!
Now stop crying like a little BITCH.
i'll pat you on the back to help you calm down if you want
I learnt that early being an Arknightsfag. Dude hates the game for shit he did to himself but he's got that ego so its the Arknights devs' fault lmao
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because "17% when you're not fighting a boss" isn't 'way better' in my book.
indie company please understand
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>Bangboo enjoyers get shafted because they are gimping themselves to use their little guys in the Chain
>The equipper's CRIT DMG increases by 20%. When any character in the squad triggers Corruption's additional DMG, this effect further increases by 5.5% for 8s, stacking up to 6 times. Repeated triggers reset the duration.
it's 53% critdmg, and with nicole + resonaboo you'll have 100% uptime basically, even if not full stacks (depends on rotation/enemies)
You don't have to play mono element here, lycaon just so happens to be ice but he could've been fire and nothing would change. Also ZY's stunner is obviously qingyi.
How much longer until the cop
Fucking bullshit that half the world gets to play it 12 hours before the rest of the world
>new banner dropped
>No salesposting here, /wuwa/, /hsrg/ nor /gig/
I mean I welcome it but it feels weird.
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sister-wife feet
Only content creators I watch are gachasmack and guoba.
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So they’re removing the TV? This really is a zoomers game huh?
4 hours
>3 second shred
It works the entire time her attack is active bwo
Throw out a chain attack or parry or whatever and you're good for 10 seconds minimum
>just used up all 10 batteries to level one party from 40 to 50
these prices are ridiculous
It's been 2 hours how the FUCK could we salespost? Oh and I will later.
Mono plays a big part usually. See lyacon's ice shred, see oni ice shred. I doubt some lightning support with have ether shred.
Cleaner M6 picture
Probably can find a textless one online with added art below
They didn't say that?
>why is the shark girl getting so much art with other shark themed characters
Not even Sherlock Holmes could crack this case bwos
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Game needed more rally missions then me bumping into tvs and only doing maybe 1 to 2 fights that don't even take long to clear with a tiny room.
It works for as long as the black hole is active, which is 3 seconds. You are just wrong.
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I like my stretchy wife
Would they be allowed to actually show faint nipple outlines through the shirt or is that against the rules? I'd be tempted to M6 if they did that.
Finally a Billybwo that actually means it.
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When does this game start giving more free rolls? Shit really dried up around knot level 38 and I'm 41 now.
that's not the question though, are you retarded?
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you have a point
its 3am and i think i just got tired of seeing anons whine about being bricked when the game is like 2 week s old. i need sleep.
actually right bro mb
still not farming it though
I dunno, pulled shark girl today and she's pretty cracked. Pairs well with Oni girl.
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I used my level 30 roll on the weapon banner and was rewarded!
sadly no soukaku weapon, but I'll hopefully get it in the future off the general pool
I hope they don't listen to adhd zoomers and shit all over their entire concept for this game. Forcing exploration open world bullshit into Hi3 was also dogshit
they are right tho their accounts are bricked
>t. American
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here you go
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I want to fuck and marry and cum deep inside this single mother
Anon people fucking shitpost within the first hour.
>caring about Westpoors
We only care about Asian metrics
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Sleep well Rinabwo
Don't forget we're getting a free attacker wengine next patch too
2/3 ether gives you access to the reasoaboo and ether teammates are likely to have ether buffs or ether res shred, plus you can fill the anomaly faster.
>biting a condom
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whither do anbyGODS fall?
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I want to protect Corin so much bros. She activates my protection instincts...am I just getting manipulated by the maid and she knows what she's doing??
You can't call her a single mother just because the dad's a thiren
>3 seconds yet still beating Shitkaku's 3 minute long buff animations
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I repeat
All Cops Are Based
Her eyes just look more retarded sorry bro. It was never about how mathematically far away they are. They have a weird shape, and combined with her hair and face she look's like she has down syndrome. Even if its just an optical illusion created because of her fucked up eye shape changes nothing.

She's going to continue to receive slander because none of your blabber accounts for the fact that when placed side by side with Zhu Yuan's design she LOOKS stupid. Even in your tiny snippet Miyabi looks more deformed.
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I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, hate discs here and artifacts on genshin, fuck.
timezones are a bitch.
How good is Lucy C2?
>single woman still living with her mom desperately trying to baby-trap you
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I want to grab this single mother and pump her full of my hot baby batter
>marrying someone else's cumrag
miss me with that gay shit
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Last time I asked if Anbybwos wanted to be added I never got an answer.
I'll add them if they want!
It's such a gay time wasting mechanic ans I've literally never noticed them doing anything.
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Cute Shark
>mother of one two three four six kid
you wouldn't want to make a retard
SpiritualCHAD shareholders BROKE you
I pulled for zhu yuan without another stun unit.
Its over...
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meanwhile BA players have to wait 6 months...
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Ok I unlocked my lvl 50 character stats, then weapon, and core D. Should I slowly raise each skill to 9 next? They are currently 7 each.
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>homosexual opinions
>No open world
>Still get the same retarded file size to play the game
>Just walking into your shop forces a loading screen each time
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Good enough to not worry about her buff running out.
You can use ATK disc 6 instead of ER now
whats the stats
I dont give a single fuck anons

That single mother is thick as fuck
The other guys just hit it first and I'm gonna hit that shit harder than they did
>big ass cop (literally)
>ToT robocop
>also give us free shit (batteries, coffee, ramen)
wtf I love cops I'm not american btw
I tried for booty cop, lost 50/50 and got Koleda instead. My S ranks are Ellen, Grace and Rina, no Soldier 11, what do?
i`ll be the only motherfucker ingame who`ll build Zhu Yuan full Anomaly Profficiency and play in Disorder team

I know i am wrong, since she is basically built for plain Crit Damage build, but you cant stop me
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add me
I'm considering just not using that mechanic at all here, even if I'm handicapping myself. At some point I stopped equipping artifacts on genshin too
holy retard maid
based used goods enjoyer
So now that the dust has yet to settle, I think we can all agree that Zhu Yuan is a bigger brick than Ellen.
Nowadays I just laugh whenever I see this kind of thumbnail
uninstall, you're doomed
Her ass is a big brick on my face yea
Now that I got Ellen, do I just horde the master tapes for the next banner or do I go balls to walls for the dupe?
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Shota, femboy, otokonoko, crossdresser, bishi, Ikeman all that and more I'd roll for in a heartbeat and I believe in Hoyo's willingness to make one eventually, but I don't know how long I'll have to wait...
Mono only really matters for Anton and Ice.
wait for an actual fire dps or run disorder stun comp
Devs listening made Genshin worse.
>replaced overworld puzzles with simple move A to B shit because people complained about problem solving
>made events comically easy compared to early ones like hypostasis symphony and the original theater mechanicus because people were too unskilled to get rewards
>made joke harmless enemies like fungi after Inazuma because people panicked at enemies being able to run at them
>made it so you became virtually invincible with perma regen for story bosses because people complained about getting filtered by Childe and Raiden story fights
Fuck everything. Fuck people saying Hoyo doesn't listen. They listen too fucking much.
Next unit, unless you are a spender.
That's a woman, chud.
Just get a loli at that point you dumb faggot.
i think we can all agree that you're a brick
Zhu Yuan feels so good to use. Also helps Anby and Nicole are really good for her already. I know the other NEPS girl is going to be better than Anby but eh, doesn't feel like she's a must pull still.
keep the reviews coming, I can now make careful, well-informed decision on whether I should roll zy or get more ellen. No I'm not coping cause I'm stuck in na
I'm not mentally ill so I'll just save up for next banner. :) Thanks bro.
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I might go for ones that have a really obvious synergy with a character but otherwise I'm the same.
i can't believe it i found my brother in fucking gacha general
t. got married with widow that have 2 daughters
what the fuck is M6 or C2 or S4 or whatever the fuck
>t. started playing this monday
When they nerfed open world enemies that already does nothing, you know the game is doomed
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>I doubt some lightning support with have ether shred.
she does at c6
>Make puzzles and fights harder
>Still get the same little dick reward
Get the camera!
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That's so crazy cause like I didn't ask.
Loli are cute but they lack a shota's appeal.
You only say that now because there is not enough support for the other elements. Once there is enough support for the other elements. Every team will opt for mono element is what I'm saying. That is why I said when will she get actual good ether support.
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Well HSR is finally getting a shota after ages, so we have to get one eventually
character dupes
max is "m6"
weapon dupes would be max "w5"
I'm just saying bro
some of these single mothers have CAKE

and they are NEEDY
it's over, they're practically removing the time system, and TVs? say good bye if you ever liked them. They already removed some from beta, it's mostly gonna be rallies moving forward
How many hours ameribros...
Corin, Anby or Nicole
Give me that Corin also
When you get a dupe of a character you can unlock stat boosts up to 6 times. Sometimes it matters for a character, sometimes not, just depends on their kit.
Anon there's a whole training section that gives 20 polys per agent.
do the enemies just have larger health pools or does their AI change
But in Zhu Yuan case she has a ton of those stats, so it isn't really hard to achieve high 1:2.
The engine gives nothing but those stats, so it becomes less valuable.
Meanwhile ATK % its not only valuable but so its combat atk %, which is a very confusing buff they should have called it "combat dmg" or some shit.
wtf I really liked the tv exploration
Lemeow. What's the point? I would sooner c6 Zhu and use a random 5* limited ether stunner with shred at c0 instead.
kino mindscapes
rallies are the best content though
although I don't dislike TVs
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I keep bricking my account...
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10 more hours lad
stay strong...
Agent avatar is ruining the immersion
Hoyo has the balls to not add skip cutscene in genshin and hsr for years, why did they concede so fast here
>can't import rolls yet because zzz.moe operates on retarded amerifat banners
cringe and gay
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WTF BROS I just realized why Soldier 11 chose Flame — Thunder as code words. It's because her partner was actually Anby... S11 is Flame, and Anby is thunder...
She's still using it despite not being with her anymore...
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Hello interKnot friends.

I have a huge problem. My daughter has shown no incentive to find a husband or produce children. She is a bit shy and timid. But, she's a nice girl and always works hard on her job. Her job is also an issue though, its dangerous, and I am scared of one day getting a call about how she's been killed in the line of duty.
Can someone here please date her and see if you can convince her to settle down?


I'm getting old and I want to see my grandbabies before I die, please help me out by accepting my commission.

Pic related is her. She works for N.E.P.S., incase that's a factor.
10 more hours to get Kot
I honestly don't think so. You will always have allrounders. Gacha don't live very long when they are so rigid you HAVE to play only one element in teams.

Expect general purpose supports and stunners (which are also supports, but you know).
3 hours.. 50 minutes..
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1.2 will be outer ring or section 6 patch? If Ceasar is 1.2 then that makes roll planning a lot harder desu
get fucked
S11 hate amerimutts
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Yes, there's a reason she hates traitors and burgers
Anby was her drill teacher, did you think they made Frieren VA Anby's for nothing?
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>what the fuck is M6
Mindscape Cinema, just shortened to M plus whatever corresponding number that tells how many dupes needed to reach it. 6 is the max.
Guys, this looks like a pretty tough commission, best leave it to me.
We are all Tekken players here btw
>Want shota appeal
>Post pic of something that removes it all

You know what just don't even bother adding shota.
Isn't like 3am in amerifatland? Why the fuck are you still awake anon?
Its the opposite, the devs didn't listen enough. Genshin was always piss easy, what made the game trash was drawn out quests with random NPCs we will never see again, Paimon making up 70% of the dialogue, and the tedious dailies (which they just fixed).

On top of endgame content being non-existent for this long too. You grind out perfect artifacts and crown your units for literally nothing.
Crit is only very valuable once you reach high numbers with a high enough atk. If you have shit bases for all of these it becomes much muddier and copeshit is much closer in power. The better your gear is the bigger the gap between signature and cope options become.
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man why is there so much popular shark things like baby shark
dead or alive beach volleyball
Just another cracker
i was just trying to be silly, but what isnt silly is that c1 qingyi also gives 15% def down for 15 seconds and her w-engine gives 20% squad damage, all while still being a stunner role herself, so going at least for those definitely seems like a good investment for people who want to buff zhu while wating for an ether stunner to drop in the future.
yeah I'll take it
no promises I'll be able to complete it soon though, and don't need a reward
Isn't dating the police against New Eridu law or something? It should
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Sure but I’m not the type to draw conclusions based on hypotheticals
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I panic rolled Ellen banner because fomo fear of missing out and I got the FUCKING RETARD CAT INSTEAD AAIIIEEEE I HATE THIS GAME I HATE IT FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
EUbros, is Zhu Yuan out already?
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>Skipped Ellen
>Won my 50:50 AND got Zhu Yuan early
>167 rolls remaining
>Perhaps another +130 rolls from the 9 weeks of 1.0 second half and all of 1.1 (daily pass + BP)
The odds of getting both Qingyi and Jane Doe are looking good bros, if I stay lucky II might even snag a signature W-Engine or two if 1.2 is a skip patch.

I'm actually doing it, I'm limiting my gacha spending for once.
I want anby to ride my face
I want S11 to ride my dick
just under 4 hours
Mindscapes or the name for dupes after the first. M2 would mean having the base character + 2 of the character dupes.
Constellations which came from Genshin. Same as M, but "Constellations" don't exist in this game and people are retarded for using C.
Superimpose from HSR. It just means the level of a weapon, or W Engine here. S0 can't exist since weapons always start as S1 so you can laugh at any retard who says R0/S0/W0.
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USA is much bigger than your shithole country. There are 3 different time zones.
Gap moe
>Already got a dedicated thunder and Ice team
I have no reason to roll for the cop right?
Who should I be saving for?
>shota, femboy, otokonoko, crossdresser
>bishi, ikeman
I mean we know Anby's gonna be plot important as the game's icon...
That Belle face is weird
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Chin up
in yourself
>Why the fuck are you still awake anon?
Mornings aren't so good after all, might as well sleep through them
That's my point bro. Zhu yan already has a ton of those stats, its diminishing returns 101.
She has 130% CD default with ether set, like 41% CR with woodpecker 2p (+12 with nicole)
And like 100%+ DMG.
Her engine gives a ton of those stats but whats the point when she wants a lot of atk % at that point, and combat atk % its basically another modifier carrying f2p asses.
I stare at pictures of your waifu while shitting on the toilet.
You're still gay btw
>he doesn't have a c6s5 character
>Skipped ellen
Already bricked lmao.

>Every single character feels slow as shit compared to Ellen's fast run.
Russia is 10x bigger than your immigrant country.
I can only play Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct 2013, everything else hurts my brain
The balls on these devs to make a gacha theme that mocks you for missing pity, I respect it.
post ur cock
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Why is Lucy so rude to her pigs
Sharkboo is the cutest boo
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that was fun
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I did this and I'm proud.
C for Copies.
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I wonder if people will switch to P1, P2 etc for W-Engines like they did M1, M2 etc for agents.
The game actually calls W-Engine dupes as "Phase" similar to how Lightcones have "Superimposition"
Ellen gets mogged by Rina's dodge spamming bro...
shiyu status?
I'll go with M because C and E are used on the other games
You think 130 cd is high are you retarded? With her only 30 crit rate buff you want as close to 100 crit rate buffed.
>no K for Kino
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No idea why Mindscapes caught on, it's literally always been branded as Cinemas
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I say Potential because I'm an Arknights player
it should be K for KINOCINEMOGRAPHY
K for Kino
>wanting to fuck feminine human beings is gay
Yeah, no
you get the rest with mainstat and substats, do i really have to spell everything for you?
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C for copy
Just use it enough and people will follow along.
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Bikers are the femdom faction
i think there was some blue haired twink boy with a hammer that was in the leaks
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should have been A for ABSOLUTE CINEMA
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I love him...
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FUCK she's making me want adult women
It's cause they're listed as Mind1, Mind2 etc so people use M. That and cause Genshin uses C I guess
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Wanting to fuck people of the same sex is gay. I don't care how you spin it.
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Its already happening
That's how they act in public but you just know she's the one squealing in bed
I want to take apart Billy sensually
>Get carpal tunnel spamming a key just to move.
Doubt anyone is this retarded to do this. Ellen run is something you can't measure how good it is.
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Bros, will i be able to make it? Im in the middle of chapter 2 rn at lvl 26
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Get the fuck away from him, Grace.
How often do you guys select the slot for crafting S disc drives? Is it worth the cost?
>get into chapter 3
>Lyacon is actually really fucking cool
I...I think I want the knot...
What's the R stand for? Relic?
just do singles, you're going to enter soft pity after 5 pulls anyway
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When do we get designs like this bros
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What's soft pity, meowster?
I voted C because it's the same as genshin and I already have to remember fucking R for wuwa and fucking E for HSR and I don't need a fourth one to remember jesus everyone should have just used genshin terminology from the start
It's not worth it for most people right now because we can't be picky. It'll make sense once people have actual pieces.
You have almost 10 in your polychromes and the garbage you get from rolling 18 will probably give you at least 1 from fading.
Different question is that will you hit the 50-50
>You get the rest
That's were you assumed wrong. Pridemonth the site uses the absolute worst stats possible for all their calcs far below decent quality. They want to use an average shitters relics that doesn't care about farming for anything.
soft pity kicks in at 75 (15 searches left), unload those 1400 polychrome now, you might get an S rank
no reason to not do singles in this game
thats literally piper and lucy if they did the fusion dance
I got her around level 28-30, I actually got her 10 pulls before my guaranteed S
What site?
Your rates increase each pull after about 75 pulls
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Wait for Nicole's loli alt.
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Because thats what the game itself calls them. Same reason no one calls W-Engines "equipment".
>finally testing Nicole
>her energy field only lasts for a few seconds + the 3.5s of def shred after it's gone
Uh... Was this supposed to be good?
Don't care. I'll continue using M until EOS.
cringe ass zoomer manga
cringe ass zoomer meme
kys op you're a big fagg
Yes, I like beautiful men cause I fuck dudes. Traplovers are gay retards, as always.
you do it like 2 times cuz you have a selector for the shittier slots like 4/5. Only for DPS though since you want to cut down on the bullshit RNG ASAP.
swap in shoot your load and swap out during shooting the load
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Why doesn't Nicole do this more
It's 2024, be true to yourself.
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That shouldn't have sent me into such a cough laugh fit but here I am in pain
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>3 second defence shred
When will my copewife get an actual good team?
You get pink shit after replaying any stage.
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>lusting after adult women
Do girls really put brass knuckles on their feet?
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Billy is the purest character in zzz
We need to protect his smile bwos
only real niggas will remember these characters
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Will this bastard be playable?
Holy shit bros I'll get 50/50 on next 10 pull and was on banner thinking, okay I do it now I WILL GET ZHU. Finger already hovering over the sweet 10 pull and then I see WTF Ellen is still here. I was THIS close on fucking it all up
If you use the mortar (short 360) input then the airtime gives you plenty of time to swap in your DPS and get the full 6.5s out of it

Of course in 6~9 months you'll get Nicole+ as an S-rank with no stupid restriction on the same or better buffs but it's what we're stuck with
No way fag t. Belle
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Its for HSR. The character banner calculator is correct but the Lightcone/W-Engine calculator is incorrect. HSR has 0.8% chance for a S-Rank lightcone while ZZZ is 1%
damn my bitches were waiting for me to come out of the store holy sheet
Is the 3 sec shred anon a single schizo? Or are people memeing?
Now this I wasn't expecting.
This is nonsense. This game's atk buffs on sets and such do NOT work like this. They are actually doing exactly what they say on the tin.

If you have 2000 atk outside of combat, a 10% buff gives you 2200. This doesn't care about how starved you may or may not be.
Even assuming ether set, good discs and so on, you are gonna sit on something like 8+5+30+45=88% crit-rate and 78+53+48=178% crit damage

With the weapon you can look like this: 8+5+30+15+24 = 82% crit rate and 78+53+90+48=269% With Nico's m6 and maybe an additional roll into crate you can get some pretty damn good shit. But even just like this it's 25% damage increase from the crit stats alone.

Now then, Brimstone's atk% boost is 30% on base. The increase of that depends on your discs etc, but considering how it offers no dmg% at all, you will have to go ether dmg% on disc 5, with the sig you can easily opt for atk%, and still be ahead on ether damage.
The in battle atk isn't suited for burst style gameplay. Your first three nukes will have an average damage increase of 5%. The second three are 15%. And this fights the always there 25% gain from the crit stats.
Hoyo isn't so retarded they'll make a sig worse. Now is it WORTH pulling the sig? That's up to you. Brimstone is solid. Realistically you can expect 15% better performance than Brimstone with good discs. With shitty discs, this difference should be higher. If you have no Brimstone, the difference is a lot bigger though. 4* will be the usual -20% or worse performance of Hoyo games.
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Does New Eridu judicial system make use of the death penalty?
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What sold you on this game bros?
For me it was the wipeout screens and piper's jiggle physics
any hidden quests beside lumberjack and prophecy?
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8 hours left before this ASS monster is caught
>The shadow can't even hide the sexo.
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That may be the case but the dupes themselves are named Mind so I'll stick with M
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>3 sec def shred
based BelleCHAD
It won't trigger the quick assist bonus if you do that.
robot abuse...
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I did NOT
Ms. Grace.... send him to the principal's office and have him expelled!
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Because this happened last time
Probably never. If you read the story sounds like he's hated by sixth Street. Plus he tried to do one politics campaign shit. He's a politician which means he's likely corrupt and will get locked up.
that police officer has been standing there for a week now because I don't make her commission
Changli, Zhezhi, and Xiangli Yao's banners will smoke ZZZ's upcoming banners and I'm genuinely afraid of that fact.
simple as
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She's Ms Perfectionist isn't she
Lolidom is an artform.
Why is the American the bad cop and the Chinese the good cop?
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Rina seems like the kind of woman that would edge you for hours on end and make you beg to cum and im so fucking down for that
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Now that the dust has settled what do we think about Zhu Yuan
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>soon we'll be able to walk around as agents
>automatic assist chain can be disabled
>TVslop made faster and smoother

Yeah, we're winning bigly.
I'm not sure if you made those names up or not...
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Here's a rare corin for your shitposting needs
Why would Zhu Yuan analyse it, and not Qingyi who has an inbuilt taste test system?
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incest game
Anon... having better relics benefit combat atk % more than it benefits ZY signature.
Signature its only better than starlight when you don't have relics and start becoming worse as soon as you get decent to very good artifacts.
CR/CD its not like def shred, the more you stack those stats the less valuable they become.
I can't wait to BECOME Anby...
All the burgers...
I've been testing shit in SD and the def shred doesn't even last long enough for Zhu's burst rotation. I'm not even counting the ult in the equation. It's enough for the EX twice, but the powered basic shots won't fit in.
I want to touch Rina.
Rina looks so soft.
I want to clench Rina.
I want to grab Rina.
I want to envelop myself in Rina.
I want to rub myself all over Rina.
NTA, but I'm suddenly getting flashbacks to Raiden's Engulfing Lightning vs Catch calculations.
>calc EL being only about 5% better than the Catch
>assumes it's during a specific 6 second period
>in a specific spot
>with shitty artifact stats
Corin should be loved...
Character design, modern setting and the dungeon crawler TVs.
With the focus on rally type missions and no mention of adding more content to hollow zero, i may sadly stop playing. I will give it a go until 1.5 included and see how it evolves.
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the rare multi unit wipeout screen
God furries are so gross.
It's currently a mystery left for the future as to whether the American cop did turn bad or not considering he was the one who inspired Zhu Yuan when he was a good cop
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2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
This is huge wtf.
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Oh my...
>Optimizations expected to be implemented in Version 1.2:
>While exploring the "Monitor Array" the automatic accelerated playback, when enabled, will not be interrupted by other events. Additionally, the animation playback speed for some events will be increased, providing a smoother gaming experience.
Come on thats too slow
anon...don't tell me you haven't been swapping out of long animations to save time?
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qingyi you dumbass all those futa belle fanarts are just fanarts! she can't save zhu yuan's eggs!
Guys guys hear me out
Which zzz girl is into anal?
This is important for my future pulls
>get close to pity
>lose your Zhuyuan 50/50
>Shitty mumbke rap in the background gacha music telling you to just stop seething and cope with your luck
Your response?
>"Sexual" Footage & Zoom-in Screenshot Megathread
I want to eat out Nicole so bad bros...
Already lose against BA in JP
>1.2 Zhingchenghanji duo
you are very delusional if you think those nobodies can surpass Jinhsi and Changli that both flopped
He is already pushed to be evil and corrupt. We we will probably kill him off soon and replace him with Zhu. This game really doesn't try to make me care about the villains
Is the cop banner today or tomorrow?
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Time for a butt.
what is Belle doing to Wise
1pm eastern time if you're NA
They got a genetically close donor, its fine.
Part me of thinks he either was a good cop was but later corrupted or we he was always a bad cop but Zhu is just a retard who was tricked into thinking she was saved by his bravery in reality was probably the reason she was left to die. Either way I see him being killed off or fired soon next cop chapter.
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He’s gonna be a boss fight in the future, I know it
Tell me what her crit rate and tell me that's close to 100 with shit relics and brimstone..
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Try hitting swap after you use an exspecial or the final input of a basic combo
You'll be able to gangbang enemies all the time
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Nothing Billy, he's fine, order yourself a nice burger now.
The original cop was killed in the Hollow then a hollow took over his body to sabotage humans, screencap this.
>talking about brimstone
>when starlight engine of what 99% people will have
>originally posted by PatrickLii, the nahida guy btw
People say she's bad but I would literally end up playing the game with 1 hand if I had her in my team
yes, they chain your legs and hands and throw you to the hollows
>vault is also 2s duration
We really need an actual Ether Support huh
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This supa haka is sex. I thought she was hebe at first due to cutscenes. Didn't expect hag.
Your w1 starlight is going to be much worse friend..
Doesn't matter because the difference of CR/CD its compensated with the fact that it has a lot of atk % and combat atk its basically a different modifier that the sig simply doesn't have.
The better the artefacts the more diluted CR/CD becomes because she already has a lot of those stats, if she didn't we wouldn't have this conversation in the first place
>Shark boy & lava girl
Fucks sake anon, you're making me feel old.
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Nicole is a such a brick for Zhu lmao. why didn't they just buff her even a little if they were going to feature her on the banner lmao.
I hate women so fucking much
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>automatic assist chain can be disabled
The fact that beta testers didn't complain enough just shows how cracked their teams were so they didn't have to use proper rotations or didn't fight high end enemies.
based incel
I regret rolling for ellen now.... zhu yuan team is comfy and as 2nd team i like piper+lucy because disk farming for ellen i only get a good freedom blues

goodbye ice team. i don't have lycaon btw
massaging a cramp out of his thigh
i hope we meet rain again
You should buy another welkin just to support the small indie devs
Is this some boomer in-joke?
Has anyone here ever used a VPN to buy currency, either directly in-game or via a reseller like Razer Gold? I live in Germany and could save like 30% doing this, but I'm wondering if you can get banned for it.
Do you think they were clones made with specific elements in mind?
They must have been calling their copies by their element.
Whats next? Are we going to get Glacier?
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These tomato stealing whores...
>automatic assist chain
what's that now?
Why is Corin the only victoria character with trust missions?
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>devs add canceling chain attacks when its been proven that chains don't even eat up stun duration
how many people are going to brick themselves by learning bad muscle memory and cancelling out of their burst for no reason LMAO
Been doing it from the in-game shop with VPN for several years. They won't ban paying customers.
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Funny enough I just had this happen doing my level 40 test.
>b-but muh damage optimization
don't care I want to see all attack animations
It does matter because if your crit is too low it ends up being effectively 0/0 if you aren't cutting. So those "free crit ratios" you were talking about end up not working. That is how badly geared characters by that shitty site has them. Don't think anyone doesn't know what they did with HSR calcs. They don't even max traces, and have awful relics. You telling anyone that the better the relics are the more atk will be better sounds like you are saying brimstone is better than her signature with gold discs. You should fucking kill yourself if you think that. Actual smoothbrain.
she clearly stole the water anon
vpn from their top-up website, yes
unsure if it's against ToS or not, but people that used it haven't been banned and some content creators recommended it
You already got btfo by dazeanon, fuck off.
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Nice Discord PFP’s
Got a fucking post 2005 zoomer here.
Your older peers will understand the meme and the characters.
>had to spin up to 80 twice because I lost the 50/50

There goes my plans to get the weapon too...
They all do though????
For me, it's the erp bait Corin pfp.
Nice, I'll be using Anby's.
>Zhu and Rat
Smugbros WE WON
Nah. I also like lolis and hags. It just happens that I want to fuck anything that is feminine. How is this gay?
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She broke the watering can and stole tomatoes, like the chimp she is
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>doubling down on the PSG art style
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Hey bros, I'm installing right now.

How fast is rerolling? I have a few hours left to roll for the shark maid. I'm assuming most of the pre reg rewards are gone by now
I own Lycaon and Rina and neither has trust missions? They don't show up in my contact list either
Do I have to do the character quests or something
>How fast is rerolling?
I like the Corin one but I didn't consider this...
Where is all this stuff ripped at?
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bricked bro whats your cope now
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>5. After unlocking a new Agent, the Inter-Knot avatar of that Agent will be automatically unlocked. Now you can select your favorite Agent as your Inter-Knot avatar.
I finally stop looking like a bug-eyed freak and show my love for my agent.
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adult women fetishists
Cop enjoyers

full chain users
Lycaonless ellenbros
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witness, the thickness
i got her on my 2ndf roll and she's already lvl50
still don't have grace...
Rerolling for a few pulls is like 20 minutes (lv4) but you get like nothing for currency for the premium banner at only the 20 min mark.
Is this about Miyabi? Every other character looks great
Technically it's already ingame
from the Trust reward
just buy an account
Buy a starter account bro, rerolling hoyo games is torture
It was the opposite, really. We had fuckall for resources to build teams with so I figured it was just a problem that would eventually go away when you had a fully built team.
It's about censoring models.
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it's over, go on without me
They gonna shill her as THE STRONGEST so they need gotta update her model too
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Wow all the people you said lost are the ones who actually won crazy
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ALRIGHT we got something, what's it gonna be
without the text it looked to me as if Qingyi stole the water from the can for the laundry she's holding in the basket... guess I'm not fit to be Zhu's apprentice..
i want el gato to spook me
imagine the sex
>zhu yuan already mogging changli
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How long do EU bros have to wait? We need them so we can all gang up and bully NA
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Best bangboo for Zhu Yuan + Nicole + Qingyi?
M1P1 Qingyi looks like the most versatile unit out of any we've seen, thoughever
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Move shitcole to lost.
>3 second def shred.
It's joever.
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You still have 10 hours left to get shork and shork ball
OK thanks, I guess I'll give it a shot, then. And if I get banned, I'll have one addiction less to fuel.
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Reasonaboo is stupid good.
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Gonna be a JK shark on the last hours.
nta but wasn't Qingyi nerfed heavily in beta?
Is this why there aren’t salesfag pajeets spamming here today?
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Etherboo looks better than the NEPSboo so far
2 pc chaotic metal and 4 pc woodpecker for ZY?
congrats anon. on which server are you that she's already there for you?
...where's wuwa?
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>be a character at 200% every other character
>get nerfed by 10%-20%
>still 180% every other character
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How could this happen to me
I've made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
Ohnonononononono BA is mogging us...
They made her mindscapes and weapon cracked and nerfed her basic kit. So he's technically right, M1W1 Qingyi will be busted. M0 Qingyi, not so much.
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So is Zhu W-engine actually bad or are poor people vastly undervaluing it?
What's the rarest thing to roll? Is it Ether dmg in 5 slot?
Zhu Yuan isn't out yet for me.
My UID starts with 15 is that US or EU region?
Nicole is the best
time to play ben hypercarry instead
good question im trying to find wuwa and just found it
Its good but the alternatives are close enough to its power that its probably not worth it for low spenders
It’s 5% more damage
Ellen’s was 18% more damage
it's very bad
but every weapon in every gacha is bad because you are pulling for stats in a single player game
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Tbh I would have liked the gato more
I don't play many gachas, is it normal for characters to be released at some random time after the daily server reset? Seems like it should be at the same time.
>Bro this character won, that character lost!!!
I'm just playing base on how I like them. Am I doing this wrong?
bros wtf is this real
aisa changed the banner 3-4 hours ago
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Kuroko strong
It will be 15-20 better than the rest as usual. Makes her much easier to build as well since crit rate only comes from gacha or BP engines
buttwife needs the best
What are you trying to argue anon. That using chain attacks gives you the same overall time stunned? That is true.
If youre trying to argue that chain attacks are "free" stun time wise and dont eat up into the time your DPS could use then you would be wrong
>dropped 270 places
Wait what.
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>They made her mindscapes and weapon cracked and nerfed her basic kit
I fucking hate hoyoverse zzzzzzzzz....
baGODs, monsterstrikeLORDS.... we kneel
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oh no no no hahahahaha
wtf is that second team... unless this is a no roll challenge. does bangboo count as a noroll challenge though...
Nyooo Pajeetbros don't look...
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A day or two ago this would have been a good result, but in the last one that kinda sucks sorry bro.
But at least you got a team for ice stages now, with Lycaon and Soukaku. Thats something.
Is there any way to set up and have multiple teams like you do in Genshin?
No, you are correct and need to continue with that. They're shitposting.
he's good tho
look at that split
>from rank 8 to 240
this game is pretty easy once you out level things so if you have patience even synergy doesnt matter that much other than atk+stunner and muh anomalies
Dazeanon lost actually, see >>487395657
Like to quickly prefill? They're adding that in the future
I don't know, but I love that little green bugger like you wouldn't believe.
The words you're typing are right but if you unironically think an extra 1.5 seconds of stun time is worth 3 chain attacks you're truly retarded
My plans for the banner are to pull for Ben's W-Engine and continue saving
Ahhhhhhhbbb wuwabtos don't look
Did you just start playing? Most people have gotten to 150 rolls by now. At least your next character is guaranteed.
Did everyone quit after rolling Changli? The fuck?
Any husbando collectors saving up for Asaba?
Wtf is that drop?
Is it just 11-280 being pretty close in earnings?
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Calcs are well and good, but how cool does Zhu look with her signature equipped? This is important.
Did the bitch asking for the older the better videos mean level 3 retro tapes?
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I found a couple of goblins out in the wild
why are they so small?
Late but if you're looking for XP mats, just complete any HZ. The higher the difficulty, the slightly more pieces you get.
If you're looking for ascension/breakthrough/limit break mats, you can trade in XP materials for upgrade mats at the store, unlimited times.
Your main limit is the hidden HZ weekly grind limit but more likely, your patience to stomach Hollow Zero multiple times
A cat
Yep. I logged-in yesterday, did two 10 pulls and got Changli. Did one 10pull on her weapon, got it. Leveled her up and stopped playing again.
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ChainCHADS I kneel...
That one guy was saying it was just a visual effect that it reset the timer. Lmao fucking braindead turd got blown the fuck out
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Metafags are noisy because they feel the need to justify their addiction to spending thousands of dollars on a character by saying "my character is the best" and getting into autisitic shitfits
You can clear anything with time
yeah, I failed that shit twice
she appears randomly again sometimes, and got it right on my 3rd
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>but if you unironically think an extra 1.5 seconds of stun time is worth 3 chain attacks you're truly retarded
No? I did some testing a week or so ago after someone was implying that the grey bar reset to the same time no matter how many chain attacks you did which ended with me producing this webm (top is 3 CA, 8 seconds overall stun time for Ellen, bottom is 1 CA, 14 seconds for Ellen when you remove the 6 seconds of chain timer pause).
Its pretty much only an issue in the Ice team because Lycaon and especially Soukaku have long chain timers. Youre losing half your dps window with that team for very little benefit since you can just use Soukaku before the stun window to buff.
Even when I posted it I made sure to say its only an issue with those kinds of teams
Yes, she means the one that isn't Nihility. I forgot the name, but you only have two anyway.
Yes he mentioned he just started and was lv 26 or something with 20 left on pity so we pressured him to burn it all
So... do CAs reset the timer or not? This still image doesn't tell me.
t. retard
seth is the one I want
and big daddy if he wasn't scrapped
harumasa is too genshin-coded for me
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>W-Engines are just a stat stick!!!
You're literally bricking yourself and your account power by not rolling for kino colored hair and other special effects.
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I don't think Zhu's getting number one with BA there. Is it their anniversary/half-anniversary?
Is there any way to set up and have multiple teams like you do in Genshin???
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>other special effects.
Such as? I was lucky enough to get both S11 and her sig and the only difference I've noted is the glowing hair.
I mean its absolutely true that its just visual. I have no clue what that still image is supposed to prove.
>retard took a screenshot to all context is removed
idiot, using 3CA eats into the time your dps is supposed to be using for ultimate, instead of using 12 seconds on your dps youre doing 10 seconds doing the entire chain and having 2 seconds left after
wtf they shrink her pants ?
ooooo the hair glows.... wow... SO worth going all the way to pity twice
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Like to quickly prefill? They're adding that in the future
If you have a soul then yes it's worth it
sex with chibi qingyi
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I went for Ellen because her ass and tits are fat
I will pull for Zhu Yuan because her ass and tits are fat
I will also pull for Qingyi because her belly makes me want to fuck it
Should've been in at launch but I'll take it. It's really fucking annoying switching teams right now.
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Yeah, cool thanks
It doesn't but whenever it's better to cancel CA for more dps field time or not depends on teams. Ellen team want to cancel it.
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>OMG I will give my favorite agent a WORSE W engine!
So you are a cuck? Call yourself a stupid bitch
>she isn't a luckchad
Everytime I open Ellen I see a shark biting the screen and it’s cool. Worth it for me. I only roll on good designs. Zhu Yuans is literally a ball with a badge on it. Totally not worth. A shark head that spits out pool toys is.
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What's with NEPS officers and sexy hourglass figures?
Yes, they got a double banner with Shiroko Terror and younger combat gear Hoshino.
What comes out of that vending machine?
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why don't devs just adjust the CA balance so that CA cancel debate is never the issue, rather than adding a cancel button in the future. Shouldn't more CA should do more damage by natural intuition? Or is it better for action games to have these quirks linger around like animation cancels
Did the lolgaylizers just give up with the new characters or something?
I expect ZZZ to get the HSR treatment aka the 2nd half banners of the patch always gets less attention.
Only time that rule gets broken is the Sparkle trailer.
>giving gifts to my pump and dump concubines
I'm fucking 2x the number of bitches you are because I dont need to invest twice the money into each and every one
Seethe cuckbro
>try to eat out qingyi
>suddenly a bell rings
>it's her clitoris
Who'd want to roll for this bitch?
>3 hours
I'm gonna take a power nap, see you on the other side bwos
Is jane doe a better piper or different mechanic?
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Damn Zhu Yuan is actually so fun to play. Going from only having standard characters to a limited is a big fucking change.

ZZZ, you're alright.
Piper is better because I said so
Why not both? Numbers adjusting in gachas is always sketchy because you risk chimpouts, but it makes no sense that it's simply not worth doing on some characters
seems so
this is the way
>keep getting A-rank Engines on Standard
Please, I just want a single Piper.
>carry a bell with you
>ring it
>she gets robo moist from the pavlov effect
sounds awesome
My cop wife is so cute.
Its better for the combat depth to have options like that. Needing to make chain attacks stronger to adjust for having longer animations isn't a great balancing idea.
It's only an "issue" because right now people only have built DPS. Chain attacks have absurd damage multipliers, when people actually have spare stamina and can afford to build their supports for damage properly they will always be worth using.
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She's an uglier Piper sidegrade
Just C6 Piper
Or just make the stun meter not go down during chain attacks
Take one of mine, got her 5 times already
Jane buffs the whole team's assault so you can run both, but if you can only pick one then Jane is strictly better.
Jane is pretty much a straight upgade. There's some a few niche uses for Piper like if you're running with C6 Lucy but mostly Jane replaces her, same as how Qingyi replaces Anby.
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Alright so knot aside, can I make it to 30 in the 8 hours remaining?
>even thinking of getting the ugly rat hag
disgusting, you don't deserve Piper
ugly piper with big boobs
so ill have one on each team
I wonder if piper is better than a dedicated buffer
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Piper/Grace/Rina is already a killer team. I dont see how a 5* Anomaly with a faster anomaly buildup than Piper can be bad. I cant wait to roll the fucking rat. I'll be triggering disorder every 10 seconds.
They are both ugly.
I want to sell Piper
what content do you have left, and how many battery refills?
Basically what the other anon said. Chains have ridiculous multipliers so once our teams are fully built, you will absolutely want to chain on everyone that has any dmg.
It's the 2nd day of the half-anniversary so there's a chance we can get 1st place.
... lotto tickets?
if you dump the 10 batteries from the mail maybe
only really worth it if you're 10 away from pity though
What’s the best bangboo?
If you're still doing the story, then easily.
holy shit lmao
Use those polychromes for Zhu Yuan bwo
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Your son Eous.
Whichever is your favorite :)
He looks like a bitch
>mash button to win

Yeah sorry but hsr blows the shit out of zzz.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit gameplay.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
>Anby is 1
>S11 is 5
>Corin is 9
Is this in the order they were designed?
I wonder who are the 6 missing characters in the first 10.
So is Zhu's optimal burst combo:

EX Special > suppressive mode attack 3 times > dash attack > suppressive mode again?
>got the same QoL that later MHY games had and dailies became smooth as fuck
NA burger here.

Shark maid or cop? I have enough to hit a pity.
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shut up
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Middle of chapter 2 so I think so
I do have these. What should I dump the battery charges into specifically?
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>automatic assist chain can be disabled
I asked for this in surveys
30 is easy.
>S11 isn't 11
soulless game...
shark thighs or hag booty
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Refer to this picture
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I did as well, hate it when it interrupts my ellen burst window
Odd - Shark
Even - Cop
Wtf is she a Dynasty Warriors character?
>What should I dump the battery charges into specifically?
agent materials
>Assault is broken
>Jane makes it crit
>likely to be the best dps in the game by far
why does she have to be so ugly... i don't wanna roll her...
Which one gets your dick harder. That's literally the only thing that matters
You can probably fit in a 3rd game while you wait for Arthur to finish his Auto Ride during the cinematic mode.
dump batteries into dennies :)
what does your dick say. maid with fat tail or cop with fat cake?
whoever makes your dick hard anon
dont care about meta
dont care about optimal
only care about making nicole, grace and zhu max
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>3 more hours
The wait is killing me
Showcase calcfag dropped
>rolling for meta
Unironically ngmi
So what's the best Bangboo for Zhu Yuan?
Na bros, how much longer until Zhu Yuans banner?
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Rolling for more Nicole dupes worth it?
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Any reason to use these if I'm skipping Zhu? Coffee isn't particularly expensive
Do I build C1 Nicole?
>Have Ellen and her weapon
>Have Von with his weapon
>Have Blue bitch maxed with weapon

Should I bother getting another dupe before it ends for Ellen?
I guess the ether one since she works well with Nicole
Either the S rank for trash mobs or the devil one for single bosses
Based, retards here are trying to brick other people into rolling for useless agents
if you're a metafag you should either roll for both because ice and ether are both shilled or wait until the eventual ultimate shill character, like raiden mei equivalent of zzz
Is Cannon Rotor really that much worse than Starlight Knight? I'm trying to figure out which to put on my S11.
I think Zhu Yuan because Ellen will be powercrept by Miyabi. Or just wait for Qingyi if you care about meta that much
Zhu Yuan is stronger, especially if you don't have Lycaon
damn the thumbnail made her look extra fat
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save for miyabi
only roll void hunters (guaranteed meta)
Her C1 is great, everything else is just 'nice to have'
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If you're that concerned about meta, start swiping and get both.
Many hours...
Yes, m6 is 15 crit rate
If you don't like charge attacking or want to get all 6 stacks in 1 charge attack go for it whalegod.
Bros how big of an upgrade is Rina’s signature for her compared to the 3 star? I’m debating using all my spares for the extra rolls
Absolutely not. Ellen M1 is only for lazy fags. It barely improves her dmg or rotations.
>M1 or M2 is a qol upgrade over M0
>nothing else worth getting until the very end
Not liking this trend
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I'm fairly certain that once Piper is built, running anomaly mastery should be actually useless.
If you have C1, coreskill F and her weapon maxed she has 160% faster anomaly build up in her base kit.
You'll be hitting the 3 second anomaly limit even without a single point of mastery
If you're talking about buying it from the shop, probably not worth the 30 rolls you lost...
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Anomaly buildup ones. Dont let anons here brick your account with dogshit factionboos.

-Zhu yuan is better for F2P
-ellen need M1 to be comfy. W engine is huge difference too.
-Zhu yuan W engine can use starlight cope,brimstone and it's not that much difference compare to her sig.

-Zhu yuan can be upgrade in the future team. (Nicole replace, Qingyi)

-Ellen without lycaon is a brick
unless you're drilling to the heavens with grace/anton she's only good in that comp until Jane Doe/Piper.
Zhu Yuan 100%. Ellen already has an expiration date (Miyabi in 1.3). Ellen performance also drops off a cliff if you don't have the dog.
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how many days left until shinyu defense reset? i'm still at 9 because i don't have second dps built yet
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Thoughts on this character?
5 days i think
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>Ellen already has an expiration date (Miyabi in 1.3)
>source: my ass
She'll clearly have a different gimmick otherwise she'd just copy paste the same team (Lycaon/Soukaku) since those ice buffs are fucking broken
Rerolling's actually not bad. You get 20 limited pulls and 24 (3 tenners) standard ones at account lvl 4
>game just launched
>already have powercreep that straight up replaces "old" characters
Future is not looking good
Not him but what's the ideal anomaly team gonna look like? I already have Grace (no Rina) and I really want Jane Doe as well. Grace, Jane, Piper?
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First Archon bwo?
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every time I look at these threads they are at bump limit. stop being fast, I want people to see my posts
>5 star powercreeps 4 star
yes this is normal
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Absolute Cinema
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This isn't genshin bwo
Also I hate giganiggashilled factions in every game, fuck right off with your OC bullshit

>t-the Archeon of this g-game isnt going to powercreep m-my baitbanner shark because... JUST BECAUSE OKAY???
Probably Grace/Jane/Rina, I don't think you'd want to forego a support
Making two limited that replace standard units as your second patch, when so many other roles are left unfilled, isn't a good sign.
I hope this will be me and I will dodge Ben
I'm also C5 Ben
Just means there aren't many roles and gimmicks in this game, everything is an elemental statstick, and people use the longest stick
Nyoooooo I'm too much of a lucklet to get Rina...
Void Hunters were already confirmed as Archons slowbro
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anby is extremely sexual actually
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>the Archeon of this game
yes that's normal
first gacha?
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You need to post more lust provoking Anby's to get attention.
HAH you fell for my trap and posting a sexy Anby image. I'm SO fucking smart
she's borgarsexual coded
your selector bwo? you'll eventually get there since weeklies hands us 1 roll and knot lvs.
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>genshin archons
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Reread the second sentence of my post
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Did someone say lust provoking Anbys?
I've been playing HSR for 6 months and I STILL haven't reached 300 standard pulls there yet.

ZZZ will be the same...
I always find the "hmm, first time eating shit?" posts incredibly funny.
It's actually not
>t. gacha veteran, lost an arm in the gacha war before you were born

>Creep 4 star
Looks normal to me and actually it's ok. Unlike they release a powercreep like acheron that can shred every element
see you in a year bro...
>bosenmori coded
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NA bros...EU bros...
yes that's normal
second gacha?
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stay strong bwo
Powercreep is only an issue when they release a character like DHIL that just powercreeps every other limited by a significant margin.
The second massive powercreep Acheron powercreeped those DHIL level dps to a similar degree so we're now at a point where 90% of the roster sucks ass.
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Thanks popos
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>Make the perfect autismo kuudere girl that is your starting character and everyone loves
>Release the game with a copy of her that's S-rank so instantly more valuable and less interesting of a character
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Its all so tiresome
I fucking love the retardedly cute way eous runs around
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I really hope my standard banner luck will continue when I pull on ZhuYuan, I got enough to guarantee her but I also want the lolicop
I'm just goonin'
Horus is really cute
Thought you were talking about Anby and Qingyi for a moment.
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>skip lame boring ellen
>have enough to guarantee both Zhu and Qing
Oh yeah. Life is good
Should I REDEEM 30 rolls for Ellen dupe b4 the banner swaps or buy a standard weapon? Lycaon one is pretty good no? Or brimstone
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Imagine this situation but you're all waiting for the rat instead in six weeks time.
I have m1 and it's a HUGE qol that also increases your dps. But I don't mind dropping some money for the cute cop. If you are completely f2p you might want to expand your pool to include at least 2 limited before seeking dupes.
I am talking about anby and autism 11!!!
Isn't it like 180 to guarantee a character? How do you have 360 pulls already? I've only got half that.
you have 320 rolls? how much did you spend?
>Implying I'm interested in the rat
hard pass. Qing is getting my remaining funds
>semester will have already started when rat comes out
well fuck, guess I'm not gonna get her
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Ahh thanks anon that's a great thought. I can't wait to sleep soundly
wtf you have 500 rolls?
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They're both very funny and cute thougheverbeit.
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is there any point to this trash now that I have S tiers?
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>skip lame boring ellen, zhu and qing
>have enough to guarantee rat, caesar and miyabi
Oh yeah. Life is GREAT
Wait no cop bangboo?
I would pull for the rat but she's right after Qingyi and I already have C5 Piper.
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Is it time to start farming dennies?
I love both and it's not like Autism 11 is a stunner.
They have a chance to produce s-tier ones.
I dont even have money to level teams to 50 and I've done all the content in the game, did you just waste your stamina on denny runs?
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Buy the BP
is there a pulls per patch breakdown somewhere?
ZY took to the last of my funds and i want to know if i would have to spend by the time Qingyi came around
Look like Japanese light novel title
I'll roll on any banners that have piper or lucy rate up. Ohoyim release it now!!!!
you still get a chance at S tier pity or w.e so its something. though I'd use this for support discs for the set bonus like hormones and swingjazz.
No, I upgraded anton to 50 because I don't have any other dps and he ate 200k for promotion...
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Wait, has it been confirmed that the Rrat is going to be on the second half?
I see thanks
qingyi was dripped first and in the other games the first character dripped has been the first character for awhile
Yes, Qingyi is first so we have a little extra time to save.
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erm I actually spent 20 rolls on ellen and got knotted so I only need like 200 rolls for the both of them
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I have it you bear nigger. Level 2 teams and their W-engines to 50 and try to tell me that again, I'll make a kebab out of your hairy ass
It's a jewhoyo game. We're lucky if we get 10 pulls per patch
I'm left with 5000 Polys now. Can I still guarantee the Robutt?
HSR gets 100 rolls per patch thoughbeit?
We don't know anything about rolls per patch, we can only speculate from HSR released last year. So pulls will be around ~90-110 per patch depending on the new modes/events
This just means I don't have to farm disc for zhu
I've been passing time waiting for Zhu banner on EU server reading the whole official ZZZ plebbit drama. Shit's really entertaining, the amount of shitposting is higher than in /gig/
>is there a pulls per patch breakdown somewhere?
We don't know what we get each patch yet. Unlikely to be substantially more or less than the 90-100 pulls average from Genshin/HSR.
...but I have 2.5 mil and six level 50 characters + six level 50 w-engines. Did you brick yourself clearing out the bangboo convenience store or something?
Post some funny screencaps redditbwo
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>SEAlight Copegine guy still going
So how is she Asia bros?
It's stamina efficient to buy the mats you need from there though
I fucking hate whoever localised this game
Man Ben really feels so bad to play in the trial, like he's so slow and his defensive counters so weak.
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how trustworthy is this kraut? his calcs is where people are basing brimstone being better than her sig from. he doesn't show his methodology though.
Fucking amazing but her optimal combos require a controller
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Perfect. Absolutely Perfect. I'm glad I gambled on skipping the shark for her.
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just drop 100 bucks bwo and win 50-50!
Just buy the pass goy
Brimstone would be better if you had 100% 8 stack uptime but if you accaount for the ramp up it's a bit weaker. still less than 5% diff
You need his sig to make his counters deal more dmg and have 100% crit.
Why can't people just apply some common sense to see that they're wrong with this sort of thing?
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never played genshit becuase the designs are so lame
did they get better after that single 10 pull for anniversary thing
thats the last ive heard
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When are we getting new bangboos?
new bread
You need to dash attack cancel her strings
Genshit designs peaked at launch, Mona has never been dethroned. I guess Raiden is pretty sexo
I have Ellen and Zhu
chinks say someting different though, that's why i'm asking.

IMHO she's better than ellen in terms of f2p (compare to ellen). It's just that ellen requires lycaon+soukaku or bricked.
meanwhile zhu yuan can use lucy+koleda fire team or anby+nicole team.

Not to mention that ellen need her signature W-engine. Zhu can use starlight 4 stars or s11 5*
When she fight enemy that can fast recovery stun she also better than ellen because zhu rotation is quick burst dps.

btw we need 2 teams and every element.
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>When she fight enemy that can fast recovery stun she also better than ellen
>dash attack
Is shift+m1 really too hard on M+KB?
>>t-the Archeon of this g-game
I rolled an S rank W-Engine, just kill me now
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>I actually laughed at this

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