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Previous: >>487390385

>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
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>Nicole POV quest
>You just go around fucking ugly bastards for money
>the 1 F fag
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I love him...
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3 seconds
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Just got 10 batteries in the mail
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Why has no one made the connection of
>Miyabi : Raiden
>Yanagi : Yae
yet? They're literally the same kind of cooldere autist x her tard wrangler Mihoyo likes to put in every game.
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30 rolls > Standard weapon or am I gonna brick myself?
Can genshin and sr niggers please fuck off?
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So ZhuYuan is both better and less reliant on her weapon, the only thing Ellen has for her is a better team but that's gonna change in 1.1.
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how about K for kino
30 rolls is more worthwhile yeah
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I regret rolling Ellen Lawrence...
>Ellen gets her own EP music video
>Zhuyuan gets nothing
Non asia server anons, better pull for Ellen now before you sovlbrick your account
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SD15 is about as far as I can make it. Ill try again before reset but man the ramp up in difficulty from SD13 to 14 is pretty huge. I'll need to level my supports to 50 as well if I need to edge out that S rank on SD13 and 14. 15 might become an A rank.
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I don't care what people think, after playing chapter 3, Lycaon is so fucking cool. He's a bro.
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>Cop character inflicts corruption
do you need 2 teams for endgame content?
>when I tell her she milked already milked my dick dry
wtf you can't just have both!
>trusting prydwen
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>When she fight enemy that can fast recovery stun she also better than ellen
Yes, endgame content needs two teams + 2 bangboos
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>log in
>no Zhu banner
Please don't tell me i'm getting Asia's sloppy seconds
You only really need Billy
Yes for Shiyu Defense
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Thank your local police department.
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Damn Zhu Yuan is turbo fun, she seems spastic but you can control her with her dashes, also having 2 limited Deeps feels very comfy now.
If only he didn't have the gay bdsm leash...
didn't the music video come out way past the release of her ingame banner? there is still hope.
Raping Ellen after she passes out from exhaustion
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Got a new commission for you /zzz/
I need you to...
Type the most brainrot zzz opinion you've seen
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guys i just fingered my prostate through my dickhole until i came and now it hurts when pee what do i to?
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Lost the 50/50, but at least it's early and my Ellen team is now complete.
you only need 2 characters if you're good
Sloppy thirds. EU is getting it before you bro...
it's unclear for now
sloppy thirds if you're NA
I want Zhu, but I really want the rat more, so I'm inclined to just save for her. I also like Nicole for debuff and infinite stun > chain attack > teleport to next trash mob cycle. Is it worth doing just 30 limited pulls or something? I -must- have (f2p) the rat.

t. Gacha noob
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Chinks have actually done proper calcs unlike prydwencucks and her sig is almost 16% better than brimstone and 21% better than Starlight S5. I dont know why you retards keep citing prydwen shit as gospel when they dont even show the assumptions they make (which is almost no ATK% rolls on your discs)
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I'm not reaching 45 this week, am I?
Take a nap.
>change in 1.1
Why? Qingyi stuns slower than Lycaon in practice and has lower buffs. Lycaon can stun in one charged basic, Qingyi needs the entire fucking string.
should I use my boopons or wait for someting more important? like some sort of a limited bangboo?
Americano is good, but AffogatoCHADS, ww@?
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i don't think im gonna get zhu on her first banner...
golden week was a fun event in the beta, can't wait to see this general get filtered by the necrodancer shit again
where is her tail?
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this would've never occurred if the securityboos are armed with guns. #fundthepolice
>prydwen muddying the waters in a gacha
Tale as old as time sadly. People need their calcs and tierlists even if they have no clue how its being done.
are we getting a police bangboo with zhu?
Wtf is proxy s.? Monthly?
Your 10 batteries bwo?
can I hyperfocus on those 2 (like in GI or HSR)? Or will element weakness be too mandatory?
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Void Hunters

people love to roll for broken lore characters
Every time literally any calculation needs to be done they're significantly wrong yet people continue to parrot them. It's insane.
Absolute trash art, nice perspective idiot
I trust Guoba
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>thirrrty seconds left!
>teammate immediately kills themselves and never recovers
why does this happen every time
What a hideous artstyle
>i just fingered my prostate through my dickhole
Who let the Aye-aye on the computer?
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>free 15% crit rate if you managed to pull Nicole's C6
Why's she bottom tier?
signature weapons will ALWAYS be 20-30% better than the next best option
hoyo is not stupid
Why the FUCK is everything so expensive. Grind from 40 to 50 is annoying
it seems like they're gonna periodically add new boos. So it's really up to you. I'd keep them if you already have one you want
Are you going to source this claim or are you just going to say it without any proof and have it be eaten up lmao
i unplugged it
-Need her w engines or bricked
-Need lycaon or bricked
-Best ice dps right now but gonna get replace by miyabi

>Zhu yuan
-Ok with f2p W-engine
-Team can be f2p and flexible : Koleda+Lucy or Nicole+anby
-Upgrade anby to qingyi for better comp in the futures.
-Upgrade nicole to Ether anomaly,support for better comp in the futures.
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Guys I ran the numbers
Zhu Yuan has a bigger ass
>Devlog said they will add more combat stage
>General audiences took it as less TV
What happen to this generation
your vortex vanquisher?
no one can take responsibility for the boos
it's not gonna happen
we can't even have self driving without figuring that out
If you rolled for anyone you're bricked
>hoyo is not stupid
questionable, but agreed
>everlasting moonglow
stop posting these ugly ass doro edits already
especially if they're AI made, holy mother of soulless
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Then why did IWTL's spreadsheet autism reach the same result independently? Post screenshots of some of these mythical Chinese "proper calcs"
I love looking up anby's slutty skirt so damn much

whole reason I downloaded the game
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But yeah we need to get those ass and cleavage model comparison sheets going
I saw someone say Piper has a bigger ass than Qingyi and I would like proof of it to masturbate to
Oh good I'm using S11's on my Ellen
For once mihoyo is based
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and of course, you will now proceed to post and link said calculations.
oh wait you can't because you made that shit up. the damage formula is literally in the OP, the numbers on zhu yuan's passives and her weapon are on hoyolab. it takes less than 10 minutes to run the numbers and see the gains are under 13% for her weapon over the other two options, after accounting for error.

fuck off you agent of misinformation
why are you so desperate to convince people that ellen needs lycaon and her signature? what benefit does them rolling for zhu yuan instead give you?
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I've now lost 4x 50/50 rolls in a row, I hate these mihoyo fucking NIGGERS with their account seed shit, no other gacha dev does this crap
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Why would you lie on the internet?
bigger ass than who?
I don't know how it's possible, but the majority of mihoyos playerbase can't read and understand text. It doesn't even matter which game we're talking about
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Uh oh looks like you can't use SAARlight for ChingChang.
Who cares.
By the time 2.0 comes 1.x DPSes are forgotten just like whotao and mid yuan
bros please don't be mean to the mihoyo intern, he's just trying to get mihoyo some more money from signature weapon rolls.
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Guoba got the same results as IWTL did as well lol
Damn there's poorfags on /zzz/ too?
I'm going to kill myself if I don't get Zhu Yuan tomorrow. You hear me, dawei?! YOU WILL HAVE BLOOD IN YOUR HANDS IF YOU DON'T RIG THE ROLLS IN MY FAVOR
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>Um actually the w-engine I just dropped 80 rolls on getting is WAY better than the F2P option you're all just doing the math wrong
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link the calcs then
its you and your imaginary chink friends versus the entire western theorycrafting community
they better buff zhu yuan's weapon
did they stealth patch the shorkboo or something, I've been seeing its trap trigger more often
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>0 tiktok hours on most hyped banner
Why did sleepy zzz flop?
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>5 bucks gives like 40% more income than f2p
what the fuck glad i bought it day 1 playing
>the entire western theorycrafting community
Whotao reigned supreme till 4.7. Klee got powercrept in 2 patches just like ellen will.
Use your feedback option to tell them that.
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>incessant poorfag coping over not having her sig
it do be like that sometimes
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Silver Wolf with Tutorial
Ruan Mei with MotP

Ruan Mei's situation is so funny in fact that her signature is better used by the other support in her best team
>no link
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lol. lmao. lmfao.
Quickly, spam John Mihoyo with the calcs so that they'll cave in and buff the sig. We can't allow them to sell something so bad
This cone makes my dick 20-30% harder, so it's fine
type normally? nnnnyo
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>posts a poorfag to own the poorfags
I get the joke
U funny
>3 different theorycrafter came to similar conclusion that her signature is only 4 - 6% better than W5 starlight
>Muh CN theorycrafter is the right one! And I'm not gonna post the calc uwu
Kill yourself kikeniggerfaggot
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basado bwo
what set should I build on corin in a rina/corin/anby team? I don't think i'll be procing assault consistently during the damage window so I've been running 2pc phys set/2pc crit set/2pc energy recharge set. I'm wondering if swapping the energy recharge set for the atk% 2pc would be better.
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>calc on action game
Do you guys really?
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I'm only getting her weapon because I want the glowy hair
Is Brimstone actually one of the best W-Engines you could ever get considering how universally applicable is it compared to sigs?
plus repsond
Finally, some good fucking sovl...
where the fuck does the P come from? just fucking use W because w-engine or R because it's what genshinners are used to, fucking hell
This kek. I'm sure it's at least 15% better too. I don't trust jewtuber math.
is 100 pulls enough for zhu? Seems like they are going to be stingy with the chromes... and I'm already level 30
Sex with this retarded honest cop woman
I'm rolling her wengine to screenshot the stat page and post it on 4chan
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I'm the best actually
We have been playing spreadsheet gaming since genshin
Doesn't it also have a unique buff unlike the sigs?
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Use the Saarlight it's just as good as her p2w weapon!
Depends if you're F2P or not and how many rolls you have. Assuming the 30 rolls aren't "all that you have" then it's pretty safe to try it and you'll still get the rat... maybe not right after banner drop/
The game uses "Phase" to denote W-Engine dupes so I use that's where P comes from
So what website can I find these so called Chinese sources for meta?
nice botting lmao
not if you lose the 50/50
It depends on your luck if it's enough or not. To be 100% sure you'll get a character you need 180 rolls (the absolute worst-case scenario where you lose your first 50-50 after 90 rolls and then need another 90 for the character you're actually rolling for)
Nobody knows what that is.
Yeah but disorder looks hell of a lot stronger and fast. Jane Doe is going to make this comp even stronger...
ok, i will
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>SEA hours begin
>sudden uptick in Starlight Engine shilling
I'm noticing...
EUbros... less than 2 hours left
I don't care about your Billy gameplay. Tell me how he calcs.
Guoba is the guy who does the prydwen calcs for zzz by the way
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If you don't trust theorycrafters or content creators (understandable) then why don't you just do the simulations yourself?

All the necessary formulae are in the OP.
Waterkuma here, just got rehired.

I categorically deny these allegations.
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That's because SEA is a region that cares dearly for objective facts, statistics and logic.
Yeah bro that's why Herta and Don Juan are popular shart failers lmao
>CN calcs
kek, love how we're just supposed to take this as gospel because of two letters, this is exactly what's happening in youtube too. God I hate that Pokke faggot.
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He calcs very poorly
Man has a 7 Denny calculator for his calcs
We all do. Have to keep a fucking BDSM furry onscreen 24/7. Have to team up with the ugly reddit flag girl. Needs her engine. Needs mindscapes.

Meanwhile Zhu shits out damage with a F2P engine and a F2P team. I should've never rolled on the fucking shark fml actually bricked
CN are simply superior gamers
I do them myself anyway
I shan't be an Archonlet, Harbingerlet, Emanatorlet, or Hunterlet.
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I don't care about whatever your game calls what is essentially all the same shit
If you have the Genshin model your duplicate characters are cons and your duplicate weapons are refinements. You have a C1R0 Ellen. I don't give a fuck and you will understand what I'm saying 100% of the time.
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>CN said
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I still haven't seen a single one of these supposed calcs. Is this some astroturfed shilling campaign to try and get people to waste rolls and money on the w-engine banner?
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God I love this brat
>people love to roll characters heavily shilled in story and gameplay
well no shit
Is there a mod that removes her spats
i DONT because i lost a 50/50 on her banner so now i have a guarantee
In-game they're called phases. The weapon itself is the W-Engine. I guess its also easier to say than WX.
Qingyi is better if you are not poor.
these codes are invalid now sirs thank you
We don't have Herta's real form and JY is NOT an emanator, he's one of the most popular male though along with Aventurine
If anything you should take analysis from CN much less seriously, because if it's anything like HSR every single person posting metafag shit is a dolphin/whale with all their units at M2/M6
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Why so much sunk cost shitposting here? You were told weeks ago, before the banner even dropped, that her wengine is garbage. Even with just the beta numbers.
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Someone asked earlier why Americans are awake around 4am right now but it's simple.
On reset the store updates. At max store level you get 844 Dennys per hour. The denny cap is 26,000.
You can get about 20,000-22000 if you immediately open the store at reset. You start losing money after about 4 hours past reset.
Do you fags not know how to have fun in games anymore? Why are you treating this like a job?
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Why are we seething at the best designed character in the game today?
Like I said, fully f2p. I'm at around 100 limited rolls saved (IK 34) now. I doubt I'll get too far in Shiyu defence though, for example, and I expect 1.1 polychromes to be pretty stingy, given that "events" give 1.25 pulls.
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Uh what?
Can you please explain that but in burger or movie terminology please?
Yes multiple but the game is fairly new so most mods are ass, there's no black lingerie mod yet for Ellen either. Just fairly bad looking pantsu
I did and found out that crit is better than att. You Saarlight users are just fucking coping.
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WesternTCkeks will have a leg to stand on when they clear SD10 with solo billy like CN did. And lets not forget that CN whales finished SD17 first not Western whales. Until then yes I'll trust CN over prydwen and other fags.
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Being honest fellas, if Nicole ever sits down in my store I am sniffing the spot she sat on after she gets up.
I didn't expect her to be formerly an ojou-sama
we're back ?
just got a second mindscape for Anby and Nicole but still no Billy dupes...please...
now these are the calcs that matter
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H-He's insane!!!
oi oi oi
sex with anby
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Smells like serious buyer's remorse in here
I don't believe any e-celeb unless my man guitarrock tells me how to brick my account
is this event literally just saving 2500 dennies per day...?
Why are you arguing about limited balls, nobody actually rolls for them
It's just bait to brick newfags
tbf those calcs were before her weapon passive got changed to 15% crit rate.
>solo billy
that's JP, you're thinking of the Anton tech used for shiyu14
it also allows having ether coffee everyday because otherwise coffees rotate during the week
Can someone sum up the 1.1 changes so I don't need to watch utube videos
Good morning sirs.
Do we know how long the maintenance will be?
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billybros... don't look...
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Wise please calm down
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im scissors... ur paper
maintenance is in 3 weeks bro
Better TV section
>automatic chain attack can now be disabled
what the hell does this mean actually? So Heavy attacks don't proc chain attacks now unless you press a third button?
This. Western mistery meats literally just follow CN meta.
I'm rock... ur bricked
>Less TV
The best commission in the game is 100% TVs
Post bilibili link
>weapon you don't even see sucks
>can instead use pulls on mindscapes
I don't see the issue
>*giant excuse about having money you clearly don't have*
and everything says full star sig is better so why are you complaining?
>SEAlight Engine
I'm seeing 3 different calculations with huge variances meaning I can ignore everyone and just use f2p options
So they'll just hotpatch the new banner?
Replica is better anyways.
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It's here
it's already in the game
The banner just changes after you refresh the screen after hitting 00:00
Oh no no Saarlight copers
why should we cater to giggers, go back to your own game
Yeah I trust the chinks
Glad I rolled her ball
Is the bangboo xp material only available through the hollow zero exchange shop? Should I start exchanging for those instead of bangboo tickets
The moment ellen's banner timer hit 0 and you reopen the banners screen Zhu's gonna park her fat ass on your screen.
Hopefully they don't fuck up the game's vibe by listening to retards
Amazing. Excellent service thank you
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does mihoyo still do this in zzz?
Why are people mad that the f2p option is good enough? Why would you want to spend more instead of saving for new characters?
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>unironically laughed at this
>steel cushion 96%
this guy needs to post his work KEK
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I'd roll for Zhu if she dropped a free top up on my mail
She instead only gave me 10 batteries, so I'm skipping
Victorian Threadkeeping always aspires for full anon satisfaction
This your first hoyo game or what they don't need to do anything to change banners
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don't mess up my nails
but they wont give 80 pulls worth of poly right? i mean the events they showed so far are giving what.. 10 bangpons for logging in 7 days?
You can get them by repeating HZ until weekly cap. Better off using that currency buying off Denny/other EXP instead.
Nekomata bros...we WON
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What about being a Sovereingnlet
I do not see where in the patch notes it says less TV stuff unless they mean the speed up, I did just wake up so I might have missed something
>Less TV
Why are there so many dumb fucking niggers that are happy about it
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okay which one of you motherless bastard left that poor bangboo out on the street with a self destruction device inside.
Thirty minutes left, right?
from the limited screenshots ive seen posted her i can confirm def rolls too much
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>literally me
>he calced
Bladeposting times were gold
For any travelling mimo niggas, remember to claim your shit in an hour and a half
Metafags need to justify their addiction to dropping thousands of dollars per character. That's why they'll get into shitfits arguing over what the best character is, they need to feel their purchase was "justified"
and you have 6 slots
Whale retards already wasted hundreds of $ on a weapon which is only better by a couple percent than a F2P option, of course they're throwing a melty kek
What do the moonrunes on the Brick Cushion say? Is that 100% back uptime?
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i wasn't going to pull the w engine anyway, therefore i do not care which calcs are correct.
but i like the tvs... i want more puzzles and more dungeon like stuff with it. i'll quit if they remove it
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Why do people insists Ellen is nothing without her furry fren? My Ellen is doing just fine with my autistic gf bro
Impulsefags, they just roll immediately then try to make themselves feel good by convincing themselves their spending isn't wasted, they're subhuman.
But my bangboo is stuck and the material isn't rewared anywhere else
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>*tsk* Mendou...
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does license level reset when hollow zero season does
is it just not possible to get this then
Zzz doesn't have any variance which is nice
If u roll crit it's max roll crit every time
>5% better than brimstone
Slop eaters
They'll consume anything they're told to consume
Just spam feedback bro
>CN says starlight is 20% less damage
>JP says starlight is 12% less damage
>Western trannies say starlight is 6% less damage
The obvious answer here is





Given they can't agree on the numbers at all you know at least one of these has got the calcs completely wrong
I see no reason to trust anything that doesn't have an actual in-game comparison video included
Well next survey we just need to say
>just improve the TV speed by cutting down on the sections that don't let you move do not make less of them
I'm 1/1 right now. I'll keep that going too
I regret maxing my Saarlight Engine...
it's a conspiracy the devs themselves post calculations on alts to get people to CONSOOM
Its known as "coping and seething".
Definitely not. Mihoyo wouldn't give that many seasonal rewards.
Never played a gacha action game before, but is there a "rule of thumb" for when it comes to levelling skills? Like how in Star Rail most characters skills/talents are solid enough at level 8 etc.
now say that again without the reddit spacing
>orb shitflinger ad nauseum
this might be the worst thread we've had since launch
because you have to run SOUKAKUUU IS HEEEEREEE instead of Nicole to get Ellen's core passive when you don't have the knot and the flag spin takes so long it's a functional DPS loss
>has got the calcs completely wrong
Far more likely their testing environment and assumed defaults are completely different.
Its all retarded and autistic.
chiori my beloved...
bitch got audio jacks on her back so you can listen to your favourite video game soundtrack while you clap her cheeks
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Starlight engine le good...HAHAHAHA
Miyabi's eyes feels too far apart and I can't fucking unsee it...
But I luckshitted Brimstone from standard, so I don't want to
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You need her ball. Simple as. Anything else is poorfag cope.
Because TV is mostly a lazy way to save money and replace cutscenes or actually moving your characters through story events. It's one of the greediest things I've ever seen from a billion dollar company, it's like something Falcom or would do because they have literally zero money.
You barely play your characters because of this slop. Stop defending hoyo you retarded contrarian. It has its moments but 9 times out of 10 it's just boring filler.
I'm pretty sure its rated that high because of the crit rate. CV becomes massively better as your gear gets better and tc's using low rolls for ATK% "to remain reasonable" does not help. Although I still doubt the credibility of a chart that says a weapon with no passive and only crit is better than brimstone.
You basically wanna level up what that character will be using the most. Supports only really need to level their Ex and Ultimate because they have the least screentime, meanwhile DPS and stunners you wanna max our their basic attacks, etc.
I want to roll for Miyabi NOW
>only 20%
Wake me up when they pull a nilou and brick the character to force you to roll the weapon
Okay retard, get me her w-engine
You aren't poor, right?
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Fuck no, just yesterday we had a megamelty spanning across 5 different generals with some faggot posting waterkuma's blacked lolis, if you think that's better then I know exactly what country you're from.
The TV sections are time-wasting cancer, I will never touch The Prophecy, Infinite Abyss or Bangboo league. Any commission that takes more than 25 minutes on average is pure trash, even 15 minutes is boring.
Same but I need a second wengine for my other team. Starlight especially sucks on Ellen because how she plays so I decided to get cop wengine for her side and just use Brimstone on Ellen.
Rolling her balls in my hand while stroking her cock
Nobody has answered the actually important question, what's the visual effect on her signature
If it just makes the red parts of her hair glow it is too similar to Ellen's
>gives you free batteries, coffee, noodles and resonium
>too cheap to even buy her a kegel ball in return
you don't deserve her
About 14% better then the next cope. Makes sense. Now who actually has brimstone and isn't just coping with saarlight lmao.
NO. I fucking hate the concept of weapon banners and the only way to fight against it is to never pull on them
Even the four stars need their ball. Retards just can't understand it.
corinsisters d-dont look
Clang her cheeks*
That's going to be Seth

>Attack scaling defender
>No attack boosting defender engines
People are retards and despise everything strategy-related. Even a fucking grid will make them seethe
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You retards. Obviously CN is correct. Mihoyo is never going to release a weak gacha weapon thats less than 20% stronger, you'd have no reason to fucking roll for it or whale for it.
the western retards are using wrong calculations with standardized and WRONG disc stats and you keep slurping up their miscalculations like idiotic sheeple.
Western trannies can't into math lmao. They all just copied each other that's why they all reached the same conclusion. Saarlight shitters can finally shut the fuck up.
Good thing my Soukaku is buffed to C6 already then
Also the burst on Ellen's chain attack is enough for me to deplete most bosses' hp by 10-15% per stun rotation anyways, and that's without her ultimate
this isnt even entertaining though
20% better than starlight W5. lmao.
>oh trying to not waste money? How about you waste money and find out?!
One thing all these retarded calculations are making a lot of assumptions on crit and crit dmg which will vary a lot. There is also the convenience of extra crit.
>Dont have Lycaon so no reason to roll Miyabi
>Don't have Grace so no reason to roll Jane
>Don't want to roll the homo
Do we have anything on Hanagi yet?
Why does my brain fetishize female contempt so much
>new buzzword for the filter
Bro your Prophecy?
>luckshitted Brimstone
>luckshitted Neko's Engine
>luckshitted Koleda's Engine

First I thought it was a brick but it's actually a blessing, I have the best generalist engines in the game and I can swap them between elemental teams however I like. We are so fucking set for the longterm
Then why the fuck do you play the game if you don't enjoy half of it?
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I spent my money on Firefly
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>Trusting Prydwen
>Only looking at "burst damage" numbers when the far lower sustained DPS figures are more important
>Actually believing those figures for Starlight Engine could ever be accurate
I don't know if anybody is doing good theorycraft right now but I'm waiting on Jstern to sort his full team DPS sheets out
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>brickmata's sig is 96%
if the calc unironically calcs shit cushion perma backstab that alone invalidates the rest of the calcs
I like it, it's fun, so I don't give a fuck it's 'lazy'.
Turning Rallies into main game mode would be a fucking disaster that would result in turning this game into Snore Rail 2.0
>They all just copied each other
This lol. I don't know why people don't realize this. There should be discrepancies in the math unless they all used the exact same guidelines.
The fact they all got the same number means they just copied Shytwen's "calcs".
SEAlight Engine
Guoba is never wrong, retards.
PUBSEC more like PUBSECS am I right
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>Turning Rallies into main game mode would be a fucking disaster that would result in turning this game into Snore Rail 2.0
Shart Rail prints money from retards though, I fear that's where we're heading towards
Expect zero save patches, constant powercreep, and derailing the story with shaojishit soon
miyabi calcs bigly
ellen LOST
How long EU bros...
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Whoa okay you guys were right for once, this new character is ASS
>cn metagods dumpstered both seacopers and na calctards
I kneel
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Nice 50 gorillion downloads, you lying fags.

This is an account made 5 mins ago...
>Ellen banner still up for 7 more hours
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>"sustained DPS"
>on a character with a very limiting ammo system and insane stun multipliers
in what world does her sustained dps ever matter lil bwo
>Turning Rallies into main game mode would be a fucking disaster that would result in turning this game into Snore Rail 2.0
Why? Whats wrongs with rallies? I think they're great and way better than tvs.
>derailing the story with shaojishit soon
Please no, anything but that
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Math has failed society
Ai calculations are getting worse
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billybros.....what now.....
I see, thanks. Is there a sort of a "softcap" level for the skills in general?
>he didn't calc when to wake up
What is Shaoji and why is that bad?
>new banner day
>people shitpost with metaposting instead of salesposting
This is a nice change
have you played the game?
the "trying to get stun" phase on boss enemies is almost as long as the dps one
>2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
Look what you've done you sick fucks. You literally bullied the miyabi modeller to unemployment :'(
>mutt is retarded
many such cases
Cringe if that's what forces me to quit. The game's vibe has been stellar so far
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1 hour 23 minutes
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We should do a collab with fate grand order
Salesposting starts 1st of august. We have no revenue yet.
What team comp did they test this with?
They are cool, but in current state. If every single main story section and 8/10 sidequests turn into rallies though they will become a fucking menace. It's easier to skip a chest compared to TVs, and there's definitely less room for improvement by adding some gimmicks like they do with TVs
Rallies cannot represent more complex storytelling, change of location, character interaction, puzzles etc. because having the character models stand around is way too limiting
You can do that very well through abstraction in the TV exploration commissions
Rallies are just arena combat but extended with HSR corridorslop
>Finally hit Interknot 40
>Start the day with over 1 million dennies
>Decide to burn through a couple of batteries to ascend a couple of characters
>Now less than 400k dennies
I've hit *that* part of the game where all of my resources are going to be constrained for a bit, haven't I?
>Coincidentally have her weapon
>Try to check it myself
>W1 Sig vs W4 Saarlight
>No external buff
>Sig does 8.6k crit
>Saarlight does 8.2k crit
>Literally 4% difference
What the fuck bros
Bros what does "automatic chain attack can be disabled" mean?
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I imagine if you're trying to stun with your dps unit it does take a long time newcutie
you can cope with grinding HZ for dennies, but you should minimize the amount of characters you're focusing on at this point
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>pulling Ellen because she's cute
>pulling Zhu because she's cute
>pulling Qingyi because she's cute
>pulling Rrat because she's cute
>pulling Miyabi because she's CUTE
Simple as
>He rolled
>kot is literally pogging
I love her sm bros
Is this a chart for ants
That's globally. CN has so many players that their 1 on the far left turned into a 2
I have the knot + impact disc + S rank stun orb
anby is also way worse
Statistically most people will have to do that in two-team content because you only get one stunner for free and the other two are S-ranks
I use dps to kill boss before they stun therefore stunner sucks
Yeah, I think I'm going to stick to my Lycaon/Soukaku/Nicole core before I try and do anything with the secondary team I want to build for fire damage.
Hmmm I think you like girls, just a guess tho
>trusting pedowyn
opinion discarded.
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also is the new bitch fun to play
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>*mindbreaks payfags*
>daily reset
>new events
>banner change
Why are all of these at completely different times?
got c6 for my slut Nicole and my nigga Ben
shill me on them bros
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ass cop... won
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How hard did this game flop for them to put out that massive post, this is very good not gonna lie
this dude adds his own creamer when youre not looking
I'm so sick of running hollow bros, weekly runs need to be 2 max
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What is best thing to use the guaranteed main stat on? Ether dmg 5, crit rate 4 or atk% 6?
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Nothing of value was lost
>never have to talk to officer mewmew again
which cutscene is this from?
Is there someone carrying a chonker in every cop cutscene?
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which is the better cope piece?
americans are second class citizens
we're in Xi's world buddy
cute dork
cute dork
cute dork
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That fatass is bigger than Qing what the fuck
why does her ass look so deflated in this fan animation?
They need to give it some variety running the same shit all the time sucks
Now post the in-game pull results menu
>you get quests when you complete key item sets from hollow zero
what the fuck how do I find them all
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>You can expect Zhu Yuan's DPS to be anywhere from 20% to 50% higher with the Riot Suppressor Mark VI compared to the Starlight Engine.
>You can expect Zhu Yuan's DPS to be anywhere from 20% to 50% higher with the Riot Suppressor Mark VI compared to the Starlight Engine.
>You can expect Zhu Yuan's DPS to be anywhere from 20% to 50% higher with the Riot Suppressor Mark VI compared to the Starlight Engine.
>You can expect Zhu Yuan's DPS to be anywhere from 20% to 50% higher with the Riot Suppressor Mark VI compared to the Starlight Engine.
>You can expect Zhu Yuan's DPS to be anywhere from 20% to 50% higher with the Riot Suppressor Mark VI compared to the Starlight Engine.
Finally this shitstorm is settled.
>he wasted 9 pulls by not doing a single pull
So you need her weapon?
>Rallies cannot represent more complex storytelling, change of location, character interaction, puzzles etc. because having the character models stand around is way too limiting
Why not? Of course they can, it would just take more effort which is why they use the lazy TV shit instead. It's not that complicated.
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New Ice attacker when?
>keyfactors to consider
>uhhh weapons are different
salient point chatgpt, thank you
this thread is saved
>watermark bottom left
Gee, I wonder why.
I see, I was hoping that as hoyo is swimming in money, they'd faithfully adapt tvs into linear rally segments like an actual triple a game instead of hsr generic corridors. I will try and be optimistic that they will.
why are you farming that set when you don't have ellen
ok now ask bing copilot
based chatgpt. robots will do what humans can't.
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I despise Miyabi so much it's unreal
She will be electric
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bruh y they got my mans in the grounds like dats??
post your hard carry Nicole lad, because I know you're not trying to run Ellen and Zhu on the same team
Does nicole need her sig?
All calcs are chat ai systems
you are fucking retarded
you think like a child
Miyabi gaming
This is it. Are you testing her solo or in a team, if in a team, which comp, is it during a stun window or outside it, are you playing her optimally, are you gearing her, and if so, which mainstats and how good are the substats, are you doing this in a Shiyu Defense with stage buffs or in VR training, etc. etc.
There's a million little variables to fuck up or fudge for a desired result
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that's the bangboo supercharger. First time in the city, country bumpkin?
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On my way to Da Wei's house
just use starlight engine
They really can't. There is only so much you can do in terms of puzzles with how limited of a move set the chatacters have. Unless you want it to be 10 times slower and less fun by having the puzzles being talking to npcs, rallies are only good for fighting and challenges like those coin collection stuff.
Just keep doing HZ until you see a special tile or a bonus floor
Why the despise bwo?
Miyabi's just being her
Kindness goes farther
>not maxing it to see if it bricks to flat atk
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no please I need the Naginata big titty hag to be the electric attacker for my Grace + Rina big titty electric hag team
I am currently shoving 5 starlight engines up my ass for maximum shitpost output
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You are retarded
>enemy is stunned?
>dump burst into them
>enemy is not stunned?
>switch into stunner
this is how she will play
If you took the time to even read her skills you'd quickly realize that her basics do fuckall damage and only exist to cope make 1 bullet
Her sustained damage is literal actual dogwater and doesn't matter at all
>loyal to her parents
>built like a dumptruck
>into gardening
>good at cooking
Prime wife material wasted by making her a cop.
how to get disk exp?
Farm the mats straight from HIA or get discs from Cleanup to dismantle?
Nigga is that a haiku or am I fucking stoned
>He pulled Signature
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>kots sig engine only 4% worse
I will always get my ears cleaned by Corin
What am I suppose to do with this?
Pinoys hating TV because they have the brainpower of a goldfish
>no banner
back to bed i go
I would've rolled for her weapon if it weren't for the fact that I want the rato as well and she's only two banners away. Saarlight engine for my beloved big dumptruck cop it is
Those starlight engines? All me
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lol hope you like bow scaramouche instead
but you can have characters that dont have dogwater sustained dps
so why is it fair to only compare the dps of the damage phase and not include the downtime
Blue is worthless, click x50 random stuff to get purples and salvage all blues to roll again for more purples.
>t. everyone everytime Qingyi opens her mouth
Spend 490k per week at the store
magnetiboo or resonaboo for pulling in small fries?
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what is this battle strategy called?
Just one more pull bro :)
For the record - The reason Pwryd has Starlight engine far too close to the sig is because they're all mistakenly using Ether Damage on slot5 when they should be running ATK. They're assuming element slot5 incorrectly because that was the obvious choice in Genshin and HSR, but ZZZ characters have high base ATK and lots of damage% multipliers so ATK stats are better. Once you start using ATK discs Starlight engine falls further behind
fuck that, if I was gonna use a male, I'll keep on using my Bro instead.
Yeah, I want to see this. If it's subtle as shit that's the easiest way to get me to just go with an A-rank
>still over an hour for the asscop
What's the point of this
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Who's pulling Yunli?
I have both and I feel like Resonaboo has a bigger aoe but I'm also schizo so I might be lying to you for fun
Not me. Jade took all my pulls
Retard take, for starlight ether is 4% better than atk % but for signature they are tied
Wrong thread.
I am because I'm so fucking sick of coping with clara
Corin has higher stunned dps than Zhu
180 rolls ready for her
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>shartrail fags rejoicing that they finally got a safe horny-ish character after a year of slop
I don't have any currency as a newfag... Also I would rather get clara.
I already have Clara and just auto'd MoC12 with her + Acheron team. Yunli is so pointless
>coping with his dogwater A rank bakugan
Just go flip some meat patties bros
I pulled Jade so I won't have enough for Yunli
The question was ABOUT Zhu you tard
The original post was saying that Zhu's sustained damage is "far more important" than her burst damage
It's a completely braindead take
>this is how she will play
And that's WHY she's likely to be worse than Ellen in practice until we have supports and stunners who deal actual DPS, which we do not have currently. When your team is one invested carry and 2 cheerleaders the very last thing you want is a carry who only deals damage in an 6 second window every 30 seconds.
This Belle looks weird
>Piper's f2p weapons is Rainforest Gourmet
>Grace's f2p weapon is Rainforest Gourmet
>Jane Doe's f2p weapon is Rainforest Gourmet
so am I just supposed to have multiple built copies of this dinosaur at Phase 1? Why is the other weapon so dogshit anyway, why does the stack disappear after the enemy recovers from stun?
absolute brick for the only content that matters which is turning on auto and alt tabbing
I will pray for luckshitting. I have 28 rolls now and with potential 100 rolls in 1.1 might be able to guarantee ratto with passes.
>he didn't roll sparkle
I'm watching a whale try to get the weapon and he's pulled out his credit card at least twice now
Post your spreadsheet if you're going to pretend to pull numbers out of your arse faggot
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bros, TOOT ME
Feixiao is getting all my rolls. I already played around with Yunli while testing her for hsrg so I'm not rolling for her.
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Please stop mogging every girl you see on the street, Rina
We need to have a serious conversation regarding Zhu Yuan getting zero (0) tiktok hours
I can still see their foreheads. May Allah have mercy on these heretics. Subhan Allah Alhamdulillah
You are literally playing a censored game
how bad is getting disc juice to level discs up
like how frugal should I be with it
tell him to use starlight engine
>until we have supports and stunners who deal actual DPS
I heard her robocop buddy is exactly that, a stunner with a solid dps
Is it up?
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So will the two A rank agents in the robocop's rate up be old A ranks like Billy, Piper, etc. Or will the catboy be on rate up too? If it's old A ranks there's literally no downside cause it'll consist of either Billy, Anby, Piper, Lucy or Corin.
>2 seconds of buff
Her sig isn't even good, anything with ER% mainstat is fine.
Anon I...
Why yes, I always pick Sjal to promote videos at my store, why do you ask?
what's she supposed to do? remove her breasts?
Huh??? Who's that girl with the Random Play outfit? An intern for your store??
Bricked before it even began
I ran out after upgrading ~3 characters worth of discs
but I haven't bothered to go through my S rank collection to dismantle stuff yet so I still have a lot of potential exp
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what the fuck is her problem?
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Lets settle this once and for all. Did you pull for her knowing that she was a brick ?
Not really, she just enables more damage out of the team by increasing stun multiplier and her sig was supposedly changed to a team buff, which is still good for zhu but you might also need a 5 star Nicole before that comes together
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She's looking at her after work stress relief tool
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I'm fucking broke
Jade is not a brick
Jane has Seth iirc. Unless they'll push him first with QY. Would be weird to add another 4* electric stun on QY though.
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I won fuck youuuu
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>all these HSR replies
So like did they all come here after jumping the WuWa ship as their game is just autoplay?
I missed the shark train bros. My only S unit is a c1 Rina. Should I roll for the chink cop or save for the smoll chink robocop?
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>really tempted to waste all of these for CDs in clean up
Talk me out of this
Shan't be a Stoneheartlet. E1S1 just like the others too
What disk drive should I farm for Ellen and Anton?
what else are you going to use them for? do it
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>Alexandrina Sebastiane
>Beautiful elegant bombshell body upper class French maidservant

>Corin Wickes
>Frumpy awkward poverty body working class English scullery maid

What the FUCK did Mihoyo mean by this? RACIST
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>Jane has Seth iirc
Now that's good news. Literally no downside in the robocop's rate up. All smiles.
Yanagi was leaked as Anomaly, I thought?
As a Grace/Yanagifag myself, I hope somehow we can run both her and Grace. Praying she gets turned into an Ether unit again.
Seth release with Jane banner
So yes, enjoy your Anby and Corin when roll Qingyi
And you argue like one
qingyi having anby on her banner would be kiinda funny
When's the double drop event bros
whats the point of the employee happiness?
i've never seen it go below happy
What's withdraw do in hollow zero?
Only ever done deposits
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I bet Corin smells terrible too
This. I don't have a single crit disc...
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Cyan't wait to myeet you in the nyew arya
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>used to think my koleda was clunky
>got better at parrying
>got better at switching out of long animations
>built energy regen
>now shes the funnest
this game is actually kinda good
I only play HSR and I'll only ever play hoyo gachas. Trash like wuwa dont deserve my limited gacha time.
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Don't be mean wtf
bro? your free coffee?
I needed help for PF, she helped my PF. I also really like her gigahag JP voice
yes and still trying to go for e1
Doesn't Piper drive a truck?
wait for IK45 bro I know you're so close
Not excited fir the next cop chapter if it plays like Lycaon's story. The story telling quality was night and day. Meanwhile Rina's granny flashbacks playing at the same time you were exploring the TVs were pure kino despise how bad the story was in general.
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I fucking wish this was woodpecker holy shit
too good to be true. I'd roll for M6 Corin.
>he's not doing 15 HZ runs
What makes Rina French and what makes Corin English again? I'm dumdum
I don't believe you, I'll have to check it out myself.
leftover from the beta
video store cycles used to be shorter and deploying the same character multiple times in the same day would fuck up your rewards
Amby cannot smile btw
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Should I use the tuning calibrator to get Woodpecker[5] ATK%? Is this piece universal for every DPS?
Belle drives a van too and never mentioned having a motorcycle license, just enjoy the image.
>free coffee just means it costs no money
wtf I thought I could get two per day this stinks
>farming that brick of a cleanup
just tune for woodpecker and do literally any other one
its not worth getting DEF'D
Both for my dick oyakodon style
>farming def set domain
Not the ice or electric set?
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wait a minute that's AA12 from the hit gacha game girls frontline
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Their names Sebastiane vs Wickes. I just wanted to shitpost about my wife so don't think too hard
spam feedback and see how it goes
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Can Lucy be a dps in a monofire team of Koleda, Ben and Lucy? Or is the dps Koleda?

Or should I use Koleda, Rina, M5 Corin instead?
>60 extra free stamina
>in Hoyo game
Anon, it's nice to be optimistic, but there's a thin line between optimistic and delusional
if you use them now you'll get closer anyway
the earlier you get to X level the better
makes sense
the entire mechanic seems weird and tacked on
heres your (You)
this is the correct answer, w-engines are a net loss.
Well they gifted everyone 600 free stamina
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Zhubros should I just use the 4* one instead? How much of a difference is 10% ether damage?
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This but with police
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TVs are stupid

>buh ish akshually fuun

No you are dum and retarded your mother probably dropped a TV on your head when you were little and now have stockholm syndrome
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Should I?
or wait for new boos?
Farm ice or electric since woodpecker domain is pretty bad
I can save her
Retard, she gets 6 shells at the start of the battle and her skill restores 3. She also gets 1 after a dodge counter. You can definitely play her on field if you want.
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I got her E1 she's incredible I am the FUA master now
Not rolling for jews
I'm so fucking tired of holding my Rinacoin bros, when the hell will Pen Ratio be relevant?
Unless ur only using cunning hares I'd wait to see the new bangboo
bro your anomaly team?
turbo endgame damage optimization in 6 months
Holy shit yeah you're right I'll get 1 bullet every 5 seconds think of the DEEPS
It's around 10% ether damage difference
Next boo is copboo. So if you're rolling 2 cops you might want it.
Amillion is great because everyone has anby+nicole and the little nigga is super funny and does good damage
I personally think elemental bangboos are better but hey if you like cunnyhares then be my guest
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I do not waste rolls on Wuwa-looking characters
Koleda or Anby for Zhu Yuan + Nicole?
They're both level 10 anyway, just until Qingyi is out...
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that lil dude is the main dps of my cunning hares squad
The new cop boo is just another physical boo. It even has RNG like nekomata where it has 50% chance to deal another attack for a max of 3 times.
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Um, why is there no speed substat in this game anyway...?
I should've clarified that I was asking about the difference taking into account my substat rolls. Does 9.5% cdmg and AP balance it out?
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reminder if you swipe then you're ok with this
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I don't waste yous on shitposters
Koleda. Unless you're using Amillion for some reason.
Anyone with Zhu, can you do her trust event right now? Share some, I want to see the my dork wife interactions
6.4% Crit DMG is NOT worth 10% Ether loss.
Keep in mind that's static PEN, not PEN%. This is a no-brainer.
>Koleda, Ben and Lucy
This doesn't deal damage
Fire by itself is a mediocre anomaly, if you're not triggering Disorder with it then you can consider it low value.

>Koleda, Rina, M5 Corin
Corin deals damage in a short burst period but as a team that's not amazing. Post your full roster? I can see Anton which is probably a better option
WHERE ARE THE FUCKING COMMISSIONS? I am Knot 41 and finished with ch3 but why am I still lacking orbs?
EU bros...doko doko...
Come back to Genshin, Natlan is coming soon.
Thought so, thanks. I'm using Resonaboo.
get the lolibot cop, hag is a brick that'll get powercrept fast.
>already lvl50'd all my units with lvl50 weapons
>9/9 all skills on attackers (supports and anomaly skills untouuched because they're bricks
>all core skill D
>still can't farm discs because I'm IK43 only
what do I farm bros? I have nothing to do until IK45
dumb sissy
F2P still rolling, I find MoC much easier than PF and I have Blade/Bronya going unused currently so she seems like a good option for me
Are there really no new quests in IK44 other than the last lumina mewmew task? Also does anything comes out of that advertising girl that gets a massive pay?
Cross thread posters need to die.
Genshin fags FUCK OFF
Star Fail fags FUCK OFF
blue archive fags you're alright
what can I do with the bazilion b wengines?
Patrol's not much better so just roll the one you like, assuming you don't care about or already have the anomaly-proccing ones you want.
>game mostly revolve around stunner
>only give you 1
>give 2 physical attackers instead
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So I'm level 42 and I still haven't unlocked auto
Do we get auto next patch?
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Reaching 40 and getting my Ice team to 50 and their engines drained all of my resources. I need to know who I should be building up next because resources are tight.
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I really appreciate these missions when you aren't the proxy, and you get to see what the television-stuff actually looks like on the ground desu should probably have been the roguelike mode to begin with rather than the whole TV stuff
farm discs retard, you aren't gonna clear SD in time before the reset

hidden quest, go back the next day and the following one then check the radio in front of your sofa
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what the fuck is that thing
Sure, right after they add sweep mode for domains, and don't rape me with Paimon yap for hours on end.
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Already have both games on maintenance falseflagger-kun
Is there any foot worship in this game?
Farm disks since prefarming sucks
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Bros, can you binge the new event all in one go with no timegates?
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>almost 1 month playing this kusoge
>still no Lucy or Piper
>have both their signatures somehow
>Zhu Yuan's featured A ranks are fucking Ben and Nicole of all people
Fuck this gay earth.
Thanks anon.
Skill crown
There are hidden commissions and you unlock more as you get higher level. I think IK45 is the end of 1.0
>t. desperate baggot
Stop with the homo shilling and then I will
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R5 two of each for future cope, then scrap the rest at the gadget store
I rolled like 4 weeping geminis so far
the game hates me
/bag/fags are not welcome. They only come with shitposting.
>charging Nicole's skill
>Fucking stupid crane bullshit jumps up causing me to whiff
It was when they cops follow they emp guy, second anim of they cops i believe
Can I pick up cute cops IRL like this?
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How long until EU bros get to roll? I want to watch them the same way they watched me roll.

I have the camera ready.
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Where the fuck are they? Google doesn't show shit.
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Uh bri? Your hidden combo?
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Posted the incomplete one. Seems like she's a cosplay fan.
Better than blatantly talking about Genshin and Star rail characters. I've seen multiple posts about nigger Natlan or whatever fuckin CHINK slop character is out
>rolled plugboo first for my grace team
>rolled resonaboo now for my zhu yuan team
>but anby is going in the cop team and anton is actually not that great so I'm not even so plugboo might be useless after all
>and there's a new copboo coming out soon
Finally got to the point where I have to farm disks. Can you guys give me your go-to method, I'm assuming it's: Routine Cleanups -> Go to Elfy for tuning in a disk for a specific slot number -> dismantle every A/B disks?
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>Get Ellen in 20 rolls
>Get Zhu Yuan in 75 rolls
Yeah, I'm thinking this game is based
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I only got around to doing chapter 3 right now. Ellen is really fucking hot. I had already decided to skip her for Zhu Yuan because I was going to pull for Miyabi, but I'm having second thoughts last minute now that I've seen what she's like in the story. I already have Lycaon as well. What should I do bros? Logically pulling for Zhu Yuan makes more sense since she's stronger and I want Miyabi in the future as well, but Ellen is really fucking hot.
copboo a shit, you're still gonna be using resonaboo/plugboo
/everyone/ is welcome here btw. Enjoy.
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If you have rina and piper plugboo is still good for piper/rina/grace team.
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Does it really matter what I buy so long as I leave 1k left for next month's rolls?
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Shark friends... Please don't leave me alone now...
I want to play grace/piper but I don't have rina, I got koleda instead
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It's OK anon, the time will come you'll spend all your rolls only to lose the 50-50 on your very last roll. It's the rite of passage for all people who play hoyo games
actually perfect banner for me because i dont like piper and want to swap her with ben for my lucy/s11 team
If u roll for police it makes u a rat
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That's a lot of bangboo. I feel like ARank rates on the bangboo banner are much higher.
>be F2P
>roll everything you have for the new character you really want
>lose the 50/50, get a dupe of a character you already have
how the fuck do you respond without sounding mad?
I need her to roleplay detaining my dick in her pussy
Bangboo Golden Town
Bangboo Pokemon
The Prophecy
Lumberjacks of Justice
Bangboo Limbo
Four Hollow Zero ones

Those are the ones I can remember. You'll have to guidefag them or autistically check everything
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IMO only pull Zhu Yuan if you also want Qingyi. But as always, follow your dick.
Roll for who you like, dude
Either Zhu or Ellen is going to be fine for clearing all the content, being (single digit percentage) stronger or weaker doesn't matter
What's this girl's name again? Joe who?
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We like Piper here
I can't believe Ellen Lawrence flopped like this
nigga you should have enough to get that character even as f2p. If you already got another character then you only have yourself to blame
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List all characters I can put as third slot on a Lucy/Piper team
>Hardmode: no Grace, Koleda or S11
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>prefarming without guarantee
why are you in such a hurry to say there's nothing left to do
ben, corin
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>be salary man
>walk home after your 9/9/6 schedule
>therin JK calls you
>she is dressed as a maid
>invites you to go to karaoke
How will (You) respond?
>tfw no short bike mechanic gf
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Yeah, we definitely do.
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who said anything about prefarming
which hidden combo is actually better? I use the one where she's falling on her ass since it's sexier
I send her home and proceed to mating press Rina
>excluding 3 agents when all the game has in total is 17 agents
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I'm always here bwos, I'm staying until Miyabi drops
Will be needed with the rise of rallyslop. They are well aware.
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Rolling Zhu so my loli has her girlfriend
Will they do something about being unable to rest more than once per day?
That's not even auto-battle, it just means doing anything but going from point A directly to point B is wasting your time
RIP exploration and side-routes
Anon, giving everyone double coffee for a week is equivalent to the ley line overflow in Genshin, or the Garden of Plenty event in HSR. This is what we were expecting. That's not delusional, that's literally par for the course.
qing yi and corin can only optimally run with rina right? Since there isn't a physical support yet.
they might add more secret cheevos then
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I will never leave my shork or sharkbros.
should I on the re-run? Bitch ain't even that good
For Disc 5, should I go with elemental dmg or atk%?
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I am excluding them for a reason
If you're not rolling for Zhu then I would build Anton/Rina/Anby
This is a team being used by a lot of people on high Shiyu right now so it's functional, but you should keep in mind that it's well behind Ellen's ice team in damage because EVERYTHING IS. So you can expect all launch DPS bar possibly Ellen to be powercrept within a period of months.
>hacker named Rain
Is this a Darwin's Game reference?
I lost....
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It's such a tease that we can't go on outings with her and Lucy yet.
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>out of char xp
>out of wengine xp
>out of dennies
>out of batteries
Holy fuck. I lost.
Par for the course in making ZZZ their stingiest, least complete game yet
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Do we know if they plan on adding more bangboos to the bangboo banner?
Or is our current bangboo banner going to be made into the "standard bangboo banner" while newer ones will have a "limited bangboo banner" like characters already do?
>le QOL we won!!!
>gutting the entire game to appease autoshitters
rip ZZZ
forget the cool episodic urban story too, we gotta bring world altering multiverse slop with honksharts and pseudophilosophical drivel
It's fucking annoying how the gameplay will be even further simplified because ingrate retards can't handle thinking for themselves
Lose like that counts as a win in my book
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7 rolls or Lucy M2?
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How the fuck are you guys out of Dennies, I'm still sitting at like 2,5 mil
>we gotta bring world altering multiverse slop with honksharts and pseudophilosophical drivel
My biggest fear ever since THAT bait and switch trailer dropped.
>out of batteries
we just got 10
tf did you do with them
The way HIA coins works when there's two pages of mewmew is fucking stupid, the later half won't fully spawn until you have half.
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Do the first few banners have higher rates in Hoyo games? This is the third time in a hoyo game I got my banner characters early without losing any coinflips.
WuWa made me double pity and lose all the coinflips two patches in a row so I dropped it.
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i want rina so much that im highly considering rolling for zhu yuan in hopes of losing the coinflip and getting her
Yet another game gutted in a likely faulty attempt at appealing to the retarded masses
Buy the BP bro
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Is Bad Luck, Leave Me Be the best mission to pass the time? Just kill the Bangboo and the mission is over.
I bought
I want C6 bad and I don't care
The game gave me 7 antons in 50 pulls I know I will never roll another Lucy again
I hate luckshitters bros....
>game mostly revolve around stunner
This is a misconception, people just latch onto the structure of only playing stunners on field until they can trigger stun because it's easier to understand. In reality the best teams should be dealing a lot of damage while enemies are actively attacking, this is just harder to play well. It's better to use Stun characters as a defensive assist swap-in rather than keeping them on field for any extended period.
bwo you're discsks??
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got the brimstone from standard pity is it any good for zhu yuan?
Let's just say some silly anons supported 141 convenience store. A lot.
There were events like that in CBT3, this is just a mini event to make Zhu farming a bit easier.
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promoted 3 agents, levelled each of their core passives to lv. 4, levelled the agents to lv. 50, levelled their skills, levelled their W-engines and levelled their discs that were gold and looked promising.
have you done all the story mode quests?
>using them in the mines
my condolences
Levelling your agents, engines, everything from 40 to 50 will get you broke real soon, my Wise will have to sell himself for dennies I'm afraid
Can we trade? I like the fat cop but Rina is peak hag, and I'd like guarantee on sexbot
extremely based
I will now never again do anything in the boring TV sections that isn't 100% required to get the commission over with
one day and another day
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try upgrading your characters 5head
>Daily drudgery is SOVL
This is why you don't let retards on 4ch design games
Moveset is fun to watch.
same, I've never been one
but I've had my peaks, although it averages out later
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Your BP gweilo?
you can play as her in the main story, but yes i found her super fun
Well I hope you like her LucyGOD
Do not talk about the Ether Plating incident of 22nd July 2024
Running out of Dennies is a whale problem because they're buying resin refreshes. F2P accounts don't have enough batteries to run out of dennies
No way i'm spending a single cent in this game
>have no idea what I'm doing
>level characters randomly
>the only proper team is zew nic lyc
>two of my three s rank boos don't even work with my characters
Send help
either you have the bp or you havent reached IK 40 yet
dont spend them frivolously thinking thats the norm if its the latter
It's owarida bwos
I ascended 12 characters to 40
it is fine you really dont need to min / max anything in this game unless you wanna full clear shiyu defense with way underleveld characters
have you tried using your brain?
>Daily drudgery
That doesn't apply to the feature being listed though, it's autocollect for anything missed on one-time commissions, like sidequests or story missions. You still have to do your daily chores, it doesn't change that at all.
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>unless you wanna full clear shiyu defense with way underleveld characters
What else is there to do in this game?
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*hits pipe(r)*
Would (you) really let your rich daughter join a biker gang?
What is Cognosphere Inc
All hoyo games take place in the same multiverse, but unless you have Honkai in your name, it won't be consequential to the plot in any way. You have nothing to fear.

Not him, but I have the BP and am now running out of dennies because hit IK 40. Also I am totally out of xp tapes.
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i liked 4 set ice and 2 woodpecker. Ice from cleanup has the anomaly set as the pair drop. woodpecker get from the store only (unless you run ben 'igger)
That one since it's instant
look at your wafus edge a bit maybe and close game
Wuwa doko??? Their banner literally released the same day as BA.
The name of the mihoyo publisher.
wait for monthly revenue
BA will make 10m at best
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>there's a limit on z-merits
It's nyover..... my dennies....... i can't recover, why events only give so little dennies.
I swear there's no fucking way to do 6 unless you're lv50.
It would honestly be sad if the Cop would outsell their anni.
they just gave out 100 rolls why are people spending??
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>Saarlight Engine coper deflecting
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>another grace swimsuit mod
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pic related is canon. you may not like it but it is
No, you still have to. Remember that most rewards are straight up on the paths. All this does is remove the chests from stuff like the Prophecy. It will still take you 1 hour+ to finish.
They give a free 10 roll everyday, they're forcing us to wait but whales don't wait.
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Wheres Wuwa?
They've been awfully quiet recently
robots dont have girlfriends
ba is a 2d png collector. 10 million for a game like that is crazily good
have some self respect
Why would I be coping with a verifiable 5% downgrade
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Who's going to be your pick bros?
LMFAOOO ZZZoomers got filtered so bad by TVslop that they’re gonna remove it and replace it with Paimon-Fairy slop rambling for hours
>they just gave out 100 rolls
That's in EN though, not JP where this is ranked.
it's mihoyo's publishing company located outside of china, basically it's just mihoyo under a different name if i understand correctly.
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>tfw have 120k+ gems in BA and laugh at people spending money
I have all limiteds and all bluefests at UE50 with thousands of ligma btw
only buy the double welkin equivalent
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It's rather funny that yurislop is always AI generated
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Any girl with Tummy but mostly Piper
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Pic related is canon, you may not like it but it is
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It took me 12 lost coinflips before I won once with Nahida in Genshin
>All hoyo games take place in the same multiverse
ZZZ wasn't supposed to be, and they backpedaled the honkshit on Genshin extremely hard for the past two years
>gave out 100 rolls
Not at once, the rolls are dripfeed and whales don't care, they just whale.
It has been done before 50 by people running Anton or Shock disorder but I don't have either of those teams setup and I have zero chance of clearing it with my current (Piper/Lucy/Koleda) shit, type weaknesses are too big of a deal
I'm going to pick Lucy and whore her out at night in dark alleyways
Stolen from our local sex goddess...
what's ligma
>these patch notes
bros... these devs might be based
her attack speed is really nice and snappy and she can weave so yeah modular gun go brrrr
Care to update that now? Where’s WUWA?
>i can run around as Koleda everyday
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it's a PC chad game, why would it be topping mobile poorfag charts?
Ellen now has a sex event?
where are these 100 pulls ? and im not talking about standard banner shit nobody cares about
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How are you gonna go on dates with the character you're playing as though
>22% downgrade*
Same with my Corincope/Piper/Lucy team...
>Tell Carol the truth
>Keep lying to make Carol feel better
oh shit bros what do I pick?
Genshin mogd you at PC sales thougheverbeit?
I want to walk and New Eridu as Lycaon and get spat on by humans and be forced to sit on at the back of the metro
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>invisible revenue
Already GBF tier, wew
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>he hasn't seen the trust rank 5 event
Screenshot with a linked source?
saar ZZZ flopped so hard the devs write the bible on twitter to attempt to make people come back, can we stop with the cope for just 1 second and face reality
bwo... ligmaballs
it's the dupes equivalent you can use on everyone, every roll gives you some
How do you feel knowing that real mobile whalegods buy phones that are more expensive than your PC yearly?
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For me, it's Yanagi.
Why is it always at this hour the mcwarsfags start to come out though?
Just how slow will Ben be?
Didn’t Wuwa write a gargantuan patch note like a week after launch?
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We got you…
You're gonna switch back for every conversation anyway, its completly retarded and people just crying about something being different from what they're used to.
See >>487402078
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It will settle down in a week and wuwa will return to the top, your shit game has no longevity
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I think not
genshin is slowly dying bro, lost to wuwa on global despite everything kek
Never seen a general so obsessed with another game as hoyodrones are with wuwa
>actual proper game with style and combat
>turn-based (chinkslop)
obviously viewers would gravitate to the one thing that makes sense to watch
>no source
I accept your concession.
Post your primo bundles shop page and the status of your welkin
>made up numbers
I don't like Zhu's tie, it's the worst part of her design.
>walking everyday as zhu yuan to get my coffee and scratchers
bros I can't fucking wait
One thing is for sure. The cats will drop the affinity to "you" to 0, the moment you pick him. (and to 100% if you pic Kot)
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12? I think in all hoyogames I might be close to that so maybe you are my lucklet brother
Do you upgrade your gpu every year?
First gacha general?
I've seen every gacha generals fags in every single fucking general

It only stops temporarily when a new gacha appears because then the attention is split.
you can compose any narrative you want if you samefag enough
you retards spam in here literally every day lmao
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>100 is 20 more than 83.1
>honkshit on Genshin extremely hard for the past two years
They still have the sustainer ready to pop up
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>HSR beats Wuwa
>Genshin beats Wuwa
>ZZZ beats Wuwa
>Naruto Mobile beats Wuwa
>Arknights beats Wuwa
>Blue Archive beats Wuwa
>Fucking SOLO LEVELING beats Wuwa
Wuthering Waves reminds me of an average SEAnig's household because that sure is a lot of beatings.
It ain't like that in the other two gacher generals that i play
Yeah but why though? Like who the fuck cares, you can play multiple games
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Trying to pull that shit after you Wuwakeks shat up every thread yesterday is hilarious.
I buy the 80/90 class (depending on price/perf) and sell the old one every release ye, gpu cycles aren't yearly thoughever
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its time
>no new thread
It’s over..
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I dig it, feels soulful
But I am an Americlap so the Brit livery feels foreign and exotic to me, I don't know if it's got the same appeal if you're seeing it every day
all into flat attack

it would still be good
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I'm claiming this anon, I like how he talks
hoyo generals LOVE tribalism, you must only play one game which is this one. if you play any other game, you're a xfag. woah i have elden ring in my library guess i'm a ergkek. it's so obnoxious that i think only thirdies care about this sort of stuff
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Finally, bear
Will be rolling at wagie cage on the phone, who the fuck thought 1 PM is a good time for new banner
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>chink "math" is actually better even though every major breakthrough in the field in the past 4000 years has come from greeks, italians and whites
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>do one 10 roll on standard
>hear male rap lyrics
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When genshin released it was compared to HI3 and how that one is the passion game
When Star Rail came out it was compared to Genshin and how little content it has compared to a two year old game
wuthering wave came out and it's endlessly compared to genshin and how souless it is to the new one
now you have zenless and same shit happens

This isn't a hoyo only thing, Azur Lane had the same problem with Kantai Colelction till that game died everywhere minus japan
Blue archive is always compared to Nikke and Arknights with girls frontline. It's just your typical console wars mindset
It looks like he’s wearing a shirt with nipples drawn on it
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>flat attack brick
>let me just login to my abandoned reroll account
I'll "build pity" on her banner
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I need more anby bro friends, after 1.1 releases and we all get our knot anby badge, can we all share friend codes?
+2 into Flat atk, the rest gets +1
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Wuwabros won.. last zzz thread..
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bros can I still get Ellen?
kek nice cope
If I was a spender why would I reroll?
I C6'd Nicole (and Ben but ignore that) and got asscop both within 100 rolls. I won.
>male rap
does that say you have a dupe or just random?
shark tail hole...
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I'm getting her but she will have to cope with Clara's cone because I'm tired of rolling jpegs.
yea in 6 months
the male and female rape are random, means nothing besides getting an S roll
Can't wait for the EU knots.
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First team is soukaku Ellen anby

What should my second team be? I assume the cat or soldier 11 for DPS? Maybe the cat because I have her weapon?
I've noticed most whales seem to use soldier 11 for their second defense team though
It means you get the knot, did for me atleast
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Oh, neat
Huh, the more you know
I'm never sharing my code in this SEA general, bwo.
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Yes retard. 100 is 20% more than 83.1.

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