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Previous: >>487399748

>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
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[Good news] Zhu Yuan doesn't need her signature weapon and the shills pretending otherwise are trying to cheat you out of your rolls
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Its time EUbros! First piece in the buddycop duo. Good luck to all cop pullers.
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NA bros...
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where do you buy cat food? someone said the store but i checked a couple stores and didn't see anything.
I had the event where you see soldier 11 and after she leaves food is mentioned but i didn't have any yet.
fucking bots don't let me get the mimo polys
Can you get all the lumina HIA coins as of right now? Trash can says im missing 14 and there's no fucking way there's that many left
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If nicole's def shred only lasts for 3 seconds barely giving me time to take advantage of it, why wouldn't I use Rina for the PEN instead?
next morning, there is only one store
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I can already tell, this is gonna hurt.
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First team is Ellen anby souk

What should my 2nd team be? I assume the cat or soldier 11 for DPS? Maybe the cat because I have her weapon?
I've noticed most whales seem to use soldier 11 for their second defense team though
The twin ballad tower ones also counts.
Missing 5 in lumina currently, and no idea if they are available.
you can't get the last 10.
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I love him...
Good night.
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a good omen
anyone have a clip of what carol says when you tell her the truth that her brother died? I didn't think It was right for a stranger to tell her something so heavy...
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why do I have to wait 6 hours, this company fucking sucks
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I won the 50/50, but hard pitied
s11 lucy piper or ben
theres two things of note
its 3.5 seconds after the bubble ends, or her attack individual hits.
the 2nd thing is the bubble lasts a little bit longer if you do her special charge bubble

sort of related but dupes of nicole will extend the bubble duration
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3rd multi EZ
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GZ shorkbro
>2 kots already
I'm affraid of rolling...
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>30 rolls
gosh all I can do is AI slop, sigh....
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why do these honkin ass crackas got the black boos down...under the ground like that like some slave shite??
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So what is the point of defense characters exactly?
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Best of luck my fellow EU CHADS
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its over...
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I dodged him for 3 coin tosses on Ellen. It had to happen.
I guess I'm gonna play two teams with stunners.
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>lost 50/50
>Grace dupe
Of course the only standard 5* I had, classic.
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>zoomers unironically want paimon instead of TV section
Lucky or nyot at least you tried
Because Zhu's additional for 30% Crit Rate ain't gonna activate itself
Nicole's 25% Ether DMG boost is equally short-lived but makes 6.5s window juicy
And Nicole M6 is another 15% Crit Rate with a real 12s window
No clip, but she basically says she already knew really.
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thats it? uninstalling
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Eleven pulls after Ellen and she's here... and Nicole too... this game REALLY wants me to play it
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It's time bros...boost your luck now!
perfectly balanced...
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Sup nyaggers
S11 even with no sig wep?
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Also, weapon 2nd multi EZEZ
>got S11 on 50/50
wtf i thought it would be asscop or her gun
Damn, got 2 Nicoles, Anton and starlight in one 10 pull myself, but not asscop :(
Just woke up, is the banner up yet?
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Please have mercy KOT
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G-Guys... I can still get her... r-right? The banner is still there until I close the menu...
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Got her in 40 pulls. Idk if I should push for C2 now
Stop watching streamers retard
Stop posting them here too it's just a fucking ad
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74 pulls and nicole is C6 too. i lost the ellen 50/50 and got knotted THOUGH.
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attack % has a fair amount of value in this game
i would wear that because i know it would take a literal year to get better.
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Whats best in terms of reward for Notorious Hunt

lvl 40 S rank
lvl 50 A rank
OK but where's the fix that actually matters.
Inky's quest.
Kill yourself you retarded youtube channel-watching zoomer
Is your shriveled brain so small you can't read and have to resort on low-T retards to read the patch notes for you?
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>Zhu Yuan's main mechanic
>her gun
You can't get engines on char banners though...
>not a single SEAnigger got kot
>the first two yuropoors already kotted
this is gonna be fun
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If zoomers win I will quit this shit
I hate endless yapping so much
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i won
>Ellen banner gone
>still seeing zzz adds with Ellen
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Easy 0.1% chance
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How to optimize
Oh nooo the best support debuffer in the game
i want to point out the anon that posted this very image could have just snipped the actual post, but did not.

also why the fuck would you show us your tabs?
>over 2000 incoming messages
If your account isn't already kotted and knotted then it is only downhill for you. Best to get it out of the way early.
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its brick time. why are you rolling yurop bros?
>people getting hosed by the 50/50
>I have to sit here and wait another 5 hours to pull
Please stop scaring me.
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name one thing wrong with streamers
fuck off I've replied already and it didn't helped, I will NEVER reply to your fucking piece of shit
Do we have reliable (Non-Prydwen) calcs for Zhu's mindscapes? Was thinking about grabbing her M2.
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Now grind your kot
Haha yea, if it's anything like genshin the ads will be there for another half a year
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I knew I will lose 50-50 but at least it's not that bad. Also it seems like I will get C6 Nicolle along the way
>gets ads for chiori, arlechinno, wanderer
>on a fucking sigewinne/furina banner
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needed 30 pulls for S rank. in the second 10x, i won the 50/50. good luck guys
what do you even get for Inky's trust levels
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I got Ellen, should I try rolling for ass cop or just hold until the loli idols?
Oh yeees, another copy instead of a T0 DPS, wooohooooo
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what do I saw when I want Nekomata?
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how does she even get her big tail into that little hole?
is it stretchy?
does she have to get all her pants/skirts custom made, or are there just enough shark girls around where there are shark girl clothing shops?
more importantly, does she sit on the toilet backwards?
But you won???
Built for fat ugly bastards
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Inky himself in the store
you would just post images of the kot and then the curse will fill every pore in your body
you become a kot zombie, a follower of neko who infects others like covid 19
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how do you use Grace anons, I lost my 50/50
do I just bring her out when her EX is ready only?
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>Want nicole dupes but don't give a fuck about new S unit
Bruh why i bet i go in and get this new bitch first pull
It isn't efficient in the least but sliding around like you're playing Vanquish by cancelling Dash Attacks into each other is fucking hilarious on trash mobs
>he got her M1
literally the best mindscape in the game
read it
But she is La Gata...
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>80 pity
>5 until A guarantee
>get S rank
>no A
Holy shit, I didn't realize this jewish game eats your A pity if you get S rank. Why is no one talking about it:? Fuck you Dawei.
But at least she finally came at the next pity and so did I.
m2 is pretty bad due to her being pretty stacked on dmg% already. That said, M1 should make a more on field version easier to pull off. M0 really only comes out to nuke stunned enemies (as god intended)
it is more convenient and more better to watch mr pokke condense and react to it for me
mr pokke's reactions are lit and fire
Go do it
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>I want Nekomata
>naufal sadewa
dumb indog
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TVs = Darkest dungeon 1
Rallyslop = Darkest dungeon 2
You know it to be true.
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Save bros how we looking?
Looks like there's a clasp or buckle under that rectangle on her waist so yeah it's custom made. She probably has a toilet with the tank further back so her tail can go to the side or she's sitting sideways on standard toilets.
i hope everyone in this thread gets kot so they can enjoy having her body for sex
I don't care honestly, stop pretending that losing 5050 to meta support is somehow better than getting character you've been rolling for
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only standard I like lol
im dumping some of the batteries for zhu
It is very annoying. lost a "1 until A" pity twice now
Why does the banner change in the middle of the day and why are we last wtf is this shit
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Be patient, NAfags. You'll get your own Kot when the time comes.
>only thing to look forward to is using these on disks
>will only get somewhere between 5-10 more disks than anyone who didn't save
yeah...so useful...
losing 5050 to meta support is better than losing 5050 to dogshit like nekomata
quit your bitching
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Does Grace want 4P Anomaly + 2P Electric or 4P Electric + 2P Anomaly? This is for Disorder team with Piper
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Wait what guys are fucking bricking yourself on purpose? AHAHAHHAHAHA
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M2 grants a DMG taken multiplier, not a DMG% multiplier. Totally different and stacks.
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Gee anon, how come youtube lets you watch TWO retards?
Won the Coinflip and got Zhu bros! And Now I also have Nicole at C4. Do I keep rolling to see if I can get C6 Nicole? Har last Cinema look's crazy strong
Its like this for genshit. Not sure for HSR but Asia always gets everything first. New abyss cycles and other shit too. Only time everyone gets the banner at the same time is the first banner because maintenance is universal.
>m1 lycaon
it's fucking over, at least I got her 50 rolls after and 20 rolls for her weapon
So what's now the verdict on Zhu's weapon? What else should I use if I want to stay away from rolling for engines
I would rather have the smallest semblance of having control and playing the game(tv isn't even that bad, some of it are really fun) than hear endless exposition and yapping
What the fuck is this indognigger talking about?
Do you not want the play a "VIDEO GAME"?
>Police wengine is cdamage with crate on the effect
I thought you retards were shilling +% ether damage, surely it's way better now?
losing 5050 is worse than winning 5050
quit your gaslighting
I'm considering buying the BP... not because I feel compelled to but because I actually want to throw a few bucks at Xi Jinping for making an okay game (shame it's gacha)
I think I need to kill myself
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>bricking yourself for rolling for the only ether attacker for atleast 4 patches
you are fucking retarded
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Surely she has no choice but to come arrest me if I vandalize this truck
My plan is flawless
>got knotted
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>summoning on damage dealers while using handouts
please don't talk to me
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Is this good enough till I get better discs?
>neko bad
goes to show how retarded this general is
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I'm a newfag who just about got Ellen through a lucky 10 pull but it flat broke me in terms of poly.

I have about 3000 now, what should I be aiming for to have a reasonably good chance at bunda cop, or should I just skip and save?

For reference I have the Ellen/Lycaon/Soukaku dream team
its apparently only "20%" better, but they left a clarification that perfect playing may result in up to 50% better.

Basically everyone is a moron and should use free to play options
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Fuck yeah
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Fuck it I'm dumping 40 pulls in the banner if I get her early I win, If I lose the 50/50 Qingyi is guaranteed, if I get nothing I'm still closer to Qingyi pity. Nothing can go wrong
it's a nyothing burger
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>ass cop get (with black man vocals as a bonus)
>M6 nicole
>ben and his W-engine
Is this what absolute cinema means?
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Agents for this feel?
you will get 4 bens
I can guarantee this is an f2poor seanigger
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remember Quingyi boost your stun multiplier by 60% and give you Shock anomaly for even more damage, pulling for Zhu is ultra mega brick, you have been warned
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No. It doesn't. The wording might've made you think at first, but beta wordings can be bad.
I'm retarded. So for Zhu Yuan, as long as she has ammo, just hold left click while spamming wasd right?
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but I haven't won 5050 yet and no early drops?
nice goalpost move tho
I'm getting her next
my zhu is ready
neko is the worst thing you can get off a limited 50/50 right now
>b-b-but wait until she gets new supports
right now
Seen a jp whale used 4P Electric/2P Anomaly.
>whole EN VA cast is Genshin Impact actors
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Who else here is a luckshitter? At this point in Genshin i was C3 Keqing. Now I just have to wait a year before we get enough pulls for the selector and I'll have everybody...
Why do people argue over which coffee gives the best bonus when the best one is Affogato?
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Good morning to everyone but especially corinbwos
so how is the police booty, it is good?
im wagecucking rn :(
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>Corin dupe
We fucking won bros. 50 rolls, not too bad.
NAbwos what are you doing while you wait
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>get the dog on 1.1
>find out quickly that the new areas are 50% resistant to ice
Sure anon, let us know how it goes.
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nah that's easily rina because she needs grace or grace because she needs rina lol
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Cool, Nicole and Ben dupes sound nice
First tenner btw
This is porn isn't it
Skip and save
>5 bens
>5 nicoles
>1 anton
Nice, time to drop this game I guess
Bahahahahaha ellenkeks ohnonono
The entertainment industry is nepotismcore
He is there to stun not to damage
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first hangout with Zhu Yuan is a spicy hot pot date
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>mostly winning 50's
>buncha kots
predictions for NAchuds?
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Huh, zzz.gg's effect text simply lied to me, then. My mistake for not checking hakushin.
>nah that's easily rina because she needs grace
your anby? your lycaon? your busted signature weapon?
He's good because he shreds Ice res bro
Localisers be like
>That's a great ass Zhu I bet you shit hard as fuck
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fuuug, I prefarmed the wrong mat
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Officer booty
>C1 Piper
>C2 Lucy
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my blueberry is white
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Imagine not getting both.
>main dps as stunner
omega brick
kot desperately needs piper, but thats still better than needing an SSR
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Will Qingyi of Jane Doe good Corin supports? The game hasn’t given be Lycaon or Rina but I want to work on building a team around her.
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imagine caring about meta in a gacha game lulé
>got more Ben dupe than Nicole
kill me brehs
>>main dps as stunner
what the fuck are you talking about? you think rina is a stunner?
genshin,HSR,and ZZZ asia always first
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Only took me another 30, but she's now here!
Not gonna get her weapon though, since I lost the cointoss. I got 2 new units to build until Qingyi arrives.
>get the most meta standard
I'd say you won honestly.
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There are things you can't control
Fortune's fickle, that's this world
Embrace the result, stop keeping score
rina is a support
lycaon & anby are stunners
who is your dps?
Now you need to roll rat, clearly
Your Ellen has higher numbers in every stat than mine
zhus and kots sold out
only knots for NA
I'm 30 pulls from guarantee, I can get those before the cop leaves right
>Got furry on the beginner's banner
>Lost 50/50 to Kolada
Yeah go on without me.
I'm dropping this game.
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non-metafag is unironically as annoying as metafag

you slightly mention statistic with your mouth and they will try to shove their cocks in "urr hurr imagine carry about meta"
>poorfags keep coping about roll for zhu yuan

reminder that zhu yuan is a futureproof dps
get qingyi and her team is an upgrade.
get another ether support/anomaly and her team is an upgrade.
Got Grace and had to go all the way to get Zhu
Fuck this shit game
>Gacha game
>devs could entirely control how it works
>gaslight people into eating their slop with no complaints via rap music
Yes (by using "this")
>60 pulls away from guarantee
I'm so fucking done
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>"futureproof dps"
>1 hour until im home and finally PULL
Already coping
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If you did one 10 pull and have just started you should get enough poly on all the content there is right now to guarantee her
How about enrolling on an English course instead of shitposting here, pagpag-kun?
>futureproof dps
lmao the utter cope of this, don't listen to that retardation, the first to get powercrept is in this order: dps -> sub-dps (your stunners / anomaly) -> support
>Ben and Nicole at C5
Man I don't want to go over 40 but I want to get them to C6
Link to patreon/source?
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were not getting any ether characters until the idol most likely so i don’t see what’s wrong with that sentiment
Holy fuck Zhu yuan is so fun.
It's kind of insane how different from each other the characters play.
i don't even have any polychrome or tape to roll with
ZERO tapes
maybe 200 polys
i don't want zhu yuan (i do want qing yi) and i already got piper lucy lycaon s11 ellen so maybe it is not that bad
catbox the version with her catbox uncensored.
How does anyone score an S before 80 rolls in these hoyoshits
Oops sorry I forgot to use the reply function!
Wasn't this retard used in national team slop until dendro dropped
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Not pulling both together is a brick for your soul.
Android ASS
bro... i don't think i'll make it
my polys
they're gone...
It's true though. No one wants to hear that garbage about one weapon being 11.23% better than the other. It's a gacha game with its most difficult mode being reliant only on the strength of your artifacts. Go be a metachurl elsewhere
See to me this looks like fucking shit.
Her standard uniform is somehow sexier while still being tasteful.
Soft pity isn't until 75 so in theory you have 30 more rolls...
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Ok the butt cop is cute sure, but is she even remotely good or useful to someone who already has every character?
>When Lycaon's EX Special Attack hits an enemy, the attack's Daze increases by 12%. This effect can trigger once every 8s. When he charges his EX Special Attack to completion, this buff will increase by an additional 10%.
it's his M1, isn't that really good? I just got it
This looks so bad lmao
all you need is 160 :)
You will pull for the (((cat girl))) right? Meow~
>got the dog
It's so fucking tiring...
At least HSR gave me an early Topaz...
roster diversity > investing vertically
my condolences
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Did 1 single and got her so I'm gonna stop here. I remember rolling for Chevy and getting spooked by Yoimiya
>ether shield blocks your path
How the fuck is my bangboo luck worse than my character luck.
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Well /zzz/, care to elaborate on who it was?
His daze is already fine.. that could've been another character bwo
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Bangboo for Grace/Piper/Lucy team? I've been using Magnetboo is that fine?
rrat gang
you don't get it bros
I use him with ellen and got zhu shortly after anyway

now just need ToT cop and her wengine and save indefinitely, already have koleda for coping until qingyi
why yes i mod every game with coom mods
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If she was OL mode like this, I would.
is she even remotely good or useful to someone who already has every character
obviously, in fact everyone has nicole
just use whatever you have levelled
the bangboos are kinda garbage without the b skill active
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No. I'll choose robocop.
how much longer until NA gets the banner? i don’t wanna get out of bed to check
Zhu Yuan volcano dumps....
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What is butt cops best team?
nicole + qingyi
how long until they let you roll for qingyi?
5.5 hours. 1pm eastern time.
About 5-6 hours
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How much Crit Rate do you need if you have m6 Nicole and Zhu Yuan signature weapon?
nicole breaks it just fine
lol if youre rolling her to break a shield
you get 65% for free, so even 0% CR would be fine
the higher the better anyway, so you're fine
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what the fuck
anyone? have i bricked my account by spending all my polys on release characters?
next banner
Spent around 20k polychromes for M2 and a Soldier 11 dupe,
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8 floor dungeons?
I wonder if this is 8 combat maps or a TV dungeon.

>Rank by # of character deaths instead of time to clear
You leveled your Ben, right /zzz/?
Not really. The game just came out dude, you get about a soft pity's worth of pulls each patch and usually a bit more than that.
This dumb fat ass cop showed up on 72nd roll and ruined my A-rank guarantee on top of that, amazing.
Anyways, now that I got Koleda should I build her instead of Anby for Zhu+Nicole or should I make Piper Lucy Koleda team instead
when is that tho
whats the duration of the zhu banner EUbros
>Ellen, Knot
>Piper, Lucy
Yeah, you're set for a long time
that's some insane luck bro
grats and fuck you
Including those 100%. So somewhere between 40-45% is ideal.
i am already level 43 and there is no way left for me to get polychromes, it's over anons i bricked my account
Ellen banner was about 3 weeks so 3 more weeks.
Greeded going for a final copy of Nicole and ended up with M1. It seems to be good QoL at least and I’m planning on Zhu/Qingyi/Nicole being my main team.
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Best team for the fatass qtiepie cop? Her, Nicole and ?
All banners are 3 weeks, patches are 6
For now Anby
All I got were Bens and then lost 50/50 for Nekomata C1

Can we get enough polys to hit pity again?
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>Lost the 50/50 late pity to yet ANOTHER Lycaon
He's M2 now and it's genuinely pissing me off.
65 wishes to hard pity now and the only good thing that came out so far is that I got Nicole to M5 and Soukaku copies as well.
I wanted Nicole signature as well and Zhu's would be bonus but the whole thing looks impossible now.
How many events do we have left?
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>want to use piper
>want to use lucy
uh, what now
In your case Anby for sure, since you have no Koleda and your Lycaon should be used with Ellen instead
Anby or Billy
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Eating a hotpot for couples with my new cop lover. Later losers.
For now, Anby
In the future, Qingyi
>chink beta testers are all saying cop teams are way worse than Ellen teams
the chain attacks needed to be removed from the game entirely, they are as shit as the tvs
they went with the cope option and its not enough
>right when my lunch ends
>guidebrains NEEDED to get knotted to use their ellen
>they regret rolling for her now that the new fomo character has dropped
loving every fucking laugh
>lycan good
>anby ...
slap a fire or phys dps in..?
I'm new, what does M1/M2/C1 mean...
you're supposed to post this after NA banner rotates for maximum damage bro...
>maxxxed out nicole cinema
>no zhu for her team
Ranjesh I...
>picked belle
>forced to be a lesbian
F2P, all out of Polychromes. I should just level both the Starlight Engines, yes?
>got zhu in one ten pull
fuck though i really wanted M6 nicole
Chink testers don't need to use anby.
Number of dupes. Starts at M0 and ends at M6.
Unless you’re a whale I’d just ignore their existence for S-rank characters.
That sounds good to me. Ellen got her s-rank stunner and Zhu Yuan doesn't. Means Zhu Yuan will be as good or possibly better with Qingyi.
>shiyu 10
>take 1 (one) hit from the drill robot boss
>lose 35% hp
what the fuck, my agents are already level 50
I'm coping with Starlight Engine and plan to craft copies to get max P5. Is there any other craftable worth making or do I just go for it?
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M1/M2 = minidisc 1/minidisc 2
Used when discussing which disc to farm at the tuning shop.
C1 = coffee 1
Used when discussing which coffee to choose for resource farming.
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>need to get knotted
ellen only needs soukaku, stop coping so hard that you missed her bro let it go
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Am I the only one who didn't pulled for Ellen Lawrence and the Asscop? I'm going all in on the Rrat
Shiyu 10 is harder than the next part Level 1.
>rolling 2 bricks instead of getting w-engines
just dodge bwo
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Duplicate agents upgrade them up to 6 times.

The Chinese beta already has qingyi. That's what I'm referring to.
yes, don't make the mistake i did.
Which disks for Zhu??
it's okay bwo you can borrow my Ellen later
Probably TV.
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Cheesed to meet (You) anon


what do you think zzziggers?
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>f2pbros bricking themselves by rolling on every banner AND running out of resources leveling everybody up AND coping with B rank engines on their dps
Her mom approves of me, I'm so in.
We can just get onii-chan to donate to save her eggs.
I had to go all the way to get asscop because I got knotted, b-but at least he'll be good with my Ellen Joe haha...
>not waterkuma design
you know what, I'm glad I didn't get a buttcop cause I really need a 2nd stunner and I'd have no team for her anyways
Countering enemies is fun as fuck, it's why Beidou is by far my most used character in Genshin.
Her signature or Starlight. She's not as annoying as Ellen since her signature isn't just straight up 30% better.
But it's still a lot of stats.
Anby also wants the Steam Oven, but it's less of a priority.
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It's okay bwo you can borrow my C2 Rrat
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So if I'm F2P with like 3000 poly, level 34, and I just started the cop storyline, what should the play be?
I'm thinking of skipping Zhu and going for Qing because she's cuter
Brutal, if thats true. Two limited shouldn't be worse. They need to buff Qingyi's basic kit again.
Yeah thats pretty funny since I had to go back to S rank Stage 10 after doing Stage 11.
PLEASE read a post carefully before replying to it you're better than this sharkbwo
got knotted but still got her bro
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i have been having fun dicking around with this lineup, God i want more old hag fr fr
She's super fun! And I did some extra rolls afterwards and managed to get my C6 Nicole!
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Why does NA always get the banner last? Can't they just push the code at the same time?
one of these things is not like the others
Zhu is meta pick. Choose with your dick for true happiness.
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>Zhu/Anby/Nicole team
>its taking too long for my Anby to stun enemies than what I'm used to
>try out Koleda
>She's stunning enemies faster than Anby

The fuck
My wives...
They want the banners to appear on everyone's lunch breaks so they roll to escape their miserable lives
Knotted and still have a long way to go.
Hopefully I get her early like I did Ellen but it's not looking good.
Thanks but I mean which disc drives should I get. The things you put in the 6 slots around your engine
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>Already forgotten
she's the 2nd best stunner in the game bro... qingyi will move her to 3rd but still
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It ain't crit rate, but it is baller.
Never trust a burger lover, if she ate noodles instead she would be strong
Uncle Da Wei wants you to pull Qingyi brother
But I already have Lyc/Ellen/Soukaku for meta and grinding the game
If I roll for Zhu and fail I feel like I'm bricked for sure
>it's police day in poland today
coincidental kino for kurwabwos
i see
also i've been neglecting w-engines and discs on most of my agents until now, should i just buy A-rank engines from the gadget store?
for discs i will probably rely on scott cleanup instead of the dogshit disc gacha
Well they nerfed the fuck out of qingyi in the most recent beta so that doesn't surprise me.
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>half way upgrading zhu yuan
>out of dennies
I prepared everything, except the most used resource...
Master. To open the gate you need a key. *slowly zooms out to show there the key is* This is the key used to open the gate. This gate. *slowly zooms in on gate*. Hope that helps.
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>8 pulls away from pity
>no currency left
>Only currency i can get is locked behind the Tv exploration missions
They really, really need to remove these TVs from the game like bro not even the fomo can get me to do that shit and i cannot be the only nigga feeling like this
uhh yeah? koleda is also a stunner and S?
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4 Ether and Hormone Punk is what I prefarmed but you can also use the 2 piece crit.
Ether is very efficient because it has swing Jazz which a lot of units like.
buy bp
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Don't be so needy sharky. Its the cop girls day today.
Fairy explanation is the only part of the TV missions I don't like.
If you really MUST have it assign it to a tutorial button or something, holy shit.
ZZZ should have been full furry/kemono/monster/robotwith Belle and Wise being the only humans
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I like tits too (I prefer Rina to buff Corin though, but Grace will do for now)
My complaint about TV segment wasn't that it was too long.
My complaint was that it was too long for too little rewards. You make me run around 30 minutes per TV exploration when you give me the same rewards as 5 minute combat encounter.
That ain't right.
are you using anbys sig? try steam oven
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Zhu Yuan won extremely BIGLY btw
>pulled Lycaon
>didn’t pull for Ellen
>then pulled Grace
>not going to pull for Jane
somebody stop me
You did pick up your new skibidi-bwo right?
I finally lost it at the camera footage maze segment where after seeing the footage Fairy handholds you for the 3 steps you needed to memorize
>80 pulls
>6 Ben and 0 Nicole
>lost 50/50 to soldier 11
holy fuck, at least they're good together right?
She's just like me...
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My cop wife, I love her
she should find a dark corner somewhere and let me pump 1000 liters of semen into her underage womb
TV missions are easier than even genshin impact puzzles I'm sorry anon you are probably just retarded
Ive got her at C2 now
I'm still rolling for rocketboo for my S11 team...
Shark is carrying the game it should have just been wives and lolis like a real gacha.
god I hope the thing they said just mean they will improve the models (Miyabi) instead of censorship, it been so long since a sovl game with fanservice blasting in your face (despite being cut down for a bit)

can't westoids play their ugly dog shit black nigger game instead of playing chink game and complain???
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where are people already pulling for cop? my game is 5 hours behind
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Thanks zhu yaun for unbricking my account. All her discs were lvl 4 except for the disc 5.
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I lost the 75/25 bros... Rip my Qingyi pulls, lolibababros... go on without me...
Lost 50/50 to Rina.

Persist on getting Zhu Yuan for the Grace/Rina team, or hold on for guaranteed Stupid Sexy Rato?

My other team is Ellen/Anby/Soukaku
Dont reply to baits btw
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Open up Proxy, I brought reinforcements!
You're never bricked if you fail, you keep the pity for future banners
sauce on calculations for teams?
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Which one should I give to Lucy?
Corin's underage pubeless squishy pussy
Is not about difficulty retard bro, the combat missions are easy as fuck as well but i do them happily.
>Zhu Yuan for the Grace/Rina team
Why would you run these 3 together? Save for Qingyi or Rat, dude
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16 is legal...
Fuck guys, I got asscop after 70 pulls but only got 1 Nicole (and like 6 IGGERS) so she is only C1. How bricked am I?
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Bros, they're stealing our board culture...
Double cop, calling it
for 3 months Zhu Yuan is the only Ether DPS.
me personally i dont care if she get powercreeped im pulling for every adult female agent
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C8 Ben, C2 Lucy, C5 Nicole, 40 pulls, I guess I should stop?
Has someone gotten a good look under all the characters/NPCs skirts? I checked most but never got a good shot.
>siblings encounter some inconvenience
>"let's ask fairy for help"
i wish the game did a better job of convincing me they deserved their legendary proxy status
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>be me
>low spender
>go to hard pity
>lose 50/50 on Ellen's banner to furry
>go to hard pity
>finally get Ellen
>get S star early (like 40-50 pulls in)
>need like $100 more to get Zhu Yuan
it's getting so tiresome bros
why won't he release me?
>zhu yun's rolling shots count as dodge
>billy's doesn't
What the fuck is this horseshit
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How are you guys spending you 10 batteries? I'll use them for disks and get nothing in return
Omg hi Da Wei or whoever's lurking here
So, uhm, have the devs listened?
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What's the cop's hollow zero special? Is it as retarded powerful as Ellen's?
he's a good stunner so it's fine
bump up my supports to 40 from 30 for the sake of my 'tism
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If you ever feel bad about your pulls, just remember, there is a brick anon (me) who lost on full fucking 90 pity, and this is how my guarantee pulls are going.
kot get ye here
Am I the only one who thinks Zhu Yuan's design is mid as fuck? She's thick, but in a gangly/goofy way. She has really thick thighs and like non-existent calves. They look disproportionate, like weird cricket legs. Also her outfit is kinda boring, in the opinion of this sharkfag.
>first post telling him to break up with his girlfriend
Mindscape 2
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>You keep the pity for the next banner
Then why did I have like 20 rolls to S rank when I got Ellen, and now it's back at 88?
Does getting the banner character reset it?? Fucking China
It's like people nowadays. We can do things ourselves like cook, but why go through that effort when we can use our phones to call doordash?
I got Resonaboo, Rocketboo is the next on the list for my FireTeam
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Thank you for your service
Is there a guide on what to upgrade or what is important? I'm not going for meta but there's too much shit I don't know what to invest in.
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You'll get super lucky later bro. It all evens out in the end, you'll see!
he could be the best DPS in the game by 10000000 million I still wouldn't use him because he is a fucking furry faggot ass dog
They're so wishy-washy about it every time, too. It's always "hey Fairy could you maybe see if this is possible for you to do? It's okay if you can't..."
we love the bunda
Luckshitted him on 23rd roll last week
It resets whenever you get an S-rank, dumbass. That's why it's called PITY
>pulls anyway
>first try, no pity
time for the wengine i suppose
She's cool bro
Sorry you have bad taste
>Does getting the banner character reset it?
Yes? You know what the word pity means right?
Who did you lose to the first time bwo?
Maybe you should play gachas that don't only hav e a 50/50 lmao if you don't want to lose, lucklet.
Thanks anon, so far I've lost my 50/50 and gone to full soft pity every single time but I take relief knowing at least somebody's unluckier.
How much better is Zhu Yuan than Ellen?
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wise is so forward
>No A-rank
Does S-rank resets A-rank pity or something?
>Does S-rank resets A-rank pity or something?
Yes, and it's cancer
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Guess I'll save for robocop and rat's weapon for piper then
>Ice DPS vs Ether DPS
>full melee vs ranged elements
Two completely different characters
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Anon its a team game
Foursomes all day long
C2 S11! This bitch is bane to my existence at this point! My starter was her! My 2nd standard was her! Now this!
It does. Wording is A-Rank OR HIGHER guaranteed in xy pulls.
Would Koleda be better?
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NA bros...
>My M5 Lucy might be rare than a current launch S non-limited rank
Reminder that Piper is canonically 20+ years old.
Zhu Yuan, Nicole and who else?
If its anything like star rail an s-rank can push your guaranteed a-rank to the next roll, so you can technically get the a-rank at 11 pity
But what about the meta...
understandable, but considering fairy should be an untrustworthy entity, they started relying on her far too quickly
Hoyo got super jewish in ZZZ
Anby or Qingyi 3 weeks later, no alternatives currently
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Lolibaba 最高
I didn't realize how costly skill upgrade is
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pls respond
nah if you get an S rank both pities reset to 0
theoretically you could go 19 rolls without an A rank
It's not like Star Rail, it just resets your A-rank pity entirely.
A-rank "or higher" :3c get fucked gweilo
so now that the dust has settled, is the cop t0 dps?
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rate my roll ziggers
Yeah fairy is the real mc, siblings are just shitters.
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I guess the signal tracker website is not updated for this banner
why is it spelled zhu yuan when she clearly pronounced it zhu yuen
piper is near retirement she has menopause
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I don't get it. should I roll for a random slot or select one. also I get a guaranteed S-Rank on my next roll for a selected slot, but when I don't select one it says I have a guaranteed only in the 5th roll
Anal seggs with Zhu Yuan
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I still don't understand what this means.
lost the 50/50 and got soldier, still had enough pulls after getting ellen quite easily so the ass cop is secure. do you guys think we'll get enough to guarantee qingyi? I have around ~50 pulls left
I remember seeing some anons post theirs
are your rolls even updated in game yet
Corin, Qingyi and Rina would be a good team, but I couldn't say who could really replace Rina in this team.
we only have limited ether dps so yes
No cuz Jane Doe wants another anomaly like Grace and in turn she wants Rina. Qingyi maybe since Corin loves to burst her load on stuns though.
.t corin coper with Lucy/Piper
how the fuck are you importing?
And I have. Twice...
I'm not too familiar with corin, but if I'm reading her kit right, she wants to come in and burst on stunned enemies and then switch out, qingyi can get that stun really quickly. no idea about the rat though, havent looked at her kit
guarantee? probably not
you’ll be able to go for 50/50 though
>There is a chance that you may get M6 Zhu Yuan before even getting a single copy of Ben or Nicole
chinese romanization is a meme
if you meant the japanese dub, they pronounced chinese letters differently
you can walk and talk in the overworld as the rollable characters
They do the thing where they basically write the MCs out of the story, by making the companions the protagonists for each story.
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how are you guys getting so many rolls? I have been playing since launch and I only have like 100 right now. I'm in the middle of the cop chapter
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ah that's right they are not updated yet
forgot that this shit takes a while
well... if you win every 50/50 and get an S rank on every 10 roll
Aaaaaaaa fuck
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If you are reading this
Good luck on your rolls, you got this champ!
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This is all I have. Am I fine? I feel fine so far.
What do you mean how, I just pressed the button
you can always use THAT
oh so you thought you would get guaranteed S after 90 pulls regardless of what you're rolling is that it? so even if you rolled ten S ranks you would just get another one as a gift lmao no. that only means if you don't have a S rank when that limit is reached you will get one
A feature ported from honkslop where you become the cameraman, great isn't it.
If Starlight Engine is better on ZY than Ellen, what do I give my Ellen once I have ZY?
it error messages for me, i was assuming the zhu banner wasn't updated on the site
Did you not roll to get your guaranteed 5 star on the stable banner? It even uses a different resource
you haven't been maxing out arcade/achievements/officer furry encounters/hollow bullshit (especially the hollow sim universe shit gives tons of rolls), at that point I had smth like 160, but actually that was with 5$ welkin from day 1 so idk...
make more starlights?
If you played since launch you have enough to fail a 50/50 and secure a character. You also have 145 or so standard rolls.
t. f2poor coper
No I rolled once and got shark so I just stopped caring. Should I use them?
Saarlight Engine is a cope
Did waterkuma really design these?
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>don't give a shit about asscop
>get ellen
>get to zhu yuan's part in the main story
>she's so fucking fun to play holy shit
>need her now
Reminder that if you rolled for ZY's W-engine anyway, then you can even go with Lucy variant teams instead.
I don't have enough puzzle pieces
so I know I will get an S on my next roll, is slot 2 the best one to pick then? because it is for atk
Shark was on the exclusive banner, there is another permanent banner with their own tapes
Evens I burn my batteries
Odds I save til 45
I use half on 0
Just buy another Starlight Engine from the shop
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Maybe it just got updated now
whats this starlight meme, is it actually good? It only crits atk instead of crit and forces you to dodge all the time which is boring, is it a "people think its good in the first month but its gonna turn out a trash pick with some game knowledge" thing or
you don't need more
any additional characters are for fun and/or variety
don't fall for the metaslave guidefags' lies, they breathe only to suck all fun out of games
>C6'd Soukaku in 68 rolls on Ellen Banner
>C9'd Nicole in 82 rolls on Zhu banner
I feel like A-rank sluts like me. Except for Lucy, she's still avoiding me...
Standard banner uses different tapes, you should have enough to get 2 S ranks at least. No need to save them
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its a good f2p option bro
feel free to spend rolls on stat sticks if you want tho
What are the uptime issues? How were these calcs made? That seems very un Hoyo to make weapon as good as standard banner Brimstone.
it's good cope ball, it's just annoying poor people
Thanks anons. I will likely prioritize Qingyi then. If I’m lucky Corin will be rateup on her banner
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like THIS
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real american
There are only 2 characters on rate up and we have less A ranks overall. Everyone except lucy and piper is already above c3 for me.
>you can even go with Lucy variant teams instead.
Putting aside losing Zhu's passive and losing Corruption buildup for activating Chaotic Metal, is Lucy's attack boost really worth that much? At least I could see Soukaku's
It’s time to whip out THAT
The BGM for the music store has a smoke alarm beep in the loop
I am personally convinced it's because she's black
In the residual signal shop, is it better to try and save up to buy a w-engine or just use it for the A-characters?
Piper needs my baby inside her NOW.
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help me make a second team bros
I couldn't get Zhu Yuan but I got c5 bear
can I cope with Ben/Koleda/Lucy?
I can't fucking believe I have C4 lucy but no Piper
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good morning zzz
time to pull for asscop
Piper's not a lolibaba. she's just sleepy. to be a lolibaba you first need to be an actual BABA.
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mine fucked up
>he redeemed the dennies
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got the 8x ether and 8x crit resonium and absolutely murdered the dead end butcher with zhu. sorry billy, i'm gonna have to retire you, i got a taste of true power.
Getting A rank is so easy in this game, I'd say just save up until 600 then you can decide if rolls or W-engine is better
Definitely either spending it on more rolls or wengines, theres only 2 A rank characters per banner unlike other hoyo games so it's leagues easier to snipe M6's here.
>Just a really nice girl in the game who is bad with money
>Nicole in fanarts
>the nastiest slut you have ever seen.
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do not trust rats
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Oh shit.
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I'm playing since launch and could only get 2 lvl 50 so far.
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my pulls are so cursed in this game
just fucking end me...
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>dont care about the cop
>try out the demo
>damn thats a cool moveset, nice jiggling tits and big ass, not bad
>eh, i'll do one tenner why not
ez game
what's the verdict on topping up with VPN
Leveling my newly acquired Lycaon and Zhu.
koleda or ben/lucy/corin
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Zhu's passive works on any support bwo. That and instead of corruption, you can go for Koleda-Lucy for better stunning and maybe can even get some small disorder procs with Zhu's decent enough application. Maybe going Woodpecker works better in this team than Chaotic Metal, but the two sets are plenty close anyway DPS wise.
this was pretty good until you fell for the ball meme
>won all pities
unironically kill yourself
one kot + one cop
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>early Ellen
>won every 50/50
Oh you poor thing, I feel sooooo bad for you
I only have one starlight engine, if I buy another one from the gacha store should I upgrade that or use for another character?
The fact that there wasn't already an option to decline a chain attack is honestly insane
zhu yuan deserves a better man than me. but I'm afraid she'll ask for a divorce if I tell her I want to see her sleep with other men, what should I do...
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The Atk it gives is better than the normal Atk you're probably thinking of. It's multiplicative, it calculates off of the total attack the character has after all the other atk buffs that are passive (the ones without an in-combat requirement).
>2. A button for "Manual Chain Attack" mode will be added to the squad lineup interface before entering combat. In this mode, after Stunning an enemy, your actions will not trigger other Agents' Chain Attacks. Additionally, a "Cancel Chain Attack Combo" function will be added to combat, allowing you to choose whether to use the "Manual Chain Attack" mode according to your preferences.
>3. In terms of combat, we have added a series of challenging combat missions and game modes that will be continuously updated. All Proxies are welcome to try them out in the new version.
>3. A "Preset Lineup" feature will be added. You will also be able to choose whether to include Bangboo in your lineup for battle commissions. The lineup controls before the "Shiyu Defense" will also be optimized.
5. After reaching a certain Inter-Knot level, a feature that allows you to freely change the time will be unlocked, making it more convenient to adjust the in-game time.
1.2 for that??? Man...
>1. Currently, you can only control Wise or Belle in the city instead of other Agents you have obtained. In the Special Program Livestreams of later versions, we will announce our current progress and future plans. Please stay tuned!
Honestly they should add a Hollow "explorable" zone where you walk around with Agents.
whens robot....
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Why is vietnam black and white????
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I already have 2 Kots.
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You'll eventually work your way into having 2 R5 Starlight's anyways, just use it on another character and just slowly refine it over time.
Didn't like Lycaon's story rally type missions so i'm not really looking forward the improved story gameplay for the next chapter.
No talk about improving hollow zero with more content or it's replayabilty factor.
Everything else look good.
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Glad you wasted your pulls on her bricked wengine you stupid humblebragging motherfucker
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this is me right now
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>Zhu's passive works on any support bwo
>"shares the same Attribute or Faction"
It really doesn't read that way, if so.
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>rolling a third attacker and her wengine when you already have Ellen and S11+we

You don't have bad luck anon you're just stupid
if it's going to be implemented in literally the next patch, they likely just didn't make it in time
>Bangboo pulls instead of limited pulls
Wtf. This game is stingy asf
Is the event mission broken or something?? no enemies are spawning
They didn't pay their T-Corp taxes
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it's over, Idol faction is removed, waterkuma is fired
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Nah bro. Nothing is worse than my fucking garbage ass HSR pulls.
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anyone have a m6 kot yet
ayoo gimmie dat PAAG
>Countering enemies is fun as fuck
Yes, with dodge counters and perfect parry.
Performing defense counters feels like you're playing the game wrong.
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I'll do the honors
The ass-cop is kind of fucking boring to play huh
I don't give a shit about walking playing other characters in the overworld.
ZZZ has the best MCs out of any gacha I've played and people want them to take a backseat? Genuine fucking retardation.
>Didn't like Lycaon's story rally type missions
I really liked that because I thought his story was so boring. but that's the only reason, TV is kino
>12 seconds off S ranking shiyu 10
Got Zhu. But theres a bigger problem, in that Anby fucking sucks. Qingyi slotting in so perfectly means its feels like a complete waste to invest ANYTHING into anby,
This game's 1st beta was 2 years ago, how the hell did it not occur to them as soon as the system was made that sometimes you'd be in the middle of a combo and might not want to chain when the game wants you to?
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i'll need to swipe on qingyi banner....
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Could be worse
I want to use Billy and Zhu as DPS for their own teams.

Planning on going with:
who would be a good support option for Billy if I cant use nicole?, I guess not many solid options until we get a Phys support?
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pet your kot
make sure to help her reinsert her tails after sex
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remember the plan: get zhu yuan today, save for miyabi and get the rat on her rerun
Unironically development hell or something.
BASED humblechad
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Is Nicole/Ben future proof?
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>rolled ball banner because I want Anton's
>got Sharked very early
>now feel compelled to roll Ellen
>ended up using another 100 rolls to get her
Fucking Joe, man.
This is someone's son...
Dunno where you got that. In-game it's "When another character in your squad is a Support character or shares the same Faction:" as the condition.
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They want to get back to making out in the back of the store so having Fairy do everything is in character.
>improving models
miyabi won't look like cid from ice age... soulless...
Bro your Qingyi?
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Rate my damage report, because I almost hit maximum pity of 160 rolls
>falling for the shitty ayucka reskin
do you like them, frogbwo?
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>Got her on the flip, got her to lv50
Cope cone and mediocre discs

I am whelmed, AoE is kind of awkward with this team but she'll definitely get me some more Shiyu progress just because of elemental weaknesses
Is the hollow event timegated? I completed the first easy and hard level and there's no new prompts.
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This is me btw
why did you get the worst wep upgrade
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>still playing this dead game
this body type is gross, skeletors should eat a burger for fucks sake
i want to be my cute anby wife in the world
you can still enjoy belle or wise anyhow, they aren't removing the default and this would be the fucking easiest to code out of everything. It's a model swap since the animations are already present for every character in the combat zones.

also i bet they are talking about the fox girl indirectly, maybe they are gonna shift her eyes a bit after all the cn memes
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Stop reading shit off of wikis
Sounds stupid since her faction doesn’t have any Support
I'm playing my friend's account since he's doing his graduation thesis. He has a bricked account with no reputable dps so the majority of damage comes from chain attack. I can see why the devs might overlook that.
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kot scared me but after that I got lucky... whew not save for Qingyi
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>cop a feel day
>doggo gives me 2888 dennies
>genshin shrine maidens give me misfortune
Imma wait tomorrow I guess
The weapon system in this game seems like the an inferior mix of both Genshins and Star rails.
They don't even offer any cosmetic changes, which is fair, but they don't even have cool artwork to make up for it. They are just weird metal balls, pretty lame honestly.
You're an assmad wuwanigger LOL
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>miyabi won't look like cid from ice age
Holy kek
>won the 50/50
>nicole C1
>ben c6
I won but at what cost
then they're not
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do I have to explode for this?
So, will the first phys anomaly 5* character break the entire game?
there are cosmetic changes for their signature
unfortunatly its hard to catch in combat because they are minor changes like hair color change (horn color change etc)
>disgusting hags
hell no
I'm rolling for Qingyi and then waiting for the idols
looks fun anon. i bet it feels nice to finally have a team where nicole actually belongs that isnt cunning hares
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Holy shit that's such a perfect description
and retards still roll yep
the only cosmetic change you get is that their hair glows slightly (which goes to show just how noticeable it is since you didnt even mention it)
Who's first up in 1.1?
Jane doe or qingyi?
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>improving models
censorship is coming
Icedrift Hollow mission is broken, literally no enemies are spawning in
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why is she doing this
I havent even given her a tape today yet
am I bricked
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Please come back letter
Miyabi is looking more and more mid as more characters release.
this body type is sex, skeletors should be skeleton
Always wait until you have at least 1K views before shilling your channel razor_qt
no it means they improve the foxes eyes
maybe then all the shitposters spamming the eye pics will fuck off
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>30% crit rate
what the fuck
To remind you of your failure
I fear for Anby. Metafags are going to put their filthy fingers on her and complain how shit she is, comparing her to Koleda and Knot. My burgergirl doesn't deserve that
Yeah I don't like the feel of these pause-Attack's at all, I guess is just me
It's pretty sex, the hip-waist ratio is good. Skeletors when everything is a lanky tube without much definition aside from bone bumps
My steam deck still shits itself in Lumina Square
I have 30 batteries, what do I farm without bricking myself? Lvl 42
She bricked millions.
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Give it to me straight earlybwos, is Zhu Yuan worth pulling for if I have billy c2s1?
send in a report
free polys
the game decides randomly when to send a visitor
so yes you are bricked as it was "closed" when she arrived and you opened while she was present. She will immediately fuck off after you leave because the event failed.
Wait until lvl 50 before using them or enjoy your brick
why the fuck is just using soukaku and ellen faster than trying to stun the enemy first?
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no she is a billy downgrade
>only 5-10 more disks
only bosses and some elites are worth stunning
>foxgirl eyes
I sure hope that’s what they’re talking about and not censoring anything else
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>do a random 10 roll and get the cop
well, shit. this wasn't what I was expecting. Who do I pair her with in a team now??
>is x dps worth pulling if I have a literal brick as a dps?
because you dont have lycaon probably
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the more meta subhumans shit on a character, the stronger they get if you have a soul
rejoice, anbybwo
your stunner is shit
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Verdict on Zhu? Is she OP/a must-roll or is she just on Ellen Joe's level
Because you don't have the knot or you're fighting mooks and not bosses
This only feeds my Ellen/Corin/Soukaku team, though
because you don't have Chadcaon
Just put her in the ice team I guess if you dont have Ellen
early main DPS do with that info what you must
shes good for filling element weaknesses but the damage bonus isnt even that high
if you want the most bang for your buck dont roll dps
Roll if you really like her ass - Tier
Niggcole and any stunner
nicole and lycaon
>accidentally got butt cop in 5 rolls
it';s over...
Don't try to play your stun character on field as if you're waiting to stun before you can deal damage
Play Ellen on field and use your stun character for Defensive Assist because DA builds up a lot of daze. Ellen > DA > Pop and EX special if you have it > Back to Ellen
Because stunner on-field is a dps loss and you need to weight if its worth it compared to your dps. For Ellen its not worth it unless the stunner is Lycaon.
Damn. Hopefully billy 2.0 has a big fat jiggly ass.
i fuckin hate inky
thats worse than lyca soukaku since you lose lycas +35% stun multiplier
Does this game actually have unique models for each character unlike star rail and genshin? It can't be that everyone is gonna have a body like the booty cop, right?
How much of a buff is C1 Zhu?
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I think this is probably the worst change. I liked that the city was from the perspective of the siblings and you used the agents in the hallow. I don't think we need to have you moving agents in the city. Second part seems like they are making the mission more like Rally Commissions. I will say I think the TVs, in concept, are fine. The problem is the puzzles arent good and they talk too much
I feel like this is because people aren't leveling Ultimate. I think a button to end the Chain Attack if you don't want to do it is nice
Good change
OK not bad
I think the old system was fine but this is OK. I can see why they changed it
Imagine playing on mobile

They are fine other than agents in the city. The other changes in 1.2 and beyond are fine but, again, I don't like controlling the agents in the city. I'd rather they expand the social sim aspect instead
But I did warn everyone of this, which is why skipping shop A ranks us retarded
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every character is unique
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>Roll if you really like her ass - Tier
Alright thanks, skipping her for now
you're fucking blind, fuck you and kill yourself what a retarded post
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bwo.. that should have been Miyabi...
>new abyss where you only need to not die
when qingyi arrive nicole got replaced ?
Reminder eating vegetables won't make your butt as big as Zhu Yuan. Her love for vegetables is a vegan propaganda.
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Congrats and no refunds btw
I think there's a unique body for every character, or at the very least the game is doing a very good job hiding it with unique animations
All the hags are stacked, zhu yuan has huge tits too but they're not memed as hard because her top isn't skintight
only if you dont have a copy to begin with
>roll once
>get cop
what now?
god i wish that were me
Jerk off
here is your new agent profile pic
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It's genetic, her mum's probably just as big if not bigger.
why does neko have a barcode on her face and not a womb tattoo?
I think so, so at least there aren't set templates like Genshin and HSR have. Im sure they so have some stuff shared between characters and the Bear NPCs are probably using Ben as a base.
Don't like this one bit
>refund my rolls
>da wei personally gives me the cop anyway
>I don't think we need to have you moving agents in the city
then just don't use it. I doubt they will force you to not use siblings
>Second part seems like they are making the mission more like Rally Commissions
this is also what I'm afraid of. TVs are good they should not abandon them now...
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only now I truly see
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NAvampire here, how many hours till we can roll? If it's 3 or less I'll just stay up.
im waifu lover but gonna use the lycaon one because it look funny and depressing
its fine if you don't like it, you can ignore it
i already used my 10 free batteries
They're talking about protagonist switching like in HSR where it was boring dogshit for the most part. It doesn't seem like they're adding it outside of story mode.

I'm ambivalent on it for agent stories, for the main story, I fear it will be ass.

I just want them to actually show up to work at the fucking video store when they're working there, is that too much to ask?
>accidentally ran out of denny after weekly reset, but recovered after trading my hollow zero points
>get zhu yuan to 50
>start on her w-engine
>run out of denny again
holy shit is it always going to be like this? i haven't even got to her skill level ups yet
Holy fucking ESL why do you fuckers always mix this up with “in”
thought they'd just use crops of the splash art
Why is the rat so smug?
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using this one
what is this site? does it track my rolls form an API?
ultra sovl
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>switch to ellen when boss is stunned
>no rime
>have to spend the entire stun bar duration building back rime stacks
>can't even get a combo off before the boss recovers
real shitter hours
Build and play with her humblebragging bro
>then just don't use it. I doubt they will force you to not use siblings
I'm more concerned about the story bit but yeah. I think it would be good to replace the trust reward for the Inter-Knot avatar
>this is also what I'm afraid of. TVs are good they should not abandon them now...
Im fine with more Rally Commissions, but I think they shouldn't throw out the TVs. The issue is that they don't do enough with them to make the gameplay compelling. Chapter 3 was a lot better because of the infrared light gimmick. Also having more stuff that gives you Pressure in the story missions would help too. I think a balance between the TVs and Rally would be good.
Is that a fellow seasoned wolf i see?
you should start the battle with ellen charge attack into parry/swap into lyca
you can swap cancel the CA once youre done charging and itll still give you stacks
>holy shit is it always going to be like this?
No, the hardest part of a Hoyo game is always the start. After a few banners, you'll be sitting on a bunch of resources and either leveling up characters just for fun or prefarming and instantly maxing any new character. I learned from Genshin/HSR that buying the first 2 BPs is worth it, but after that you'll never struggle for mats.
kot is the best character in the game, we will have our time kotbros
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enroll on is english
enroll in is english (simplified)
sit the fuck down mutt
Nah they way it's worded it sounds much more like it's about you controlling the agent during the hollow instead of seeing the TV's from the mc pov, not like the pov story stuff from hsr
Same. Almost on hard pity.
What the fuck do I even do with her? Everyone is saying kot is bad...
this but sex instead
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got 6 Nicole and max dupe her ball, guess I will take this as a win
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just started playing and got her literally on the first single roll lmeow
>kill all sex
incelGOD... i kneel...
No, everyone says kot is the worst S-Rank. If she's your dps in one team, she'll do her job and can carry you through SD anyway.
She just needs more investment, like a pocket Piper.
As soon as I can I'll play as my wife anby in town
>just started playing
>permanently 3.5 weeks behind
twas fate anon
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Fuck off with your balls Ben
reminder that quick assisting into Ellen while holding a direction allows her to get into roaming state instantly and also allows her scissors to snip faster to get stacks faster
double reminder that dodging makes your charge time for your scissors shorter just like quick assist does, and if you need to dodge counter for starlight's passive or woodpecker you can kill two birds with one stone this way. dodge counter into double tap to enter roaming into quick charged scissor
triple reminder that you can hold E after Soukaku's parry to Fly the Flag allowing you to quick assist into Ellen
with these two tips, your gameplay experience with this team should improve a lot
so it really was hertaschizo that ruined hsrg thraed creation? i like these comfy 850 post threads
Hang on, on America server the day swaps at 4am EST, it's 8:50am, why has the banner not swapped?
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what the hell
Asia also had the banner at 11 AM. They like midday for some reason
I intended to run a cop with Anby and Nicole, guess I'll just put all my resources into kot instead.
WHALEGOD...use her in my stead...my polychromes are insufficient...
Ellen is better unironically
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stick bugs are so disgusting
use that...
cleanup is better only do disc gacha when you have the mainstat guarantee item or if you're essentially strong boxing
why is the kot not smug
Can Anby use Lycaon's W-engine or does she want refines of the oven?
roll who you like bro, with less agents you have more time to invest in the ones you already have

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