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Previous : >>486998251

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]
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disgusting fat
Bros how far with Chadthel get me this Fiend Hunt? He's +4, I've got herb fucker at +5, his UR gear and can probably muster about 675% crit damage.
+5 loli feet
Most irrelevant and forgotten character.
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900% attack, crit damage and crit chance buffing 3rd costume soon.
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Her adult version is non-canon and her Firechip version is relevant and unforgettable
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How the fuck is Eris so good at the new tower.....
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lies and deceit
If you have any unit with big multipliers at +5, they'll be good. My Loen completely carried my ass with no retries until floor 8.
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Bros, imagine her wedding dress soaked in sweat
Catching the sweat drops with my mouth
See-through wedding dress exposing slutty lingerie
Levia looks better here than what we got ingame, wtf are you doing John?
Blind retard
Why does Loen sweat so much bros?
Erotic genes
Levia b-bros?
Levia rape. It's that simple.
It's a new training.
It's me on the right btw.
hello local rapists I present to you this thing
Sorry I'm a Bernie rapechad.
Any team suggestions for fighting THE Rou? I'm usually a chain abuser, but that's not happening this time. Any use for my wife Elise?
Why are worst koreans like this?
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What do demonic idol handjobs feel like?
Double paizuri with her clone
both fat justias are so good in tower of desire 95+, finally maxed out the tower
Leviabros, how are your tickets holding?
714 tickets
~750 rolls in dia.
Holy based. How do you have so many pulls? THAT?
When you reach 1000 in each you can finally quit the game.
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I will simply golden hand her.
I wish we knew more about the beach angels so I knew whether to go all in on Levia or hold...
Wait until the final day then?
Play with your dick not brain anon. Just go all in. +5 or bust
>Play with your dick
I do that every day!
Levia is magic rafina. She's meta. Nothing will be able to compare to that. Unless the limited are busted beyond belief.
They will be busted beyond belief. Limited always be like that.
Summer Justia bros...
Can I get this horny slut if I start now?
>anons are still sleeping on summer justia
Depends on how lucky you are I guess
I have her +5 and and I don't know how to use her in pvp
I self insert as jayden
>not a single japanese word used
You know it's going to be a great Rogue tower run, when at the beginning Alec comes up 5 times.
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Took me 2 tries but I did it.
bro tell me your secrets. My run goes fine, then on the off chance a single battle completely ruins me. Did you farm previous levels? Is John a hack?
>Alec seeded
what an honor...
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>Did you farm previous levels?
Yeah, I farmed level 2 for a while, these are my upgrades, I mostly play physical but I always try to get PP Angelica whenever I can.
>same upgrades
>can't make it past 5
It's over for me
>several up5s
damn I should stop killing myself on level 6 and grind lower
Grind level 2, try to get the collector title and the wealth title, I get around 1.2k obsidian with each run. I tried level 3 but I ended up getting only 1k, so 2 is safer.
Fucking Yurilets piss me off.
Define yurilet
Does battle starting SP apply on the first turn or next turn?
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Guess I've just been unlucky. I'll try again on level 6.
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Did I read this right? Is this a team of pacifist enemies? That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen
Does HP up even do anything? I feel mobs are going to one shot you regardless.
It can save your ass from those fixed damage fuckers. They still do like 85,000hp a hit, but it's nice to have on the off chance.
the only reason why I beat floor 4 was because of that stupid purple flower, ain't no way I'm trying 5, nuh uh
Yeah, some units can survive hits. I've had Liatris and Angelica survive and deal the finishing blow.
>random event before 1st boss on level 6
>fail it

People are right. Anything under 95% is a guaranteed failure.
>Anon doesn't understand probability
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Why did no one tell me you could swap units mid fight? I was struggling so much and I only found out about it after beating floor 4...
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phew...I'm saved...
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Level 4 GG
Can I still get +5 Dalvi?
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>Floor 8
>Tower LV. 1
It's like playing XCOM 2.
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My cute tigerwife
Your wife is very cute. Specially in her idol costume
No, Summer Dalvi was a welfare +5 limited for the anniversary
Newglutti here
Haven't finished the story yet, got a lvl 100 +3 angel justia and cannot for the love of all that's glutti understand tower, and it showed me i cant into the combat system of this game, should i uninstall?
Retard here, I figured it out and so will you. Stick to the story and learn the basics first. There's lots of guides to help on youtube. Give it a week or two and it will feel more natural. Tower content requires a fair bit of planning, and lots of characters which you won't have.
will they reset this on next season?
Read the picture
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John Dust is like the girlfriend everyone wants
always showering you with gifts for being with them for so long
imagine Levia sitting on my face
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gachaniggas really can't read
Not that much of a miss
My acc is saved from that whore
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Stay mad you salty buttmunch. Dalvi-sama is good. Free +5 virgin women are always welcome.
you still have 7 days bro
oh, I didn't realize they changed the quests from Summer Knight to Tales of Sword and Diet Rush
>Track race quest
>Neither Lia nor Anastasia are there
Will Levia have a running ability?
Was Elin (difficulty girl) in brave nine? Is there any chance she will be added as a unit?
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>got lucky with artifacts and teams
>final battle of level 6
Fuck this gay shit.
bro, your eleaneer/anal slut mage?
>floor 30
>doesn't have Schera or Eleaneer
skill issue
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It really is just all about getting lucky at the beginning to get past the rough part.
Beat level 8 easily after getting these 2.
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Thanks John. Glad the bottom fucker survived long enough to silence 2 of my team and kill the other.
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Didn't even matter.
Schera is ass, Lia is LOVE.

I found the setup to oneshot him and the buffer in the back.
Now I just need to restart few times until I figure out how to survive against the dude with massive one-shot AOE. Should be possible.
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bye niggas, not trying any harder than this in this FH
isn't this one easy as fuck? just sacrifice one nigga every turn and put another one from the grave as bait until you kill him down.
So is using all the +10 chain buffs the only way to beat the ~1M hp counter boss? He is immune to buff removal, immune to silence and everything.
I got to floor 30 using low chain artifacts but I couldn't kill him.
I've not touched Fiend Hunter yet. How fucked am I?
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Right, it worked.
I wonder if they will nerf this strategy.
somewhat fucked
you can't do more than 7 chains or else the boss takes 0 damage for the rest of the battle, so it requires a little bit of strategy thinking
bring units with low hit count and hope for the best
1million isn't much hp.
You should be able to chew through that in a single turn.
You didn't have strong enough artifacts.
This one will need a bit more strategy because you can't just use chains, so trying it out once or twice is a good idea. Main attackers should be Maid Lia (+Dalvi for DoT), Eris, or Loen. S Justia is also good for some extra 1 hit damage
if you have a lot of units, you can just sacrifice 1 per turn until turn 13 or 15 then swap in all of your 1 hit nukes. Or just swap between pp Justia, Top Idol Helena, and base Refi for sp batteries that don't attack until death time, then nuke. Or use sp batteries and damage over time turn 1 and hope your 1 hit nukes can take out the rest of his hp the next turn. Or just build a better team that can deal >2mil turn 1
>I wonder if they will nerf this strategy
Why would they? It seems intentional and you need to sacrifice either more artifacts or more costumes per character to have multiple extra characters. Not to mention the bonus obsidian for having 7 or fewer characters.
>tfw no maid lia or loen
Ah yes, another FH, and yet another Liatris shilling.
I bet John self-identifies as Gray, and Lia is his waifu.
>This one will need a bit more strategy because you can't just use chains
What are you babbling about? Build up the buffs/debuffs, then do a massive chain and nuke. Who gives a fuck if you do no damage the last turn, you would do fuckall outside of your big combo anyways.
>why don't you just <low IQ take>
Shut up, little bitch
Loen carries this a bit too hard. I literally can't clear lvl 6 without her.
Just realized people that missed out on collab will be forever taunted by them when they play roguelite.
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FH or ToS?
I'm doing in both without her, THOUGH
My Lia carries hard
ToS ofc
>tfw reading the character's profile
>found out that unit anastasia is older than justia and loen, while having the same age as schera, lia, and few others
poor girl is undernourished as fuck
If John self-inserting as Gray, he would made Schera the most OP character for the mode though
Who do I use my tears on for FH? Loen or Maid Lia? bare in mind Maid Lia is +0. Buffers don't matter, I've got them all. Or do I invest in Chadthel instead?
Why some costumes need +3 for sp reduction and some only need +1?
+3 is for older costumes, +1 is the new model
Why do you think she wants to vore everyone?
Phys > Magic in the tower.
It has so many more options and more flexibility. And most importantly they cost less SP which is very important for turn 1 clears. All magic characters seems to have +1 SP cost, and it adds up. But most importantly magic doesn't have Rafina (at least until tomorrow).
Levia right before the limiteds is such a dick move. Don't you think?
NO. John is only doing what's right for the business.
? I still have around 200,000 gems and 400 tickets
You don't understand what is a real dick move until you play a gacha with multiple limited units being released back to back, at least here limited units are far and few between.
I'll skip Levia, let's see how the business fares now.
>Non limited before limited is a dick move
So all of them?
99% of salvation mobs are weakening and debuff immune anyway.
They are immune to increase damage too?
>debuff immune
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How many refinements does it take for sss usually?
It's hard to gather statistics for something this rare
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>reroll for fiend hunter
>pic related

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Which one would you pick?
Firechip Lathel
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>just pick one bro, it's easy
really nigga?
best nuke in the game. Gotta be Promise of Vengeance Chadthel. Right setup and he will melt people.
What's the damage needed for a level 10 clear on Fiend Hunt? I just did a run and it didn't go great...
100 million on level 9. But that was the first attempt I've done.
I have only 100 pulls left. No chance to +5 Levia at all. Am I bricked already?
+4'd GRafina in 100 pulls . It's doable bwo. Be smart, use the monthly on her and save some trouble.
>doing damage is low IQ
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Are we getting Levia tonight or tomorrow ?
Same with the FH.
Anyone who clears level 1 or above this Fiend hunter is a fucking traitor and should be shot.
3 hours and 20 minutes until I get B idol Helena to +5 from my free pull.
Anyone can see the future here? Any tips on HOTTIME for Levia?
1 hour after the patch is up.
First, you don't need +5. The last upgrade is dmg only and can be safely ignored. Aim for +4.
With a bit of luck you can get +2 from draw, then +3 from powder shop in 2 weeks, then +4 from August rope upgrade.
It's easy.
What's the magic team for Big (not fat) Rou? I'm going for Loen, Helena, Celia, Refi and Levia if I can get her. Is there any better? Is Elise any good anywhere for this hunt?
Bro, read the skills
>218m in training
No sweat this time, huh
Loen sweats for me
Bro the last turn. That's why she's in there.
Loen, Celia, Rubia/Levia, Refi, M.Teresse/B.Helena
Thanks, I'm tempted to use Rubia over Levia for the additional chains. I wonder if that'll be better? Loen's already got the tile upgrade so she's carrying regardless.
Rubia is okay if you don't care about leaderboards. I'm hitting around 100k with this team alone, and with phys team it's enough for the threshold (157m).
100m*, obviously
My magic team is Refi, Elpis, Samay, Celia and Loen.
B.Helena would be better than Samay, Celia has her Daughter of the Great Witch costume which is what I use before the final burst comes up.
Levia would also probably be better than Celia since she boosts magical damage on top of chaining a bit and also has elemental advantage.
>Is Elise any good anywhere for this hunt?
I use her in my physical team with the CD pot on her Codename costume so I can use her ability every turn and her Lovely Lady costume during the final burst turn to build some chains+damage.
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the odds are 0.00005%, so 1 in 2,000,000
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the hottime for Loen was 1 minute after the end of the maintenance, so the same thing should apply for Levia
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it sure wasn't hot for me...
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>mfw now I know I won't win a lottery even if I buy 50k tickets
Levia hot time will commence in roughly 15 hours 18 minutes and 38 seconds time. This window will be open for roughly 18.5 seconds. The expanded window of 10 seconds either side of this, will be severely increased Alecseeded odds.
Lul, what's even the point of including it when the odds are no existent.
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>278 rolls and still no Helena
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I couldn't pull the Justia alt. Am I actually bricked?
She's useless bro.
I fully teared and +5 her, Levia from monthly and powder plus hot time pulls. Gonna go all in on summer angels
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Really? Thank god.
Really? Isn't she great in ToS, usable in ToP and this FH, and great for any future on-element FH?
Im heating up the HOT TIME for reset so be ready
Yeah I think he meant mid.
I was joking when I said she was useless. She's good, but the single costume, sp cost and cooldown are stupid. On Element Fiend Hunters, Yuri, Pool party Angelica and Ventana are probably better. Chains win Fiend Hunters, which is what fatty cannot contribute to. This is the first where chaining is 99% detrimental.
No she's ass at everything. You're unironically bricked with her.
>This is the first where chaining is 99% detrimental
I doubt it will be the last
Justi is amazing specially when you pair her with eris for 1 to 7 chains comps absolute monster
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h-haha, I'm so ready for Levia bros!
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At least you +5'd Helena, right anon?
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Wait a sec, there are people itt without +5 bhelena? How do you play the game?
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>paid 1
lmao get fucked dumb whale
Paying in installments via monthly selector. Two more months and I can be a magic chad.
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>paid dia
If you want the costume, just buy more
>Two more months
isn't she going to be in the powder shop?
I only have her at +2. Next powder shop rotation she will be +3 so it will take me two months to max her out.
The image is mostly just useful to see which combinations are equivalent without calculating yourself
>I only have her at +2
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anon, please send the full image. I'm begging
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I'm downloading my Levia right now, when it's done, I'm pulling her with my free pull.
ez game
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Also spooked by PP Angelica, VGray, School Glacia, ADDiana and Justi.
10 5* in 180 pull? I kneel...
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This isn't Levia...
No, kneel to this guy >>487492231
I don't even have the title and am still barely clinging to staying in green rates
Luck chads, report in.
>180 rolls for 1 copy of Levia
It's so fucking over...
>another cursed banner of hitting pity for off banner pulls
>off banner shit
Just fuck off alright
>track and field team
>doesn't have either of the movement ability skills
>blowing your load on the first day of Levia
you fools!
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>310 rolls and still not a single Helena
I only got her to +1 with the 100 rolls I saved up :(
Weapons banners are a scam right? I shouldn't bother with Levia's weapon even with 200 summons? I think she's hot and deserves the best
She's not a dps, it's retarded to roll for her weapon.
Weapon banners are only a scam if you don't get the weapon or you already have it. If you're willing to roll 200 times, it's still suggested to wait for the last day so you don't get spooked. That said, I personally always roll for it after getting the costume because why play if you don't like to gamble?
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I'm going to kill myself.
why do the guides say not to build crit rate at all? are people really critfishing 3 attackers with 20% crit rate?
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just thought I'd add this. I don't even have her +5
I need new Nebris right fucking now
You get critrate with diana and bhelena or arines
there's other sources like red rou or the guranteed crit mechanics on fiend hunters
That said, you do need crit rate gear for PvP and some tower challenges, it's just a lower priority
I mean at this point, drop another 29 rolls in and exchange the 400 to get +4 and be happy for the 20 tickets refund
Stay at +4 and boost with a monthly costume upgrade if you really want +5
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my Levia(two of them) look weird...
am i supposed to have some character specifically for this shit?
i thought this game was generous and fair
so if i play magic i'm pretty much required to get levia?
She will be the corner stone of every magic team the same way G.Rafina is for phys
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1st 10 pull after free daily. Makes up for how shit my Loen and B Helena pulls have been
I know nothing about this game except that Brown Dust is such a shitty game name.
That is all.
Have a good day.
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My cute tigerwife
Thanks bros. I'll hold off on it
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bow in the presence of greatness
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I think you're just supposed to stack one gigantic hit and then you're done.
>200 pulls
>6 off-banner spooks
John I'm coming for you
Magic atk is a meme
Magic isn't real lmao
Bro, your maid? Your Eris?
It took 30 tickets... but i got Levia's fat sweaty ass to munch on finally
bwo.. my characters are only level 40... im not some fucking oldglutti
I got the new girl in a 10 pull. Should i keep pulling if im a new player or hold for better units?
>201 rolls
>1 Levia 3 spook
>Craft some gear for her because I don't have spare rank3
>Got 3 rank4 with only 5 tries each
I almost get mad at you, John.
There are no better units, if you don't pull for this you should just quit. This is as important as B.Helena
Nta but how? I had 2 lvl 100 teams before I finished by second week newglutti pass
Oh seriously? I had no idea how strong she was
I just thought people said newbies should focus on maxing out supports or something first
She is a support
She is support debuffer. It's important to have at least one copy of damage amplifier (Gamer Rafina and Sports Levia).
pull to +3 and then powder her +4 copy, you dont have to +5
Since you're new, you probably should only aim for +1 or +2 on Levia. We will be getting more summer limiteds in August that will probably be good since they are running so many meta characters. At +2 you can grab her from the pity shop after the banner ends and use a monthly selector ticket to get her to +4 for the max debuff. Helena +5 is still superior btw because she gives 50% crit chance and crit fishing is ass
Support like her Diana B Helena GRafine are truly the stepping stones for your DPS to shine but 1 copy is enough for now we have limiteds coming, dont get bricked with what the other anon said
Anyone have the summer roadmap?
post tower/fh rank before talking about brick
>1 SP short
AIIEE forgive me John
Ok im retarded, didnt realize she was a support. Thanks for the advice bros
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Save for micro bikini Eclipse and Terrese.
newglutt here
so i shold make Levia attakc first?
When will be the next dude character?
After buffer
Would you want Nox for the next dark FH?
Never again, it's been like 8 months since the last male character.
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this is the most i can do, level 2 Rou with my level 40 characters
after this, when she's level 3 i can only do 1.4th of her hp and then she does Boring meow and im stuck doing 1 point of damage for 20 turns

i hate this, im not strong enough because im just too new
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fuck this game dude
what is this garbage
holy fuck what is with these giant patches for a mobile game
it's like i'm reinstalling the game every single time
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What's my team oldglutties
werks on my machine
same shit happened to me
I'm so fucking cursed. I shouldn't have rolled for BHelena. The curse still lingers, I'm going to reach 5 star pity AGAIN and I'm not even going to get Levia. I will have to roll more 130 tickets so I can get 1 PITY LEVIA.

cute! *rape*
gg ez
cutie... go play the story instead
so whats the strat for this FH?

Anyone here want to give a rundown?
bro just don't exceed 6 chains on any one turn. it may mean you have to hold off on using some of your characters attacks that's OK just save them for next turn. Ideally in this fiend hunt try using 3 buff or support and just 2 dps
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i figured that out!
thats why the video i posted was Turn 3, because on turn 1 i had to only do Levia's big dick move!
then on turn 3 i let out my entire load all over Rou's face!
but after that im flacid and i can't do anything..
Schera bros... she got claimed...
Never, devs have pretty much said they will never add males again and even before that only like 3 males units had a banner, so yeah, those fellas are never seeing the light of day again.
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suggestions? do I need chainers again for some weird conditional mechanic?
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Cursed time
The Brickening begins
Soon. The demand is high and John knows it.
I wouldn't mind edgy males.
Got to lv5 by myself
Time to sleep til some helpful anon explains how the fuck this raid works for lv6+
300 pulls and only +1 Levia(with 200 powder). The rate up in this game was a joke
You're just a lucklet
you're not even using the buffs the fiend can give you
>10 five stars in 250 pulls
>3 copies of Levia and 7 off-bannera
How is this? I'm done pulling I can get +4 with exchange and powder of cope.
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The rates are obviously lower than the game claims, but since there's no solid way to prove it, they will claim it's just bad luck
I used 200 rolls for +1 Lavia, I'm fucking sad now.
That's the bread and butter of KR games
Someday some autist will record their pulls and notice a discrepancy between his actual rates and the shown in game rates then john will dogeza live on stream and give away 400 rolls so nobody quits
Die, Bride Refithea!
You don't belong in this Fiend Hunt!
wtf john even though knock back only doesn't show as adding a chain it counts it as one?
I think the rates are always tweaked down in mandatory buffer and debuffers.
Jane Dust owes me sex.
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Rou is kinda filtering me... Is it even possible to set up Loen's nuke properly with both sports costumes and Rou's buffs?
I can't. It always triggers the damage reduction. Fucking useless piece of SHIT sport costume
why you even need rou? after 3 chains critical hit is guaranteed for fiend hunt
holy, hot time is fucking real
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This is the story of my life with this game. I think the only banner I've had good luck with was the new Justia.
This fiend hunt is rou.
sorry I'm hammered drunk and completely spaced it. but it's really just playing the long game on it only nuke the last possible turn before the ko hit. it's honestly a little refreshing that they tried something new this fiend hunt
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this is the only gacha game that I play that I'm afraid when it's time to pull, the rates are dogshit
>mfw my on banner rate dropped from 2.1% to 1.7% just from B.Helena and Levia banners
I think its the combination of dogshit rates and needing a shitload of dupes. Other games I play are just grab one copy and go home.

I wonder why I stuck to this game honestly, I remember trying Eversoul and dropping it because the dupe mechanic disgusted me but somehow I stuck to this one.
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My banner rate is less than 1%. Don't fall down here with me bwo.
yeah, it's probably this, I got 1 Levia and then I noticed that I had to pull another one or she is trash, so it costed me 100 pulls
You thought your newglutti luck would last?
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my newglutti luck never started
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I got Levia in 30 pulls and will be getting her to +1 with dust
>did 200 pulls
>got 11 SSRs
>no longer below 1.5%
>2/11 are the rate up unit

even if I'd lost all coinflips I can't complain here bwos
>new banner day
>meta unit
>new FH
>ded thread
God damn we need some swimsuits up in there
sorry bwo two better games updated and they have my attention instead
Good. Back to comfy threads.
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Beating ToS level 5 for the first time feels bittersweet after dumping 120 tickets on Levia and getting nothing. Now I got more 5 tickets to roll and get NOTHING AGAIN. Fucking great
What's with all of the bricked accounts posting? Have you guys not rerolled for a better seed yet?
>fat rou unit releases, becomes nightmare of pvp
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>Got raped rolling for levia
>Got buried and utterly destroyed rolling in BA

wheres my luck bros
who took it please give it back
>3 guides on the official discord
>None of them are using Loen

ummmm loengods?
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Can't stop canon wife
Sports Loen+buff are 4 chain so make sure there are no more than 1 other characters attacking the same spot as her. Just let them use their support skill or spread them out.
what gaymes?
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>FH literally designed to fuck over chaining
>Gigawhales use her anyway
was refi a mistake? Imagine if she gets a third buffing costume
No more pulls left and only +1 Levia. My account is forever bricked.
hard to add a 3rd costume to her rotation
Not as hard as my dick
Let me borrow a Loen...
Actually how do you borrow unit in this game? I didn't even know it exist.
thanks john
Explo... bro, your tickets...
>those tickets
My tickets is literally 0 now kek
It is literally impossible to save tickets. The rates are so bad.
Skill issue
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You can't
>got to FH level 6
>can't make a second team worth a shit thanks to nochains
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>for the first time dot.gg gave bad FH guide
>check out some guide videos on youtube
>most of them are physical teams
What the hell, did Leon and Levia scammed me...
Should've built phys, dumb rouposter
Luck IS a skill
Golden hand sama... I kneel...
200 tickets for +0...
I guess I will just use exchange for +1 and stop here, this is not my day
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Bwos I'm bricked...
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Skill issue
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same dude
I will gladly drink Golden-sama piss in order to have his luck.
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You savescumming niggers are FUCKED
Oh nyoo...
>First thread I've seen where 99% of anons are getting fucked rolling

Bros is my time now? I usually get the opposite of what you luck fuckers get, and now you're not getting luck lmao
Maybe. It's also the first banner I'm skipping since January.
How fucked are you, if you can't turn 1 this guy?
>99 accounts
>mostly chink name
Probably very.
I was drunk when I got to him once and fucked up my first turn. He has a counter next turn iirc so I just alt + f4'd that shit and nuked him
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not being able to unga chain stack is making me extra retarded...
not having any good fire units other than eris also sucks...
bro your lia? your loen????
only have +3 base
im the guy who spent all he had when she released and didn't get a single copy and have gotten two of her UR weapon from free draws...
Bro, your +5 max teared Elise?
71 pulls, only 1 Levia, not even an extra off banner spook. Man, these times we're living in are not hot times..
As someone who started around bride Refi, I assume FH 8+ is not something I'll touch in a long while until I have several +5s? I usually end up around 7-8 each cycle.
+5 Don't determine everything. What you need to do is crit max. Have Schera-sama craft UR crit gear. You want you main damage dealers do be at around 700% crit to clear level 10s. Zenith, Celia, Diana, Refi, Medical Teresse, Gamer Rafina, Levia and Homo Lathel are all solid investments.
How does Johnathan Dust keep releasing such exquisite buttocks, of the highest quality?
He's a cultured pervert (one of us)
>no Pigstia until 200
>no Levia until 200
I will skullfuck all the Johns if that trend continues with limited swimsuits. This shit is fucking ridiculous at this point
just swipe bwo
Guys I bought 6k paid gems and John pulled out the Step up banners did they realize they were losing money and now im fucked for the limiteds
That's the thing, I'm already swiping.
Stream next week
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>for another rigged banners
Hell yeah.
Bro got unlucky
Bro said bro got unlucky
>Oragami put his career on the line for the swimsuits
If dalvi sex wasn't already over the line I dont know what he can do to risk his art career.
Areola and anus peek
how many millions damage to finish level10?
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First 5 star on Levia banner
Lathel Pool Party.
Imagine when they make Lathel Alter so he can have even more costumes in the fire pool hahahahahahaha
Are we going to ge another tons of free pulls like anni or nah because John is going to be John?
I got Herb Lathel and then pool Gray. I'm so mad. I'm boiling.
Wait did he really say that or meme?
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lmao losers
male seed...
Be straight with me. Time to quit because this account is over? 8 months account. Literally no pulls left. I used up everything. I'm in tears.
Time to either download Grindr or buy a rope bro
Your next 10 pull will be blessed by 1 Rubia. Thanks for playing.
NTA but can I get a pirate Rubia too? It's the only costume of hers I'm missing
Yeah time to stop playing this and try my luck on other games. Suck, I really like this game too and before limited. Thanks for the times anons
see you tomorrow
Fatty slapped
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Bros... I ain't gonna lie, I'm getting burnt out or rather bored. I'm not sure. But it's the same thing every day. Maybe I'm just tired, but I hope things will develop more.
I wish I had maid lia and loen...
Loen was the biggest scam honestly with how much this awful thread hyped her and circlejerked her

Then the first fire FH after her was completely anti-loen and this one is just whales doing 11 with phys teams anyway
You can't expect anyone to give an educated advice without posting your overall pull rates. People gets shafted in gachas all the time. I've been playing since the last year summer pack and I can guarantee that none of the anons here had a worse bad streak on pulls than me. My rates have stabilized over the time though.
But we have Levia now
What do you expect from gacha game? You better give your account to me then go play offline game.
It's official. Schera bros have won. 2nd Limited costume soon, side story and Scheralter soon. We are unstoppable. Keep seething Yusti fuckers, you've lost.
yeah but whales are still doing 11 without loen meaning you can fully skip her with levia being the only real must have from here
proof /bd2g/ has no idea of what they're talking about every time and just worships the latest pair of tiddies
That's the cycle of gacha games. My nikke account is stacked af with SSS tier units but I can't be bothered to play it because the gameplay is so fucking ass. Haven't touched it since the hot spring event.
I would suggest taking a break but we're getting a new summer pack with limited costumes next week.
That's the cycle of BAD gacha games
Good ones keep you engaged and introduce new shit every once in a while or have constant story drops so you're invested in where the story goes and cant drop it

Stuff like BD2 gives you a short story every 2 months or so and the gameplay loop is pretty ass since it's extremely repetitive and if you want to stay at the top as an oldfag then that means you have to do a lot of lucking or a lot of whaling so it's tiring
>good ones
Like what?
Retarded tourist
why would I name one and derail this into a gacha war of my gacha > your gacha

just saying that good games make an effort to keep you engaged and hooked while bad games stay the same for years and you eventually quit after you've seen it all because it gets really boring
>his ego is so fragile he is afraid of retards on the internet
Anon there will always be someone who will hate what you love no matter how good it is. A healthy human being states their opinions anyway because there will be haters but there will also be those who agree with you and like what you also like
It's the kind of stuff people say for every banner, not just Loen. But calling Loen a scam just ousts you as a retard with 0 game knowledge, if you pulled her she's very viable in lots of content, if you didn't pull her there's other options.

Your post is proof that /bd2g/ has no idea what they're talking about every time and just hates on the latest pair of tiddies
>seapag logs in everyday to do daily chores and wonder why he got burnt out
How bad did it go bros? I've done 10 pulls so far and a guaranteed Kry. I don't know how far I'll go with Levia. Maybe +3
>just hates on the latest pair of tiddies
It's just one retard thats been crying since b.eclipse. Just ignore. It's probably the same guy that thinks loen and sacred justia is bad. That retard gets PTSD everytime he sees tits. You will see his melties when the new summer costumes drop.
Teresse bros. Obviously the new summer limited will be ours. But, how far do you want John to go on the sexo? She's clearly a sophisticated woman who doesn't partake is such disgusting acts.
Two Levia in two 10 pulls. Saving up for now...
What I'd give for luck like that.
Name your "good" game because I'm confident it don't have an actual "new content" added periodically.
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feetchads keep winning
Glacia bros?
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He won't name them because he knows that someone here will also throw shit at those. I bet its probably nikke or mihomo games because those are the most mainstream ones and can dish out contents faster because they literally earn 30/40x your average gacha revenue.
try grub
>service games are repetitive
No fucking way, big if true
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You say that but I played FGO and that shit was a fucking chore. Events were convulated as fuck anf you practically had to play 3 hours MINIMUM a day to get every reward, and that was without sweep and autobattle and no PC version so your phone was like a boiling potato by the time you finished, and the timegated events meaning you had to wait almost 2 weeks before the full event was unlocked.
Games I don't like :
>non-engaging repetitive chore

Games I like :
>non-repetitive, new content always delivers
I won't say which games though besause they're repetitve too and I'm heavily biased

It's that simple
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How many of you did hit man version Mr. Lee get this time be honest your names on here isn't it?
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Me btw
kek isn't that the top pvp guy right now? thanks john for raising my rank by banning cheaters
KEK I just checked and yes dudes on the pedestal #1 fucking fag ass cheater
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I haven't played many gachas but I did play lots of turn based games. Before Brown Dust I played a lot of Last Origin, it ticks so many boxes for me.
Not only it's a strategy game with lots of mechanics but the game basically puts you in charge of everything, you farm your own daily AP so if you min-max and understand efficiency you can play as much as you want.
You don't have to pay to get units, you can get all of them just by beating the stages, real currency is used to buy skins usually.
Unfortunately the game is already 5 yo and changed owners 2 times in 2 years. Small korean dev team prisu undastand only updates the game every 1+ month if the game isn't changing owners
>try jumping into level 7 straight after level 6 clear
>walled by no sp regen
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sumata and cumming on levia bloomer...
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Kinda bad luck. No one else in these 50 pulls. Cutting losses since limiteds are coming soon. I hope the free dailies get me something. When will we get info on the limiteds anyway?
>anons say they're bored of the game after playing it for a year
>the paid community managers come out to defend the game and how great the game is compared to others
>2 pm (utc)
>fatherless neet retard wakes up to shitpost the thread ad nauseam for free again
>expects for people to answer seriously to his baits
Hang yourself already
LO is gonna die we are all swapping to there new game sorry bro
God wtf is this FH boss, must be the hardest one yet, can't use almost any of my characters.
Check the guides, it's easy
all you need
keep being a chad
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guys hehe
what if we did a /bd2g/ sings the title theme song?
I beat level 6 rou! But now I can't beat level 7 rou in one go...
If you don't have Loen, Maid Liatris, Chadthel, or Eris then you're fucked.

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Levia sloppa

https://files.catbox.moe/yd8o5h.safetensors sports levia
>sports levia, red buruma, white shirt, black hair, purple hair, black hairband, fake horns, yellow ribbon, hair ribbon, red eyes, very long hair, hair between eyes, track jacket, red jacket, open jacket
Helene showed up at the pub
do i recruit?!
i already have her costume but this owuld be a +1
i dont have B rank
Bro, your +5 maxed teared Maid Liatris?
She's almost useless without her second costume
>Can't even level 8

Bros the timings for costumes are so tricky this time around.
I hate Maid Liatris and Gamer Rafina so fucking much it's unreal.
I don't even have +0 maid Liatris...
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>john makes new gimmicky fiends every time
>everyone just uses same few costumes again
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Loen is ba-
>comment on the latest wallpaper
>accidentally called the BD2 twitter guy "John"
>deleted it right after
how embarrassing..
>36 chain dmg
>Big kot still alive
Bad yes.
loen isn't bad
she's just simply not necessary
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I sure wish I had a Loen to put my Lost Magic on...
Being a costumelet is really kicking my ass this hunt. +0 maid Lia, +2 Loen, +1 Levia. I wish I got a bit lucky, but those banners really fucked me hard.
>Lost Magic

No Loen, guess the magic really is lost
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>Lia is the best fire unit
Liabros can't stop winning
Eris, Rubia, Elise, and Loen got their time to shine, it's the first time I'm using them for FH
I'm a magic main but at this point I got a +4 base Lia and she's performing really good when I need her
Shouldn't Anastasia perform really well too in this FH?
Only one of her costumes hits all the vuln spots, and it must be teared to do so
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That was weird.
I got basically the same roll twice.
I don't think so, too many chains for her to be good. She'd be more of a problem I think.
Dunno, I'm using Elise just for the BAAAANG! VO.
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>new game
what's the new game called?
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>Things are that bad I'm using Eris this hunt

Fuck me bros.
A whale account is irrelevant.
>FH penalizes you for 7+ chain
>Eris penalizes you for 7+ chain
I don't see the problem.
haha what if we made both fire FHs built around eris and lia
Anyone with +5 Maid Lia is pretty much given a free level 10 clear. I'm a +0 maidlet and 99% sure my guild will figure this out. What do I do? I don't want to be kicked.
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can i join a guild?
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Has anyone here had any success running Venaka this Fiend hunt? specifically at low costume dupes? Like +2?
Mine is +5 with weapon... >>487577552
i thought guildies could borrow other peoples girls?
Only for the upcoming guild content
My hotwife Schera will get passed around by 29 other people...
You aren't getting my Teresse bro. She's mine.
I'm tempted to get rid of Levia and use Rubia. Have you tried Levia yet? I've got a feeling Celia + Pirate chains will enable Loen to do better. Thoughts?
I'm scared to roll Levia with my 120 rolls so I'm using Rubia instead. Maybe someone else can test this.
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>lv 8
My Levia is only +1. But it feels like chaining alone does more damage.
loenbwos the physchads are laughing at us again

good morning sir!
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Loen bros, it's officially over. Our new limited fire mage nuker will be here soon.
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Thanks John Dust.
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>there are Loenlets in this thread right now
Holy brickeroni
>open image
>maid lia
>close image
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Here is a lv10 just for you cutie
>Defeat Rou
>That pose she does when defeated
D-Did I just kill a cat?
no thanks I'll just use one of the 10 phys guides for day1 instead of bricking myself with that useless cow
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Yes, you're no better than hoyofags now.
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Best I could do without following any guides on a 1st run attempt. I'm not really sure what I can do better (Lia is +0, +1 on Rodev, Loen is +1 on both outfits, my Elise is +0 and don't have maid Rubia. Not having the 3x3 upgrade on Refi's bride hurts a bit too).
Tips appreciated, of course.
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magic bros when is our time coming...
Try Celia instead of Venaka, buy cd tear for M.Lia
just +5 your loen and post your screenshots of how shes so much better than your +0 lia
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Phybwos show me your ways.
>Anastacia leveled over Lia
holy brick loligod...
>No MLia
>No Eris
ur fucked
Bwo your eris...
You should replace Celia for Levia in your second team, the guide you found on youtube is outdated.
I don't have Levia, this team beats the lvl10 threshold anyway.
>Lia level 1
now this is a fine and solid brick
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Which don't exist since otherwise we'd have way more than 300 people at lv10 on day one, retard-kun.
The mental gymnastics people put themselves through just because they don't like a unit, holy moly.
>Which don't exist
huh? have you not looked at the official discord?
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I'm not a homo so no.
Show me those 10 pure phys, no magic guides that can pull 400mil in one day king. I'll wait.
139 million enough to clear 10? Lazy for this one desu, way too much waiting
There's a bunch of guides for both magical and phys on the official discord

I'd heavily recommend joining because this garbage game has a severe lack of resources and this general is just schizos, retards and trolls on the few hours a day when it's actually alive and not being bumped off page 10.
made for hotdogging
You need 158kk
see >>487551802
Thank you, I'll probably just stick here unless I gain a burst of motivation tomorrow.
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I'm convinced about lia bias is real. Even back on eris FH she still perform too fucking well
If you are using Eris here, you might want to try concentrated fire on the side so you can hit two spots with the single hit move.
I got the new girl to +5 with 180 pulls. Do i go for Helena copies or wait until we find out the next banners. My Helena has no dupes but she seems good for magic teams overall
Rou has 3 vuln squares, Eris doesn't need skips there
how would you even design a fiend where Lia is bad? Two 3x3 costumes with that level of damage is going to be good anywhere
The single hit will only hit 1 weak spot without a concentrated fire. If you concentrated fire on either side, it will hit 2 weak spots (due to the U-shape of the ability.) Both will hit 3 spots in total however, yes.
No DoT FH, if you apply a DoT then you get -1000000% atk
That's all you need to do to take out both Lia and Gisgray.
Anyone near rank 1000?
Whats the cut off?
I thought you meant her cat costume.
Wasting a slot in the party to make Eris hit one more square still looks bad though.
B Helena is considered a must +5
She will also make your roguelike experience very good, whether physical or magic because 50% crit rate and full hp healing is very good.
Most of the fight is "wasted" regardless. You will be bringing a chainer who can't chain except for 1 turn on both sides too.
I hate to break it to you, Helena should've been your first priority. Go all out on her though, she's the best magic buffer in game.
DON'T roll on Helena's banner
it's fucking CURSED
What's your crit damage at for Loen for this Fiend? I'm at 720% and I've got a feeling her costume being at +2 is holding me back.
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this, don't fall for it unless you don't have a copy yet
Didn't you have 2?
Struggling to beat level 8. Fucking insane what anti chain does. Who is on banner next? I need to start saving again, Levia wasn't kind to me.
>Who is on banner next
Game Club Rafina and White Cat Rou
Nice, 2 skips. Finally a break from rolling.
Johannes "John" Johnson Dust the Second should tweak the season reward for the new rogue mode whether by increase the score threshold or just add more rewards to it, because it's silly that the entire thing is achieved in only a week and the score is pretty much wasted for the remainder of the season
It's the latest shiny mode, of course we fill the bar in the first week. You can't expect the same results in 2 o 3 months bro.
whens the next collab, i want something fun and interesting
Prison School, this fall
Should I watch that?
>You can't expect the same results in 2 o 3 months bro.
Why? People not gonna bother with the mode after this?
nta but we're riding on roguelike launch hype + the newglutti influx from collab/anni. After the august summer event has concluded that bar will fill noticeably slower.
Yet another FH where my perfect damage plan is ruined by missing CD reduction potential on Diana.
Surely it shouldn't be too important, it's just one turn of downtime, I can spend it on energy regen or setup, right?
Yet every single FH it expires on the turn I am supposed to do massive damage, so I have to sacrifice and re-order my actions.
No fucking idea why I haven't leveled it up yet.
I finally finished TOS level 5. Is it worth it going for 6?
>worth it to do a free mode
What the fuck does that even mean?
Learn English kek
Yeah but I scrapped the second one for the crystals when my s.justia sword was being stubborn...
How do we feel about this fiend hunter? It's frustrating, but I'm glad it's not another chain to the sky then nuke boss. It will be interesting to see where John goes next. A healing FH would be interesting.
John is going to Las Vegas next with all our money.
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Nta but what's wrong with his English. Your subhuman time is worthless so your question of 'worth' can't refer to wasting time, so the closest thing is the keys & the 3 daily ones are free.
Speaking from exprience huh? Guess it's worth it asking here kek.
Mixed. It's nice to have some variety, but I wish John could think of something else instead of going the extra mile just to disable Diana/chains since that just turns fiends into unit checks.
We're all posting here instead of playing the game anon, we're all in the same boat
You just don't get John's grand vision. Trust the plans.
You say that but it hasn't done shit. The cookie cutter formula of Type Damage Buffer, Property Damage Buffer, and Chain enabler is still used even with the restrictions. Celia can still be used but she's edged out by Rubia b/c she's on element and can pass off DoT to maid.
It's official. This game is on the verge of eos. Which 2 limiteds are going to save us? Teresse and Zenith for me.
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So am i rolling or not...
Nothing is going to save this game without some major rehaul.
>Your subhuman time is worthless
I could spent this extra time doing useful things like playing other gachas
Yes, Helena is amazing. You need her for magic teams. 1 costume buffs Magic attack and heals, the other reduces damage and recovers sp. Both are very useful.
Micro bikini Refi
Is she good?
Thanks. My tickets and gems are trusting you
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Who is the phys equivalent of Helena?
It's a usual "wait for the dps window and use everything" FH. Diana and Celia are core, as always.
next summer limited. micro bikini teresse
H.Lathel, except his buff is bigger and doesn't have crits
John I am literally taking a knee here.
Eh, the chains thing was pretty restricting but not as bad as I thought it would be desu, it just took a little more time than usual to figure out how to deal more damage.
720% is overkill. Priority is 600~620%, that is the sweet spot, and then stacking (m)atk with the rest. This also holds true for many other costumes.
Not entirely 1 person. Homo Lathel buffs attack a lot for 1 sp. But he doesn't heal. Plenty of other costumes meaning he can do great damage. Medical Teresse buffs both magic and physical and heals. But, she requires tons of investment and her second costume is shit.

TLDR - Closest equivalent is Medical Teresse. Needs lots of investment though.
Thanks anon. I'll lower my crit and up the damage. See how it goes. What sort of magic damage would I be aiming for, for Loen?
It's literally the same as usual but you are even more restricted to specific units. And also it's the usual chain to the sky then nuke boss on the burst turn anyway.
But it is a chain to the sky and nuke fight, you just get to do it only once per team so it means you have to fiddle around more to figure out how to do some damage on the set-up turns. Beyond that it's actually one of the most straightforward fights yet.
It is really funny how hard Eris is getting shilled with these fights and I'm almost tempted to spend some tears on her.
Didn't Bhelena also need +5 or something? So it's the same
>that little pout school Glacia gives after combat
ahh bros I can't she's too adorable...
Depends on your Loen/support dupes and the refinement levels on Loen's weapon/gloves/v.touch. Base guideline on crit DPS is 2k+ base (m)atk + 600%+ cdmg, and from there on you can use the gear calculator in the op (resource kit) to see what does more.
Thanks anon. I've got Loen's UR gear. I just went with the highest crit damage weapon. I'll rejuggle a bit and see what happens.
I will release swimsuit Glacia just for you.
She has more use for double flat atk on her UR though, she gets 200% cdmg for free from potential/base stats but flat matk is her weak point.
You can also use the dot gg guide for this dot gg gg/brown-dust-2/character-guide-loen/
Is there like a video that explains the weapon refinement system for dummies. Im confused on the rolling part where sometimes you get an S but the 3 letters on the weapon dont change. Cant really find an explanation in game either
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Would you kiss a glutti?
The fuck you're tealking about?
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Rightmost letter carries the most weight, left the least.
It it hits something adds up to higher score (upgrade) it'll go up, otherwise it stays the same.
Go like this -
The later the letter the better the stat improvement. So -

ASS is better than SSA for example. Just aim for as many S as you can. As long as the last letter is S, you'll do fine. SSS is so rare next to no one has it.
OG Teresse isn't that bad, I'm using her as a battery sometimes
will swipe just for her john
It will only change if it's better than your current one. All 3 of them not just one grade.
Not to mention base Teresse also inflicts bleed for Maid Lia to profit off. She has her uses once you know how to properly deploy her.
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If you can't be bothered to use an excel sheet just do a simple multiplication. Divide your CDMG by 100 and add 1 and multiply it with your attack, swap gear around and see what improves it.
Eg. if you have 720% cdmg and 1500 matk your effective damage is 8.2 * 1500 = 12300. If you shift stats around to have 620% CDMG and 1750 matk your effective damage is 7.2 * 1750 = 12600 (numbers are ballpark and not representative of actual optimization).
But don't optimize too much or chase "perfect" items with 3 of the same substat unless you're competing for ranking or are struggling to beat a fight. As long as your substats are offensive you're fine.
What's your problem Dalvi?
mfw I still don't understand why these catbox file links don't work
>C = 1 point
>B = 2 points
>A = 3 points
>S = 4 points

Each column is a multiplier.
>1st column = 1x
>2nd column = 2x
>3rd column = 3x

If you're decent at quick mental math you can calculate it pretty quick. Like take SAC for example. I can quickly do 4 + 6 + 4 and get 14.

But the real thing is eventually you get used to some values and can evaluate them from memory.
Like I often aim for a minimum of BBS on main gear.
This is 2 + 4 + 12 or 18.
From memory I know a few that also add up to 18 such as AAA that I can eyeball.
Thank you, that clears a lot up for me. So what do you veteran players shoot for? 2xA and 1xS ?
it's a file to make your own sloppa bwo, what's confusing you?
Oh I thought it was a nsfw link of the picrel
Name your "good" game, retard.
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Seems this is my limit, never managed to get above rank ~500 but I wanted to see how far I could get on my best element after 9 months of f2p action. Pretty happy, but now I understand what anon meant with the top100 regions being something else. The amount of swiping, refinement maxxing and calculating one has to do to consistently end up there must be insane.
It's good desu, a bit more challenging.
They post the odds somewhere but the odds of AAS is extremely low. Like you might get lucky but you could easily burn like 100k essence and not hit that. That being said I mean like unless you're aiming for PVP ranks you don't need insane numbers to work.

The actual stat bonuses are linear in terms of gain. So using my >>487615115 example lets say that 1 point = 1% crit damage (just an example).
The bare minimum you can roll is CCC which is 6 points so you'd get 6% bonus crit damage.
Probably the absolute baseline would be BBB which is pretty easy to get. This is 12 points so it would be 12% crit damage.
The BBS/AAA I mentioned is 18% so 18% crit damage.
So the absolute max roll of SSS would only be 24% crit damage which is only 6% more than AAA. It's absolute better but it's not like having smething lower is a brick.
Keep in mind if you had 2 crit damage main stat options it would double, so you'd have 24% more crit damage with BBB and 48% more with SSS.
Reveal yourself we know you're here
In the first place you should avoid spending too much powder on any pieces that aren't URIV. But that's easier said than done if you're a new player, so you'll probably have to build some usable URIII or SRIV pieces first.
For temporary gear like that I'd say don't go above BBA or equivalent.
URIV you should take to BBS or equivalent as soon as you craft it, it's reasonably obtainable with the powder you get from the event shop and dismantling URI-II.
Then once you're happy with the general state of your gear you dump all excess powder into your IV venomous touches and gloves to fish for higher than BBS. You'll see a handful of CSS and BSS after playing for some months but SAS ASS and SSS are lottery winner tier.
If you want to PvP things change a bit since hitting specific breakpoints on defensive gear is very important there, but if you're optimizing for PvP it means you're an advanced player so you're on your own there.
I actually really like Rou but only when she doesn't talk, she's cute
Children really should just keep quiet
It's not me you naygger
Do debuffs like Levia magic damage inc work against Last Night boss?
That's it. I'm going for ASS
Debuffs don't work on him, the only reason why Refi's chain boosting works is because it's a self/team wide buff rather than a debuff.
Nope, no debuffs, no DoTs, no Zenith target, nothing that you apply to the boss.
Also no sharing of self-buffs between costumes, using school Loen before base Loen will not buff base Loen.
REMINDER: Levia is not only a slutty whore (aka married) but also an NTRwitch that's cheating on her husband Velfern.
I still don't understand what works or not in LN. Some told me buff work some told me not. Some said buff works only for half the costumes etc. I'm confused as newglutti.
Ok so something like say PP Justia would do literally nothing at all?
And I assume counter affects don't trigger?
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Good luck bro, I got my first ASS a week ago at 4.3 mil powder.
Buffs work at 50% on your party.
You can't debuff the boss so Levia, Rafina, etc. are worthless there.
Newglutti here, does the currency from the mirror wars restart at the end of the season?? Also are you guys spending your 40 tickets every day, mirror wars seems like the only boring mode to me
Reminder that her lobby animation has her pulling a love letter back down into her bag while she looks at you (a good friend) like it's none of your business. I'm so tired of getting cucked and friendzoned by these whores man..
Nope, no mechanics work except party buffs, chains and damage. Costumes that buff only specific tiles like medical Teresse do work. Property does not work so Diana only buffs your crit chance. Notable is bride Refi whose property buff doesn't work but the +1 chain will work and apply to the entire raid leading to a massive damage increase so she's the highest priority to have and use in LN. Celia's bunny costume will also not multiply chains for her other costumes but bunny itself will still get the x2 and apply 6 chains.
Nope. I still dealt more damage by hitting the full tile or bringing Lia instead Zenith. It depends on your team comp I guess.
Ok so the strat is unironically just 80 buffers, every single high chain count no matter how strong they are (Celia 7 hits), then your strongest nukers in order weakest to strongest?
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a 21 is like avg 400k dust...
that's hot, rolling some more copies
If odds I whack my jr to the lobby animations
>finally decide to craft SR gears and odd UR gears for collection bonus
>easiest 10k boost to my power level
Pretty much. Start with bride Refi if you have her, put in costumes that buffs the type of attack you're using since you might run full magic or full phys or mixed depending on your options, then chains then strong damage dealers.
Some costumes are strong damage dealers and also have a lot of chains so it takes experimenting to see exactly what order you should put them in. Also not all buffers are worth using particularly since buffs are halves, school Samay for example is generally not good unless you're very new.
You also need to crit and crit buffs are halved too so you might need to crit fish a little or a lot depending on set-up. Someone like RRH Rou decreases your maximum damage ceiling but makes it a lot more humanly possible to hit a high number. Or you can use a crit fishing script and run it for hours if you'd rather cheese it, John won't mind.
don't forget to report which one makes you cum
I just put it on auto and go eat some breakfast.
>based on Atk
So the fucking fiend is literally "lmao fuck magic" by design?
Im a dustlet
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No, you can save the currency as much as you like, but buy the monthly costume at least. Gear tickets are generally a scam and the other stuff isn't really worth it. You have to spend your 40 entries daily to afford the costume but like >>487619485 said put it on auto and alt tab, takes 10-15 minutes with skip on.
Does it literally just run it 10000 times?
Probably bad translate again
Yeah, just a simple autohotkey script to start the fight, skip then repeat should be trivial to pull off even without any technical knowledge.
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>So the fucking fiend is literally "lmao fuck magic" by design?
Not quite.
Toot me
How do you address the 1000% magic atk debuff?
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Holy fuck I think shes good?
You don't address it, you fuck around stacking all the buffs and triggering boss vuln while doing mediocre damage with a single no chain Loen hit here and there then use chains and smash everything into the boss at the last or second last turn and that's it since you're dead a turn later anyway, see >>487579297
You won, get her 3x3 tear node and you're set to beat every wind fiend ever released.
OHHHH ok so if you're doing magic you tank the 1000% debuff with a physical unit. Oh god I need to read gooklish better
>t. didn't launch the fight even once
Where are these questions are even from? It's like some ai trying to guess the gameplay by reading the other users posts.
No, you don't tank it, it debuffs your entire team and there's no avoiding it or clearing it.
You simply avoid triggering it, it's triggered by reaching 7 chains on the boss. So until you're ready to do your final burst hit do not go over 7 chains.
Once you're ready for your last hit, you break the rule and dump all the chains on the boss then he'll debuff your party which ends that team's run, you wait until he kills you then switch to team 2.
We're all bots for your online experience
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Looking for a drama-free semi-tryhard guild
>Out of the rankings tower
>Out of the rankings FH
>Dia I PvP
yeah I think you're looking for a drama-free casual guild new glutti
Oh i didnt even notice there was different tiers of UR gear. So far ive only been leveling up the few i get from events but not rolling heavily on the refinements. Thanks for all the useful info
This FH is so boring. I can't be bothered to try to stay under x amount of chain hits.
*Focus for the rest of 2024 will new Character/Event Packs + NPC (Green) Quests/Events for said packs.

>7.24 (Filler)
Content: Fiend Hunt (Wind)
Banners: Track & Field Levia (Magic G.Rafina)

*Special 2024 Summer Dev. Livestream early this month

>8.1 (Char.Pack Event rerun)
Content: ?
Banners: White Cat Rou

>8.8 (Filler)
Content: Fiend Hunt
Banners: Game Club Rafina (rerun)

>8.15 (2024 Summer Patch)
Content: Beachside Angels (New Event Pack), Roguelike Tower Official Season
Banners: 4 new swimsuit costumes (2x existing BD2 units, 2x new/BD1 units)

>8.22 (2024 Summer Patch 2/2)
Content: Fiend Hunt
Banners: ?

>9.?? (Guild Raids)

>Classic tile-movement SRPG mode
>"Maker Mode" (players can design mob challenges/share them)
>Tower Defense mode
>Social hubs (able to meetup in worlds and chat)
>Japanese Festival/Kimono/Hot springs themed character pack
Post wasn't for you dumbass
When is EOS? September?
people on dicksword already complaining that it needs a sweep function. completely defeating the purpose of a rogue like mode
at the very least they are trying new things which is good. but then again the entire 'rogue like' tower is just more 'big number go brrrrrrrr'
It's been a month since guilds got introduced. Guildbros how are you holding up, did you find a nice guild to settle in? Did it live up to the hopes you had for it or was it a massive disappointment?
it's pretty funny when the # 1 pvp player is on there KEK
Easier to get rank 1 if you can spam infinite cocktails.
What benefit is there to join or make a guild? Are there guild-only missions where you can earn free dias and tickets?
Right now it's 50k gold every day. Later on, the devs say they plan to add guild raid bosses or something.
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Worst I've done in a long time on a Fiend Hunter. Being short on costume dupes is hurting me.
How long did they say they would focus on magic units? We already got the fire mages they promised
Don't remember if they gave a clear timeline but there's still light whose only mage is Jayden, and Angelica who is a mage only for the purpose of boss resistance. Water also has Schera who's awful in PvE and Roxy but the latter is perma(?) limited.
Fire is set for now, dark was the first element where magic was good but Eclipse is not actually that strong as a pure DPS, wind is good with Dalvi and Venaka. So if John's priority is to completely round up magic we could be seeing magic focus well into mid-autumn.
What with all these updates? Do they really need to update that many files just to rig the gacha?
Levias ass is in fact that large that it's necessary
Nice try John
I have my +3 and I'm going to leave it at that and hope for a free spook or just buy in powder shop after banner
Welcome to the filter.
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Was so pissed I forgot to include the picture.
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>obfuscating your dia + tickets
What are you hiding
N-None of your business newglutti.
Why don't paypigs just gladly show that they paid real money to get jpg-copies?
bros I think Levia forgot to wear something...
Is Levia that big up front?
because then it drives third worlders into an endless rage
>You can actually Bunny Celia into Celia this fiend hunt
>21 Chains right off the bat

Fuck me.
Every character is, even Bernie and Repi. They’re simply strapping them down with bandages.
whys there a 1.2gb patch
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holy shit, finally, after 311 pulls, my first Helena.
Is Levia worth to getting to +5?
retarded how the difficulty in this game is entirely dependent on how many dupes of a unit you have

went from hardstuck at tower to literally oneshotting floors while I complain about how awful this game is on here
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You gave it all to get her bwo. I hope things look up from here.
First gacha?
Damn got close. Mobile even
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What am I getting bwos
schera golden thread
Shit, water is the worst element
>tome of liberation free pull
>kry UR weapon
>lost magic free pull
>wiggle UR weapon
john please
+4 if you care about the longevity of your account and want to have a magic team now or in the future

+0 if you're phys for the PV and new character
Is it worth powdering H. Lathel from +2 to +3 for -1 SP reduction?
I use magic so I will try to get +4, because we will get the last one on the shop, right?
>put off starting level 7 rou
>forgot about it
>reset rolled around
I got Azur Lane Sylvia
admiral sylvia
Well, guess I'm a magic player now.
This is also a sign.
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>I've gone 100 with not one copy of her
another day, another 1.5 gig patch
what gives
>because we will get the last one on the shop
You could, or do +3 and get to +4 on the shop after banner.
Taking Levia to +5 is just improving her damage.
+4 is the final upgrade to boosting magic damage of others on targets which is the critical reason to put Levia on a team
>Climbing dark tower
>Use pigstia skill
>Two debuffer enemy survive on opposite ends of the map
>Just use pigstia skill two more times

I love 0cd
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Okay I cleared my towers
Can I complain about how dead the game is and how little there is to do now?
Advent of God title or no bitching
Yes, please tell me how a casual mobile gacha isn't occupying 100% of your free time and taking on the role of a 2nd job every single day
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I don't think I can motivate myself for that

I really expected some sort of fun strategy cool story when I started but the story drops are super slow, the designs are mediocre and the difficulty of the game just depends on how many dupes you got. Tower really went from hardstuck to free as fuck once I got dupes on my buffers and +5 Pigstia which highlights how the difficulty is just character checks.
Congrats on clearing the newglutti content. Now do wrath, desire and last night over 100 mill
I don't think anyone here has LN 100m
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>taking on the role of a 2nd job
>not playing your 2nd job at your cushy security 1st job
Dear oldgluttis, how long did it take for you to reach the 26mil and 52mil breakpoints for last night damage?
It's legitimately a character+gear check
Also a Refi check on top of that, your LN numbers will be dogshit if you're missing Bride Refithea

If you managed to get all the high value reruns they just did then that should give your account a huge boost and if you didn't then you'll be grinding for a while longer until you manage to get your hands on more strong chars and enough gear for all your LN people
1 day, 53 mil on release and never touched it again
Plenty do. I'm at 120+mill. Soon to be 150 when I try for a new record
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Been playing for maybe 5-6 weeks and I got 26M recently
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Hot time!
I got 26m about a week ago and I started like a week into the Roxy banner. Roxy and Eris are like 3 of my top 5 damage dealers in LN and my on banner rate was like 3% before anni, so it really depends on when you started and your luck
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Which Schera has the best alchemy animation?
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PP wears the least clothes so it has the best everything
>Use of Cooked Rice BOOSTING MISSION
John dust is 100% just clearing out the oldglutties before 2x hunting rewards during the real summer event
why does it ask me if i'm sure if i want to make a free draw on an equipment even if i already have it?
why wouldn't i want free powder
>he wastes the free roll on gear banners when he already has UR
Oh god
isn't it a free roll per pool?
am i being rustled
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they add up if you don't use them and you can then use them in whatever banner you want
Is it just me or is the community sheet really broken?
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do NOT trust anon with this schera sprite
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>gisgary suddenly brings up that he's important
>nobody believes him
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>arousing carnal desire in fiends
What are my chances of clearing level 10 fiend if I've literally only just beat 8 now?
26m at 52 days and 52m at 73 days of playing. I started the game the day before Bride Refi released and am at 94 days currently.
Do you have 158m damage?
No chance if you don't.
First time in a long time, I couldn't beat level 8 in one go. Ended with like 25 million hp left. I'm a costumelet. Loen, Maido, Eris are all +2 or worse. Chadthel is +4, but 1 tile range is awful. Half tempted to throw another 10 at the banners and hope I get lucky.
25m from beating lvl 8 it's still like 200m+ damage. I think you can do lvl 10, unless you skipped a day.
Haven't skipped, so maybe there is a chance. I was kinda relying on Rodev's Liatris when I heard it was a wind boss.
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