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Previous >>487377289

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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let her cook
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Why so much emphasis on Seibah and her armpits?
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Kama Love!
Do you want china to have full access to all your files and periodic screenshots of everything you're doing?
Then don't install LoL
Bros I picked Hildr
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For me it's the pink one.
I'm disappointed in you
>Do you want china to have full access to all your files and periodic screenshots of everything you're doing?
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There is something that always has annoyed me, and it happens every time she appears.

Doesn't Caenis talk way to big for being literally nothing at all?
And is not only that is one of the least famous of the Argonauts, that goes aside.
What annoys the most me is that not even big in lore inside FGO she was never a big deal not even when she was relevant for the story.
n-nothing to hide nothing to fear
Caenis was literally immortal and invincibile and would have killed everyone in Atlantis including Grand Archer Orion if Drake didn't fuck Poseidon in the ass with her strap-on.
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They're Arcuid with a white dot in the middle of their eye.
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The story of the event had become complete garbage since the Wu section and Ibuki joining but this is just so dumb now
And now Ibuki is stealing BB's idea of a neverending summer
Man I hate that ugly overgrown lizard so much
To be fair, while Caenaeus is a King trait servant and as such should have a measure of arrogance to them by default. Caenis specifically being a delusional cunt checks with being a female.
She is more like comic relief than an actual threat desu.
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17 hours until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
>Merlina leaves us a personalized video
>it's not her fingerblasting her succubus pussy
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>come forth Midsumer Daimyojin Daienen Ibuki-Douji
Why Douman keeps pulling out this idiotic long ass names?
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Less than a day...
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I want Purin tu suck me
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Daimyojin Ibuki-Douji is technically the normal name. The rest of it is Douman adding some spice.
yes the reference is that takeuchi is aware that he only draws once face and valkyries are a perfect fit for this gimmick
scans doko?
Hopefully there won't be any issues with an extended maintenance or something...
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My Ibuki rolls were my worst rolls of the year and now I only have 309 left for Skadi
I'm scared
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For me, it's Cummer
No way, after all, its just a new rate-up for servants with assets already in the game mostly
today is judgment day
which valk did YOU pick?
All of them
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Nope they dont look anything alike you're just face blind and think blonde and red eyes? same person.
Try again anti-Takeuchi schizo.
>Not a 2 hour long video of her taking progressively bigger dildos, until she's taking massive rubber behemoths that cause a stomach bulge as they push her organs aside
good night bros
Shouldn't BB sue Ibuki for copyright infringement?
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I wish Kuku was drawn by Takeuchi.
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he is a showman through and through
Ibuki would eat BB's lawyers
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I don't understand. Why did Bob disappear and leave only her clothes here?
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By experience after a period of drought the rain comes.
I've spend up periods of 9 months with about 1200+ sq during those months without seeing a single ssr. Then ssrs started raining every 10 rolls.

Right now I'm on a bountiful period, got several ssr back to back, so I expect a drought period now
The white Aryan woman of course
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she was cosmos denialed
I Gudapunched that bitch and sent her back to the Throne.
That's the thing. This was my karmic rebound. This year was full of "oh, I'm saving fir summer. But I can spare a multi and--oh, I got the SSR."
Ibuki was the first SSR I saved for and went deep on. I got greedy.
She's a vampire and you can clearly see in the first panel that Guda opened the window blinds.
now imagine her in shuten's costume
Would be crushed into a paste
>looping with valks
>blonde team
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>looping with valks
You'll kill me
She's a banshee actually. She doesn't suck blood she sucks at romance and all men leave her.
>my np3 vlad can 3 turn the 90++
Holy based
Summer Oei
Once you MLB the damage CE then you can swap Oberon with Merlina.
he's currently dying of cancer.
use summer hokusai with 2x castoria oberon
ATI is dead
>"Only ORT can defeat ORT!"
>"Plus this gun Chaldea made!"
Ibuki's tits and my teeny weenie, name more iconic duo, you just simply can't
Ugliest female design.
Why do they let Raita put these abominations in the game?
just use your ibuji with event damage ce
is not that hard
breakcore artists and transgenderism
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Ibuki's tits and my fat cock is a more iconic duo sorry bro
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>leveling servants
>90 to 100
>needs like 90 5* embers
>100 to 101
>needs 6 billion 5* embers
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They are a Planet:Valkyrie reference. A project that Takeuchi worked as a character designer.
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I'm waiting for Summer Skadi tomorrow then I will use my Santa Karna.
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events are not canon
I'm canon
I tried lining it up a bit better and wait...
That left eye...
That chin...
That neck...
Im having really conflicted feelings right now...
LB5 confirmed Servantverse is canon
let me guess
you support trans rights too?
Only Hokusai doesn't
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>Galatea (NP5 120) + x2 Caster Artoria (both NP2) + Oberon

>Saito Hajime (NP5, Holy Grails needed but not 120) + x2 Caster Artoria (one NP5) + Miss Crane (NP5) + Oberon

>Saito Hajime (NP5 120) + x2 Caster Artoria (one of them NP2) + Oberon

99% of videos are all just 5CE, there are barely any 6CE without RNG. There are other options I didn't immediately found a video for (someone posted a Trung Sister calc showing they can do it at NP5 120) but it's really not worth trying to 6CE this unless Hajime-chan is your husband.

You can 5CE the node easily with Swimsuit Hokusai.
why did albert and his goons remove all of the seimei references?
>Takeuchi gets paid millions to do this.
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Behold, the immortal Elemental vampire who lived through countless aeons
and the"FP and welfare only" team?
Go back to >>>/pol/ culture war retard.
This is the FGO general not the idpol general
I see the new ones, but where are the old valkyries?
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You're being too unreasonable, just 5CE it with Hokusai.

1 Caster Artoria should be enough.
Need a Guda bf...
nyo :3
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>Inventory is full
>2nd archive is full
>All my servants are fully levelled
>Event is still giving me embers
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buenos dias
*ruido de mate*
>All my servants are fully levelled
Are you a veteran or something?
It takes millions of embers to lvl120 a character
all 9-9-9?
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I have four lvl 120 servants and working on my fifth one. But I'm a coinlet, so I can't get that last 120 yet.
Maybe anon is planning to 120 a servant that will be released in the future, or a coinlet aiming to get more coins in future rateups?
Dantes proves all events are canon, at least all events he appears in
Not him but is it weird? All my servants, including low rarity, are max level and save for a couple I just got, fou'd up to 1000/1000. It's not hard if you've been playing for years. Hell, I got three servants at 120.
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I think Thrúd, Hildr, and Ortlinde are new designs, while the ones from Project Valkyrie were used to create the background birds in their lancer's NP. Or are you talking about that old Valkyrie doujin that Takeuchi did in the late 90s?
It's not weird, that guy's being dumb.
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Oh I'll take Nagiko's L alright
This isn't Ibuki
Illya's too cute
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>check the archives
Damn, so many newfags
Is that a euphemism?
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I love Melusine.
Nagiko's large penis...
Take a L(ick) of Sei's pussy.
And melusine loves aurora
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I like not being able to 3 turn the last node. It reminds me of 2018, when the only support servants I had were Waver and Helena.
It's more fun this way.
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I like LB2.
>someone posted a Trung Sister calc showing they can do it at NP5 120
Post it?
I don't want to, though
Sorry, I'm not into her
Has this image ever been attached to a good post? Or at least one worth reading?
u gay
She dreeeeamy
That wasnt a request that was an order.
Lick Sei's pussy NOW.
What fucking humanity? Who else exists that isn't Chaldea other than Daybit?
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Why is the last free quest such a pain to farm
Holy ESL
Why are you trying to farm a 1/1/1 quest with a fucking aoe servant?
what the fuck is with the level of english comprehension in this thread
A little

No thank you
Illya's face when she sees my penis
You are using the damage CE, are you?
Post your NP5 120 Trung Sisters.
It's a gacha game thread so there's a lot of SEA's here.
No, it's atypically bad.
I don't have it saved on my phone.
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That's fine. I just used plugsuit Oberon and it works fine.
The event was pretty tame all things considered. Alter really overreacted with this one.
Sis, you can't whore out your man like that...
>Miss Crane (NP5)
surely np1 is enough...
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And you are a turd who got BTFO.
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So how many sq can i get till Kkk ? Asking for a friend who totally didnt blew 1k quarzt and hit pity btw
No, why would I use the damage CE when it doesn’t give any bonus to drops
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For me, it's Cummer
>Ibuki is protected by Invincibility for 1 turn and by Anti-Enforcement Defense for 1 time (3 turns)
>Lasagna, in their infinite incompetence, decided that any attack against Ibuki should consume the stack of Anti-Enforcement Defense, even though she's already invincible for the turn
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Just tested and yep this one worked. Aces, I hate wasting Castoria bond with 90++ here.
i was just thinking a few days ago how sad it was that there was no tl for this
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For me, it’s Bob S.
If you're totally clear on interludes and rank up quests it ain't looking good for you champ. It's a pretty light half year between now and January
If it didn't work that way it'd be too easy to become completely invincible.
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>he fell for 6ce meme
>another node where my farm comp only works with Purin because she is np5
This fucking whalebait servant holy shit
Yea it's really nice. A future example I was glad to see was a 90++ 6CE set-up for Nemomas that uses a Tamamo instead of x2 Caster Artoria. Being able to save Bond when we can is good.
Like 250-300. This is the point where they get scarce with sq and get greedier.
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when can i stop refreshing for the mlb ice ce
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It sucked a lot more for me because I have LOOPED so much that Castoria is only 400k off bond 15, and I want to preserve her for at least one more lotto.
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I'm also using Merlina NP5 strats, she's enabling non-MLB Barg CE 3 turning so it's pretty based
I didn't even roll for her I wanted to np5 Gareth
Completly out of words at how much lasagne sucks with those kind of servants
I wanted her, and got Gareth instead.
Dantes really is the best
I love him
i picked brortlinde
Sis you can't just try to force him to take responsibility like that...
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>rider node is 3-1-2 so I can't use my new welfare bird qt to loop
How could the devs be so cruelhouse?
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They missed out on a lot of otome money by not making Haydee a Gudakoface.
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When all parks are fully maxed
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I skipped all the story. How did I feel about it?
It's Hildr time
>Haydée has the same orange hair color as Gudako
Sisters, we still have a chance...
Good because it's shit
Don't forget about 1k2 for the Val's mat
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Is this the sexiest servant alive?
only if it has a cute little boy boner
Watch me
Cute boy with bare feet.
Use two damage dealers, ST for wave 2.
Mom’s comfy lap
>Val’s mat
Did they really start a Onlyfans account? Kamabros are wild these days…
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Gooooooooood morning y'all!
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Oh, God, what now?
Oh, God, not now
Help me, somehow
Please take the pain away
Feel it fill me
This will kill me
Please, God, will me
Somehow to fight, I pray!
Oh, God, help me
God have mercy
Don't let her see-
Not on our content day!
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No sister of mine only has a level 80 Hajime-chan.
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Is Taiga only racist because Waver rejected her?
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Have a great day bros
why would i use event drop ces on the 90++ node?
wouldn't it be far more efficient to run bond ces?
Fake sis.
Wow, even the story support Jeanne is NP3 like mine
You only should drop the event CE's after you've max upgraded all the areas. If you've already done that then you should drop the event CE's.
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You use event drop CEs until you clear shop. Then you run bond CEs.
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>like mine
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You too bro!
but i would get that even without the bond ces, i would be missing out on a lot of bond, no?
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man, I was rewatching the anni animation. I sometimes forget how attached I am to these characters. how much of an inpact they've had on my life. how beautiful this whole series really is. fate is a one of a kind series, and I'm so happy to be expirencing it.

np5 arc btw
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Melu won
Upgrading the areas increases the amount of visitor points you get and the point ladder goes up to 6 million.
>Gate of Ægir
>Gate of Skye
We're never getting a Skadi who uses a NP that doesn't belong to someone else.
won what
Not sure if anon means the shop CEs for ice, or gacha CEs.
Is there any Berserker that can use this?
The ugliest swimsuit competition.
The story has been shit since the start
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Servants in FGO like this Jeanne?
you have like 2 more weeks with the event, drop ces speeds up clearing shop
You too bro
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Canon lover
Of Aurora
i misspoke, i apologize
i meant to say without the drop ces
i would get the drops over the weeks either way so the only thing i am really missing out on is bond if i use drop ces
That's me
I am Aurora
Eric Bloodaxe
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It's time!
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My heart
>use Ice CEs until you've upgraded everything
>optional: use shop CEs afterwards until shop is cleared. Ideal is probably a mix of bond CEs and shop CEs, i.e: +15% and +10% with shop CEs
If you really want to upgrade your valk asap I guess you can run ice CEs for longer.
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Not anymore, she is for (You)
No I think Napoleon is the cannon lover
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I rolled for him and kept getting Gawain
I'm so mad
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It's 9 pm
why is his nipple shaped like a crit star
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I see the turd is still seething.
That's Himiko.
bros I'm rolling for skadi tonight wish me luck
You got this bro NP6 skadi in your future!
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>Lv.90 Altria
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Souls that returned to the heavens,
Souls yet to return to the lands.
Ye undying retainers, become my servants!
Come forth, my Torturer Jiangshi Troop!
Answer my imperial summon with haste!
Ibuki and BB's ideas are fundamentally different.
BB used infinite summer as a means to protect Guda from what was going to happen in the future. That's why we were in the loop.
Ibuki on the other hand used Skadi as an agent to make infinite summer after seeing how much fun we had in the last two summer events. Notice that Ibuki doesnt actually care about the same things that BB does during the final standoff and easily gave up when her agent (Skadi) said that she was satisfied. The epilogue also states that Ibuki herself was also trying to have "fun".
Time to save...
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>They changed the translation back to earth attribute
>Didn't fix the old ones that say earth powers
How is it possible to be this much of a fuckup?
I fell asleep during the dialogue after you beat Ibuki-Douji in the tower and it sped through it to the end, what exactly happens? She just says "enjoy your summer kthxbye"?
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>got np5 arc in 400 quarts (two seperate 2x rolls)
>got NP3 Ibuki in 92 quarts (2 ibukis in the third 10 roll, a 3rd in one of the daily 1 quarts rolls)
Yea I'm hitting pity for the rest of my time playing lmao
calm down, bro. you don't need to scream, I'm looking at him. pretty good
This was probably the weakest summer since summer 2
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Fluffy summer soon.
Why would you ever use this over Black Grail?
you fucking cuck, burn in hell. I hate you
BB wanted to protect Guda with a timeloop.
Ibuki wanted to party with Guda forever.
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Aoko in 641 days
It's a no-demerit black grail with 400 less attack. The NP damage increase is the same.
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Time to cum.
Ibuki relents when Skadi + Guda says that they dont need an infinite summer to have fun. And then we find out that the only one who was attempting to do anything evil for the entire summer was Douman.
>with 400 less attack
>restricted to berserkers
Okay so basically you'd never use it over black grail
He's so dreamy...
I think there are more situations where the -500 HP will do more good than bad (Hijikata, Hot Wheels, etc).
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>Hot Wheels
Go back
I can never remember his name so he's just sassy shin to me
Yeah pretty much. The similarity ends with "we want an infinite summer"
There is only one hot wheels in Fate and it's not the pajeet
So what's Ati going to do after tomorrow?
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>389 days till summer Baobhan Sith
Kayneth is Fast Wheels.

Wait for Santa Skadi.
Find some new excuse to start another ritualpost.
throw up, loss hair and die?
why do you keep saying that she didnt do any in the years long gap between skadi and summer skadi
Sorry, but we will have to put him down...
Uh don't you mean 1 year?
We always get summer 1 week after anniversary
On the bed?
There’s one more kid that’ll never go to school never get to fall in love never get to be cool
Remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists.
Correct the only thing he did after that was making lotto comp lists people would ask for
>he didn't spam!
>except he did spam
Keep on rockin' in the free world
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Not sure there's ever been a more OVER moment than this.
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Who is Firefly of FGO?
Because autists always find a reason to do autistic things at some point or another.
>inb4 we get Skadi Avenger for 9th anni who will actually save Quick and Ati's clock resets
And the fact is he ended up starting another ritual post anyway.
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Go pregnant for 9 months with the hellspawn from the amalgamation of all the /alter/semen she's taking in the gangbang.
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I'm gonna misunderstand next year.
for skadi
unless theres a new skadi theres no other countdowns so what are you sperging out about
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50 year olds look like this?? Damn, I'm already over halfway there.
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>aoe in a 1-1-1 wave
>clae isn't even earth attribute
use a ST servant
Not how it works bro
We did get Da-Vinchi twice for the annniversaries so getting Skadi twice might not be impossible...
So true boomer
(I used the wrong image last post)
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Ati will birth /alter/ chimeras.
Good moming
Who is she and what has she done?
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Do we get the Challenge Quest tomorrow or does it unlock later?
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Good morning
I believe in you
She is a murderer who genocided multiple nations.
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I have zero clue who that is, but we have tons of white haired women. Just pick one.
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That's pretty tame.
This is Gudako. She has currently destroyed 6 realities and is on her way to destroy another.
Cute feet
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another bro lost to road to lb7...
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50 year old men dont have hair anywhere as good as this.
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Herself = Nagiko-san/Atashi-chan
Master = Chan-Mas
Murasaki = Kaorucchi
Douman = Manbo-chan
Kama = Kama-cho
Mandricardo = Ricacchi
Goredolf = Gof-kun
Kintoki = Kin
Raikou = Riko-pin
Tomoe = Moemoe
Her brother = Mune-nii
Blackbeard = Kurohi
Suzuka = Suzuka-paisen
Summer Okita = JJ
Summer Nobu = Nobu
Achilles = Akki
Anastasia = Siacchi
Caenis = Caenyan/Caemyon
Corday = Corrin
Loli Vinci = Daviko
Okita Alter = Altercchi
Asclepius = Pius
Erice = Ericchi
Gareth = Gare-pippi
Hildr / Ortlinde / Thrúd = Hilrin / Orrin / Thrúrin
Lady Avalon = Levanon
Yan Qing = Shishin-san
Babbage = Babbayan
Bloodaxe = Eiyan
EMIYA = Emiyan
Himiko = Mikonyan
Kiichi Hogen = Kii-chan
Kijyo Koyo = Yo-san
Jane = Jenjen
Medb = Medbcchi
Mephisto = Mephy
MHX Alter = Esk
Odysseus = Odessan
Osakabehime = Kabe
Parvati = Parurun
Semiramis = Semirin
Waver = Mello-sen
Chikagi = Chikacchi
Hibiki = Hibikichi
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My grandpa literally had hair like Moriarty does until the day he died at like 90 years old.
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What's the setup? My Vlad hasn't seen action in a long time and I wanna use him.
>Summer Nobu = Nobu
Based Sei
Just cranked it to Skadi. Got ice cream ready. NP5 In one multi guaranteed
You have only 1 grandpa?
Your mother and father are siblings?
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moshimoshi. I'd like to order one good post, please.
All of my female Servants say this about me.
>Your mother and father are siblings?
Twins actually.
My other grandpa was bald.
>50 year old men dont have hair anywhere as good as this.
My old man is 62 and does.
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just be born with the right genes, bro
But I wanted Erice seggs...
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Congratulations bro.
How do Tamamo fans feel about Koyanskaya taking away every last bit of relevance Tamamo ever had?
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turn 1
>vlad uses s2 and s3
>one castoria uses all her skills other uses s1 and s3
>merlin s1
turn 2
>castoria s2
turn 3
>merlin s2
>plugsuit atk buff
Don't even need to MLB the damage CE.
Feet you say?
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why isnt he using the abby CE instead?
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thats why
Amazing, didn't even need to use his Vampirism. Thanks.
I can't decide on which valkyrie to pick
who the hell makes bombs out of limited CEs?
>The game ship us with mash again in the end
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It's funny because we're literally on a ship...
So why isn’t Holmes popping up randomly to say stupid shit like “hmm”
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I forgot, try reverse searching this
I want to cum on this smile.
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>Why is this game shipping me with the main love interest!? I hate this game!
Will the summer Okita Alter and summer Kama rateups be worth rolling on when they come?
Maybe wait until Koyan appears in an event before posting such crap.
Okita? Yes since Skadi revitalizes quick
Kama? Literally just got raped by Ibuki gameplaywise
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Oberon love!

I'm having ptsd flashbacks from the endless Illyaposting back then. So many hours of lost sleep.
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It's a priority rule, higher tier defense is used first. Bob's evade working well with Castoria and Merlina.
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good morning bros
Skadi tonight?
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
Mash is for netorare
Does my own Caster Skadi + support Ruler Skadi + Oberon work?
Is Mash for (You)?
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The hgw thread was wild.
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>Summer Luvia and Rin will have Earth attribute
Summer Ibuki will be a must have for Summer 10 because of her special attack vs Earth attribute enemies
I still have 50 teapots so I'm doing 90++ in a bond team since it gives 1300 base bond.
I should be able to use them all. There just so happens to be about 56 quests worth of AP left to Regen.
Using a double-core of s.sei+skadi and bride+supp castoria
Depends on who your dps is
I love Bob.
It's a short-sighted way to implement it. It should be that the shorter duration one gets depleted before the longer duration one.
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My cat is here and she says, "I love you /alter/!"
Cats cant talk, retard.
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Gogh is on the map...
When is she going to show up in a story...
14 hours from now.
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Deliver her a series of pets from me in response!
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What a slut
I was in the first thread in /fgog/

it's been 10 years and I still haven't move on from anything but simple kanji.
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I don't think I've ever seen her make this face before. Kinda creepy.
It will be revealed at the end Gogh was behind it all and she was mind controlling Douman to do her bidding and then Douman will join our party as a support and we will fight Gogh.
Tempted to see if I can somehow find a way to 3 turn this with the Fatman. We get Skadoo #2 in a handful of hours, maybe I can just crit down one of the waves.
She used it in 5.5 iirc.
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Holy gino...
Yeah it's infuriating. You'd think entire turn unlimited blocks would prioritize over hit-limited blocks unless the enemy has sure / pierce. You face it pretty often with castoria stalls.
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She did it because she didn’t get a swimsuit
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Not him, but I hate mash and so does Nasu, so it's fine. If he didn't hate her he wouldn't cuck her every time he writes.
>Nasu writes Babalonia
>Makes Eresh clear main love interest of chapter
>Nadu writes CCC
>Makes Melt clear main love interest of event
>Nasu writes summer 3
>Nasu makes Jeanne alter clear main love interest of event
>Nasu writes saber wars ii
>space ishater is the main love interest of event
>Nasu writes lb6
>castoria is the main love interest of the event
Mash always loses
Tits are so disgusting.
I can't believe Gogh sunk all of the arctic park all the way down to the imaginary sea...
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Fat snek...
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the duality of man...
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Bros I picked Thrud...
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olga is the real main love interest
Bros I picked my nose
i'm saving all my sq for broberon. Will NA get road to lost belt 7 no. 6 in late dec like JP?
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>Van Gogh recreated the sun in the middle of the arctic circle thanks to her obsession with Apollo and sunflowers
Damn, no wonder Asclepius was heavily featured in this event, I should've connected the dots way earlier...
>Nasu writes Solomon
>makes Goetia clear main love interest of chapter
Just give up already.
Lasange will never make her into a Servant.
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Monster girls are the best
Tiamat was the main love interest of Babalyonia
Holy Based
Exciting, I hope she goes easy on me. I even prepared ice cream.
Disgusting creature
>dude I'm your mom
Literally a rehash of Raikou from the Onigashima event, Nasu is a hack
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>Douman said he would step aside if you seriously ordered him to
>didn't join the Ibuki boss fight
Is this true? The same can probably be applied to Servants who start random fun shit right? I get that he fought you for funsies in the epilogue, but I feel that is because he wants to avoid punishment.
Did you find quartz?
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The end result is the same
You can say "oh but Ibuki's road is paved" but it still leads to Gran Soren
Higashide did the same thing with Corday in Atlantis
Based. Raikou was too comfortable in her mom status. Some friendly competition is good for the market.
Nasu is still a hack.
shes already my sex servant
How would your favorite servant react if i shit down their throat and made them swallow it?
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>Became the Shielder Demi-Servant for Galahad and with his approval obtained ownership of the most powerful defensive Noble Phantasm in the entire franchise
>Blocked Rhongomyniad: The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World from the Lion King
>Blocked Ars Almadel Salomonis from Beast I - Goetia who used the power of Grand Caster King Solomon
>Defeated Beast IV - Primate Murder Cath Palug without so much as a single blow
>Blocked Zveri・Krestnyy Khod from Lostbelt King Thunderous Emperor Ivan the Terrible
>Blocked Loptr Laegjarn: Shine Brighter than the Sun, Flaming Sword from the Fiery King of Giants Surtr
>Survived Kirschtaria Wodime's Grand Order/Anima Animusphere in Atlantis
>Became the owner of the Atlas Institute's Black Barrel and used it to kill the True Mechanical Greek Goddesses Demeter and Aphrodite
>Carried the Aegis of Athena and blocked the World Discipline Keraunos: I, Star-Cleaving Thunderbolt of the True Mechanical God Lostbelt King Zeus
>Killed the True Mechanical God Lostbelt King Zeus using the Black Barrel
>Carried the Aegis of Athena and defeated the Divine Spirit Golden Caenis with only the help of an extremely weakened Sherlock
>Earned the Faerie Knight title of Tam Lin Galahad from Aesc the Savior and defeated the Calamity of Norwich
>Called upon Gawain and Lancelot and stood as their equal as a Knight of the Round Table when she defeated the Calamity of the Beast - Demon Hound Barghest
>Killed the Calamity of the Curse - Enshrined Deity Cernunnos and shattered his Core using the Black Barrel
>Survived and awakened from the Garden of Lost Will and defeated the Insect of the Abyss - Oberon with the help of Caster Artoria

Is there something our little Mashu can't do?
This one works for me
Not cockblock me
Just finished this event. It was, well, kinda bad but I still enjoyed some parts.
I like new mom better
Make me care about her
There are 2 things I really want but am too new to have gotten: Altera's idol costume, and Summer Scathach. Will I get a chance to get either later?
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im going to preorder to finally lose my virginity
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Can’t beat the og.
Long hair > short hair
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She will never become summonable
AOE basic attacks are too op.
Imagine if you could shoot your noble phantasm at 0% and it could also crit.
Thats wayyyy too broken.
I mean , if we take her legend at face value then her being a fairly big deal isnt surprising. When Poseidon granted her wishes and made her Caeneus she was literally unkillable and has to be buried alive to be defeated. Here she is essentially given Poseidon's powers and divinity and that's again a fairly big deal
Extra attacks can't crit.
Check Crane's shop for the costume.
Bikini Scathach will be available later in the leaf shop.
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I hope we'll all have good luck.
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Do not shove anime figurines into your orifices
It isn't showing up in Crane's shop for me. I have Altera.
lose her virginity
But Buster cards can and not only extra attacks AOE but Buster cards also AOE
I think the idol costume comes to cranes shop eventually
Summer scathach next July evocation fest three
Yeah but
Ibuki >>>>>> Dogshit >>>>>>> BB
This is important
>idol altera
so far no; the event still has no rerun
>summer scathach
yeah, 2nd-3rd round of evocation servants
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Stay out of the cuck queen corner
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better than last year at least
you now remember tunguska
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NovelAI, I order you to activate my thought keys and make me forget Tunguska again.
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I bought a max grailed and HOLO FA arcade card of her. Tiamat BETTER come home easy. NP6/7 in one 10+1....
>Ibuki costume doesn't have serious lines
What's the point?
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she will
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I'm using this but it requires Oei and Ibuki to have their 2nd appends maxed (not needed once you MLB Barg's CE though). You only need NP2 for Ibuki I think, NP5 is way too overkill.
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Why does Douman get naked in his Ascension 4?
>dase it mane
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me when my bros and I are at a spanish article stealing competition
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AoE basic attacks would be next evolution of the meta. I have been saying this for years seeing as enemies already have them
>card lock for yourself so you will have all the cards for 3 turns
>50 crit stars per turn
>AoE Attacks that can crit
>just boost normal attack and crit damage to oblivion
This would be the next evolution of the meta
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First reply picks the Valkyrie I choose
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Bros, Aoko already has AoE attacks...
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>AoE basic attacks are too op
funny you should say that
Aoko is a clapshit comic relief character. Nobody will roll for her.
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oh my goodness. oh my goodness gracious me. golly gosh.
Yes, but the specific combo I have listed is still not yet on JP. I predict the next support and meta attacker will enable that kind of degeneracy.
farming setups for 90++? Wanna use Kriem woth Xu but she’s struggling and don’t want to use my Castoria and Saito just yet. Might have to go with Kintoki assuming NP1 is enough lol.
nta but Aoko got super gimped, she needs 1 NP to transform into super Aoko and then she only has 1 buster card that is AOE and no way to guarantee it. Meanwhile Olga has a skill that gives shuffles all her cards, so you can lock it with BB for a guaranteed 3 turns with brave chains
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probably doable if you have the damage CE MLB
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>needs to waste a turn np'ing for AoE attacks
>loses a buster card
>damage is halved
>Nobody will roll for her.
You may only pick one of these. The applause is always thunderous in this game.
You don't lose a turn if you do NPQB, do you? She'll transform and then have AoE Buster and Extra in that brave chain.
That's right, everyone is going to roll for Alice instead.
How did they get away with this whale-bait NP requirement?
She looks nice at least. Aoko and John Mahoyo look incredibly generic and lazy in terms of design.
her cards change from BBAAQ to BAAAQ when she becomes super mode so that buster card could turn into arts and brick your AoE even further
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Do NOT insult Sono-G.
>could use Roland since NP3 from trying for Char and Kriem
>not enough coins for append 2 and need bond 6
At least we can use Command Codes to know if we're getting fucked or not, right? The right-most Buster card should be the one that stays Buster?
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shiite boys...
does anybody have any servant showcase videos off youtube to see
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The year of the clap. Can't wait
>million button presses just to loop with ibuki
I wish we could've kept this art for one of her ascensions somehow
What? She only has one skill that requires choosing a target.
enkidu does not need 1 million hp. the fuck is he gonna use that for?
>my arceuid cant 6CE 90+ node
getting bitches (and fail, again)
>0 quartz
I think it might be over for me bro
She'll come back next year...
Knowing how Raita draws nipples I can easily picture her nipples here.
so you don't count all those double castoria skills at all?
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Kiyohime LOVE?
you could always use THAT
There's GSSR too...
who the fuck is that
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Kiyohime HATE!
>next year
against the summer 8 gauntlet? that's a hard choice
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What will you do Ati once Summer Skadoo is released?
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How is this any different from any other looper? Do you not use Vitch or Skadi skills when looping?
what the fuck is that? Bob has normal feet, you zako
Protecting Skadi's smile is pretty important bro...
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>Saber Hokusai this
>Saber Hokusai that
>am a latelet that just barely missed her rerun
Already exhausted the monthly "for retarded things" allotment of my budget on the steam sale... It's so fucking over...
Hold Kanau at gunpoint and politely ask him to release santa Skadi in JP, and then the countdown starts anew
>LB6 Castoria main love interest
Guda was literally shaking and crying tears of joy when he saw Mashu. Literally almost killed himself to support her when she fought Barghest and was ready to fucking beat the shit out of Beryl when he tried going near her.
You only remember Castoria's moment because she was shoved in your face
That’s a magic spell Morgan taught her in Fae Britain. Bob’s vanishing.
My NP2 Ibuki just failed to clear 90+ in 3 turns with double Castoria.
The real 2025 gauntlet is LB7 and Arcade
it was like 2 weeks ago
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what a slutty outfit.
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Once i aquire summer Skadi NP5 my life will be complete and i will be able to end it in peace knowing i have achived everything i wanted to achive in life.
ummm your SEA sisters? Your Hajimmy? Your pizzaman?
Raptured. She went to Heaven because she is a good person.
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Can NP1 Summer Skadi loop?
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Roll for her and grail her. Arrange my support differently since I'll want to include her on the 1st list so I'll have to move servants around.
I'll try to do the Challenge Quest of this Summer 7 event with her as the damage dealer. I'll go to the Ooku Main Interlude and try to min-turn Full Gauge Beast III/L - Kama with my Bazett.

I'll be happy to have Skadoo's swimsuit in NA and look forward to JP's 9th Anniversary to see what interesting things they may get there I'm hoping for Ciel.
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>We never did have a proper conversation
>Yes we did
>Oh yeah we did lol
Is Skadi like actually fucking brain damaged?
she's literally dying
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Saito can do it if you have him.
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Have you thanked your swimsuit Hokusai yet?
wish she'd hurry up. stupid bitch.
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Left or right?
he tops gil btw
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>farming is now an Oberon check
>either have Oberon or get fucked in the ass
How could this happen?
np level does not affect a servants innate ability to loop.
>angel Bob is showing off more skin
Slutty angel. I pick her.
She's so good.
They're punishing you for not rolling for the only well written original character in this game.
I choose the threesome with both bobs.
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>You only remember Castoria's moment because she was shoved in your face
So she was the main interest thanks for confirming
Well if NP1 damage fails to kill three enemies, you are totally not gonna loop
So how lewd were those photos?
Hot as fuck
I tried and he didn't come home
>tfw can't 3 turn the 90++ node
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What Valk did you choose, bros? I'm having trouble deciding.
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LuckCHADS, it seems that I have been chosen to join you
summer 9 lineup:
Banner 1:
SSR Berserker Kukulkan
SR Archer Kyokutei Bakin
SR Ruler Lakshmi (Lakshmibai)

Banner 2:
SSR Archer Artemis
SR Ruler Saika Magoichi
SR Alter Ego Izumo no Okuni
Bros.. I’ve been saving for so long. What will I look forward to once I finally have Skadi.. I’m scared.
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it was a easy choice for me
Ort, I like her 4th asc art because she keeps her gun with her unlike the irresponsible other valks.
Pink and green
If you really loved him you would have bought more Quartz with your credit card.
hildr has the best alternate skin
the best 2-for-1 deal
Gudao was with Mashu during Cernunnos fight
Gudao was not with Castoria when she died
Castoria dies alone like the side bitch she is
Mashu number one
Damn is everyone going the neon colors?
wish nasu would just finally bite the bullet and make guda a pov character with actual dialogue and thoughts... you know, the thing he actually likes and is good at writing...
at this point I'd even take the freak horse girl guda from carnival...
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>we don't actually beat Ibuki, or even come close to it, she just decides to stop fighting
I just found out that Nasa actually regained contact with Voyager 1 last month.
Thrud's always been my favorite of the b bunch
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>Murasaki Shikibu's "The Tale of the North Pole" has received mixed reviews. In particular, there have been reports of children breaking into inconsolable crying fits following a scene in which the canine characters Taromaru and Jiromaru have their faces split open like overripe fruit.

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I beat her (in bed)
Bro should roll skadi single or multi which one have a highest chance to success
Multi since it guarantees a Servant
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Well that explains a lot >>>/vg/fgog time to go home
I audibly laughed at that one. Fucking hell.
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Bullshit that they allowed Medb's photo gallery to be sold in last servafest but Ibuki's gets rejected.
spin around 3 times, salute, pledge allegiance, and then hit multi
I'm not using Oberon though
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>zero good doujins
Nobu really is the most underappreciated servant
the one taking those photos was (You). what did we see bros?
multi guarantees 1 4* every 10 pull, you technically have a better shot single pulling skadi but you could also get nothing but 3* CEs and servants
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haha yeah
I didn't get this reference.
It was over a year ago. The most recent summer rerun was Paisens.
Sorry bro, I was too focused on getting the perfect composition
Surely Jannu rolled for the Dioscuri?
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She's a relatively flat midget but isn't a loli, she lives in anti-lewd land
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Is there a problem with "Mashu"?
You call Altria Caster "Castoria" when it's fucking Caltria in NA
They have to make a new rule because of Medb
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Servant for this kind of feeling?
Tell them, Piplup. Don't let them get away with it.
>not tanned
wasted opportunity
Medb is virtually flat, so it's okay. It's like taking pictures of a boy.
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Eric Bloodaxe.
ummm actually, they call her Matthew over there
Ortlinde for Geirskogul
What's the Hokusai setup for this saber node?
Illya is 11
Erice is 14
Jeanne Alter is technically 7? now, but physically 17-19
How old is Saber Hokusai supposed to be? Also this was a fun little chuuni group
>500 quartz and 30 tick for skadi
Not look good here bros
Hokusai + Double Castoria + Oberon
All you need is 3.
i have 13 left. i'm going to get her
See >>487412027 You can use 1 Caster Artoria, so a support Oberon can be used.
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what did they mean by this?
no, that would be angra and his whopping 0 doujins entirely about raping servant caren...
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Please tell me you still can do the Bedi + Koyan x2 + Obby strat
obby can replaced with either merlina or xu fu
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She's pretending not to have a fat cock between her legs
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Pleb 5CE damage CE setup as follows
Oi skill 3
Reines skill 1 and 2
Castoria skill 2 and 3
Waterfall time

Reines skill 3
Castoria skill 1
Plugsuit Oberon
Oberon skill 1
Don't go chasing waterfalls

Oberon skill 2 and 3
Oi skill 1
Plugsuit attack up
It's owari da
>not for (you)
I’m skipping mahoyo event
Skadi soon
Why is Bob loli?
Is there a personality quiz I can take to know which valkyrie to pick?
See >>487421410
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My Bedi is only NP1.
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Skipping Skadi and saving for summer 8.
If you have a roided up Ibuki you can use her to clear wave 1 (2 DPS).
Since you don't need x2 Caster Artoria, you can do this with a support Hokusai or Saito >>487412027
Jannu simply needs to ask her /alter/bros to put them up with a Damage CE!
i've tried using summer Gareth and she missed every single Buster crit that wasn't 100%
what did she mean by that?
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What are you expecting from big sister's summer event this year? Nightingale SSR for me, I can just smell it.
Why does Castoria dress like that?
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Not even him, but that's false equivalence
Goes back to a fan base wide rejection of Nasu's insistence on using a bad machine translation from the mid 2000s when official English releases used artoria in the period. This is the equivalent of Aeris in final fantasy. Not mashu VS mash.
No real basis in official releases. Originally her official name translation was Matthew, not mashu. This got reconed almost immediately to Mash. The only people who would have any reason to say mashu are people who played bad fan translations, like /fgog/ reads
Why do people suggest Reines? Wouldn't Waver be better?
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Is it that potent?
this is a /frog/ chart because they can't read their game
marginally better atk up skill
Reines gives 10% more attack.
What are the chances you'll regret it later?
Are you going to try for Skadi in GSSR?
>Originally her official name translation was Matthew, not mashu.
>"formidable headcanon"
Fake and gay list.
Reines is a 40% attack buff and Waver is 30%
I hope my bros will have a support saber up. I could also do NP1 Okita but that requires:
A. Getting Skadippy (hopefully)
B. Critting Wave 1
I hope it doesn't come to that.
what the fuck
It's the original CE from valentine. It had "Matthew" written on it.

Nasu still insists on it, but Takeuchi overruled him.
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stop falseflagging
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Post fc
she stole it from obby
Obby would never wear pants like that
That was easy
I have no love for the frogs but will honour their tradition of putting Mash at the bottom of the list.
Draco is in two separate tiers. I put her third ascension way down because of her bond 5 line:
>Surpassing that corruption while remaining a beast… What a convenient dream. It's third-rate as a script, what they call a Deus Ex Machina. …But, it's not bad. "Lots of things happened but it was solved"… Ah, I think those are good words. I didn't end while being attended by a god. I depart to that other side. And that other person ─── No, it's nothing. Forget it…
>And that other person ──
Definitely a suspicious reference.
There’s a summer 8 lore reason, but it’s a spoiler
The chances are low, I don’t use quick oriented team these days.
Will try to get her from gssr probably, I don’t know yet.
post the CE
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The retcon reset...!
Is this the biggest summer in fgo
You do if you don't have Oei's charge append maxed.
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OK here it is
I love Matthew!
>Mash is a guy
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I amount of little girls in Explicitly for (you) and suggestively for (you) is a little high...
>there are newfaggots here that don't know mash lore
That would be Summer 3
>Definitely a suspicious reference.
Hakuno literally hands her off in the fucking event you stupid bitch. This Draco never new them or their love.
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Never forget that Kuro is canonically the only person the MC has kissed and they even helped her sexually assault a bunch of other lolis
>This Draco never new them
Weird that she would be referring to her then, if she doesn't know her.
Tamamo date raped MC.
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uhhh cinderliza?
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>never new them
Bro your curse CCs...
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little girls
Lip kissed me
Myst, Plushie Mistress, xNaya, Pekora, SoberOni, KitaSean. Watch all of them
Post team
Also how consistent is it
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Kuro is shown to use tongue when kissing too. We live a very stranger life.
holy sex
Show comp please. I would like to loop with Erice.
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Open your mouth z-a-k-o~
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>there are Mattfags in the room with us right now
enki has 20% debuff resist, oh shit
Now search Kama
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Rate this event
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Congrats, bro. You've been kissed by an angel.
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>only 97% np in turn 3 with xu fu
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>Only girl who kissed us and said they want to marry us is a little girl
Why are (you) like this?
Asterios bros… are we getting cucked?
Ibuki a cute
Skadi a cute
Douman a shit
Save bond with my lv 12 castoria or save bond with my lv 8 oberon...
Tried reading
Started skipping after the 3rd day
I regret nothing
What is being fucking "referenced" you oblivious nitwit, she saw someone that made her emotions go wild who then told her to seek happiness.
You're going to get banned from reddit
>Asterios bros
no such thing
mildly redeemed by some sexo artwork but otherwise a boring as fuck slog
Bros share their whores
>Illya get the skintight costume
>Miyu shows belly or ass slip
>Chloe shows the most skin
Why is it always like this
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Fairy summer when?
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>every member of the Tamamo Nine hate each other
>Ibuki-Douji hates Shuten-Douji
>Mystery Sabre X hunts other Sabre-faces
Are there any cases wherein the servant and his counterparts like one another? Why all the self-hatred?
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>this is acceptable wife material in a multibillion dollar internationally successful franchise
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>Kama bro made 127 THOUSAND posts
Is there any other anon even close to this dedicated to their waifu/husbando?
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Just kidding, I did have a curse CC. Though only two of them so if the cards don't show I'm fucked.
It's pretty consistent as long as Clae gets a curse stack, so in case her 2nd skill misses a card with a CC curse before NP helps. Her 2nd append is unlocked but not maxed and it can be done with NP2.
Turn 1
Both Castoria's Skill 2n+3rd on Erice, Erice Skill 1
Turn 2
Rest of Castoria's skills, plug Oberon Skill 1
Turn 3
Erice's 2nd+3rd skill, MC 1st skill and NP.
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Sakurai slop/10
Gilgamesh always gets along well with his alternate forms, although they don't interact often.
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All the Lizzes like eachother
The two Sieg couples like each other
>on the cheek
literally doesn't count...
>every member of the Tamamo Nine hate each other
That's not true. Best fox girls are friends.
Went downhill rapidly after Erice's zone. 4/10.
Mom’s resort is the best
Maybe it's a good thing they killed reruns outside of the two jp voted on
I can't imagine slogging through this shit again
Uhh bro? Serenity?
Sucking dick is gay so i eat her ass instead
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>Takeuchi greenlit Kuro's interlude
>won't let Nasu put his strongest Passionlip (she won't lose to anyone) in a bikini
WHAT did Takeuchi mean by this...
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The Nobus like each other a little too much...
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Bend over
Probably because he couldn't pay Bob's prostitute fees
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Illya and Kuro like each other.
>JP voted on dinosaur summer which is nearly as bad as this one
Why? For what purpose did they do this? The fake lotto?
Hi turd
Wrong. Tamamo has date-raped (you) at least twice.
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t-that's a pretty puffy vulva you got there sis
Fairy Summer will be only slightly less bad.
All the cool characters get sidelined for notMedb.
Do you have the charge append on Erice?
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Aria says it in SR
If cheeks don't count are buttjobs non sexual?
They seem to let Hiroyama just do whatever the fuck he want. Her whole VDay is a pun on her making a doujin that is title "Master sums inside his editor". They don't care.
>The fake lotto?
no stupid gimmicks like waiting 8 hours to collect mats, no falaclity upgrading, no shitty mining minigame just clear a node with the event ce and get free mats
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I hope Ati has to hit pity
What's a falaclity?
Yes, but only unlocked not leveled at all.
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butt on dick, still sexual
butt on face... hmm... we need an expert to analyze this
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>no oberon needed
>no MLB damage ce needed
>no lores on saito needed

Yet again someone puts Jinako far too low.
Jinako asks (You) to come to her room and play games with her.
>unremovable invul
Not 6CE? You didn't beat it.
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Assclap was the only one I really liked in this event.
And the cutest parts
why is this even a question, ortlinde is the cutest twice over
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Anonymous you stupid fucker.
Where Skadi?
>Never forget that Kuro is canonically the only person the MC has kissed
Did you forget Camelot and Serenity?
did Serenity kiss them in the lips? actually can't remember that
I would argue Summer 2 was better since the "Wacky race" is a better concept

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