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Wife edition

Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ

Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBwEidZ5LjY

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

>Snowbreak 2.0 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Chapter 13 "Suspense in Skytopia" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jul 11 - Aug 22] Loverush Party - monopoly minigame
[Jul 11 - Aug 22] Star Master - kusoge minigame
[Jul 15 - Jul 29] Defiance of Divinity - boss stages w/ co-op
[Jul 22 - Aug 5] Empyrean Tactics - wave defense
[Jul 25 - Aug 15] Specular Matrix - paradox incentive event
[Aug 1 - Aug 15] Endless Battle - co-op wave defense
[Aug 5 - Aug 19] Hero Games - co-op wave rush
[Aug 8 - Aug 22] Torrent of Fire - co-op tower defense

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jul 11 - Aug 8] Lyfe - Infinite Sight | Weapon: Nightborne Crown
[July 11 - August 22] Fantasies of Yore (limited selector banner up to 1.6, same with weapon banner)
[Jul 25 - Aug 22] Fenny - Starshine | Weapon: Heart Hunter
[Aug 1 - Aug 22] Eatchel - The Cub | Weapon: Blitzing Fangs

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>>487373431
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Fenny game!
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August 1st
Next week. The wait is killing me too.
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Be ready for the chance of CN pro raiders appearing soon bros.
What happens when i press the buttons on her tits?

BOOOOOOOONsekiine sounds retarded.
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Newfag here from last thread, got this girl in my second multi on the discount beginner banner.
She's cute.
Everyone in this game is cute.
Polynesian sex with Fenny.
they will start deflating
Star Master's bonus stage.
They grow larger.
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Oh, I'm going to raid (you)r ass literally
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I love this girl so much.
Leglock happens.
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Yao is love,
Yao is life
Just remember to never use digicash for the regular banners bro. Just wait until you have the tickets to use for it.
But a loved retard
Best standard banner boss killer, try to get her weapon Space Cowboy on the standard weapon banner and you're set in the boss stages even into late game
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Wyfe game
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Sadly her kill speed is to low for normal usage. I wouldn't recommend building her. And I love my Yao.
>How much does skil lhaste reduce cooldown?
It's a simple calculation (100 / (100 + total Skill Haste)) with diminishing returns. It affects all three skills.
If you were somehow able to get 100 Skill Haste, you would cut the cooldown time in half.
But if you wanted to halve it again to a quarter, you'd need 300 Skill Haste.

Since the best possible Skill Haste you could get from three Logistics is a combined 57.9 (19.3 times 3), that would cut your cooldown to about 63.33%.
An 8 second cooldown could be reduced to just about 5 seconds.
I am too dense for this game....
Haha surely not with your tongue haha... that would be terrible, fenny haha
She goes bang!
I am (un)fortunately versed in the gacha ways. Right now I'm dumping everything I get on the anni banner as I get multis.Also made sure to buy out the premium character and weapon pulls in the shop first.
So should I start putting standard pulls into the weapon banner after I finish these discounts? I'm not guaranteed another 5* here, but discount pulls are discount pulls.
I imagine for my purposes she'll be fine for a while, taking me through beginner shitter content.
Milk dispenser.
for me it is sensei
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Hello rapebait
It's okay, in another anniversary or two, they'll all be calling (me) Dad.
you can still get top 1% with standard dps units
>Also known as "Wednesday"
You think it's a reference to Woden's Day (Odin's day), but it's actually a reference to WED(nes)Day. The game was rigged from the start. Lyfe is your destined soulmate. Your Wyfe, even.
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Raid? Yes, it's happening soon.
I looked up what this was thinking it'd be some horrible degenerate thing but it's actually really cute and wholesome, what the hell.
I like the way Marian says capo.
>should I start putting standard pulls into the weapon banner
Character and weapon standard banner have different currencies, just set your 50% to Space Cowboy and roll as you get them and don't use DigiCash. If you want to, roll for Wyfe why the fuck wouldn't you roll for best girl. She's a good crutch in the mid game to late as you get her purple weapon and logistics (equipment) in the event shop.
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can't wait
What's considered strong meta gameplay? One tapping every enemy?
That 4haru Chad's eatchel gameplay seemed pretty comfy last thread.
Are meta teams faster than that?
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Chernoing the boss before it can even attack.
>So should I start putting standard pulls into the weapon banner after I finish these discounts?
The standard weapon banner also has it's own tickets but they're rare. If you're willing to wait then you can actually just buy the standard weapons from this shop or wait until you're spooked from the free boxes in the limited weapon banner.
The only place meta actually matters is in speed killing neural sim bosses, which can be as fast as 10-15s on some bosses in optimized teams or as slow as maybe 40 on slower bosses, again in optimized teams.
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recommended shitter build is 4Fenny with 3* weapon. This one will also carry you trough non shitter content. Like she was my go to for paradox until Cherno rolled around.
cherno ruined the game's boss design
I am going to deliver a heavy warhead to Fenny's womb, if you know what I mean.
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Siris would have done it if Cherno didn't exist. Burst damage is too strong.
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Achuallly, invun phases are more to throw off mauxir's leash than anything else.
Wait...was I supposed to invest in 4fenny instead of 5fenny? Which one is better overall?
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I actually pulled 2 dupes of her already so she was defacto my third since I just like this other girl.
Okay, so your emergency reserves can actually be useful, nice.
Premium currency always to characters (and their weapons if I'm greeding), gotcha.
Sure it's possible, but gold looks better anyways.
Both are good. 4Fenny is more for mobbing while 5Fenny is better for bosses. 5Fenny should get a nice boost from the support 5Fenny too.
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I love my overpowered wife.
How the fuck does siris skill not have a cooldown? It does a gorillion damage and also makes you invul. How does that make sneense?
It has a cooldown, it just cuts the cooldown when you hit shit with it. Skill characters need that sort of thing to work.
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>Good looks
>Good archetype
>Amazing personality
>One of the base game characters so she got a head start in building a fanbase
>Used to be the best character for near everything in the game's early life, further cementing her in the hearts of older players
>Despite the powercreep she is still good enough for any unseasoned pup to breeze through most of the content except NS autism
>5* Artwork oozes the confidence of a gigastacy
>Her memes are popular
>Canon underdog compared to Lyfe, another attraction point
And even like this I think I missed a couple of things. Fenny mogs every other character into the ground on a general level, even people who don't prefer her like her and the ones that don't, it's because of Fennyposters and not Fenny herself.
Bwos, I fear tomorrow's raid, not because of the thread but because of Fenny/Fennybros' reputation in general, I hope its not irreparably tainted by the mihomo mafia
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Hmm, true
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skill haste affects all the cooldowns on your abilities
How do you scale damage in this game? Can you scale enough generic damage buffs to use who you want?
Are they going to rerun her maid skin when she comes back?
I need it
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You can use anyone you want outside of trying to 1% neural sim in general. It's the only real competitive mode. It's just a matter of how much you are willing to go slower.
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Didn't read lol fenny sux
>has the most loyal Fanny-base
>has the most Fenny-service
how does she do it?
Bro you literally have a hundred rolls saved there for an emergency pity...
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Can you STOP?!grmxg
I'm not sure but Tess' skin came back with her banner so it's likely. I'm buying whatever BP skin she gets.
>Feedback system improvement maintenance
>You won't be able to send another ticket unless the first one is resolved
>Also read as:...
>"We are ready to fight the cyber army that tries to flood our system tomorrow"
They are well prepared...
Thats an age old debate. Most people prefered 4Fenny because they hate reloading and like ragdoll physics.
Feniggers are outschizoing Cherno..
Saar, that a kot.
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It funny
Niet, is strong yehrus dog. Yehrus dog like bear, eat much of brot.
Do NOT do your dog
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>Check nuFenny's kit
>she has a beam and nothing else to her powers outside of loading magazines
>her support skill doesn't even dare to interupt the player
Fennykeks...we lost...
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I get why gacha games can't do sex scenes, but what about kissing? It's not pg18 so why not
Why is eatchel butt so big bwos? I thought she was made as a vessel to attain immortality? Then why the big butt and perfect feet?
Wait why is Mauxir competing against her as a cat if they're both dogs?
Should I bother minmaxing logis before leveling them up or should I do that after I maxed everything else I can?
You can just feed old logs to new ones without losing exp.
this game has kissing scenes though?
First level them up. You lose NO exp using them to lvl up a new logistic. Only reroll the third stat when you are satisfied with the first two
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Tonight Fenny-bros...
You can zoom at her with your on field character how is it worse than typical support?
Let me answer it for you. You have no idea because you just want to provoke people here.
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Need kissing minigame
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Genetically perfecte
That's coming in the 1.5 anniversary patch bro. Then the impregnation minigame is at the 2 anniversary patch.
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Nonnie you still fell for it. . .
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Are blobs edible?
>haha seasoned wolf chad adjutant harem master
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Snogging will continue until morale improves.
In Soviet Yehrus, blob eats you.
Who needs to eat when I can just suck the tit.. titagen from the operatives.
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I don't remember Cherno's banner since I joined the game late, but was she as shitposted as other girls in the spotlight?
>Enya body, character assassination, ruined gigalink forever for everyone
>Enya body++, character assassination, OOC, bullied, ridiculed, tormented Katya for no reason at all, also spat on her btw, unlikeable, lol Cherno is better, do not roll, forced fanservice because nobody likes Lyfe
>MuMu lied, hang seaslug, she lost again, why is she a support, she should've been a DPS, literally unplayable, disappointment of the century
I dread to think what's next because we're reaching the levels of secondary shitstirrers that shouldn't be even possible.
Why do we get raped so much fellow sensei?
Oh right, that was a thing. I guess I'll farm Wyfe's copegun next after I make NewFenny usable.
Yeah, people shitposted how she got ruined with her increased breast size then Siris came and Cherno looked modest in comparison.
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Another Wyfe win
What the other anon said, but threads were much worse than now. Even the obvious raids are quite tame in comparison. 5Siris reveal was some of the worst. sorry you had to see that.
I'm ready for the Nita shitposting. It'll be even more obvious since its only like 4 of us Nitabros here
I remember at the end of 1.6
People were shitting on her being DoT and she would be terrible as DPS
After 1.7 people were shit posting about changing of appearance
After 1.8 people are shit posting about making bosses having more invincible phrase
I hope more people give Nita a chance once her 5* comes, because Nita has some of the best day to day dialogue and events in the game.
My favourite is the one where she calls Adjutant in to "help her with something", and once he comes into the room, she orders him to take a full afternoon nap, saying that he's sleep deprived due to Yggdrasil staff constantly bothering him for work when he's in his own dorm room, and he won't be disturbed in Nita's room.
She has big "best friend to lover" energy.
If they make her skin lighter expect twitter screencap threads. I have some yaos saved for it.
Now this anon reminded me. On top of shitposting Cherno we has a wojakposting seaning and a femcel spamming these threads because 1.7 was when Snowbreak started exploding in popularity and the usual suspects didn't like that.
>lvl 100 almost got mogged by a lvl 59
>sig Wyfe mogged by cope Wyfe
Hope you guys are ready for the inevitable shills and spams tomorrow
There won't even be any shit posting for Nita bro
Not even secondaries know who she is
Well since I'm Asian already I have no hate toward Indian like in the west.
Plus I met an upper class Indian girl in uni and she was beautiful.
Funniest thing is that it matched up with Hoyo game banners. Whenever Other Game Impact or Other Game Rail had waifu banners, they would all come here and shit the place up.
Do not redeem
You'll regret it sar
Why would that happens?
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Deep kisses are my fetish, please tell me what game
Nita is easily one of the nicer girls. She's fills the best bro tomboy spot well. Everyone seems to want her to be a gyaru instead though.
What if they make her skin darker?
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Don't forget the chink raid when the esther debate blew up. Three threads in a fucking day...
Can Photoshopjutant make a white Nita edit plz
She's already white in the dorm
my cum all over her dark body doesn't count..
You can shitpost all you want but Nita is paler than the Adjutant in the dorm
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it's loveposting not shitposting, but ok..
If there's a Nita patch and they make her darker we'll go back to pre-katya teir threads which were comfy
so who is coming out tomorrow? maybe we should prepare some countermeasures.
Love is the most important stat.
There's that feet girl coming out in HSR. Yunli or whatshername.
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Okay, but what if Nita5 looked like this?
She'd literally owe me sex, so not much would change
She should have been a regular brown tomboy and not a pajeeta.
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Can't wait for chink raid, cause no matter what happens I'll still be enjoying comfy fenny booba and all the other girls. While gayshit impact Will continue to seeth with fag characters and body type 2 for lesbians.
Fenny soon. Finally
I wonder how many would actually come from Genshin after they got humiliated by the new patch after bragging about how they're getting (You)pandering now too from the Niilou hug
So if New Hentiro and Kuru are the indian inspired regions. Does that mean Modak is a pajeet? And Nozomi is a pajeeta?
I want them to retcon Nita into being either white or gyaru NOT because it would be better but only because it would make touriststroons, normalfags, and goyshin cucks frenzy into an absolute seething meltdown
We are not the same
hmm. Looks quite underwhelming, Nothing to come here for and brag about. I think we are safe.
>we are getting pandering guys
>wanderer included
What a bunch of fools.
what happened
while it would be funny, I still think the jewel is very cute
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That's also when the faggots started posting the Enya ass interaction with the which way western man shit in /v/ ang we get raided daily because of it...
>wanting change just for the sake of retard seethe
you're not a woman stop acting like one
The hoyo monthly humiliation ritual
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man what happened to Tess, she's constantly shocked lately.. critical lack of adjutant hugs?
Fenny won big time in my book.
Most of all in this game I hate reloading, oh my fucking god I hate reloading so fucking much, I got 5* Fenny and her gameplay was press R, I got Cherno's cope gun and I fucking reload half the time, i hate HATE it. I went all on Katya's last banner simply because I hate reloading
Finally, I am getting a girl who lets me reload less.
New Hentiro has been a mixed race refugee zone for a long time though.
the usual bait and switch routine?
/gig/ seems pretty calm so far, but the rage on CN side is huge. Usually cuckshit just lead to some infighting but this time everyone hates the event.
If you play 4Fenny correctly, you never have to reload... except against bosses.
Too much nooticing.
in less than 3 lines, what happened?
Yesterday there were multiple threads with every other post seething about or encouraging cuckshit.
Gave one of the very few (You)sexual-characters a CG where she hugs the player likely due to management forcing the female writers to do it and dripfed it for player engagement. They took Wanderer (basically the most hated male character in Genshin) and turned him into a "good boy" and he tries to wingman for you by dropping (You) onto her lap for a lap pillow while going in for a landing. Mihoyo's female writers then couldn't help themselves and made Nilou get upset about it, "See? Wanderer is such a good boy, and even if everyone stood there wingmanning for you the female characters still wouldn't like (You)! Yea, we completely rewrote this character's personality and relationship with you so she would get upset over something you had no control over :^)
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Took me a bit, but I found it https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4941
It's "Succubus reborn" in english, here's a download link from f95 (FUCK forums and FUCK making accounts to download) https://mega.nz/file/mOAFAYRZ#2gULKq9ZikSZy-fptNakMBXJOwA9UGq-cKejQUieWY4
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Should have went for Cherno's sig. The mags have 80 ammo.
Based enyanon thank you
Don’t care about shitposting, I will use my WiFenny alongside Wyfe and grab both of their marriage outfits. I will run a meme team of three Lyfes and three Fennys. I will use my WiFenny in the front lines as soon as possible and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Mihomo just can't help themselves. There is a reason you don't hire women until they are the majority of your company.
I knew something is wrong when the jp twitter posted about it kek, there’s no way they will do normal pandering
Ok I don't like Mihoyo but I have to correct you on this she doesn't get upset about it, that's just the EN translation being dog shit. She doesn't react negatively in Chinese or Japanese.
How blatantly shameless and hypocritical are femcels gacha games in comparison to snog? Don't some of have literal borderline porn in them and nobody bats an eye?
>24 hours without a hug from the adjutant
they get fucked in the car while their head bumps on the window
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1. See these color coded dolls? There are plenty of shots like these throughout the event
2. Nilou's new costume has Wanderer's symbols and trinkets all over it. Mihoyo even intentionally cropped those trinkets out of the posters.
/gig/ has been mostly women since forever
Chadjutant forgot to milk her this morning
This guy is right >>487425328 but Mihomo always does this shit or something like it.
>Minimize screentime for (you)bait characters (Shenhe, Ayaka, Kafka, ect)
>They walked Navia's pandering way back after her banner ends
At least HI3 was constant with Thersa and Fallen Rosemary.
How big is Adjutant's dick in canon? Does it increase in size with more titagen like how the girls' tits grow? Just asking for a friend no homo.
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What other slutsuit should seaslug take an inspiration from?
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holy fuck lmoa
The worst part about that whole situation is that normalfags unironically enjoy this kind of humiliation
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Truly a cuck chair
lmao why are women so goddamn pathetic and petty
Tess looks pretty weird here. Is it before her comming of tits period?
>Dude acts like a wingman for you in public but NTRs you in secret.
Bro is this for real?
My understanding is that the ones who are constantly seething over Snowbreak don't play the actual femcel gachas because those games and communities completely ostracize them and will ban them on sight, the ones who are constantly seething about Snowbreak would be the ones playing Mihoyo games and other games that try to omnipander
Normalfags don't even realize they are being cucked. They completely lack self awareness.
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they sold the players the new skin with this hug >>487424875
and a few days later she tells you to fuck off and go lie in the dirt.
"Why don't you just put him on the grass (instead of on my lap)?" CN directly translated
This speaks a lot about the relation between the MC and the character.
Also the backstory of ascension material talks about pair of characters and one of those pairs is the braveman and the dancer.
Sadly, you (MC) thought you were the braveman no, it was the wanderer. You are just an observer (CN teases Aether being cameraman for months. It's canon now thanks to the disgusting writer)
Kek, and hoyosloppers believed they would get pandering. Natlan will be even more of the same.
Should newcutie bother with this raid stuff?
just do it once a day
The brave squad? Yeah, all you need are 3 runs and a pretty low max score. If you have trouble hitting it, ask in chat if anyone will help. Even 1 older account player can take you to that threshold (this is from past brave squads where I did it for newer players.)
You should. You don't need to clear through the last stage.
Sure. Fell free to have veterans/whales carry you.
It's worse than you think bro
They actually enjoy being shit on
One of the normies defining traits is innate masochism
>Trusting Mihomo pandering
Yeah they should have learned about this shit a long time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mihomo waifu Firefly suddenly has another ship that's not with (you) one year from now.
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Sasuga mihomo. Scarashit must be a femdev's husbando with all that plot armor and attention lmao
Thanks bros. I'm in ch.5 taking it slow. I'll check it out
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She's so tiny, Jesus.
>Started HSR to escape Scarashit in Genshin
>HSR 2.5 has genderbent Scarashit
>Stopped logging in to that game and spend more on Snowbreak
Here am I
>I will use my WiFenny in the front lines
You won't If she ended as Tess-tier onfield
I don't think they enjoy it, hence why they lash out and deny it so hard when it's pointed out. They just don't realize it on their own and do mental gymnastics to convince themselves otherwise when someone points it out.
Imagine manhandling her tiny body
They'll just canonically kill her off, so she will stay purely gameplay.
Frit just flat out copied Cherno's moves.
new 5frito confirmed being cherno level dps
Just started the game and I'm a bit confused by all the different rolling currency. I noticed there's some beginner banner that's 20% off for rolls and doesn't use the same currency as the limited banners, should I be rolling on it right now or should I stock up on the rolls?
They lash out because they know it's shameful to admit enjoying it.
Imagine sexually penetrating her and feeling pressure building up around her small pelvis area.
this must be done out of spite at this point, they hate waifufags gut
Anything from your mom's drawer
>Just started the game
Me too. This shit is easy to understand if you play WuWa. Basically
>only ticket beginner/normal
>focus on discount first
>all in limited banner veteran anons recommend 100% banner with jims if your penis like that waifu
How is it a problem?
But with Enya body
Birthday suit with band aids.
Big News:
New Ancient Civilization unearthed in 2.8. Inner Earth people and city. Titagen has pierced through the Firmament there. Operative from this area where's tribal style brown leotard, uses strange Manifestation powers. Board member revealed to have escaped to this location. Edda is Scared...
I think they hate their player base in general. Just look at their pathetic anniversary rewards over the years.
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>*Kicks open (You)r bedroom door*
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Considering what they have done with Kafka they are more likely to just sideline her. HSR writers don't seem to mind doing (you) pandering though.
That wouldn't humilliate the players enough.
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Ooops! I just realized that's the original game as it is. Here's the fan TL: https://mega.nz/folder/v7hx2QTa#Qqiu7M3F2tLfKCQ_ag0LfQ
And the MTL: https://mega.nz/file/lv4EwISZ#qQatebABzLeklSH-1JjfUDiEcnhbaR1sePPshdq1qEE
Apologies. My Transcription Software sometimes Fails.
>all her sidestories will be remembering the time she spent with the other rangers, especially the male ones
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>In the earth
I don't want to pollute the board so I post the link instead of image.

>How is it a problem?
It's pasting a face of 90% similarity onto a female body.
I hope so, I want to add Agartha molewoman to my team.
yeah, but do they try to piss off other groups the same way they’re shtting on waifufags?
Unless I mixed it up, wasn't she the most liked character when the game launched and was heavily for (you)?
What happened to her?
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>Just started the game and I'm a bit confused by all the different rolling currency.
Standard character currency - (The White ones)
Limited character currency - (The Yellow ones)
Standard weapon currency - (The Black ones)
Limited weapon currency - (The Gold ones)

They just made it have better compartmentalization for rewards.
Co-op gives the White ones.
Weekly login bonus or mail give the Yellow ones.
Monthly login bonus give the Black ones
Rouge-like mode (Paradox) gives the Golden ones.

>I noticed there's some beginner banner that's 20% off for rolls and doesn't use the same currency as the limited banners, should I be rolling on it right now or should I stock up on the rolls?
That's the beginner banner that gives you a free SSR(5*) character *within* 50 rolls. If you get them early, you don't need to pull on it anymore, since it won't give any additional 5*, and the rolls would be better spent on the permanent Standard banner.
Yea, HSR pandering seems to be safe (for now at least) you just have to pray to god every day that they never transfer anyone from the Genshin team over
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Cherno is disappearing! Someone grab her quick!
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oh that might be mihomo just being lazy fucks as per usual
Legitimately, I don't think she's appeared in any content in a year
Sorry bro industry standard is now revised.
Kissing is now the new standard for pandering.
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no, she princess carries the mc, like the bitch that he is...
There is a Firmament on the Bottom of the "Top" Layer.
That feels a bit of a strech imo. Closer to lazyness.
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>Buck broken by an anime face
>Anime which stylizes faces by removing 90% of the details
I don't mean to sound rude but....
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Bro HI3 used to be a (you) pandering game too. I wouldn't trust HSR completely if I was a player.
She had one voiceline cameo since her character mission like a year ago. Other than that she is still heavily into (you). One of Firefly's texts say Kafka talks about (you) all the time to them.
I don't expect it to last, but I don't spend money on hoyogames so they are easy drops.
and? I'd let Lyfe or any of the girls princess carry me too.
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Imagine the hurricane of melty's if Firefly has intimate flashbacks about a different guy as she lays dying from her condition lmaooo
Kafka was only really ever popular in the west. Asia liked other characters more.
chernyo for ants
Marian...it's time for your punishment...
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>Noah got ntr-ed by himself
How the fuck...
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Again? Yay
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How do I turn off fast forward during minigames in loverush?
bride fenny will support this ass
Male in otome games is still having an anime face and I hate it.
Being categorized anime doesn't mean I have to accept them all.
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Chen alter needs to be Shenhe but sexier
I'll take it if they expose her belly.
so is new fenny built for wyfe or katya?
Old fenny.
>who is new fenny built for
my dick
both, but benefits shooting characters with mags a bit more, for Katya it's just a buff on her bolts
black (you)
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underboobs Chen with braided long hairs..
Eatchel will need 2 chairs by the time I'm done with her.
Katya for BIG Ants?
Eatchew's ass is already fat enough, stop feeding her.
nvm, I can clear it in 2 seconds now.
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>pic related
>Marian's ass shake
>Haru sitting on the hotpot table
the girls have all caught on that Adjutant is into asses
Frankly disgusting. I need an antidote, I think I'll replay Lyfe's covenant scene.
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Wait, so homofaggots were getting all smug and uppity because one (1) character hugs (You), and in the end it turned out to be cuckshit, both literally and embedded symbolically? And that homo purposely "censored" aspects of the costume which would readily indicate that it's actually cuckshit?

If you haven't figured it out already, most people doing the shilling and spamming about it probably don't play the game.
Adjutant is into his operatives' everything.
Is frit a loli or an actual adult petite woman? Titty monster Lane ruined me snowbros...
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The only actual loli is Caroline, and she's actually a hag who got (Nikke/Ghost in the Shell'd) into a loli body, and she actually has 2 "brains".
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Frito is taller than Acacia and Eatchel.
>Haru sitting on the hotpot table
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I'm friticing
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Why can't I give Caroline a massage...
She never asked for this.
Efficient German Sechs with Caroline.
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>Caroline will remember this
stop lusting after appliances
What's the second brain name?
What the fuck
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>What's the second brain name?
It's probably a nameless bundle of supplementary neurons, but if it had a name it might be "Lee", her old rival.
Can her body get pregnant though?
so how old is she really?
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I'm actually so glad I discovered Snowbreak bros...
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We don't know. If prosthetics can replicate sensations, then possibly artificial wombs can exist as well.

>how old is she really?
She was born in 2029, and the first impact ("First Descent") happened in 2057. I don't know what year Snowbreak takes place, but Caroline is at least 28.
Same bwo
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>artificial wombs
Sorry for bringing that up but how bad is it on Cn ?
not bad enough for another knifing incident
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OGs know that a heated travel flask just isn't the same
I'm still surprised I gave it a try just from the dorm ads hey used to run
>Caroline is at least 28
rotten non existant eggs...
>knifing incident
That never happened
But why 14?
I'm so glad seaslug has every girl for (you) instead of cuck shit like pgr and mihomoshit
eggs are fine until 35 bro.
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For the sex
File deleted.
You know why
>file deleted
Tau impregnation.
The cult of the Greater Good, Tau`Va.
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I will marry into german Aristocracy!
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There will be an event where she betrays us and hijack's Caroline's body.
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Sign me up
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Need casual sex with Caroline.
So Fenny only exist to job to Lyfe?
>old and infertile
My Caroline stocks...
Yeah and give her ammo
>titagen is radioactive
There's a strong chance that NONE of the girls can get pregnant.
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Fenny will always be my number 1
>you try to spike her drink to help her relax (though it wouldn't actually work)
>she notices and just goes along with it acting drunk
>makes you take responsibility for her current state
Number 1 jobber
we love jobbers around here
>>you try to spike her drink to help her relax (though it wouldn't actually work)
>she laughs and takes it, then orders the strongest Yehrus vodka for (You)
>you end up drunk and she has to carry you home
>you are completely at the lolibaba mercy
Lyfe and Fenny are friends.
Rozan and real Edda will fuse with each other.
The writer thinks otherwise, given that he removed their anniverasy 4panel.
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Let's talk about Fenny's feet. Everyone will kneel to feet dev
Actually, they will be sisters by the end of the night.
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looks better, but I'm just not that big of a fan of braids
>having issue clearing the stage in star master
>fuck it let's try 10 adventist
>It works
What's their secret ?
gameplay wise Lyfe was the jobber and that was fucking retarded.
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That's ok bro. We all have our preferences.
tits and ass
they have the power of friendship
and horniness for the adjutant
Wide childbearing hips.
Nun harem power.
to masculine for my taste.. I prefer picrel
did implement the improved ass physics yet?
I've been shilling hem for awhile. Glad bros are trying them
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they will also be moms
>people complained about Armed Adventists being hot, but useless in Star Master
>they made them hot and broken in Star Master 2
I fucking kneel.
Acacia listened
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bwos that played the previous seasun gamu, does seasungodayo test beta features through events? do we have an actual possibility of having off field operators follow us around instead of being essentially extra logis?
marian team with eatchel and mauxir for rich Catlady experience
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>Lyfe's kid and Fenny's kid will be siblings
We're reaching levels of Xenoblade that shouldn't be possible for a gacha!
How many crempies do you want?
>yao agave and acacia
team comp of the shy and awkward weaboo group
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But Yao is not shy nor awkward
she's quiet enough to be mistaken for one
i'd imagine a girl born in gang controlled slums and then forced into the army is anything but shy
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I feel like they didn't really experiment with events in gcg. It was just the story mode like here, but you had to farm the boss for currency. They never really innovated on gameplay either,
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>Misscount a single creampie
>I now have to start all over again
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okay, but i'll need energy drink and mauxir to Purrhold my hand after the first 100's
so you're shitting on /gig/gers who are actually pro-{You)pandering?
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god i hope 6*fenny support skill works on 5*yao, a tess yao fenny team sounds broken already
Actually gave me a good laugh anon
Power rangers is such a sovlful amount of goofy
Imagine a Mecha event where chadjutant merges with his snobblewives
these people too
there's nothing funny about a game succumbing to feminist rot, don't shit on your brothers
He does that every night, anon. He doesn't have a choice.
I want to use Wifenny ultimate skill with Wyfe support skill, might be a meme but It's gonna look fucking awesome
>/gig/gers who are actually pro-{You)pandering?
That was me, but Fontaine absolutely mind-boggling ass-blasted the shit out of me that I quit.
And don't make me start on Sumeru.
I'm impressed you lasted through Sumeru
I refuse, and I mean absolutely refuse, to believe there are (You)fags still on /gig/.
5 nuns makes you lose out on team comp buffs, it's not worth it except for the memes
1 nun or 3 nuns is optimal depending on comp
If you still play mihomo trash in 2024 you're not a bro and you deserves all that cuckshit. That studio was a fucking lost cause as soon as they went omnipandering back during HI3
no self-respecting waifufags would stay there after the 3.x patches
/gig/gers are universally hated in /vg/, ponder why, they even got kicked out of /zzz/, another mihomo game
i don't care, i will shit on mixed toilet garbage and laugh at every faggot who plays it
>sacrifice entire regions and it's story to a single homo pandering
>make him absolute broken gameplaywise
>profits were average at best
>you would expect from faggots and fujos to finally stop coping about homo popularity, but they still managed to lose themselves in cope and delusions that it doesnt count
i think fontaine was the best just because of that drama
Hello, I will masturbate and ejaculate to Fenny interactive scene. Thanks. And same to Lyfe scene while I wait. Okay?
I'm convinced that the last Star Master stage is actually fucking impossible.
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it's not, I beat it on the first day
and I'm F2P
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not yet
Now that the dust has settled, did Fenny lose?
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How bout this?
She has the best feet, she won
define lose
Did rex fuck the green hair one too? Idr her name
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She literally tells (you) herself.
the dust hasn't even risen yet
ask again in several days
There's something insanely hot about her eyes in this version. They make her look evil.
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lose x lose = win

Fenny won!
Just got access to Elite Recruitment; Fenny Coronet or Fritia Hush? I want to stroke my dick to both, so I'm at a bit of an impasse.
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I'm no brother of delusional fuckers
Fritia if you want a character that can still win
Fenny is the usual beginners choice
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WIFenny game
I was sort of willing to put up with it since it gave me the opportunity to catch up to certain rerun banners. Was pretty happy finally picking up Shenhe and Yelan.
Also I'm a SkipGOD, so any shit story that the region had was easily ignored.
The only gripe I had was them having the obvious 1.5 years of homo banners, and them nerfing the shit out of one of the only SSR females they had during that period. That was the 2nd to last nail in the coffin.

Fontaine was the actual last nail in the coffin. Exploration was shitty kiddy shit. Underwater sections were disappointing; you couldn't even used the characters you pulled, like my Yelan. The Prisonslop + Poetry event combo literally killed my soul with how much text bloat it had. Made me uninstall at the spot. The game simply wasn't for me. Kinda sad what they did with the game. Inazuma was peak and it all went down hill from there.
I got Lyfe.
Can I roll for Cherno anyway?
I have enough and I heard here having three teams is the ideal + a beautiful tummy like that gets me incredibly hard
Nigga did you see her PV? I can’t stop watching it. How tf is that losing?
of course you can
horrible black hole girl is extremely strong
Fenny won the second place in our harem.
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The green hair one is just blondie and redhead's true, combined form.
Think of it like if Adjutant fucked Lyfe while she was possessed by Odin, but Lyfe is also still active.
Yes, she lost 1st place
Wyfe's ult can't outdamage her dodge shot spam vs single targets right? Who are good purple supports I can dump her U-energy on?
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>Can I roll for Cherno anyway?
>I have enough and I heard here having three teams is the ideal
Yeah, you need 2 teams for Neural Sim and Underground purge.
3 is mostly for event, but they give you trial units that you can use, so it's not that necessary.

>+ a beautiful tummy like that gets me incredibly hard
Exceptional taste.
Is her ult good? I didn't read the leaks.
Agreed, Enkanomiya was the absolute peak of that game and it all went downhill after.
It deals 1/3 of Cherno's standard skill detonate, which is more than nothing at least.
not enough skin. The shoes don't fit the costume. Asymmetric stockings is a cheap way to make the design appear more interesting.. Dark skin and blue eyes is cool tho.
Who's the green hair girl in pic rel?
Is that on M0 copegun?
>Who are good purple supports I can dump her U-energy on?
4 star supports? Maybe you could go for Fenny Alter?
4Chen can be good sub-DPS damage.
4Siris is great for sustaining.
Ah no those calcs were done with her sig. Not sure about the copegun damage.
Killin me, smalls
How and where do I get copeguns?
Will Fenny's sig improve her as a DPS or just as a support?
pick with your dick bro everyone sells the game by saying it's easy enough to beat using any character
>2 in 1 deal
event shop and the shop in the home screen
Mostly support, but a little bit more damage. Using her as a DPS is already cope enough so her sig probably won't make much difference.
>Additionally, the ammo fired from the special magazine deals increased ballistic damage. If the equipping operative is not on the field, the ballistic damage increase is doubled.
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I want a FAT operative!
How do you build 4chen's damage? Auxiliary dmg logis? When I drop all her shit they just tickle the enemies.

If I have time to worry about who to dump U-energy on then I don't really need her.
Main menu > Suspense in Skytopia > Shop
Buy the 150 gun, then the 300 5 times to make the first one stronger
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3 in 1. They're each a distinct person. But green kills herself to save everyone else.
Here, have official art.
soon bwo
later tonight
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technically yes but it's specifically a support wep as you can plainly see. like others have said she's lucky if she outDPS 5Chen who will make use of that ballistic buff better anyway, let alone Katya or Wyfe IS
Current banner operator's on the current event shop. Needs 150 event currency, then 4 x 300 to max it out.

Other copeguns can be farmed in the operations tab, and later purchased with their own distinct currency in the main menu shop.
Will they add NewFenny's copegun and logis to the shop?
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Not so fast Chairman Xina, it's only 4 times you have to buy the 300 weapon!
We should really get some GCG Alters. Some of the designs look really nice.
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and make sure she hoards ALL of the Adjutant's attention, and i mean the adjutant leaving his honeymoon to spend time with her level
>reverse ugly bastard
She's not getting anywhere close to out dpsing 5Chen if the most recent calcs are accurate
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Siris is so cute
Which recent calcs?
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Nooo MuMu why did you lie to me??
Fritiabros... Fenny stole our ultimate...
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Siris is built for PLAPPING!
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This is great news, I'm getting Fenny's wep for sure, she definitely won a permanent place in my teams
>4 times
There was a post on tieba a few hours ago.
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reminder! Siris is best girl!
Send a link if you find it bwo
With Fenny (beautiful) and Eatchel (cute) you can 100% onfield Lyfe (gorgeous).
Why weren't they able to use jap VAs for the trailer?
Look at that cute butt
Biomechanical means possible pregnancy right?
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>only have ~5200 digicash for the sig
I'm sorry fenny, I'm not a luckgod

All girls are more or less best
Here we go again.
hmmm, nyo
Fenny game
#1 support
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Yeah, the Usha one. Check the links above for more build infos.
>When I drop all her shit they just tickle the enemies.
It's better than nothing. And she's a 4*, so you can't expect much. You could invest more into her logis by maxing them out, at least. And she has a stardard banner weapon that is her BiS.
You could use 4Acacia instead for mobbing and slow debuffs, if you want.
Everyone is going to pretend that Fenny won for once during the next April 1 event.
>WiFenny's gonna turn everyone into an on-field DPS to the sacrifice of herself
Apologize to Fenny, right this second.
Those are literal milk jugs. ペロペロ
v4 copium

Once we're done with marrying the rest of the girls, we'll go marry Fenny for a second time.

That's the only way she'll win.
>WiFe makes (4|5)fenny even more fun to play
4D chess
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yeah this pretty much sums it up, she's still a joke.
You'll have enough by the time she gets reran, which should be next patch.
But reran characters show up around 20 days after the update.
Cherno + Wyfe isenough to carry you through any content until the foreseeable future, so after that you can simply roll for your base.
Man I'm glad I didn't roll for eatchel+sig just for her buffing if Fenny is about to do that better.
I actually think she looks better than Lyfe, I just did it for the memes
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Wasn't v3 like... yesterday?
Please... I can't take this anymore...
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I want _________ to sit on my face
I can already see you're going to echo with raiders tomorrow.
>Her Manifestations got nerfed
lol.. was anyone even going to roll for them before?
hmmm, can't trust anyone today. Fennybros are under attack
Is 5Fenny going to be the best support for 5Fenny?
>Aoe damage on skill increased (165 to 200)
>A bit less ammo given on her support skill
Not much changed
no one is even saying anything yet and you are already bitching. hilarious
Don't forget 4Fenny
Fenny game
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You don't deserve her.
Its literally 2 less ammo
You can't even use her in game yet and you are already doomposting.
I trust Seaslug
I want to roll for her weapon right now
They buffed her personal damage and nerfed amount of extra bullets with her support skill.
Feniggers spend more time complaining than playing the game.
It means the extra ammo is depending on Fenny, not the on field characters.
So weapons with less ammo than Fenny's weapon will get more ammo than before.
New mag size is 100%(120% if M2) of on field weapon + 3% of Fenny's weapon
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Where is the legendary Shangai raid that would EoS our game?
It's a buff if you're using Fenny with Fenny
>tasteless fennitards' bitching is actually making her a shittier support without actually making her an actually decent dps in return
I fucking told you this was going to happens. You could have settled into getting an amazing permanent support but noooo gotta be constantly obnoxious as fuck and ruin everything
Fuck you, I was actually getting excited. Fenny lost and it's her stupid fans' fault.
They send 1 raider at a time just to mess with the Seaslug slurper in here. It's an advanced tactic.
that single fag glows brighter than the sun, he isn't really subtle
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>order a six piece tendie meal
>they give me eight (8)
>marrying fenny later
Today is blessed!
Fenny must be bad at all roles to get to the true loss that they are going for.
>Shittier support
Its 2 ammo difference. Basically nothing changed
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The dps talk got stale a while ago
why don't you make some fun memes then, nerd
besides, Fenny chose me like you wouldn't believe—I've been spooked by two Tiny Grains and two Sunny Payback
before nerf she gives 1 extra magazine + 3 bullets
now it 1 extra magazine + 1 bullet
it not a big deal
Dunno, but Lyfe won my heart for sure.
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I made half of the memes here...
if you want Fenny to win, you would need a much bigger drills. not those pathetic tiny pig's knots on the back
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>Fenny is now a mediocre support and a mediocre dps
>I've been spooked by two Tiny Grains and two Sunny Payback
explode you lucky bastard
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I just wanna now if WiFe supp skill works on solstice railgun..
Speaking of per bullet damage it benefits shotgun and sniper more
Dunno about you guys but Loverush Party finally made understand Fenny, can't wait for her personal file
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Its that time again huh
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Know your place Fennybros
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>Fenny's character is about how in spite of wanting to be number 1 and a massive self-centric attention whore she still cares for the wellbeing of others.
>Her development is about not letting anything stop her way to be, murdering Hera and everyone in her path to claim the position of queen of gods.
>Lyfe's character is about being an autistic titan-slayer that cares for barely anything but titan slaying, putting missions in jeopardy to slay titans
>he character development is about admitting her loneliness and falling in love with you but being a massive queen bitch beating up, torturing and humiliating people on the same side to force them below her. She didn't even get a confrontation with Odin and erased her existence because she is an atheist
>>>advertised as the number 1 wife
Above post is bait
>he character development is about admitting her loneliness and falling in love with you but being a massive queen bitch beating up, torturing and humiliating people on the same side to force them below her. She didn't even get a confrontation with Odin and erased her existence because she is an atheist
Based and dompilled Lyfe
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>Make a promise to discouraged Fenny fans that Fenny will win, and then mock them fans by making her not only lose, but be savagely berated and humiliated by her rival Lyfe(who actually won) and verbally admit to losing in her own story.
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probably no
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I'm not actually lucky, I lost 4 straight character 50/50s, having to go to 140/141/141/129 rolls respectively
you can imagine how shitty that feels
I already know some of you got filtered by the story, don't dig your hole deeper
Does Marian have any good story moments going for her?
Even Nita gets more posts here than her
She was great during this patch
Damn. You earned it anon
I just want to see her get a win for once...
>cannot be consumed by abilities
>cannot be replenished by other means
man what the fuck
no fun allowed
to be fair, 160% free magazine with no animation delay + 90~110% Ballistic damage was fucked beyond belief
now it's 123% bullets and the same amount of ballistic %, plus the ult. She's still crazy.
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People blame Fennyfags or Lyfefags for saying stupid shit but how can you be so sure those posts aren't false flags, especially considering how retarded and soulless they are.
I don't trust any of these posts to be genuine.
She gets horny when we abuse her, so we chose the next step and ignore her completely to keep her constantly horny

Oh this chapter? Yeah extremely loyal
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I wanna fuck my logistics snobble snowbros
Problem is you have the low IQ dregs that will think those shitposts are genuine and amplify the retardation.
ignore any fennypost that doesnt have a fenny image attached
this event is 99% about Fenny and Lyfe. what the fuck did you expected from people to talk about?
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I don't trust a single post in this hellhole
Not even my own
Why does she look like a poor mans Nikke character?
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I'll creampie you one day.. Eddafag
Didn't they say that we could choose 1 logis to be playable in the future?
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>be /gig/ger
>people doomposting and shitposting my wives
>be /snogger/
>people doomposting and shitposting my wives
He is talking about you are not being genuine
>get captured
>sit by and watch as Adjutant can't control his lust for Katya
not exactly my definition of 'great'
pick the hags you faggots

>be /gig/ger
you deserve it
>be /snogger/
you do not deserve it
This will never happen sadly. When other girls get their own event where they can shine, Fenny always accompanies Lyfe. Current event was her pinnacle point. And she was humiliated not only in a story, but gameplay wise as well.
Happens once a patch nowadays bwo
that means your wife is someone worth to talk about
I think you figured out the bread's problem
You're the only anon I trust here. I don't know who this mysterious glasses girl is but she looks inherently trustworthy and definitely not evil.
At least you get to marry your wives here instead of getting disgusted by woman writer.
>Fenny always accompanies Lyfe
You don't play this game
Notice both of these involve (you) somehow. Maybe (you) are the problem?
>turns into the queen of gods
>except she's not the one we think of
>turns into Inanna and sexes the adjutant so hard he pops out a shota titagen projection of himself
>new shop npc
>out himself as a cuckposter
Good job anon, be aware that you are not welcome here
cuckqueen of gods
Yeah my complaint was genuine opinion and this guy just reworded it to make it sound like a raider, probably on purpose.
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>Maybe (you) are the problem?
If loving fenny is wrong, I don't want to be right.
>genshin impact
Yeah, bro. Your wife Ayaka, who is dating Kazuha. Or your wife Nilou, who is dating Wanderer. Or your wife Yoimiya, who fucked legendary mass-murderer and fatui harbinger Childe in the woods.
Yeah, you totally matter in Genshin.
If I didn't play the game, I would believe that Lyfe is some kind of psychopathic thug who only waits for an opportunity to ambush her teammates in a dark alley, berate them, beat them up, torture them for two weeks and spit in their cereal to show her superiority and score good girl points from the adjutant when nobody watches. Refine your bait, guys.
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If the modder anon is here, I have a question to ask: do the base models have lightmaps at all?
I'm not into 3D modeling at all so all I know is what I read, but these squares formed by the shadows should be getting smoothened out according to a lightmap, right?
I've been fucking around with UE4 engine.ini strings all day yesterday, and the only commands that affected these shadows were the cascaded ones (CSM), while the normal shadow commands affected projected shadows for basically anything else
I'm starting to believe that I can't actually fix this at all, because the models don't have lightmaps, so the cascaded shadows will always appear jagged. Can you check?
nice strawman
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I assume everyone has noticed there is this faggot trying to shit on Fennybros using Lyfe right?
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>Doompost and shitpost my own wife
>Everyone hates her
>Everyone hates her fans
>One by one they all abandon her to avoid being associated with my shitposting
>Finally, have my wife all to myself
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My wife Ganyu is for (me)
Anon, admitting the fact that the writers for Genshin do everything in their power to shit on people looking for (you) pandering isn't cuckposting.
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I'm considering comming art of Haru and Adjutant in re4 Krauser vs Leon cosplay for some reason. Haru as Krauser and Adjutant as Leon. Mainly because I think Haru would be hot, like that moment in remake where Krauser takes off his vest "I've told you again...and again" moment before he transforms. Haru in that tight shirt, a hintage of nipple poking through, toned midriff. Then a part of Haru behind Adjutant, knife(sword) to his throat, hand slipping up his shirt and feeling him up and saying some thing like "Getting sloppy Adjutant" with a lewd face, maybe licking her lips. A reference to the OG 4 where Krauser says something similar if he gets behind you a you have to do a qte to not get your throat slit
So that's how they get away with it. Just instant ban all outsiders immediately. Must be nice to be able to gatekeep that well and have nobody talk about it.
He's doing a pretty bad job considering how he's pretending to be a fennyfags and shitting on lyfe more than fenny.
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I can't even follow what they're even talking about?
It's not cuckposting when the characters aren't for (you) to begin with.
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It's that time again ?
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Noticed! Back to /gig/ falseflagging faggots! NAO!
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Nilou fucked Alhaitham (before they gayed him), get your shitposting right
>all the gig players outting themselves
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sorry bro, I hate to tell you... I saw some compromising screenshot of her and these dudes on the interwebs.
He's not subtle about it.
So that's what the anti-fritposter's agenda is..
she is married to her job
>b-but I quit after x
Pathetic that they even stayed that long. Fags just can't help themselves.
How do I convince fenny to lactate directly into my mouth with no protection?
It's both, shitting on Fenny and shitting on Lyfe are the same thing.
They're both my wives and I love them.
Bro... you are cucked you don't have wives
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Nilou with Alhaitham, Cyno, and Wanderer. You forgot Cyno, too, when people felt he was a reincarnation of Deshret and she was the Goddess of Flowers or whatever.
Nilou is basically for everyone around her BUT you, because (you) might be playing as Lumine instead of Aether.
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Just ask her bro
My tomboy-ish wife, Haru.

But do you even have the monetary to make that into reality? I remember during Katya's patch that someone paid 200$ for 2 Katya comms.
can now somebody compare number of offtopic posts and posts bitching about offtopic/"raids" and etc? Something tells me that latter outnumbers offtopic, just like always.
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>genshin player! we got a genshin player here!
you're really cool and hip for not playing the most popular game of all time, good job anon proud of you.
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If you are criticizing Snowbreak you are a GIG RAIDER and you need to GO BACK. Our game is literally perfect and needs no critique. You may only talk about how much you love your wife and how much money you have spent.
>extremely wholesome, somewhat unprecedented (for gacha games) fenny trailer pops up
>nothing but shitposting
it's too sad, bros...
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I noticed
What's the likelihood of Acacia having played republic commando and recreating online servers for (you)?
Is this what they meant by raid?
We really need a rewritten playable Esther.

Those would some hugely wasted assets, if you think about it.
yeah no shit, why would it be different?
You have maybe 50~80 posters who are here all the time, and then you get around 2-5 raiders shitposting, of course they're gonna get replied to 10x for every post they make
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>the most popular game of all time
but i do play minecraft tho?
you meant most popular gacha?
i do play fgo still..
Oh, boy. This new Fenny PV was wholesome as fuck! My dick was ready, but not my heart...
>6 seconds apart
try to be subtle at least
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Yes, it'd be from this artist. I've commed him a few times before, very reliable. But I don't know if I should go for that idea or something else. I just like the idea of Haru in that military get up and threatening me with a knife whilst molesting me beit
I got spooked
Can I get the link the the Fenny trailer?
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don't forget her favorite
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They fear Fenny and her game
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>The raid was actually /gig/ ntr obsessed faggot with their wild fantasy
I'm disappointed.
Should also mention I'd also have to choose between Harus ponytail or shorter hair look, which will be difficult
Of course it's falseflags. Real lyfefags should be super excited for WiFenny, because shes the best support and perfectly tailored to accompany their waifu. Like what the fuck "I hate the second best thing in the game made exclusively for me", yeah right, niggers.
>her game
You don't play this game
Do I have to level Eatchel and her logis to get her best heal and buffs? I don't have much resources right now but I will get her and her weapon
Fenny game
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Go ponytail. We see that less nowadays
it's always morally justified to hate /gig/gers
Do not post that evil here

Also note to self to add this into the OP.
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stop infighting, enjoy some more Fenny-service
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Here is the the Fenny trailer
and the the the Lyfe trailer if you want
Fenny game
Lyfe game
Yes but if you still don't have two dps built yet put her on the back burner for now unless you really want to use her on field for story or something
How many hours until Fenny?
thank you
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This isn't Fenny!
I don't browse this thread much so sorry if it's been asked but is there any leak of Fenny's kit or weapon? I can't stand the wait anymore
It's...it's...it's cursed, haha.
Tho the voices could kinda work for stuff that's supposed to be less emotional.

She's a support that give Lyfe ammo refills.
Wow that sounds awesome, thank you bro
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Mauxir stop replacing everyone with bots

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>absolutely adorable and cute trailer
>ruined by guttural bugspeak
Where the FUCK is the jp version
AltLyfe is kind of useless against Esther without 5*Mauxir
Mauxir would probably be hard to replicate. She had very specific voice and talk.
He’s right here >>487448476
Go commission it yourself
Why did they have to nerf her? This is fucking pve game. Do people unironically care about neural sim that much?
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No Adjutant. You are the bots.
And then Adjutant was a bot.
Are you playing wrong? NuLyfe is the easiest I've ever killed Esther, and I don't use either Mauxir. She's the boss that melts the fasted for me now.
thank you!
How fast was it?
Fenny must lose. It's now a literal major story point.
still had a few levels just for her and I liked her last stand. Yes she got captured but still she was a part of (you)'re plan.
Maybe "great" isn't the right word but for a Lyfe and fenny patch she was more relevant than I expected.
2 bullets
Judging by how he's implying Esther is impossible to aim at without 5kot I'm going to assume anon doesn't have hands.
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anyone already done?
my luck has been terrible
I gave the devs money so they would do it for me. Guess I'll hold off on paypigging until they figure out their VA mess.
huh? Is it not working? There should be a Fenny video.
has the psyop started yet?
You wouldn't have paypigged either so don't give me that holier than thou attitude
Check snowbreak.gg, it has translated official preview.
but they're both bugspeak
post your score then
dante must die
fenny must lose
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As a newsnog, is it suboptimal to spend all the free digicash on infinite? Will I be screwed later on in the game? I just finished 4-12 for reference.
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nope, waiting for the event mode
Yeah you should save for Cherno rerun in 1 month, she's the best dps in the game.
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If Caroline became playable, her art would spike and we'd stop getting only AI shit.
reminder for poorfags to save event currency for your copegun
how did AI create such a mouthwatering delicious armpit?
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M0T2 Wyfe kills Esther in 8 seconds with 5Mauxir and 20 seconds without
M0T2 5Siris kills Esther in 15 seconds
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but anon... think about Edda's job...
Edda is really good when she wants to be!
is she finally usable on-field now?
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Fine, I admit it, I really don't like Lyfe's exclusive paradox buff, I mean the one that has a 5% of replenishing your dodge charge when your dodge hits a target
>Ultimate Ability: Destined Protagonist
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but the characters ingame are 3D....
It's 5% per hit
There're ten shots per dodge
His art looks really good for a commission. Surprised he even does any.
I assume the other Nikke one was yours as well?
>I just like the idea of Haru in that military get up and threatening me with a knife whilst molesting me beit
Imo, this looks a bit OOC. She's pretty tame for a by-the-books type of girl. Maybe you could give her a blush a bit, to make it seem like (You) and Haru are doing some erotic cosplay for fun? The molesting part can be her lusting after the Adjutant.
>Should also mention I'd also have to choose between Harus ponytail or shorter hair look, which will be difficult
I love her short hair look, but Ponytail would be that bad for a change.
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It's not that I don't get it, I just don't like it, the chance aspect of it fucks with my usual rotation
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Fenny Golden owes me sex
why is fenny so perfect bwos?
she owes me nasty, Sensual public handholding
because she is so cute and Fenny.
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>"Oh, you brought back more women to give a room to? Sure, she can take mine, I guess."
b-bwo?.. blue board?
Actually she is. After some calculations, her potential dmg is entirely decent.
Eh, at least it's something for ENfags.
Also, is this a mod? I remember there being a similar one for WoW questing.
Time travel Fenny
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this is gonna happen once seaslug introduces a new char
Just mash that dodge, bro. It's super fun.
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She suffered enough in Wyfe's personal file, surely they aren't doing it again with WIFenny?
They already did. Her name is Agave and they went out of their way to make sure you knew she was a Manifestation.
Thanks bro but I believed that line when they said the same thing about Enya and she didn't end up being fun as a dps for me.
You've seen nothing yet
What we had in April/May, now that was a non-stop raid
The nice thing about Caroline is that you stow her under the bed. No need to allocate an entire room to a glorified kettle after all.
it was me, i raided.
caroline's room
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Bro don't do this to me...
>goes from competing with Lyfe to competing with Edda
Not mod sadly, I just did it today.
cute Fanny
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What the FUCK
This is turning me on more than it should have.
5enya didn't have a chance because of her kit itself. A pistol character with an E skill that's several seconds long cd? Nah, you should've known she wasn't meant for on field.
>inb4 seaslug makes it happen
>it's actually a meta DPS
Would you roll?
I'm not a lolifag BUT
I would whale.
Make it a skin for Children's Day instead
>here's how fenny can still win
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This actually made me kind of sad.
Caroline deserves a happy ending too.
Don't let Edda win bwos...
Not like this...
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M5 in the first hour
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Reminder: Caroline is the ONLY named character not allowed into the new lounge.
She's always waiting down in the lobby, even if you don't visit her anymore.
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KaLouLin brows, not like this...
Bro, your Enya? Your Wyfe?
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Tess is bigger, lol.
We lack FLAT!
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It's either Agave or Esther so far.
>lyfe is not lumped in with the bustiest girls in the game
I forgot about Tess
Become a modder and be the change you wanna see, I believe in you anon.
>wears lingerie and purple lipstick when drawing smut
She absolutely self-inserts into her own porn.
containment zone
Who even gave them the idea to put a yume self-inserter into the game?
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I'm going to snowbreak your legs
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baker? this bread is way too stale
Declining with Yao!
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bwo your Mauxir?
Imagine being neet with yao, and mommy Marian brings you tendies and fries all day long
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New bread?
>waiting for WiFenny
M2T2 minimum
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>Caroline is a 28 year old ex-operative
>if we ever got 5* Caroline, she'd get an outfit sluttier than Cherno
I need it.
She's more so a writer with her own personality. I think I recall her writing being only a side-gig to her?
>Oh wow Agave, the protagonists in your latest work look almost exactly like you and the Adjutant!
Is this another on of Tess's magic tricks?
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Tess is not bigger. Enya edges her out by a slim margin. (I've yet to see comparisons with nyLyfe though.)
I mean, this thread has been a hoyoshitters shitposting general for months already. They are just more obvious now. There's no going back, unfortunately /snog/ is finished. The tradeoff from the increase in game popularity.
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I give you this https://japaneseasmr.com/116972/ so give me the source!
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5* Caroline in short-shorts.
Do you roll?
New Bread
Caroline is the first character I visit everyday when I go to the rooms, then I check gigi and then I collect the Lego pieces scattered on the floor.
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I'm not a lolifag and eew, if you prefer this over Fenny we got you need to seek help.
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I dunno, some of the newer snoggers seem to treat the game like a competition between the girls. Sure, there's friendly bantering about which girl is "best", but lately I've seen a lot of outright mean comments about whoever isn't their favorite. Maybe these are falseflaggers, but they post screenshots and seem to be invested in the game.
Case in point, people gloating about 6Fenny having a support kit. I'm not a Fenny main myself, but I can commiserate.
I feel like I've heard this voice actor before but I can't place her off the top of my head.

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