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Fenny soon edition

Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ

Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBwEidZ5LjY

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

>Snowbreak 2.0 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Chapter 13 "Suspense in Skytopia" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jul 11 - Aug 22] Loverush Party - monopoly minigame
[Jul 11 - Aug 22] Star Master - kusoge minigame
[Jul 15 - Jul 29] Defiance of Divinity - boss stages w/ co-op
[Jul 22 - Aug 5] Empyrean Tactics - wave defense
[Jul 25 - Aug 15] Specular Matrix - paradox incentive event
[Aug 1 - Aug 15] Endless Battle - co-op wave defense
[Aug 5 - Aug 19] Hero Games - co-op wave rush
[Aug 8 - Aug 22] Torrent of Fire - co-op tower defense

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jul 11 - Aug 8] Lyfe - Infinite Sight | Weapon: Nightborne Crown
[July 11 - August 22] Fantasies of Yore (limited selector banner up to 1.6, same with weapon banner)
[Jul 25 - Aug 22] Fenny - Starshine | Weapon: Heart Hunter
[Aug 1 - Aug 22] Eatchel - The Cub | Weapon: Blitzing Fangs

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>487416429
Fenny Wife
Fenny Game
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Roll for 5Caroline!
Alter Alter Fanny
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She'll be home soon
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Okay so I've been piecing this together, and correct me if I'm wrong
>Seasun turns arguably the most popular girl Fenny into a support specifically designed to buff and sell a low popularity girl by being repeatedly humiliated by her in their own wedding event
>Someone in Seasun (MuMu) promises to discouraged Fenny fans that Fenny will win, and then mocks these fans by making her not only lose, but be savagely berated and humiliated by her rival Lyfe(who actually won) and verbally admit to losing in the new story to advertise the strength her rival Lyfe (who is the banner character), and arguably loses in gameplay by being made for the off-field support role.
>The event gives Lyfe the main character role, despite this patch being the release and marriage of both Lyfe and Fenny alter
>Since the other characters will need weddings and alts too and Fenny gets hers in this Lyfe patch, Fenny will not have an event any time in the near future where she is the focus of the story like Lyfe was
>The devs make the gameplay of Lyfe fun, fast, and the on field style where you get to play as her for most of the mission
>In comparison, despite having been one of the fanbases most loved characters, this new Fenny alter's intended gameplay boils down to not controlling her on field at all, but just pressing her support skill button from off-field while using a different character (Lyfe) on field and seeing Fenny pop up for a couple seconds per mission
If that's the case I can understand why some Fenny mains are feeling put down by this event.
I would even roll for a 3* Caroline.

wow, no wonder they ditched endub, so robotic
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WIFenny game
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need rocket launcher MSGK asap Seaslug
>He used that image again
>Forgot to include the 2 character PVs
This baker fucking sucks.
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Fenny bros eating good tonight
>"maining" a character in a harem game where the leaderboard reward is a profile frame
Note to self:
Add these later

Lyfe trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKb6Kc36y-I
Fenny trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbPLAljMe-Y
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Eatchel is the best!
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You need to stop.
The singularity is starting.
The line between blobs and man is blurring.
using forbidden techniques, huh...
you dont speak for us fenny fans lol
Hey there mihomo
I know, that's why I said "some"
So why does Eatchel have sharp teeth?
Which snobble is most likely to call everyone sniggerfaggots when angry
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I would have used this one. But since we have so many new pups, I don't have to bake anymore, Which is great.
Sure sure, but look at this >>487460823
People often ask for their non-combatant wives to be made into playable combatants but personally I like Caroline for her competent secretary vibes. We already have plenty of other gun sluts, she doesn't need to become one too.
I'd be happy with just being able to give her a massage.
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Yeah, I used this one. I even had a thread ready but was waiting for page 8 or so.
Easier bitemarks
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>Fenny will not have an event
there's still a chance
Reminder that those pathetic fuckers actually unionized and went on strike for higher wages despite being so fucking bad at their jobs.
Why can't we get the VAs that worked on Warhammer and injustice?
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>arguably the most popular girl Fenny
>Fenny lost (despite her being the most unreasonably broken support so far, WITH an ult that makes her field DPS while you keep playing your main DPS)
this hot take gave me whiplash
this is ai right?
Not only early the OP failed to make Fenny OP when she is redeemable
Yeah which is why the devs are scrambling to come up with a solution last minute. They just uploaded a hotpatch at 12 AM CN time and released a V4 iteration of her kit that someone posted last thread. These niggas are sleeping in the office tonight. Should be interesting to see how CN reacts to her release.
But anon
I just want to mindlessly shoot enemies with favorite snigger wife while staring at her ass all day.
You don't get to do that with supports (and 4haru)
You didn't read the post.
You can only massage girls if you rolled and dorm'd them, which is why I can't massage Katya.
So Caroline would need to be added, even as a 3* joke unit.
lmao i didn't read it but i should've
Of course

Snowbreak had good VA, very soulful. Replaying first missions reminded me how nice it was.
You do if you have Eatchel
>Why can't we get the VAs that worked on Warhammer and injustice?
Because those people are all dead or retired. Enjoy your new wave of VAs who's only experience is youtube reaction videos.
>Reminder that those pathetic fuckers actually unionized and went on strike for higher wages despite being so fucking bad at their jobs.
No they didn't. That was US actors. Snowbreak's dub was british stage actresses, and it was clear that most got no voice direction. It's shocking that Fenny or Acacia came out as well as they did.
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Mauxir is the best!
NTA, but we'll see how it works out in practice soon. The game isn't really difficult enough to warrant bringing supports most of the time, so I can understand why a lot of players prefer on-field characters.
Also, most support units are pretty useless in co-op.
Explain how she works to a newsnigger plz. Should I try rolling for her?
It would be cool if we got some kind of mini event where we messed with her and maybe Tau as well, kinda like Nikke's April fools event.
>she loves you strictly as a daughter
>is hell-bent in wingmanging you so she can have a lot of moms and she can become the doting big sister of your schizo kids
Would you still roll?
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She just sits off field and makes you immortal. If you have her gun she gives a good chunk of free atk too
>it was clear that most got no voice direction. It's shocking that Fenny or Acacia came out as well as they did
It's sad you and others believe this.
Bros i have confession to make.
Lately i have been sick of gacha games because it feels like every dev eventually gonna betray their core audiance, like nikke with anni bs, genshin hsr shipping cuckshittery, wasting time om pgr only to find out its ntr bait... its all so tiresome i played 6 gachas purged everything and left only snowbreak feels like snowbreak devs are the only ones trustworthy. Well atleast now i have time to play some tarkov and elden ring dlc.. playing more than one gacha with intent to recieve waifu pandering everythere is too fucking tiresome, feels like im gonna get jumped out of nowhere with some bullshit.
Where's the lie?
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Sex soon.
Jokes on her, she is gonna be my daughterwife either way.
Kek. Same position with me. Except that I play games less nowadays.
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Fenny's going to win.
Any schizojutants have a snobble tulpa yet?
Don't believe MuMu's lies...
Post discarded, you aren't genuine
Sloppy job
Divide and Conquer
Bro, your Meursault?
I don't like to call them Seaslug because it can be seen as demeaning to call people slugs.
Yes, I love daughters who are just daughters and not necessarily daughterwives. Don't get me wrong, I love daughterwives too, but I also love regular daughters.
idk I just like girls, man.
Any guesses about reruns? I've heard Cherno might rerun next patch, is Siris after that again? Would seem weird to rerun any of the people on the selector. (Though Eatchel is coming this patch, I know.)
Who would be after Siris then? Kaguya again?
Bro your Edda?
Yeah, no. This act doesn't work with me
wtf, slugs are pure and cuter than human
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>Game version mismatch
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the wait is killing me
I want to get Fenny and her wedding dress already
either the game is too easy to want a support, or it's too hard to use a support (with main dps capabilities) as a main dps
>I've heard Cherno might rerun next patch, is Siris after that again?
>Who would be after Siris then? Kaguya again?
You forgot about Enya.

I'm hoping they start with the double rerun banners. That would help quite a bit with the wait times.
I don't care if you don't believe me to be a Snogger, I was just looking for someone to correct me if I was wrong.
Fenny has like the most art.
Fenny won.
>Can't into banter
EN Dub was good and I'm tired pretending that it was not.

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You are repeating everything from the fag that uses Lyfe to shitpost
I like her new hair a lot better than the drill hair. Sorry ojou lovers, it just doesn't do anything for me, looks too silly.
eng marian was top tier
Admittedly her drills need to be more prominent for maximal oujo-goodness.
Snigger snigger on the wall, who's the snoggest of them all?
fuck off "snowbunny"
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The only help I need is more Snowcunny ToT
Okay, so it would be Cherno, Enya, Siris in that order, right? Thanks for information.
3 minutes?
whats wrong with Snowbunny? He was a chill dude.
they took brit fritter from us

I liked it a lot, but depended on which character. Fenny, Yao and Frito were great, Haru was pretty bad. (Haven't bothered listening to everyone.)
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Will there be any surprise dev stream today, I wonder?
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alright snoggers lets get snogging
Dont we already have the EN dub for this? Why's it AI?
bro...I don't think you want to use "Snowcunny"
it had its moments, but it was wildly inconsistent, doesn't feel like they workshopped the characters prior to recording, rather it felt like they were developing them as they went
4Chen and 5Chen voices are very different, for example
or even 5Chen on-field lines VS 5Chen dialogue lines

What I will grant the EN VAs with no reservations is that it was not Funimation, Jamie Marchi-tier slop, and it didn't have that Dora the Explorer "DO YOU SEE THE APPLE?" tonal inflexion where it unnecessarily goes up and down.
For me EN Siris was really nice and it's the only one I miss a little bit. But then EN Fritia was a mess, listen to this >>487463957
really a mixed bag with no quality control or direction, but I believe the individual VAs (or most of them) have it in them to do a great job if provided with a good director
Feniggers deserves it. Obnoxious, deluded fucks this whole year are only getting hit hard by karma.
I don't even think she's that popular considering how easy it is to bot the polls.
This is Lyfe and Katya's game first and foremost, I think Fenny getting married 2nd is more than a win and great for her character. Devs shouldn't be taking popularity polls all that seriously. It make sense story and character wise that Fenny will be Lyfe's best support and they should stick to that.
Born to coom
Live to snog
I forgot to do my dailies on my other gachas again. Snogging freed me from the gacha brainrot.
Why? Sort of like Katya's emergency stream?
One of my autism simulators received an update so maybe not yet
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Good one
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Just a few more hours until this gets officially reposted and Fenny becomes the bustiest snobble
No, fuck him and his retarded brainlet loser opinion and shit tastes.
<6 hours for Fenny
Hug your families and snog your operatives because nothing will be the same after that
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She is so smug, bros...
It's more about kit design, not overall power. Supports generally aren't very interesting to play on-field even if they can technically do it.
It's the calm before the storm. The shenanigans
will run amuck soon.
stop calling me racial slurs edda
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wtf they didn't give me Fenny
this is a hate crime, against me, specifically
hmmmm nyagger
>EN Fritia was a mess
She was my favorite of the EN voices actually. What exactly did you not like about those lines?
This >>487464215
I would have given them a second shot under a new VD.
Morgan, where is your staff?
My favorite part of this patch is when fenny said "it's jobbin time" and jobbed all over lyfe
>invitation not open yet
her ult line never failed to make me flinch. It is that bad...
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Wyfe game.
iirc on field she does a dash on E, and depending on the direction her gun changes type
I think Forward dash had low RPM explosive rounds, side dash had high RPM single target rounds, and back dash has standard RPM rounds that charge either SE or UE or both.
She's basically Kinetic Katya
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Ok when we finally get her are the shiposting tourists whining about "muh support" finally gonna fuck off? If I see one of you chuckle fucks make a comment like that you fucking BETTER post proof that you have the wedding skin or you can fuck off right back to /gig/.
You didn't explain what you didn't like about it.
Gustav was a shark
Why does Marian act so weird at the vending machine
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This is what titagen semen deprivation does to a lady.
>someone voiced a bdsm obsessed Marian
>but game became "too ecchi" for them
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Because she's a freak
It is delivered like a child would just read out a line without feelings or emotions.
It's pretty clear it's just Zhongdong trying to leverage his position to remove workers from Snowbreak.
Anyone saved that Japanese video that showcases Fenny's interactive scene?
>Less money spent on shitty VAs
>More money spent on sexo skins to sell
Kek nice plan
>Marriage with Lyfe and Fenny will be relevant to the main story.
Is there story nodes I'm not seeing cause that was a fat fucking lie.
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mumu strikes again
Lyfe told Katya a story about the wife of a hero, besides it will probably be mentioned in the future.
Her personal file is right there too
That sounds very promising then, I'm relieved.
The principle still holds true for a lot of other supports though, like 5Enya. Hopefully future supports will be more dynamic like with Fenny. That would satisfy everyone.

Oh, fuck off. I'm tired of you bitching every single time someone posts even the slightest criticism. We get it, there are shitstirrers here. You know what their goal is? Making the thread unpleasant, which you are helping with. Just ignore the obvious baits.
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Next chapter bwo
Trust the plan
We don't currently have any main story chapters that take place after the marriage, so it could be a lie but we wouldn't know it yet
it's after this chapter
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Shadow raid open today btw
Moving forward nigga. The story ended right after we got married.
It's a lie. Now be mad.
That girl ain't right I tell you what.
I see. I thought that was part of the voice direction actually, like her Deiwos taking over and talking in a monotone voice as opposed to her usual energetic style. I can understand your dislike though, thanks for answering.
>I'm tired of you bitching every single time someone posts even the slightest criticism.
> criticism.
"This character should be a main DPS because supports aren't allowed to exist" is not criticism. Kill yourself.
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I'm fine with feminist companies if they're all into (me)!
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Good voice, bad delivery, occasionally slipped out of character (likely actress being too old for the role or a smoker, but idk)
taking this webm for example https://files.catbox.moe/vptbsz.webm
>Should've ran when you saw us
good tone, bad enunciation especially in the latter part of the sentence
>getting killed like this?
tone not matching the line, she's not a flippant killer type of character
slipped out of the character's voice, lower tone, came out very nasal

then you have the ult line, which is extremely bad and probably spliced together
>from the gods we stole.
This is pronounced as a full sentence, with a full stop at the end. It doesn't sound like she's going to say something else
ok delivery, probably sounds better with all the sounds and music on, but the previous line makes this one sound out of place
also Prometheus didn't steal fire, he just shared it with humans. Does she say this in other languages as well?
Again, I'm not necessarily shitting on the VAs themselves (even though they did boycott), they likely can do a good job with better direction.
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I'm going to sleep for 6 hours so I can play with Fenny when I wake up.
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"Sleeping" with Yao for 6 hours...
i want more smoll flat girls
I want more big busty wives
I didn't expect glasses to fit Fritia so well, they should add a megane alt
I don't understand what the "scramble" would be for. I really can't imagine the devs are so incompetent that they are running around the office trying to "figure out" how to make new fenny a main dps. If they want her as main dps, make her support skills also apply to herself. It's not that hard to figure out.

I guess the real question is if there is a conflict of interest. Is the issue that seaslug wants her to be support and players want her to be dps?
is it out yet?
it's out
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Azur lane tier titty monsters when?
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I have not said that though. See, this is the problem. You vaguepost about these things like a passive-aggressive child and then bitch when people call you out for it.
Just ignore the posts that you think are bait. (Which I'm sure you've pegged me as already, dumb as you are.)
Fucking hypocrite and a painful lack of self awareness
>I'm tired of you bitching every single time someone posts even the slightest criticism.
How about next time you don't attack a blatant strawman. I see you shitposting faggots try and deflect with "hur you just can't take criticism" all the fucking time. No. I just think your criticism is stupid.
They should already apply to herself in coop but it's just not gonna be enough to make her rank as good as an actual DPS because she's not designed for that, she's meant to be A SUPPORT and no amount of fenitranny bitching and seething is gonna change that. They're putting a lot of work to make sure her support job isn't busted, it's not that they're trying to make her a DPS at all.
sorry bwos I havent been following today, did Wyfenny patch ge delayed or did I get the hours wrong since I see people talking about patches
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Just came to mind that the gacha cartel boycotting Snowbreak likely means we'll never have a Miyuki Sawashiro, or a Mamiko Noto girl.
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>You vaguepost about these things like a passive-aggressive child
Bro that's literally what you just did.
You got the hours wrong
Doesn't really sound like a solution then.
they cancelled it, she lost
It's been a while since I've last heard Sawashiro.. but yeah.
Thankfully japan isn't lacking in great actresses.
Eepee snogger
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I think all girls should be DPS and support at the same time
Let's be real here, I don't think she'd be down for a long term gacha role anyways. If you're a snogger girl, you're in it for the long ride due to the small cast.
I fucking love Sawashiro though. God I wish we had someone with a raspy, sultry voice like hers.
No, its not delayed. It was always releasing 6 hours after reset like how some other things arrive after reset at well, I wonder why they do that though.

>we'll never have a Miyuki Sawashiro, or a Mamiko Noto girl.
What the hell does this mean?
Unironically the best path forward
But they already are though.
>girl can support
>girl can do damage on field
That applies to every girl in the game.
>What the hell does this mean?
Imagine being even less seasoned than a fritter
Raise the pressure...RAISE THE TEMPERATURE!
Hmmm today I think I will rape Snow
6 days until cutechel...
I'm sorry :'(
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oh fuck i was in the wrong general abort abort
You faggots should be hanged for this level shitposting
Why does this happens so often?
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The intro was great, I love (You) pandering
Also I think the part that mentioned the lack of sleep might have been based on a true history, godspeed seaslug
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What in the actual fuck is this?
u rike?
I was about to post the same thing. Shadow raid was fun but that thing is evil.
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They added new challenge room(s?) to the Paradoxical Labyrinth mode.
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Do you think there will be a GIGA pack that will let me buy Lyfe and Fenny's skin all at once with everything included and a FAT discount?
What the fuck are you supposed to do?
This shit scares me
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Hehehe, I don't know why you guys are confused, this looks great!!! :)
Play the new mode with operatives, get tokens based on what operatives you use, use tokens to unlock stuff.
lmao I was about to make this post
the fuck is going on here
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And people said the pearl system was hard to understand...
Grind for rng drop emblems to unlock paths to get items and trial characters.
But also, the more you play, the lower the drop rate of the emblems.
Have fun!
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guys is seaslug trying to tell us something
true gamblers grind all day for 1% drops
I refuse to play until Wifenny is out.
obviously reward nodes. You collect the gems by completing the shadow raid with certain characters.
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The brain capacity of the average Snogger
Stupid granny, use your body to alleviate my mental strain.
I blame Fritia
I want to alleviate my sexual strain into Researcher-Sans anal cavity until she has to wear diapers or buttplugs for the rest of her short life.
mihomo really ran her through, it's so fucked
she signed on for Raiden Mei back when it was still Mihoyo and not Cognosphere, and did a great job, then she got roped into Gayshit and HSR and even Mei got turned into a lesbian
this anon >>487468561 is probably right, she's not going to do any other gachas after that
btw she's 40 in this picture, we gotta start feeding white women miso soup or something
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5 hours
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prove that you play the game and not a shitposter
here is my pic, can't wait
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It's cosmetic. You gotta feed women cosmetic on their faces.
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i fucked up by taking this
Yeah, that's a free win card with any fast firerate operative.
Oh right, yeah I don't play mihomo shit after what they did to HI3 and I didn't know her Genshit expy also has the same voice, make sense, I hope if Snogger does really well she still manage to show up.
I think asians have thicker skin/fat so the decreasing collagen doesn't fuck them as much
Where is Fenny most ticklish?
i was using lyfe but i got a buff that inreases my attack % depending on my shield
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Did you notice?
cosmetics aren't gonna un-sag your neck skin
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>cherno is back to her old appearance
So she really does transform, huh.
>All they needed to do was add more rewards to the tree in Paradox
>Here's this convoluted mess instead.
side or foot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbPLAljMe-Y
the exosuits are confirmed to alter their bodies, I think it's supposed to be because they become more in tune with their manifestation and it starts coming through physically
Haru for example changes her hair color pretty drastically in the Absconditus suit
Seems like they transform based on the exosuit they're wearing. It's safe to assume the appearance they have in the dorm is their default look because they haven't had any lore explanation for the changes still.
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>exosuits make them sexy
Based technology
Calling on the modder anon once again pls help >>>487451158
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Does 4Chen want this gun, Strawberry Shortcake?
She's my best/only healer, since Yao is very slow at it.
How can we make next Cherno even lewder?
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hurry up!!!!
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By making her barefoot again.
>Wyfe gets announced
>people wait their time and roll her
>Wi-Fe gets announced
>/snowg/ goes insane and starts premature ejaculating, humping a pillow with Fenny’s face on it unable to resist the desire to impregnate the de facto best girl
true and Fenny
Don't give me ideas bwo, I don't want to walk on the dark path of the dakimakura
Forcefeeding sessions with other operatives.
>can have both petite cherno and sexy cherno depending on the mood
This is a pretty good deal.
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I just realized, it's probably also a good copegun for the new Fenny, right?
How much longer? I just go home
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Will Fenny love me now?
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Get comfortable...
stirrups > barefoot
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I guess I'll go clean
True that.
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You became a FennyGOD
Can someone post the Fenny wallpaper?
this but lyfe's
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Do Manifestations suffer racism for the superpowers or multiple personalities? Are the men in minority after the cataclysmic events of the First Descent?
I’m just wondering if there is a lore explanation that makes everyone being so open to polygamy like that. Kind of like the world of SEQUEL that males are a few since the society had been practicing manabirthing for decades+ which caused the results to be solely women and skewed the ratios.
these aren't good compared to their JP counterparts
there's nothing, we needed pandering asap and that's what we get. They'll make up some explanation later.
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Everybody wants a piece of the Adjutant
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>Kind of like the world of SEQUEL
Kill yourself
Is it just me or is the lighting quality in the new Paradox Lab mode absolutely garbage
Bitches LOVE the goofy ass outfit
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the what? this?
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easy to pull a no one cares/it's normal in this world since it's supposed to be just a fictional one, even if it mirrors ours

After all, most people would choose a harem if given the chance and option with no consequences.
>bring yao along for a labyrinth run
>boss ends up being fire fiend
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What the fuck?!
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I love you Cherno but your cooking will kill me one day.
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Surely it's not just me? Why is my Teumessian black? It works fine in the normal labyrinth.
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>see an ad on youtube for a free Fenny
>click on the video
>she has humongous DD titties now
What the fuck happened to this game? I played on day 1 but quit after the first event and I don't remember her, let alone anyone in that game with huge knockers.
Please tell me Acacia is still flat.
works on my machine
>Please tell me Acacia is still flat.
With all the milk she's quaffing, not for long.
You know Feenyfags, if you keep up this behavior, Fenny herself will start to be hated by proxy.
Fenny did get a slight bust increase but honestly it's not that much bigger. It's not like Siris who got a significant bust up(although beeg fish is pretty nice too).
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A year has passed, and the women keep absorbing Titagen.
Titagen is stored in the boobs.
everytime someone says I'm a day 1 player I can't help but get suspicious, I'm sure there must be some but still...
You should own a dakimakura.
It will increase comfort, health and happiness, making so your every sleep is filled with joy and good dreams
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>Titagen is stored in the boobs.
I mean, it's called TITagen for a reason...
Wait, where does the Adjutant store the titagen he absorbs.
*smacks lips* Ayo where da white Adjutants at gnome saiyan? Reminder that Teumussian is female too.
Unfortunately yes
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Why would I lie about that? Here's a screenshot I found of me and my other reroll accounts to feed my main tetris blocks for that stupid daily or whatever.
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>elevators were updated since last hotfix
>nobody noticed
Adjutants... ganbare...
I just started last week cause of the tits. Doubt I would have stuck around as a day 1 from what I've heard
To be more fair than the obvious shitposter deserves, I also quit after mingding and only came back later. Ming Ding fucking sucked and shit looked grim. I regret not being around for Haru's patch though, I bet I wouldn't have quit if I stuck around for it.
small indie hag, please understand
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>didn't stick with this excellent game from day 1
You don't get to complain, big tits lowers and hagchads have spoken and saved the game, that's what happened.
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I'm in
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bros is free 5* blonde girl gud for newfag?
how do you get that screen?
Get 520 in each of the five stats by the end of the last week.
Very good
I remember seeing a reddit post where a "day 1 player" was complaining about the game and shilling bd2, the comments then exposed him for only playing the game for a couple of months.
Nobody "noticed" because it's gone to 5 for at least as long as I've been playing.
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Wait. Going by >>487460748 the OP isn't an edited shitpost? I haven't done the story yet. I don't care about Lyfe and hated the fact Fenny is the support, but I didn't think they'd do this kind of thing in the story. What possible benefit is there to that? Like what's the context? Perhaps it's just a screenshot framed to be as misleading as possible?
>I can understand why some Fenny mains are feeling put down by this even
I'm not even a Fenny fan, but I can sympathize with them. This would be like if during Cherno/Mersaults marriage patch they put Nita in there too and shaft Cherno and Mersault and have them point it out.
fuck did I miss it bros?
I played the first week, but dropped it. It wasn't until cherno's patch where I decided to make a new account.
respectable opinion for sure, but I can't say I agree at all honestly Ming Dong was pretty good overall I think, granted I fucking love Chen but while the story was whatever the Fiend is still one of the best bosses with the best boss theme, we had an early version of paradox already that was decent, and the box stuff was at least definitely a lot better than the undercooked trash that is loverush.
We were doomposting back then and I wish people didn't fall for it so easily. I had the mindset of just enjoying the game as much as I could while it lasted instead.

idiot it's all bullshit headcannon.
>This would be like if during Cherno/Mersaults marriage patch they put Nita in there too
Please, stop. That already sounds cursed enough.
>Prometheus didn't steal fire, he just shared it with humans
That's a retard that can't read, don't fall for it
No.. you can still do it
The fact that he opened with seasun should tell you everything.
?? snowbreak is a cuck game. (you) will never be the chink npc in the game that the girls literally fucking marries lmao.
(you) are a cuck paying to see another man canonically marry the girls you like.

Saw this in a thread on /v
Is this true?
How do I change the character for fishing?
Go back faggot
Trip on your own foot and hit your face on the ground
Cute bait
not even worth a (you)
I am literally the Adjutant tho. I mean IRL.
He's literally me
Summer skins
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>Summer skins
I'm going to rape a fish...
Tsuma material.
Alright, then. Turn into Meursault.
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I am starting to see a pattern with the most recent bosses...
nta but I wish oldschool paradox comes back in some form
Stop Noticing
They should really switch up the designs. I want some body horror type bosses. Like why am I killing busty hot women I want to fuck?
We need more operators with short-shorts and exposed backs.
Prove me wrong.
>her rival Lyfe(who actually won)
As she fully deserves, btw. Also expecting no less from dumb feniggers who compeltly fail to see just how much value a ballistic support actually is in a game like this maybe because you don't even play the game
Maybe you don't deserve even that after all.
I have more respect for the Fritters at this point.
I'm not proud to say this but I'd give up heimdall if it means getting it with yehrus titan
I look like Adjutant
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But I'm literally him thoughbeit?
Exposed skin will always be hotter than bodystuits to me.
I would normally agree. Howeveeeeeeeeeeer..
.. I'm actually in fact the adjutant. Literally actually him.
play star master
Stop stoking the flames you fucking retard
Lyfe Bestla when Deth Worstla walks in :O
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Can't say I hate it...
I'm playing for the first time today.
Acacia sex
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I'm basically done with it, I'm just trying to find this shield nigger
why would a cunnyseur stick with a hag game like this?
This is a side quest, fishing is the main quest
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I will... After you fix all the bugs, Acacia.
Make fishing more fun then, oba-chan.
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SEX with big evil women!
Acaciabros... it never ends...
I think I found one in one of the portals.
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Does it give you something fun at the end? Because I don't see a worthwhile reward, Acacia..
Not him but I like cunny AND hags lolibaba is PEAK
Sex with Acacia for every single time I boot up Star Master
Oh yeah right I still have a few left to go through, thanks bwo
it is what happened though, not sure why there are people are denying it
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how does this work? i get a fragment for those operatives/styles once i get there?
I picked Acacia and got her the other day, please don't tell me that new Fenny is a better support or I am going to cry
Depends who you are using her with. Acacia will still be better with Cherno and Siris.
Not sure, but I believe you get them as a trial operative, so you can use them in the gamemode.
So the screenshot is fake then? I' haven't been in the threads that much since a day or two before anniversary started and i'm going back through threads starting from >>487317869
and it seems like i'm in bizzaro world. It's only been two weeks and someone's complaining about fennyfags reputation as if they've always had a bad one.
You need like 4 supports anyway.
Acacia is forever, and so will be Fenny (unless the stupid feniggers really fucks her up with this atrocious idea of making her a decent DPS instead of support)
so don't worry
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Do You Agree Or Not?
Fuck realism
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Spoiler inside
Fennybros are under attack, just read the story
Reddit = homo
That's correct, it's just that it's only obvious now that she's relevant again. The screenshot isn't fake but the entire context this stupid nigger wrote in his post obviously is. Supports are very welcome in this game too so the entire premise of his is fucked to begin with.
Number 1: go back
Number 2: everyone having the same size is boring
Fuck reddit
Next weapon type: missile platform inside breasts
Okay Dr. Yumi, let's get you to bed.
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acacia fix your fucking game
This is the one image that made me want to wait and binge the story later. I want to know why we're being shadowed by her. I don't care all that much about any of the other girls on this adventure. Still going to have to wait a bit more before I can do it all in one go.
So that's what some anon in another thread was talking about with Adjutant making a kage bunshin. Damn if i'd once thought about rolling for the new Lyfe this would've convinced me to not.
After seeing the real context it's even worse. But at least the image is now funny in a meta sense.
What an aggressive misunderstanding lmao.
Retard-chama, try reading the chapter and know the context.
Help, I've been kidnapped!
Fuck you
Calm down, buddy. I'll get to it, but by then Fenny will have arrived and everyone will be shitposting or arguing against obvious bait and what I think of it won't even be a blip.
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Not rolling Lyfe for that when you don't even know the context? Go fuck yourself
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What skills do these sluts want?
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nita will win
there's a /v/ thread up
the best damage skills you can find
>for that
On top of not really liking her all that much to begin with anon. No need to throw a temper tantrum. At this point the best thing this to come out of this patch for me is being able to capture a fucking boss mech. That's pretty cool.
Don't mind the shitflingers and take it easy.

Is there an animated version?
Hmmm, nyo.
I believe
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Already asked but what kind of weapon would you want future operator to use ?
My list would be:
>Some sort of railgun or coilgun
>Battle rifle
>Some sort of energy weapon
I would also like them to add more 'silly' type of weapon like something akin to the needler in Halo
his fists and be featured as the first melee operative in the game
Esther is trash so it doesn't really matter, but Glass Cannon | High Eagle | x, where x is either a damage skill or a damage-enabling skill
For the nuns, you want one with Glass Cannon | Decade of Training unless you've using some other mon who can apply Decade of Training stacks quickly
Elsewise, Glass Cannon | Explosive Shooter or In the Shadows is the way to go
Remember that your team wants at least one Squeeze Together as well
Better question is why do these whores still have normal clothes? Micro bikinis should be the default.
newbro here, is this game ntr free? aka
>no male gacha units
>no male self insert
>no male npcs
I want LMG too
there are some male npcs in the story
All right, guess I'll keep farming nuns for a while, no real rush anyway. Thanks.
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Nice try. I almost bit but I caught myself.
Part time fisherman
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I'm back... I could only stay asleep for 3 hours...
Why can't they just let me have Fenny already...
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Well, that's a first.
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>no male self insert
>no male npcs
There are some male npc/bosses. Also the mc is literally (You)
2 more hours bwo
anon is scared of getting keked by himself bwo....
thanks, not sure i can trust game devs who willingly waste time to create 3d models of homos in a supposed for (You) game
makes zero sense to waste resources and create pointless ntrbait if you are not pozzed
My left hand keeps cucking my right. Sad times we live in.
>no male self insert
Sorry, no c/u/cks allowed here.
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Stay strong bwo
What do you want to see in Fenny's interactive scene?
The only 3d men are the ones you shoot
Hardcore porn, like handholding and hugs.
bare feet
There's no bigger cuck than the right hand...
It has to go to go through all that effort clicking and aiming the mouse cursor while the left hand gets all the action.
Mating press interaction.
>first day on Star Master 2
>already got Esther
Sorry snoggers, she chose me
Since Acacia made the nun super for you in the intro, she should do the same for Esther. Since it's not part of the story it could be a good way to see Chinese players reaction to it not that I think she will be playable, she serrated the fucking neck of a man with groceries and family, said man who was part of her "family" before
Fenny winking
Wooh... yay...
what if your gun jams and they rape your girls
God damn holy shit. I thought all the noticing was a stupid joke.
I want to smell her
shit post discarded
Are you actually retarded?
good move bwo, gotta stay safe
it's low quality bait
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>he didn't notice
What gave it away?
>wants no NTR
>wants male-self insert
erotic asphyxiation by ass smothering
Kind words and asmr
Spanking Fanny's fanny.
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Look at this weapon of mass distraction
its good a point, why should a female only gacha have any male models? its labor costs
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I wanna cuddle ffs
This is bait btw
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A janken mini game so you can either let her win or make her lose her clothes
They're taking too long to add the bed cuddle interaction in the dorm. My patience is running thin.
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It's about time for you to begin noticing as well be careful, if you notice too much Meursault will make a home out of your head and she will never leave
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You say it like it's a bad thing. I want my own Meursault.
bwos how long till fenny?
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You don't understand. I've been begging for an alt with Mersault in control.
2 hours bwo
Every time someones posts a redditpost here and i go on a retard safari, there is always the same 3 people seething at snobble. What causes this?
my girlfriend got cucked by my hand
Fenny getting bullied and pouting with her arms crossed, her cheeks puffed out, and her face turned away, only for her to melt as (You) pull her into her embrace and kiss her. Basically sort of like the trailer, or an extension of >>487490301
So true my fellow c/u/ck. Why would we have sex with women when we can sit in the cuck chair and just watch instead.
>cuck chair
The correct term is camera
You're smarter than this
But anon, how can you dick them if there's no self insert? Turning lesbians straight is hot.
I'm dumber than you though.
sorry bwo, i'm fucking retarded
He's really not.
What's every one else doing till Fenny releases? I'm pirating games for emulators to play later.
Playing X4
Playing MTG with some friends
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Look all these dummies
Watching elf-san and being disappointed
What the fuck is that?!
i'm doing caroline
I don't like eatchel
Playing BA while clocked in.
I went to the gym and cleaned the house. Now I'm just making food
The story
Take the word friends very lightly, these cancer ass decks have me reconsidering.
Then you are not old enough to post here
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Catching up on my secondary gacha.
Clearly not
Playing Yarimon, the rape parody pokemonge
Did you just assume my age ?
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Editing photos for work
Based. Same here
Basically, this new thing is incentivizing you to use the regular 5*.
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LOOK AT ME! I have lived a thousand, THOUSAND of your seasons! I have shitposted with you, doomposted with you, welcomed newpups, nooticed, and yes, even metafagged Neural 1%. For months have I measured your worth and found you wanting! Too weak and feeble-minded to serve as stewards of any general!

Have your recent spats with /gig/gers and their hoyoshills taught you nothing? Have you not learned that your ignorance and frailty beget only endless misery? How long do you mean to perpetuate this farce? How much more must I endure your bumbling interference? If you had witnessed history unfold as I have, you would reach the same conclusion:

You CANNOT be entrusted with Girl Cafe Gun's legacy.
>People don't have this whore
weird crossover
No, it's telling you to mix it up. Heck, Cherno currently gives 2 rewards instead of 1. Like all of the tokens do that.
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I'm reading that Tess lookalike hentai. 800 pages is intimating.
which one?
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Sextudy Group
Watching Alya
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Let me in... Let me in!!!
Bros who is better for Katya as an assist, Acacia or Eatchel? I want to pull for them as my Anniversary banner but I don't who would be more benificial
I'm playing Acacia's game
how do I add and change weapon parts I've unlocked to a weapon? I don't see the option anywhere
fuck off green momoi
Does Nita care that we're racist?
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You can't do that here, thats not a thing!
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But I can only have one
Go to the upgrade weapon parts menu then click on parts
But you have THAT, right?
Anon... THAT
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What is THAT???
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you know, THAT...
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You know, THAT.
Acacia will give you more raw damage but the utility and comfiness that Eatchel provides is invaluable.
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but anon eatchel reruns in 5 days
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I'm at my limit. I can't go any further right now. its jover
My lord...
It's really tempting to brap post, but I will restrain myself for the sanity of my fellow snoggers
That's her kink.
Don't talk to my wife like that!
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Do what you have to do.
It's automatically sorted if you choose another weapon's part slot.
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The grammar in lyfe's new personal file was fixed.
I would choose Eatchel first. Kaguya may be powercrept by Fenny also using Katya without Eatchel is a torture.
If you cannot get both, you are not for the NS autism. Why not get the one who makes game comfy. Kaguya, on the other hand, only makes the number bigger.
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I'll never forgive the Chinese
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The old one for comparison.
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If he wont then I will
>I am the strongest
I've heard this one before....
smug confident autistic bully wyfe!
Anyone have some fanservice webms of this game? I want to show the game to a friend so he plays it with me

Please and thanks
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Speaking of webms where are all the Wyfe webms?
Be a good person.
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I'm not though?
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Lyfe having already beat Odin before the story because she doesn't believe in gods must be the funniest shit in this chapter
Does Cerebral Drive care if I shit it up on easy?
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What did you do?
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fenny marriage broke my swimsuit yao virginity...
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Has anyone manage to NOT reach 100 on the 100% Banner. I'm talking 10/100 GET or 20/100 - 50/100 GET and has actual video footage of this event? This banner feels like bullshit
>Still another hour
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Is that so, my dear Acacia?
So all bugs in your kusoge game were fixed?
What are you thinking about Eatchel?
No thoughts, head empty
It's meant to be like that. You are not gambling as much but trading ~100 pulls for the character.
It happens very rarely, and that's the point. You should treat it as outright buying the girl/gun.
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No video, but I got Siris ~70 and Lyfe at 52. Which is funny since my luck on the 50/50 banner was complete shit
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I just wanna see it go GOLD ONE TIME WITHOUT 100/100 JUST ONE TIME!!!
I got Siris on a 10/100 GET. Saved me a patch's worth of gems so now I can actually catch up on my collection.
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Cute petdaughterwife.
Is it time yet?
1 hour.
It's up
God she's so perfect.
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It's down
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i'm up
my thing is up
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I dun get it
his thing is down
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>has a superhuman body with strength, speed and endurance
>also Adjutant
>stamina so BAD he can’t even properly massage a girl without running out of air
I got wyfe around 70-80
>Marian gets a Classy AND Sexy dress
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Don't forget that the girls are all superhuman too.
Adjutant has to squeeze really hard to massage them.
me too
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>adjutant, have you started yet?
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my brain is so rotten this gif made me laugh out loud...
I can't play right now

What's the verdict on wiFenny?
It's over
bwo your reading skills
I just tried her and she's shit
The Inner machinations of her mind are an enigma
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Let's play some Co-op while wait. A WHOLE FENNY TEAM!
(You) won.
Come back in an hour.
Siris 90, Katya 20 and Wyfe 40. Shit just happens.
I made mis take playing an hentai game before the Wyfenny is out, I will start masturbating in the interactive scene...
Oh, I thought she was out for 15 min already
>Getting off to a wedding scene
I know there are some degenerates in this general but you are a deviant.
>~90 on Siris
>~60 of Wyfe
I got Lyfe at 80ish.
Playing EDF6 going through the missions with randoms with air raider.
i got Katya at 62/100 and Mauxir at 2/100 during this anniversary event. I was floored
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In the end fenny won because she got a lyfe long friend who's willing to share her man with fenny.
so close bwos
wi-fenny soon
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30 minutes
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A reminder to ALL snoggers.
Acacia WILL receive an alt VERY soon and she WILL be a DPS!
She WILL be meta and she WILL marry (You)!!
Star Master WILL receive a big update and you WILL like it!!!
that is all
Actually, wait a minute... What if the way Acacia proposes to you is through a Star Master update, she's enough of a geek that it may be something she considers.
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>Star Master WILL receive a big update and you WILL like it!!!
Fritto goes on strike, now what?
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Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the new Paradox rewards make you use different operatives to get specific medals to unlock rewards?

I'm retarded do I just play normal paradox with theo peratives the screen says I have to use to get rewards?
Yes, you gotta use a different team than you usually do.
Luckily for me, my team was varied in rewards, so I can just swap out the middle girl for anyone else.
Play the new paradox with the respective operatives to get the medals that unlock the rewards
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It'll force you to play with everyone, even Nita
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Having to use other characters isn't a big deal since even the lowest tier character can become op in paradox.
Do we know if WiFe's dress will be the same price as Wyfe's?
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>Have to play as nita to get all rewards
I'm assuming so, but I guess we'll find out in 15 minutes, or when ever it's available.
Its up!!
i'll never see the proposal message....
Play Star Master!
I read that yesterday we receive a weapon selector, however as a new player it says I got no email? should I uninstall the game already because I lost the opportunity of getting as a new fucking player the reward?
you can't make me, Acacia!!!
Yeah you missed it.
What the hell, I have to wait til like 3am according to steam.
How? I have been playing since 3 days ago.
Going to go prepare for some alone time with my 2nd wife. Cheers bros
I bought it on PS5 so got it 1 day early.
It was on the 20th, 4 days ago.
I got Wyfe's weapon in 20 pulls, although Wyfe herself took me to 85.
I'm hoping it's a bit cheaper since she's playing 2nd fiddle to Wyfe.
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All right, what the actuall fuck is 'Mentality' stat in new ParaLab and why it seems to be at perpetual -50 value?
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>All the lies
proof or I'll crush your balls
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Ho, I never knew Nita actually used her arms, guess I'll build her to do some runs too...
57 inch monitor owning retard here, am I cursed to play this shit in 1080p or can the zoom/for issues be addressed somehow?
If I don't have enough materials to level up all three logistics, which one should I focus on first?

Intelligence, Medical, or Materiel?
what if she's the best support but an even worse dps than enya?
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You! Speak english!
Would be funny if her only win is a cheaper skin
I see, last time before I decide to uninstall or not, since I was waiting for the 25 to get the free 5 start.
Is it true there is no way to get lewd fan service skins on the way unless you buy it? Like no event or free as a login gift or something?
how much time left? I'm in the wc
Don't bother her alt will be the next SSR.
2hours and 2 minutes
Not really. All the good stuff is paid only except maybe one or two skins for some characters that people hardly use.
5 minutes
Thank you, anon.
Lyfe's skin is free and it's SEX

Generally, yes. 4Lyfe did receive a free erotic outfit this event, however.
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I already have everyone at lv 80 so it's only a mater of logis...
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It's Time!!!!
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lore accurate
Oh fuck, that animation is great
I can finally marry Lyfe and Fenny at the same time bros. Time to buy both skins.
It's the same price
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>She's in
So far i got Siris in 80 then lyfe in 100
wdym 57 inch? If that's an ultrawide then no the fov is fucked no matter what (it's also fucked for 4:9 but in reverse) 21:9 is just barely ok in my testing though, but I really recommend just playing in 16:9 1440p either windowed or use some scaling tool like Lossless scaling to get black bars.
she slept
Usually that means they disconnected.
>coronet mogs her in her own trial
OH NONONO bros, not like this!
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It's time for the Queen of the Goddesses to shine!
I don't care about fenny, I'm going to bed.
Yeah curved at 32:9. Windowed 1080 it is, rip me I guess.
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My Fenny will never have to reload again
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Bros... first 10x pull in the 50/50
If you use her skill she turn the orange parts of her armor into the ammo
holy shit she's bad
i did it bwos....
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Am I gonna regret this?
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Huh, Fenny is actually FUN
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It's your wife, why would you regret?
fenny fucking won bwos holy shit. her after battle poses are so cute
pretty boring compared to Lyfe
I was afraid this would happen
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You would regret it if you didn't
I never rolled on the weapon banner, which banner is the good one for weapons? 50 or 100?
i leveled the fenny logis, their stories are pretty cute
took us a year of asking for a reload support and we finally got it. Damn she makes Coronet really good. Someone test if she works with Yao's railgun
strongly agree, the playstyle is like a streamlined/improved Katya
dunno how strong she'll end up being yet, but in terms of how it feels to pilot her, she's fantastic
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did the moment i got her, tested her at lv1 even in neural, no it doesn't
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>spread Fenny's legs open
>"this is getting dangerous"
whew. I ain't gonna make it lads.
was there ever any doubt?
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Bros where can I get her weapon? Weaponbox doesnt have her weapon
That and she's fun on-field too. Doomposters should kill themselves.
>it's not actually a bundle, you get no discount by buying all 3 items
Fenny was actually pretty fun in the trial, now to get her wedding dress
Also thank fuck a new weapon appeared in the shop
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Yao bros we lost. Shotgun chads won its over go home
I can't believe the actual real loser is Katya. Fuck.
But her ult cost being 80 really hampers the flow of the kit. It should've been 60 like Lyfe. The duration is far too short for what it costs to use.
its over...
I couldn't even get enough energy to see her ult in the trial, what a shit character. lmao.
how kino is having all fenny's on field?
>it's not actually a bundle, you get no discount by buying all 3 items
I prefer it that way, you don't get FOMO into buying everything
even without working on yao's yaos railgun, she's still a reload supp, and using her supp ability buffs her ballistic dmg too so.. huh, dare i say 6*fenny might compete with tess or mauxir for a slot in your support team depending on what you want or prioritize
Roll for it or buy the copegun from the event shop. The weapon selector doesn't have every weapon, obviously.
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wedding toll paid
Event shop.
What 3rd stat does WyFenny want?
>Poor man's Katya
>4Fenny reload support improvement
>5Frit ult
Is that about right?
oh yeah you can monkey brain snipers now because of 6*fenny, if it wasn't obvious by now
It happened to me to, too bad there's a fucking achievement popup in the way
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Meursault, which post do I answer?
Roll for her sig, or buy cope gun from event shop (150 event chips for 1st piece, 300 every piece after the 1st)
her cope gun is not actually that bad
a-anyone got spare clusters...?
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I'm sorry /snowg/... I did it again...
do I need the girls' weapons?
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>+3% of that of Fenny's weapon
>Both cope and sig has 30 ammo capacity
>In fact, no AR has higher than 30 ammo capacity
Very funny Seaslug.
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I wish our game have better half nude mod just like the homos game.
I'd go for the 100%. It's only 80 rolls for pity and I can't imagine losing my 50/50 to Lava Bones or something.
combust into flames
Is this the closest a cope gun and signature has ever gotten?
oh and also
Her Manifests are kind of a bummer than only the first one buffs her.
Not really, event shop has an 4* alternative that works well in most cases
what weapon do I get for the new Fenny?
she wants a kinetic AR?
Coronet bros, we are so fucking back.
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>5Frit ult
From what I got from the trials is 50% frit ult since it stays for a short time and you can't aim, pretty much like Makoto's railgun. She has 3 types of bullets but I still don't know the difference between side + E and back + E, Forward + E gives the Katya's blast. Also her support gives you a ammo bar that isn't attacher to your mag so you can empty the gun, use fenny support skill and have a ammo bar over the empty mag.
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Yao is a mood.
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Cope weapon is being sold at the event shop
>ran out of axons
it's over i cleared the event shop already
WiFe really is an insane statstick for solstice.. is seaslug hinting at yao wife next?
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>her ult is like 5Frito laser, but actually worse because is completely stationary
You gotta be fuking kiddin' me...
God we could only be so lucky. She'd be relaxing in bed while the other two battle for you.
You are supposed to quick ult using it, it's free damage while you do stuff with your normal DPS.
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Side E empowers her shots and back E makes her regen S-Energy
Might be mega cope but maybe it'll be better against bosses with bigger hitboxes? Because in the trial it seems ass because the enemies melt instantly and they're all little guys.
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I think I'll have to sit out a couple of future events, I'm turning into some kind of sea mammal at this pace.
>Fenny's support skill synergizes perfectly with Lyfe's playstyle.
>Even her high cost ult sort of works since Wyfe can drop her ult u-energy cost to potentially 0.
>Lyfe's support skill doesn't do anything for Fenny.
Kinetic damage, duh. It's not like she heals or has aux units. It's not that important if you are using her as a support though.
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doubt, it's 80 energy per use. Unless there's a manifestation lv that reduces it like Eatchel / Fritia to be 30-40 U-cost. tho gotta test her more to see the gameplay with her.
If they reduced the cost of using it, it wouldn't feel as bad. As it is right now, it takes too long to charge and the duration is too short for it to be worth it.
It's kind of like Eatchel's ult when she first launched.
Sorry bro, every operator will have new paid swimsuit skins during the summer patch.
Well one is a support and the other is a dps anon. Lyfe's support skill doesn't do much for anybody
Hold down left click gameplay. Use her with Coronet for even more hold down left click gameplay. Ult not even worth using... Yeah I'm thinking flop.
oh so we saved fenny first. see she did win!
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Fritto won?
Or if her blue ammo refilled ult energy too. That would be a good solution.
mobility is the future of snowbreak
Wyfe has shown us the way
Now what?
Yeah, agreed. Well her fate is in CN's hands. If they decide she needs a buff, she'll get one. Otherwise, this is what we have.
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You go play Paradox and star master
How do I start this game in the anniversary patch?
Do I just go in blind? Are there starter accounts chinks sell for like 3 bucks with a single op unit?
Honestly the ult is my only complaint. She is a godsend support for shooting characters. If I want to on field a Fenny Coronet gets a massive buff from her and I'm cool with that. Coronet has always been my favorite Fenny in terms of gameplay and wyFenny solves her greatest shortcoming.
Is she a good support or not, if she is you can forget about buff. CN doesn't give 2 shit about a support on-field viability.
>You gotta be fuking kiddin' me...
>3 logistics with 10% attack for Wyfenny

Damn ok, I can make you a DPS if I believe hard enoguh
>Are there starter accounts chinks sell for like 3 bucks with a single op unit?
Bruh, you are, like, 6 month late. Fucking medicore (and I'm fucking generous here) accounts are like 30 bucks atm.
yes, it's absolute bullshit
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Now we make the most exaggerated arguments imaginable to claim that Fenny won/lost depending on which side you want to be on!
damn you guys crying already
So how good is a T5 copegun versus her sig?
this "drama" feels forced. everyone I know outside here is happy to get a free Fenny.
also bake a new fucking bread OP
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Uh, bros?
nyo, you.
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T2'd her sig. First impressions of her personal damage is pretty terrible, but I guess that was kind of expected, just disappointing.
bro we're not even on page 9 yet
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If someone want to make a new thread feel free to use this.
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Have at it bros.
what are you crying about now?
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Okay i'm in love of Fenny support skill, I kneel slugo
Are you talking about legit accounts with considerable time in them or actual starter accounts with tutorial cleared and not much done beyond that, just a single godpull?
WyFenny is a support for infinite bullets, just accept it boys.
I'll bake another Fenny lost thread give me a second.
Wyfenny is fun to play, now I can have 4 usable operatives...
dont be dumb
Yeah, seems like Coronet is the biggest winner here. She feels much better to use. Ironically, her old exosuit got the biggest buff.
And that's where I disagree with our chink brothers across the sea but it's their game so I'm not going to make a big stink out of it.
>fenny apologies every time you use her support skill
I just bought another skin. Why am I married again.
>wanted ammo support for along time
>fenny alter now fill the spot
i kneel seaslug, fenny love
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new Fenny is based. I hate reloading.
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Sadly, the later.
It's fucking retarded. Chink internetgold farmers catched the scent of Snowbreak being popular and fucking inflated the prices to hell and back. These asian coackroaches are a fucking blight of online gaming
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Gone Fenny
That's just how buying accounts works. Either do the work rerolling yourself, work with what you get without rerolling, or buy an account and suck it up. It's just gacha.
iMAGINE the rimjob
>Wyfenny skin is 108 Bitgold
>Interactive scene is 60
>I have 162

does the fenny support skill work with 5marian?
I've always needed a reload support for 5fenny but who will I put on support for Wyfe now?
Hello, friends.
What third stat should I aim for on new Fenny's logistics set?
At least you have money still. I'm down to 3k and still need to level her logs.
kinetic damage
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It's nyover
Isn't it Kinetic?
just buy 6 more silly
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Unfortunately gonna have to pass on Fenny's wedding outfit. Just a little too pricey for me atm. Lyfe Wyfe took everything and left me with very little after...

Do we have stats on new Fenny's sig? Worth the effort or just stick with the M5 event copegun?
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So I lost the 50/50 and all my remaining digicash
Whose gun is this, is it any good?
4Chenyo gun
It's meant to be used with Wyfe so she'll have a Ult for bosses. Wyfe generates a lot of U-energy, and in most cases Wyfe's ult should cost 0-20 energy.
but she won and the doomposters lost
5Fenny + 5Fenny is actually fun
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Agave won, Nita lost
supposed to be for 4Cherno but honestly it's just bad
I got 3 of these so far

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