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>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5WS9Ohb-fI [Embed]

>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY [Embed] (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 [Embed] (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [Embed] (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [Embed] (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
incest game
hag game
lolicon game
Bwos... I need to confess...
I really love kot
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>2 hours
so 50 minutes for NA bros?
>free 10 batteries
Holy shit bros we fucking won
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is Zhu Yuan copy must have? because at c0 i barely spend all of the bullets they just stack up so fast its insane
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just an hour left.


are there any healers in the game? i suck and need it
Now I kinda wish they added a bulldog themed character so that I could have the proper Tom and Jerry (Ft Spike) team with Nekomata and Jane.

It’s just not the same with Lycaon or that riot shield Twink. It needs a proper shit brick house of a character.
Jigro Hime
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I tried Zhu's demo and she's so fucking clunky I'm glad I have to skip her for Qingyi
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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millions of dennies... gone in a single moment...
doesnt qingyi need her though
I’m sick of these goddamn FURRIES
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which one please
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>Want Ben
>Get shitty Nicole
Fuck Dawei
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So is standard banner just going to have the same characters now til the end of time?
so what driver sets are the best for supports?
also elemental sets look clunky if you dont have anomaly agent
I got her weapon in a few pulls too!
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Is Ellen hoyo's most universally liked starter limited?
There's a suspiciously lack of wuwa posts here
more A-Ranks will be added to the pool
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Please tell me sharkfags are in denial, and that Ellen wasn’t really that fun
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you know which one
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What the hell is the piggy doing
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>got knotted on my first 50/50 on elen's banner
>got knotted again knotted again on the first 50/50
>find billy fun
>try zhu yuan demo
>zhu yuan is gigabilly with a shotgun and rocket launcher
*sigh* fine I guess I'm rolling
>80 pulls to lose Ellen's 50/50 to kot
>80 pulls for Zhu Yuan
well, i've officially gotten about as unlucky as you can possibly get. this doesn't even feel good.
at least i got m4 Nicole i guess
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You literally can't use more than 9 bullets during a stun window and getting 9 ready only requires doing one defensive assist and one basic combo
I'm gonna use Qingyi as a second Anby
>neko on beginners
>neko on lost 50/50
>neko on standard
feels nyot good my dudes
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>win the 50/50
>keep going for Nicole dupes
>get her again in the ten roll immediately afterwards
Wasn't even planning to get C1 but I'm still very happy
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Um, bwos...
Do I need this fat ass cop?
I love zooming (roaming) around with Shork though
Typically Jazz and either freedom blues or hormone punk depending on if they provide buffs.
I run Freedom Blues 4 set Jazz 2 set on Soukaku (because chaining is dumb) and Jazz 4 set hormone punk 2 set on Lucy (because chaining is good)
ok is something actually up
double S is rare right
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maybe il just do 2 pulls on zhu yus banner
Got Zhu in 30. Her Cinema skills don't seem worth or should I go for them?
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No joke, I really believe she is. I don’t think Ive seeing a character become this popular so fast before from a brand new IP
Do I literally just hold down attack on Zhu?
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>all saved rolls spent
>hit soft pity
>failed the 50/50
>spent 200 bucks
>hit soft pity again
man fuck this game you aint getting any more of my money til the robololi comes out
sorry rat I'm not gonna roll for you anymore
Is it really making her hair glow red?
What is burst rotation?
Does M1 have its own rotation?
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>Both zoulezz zlop 1.0 limiteds are C1 bait
And people still pretend wuwa didn't dab on mihomo greed kek
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Remember to get her sig NAbros
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I got double copped
You don't get it. I want the kot to brick me.
>m4 nicole with 160 rolls
damn nigga
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>Had 3000 Polychrome
>Got Zhu Yuan, Nekomata Cinema, and Zhu's W-Engine
What the fuck is happening
>level 30 with only 2 S ranks
I give up
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wtf Shork is weaker than S11 and Kot?
bros I'm running out of materials with zhu yuan... I need basic materials like level up and dennies. why do they give so fucking little? I'm level 40
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Maybe here. But I'm not even sure about that. Don't really care either way, she's my favorite and thats what matters.
>c1 grace and zhu yuan in 20 rolls
she's starting stalk me now.. im scared..
So far the game us easy enough for that to not matter.
Besides, can just put her with 2 other electo's.
This or an A rank W-Engine instead for Zhu Yuan?
Banner is bugged it gives two S rewards
your multiple level 30 accounts?
Shork weapon is awful for Zhu
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yes don't forget the pass and bp gweilo!
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>Won the 50/50
>C6 Ben
>C4 Nicole
>Collected 21 new UIDs
Today is a good day.
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>Venti had people calling him a faggot
>Seele looks absolutely retarded and doesn't fit Belobog at all
probably yeah
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>Lost my buxom /m/echa Stacey wife to a buxom /m/echa Stacey wife
Do… do I rage delete the game or not?
No. She activates off any attack agent.
Yep its hot period on the wengine banner right now
Somehow I got Zhu Yuan's sig in like 3 rolls from 0 pity while rolling for Nicole's wengine
Needless to say I had to pull for Zhu Yuan, rip Miyabi fund
Is it true that Zhu is the only ether attacker for a long time?
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i cleared it bwos
She does feel weaker than my S11, but then again my s11 has a kino and her sig weap.
Is it a bad idea to buy Dennies using my Bangbucks?
maybe il just do 3 pulls on her banner
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>ranged dps that does reduced dmg if they aren't directly in front of the enemy
playing Zhu Yuan feels like shit
Is the Kott weapon good for ZY??
Ellen is more of an c2 bait. If you ever played that dupe in the roguelite mode, you know how broken it is to chain the third enhanced NA into the second stage of her skill, and do so back and forth, because you can chain the second stage of her skill into the third stage of her enhanced NA as well (this doesn't need dupes).

It's so much fucking damage. (about 2000% atk on lvl 12 doing this combo once, but with full energy I think you can repeat this 3 times? 6000% atk damage in one stun? EASY)
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>won the 50/50
>Nicole was at C3
>got the vault the roll before this
I'm set. Only got Ben once too
Ben furry faggot posting is probably the worst fucking seen I've seen on this board.
I don't want to see some fucking homo bear, go back to your BGE3 threads.
welp i'm officially bricked
have 0 rolls left cop ass milked me dry
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>100 million repositioning dashes
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Bogdanoff Heavy Industries
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>don't really like her or qingyi
>figure I'll do 1 ten roll on each just in case and save for rat
do I need her weapon
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>got M6 Nicole from ZY banner
>she's fucked busted now
maybe il just roll 4 times for zhu
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Mihoyo must have figured out what their players want. I'm not a fan of the cops, but they're better than most of the female characters from genshin and star rail.
So since ZZZ is confirmed to win at this years game awards, what freebies are we gonna get??
this game sucks fat dick, uninstalled
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>M6 Ben and his full upgrades on signature.
Yep, it's Ex Counter time!
We don't know, there are usually 6 patches in a year and we know nothing about 1.4-1.6 for now.
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who here got m6 nicole and the vault?
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Looking at her pixiv and booru tags
She mogs all other characters, the closest one is Nicole and Ellen has around 30% more art than her. Plus she already has 2 fan animations
she's not a pure range, you use the range mode when the ennemy is stunned
>my buxom /m/echa Stacey wife to a buxom /m/echa Stacey wife
wtf are you even talking about
Save some for getting the tapes after refresh.
Hey Anon, don't pull out on me
>want to get nicole
>only get 2 copies
>while getting 10+ ben copies
fuck this furryseeded account
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This is the catch
hope you REALLY like ass
that's a man
maybe il do 6 rolls for her
That's literally how Billy works but okay
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So this whole mission line is solving captchas for a guy that can't see shit and taking advantage of the fact his eye surgery was a failure so we can keep earning easy money? We're not really the good guys are we?
I want to sexually satisfy both of them while they argue about robots
M1 is more important apparently.
108 polychromes and discounted wallpaper for your profile. Thanks for your patronage gweilo!
Me lol.
Got 6 Nicoles in 60 rolls and 5 Vaults in 60 wengine rolls. My account is Nicole seeded.
Does disorder dmg from grace need skill level up(basic,E,chain etc)? or i only need to invest level,disk atk,anomaly and upgrade core skill to apply shock fast
Managed to get my Nicole to c4. Now how do I build her? Started to play last week and I just can equip weapons for now.
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>200 energy on Zhu Ascension mats
>not a single purple drop
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I want you instead...
Would Zhu's asian mom be okay with her daughter marrying a local blockbuster owner?
bro? what who wants to play like this. what the fuck?
that's someone's son
The kot or the knot, your choice.
I don't know how the fuck you people are pulling this shit off, all the 5 stars i've gotten so far have been on 80 to 90 unless i count the shock bangboo i got pretty early
>do I need her weapon
It's a 20% boost over Starlight Engine
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I saved this earlier, seems decent.
i hope they make a knights faction
Is Zhu for (You)?
What is the difference between white and green bars? Max dupes?
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>her gameplay is actually interesting, engaging and fun
We won, Zhubros.
Nah, you aren't serious, people are really out here killing their hands for less than 10% difference? Just dupe her or get her w-engine, this is silly.
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Shepard would never make you do anything shady. He is a bro, bwo.
>roll 70 rolls
>get nothing

My account seed is cursed
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>Footfags somehow
She appeals to a wide demographics, it also hugely helps that they managed to mix all those together to a perfect blend called Ellen
billy's sig lets him skirt in and out of range with barely any damage dropoff also his dropoff is already low
zhu is severely crippled if she's somewhat far from the enemy but anon's being a retard
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>He's rolling for Zhu Yuan when Miyabi is going to be an ether attacker and powercreep her in just 2 patches
I think i... Yes i love Soldier 11
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Her alternatives are some fox sword autist and a lolibot. I think she gladly takes one of the blockbuster owning siblings.
Is Zhu yuan, Anby and Rina a good team? I was building nicole but I lost my 50/50 to Rina and I also have her sig weapon...
Wait, Zhu Yuan is shorter than Wise?
>got zhu yuan
>still have about 10k polys
>cant make up my mind between orb or going for c1
>i don't even know if i'll build zhu in time before shiyu resets
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Same, it's 90 or nothing for me since the start of the game, no soft pity for me, lmao
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I spend 200 on W-engine ascension materials by mistake instead
I like to think Hoyo say the popularity of big bottomed girls like Topaz and Eula and said “why don’t we just make a game where all the girls have nice asses instead of only 1-2 of em?”
Koleda or Enby for Zhu/Nicole team?
Is C1 Zhu worth it or not? Prydwen is compromised.
Bro we're not just any old Blockbuster
We're like, THE Blockbuster.

Actually wait it'd be kinda funny if they introduced a rival video store in the future.
Do I pull for Resonaboo for Anby/Nicole/Zhu?
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I love Lucy...
miyabi is anomaly
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M1 Zhu, W1 Zhu or M0 Qingyi bros?
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>in three weeks Miyabi is going to be a lightning stunner
>in six weeks Miyabi is going to be a physical anomaly
I can't believe she is powercreeping every S agent.
more like they saw the atrocious flopping of homomeru and homotaine and remembered that sex does indeed sell
i'm pretty sure the rates are exactly like genshin therefore i'm 99,99% sure you never went to 90, it's near impossible.
it took multiple months to actually find someone who reached 90 in genshin
>3 threads
>3 fucking threads
>all active
lol what the fuck
W1 plus Qingyi
>10 batteries
Thank you pubsex
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>Topaz and Eula
You are a degenerate. Kys.
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Zhu wants to max all her skills, right?
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Has this guy not died of a heart attack? Like fuck he looks fatter than last I heard about him about 2 years ago
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R5 devilboo fucking slaps
Idk just got her. Her first trust rank event is this
Where you take her on six street for a vacation and she catches on that your store would be the prefect place for illegal activities... You stare at her and then she's like ugh... lets watch a movie kek
how do I get more trust events I fucked up and ordered spicy food for zhu
>he says, when the only hot girl in Natlan is the jaguar and Worst Himeko.
She's going to introduce a new wind typing before we get any more ether units.
Their biggest ASSets has always been popular
one thread for every z
I got knot bros.... as a cope who should I pull next, I don't have ellen tho
The ass cop is worse than some 4*s
Give me the site that show your rolls and I will show you.
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>got M6 ben and his signature on this banner
>realize that he's now probably an upgrade over nekomata in a lucy+piper team
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A girl with headphones has invaded my wallpaper...
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It's obvious
So is Rina, no one cares.
clit loli and mualani are hot as fuck
kachina has exposed belly and is also sex
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>b45ui drawing zzz

it's all coming together
it's in the op
this guys pretty based.
It's unironically her 2nd best wengine
Alright so what disks do I farm for Zhu Yuan
A new character will always have higher value than a weapon just because of team building possibilities.
>Nicole Zhu Grace
Is this a decent team or I need a stunner?
Meta sheep DNI.
Rina is one , if not, the top of all the S units though? stop smoking that delta 8 stuff anon
>still dont have lucy or piper
>got lucy's w-engine today
You ain't tricking me into rolling on weapon banners, I want my RAT.
she's clipping
I really wish they put more effort into these wallpapers
here's hoping we get new and better wallpapers as event rewards or from skins
Can you please stop spoiling my future shitposts? Thanks.
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Go on without me bwos...
I'll just use my guaranteed on Robocop.
Will Nicole be on the shop next month?
starlight knight is insane for zhu
I would use c6 nicole but zhu's passive works with any support.
read the description and decide for yourself. it gives you 6 shells after spending all 9. If you enter a rotation unprepared it is good. If you enter with 9 shells + EX energy + ult up then you can do 9 shells > EX > ult and you have 6 shells now. The only DPS gain in this case from M1 is 9 > 6 > EX > Ult > 6 but I honestly doubt most stun windows are long enough
post your billy and zhu yuan builds now or shut the fuck up
Jane wants Grace, right?
Stunner is mandatory. Zhu needs chain attacks.
explain, starlight engine looks bad, and it looks like I'm forced to run nicole for quick assists
So if I pull 10 for the buttcop and don't get her does that pity rollover to the next limited banner? Or will I have just wasted 1600 polychrome?
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Even if I dislike the art, I appreciate you for filtering faggots like>>487446351
The former.
Who else would you run Zhu Yuan with?
All pity gets carried over to all future banners in all banners so rest assured, usually when people want a character but don't want to commit everything to them they do a 10 pull or a bit more to try and see if they bite
So who do I keep? Grace or Nicole? I kinda want to use grace for the disorder
I disagree since I’m not a pedo or just sexiness by lack of skin showing.
post more ellen or GTFO
i'm all for SHARK SUPREMACY and it's still shark week
Zhu is forced to use quick assists for ammo already bro
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Is it okay to take picture of kids outside like this?
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I doubt this shit is even that complex in practice and it's all just spreadsheet nigs trying to act like this has as much depth as DBFZ
That's the joke
Now you're ready for the rat. Congrats
Grace does look fun though
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Zhu WIPEOUT ass shots doko
you should hold your rolls, there's only 3 weeks and you're gonna want qingyi and her weapon
eh. she's not awful but i wouldnt call her fun
pity and 50/50s roll over indefinitely. the only 'waste' is if you pull her, didn't really want her, and lose your guarantee for the next 50/50 that you did want.
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starlight is misinformation. you need her weapon.
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>have Zhu
>have Grace
>have a bunch of spare pulls
Uh oh, robocop or the rat
praying for you
Nicole. Zhu is a burst hypercarry. Disorder is a meme team for her.
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So I have 50 rolls leftover after getting cop and her signature. Is her M1 worth it or should I save for loli cop?
Is it a crime to fuck the police
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Lost the 50/50 to Grace, and now I'm only 20 rolls away from hard pity. I want Zhu but it would probably be smart to just hoard poly so I can get Jane and her engine.
alright then
nicoles quick assist is garbage, stand still and hold button for 5 long seconds
what are you talking about
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The gang's all here
Cool thanks. I don't think I'll have enough to guarantee her by the end of her banner so I'll just throw a hail Mary 10-roll and leave it at that.
Do you know where you are?
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>All the Neko slander.
Stop being a shitter and place her in a quick assist team or fight a stunless boss. It's starting to piss me off that people don't realize that she is constantly roid raged at around 79% extra damage for every single dodge counter and quick assist. She isn't a chain attacker, she isn't Piper. Stop playing her like one.
I don't understand how to do the whole disk thing, what do I do for zhu
>Got Zhu Yuan
>Roll Miyabi and use 300 selector on Lycaon
These teams should last me awhile?
Please stop posting ben. I already masturbated 5 times today. My penis is red raw and is hurting
READ nigga read
Also you can just tap fire Nicole special
My secret is, the kot has been the one I've wanted therefore I never got her..
fucking retard
>tap fire Nicole special
but then you don't get the def shred
You need her M1
How long do you think it'll take to get the guaranteed 5* if I only use polychrome for limited and use the weekly/monthly standard rolls we get?
Its time to stop coping kotfriend. EVERYONE knows all of these things. Many of us USE Nekomata in SD. None of that changes that she is outperformed by other dps even with less conditionals than that.
So what wengine do I give to Nicole? I have no A-ranks other than Slice of Time. I could give her any of the B-ranks at max refinement.
I plan to use her with ZY and Anby(soon robocop)
She's the simplest DPS there is
>Stun enemy
>chain into support
>Nekomata quick assist
>Do damage with KOT
how tf people got filtered by this?
game ball looks way better stats wise, am I tripping?
Then what am i supposed to do with Rina a her sig weapon.... I already have my second team built up.
Reminder that Zhu Yuan parries are OP
They give you 3 bullets
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grats bwo
they literally spam click LMB , same with Rina (my wife)
around a year. maybe a little less
>c6 Ben + siggy
is it my time benbros??? i only have lucy and piper to run with him
>backshot cat

What VPN do you use to get the discounted pulls?
One Year
I’m getting the rat to play with my Neko.

Just not sure what the 3rd character should be.
What to make with the custom stat item, woodpecker crit piece for easy transplanting to other characters or elemental%?
It's a shame M1 is required for this and it's not innate
>pull cop ass
>pull m6 Ben plus two extra
>pull yet another fucking drill rig
>pull ONE (1) Nicole
Belobog seeded. I’ve got 30 pulls left, should I cope for more Nicole or try to get Ben’s wengine?
just came inside Lucy

what now
Is the game glitched? for some reason i can't use my original chips from the BP
How many pulls does the game will give you in these 3 weeks?
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>got this
who should i pull next to work with him in the future bros...
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For my sharkfriends, enjoy some Ellen lewds
2 months
I got 195 rolls so far.

Bleh. I guess that's fine though, I'll have a more complete roster by then so it'll be easier to choose.
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Post EXTREME brutal moggings
just 1 ten roll
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You need M1 Zhu
You need Zhu's signature
You need C6 Nicole
You need that M2 Lucy dupe in the shop
You need Nicole's signature (it's only $1!)
What w-engine can i use as copium on rina? I only have lucy's and the orange one with the lens as a-ranks
read the kit dude we can't read it for you
personally I'm going to pull for both, I won't be too mad if I lose qingyi 50/50 since I like all the standards and C1 rina or C1 s11 are both pretty busted. I'll just consider it a sign to invest hard in anomaly
ellen rerun lol see you in 6 months
miyabi possibly but we don't even know here element 100%
Shouldn't have skipped Ellen bwo
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>urge to roll chinese ass cop lost to my urge to see big number go up
i never want to part with them
That's fine though (against trash and otherwise).

I believe she works best on field, when the enemy attacks, and has allies that help with quick swap/assaults.
Piper is unironically likely her best partner for now.
I made a crit rate chaotic metal
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You can buy her signature for 1$
Or just throw some pulls on the weapon banner and hope you get it
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Anyone that does this? I want to whale a bit.
What FUCK THE POLICE team comp/bangboo you all using?
i didn't get zhu and have no polys left >:(
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just one roll
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>fell off after 1 day
>b ranks
Her engine is on rate up
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Not a single poly spent on Ellen.
Everything I had saved on Cop Ass, and it payed off! To bad I'm broke and Dennyless
Etherboo Anby-Nicole
why buy rolls and then not use them?
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Would you?
Time to redo story missions 160 times
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Congrats bwo
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I'm going to get these AND the 1.1 characters too. No worries about the odds though, cause the first time top-up bonuses are so cheap and generous.
it's paid
thats 10
zhu is clunky af desu senpai
why are mats so fucking scarce in this game bwos?
if you're bad at video games maybe
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begone fiend
orange since it gives pen ratio, read the kit
kek. just one hit bro I'm done after this one
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Should I get EtherBoo or just use DevilBoo for Zhu Yuan? My Bangboo rolls have been atrocious...
Just imagine when THE powercreep meta char comes out and he gets them to M6.
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Big Win.
This but unironically
god shes actually hotter like that
How long until we know who the 1.2 characters will be?
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Most of the time you don't want the stun for more active enemies because you get Stealthy Paw refresh off the dodge counter, as the largest problem with supports that trigger quick assists is the fact that even with a proper rotation they need to have meter to get QA Paws refreshed properly. Beyond that, Neko also benefits immensely from longer field time solely for this reason. While a boss is in coma for somewhat extended damage multipliers, no amount of stun windows will make up for the lost damage in the more active phases of both building meter for Super Surprise Attack or simply building both solid Basic Attack and Assault damage.
Didn't know hoyo lets you top off for someone with just their ID. What happens if you charge back? Do they get put into the negatives?
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QRD on Rina? I know she's more of a support but what discs does she use?
Why does Lucy need C2
that's why you censor your UID , else you get banned
drop her bangs over her eyes and she’s a 10/10
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Nice piper gbis
I can't believe they don't sell skin in this game, JK uniform Ellen skin would sell like hotcakes.
Congrats, you unlocked fun cat. Using her passthrough attack to optimize her backstroke damage is what makes her entertaining.
She's a Shock Anomaly Disorder support, she boosts Shock duration which is part of the Disorder damage formula
yes, they'll take it back and if they just so happen to spend what they got and go into the negatives after they take it back, they get banned after like a week or two
her buff normally only works on EX skill, making her energy hungry and take more field time
the EX skill can also miss (A LOT)
C2 lets her buff with a chain attack, which is really really good
hey, buddy buckaroos
do you like them M* effects
Looks like she really need Phys stunner that can be built with Anomaly Proficiency
ZERO polys left
THIRTY FOUR pulls left till pity


urge to uninstall rising
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>Do almost 200 rolls for shark
>Max out the hungry oni loli and get the eyepatch loli on my pity pull
>No shark
>Throw a 'why not' roll at cop
>Get her and another Nicole cinema without even triggering my pity S pull.
Well then.
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>first 10 pull
>still have my entire stash
I can't either. Must be a bug
Nicole pee on me
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Lucky or not, at least you tried!
bor your multiple level 30 accounts?
Qingyi isn't in though :(
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A lot of double S pulls today
I tired Genshin when it was few year's old and it had like two skins. Kind of baffled that they're only selling gameplay features aka chars and equipment.
If you did 160+ rolls for shark you should have gotten her
"almost 200" rolls is enough to guarantee ellen, anon
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Japan likes the butt cop
You can only use them once all other options, like crafting are exhausted.
I hate luckshitters so much it's unreal
You can only use them, if you don't have enough otherwise.
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>Your favorite character
>Yes or No?
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>read that post a few threads back comparing Zhu and Qingyi to Ratchet and Clank
>convinced me to pull to pity for Zhu
>secure her and play around with her a bit
>with all her jumping around she even plays like Ratchet
I officially love the asscop
I used OpenVPN (free)
Don't forget to do demos for rewards
We won.
thats male feet
Is miyabi going to be ice anomaly right?
So if I have Grace, it would be ideal to have Piper as my third instead of Anby or Anton?
how much luck is luckshitting
New event has you covered
Your time will come later. I had to pity pull Ellen, but got cop in just few ten pulls
Is this ugly fuckin nigga any good?
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Zhu Yuan in first 10-30 pulls without having pity is luckshitting
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I can't use it since I'm on Ps5.
But here is a pic of my next guaranteed S-Rank.
So it wasn't exactly on the 90, but I still had to use 90 rolls to get her.
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>the EX skill can also miss (A LOT)
HUH I never realized this
Was that one of the bundles? I think I used that for someone else
I have two more S-rank cops to go, I can't miss any more tapes
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She’s actually a vtuber, don’t be mean just because she has nice feet
She is fire attack/anomaly.
i only have one other level 30 account and its much better than my main. i just cant be bothered using exp or grinding out achievements again though.
>done almost 300 pulls in total at this point
>STILL no Piper
all my rolls are gone
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if you aren't kotted then you're a luckshitter
It had a bug that they fixed a while back, I haven't seen it miss once ever since.
I've done 149 standard pulls and 204 limited character banner pulls and still didn't get Lucy a single time
No I will not waste free rolls getting her from the shop, I need all pulls towards guarantees I can get
>Desire Kot
>don't get kotted
It's that easy, you're just a cry baby retard
Yes, but he needs Grace and Rina to excel
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So what's the verdict abut Zhu's Engine? Was it good or bad?
not hitting zhu means i have to keep investing in billy. its so over, i like billy but man its so over.
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fatass cop took everything from me. lost to grace and went to soft-close to hard pity for zhu yuan
110 pulls and now I only have 7.... qingye bros I'm not gonna make it
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same for me. good thing i'm not rolling again until miyabi
>Pulling for engines
sorry bwo you deserve it
I got her on the 2nd 10-pull and then edged another 5 pulls for c6 nicole. Quite satisfied even though that was soft pity lmao
I used up my entire year's worth of double pull luck on Jade
Makes her attack buff trigger off her chain attacks and Ult. And her attack buff is the main thing you include her in a team for. So you naturally just get it more often from chains rather than having to switch her in, do her special and then switch out each time. Doing it manually still can give you longer duration though. Mainly just really nice QoL.
I got all the A-ranks really early even though i had shit A pull luck. Gacha is fucking weird.
Can't charge back on codashop
Ether Bonus Disc 5 for Zhu?
Can't believe I'm sharing a thread with bunch of cop supporters and police brutality enjoyers. My kind of people.
I got an early Kot at Standard. Is she really that bad?
nah it still misses
the bug was that her ult just didnt work sometimes
try it on the shiyu 9 red brawler guy, he spams sidesteps and dodges them a lot
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>I had quite the high usage rate
Great on her own and mandatory for the meido oyakodon
corin sex (even though i basically neglect her in-game and never use her anywhere)
i didn't pull on the engine banner, I PULLED ON THE COP BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you cant get S rank w-engines from the cop banner
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>a box arrives at your doorstep.
>you bring it.
>you open it.
>it's the latest W-Engine, Dissonant Sonata model!
>you put it on your bed.
>you reach towards the hatch.
>it quivers. you pause.
>gulping, you press the button to flip the cover open
>with a hiss, it slowly releases
>a warm mist exudes out as the cover gradually lifts, the hydraulics agonizingly teasing you.
>juices spray out as the mechanism clicks in place.
>she greets you in all her glory.
>a 1-for-1 replica of Zhu Yuan's most precious place.
>the folds are pink and unblemished.
>you stick a finger in.
>it's pleasantly warm, and the pressure at the entrance is already ample.
>you should have placed a towel over your sheets.
>it's already dripping all over.
>deep breath in. deep breath out.
>you reach for the belt of your pants.
>all the while, you think "Man, NEPS is going to be well-funded..."
You know what needs to be done.>>487449792
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skill issue
not really, there's just way better options
>got Nicole to C5 and her full weapon, she's fucking broken now
>Also got ass cop and Lucy C2 for maximum support
I guess I'll be good for a few banners until Miyabi or maybe Rat.
Anything you roll for right now (including Ellen and ZY) WILL get powercrept anyway. If you don't have any other DPS for your second team, she'll do fine for now.
oh I wait is the engine banner a 50/50 too? Thought it was 100% since I got it pretty quick
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I literally just did that, are you not reading what i wrote? Why would I pull on the engine banner without first pull the cop first?
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If you rolled for Zhu Yuan you are a supporter of black genocide.
it's a 75/25
losing that feels even worse than losing the character 50/50
Should be 75/25
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You all make good points
Rolling for Zhu now
Well I wasn’t planning on it but… guess I have to roll now
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That or PEN
I don't have any rolls left after pouring all my resources into existing agents but I support total blackoid death anyways
it's 75/25 and all the genshinfag will get baited into trying to get character dupe instead of max rank and unique weapon at 50/50 kek
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>build Zhu up to level 50
>raise all her skills to 6
>raise her passive to 3
>slap on the S11 wengine
>drop in to SD8 to try her out
>stun the final boss
>switch in Zhu and press her ult
>instakills the boss
What are the chances of this?
You have to stop stealing reddit posts...
What the fuck
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you really had to say that huh..
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is this doctored
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this lowercase is so funny
I was gonna type explode but honestly it's so rare I'm happy for you.
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No fucking way. Congrats anon!
What's the trick here? No way he's that good normally
thats cool and all, ive already used billy up to shiyu red 6 but ellen can cut his time down by like 2 minutes even without dog. if i had zhu i could S rank without pushing to knot 50.
Kot/Hag/Cop seeded, i kneel
This didn't happen
This didnt happen
what the fuck
Avoid busy streets for a few days bro, I think your luck might be used up-
stay inside.
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you either accidentally rolled the w-engine banner or are just lying. it isnt possible. look for yourself on the details page of the character banner.
Well that was relatively painless, won the 50/50 and 75/25. Still have about 6400 polys after Zhu, her weapon, and C4 Nicole (and bonus C3 Anby). As much as C1 Zhu looks juicy for burst I think I'll save for Jane since I have Grace.
holy kek what the fuck
>still lose 50/50 everytime
even casino try to hide their rigging when faking luck
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Should I spend? I dont have enough to roll
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>>Footfags somehow
You're supposed to play him melee range.
Plus, he has another build that uses his passive to shit out ult damage instead of being an on-field dealer.
>s ranks vs a rank
wow, compelling argument
You're literally like 1 pull away from "soft" hard pity
i know im just bitter that i didnt roll cop.
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>Got Cop
>Bought Lucy
>Pulled Piper on standard banner

This is a reddit post
>6 deleted posts
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>quit the game
>came back to roll remaining gems
>get ZY at pity
>fuck it roll the rest on her weapon banner
>get it on 20
>log out to never play the game again
need ellen sex...
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This is my first time on a gacha with weapons banner.
Should I try for the weapon even if I don't plan on spending? Ï have like only 3 rolls after getting Zhu.
If all you want is Zhu Yuan then you'll definitely get her within these three weeks. Most likely the next few days too.
there's still time
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Her weapon isn't important, if you care at all about coming characters don't bother
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rooster girl is cool I like her
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Is it really that easy, or does her personality help?
They look like they fuck exclusively old men.
the weapon banner is basically just for spenders, F2Ps should ignore it and focus on characters
>50% ATK from crouching shot + 25% Dodge Counter DMG + Brimstone
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Does anyone even actually care that much about Zhu Yuan? She's a bit boring imo.
I don’t get it, how come everyone gets multiple 5 star rolls meanwhile I’m sitting here jerking off to single 5 star in 10 rolls (and losing ofc)
How cope is Starlight engine for asscop?
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Really like the last two..
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You NEED c2 at least to let him dodge in stance. Ideally c4 to make his special strong at short range which synergizes with this playstyle. Then slap on a normal Starlight Engine and your ready to go. He's still not going to challenge the S-Ranks on raw DPS, but IF you can play him well he will perform and is very fun and stylish to play.
But I didn't, I am a lucklet.
i'm saving up for qing yi
already spent all my poly on s11 lycaon ellen
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no fucking way
then you're probably overestimating how many rolls you did
160-ish is enough to guarantee a character no matter how bad your luck is
>s11 lycaon
Ten extra copies of lycaon?
At first i didn't and wasn't going to pull, but once i got to see her in the story i started to really like her. Also liked her trailer. She's cute.
That's not how the character banners work, if that actually happened hoyo will give you $1000
I just dropped a 10-pull on this and got Billy's C4. I think it's a sign.
The video shows the build bwo. It's not even cracked, C6 gives him another 30% constant damage on top. It's just from doing endless constant damage
only 40% with those traces lol
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Got her 20 rolls in and won 50/50
Do I go for C1?
Save for Ratto?
soldier 11
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There must have been a bug because I was getting w-engines on the cop banner too and was very confused.
I find her endearing. Reminds me of judy hopps
no it isn't, retard, you either 180 pity or you don't
show your pull history
big if true
post screenshot
You can get A-Rank W-Engines, but not S-Rank.
Will I be able to change my overworld character to ass cop eventually?
>5ch jp /wuwa/ is just seething at ZZZ getting #1 and gore posting
Amazing these people are the same everywhere you go
a game can release a character with the best fucking moveset imaginable and motherfuckers will still call it boring
it hasn't updated yet
no one on this earth is unlucky enough to have to go to 90 twice. let's not kid ourselves
You do get A rank engines on limited banner too. But if you got S rank engine that's hilarious bug
Check your engine pull pity numbers. If they aren't 9 and 80 you accidentally engine pulled.
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Won 50/50
Got Ellen and Zhu Yuan
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Now that the dust has settled do you regret skipping Ellen Joe
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I had to go to 80 twice on the Bangboo banner.
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Do I just craft 3* disks and then dismantle them for XP?
This FAT ASS cop destroyed my right hand’s wrist and gave me arthritis
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I don't care about Wuwa go talk to your Discord friends about it faggot
Lolicop+asscop will be so much fun to play. Both have fast moveset which I love
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Thoughts on her M6
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K(ino) 1 or W(engine) 1?????
Don't say both!
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So how many of you got knotted? What's the damage report?
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>wanted Ellen
>had to go to 150 rolls to get her
>was gonna skip the cop, but she seems fun
>only have 63 rolls saved
>also want to save for Caesar banner and idols
Send help bros...
All Ben needs is C2 to be good right?
Already have C6 of the bimbo slut
Yes, dumbass
Not at all. She's super clunky at M0 and needs faggot furry too
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Who can I put with Grace and Rina? Other than Piper, I don't want all her upgrades to go to waste when I get the rat. And not Anton.
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>guy got so triggered he reported the posts
Independent video game consumer here, it's time to use THAT
the ass was fat
Ah, I forgor about her and thought you meant like skill 11 Lycaon.
I got knotted, but I don't really mind. Just won't be able to build him for a while due to having Anby right now and then getting Qingyi.
it literally happened!!! I don't understand why everyone is saying it didn't
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>Check zzz reddit to see where you stole this from
>See this
lmfao. Post your best sexual feet and armpits ITT please
Pantyhose elevates feet and legs by at least 100%, but she also strikes me as the type of person who'd definitely give a footjob after making fun of me a little.
She'll break /zzz/.
cheesed to meet you
*hits shitcat with a huge hammer*
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she's not NAKEY but the sweaty shirt is a nice touch
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>Got her in 15 pulls
>got ether bangboo on first pull of a ten pull
thats kinda counter-intuitive, they should make it so you can transform them directly into XP
I'll write a feedback about it
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I got Grace.
Is there a good team of hers without Anby? Or would she work better than Soukaku in an Ellen-Anby team?

I didn't build my two main teams yet (main DPS level 50, supports level 40, weak artifacts), should I complete them before building my Grace?

There are no 5* electro main DPS? If I get Zhu Yuan later, Grace and Nicole wouldn't be a good team, right?
She is kinda cute actually, though she doesn't stand out THAT much. I luckshitted her, but my true target is still The Rat. I can only pray that she's as much of a mischievous bitch as she's been hyped up to me.
holy EVROPA chad
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Kot how would you know that, HUH?
I rerolled seven times for the knot and he came on the last account from the second 10-pull. So I still have three discounted perm pulls left for later.
So is Qingyi a C0 or what
Why did Zhu Yuan flop so bigly
Yes, they confirmed they are working on that in a recent tweet.
>missions where I have to do bizarro captcha
wtf were they smoking
i want some of it
She flopped on my cock
>Piper just did 400k dmg in one rotation with the most shitass gear ever
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>90 pulls
>6/6 Ben
>6/6 Nicole
>1/6 Anby
>1/6 Billy
>4/6 Anton
doesnt the discount go away once you get an s rank
Should I use Rina or Nicole for Zhu? What about the bangboo?
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I think I caught some of this guy's luck (first ten roll)
Now I'm really tempted to get her sig since there's like 20 days left..
Last I checked Grave is pretty crazy and has a couple of different team options: Pure Electric with Anton, or Disorder spam alongside Piper (and soon, The Rat).
c6 anton chads report in
About to do a 20 pull, here's hoping I can get some too I suppose.
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>lost the 50/50
at least it was koleda
Nope, only the guarenteed S-Rank on pull 5 goes away. The discount still stands.
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any lucklets
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M6 Nicole > M0 Rina > M5< Nicole
Bwos zhu yuan is cool and all but michael bay is making a skibidi toilet movie
Will this little shitter creep devilboo on lolicop+asscop team?
imagine if she didn't actually get a model update like they said they would give some characters. miyabifag suicide pact
I'm praying for you Anon, and anyone else reading this post.
>Is Ellen hoyo's most universally liked starter limited?
Seele banner made >$40 million in 20 days nothing is ever topping this.
I'm not at home so I can't pull yet, please send all your bad luck to me, I WANT the brickcat, give her to me!
I cant tell if my luck or good or bad, I have Ellen, Zhu Yuan and Soldier 11 as my only S ranks.
Why is the gacha music so black?
Grace, Piper, Soldier 11 could work?
But Lucy is better than Grace for Soldier 11, right?
>lost my 50/50 at 20 pulls
it's over...
>theres a possibility that new patches give bangboo rolls instead of real rolls

surely jewhoyo would never right guys?
100% what's the point elsewhere
I've heard he's more for Seth/Jane and Resonaboo is still the better choices for Zhu comps
Lucy or Soukaku support for Corin/wolfman team?
Nice, I like Belle but ass cop is ass cop
we need more lesbians then
I'm not rolling her if they change her face at all.
Leave no stone unturned in the search for cunny and commissions.
>everything is gone
>C0 asscop
w-well at least I have C6 *igger and Nicole
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how do Zoo Yuan fags cope?
>not fair!
>You're comparing Lycaon with Anby!
Imagine having to roll for TWO limited characters to deal the same DPS as one limited character AHAHAHAHA
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Losing 50/50 at 20 pulls is not bad. Much more so in early game. You are basically getting a guarantee with only 20 pity
I will say what is bad. Losing 3 straight 50/50 all at pull 80 or so, like what happened to me in Genshin.
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>50 pulls in the bank
>40~ pulls in next 6 weeks between dailies and welkin
>10 pull event coming in 1.1
>10 pulls in residual signals
>5 pulls in monthly fading signals
>3 pulls from current event
>2 pulls from remaining trust levels
so I’m at 120 known pulls before Qingyi rotates
if I’m lucky with soft pity I think I can get her even if I fail the 50/50
Her tits are sweaty
Zhu's mom's spaghetti
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>2 roll event
the moment i saw the jewpon currency i knew they were gonna fuck over the roll gibs
ill NEVER use the furfag AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Which difficulty is it?
Looks like some of the first tutorial stages
You play mahjong, you should be prepared to be fucked in the ass for no reason besides bad luck.
Why do people think she's going to be ice?
Her cutscene screamed fire or maybe ether instead
Is lucy m2 worth picking up from the shop?
I kinda regret rolling for her if anything, considering that i switched her out for C6 Soukaku since she plays so much better. Kinda of a weird investment but it's not like i was interested in most of the upcoming characters anyways.
Am I the only one that thinks saving pulls in the beginning of gacha makes no sense? Just get everyone at c0 for the first few patches.
she was ice in the old beta
>inb4 wind
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How the fuck do I play Zhu? When do I charecter swap?
Impossible unless you're a gigaluckshitter
they look cute together
imagine the sex
I don't want to roll on these characters
I hope they change her to fire
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Twat reported me for nothing. What a bitch.
>looking at solo DPS
nice, she is better when you are only using 1 person on the team
wait you never do that
>When do I charecter swap?
when youve built your bullets back up
I dont want to roll for characters im meh about only for them to drop a character I really like while im broke
they both fuck bangboos ONLY
Is that even possible f2p if you only get soft pity?
>stun enemy with stunner
>swap in support for buff/debuff
>swap to Zhu and unload shells
Nen Nig-
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hope you had good luck bwo
Lucy only becomes a real character with her C2
I don't know much about S11 unfortunately, but the comp in question here would be Piper, Grace and Lucy - With Piper taking up the bulk of field time and Grace acting as a sub-dps.
i only roll for designs i like, cop has dogshit tier design
being universally liked has nothing to do with sales hrtroon
I want to have sex with Ben
That's the 7-day thing we have going right now...
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>kotted on shark
>kotted on beginner
and now i get a fucking kot weapon???
might at well only play only neko now..
Who’s best for Zhu-Nicole until the cunny cop comes out, Anby?
Just wait for Ellen's agent story.
am I weird for liking Nekomata's EN voice better?
JP just sounds bad
No, NO!
Not like this...
no one gives a single shit about useless anemo twink
unironically Lycaon/Koleda are better in that comp
Anby just kinda sucks
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>Am I the only one that thinks saving pulls in the beginning of gacha makes no sense?
why would I roll for characters I don't care about?
I put a few rolls onto both Ellen and Zhu in case I got lucky (and with Zhu, I did) but only 'cos I know I can still get Rat - and after Rat there's really just no one interesting looking.
The denny economy was a bubble all along.... Nicole was right....
Speaking of which, how useful bangboos actually are?
Wolf is best stunner in the game, his ice res down is just a bonus for ice teams.
Koleda is solid but she kinda wants a comp built around her.
Both are better than Anby though.
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Did jp reach #1? Are we getting free pulls?
What's his effect
sometimes you just have to play what you're given
i find them quite useless UNLESS you're trying to build anomaly, and even then it's not tha good.
Maybe but lol
Nekomata EN is sex
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That will certainly explain why most artist also post a version without the pantyhose
>but she also strikes me as the type of person who'd definitely give a footjob after making fun of me a little
She might also be someone who if she trust you enough, will let you pleasure yourself with her feet while she’s on the couch
Ellen got more fanmade content in 2 weeks than Seele in 1.5 years, that's what happens when you pander to yuritroons.
Resonaboo I think has a mini Nicole-type effect where it pulls enemies together which is nice, especially for Zhu who as far as I can tell doesn't have much in the way of aoe.
Other than that their effectiveness is really hard to gauge. For the time being I'm just gonna stick with Amillion on my Zhu/Anby/Nicole team. Allegedly he does the most damage at the cost of having no utility.
>clear an operation on heartland or higher difficulty
What does that mean? Hard?
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at least kot can be fun to play, rina and lycaon's w engine are bricks when i have no one to use them with
I'd trade them both for a kot and her engine
>S-rank with 2 A-rank supports
>S-rank with S-rank support and an A-rank
Hmm! Something fishy is going on here!
not a patch silly we're still on 1.0
the only useful ones are amillion (big damage), resonaboo/magnetboo (grouping) or whatever matches your team element to build anomaly. remember that they can't proc anomaly, only build it, so you can't mix and match bangboo and final chain character elements if you want to proc during stun window (unless it's support and you trigger your DPS assist back in, I suppose)
Any stunner works. I just use Anby over Koleda because she's M5 and I wont use her after lolicop. Might as well give her some field time now
>rina and lycaon's w engine are bricks when i have no one to use them
Rina's w engine is perfect for Nicole
Because I got AT LEAST YOU TRIED by Dawei’s shitty game.
can you guys post some google/apple charts?
I wanna shit on wuwafags and remind them of our eternal superiority
>they actually said nya and meow
Sad, but I guess not unexpected for S vs A rank. Fortunately I got both of them from standard so I guess I’m set for stunners for a while
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Oh no no, schizo-kun don't look
oh you misunderstand, i got rina not her engine
Oh nevermind, its in the title, not difficulty section.
stinky cop
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It doesn't matter, I'm not forcing myself to skip characters I actually want.

Panic pulling every banner just so you can get 1 stage further in Shiyu makes even less sense.
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You should go Pen Ratio on Zhu Yan if you're running her with Nicole, right?
you cant get 2 weapons in a row on standard, r-right?
Personally I think so, but calcs claim it should be ATK% or EtherDMG%
cat game
Ah, Rina and Lycaon's W engine. I understand, yeah Rina is so odd to play if you don't have a team for her.
his active skill, in case you have 2 female Pubsec members in your party is, it selects the one that has the lowest amount of energy and gives her 50 energy at the cost of making her extremely horny and (you) need to calm her down afterwards or they cant focus, meaning they cant join your team next time
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Really nigga?
you can, sadly
why would we get free pulls?
(I only played genshin for a couple of months)
>ship with like 10 fanarts, most likely less
lol,lmao even
you lost c/u/ck
the anomaly BP weapon is the only decent one?
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USA Apple RPG App Store Ranking
#4 ZZZ
#23 Genshin Impact
#68 Honkai: Star Rail
Not in Top 200 Wuthering Waves
I think Ellen Joe is gay
>that's what happens when you pander to yuritroons.
You smash all sales records and end up only remotly rivaled by another character that also panders to yurifags?
Gay for (Me)
>t.6 cones out of 7 in starrail
Yeah i did exhaust all options, unless they just don't work for agent ascencion materials
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>82 pity
it's over
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just spent 10 minutes praying to the PUBSECS god
time to get this party started
How to stop Mihoyo?
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She's actually rather reserved most of the time.
Uh oh
>You smash all sales records
Metafaggotry, she had the worst reception out of any starter banner.
>rivaled by another character that also panders to yurifags?
Acheron only pandered to yurifags for a single patch.
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good luck bwo
What happened, bwo?
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Posting this right now so I don't have to later
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Kuro's secret weapon
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Forgot my image like an idiot.
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I'm warning you kot, leave this anon alone! In the name of PubSECS
I got knot so I can still roll for qingyi for other team right anons, I really want her
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Wait wait wait what the fuck
This is literally the first time I do this cleanup
>all that green

is this edited?
this can't be real right?
look at the top of his head hhhhaaahhhhhahahahahaha
Seele just looks fucking ugly in HSR
They could’ve just removed the ugly glasses and hired someone who understands body proportions
Rotor is an okay cope stat-stick (Crit Rate is usually the #1 attacker stat), but the ability sucks. Still could be useful depending on your needs. Lips is better for Grace than Piper, who prefers her own A-Rank weapon A LOT, but Lips is good. Gameball and Spring are niche options that don't have a clear place yet, but could be good down the line. Six Shooter isn't any better than the A-Ranks you can craft.
It's extra lewd when the girl takes off the pantyhose and lets you see the bare feet. That's the appeal for that.
>She might also be someone who if she trust you enough, will let you pleasure yourself with her feet while she’s on the couch
Hot. Sucking on Ellen's used lollipop while she gets me off with her feet...
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How are things faring my fellow sharkbwos
look at the top of her head!
HAHAHA this is what w*watroons hype up?
Yes, you can do Wolf boy on ice teams and stick Qingyi on Zhu's team
The banner is over and with that my constant niggling temptation to pull for even more dupes.
Now its time to rebuild my stock and reserve some for a re-run.
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she's home after a hard fight (70 rolls), no kot no knot
thanks anons
good 6 slots aren't super rare but grats
I will NEVER complain about hoyo's character designs again. Jesus christ she's hideous
Nice. Now you just have to dodge def on the upgrades.
what the fuck
How come Zhu Yuan’s a virgin with that body?
>cant clear perma SD 9
Is this the part where you're supposed to level up discs?
Are you guys saving your Residual Signal resource for the S rank W engines or spending on Master Tapes?
>more tvshit
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this is so fucking gay, I guess no Shiyu progress until I get the fucking rat.
What's your next plan? Saving up for someone or keep rolling her/her weapon?
I think she's cute
Mama's/Daddy's girl career woman are pretty common
>ice weak

That's ellen check bwo
Lmfao wuwa wants to be Genshin so bad that they even copied Emilie but made her worse
anniversary prize is gonna be 10 bangboo pulls.
shes lesbian
Feeling a little empty now that her banner's gone, but I'm happy I got her in my encounter. I still call her up every day even though I've maxed out her trust.
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post em
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When's it gonna be my turn

KEK. Almost as bad as KOT, my condolences anon
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Post 'em
At least get some of the S one, and invest you character's skills and skill cores, no fully kitted disk set is enough to get you a B at least.
Career woman. Its pretty common in china at the moment. Her mom is probably spending a lot of time in those parks where old chinese ladies try to hook up their kids with eachother.
She WILL earn her keep by working at the video store until she maxes out her own skills.
…time to reroll your account
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Indirect kiss with Ellen…
Slowly looking for discs to
Improve her stats, planning to get her cinema to 6 once she get her re-run
being a lesbian doesn't mean you can't lose your virginity retard
i don't understand this line, it's a report about eridu's founding and it mentions the suppression of the catastrophy, but what catastrophy?
we know eridu's hollow is very recent since the siblings and koleda lived through it, so what catastrophy happened during eridu's founding, unless i misunderstood something since i'm esl sorry
She's saving herself for me!
No one actually believes that Kuro is any "competition" to mihoyo right?
it's like Mihoyo eating a 12-course meal, taking a huge fat shit and Kuro meticulously going through Dawei's shit for undigested pieces of corn to eat (they dont even wipe the shit off)
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it's worse, I don't want to ever use the gay bear in my teams. Nekomata is at least sexo.
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Congrats and have fun copbro.
I'm f2p and she left me dry so I'll save for the next sexo agent
I kinda really want the rat and the snoop dog lookig samurai
my exact pulls but i got rina in 4, ellen in 27 and sexcop in 15
my coomer brain thought that was a filled condom at first
your account is BUILT for BAC (big Anton cock)
Which is better, Shock with C6 Anton or Disorder with C0 Piper? I only have the Bogs and no Rina so unless I’m missing something it’s down to:
>Koleda/Lucy/Piper + Grace/Nicole/Anton
>Koleda/Ben/Anton + Grace/Lucy/Piper
Chink women don't have even half the ass she does. What's her secret?
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>Eridu existed
>Hollow Zero fucked everything
>Void Hunters raped the hollows and "contained" the Hollow Zero
>New Eridu founded
she’s 1/16 black
Personally I like the idea of just buying the Sig for an Agent I already have at the cost of 30 tapes. But I guess I can see the argument for saving them for when you really need extra rolls on a limited banner.
do you know what exact means my brother
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>still can't get past SD 10
>full phys on Team 1, full ice on Team 2
>Wave 1 boss resists physical
>never even get the chance to try Team 2
Honestly, I think it's owarida for me bros. I can't even farm disks because I ran out of agent mats to level up my stunner and support, and that's my priority right now
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>use free wishes on standard banner
>get Lycaon and 2 copies of his weapon
what does this mean
None of the existing standard weapons are 'so' good I feel the need to get them.
the cool kids are gathering here
is zy tier 0?
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had to go to 83 pity for guarantee after getting knotted for this slut after lost 50/50 then had to scrounge up polys since didnt have enough and every quest gives like 20 polys why does this game seem even more jewish than genshin rip all my savings
Now what
but i thought eridu's hollow and hollow zero were different
hollow zero is the oldest and biggest hollow, eridu's hollow is a decade old at best
>No saliva dripping from lollipop
>lost ZY to Nekomata first
>didn't feel too bad because i actually wanted her
>realized her synergy with Anby is currently immutable because of the attribute/faction synergy
Well guess i'll try her when i got Qingyi for the ZY team i guess
All attack type should've have the same system as ZY honestly, like only requiring a support when they're clearly never intending for you to play 2 attack in the same team
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I really enjoy Hollow Zero. There's plenty of fighting in it and the TV stuff actually feeds into the combat.
Nah I'll work with what I was given. I at least have Rina's signature so that's something
I don't want to but I will if I must
At least until we get an S-rank Electric attacker (one of the idols perchance)
You misunderstood that. Hollow Zero is the Hollow that destroyed old Eridu and from that one all the other ones we currently deal with are spawned. Its not the oldest Hollow in the world or anything like that. Just the "ground zero" for the local Hollow outbreak.
I don't know why it is but the thought of indirect lollipop kiss with Ellen gets me really excited..
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>dodge cooldown increased right before the bad bitch
Switch your teams around anon don't use a physical team against a physical res enemy. I myself cleared it with Ellen first side Corin second side.
You can just use Lucy instead.
>At least until we get an S-rank Electric attacker (one of the idols perchance)
you mean Miyabi
Miyabi's a stunner thoughbeit
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Thought of that, but only both of my main DPS are 50 right now, I will try again later when all of them levelled up then, no energy left (both in-game and real life)
she was in ice in both the beta and the cutscene
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People who hate Ben have no souls.
what a faggot lmao

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