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Previous: >>487434613

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - For Display Only
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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>Accounts with Zhu Yuan
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does she work decently with lucy + piper, I can't afford to hit the guarantee....
I lost to fucking rina...
are we already in 1.1 or is this still patch 1.0? I'm not used to myhomo slop
Sorry for maybe a dumb and new question, but I thought Qingyi would be rollable?
Now that everyone is rolling, Post 'em
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could be worse
Second banner of 1.0.
>best S unit in the game by miles
lol lmao
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Is it a bad idea to buy Dennies with my Bangbucks?
each patch has 2 banners, 1.0 lasts until the end of zhu yuan's benner, there we'll move over to 1.1 which has qingyi as the first banner
Should i refine Piper's sig or keep a copy?
hard pity for this.
Even Billy or Ben is better than her.
I like her, I just have no fucking clue what to do now that her and kot are my only S-ranks
I figured qingyi would be an A rank
Is the Kott weapon good for ZY?
Literally anything works with Lucy+Piper
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she's cool
why did some anon said we will find out how stingy this game is if we reach 1.1?
you didn't try to before?
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susie a cute
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it's been known for like a week minimum that she's a 1.1 S-rank
Rina skills immediately allows a Swap Assist, read Neko skills, READ THE GAME HOLY SHIT
She fucks Lighter.
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Battle Report:
>80 pulls spent
>Nicole M2 to M4
>Ben M1 to M6
>2 more Ben dupes
>Lucy M1 to M2
>Soukaku dupe
>pulled Zhu
>47 pulls remaining
just praying I can hit the 50/50 on Qingyi now
where are the zhu yuan weapon calcs bros
Pretty new bro, first time really asking a question here.
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>Nekomata in first 20
>Anomaly S rank engine on 2nd standard pity
>Lose 50/50 to Nekomata
How bricked am I?
>C1 Rina
Guess I'm building the Anton team since I have her and Grace, at least I can get Qingyi and save until idols
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Still don't have Lucy.
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I was planning on corin + lucy + piper and zhu + qingyi + rina but at this point I'd probably be jeopardizing my odds with qingyi too much if I try for zhu more, is kot really that bad? I have her weapon but I've been using it on corin
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*pays Piper to get Lighter's nude pics
I'm sick of this community pretending my man Lighter isn't being pimped out as a manwhore by Piper and Lucy for gang funds and their drinking money.
Tectone got a double S rank too is there something wrong with the code on the NA server?
Qingyi increase damage on stunned target?
The useless faggot male the picture
Now that I have Rina, does that mean I no longer need Anton?
I've been using Anby/ Grace/ Anton
>Rinapityfag keeps coping
Did you use poly for stable pulls or is that just gift tapes? I'm inter lvl 40 and have only about 150 standard pulls. Also Lucy M4 today.
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Just get lucky, it's that easy!
0 Nicole dupes ...
>50 rolls
>Nicole M1
>Ben M4
>Anton M1
>1 Pubsex
>t. speedreader
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Tried pulling for the cop and lost the 50/50 AGAIN. Fuck this. I quit.
I got only one Nicole dupe from Zhu because i only did 30 pulls, but i got one extra dupe from standard so that's nice.
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faction themes
are you too scared to build pity or are you going for the weapon?
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Got her
Zhu Yuan feels so good to play. Honestly I'm surprised by it.
I don't want to roll for her Wengine though. Is the Starlight Engine good enough?
So who is the best team for Zhu Yuan
Agreed and yes.
I would say it's the best W-engine for a f2p yea
This banner must be rigged. So many douple S pulls posted and i also got two S ranks within 10 pulls of each other (not the same pull though)
Pokke Fucking ragequit LMAO
>start event
I have a bad habit of keeping my stick pushed towards the enemy so i keep rolling with her when i'm holding attack. Also what discs should i grind for Zhu?
What equipment are you guys running on ZY
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your cop gaming?
Got two more stages now that I have a second dps. Still bad unleveled discs in almost all slots on all characters
What VPN do you use when you buy your discounted yen pulls?
chinese copaganda probably
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>60 pulls
>Officer Booty
>C2 to C6 Nicole
>C1 Grace
>C4 to C6 Ben
>Anby dupe
>Soukaka dupe
we can do this in non jp server?
I got Boob Maid and Butt Cop, plus maxed Nicole and Ben.

Now I need to scrounge up another 8 ten pulls and pray I get her C1.
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>100 pulls
>Nicole M6 (this was my goal)
>Ben M3
>2 Soukakus
>1 Billy
>Rina M1
>buttcop forma de adulta
>use Piper's ultimate
>she completely whiffs
>use her chain
>she misses that too
Not saving for bot?
Is Zhu Yuan actually any good? I tried her demo and her damage seemed kinda anemic.
>no guarantee
>50 pulls in the bank
give it to me straight bros
can I secure the lolicop?
I ended up using 150 pulls to get Zhu Yuen, which was everything I had. I still have a good amount of content to clear. I think I should be good if I grind.
I just realized nicole and anby are sisters
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Grab https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/ then download from https://www.umavpn.pro/ import then connect and then visit the top-up page to get Yen prices https://sdk.hoyoverse.com/payment/zenless/index.html#/
I thought Soldier 11 and Anby were sisters.
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you will likely have to use "that"
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fuck the police (sexually)
Pure and wholesome.
i used up all my rolls and no cop, goodbye zzz
sorry about your absolute shit luck bwo
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Got koleda along with my zhu, but more importantly, i got 3 extra pipers alongside her engine, am I ready to spin?, I even have Lucy at her second mindscape
Only her shells do damage, everything else is just flashy bullshit/energy gen
it's possible but you'll probably want the pass to pad your rolls if you really care
I thought so too but they aren't, Nicole is an oprhan and Anby i a miltitary deserter, Anby just took Nicole's name when Nicole took her in.
I'm actually living in Japan right now.
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Any QY team without asscop?
do i need to pull for zhu yuan m1?
i appreciate ur post bwo, hope ur rolls were better than mine
she can take anby's place in some circumstances, in my case I'm probably going to toss together a team using corin + qingyi + rina since there's a decent amount of synergy there
no, it's almost completely useless
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Ok, i take it back. first 10 roll after losing to brickomata
>you'll probably want the pass to pad your rolls if you really care
I'm retarded, can I get a QRD on this?
Anything could work cause she's a stunner.
he means pay the fuck up gweilo
From the few missions i've done i'd say no. I never felt like i had to really build up her shells without it. I don't care if it loses me a bit of time in the long run.
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Got her 20 rolls in and won 50/50 holy shit

Do I go for C1????
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I lost the 50/50 right away
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Revolverboo or eventboo for phys teams?
How does that help? The season pass gives you like 10 tapes
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I finally hit chapter 2 and a little bit in it I'm still being taught things about stuff I can farm and do. Am I still in the tutorial, like what the fuck?
season pass gives ~19 rolls per month, it isn't significant but it's a lot more to work with considering how expensive rolls are otherwise
The tutorial never ends.
I love Anton he's a better bro than that dumb Wise
We literally don't even know if she's good yet
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who it gonna be
I still feel like I have no fucking idea what I'm doing or what I should spend my energy on. Got my team to level 30 and no idea what to do and just keep doing random things that flash at me
luckyboo if revolverboo doesn't have copies
>Zhu Yuen
Am I in the wrong here
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>20 pulls so far
>lost 50/50 to grace
Well at least she's a new character.
Lost my 50/50 to a Rina dupe.
I checked it's about 78 usd when it usually costs 100 for me, not including the fee of turning usd into yen. Not bad if you are spending a lot.
why is the fat fuck playing our game again
Zhu Yuan is kinda clunky
Zhu Yuan is an incredibly simple character gameplay wise. She doesn't really feel like a 5 star even if she looks like one.
is that a dupe? fucking hell lmao fuck KOLEDA i already have KNOT bwo
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Son of a bitch lost my 50/50 to this sexy robot autist
I do have a C3 anton though
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delete this post, the game need the sales
NTA but if I do this and pay with PayPal, will PayPal flip out and lock out since I've never actually been in Japan to pay for anything before?
who? boogie?
Hasn't this man been pretty much shit on by every gacha fanbase he has ever joined for being a massive lying faggot? or am I thinking of someone else?
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I win. Lost the weapon 50/50 to Kot's weapon. Went all the way to pity again and got Zhu's and Lycaon's
Get ready to learn combos buddy
Upgrade the characters you like level and their weapon. Focus on that and some core skills. Use the free disk pulls to slap main sets on your team. I'd focus on one team until you get to level 40.

The game literally teleports you directly to the content when you try and upgrade stuff
FUCK THIS GAME.. we aren't getting 60 pulls worth from events right? lost my 50/50 on my 2nd account (MADE JUST FOR FUCKING ZHU) to fucking rina.. I don't even have anything to use with her. Well i have grace but im TIRED of grace's gameplay the plan was to replace her with zhu.. fucking hell it's over
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You could have made one(1) account instead and actually progressed it you would have guaranteed her retard bro
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Sharkbros, just checking in. You guys good?
Believe so. Ark Knights people hated him and he's pissed off Genshin. He's only relevant because he's propped up by Asmongold. Pretty much Twitch/YouTube is fake and gay as evidence by the fact that people like Tecton, Mom killer Asmongold and Moistcritical have audiences
zhu killed the game
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This cop's ass has been conquered
Better get your TikTok Hours charts going
King.... I kneel
>lose coinflip to lycon
i started 2 weeks late. my main account has ellen and around level 36 2nd is level 32 and had all the poly saved for 100 pulls (since i started 2 weeks late) if i tried this all on 1 account i wouldnt even had the chance to pull for zhu. 2 accounts makes sense but i started late so i'm bricked
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Did you steal your friends credit card again?
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>Use the free disk pulls to slap main sets on your team
I don't get this one, disk pulls? and should I be leveling the weapons even at A rank?
I don't even know if I'm using a good team or not, this seems to be working for me without me having any problems.
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More incest please
lycaon is good actually. I'd rather him than rina
switch lucy and piper position
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But at what cost?
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This nigga FUCKS
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Rate my team
>I don't even know if I'm using a good team or not, this seems to be working for me without me having any problems.
What more do you need? stop being a meta whore and have fun. I'd kill for soldier 11. Anyway you have a fire team so try and get the fire disk set quick. it gives like 28% crit for free when enemey is burning and with lucy and soldier they will be burning.
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Fedbros, I got spooked by the meido. Go on without me...
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>C6 Nicole
>Zhu Yuan

Not bad
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If you were to start over again, what would you do differently?
me too it's over
start on release day..
they think she's cute and are asking for pictures iirc
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Probably not level up all of my characters to 30/40 so I had resources left for my main teams
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>Ellen's banner
>"If you roll Ellen, you brick your account"
>Zhu's banner
>"If you roll Zhu, you brick your account"
Which one is it you fucker
I just made that team cause they were cute. I generally have no idea where to get disk sets or what those are?? or really what I should be doing besides keep going in the story, I just started chapter 2 and met and got the construction robots.
It matters?
The girls will want to fuck you even if you play as Belle...right?
I got her winning the coin flip, I feared >>487453084 would happen to me if I didn't
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If you roll for 1.X characters you brick your account
All of them. Wait for this game's DHIL/Acheron.
damn my luck isn't usually this shit in gachas, and I absolutely hate rolling on a banner and getting an S rank that ISN'T the banner target.
Limbus Company has spoiled me.
Do we have any info on her? I don't want to roll for ass cop if she's coming soon
How do I stop Lycaon from being the default agent greeting me when I open the character menu?
Ellen's whole team is in the game, Zhu forces you to roll one other cop. Roll who you like or roll Ellen if you're a metaslave it's that easy.
I mean that's good and the synergize well good job. and disk drives farming is unlocked in scout outpost. I'd only farm the cleanup once you hit level 35. before then I think you unlock bardic needle. I'd try and get crit 2 piece and fire 4 piece for your dps.
Also yes the order matters. supports give a free enhanced switchin to the unit that follows them in the order. and you'd want soldier to get the enhanced switching since she is bursty while piper is sustained dps.
don't roll for 1.0 banners dumbfuck
B for bricked
should have left him at level 39
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I thought Nicole was boosted, not Anby
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>have soldier 11
>have soldier 11's debatably best stunner
>have soldier 11's signature wengine
i rike this seed. thank you dawei.
one day i will get trigger so i can have a kino team of white haired autistic soldier girls
the Watch your Step event is time-gated or am I missing something?
not roll nekomata
I don't want yurislop in my dating game, fags.
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Too late
I regret rolling for Zhu Yuan
She's not as fun as Ellen
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She has drained me dry. Lost 50/50 on hard pity then had to get all the way back up there. Was hoping to grab the weapon because her team feels comfy and I can just invest hard into it to carry me.

God if this account loses a 75/25 I'm quitting.
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>skipped Lameo Ellen
>Rolled Zhu
>Have enough to guarantee Qing
I have won so hard
Cop oyakodon all day every day until my balls shrivel!!
will i be able to get enough poly in 20 days to hit guaranteed? on zhu.. it gave me rina and i have grace but i have m6 nicole who i built up to use with zhu.. fucking hell this account is bricked
Rina is the best not only because of her universal OP support, but she freely pairs with Anby, Corin, and now the new loli
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When can I borrow my friends unit? Why isn't this in the game
I really hope the quality of character demo stay consistent

holding a lot of cum for Quingyi
miyabi when
Do noodles apply to shiyu defense?
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I want a cat
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Any guesses?

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Should I C1 Zhu Yuan or get her light cone?
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>level 38
>past the main story
>didn't even have enough to get the 50/50
am i bricked bros? feels like there's nowhere to get meaningful polychrome left
Both are absolutely not worth it compared to Qingyi
Neither unless you're a whale. It's a hoyo game, expect rerun in a couple months.
so ZY needs Qingyi but Qingyi doesn't need ZY to work?
>got K6 Nicole without even hitting pity
Heh, see ya next banner lucklets
>he pulled for ellen
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all right, uninstalling rn
can i get your account
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I love making kino shots
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sorry bwo
I hate to speak this super inconvenient truth but honestly I don't really care about "waifu" characters in Zenless because they're never going to compete with Belle.
Unlock most content probably like level 30 yeah
do characters get added to the standard banner
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Are the W-engines from signal shop any good or just bait?
I really want to get my Ellen a decent engine, but 30 rolls...
Maybe if belle were 8 years younger youd have a point
I didn't like using her in the story mode so I hope I don't get her instead of Qni
ZY doesnt *need* qing, qing is just broken and slots perfectly into what ZY wants. Zhu works fine with Lycaon or Koleda its just Qing is probably like a 40% power increase over both of them
No. Maybe A-tiers later on, but not S.
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just swap teams, i did it with my anby and lucy level 40 with no disks
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I think I have the best worst luck in the game
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>$115 for a 50% chance of getting the character you want
>100 pulls spent
>Nicole to M3 from M1
>Ben M6 from M1
>1 Piper and Lucy who now are M1 and M2 and the latters signature (already had Piper's twice before this)
>Ass cop at coinflip
I like Ben and thought he was fun to play in the story, but I have no team members that work well with him unfortunately.
I might fish for another Nicole dupe and her signature
Failed 50/50
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so the tracker doesn't take into account I did 20 more multis after getting Ellen...
Buttpolis should be at 3
mhm, and how often do limiteds come back around
What's the worst character to lose 50/50 to?
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Did you roll for Ellen?
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If it's expensive then it's not for you, dolphin-kun.
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rate my account damage (0 rolls left)
I’m starting to think this fucking game is rigged
I know 5 people and 4 of them all get full Ben instead of Nicole
>Ellen and S11 take 5 and a half minutes to clear lvl 50 notorious boss
>Ass cop clears in 3:12
no lol, kot weapon is for normal damage.
Pity carries over between banners. You got cop at 23/90.
Don't know if its rigged, but I got like 7 bens
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>replace Intel CPU in my PC with AMD
>ZZZ stops dying
>Titanfall no longer locks up the entire system
Wowie haha kekkers lmao, so much for top tier Intcel processors designed by Israelis.
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I want my ass lusted after like ZY
Shouldn't have eaten burgers today
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>won the 50/50
>took 76 pulls
How do you guys cope with a supposed "win" that still feels like a loss...?
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I used all my rolls on her since I'm skipping the next two banners
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>how often
Let me check my future sources rq, anon.
It's a hoyo game, expect 4~6 months for a rerun
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>Rina is the best because...because she just is, ok??
Stop repeating youtroon opinions, she's dogshit.
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Maybe, what if I did?!
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get to work assbros...
how many pulls will you get from now until 1.1?
The shining gold inside
Let your inner spark
Find your treasure, glowing bright
Reaching for it, and taking flight

Lucky or not, at least you tried.
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3 more weeks
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You just know
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Your stable channel is almost identical to mine wtf
So which support is better for Zhu Yuan? Nicole C6 or Rina C0?
how the fuck? I'm a thirdie and downloaded the whole game in 2~3 hours while watching youtube and playing other games.
That Lycaon uses up a lot of Ames Special Mechanical Lubricant for his legs? Yes, I actually do know!
your vpn bwo?
yeah I've more or less settled on using her with qingyi and corin since that should work out pretty well and I have her at C1
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I've never played a Mihoyo game before but holy FUCK does it feel fucking awful to roll the gacha in this game
Anby* ftfy
Nevermind those new lolis are hot
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I deserve this for getting Kotted on Ellen banner, got C6 Nicole as well. Now I need to think long and hard about getting Qingyi...

I can't say for sure since I don't use Paypal but I doubt they'd do anything. At most, Hoyo would work with Paypal to prevent the transactions but there's no way there'd be any repercussions.
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So were Wise and Belle apart of the HIA? Also whose the person with the crossed out face? Haven't gotten to chapter 3 yet.
Nicole M6 is better, but M0 Rina would be easier to play. You need to pay attention to timing a lot when using Nicole semi-optimally.
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Do we know if Seth is gonna be on Cunnycop or Rat banner?
Based ratchad
What site is that?
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You live in the middle of no where, bro?
It might be worse than Genshin. Shart rail is slightly better.
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>Sharkbros really love their girlfriend
Corinbros let us make this our thread
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Aside from Ellen/Souky/Anby and S11/Lucy/Piper, whats the team here?
First gacha?
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female S-rank furry when?
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Well deserved for being a dumbass, you shouldn't uninstall any hoyo's games in the first place.
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>wanted Koleda
>got her
>got ZY after 30 rolls
70 rolls left, hopefully I win Qingyi's 50/50
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I downloaded the game in like 10 minutes
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Desperately gonna need good artifacts to fix my crit rate
What happened to all the transexual feminist meta freaks in this thread proudly proclaiming never roll on a 1.0 DPS hmmmmm? I’m seeing ALOT and I mean ALOT of people rolling on a 1.0 DPS.
>So were Wise and Belle apart of the HIA?
Not that we know. They were enrolled in Helios Academy when it still existed though.
Why is that exactly?
>nicole is good brooooooooo
>her def shred lasts like 5 seconds total
>not even enough for anyone's burst rotation
who the fuck keeps shilling this nonsense
wait is that a thing? i did this and havent seen any fuckery yet..
Yeah, the shining golden sign
Let your inner spark ignite
Find your treasure, glowing bright
Reaching for itandtake a flight

Luckyor not, at least you tried
Chinup, in yourself, confide
No doubt fate's on your side
You're chosen, so enjoy the ride

There are things you can't control
Fortune's fickle, that's this world
Embrace the result, stop keeping score
That's the essence
Life's true goal
the game doesn't have the longevity to make it to 1.1, please understand
It's in the OP now: https://zzz.rng.moe/
i got lazy and didn't keep playing so I could get ellen...
Mihoyo games in general feel really bad to roll. At least on the shittest one I can think of being FGO they give you like a billion rolls even if you get fuck all.
>tfw ZY playstyle "clicked"
>suddenly shaving minutes off clear
OK, she is high skill cap compared to Ellen and the other dps lol. If you don't execute your burst window properly her dps falls off a cliff.
PROUD sisterfucker reporting in
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I will now save for Caesar
Rat obviously, he's an anomaly proficiency buffer.
Hopefully never
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First 10 pull Nico m2 and demara engine r3
Hopefully never, if they’re going to look like that
ZY is at least safe(r) to roll on because we know she's not getting powercrept exactly 3 patches from now.
Too old, legs too long and gangly, and metas with a furtwink. so no
>won 50/50
kill yourself nigger
All guns, all the time. Plus I find Billy to be a better assist dps than a main one. His Basic kinda sucks balls, but having his ult scale with chains is pretty cool.
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What team are you using your Corin in, Corinbro?
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I asked for that in every single one of the three surveys I got. Time will tell.
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Uh I rolled Ellen and Zhu Yuan. I like to collect characters
I will roll and build literally everyone
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It last long enough to Shotgun the boss in the face, that's enough for me.
stop me from rolling to max out nicole bros....
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nothing as bad as this...
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I'm not a Corinbro myself, but I appreciate all corinposts
Where's the leaks? If I don't get ZY then I'll probably skip Qinqyi and then I'll be saving for one of the SoC characters I think.
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The fact you can put Zhu in every single comp is such a huge plus over Ellen holy shit. Not having to use the BDSM furry too. Ellen has ZERO flexibility, meanwhile Zhu is virtually future-proof and will always have a place in any team, even just to unload her shit and then swap.
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Second 10 pull Nico m3
RIP. She's absurdly popular in asia, so expect Hoyo to keep her chained for a good while.
>Can't stop stairing at Von Lycaon's tail when he runs
>It looks good as fuck
>Kitsune bitch confirmed
>0 tails

The fuck? Even a loli kitsune has like 2. Why would I care about some no magic havin whore?
0.6% is brutal.
If you come from something like Arknights with 2%, Blue Archive with 2.5%, or Azur Lane with 7%, then yeah it's going to feel really awful playing a game where you basically have to hit Pity most of the time.
I think Genshin is a painful 0.6% as well but imo below 1% just contributes to an awful feeling of never winning.
>love Koleda and wanna lick her tummy
>best teammate is Ben Bnigger, a furry

>love Ellen and wanna lick her shark tail
>best teammate is the most popular furry, Lycaon

Why do they keep doing this to me?!
This is like the third time I've seen a character get harrassed by strange men in this game!!
monkey spotted
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This game will stay alive for a long time since they're keeping Honkai alive still for fucks sake.
Nah. Just survivorship bias. Everybody with a multiple S pull wants to post about it. But lots of people who get an unremarkable average roll don't bother.
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Still experimenting but I am using Piper and Lucy, and in others using her with Lycaon and Ellen
Why is Star Rail better? You get to roll slightly more often, just slightly.
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People are more likely to impulse roll during the honeymoon phase.
>Best Record: 02m
No fucking way man?
i'll wait for miyabi then, she looks cool
Miyabi probably is hiding her tail in her skirt, wait and watch!!
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>10 roll
>pic related
I do want Qingyi so I appreciate the increased saving time. If the gambling urge hits me I may toss a roll towards the weapon or build pity.
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3rd 10 pull nico m4
Koleda can ignore Ben's existence
I just asked for more furry in general but placed emphasis that furry women with actual snouts and stuff would cause me to ROLL FRENZY.
Honestly it feels like she fits no team. Koleda has terrible issues with energy management
How much progress is required as a f2p by the end of the month to not have a bricked account?

I'm thinking at most you could get S rank up to 5, then A on 6 and B on 7.
Women prefer bears over men and knots are all the rave nowadays.
You were never their first choice anyway anon.
What are the next banners? don't care for zy tbqh but I probably need a team thati doesn't rely on a physical attacker for ching chong defense
So how much of an upgrade is the robocop from anby? I feel like it's an easy skip unless she's somehow busted?
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There were just as many people getting brickomata'd close to hard pity on this banner. As the other anon said survivorship bias. I got double S'd on the weapon banner though lmao.
this so fucking much.. 100 pulls and i didnt get zhu. and i'm not swiping.. fuck this gay game. i HATE GRACE! her gameplay is so dogshit. 3 auto skill auto skill is all she does. it's so fucking boring.
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Piper and Lucy enable so many characters its crazy. I wished I had Rina to use a full Corin/Lycaon/Rina team.
You'll feel like shit. I just wanted Nicole but got Ben and Anton for some fucking reason, I ended up doing 90 more pulls that got me two S-ranks but you won't be as lucky, probably. Don't do it. The larger size of the blackholes Nicole makes are pretty cool though.
SO fucking true you were NEVER going to win over a Dog.
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can we get a croc or gator agent please
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and i'm done for the next 2-3 banners, saving everything for Section 6 team
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>60 pulls
>ben at max, two weapons, one lucy and one nicole
>no cop
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That wouldn't be a problem if you yourself a furry.
Meant to post a picture of Shiyu Defense if it wasn't obvious what I'm talking about.
She's incredibly fluid and I'm excited to pair her up with lolicop as she seems super fluid to play too.
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4th ten pull nico m5 and my first piper
S11/Koleda/Lucy works great though?
Use steam oven.
you are already bricked if you didn't unlock the repeatable SDw

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I buy Merch from Japanese online stores in Yen all the time with PayPal. I've never had an issue.
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Nope. Pulled for ass and im at 52 pity on the banner waiting for rat.
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Chilling. My heart yearns for more Shark content but I'll be patient and do more invites.
Absolutely top tier design and animations, it's a travesty that she just has a mediocre support kit. I'm gonna use my guaranteed on S11 and make her work anyways.
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Same here, planning on using the 300 regulars roll to pick up Rina if she fails to spook me
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Where do people get all these rolls? Ch2 here, I assume there's a lot of story polychrome left to grab.
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>buying on Google Pay on my phone charges no tax
>Buying on PC does
Why is this? I thought you couldn't charge tax on in game purchases?
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I chose Wise because I want to live the fantasy of having a loving sister and not being a lonely single child, and I'm tired of pretending there's any other reason.
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S to spit on fucking grave FUCK
time to save until Idols but with this kind of luck I doubt I'll have enough for the entire squad FUCK FUCK FUCK
What does her signature weapon glow look like?
Good for ult stacker team in general, only Rina's support scales better probably
Mine’s worse. I got an early S rank just 20 rolls in. I was like “Wow! I’m gonna win!” But instead I lost the 50/50. Then I began rolling again and luckily 50 rolls in I got her guarantee… but the thing is… it took me around the same amount of pulls as hitting soft pity… so there was no difference in me getting the 50/50 earlier. In the end, I didn’t win… Fuck this shitty company!
her design fucking sucks, just shut the fuck up already.
your dogshit "waifu" will never look better than any waterkuma agent
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I copped last minute because I got her w-engine while trying to get Anton's. Now will skip everything until Miyabi.
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5th 10 pull m6 Nico Yeah I won
It's more an issue with physical dps being starved for actual options.
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God damn dude
If they manage to snatch a deal with GSC and releasing a figma, I'm afraid it's over for me
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So, how good of a servant is Zhu Yuan? Does she hit like a truck?
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Damn. All these people getting Koleda. I want her too.
This is what i asked for at the end of the survey, thoughts? Am i missing anything important that they didnt already address in the recent dev update
Add something to make disc farming less random and easier to obtain desired stats
More daily stamina
Make it easier to obtain specific signature engines for A Rank agents (Signal shop or Box Galaxy)
Make limited engine banner 100% guaranteed upon pity
More daily rewards
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>already have zhu
>only m4 nicole
how retarded is it to keep rolling for m6 nicole?
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Ellen did all the damage since I only have her built
>log in
>immediately pull Zhu Yuan on my first 10x
>log out
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Extremely happy getting her to cinema 4 and her W-engine by just being a f2p player. Love using her to the point I’ve neglected other characters. Gotta fix that in the upcoming days
I like how physical dps is also the most represented role
very interesting way to make a game
you can see it when you pick her in the demo thing that gives 20 chrome
half the people here buy polychrome and pretend to be f2p
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> everyone is rolling
Never ever rolled even once, still waiting for a good characters.
Me on the right, don't pay for the tailjob its a scam
first ben on 6th ten pull
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She works perfectly well enough at M2, no real need for M4 or M6 really, nice to have for sure but the team will work perfectly well with just an M2 Nicole
>top tier supporter that can flex into dps at E6
>only summon buffer in the game meaning huge room for growth
She just has no good dps options to support, unlike the others.
Her design is way better than the cop and the loli cop, I thought loli cop was going to be an A rank at first with how simple she looks, I'm saving all my rolls for the rat
enjoy struggling with easy content for a whole year
Are you playing under another language? That font doesn't look like what I have
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I did. And I also rolled for Zhu. And I will simply roll for EVERY SINGLE GIRL THAT RELEASES!

Only faggots and SEAniggers skip due to *Meta* Reasons otherwise known as being to poor to get the BP+Monthly. Honestly people can roll for whoever they and want or skip them I don't care. But I can't stand these faggots that shits on everyone else for having fun playing a fucking GAME
Ben is cool I want that team fjck you nigger (total homofurroid death though agreed)
>Make limited engine banner 100% guaranteed upon pity
>Add something to make disc farming less random and easier to obtain desired stats
Well you're never getting these two if you look at the other games they made
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Sorry I shouldn’t call myself a free 2 play player. I do buy the monthly resources
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Posting best ending.
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Honestly what the fuck, meanwhile this is my suboptimal Ellen, idk where I went wrong. I'll try disk farming soon then.
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Post the leaked 1.x banners?
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They said they will make the game even more challenging but Withering Gardens is already kicking my ass and making me feel like a scrub.
>top tier
Real shit? I was reading her kit and it seemed like her attack buff was capped pretty low compared to other supports, unless I'm missing something.
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No. We don't even know if she'll be playable. In any case she would be a LONG way off. We more or less know what's in the next 3-4 patches and it's not her.
Belle is so sexy I fucking love my bratty little sister so much no other women will ever compare.
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Hey zzz-sis my pulls seems kind of weird
Brick god
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>MFW I find and download the ZZZ Diaper mod with lore friendly designs and brands.
Soon, crinklebwos!!!
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Based. I'm rolling for them all! Only dudes if they are cool.
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>Nicole + Rina + Zhu
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Can Lycaon/Soukaku/Zhu Yuan work? I don't have Koleda and my Anby doesn't have a good build.
I only got Rina but I'm very happy since I get to use both Anby and Corin they're both my favorites right now
I got lucky with her weapon and a few good disks, I still don't have an Ice DMG disk on slot 5 so there's still room for improvement
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We're still in 1.0.
Each Version lasts 6 weeks.
Each banner lasts 3 weeks.
Yes, if you play every one of their Big Three games, you get a banner every fucking week.
Well you can't always get lucky. I got fucked this time, but I got eight copies of Soukaku while pulling for M0 Ellen and another three from the standard banner. I don't believe it is rigged. In these games where half of the mechanics are built around chance, pulling for A-ranks/4*s probably is the most unpredictable thing of all.
It's funny they say that and refuse to make Genshin and Starrail any harder. So strange to me.
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This is pathetic. Actual millionaire begging his viewerbase for pulls lmao. I thought kektone wasnt playing this game?
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Based wingandroid. Abe would be proud.
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Looks normal, stop questioning stuff and carry on.
you forgot the 3 little nigga that damage enemy (same stat as her) and draw aggro
Why not just straight card
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I’m jealous of that crit damage
Nice ellen by the way
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ok im gonna ask a gameplay related question for once
is she actually fun to play? please be honest.
Of those two, the weapon.
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>mfw Rina
>mfw she hits like a goddamn truck, especially in swap-out or parry
>mfw I still want ass cop
>mfw looking down the barrel of *THAT* or spending an afternoon grinding out all the content I've yet to do
Lycaon/Soukaku - who do I add to the team?
She literally has a gameplay demo brother.
Does anyone else always a get little jumpscare every time Zhu is selected on the agent screen? She is so thicc I actually forget how big her hips and thighs are so when she shows up again I get stunned for a little bit
don't bother levelling the first 3 slots you will see a better returns focusing on the right main stat for the last three
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miyabi chan before 2025
Her buff is higher than baseline Shokaku's, is instant with no buildup required and buffs your entire team plus summons.
Yes. I'm skipping everyone now until Seth. I wish I had of gotten C6 Ellen but I got unlucky and only have Ellen.
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I want free stuff as well, being a wagie is more pathetic desu
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yes.Moreso than ellen.
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>55 rolls
>C5 Nicole
>C5 Ben
>C2 Lucy
>Lucy Engine
>have every A tier
>4 S tier engines including Brimstone for Zhu
>already had Rina+Lyceon for future electricity/ice teams
Sweet. I'm pretty setup with 130+ rolls left, just need Miyabi/Ceasar and another Electricity/Fire DPS/Anomoly character.
How much of an improvement is M6 Ben *igger?
My Zhu team is gonna be her, Nicole, and Billy because I like them
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I think she's the most fun character in the game right now. Maybe Soldier 11 comes close.
It's meh, all of the gun characters in this game feel kinda shit to me compared to melee
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can confirm.
even my dick works with them around.
Also meant to reply to >>487457010
I'm going to honest here anon. I respect a hobo on the street more then I respect youtubers.
>Actually as much content with Wise as Belle
How did Hoyo do it? Usually their games are total gayfests.
Doesnt hurt to ask. Better to give it a shot and then ditch the game if i dont like how the devs manage the game in the long run. Id rather do that then become a sunk cost cuck like the giggers
What are the good characters
I like her so far
She got both life & hometown.
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Rina m1 I will take it, I wanted it
>C0R1 Ellen
>regularly hits 5-15k per multihit
>C0R3 (Starlight) Zhu
>charge shots hit for 4-5k
>both characters lvl 50 with lvl 9 skills
>both cores at D
>both with their preferred sets and support
>discs are sub obtimal but very comparible
bros I can't help but feel I'm doing something seriously wrong with Zhu Yuan, I'm using her with a lvl 50 Nicole, shouldn't I be doing similar dps to my Ellen? I know Ellen got her R1 sig but that shouldn't be a 7-10k damage difference
Help me make sense of this bros
Why did Ellen Joe step down?
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I'm going all in on rat.
Am I retarded or I can only use monochrome on packs?
People can give you things in game?
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Grace is for Billy
Billy is for Grace
Get it twisted.
>Criminal Investigation Special Response Team
Tranny game.
No I will get all cops because I support our guys in blue
because the assassination attempt on Jane Doenald failed
>thinly veiled orb shitflinging post
shit bait
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>got Ellen
>got cumcop
>got every female character except Nekomata
>didn't get spooked by the furbait male
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm set
You dont have Lycaon with Zhu
Too many lollipops
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To stay with (me)
You only need to know their UID, it's the same deal as the chargeback scam, just minus the chargeback part.
Your full dodge with some shield&zap build???
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Am I playing Zhu Yan wrong? In Shiyu she rarely has field time and I unleash everything in her kit after
Enemy Stunned -> Nicole Chain Attack -> 9 bullet + ult combo
>beg 2 play
congrats, you are now seeing what a brick Zhu is, mhy got away because she has a fat ass, but sucks as a unit.

just cope and save for someone better
Her weapon is absurdly good, damn
Also what to do with unwanted disks? Do you just dismantle them all?
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Shork gameplay
>okay I dodged these two attacks which gives me enough time to dash into a held down left click to generate charges and use the iframes from my third hit of my enhanced basic to dodge a yellow attack into another held down left click to get more charges meanwhile I’m watching my EX meter for when I can use my special ability sharknami every move I do is calculated to boost my damage and weave in and out of combat striking when my enemy least expects it like a true great white shark
ACAB gameplay
>the purple button lit up so I pressed it then I held down left click
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She doesn't have her best stunner tbf
Qrd on 5.4 being 5 weeks in genshit?
do tourists really?
You can convert mono into poly.
I did better in SD10 by spending more time on field with her proccing more corruption. But then again my Anby is dogshit so who knows
The earliest we're looking at another Ether character is 1.4.
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Those Youtubers don't even know you exist, Moist says it's one of the easiest jobs in the world you just sit there and people give you money like Vtubers
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Ellen has a complete team to work around. As the other anon mentioned Lycaon Shreds Ice-Resistance + the Oni buffs Ice damage on top of it.

Personally I feel like Zhu does a ton of damage, I do have C6 Nicole to help her out though.
Your M1?
They gonna buff her right? No way this is limited character
Both are fun to me.
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post you're clears
I can improve the last one to A but that's my limit, once I upgrade some skills and stuff
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And soon Ellenfags may experience the feeling of SD bosses being resistant to Ice and being unable to pierce an elemental shield. Get fucked, this is on you for rolling on the baitbanner, your babbymode is OVER
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Want to see zero self respect here. This is my code 1003232091 send me a monthly membership cause I'm cool
let's see if this chink bitch is good
I'd much rather get the katana-totin jap bitch, looks like she's gonna have all kinds of samurai kino gameplay
Puffer electro or Fanged Metal on Corin?
I feel like Puffer could be better considering I only want her out during enemy stun periods
Zhu can unload an disgusting amount of damage in a very short window. Just unload your whole magazine and E skill on top of the ULT and watch them disintegrate
Going to be the most sex designs for a while
imagine shooting neko in the forehead with a gun
mmmm i need to lvl up these boys
Thats a great combination too. There are a lot of electro options right now for Rina to enable.
Anon, why you use 11 resources for?
And that how does that change me having any respect for them at all?
So my only stun character is anby which means that, now that I have zhu yuan, my ellen team has no stun character... What do I do? Is there any a rank that could work as a replacement for anby?
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I regret rolling Ellen Lawrence...
also, I noticed that chinks really push this "cops good" shit
totalitarian shithole token propaganda
ch'en from arknights, now this bitch
You're gonna need a bigger gun.
You click on your polychromes in the top right of the menu, it will open the converter menu.
uhhh.. not even an Ellenfag but you do realise there are 2 fucking sides in Shiyu right, there will never be 2 sides immune to the same damage time no matter how funny it would be
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blue oni love
it literally does not matter.
majority of your rolls wont be coming from shiyu.
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Just fucking NUKED the SD9 Dullahan with Zhu in SECONDS AAAHAHAHA I'M ON A DOPAMINE HIGH
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I'd tend more towards either Hormone or Pecker 4p. Because Puffer requires you to make sure you actually get off your ult in every stun to make full use of that ATK% buff, and I feel thats a bit too restrictive and often not possible.
Thanks anon
I'm just not retarded
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My attack is low but I'm mostly happy with this for now.
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>no knot
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>no stunner for ellen now
yeah I'm in the exact same boat lmao
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don't do it anon
early A ranks are very easy to max on hoyo games (specially on banners with only 2) and the "early free crew" are 100% always giga powercrept as the time goes.
Hoshimi Miyabi
Miyabi Hoshimi

That's the post.
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>me with zero polys watching everyone else get their zhus
So what's the verdict on Zhu without her sig wengine so far? My only 2 S-rank characters are Nekomata and S11, but I want to guarantee Qingyi more than I necessarily want Zhu.
God, I hate the f2p niggers here.
While they live in the east and south of the civilized world they are still retarded as niggers.
>rigged just like movie actors with a kike cabal you have to offer your sons foreskin too to get in
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I need to level my team up if I need to go any further. Also zhu and Grace are the only characters that have 5* discs. Everyone else is mostly on B rank + a few A rank discs.
No, Anby's the only A-rank Stunner
If you're doing content with two teams you'll have to just use another support like Rina / Lucy or just run Ellen + Soukaku because ZY benefits way more from a stunner
Get fucked baitbanner rollers

Your girl works in ONE highly autistic BDSM furry comp
Zhu works in ALL of them
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I wanted Nicole and Ben's engines
I did end up getting them both
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>Rina m1 I will take it, I wanted it
ZZZ Firefly when?
roll Qingyi :3
euh nu nah euh ehn
Just build pity. What could go wrong
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I mean your respect doesn't really have any value seeing as they have the respect of all the people that donate to them
paypiggies fear the ftpGOD
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>early A ranks are very easy to max on hoyo games (specially on banners with only 2) and the "early free crew" are 100% always giga powercrept as the time goes.

WRONG. Genshins original 4-Star cast is by far still the strongest characters and have spot on most META teams.

HSR also have several 4-star units that still fits perfectly fine unto META teams
>lose 50/50 of zhu
>no Ellen
Is he even useful outside of mono ice? Don't know how he'd fit anything besides that
>80 pulls
>Pub Secs
>Sovlkaku C6
>Nicole C2
>Anton C3
>few other random A ranks
>M1 cat
The biggest problem with the cat is her back attack gimmick that require you to be behind enemies to deal any damage.
Her first dupe makes all her attacks count as back attacks when the enemy is stunned and half-unbricks her. Get her weapon if you can, it also plays into the back attack thing and with the aforementioned dupe makes her pretty good.
With a good stunner and a potential future physical damage support you could unlock even more of her potential
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Do you think it's better to use these on a slot that will always have a good mainstat or waste most on slots that won't give me what I need?
>have to wait 20 days for cunny cop instead of them just making two banners
This, asmon literally had to immolate his mother and moist man had to break up with his girlfriend of like 10 years just to maintain le epic algorithm shilling
shut the FUCK up Eous
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had to go full hard pity, really a Nicole seeded account
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This shit gets way easier again after 700 for some reason wtf
PayPal is actually easier to use and more accepted by Japanese Weeb merch stores than foreign credit cards. Due to fraud/chargeback policies I believe. You just have to tell PayPal to pay directly in Yen from your attached CC so they don't gouge on on their always worse exchange rates. Plus it reduces the number of places that have my CC info and lets me use the more robust 2-factor on PayPal.
nah ehn nhaa!
Miyabi, leader of the Hebijo Clandestine Girls' Academy Elite Class
>Frogposts that are terrible and retarded
>Talking about streamers no one gives a fuck about
>F2P schizo
Oh shit are we a real general now?
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alright, so she's really sexy, but has an unironic genshit-tier ass cover
fucking hell
let's look at the gameplay
gunkata kino, I'd call it, but it's all over the place
it's like she can't decide if she's a melee character, or ranged
I really don't like this mobile phone shit where you don't even have to hold the aim button to auto-aim for you
it just strips all gameplay when all you do is mash a single button
no character in any game should just fucking autoaim when you press one button
this is kinda less jarring on melee characters, and it's eehhhhh alright on ranged characters, but when a character can't decide if she's melee or ranged, shit just feels bad because she feels LOCKED while you're attacking, and the animations and fucking going back and forth feel really bad to play
feels strong, but I dont' like the feel of the character
very sexy, good body and design, meh face/head design
won't roll/10
I'd much rather get spooked by belobog girls
She is the storm that is approaching…
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Good Zhu Yuan cosplayers when?
just do random to get more s-ranks
then recycle purples for more randoms and so on

it's the best thing early on, later on you want more specific stuff
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>is she actually fun to play?
no, and i was literally deadset on rolling till i actually played her.
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she'll make my Grace pop off, right? If so then yes
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Does Anby get i-frames during her dodge counter, skill, and ex skill?
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Nice dude
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>just noticed that ellen's weapon has a shark face on it
this is as bizarre as if a human went around writing "human" on all her clothing and running around with a human themed weapon
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cop ass is not even more popular than billy bwo
What's wrong with Nekomata? I don't own her or anything, just curious.
holy kek I've never seen anyone be this SHIT at a kids game, thanks for the laughs
yes, unloading 15 shells into a stunned enemy and seeing a billion crit numbers pop on your screen is the best dopamine in the game so far
But she isn't literally just a shark.
He is the best stunner right now, mono ice is just a bonus for him.
again, its more like if you were american and adorned with american apparel
Maybe if you moved the camera less and actually played the game, you would’ve done better
play her tutorial first bro
you're not even playing her properly
How do I build the bullets back up after holding down basic attack to spend for Zhu?
slowbro... that's why she has that scissors attack to mimic a shark chomping...
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this retard does no damage, what the fuck did I roll her for
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how could I not
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Worst S tier by far, gets mogged by an A tier spinny gremlin who does double her damage on release lol
Ult, Chain, Ex Special, basic attack 4/5, swiping for dupes
am i bricked for leveling up corin to lvl 50?
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Siphon your savings, sometimes along with your hope & dreams.
I'm having fun with her but my earnest recommendation to everyone is to try out the character demo first. Dickrolling will only go so far when you dislike playing the character
>Keep seeing people post pulls with 2 S ranks or a bunch of A's
>Literally only ever get the one A per 10 or my pity S

I'm a lucklet
yeah so far I only got Koleda and ellen, wish I knew how to show you my roll
Shes slightly less fun than Billy but she is really good. She takes a bit of getting used to though.
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Can you prolong the stun in shiya defense? In late room boss stays stunned for 3-4 seconds i counted.
by finishing her NA combo, using EX skill and/or Ult
also perfect assist gives you 3 bullets every now and then
I got Piper, what weapon does she want weeping Gemni or Rainforest Gourmet?
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very nice
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its biased since the majority of people arent posting their garbage rolls
luck will come around bro, just stick with it
>bangboo from event
>bangboo gacha pull login reward
This shit literally exists JUST so they have a way to give you fake rewards that aren't a weapon/character pull. Actually despicable.
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Yes, dad gamers having a melty as usual
Yes. Make sure to stand her up on all her dates until she withers away and you can dismantle her for 80% of the materials wasted
Stop chain attacking with everyone if youre not getting enough time to dump your full combo
support assist = 1 bullet
parry assist = 3 bullets
chain attack = 3 bullets
ex special = 3 bullets
ultimate = 3 bullets
basic attack 3+4 = 1 bullet each

She has a total of 9 bullets so you're usually gonna stock 3 bullets then do a stun > chain > ex > unload. You can start with 0 bullets if your ult is up.
lucky me
>really want Rina and the construction gremlin
>get everyone else from losing coinflips and the standard banner
I'm voting for Bringer. Something needs to be done about all these criminal thirens in our streets.
>cops good
>bringer is an obviously corrupt shithead
you'd complain about woke pandering if the cops were all blanket evil sociopaths anyway
What's the good amount of impact to have on your stunner? This stat is like not telling me anything which is a good number at all
What's the optimal Anby combo?
basic basic basic skill Thunderbolt-basic?
Lucy and Piper are good enough to carry a random shitter who doesn't deal DPS until you hit critical Shiyu aye
Lucybros... Is pigcuckery our fate?
Well time to learn about these paypal direct currency option thing then thanks
i'd trade you my 2nd account. it's only s ranks is grace and rina..
As much as possible. Theres only a single slot that even offers impact to begin with
Ehe nana. Ehn nan ehe. Nana heh (Faggot. Kill yourself. Bangboos are based)
Haha.. I totally didn't play like that during the first week.
brother, i AM the pig
the ultimate brick, gets shit on by A rank agents. Occasionally you'll get the
>just get her M1, her Engine, X agents in her team, etc
and even when you manage to actually get Exodia, she still performs painfully average
I like that ZZZ has more unique characters, so sure, throw the furfags a bone. Furry girl is preferred.
this or basic basic basic hold basic and EX Skill, doesn't matter
I got Koleda and Piper so I'm going to skip until Burnice.
I look and act like this
rent free schizo scenario
chinks really like their cops, it's not a secret
Ex skill pretty sure it plainly says so, just go practice in the VR
So I need about ~3333 attack on sokaku to max her buff?
That seems like a lot.
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Seems like it.
>Has a shark tattoo in her tail
>Has shark pajamas
>Counts sharks in her spare
Bros I think she might like sharks
Explain why she complains about sharks sinking if they aren't moving when idle for longer than 1 picosecond when she isn't literally a shark and is a lazy nigger who will literally sleep on the floor outside a coffee shop
>erm actually it's a good thing they made a 4th gacha pool to dilute rewards
Kill yourself
yes, i'm mad. fuck you guys.
All you shit four brains is bricking you’re account rolling for Zhu Yuan when 1.1 is two weeks away.
I thought zhu came out the 25 but now I have the ass cop on my account wtf bros?
I hope the Sons of Calydon have some giant boar character, he'd be their ben
Only 6 gets impact as mainstat right? and it doesn't exist on substat iirc? so I assume I need to farm as much shockstar discos with impact% or any other 2pc that would work, annoying. What the the other stats you want on stunners, just attack on everything possible? Crit seems like it's not that good
why does soukaku feel awkward to play? how do i use her optimally?
You can, in fact, turn off auto face enemy in the options menu.
>30 seconds off of 5 min shiyu 17 clear
Mmmm yes its definitely worth it to spend 200 polychrome a day on energy refreshes to force rank 50 before it resets for a perfect record nyesss...
>shit four brains
Amber, Lisa and Kaeya are the worst characters in the game
Because having shark traits =/= being an actual shark
Don't listen to the haters she is better than both the limited characters
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I got her in 10 rolls, does she need her wengine?
Will Qingyi require Zhu to get a good team going? Or will she be able to slot into more teams than just cops? I'm so-so on Zhu, tho I could really use a second dps since my only S rank is S11 (twice), but I want Qingyi for sure.
She's ugly for niggers and sudacas only, based japgods do not care
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Shut up nigger.
there are only 2 ether units. how the fuck is zhu a brick?
That would be so kino
2700 at core skill F
its hard early but once you get discs its very doable
you can also buff it in combat so it doesnt have to say 2700 on the agent stat screen
>Her scissors has Same on the sides
>Same is shark in Japanese
This dork is so cute
isn't resonaboo the best bangboo by far because of the grouping?
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Roll the w-engine banner to redeem your consolation rolls.
Sluggish as fuck on field to get her stacks going and her Chain attack is slow as shit regardless
>How do I use her optimally
don't bother on-field unless you like her playstyle and have got high cons, just stick to Chain attacks only
what's the best team for soldier 11?
The only reason kaeya is bad is because cryo fucking sucks ass
Meh, Honestly her pause-attack's feels bad
I like billy better out of the ranged characters
My bangboo luck has been utter shit so I'm fine with it
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It's pretty amazing Ellen has like 1/4 of the total fanart for this game, shame Zhu Yuan won't get that much
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I'm coping right now.. didn't get zhu in 100 pulls.. it's so fucking over and the rewards this event are SHIT.
See >>487462147
The cat ceases to be a stain on your account and a brick if you manage to get both her first mindscape and her weapon.
Right on 6 and it isnt a substat.
Just be thankful if you can get any S rank disc with impact %. Impact x4 Jazzx2 is a nice set to give as much as EX use as possible.
attack, crit and damage is still fine. I definitely care a lot less about substats on stunners compared to supports and DPS/Anomaly though
Brimstone and Starlight are only a couple percent behind, she really doesn't need them.

Zhu is a F2P goddess because she can effectively do the same amount of damage with a F2P guaranteed craftable engine AND she will fit in any comp possible
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I legit have no idea how Zhu Yuan mechanic works and i just click. Am I doing this wrong?
Bennet Xinqiue and Xianling are still stables to this day and no other 4-star has even gotten close to them in terms of usefulness. Bennet even mogs 5*star supports to this day
Which one is it? Automatic Camera Rotation? Doesn't seem to change shit.
skip the chain attacks
FTF and fuck off, or if you have energy, swing fan 3x, FTF then fuck off
everything else wastes a colossal amount of time
>All you shit four brains
>is bricking you're account
panjeet... brother...
Shork is literally the best start character ever and I just needed the 90's anime cop with the huge butt.
yeah soul-meta
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Thank you, Zhu.
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I have the most fun playing her so there's nothing wrong.
>skipped Ellen
>didn't reroll for an early 50/50 loss to guarantee Zhu Yuan
holy brickeroni
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not that i would do that anyway, but i got zhu on my literal last 160 polys
surely my luck will turn around in the future
this is what i get for winning 50/50 on seele and venti
March 7 and Dan Huang also sucks
those are not the og crew
It's hard to draw & operate shortcut key with only 1 hand.
Press purple button for three shots
Hold down left click to use three shots
There you go you mastered Zhu
Her temperament is a cross between a shark and a teenage brat. She 'needs' candy but also just just enjoys eating it for example.
What the shark doing?
I only have fun playing as white girls and animal men
>Will Qingyi require Zhu to get a good team going?
Qingyi can pair with any Attacker class. And being electro means she can always pair with Rina, who is universally good or Grace for distortion/shock memery. She'll be fine.
Are you high? They have been in the game since 1.0
>Ellen is ice element
>ice makes you cold
>being cold makes you shiver
>”shiver” is the term for a group of sharks
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anyone else getting all of pubseggs?
you meant porn
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fucking hell forgot to link

need to draw zhu rape now to cope...
Me on the left when I'm bulking
Ellen's school uniform is way hotter than the maidslop
Yes. That combo gets you to the anti-interrupt and jumping hurtbox of EX Special a little faster, which is good. If you know you have a large enough opening then the order doesn't matter.
She's like my fr fr. I need candy for my dysthemia but I also enjoy eating it.
>and a teenage brat
You have a weird idea of "brat" if someone as well-behaved like Ellen falls under that.
The fuck are you talking about Xiangling is given for free from stage 3 of the abyss since 1.0. Bennett and XQ were also part of the launch 4*.
yeah, its fking sad how jewhoyo just gathered yo to find a way to give you something as a reward in events and logins that is absolutely worthless
I am! And I am willing to get all the Double-Top up packages to ensure it
Lisa post dendro is actually good.
the og crew is lisa, amber and kaeya
I’m hoping I do
praying for an early Qingyi spook
Dont listen to: >>487463652
Listen to: >>487463829

Only bring her in for parries, and when you have energy for 3x EX into hold on the final one for FtF.
You shouldnt ever use her chain attack unless it'd proc a stun on a bunch of chaff since its very easy to control. It isnt even funny how much damage you can do in a boss' stun duration if you arent wasting half of it with bangboo, Soukaku and anby/lycaon chain attacks which do nothing if you had the foresight to set thier bonuses before the stun
I'm a low-spender so won't be able to guarantee Rat and her weapon if I go for robocop...
gun characters feel kinda weird
have grace and tried out zhu and they fly around the screen too much even if I dont press a direction
getting the other two tho
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you no rike?
no one made you retard. and DOGKNOT has kino gameplay. blueberry is meh i agree. but Ellen is fun to use. just get good
>you get a comission when you collect all lost items for one area in hollow zero
unexpected extra exp, nice
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you deserve it furry faggot NIGGER
I have piper lucy koleda lined up, what bangboo should I use?
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>Qingyi can pair with any Attacker class
Neat. Now I'm wondering if I shoud skip Zhu so I can reasonably guarantee myself Qingyi, or try to go for both but then I'd need to win both coinflips.
>she can always pair with Rina, who is universally good or Grace for distortion/shock memery
That is good, if I had either of them. I get the distinct feeling that since I actually want them, I'll be another Jean/Mona situationw here I'll only get them like 2 years after release.
It’s out
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>Full shells
>Not bursting the enemies down with your charged basic
You use her basic to build up energy so you can use the EX to recharge more shells.
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I hope you die
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Don’t be pathetic, take some personal responsibility.
Don't forget to get dodge counters in
She's so fucking cute bros
I love my retarded wife
sounds like a you issue
reroll and get zhu, no one is stopping you
Just level up your Anby and the starter pink slut like a normal person idiot
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>got Lycaon, Ellen and Soukaku
>STILL complaining
what a fucking retard
Skin soon make sure to payup gweilo
100 free rolls btw.
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how worth with weapon and team skill to supplement crit% so I can sstack dmg higher hmm
bro? you were supposed to reroll until you luckshitted ellen
Thanks bro!
there are two and i have neither so i guess I'll focus on getting rocketboo
exactly, take responsibility for your shark babies they need an olympic sized pool to swim in
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metacucks, everyone
I'll keep baiting every single one of you miserable faggots into pulling for the newest toy
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turn that smile upside down!
Oh good, I bought lucy with the things I got from zhu yuan's banner. I'll build her then, thank you!

If I had any pulls left I'd do it
Ah didnt notice it scaled with that.
Im already at 2.4k at level 40 without maxed relics, so yeah it should be easy by 60.
She's rude, inattentive, and a slacker. I don't think she's an extreme in anyway but I'd say she fits the bill in the same way most teenagers do.
Well, nigga? Daddy is waiting.
Should I focus all my resources into a main team of three? Or should I try and keep two groups of three topped up?
Running Anby with M1 Nicole and Zhu Yan actually works pretty well against Ether enemies. Nicole's cc and Corruption procs gives Anby good windows to build daze.
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Obviously the safest option, to have someone for Qingyi, is actually to pull for Zhu.
Other than that, you can always use her in a S11/Qingyi/Lucy comp or something like that. Depending on who you got.
Also don't forget your Corin, who would love to have a strong sub-dps Stunner cover for her.
anyone tried to run Zhu Yuan with Piper+Lucy yet?
Zhu Yuan seems to not be bad at applying corruption but I don't have time to play right now to check
What's wrong with her exactly that she loses even to A ranks
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gwo, your borger?
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Let that one be a lesson for you to go learn & start to think for yourself.
Should I put the restrained on Koleda or Anby?
She's never inattentive and only rude if you think blunt = rude.
Oh yeah, the girl who is still looking for part-time jobs in addition to school and VH work is a slacker.
Qingyi's coming in 20 days (first banner of 1.1) so if you save now and keep playing you should be able to build up a good stockpile of rolls.
I'm gonna do the same since Anby's my only Stunner too.
I guess I'm back to the disc mines then, I need to get more impact cause I feel like my Anby does nothing even at C6
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>roll one 10 pull
>lose 50/50 to rina
>fuck it i'll keep going to see what i get
>20 rolls later, ass cop
>decide to roll on wenjin
>get it on first 10 pull
alright hoyo, i forgive you for not kotting me and for the double soft pity for ellen
180 free rolls is typical Mihoyo, their marketing is still the scummiest out there. I got this ad yesterday lmao.
just checked and its actually 2500 at core skill F
its 2777 at core skill D, which you can get already if you level her to 45
you might already max it out then
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Its not bad at all
She cut down both shiyu 16 and 17 down by a min over using C2 Solider 11
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The only reddit thing here is you, retard. Hahahahahaa
i cant make a second fucking TEAM until September or 1.3 FUCK
Did the cop trial and holy shit she feels fun to play
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I just wanted the cat.
>Zhu forces you to roll one other cop.
zhu's teammate passive requirement is a support ally or ether ally
nothing Corin shills are just trying to gaslight
can't wait for their meltdown when the limited physical attacker just shits all over her
Should've rerolled.
Is it just me or Mid Yuan is weak as fuck?
>no Ellen or Zhu
who’d you roll on?
the only competent and non corrupt cops are the playable ones, and that's only 3 people. i take it you've skipped over every interaction with pubsec that has ever existed?
that faction is lead by a flagrantly corrupt man, most cops we encounter are woefully incompetent to a comical degree, and the faction has done NOTHING successfully. other than the fact that they have literally 1 squad of competent people that are coincidentally the playable options.
qingyi literally openly questions the blanket outlawing of proxies. does that seem like CCP pandering to you?
fucking hell
Bro... The fuck...
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My wallpaper has been invaded by a girl...
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Of course.
You don't use her, you just have her slotted in front of your main field character and swap to her and immediately hold Y which triggers the assist swap off. If she has meter you can mash X first since she seems to have good ice build up. Also if chain attack ulting, her buff only swaps to the character to swaps into, so get the priority right
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>"If furries want to be animals so bad we should hunt them like animals"
>"Ellen isn't /actually/ a shark because... SHE JUST ISN'T, OKAY!??!"
which is it gunna be, huh?
>Is it just me
Yes it's just you
yes everyone get's I-frames on dodge counter, she has them on ex-skill but I don't think she has them on regular skill or shiyu 10 would have been a lot easier
This needs to be a mod.
She look retarded.
Whoever you plan on using more, you only need two teams for SD so
Corinbros are shill, they haven’t shitted on any character
>he didn't put his fat cock where she could see it
these late zoomers in denial of being actually gen autism can't fucking read
Grace and Rat maybe
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You can work 5 jobs and be a slacker, that doesn't really have anything to do with it. And yeah I'd consider rolling your eyes or sighing in over dramatic ways to be rude.
zhu, got koleda, utterly useless without a dps
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>in 2024
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Where'd you get so many standard pulls? Did you actually spend currency on them?
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Is it just me, or is this bitch luminescent..?
>DPS is on par with limited
>Doesn't need to build stacks
>Doesn't need a stunner
>Doesn't need a dedicated support
they are just being faggots
No one likes ancient hags with gross cellulite asses and shitty kingfu cop gameplay, meanwhile Ellen is nubile teen pussy
jstern said to not pull for zhu yuan
I have Ellen and Piper so I can play both
Maid isn't slop, but school uniforms are always S tier
She also wears a shark kigu to bed
is zzz moe page safe to use?
>free character vs a brick 50/50
damn you sure showed them... also piper mogs both of them until Jane Doe so.
Nope, you fucked up.
I’m tracing you right now pal.
>Doesn't need a stunner
When you have M1 and/or her weapon you do need a stunner unless you have the ability to magically stay glued to a boss' asshole the entire fight.
>When Nekomata hits an enemy from behind, she ignores 16% of her target's Physical RES. If the enemy is Stunned, all Nekomata's attacks are considered back attacks.
And her damage sucks even harder if you don't have those so
is overpowered lolis that will actually just kill him Waterkuma's new fetish?
>Lucy: her pigs are self inserts and she kicks and bats them, and even sits on them
>Corin: sent multiple armed robbers to the ER when they invaded a house she was cleaning alone
>Soukaku: will flatten you with our without that goofy as paddle
>Piper: absolute maneater cougar. you puny dick can't phase her and you'll walk away with massive emotional damage and unlocking brand new mommy issues
the guy fully turned to the dark side

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