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Previous: >>487443938

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - For Display Only
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
>load up new quest/event
>TV screens pop up
I want to plow Belle so bad bros it's unreal
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incestGODS report in
Everyone posting in this thread is bricked.
if you stare at this the bad energies will get you
TVs are kino
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Hope all the copbwos are having fun right now.
>All the QoL improvements in update 1.2

WHY NOT 1.1!?
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>your favorite ZZZ
>last film you watched
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For me, it's Anby!
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>ali g indahouse
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You just know….
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Just saw this I guess jp really like zzz
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>MFW I find and download the ZZZ Diaper mod with lore friendly designs and brands.
Soon, crinklebwos!
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shes tier 0
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i love belle!
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Most of those were free I think, but i've also spent a little.
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i dont want to run my hollow zeros reeeeeee
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holy shit bros
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What bp W-engine I should get, Agents marked have their signatures
I thought BA was a niche cunny pedo game? How did it shoot up to number 1?
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This post will unbrick your rolls. Good luck my fellow proxies
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>Zhu Yuan
>Howl’s Moving Castle
how can you get past 90
>red dragon
i dont think this literally EVER happened in all of star rails history.
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>No dennies
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>Favorite zzz
Pic related love her jalter knockoff design
>Last movie you watched
Kill bill
Blue Archive was pretty soulless anyways.
With this I finally hope that my X timeline no longer has dogshit BA fanart and that Koreans finally all painfully die or something idk
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The next person who calls my little demon "reddit" is going to be blessed to pull M6 Soukaku
>Obviously the safest option, to have someone for Qingyi, is actually to pull for Zhu.
True, but I've only got enough poly to guarantee 1 character. I'm currently about 60 rolls in for the coinflip with 100 rolls left. But so far for both copies of S11 I've had to go to almost pity each time (50 on the beginner thing, 78 on the standard banner). So I'm a bit worried I'll get Zhu, but then not be able to get Qingyi after. Sucks that she's the first banner next patch.
>Other than that, you can always use her in a S11/Qingyi/Lucy comp or something like that. Depending on who you got
I do have Lucy, yes. Currently I'm running S11/Lucy/Piper. But my long term goal is to get a Sons of Calydon team, so I'm not sure I'll be able to give her Lucy forever.

Kinda sucks that some characters won't work together due to the element/faction synergy thing. Makes me really unsure who to actually go for.
Is Jane good with him? Asking for a friend.
>dark city
this is supposed to be arousing but it somehow isn't. i feel like i'm watching a commercial for a car or something
stop posting this whore
I like her sword and shield gimmick, I hope he's gonna be designed around big parries
thank you primos when?
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I hope there'll be furry mods in the future
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This child
Blade Runner 2049 when it came out
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Is Nekomata really that bad?
JP loves BA what are you talking about
keep posting this whore
I’m a straight heterosexual male, is this game for me?
Zhu fucking obliterates them though
Watching her rip both Ballet Twins in half after stacking a shitload of Ether and critdmg% resonium was eye-opening
really cute!
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Is it worth it to keep going if Nicole is C2?
Steam oven or sig on Anby?
wuwa... wuwhere?
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Star Rail hit 1 multiple times in JP. First time with Kafka and most recently with Firefly.
Coping bros what's the plan?
we save for police loli and team her with rina and corin?
>Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Need monke-girl in this game desu
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>Iron Sky
>dune 2
Yes, every female character in this game is a hot autistic virgin
he gives a shield that provides anomaly proficiency, so yeah, she’s intended to go with him
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Someone asked in an earlier thread how many polys to c6 a character.
It's 84,000 polys assuming you win every 50/50.
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>Dune: Part 2
So the gay looking vamp guy/head of Mockingbird at the end of Lycaon's story...
We're gonna get him as a unit with max fujobait combat dialogue with the wolf right?
hey bros im new to this so if i pulled rina on my first tenner on zhu yuan's banner, does that mean i lost the 50/50? cause my counter stayed at 90 for guaranteed s-rank. i did eventually get her when the counter said 20 rolls until guarantee.
Koleda 30 and then ZY 1
>haha, I have no agent xp tapes
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I already have M6 Soukaku >:3
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Fairy owes me sex.
I already have M6 Soukaku thoughbeit
Baggots are bros you guys are the only ones that didn't make fun of the game during it's release thread
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Zhu Yuan
Equalizer 3
are you the guy who made this
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I'm sprinkling some of my luck onto you lucklet bro
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society of the snow
that shit was rough man
>100 rolls
>5 Ben
>2 Nicole
>2 Zhu
Still need one more Nicole for M6...
twice in the same patch though?
How much do Bangboos actually contribute to your team damage? I'm still using the Sackboo that's stuck at level 30, because I want to wait with pulling on the bangoo banner until I know what my 2 main teams are going to be. Considering my gacha luck so far I'm going to need every pull I've got to get 2 s-rank bangboos, but I'm wondering how much damage I'm missing out on currently.
I don't really like any of the characters so far to be honest. I'd plow Corin I guess

My name is Nobody
Ellen keeps showing me her feet
Which animal is the most incesty?
Anon meant surpass BA during a hyped banner
>got ZY M1 and 39 pulls left for another S rank
I guess I'll swipe for these 40 pulls and try my luck for the 50/50 for Qingyi
this is a pro-furry general
What does this say in monkeyspeak
in hz my amillion will literally do half the bosses hp with its chain attack
That seems like some very esoteric conditions so it probably hasn't happened, I guess.
>Inu-Oh (2022)
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Godzilla Minus One
So if you want ACAB, the best bet is to also get the loli cop for a stunner? If you don't want to get her, is cop butt a skip?
>your favorite ZZZ
>last film you watched
Batman Nolan trilogy twitch watchalong(rewatched)
Is this accurate for Rina's M1?
what sight are you using to check?
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New York Ninja
shut the fuck up
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Soldier 11
Basic Instinct
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She's pretty busted at M6 I'd say M4 is a good stopping point.
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I don't believe in luck "evening out" anymore. It's always shit.
T-This isn't right...
It beat Nikke's summer patch and BA's summer patch in JP despite doing pretty poorly in CN.
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>terminator 2
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I feel pretty good as a full F2P no pass/no welkin I guess. Wish I got someone other than the Kot for my other standard S rank but my A rank luck has been insane so I can't complain too much.
She's S rank at M6, pretty good stuff.
Is this a revenue chart? If yes, then I suppose is because the top-up's using the JP VPN
Is your 50/50 rate at least good?
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What were they actually thinking with her signature?
Evil Dead 2
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can't imagine what having bad luck is like
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>your luck will average ou-ACK
>90%+ of the general luckshitted zhu

luckletbros its time to move on
replied to wrong post
So assuming you got M0 Zhu Yuan, what's better for her team going forward?

Qingyi + her engine, or
Qingyi + ZY's engine?
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How's Ben as a stunner? I got his M6 and I'm wondering if that daze buff from it is bait or not.
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Got Zhu on my 66 rolls :')
Honestly, I think Ellen is more fun to play. Zhu, while fast and mobile, still feels weird and clunky to me idk
No country for old men
jstern said to not pull for zhu yuan
>27 pulls away from pity
D-do I have enough time...?
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Which bangboo does the buttslut want?
is the zzz moe signal tracker safe to use?
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Y-yeah bro
>inflicts corruption

Actually hilarious. Can't make shit like that up.
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>he wasted days of his life rerolling for Ellen brick and is now forced to juggle between different hoyo accounts only to go hard pity lose the 50/50 to kot and hard pity again for a copy of zhu making all his effort meaningless
>He is now rerolling again
the space one or the imp one
Meh, do 3d hags really
her support buff uptime goes from 10 at M0 to 15 seconds at M1 but that's not necessarily a 48% increase in dmg it just means you swap into her less
This chart is Mobile only anon
Caesar (maybe?, pretty much started the game for her), playable it's actually Zhu Yuan
Nefarious (2023), actually pretty good and great acting from the antagonist, but it had a weak ending
As long as you have Impact in Slot 6, you'llbe able to run him as a stunner just fine.
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I prefer them this size
Qinyi and her Engine
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Gundam Seed Freedom
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>not having disposable income
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you think Wise and Belle play games like this?
She's corrupting the minds of every young male around her alright.
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I swear to God, Japanese women are a different breed of erotic.
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Yanagi's tits are begging to be freed
monthly pass and battle pass is still considered f2p btw
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>I don't really like movies but the last one was Midnight in Paris (it sucks).
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>he is still rerolling
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Yes I know cliche, was in a watch party during the weekend and we were watching old movies like back to the future, terminator 2 and ended with the first Jaws
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>atk scaling Shielder
>M6 gives 500% atk 20% cdmg guaranteed crit nuke
SethGODs won bigly
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Autistic movie night with Anby!
john wick
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>spending disposable income on pixels to fund the CCP
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This is how I win.
is ellen M2 even worthwhile?
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zhu yuan is pronounced ju yuan right? just like how zhongli is pronounced john lee
>fund the CCP
What is she thinking in this pic?
chu yen
It's like Shuwan
Thats someone’s son
At level 50 my Sharkboo is comfortably doing 30-40k per trap, my Rocketboo is doing 50k+ easy. Both also give a lot of anomaly build up.
Its not an insignificant bonus
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pls stop its not funny anymore
>atk scaling Shielder
that's not a good thing
the role of defenders is to eat up my shitty def% discs
feels lame leveling up 2 starlight engines but you're probably right
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her is ass is so huge you get corrupted thoughts. Not really her fault.
Jew U-aan
>Memories of Murder
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>fund the CCP
Yes, that's exactly what I wanted, how could you tell?
I wonder if she would try to imitate the shit in kill bill
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we like CCP here
lurk breads before you post gweilo
Good Gweilo
Zhu Yuan is AMERICAN
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The pixels are just a bonus des
Would you rather have femboys or shonen males
>We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
why do I get the feeling that they are going to censor Lucy and Piper?
It took 110 pulls but Zhu finally came home. How essential is her W-Engine? If I have Brimstone, is that more than enough of a cope engine instead? I really need to save and not roll for the goddamn W-Engine..
Yes, Ben is cool, Billy is alright, just dodge the knot
Watching Tectone play is actually the saddest shit I've ever seen in my life. I get streamers are usually retarded but that was like a whole new level of retarded.
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Dude, just get immunity dog and the shark one and you're golden. Don' let yourself be held hostage by gato. TAKE THE KNOT & SHARK PILL NOW!
That would be neat if she was a parry and counter based character
in jp its shoe-en
most of her potential is locked behind c1, and her signature helps eliminate needing to be behind shit which is annoying
if you got both of those she can be on par with some S rank.
that is the problem though, needing vast investment in gacha to be good.
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Anyone else rolling Qinyi's Engine for Anby?
I wish I was that tire
I have a feeling they will uncensor some of the old beta designs
Ok, two questions:
1. Is Zhu beginner/f2p friendly without cons?
2. I know she likes the Hormone Punk artifact set, but I was wondering if it's 2-piece or 4-piece?
Lycaon is the coolest dude in the game though
yeah that's kind of what I wanna see, not like Ben with holding block but actual timed parries if she has a shield
Ben is an uncle, Lycaon is a pimp, Billy is kinda zesty
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when they said that for genshin they didnt actually do shit
natlan models look the same as every other region
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>I found the Nude Mods videos on youtube
Anon what theu meant is probably miyabi, they will improver her model stop
>Got spooked right before pity by Ellen
>Got Koldea and Piper on ZY banner
Guess I'm skipping all of the cops
Is there enough to guarantee hard pity yet?
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Not for long!
I would play this game until EoS if they do that.
They won’t though.
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Yes.... for Qingyi.
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so we are not getting the kino avatars until 1.2?
Isn't this just fucking better Lycaon Wengine?
Faggy twink
There’s a shark one?
the yellow parts really ruined his design

Her engine is only a 10% increase over other options. If you are rolling the robocop get hers instead because it's absolutely fucked.
you can't get spooked by the rate up character
day 1 complete f2p would have had 25 rolls +25k poly so not quite
>release new character

>don't release any new story content at all
Am I seriously expected to do nothing at all for 2 months, story wise? I've completely run out of comissions to do. What the FUCK was Mihoyo thinking releasing the game in this state?
if anyone is getting censored its Nicole in case CCP start pressuring MHY to change designs.

Rosaria 2.0
>8s long stack
It will be garbage on Anby
Say it however you want, chinese ching chong gobbledy gook turkey speak requires no respecting
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Best timeline:
He is talking about Miyabi's fucked up eyes and Yanagi's hazy as fuck eyes and less detailed face
Worst timeline:
Hes talking about Nicole's still ample assets, Lucy and Piper existing, Anby showing tummy and thighs.

I hope its not the worst timeline,
What do you mean she just wants to proc assault. You just need Piper with her
the game is set up where it takes 2-10 months to gear a character, pending your luck on disk farming.
nyo :3
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Responded to this and got the kot when I decided to ignore this I won the 50/50 this is a scam
I not only DIDN'T get kot gone, but I got two ZYs in a double 30 rolls after I got her.
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Brimstone is decent enough cope for her
He has the same VA as Scaramouche… you know what’s coming next…
>he didn't get the dog
They said 1.1 did they not?
Shonen males are hit or miss but better than femboys who only bring in absolute cancer to the fanbase
I think yellow eyes are cool, but yeah he'd look better with black and white otherwise.
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holy shit zhu yuan hits like a truck!
Nekomata is the worst part of a Neko/Lucy/Piper team by far. Youre going to get better results with Koleda or S11
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>craft another Starlight Engine for Zhu Yuan
>almost start leveling it
>remember I have one (uno) standard pull
>pic rel
Thanks for hearing my prayers Da Wei...
lord lycaon bros... i'm shaking in my boots... lord harumasa and lord lighter are coming soon...
what happened to the "starlight engine is the best for her"?
do i want crit dmg on ellen? i have two atk discs with one ice dmg disc, will a crit dmg one make a big difference
you gonna post the fucking source bro or do I need to beat your ass
If you mean chapter, I think the plan is to release Chapter 4 with Ratto lady. Otherwise its just events which seem to be every 1-2 weeks
Story only in 3 weeks when 1.1 drops on the 14th
No. I never roll support weapons. Huge waste of money.
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I thought that was a cute tomboy fucking hell
JP and CN have different pronunciation for the same names, the Liyue characters all have completely different names in CN.
HuTao and Yelan are the only consistent ones
>soulless genshin tier slop design
I’m good
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people are rolling...for this?!
>Lycaon is the most hiv positive dude in the game though
>do i want crit dmg on ellen?
Yes Crit%/CritDMG%>ATK%
>good launch cast of cool males made for bros
>waterkuma takes a break (cant design everyone)
>hoyo jumps at the chance to shove in their ikemenslop
fuck this gay ass company man
Man I just needed Koleda to just coast this game now. I have pretty strong teams, just need another good stunner.
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>log in
>roll for new character
>use them to clear my routine cleanup(total: 5 minutes time)
>log out
Where is the content?
Not him, but what makes Qingyi's engine so good as people have been saying? I'm seriously considering skipping Zhu so I can guarantee Qingyi and try for her engine as well.
a clean black and white design would be better like the chainsawman fits
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Fuck cats.
I bet you thought the dude from Firefly's trailer was also a tomboy, didn't ya?
John Lee
Shen Huhhhhh
Jew Yen
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I got knotted but that was part of the plan now I'm guaranteed to get this slut.
Oh thank god, I got spooked by Brimstone when rolling for Ellen's Shark W-Engine, so I'm just going to use Brimstone for Zhu and save everything for Robocop loli
This dude will be the Lord Kazuha of ZZZ. mark my words
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I have arthritis. Whioh ZZZigger is for me?
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The Fantastic Mr. Fox
>i see cool dude therefore he must be gay
fatherless behaviour
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>20% team dmg
>about 20% impact
>18% passive
I can't tell if it's really good or if it's just OK
They are coming next patch and are even in the beta, look at pic related
International shitflinging where different people across different countries, all of whom are 100% testing in completely different starting environments and assumptions all argue that everyone else but they themselves specifically are wrong
dont play this game itll get 10 times worse
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>try max modifier HZ45 with zhu for 4 hours
>boss keeps enraging because no damage
>try with ellen
>first try it
She's really a dupe bait huh
That is very clearly a man bro you might just be gay
Where is the Signal tracker?
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Lucy is fucking PISSED
Zhu Yuan
Really good for characters with high hit counts (Qingyi) and average at best for everyone else
I already have a spare Koleda engine from standard being a nigger to me so I'll just use that since its universally good.
It's bait. If you ever roll weapons, it should be for your main dps.
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Why are chinks so obsessed with fucking TEA
It's like playing a western RPG and your knight's amulet gives you a stack of [Burger] every time you hit an enemy what the fuck

It's just the dog's engine but it also gives a party damage buff.
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Yet. I haven't gotten the dog yet.
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Can Rina be built to apply shock by herself?
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check the op brudda
your dps can use starlight engine
there's no good f2p stun engines
The chinese believe cold water gives you bad qi and poisons and kills you (because their water systems are garbage and it probably will kill you if you dont boil it) so they are obsessed with Tea for health benefits
chinks, brits, jeets, japs, gooks... they love their tea
japan even has tea ceremony shit
have you watched any anime at all
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be honest, would you have rolled for Zhu Yuan if she had a boring ass?
I think probably all supports should have anomaly proficiency 2 piece and main stat on [4] but it doesn't make them good at it.
That's a woman, should've been a tomboy and not a faggotwink
Yeah, she can be a decent "sub-anomaly" of sorts.
Yes her gameplay is fun
That's a man
Well, it's more so that if you happen to have Lycaons Engine it has an 18% impact passive too with up to 30% impact with basic attack stacks, something Qinyi can get in seconds no?

Meanwhile her W Engine does pretty much the same except now you've got a 20% team dmg buff, it just doesn't sound that impressive
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I love him...
This fight was pretty fucking kino
great music too
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yes I like her values her mom raised her well
this man bends soukaku over railings and fucks that blue pussy
i hope this fag sells like shit and gets negative feedback so the devs dont make a genshit/hsr clone again
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>meta tells me I should roll for Qingyi
>dick tells me that I should save for Jane
When do you unlock the Hollow Zero modifiers? 45 or 50?
Probably not no
I dickroll for everything in these kinds of games
So far I lost the 50/50 to Rina, but I didn't have her and I wanted her anyways so that's not so bad
Just look at the first second of the video, if that's a man he has to be king of the tuck
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Yes. The ass is just the cherry on top and not the entire cake.
As they say.
yes. I like cops and she's basically Billy (gameplay wise) but female, except I don't allow males on my squad so she's perfect.
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her vulva still pretty fat
How narrow is your worldview?
Roll with your dick there will be other stunners.
personally I think jane will be more meta than C0W0 qingyi
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I do not like gun gameplay
literally the most homo pandering character in the entire game.
you are coping.
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>easy to play and very rewarding to master
>THE MOST combo routes and options by FAR
>on-demand iframes while dancing around enemies
she's fun, that's the only reason I needed to roll. Her having a dumptruck and puffy cameltoe is just icing on the cake
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Yeah, I pulled her mostly for the buddy cop duo fun.
it begins
They need higher CD. Yeah I said it.
you are an insecure homo
Yes, because Nicole is my favorite.
Jane looks extremely broken, bwo. I don't know why you think she's not going to be meta. Piper is already a really strong character and Jane is just Piper on steroids.

Jane is also more irreplaceable than Qingyi, because Qingyi just stuns which a bunch of characters can already do. No other character can make Assault crit, which means Jane will be in anomaly teams forever.
What the other anon said and just her style of police-fu and blasting away like a madman tickles my action bone.
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Do we know what faction Jane is?
>except I don't allow males on my squad
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I regret rolling for ellen lawrence
evil women faction
it was to close to pity for me to get Zhu Yuan, I don't think I'll get the 60 pulls for her this patch
I doubt the female audience will allow him to flop. They don't know how to save primos like men do.
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maybe they'll make them lewder, more pronounced camel toes!
red cliff part 2
So is it confirmed the game is Genshin tier stingy and not HSR?
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1. Yep, she doesn't need dupes and a very good team for her is Anby and Nicole (who's on rate-up right). You don't need to pull anything except her, cope wengines are only ~10% worse to boot.
2. Hormone Punk 2p is fine, 4p isn't worth pursuing but can of course be used if its stats are better than the alternative's. Anby/Nicole team wants the ether set because of Nicole helping to apply corruption quickly, while Woodpecker is a good choice if you want to run someone other than Nicole.
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Expect it to be baby easy until 11/11 and then the game decides it wants to be even more difficult than shiyu.
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I mean you can have national / traditional dishes, everybody have them
But again this obsession is really puzzling to me
Every single chinese game has entire characters / skillsets revolving around tea, or sometimes full tea-themed areas
Some western RPGs do have breweries / monasteries as landmarks, but rarely does an entire area revolves around the art of beer-making, yet it used to fulfill the same role of "sanitary" drink back when you could catch 40 strands of black plague if you drank into the wrong spring
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she's from pubseggs
Rwtarded as fuck legs, fucking stupid hair, most meh design of all time
Just because you're secure in your homosexuality, doesn't mean anyone that dislikes cock is an insecure homo. Heterosexuality is normal, go back to xitter.
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Can't stop taking Wipeout screenshots
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I love gun gameplay.
I hope we get a cowgirl at some point.
bro get this mod https://gamebanana.com/mods/527935
She's with the pigs
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No, I would've continued saving until Caesar. I don't care for meta, I just roll for who I find hot.
Luckily that ass fat
kami north
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I love him more
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>2pc Puffer Electro + Nicole + Disk 5 PEN Main Stat gets Zhu Yuan 72% DEF ignore + whatever flat pen you get from substats
Is this not the optimal way to build Zhu Yuan? 2pc Puffer + 4pc Wood/Ether with PEN Disk 5?
I had one earlier where it looked like she was doing the Sonic Adventure pose. I didn’t screenshot though, massively regret it.
zoo wonton soup
So the android police chink is gonna be electric stun?
nah, i'd rather not lose my account over some dumb shit
I like gunfu playstyle, so probably
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Love shouldn't be a competition...
isn't hard pity 90?
how is this possible?
Licking Ellen's fangs
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for the battle pass since im out of dennies
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How is she so hot here but the in game model has some deficiencies rip I'm saving
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I lost the 50/50 to grace, should I level her or keep going with my current teams?
at most you'd get away with a warning
M1, S1 or save?
I don't remember, I haven't watched a full film in years, just snippets as I walk by the living room or coming in late to a viewing
90 is still a 50/50
You're only truly guaranteed to get the character at 180
I doubt we will get him anytime soon because healing so far is very limited and what kind of vampire wouldn't have health drain effects?
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your sharkboo
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Oh perfect, gonna roll Zhu/Qin/Jane then
neko is fine
you dont want to spread yourself too thin
She's getting plapped into submission.
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>M1 is ok
>S1 is less than 10% better than R5 Starlight Engine
save for more characters
Rina if she wasnt a support
why is she looking at me like this?
Corin Love!
Corin SEX!
Bricking my account for Corin!
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just force merge them.
Just farm HZ bwo
explode if real
fake and gay
So who did you steal this screenshot from Anon?
(this is a reddit repost)
why are you reposting this
nice, but you just blew your entire life's luck
you posted this already
also definitely not your own screenshot
this is not your pull, you found it on twitter
genshin could never
This proxy sold his soul to the devil.
Fake and edited lol. eat shit and die
I got rina'd
Would it just be better to save my guarantee for qingyi and hope one day I roll grace?
>replying to reposts
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Just lost my second 50/50 to Koleda, she will be C6 by the end of year isn't she?
I am financially ruined (in polychrome) and all I got was a cat
Why does she look at Wise like that?
She's a criminal consultant much like you are when they accept your help in the hollow.
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zhu yuan build(s)? i went with 4pc chaotic metal and 2pc woodpecker electro

starlight w engine, not rolling on the weapon banner for my B team

and the comp is zhu, nicole and anby as one would expect
>got ass cop
>can't stare at her ass when I want, have to start a level

this is why arena gachas have low player retentions
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Do you like cop? If yes then roll. Keep in mind that Zhu only needs a Support or someone from her faction to active her passive. She works fine with Rina, even better if you got Lycaon
Zhu Yuan for this when?
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retard posted it again for more (You)s
you guys are just giving it to him
Her ass is the reason I have low semen retention
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>No, I can't make the bed for Belle, otherwise we'll make it even messier
for what purpose?
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Will I regret rolling for Zhu Yuan?
At least she's very good, imagine getting C6 Anton.
bwo I was just at the same spot. she talked about growing veggies
sorry I just wanted (You)'s I was feeling lonely...
Handlebar is for shotas
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>70 rolls
>These agents
Should I roll? I heard there is no point in rolling for her unless you are going for dupes
she has a fat fucking jiggly ass, how could you ever regret rolling for her
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What did he mean with this one
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Is Nicole the "Pela" of this game?
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Sometimes I forget I'm not Grace.
we love /gig/gers here
Unless you're also pulling for robocop yes, she's fun for a while but her zoomer gameplay gimmick gets old quick
non metafaggot answer: masturbate and find out
Zhu Yuan engine
>6-22% better than r5 starlight engine depending on which calc you look at
>versus 20% teamwide dmg increase for atleast 8 seconds

Qingyi engine is def the better pull right?
I think she's going to age very well no matter what as a cope option at least. But Lucy might be even better. Too soon to tell.
Does disorder fuck up the ether set's 4pc bonus (or any other sets reliant on an active anomaly)? I assume so but I may as well ask.
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She wants your dick but is nervous
You might be joking but I actually do plan on swiping to C6 Corin at the first banner she is available on.
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No fucking way
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>C1 is pure QoL
>C2 is a 10% increase from C0
don't know where you heard it from but this is how it is. If you like her get her, no dupes needed. Oh and her signature engine is barely 10% stronger than R5 Starlight
Do we know which characters are going to be rotating into the shop in July?
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*blocks your path*
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Isn't this giga broken?
20% damage isnt THAT big
its like 2 set bonuses
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>got Ellen
>got Zhu
>M6 Nicole
>M5 Ben
>Jane + Seth all but guaranteed
>Feixiao + cone secured
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does the car appear neatly parked if you choose Wise as your character?
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Brimstone is decent enough "cope assuming you have max stats 100% of the time. Shes a burst dps so its not the case. It's still better than a W5 starlight.

Top one is assuming max stacks 100% of the time, bottom one is with an average of 4 stacks. So you should expect around 15% less dps than signature with brimstone.
Yes it is
How long until 1.1?
Assault critting will get fucking HUGE numbers on big hp mobs
It's the same.
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>You might be joking but I actually do plan on swiping to C6 Corin at the first banner she is available on.
I hope she'll be on Qingyi's banner. I got her at M4 right now, so hopefully I'll get her M6 then.
*August fugg I meant next month
To anyone here with a Brimstone, does the buffs last through a chain attack without falling off?
uhhh wtf
Where are you finding CN TC I’d like to look at more of it
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I really like the game so far but... are any designs aside from the idol trio interesting at all? Even furries? All the characters that have been confirmed for future patches so far have looked just... okay, not as explosive and bold as expected from this game basing on the starting lineup honestly
The fact that she increases flinch duration for Qingyi/Stunner is already broken enough. Everything else is the chery on top
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Here's a (you) bro
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I'd do the same, but knowing mihomo, they'll probably put her on a Lycaon banner or something just to fuck with me.
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Bros one of my moles inflated to freakish proportions and started bleeding should I take it out with a razor?
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>my last 84 pulls as a F2P
>only to get Koleda'd in the end
>tfw no asscop
>tfw till stuck with Ellen and Niggamata as my main DPS for SD
>Grace is still unusable because no Rina
I fucking hate my bricked account.
Might as well uninstall at this point.
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I want the rat so badly
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What a fucking ugly character at least I know that banner will be a save one
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Source? come on
Should’ve photoshopped part of her fox ear off my dude
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when current banner ends and then a few more days after that I guess
Jane doesn't have the damage boosts that other anomaly characters have so it's not quite as busted as it looks, but she's still going to be the best
It depends on the disc bonus. Ice and Ether dont really care since their bonus is predicated on it being triggered, not being active.
Electric cares a lot since its only active while the enemy is stunned.
Fire kind of cares since the crit bonus is lasting a lot longer if the burn is up for its full duration.
Physical doesnt give a shit but thats pretty obvious.
you should see a doctor
moles do not suddenly inflate
>people rolling for brick yuan and brickllen instead of this
Warned you about bothering with 1.0 banners bro
Just like Genshin, the designs peak at 1.0
By "Pela" i assume you mean "overrated dogshit vehemently promoted by deranged pedos" which in this case, refers to none other than Soukaku.
I NEED a Chauvin/Floyd kneeling edit of Zhu Yaun
why is she pointing towards her tits?
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She's gorgeous.
bilibili, you need to type the chinese words in the search for what you are looking for even if you are just copy pasting
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>Assault crit
Can she support for Piper?
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There is no way
There is NO FUCKING WAY they leave assault the way it is
Literally what's the point of any other anomaly?
It was funny watching the collective meltdown on /a/ when this show was airing
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I am beyond jealous
Meeting Corin for the first time as a business partner with her house and raping her while she drops her spaghetti
1.0 banners is when you should roll since the game is just so shallow anyone would drop before 1.2 at the latest
Got baited by Klee into playing genshin for years just to watch her get powercreeped by new characters with shit personalities and shit designs.
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just roll M4 Seth and Jane Doe next patch to unbrick your account
tldr on how to build and play the cop? what skills to upgrade
nekomata slave.
>1377 tapes
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soukaku would be the noelle.
the do-it-all character.
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Any anons out there who still only have 1 S Star Unit?
Kinda glad I got rina'd
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>just to watch her get powercreeped
She was never good
Way too clunky to play
Even fucking Diluc was more desirable as a fire DPS
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Lucky! I’m still at C0. I think she will be on one of the banners in 1.1 because there aren’t that many A Rankers and there is some synergy.
>Qingyi - Corin needs good stun and will activate robocop’s passive
>Jane Doe - physical damage
A Lycaon banner won’t happen but I’d still roll cause he’s good for Corin and my goal is to maximize her capabilities ASAP
no blowjobs from the rat
It says any squad member, but you'd need some kinos on Piper to make her worth bringing since Jane has no problem triggering Assault herself
He put money into the game, what's so hard to understand about that?
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>Ask your Pubsex gs to pose for the camera
>She pulls this
Some girls are just plain goofy.
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She wants to be the sole Phys dps then have Grace + Rina/Seth/Qinyi for Disorder
>2000+ rolls
text editing exists
Klee was dead on arrival retardbro, she was never better than xiangling or diluc and she was never better than yanfei either
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fuck your sister
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how do i cope... this 2nd account is so fucking dogshit. i just wanted Zhu Yuan.
also reposting bullying ellen..
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>he rolled for attaACKers
>when they are powercreeped by anomalyLORDS next patch
Mixing def shred and pen% is actually bad
Imagine an enemy with 1000 def, if you have 70% pen% it ends up at 300 def
But if you have mixed 40% def shred and 30% pen% the def shred applies first since it's on the enemy, bringing the defense down to 600 that your 30% pen then applies to which gets you to 420 final def instead
Which means that pen% is bad (or worse) on her specifically because you use her with Nicole
I wonder how long this game will last until it starts dropping players by the millions
Honkai had that very nice promise of hooking you with a character you like and basically supplying you with several variations of the same characters you're already fond of
Ellen being my favorite design and every single future release being bland, I see no reason to stick around
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would you?
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>Another Survey
this one is the fifth? maybe they will actully listen lol
basic and core skill first, then skill and ultimate is the upgrade priority
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just for perspective 1377 tapes is 220k polys
is this my post? i don't remember posting this...
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it's caled "whaling" anon
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>306,720 polychrome
why would anyone use inspect element to lie on 4chan?
anons are honest.
I saw people freaking out over this manga. Does it genuinely go down the incest route at the halfway point?
thats a disgusting amount
like thousands of dollars worth
I only have Soldier 11. Currently holding everything for Miyabi banner.
>falling for the anomaly meme
>when enemies that lock their anomaly bar are 100% coming in the near future
Lmao useful idiot
>Really enjoy Zhu yuan rotations
>Really enjoy disorder comps
... I think I just find rotation optimization really fun.
Piper and Jane in the same team is just reductive, makes way more sense to boost the shit out of Jane's assault stats alone and bring Grace and Rina for Disorder.
Im sure Piper and Jane will end up half however unless Assault receives some sort of nerf via enemy selection
Maybe you should just stop playing now.
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When a white woman comes of age she has two paths to choose
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How essential is the ass cop?
The next damage dealer is the rat.
I had abysmal luck in general, I have the shark to carry me in one side but can Corin carry me in the other?
I actually think the starting roster's designs are too weird, like there isn't a single fujo-pandering character except Lycaon but only for specific types of people.
Like, assuming it wouldn't eviscerate me? Yeah why wouldn't I
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Only if it grows some manner of a mouth in its weird etheric globe thing it uses as a head
Good luck foxfriend.
no yes
>Literally what's the point of any other anomaly?
To procc them before Assault so you get the Disorder procc and nuke the enemy.
>Ellen being my favorite design and every single future release being bland
If the game is about collecting the prettiest woman to you and you dont want to play now that you have her, then sure you may as well quit.
Not even saying that to be spiteful either, if youve hit your goal and you dont feel like playing then dont.
they are dying on their hill its doomed
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I still haven't built at second team/done the Shinyu Defense 7+ and I just got to Interknot 43 today. I got kotted on the first and Rina's weapon the second.
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>watch this sweaty voluptuous beast all day whilst working on a construction site
Someone help me cope. Tell me she's not a brick like the foul kot.
Wait you weren't joking that you aren't coming back to WuWa? We are so dead right now that all we talk is how we are superior to hoyo games
>How essential is the ass cop?
not at all, you can clear everything without her
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How to get one mirrion dennies quick without bp? i already hit z-merit limit
do your hard mode quests
I get the feeling that normal crit rate and crit damage from gear won't work with this.
The entire endgame for mihoyo games is just to wait for them to slip up and release a broken character that they're not allowed to fix and have to design all future content around.
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Feels so go to be a luckchad.
She's fine.
Part of the future T0 Rat team as long as you roll Grace too
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friendly reminder
she's the best support supposedly. i say supposedly because you probably have a m6 nicole and she is just as good if not better. I also got her on my fail 50/50 but have no reason to use her over nicole.. also i NEEDED a replacement for grace since i find her gameplay so fucking boring, 3 autos into skill auto skill repeat. Zhu was supposed to save me.
Grace is going to be my 300 pick once I get there.
how the fuck do her dashes work? there are way too many fucking names for all these shitty mechanics
To buff assault :)
is cop girl good or nah?
When did that happen for the first time in genshin?
>screenshotting your own post
>have brimstone koleda and M5 Lucy
>No S11
>have M2 Ellen and M6 soukaku
>no lycon
>have Rina and guarantee the rat
>no grace
It's like I'm so close yet so fucking far
>wuwa is so great its biggest fans spend all day on 4chan talking about other games
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sniff this and then decide for yourself
im glad you are stroking out. die
The Notebook
I hope this is being compiled somewhere
you'd be gay if you wouldn't
C1 Rina with Brickomata's engine (works well on Corin though)
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>he bought the top up 28 times just for the exclusive channel
i simplified the math though, 200k polys, removed the polys that people would typically have by saving up to this poiint (20k) and rounded the bonus polys so its not exact.
>86k polys in the engine channel
>don't see a sign of any other engine rolling
>12 top ups of the 100 usd pack

so in total its roughly 40 top ups of the 100 usd pack. I can't provide the yen amount but a lot of these whales don't even care about that so its likely a straight up 4000 usd. I hope my napkin math helps.
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there is no god (for me)
this is what I get for being a gacha virgin...

will it ever get better?
Very good. Also personally the most fun character to play so far.
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This general is owned by many growing factions!

Hagbwos (I feel bad calling Rina and Grace hags though)
General Maidbwos
Boobwos (always be a good parent to your bangboo!)
Anbybwos (She'll always be your first stunner! Don't forget about her even when you get S rank ones!)
And many more bwos waiting to be discovered!

Be nice to all of them! We all get along! Even if mean stuff is said sometimes!

I got Zhu in 80 rolls and got Nicole to M4! Should I keep rolling to try and get Nicole to M6?...I do wanna save for Qingyi now though which is probably smarter huh.
unironically they released the best mob character so they nerfed him by making way more elite mobs that can be sucked. Ganyu use to be a rocket launcher until ult spamming is way faster than just aiming for 1.5 seconds since they added more than 2~4 elites on the field.
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>5 hour thread
>600 posts
I feel kinda bad
what's a wuwa
You do atleast have Piper for the top team?
she can dash in any direction at almost any point of her combo string. Finish the string to get a charge stack, you also get charge stacks by doing chain attacks, EX, Ult or dodge counters.
Be careful not to infinitely loop yourself in her mid-combo dashes since you won't get any stacks that way
Got your stacks up? Unload by holding her normal attacks
That's it
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what did raiden bosenmori mei mean by this
john lee
Technically Venti, when they made everyone immune/resistanr to getting sucked together to nerf him.
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mommy nineveh...
It happens at least once every major version. It started with Venti
if he used VPN he saved like $1200 USD
didn't they have to buff the fucker cuz chinks were mad he was trash
i hope you die. kill yourself. fuck off.
yes if she stops doing the tentacle phase
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Corin rabu
based billyGOD
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>metafags will have to roll for this
Probably best to save.
>combo string
which is this? spam basics?
>Be careful not to infinitely loop yourself in her mid-combo dashes
wtf is a mid combo dash
I need you
You know wuwa is dead when all their threads start with a screenshot post/official art instead of fan art.
Then youre not fully bricked then atleast. Koleda/Lucy/Piper and Ellen/Anby/Soukaku arent perfect but they are certainly above average teams
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should i spend my bangbucks on more boopon pulls or use them to get another devilboo copy
couldn't just give her normal ripped pantyhose
had to make it half pantyhose half garter stocking?
bunch of retards
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you can't go by thread timers
about a third of all threads made are double threads which get recycled. I am not trying to defense them, just pointing out that its dumb to compare posting rates, posting activity, and durations as they are all easily manipulated. Especially post rates and shitposting, some people measure it as a means of success but it just means you have more shitposters than usual.
Once a youngster understands this fully they won't bother to shitpost with it anymore. Sadly it takes years for them to get enough 4chan experience to understand.
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Fuck metafags. The second I saw a sexy rat hag with daggers and tail attacks I was sold.
She can do negative damage for all I care
Will el ratto still be good if I don't have Grace? I guess I'd just roll for the next anomaly character right?
hope you like harumasa
I like wuwa, played and did my dailies already.
I do not like /wuwa/. It's just inferiority complex: the thread
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my cop wife
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>rat is literally going to be in all assault and anomaly teams until eos until another character makes assault crit
I would have liked to max her potential over time but apparently the power creep is pretty damn strong already so every character will have an incredibly short expiration date
Tech bubble and crypto made a lot of retarded autists very wealthy.
So how is she not just Nekomata : forma de rato?
Even her animations look like shit, her model just disappears and a bunch of non-descript fast lines appear
Rat sex was pretty popular the moment her animations dropped. Pretty unfair to accuse ratfuckers of being metafags now.
its not a recycle thread, you can scroll the thread yourself
all the post times are normal, theres just like one post every 5-10 minutes
If you have rina you can cope with rina seth but grace is the best
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I will simply roll all the cops. I might even just roll everyone.
So how is Elemental Damaged vs +Atk% calced in this game? Is it like Star Rail where Elemental Damage is a significant damage increase over just mode Atk (in most cases at least)?
well shes not an attack unit for starters
Piper is good enough desu. Jane is an easy skip
Good, but has unusual controls and attack patterns you'll need to be willing to learn. Be sure to try her out first.
dashes are just to move around fast while attacking. her main mechanic are her shotgun shells that you can store up to 9. (top left) holding basic shoots a shell until you let go or run out and main form of burst.

enough regular basics or dash attacks build up 1 shell at a time. using parry to bring her in gives 3 shells, ult gives 3 shells, the assist when you break enemy and bring her in with that gives 3 shells, her ex special gives 3 shells. Have shells ready when she breaks enemy bring her in and unload her shells (hold basic) is the general idea.
correct, her basics/normals/etc
>wtf is a mid combo dash
alright to put it simply, lets say her basics = L and her dash attacks = D, it's inputting any direction whilst spamming her basics
you can do shit like
you can spam basics and hold back for her to dash backwards with i-frames, hold one of the sides and spam basics to slide left and right, hold forward to slide forward, etc
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My fat shark girlfriend is so cute.
It depends on how autistic the new requirements are for the new characters. Yanagi is confirmed electric, and is likely anomaly, but what if to activate her passive you need her faction or a DPS?
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nice general bwo seems fun
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>no crits
Yea is what I've been using for the time being
>Nazrin: Do not the rodent, we're carriers!
I wanna roll Jane now specifically because Piper (and Piperfags) disgusts me.
I'm rolling because she's hot and cool and I also want Seth because he uses a charge blade.
Rule of the cool.
risking your accounts for something so tasteless
Jane is going to be a skip for most players right? You have to have Grace to even consider it?
Starlight Engine specifically is busted because it acts as a total atk modifier after buffs
>people say FGO is bad
>except FGO has a 1% base rate and 80/20 split
>meanwhile this shit has 0.6% rate and 50/50
And don't give me the "muh pity" shit. With rates this bad you essentially have to pay roughly 130 pulls to buy your way to a new character. The rates are so astronomically bad that, outside of some really lucky moments, you just fail your way to pity twice.
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very organic
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even when it isn't a recycle thread im just pointing out that its just layered shitposting that is mostly irrelevant.
>x game is slower post than y game you guys!
>z game has higher post rate than T game!!
If I chain into a bangboo from Soukaku, does it eat her buff?
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Venus LOVE
Isn't Jane basically C2 nahida to ZZZ's hyperbloom?
>so much powercreep so soon

LMAO, even as a dolphin I'm jumping ship
fuck these jewish assholes, they don't know how to balance
It's been nice since most of the shitposters got bored
My current teams are
I've got all the A-rank characters, but S11 and Neko are my only S-ranks so far. I'm currently kinda torn about how to plan my rolls.
Between Zhu, Rat, and Qingyi, it's only Qingyi I really want. But I'm wondering if I skip Zhu to guarantee her, or get Zhu and then hope I win the coinflip next banner? I'm kinda worried that, worst case scenario, I skip Zhu and need to use all my rolls for Qingyi (because my luck has been abysmal so far) and so also won't be able to get the Rat, where do I even slot in Qingyi then? Any advice from more experienced gacha-senpai?
I have two of Ellen's W-Engine from luckshitting so I'm just having Zhu Yang use the second.
gentle femdom goddess
More HZ ;)
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>unique mode and dodge mechanics
>makes neko look slow
>is Anomaly, not Attack
she looks fun imo
>animations look like shit
happy for you anon, you get to save throughout her banner
I'm guessing the answer is no since it's jewhoyo, but I have to ask: if I lost the 50/50 on Ellen, am I guaranteed Zhu Yuan in the new banner?
I'm aware, but I was talking more about a Atk% slot 5 disc vs an Elemental damage one.
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I need Venus doujins as of last month.
Piper is going to fall off as soon as the difficult content is like Nest 11/11 and you just are not given a single second to use her spin and wont be able to survive spinning even with the 40% damage reduction.
Almost no one has gotten to that point yet understandably, but if its a sign of whats potentially to come in a new shiyu. Piper could very easil drop off a cliff in terms of viability depending on how they proceed with content and I say this as someone with C4 Piper.
If Rat has access to more invuln especialy on EX its over.
the answer is yes
The "meta" choice is Qingyi because she's essentially a Lycaon that works for all teams and there are no other stunners leaked for a long time
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>failed to get the chink cop
>next S-rank DPS is in 2+ patches
Ok, where do I go from here?
Should I just invest all my stuff into Nekomata and cope till the rat comes?
Help me build some teams for Shiyu Defense, bwos....
You don't need crits. Piper is fine.
Shut up, faggot.
I like Piper and Rat.
>that weird ass triangle on the side
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*blocks your path*
she prob will have invuln on EX since most S rank characters already do.
anyone know what el ratto's w-engine does?
will grace/rat/piper be good
ion wanna replace pipper...
i still dont get it
wouldnt using the dash at any point during basic attack spam cancel out the combo? im assuming you want to spam basic to do the final hit which seems to regain a charge but wont the dashes fuck it up?
Fuck off faggot, you're not a cute girl. Go drink some coffee by yourself like usual.
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Piper is better at sex than the rat and that's all that matters
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My two most wanted units. Time to full send on Jane now
>didn't roll for shark
>not rolling for ass cop
>on the fence about rolling for robopussy
>not rolling for rat
Now what? Il have plenty of tapes whenever I see a new character that makes my dick tingle.
kek my thoughts exactly
Brimstone on Ellen or Zhu?
Yeah, Jane is going to be the first T0 futureproof character. They'll have to kill anomaly to stop her.
>y-you can't powercreep 4 stars!! genshin could never!!!
>my benito bouken boi and shartling can still clear after 4 years
>why isn't every gacha like my very first gach-ACKKKKKKKKK
There's no way Piper isn't just an onahole in bed.
>have the entire cunning hares and soukaku as standing out character designs
>bunch of drab cops and the most un-rodent rat character to ever walk a videogame
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only one option left
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Why do people say La Rata needs Grace to function? Couldn't she serve as a replacement for Piper on S11 and Lucy's team?
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she blinks out of existence in 80% of her animations
what's the point of rolling for a hot character when you can't see it for 80% of the time
I don't want to get ethereum STDs
How are you activating Rat's passive in that team retard bro?
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Ah I just realized you can't get Zhu to max trust rank because not all the cops are released so they don't want to spoil the background thing?
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Based SAVEchad
Keep saving, you will own all your favorites
Her and boob pink chick probably. Yeah. I had to endure Ayaka back in genshin so im adapted to sword autism.
>make enemies without anomaly gauges
easy as shit, this is already in the game btw
>didn't touch his commission and left him stranded in front of Tin's for a week
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>Didn't roll on or plan to roll on any of the limited characters
I'm in the same boat but I got Piper cope rolling after being pity broken so I'm sticking with the kot.
Everything about her looks retarded, every facet, fuck bitch
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What would happen if I played Jane with Zhu & Nicole?
I don't know if I should build Pipper or just wait for Jane
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She needs a second anomaly for her passive.
Also grace + rina are the perfect duo for RRRAT to proc huge assault disorder.
They're both shit. On average FGO is probably less shit, but that doesn't really matter to the unlucky fucker that burned 900 quartz without getting anything (me).
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rewards if you haven't logged in yet for the new icedrift hollow event:
2400 bp exp (2.4 levels)
1 ring? (same as gen-shin crowns for skills this requires completing every task?)
250 polys
15 ether chips (octagon type A skill)
100 polys
8 red logs
8 red w-engine modules
4 bangboo widgets (pink)
3 bangboo rolls
? Interknot exp unknown
I am completely out of dennies.
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I've seen people get S in Shiyu Defense with lvl 40's and I can barely get A with my fire/ice teams. What am I doing wrong? Should I farm drive disks?
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how the fuck isnt this classed as powercreep?
>crit damage substat
>huge crit rate passive
>35 (thirty five)% elemental damage boost
what the FUCK
It’s funny. People think that the devs made Bennett, XQ and Xiangling busted on purpose. It was an accident.
Technically Gnaw works regardless of who inflicts the Assault. So maybe?
>got knotted earlier today
>had to spend 150 rolls to get one Zhu Yuan
Feels like proper shit launching ZZZ now...
cuz sarlight
You wouldn't get maximum damage from disorder procc'd by Jane, because corruption isn't dot.
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if you need a second team build piper
if you already have a second team available do not build piper
it's not complicated anon
>waited a year for Ayaka
>her whole gimmick was banned as soon as her region ended which is worse than being powercrept
Qingyi will be good in basically any team so I wouldn't worry about not having anywhere to use her.
If you haven't really rolled since the start and have a lot saved I think your chances of getting both Zhu and Qingyi are pretty good, there's 40 days worth of time from now until the end of Qingyi's banner so there's actually a lot of extra time to save, but if you don't want Zhu or Rat then you can save for anyone else.
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I can help with that but you have to come to my room completely naked
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I have a million Dennies. But im going to spend them on convincing Nicole to be my personal exclusive GF.
I still love Ellen
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>Spend all my fucking 82 rolls on a cop
>Use my last single roll because fuck it
>Get a furry that I will never use
I might as well quit, I will not be able to save up for anyone for fucking months now
>only 7% better than starlight engine
You get iframes during it and certain dash loops loop the latter part of her basics combo, giving you fast charge stacks, other variations speed up the whole string in general by changing it
There's a ton you can experiment with in training mode, you don't have to worry about any of it though as you can simply stick to the basics and still do really well. If you do experiment around and master it you'll get rewarded nicely for it
Simply put, there's a string or variations for ANY situation depending on what the enemy is doing, your energy, the amount of stacks you got, etc as you can weave in charged shots in the middle of her regular combos too
I much prefer hoyo's pity system since you at least have the luxury of playing this like a long form rogue like game with strategically planning out your pities

t. saved an entire year for the first merlin banner and got buttfucked hard
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>he rolled for Ellen
>he's rolling for Zhu Yuan
u won though xd?
sig weapons are expensive and should always be stupid OP
if you want an easier time you will need to level your 2nd, 4th, 5th, and possibly 6th disk on your dps units with the correct main stats, substats while nice won't matter as much at this point if you want to clear further. You can get to at least level 10 with mid disks.
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when does pity start kicking in?
Depending on what you got in disks, they can definitely make a big difference.
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>we are entering the realm of Lycaon being a complete brick for months because people didnt roll for Ellen
Pela, Tingyun and QQ bwo
She was my 1st 5 star- so I was determined to make due.
I ran her in a Superconduct comp because im a masochist.
Don't care
Not a metafaggot
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>Get a furry that I will never use
He's the best Ellen teammate and you do have Ellen
I mean it fucking sucks to lose the 50/50 but you only half-lost desu
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I come from snowbreak , is having S rank weapons be atleast 20-30% better than free stuff really that shocking in hoyogames?
I thought paid weapons being atleast that much better than the max free stuff was the point and if they're not then usually they're patched to be that way.
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Sorry anon, I fail to see why I should be convincing you of why I like her. To me she's hot and her gameplay looks fun and flashy. If you like what you see then roll, if you don't then skip, there's nothing more to it
>Ganyu didn't come out until 1.3
>Jingliu didn't come out until 1.4
>Miyabi is coming in 1.3
Impulselets shall be punished, saveCHADS shall be rewarded with 2 years of absolute meta dominance
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thanks gwi
no, really, what kind of stats do I need on cop to clear SD10 1/2 inside 2 minutes
and what team
my ellen team can do it but then my S11 team can't finish 2/2 in time
Second anon here. I do have Ellen, I just didn't want the knot
Wait, is the OP pic real? I thought hard pity was 90...
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I have ellen and zhu yuan, the next logical course of action is to save for miyabi it just makes sense
>anytime she isn't a dead fish she will spin on your dick until it tears
>pity doesn't carry
>have to save 8+ months as a F2P to guarantee a character you like
>second NP copy isn't guaranteed after the first one is obtained
It's even worse considering you have to roll for NP2 for 99.9% of AoE loopers, you disingenuous piece of shit.
Go shill your dead game elsewhere.
There's no modern gacha worse than FGO in terms of currency. You included newer calcs and ignored that FGO doesn't guarantee coinflips.
They could have very easily powercreeped them retard. There was nothing stopping them from making a limited 5* better Bennet, better XQ or better xianling.
its been FOUR YEARS
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am i missing something?
>coffee doesnt give you more energy, just a different cup design
>worthless food buffs
>more chance for ether resonia to show up(?)
how the fuck is this classified as an "event"??
a true save chad never rolls ever and just plays the game with free units
play your new toy event. u rike?
The fact that those retards don't understand why that's bad is hilarious

>I sure love using the same team core for 4 years :)
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You do not understand anon I demand you give me an explanation you're not making the rules here
It taught me that food works in Hollow Zero so you can rape your way through weeklies.
don't argue with metafags, they will never understand the pain of getting spooked by a m*le, much less a f*rry meta m*le
Ether type resonia are atleast good for the primer collection, thats like 60+ polychrome just for collecting them.
Yeah having access to baby emoji coffee every day and it not even being a bonus sucks.
this is like zoomers being afraid of piracy
I roll with my dick, playing a single player game for meta is retarded if it can clear that's fine
the resonia are tied to the new event, if you find the new resonia you can clear the checklist of event tasks, which nets you extra rewards.
at the very least everyone should choose that one every day i think until they clear it.
No Country for Old Men
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would you a cat
Too real
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I really wish this game had some real vocal tracks
New thread
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Why are wuwa's titty mods better than ours?
she can still clear in mono freeze she just needs investment and sucks against bosses that spaz out
she gave you 10 batteries bro
thats more than a free coffee a day for a week wouldve given you
you even get to save it
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I'm a filthy Hazama main in BB and now I'm getting a hot female rat version of him instead of snek ARE YOU SATISFIED NOW
doesn't food only work 3 combat times in zero or the entire thing?
In genshin its fine because the gameplay has literally not changed in 4 years. You just spam skills and ult and use your one main DPS to do everything until its all back up again so seriously who fucking cares if you dont have to switch out to new characters.
In ZZZ new characters means new everything so theres more innate fun
yeah, guaranteed doesn't mean shit on it's own in terms of F2P friendliness because it depends how many rolls you can collect, and with mihoyo it's not a lot.
FGO gacha is still worse though.
Yes. Im going to use my 300 picker on her.
that looks like shit. Like most mods unfortunately.
I could literally lose coinflip to Lycaon 6 times in a row and I would still leave him lvl 1.
Never building that faggot.
>hasn’t done any end game content
>bitching about a good unit
based retard
>Hazama main
I guess upgrading to ratfucking is at least putting your life in a better direction.
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I accept your explanation
I must go now my people need me
Ganyu was the first real limited DPS and Childe outlived her, DPS aren't the meta here anyway it's stunners and anomaly
Zhu in general has tons of crit rate and elemental damage in her kit but comparatively low attack.
FGO is better long term, but really sucks if you want to guarantee a particular character.
It looks far better than the one I responded too. The wuwa ones actually have a natural shape and sag to them. Ellen's look like fucking bolt-ons. It's disgusting.
All wuwa modders are genshin modders though.
It's not, because they balanced the game around them instead of adjusting and making them the baseline. And 4 years in only one of them has a 5* limited SIDEGRADE kek.
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Same as long as she doesn't show up before then.
You can use C6 Soukaku as DPS. So something like Soukaku, Lycaon, Lucy.
That truck represents my dick when I'm with these two girls
They don't cost dennies.
>It's just inferiority complex: the thread
It's pretty wild how mentally ill/spiteful some of the fags in there is
I've only gotten 2. Where are my survey polys?

The noodles is actually good though. You have basically permanant 30% Ether attack throughout this event as every 3 battles you can go back to soup and re-eat it for free
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