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Previous: >>487465492

>Download - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - For Display Only
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X account

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online) - https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull Tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers

>/zzz/ Thread Template
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Going to 404 Live with my emo shark girlfriend.
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You're all going to jail!
Stop calling my mom for permission to marry me!
Chances of Hoyo giving out goodies like 10 batteries every time a new character releases? They obviously did it this time because they realised most people were hitting the IK40 wall and dying of denny and material bankruptcy
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She's too fat so I skipped her.
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i see
the only reason they gave us the free 10 batteries was because otherwise people may object to the rate up ether/coffee/food/resonia buffs as it would possibly lock them out of some of the daily buffs, so to fix that they gave an amount of energy higher than a weekly amount of coffee.
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Asscop is so much fun bros. The way she pumps a stunned boss for a gazillion damage while proccing corruption is jist mwah *chef's kiss*

It also helps she fits in any comp and doesn't need to be tangled with a BDSM furry. Glad I pulled her and got some Nicole C's as well, Zhu really is the F2P Goddess
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How do I salvage this account?
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>nikke gets top 1 in Jp revenue
>10 free pulls

>BA gets top 1 in Jp revenue
>10 free pulls

>zzz gets top 1 in Jp revenue
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>Jane is going to make this crit
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>MFW I find and download the ZZZ Diaper mod with lore friendly designs and brands.
Soon, crinklebwos! Let's manifest this into existence together!!
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billy time?
>he isn't rolling for c2 rathida
What mental illness is this?
30 chromes at best gweiro
Funny because I rolled her because she wasn't fat enough
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Thank you for pulling for me.
its probably related to if they decide to rate up a free coffee or not.
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>Knotted for the second time on stable channel
Jesus Christ this dude is just like Gepard in HSR. Constantly getting him instead of the other standard characters
your 10 free battery charges?
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>Marcel GROUP
Those games are not ran by Miyohomo. They are on top- their asses firmly seated on their laurels. Why bother when they are on top?
I wish somebody would knock em down a peg- I could use free shit.
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Pull more kot
All your next 50/50's will now be nekotardo
All your standard S pulls will be nekotardo

Ur welcome bwo
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I failed to get the cop, is there any point in getting Qingyi on an account with no S-Rank attackers or should I just go all in on la rata?
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Neko is the cutest

>Piper Lucy and Neko
Just roll for a DPS and Nicole cons before it's too late
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Why are they powercreeping so hard 2 months in?
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Ummm Corinchuds???
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They probably did the batteries gift so people won't complain about being unable to build Zhu Yuan due to a lack of stamina.
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I was cheering for wuwa, hoping they would make mihoyo sweat a little, even though I didn't really care for the game at all.
>massive damage
>my Piper does over 100k herself
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I'm getting him to C6 once Qingyi's banner drops.
the game is clearable without S rank and you have Koleda.
This means you can make two amazing stun teams
im jelly of a c6 ben also
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She is so fucking fun to play, I'm kinda worried about what I saw from Miyabi after playing Zhu...
Anyway, I'm not sure to understand every stats, I got a Woodpecker Electro [6] with a base stat of "Anomaly Mastery", is that good? It's just important for anomaly character?
>game from makers of honkshit
>expecting no powercreep
Thank you for arriving (twice) in a single ten pull despite me talking about how much I wanted to hump your ass and ejaculate between your cheeks
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is this good?
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pity for wengine should be halved
i dont want any character without their wengine, now im in total roll paralysis.
fuck this game
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>build cop
>can now clear a bunch of stages on defense up to 15
Thank you shark and cop
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I noticed you got a few cute girls, like the cop.
If I download this shit today do I have a chance to get her?

and be honest, how much money do I have to sink to get a character?
>why is an A tier being power crept by an S tier
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CN theorycrafter here

there is no point in rolling qingyi if you don't have zhu yuan m1

there is no point in rolling rat sex if you don't have Grace and Rina

you have been warned

Thus is a game for whales
>didnt get the cop on either account

motivation to play gone
now imagine if that crit
I wish i got The Kot instead of Grace. Yea i said it. Nekos M1 is pretty damn good i would not mind getting that
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I didn't bother to learn asscop's kit during her story section. Now that I have her for real I realize the hold attack isn't a one shot, you can keep holding it to move and fire. It's so fucking cool.
post the joyous webm
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Prepare yourself anon
Corin is a kinky thing in bed
post cop
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uhh bros? I'm scared
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Since I don't have Grace, should I forget about the rrat and just roll for Cop Bunda?
>Anyway, I'm not sure to understand every stats, I got a Woodpecker Electro [6] with a base stat of "Anomaly Mastery", is that good? It's just important for anomaly character?
Anomaly isn't that terrible for her, but you'd rather want ATK% on your [6]
>do i have a chance
of course
>before the banner leaves
yes but you will need to hunker down and unlock a certain account level in a few weeks to maximize your rolls.
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>knotted three times
We have a white woman in our midst...
This nigga whaled on the standard banner
You can guarantee her if you go full autismo and clear all the content
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>more prophecy kino
it just skips the entire floor straight into the boss fight of the floor
sis im not gonna invest in anton or ben and billy's element conflicts with piper...
What is the benefit gained from having an obese officer on the force?
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Hold bros how we doin?
Interknot 45 in about a week max
If you played this religiously until you reached the end of chapter 3 you can probably guarantee her 100%.
>how much money do I have to sink to get a character?
Depends on your luck I guess. People ITT spending anywhere from 100$ to 3000$ on this banner alone.
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No. Atk% on DPS. Anomaly mastery is good on anomaly characters, energy regen is good(ish) on supports if they struggle on their uptime or can abuse energy well, impact% is self explanatory.
>30K disorder
>massive damage
I saw a disorder proc for 200K today...
On top of a 100K assault...
Being able to detect criminals by semen trails.
It's just a short random combat quest, pretty disappointing desu
Hey, I have this account but with an extra knot. I have guarantee on can't decide who I want. Zhu Yuan has a unique element and her shooty gameplay is pretty fun, but Jane is anomaly which I love. If only there was a way to test her...
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that is a personal preference, you asked if there was "any point"
I gave them. If you have misgivings you should state them prior to requesting an opinion.
>lol xd why are you bitching about getting X instead of Y?
>X is good too
>who cares that you wanted Y?
>be thankful that you got X!
Chaotic Metal 4pcs and Pecker 2pc for Zhu?
Just have S rank flat ATK and CR fully leveled with 2pc ether. The rest are A rank woodpecker unleveled. Starlight Engine and her both at lvl 50. No superimpose/refinement on it.

Premium Ellen team, Cop, Anby, and Nicole.
sis that video is like 2 weeks old back when people were all fucking knot lvl 30
Why would Zhu yuan M1 matter at all? The real brick is skipping Qingyi’s engine btw
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>zzz is getting 3rd year archon constellation powercreep
>but on 1.1
I might try a 50/50 on Zhu Yuan and then save the rest for Rat.
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my cop wife
Just play on JP and let all those noises wash over you like clouds of moonrune.
They're a member of TOPS (The cabal of the biggest corporations who effectively run the city) and Specialists in AI research. They are responsible for Bangboo. The Dadd-E commission questline is related to them.
I have all that exactly, but her W-Engine instead
still can't S-rank SD10, what am I missing
Imagine not investing in Anomaly/Disorder and investing in critbricks instead.
Yes, given that you can proc corruption consistently which is pretty easy with nicole and resonaboo
sis that was made with a level 1 piper, stop being stupid, we're all IK40 now
>not ryan reynolds eng dub billy
and i closed the video right there
sent ;)
Having the option to go 2/2/2 on artifacts is really nice
>do infinite abyss
>drowning in nav pins
>meet guy who wants nav pins to go deeper
>cool, the more the merrier
>give pins to him every time
>he turns into a fucking ethereal
Caught me off guard but okay.
>meet another guy who wants nav pins
>surely it will be different this time
>he still turns into an ethereal
I am a fucking moron.
>pay a guy to scout at level 80+
>he dies to the first ethereal he meets
What the actual fuck.
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>yfw they cheaped out and instead of giving a free 10 pull on the limited they decided to give a free 10 bangboo pull.
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ok I'm filtered, this shit is just grossly overtuned and unfun
how many rolls spend and how many rolls gained
More like mihomo is better at monetizing the game. Notice how the start there was no rolls but at the end of Ellen’s banner everyone had enough to get her? That’s by design. Same with how standard tickets dried up the moment you hit around 65-70 so you had to wait a week to get the next S rank. Everything they do is to make you spend money.
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what the fuck is this shit? this is so patronizing/condescending
>wooo little anon cannot handle his spicy goo goo ga ga
Whats that on the left there lil bro?
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should have mashed harder bwo
uh oh spicelet melty
If I start as a new player today, is it too late to get rolling as a f2p? I know how these gachas work. You get in early, or you're fucked forever by the fomo train. I want the new girl. Is it possible?
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I love this retarded s-rank rap so much
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>all these posts from anons who wasted all their rolls on the Ellen baitbanner and now missed their Zhu cointoss
Enjoy your BDSM furry and flag girl. You're gonna be stuck with them for a looong time :^)
A crit hypercarry comp?
don't burn yourself out it took me almost a whole day of trying and I only got it because I got the event that gave me all the crit and shield resonia, it's whale territory until IK50
Brick Cunny1 Cunny2
Anby Corin Rina
She's right
Literally worse than Hitler. I've also noticed that once you clear the current content, there is literally no way to get polys. I'm assfucked with 15 rolls to guaranteed Zhu because I have literally zero quests and SD/HZ to do.
>t. seething spicelet
go munch on a jalapeno little guy
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Gentlemen, I am sorry but...
I despise every inch of Jane's design except her tail.
t. Rat raiser
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It would be cool if they were bosses instead of playable characters
did you clear all the hard mode levels?
also theres a fair amount of poly rewards in mode zero
I only handle tech
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if your units aren't level 60 you ain't doing it
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am I supposed to upgrade discs before doing shiyu 9?
I do literally 0 damage even with shield broken
Make sure you parry to generate more stun, don't fully max out cop's ammo before the boss is stunned because you want to use EX special to get the CR bonus, gain full ammo, or have burst ready. Try and maintain Nicole's debuff. I'm also using steam oven on Anby instead of her sig because it gives more consistent stun.
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I'm too used to using corrin that I dont know how to play ass cop. Do I still have to stun the enemy? Does she have a burst combo for when I do stun them?
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how is my S11 clearing this faster
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>The technical problems in question
yes retard, disks are the biggest source of power increase in the whole game
you are unironically bricked if you havent been spending 90% of your stamina on discs since knot 35
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Yeah yeah. Gimme Kiana. The others can rot.
Wait Hollow zero gives polychromes? From leveling or the stages themselves? I kinda neglected that mode, i only make sure to get the weekly stuff
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If you haven’t noticed Shiyu Defense ends in 7 days so you’ll get enough rolls by then to hit soft pity when it resets and daily logins.
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Professor will probably be the main final boss of Hollow Zero mode.
if your damage disks are not upgraded you probably won't be.
even the level 50 billy solo had upgraded disks 2/4/5/6 and his dodge counter skill at level 9
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got Zhu on my first roll... I wanted to roll more for more Nicole and Ben what do I do now?
Is the weapon/engine worth rolling on for a 1 star version of it?

I want the other cop more than this one.
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Hi bwos! Hope you all win your 50/50's early! :)
That's what I'm doing now in a desperate attempt for a few more pulls. I'm seeing that once we blow through the "100 pulls" they advertised, you get NOTHING else. There really needs to be a HIA VR mission that gives 100 polys for 100 energy.
but why would you ever
>Anby Corin Rina
I've been trying this but it just sucks. Maybe it's because I have no fucking idea what Rina is supposed to do.
Stages + weekly missions + level
I have been getting discs I just haven't leveled up any because I was waiting for good ones
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t. never had real chinese hotpot
Probably because my anby and nicole are pretty undercooked atm.
Also I only have a lvl 40 brimstone on Zhu.
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roll until you get Nicole C2, another 30 rolls shouldn't hurt even if you get Zhu Yuan again
There needs to be a TV Tuner item you can buy for like $10.
>activate it
>you are guaranteed the S Rank character, BUT even if you would have succeeded at that 50/50, the item is consumed anyway
All this means literally nothing and is bloat to make her seem more complicated
>Do I still have to stun the enemy?
Asscop is actually quite a bit like Corin in that regard. Her enhanced mode (when you hold attack pressed and use up her shells) does increased damage on stunned enemies.
So you want to collect shells, switch toi stunner to stun, then unload her shells (reload by using her ult and EX) while the enemy is stunned and then rinse repeat.
I always go 3 shells >Ult>3shells>EX etc. to not waste shell reloading.
it's expected
>100$ to 3000$
100$ just to get her......?
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you just know.
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>There really needs to be a HIA VR mission that gives 100 polys for 100 energy.
I feel like I bricked my account by investing in more than 4 characters, especially after seeing that dude that cleared SD with just the cunning hares team of 3 people.
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Your Corin looks expired...
there are extra polys in the demos on the limited banner, and hiding in the static banner. It's not much but theres 100 polys in demos on the static, hiding in the 300 pity picker (20 each)
every 20 medals unlocked in zero gets you an extra 80 polys, on top of like 80 polys for the unlocks. You have to pick "new" medals though or it doesn't count on your runs.

the tutorials/trials have polys for each character you have in the archives, the new event has 2-3 rolls you can force out.
any more fantasies gweilo?
Why are gacha players so fucking stupid? If you wanted zhu and ellen you should have rerolled for a won ellen 50-50 then you would have both. It's literally elementary school math.
Kinda kino
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>decide to roll for asscop cause i lost to ellen
>get spooked with double s rank
>its the furry
>still have my guarantee for rat cop
comfy times bwos
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holy shit
>system that has a 50% chance to double people's spending on each copy of a character
>Lets change that $100 cost into a $10 cost because...
Youre going to need more to convince Mihoyo
You could have any number of reasons for wanting to do it, the option itself is just nice.
>all these Ellen rollers bitching about too few rolls
>junkies unironically rushing snake minigame achievements just to get one more pull
Kek, some things never change
I knew they were up to no good when they introduced the bangboo gacha. As if weapon banners wasn't bad enough.
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Bwo, your Corin looks a bit odd.
I kinda like zombie Corin.
no you can't. there's not 180 free rolls in the game atm
Zhu Yuan's fat ass motivates me to play better
Banboobros? Gangbangboos? Booasting couch?
yeah im having sex with all 5
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>monthly pass-let
you are so cringe
its always funny to see poor seanigs waste 10+ hours a day to earn $0.01 worth of ingame currency
just flip some burgers idiots
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What did I miss? I'm lvl43
Is M1 just a QOL? Calcs still have same overall damage.
What disks do you use with Zhu Yuen? I've just slotted Ether + Crit Rate.
Nta but why c2? I stopped at c1 because 5 energy per rotation doesn’t seem that good
Do NOT bang the bangboos
there's a bikini mod too
Last 3 quests unlock at 45
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>if no one gets killed ranking will be S
could it be? they're rewarding actual skill vs retarded dps racing?!
no way
this looks awful
Nice mod
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Is this a good team...
>"standard" abyss
Now complain again until they removed the gay time limit from the one that's actually matter.
>levelled zhu yuan to 50
>levelled s11 to 50
Now I'm slaving away in the disc mines...
Sharkbros I bring good news >>487465983 Found it
Password: cosplaytele
Sad news is that the webm is basically the entire vid
I just did my first set of 8x pull ups in my life
Mihoyo should rreward me with a free top up for Zhu
Zhu Yuan is so fucking simple there is literally nothing to her
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>Yanagi has healing in her kit
>and the spiral continues
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Crit DPS are way more gear reliant, post your shitty discs.
Lol yep. Defender mode.
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uh oh problematic
C2 lucy vs. C2 nicole for asscop once qingyi comes out?
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I rolled Ellen and I plan to save until 1.2 for the bow boy and will main him until the vampire butler comes out. Also I’ll be using my 300 on Lycaon. I’m the real winner in this thread.
>ult dump on stun
I have to see it to believe it. End game for mihoyo games has always been complete ass.
Do you even play the game? I've gotten 235 pulls (monthly added) So even then if you subtract -18 pulls you can guarantee a character without touching shiyu defense
It's still 1.0. we'll get 10 tapes when 1.1 comes out.
You havent played this mode yet.
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>lost Zhu coinflip to C1 Rina
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Did you guys buy Boopons with your investigation merits or did you clear the store for the rest of the items? please i must know

>lust provoking image
>another event giving out boopons instead of standard rolls
I knew that was why they put this shit in
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in a worse case scenario you need to convert every poly into a limited roll
Realistically there is between 20-25k free polys, maybe up to 30k but you may run out of time getting everything.
20k polys is 125 limited rolls once all converted. In the worse case scenario you will need roughly 140-160 rolls. Since I am not a newbie anymore I don't know if newbies get a free 10 limited roll which would bring you to 135. So you would need at the absolute minimum a monthly card (5 usd) and to pray. If you actually clear almost everything I think you can make it to a guarenteed pity and you do have a 50/50 on the first pity which is only 80 rolls roughly.

if anyone else has anything to add feel free, but a newbie has a pretty good chance due to the poly punch bowl being big when they start.
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>130% gain from M1
This is just Prydwen being retarded, right?
Yeah that will probably work.
Imagine rolling for bdsm furry + reddit, the epitome of soulless metaslave
Limited? There isn't enough for a guranteed. You can get close if you collected all the mail from day one.
more like rolls need to not cost three fucking dollars per and they expect you to roll 90-180 times, it's fucking insane that anyone spends money on these games at these rates
>inb4 poor
the rich know not to spend their money on stupid shit, it's usually their kids (grown adults) dumping thousands of dollars
Yeah, feels like it. It doesn't gives you MORE damage but it keeps your DPS consistent
4pc Chaotic Metal and Woodpecker
Remember that bopons were supposed to be for sale for real money too and be whaleable
I'm missing 4...
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>corrupted Nahida
My cock is in danger
I’ve used 174 rolls so far and I haven’t spent a dime on this game. Anyone seething doesn’t actually play the game or is retarded and spent their currency on the standard banner
I was mostly memeing but yeah sure, I am actually fairly happy with my piper build.
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it's the best upgrade until C6 which is really strong but would take a lot more rolls and he would probably hit pity so C2 is a good stopping point
Is Mihoyo so stingy since they will likely not release that many characters every year? I doubt they will go the HSR route and shit out two 5 stars every patch. I still hate the stupid boopons
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I gave up on getting all the boopons in favour of getting dennies. I'm too starved for money
yeah except she has undodgeable attacks unless you invested in dodge and takes 2 minutes to stun to only stay stunned for 5 seconds
I sleep like that.
>red bar same, blue way higher
how does that make sense
ellenfags FEAR this
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LMAO, are you guys that down bad for a chinese cosplayer?
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that took you 5 minutes and you did 10% of the boss, congratz!
Where can you see complete stats for characters? For example flat pen isn't on the main page.
>implying healing is good
healing is pointless until they release a Furina tier character
asians in general look down on you if you dislike spicy food.
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but i love lycaon
the only reason i even got ellen
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Damn lewd proxy
I can't even tell what the fuck is happening here.
>do you know them Corin?
>Yes Mr light cone
Tf? Did u meet this bitch somewhere before?
You can get a lot of polychromes from hollow zero and even the arcades, when I say clear all the content I mean it, you can get 160 pulls easily to guarantee one character
Sorry one from chapter 2 unlocks at 44 I forgot to mention that, the last 3 unlock at 45 but you need to grind HZ collectibles for the 2 combat quests
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Considering that my Anby is being used by Ellen's team, assuming I get Zhu, who could I put with her and Nicole?
Why are people acting like Ellen is bad now and not the most fun character in the game
What is your opinion on the upgrade? Worth it?
but blue bar is the "I fucked up my rotation" number
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blue is her on field doing shit
red is swapping into her for the duration of the boss being stunned
if you dont have her M1 shes basically as good as corin outside of burst
I lost my 50-50 on ellen and went to soft pity twice and I still have 40 limited rolls with another 20-30 available in achievements, hardmodes, and shiyu f2p btw.
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if Eous is 01 and the one running the counter is 18 where the FUCK are the rest 16 bangboos from the twins?
lol lmao, you fucked up now you get cucked.
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I wanted to like her, but she is so fucking boring to play...
oh i need to spam nicole more so grace can do more disorder? Am I missing something about grace? or is her gameplay really fucking repetitive.
>the rich know not to spend their money on stupid shit
Youre delusional sorry. The rich just dont see stuff like this an expense at all.
Rich people will order out food multiple times a week, hire people to cook, eat at resteraunts. Essentially spending 10x as much as the typical person on basic neccessities, maybe even 100x. Dont even get me started on clothes.
You just dont perceive it as bad because they can comfortably do it with no loss to their portfolio.

Poor people will spend above their means trying to emulate rich people and suffer for it. Its much more noticeable when they drop on a game. You can see this across all of society though. Its not an uncommon sight to see people who think "looking" rich has anything to do with being rich.
>racism outside /b/
i mean this game is chinese, they hate the japanese
>or is her gameplay really fucking repetitive.
Yeah it is.
Just pull for quinyi simple as
would unironically be funnier with wise
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No there isnt. Ive cleared shiyu till 13 S rank and 14+15 B rank. I have only a total of 199 pulls in total and like 20 pulls were because I kept getting 3-4 nicoles after C6 each 10 pull. Realistically you're looking at around 190 pulls.
>no BDSM dog
Bricked lol
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>Ellen and Zhu's M1
What the fuck. I guess this is the new strategy.
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>Went into cops banner with 180 rolls
>Lost the 50/50 and got Knotted
>Lost 50/50 on weapon banner and got Rina's weapon
>Have nothing left for the robot next banner
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Prydwen do not trust their own numbers.
This was literally me while I was waiting for Ellen to finally come home and using Corin in her place in my team.
>her gameplay really fucking repetitive.
It is, she's arguably the most boring character to play in this game.
However, she gets the work done and will easily outclass any S11 or Negromata team in SD, so she holds some value meta-wise.
Clear trash by keeping her before Anby to chain to her and assist back to Anbi. On stunned bosses do the same at the end of the chain, but also then immediately swap to Corin.

I mostly only use her this way, as pure prebuff for Corin. Her EX also triggers assist if you're on her for any reason. Builds decent electric actually and I should probably use it on demand like that.
nope, those are generational wealth babies, or upper middle class who have capped out on their desires so have nothing but spending money, which might seem "rich" to you but aren't really
self-made millionaires and elites only spend money to make more
Holy retard
I'm sorry anon.
>dumping thousands of dollars
if you care about thousands of dollars your not rich
i have a rich friend that dumps boatloads on gachas and his mentality is basically "the fun i get from spending the money is worth more than the money i spent"
its such a small % of his income that he basically treats it like the average person splurging on a nice dinner one night
>he rolled for the weapon when he already lost the character
I refuse to believe there are people this stupid
>Realistically you're looking at around 190 pulls.
You are proving my point then, guaranteeing one (UNO) character is 180 pulls but closer to ~160
I would if only the game would give me FUCKING PIPER ALREADY
This is why you don't roll weapon banners. Unless you are ready to whale- NEVER roll weapon banner.
That's just a conditional 50% damage boost. The crit damage is fixed.
thats basically a website saying "don't sue us if we are wrong and you went to c6 based on our numbers"
Ellen's sweet, delicious saliva in my mouth..
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maybe they shouldn't have bars that double from a single mindscape if it's that innacurate
I encountered a retard who was dropping the game because of "130% powercreep in 1.0" and that's why I posted it here but I figure it's just prydwen being prydwen
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I regret rolling for Zhu Lawrence
You’re fucking stupid. I know plenty of wealthy people in my circle and they’re the biggest jews I've ever seen. Self made wealth is created by discipline. The other anon is right it’s literally their kids or old money spending money on stupid shit. There also have been studies that the biggest whales are middle lower class who max out credit cards to fuel their addiction.
Zhu Yuan's Mindscape 1 is incredibly unique and does more for her than can be represented in calculations accurately. This Mindscape allows Zhu Yuan to gain the quick reload effect after using her Chain Attack or Ultimate, granting her an immediate refill of Shells after she uses her entire stock. The quick reload effect will refill 6 Shells when gained through her Chain Attack and 9 through her Ultimate. The impact of this Mindscape is threefold:
it allows you to completely ignore the need to build any Shells prior to any of Zhu Yuan's burst rotations as she gains an additional 6 per Chain Attack used bringing the total granted per chain to 9,
it allows Zhu Yuan to fully reload her Shotgun Shells after executing any full Burst rotation where her Ultimate is present granting you 9 Shells to use as you see fit while you prepare for the next Stun Window (refer to Mini Burst Rotation to how we recommend using these),
it drastically improves Zhu Yuan's ability to deal with inferior enemies granting her near endless ammo as you can continuously use Zhu Yuan's Chain attack on all easily stunnable small fry enemies you come up against.
Zhu Yuan can gain both Quick Reload effects at the same time allowing her to consume them back to back to recover 15 shells total (They stack and do not overwrite each other).
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more enemies like this
>just cunnin harew
Gonna need more info. Billy and Nicole change drastically depending on what cinemas they're at
About to do Shiyu 17, Zhu Yuan on side 1 or 2?
Grace M1 M1 M1 E.
Piper M1 M1 M! E.
Big numbers go brrrrrrrrrrr, brain releases happy chemicals
Just save for the weapon too retard
does grace work as sole dps? my s ranks are grace and rina. they should pair will but my nicole is m6 and level 40 and level 40 wengine (was planning on using amby and nicole with zhu and hyper focus them until i hit 40 to then build 2nd team.) what should grace's disks be?
>Zhu Yuan's Mindscape 1 is incredibly unique and does more for her than can be represented in calculations accurately.
it just gives her a reload, fucking prydwen
this isn't some dota 2 supercomputer meta redefining O(N^2) strategy
it's just a new rotation
>Tch... Too slow.
lost my 50/50 to the cat, is she actually that bad or am I good to save my guarantee for the robot instead. i think their passives still work together if nicole is the 3rd
People that rich probably aren't even playing gacha games.
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It's okay, my account was unbricked by losing the 50/50 anyway. Now I have the Grace+Rina combo.
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You were warned.
ignore the elite frogposter theorycraft cadre at your own peril
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>nope, those are generational wealth babies, or upper middle class
Both of which are still rich just not to a ridiculous degree.
>self-made millionaires
Which include crypto bros, streamers and only fans whores who all spend their money in stupid ways.
Elites wardrobes are worth more than your entire house put together and will spend more on staff and people to do the menial work for them retard, none of which is making them any money unless you start to obsess into a "my time is valuable" argument.

My uncle is a multi-millionaire (worked as a VP for a tech company for 10 years and retired at 40) and he spends he money on stupid shit. But he also invests it wisely so it doesnt matter that hes spending his cash stupidly
>new character comes out
>they don't give any free pulls

Da fuck? How am I suppose to get the cop after pulling Ellen + the shark WEngine?
Theres enough if you play the game and clear the story and content. You might need to spend all your chromes to get her if you lose the 50/50 though
On paper it's just QoL and lets you keep up more of your shotgun shells but it doesn't look like giga broken so I'd either go for M2 or stop at M0
If you're planning on really investing in her and don't mind spending then you can go up to M4 for the 25% Ether Res Ignore
kat is dogshit i regret leveling her on main. but i got ellen and knotbro so it's all good now. using kat with piper/nicole on 2nd team
but you can agree he's retarded
does he own a house? wife? kids? their future secured? if not, and he's blowing his money, he's not rich
and it's because of single men with too much money and no sense of value that they can charge THREE dollars for worthless currency for a sub 1% CHANCE at worthless pixels, so ~270 to 540 dollars, times six, every 3 weeks
a reasonable industry would see $120 a month (two AAA games worth) as a maximum amount for account completionism per patch, but enablers like your friend have allowed this to continue
you use anton to trigger the shock on that team
ive seen a lot of retarded rich people
yes there are tightwads, like my grandfather
>has millions of dollars
>lived in a 20k house built in the 50s
>never changed his standard of living from the 70s forward
>dementia claimed his mind in his 80s going forward
>now in a home refusing to use his money
>gets put in hospice in his 90s as the government syphons away his money
he never used any of it for anything and never got to enjoy it either.
Is Qingqyi's kit and W-engine descriptions already leaked?
Perfect. Thanks.
Why Korea only?
>Try to roll for the Cop for the Ether
>Get 5 Nicole in a row
welp...is Nicole good?
If you wanted Zhu Yuan you wouldn't have rolled Ellen.
You can still get the other cop and use her with Ellen.
Verdict on Zu yuan?

Flopped,? bricked?.Must pull?
>as your second DPS for SD
Your account is STILL bricked, thoughever.
kek, saved.
i dont have anton..
>self-made millionaires and elites only spend money to make more
According to who? You sounds like some Andrew-tate cocksucker
QoL in a arena fighter is DPS
>no free pulls at all on new banner
how do you guys let mihoyo get away with this shit, the games aren't even good and there are a million other gacha you can play
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Now I want to put this as the /zzz/ cytube logo
She's the F2P queen.

Works just as well with a F2P engine. Works in any comp. Fun playstyle with some minor tech, very satisfying to pump a stunned enemy for millions of Ether damage after a Nicole bubble.
shes a free defense debuffer
shes very good and has a very fast assist chain
she can easily help you handle content you wouldn't be able to before
do you have piper?
>there are a million other gacha you can play
Okay tough guy, name them.
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she is there and she is one of the characters of all time
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do we know something about the vtubers other than they exist?
>tfw want to get up and make a coffee and play zzz
>my cat is sleeping on my lap
>I know she’s in rem too since she is twitching
>million other gacha you can play
Yeah that look and play like ass.
No thanks.
This is all I wanted. I'm 26 searches away from guaranteed but I do not want the hag
So Belobog, Cunning hares, Pubsec, what’s the last bangboo on the right referencing?
>Verdict on Zu yuan?
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So who is this even good on aside from Rina?
Always invest in dodge and shield, they give huge damage boosts too
...and you think this game doesn't play like ass? you mash m1, press m2 when the giant light and sound effect tells you to, then press e sometimes
yeah level 1 tho
>does he own a house? wife? kids? their future secured
yes, yes and yes
i dont think its a good way to spend money but at some point if you dont "need" more money you just start looking for ways to spend it to have fun
hes not bezos rich though
he said that hes at the point where he can retire tomorrow and he wont be too stressed
though the source of all this is from him so take it with a grain of salt
when i was in elementary school i was
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do your sss missions
It's hard changing out of the mindset that you grew up with. I'm a millionaire, but I still agonize over discretionary purchases of shit like discounted steam games.
My Soukaku shafting my S ranks in terms of utility and damage, will they nerf her?
Based and silly old bear-pilled.
She is at the very least worth it being the only ether dps
I wasnt talking about that I was talking about how much pulls he'd have for it. I was just pointing out that your estimate was wrong.
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>According to who?
1% of the population moves 99% of the money, by using their money to make more money, it's common sense
dysgenic nigger grifter who promises young men that sports cars and whores will make them happy
Zenless Zone Zero
Neat, thanks
your nicole
>the games aren't even good and there are a million other gacha you can play

thats ur mistake, even if i say myhoyo is the only one doing gachas with good gameplay even if they need to turn them easy shits by mobile players, i still dont know about a gacha with a good gameplay like hoyo
right now, she looks like a must pull purely because she is the only other ether unit.
if you are in doubt, you can wait until the 1.1 stream, zhu banner will still be there.
That's good though. Starting out I spent an hour killing that lv8 shield boss learning his moves when all my units were lv1 getting 1 or 2shot, and I enjoyed every moment of it
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they're hot
that's about it
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Who is this?
Being simple doesn't mean it plays like ass.
>promises young men that sports cars and whores will make them happy
prove that it doesnt
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what game do you play that gives you free pulls on new banners?
I did get the pulls I stated, if you want to believe or not it's up to you
Anyone have that estimated pull chart of 1.1?
Happy for you bro, now you can save for Jane without a doubt.
Did you pick male mc or fem mc and do you regret it?
Total Seanigger Death!
it does, in the same way videogames and junk food do
a wife, children, and fishing bros will give you a thousand times more fulfillment though
guess i have plenty of time to save then.
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Why do we pretend Neko is bad?
The limited DPS don't have much better numbers than her and their windows are much smaller with more annoying sources of damage.
Male MC.
Not one bit.
I paypigged for C1W1 Zhu Yuan.
I’m sorry F2P bros, I’ve joined the whales.
Is that even better than an R5 Vault?
You can use these reductionist arguments for every action game ever made, you're not clever or insightful.
>Didn't roll Elen
>Hard pity lose to S11
>C6 Nicole and Ben
>Near hard pity with no Zhu
>Really wanted both cops
>Standard also hard pity

Bwos i think i might be bwicked
No one cares twink nerd
How many people here got a double S-rank today?
I regret not telling your mother to swallow
It means its potential to play like ass is much higher, and I think clicking one button repeatedly and then the game flashing and glowing when I need to press the other one is pretty ass. You have no standards
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>Y-yeah no, it's fine I didn't go either, haha!
>Said Nicole after waiting all day for you.
I always pick male MC the only time I regret it was Genshin
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Princess Connect ReDive, holy shit that game gives so many free rolls but its powercreep central and have PVP shit.
Same for Blue archvie, which is just a much better version of PCR.
Fem MC.
No, Belle is cute and I like her running animation.
Shes worse than every other S rank.
Doesnt mean she's bad, but the physical damage role is so bloated already that it ends up being even worse.
Doesnt help that her damage is balanced on C1 and her sig weapon.
no regrets
So how's Zhu Yuan supposed to work? Her damage doesn't seem all that impressive to me.
>blue shartchive
>better than priconne
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im in the group that digital png's in gachas are the same category as luxury cars but with a lower buy in.
Luxury cars have maintenance costs, gachas have timers that outdate characters due to content changes and future characters.
Both are retarded, but luxury cars can be passed down to relatives who may not even want it.
I am not sure where I am going with this so-....
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tfw even when i lose i still win
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>he fell for it
read the thread, retard bro
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>tfw Zhu Yuan is famous in other boards too

wuwa could never
not really. even something as simple as platinum's games have a much wider variety of buttons to press and actions to take in combat
Yeah, and Grace + Rina combo will work really well with Jane.
Burst DPS. You build her charged shells and use her burst mode during stagger.
Akira. Definitely don't regret it, women should stay home to welcome me when I get back. I really like how they didn't just make the other MC fuck off like in their other games but instead they have an important role.
I already fell for one yuan brick. I have learned my lesson.
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Janes doe is ugly and boring
>Entered this game for shark
>Got shark on first tenroll
>Got sharkboo without much effort
>Eventually got sharkball too
And got cop from two tenrolls i had stored up
Shark happiness achieved, as long as I can stay functional from this point on I'm content.
male, but I hope they give us more story moments where you swap perspectives between them
Male MC and no.
Omni harem chad and get to hear Belle call me Onii chan multiple times.
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I picked belle and yes I regret it badly
I want Belle to call me Onii-chan
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Whatever you say.
Keep yapping about those other good games.
I'll be having fun right here.
>Why do we pretend Neko is bad?
We don't pretend, we all saw the chinks showcasing how a C4-6 Corin can outdamage a Neko in SD.
Neko is literally an A-rank with golden borders till you get her C1 and her weapon.
Why do so many lose the 50/50 to Grace today? Something is wrong....
the rng moe signal tracker does not work! wtf. its been 2 days and i already pulled and leveled
>already deleted
guess its not that famous
All the characters actually playing differently makes the FOMO hit harder than HSR. It'll be tough to skip things.
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I admit that Kyaru is much better than serika
ugly once they have kids
why live for someone else when you can live for yourself? dont be a cuck
You’re low iq and I’m guessing you’re from a 3rd world country based on your English.
I will pay again for rat and seth.
It’s too late for me. I’ve become addicted to pulls.
There's a big fat mech that does the same thing.
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burny! Burny! BURNY!
I actually did shortly before reading this.
must be the black ponytail phenotype rate-up
But the rat is just Piper on steroids.
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I picked Belle and no, it feels perfect. Also Wise fels perfect in the role of the sibling doing all the background stuff. He's so calm and collected. Luv my onii-chan.
Corin can outdamage Ellen on her burst
when are you gonna show us your brand new bugatti?
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Am I the only one who played Zhu's trial in story before her banner and just thought she was fun and wanted her?

All I see is butt lovers and meta discussion...
I just like anyone who pew pews like Billy.
Guns are cool
There are three issues I have. If you pic Belle, she doesn't talk as much so you just hear wise talk. If you pick Wise, you get to hear Belle call you oniichan way more and dates with the girls are much better. If you pick Wise though Belle literally tells you when to go to sleep.
M6 Nicole or M0 Rina for Zhu?
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I picked Belle.
I'm happy with my choice but I'd be even happier if Wise could shut up.
She looks stupid- but in a fun way. I'd roll. But why do I feel like she'd be regulated to A rank? Hope im wrong.
I wanted an ether DPS to partner with Nicole.
I am like you bro, I lost coinflip on ellen banner right before i got to zhu in the story, played her trial and decided to save my guarantee
belle, and i love her voice actin and voice lines, it feels great that the mc is talking and is not a mute faggot
Kyary posters gtfo back to your ded game
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false on that last statement
picking Belle meant that Wise told me to go to sleep every time i did a mission in the archive up till midnight.
Though once I got past chapter 2 he backed off for some reason.
Gun characters feels really awkward in this game because of how parry focused it is.
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Based imouto

Cringe imouto
Give me your onii chan you don't deserve him!
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I hope they do her right.
I want to ignite the fucking world.
She’s already been leaked as an a-rank I think.
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Belle and nah, I like her voice so getting all those scenes with companions voice acted with her is nice. I enjoy my brocon yurige protagonist experience.
Only other gacha i actually played was girls Frontline few months at release. I am a gamer, not a gachaslop seanigpig. Most gacha is cringe weebcel indog pagpag.
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As a gunkata enjoyer I think the melee attacks and lack of STYLE didn't scratch the same itch as Billy did.
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Not like this......
>pick belle
>miss out on dicking the fat ass cop
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>lady walking towards you with flame thrower and the words fire in ornamental letters in her hair
what do?
Cutest Proxy.
That's what turned me off of her. I press attack at mid- range and she lunges in to kick. You have a gun- use it dammit.
this, give me anomaly fire that BURNS everything and I'll fucking dump everything into her banner even if she's just the A rank
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There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a beloved imouto.

Both MCs are valid peak comfy experiences for different folks

This is the only game I've played where you choose between being a beloved imouto with a cool dorky but hot onii chan that loves you and dotes on you (but we expressly say when you play as Belle he's bad with women so he's only for you!)

Or choose to be the beloved onii chan with an overwhelmingly genki and lovey brocon imouto who calls you onii chan every sentence and even gets jealous when you're with other girls while constantly hanging out with you and caring about you.

It's so fucking comfy even if you don't care about incest.

Both siblings examination lines on stuff too always constantly brings up their sibling. They literally never stop thinking about each other.
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>scar on fur
Mihoyo is retarded sometimes
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I havent been on that general for 4 years since I quit the game. /pcrg/ might be on the verge of going to vmg but the kyaru posters will stay around forever as long as there is a gacha cat character.
Sons of Caledon would only have one S rank that way. It doesn't make sense. Nor Lighter being in 1.2 and Miyabi being in 1.3 when the cops stay together in 1.1.
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When the fuck am I getting Lucy
She's almost certainly going to be censored. Chest is going to get covered up and zettai ryouki is going to turn into full pantyhose. Just look at what they did the other characters.
I'd be alright with her if her ears were on the top of her head. Ears down = alert/disapproval. As it is, they would've been better off just ripping off Nazrin.
>won my 50/50
>M6 my Nicole rolling for Zhu.
its as shrimple as that.
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the monthly shop of course
Scars don’t regrow fur I thought.
Male MC
No regrets. Having a blast. I like Belle and Fairy bantering.
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I caved and bought her using my refund currency
>scar on fur
Animals do scar like that, but it leaves bald spots
It should be recessed
you have until the end of the month to get her from the shop
priconne committed suicide releasing powercreep incarnate
Well that was easy
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I really want that robot
all are headache inducingly overdesigned and look way, way too busy
except the android, she's cute
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I love him...
I'm hoping one of them will be an A rank so that I don't have to save quite so much.
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The siblings are going to absolutely eat up those idols...
Those poor girls don't stand a chance...
I had a dream that Corin stole one of my kidneys and wouldn't give it back because I didn't REALLY need it
>They literally never stop thinking about each other.
Untrue, they don't think about each other when they masturbate
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the one on the right is a cyborg right? the one in the middle an android model, and the one sitting on the chair actually human?
what are you talking about, they're just wearing a bunch of accessories, except the surgical wings
I want the robot if she fights as a robot
I'm mixed if she form shifts (likely)
I don't want her if she's form shifted at all times in combat
only if Kyaru is also on the field. then we'll have 3 cats fighting over balls.
I need robot and dark hair.
What is she dreaming?
So will the rat powercreep piper or will they both function together
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Is it even possible to clear the Outpost Logistics store? (purple currency one) or do you just pick and choose what you want
the scars on the back of the girl on the right make me wonder if those are some kind of prosthetic replacements
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Only 2 of these 3 sex icons are allowed to be S-rank. For me, the blond one and the robot should be S.
I think the character designs are fine. There are clear patterns and color schemes and they don't distract too much from the core features. The wings are a bit much.
that is not what she looks like
her in game model isa potato
Grooming underage idols with my sister....
I can tell you've never played a Final Fantasy game if you think that's overdesigned.
That's a standard idol look if anything.
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Does /zzz/ love Corin? Why?
Mating pressing each of them in that cute bed
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Why aren't people talking about Ellen anymore? She's literally T0 DPS on Prydwen and her C6W5 with Lyceon and Soukaku does like 30x the damage of whatever the fuck teh chinkie cop is doing. All these retards rolling for Zhu Brickyuen because they missed the Ellen coinflip. You will never be as meta and sexy as the Ice team. Enjoy your bricked account.
What is Piper skill priority, does she use anything other than skill and who uses the burst in disorder teams?
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Belle. No regrets, I get to hear Touma as my navigator and make Belle voice silly lines.
How's the F2P nation doing?
How is no one talking about how Tectone got 2 (TWO) Zhu Yuans in a ssingle 10 pull?
>Picked Belle because her design was way better and original than her Wise, so running around with Belle instead of him was the better choice
>now they announce that you will be able to run around with any agent you own
I want to kill myself.
It was mentioned earlier.
They perfected fofo
Me too bwo. It's worth it because I want her M6 asap.
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what does the "Frontline" part mean of the hollow commission?
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why would vtuber children be fighting ethereals in a dangerous place like the hollow
FeMC and I regretted it a bit but at this point I'm actually glad I did because Wise is a bitch and doesn't fit in my mind as MC at all.
How is Grace Lycaon Anby as a team? Those are the only two S ranks I have
Decent I guess? Managed to clear up to SD13. Waiting to hit IKlevel 45 to burn all the batteries for the CDs.
Nah, I'm like that too. I didn't know whether I was going to pull but playing her in the story turned me around on her. Now I just have to grind her discs and then I'm gonna take her for a spin in HZ

What does Grace's boob stench smell like?
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Because I can groom her into being my mom
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cya virgins
Also, why does she hit like a wet noodle outside of the shotgun?
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>/ourguy/ struggled for over 3 hours to full clear final stage of critical shiyu
better start saving for qingyi
the sweaty blonde is their manager so she's probably the A-Rank here
I thought that faggot said ZZZ sucked. Why is he playing it?
>F2P players
>in a mihoyo game
remove anby add soukaku
She is very earnest and loves strawberry mochi.
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Who else to save humanity from the threat of ayy lmaos but cute girls who can sing and dance?
Moe. I want to coddle her in public and ravish her in private- the cuddle her and sleep.
jstern? that guy said zhu yuan is trash
She cute, I feel the urge to protect her and tell her everything will be fine.
>Why is he playing it?
Because he can't play Genshit anymore and Wuwa has no content atm.
He's now backpedaling his shit takes and saying that ZZZ is actually "good" now.
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>Not barefoot
Get out!
Should I trust prydwen now?
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Reminder to eat the free noodles every 3 battles. You will have basically free permanent 30% Ether damage while this is going on since you can just do 3 battles, head back to the noodle shop and re-trigger the effect for free. Buff works in all game modes including Hollow Zone and Shiyu Defense
About (me)
I don't really care about meta and my comments about Ellen would get me a vacation if I posted them in detail
I got fucked on my rolls bwos
gearing up for SD14, anton really needs a gear upgrade, ellen can only do so much
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He's never played a Mihoyo game if he thinks that's overdesigned.
Nice, our first banner for our custom divegass stadium
He's the only big western streamer defending the game. Also,
4x Chaotic Metal (ether damage + bonus crit damage during corruption) + 2x Woodpecker (crit rate), Puffer (PEN), or Hormone Punk (ATK) depending on how your stat rolls look
She is a burst DPS, you're supposed to build up ammo and then unload it all during stun
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Same as mtrashed. Gacha CCs are uber aids, I can't wait for the new hot gacha to release so they scurry over there.
It does not affect Shiyu Defense.
Wait you can do 3 battles in HZ > exit then eat noodles > do another 3 battles right?
It does not buff Shiyu Defense. The food buff appears in the top right of team select when its working
She's got a cool motif actually, surely that's not the worst you can think of
>Struggling idols
>You find they have resistance to ether
>Pitch the idea that they can be battle idols in the hollow to get more views as their manager
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why is are there so many hussies in new eridu
why would you need food at all in hollow zero, its already piss easy
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im not a fucking furry
She looks stupid, and there are way too many patterns. There's also Aventurine for another stupid looking character with weird patterns all over.
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Please help I failed this two times already
I'm pretty sure this is bait since sharkbros have been talking about her the whole day, from personality, sex and gameplay wise
Also fuck your meta wank, true sharbros rolled her because they liked her, her being good is an extra
Eh, incase if I want to do that max 11/11 mode in the future and I need all the help I can get.
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>Hollow Live
I will kneel so hard if they're actually called like that.
You don't understand what overdesigned means retard
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your reading and reposting images from the /v/ thread too? Not that based really.
Yes I monitor other zzz threads but don't post in them.
the fantasy film at the top of the list
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Now granted this is the first ever "gacha" game I've ever played, but holy fucking shit the entire gacha system is a giant turnoff to me.
>rates are abysmal
>you're stuck with subpar/mediocre crap unless you roll
>rolling requires currency
>currency is given to you at a microscopic drip rate
>you get royally assfucked by the 50/50
>ended up having to go for like 75 rolls, failed, and then had to roll ANOTHER 70 to finally get Zhu
>entire stock of currency is bone dry now
>can't replenish it without paying INSANE sums ($100 packs, seriously?)
>you're slammed with nonstop new characters, with literally zero hope of getting them aside from forking over money
>devs give you zero planning to further fuel the FOMO, and you have to rely on leaks
Are they all like this? Because this feels downright criminal. You're literally allowing kids to gamble and get brutalized by a system that's specifically tailored to be predatory.
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I already got all the gems this slut had to give me.
There's literally no point in helping her.
Let them have their fun. I'm sure this bitch is only pretending not to like it.
The no overtime one
You forgot the part where convincing them that sex with (You) increases their power.
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Wise is already taken, so there's no point on trying to make a move on him
Hope you rolled for Ellen vro
>Because this feels downright criminal.
as long as they tell you the exact rates, its legal
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One just simply takes him for herself
Why do people keep pretending the other sibling acts as the navigator? Fairy flat out replaces them. The only reason to pick an MC is who you want to see running around in the overworld, since both get about equal voicelines in the story.
The daily nudges it towards bearable for me. Would not play without that honestly.
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>Securityboo didnt release with Zhu
I guess it'll be coming with Qin?
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why do they sometimes have a different colored flame next to their picture?
Pretty much yeah. Collecting everything in gachas like this is the domain of whales. Just save for what you want an hope stuff you DO want does not crop up in the first few banners.
Or pay up.
Female. I am a self-insert chad but Wise is a semen slurping twink for fags/fujos/kpopstans just the same way Lycaon is
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>your favorite character is a 4*
>not only do you get the full extent of their kit for free with their c6, you also get their special custom w-engine at s5 too over time
May the cute robot idol and the first female furry be 4*. Please.
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>rolling for meta instead of love
sounds like a (You) problem but I agree rates are brutal
It means she's in heat
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I hate seeing other people get god tier rolls, my envy cannot be contained
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I picked Wise to flirt with agent girls and my cute imouto. I'm happy with my choice.
>pick belle
>self insert as wise
>best of both worlds
I won
This is unironically one of the more reasonable ones. Go play Granblue Fantasy if you want a grind basically forming your second job or any Japanese gacha with even more abysmal rates. Mihoyo has won the gacha war not just because they shit out content every six weeks like no other, but because they reward their players JUST enough to keep them hooked.

You have to go into these games with a marathon approach. Limited banners are there for whales and retards to fund the game. You're not gonna be able to get all limited characters if you're F2P but if you're prudent you can end up with a lot, if not most of them at the end of it all. Only roll for limits characters you REALLY, REALLY like. Building your shitters into a murder machine is half the fun.
cop progress?
wheres the content
Agreed, but unfortunately that's what makes them so profitable. It also diverts investment from proper games into these virtual casions, so there are fewer options overall. I just wanted a video game with well designed anime characters, but there's not that much out there aside from gacha.
The more you hang out with an agent the more often they randomly show up in the city, and it decays over time
thank you
I got shark and copgirl with 110 pulls left over for whoever I want next. when you get bad luck you just need self control and wait for the next one since the pity will carry over. let the whales fund the game, it's my first gatcha too and it seems fine
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>your stuck with subpar mediocre crap unless you roll
you take that back
that is cunning hares slander
they can clear everything in the game for free.
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The worst part is that compared to genshin and star rail, ZZZ's first EIGHT BANNERS have SEVEN 5* females. There is literally no time to save at all, it's insane.
Wise. This isnt the kind of game where you pick a femc unless you actually are a femoid
I'm currently having sex with it in the upstairs bedroom of the video rental store.
>Zhu Yuan has fantastic team with Nicole/Anby
>Ellen still feels behind because I don't have a stunner for her AT ALL, let alone Wolfboy
I guess I can try building a fucking anomaly based team or something but this feels shitty. Guess it only impacts Shiyru Defence or whatever
>substats alone double real deeps
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Chevy is sex. Top 5 in Genshin.
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You didn't roll enough on my banner. I am taking you in.
>many free rolls but its powercreep central and have PVP shit.
As someone whose been dabbling in Gachashit since 2013, the amount of rolls you get from a game is usually proportional to what the devs expect you to have as a counterbalance to their changes such as powercreep and competitive viability.
Mihoyo's really only notable for being the only company that had success with the "high value" model where the change creep happens slow enough that any given unit stays highly valued for much longer, so people aren't frothing at the mouth that they aren't getting enough free currency to keep up, especially since the threshold for guarantees are low to begin with.
If ZZZ required you to have 5 fully built 3-unit squads to be able to do new content like raids or some shit, you bet your ass there'd be bitching they're not giving enough free rolls.
But the current reality is that the endgame scope of needing 6 strong units (arguably 4 since supports don't necessarily need the same level of investment) means that being able to pick your flavour of carry is more important to most people, which the game's current design enables just fine.
homo cope, but thats ok because we accept homos in this game too i.e. the furfags
jane doe is straight ugly as fuck though. that's where the saving finally beings
Should I just reroll if I didn't get the catgirl from the 50 pity or is it actually realistic to get to the 300 selection without paypigging?
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>Go play Granblue Fantasy if you want a grind basically forming your second job
You mean you don't enjoy your infinite content?
ellen got shafted really hard
>her best support is the character with the worst, most boring gameplay in the game
>her best stunner is a fucking bdsm furry
>if you dont want to use the gay furry, you are basically forced to have koleda as there are no more stunners in the game for 2 teams
its not realistic
the currency we get per month puts most people getting close to 300 pity around 6-8 months unless you convert polys, which isn't a good idea.
>unironically wanting the worst S rank
it will take months and months to hit 300 unless you spend premium banner currency there too which you should not be doing. catgirl is not worth rerolling for though
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I fucking hate Sieg so much. Fucking op piece of shit in Versus.
I don't even mind the BDSM furry because his gameplay is fun, but he's locked behind fucking STANDARD banner along with Koleda. I ain't wasting chrome on that I know I'll regret it.

I guess if I roll for Chingy I can give Anby back to her, but its so suboptimal compared to gay wolf
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i don't want to do this gay shit
what is the passcode, anon?
They could reduce the amount of premium currency to 1/3 of it's current price and still make a fortune, stop licking the boot, at this level Gachas will be dead in a few years and only the small few that can actually pay have disposable income will even think of them as entertaining games the Gacha market is gonna freefall in 2-5 years.
the only people coping are the ones who feel the need the project their gender insecurities on anyone who says they picked a male mc
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I'd honestly roll on a koleda banner sooner than I'd roll for chinawank trash.
>why is the highest rarity unit stronger than the lower rarity unit?
>300 selection without paypigging
Realistically isn't going to happen for many MANY months unless you waste rolls that could've gone towards limited banners. The first 100 or so comes fast but the rest is drip-fed stupidly slowly.
If having a specific character is that important to your enjoyment of the game, re-roll.
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back to dread barrage faithful gweilo
she's literally the sexiest character in the entire game what are you smoking bro
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My 4* luck was never this good in HSR...
What are good values for anom prof and mastery? Like everyone knows crit value stuff but has anything been worked for anomaly?
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>82 rolls for ASS
I will never recover from this. I don't even have a team for her.
Lame, but really? I tried her out and her moveset was so clean with the movement on auto attack. So who's good then?
Nicole and Anby are free my dude
the ice hollow event is also timegated and we get one new per day right? or is there a way to unlock more I haven't found yet
Nicole and Anby are free
but enough about the bdsm furhomo
>Ellen wants to eat spicy noodles
>Rina wants to eat spicy noodles
>Anton appears out of literally no where and invites me to eat spicy noodles
>Take Zhu out on a date to the hotpot place
>It's a spicy hotpot

I'm getting heartburn just playing this game
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girst oyohim facha?
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There's no need to be so mean here
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I hope they add a lot more variety to the kind of messages you share between you and the trusted characters you get later on. Since it's just text being added in, surely it wouldn't be too hard?
Anomaly mastery has like a pretty set maximum seeing that you can only boost it with main stat disk 6. And even then some characters prefer energy regen like piper does.
For where we are now I would say 300-350 is a good place to aim for in Anomaly Prof.
Mihoyo is making 40-50 million dollars every month from selling pixels. That's more than prime Blizzard during Wrath of the Lich King. ZZZ is a play at the console market first and foremost and it's working. They're not going anywhere.
>he doesn't like spicy noodles
What's wrong with you?
Use Qingyi on Ellen’s team instead. Her core passive only needs an attacker.
Simple? Yes very.
Will they? Probably not. Miyohomo is infamous for making the most baffling illogical moves.
Yeah, my Nicole is C6 now, but Anby is working with Ellen. The fucking game refuses to give me the knot and I don't have any other stunners.
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Defend this...
The main problem right now is almost every DPS in the game needs a stunner to be effective, and there's only one A-rank stunner. Unless you got lucky pulling Lycaon/Koleda, one of your teams is probably shit, unless you lucked into pulling a combo of even more standard units that work together like Piper+Lucy or Grace+Rina+Anton.
girst to slay periously
Zero chance. In HSR it happened I think 3 times in 12 months
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I did want the hag either but decided to gamble on the 50/50 and was blessed with Lycaon.
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Can you farm infinite Z-Merits by just doing Hollow Zero over and over again
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I do but it's a bit much...
that anon is correct. dont post fanart, actually look at her in game.
Is full star devilboo better than 1* resonaboo?
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Nice. Got spooked by Koleda rolling some leftovers to C6 Nicole. I was planning to selector her.
i played both and its true
priconne feels so outdated at this point unless you unironically think have nyaru exodia comps (or whatever new bullshit cygames come up with) else you are treated like human trash is a good game
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I am though
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I want to lick her butthole
I'm actually embarassed to know I spent $400 on this game. I could have bought like 3 whole games with that.
Gacha has been going strong since 2014. The rates in the OG gachas like PAD are much worse than neutered Hoyo gachas.
>retard STILL doesn't know about Ben's Daze modifiers
Have fun clearing Survive mode with your useless stunner lol
theres a weekly cap so no
there's a dude who spent $4,000 so feel better that isnt you
Resonaboo is for grouping, which devilboo doesn't do
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Meh most new games are feminist woke garbage anyway.
Resonaboo actually CCs an enemy with its black hole. So I'm inclined to say no.
How did you spend $400, i bought all the shop items once and it was like $200
do a chargeback
Can you repeat that without sounding like an incel
is this your king?
fail it a bunch and fairy might just carry you with it.
>roll my chromes on exclusive banner for nicole
>30 pulls, three Bens
come the fuck on mihoyo
i dont hate ben but im not using him right now
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thanks mihoyo, i forgive you for the ellen fuckery now
How dare you assume I play Western Normieslop.
I will get deceived by her
I will fall in love with her
I will have sex with her
She will break my heart
She will have a soft spot for me and toy with me for the rest of our lives
She will ruin my expectations for future women
We will enjoy the sexual tension from our fling and have multiple ones throughout our lives
We will have a globe spanning attraction where we encounter each other in unexpected places but work together to overcome our obstacles
We will be able to look into each other's eyes and know exactly what the other person wants to do
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Holy shit, Proxy.
I first rationalized topping up in Genshin based on how much more I played it than other games.
Can he really be used as a wannabe Stunner?
Takes one to know one I guess
I haven't touched a modern AAA modern slop westoid game since 2013ish
you first :>
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chargebacks are a good way to get out of addiction but the credit card company will get annoyed if you do it more than once.
where are all the guy characters? literally 80% are women
They fail you even if you actually get it right. Gotta get the clues.
Male MC
>onii-chan onii-chan onii-chan
probably the easiest choice of my life
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I swear to god, this game is purposely pushing their weirdly close relationship. Something tragic or really weird is going to happen soon, this is freaking me out
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nico can be quite cute sometimes.
Currently going in and out of your ass faggot
Wow, really?
This is stupidly good for AI art, wtf
He has a higher Daze modifier on his Defensive Assist and his Ex Parry hits three fucking times in a massive circle without costing a single break point and can be SPAMMED. Figure it out.
Yeah the ratio of men is too high. Don't want to wind up like genshin. Dunno about starrail though.
He has superficially good multipliers but he moves and attacks at the pace of a glacier made of molasses, and all current endgame content is based on clear speed
First Gacha. I made the mistake of using polys for regular banner since I got lucky with Ellen early.
Not even fanart helps, shes disgusting, that one faggot is going to live rent free in these threads to reply to all the natural posters constantly calling her gross
I mean you didn't deny it.
In genshin and HSR
not infinite but iirc the cap is 15 s ranks? or runs, i forgot
>using homos
>using furries
not everyone is an aids riddled faggot
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Its just a normal brother/sister relationship bro...
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Is M4 Nicole a good stopping point?
Yea, tragically all future story will only feature current and future limited characters
Who wants to ERP with me if you buy me gems for Zhu Yuan
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Why are YOU talking about low-t content creators though? Kill yourself
>Ice damage bonus on an ether disc
Who the fuck walks around with him? You have an instant SWAP BUTTON. You use him to parry. That's his fucking specialty. You parry. Then you swap him out. Holy shit how do you even manage to breathe???
I love how she looks and acts like a bad bitch but is actually rather wholesome. my friend is mad she's not super slutty.
I'm glad i like Ben and his kit, obnoxious furfags can fuck off though. I only hate his ridiculously bad "sprint" speed
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What skills level for Anby?
Maxed, anything else is cringe
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Well youd have to actually have sex so youre already disqualified.
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>I made the mistake of using polys for regular banner
genshit was my first gacha and I made the same mistake then, not knowing how limited characters worked
9 9 9 9 9
I've played Genshin and Star Rail before this. The gacha "economy" is unironically an integral part of the game experience. If you want to pay money, the subscription rates for $5 and $15 are more appropriate. The whale stuff is exclusively for oil barons and streamers who can just categorize their gacha rolls as business expenses.

Roll for what you want, play with what you get. This is a single player game, it's easy as shit.
I wonder if Jane Doe is gonna be the Yelan femme Fatale kinda character or a gremlin in the body of a voluptuous woman.

I’d hope for the gremlin version but expecting the former.
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but still not as good as me going out running errands where my 1st wife (sister) and my 2nd wife (AI fairy) take care of the home and provide support
Sorry, are the Ben posts getting in the way of your self-ERP posts about fucking the cat?
And what do I do the rest of the time?
Whatever u use ;)
That does not address the problem with his pacing at all. If you just wait to parry it's slow, if you basic attack with Ben it's slow, if you have your DPS on field you're not doing good daze damage. Anby doesn't have particularly impressive numbers but will still stun things significantly faster
What happened to the dumb loli is she not part of this banner?
Shiyu 9 Thanatos is filtering me bros....I can't get that mofo down fast enough
For me, it's classy high-society lady type who lwts out her sadistic degen side in the heat of battle.
Do you guys seriously max level your dodge? Its literally a waste of skill chips
In brightest day, in blackest night,
No rat shall escape my sight.
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>We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience
Am I the only one who thinks they'll just tone down the jiggle physics? Reminder that they can't "censor" characters post-launch because you already paid money for them, they might re-design them in cutscenes, dialogue, and all promotional media but the character in your inventory should remain intact.
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Why is she wearing a uniform to our date?
Also does anyone have her wallpaper yet at lvl 4?
Dodge attack is good...
>max out a character friendship
>choose the mean options in future hangouts because they won't lose friendship anymore
That's kind of fucked up, honestly
I want just to build more daze... should I level her normals?
Twitter is laughing at us
apologize to ben bigger and lycaon right now
If they lop off more of Nicole's tits I will quit. She's all I got. Well- her and Rina.
when’s the 1.1 stream?
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no regrets easily, belle talks like 90% of the time. Maybe only the running around thing but that's gonna change in the next updates
No one knows what this means, it might be something as simple as textures for mobile only
I've been saying that shit since Monkeygate, but the market isn't as volatile as you'd make it out to seem since one company's fuck up is another's big opportunity.
I'd even argue that a big contributing reason for the success of Mihoyo was not only aping BotW, but also because Cygames largely dropped the ball with their model for limiteds.
Friends take the most piss out of each other desu
>You're literally allowing kids to gamble
Way to out yourself, kid
No, especially now that I'll be able to switch to Ellen or some other waifu in overworld next patch.
They're talking about Miyabi's birth defect
You damage the boss. With your DPS.

Retard take. You should always have your DPS on the field. You only swap to stunners/defenders to either parry or to spend their Ex, then immediately swap. Stun is a bonus, damage is everything. Look at the nip Billy solo clearing SD12 S rabk, he stuns the boss ONE fucking time the rest is all damage uptime. Stop falling for the stunner meme.
I don't like most hagfags but they keep the furroids and fujos at bay so hopefully not
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No way...
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wholesome mesugakis/gyarus are the best.
i wasn't so sure about her as a character (her design is sex, but that is not all a character should be), but her personality really sold me.
she is my second favorite behind neko.
so we can't use leveled up disks as exp for other disks?
kinda annoying we have to dismantle them first, would be great if we could do that in the leveling menu
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>100k dennies per 100 energy
This is so ass holy shit
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If ZZZ stays as the niche Hoyo game they might be inclined to do the opposite and make it less censored. I want closed beta Anby and her thong back, damn it!
This is true. The shiyu 17 run clear barely used Lycoan besides assist defense and EX. 2nd half team being disorder as well.
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This game desperately needs more furries to filter you with.

>100k dennies per 100 energy
Wait you can spend dennies on energy??
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What the duck was his problem
rich people are rich
poors are poor
inequality is through the roof
gacha business models (or MTG, baseball cards etc) will thrive
Other way around.
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If they go down that route in this game I'm probably dropping it out of principle. They're walking a very fine line already and the news about character POVs already iffed me.
All that's left is chinawank (real) and I'm out.
they are spending energy on dennies
If its your first gacha then its just a matter of changing of mindset.
Keep in mind it will take you around 2-3 weeks to fully build a character, and in hoyogames A ranks / 4 stars are usually good enough to clear content anyway. Just pull for one S rank, hyperinvest in them win or lose (yes even the catbrick). And save your resources for the next character that rolls around

I’m a whale myself (I usually spend 400-500 bucks getting dupes and weapons for the characters I want), and even I dont pull on every banner just because building people up is a massive pain even if you do max stamina refreshes.
stop posting this the esl text triggers me
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>jiggle physics
Why the fuck every time dev mention improvement all you faggots think first is boob physics reduction?
It's a no brainer they are talking about meebface
Female because watching male having date with other male is gay, also reduce the jesus syndrome from all the women falling all over you
How the fuck are people having Denny problems?
Despite all his rage- he was still just a duck in a cage.
we got a chinacook agent. its only a matter of time we get a chinatown arc and they shill the living fuck out of it.
They aren't censoring anything. The guy who was pushing that got booted out after he tanked the entire Chinese mobile industry.
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my beautiful wife becoming MORE beautiful
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Stuck at lvl 30 cuz dennies and not enough disks for 4 set...
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>chinawank (real)
Wasn't there a tweet years ago about some chinatown event? They even had key art and all on their twitter. What happened to that?
No we had plenty of concernposting when they first mentioned it and it'll continue until they reveal what "improved visuals" are
Built for standing paizuri then cumming in her ears while Sokaku rambles about food in the background.
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sex with rain.
New thread
I'm at about 150 standard rolls from all the freebies, and we get 10 rolls per month from the free part of the battle pass and monthly store trades, and I forget how many, but some more from Hollow Zero. Maybe one per week? So it'll take maybe 9-10 months. Maybe less if there are events that give some or you promote characters to collect some.
>the Gacha market is gonna freefall in 2-5 years.
lmao do people really think this?
gachas have been going since 2013
fucking PAD is almost at their 11th anni
Lv9 skills start costing like 100k a pop.
[important] only have sex with miyabi while soukaku is in a food coma
[less important] cum inside when possible
Secret hidden sex hidden away from the watchful eyes of Belle and Fairy.
Good god...
Is the cop m2 good? I get lucky and got two copies.
unless im mistaken her normals damage is influenced if you are wearing a daze disk set so you should level them.

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