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Previously: >>486398707
Latest News: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/sanctum-of-rebirth-launch-week---this-week-in-runescape

>Sanctum of Rebirth released
>Elite task set for Um
>Runefest back on and announced for March 2025
>Sanctum of Rebirth being released in a new format where players won't be given as much info on launch July 22nd
>4th Rex Matriarch boss along with new ring for Necro
>New Boss dungeon 'Sanctum of Rebirth' along with T95 dual wield magic weps coming in July
>Roadmap for the remainder of the year shown: New skilling boss, Group ironman mode, Daemonheim arch digsite, and 4th Necro conjure
>graphics update: Rellekka and Lighthouse get the nuscape treatment, joining Kandarin. Lunar Isle has yet to release
>Daemonheim surface update
>holy shit they did it: you can search the game settings now
>I haven't played since the First Age, what did I miss?
Wiki Guide for Returning Players: https://runescape.wiki/w/Guide_for_returning_players
RuneScape Official News Archive: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/archive?cat=0
List of Game Updates: https://runescape.wiki/w/Game_updates

>Useful Links:
RS Wiki: https://runescape.wiki/
Forums: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/
Alt1: https://runeapps.org/alt1
Dailies/Weeklies/Monthlies tracker: https://dailyscape.github.io/
Revolution bars: https://runescape.wiki/w/Revolution/Bars
Runeclan is kill: https://runepixels.com/
Moneymaking: https://runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide
Miscellania: https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Other/Miscellania
Perk calculator: https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Perks

>Latest [Story] Quest: Requiem for a Dragon

>New Skill: Necromancy
Official Website: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-skill-necromancy---this-week-in-runescape
Skill Guide: https://runescape.wiki/w/Necromancy
Skill Training: https://runescape.wiki/w/Necromancy_training
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You ARE making progress with Nakatra, right? Let's see those kill times. I want to feel bad.
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oops wrong picture.
Log into runescape...
If you're going to go all the way to amby you might as well just fight him. Better off throwing them at nex, desu.
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I hope to get to sixth age this week.
I haven't killed a boss yet.
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why is seren so cringe.
>Finally do SoR
>Zero audio cues entirely from any boss

wtf I thought y'all just meant the final boss didnt have voice lines. Was audio team on vacation or something?
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obligatory smug tax
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obligatory carby tax
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The Skull Lord does not like Dang because she's an adult woman. We prefer the company of male children. The Skull Lord says MAP pride.
But why was Seren born with tits.
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Bronzeman mode, a main that deliberately refuses to use any advantages mainscapers have except selling stuff on the ge for the sake of being able to buy the increasingly retardedly expensive bonds without the headache of playing 2 accounts at once.
>he doesnt fund his bonds by selling ironmeme dupes
sanctum of scrotum has already bought me next years premier
You know you guys laugh at all the assfucking jokes and keep referring to Dang and Big Daddy Jagex and Mod Blkwitch and poo holes and all the assfucking shit like that.
But just think about it for a moment and you will realize that being fucked up the ass is no laughing matter. All sorts of bad shit happens when you have anal sex forced upon you. Firstly there is the threat of catching some horrible disease. Secondly there is potential damage to the soft tissues of the rectum, casuing internal bleeding. Thirdly too much rough anal sex can result in incontinence, which means you shit our pants all the time and have to wear diapers! For the rest of your life! That's not even mentioning just how disgusting the whole thing is, listen, your anus was made for excreting shit, a waste product, not for having sex. Jesus on a surfboard! Your poo tube is where shit comes out! No one in their right mind would think sticking a penis up a shit hole is a good idea. Think of the shit! Shit on dick, God, how low can you go? Even little bits of shit getting up the hole in you penis. Its not right. Its just fucking sick. So just quit it with all the assfucking talk. There's lots of young impressionable minds playing runescape. Its not funny, its not healthy, its not normal! It's just fucking demented!
didn't read.
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>4 genesis shards
fuck off
Then I will make it more simple for your low IQ.

Assfucking = BAD!
WGS is a kino quest, probably the magnum opus of the OG jagex writing team.
I have a dumb question, Is full clears of ED4 really the only method of getting rid of lucky charms or should I just carry them on zammy kills on the offchance the prefight mobs drop them?
It's the reasonable way. That said I've gone through a lot of charms killing the pre-fight chandlers.
if you kill zammy a lot you can get rid of the charms that way
ye just bring to zam the witches drop slivers fuck running the dungeon dude. I've gone through like 50+ lucky charms surely.
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>another false flagger trying to call me a gay pedophile
The Skull Lord is not amused by your antics.
>didn't try out the new bosses yet
Is there any advice you can give me?
just kill them lol
wtf zanik is attacking me
They are damage sponges that are immune to poison. basic prayer flicking DPM and dodge strategies will carry you through normal mode.
First one is an easier version of Crassian Leviathan. DPS, stand where the bombs fall and avoid the floor spikes

Second is a bit more interesting, more movement, some scarabs you need to stun when they spawn, two healing totems that can be deathmarked.

Third is floor is lava, DPS, memorizing symbols and a couple instakill attacks if you mess up.

If you can complete the other EDs or even kill Vorkath, NM Sanctum should be easily doable.
I think Crassian is easier. It doesn't require some precise movement and has less HP.
>blood reavers are almost 200k each

Alright what's the best start for afking blue charms these days. I assume this is the best semi-afk money maker I can do while working from home.
there is nothing semi-afk about getting blood reaver pouches thats why theyre 200k each
I know killing them isn't afk, I'm asking about the charm gathering portion. I'm assuming the best is still afk 0 mech glacor?
so what's the actual reason they keep warning us that beach drinks will disappear in a few days if we can't use them?
I tried your advice. I stopped joking about assfucking and took it seriously. The problem is, that made me even MORE appealing to Mod Blkwitch. She found my innocence and abstinence even more attractive than your average RuneScape player and almost ripped my asshole open with how violent her thrusts into me were. She kept muttering something about how "hot it is" to "defile someone so pure." I haven't been able to sit down for the last four hours it hurts so bad.
idk i think you're the false flagger here
Killing blood reavers is afk. The issue is that making binding contracts isn't.
>corruption shot aggros now
Alright what the fuck where in the patch notes was this?
>corruption shot aggros now
you better be trolling...
You're 3 months behind
When the combat changes went through, abilities like Death Skulls and Corruption would tag/aggro monsters
Apparently you can't say ß
ffs i haven't logged in since christmas so i didn't know that, but that's FUCKING RETARDED. part of what made corruption shot so good was that it DIDN'T aggro, so it could be safely used in single enemy rotations.
4chan jannies once again proving they're some of the stupidest motherfuckers on this planet
gonna anally rape your tight little asshole the same way i just found out jagex raped mine even though i haven't even logged in in over half a year. even when you aren't actively playing runescape, big daddy jagex still finds a way to devastate your rectum
anus status: fearful
Women can't rape you sorry.
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um???? are you new around here???? everyone that plays runescape 3 literally gets raped by a woman every time they log in???? mod blkwitch???? she rapes men in their asses with a strap-on dildo???? how do you visit /rsg/ and not know this???? it's literally all we ever talk about?????????
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The Skull Lord has spent the last 10 hours watching Skidibi Toilet on repeat. Our brain is thoroughly rotted.
So are regular protean items just discontinued at this point and replaced entirely by the unstable ones?
It will be used as fomo whale bait now. Maybe a limited time promo right before dxp starts. Or they'll give them in the chests again after x rolls.
the only thing unstable around here is me
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No, I got a medium regular protean pack a few days ago.
so the future of rs3 is just extreme power creep (there was literally no reason to release t100 upgrade) with super easy drop rates in an extremely easy pvm encounter so "anyone can do it".

compare this to raksha/gwd2/zammy release just 3 years ago, where pvm was actually difficult and rewarded players. game is dead.
the only thing dead around here are trannies after i'm through with them
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I did it bros
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i'm "it"
Oh ok. I was just wondering because I haven't seen a single one since I came back about a month ago and I used to get them pretty often.
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>tfw you try out death dealer for the first time
I've been cucking myself for an entire year.
Is Rasial still #4? It was last time I checked. Of course this is all theoretical because Whirligigs is a meme, and 2449 Telos/2k+ Zammy are way out of reach for most people. So its still Rasialscape for 99% of players. SAD!
Remember when Jagex's main focus was making fun quests and always frequently made new quests?
When the fuck is pvme gonna update their magic revo bars? I'm too stupid to figure that shit out myself
>in an extremely easy pvm encounter
the whole fc is complaining about getting their asses kicked lmao.
>compare this to raksha/gwd2/zammy release just 3 years ago, where pvm was actually difficult
nothing in this game is even half as hard as inferno or any raid on osrs.
No, because most quests are forgettable or otherwise dogshit. There's nothing fun in watching grass grow in any of the quests involving farming back when it was a new skill and Jagex had to force the skill in them, and no good quest has come out since the god shit started after WGS which ruined the lore and game overall. Quest bosses always sucked btw, both before EoC and after, they just suck even more now.
i managed to do normal mode my first attempt and factanked like half the mechanics lol
i deserve t95 :)
*gets killed by the instakill mechanic*
the instakill mechanic in nm isn't even hard.....literally stand on the odd one out lmfao even a child could do it
They need two separate teams: one to focus on the current overarching quest line and progressive reward (pontifex ring, puzzle box, fort) and one to focus on everything other than that. Simple small quests, continuing/finishing up old questlines, anything like that
>Simple small quests
Those are awful though, like the slime royalty quest and the most recent one to get into the sanctum. Plus all the relatively short Fort Forinthry quests that everyone hates. Nobody likes the writing in this game anymore, why would you want old questlines to be ruined by the new writers? Did you forget what happened to the Slug series? That was 13 years ago and the guy who ruined it is gone, yet the writing has gotten way worse since then somehow.
>xhe thinks 99% of players are capable of Rasial
>Fort Forinthry quests that everyone hates
Those were my favorite quests in a while. I'm probably the odd one out but I really liked that particular storyline and the quests were the perfect long imo. They weren't literally time waste filler walk back and forth twice shit like the Sanctum quest, and they weren't multiple hour long over stay their welcome shit like Endgame. They were just right.
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Rasial is a lie. I'm at over 1,600kc with only 1 weapon drop.
>ROI 26.6%
It's shit
Damned straight. Um, well straightess, sort of...
He must be one of those disgusting dirty little noobs that we hear so little about. In time he will learn the meaning of FEAR.
Our anuses live in FEAR!
>Doings tax
Looking forward to the next special wildy event, hoarding salvage for the alchemisers, and chins to mecha chins, yeah
well that is because osrs is actually a good game and not a gacha cash grab like this game
Come out ye black and tans, come out and fight a like a man
Show your wife how you won medals down in Gielinor
>nothing in the game is difficult
>99% of the playerbase sucks
Which way, schizoman?
have you ever considered that 99% of the playerbase is retarded
post telos streak
>well that is because osrs uses an outdated combat system where you can do little more than sit and watch and occasionally use a consumable
proud 99%er
and yet its still 5x times as popular as this garbage LOL!
Appeal to popularity seethe because you know hes right
popularity means its good because it appeals to more people.
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Npc moment
im so sorry your game is shit
I am having fun.
Candy Crush confirmed better than any game you enjoy
and thats okay
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these dop rates are cray cray
who are you quoting? nobody has said both of those statements.
I'm really not a huge fan of that. The weapons should have been 1/125 while the book and the prayer should have been 1/300 since they can come from all 3 bosses. The upgrade could have been 1/100 or 1/75.
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what the FUCK was his problem?
Oh fuck off, I'm so sick of grinding thousands of kills for a handful of drops. Just because you're used to getting fucked in the ass doesn't mean you have to want more, stockholm syndrome victim. For once there's a boss that doesn't make me wanna quit of out boredom halfway through the drop log.
Jesus this game is so fucking hideous.
Some people enjoy playing this game for more than an hour a week.
I think the drop rate is less the problem and moreso the fact that NM has access to the weapons at all.
also this. the weapons should have only dropped from HM if you were doing a 4-man kill.
[Sad News] Content creators are not happy with the Sanctum of Rebirth.
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Jagex should get an intern to play every single quest and fix shit like pic related.
I know I can change the skybox.
Does anyone know why slings were removed?
you can file a bug report
It's everywhere.
they were replaced by chargebows which are the same thing but eoc lol
i knew that but why remove them at all?
i mean they could have had chargebows and slings its not like level 1 infinite ammo ranged weapons are integral to game balance
they probably thought having two different beginner ranged weapons, one bow one thrown, is bloat and/or confusing to new players
i hate new players so much
I don't see Blkwitch's name in the credits for SoR. She's been working on a big project with Ramen, if it wasn't SoR then what is it?
do new players even exist?
>skilling boss
>halloween event
take your pick
if they do they need to quit or get good now NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUFK
There is only one project she's working on, and I think you already know what it is
is this a s*x thing?
There's people at varrock GE so yes.
nostalgiafags love varrock
i have a dream. in that dream, fagex fixes Raksha P4 so that conjures and familiars dont get stuck
i wish nakatra had audible voice lines
>3 drops from Kezalem (1 rage 2 scripts)
>2 Roars from HM Nakatra
Bretty gud so far. There's no way any of thse hold value with how common they are. Feel like all the money is gonna be in the T100 enhancements.
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Post em
you think an intern is capable of fixes like that?
Haven't received that email and cant even check if i can receive random emails from fagex since when i try to access the website, i get a "access denied" message.
I didn't get it but I also didn't login in that timeframe.
You are in an area which is preventing you from performing that ability.
we'll see about that bitch
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so how do anons like necromancy and the newly christened combat-square?
You aren't fooling anyone, Mod Jack. No one liked your stupid ass Fort Forinthry storyline.
I can't say Necromancy ruined the game, but it sure as hell made it easy to facetank everything. I don't know how they will ever bring the other styles to the same level of ease-of-use as Necro without completely gutting it. Necro should have just been a support skill, something like Summoning+Magic combined instead of a completely new combat style.
Aside from being the most based form of magic lore-wise it's mechanically much better executed compared to other styles.
What EoC should've been from the start.
Raping my ass?
from what little i've seen it looked like it should have been split between summoning and maybe a new spellbook in magic
crumble undead was a cool spell i wish they'd bring it back
Alt accounts
necromancy should have just been a new spell book akin to ancients and lunars
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Yes, my clan is chockful of them, most of them come from osrs.
what's the next item to merch bros.
praesul wand
buy at the dip
it wont go back up much unless they do a new invention expansion or it becomes material for t105 upgrades but I doubt either is coming soon. we know they are doing shit with tectonic but it seems pretty risky to merch those. mining and smithing and the other lvl 110 skilling reworks is prime merch material either try to predict what dead content items are needed for training or buy up current best supplies.
otherwise you can always buy bonds for long term gains they will never go down unless jagex decides to decimate the gold in circulation by removing alching or something but that will never happen it will be too much chaos.
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if I wasn't signed up for offers but just did earlier, will I get one?
i dont know, maybe.
weird to think osrs has been around for more than a decade now
still feels like some gimmick server like darkscape
i have bis necro how do i improve hm kill times? my skill issue is making me not want to do more.

any advice?
>it should have been split
Just like your ASS has been SPLIT WIDE OPEN by the ravenous MONSTER WHOPPER of BIG DADDY JAGEX!
wait until pvme uploads the spreadsheet and follow it.
take advantage of omni guard specs death spark buff
answer is always going to be full manual + split soul
yeah, i understand it's a skill issue. my problem with full manual is knowing what buttons are worth pressing and when. i've done 1400 rasial kills and his p4 is my only real experience doing full manual. i've spent the last 10 minutes reading the pvme necro dpm guide. i'll just have to find somewhere to practice it
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>split soul
Lol I completely forgot that exists, I've been doing normal mode with regular prayers because with divine rage its better damage boost than t95 curses
Ungael ring or occult ring for the final boss since i dont have a 100% hit rate
Yeah, but it's worthless for Mage/Necro because you lose Split Soul.
I prefer Zorgoth's. Passive soul generation is incredibly useful.
Instead it's the actual main game that everyone knows and loves whereas rs3 is a desolate wasteland with barely any worlds in the triple digits and years whole without any good updates, with more focus on mtx than a chinese mobile game.
yet you are still here crying about it ;D
are they really not going to nerf drop rates? especially nm drop rates? you shouldn't be able to get t95 gear off bosses who are as difficult as gwd2
next monday, hope youre grinding out nm while it lasts
i really do not like the sanctum ost
I finished the comp/mqc tasks and went back to osrs. I'll admit I'm salty because I spent lots of effort back in the day to learn Kerapac/Zuk/Zammy to farm for money and now people can get that same money via braindead bosses like sanctum and rasial
sounds like a spinnie issue
necro ruined ironman wep progression and this just makes it worse. now irons can get t95 mage in a week playing 2-3 hrs a day with the free necro gear
Ah! The circle of life!
Doesn't matter how many times younger players are warned by the vets. Whatever you do today in rs will be worthless in the future. Hours and hours of learning, dedication, even p2w spinning, in the end it all gets devalued, trivialized, dumbed down. The BDJ assfucking is real.
ive a comped iron and dont care, youre not gonna be able to do shit if you suck at the game as can be seen by spinners wearing a kiln cape
nm zuk is like 5x harder than nm sanctum
it really isnt
sure. enjoy your dying game
i accept your concession
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It's been a whole ass year since necromancy made shields redundant and I only just realised I can rebind the shield key to something else
>can't keybind capslock
shit game
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afkshitters, where we at?
Saw a noob.
Was disgusted.
Is it just me or are there a lot of 20 year capes being given out lately?
its a few months after rs2 release 20 years ago
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i saw a noob then started jacking off
i want to go back to the good old days so fucking bad
>TFW raxxi still regularly commons in the million range and rares in the 300-400M range.
Powercreep doesn't save spinnies from the mirrorback.
part of me wonders if the reason theres not new perks is because the autistic part of the playerbase would explode if their current perks were rendered useless. as an ironman with like 10+ as4e2's i dont even care
ngl if all my current perks were rendered useless, or not longer BiS, after i dropped literally billions of GP on it, i'd be pretty tilted. i'd get over it because i'd understand it's for the best and a good change for the game's health, but i still wouldn't be able to shake the feeling of being a bit upset. it is what it is
idk maybe its different when you 'earned' the perks yourself or maybe im a different type of autist
i mean personally id be mad about it because getting gp is usually sweaty work, but you can afk vindy even if it takes way longer
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>You need to recharge EOF with alchemical hydrix dust which needs 50 fortunate comps and two rumbling comps
I don't think this amulet will be viable for an Iroman I really don't feel like doing a hundred clue scrolls and clue scrolls are difficult to come by to begin with. What a shitty deal.
just give up and deiron.
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Do your clues, pleb
Also 50 forts is 10 dust which is 500% charge, are you a supreme shitter
wow, and yes I'm still learning how to fight end game bosses. Made an amulet of souls a couple weeks ago and I already need to recharge soon.
Eof is a giant upgrade so this advice doesn't work for that, but if you use souls ammy for something consider just using fury or something instead because the difference isnt *that* huge
Forgot to add the most important bit
>until you learn the encounter
Then go nuts with your jewellery of choice
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i'm right now trying out necro with eq aura and im getting more deeps with it than with crits (although i wasnt using grim)
anime sex
Tomoko is not for lewd.
i have 64 forts on my iron purely from seasonal events and i've only just hit 70 invention, do your clues noob
thanks for posting her name. i was able to look up lewds of her to goon to because of that
whats the black thing shes holding in her hand?
a small little money pouch. she's going to use the money in it to buy runescape bonds
I have no issues with that. It's the black orb while simultaneously prayer flicking in P4 that gets me.
Now that SoR is injecting a steady flow of moonstone into the game, what other uses should Jagex add for then?
What cool effect could enchanted moonstone bolts have?
Tied up condoms and her ID are strewn on the bed in the after picture so it might be a wallet of some sort but it looks nothing like a wallet in my opinion.
>tfw sold my stack of uncut moonstones for 20m each last week when diary released
Brother 100k hp that's a skull a t90 spec and like 3 autos.
we've been through this, it's her currency pouch and it's filled with runescape bonds. she is a spinnie
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What is a wallet if not a currency pouch?
your wallet holds your runescape gp, your currency pouch holds other currencies, like bonds, oddments, tokkul, slayer points, so on. so it's not her wallet, it's her currency pouch, because she's such a fucking spinnie that she can't stop buying bonds and treasure hunter keys. makes me sick desu
Your headcanon is very inconsistent. Earlier you said that her pouch contains money that she will buy bonds with, not bonds themselves.
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>Forgot to equip salve amulet at rasial
All those resources gone just to ragequit again after an hour of wasted time only to find out you forgot one little thing. I need to go for a walk.
listen, stop poking holes in my headcanon. my writing is still more consistent than jagex's, so i got that going for me
removing this anime girl's towel in order to have intercourse with her
Okay then.
I saw your mother.
Now how do you respond?
This was before Necro. I haven't tried her with Necro yet
Extremely based
i rape your mouth while mod blkwitch rapes your asshole. then after mod blkwitch and i are done spitroasting you, we go and kill some Spiders in The Wilderness
why do you even have a necklace switch at rasial
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Personally I would have gone for being raped by spiders and then pking your mother in the wilderness. But yeah, each to their own I guess.
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Why is she hot??? I want art of her
>Penguin: Do I look like a girl? I don't just pop eggs out, you know.
if there ever were moonstone bolt tips youd need a source other than moonstones themselves otherwise theyd be way too expensive (kinda like with hydrix bolt tips)
im fairly confident moonstones will be used to upgrade some new necro gear in the future
so if necromancy is an attack stlye that means u guys dont have a combat triangle anymore? what does the combat square look like now? what is necromancy strong and weak against
fagex did not think that far.
plenty of monsters that are usually immune to certain styles, like tormented demons can just be killed with necro since nothing resists it.
It's neither strong nor weak against anything. The triangle is still a triangle and necromancy is not a part of it.
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>faster than my normal mode kills
Considering kyssing atm, necromany is a noob incel trap
I've been catching up on quests and dagannoth mother took no damage from necro. I though it would but I ended up just waiting for the poison ticks from the zombie to kill her.
it's off doing its own retarded thing on the side
there is still a combat triangle, necromancy exists wholly separate from it
there is very little reason to continue existing when an asian furfag is better at videogames than you
It's strong versus everything.
>kill times with equilibrium are significantly faster than with mahjarrat
what the fuck is wrong with me
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Can these two fuck already, i need spark chitin.
>his dino is an incel
oh nonono
they went extinct for a reason
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>Forgot to Invoke Death
>Beat my previous record time
This style is so easy
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We making it out of the fifth age with this one!
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>they're removing the ability to stand under her on the final phase to avoid the shockwave
Guess I better kill her this weekend then
i would fuck the female one if it would help. i dont think i would be able to get her pregnant, but i would try.
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>will remove this
>wont remove the rasial safe spot
>wont remove the same trick from kerapac
jagex was able to figure out how to remove this
jagex is unable to figure out how to remove the other things
if it takes them longer than 10 minutes to figure something out, they give up
no they arent
to be fair kerapacs lightning balls are bullshit
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Somewhat underwhelming after having just finished while guthix sleeps and ritual of the mahjarrat desu
every GM after WGS has sucked dick
does that make me a GM
if you want to be the grandmaster of suckin dick, sure
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>he was filtered by society bottom text
i miss sliske so much, bros
wg is NOT a tranny
that's not a tranny! just an unfortunate looking biofem
do you expect an ATTRACTIVE woman to play runegame?
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>wont remove the rasial safe spot
he probably means that spot where you dont have to move when ghost wall spawns
>no they arent
good now they just need to remove normal mode
The bdj meme is real, only thing is that rs players appear to like getting fucked up the arse.
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Guys, something is wrong with the Falador castle.
your gpu is dying
what did mod blkwitch mean by this design?
Gconc with a staff looks so fucking stupid. They didn't change the animation.
i think it looks fine, better than with dw
did you expect jagex to change the animation? did you really expect JAGEX to put in a little more effort? just a little bit more than the bare minimum? how i envy your innocence expecting jagex to not half-ass something
Its obvious. Its the color of her new strap on dragon dildo, with which she will fuck your tender juicy tight little virgin ass. And it will be made up of rectangular shapes. With sharp pointy corners all over it.
Oh my! How she will LAUGH!
( while drooling from those insanely large mind-boggling set of of gums )
You will learn to understand the true meaning of FEAR!
Their immunity doesn't come from prayers so it doesn't work on them, same with the dinosaur bosses.
t95 to t100 is how much more dps assuming max power gear + prayers + olvds?
3%? 5%?
Wow that's crazy.
It can always get worse, Anon.
Yes, I am sure your soft sparkling clean anus already knows UNMITIGATED FEAR. The UNSPEAKABLE TESTICLE CLUTCHING and PULSATING HORROR of absolute DREAD!
But it can always get worse.
Worse to such an extent that entirely new concepts of EXTREME FEAR have to be invented, along with a whole new lexicon of words created to adequately describe the unprecedented depths of TOTAL TERROR and HEINOUS DESPAIR that only Mod Blkwitch and her new over-sized pointy pink rectangular dragon dildo can induce upon your quivering and sweat drenched asshole.
Want to know whats even more crazy? Some runningscapers actually pay irl money to experience it.

new survery
>the very second question is are you mentally ill
thanks for the link, gamer
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>How do you describe yourself
Describe? Fagex intentionally avoids asking whether you are Male or Female kek. I wish there was a custom option to put down Gurasexual.
this survey seems to be entirely about MTX. i wonder why? what's jagex plotting?
>pick every option that says "fuck MTX"
>tell them at the end to axe MTX entirely
Easiest survey of my life. The fact they're asking about upping the charges in place of MTX is similarly disgusting though. Just fucking kill MTX and cosmetics entirely and leave it at that.

UK Gubment is potentially making it 100% illegal to do ANY sort of bullshit MTX. As in,
>no lootboxes
>no battlepass
>no TH
>no keys/currencies to roll/pull for items
The only thing permitted would be straight purchases.
uhhhh UK gov actually being based for once??? wtf???
They banned hrt. They're the most based gov in the west.
If Mod Gumswitch causes so much fear, shouldn't she be considered a terrorist threat?
She should be apprehended for being a "clear and present danger"....to our rectums.
dude wtf? here i thought brits were a joke, when in reality the joke was on me. good on you, bongs
>UK Gubment is potentially making it 100% illegal to do ANY sort of bullshit MTX
Shit. The FOMO is starting to creep in I knew I should have at least logged into my main for the free daily spins/bonus exp all these years.
For some bizarre reason they don't have corporate cock down their throat (for now) unlike America. They actually brought up a pretty legitimate argument against this shit too.
>company says you're guaranteed to get an item every time
>UK says shitty junk isn't an item, and you (company) know people are rolling for the super duper rare item
>company says battlepass is guaranteed and shouldn't' be banned
>UK says (correctly) that you're chaining people to their computer to grind for an item (usually the last thing on the pass) that they paid for, and if they don't their money is wasted
Probably becasue the UK is essentially a Sharia state now. It would have been the Muslims leading this change.
even more proof that islam is the future. the white race has failed.
i unironically despise battlepasses more than MTX for that reason. at least MTX i can ignore and not feel like i'm missing out on anyhting, but battlepasses trigger my FOMO like crazy, and i find being chained to my computer for hours on end daily to be worse than dropping $50 once or whatever. if battlepasses get removed without the possibility of ever returning, i'd actually consider playing runegame again.
still haven't played runescape since heropass for that exact reason
Fug misspelled spaghetti gonna fix that
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i didn't actually send this, but i still think it'd be cool
MTX in general is downright satanic and is killing games as a whole. Games used to be sold as a complete package with cool secrets and wacky ways to unlock new characters/items. Instead now all we get is endless "pay $5 for this item/character" bullshit. If you're gonna go the F2P route, you should be required to let everyone unlock everything for 100% free with enough skill/time.
the infidels will learn to stay away from haram, mashallah
I agree that a game should either have paid membership, or MTX. One or the two, never both. Paid membership will always be superior though. Imagine if MTX gets removed from RS3. Think of how many OSRS players would migrate over to RS3, or at the very least be willing to give it a try. Think of how many old players that play neither game would try it out again to indulge their inner child. MTX is the single greatest problem preventing new and returning players, and is the number 1 reason why OSRS clowns on us as much as they do (and I can't blame them). Jagex will lose short term profits by axing MTX, but I firmly believe that, given enough years, they'll stand to gain so much more than they lost.
If this actually happens and RS3 axes MTX... bros... for the first time in a long time, there's hope for our future...
The failure of suicide pass took down yak track with it so jamflex needs an alternative source of money to attract the whales back in.
You don't want the OSRS playerbase in RS3.
man, i want ANYONE in RS3. i don't want to see this game dead anymore.
Yes. All we need to do is fully embrace it, and then just like what happened to every religion over the centuries, corrupt and twist it into a version that we think is suitable for ourselves, while using it as protective barrier against any criticism. Even go full Joseph Smith and invent an entirely new scripture and shoehorn that into the Koran, creating something like "The Order of the Latter Day Muslim Prophets". Then delete the original text from the Koran leaving only our scripture.
Then declare the original Muslims to be heretics and fight a Jihad for dominance.
Then after we have won a bloody and brutal war declare the whole thing to have been a terrible misunderstanding and ban all religion on pain of evisceration.
Its a good plan.
I've even made one for Nigel. He has this future in a British Steel... Steel... Steel...
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thank god. something tells me i dont want to see whatever this video is
this fucking white bitch cray cray
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I assume this is a bug. There's no way they intentionally had Armadyl and Bandos speak while off camera. It's not the first time I've encountered questionable camerawork in cutscenes.
I hope this shit stops when I reach quests released after the NXT client.
i like how they couldn't be bothered to make models of the gods sitting, so they all just stand awkwardly on the chairs instead
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send help
stop hoarding, have a bank sale
not yet, i clear my bank on new years.
you will not make it to new years, your bank will become full and you will become homeless
*PKs you and loots your bank*
In the survey, they ask multiple times about increasing the price of membership in order to compensate for the removal of MTX. There's no way in hell they actually do that though. Most of the membership fees come from OSRS players, and the membership provides both games. You remove MTX and raise the price of membership for RS3, you're increasing the price of membership for OSRS for no reason. The OSRS players would riot if they had to pay more on account of our game.
Conjure damage is based on equipment when conjured so use eof for that then switch to salve
Also salve bonus applies on cast and eof on hit so switching to eof for hit gives the extra 18.75% split soul damage and necro damage bonus which is actually pretty noticeable
i hate troons
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Give me a reason to play Runescape again and I will play it.
>Also salve bonus applies on cast and eof on hit so switching to eof for hit gives the extra 18.75% split soul damage and necro damage bonus which is actually pretty noticeable
the autism in this games combat system is unending
>unironically uses the word "toxic" to describe shitty behavior
opinion discarded
no one does that shit. like i mean even the best pvmers in the game don't
I do it. It's like 5k extra damage even just doing it for the big hits with undead slayer active. It keeps thing interesting an d lrobably saves an ability per kill, or at least it did before the T100 upgrade.
qrd on mod mic?
>Survey goes back
>Jagex actually drops Microtransactions
>Introduces Macrotransactions
>parent company (whoever it is now) sees Jagex is no longer as profitable with new MTX law
>completely liquidates it
I hope they release it as a single player game at that point
Where's my runescape classic single player?
he refuses to add anime foxgirls to the game. he must be removed from power if we're to have our coombait in runegame.
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I pray that a Korean will buy Jagex and relocate the headquarters, Koreans are known to illustrate figures with amazing hips and thighs.
Should be about 2.8% if 100% accuracy already
>RS3 player count so low theyre actually teasing the nuclear option of removing MTX to get players back

Will we even make it to 2025 bros?
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...as well as some of the most aggressive microtransactions and worst grinds you'll ever witness in the gaming industry
>Korea adds gacha style waifu jpeg rolls
>they call the new game mode buying gf
Every time I see one of those videos they have like 5 hitsplats on the enemy every tick and I have no idea what is happening.
i wish vaginas were real
link to where UK said this?
>think I'm being trolled
>sites actually redirect to bbc.co.uk article
im 4D chess right now ,':^)
the inputs are on the screen
>The fact they're asking about upping the charges in place of MTX is similarly disgusting though
They make a large percentage of their revenue from MTX. If you want it gone, this is the trade off.
>The OSRS players would riot if they had to pay more on account of our game
And they'd still pay because they are even more mentally ill than we are
My comment on the survey.
>The real reason RS3 is losing players is Mod Fowl injecting his gender ideology into every single update. Even Easter, the holiest of holidays, was tainted by him. You will continue to lose players as long as he continues to work on it.
factual statement, but jagex is going to throw it right into the trash, probably with your entire survey because they're going to write you off as a "troll"
Weren't you people saying this was going to be the case with the Um tasks and Sanctum just a thread or two ago? Where are the identity politics in these updates?
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The Skull Lord came out as trans
>people actually think this survey will do anything
Watch them say the majority praised MTX and asked for more of it.
I said membership was too expensive early in the survey so they gave me a bunch of questions about how much I'd be willing to pay, with various thresholds, like
>this amount would cause you to think it's too cheap
Wish I could have skipped, i said $1 because at that point why bother
>this amount would be a good deal
>this amount is what you'd consider a fair price
>this amount is what you'd think is expensive but still pay
>this amount is out of your price range
I also said in my ending comments that Jagex have consistently priced themselves out of my "worth it" range, and now with bonds being as expensive as they are it's getting really close to happening even with in-game GP. Hopefully they're not just going to axe microtransactions and bring the membership cost up to like $25/mo. I genuinely think RS is too expensive and they'd make more money by charging less.
FFXIV is $15/mo, or $13/mo if you buy 180 days. I used that as a basis for how much I think RS3 is worth, and that's only if the frequency and quality of updates gets increased to match FFXIV's
I won't pay more than $100/year on a subscription to a game. It's an arbitrary amount, but so is the cost of subscription in the first place.
not bad, so if i have lower than 100% accuracy then its even more dps boost since now my accuracy rises?
I'll pay $50 a month if they remove bots and DMM tourists.
I said I don't pay for MTX, and even though you push it way too hard I ignore it outside of my free keys. Then, "as a 5usd chad I refuse to subsidize everyone else, don't raise the price."
The only reason I still play this garbage is because premier averages out to be $7/month or so. If I had to pay full price, I'd drop this game and pick up Game Pass or Humble Choice.
RuneScape is not worth $12/month, and I hope Jagex aren't delusional enough to think otherwise
>800m for the new magic set less than a week after release
really, what were they thinking?
800m for both the wand and orb combined or 800m per item?
800m(ish) total
nigga what the fuck
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nigga what the FUCK
tbf the real BIS drop is still around 3 bil but even a retarded shitter like me can kill hardmode without too much trouble
LMAO. Devs sinking this shit game down the toilet with welfare drop rates.
I pray that Dang buys Jagex
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>Filtered by Rasial
>Filtered by Raksha
>Filtered by the Ambassador (by some luck managed to kill him once)
>Too pussy to fight the black stone dragon
>Just reading up on what it takes to fight Zuk is overwhelming
It is night and day moving from bosses like the Corp beast where you just stand there and end game content. How do they expect a new player to move from KBD/Godwars 1 to the shit you go through now?
it sounds to me like you're a shitter, anon
I still can't kill Helwyr. I can do the other gwd2 bosses though.
Dont worry Sugi! The worse you are at this game the less you get rectum reaped by jagex.
The ones who sweat are the ones that jagex fucks the hardest.
Yeah the accuacy boost is about 11%. Tier Not sure exactly which boosts are additive and which are multiplicative, but somewhere around there. Accuracy scales a lot more than damage with tier.
>need one (1) more reaper point for mahjarrat aura
haha i'm going to kill myself
It only costs 3 bonds
not worth that much 2bedesu
how big of a goldsink would it take to fix the inflation rate?
It's actually more expensive to buy it with bonds than it is to use reaper points
is what i would say if time =/= money
Bond costs aren't caused by inflation, at least the current rise. It's because people don't want to pay Jagex, either for bonds or for membership so the supply is running out.
the weapons aren't bad but nowhere even near where they needed to be to make Magic a viable style. They're also way too common.
they arent going to remove mtx. if they are forced to, they will just relocate to Luxembourg or something.
I am also a massive shitter, but I reckon Arch Glacor is the most common recommendation for learning more advanced pvm. Turning on 1 or 2 of the mechanics at a time to learn how to deal with them individually and then working your way up to having them all active.
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>i want jagex to ram mtx even deeper into my virginal asshole
weebs are so fucking retarded
shut the fuck uo bitch anime webiste
I reckon the main plan is to move away from the rng based model of TH. That's what the government has a problem with. They'll find a way to restructure it without the rng but they won't outright remove mtx
When they asked for price of membership I put 25 for "I'd have to think about it" and 75 for "I wouldn't even consider it"
>Release combat style with 5 buttons for 450k DPM
>People still struggle to kill dps dummy bosses
You can't help them, and they can't help themselves.
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The Skull Lord will not tolerate such an insult, my skeletons are coming for you.
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one day they will rework nex
I have 104 farming. Is there anything special I can do during dxp? I never touched pof so I don't have beans to buy a fuckton of growth potions.
Zuk is piss easy after you learn to use reso + freedom and surge.
You can safe spot most of the waves too.
You can use clutchbloom or necro tank if you have them.
Try arch glacor with 1 mechanic and continue from there till you learn the basic shit
There needs to be more dyes for eof use, 9 unique ones is not enough
>half a minute of preparation not counted
Entering a boss instance should reset all buffs and all cooldowns.
fuck you bitch
how come we just forgave Morvran even though he murdered innocent elves and was working for the dark lord.
he has an absolutely massive dong
A better idea to fix the economy would be to make GP Bonds.
>no more buying binds with cash
>pay X GP (e.g. 100m) to a NPC to get a bond
>that GP is deleted from the game
>can use bond as usual
>NPC's price is calculated on the amount of currently circulated GP
>claims 16 second kill
>video is 2 minutes long with cringe intro
Didn't watch
Nobody cares what you do or don't timmy. You can keep it to yourself next time.
There are only Timmies left...we're casualscape now...
/mtg/ is leaking
Pushing PRs with equilibrium. This shit is great, I never considered its viability when you aren't critmaxxing.
>bank presets wont remember which eof you saved if there are duplicates with the same dye
what the fuck
SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEX WITH DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sex with this anime girl too
give zuk a try. get that zuk cape. i know it sounds overwhelming as fuck, and it will take you multiple tries to clear him, let alone perfect clear him for the stone, but you can do it. he's more intimidating than he is challenging, just don't get discouraged after failing multiple times. believe me, i was able to perfect clear zuk 4 times for the 4 capes and i'm a shitter supreme (i can't clear rasial, raksha, ambassador, or black stone either)
helwyr is a fucking nigger and is far harder than the other 3 bosses for whatever reason
guys. i just got fucking raped by a pack of skeletons. i'm not even kidding, they ripped my pants off then ripped my asshole open as hard as big daddy jagex does.
i don't think we should be messing with the skull lord anymore
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>"Look, I was never a fan of that whole Dark Lord business... But as an Iorwerth, I am duty-bound to my lord. We take duty seriously, something the other clans are less concerned over... I cannot speak for the actions of others, but I always ensured that my own actions - my orders - were just. Within any war, each individual must draw their own lines. I can hold my head high knowing I remained true to my beliefs. All of my targets were of military value, never civilians or innocents, and I never once resorted to the use of torture."
Basically, he pulls the "I was just following orders" card and we accept it as an excuse. He also uses the fact he only killed armed military combatants as an excuse for why he shouldn't be punished. He wasn't one of the elves slaughtering his way through Ardounge or hunting down the people of Lletya or anything, he only killed resistance soldiers. He also should be the new Lord Iorworth by right, but he rejected the title and passed it on to Iestin instead as a form of penance, so we forgive him based on that too.
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the new raid is so fucking bad it's unreal
retard devs jerking off to destiny/overwatch/etc gameplay and awkwardly trying to bring that over to a 25 yr old gridbased retro mmo with 1 second input delay
the absolute ignorance of mod ryan and his lackeys
and ofc the so-called content creators slurping on that dev cock praising this shit they've shat out their arse to high heaven
Sweet Mother of God!
Its spreading!
The assfuck apocalypse is upon us!
mad af

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