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Previous: >>487402306

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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you heard him
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That's not yapyap...
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>Changli already has more Fanart than Jinhsi and is about to overtake Yinlin

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>Aalto has a harem of lolis
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Xuanmiao won.
Jué lost.
>new thread just made
>already posting about genshit
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I want to breed Jué
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This is my favorite telenovela now
i salute the yapyap?
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We wuwon
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I hate non-anime women. The only thing that can prove me wrong is real life changli
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She IS the cop
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no way fag
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No way, fag.
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wuwa !
my pc client wont launch the game today, is there something going on?
So when do we get Rover doing this?
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Can any wizards remove Jinhsi from this pic? I don't want to see her sad expression.
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bro why are you vertically investing this early
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uh... is Wuwa okay? I thought zzz was a dead game
After all damage elements for rover are released he will have an arc where he will combine all elements in the game into one ultrapowerful new damage element and one-tap super strong villain. Screencap this.
>WA2 reference
fucking trash
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they should allocate some of that budget on their 3d models instead of jewgle ad campaigns
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it's a dead game for straight males.
changli diapers
At least changli is hot....
Because he's dumb, >skill expression when playing Jinhsi of all things, just lmao
He's not wrong that ZZZ is even worse but still
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Hello wuwa!
>checks previous thread
I'm fuckin amazed that schizo texan tranny is still lurking here. That is some dedication... Someone really needs to give him his medication now.

Anyway in the current event is it possible to go 1500 score in the first boss? I keep getting 1470 for some goddamn reason.
but BWO her ass JIGGLES. Surely straight males will love it! Please ignore the hint of intimacy we allude to in the "dates" your sibling totally doesn't cuck you out of
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imagine spending money on a button mashing corridor slop with low quality bland censored furry faggot characters
Hoyo has their genshin audience metrics figured out perfectly as you can tell by the way they made zzz to cater to their rotten brains.
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Thank you kind wugger!
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>less comments
how many rolls till a guaranteed 5 star? i just lost and got monk, i just finished scar's little quest in the village. will i be able to accumulate enough to roll until pity if i do all the main quest?
Isn't that the video that they also ran as an unskippable ad?
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The winner gets Rover's seed
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hoyojeets? EXPLAIN THIS
Yeah, I literally just got two Ellen ads in a row.
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I have not seen an ad in many years
They just reward you with astrites for watching Ellen trailer, that's why the numbers are bloated
Well this was on my phone, and I am not paying for premium. So I didn't have a choice in the matter.
Buy premium bro... or get some adblock.
I have youtube premium because I use it a lot on my phone while commuting in the metro so it felt like it was worth it, but for those purely at home I guess adblock will do.
Now that you've lost your coinflip, your next 5* is guaranteed to be Changli, so worst case scenario you'll need another 80 rolls. (This is almost impossible though, realistically it'll be closer to 70 - 76 rolls.)
And yeah you'll be able to get more than 80 rolls from exploring the map and getting all the chests.
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i shall preside this match
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little pink is best partner for big booba pink
I need a companion story of these two doing their best together to get your dick
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300 million dollarinos in advertising. Whenever I use youtube on my phone (no adblock) I always see Mihomo ad.
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Yes, I forgot how I did it though
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Do wuwa players really?
wtf is this real? HAHAHAHA they're paying people to inflate video numbers now?
I might, seeing mihomo ads literally 24/7 is annoying.
You should check out youtube revanced if you care whatsoever. It will require an update every few months or so.
Ahh fuck.... Back to the simulacramines for me. We have roughly the same scores except for the first Boss Level
Once Sensor Tower's July report comes out we will know the truth
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Here too?
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Changli literally cheated by teasing her cunny form while being a hag
I'm stuck on a shitty iPhone for another few months so I can't sadly.
S-stop bullying my jade-like magistrate...
>Sensor Tower's July
Bro today chart is fucked, Wuwa got bugged lmao
smart tube, new pipe...DL from the devs. Just don't dl from the appstore that's an ad infested fake strangely enough.
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fate is basically cultivation shit, didn't you know?
It's gaga now
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>exu here too
No that was for the launch trailer
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I don't know if that anon can this read post or not but, as a PGRfag who plays WW and only come back to PGR after quitting ZZZ
I think ZZZ combat is meh-tier at best. But they substitute the low aspect of it with cool animation, good music, a good story, and setting. The animation department alone probably could rival AAA quality itself
The story is meh tier at least at the moment, but considering how PGR story only got better after chapter 9, I expect the MSQ quality will ramp up when we reach Black Shores island.
The combat is a few saving graces for WuWa imo, by making the game have a perfect dodge/parry system, Kuro can freely make the enemy as aggressive as possible, thus making the encounter with the boss fight much more enjoyable compared to the stationary enemies in Z^3
>this faggot too
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>sensor tower
come on now
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Not a Chixiatard surprisingly, looks like my taste varies after all.
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Gaagaa googoo
Well there's little reason to get attached to notExu when Exufield is a real possibility
Looks like I'm not the only believer, but that would mean I have to play Endfield after all.
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Nobody moves, all against the wall. NOW.
wtf is wuwa, this is a game:game by kuro games thread chuds
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Changli gacha animation was changed from beta
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You're welcome
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>2 months since release
>still only have Danjin appealing to me
Desperate need of SOVL to continue
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So is this a character seed or what? How big of a sample size do i need
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bwos why are there random Black Shores people walking around the cities?
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Rumao. Thank you Solon.
As a warning to players to prepare their wallets...
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Changli is pardoned because of her massive, constantly sweaty, meaty, hot and steamy phoenix eyesss
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I know that fake but should you be more worried about the change in your game.
is it true that if i install this game and have hoyogames on my ssd the .exe will fry my pc?
/wuwa/ is really fucking stupid. The whole "/general/" naming convention is supposed to be shorthand for the name of a game's general. This is the Game:game General, hence it's /gaga/. /wuwa/ is just nonsensical retardation.
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>Changli vs Sai
I wonder who would win?
weiqi/go event when?
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I miss Yangyang!
Kissing a girl that cries because she is so happy to see you is the best
>Hire porn artist for your game
>Censor all his designs
Whats mihoyos Masterplan.
She really did startle gencucks, didn't she
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>Got shitcanned today without severance
Nice game wukeks
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she toasted them
Butchering a character like this.. I can't believe a human being is capable of doing this.
Wugger is our word. You can say wigga, though
Will Yangyang be back?
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It's that poorfag who can't afford Elden Ring lmao
Heeey I kinda recognize that name! That's the indog that was posted here to be chimping about wuwa on the gachareddit sub right?
They also deleted the post about Wuwa bugged chart KEKAROO
I thought this is comfy hours
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Aryan twink4twink... can't wait...
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who do I use this slut with now that calcharo is the second most useless 5 star right after lingyang?
>get S6 Mortefi
>he becomes a 5 star support
i might actually skip zhezhi now
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I know it is a hard thing for cuckkeks and furryziggers to understand, but I will simply not play their games. This is not going to happen. I will just keep playing superior gacha game wuthering waves.
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Wuwa needs more bara and twunks
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Goodnight sisters, my sleepy, me go to bedzzzzzzz
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How do I cope with the fact that Shouri will never be real
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most anticipated character in gacha history btw
g3nshit k!ller btw
my penis is BIS for yinlin's vagina
if you know what I mean
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good night little fooellva
Is Xiangli Yao a top?
He's just like me for real
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Bara are disgusting, thankfully they are not a thing in Chink aesthetics, twinks are peak, twunks can be hot if they're like Jiyan. Jiyan takes good care of Brover... peak twunk4twink kino.
sorry anon but our local schizo is a twink NEET burger lel
Star Rail bros we lost...
nice wormposts
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Fingers trembling as you typed this?
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He's a switch, obviously, just like me. Takes one to spot one.
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Bara is only disgusting if they have chest hair.
got worms?
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i can go into an autistic depth comparison if you want but ill just give the tl;dr for now

wuwa has much more satisfying combat mastery, more freedom in combat in both control and the systems that govern it
the equipment systems are a lot less ass, still shit but its the one of the carrots they want to dangle

wuwas story is straight bad but rapidly improves later on, its been only going up in quality so far but ill have to see how it maintains; i usually dont give a shit about gacha stories anyways i care mostly about the characterizations when it comes to that
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all for me at the same time
You will never be a real man if you dont have hair on your chest
SensorTower is inherently bad because they don't know the android numbers for CN.
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Fingers trembling
Tiny feet stomping
Saliva drooling on stubby fingers
A gaming chair suffering under mommy's 600 pounder
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Yeah it has been getting good , but I hope they do some comedic SoL too. Zhezhi I am betting on you to be our dorky funny girl
>You will never be a real man if you dont have hair on your chest
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This, muscles are good but hairy gorilla mode is fucking repulsive
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Don't take my appearance so personally!
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Bara are always disgusting. Chest hair is disgusting, too. The only good body hair is on the limbs, pits and bush. Happy trails are hot too.
Damn I have to take more pictures of Calcharo
>worms talking to each other
LMFAO now ive seen everything
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I was mocking the trooncel, that guy is OK though not my type (too buff).
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Yumesis hours? Uhhhhh
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I was also mocking him, this picture probably suits xim more.
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Cute generic NPC.
awwwww worms having a melty!
not cute thoughbeitever
holy fuck is that vagina line on the monk? shit i didnt notice how much detail on her model
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i mean
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Have to keep the thread active somehow

Solon could be sitting on a gold pile like a dragon right now if he released skins early...
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Account check.
Where is Yinlin and her weapon?
Where is Jinhsi and her weapon?
Where is Changli and her weapon?
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KFC collab, 2 more seven-days.
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>Account check.
>Where is Yinlin and her weapon?
Yinlin with BP rectifier
>Where is Jinhsi and her weapon?
Jinhsi with BP broadsword
>Where is Changli and her weapon?
Changli with SIG WEAP
Yinlin got the Jinzhou keeper, I have the BP box unused as idk if I want to grab the rectifier there or wait for the standard 5* one. The other two have theirs.
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Sorry had to skip Yinlin for this GOD and his weapon.
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Fucking kek
>Where is Yinlin and her weapon?
>Where is Jinhsi and her weapon?
>Where is Changli and her weapon?
>Look at them views
>Game is alive!
>Video is shilled over every fucking video related to gacha gaming
It's fucking disgusting
>replying to the frogposter

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yes to all
I also have a Jiyan, but no weapon for him.
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3 sexo banners in a row. No more onegai.
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>free homo
>trans sucrose
thank the heavens
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>Where is Yinlin and her weapon?
>Where is Jinhsi and her weapon?
Got Jinhsi while I was building pity for Changli, don't have her weapon.
>Where is Changli and her weapon?
I have her, skipped the weapon because I have the standard one and I'm saving for Black Shores characters.
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Got her weapon for Anko
Got both her and and her weapon. She's so cute....
No plans to get her initially, but Cunnyli seduced me. Only got her as I feel the 5* Standard Sword is good enough cope
Seing as the game is top 1 right now, i'd say the game is indeed alive.
I prefarmed nothing for Changli, have no echos for her, zero talent materials, I rolled just to take screenshots
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Kinda based.
Missed opporunity. Should have had a slide that goes straight to the hotspring.
Who is Changli's next best teammate after Encore?
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Tierlist update

its fucking over...
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It's here again, isn't it? He should have a job, right? The Texas economy is strong
>Sub DPS
this grogtard probably doesn't even play these guys...
Wtf jue? I am not a scalie. Why does jinshi have scales growing on her?
Vagina bone*
So the retard that spam Changli sub dps made this website?
>Main DPS
Fuckin retard. Opinion discarded.
>after Encore
Her best teammate is Havoc Rover
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>Sub DPS
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1.1 is going to be looked back at so fondly bros, so much kino
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If you use Changli+Chixia and they basically spend 50% each on field, are both main dps or both sub dps?
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lmao what is this cope image
Why the chink keep making WuWa content, I though they hate us?
Schizo faggot trolls multiple threads here in /vg/ for hours on end. You've probably encountered him already. He's the one that tries to bait gachawars by posting zzz and genkek content here. Apparently he does it to in other threads, flaseflagging as a wuwabro.
He dropped the fact that he was Texan a couple of threads ago. /gig/gers baited him his genshin UID somehow and it checks out that he's from the US.
That's why you just [-] when it's schizoposting hours. He's probably a NEET and he's active during SEAhours as well, larping as a SEApag.
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>pass SEAnigger prime hour
>still replying to bait

call yourself a stupid
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>Comfy region bundled with lore drops and two wife-tier units
I rike.
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i dont see any proof of anyone being texan so i sleep
wasn't half of SEA just flooded recently?
and it should be like 4am there right now
they should be out of commission
I'm starting to blame the americans
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People should differentiate between sub dps and support. If you run Encore with Sanhua-heron, Sanhua is not a sub dps, she is support alongside with Verina, since she basically deals zero dmg, make this team become hypercarry encore team. The same goes for Yinlin-heron pair with other main dps. A sub dps should be able to provide significant damage with a short on-field time while your main dps rotation is on cooldown
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>half of SEA just flooded recently?
qrd? wtf is going on there?
By old Genshin standard, the one who contributes more direct damage overall would be the 'main' dps.
some schizo has been falsefagging /snowg/ too all night, what a free 5 star characters does to a SEAnigga
>I have all 3 of them
>Have all the day 1 girls too
This game treats waifufags so good it's unreal.
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I'd get Changli if I didn't want Zhezhi and Cammy
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I like glasses girls so I will roll for Zhezhi.
>building pity
Thanks Baizhi.. very cool
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the other day when Changli dropped someone decided to banter with the schizo and calling him a SEApag among other things and then he dropped that he was the whitest texan that he'll ever see and shit.
Then I think it was yesterday, someone cross-posted that he was also baitposting in /gig/ and someone in gig exposed from the schizo's past posts that his UID started with 6, which I think another anon said was for the US servers
Not gonna dig the threads for you tho anon do it yourself.
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>he dropped that he was the whitest texan that he'll ever see
With a selfie
he doxxed himself
Changli is really sexy but her damage is ass
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Kinda liking this mix of cyberpunk and post-apocalyptic genre that wuwa placed itself in. Just look at these tachikomas. I wanna see them in action in a cinematic.
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Verina is best subdps for Jinhzi by their weird ass logic, since she's contributing massive loads to her forte which translates into most of her damage.

This is why the subdps discussion should be taken out back and shot.
>6, which I think another anon said was for the US servers
6 is Europe bro, t. europoor
LEMAO, kek even.
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the UID was for genshin, coz it was his genshin account that got exposed
how is the CCP okay with Mihoyo and Kuro openly admitting to the existence of Taiwan as a country?
I'm genuinely curious
Firmament is to peak i hope they add to the zone at some point instead of moving on immediately
the ccp's official stance is that Taiwan is part of Mainland China so giving them a server is alright I think, since they're chinese whether they want to admit it or not.
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I feel like we'll be back here for another quest. Hope they add more shops here and a smithy the next time tho. They could just chuck it up to Mt. Firmament progressing.
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They don't recognise it as a full country, they just recognise it as a region with it's own servers.
Nice and simple loophole.
Anyone has a general echo farming route? I already spent all the ones I got during map exploration...
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kek, saved
Posting more C&C for xe/them/worms to have melties over
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I love Purololova

That's it, that is the post. I love Purololova
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Stop saying Changli is bad. She is fine, her damage is fine. It's below Jinhsi's, but that's because Jinhsi is just too powerful
>carried by lvl 90 Changli
So does anyone have a fucking list of chests that can't be found on the lootfinder?
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After grinding for Wuthering Aix for 1.0 and getting invalidated by Jue in 1.1, I'm just so fucking tired of echopicking.
Come here, dear
>Wuthering Aix
Mourning Aix*

Tidals and chests that are already out in the open.
If the puzzle SPAWNS a chest, it won't show up.
It won't show Mutterflies, Blobflies, puzzles, rocks...
Jinhsi is hugely lore relevant and inflexible, no shit she hits harder. Not sure what people are on about.
there are some lists for "hidden" quests if you just google wuthering waves hidden quests, it is worth looking in to i got a few orange chests this way
>Verina is best subdps for Jinhzi
But that's factual. You objectively don't need a support in this game because if you're low on HP you have skill issues. The whole idea of rotating between 3 characters is retarded because you're just wasting time hitting with less DPS char when you could be hitting with more DPS char. So you only really need a DPS and Sub DPS in your team. Jinhsi's main dps is from forte and ult, her basic attack or heavy is shit with 0 damage. Verona contributes in 2 ways: she does coordinated strikes which directly fixes BA problem of jinhsi and she generates fuckton of forte for jinhsi. You can slot whoever you want as 3rd and you'll still only want to switch between verina and jinhsi.
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I just go to the Inferno Rider's location and clear the mobs spread out there in a counter-clockwise fashion. It's kinda convenient. I do the same way for the Tempest Mephis area. I haven't found a comfy route for Mt. Firmament yet.
By the time I finish those areas I feel like I've had enough for the day.
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>ZZZ getting crucial changes in 1.1 and 1.2
it's over...
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I'm playing ZZZ until Kuro releases their ZZZ (which will be 4 years from now on going by wuwa standards)
Juéposting is my favorite meme to come out of this place.
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>Character with dps outro does more DMG than character with supp outro
Tell me more
Damn, you know it's bad if Hoyo is actually listening to feedback. Happy for them though, genuinely.
This doesn't fit my narrative.
Changli badChangli badChangli badChangli badChangli badChangli bad
Why is this sushang posted here? I don't see this sushang even on /hsrg/
Are they going to make it fun and get rid of the tv mode?
I need another Jinhsi tier dps
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wot happen?
Who cut her boots in half?
Taiwan never wanted to be a country and there is nothing wrong with recognizing it as a region from CCP point of view(as long as you don't recognize their government). CCP just claims that it is the rightful leader of all Chinese people and Taiwan claims the. Same but for them(basically they are a capitalistic gov that was forced out of mainland china fuck knows when, but never conceded their power). It is kinda similar to situation with Koreas, where neither of Koreas acknowledges the existence of the other one and claims to be the rights to all the peninsula, stating that the other part is occupied
>DEVS _________
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You know who the next one is going to be.
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I just bought a Changli (limited|bird)
When will she start laying eggs?
i was wondering why that doro doesn't resemble any character in wuwa, i just thought it was an npc i forgot about
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>>487459020 (me)
Recently I've been farming Thundering Mephises for Yinlin so I clear the area around it in the same manner.
It's not really made for efficiency, just for comfiness.
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next patch
How much oscillated coral should I always have on hand to buy the gacha pulls when they rollover in the item exchange?
only the genshart team completely ignores feedback
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Once you preggo her
Look for qiqi notebook website, there are routes there made by players that you might like
For some reason this image is giving me the vibe that he would have worked with Mengele.
Did they fix the stutterings and overall bad performance in PC? I'm thinking giving this game another chance.
I think 55 for 4* and 270 for 5* characters per dupe?
I am playing on gayming laptop and did not notice bad performance, smooth 60fps
it's a fluke though, ZZZ gameplay is braindead no matter how much they sugarcoat it, they have to change the entire gameplay mechanics and Hoyo is too lazy to do that
I play on a 13 year old CPU and it works just fine
Had to upgrade to an SSD though
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I unironically prefer ZZZ's parry system over WuWa's.
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I believe there are things you could do for me, yes.
So I pulled Changli because booba, and I already had a 5* weapon for her, but apparently Jinshi is that much stronger?
I only had a 4* R1 broadblade for Jinshi so I skipped her. Am I bricked?
What stuttering and bad overall performance on PC? Sounds like a your machine issue
You won't see screenshot damage as big as jinhsi has, but her DPS is pretty solid
>luckshitted both changli and her weapon
*sigh* guess I have to start farming fusion artifacts
If you missed Changli you would have bricked, but Jinshi's power is only paying off for the hardest 1% of the game. Don't sweat it
wuwa's parry system is dogshit so that's not much of an accomplishment
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Well she's still stronger than anything else you have right now unless you've got the Greenman, so I think she's fine.
as long as you don't play on hdd
>zzzaggots in this thread "bragging" about their game
>doesn't play their game or go to the /zzzoo/ to talk about it
I'm thinking their updates won't give their game any substantial boost in enjoyment value...
please understand they have to make it so certain (read: p2w) characters can auto-win
So they're basically admitting it didn't live up to their own expectations. Funny, maybe next time they will listen when people dunk on certain gameplay aspects during beta.
You literally cannot brick your account
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You didn't play the game. Not even worth the (You)
Bro your PGR?
It has far better combat than zoo.
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I'll give you a (You). WuWa is trash. ZZZ is better. Even Genshit is better. WuWa feels like a chink copy of a chink game. That's the lowest a game can be. Enjoy your MTL trash.
im burnt out on PGR
gen 2 units destroyed the game for me
you just spam your ideal rotation while ignoring everything the enemy does since you're in I-frames 90% of the time
99% if you're playing CW
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Don't send the riffraff our way you dingus
Thanks for the info, I'm less worried now.
I wanted to take advantage of the fact that you can use the same weapon on separate teams in Tower of Adversity, unless they changed that already.
Bwo, ZZZ threads move at light speed and they exclusive talk about their game.
No one mentions WuWa there, no one thinks about WuWa there. It's only this thread malding about Hoyo. Even Genshitters are talking about their new event while you are still thinking about ZZZ. Discuss WuWa if you like it so much.
It wasn't by the lack of feedback that's for certain, but they "thought better" than the players and it bit them in the ass, got humbled it seems
Now get rid of TV shit, it needs to go, it's literally just filler slop to make it seems it has more content than it actually has
Also their gameplay loop is flawed, having one ultimate bar shared by the team makes it a non brainer to use on anyone else than dps while you just use the same combo waiting to fill the skill
based based based based
Because they’re full of issues. Most posts are people being scorned.
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>hoyotards are still there
damn Changli made them that scared?
Scar is going to win the Roverbowl
I think people said that kuro's started releasing bosses that ignore i-frames
Which supports go well with chixia as main DPS?
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>you can look but you can't touch
Rover only gets to watch.
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Schizoposting hours... the amerifaggot is back talking to himself again...
time to spam [-] lads.
>b-bro it's only w-wuwa that t-talks about zzz, it's t-totally not b-because of baitposting and a schizo faggot replying to himself on c-cooldown
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My cute magistrate
Ellen trailer had a ingame event if you watch it you get 20 astgrite or smt i cant remember the amount
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should i roll for changli or save my primogems?
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>pag thinks 300$ is a large amount of money for a first worlder
good job outing yourself garbage goober
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I remember the guy larping as having a account when he is using YouTube screenshot as his own.
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after what 2 years?
I honestly don't care
people joke about clearing ZZZ blindfolded but I could do the exacty same thing in PGR, except I could do it with the game muted because it's so fucking braindead
if you want, i can draw a route that i use to genocide 90% of the elites
its a very long route though if you want to kill a lot of time, otherwise you can just use it to highlight nice spots to kill shit
I agree with you ZZZ is better not sure about Genshin. I think open world gacha just aren't for me. I guess if you have a lot of time and want to game WuWa is the better because it's got a lot of content.
lmao even
in a week sensortower wank will drop and it will get even worse, stay strong /wuwa/
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nyom nyom nyom nyom nyom
>posts screenshot from the game
>is a day 1 player
>has all (?) limited characters and at least 1 weapon
>lvl 80 so a decent amount of time put into the game
>says WuWa is trash
>WuWa calls this bait
I think you lost.
>N-no one cares about wuwa
>goes out of his way to enter wuwa thread and have a melty
Rent free holy shit
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I think wuwa should collectively ignore zero effort bait!
Don't engage the schizo tranny guys, he only gets more erect every time you reply to his homo ass.
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i mean i wouldn't call it no money either most niggas have to work 4-5 days to earn 300 bucks. Definitely wouldn't spend $300 on a video game let alone a gacha that is for sure
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>I could do the exacty same thing in PGR
you couldn't do shit, let's be real
how much would you spend on a video game
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Why people keep replying to them? I mean, i know how gullible nikg was with baits but really
Camellya gotta be a Coord. Atk queen
Jiangshi skin when?
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How many people dropped the game because of this faggot furry? Started 4 days ago and I almost dropped the game today when the fag spooked me again, thankfully Changli was in the same 10 pulls
Got the two characters I wanted, Encore and Changli, how do I use my wife Encore?
I have no idea what I am doing so far. I just switch when the character's icon flashes and spam skill and ult
Does anyone have the engine tweaks?
They got deleted somehow
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I saw the same screenshot a few days ago. Maybe should start using a different one
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>2 more days and my sub runs out and I can permanently quit
Ok, your 2 days have passed now, time to quit. Hurry up.
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I play both games. SHOCKING, right?
How could anyone actually play this shit show called WuWa. I also play HSR and I renewed my sub to Genshin. Are you gonna cry?
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this tierlist says changli bad?
also what the fuck happened to chalcharo?
should i roll for changli or save?
Me personally in one go id say 30 bucks is like my limit before i start getting annoyed
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>Why people keep replying to them?
it's fun activity while waiting for inferno rider cooldown, remember the point of Wuwa is to destroy discords, both in-game and here
Genshin's open world is better.
The combat there is action combat, but the depth comes from teambuilding, not mechanical execution like WW or PGR.
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You reply to trash, you become the trash.
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humiliation time
I almost faltered, don't want to shit up your thread so here's some art
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Thank you for keeping /wuwa/ alive and active sirs
Laughing at monkeys screeching is amusing
Considering majority of them are shitskins goblins they even look like them
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Sometimes it's him replying to himself, boxing with his own shadow, having arguments with himself. Sometimes people jump in thinking it's 2 or more people talking, and then they just pile on you with their zzz shilling.
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I already quit bwo, I didn't even wait for the sub to run out. That was my last screenshot. I'll keep coming here to remind you how shit your game is though.
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fuck it's becasue he's too hard to play I fucking knew it. I knew I should't have selected this fucking guy, I knew from day 1 i fucked up and he played like shit. FUCK i could of had lion shota or monk woman. SHIT
should i roll for changli?
Why are you still playing?
Why did you quit?
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>most niggas have to work 4-5 days to earn 300 bucks
Not a nigga. I'm white and more competent so I earn more I guess?
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Not even worth a you
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Changli is fun but man, I'm starved for more story content.
I swear to god I have seen this screenshot somewhere before and it definitely not from this faggot

better to ignore wuwer
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People will defend Calcharo by saying "just git gud", but the reality is that being able to execute a simple kit at 90-100% of their potential is better than executing a good-in-theory but difficult kit at 60% potential.
You see this all the time in esports like MOBAs where pros will pick simpler characters and play them almost perfectly, defeating a lane opponent that tries to pilot a complicated character.
And these are the best, people literally getting paid to play video games.
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I'm going to assume you fucking tourists never played CW
she has auto block with 99% i-frames and tracking, if you input her rotation correctly she just deletes even the hardest content in the game without any possible counter-attack options from the enemy
pic related is the "hardest" content in the game, did it first try while hardly looking at the game
kuro dick riders
SOLON 2024
>1/3 of the thread is hidden
Don't engage with the falseflagger seagoblin, they don't want discussion just to screech like the monkeys they are, tell them to fuck off and move on
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does Changli auto-parry and i-frame as much shit as I thought she would?
her animations looked way too flashy to be comfortable to play continuously unless she had those built-in
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nigger I cleared it with A2 which is like what, 2 years old now? just say you have massive skill issue and it's all good
The next electro homo is going to bury him for good, and if rumors are true he's free. I pity the people who picked Calcharo from the selectors for "meta", they got scammed hard in less than two months.
>...has potential to deal top tier damage, contending with the likes of Jinshi and Jiyan's top teams in the hands of swap cancel, combo, bossing, no lag gaming god.
I don't know, sometimes you have characters with simple but broken kits, just look at Jax and Irelia from LoL
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>Why did you quit?
Decided I don't like playing a low quality game. Playing a MTL game feels like shit in the end and Kuro doesnt give a fuck. They'll throw a 10 pull and pags are happy. I liked the characters so I try to stick to the game. I have it every chance, I played through 1.1 and it was still MTL low quality chinkslop so I finally decided that enough is enough. ZZZ releasing helped as I switched to it. I like it way more. It's just more fun.
>I'm going to assume you fucking tourists never played CW
I have her don't worry, I know how she works.
But you clearly don't know about all the upcoming changes CN had and we are going to get in global.
Iframes? lmao you clearly didn't fought bosses that can bypass your bitch ass core attack.
> just say you have massive skill issue and it's all good
...but I don't since I cleared it perfectly?
and what is supposed to be the "hardest" content then?
I'm seriously hoping you're not going to say Norman because that shit is even easier with gen 2 units
>inb4 just don't play gen 2 units
yeah I guess my bad for thinking that walking is too easy
should just shoot myself in the foot!
>I swear to god I have seen this screenshot
You saw it here because I posted it before. It's the state of /wuwa/ EU. 80% quit for ZZZ.
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We can't lose this one bro
I really don't care though, my Yinlin works with both of them
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roll if you dont have Jinhsi, but she still stronger fushion and more future proof than Jinhsi
Works on my machine
Yea, having to play chalcharo perfectly to get a good proportion of his damage output is not fun in the slightest. A shame I like his character, although I think the heavy rewrites of the story only hurt kuro becasue I've no idea who danjin, him and uncle really are and mt friament didn't seem interested in fleshing out them.
By the time they're introduced in the story, will they even be relevant powerwise? Or will they be so creeped, I won’t care who calcharo is? It's ironic that the person with the most development LIng yang is also the most hated by the player base.
It depends on your constellations of him.
but yea that's fair if you can get even modicum of his advertised DPS you must be very good, getting 3 deaths end messengers is no small feat and that's not even including all the animation cancels you have to do. right now though it feels like he's carried by yinlin more than anything.
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Why are you guys replying to obvious bait... wuwabwos, do better
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lmao you are so full of shit, her block is only a % reduction of damage unless you perfect block, you would know that if you actually played the game because she can get killed if you don't perfect block in the hardest content, she also has a way more downtime on her i-frames than the other gen 2s so you would 100% get one shot if you actually tried to do a blindfold run, if you wanted someone to actually believe your retarded ass you should've used Bianca or Lee who actually have way too many i-frames.
If only ZZZ wasn't a buggy mess with 20 gorillions game breaking bug fixes it would be almost aright. At least Kuro shit out pulls for even small bug fixes
>invade thread
>spam gayshit or furrysloppa
>get btfod
>Le why you don't le speak about le WuWa?!????!!?!
You can post sales, you can scream and cry, you can seethe, you can do whatever, but at the end of the days you still be a cuck furry nigger playing shitty DPS check """game""" and I will be playing AAA anime wuxia kino with designated stunning wife in it
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We already lost. Day 1 sales were good but then we tanked.
This is just false though.
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>falseflaggers still trying to stir shit
Kek do they like getting humiliated this much?
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I have jinxi she's cute. not even regret full as blasting people with dragon breath is fun, I guess I'll save and next banners aren't that interesting either to me.
Wuwa is like genshin but you are permanently stuck in liyue with characters from liyue's chinatown
ZZZ only had minor bugs like some character shit not working properly and it was fixed within a day. They also gave out 3000 polychromes in the mail and the total F2P pulls of 1.0 was close to WuWas. But please, do cope some more.
Why is Rover allowed to have so many wives?
It's a crapshoot, just give it a try
my phone runs it better now while my pc randomly runs it a tad worse sometimes
I really wish I got into PGR when it first came out, it seems like a better game than wuwa with more fun combat and not as much busy work.
These characters are cool as fuck also.
When is wuwa going to get cool characters like this?
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nigga this shit's broken as fuck
what makes one game a DPS check and the other not btw, isn't it all the same shit?
If you got him because you liked the idea of the character it's no big deal but getting him for meta was just a bad decision when even getting more copies of Verina would be a better use of those pulls.
80 pity vs 90 and two free selectors made those pulls go farther.
Old hags should not be THIS lewd
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So why is someone who played the game, posted screenshots of his account considered a falseflagger and a shit poster?

Because he doesn't like WuWa anymore? You do realize how unhinged you all are, right?
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Wuwa being literally the only game that bugs out and gets removed from the sales chart is honestly hilarious
Sorry, I meant to say Game: Game being removed from the sales chart is hilarious.
ZZZ isn't perfect the tv sections are rather annoying.
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Let be real for a second

no gacha on the market that gives the same feeling of adrenaline rush when you perform perfect dodge/parry as how it was in WuWa/PGR combat. So I will stick with them for now thank you very much.
>the day before he tried to stir the pot with /snoggers/
>yesterday he larped as a BAGbro
>he's now larping as a pgrbwo...
Running the game on my phone feels like a Wuthering Waves PSP port.
>I have her don't worry, I know how she works.
But you clearly don't know about all the upcoming changes CN had and we are going to get in global.
as I said, after what, 2 years?
this is gencuck level of coping, waiting 4 years for an endgame lmao
you barely even deserve a (You)
>her block is only a % reduction of damage
yes I knew that
>unless you perfect block
I actually didn't know that because IT'S COMPLETELY FUCKING UNNECCESSARY
>she can get killed if you don't perfect block in the hardest content
if you die in any content of the game using CW you're a fucking scrub lmao
if you 3ping after going into oodachi and after oodachi groundslam your core passive meter is almost full and you have to charge like 0.5 seconds to go into full iframe again
I won't reply to your next post if I detect it's you because you are clearly worse at the game than me blindfolded
They can't realize that as long as they reply their thread will be shit
do i really need to open that game and start screenshoting the bug fixes ?
How is characters falling under the map and characters kit not working as said in the toolkit a small bug. Nigger the only reason it gets a giga pass for huge bugs and characters not working is because is a mihoyo game lets be real here aright. Like even in their own recent twitter post they said they gonna try hard to fix the game issues
ZZZ had one selector, true but honestly it's all just standard shit and you know what? ITS SHIT for both games. Otherwise people wouldn't cry about getting T0 Encore rather then T2 Changli
>They also gave out 3000 polychromes in the mail and the total F2P pulls of 1.0 was close to WuWas.
Wuwa was more generous speaking as a gacha player, mihoyo were'nt nearly as generous it's worth remembering that of theri 180 free pulls 80 of those pulls were for bangboos which is a massive fucking meme in itself.
Stop replying to low effort bait just point at them and laugh
ofc it happens juuust in time when zzzslop banner drops rumao
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A few days ago, I was on my way home from work on a train. A greasy shirtless black man got on the train and started laughing to himself.
At one point, he blocked the doors from closing, laughed louder and shouted "they all hate me, hahaha, look at how angry they all are". He had a lady with him, a tardwrangler I assume, and she had to remove him from the train.

In that moment he reminded me of some of you.
*have one selector and is 300 pulls lmao
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Let be honest. Wuwa is......
This shit is the main reason why i quit the game.

I was thinking this game was a Fighting focusing game but this and the slow exploration mode are boring as fuck.
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I absolutely agree but they already promised to cut most of TV out in the recent dev talk and addressed most of the complaints. ZZZ is not perfect, far from it but as it is right now I find it more fun than WuWa and it feels better to play a non MTL game.
it's not bots, they force players to watch that video by linking to it in game
>20 gorillions game breaking bug
I mean, this is just a lie?
All of the fixes and compensation ZZZ put out are for minor, edge case stuff.
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You can only reply to this post if you're a day one player
>ZZZ had one selector
ZZZ has one selector that you will reach when you hit 300 pulls, which unless you're stupid enough to whale on the standard banner, you aren't even halfway close to getting.
You're thinking of ZZZ's beginner banner which they tied into their standard banner which is a rare charitable move by mihoyo as most times it'd be separate of I guess instead of 300 pulls it's 250 pulls.
You're still not getting that “selector” until 6 + months from now.
What selector? You couldn't pick the 5* you got a 50 pulls. Unless you're counting the 300 pull pity
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bros I swear it wasn't a brag post. Tell me how I use my wife and does she work with Changli?
a heterosexual man's game.
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I need tubes
Lots of tubes
Tubes event when
>saying this shit when Fairy yapping is literally MTL shit
Fuck off
11 days
Good games don't need to be generous.
Only pags celebrate a free 10 pull when the game itself is an unplayable mess.
I haven't built my anko, but I imagine after every E -> BA by Changli you have an opportunity to swap to anko to deal her damage, then quickswap back until you fill her forte.
Well the game came out a year after.
What do you expect?
They can't make all the updates and patches in one go.
Stop being a retard.
At least they are addressing the issue and changing it, meanwhile hoyo doesn't do anything even after years.
Not only that but the rewards are awful in zoo, I played that game until I was inter level 30 and dropped.
Thanks for the 100 standard pull, you don't even have enough resources to get a character, I skipped Ellen for Zhu Yuan and didn't even managed to get her after I lost the 50/50.
Stingy fucking company.
needs more art
>Mighty Lightcrusher
I wish this nigger is near a resonance beacon for a quick heal reset. Learning how to fight it is such a chore.
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Show them, my boy.
While ZZZ is better translated it's not with some errors and I also think it's because its concepts are less metaphysical. Wuwa is clearly Xianxia inspired, while ZZZ is feels more like the plot was lifted from a korean webnovel and a lot of anime inspirations. Tropes of that nature are going to be far easier to digest and follow.
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here we go again...
You don't even play zzz hoyocuck,stop shilling for free, everything in that game is copy pasted from somewhere else
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I'm tired of clobbering up xinyi edits bro... they need to start making more xinyi art or I'll start commissioning for it myself. >:(
Based nanny aalto
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All of the bug fix compensations so far.
They're literally all just "we did math wrong" or "the numbers were wrong" errors.
Like, ZZZ has its problems, but at least actually point to real ones.
Go to picrel, claim all, they give you a temporary to, place it right next to lightcrusher
That art is so ugly. Also
>skipping Jinhsi's voice in her dialogue
That's not nice. the Magistrate doesn't deserve it.
Good games are generous because they can afford to be. anything else and it's a korean or chinese gacha.
>they called their discord buttbuddies to samefag now
Later wuwa, I'm gonna follow Solon and go to the gym now
>Not even one pull
If there was ONE singular instance of a weapon or a character not working in wuwa it would be giga drama just saying ZZZ had multiple occasions of weapons and characters not working as intended. it happened once in japan for wuwa and that shit made kuro give refunds + 10k to a lot of Jap niggas
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>Mighty Lightcrusher
Bwo I killed him literally first try with Chixia. I don't understand why anyone would struggle with it
Twin wolves on the other hand took me solid ~10 attempts
>E -> BA
E for skill and BA for basic attack? isn't that too fast I don't get to activate the intro skill?
I know I can swap my Ancoro when she gets stuck charging that long attack
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probably a sabotage
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Here anon... let's keep the light burning for our HAG GODDESS
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That's probably true but the MTL stuff in WuWa ruined my enjoyment of the story and the world and I won't get that back, even if they improve. There's a reason Kuro caved in so fast and gave a complete skip button. They knew it was embarrassing.
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I hope all other nation's loong mandated magistrates are as cute and noble as her
I need a Xinyi gf
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Resist bad games, laugh at zzzoo animals, enjoy a healthy life.
This is so not right
Woah thanks
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>an army of sentinels grooming young women all around the world
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The way I do it with Chixia is of course I start with my support, swap to Changli E->BA->-BA to get 2 forte stacks -> swap to chixia -> E -> Forte -> BA (Usually I can fill the concerto with this) -> intro with Changli -> E -> BA (full forte stacks at this point) Forte -> Ult -> Forte
But that's just for the first rotation, you can insert Inferno Rider during successive rotations for the swap cancels. It's pretty fun and fast paced imo.
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Yeah why don't you screen shoot the bug fixes as well i cba opening that game.
Okay, that's pretty fucking funny. I've not encountered anything as bad as that in ZZZ.
At first, I thought the skip button was to irritate rerollers yea I agree that a lot of kuros dialogue is a lot of text without much substance. It's also not incredibly easy to follow, Gacha players aren't infamous for attention spans either.
I think the story greatly improved after when scar showed up, but i'd be lying if I said i cared what random NPC's outside the main story said.
They've got a big world they need to fill up and obviously very little quality control.
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Bwos, is this real?
I play ZZZ but my main gacha is wuwa
what does that make me?
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Someone who enjoys quality gacha? Idk.
Someone that fucks animal on the weekends.
what does that part of her thong that's touching her anus smell like?
we are bugged
d-doesnt count
Where is WuWa?
Looks like a fake.
Don't reply to a Hoyoshill.
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is that.... is that a mole mesh??... ON HER ASS???
what website is this?
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>If there was ONE singular instance of a weapon or a character not working in wuwa it would be giga drama
They had so many issues and general gameplay problems that people were focused on that minor fixes to weapons or characters were washed over.
Kuro bundled the compensation for minor fixes on the scale of what ZZZ's compensating into single mails.
>it happened once in japan for wuwa and that shit made kuro give refunds + 10k to a lot of Jap niggas
This is just disingenuous.
This was a translation error for a 5 star banner weapon, and not just a minor error.
They mistranslated Resonance Liberation as Resonance Skill, which has major gameplay consequences. Especially considering people literally threw money to get multiple copies of the weapon.

You also forgot the part where they doxxed the japs because they CC'd instead of BCCing those that needed the compensation.
Stupid fucking zoomer faggot.
I wish summer was already.
you're supposed to have a melty about only being allowed to play gacha made by 1 company despite not having content 90% of the time
yeah what can I say I lead a double life
>always bugs out
people just don't spend on this game.
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Wait I'm confused, am I supposed to seed Jinhsi or Changli?
A trooncel self-inserting game. YWNBAW
>the lingerie image is just an edit of the head over some chink webtoon garbage
it's so over, hagfags...
someone who isn't a sheep that listens to nigger anon
Like sweet burning incense anon... Envision the aroma...
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Wuwa bros do you think Solon will make Nier collab like with PGR?
So you think whales dont max out standard units ? why they dont got offered a refund and everybody started losing their minds over Mihoyo releasing a character and weapons not working as said on the tooltip. Is the mihoyo pass, shill try harder please.
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Im new to the game, so E is skill, right? forte is the melody bar thing?
Im going to fight Inferno Rider for the first time for Encore mats I shouldn't bother with echos yet, correct?
>engaging with a dedicated mihomo shill
Do better anon. You can spend your time in more productive things.
This won't happen next month because no Changli caliber character lol
2B is a cheap whore who puts out for multiple IP, so yes.
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The sad part is that mihomo doesn't even pay these drones, they do it for free
>At first, I thought the skip button was to irritate rerollers yea I agree that a lot of kuros dialogue is a lot of text without much substance. It's also not incredibly easy to follow, Gacha players aren't infamous for attention spans either.

Star Rail is worse. It's just in between all the memes.
That breainlet shill is keeping me busy while i wait for my nikkers to finish the dailies
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Post more of her and I'll stop shitting on WuWa for a week.
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Hope so. We already have toobee's japanese va
>effect's range is a couple meters shorter than it should be
>versus broken passive proccing on ult vs. proccing on skill
>can't comprehend which one is more major
kys ESL retard
name 3 game breaking bugs in zzz
Keep eating the shit and not asking question mihoyo shills surely that will make ZZZ unflop itself
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What went so horrifically wrong?
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>Im new to the game
Ah apologies, yeah E is skill button on PC. Forte is the melody resource bar thing in the middle.
If you're starting out, you CAN farm some purple echos but know that you will replace them with gold (or 5*) echos in the future the moment you level up your databank to 15 onwards.
Instead of investing time on farming echos early, spend your time unlocking the echo database instead and leveling union level.
Use your stamina for more meaningful things like using it for shells, character exp, or weapon exp, or level up mats like boss mats. don't do Tacet Fields just yet (this drops echos and tuners to gamba for substats)
>I shouldn't bother with echos yet, correct?
No, I mean you can level some of them up and it wouldn't be such a loss because you can use leveled up echos as echo experience down the line, if you're lucky and you get crit rate or crit damage substats, you can level them up to 20, but otherwise don't be too attached with your purple echos.
Priority is: Level > Weapon > Skills > Echo

Good luck anon
works on my machine
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Honestly I don't mind where WuWa is sitting on charts, game's doing fine with the potential of topping charts on hyped characters so devs might feel less inclined to grow complacent and ignore improving the game.
Never had a single issue in wuwa but i got the bag anyways . try again
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We stopped being wuwa and became Game: Game
This is the last /wuwa/ because the next general will be /gaga/
Fractsidus' babies go into the trashcan
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oh shit you're right, dailies just reset.
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Come back to me when mihoyo games have females made for hetero males.
Nice Nicole btw, lmao.
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How many points did you guys get today?
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>doesn't know English
>3rd worlder
>plays flash-game tier gacha
Ah, I see.
I understand what's wrong now.
You can go back to eating your pagpag and playing your Nikke.

I have zero respect for slopsuckers who primarily play mobile games (too poor to afford a PC or console) and subdue themselves to garbage because it gives them 300 rolls or whatever.
I remind you that this game top ZZZ for its entire release day. trying to change that subject to the fact that i am European wont change the facts retard shill
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Remember when that anime avatar troon kept posting that Jinhsi is a sub dps brick before she released? She's so strong that she pushed all other dps down the tier list because they don't compare to her.
saar i am european..
Retarded tier list.
kek true
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wuwa is fun, nikke is fun, pgr is fun, ba is fun, zzz is not fun
6.4, i'm a shitter...
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Thanks bro
I always knew nikkers were good people
you ran out of steam already mihoyo shill bro ?
easy gg.
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this thread is wuwallies with nikkers, baggers, and pgrbwos
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Only 7300. It's grover.
But is Liv fun?
for me, its wuggers, nikkers, and snowbros
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Well to be fair I did just cheat and nuke every floor with Jinhsi
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>this game top ZZZ for its entire release day
It didn't. I play both games, but it's embarrassing how much you're lying to shill for Kuro.
I play Genshin, wuwa, nikke and HSR, what am I?
>Zzz, the game where you have a single ultimate per team
>The game where parries have almost a 5s window
>Better than WW
Tell me you understand jack shit about arpgs without telling me.
You aren't allowed to powercreep the Magistrate, she's the perfect girl.
I’ve spent $100 on this game but my account looks like an average f2p since I only have Yinlin and Changli + her weapon
Yes it did and it was a good laugh in those threads.
Don't worry Calchudbros we'll another support and a signature weapon.
Trust the plan
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Bwos, it happened!!!
I want to say a sane person but playing that many gacha can't be healthy
The strongest resonator
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Gambatte anko bwo
you can quick-swap away from anko in the middle of your skill animation (when the woolies go pew pew pew), during your forte casting (when anko loses her meds), and during the 3rd hit of the Inferno Rider! (when the inferno rider does his salute to the 3rd Reich)
Find out all her combos, she's potentially the best quick-swap duo of Changli.
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Is it confession time?
>Gachas you play
>Favorite Wuwa
FGO, Blue Archive and Wuwa
Encoreloli Changli is a close second
Wtf happened to my shell credit? I had millions a few minutes ago AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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>ctrl+f zzz
>53 hits
Why is there so much fighting between gachafags? Can't one post about wuwa in the wuwa general?
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B-But 4 isn't a lot...
Bootleg yae FLOPPED and killed this game kek
Why does she hold a knife?
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It became 100% more comfy with Chixia/Changli
as opposed to JInhsee team
AL, BA, Snowbreak, WuWa
None other than this but I might give PGR a shot one of these days.
Jianxin and Jinhsi, they're both my queens.
I mean I take this instead of picrel any time
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Very irresponsible Lord Arbiter!
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But now everyone already forgot about her
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>BA, PGR, Wewer
correct, I'm a NEET and I have RSIs in my hands after trying to play MMOs as well, partly from typing too much. I started wuwa late but it's why I'm still doing the 1.1 quest rn
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Finally chairman Xhi is all mine !
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Arknights, WuWa, Snowbreak, BA
My nigga Crownless
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>Gachas you play
Favorite right now is wuwa
my daily constant is nikke
I used to play aether glazer, echocalypse and like 2-3 pixel game gachas but I dropped all of them and retained just wuwa and nikke.
A few years back I played Arknights and Genshin, was gonna try FGO but a friend told me not to.
turd arbitroon says drown the baby in the hot springs
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all 3 top hoyoslop + wuwa
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>tfw recently bricked my hands
it's soothes the trauma of getting screwed in one of them unless they all screw you
>>Gachas you play
Wawu. That's it.
>>Favorite Wuwa
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>wuwa, zzz, genshin very casually
I feel like when I roll for one and get lucky, it sucks my luck for the other gachas... It's a horrible feeling.
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>you can quick-swap away from anko in the middle of your skill animation (when the woolies go pew pew pew),
yeah I discovered this by mistake
one last question, is there content that needs more than one team? I mean it has to be but just want to be sure
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>Gachas you play
the big 3: genshin, zzz and woowers
>>Favorite Wuwa
Jinhsi and 2nd Encore she's so cute
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Honkai, Wuwa
wuwa, nikke, granblue (seasonal)
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Wuwa, nikke, snowbreak
>favorite wuwa
for a while I would immediately roll in another after getting shafted in one and get great luck.
not lately
Finally some good taste
It's funny because Zhezhi will likely make her *even* better.
GI, Nikke, HSR, wuwa
ZZZ, Wuwa, Nike, Snowbreak
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the shitty tower of adversity (ToA) requires at least 2 maybe 3 teams, but it's only a handful of astrites.
For overworld stuff nah... for event stuff they even provide trial characters. You can beta-test all the characters and decide later on what you wanna build.
For me I leveled most of them to 40 to give them a try in the overworld before deciding what to main. It's never bad to level up supports tho, like Sanhua or Verina if you're gonna focus on being an anko manko.
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FEH Nikke Duel Link Wuwa
Rover Encore and Changli
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imagine playing this shit
I play Nikke BA, Wuwa, HSR and ZZZ right now.
Nikke is my favorite because it has the best main story and the permanent spark system is amazing. Blows BA's spark system out of the water.
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I see a lot of nikkers in the wuwa hood
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wuwa would never
To be fair, why would aether give a shit about any girl in the game? He only cares about his sister
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>6 tacet markings
it's because she's a 6 star in disguise
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Is Calculator really that bad, bros? Isn't he supposed to be the best when paired with Yinlin?
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Based nikkers
HSR, Wuwa, Genshin, Granblue occasionally
his buffed ult still shreds shit
>get Jinhsi pregnant
>Jue also gets pregnant
I need someone with a degree in resonance
He is bad but only to those who are not a gaming god anon.
See: >>487464738 >>487464025
So, I'm seeing quite a lot of contention with how tiers should be handled in general, so I'm curious how people would define them.
>S Tier / Tier 0
Excels in their role in every way with no downsides.
>A Tier / Tier 1
No weaknesses, fills their role as well as can be expected
And the other lower tiers just compound issues, one major flaw, two major flaws, etc...
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Wuwa, Nikke, AL, Action Taimanin.
>tower of adversity (ToA)
good to hear
Thanks again bro
KalKarot isn't bad, he just demands a lot of technique to put off the damage numbers people expected from him.
Also yinlin carries everyone, she's like the best sub dps in the game right now
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you clearly don't if you think wanderer does anything other than drop the traveller on Nilou's lap and then stand in the vicinity of other characters. not that I liked him or the quest though but I don't self-insert as a manlet in a croptop either
he has the worst last inherent skill in the game lol
>imagine playing this shit
as a game, it is very close to wuwa but everything surrounding the game part is dogshit
fandom, story, characters, cuckbaits shipshit
he's high effort mid reward
that's bad
Calcaro is like pushing two rocks up a hill while your friend can push on rock up a hill and you both get paid the same thing.
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I still have a lot of the screecaps
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>Game that appeals to heterosexual males attracted many heterosexual males
True, Jiyan and Jinxi are both easier to play and do more DPS with better parry windows. But comparing him to a limited character in this instance feels unfair? He was never going to compete.
>Calcharo has the most satisfying gameplay and sfx
>he sucks

well fuck you Kuro I'm dropping your games, too bad because I would have spent thousands like I did in PGR if you didn't make the coolest character shit
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Don't listen to the slander CALCHADBROS, you are driving a car on manual without ABS while these other simpletons are driving an automatic...
even when you compare him to havoc rover he loses imo
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He's good when the opponent doesn't move, he requires his full combo to do his max damage, also Genos next patch is just a better Churro
Also Yinlin is just broken, she carries everyone
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Exactly! Well said, my fellow high INT modern man!
It's true that we are a special new breed of male that are feminists through and through! I love being the "Witness"! I love watching! I love being the camera!
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>Gachas you play
WuWa, nothing else interests me longterm
>Favorite Wuwa
redpill me on Taimanin.
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Bros... I did it, and I don't regret it.
I'm running on 3 hours of sleep and it's almost midnight. My brain isn't working properly, if I waited any longer I wouldn't have done it.
I have defied logic and obtained sex.
Why are revenuefags spamming the japanese charts for mobile? Why that server in particular?
you didn't refute anything I said, take your meds and go back to tieba
is that havoc rover cheese with 3 dreamless? or regular havoc rover?
Rover is a hard comparison, even if havoc rover becomes shit he's still worth building. You're right, though, calks high skill ceiling doesn't feel great when his results are so mediocre and now that changli exists and Encore has her sub dps he's probably going to be forgotten quickly.
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Based. You only need to sweat the last 3 towers and it's what? less than 1 pull?
Just fucking play what's fun to you
Literally r18 senran kagura games but with taimanin sluts instead, also no sex scenes
That's literally it
you sound like me last night, wuwon
because these are the ones posted to reddit usually, who cares that they're literally guesses lol
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I was agreeing with a fellow modern man! I didn't need to refute anything, I was agreeing with you!
danjin+h rover with dreamless on them, I always give my healer bell
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>Gachas I play
Genshin, Wuwa, will play P5X when it releases globally and will try N2E and Mugen when they release
>Favorite Wuwa
Want Changli to step on my face while Yinlin steps on my balls. Simple as.
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Nah only posting chart cus nigga was telling lies on the internet for fun
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*mogs tourist-kun's game*
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AT is pretty mediocre as far as these kinds of games go. The only notable feature is that you outright buy playable characters and their costumes with gems, the gacha is only for equipment.
Not much reason to play it unless you already liked the franchise and the girls.
Yinlin ended up being better than all other characters I rolled,even Jinhsi
She's literally in every team, she's that good
WuWa is just a low quality cashgrab clone of Genshin. Why? To milk you "Genshin could never" retards. They are already making a new game and ready to abandon this shit. There is no passion in WuWa like there is in say HSR or even early Genshin. You know this deep inside. You know it's true. All your money is funding other games and nothing will be put back into WuWa. You know this.
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I tried to tell you bwo...
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no wa wu wu wu wa wa!
ge go ga gu ga!!!!!
>Gachas I play
FGO, Azur lane, Blue Archive, Nikke, Genshin, Star Rail, Snowbreak, WuWa, ZZZ
>Favorite Wuwa
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You can even run her with Changli she works really well with all the quickswaps.
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I don't know why WuWa refuses to listen to me.
They must have been psyop'd by some hoyo shitposter who told them "brown frog le bad".
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You won Wuthering Waves.

please die, at least mention ZZZ but no this lazy poor man's rpg
because JP is the only one with live data
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This does feel like a certified wuwon moment
>All your money is funding other games
PGR? I play that one too.
>/wuwa/ - Nikke General
>tower starts you with full ultimates but zero outro bar
Thanks, I hate it. Makes every team that relies on outros/intros awkward to play for the first 15 seconds since I never know if I should farm the outros or just go ham with ultimates in the meanwhile. I've seen people gain Verina's outro from zero in like 5 seconds but it always takes me longer since I don't have variation.
>Changli has more SOUL and style put into her kit than the entirety of Mihoyo's characters with the exception of HoS
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it's okay bro. Not everyone rolled into a high INT spec. Just enjoy what you enjoy and leave the thinking to the big boys.
>All your money is funding other games and nothing will be put back into X
literally every single mihomo game, you do know theyre making some animal crossing bullshit next?
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>please die
This is the best a kuroshill can do. Impotent malding at the truth.
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Is SOUL what we're calling floating and flying around shimmy shamming your screen while shitting fire effects?
I can't believe they released two floaty characters in a row.
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Ignoring doomposters and shitters always turns out great in the end
Here's your: Yinlin brick-Chixia brick-Oncore brick- Changli brick
who do i roll for next? man i wish i got weapon.
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whales play a completely different game
>still posting edited shit to shill for his cuckold fetish
Bwo, you already posted this on /gig/ and got brutally BTFO'D.
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birds reign supreme
probably prides themselves on being "F2P"

eFootball(tm) 2023 I kneel....
Based chad I kneel
Agreed, unfortunately for your narrative i'm not a whale.
Pic is not the same with Lumine because it looks more like
>It was supposed to be me, not her!
even better if he's F2P honestly.
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why do you think I play wuwa too, also I've seen all these already I don't know why you think they're a "gotcha"
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It's called having two different sets of attack strings, both grounded and aerial like in many traditional action games
Also great sound effects, four differents variations of the base outfit when fighting, carefully made animations at the end of every single move.

They never topped her...
>wuwa isn't even in the top 200 in JP ranking
do the nips hate changli or something?
Based F2PGOD
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You will roll Zhezhi and her weapon.
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I genuinely hate WuWa players.
Even mihomo had a better community because they are just funny clowns. You shits are just permanent victim complex seething SEApags.
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I had some fun with KFC Hua before dropping the game but her moveset was relatively basic.
wuwa only does well outside of CN and JP
SEA loves grinding bc they/re f2poor
US have boner for non-hoyo and horny game
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Does that mean they'll use that money to improve the shitty 3D models? OH NO wait it's all going to their animal crossing ripoff and you get squat kek, imagine celebrating these greedy chinks
log in, do dailies, log out. Unless there's new content, then I do that.
I am f2p but I don't pride myself on being f2p, but yeah I'm a neet
you mean Phoenix? yeah, her animations are good but nothing mindblowing
how do i play changli and encore?
JP only cares for NTR and Fate
Exactly. It's alright like I said.
who is this demon semen?
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I think I have a phoenix scream fetish
yes you certainly are, I don't believe anyone low spending can full clear tower.
dont deny it's pretty obvious
whats your favorite gacha game?
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No, they just don't like low quality games. Asians are higher IQ than westoids and also more successful than them. They don't care about your free 10 p a g pulls. They care if the game is fun or not first.
They also have better taste in characters than westoids.
unironically they mentioned model changes to in 1.1 but that just be more censoring considering how westoids feel about some characters.
>wuwa only does well outside of CN and JP
this sounds really bad, aren't those two countries the biggest spenders in gacha? well koreans are up there too i think
>SEA loves grinding bc they/re f2poor
>US have boner for non-hoyo and horny game
so wuwa's main driving force right now are seapags and americans who barely spend on gachas, that sounds kinda bad doesn't it?
do you actually have anything other than cherrypicked edits made by cucks?
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wuwa is a korean gacha
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actually my bad, they released a new poenix themed fuka half a year ago, so it's not the old phoenix suit but garuda
it's fucking terrible and yes koreans are up there maple story basically popularized gacha globally.
What happened to the being so popular you were drowning in better fanart narrative? Ran out already?
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Need to scrub the map to get rolls, just 9600 more astrites for wife guarantee...
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The person you're talking to has no idea what he's talking about, most of the money comes from China, Japan and South Korea.
just enjoy playing the game you want to bro. i play wuwa because i enjoy the combat and wives so i buy the monthly and BP, i don't even think about stuff like this
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And yet people rather play and spend on ZZZ than WuWa

I wonder why is that? Can you solve the mystery, anon? Why is ZZZ much more well received and loved than WuWa? Why?
My guy if i was a whale i wouldn't be restarting fights 20+ times because i'm UL 58 and have crap for echos.
Just apply yourself it's fun when you get the 3 doritos with 1 second left.
stop falling for these revenue charts, they only track mobile sales and wuwa runs like shit on mobile.
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Do it for them.
>still engaging with the mihomodrones
Do better
sensor tower froze last month so it's really unreliable, IIRC that's where the "doing better in global than in CN" comes from
that said, it's not doing well in CN and they really do play on phones

oh I didn't know, I'll check out her moveset, I jumped shit after Palatinus Equinox as I didn't like the game's direction
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>hoyoshills working 3 shift schedule in /wuwa/
why don't they just go play their games if they're that good? or are they that bored already?
Can someone explain why Wuthering Waves fell out of the top 200 in the App Store
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Why are you such a faggot?
>our game is bad that's why our revenue is low
We know.
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hoyo cultivated an army of braindead normie cultists during COVID with genshin, it's no big surprise those normies will eat up everything they release. they also do everything in their power to mass market and appeal to casuals, hence why ZZZ has super braindead gameplay with no skill expression, hell not even a jump button.
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>Can you solve the mystery, anon? Why is ZZZ much more well received and loved than WuWa? Why?
becasue people don't want new an exciting ideas and stories they're unfamilar with. They want fan service and anime references, they want moments that feel like they're ripped from other things they've seen before so they can tell their freinds
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More lolis doko?
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I love the comedic timing in these threads.
/wuwa/ attracts seething hoyorones like flies to shit and it's hilarious.
didn't it made twice as much outside of china last month ? which is very fucking weird for a chink gacha
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>game so well received and loved you still have to beg people on EoS threads in a taiwanese basket weaving board to pick it up
are the 5 and a half gems really worth it
Do you have stringmaster? I don't so I hope level 90 boost will be enough
I'm playing both, started Wuwa later, ZZZ since day one and have a pretty good account. Still love Wuwa more and gonna drop ZZZ because the powercreep is already going hard and arena battlers get old really fast
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Literally, they could never have such low sales.
I really don't mihomo they make honkai impact the best gacha game ever, then they make slop for the next 8 years.
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>5 and a half gems
I doubt they're being paid at all
you need a big boy PC for this one pajeet, your $100 phone just won't cut it.
If ZZZ was really well loved and received mihoyo wouldn't had written the bible in twitter
>becasue people don't want new an exciting ideas and stories they're unfamilar with.
What kind of cognitive dissonance is this?
Did you buy an account that already finished the entirety of 1.0?
The opening is generic isekai protagonist AMNEESSSSIAAAaaa garbage.
The ending is a forced "Avengers, assemble!" moment with literallywhos.
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>powercreep in 1.0
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>becasue people don't want new an exciting ideas
Nigga, WuWa is literally a 1:1 copy of Genshin Impact with some stolen shit from HSR. There is NOTHING innovation about WuWa. It's the exact same shit as Genshin BUT you get more free pulls to satisfy poorpags.
>mihoyo BRAINWASHED their players into spending money on their gachas!!
you guys sound like MAGA right now with your tinfoil conspiracy theories. ever stop to think that maybe people spend money on hoyo gachas because they want to? it's not that complicated desu
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Yeah was lucky to earlynigger stringmaster at like 30 pulls best limited weapon so far imo due to flexibility.
don't use my husband to shitpost with here
during release zzz was at rank 2 and wuwa at rank 49 and 68
Because Wuwa's phone optmization is still ass, they fucked up their launch with all of the terrible optmization issues + a homo banner with a bland male character at that.

Granted, they're improving their situation and IMO that's all that matters.
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>ribbon intact across all appearances
>except when true sight is ready, whereher ribbon burns a little
even 1.1 is just cultivationslop
my guilty pleasure
devs listened
WuWa devs wrote you a blog post full of lies and 1.1 ended up shit
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That reddit memechart that people love posting is just retarded and constantly produces nonsense numbers, so there's no real way to know what's going on there for sure.
>WuWa is literally a 1:1 copy of Genshin Impact with some stolen shit from HSR
Tell me you didn't play the game at all and just looked at the UI.
Why are we attracting a lot of trannies today? Was the cross-posting falseflagger successful in attracting le gacha wars?
I wouldn't say it's the best as PGR made it irrelevant when it comes to gameplay, meta evolution and powercreep management along with gacha currency distribution BUT I can say that Honkai is probably the first and only big 3D gacha to have a really engaging storyline without character bloat (from HoV arc up until the end of HoF's) and it was filled with really stylish and unique character ideas that just aren't matched even now.
this isn't reddit retard, most posters are magatards
Missed that little detail they really went all out with this one imagine characters 1 year form now.
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people really take this random slop as fact?
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You can defend WuWa for its good combat, but I really have to stop you when you begin shilling its story as new and innovative.
Please put down the pagpag.
stop trying so hard to convince nobody.
literally every single content creator and video on youtube during wuwa's launch described it as taking heavy inspiration from genshin. and i'm sugarcoating that because a lot of them literally just said that it copied most aspects of genshin impact.
you already lost this argument before it even began. shut the fuck up.
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cultivatorslop gacha is new compared to reusing anime tropes.

it's cultivator kino.
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2.0 animation creep will be something else.
Zhu Yhuan's M1 gives her +130% dps outside of a specific burst rotation (so 90% of her playtime)
Jane Doe's leaked kit is already broken as fuck and she's gonna be a staple in every team
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but enough about copying
bruh is that true? what the fuck
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really tempting to roll Chang's sword but i know i must save
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>noo you're not allowed to make a better genshin!
M1 is a 10% gain over M0
wuwa dupes are worse in general but that's nothing to lose your mind over
>tribalism and ego tied to the video game they spent 400 hours on makes people defend even the worst parts of the game
This is what happens when you're too poor to buy actual video games and instead have to look for F2Plop to spend 4 hours a day picking Echoes.
There is no point in arguing with these people guys. Nothing you say will ever reach a Mihomo drone, they are just to far gone. In the end they are getting what they deserve and it's funny to watch actually.
Yeah I don't like Wuwa's writing either
HOWEVER its presentation during dialogues is lightyears ahead of Genshin
far more character specific animations, more camera angles, faaaar less fade to black
Genshin's presentation is downright amateurish outside of cutscenes for its budget and Wuwa absolutely shits on it despite having less money
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whatever makes you bubble thicker SEAbro
Stay stronk bwo
Or do blood ritual and throw 10 pulls at it
t. mint picker
This is too fucking real, man.
I'm dreading Natlan exploration, cause a lot of the new regions are tied behind side quests
I got to save them all for Camellya's sword, ill just let changli use it
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100% guarantee is a bait. If you need to save, then save.
Hoyodrones being conditioned to eating shit is not gotcha, anon. It's like asking why so many more people preffer western games after 2013 happenings, rather than playing something good.
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Zhu Yuan's Mindscape 1 is incredibly unique and does more for her than can be represented in calculations accurately. This Mindscape allows Zhu Yuan to gain the quick reload effect after using her Chain Attack or Ultimate, granting her an immediate refill of Shells after she uses her entire stock. The quick reload effect will refill 6 Shells when gained through her Chain Attack and 9 through her Ultimate. The impact of this Mindscape is threefold:
it allows you to completely ignore the need to build any Shells prior to any of Zhu Yuan's burst rotations as she gains an additional 6 per Chain Attack used bringing the total granted per chain to 9,
it allows Zhu Yuan to fully reload her Shotgun Shells after executing any full Burst rotation where her Ultimate is present granting you 9 Shells to use as you see fit while you prepare for the next Stun Window (refer to Mini Burst Rotation to how we recommend using these),
it drastically improves Zhu Yuan's ability to deal with inferior enemies granting her near endless ammo as you can continuously use Zhu Yuan's Chain attack on all easily stunnable small fry enemies you come up against.
Zhu Yuan can gain both Quick Reload effects at the same time allowing her to consume them back to back to recover 15 shells total (They stack and do not overwrite each other).
I did one ten pull for her weapon cause I buy the monthly and I'm skipping 1.2
I didn't get it
>dreading Natlan exploration
I hope you have fun bro, but I dropped that shit years ago, and judging by other anons' experiences, it hasn't gotten better. Praying for you.
this insane, holy fucking powercreep anyone who rolled on ellen must be livid right now.
I mean ellen shits on her design completely
but yea sure maybe some metafags are seething
not even hoyo C6 does that kind of gain, allow me to doubt that take
Depends if you're into the goth JK.
They get trillions into a nuclear fusion reactor for this by the way, but why even bother improving your moneymaker when you amassed that same amount in loyal mindbroken housewives?
Does the money from PGR go to fund Wuwa?
yinlin is trash. Got jinshi and changli + their weapons. I dont like elf nigger ears

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