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>Mythic Reinhardt weapon available now

>Juno gameplay trailer

>Juno's abilities

>Latest patch notes

>Midseason blogpost

>Season 11 trailer

>Competitive rework

>Comics, short stories and music

>Season 11 (Current) - Ultrawatch Theme, Ashe Mythic, Colosseo Rework, Runasapi Map, Community Crafted mode (Balance patch by streamers)
>July 9 - Summer Games Event
>July 23 - Mythic Reinhardt Weapon skin
>July 30 - Lifeguard skin shop (Kiriko, Roadhog, Lifeweaver, Mercy recolor)
>Aug 20 - Season 12 and Juno launch
>Aug 21-25 - Gamescom, Blizzard will be present
>Future - Clash Mode (Unknown 2024), new tank (Season 14), Map reworks [Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado] (after season 12)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>487321340
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the kiriko brought you donuts
I now understand why that one guy would schizz out on the bot every thread.
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Holy Mercy
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petition to give genji 1 more damage on his shuriken
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I would.
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bros... why are all the ow streamers playing rivals...
>worst poster itt
>also a faggot
who woulda thunk it

Wow she looks like shit compared to Bailey Jay.

Goes to show tgirls with a little bit of healthy fat are much better looking than lanklets.
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the kiriko dance
Can you access the site? It's been down for me for some days, 504 error
>nigger actually clicked the IP grabber
Logging into your mom's bank account as we speak
oh no, not my precious ip
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/owg/ be like
>omg 225 hp pharah literally unplayable now
meanwhile overwatch esports
>pic related
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>overwatch esports
God Ramattra is so fucking annoying
pro play is a completely different game. /owg/ will also tell you venture is garbage but she is being used by almost every single korean team and they're the best region by far.
u kno, the highest level of play
I think many owggers are just kind of retarded honestly
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>this is being sold as the face of the ow community
the inevitable grooming leak will be glorious
>u kno
i don't, i think it has maybe 15 viewers peak right now
>many owggers are just kind of retarded honestly
ugly op
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Illari enjoyers, rejoice.
thanks for the bump
Kill effects are bugged in practice range when you want to try out the rein weapon cool
par for the course, it'll inevitably happen. maybe.

eskayy is one of those lesbian trannies where he only wants to fuck girls as a girl, supposedly, but who knows maybe he really is a fagpedo.

i cant wait though, then i can start calling this shit groomerwatch 2+
top 0.1% playfield isn't the same as the metal shitter dumpster that is this general
>i cant wait though, then i can start calling this shit groomerwatch 2+

how do you not feel pathetic typing this out?
Pharahfags were in denial about her being good before she got nerfed too.
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literally no one thought she was good above plat/diamond. even niggal/owg/ would have laughed at you for being a shitter if you said you couldn't deal with a pharah. similar to how they'll laugh at you now for saying you can't deal with a sombra but both of them were considered as nothing more than noobstompers for the past 6 months or so.
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there he is, one of the pharahfags
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Hammond, run!
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Sex with mercy
That's a man
They taste great tho
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>literally no one thought she was good above plat/diamond.
So you think all the t500 players using her were just doing a big prank?
everyone at the highest level unanimously agrees that flying characters are very strong in capable hands
>meta is "just shoot the tank"
>nerf half the dps cast so they only tickle tanks
>top players play the hero that can tickle tanks slightly harder because that's what gives you the highest chance of winning the game, whoever kills the enemy tank faster
>this apparently means that said hero has always been secretly broken
Why are you backpedaling?
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>pharahtard calling anyone retarded
>flying characters (plural)
interesting, so why is only 1 of them considered a problem but not the other that's actually stronger of the two?
just actually give up please, no one is gonna believe you when they took 25 health off her and she's still fucking meta, like how was she actually just not flat out a good character before the nerfs?
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based matchmaking
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she's barely played in top lobbies any more. and she'll always be meta in niggalow even if she had 1 hp and mauga's hitbox because people there don't know Y axis is a thing and can only move their mouse left and right (barely.)
she's literally played at the very very highest level right this moment, you've got nothing
>niggalowman is a pharah main

holy kek
>pro play
literally irrelevant you fucking retard. mei/sym/venture/reaper/lifeweaver etc. have all been used in pro play even at their worst when they were considered F tier.
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You can tell this anon is retarded since he uses trashy ghetto words like niggalow.
that new highlight intro looks so awful how did that ever pass quality control?
i can tell you're retarded just by seeing the reddit spacing
the autobots one. it's dogshit
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How is that a new highlight intro? It was 2 weeks ago. And the Bumblebee one is fine
pharah is not a meme pick like them though, she works very independently, as you can see here >>487443238
she slots into fucking bap/illari, the heroes with the least amount of ability to heal her(aside from pylon)

you can go into t500 leaderboards right now and see pharah among many players most picked heroes
like she's actually more common than GENJI, a historically stable t500 pick
i only saw it just now and it's awful especially on a non-transformer skin
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it's crazy how you can have 2 snipers on your team and just end up in a position where your literal only damage is your tank and moira
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>pharah is a meme pick just shoot her lule
>the best players are picking her anyway
>but you're not the best
It's crazy how the enemy team can have 2 snipers and your tank thinks it's a good idea to bust out roadhog.
What is "the meta" right now I don't follow pros or youtubers or anything
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>this meme pick is different than other meme picks because, she just is ok?
genji is always seen plenty in top 500 because there are a lot of genji onetricks who can make him viable even in the highest lobbies due to his high skill ceiling even if he's not really viable for pretty much everyone else. pharah is seen plenty of times in the top 500 cause people got to top 500 before they nerfed her. picrel is how often she was used in the top500 in the season prior to this one (remember that she recieved no buffs after this). again, people just play whatever can deal with tanks the best, as that's what will consistently give you most wins in the current meta. pharah is not the problem nor did she ever was, problem is that they made every other dps basically unviable due to pandering to tankoids.
dva tracer echo kiriko lucio/ bap illari / ana brig
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>pharah is not the problem nor did she ever was
OW hags...

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what does india have to do with pharah
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just calling it how it is anon. eskayy is most likely to be a groomer. lol
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spam central
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Impregnating Venture and Hammond with my virile seed
She will look extra cute pregnant.
Hammond will also look cute pregnant
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The wonders of modern medical science.
Let's go, Hammond
The weirdos showed up early
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what's in front of me and can open very large doors?
>start waddling towards the objective as roadhog or mauga
>lifeweaver on my team grabs me and pulls me backwards for laughs
>leave because if somebody's going to troll me i don't want to play with them
>NOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T HECKIN' LEAVERINO YOUR TEAM FRICKIN NEEDS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's fucking quickplay, why should it even fucking matter? so he gets to just dick around with me and annoy me but if i do something in retaliation i'm the one in trouble?
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Seek anger management classes
mayb he just wanted every1 to regroup and you were too far ahead of everyone idk....
but you shouldnt leave either cuz the leaver penalties rack up quickly
stopped reading at roadhog
Started playing Rivals beta... holy fuck my cheeks are full tomato mode and im sweating from every possible spot from how fun it is. literally same feelings as Overwatch 2016 during its honeymoon period. iron guy is extremely busted if you have played pharah or echo and know how to utilize high ground cover since he has infinite flight lmao
buy an ad nigger
but i'm not associated with the dev or marketing company ;-;
lmao you actually got fuckin owned epic style
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based saudi tranny removers saving competitive overwatch with 2 her ban system
im tired of pretending that winstons alt fire is "good" or even decent.
why are they trying so hard to not just let his alt fire fucking arc? if you dont want it spammed for ult charge then you could just make it do 50 damage for the first target and 25 for the chained.
>Why is mercy so bad? It feels nice being resurrected
dps passive hurts her a lot more than other heroes, she either can't catch up on heals or takes longer to do so, meaning she has less time to bring her main source of value with blue beam (which already has a prerequisite of teammates with functional brain cells)
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Cute girls of Overwatch!
Enjoy it while it lasts because with the cottage industry around online games these days the tier lists and meta strats won't take long to take over.
all this taught me is next time somebody decides they're going to troll me, i should just soft throw and dick around and lose on purpose, wasting ten minutes of their time, instead of just leaving and they get a new target autofilled after 5 seconds.
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black cat hana
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Am boycotting Disney won't play.
It's hilarious though that the art style and even the design of the maps looks just like OW.
Don't Marvel have their own signature style or something
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True. the comp sweats always find their metas. the interesting thing about this game though is that each season all the characters will have different bonuses which might be enough to change the meta in quick periods.

>design of the maps looks just like OW
real. swear one of the final points looks just like Hanamura's. the loading cutscenes also feel similar.
he killed himself jose
join him
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siebren…apple pie….Bringing..
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>EU server is now half arabs every game because of saudi sportswashing
Anon, literally the only reason seasonal team ups exist is because you have to pay to unlock characters. Enjoy getting screamed at for not picking the right character which you couldn't anyway because you didn't pay for the $70 early access bundle from your friends at netease.
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it's gotten to the point where i literally only endorse enemy players because my teams always feel like they're just a bunch of fucking retards
Every time I get a mercy/lifeweaver I'm reminded of how fucking garbage this game is. I have to play my ass off on tank or dps while these idiot supports just sit there drooling on their auto-aim heals. It's fucking bullshit and really makes me fucking hate this game.
Angela Ogundimu
I endorse the other DPS and whichever support didn't pick LW/mercy.
sometimes i get mad. really mad. mad enough to almost call the enemy team a bunch of smurfing faggots who should off themselves. then i remember i should use that anger to do everything possible within my power to kill, teabag, and remind them of how worthless they are
i play mercy because i'm bad at aiming
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>sometimes i get mad. really mad. mad enough to almost call the enemy team a bunch of smurfing faggots who should off themselves. then i remember i should use that anger to do everything possible within my power to kill, teabag, and remind them of how worthless they are
Anon De Kuiper
sometimes i just quit this garbage and don't play for extended periods of time. weird thing is...i feel really good when i do this
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Bring them fucking back Blizzard. Free 60 euro for you. I missed it goddamit.
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so what's the point of ana existing now that we have juno. It's all the fun high aim healing without any of the retarded status effect spam.
why'd you miss the best collab to date
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Starlet girls bring contraceptives for long nights.
>decide qp
>roll out as doom
>ana sleep dart
>instantly melted
annnd time to log off! was fun, see you all next season.
kpop is so artificial and soulless, crazy how so many people make it their entire personality
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i just pick winston and only harass ana. if i cant play who i want then fuck you i got you for 3 minutes of diving bitch
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you forgot junkrat
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Just didn't feel like playing that week. Didn't even know they were out at the time.
Shooting myself in the head.
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No more Kiriko. This is now a BASTION thread.
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>healers decide they're going to dick around and focus on trying to get le heckin epic healer kills
>receive literally zero healing, have more self healing than they have healing combined
>switch to winston and just start exploring the map
dead game
>tank ignores his team, walks in and 1v5s over and over
>proceeds to flame his dps for not getting kills even though we can't do shit alone

this happens literally every fucking dps game I play. every time, some retard picks rein, charges in and starts hammering, maybe gets 1 kill on a squishy then dies, then flames his team for not having better stats than him.

can't wait for tanks to get buffed again because of these absolute mongoloids
>pick ball
>enemy realizes they cant outplay me through skill
>swap to sombra
>instantly go winston and hard focus somba while berating her in chat for being a shitter until they swap
>go back to ball
yeah it aint fun is it bitch
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>noo why does the enemy counterpick me? it's not fair mommy why can't I play my obnoxious gimmick hero without anyone even trying to do anything about it? I'm gonna go make another reddit post about how tanks are too weak

average tankoid
i see it's tankoid coping hours on /owg/
i'll come back later
mauga sex
every time i see widow players bitch about sombra counterswaps after getting one headshot i just laugh because these are the exact same faggots who would switch sombra after being dove once by a hamster and they're finally getting their fucking karma
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all of these are cancerous heroes and you should kill yourself if you willingly pick any of them unless it's to counter one of the others.
not that i would ever swap to s*mbra but if you don't you're practically letting the ballnigger have his way with the entire lobby and that's not fun for anyone
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i never said youre not allowed to counter me, but something about seeing people swap to sombra knowing they can just run around invisible spamming hack and pretend that puts us on an even battlefield is an insult to me personally. to think simply swapping alone will turn the tables is tantamount to just calling me garbage in chat. my autism wont allow that and makes me play harder just to spite you rather than win.
>forces enemy to change characters twice
TankGODs determine how DPShitters play.
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We’ll never fade away
Widow is the only dps that still has solo impact but every tank except I guess hog counters her. Kind of pathetic a character who shouldn’t even exist is the only non decorative dps
So cool to see that those weapon inspect animations we saw in the original OW2 trailer still aren’t in the game but they can sell them to us as part of a mythic skin!!!
you're right, i should change my mindset. if healoids aren't going to heal me then i should just play hog and heal myself, and if snipeoids aren't going to play real heroes and actually contribute to the game, THEN i should afk
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Replay codes?
>doxx yourself?
i'm good
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what happened?
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a thing of beauty.... i know......
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>instapicks mercy
>not even pink skin
niggalow mindset
Aren't you a silver EU tracer?
i only play unranked because i don't want to get yelled at for being bad at the game
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I play QP just to yell at mercy and LW players
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good sesh. cant wait to get on tomorrow and lose every game
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>4 comp games
>4 hard tank diffs
man I fucking love immediately knowing I'm going to lose when my tank runs in alone and dies 5 seconds into the game, but am forced to play the entire match anyway
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Why update?
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Who even knows anymore. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s reworked into a map for that one new game mode that was only around for a week.
Claire is beautiful
>healoid lets his tank die
>"wtf how we lose"
best thing they can do is rework the skill trees into passives. i dont care if its "balanced" or even if its limited to one arcade mode. these niggas need SOME kind of new content that isnt 1 map you might get and one character you might play. because the game is functionally just OW1 with 5v5 and nothing fundamentally different to justifty the 2
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I prefer Jill desu
>wtf why dont my healers follow me and let the dps die alone when I dive??
most intelligent tankoid
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Yes but what was the 273mb update
A DPS dying still makes for a winnable team battle. A tank dying means that you have no hope of winning. If your tank is diving in alone, dive in with him and try to keep him alive. It's literally the only way you can win. Like it or not, tanks dictate the pace of the match and if you don't match it, you're just going to lose.
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I saw in you what life was missing
You lit a flame that consumed my hate

I'm not one for reminiscing but
I'd trade it all for your sweet embrace
5 tank diffs in a row now
every single tank I play with thinks he's invincible
I fucking hate this game so much

kill yourself tankoid
go back to crying on reddit because tanks are still too weak to carry your braindead ass
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shut the fuck up and be my meat shield nigga
Can I ask you if you ever been suspended before?
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very few people are left over from ow1 and thus no one understands that playstyles other than poke exist. the complex art of ruthless aggression is dead
it really really really should just let you leave during hero select. i don't wanna play the stupid fucking push mode
I bet you were playing support and refused to counter swap to help your tank.
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>ruthless aggression

half of my matches are dps, half are support, either way it doesn't matter because the same shit happens
They need to give the people what they want already. Warframe did.
pro tip: if youre tank is constantly being aggressive, you should shoot the people shooting him (preferable supports) instead of standing at the choke bitching
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This. The tank is the playmaker. Working toward his success is working toward your own.
Claire Bear, my beloved.
>tfw no rabid wolverine dps
Tanks who think they're "being aggressive" are usually just bitching around in the open and not actually taking space
Oh Okay, I got the feeling the system intentionally gives you bad matches if you did.
>Ult: Diving Headbutt that kills your target and 2 other people nearby
>when your doomfist jumps across the map to harass a single lone support in the enemy backline, you should run straight into the rest of their team and die like a retard
you are not "making a play"
you are not smart
you are throwing
stop thinking you're the only tank in the match and play with your fucking team you FUCKING RETARD
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>when your doomfist jumps across the map to harass a single lone support in the enemy backline
congratulations, the enemy team now has their focus split between two points. 9/10 times that support will burn at least one cooldown to save themselves, if theres a kiriko or moira chances are theyll go to their rescue and also burn cooldowns. if youre character doesnt have the range to help take down one of the supports then for the most part you can safely engage the people not rushing to help the backline and apply more pressure to capitalize on the chaos. sure its not always perfect but its a better strategy than watching youre tank dive in. niggas need to learn to work with what they get not cry about what they dont have
If you've never played tank, at the very least enough to get placements, then you have no right to judge tanks. Just keep your mouth shut, look at the ground, and nod when a Tankchad talks to you.
You are the reason the only tanks people play are hog, mauga, and orisa. You're too fucking stupid to do anything but waddle next to these fat retards.
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Tanksissy gonna cry
Why would I cry, the devs will just keep buffing my role to keep the game alive and I'll get to have fun regardless of wether we win or lose.
It was a 2CP map. Doesn't rework nicely into a clash map since the outermost points are torb's workshop and there's only one torb's workshop
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why can't symm's portal work like this
who fucking cares 2CP is fine just release it
Why can’t rivals run above 60fps
this shit looks stiff as fuck lmao.
also literally dva ult + sym teleported is old as shit
there's a reason games avoid actual dynamic mirrors like the plague, you're basically rendering 2 screens at once. that's effectively what the portals do i'm guessing. other than that it seems to run fine
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i love female spanish yelling
i missed the part where you could shoot and see through sym's portal?
also I'll take arabs instead of finns and russians any day
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idk, why don't you tell us
in the time it took you to get the enemy squishy down to 50% HP, the enemy team already capitalized on your absence from the objective and wiped your team
congratulations, you're losing, what's your next step?
>1. adopt an actual playstyle that isn't just playing solo and throwing
>2. do the same thing again as soon as you respawn until you lose
choose wisely. 95% of tanks make the wrong choice in this situation.

>You are the reason the only tanks people play are hog, mauga, and orisa
no, the reason tanktards play those tanks is because they throw on every other tank
>oh look this character has a leap/charge/roll ability, this obviously means I should use it to be as far away from my team as possible at all times

>the devs will just keep buffing my role to keep the game alive
the game dies more every time tanks are buffed though. making 10% of the playerbase happy and 90% miserable doesn't keep the game alive
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so what's the point of ana existing, you ask? To:
>sleep Doomniggers and Genji niggers
>'Nade Doomjoggers and Genji joggers
>Power Up Baby Dva
I love Olivia racemixing
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This is the real Kiriko
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>6v6 is unlikely to return
>Here's out damage control as to why
>What do you mean we don't communicate with guys?
>"WHAT?! Who leaked that our Communications Manager was a DEI hire and they were let go?"
2CP was a fine game mode and it was only because the maps themselves were poorly designed prototypes made right at the beginning of Overwatch's development that problems emerged.

Anubis was awful but it was mostly with those two main choke points. It can stay dead still imo, most people hated it.

Volskaya was great and IMO an classic map, should be brought back even if there were problems with it.

Hanamura will forever be THE quintessential OW1 map that I associate the game with that early era. Bring it back with a rework of the first main choke point (add a flank path to the lefthand side) and it's golden IMHO.

Horizon Lunar Colony was extremely annoying to capture first point and extremely trickly second point but it could easily be reworked and make the unique gravity mechanics more integral. This could have been released with Juno and it would have been great.

Paris was dogshit. No one wants it back.
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Correcting the Olivia
impregnating the Olivia (after marriage obviously I'm not a monster)
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Anyone know how I can find local slutty nerds in my area?
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I love women. I especially love brown women with ___big fat dongers___
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but more importantly, to make my dick hard
>in the time it took you to get the enemy squishy down to 50% HP, the enemy team already capitalized on your absence from the objective and wiped your team
yeah not remotely likely unless youre maybe fighting a 5 stack over comms. no one is going to ignore a doom in their backline fucking their supports and then walk into 2 DPS stacked up with 2 supports. not just because the logical thing to do would be killing the isolated tank and then taking the 5v4, but also because if you dont kill him youre now stuck in a pincer on both sides where he can fuck you as soon as you engage his team. if youre playing at a level where your team can lose a 5v3 against a tank and 2 DPS by the time a doomfist can drop the supports health below 50% then you are at a level where you can hard carry without relying on the tank.
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Correct nada
>this is how present Ana would look if she let Mercy de-age her and fix her eye
it's not fair
Valeria in MW2 reboot had me
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she's very good at her job. she even takes it on the eye well, iykwim
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I said before but I'll say it again; I love brown women.

stop posting this shit nigger fuck you and your spic women
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it's like watching a shooting star...
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>unless youre maybe fighting a 5 stack over comms
funny you'd say that because I just got out of a match against a 5 stack. guess I'm in losers queue which also explains why my tanks are so shit
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Someone is in need of an attitude hacking
but I love her
i'll hack her head off
learning modeling in blender solely to add create more zarya porn thats not futa
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next game. remember: engagement based matchmaking isn't real
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groups are easier to beat if youre team isnt retarded. theyre more likely to sit dick-to-ass and then all turn around to help when someone gets attacked. easy to abuse.
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I can never stay mad at Olivia
>just hope your enemy is retarded and you'll win every time

Brilliant advice.
>zarya porn thats not futa
sure why not? i mean a person can complain about people making certain things but should also realize, if they themselves are not lazy, can do the opposite. Because the shit being used is FREE. grab a model, usually if the female is known to be futa used, has an 'attachable' or 'optional' phallus. thus not necessary.
i personally don't use blender for porn but i also don't complain about things i can very easily avoid. like white women
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yup, it's time
she's just so perfect
Mauga should've been AMERICAN Samoan
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on grindr
Overwatch EWC introduced hero bans and now these teams that abused broken heroes during OWCS are getting all knocked out.

It's fucking bullshit that one tricking is literally all these "pros" do. More like professional fucking grifters, hero bans should've been in place from the fucking beginning so these trash teams could've never floated to the top.
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>Aah, it's over...
>My Sun, it's setting...
>It's dark... So dark...
marvel rivals actually looks good and will hopefully kill this dog shit game
don't you have to pay to unlock characters in that game?
buy an ad nigger
it's going to be f2p so you'll obviously have to unlock characters, surely you don't HAVE to pay for them though
buy an ad faggot
buy a gun and blow your brain out you fucking overwatch player
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cry capeslop faggot.
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oooh I'll try that out. I hope there are plenty of 'nerds' on there
Ni Hao!
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reminder that tanks' passive self-heal is faster than mercy's heal
EmonGG, Flats, ML7, KarQ, Necros and Jay3 have all turned their back on Overwatch while Aspen has remained loyal to Overwatch.

I used to not like her now I have a lot more respect for her. And yet, men always complain about women "not being loyal." YEAH RIGHT.
Marvel Rivals
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Juno holding the Winton plushie
cuteness overload
What will Juno's 2 launch legendary skins be?
holy fucking shit healoids are so fucking useless
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I-I'm trying my best..!
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Time for my Hammond games.
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Time to play Mercy and make tankoids seethe
im gonna use this pic
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Good night!
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the only based post in this reddit-infested general
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breasts too big, but the thighs are just plump enough
honestly i liked that there were parts of hanamura that only characters with high mobility could reach. it feels like nowadays there's not a single map that does that
That's probably true. But that's fine in my opinion.
>Summer Games event ends the day the summer skins come out
What a bunch of NIGGERS!
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i didn't really care about the picture
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How much comfort could this really give?
It's Olivia, so a lot
how can i lower my endorsement level without getting suspended/banned? i somehow got lvl 5 and i think that's pretty cringe.
Play dps and never talk
play tank and never counter-pick
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I’ve seen some of the worst tanks ever with 4-5
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Is this why that one retard on the enemy team invited me into a group in the middle of a quickplay game? He wanted to check if I was stacked with someone? On quickplay? People on this game are so weird.
The guy in question went Sombra and AFK'd until the game ended after he died twice. I'm glad I have chats turned off. Judging by the posts some of you make, I bet the in-game chat is foul lately.
That's cool and all, but you will still never be a real woman.
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i could make a woman out of you, don't listen to that loser
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but... she's not dressed as Meteion...
i love mauga reaction pics
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I could do it no problem.
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Just logged in. Where is Juno? :(
honestly no idea how people can sit and watch people stream FPS without falling asleep.
3k hours in OW and couldnt stand to watch any streams of it for more than five minutes

t. sat through 36 hours of EVO last weekend
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lovely edit
bros why am I so bad with winston, I'm a good tank player with zar, sig, hog, ram, even a bit of rein. winston just doesn't make sense to me. I often don't understand where I should be positioning, it doesn't feel obvious like the other tanks
another divelet filtered
If your team aren't playing with you you won't get anything done.
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>That huge thing was in your trousers?
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kill yourself chav
le antagonistic reply guy
winston definitely plays differently than those other tanks so don't feel too bad about it
since winston is pretty easy mechanically 90% of his skillset is just timing your engagements, like knowing when you should/shouldn't go for backline dives
primal is best used to let you play aggressive, since you can pop it at any time and instantly be at a shittillion health you can play more aggro without being as afraid of dying
don't always just bubble immediately when you jump in, bubble is good for blocking off/isolating enemies (remember his shield blocks heals) and with armor you're tanky enough to take some hits before you really need to drop bubble, if you need it before your jump CD is back. sometimes you'll bubble immediately but just make sure you're being intentional with them (i.e. "i'm making sure my dive target does not get healed" vs "i'm just bubbling because i have to whenever i go in because maybe someone will shoot me for chip damage")
you maybe know most of this but this is just what i know
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>widowmaker on our dps
i wish widowmaker was on me
i too hate when people play one of the only viable dps's in the current meta fellow tankoid
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I'm a solo queue support and genuinely believe I'm stuck in too low of a rank with badly matchmade dps and tanks
? post replay codes
nine times out of ten when people say this they are standing in the open and giving the enemy team free picks even if their teammates actually are playing retarded
Marvel rivals is 10 times than Overslop 2 simply by the fact that is 6v6 instead of dogshit 5v5.
I know you worthless fanboys don't realize it yet. But Marvel rivals is the natural conclusion to overwatch because many employees who left after the Blizzard vs China fiasco went to make Rivals in order to show Blizzard that they can make a better game. And they were right, every OW streamer is enjoying Rivals and wish OW was as good.
GO ahead and call me a shill, I don't give a shit. Marvel rivals will surpass Overslop 2 and yo fanboys cannot do anything about it.
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Ive only tried a few characters since the drops, but venom is more fun than any tank currently in OW , hes like a combination of ball and ram but actually fun. Anything short of a roadmap for 6v6 announced in the dev blog and this shit is certified dead
>character that's giga broken OP is fun
you don't say
>3rd person shooter
I'll pass.
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95% of people would agree a coke tastes better out of a mcdonalds cup/soda fountain so why are we still agruing about 5v5 vs 6v6 why would take someones opinion on coke if theyve only ever drank out of cans???
6v6 discussion is forced by content goblins who know it's never going to happen but are too bad at the game to make any actual content
Did you play overwatch 1 season 4-9?
Did your mom drink when she was pregnant?
bad samefag
Why is every fucking quickplay match I queue up for a 200 ping asian server, this has been happening for weeks and I just quit and stop playing. When I group queue with friends we get NA west and east, but if I solo queue I keep getting Asian servers and it's driving me mad.
>only one person can enjoy a game more than overwatch
hey, whatever helps you cope
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launch mauga was fun?
so no? i mean surely you would be auguring for 6v6 open que to be standard if you were there, its ok newfag
It'd be like saying you like xdefiantmore than tf2
I like completing dailies and weeklies at the same time and seeing the XP bar shoot up and getting two or three levels at once, it's basically like cumming every time that happens.
considering that up to a few weeks ago xdefiant was actually playable while tf2 was riddled with bots, well......
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xdefiant is playable like cardboard is edible
that's still more edible than rocks which would be the tf2 equivalent
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So how long do you guys think the shitposting “OHNONONO XD!!!” faggots are gonna keep it up this time with Marvel Rivals? They came out strong last time with Gundam but dropped that shit pretty fast.
lmfao gundam died in less than 2 weeks
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Did you cum for Mercy today?
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bruh, she's a literal autist...
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Rivals will definitely last longer than gundam but it's not real competition for anything.
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at what point is one to stop the glurk glurk?
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u wot mate?
and how often are ya cumming?
it's okay anon, women aren't that scary once you talk to them
>brown eyes
could you tell mrs corleone to move to the right, i'm looking for Angela
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I enjoy knowing I'm cumming to the same things Elon's cumming in.

Truly king of the nerds.
I guess propaganda does work
For those two weeks it was “Gundam will kill Overwatch!” just cause they paid off XQC and over shills
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What annoys me the most is the weird delay between releasing right click and the gun firing.
How many times can a weekly challenge stack?
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Stop noticing things and try hard every single time.
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Jump in -> bubble -> zap -> jump out
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if there was ever a person that needed a vacation to the japanese suicide forest...
It probably just resets with the battlepass switch
My 'play comp matches' weekly is now stacked 5 deep
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This is what evil tracer should have been
Holy toledo that's a lot, I'll probably not reach that high
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1,800 days since overwatch has been playable
>support picks Mercy
>pick Doomfist
>they rage at me for picking not picking a real tank
>I tell them I'll only switch if they pick a real support
>they rage even harder
This happens a surprising amount of times.
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Mute Mercy player's with your BBC.
Well i tried to play damage in this game but im so bad at aiming, however i played mercy for the first time and it was so much fun, i guess i cant escape the healslut path
Why do people trash this game when is so good? Never played Ow1
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Check out this autism in the wild
I think new reworked ball is more fun than venom having played both. they need to make venom run faster
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funny you mention it because i just started playing with secondary toggle and the amount of times ive attempted to fire it back to back only to get nothing or have it shoot early is insane. it really does feel like one of the mechanics shoved into the game early but got readjusted when the OW2 they envisioned was no more. just like when doom could be killed through his block by sticky bombs
Stop throwing games Brock.
>1 to 1 on Nepal
>Only healer switches to Sombra on the third match and then fucking leaves when we’re losing
Why did he switch from healer? Was he retarded?

As Mercy
he's right
Good morn
Well was it actual throwing or just giving up because the match was cartoonishly one-sided
The score was 1-2 so he did try enough I saw but maybe did get demoralized. He was pretty quick to be hostile about the tank.
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Soo when is that devblog dropping?
>(215) currently
What gives?
when is 6v6 dropping?
Generic pale asian > Light Brown thussy
Fridays usually
I feel like most people forgot that was even coming, he could just quietly cancel it. Arguments are simmering down, everybody made their dosh from videos now already.
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i havent checked smutbase to see if someones uploaded ventures model sorry
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nevermind venture doesnt have any models on the NSFW or the SFW site...
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RIP we're never getting more thagina or thits
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de chirico
>Haru from Persona 5 is the VA for Juno

Wow she truly must be best overewatch girl
Amen brother
Why is 99% of reddit crying about skins? I use default everything on my characters, I don't understand what makes people act like this. They're skins? You won't even see them on your character when you're playing? The fuck is wrong with zoomers.
You're the weird one, get some personality
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How will equipping a pre-downloaded skin that is created and owned by blizzard self-expression?
My say thanks to a support is at 8
>check out the marvel thread on /v/
>actually see a lot of people talking about how fun it is to play tanks and how there are actually people queuing for the role a lot
>some people actually talk about how it feels better than the 5v5 ow format

you can't fucking tell me it's the same people from here OR people that still play OW because I fucking know NO ONE on /v/ actually plays overwatch. So what gives? I thought 6v6 was a psyop by youtubers to get some shitty fucking views or rose tinted glasses or whatever the fuck else
next week unironically
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every time someone ever mentions how something about a game is better than X game they are just coping and trying to feel better.

remember how people fell for the palworld meme because they were upset at pokemon, or when people fell for the outer worlds because they hated bethesda? both were crocks of shit games that died a swift death and left not cultural legacy and nobody cares about them.
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you'd be right if there were not just as many cases of games doing the same shit but better than others in the same genre. like you mention outer worlds and bethesda but i'd be lying if I'd say outer worlds as bland and boring as it is isn't still better than starfield, or if you want a better example just any comparasion between new vegas and fallout 3 really.
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Discussing Starfield I feel like cannot be done until people learn to stop being so butthurt at bethesda, and not using it to vector hate at their products which I think aren't as bad as people say they are. Also I don't think there are that many people that go out of ther way to champion FONV over FO3 in 2024, the discussion so over and done with even the most hardcore fans stopped caring and moved on. The discussion used to be relevant in 2015 perhaps when FO4 came out and people were instinctly drawn to age old comparisons. Beyond that, I think it's also apples to oranges because both are essentially Bethesda games, it doesn't carry the same significance as people forcing comparisons between say Marvel Rivals and Overwatch, which has a lot of burnt in brand loyalty/tribalism behind it, and people just venting their frustration because they have grown disenfranchised from Overwatch 2, FO3+NV still has lots of people who enjoy both.
I haven't played Rivals, but I feel like it's incredibly easy for a hero shooter to ruin their entire roster with a few bad characters. It doesn't matter if the rest of the roster is great, as long as there is one pick that is viable that ruins it for everyone else. Because the devs will always feel obligated to keep every character viable to some extend. And sometimes they overbuff the bad characters and everyone has a miserable time. Maybe they did a better job than OW with keeping cancer out.
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You can't say that those two don't count because "too much time has passed", a consensus having been reached long ago doesn't change the result. Obsidian absolutely does not make games like Bethesda, and I'm not saying this because I hate the company or anything, truth is I haven't played a single game of theirs for more than a few hours because they simply don't appeal to me. I don't care for them. But they aren't the same thing besides the surface level, which is the same as marvel and overwatch here.
But fine. You want examples? Darkest Dungeon 1 and Darkest Dungeon 2. Disco Elysium and Citizen Sleeper. Outer Wilds and Twelve Minutes. L4D and B4B. You can pick and choose; Games made by different companies or the same ones, games that came before and after the ones that did it better. All of them trying to scratch that similar itch; only one of them doing it better. Hatred for a company plays a role, sure. It doesn't play THIS much of a role, not years later, not when people keep coming back to the game they consider better.

This is true. It's incredibly easy to ruin it for everyone. It's why they should keep it casual yet with a steady hand when it comes to fixing these sorts of issues. They'll probably fuck it up in the future for sure, though.
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Rivals is going to have the opposite problem where they're going to make the new characters OP so they can charge money for them. Remember p2w is just culturally accepted in china
They don't count for my case because the comparison is between two games which both have strong merits one way or another with loyal fanbases. Marvel Rivals is a flop, made in the hopes that turning overwatch into TPS and slapping a well known brand on it will make a quick buck despite the actual internal workings of the game being on par with a UE5 student project. Steam charts don't lie, but people try to force "it's better than overwatch", and just like in the case of Paladins, it's a cry for help because the games are ultimately shit, but people want them to be good because they want a game like overwatch, that isn't overwatch. But it's a catch-22 because for that to happen you need experienced developers and lots of money, which you won't get because the hero shooter market is over crowded and the few large devs that have successfully wedged their foot between the door like Riot have done so without directly competing with OW.

> Hatred for a company plays a role, sure. It doesn't play THIS much of a role
It absolutely does, OW2 is among the worst reviewed games on steam and if you try to talk about Ubisoft/Bethesda/Blizzard or any non-Fromsoft AAA studio in general on /v/ you can see how much the hatred for a studio drives public perception for their products as well. A lot of people enjoy Ubisoft/Bethesda games but nowdays they have to do it in secret, and discuss the games in their own communities because the discourse around said games is impossible with the amount of people that are using their hatred of a corporation to hate on the products they make and make no effort to conceal it.
Chinese people are the asian jews. Also niggers.
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it doesnt even feel good to headshot ppl after hitbox change wtf how long before all of team4 is scrapped by xbox take your bets im calling Q1 2025
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Good night
It still makes plenty of money. Like 80% of the playerbase doesn't read patch notes or even understand anything. Also there's no competition which a game can easily coast off of.

Look at DBD, the worst game ever made. It continues on simply because every other similar game is worse.
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good night
>fallout 3
>strong merits in any way whatsoever
If you're gonna pretend like Marvel Rivals is a flop based entirely on steam charts for a CLOSED beta that is harder to get than fucking Deadlock of all things then I'm not gonna even pretend to play along with this fantasy. Fallout 3, even for the time it released, was a nonsensical, dull, poorly thought out and badly designed game that became popular merely on the basis that people, REGULAR people mind you, hadn't had the experience of playing an open world game yet. There's little that the game does well besides letting you go whenever you want as soon as you leave the painfully slow and heavily scripted intro.
But even if you disagree with me on this, why are you ignoring every other example I posted? People WANTED to like B4B, or have anything new that played like L4D. It was dogshit, and nobody pretended otherwise. People WANTED to like Darkest Dungeon 2. But it just wasn't the same as the old formula. People WANTED to like twelve minutes, but the way to story goes is so heavily scripted and the way the game makes use of the time loop ends up being tedious in a way Outer Wilds never did. People WANTED to like Citizen Sleeper, and hell many did, but try as that might that game never could reach the talons of Disco. So what gives? Are all of these a result of people just, hating the company, even when they're different, or even the same ones? Are you going to pretend like people don't see Netease as anything but chink garbage and the MCU and marvel in general as complete and total capeshit that should've done and over with years ago as well?

>the discourse around said games is impossible with the amount of people that are using their hatred of a corporation to hate on the products they make and make no effort to conceal it.
Perhaps the games just really aren't that good? I'd argue it's not even that they're not good; it's that it's the same fucking game they've been doing for two decades now.
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>It still makes plenty of money.
lol. lmao.
Can't dodge matches in QP? Man, this game is TRAAAAAAAAAAAAASH.
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Illari carries her burdens alone
finally this 13gb update is finished
it’s marvel time
>find gold weapons tacky
>jade weapons somehow managed to be even worse
>retarded ESL still can't read
whomp whomp
if it was making plenty of money why did they stop development for 2 years lmfao
Anon stop being schizophrenic for 2 seconds and get your timeline in order. What sense does it make to claim the game is currently not making money while it is making new content then later claim not making anything means they're not making money?

Please you're embarrassing your whole bloodline.
It's a damn shame too but what can you do.
The tank experience
>1v1 opponent dps
>Then rush to objective because your team can't do anything without you
it does feel like this, the moment I'm not frontlining with los to my supports, it's a race against time to get back before they're dead
>Marvel Rivals is a flop based entirely on steam charts for a CLOSED beta
its flaws are extremely apparent, we can ditch the technical complaints, but hero designs and moment to moment gameplay needs to be leagues above Overwatch for it to have a chance at surviving in the current market, as it stands its not even on par with overwatch, because that's a high as fuck bar. I play OW because it has the best feeling gameplay out of any of the currently alive and popular shooters around. TPS already dulls the actual mechanical side of the combat, so now that you have the core aspects of your game, ie gunplay and the satisfaction of getting kills being shit because everyone just spams AOE and roomwide ults, shit readability, etc. all the problems OW still has issues with, nobody will bother looking at the game for more than a second if they wanted a game that's "like OW but better"

>People WANTED to like twelve minutes, but the way to story goes is so heavily scripted and the way the game makes use of the time loop ends up being tedious in a way Outer Wilds never did. People WANTED to like Citizen Sleeper, and hell many did, but try as that might that game never could reach the talons of Disco. So what gives? Are all of these a result of people just, hating the company, even when they're different, or even the same ones? Are you going to pretend like people don't see Netease as anything but chink garbage and the MCU and marvel in general as complete and total capeshit that should've done and over with years ago as well?
None of those games are made by studios people generally have a bone to pick with, if blizzard had published let alone worked them, they would not have had such a favorable reception.
The amount of responsibilities is unreal.
Have to shoot the Pharah or the Echo because otherwise they fly unbothered and kill the healers, have to maintain los so healer don't overextend, have to also protect the healers when they are dove, all the while contesting the objective and fighting the opponent tank.
Since the game was designed with two tanks in mind, now the sole tank has to play for two people.
And no, the numbers increase in hp is not enough.
I can't magically be at two places.
Having to be the sole anchor for the team really limits the enjoyment of the tank role. The rest of the team has much more freedom in how they play around you. And if they don't play around you your experience is fucked but it will be your fault in their eyes.
why did they nerf magnetic grenade? cass is ass even before the nerf
player counts are botted que times are the same ur wrong
>Ego shooter
Good description in English too.
they replaced magnetic grenade with flashbang, a more consistent ability that has counter-play, strengths and weaknesses, not just nerf it
>another brig game
>another brig potg
simple as
ur games must be really boring
I find them quite fun actually, fucking up enemies with JQ, Rein, Ram and others.
It’s not flashbang it’s magnetic grenade minus the magnet
Its a worse ability now
it's literally called flashbang again, it just has hinder instead of a stun
weak bait
marvel rivals runs like dogshit
i'll take a worse ability that works the same every time over one that works better 50% of the time and does nothing the rest
How can you even add a magnet to a grenade.
skill issue on your part im afraid, its just a worse ability now.
>if there was ever a person that needed a vacation to the japanese suicide forest...
this is what evil tracer would say
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I will be your shield
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>log on
>demolish competition on the rat
>log off
simple as
For two seconds
I would definitely last for longer than two mere seconds in Brigitte.
Silver is not fun, Gunface
Fuck off Kiriko. This is Juno territory now.
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I still miss being able to briefly turn into an Engineer who's NOT wearing the Gunslinger
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I know that name. Luckily I am not him, I am plat 4 currently and plat 1 is my highest
lmao, even pro players just threw it across the map and hoped for the best
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reported for being black
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>the numbers increase in hp is not enough.
>I can't magically be at two places.
hmmmmbb what if... less hp but secund tank??
hmmmbb... wwops, that was very racistrepublican of me to say, wasn't it? i'm apologize..
aaron keller, ban this man and rape his wife
Hi sweetie!
How was sleep?
You are now noticing Kiriko's tits bounce in this clip.
always have
Why aren't they bouncing in the game though.
they barely move
Meet Kiriko At Embers
Do you ever Endorse the enemy team's Mercy?
If they have a Mercy I endorse their tank out of pity.
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>Hi sweetie!
Hey love and everything
>How was sleep?
uhm, went too late to bed, but thanks for asking how was your sleep? sorry for yesterday, I just suck. not playing enough Are you gaming already? Was yesterday fine?
I often forget you can endorse enemy team
how long until alec dawson gets fired?
When they shut down blizzard to cut costs for their game pass money pit
what does it actually take to get fired at blizzard? the lead writer guy was kicked, but that was probably because PvE was dead and Microsoft wanted to cut costs, not actually because he was a terrible influence on the game(even though he was)
I don't think that anyone can be fired, overwatch is already maintained by a skeleton crew.
It takes a woman (real or pretend) pointing a finger at you
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I just remembered about the time Razer released Lucio themed headphones and now I wish I had them
razer headphones break pretty easily
lame as hell
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*steals your mass rez*
nothin personnel
I prefer DC sorry
Any headphones without 3d audio are worthless for fps games.
never trusted the high elves
*steals your viewers while your sportswashing event is going on*
based XI
A theft I will thank you for sir, mass rez was a cancer that the whole game revolved around
I want that D.Va gamer chair
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>how was your sleep?
Ok, went to bed late too, around 4:30
>Are you gaming already? Was yesterday fine?
I am, some Overwatch before lunch then going out
Yeah I had fun, Overwatch went ok, we gamed a lot of d2
...kinda like how ana is now?
I want to be D.Va's chair.
Yes, anti-heal should have dropped to 50% half a decade ago and dart should just impart some debuff
Nobody's watching that shit apart from arabs
Kek every single game
>lone Genji or venture gets to my backline
>entire team melts and shits themselves
>yell at me if I don't turn around and help them on a 1v4
>yell at me if I turn around and help them because now I've given up space
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I remember really wanting the Dva mouse but the lack of side buttons killed it for me. I do own the mousepad tho.
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>"doom switch"
>goes ball
>"ball switch"
>goes doom
I figured it out
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>Ok, went to bed late too, around 4:30
was your sleep fine, at least?
>I am, some Overwatch before lunch then going out
ok, have fun, probably winning all games? no gaming with me in my break?
>Yeah I had fun, Overwatch went ok, we gamed a lot of d2
Yea, need to play more Overwatch again. I just dislike the meta so much. hope you're fine with d2 would you try marvel rivals? Can't be that hard to get a key for us both
I do this, but with Doom and JQ. Don't have the IQ required to play ball unfortunately.
>was your sleep fine, at least?
Yeah, it was ok
>ok, have fun, probably winning all games? no gaming with me in my break?
So far all wins, you probably jinxed it... Maybe? Can't promise you anything
>Yea, need to play more Overwatch again. I just dislike the meta so much.
We could always just game on our other accounts and mess around, no need to tryhard against the same 5 heroes every single game lol
>hope you're fine with d2
I am, it's fun, just wish my character was faster to keep up with you
>would you try marvel rivals? Can't be that hard to get a key for us both
You want to try that game? Thought you wrote it off?
>Don't have the IQ required to play ball unfortunately.
me neither, but it's fun just rolling around and fucking with the enemies
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>Yeah, it was ok
>So far all wins, you probably jinxed it...
not playing with me = wins there's no jinxing
Maybe? Can't promise you anything
>We could always just game on our other accounts and mess around, no need to tryhard against the same 5 heroes every single game lol
but I hate smurfing...
>I am, it's fun, just wish my character was faster to keep up with you
yea at least barb is fast does no dmg though, well once we get another Sur or Ber you're going to be faster than me. The game really wants us to get enigma
>You want to try that game? Thought you wrote it off?
I dunno looks fun also no overpowered tanks. I think you get a key for watching some streamer for 60 minutes?
>not playing with me = wins there's no jinxing
Lol, it's not really your fault we get widows that go 3-8 or whatever
Ok, I have lunch, wait for you and then go out...
>but I hate smurfing...
We can play new heroes, I can play tank and show you how horrible I am
>well once we get another Sur or Ber you're going to be faster than me. The game really wants us to get enigma
Send me the runeword again, I want to see the stats
>I think you get a key for watching some streamer for 60 minutes?
I can keep a stream up in the background then
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>Lol, it's not really your fault we get widows that go 3-8 or whatever
yea but the other games were my fault also we could easily won that game if I played better. I want to win the games for you...
>Ok, I have lunch, wait for you and then go out...
it's ok, don't have to wait for me
>We can play new heroes, I can play tank and show you how horrible I am
but... I know how good you are on tank, but yea, we can smurf some.
>Send me the runeword again, I want to see the stats
I'll do once I'm at home, you will love it
>I can keep a stream up in the background then
Yep, doing the same. You want to try it? I mean, I just want to see how 6v6 plays there. I want to game with you now...
Have you noticed how much better the match making has gotten now that marvel rivals is available to play.
If you could remove one hero from the game, would you remove sombra or widowmaker? Im conflicted, i can't tell which is worse. Sombra has no counter and doesn't let you solo flank(my favorite playstyle); while widow force you to always stay behind cover all the time. But i wonder who is the most annoying and toxic hero between the two.
I'd remove Moira, Brig, Reinhart, Sigma and Genji.
Sombra is annoying, but without Sombra a good widow has free reign. Just remove them both.
bizarre list, aside from moira
Those are the characters I hate playing against the most.
>t. quickplay mercy main
You hate playing against brig as Mercy? Just fly away.
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>yea but the other games were my fault also we could easily won that game if I played better. I want to win the games for you...
You're fine, playing with you is more than a win for me
>it's ok, don't have to wait for me
Too late now, I ate and I am now waiting
>but... I know how good you are on tank, but yea, we can smurf some.
But I'm not good, you'll see...
>Yep, doing the same. You want to try it? I mean, I just want to see how 6v6 plays there.
We can, apparently there's no role lock or anything?
I don't get that list either, only Genji there is an actual threat to her
the chinese will ruin it dont worry
>win 3 in a row with my normal stats, not even carrying
>following game go 2-10
>check profiles
>private x8
>the lone public is my tank who is unranked
>my supps are moira mercy
>enemy is ana kiri
I swear they are even using Ai to pair hero mains against each other too
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>diamond dog tells me to swap off mercy
>I start inting to make sure he stays diamond

feels so fucking satisfying
feels like anti-mercy falseflagging
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Illari bros have a radiant and productive day.
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What about me and the rest of us, huh?
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you can carry your burdens alone
I do that every day
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Hang in there!
Tank players are so retarded, /owg/. It's like they don't even realize there's an objective.
Make all the space you want, it doesn't count for shit if you don't help your team take the objective. Dumb faggots.
>Make all the space you want, it doesn't count for shit if you don't help your team take the objective.
Making space is exactly what helps the rest of the team take the objective though?
Yeah running into the enemy team's spawn is super helpful, thanks a lot.
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Always, my sun aligned brother.
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>Marvel Rivals coming to tell OverwatchToo to bite the curb
hanzo is so fucking dogshit and still I see people crying when I hit headshots
9/10 times the tanks are the ones that play for the objective while dps niggers waste their time doing meme flanks and supports healbot.
for some reason dying to hanzo just pisses me off
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shot through the heart
and I'm to blame
Is Marvel Rivals just Smite with a capeshit skin?
My prediction? Marvel Rivals will probably die. The game looks super clunky probably because it’s in third person. There’s also nothing competitive about it. The characters are not interesting nor do they individually appeal to different types of people. The Overwatch streamers will go back to Overwatch and continue bitching about it because as shitty as Overwatch is, Overwatch while it’s shitty is infinitely better than games like Marvel Rivals.
no it's 3rd person 2017 overwatch 1
>There’s also nothing competitive about it.
thats a good thing you fuckin' retard
>the Overwatch streamers
buy an ad
No one likes capeshit anymore, you're about 5 years late.
I don't think it will die completely solely because of the IP. But it will decline in play numbers very fast after launch. Hop on deadlock if you want a head start on the next big thing.
buy an ad
I’m not playing the shit because I don’t like marvel
>>There’s also nothing competitive about it.
>thats a good thing you fuckin' retard
The lack of competitiveness will cause people to quickly lose interest
>>the Overwatch streamers
Unfortunately a lot of people
I agree, because of the ip, as long as the developers continue to try improving the game, it’ll live (probably on life support like Overwatch).
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I shill for free, Sir. You're going to get blindsided so hard by deadlock, I see so many ow pros and streamers every night.
who would play that trash
So far I've seen Sinatra, Agilities, taimou, Seagull, surefour, imaqtpie and Jake. I know chazm, shroud, his fag friend, m0xy and kaya play regularly. I'm assuming most ow pros got a key since Jake and surefour got in so early.
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>You're fine, playing with you is more than a win for me
same for me because you're the very best for me
>Too late now, I ate and I am now waiting
very short, sorry was too long running
>But I'm not good, you'll see...
I've seen your tank and it was amazing.
>We can, apparently there's no role lock or anything?
no role lock? not sure if I like that, but yea, let's try it Is next week these lifeguard skins? We're probably not seeing any balance patches soon, right?
>people whose job for 8 years was playing overwatch don't play overwatch when the cameras are off
groundbreaking shit, still not playing dota 3
nta but who gives a fucking shit? You really think one singular game will be the downfall of Overwatch? I'm pretty sure Blizzard is more likely to kill its own game rather than a competitor.
why does /owg/ get so many bad faith shitposters that clearly don't play overwatch
porn addicts
Why aren't you complaining about the image spammers, they offer nothing to the discussion.
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I'm just saying it's a telling sign that several of ow's staple content creators are jumping ship. They all sound bored of the game and ask for changes that pizzard refuse to do. Rivals won't be better than ow, but if you want to be ahead of the curve, try out deadlock. There's a shitload of overwatch players enjoying that game even though many of us don't like traditional assfaggots. Hell, I even tried installing dota just to understand the assfaggots formula better and still uninstalled within 2 hours because I hate how you move in that game. Still having a blast in deadlock.
>tanks currently too good
>dps and supports complain
>they will gigabuff supports next
>sustain powercreep
>season 9 changes will slowly be undone
What was the point?
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You're on an imageboard and the images are overwatch ones in the overwatch thread anon, why would you be mad about that.
Baiting about how other games are better and replying to every post with faux-angry antagonism to farm (You)s aren't overwatch on the other hand.
>someone tries out a game that's not overwatch
kys shill + buy an ad nigger
How important is "game sense" compared to mechanics?
its all so tiresome
still the worst poster in here
>same for me because you're the very best for me
>very short, sorry was too long running
Gone so soon :(
>I've seen your tank and it was amazing.
You haven't seen anything yet, you should watch me struggle against higher ranked players
>Is next week these lifeguard skins? We're probably not seeing any balance patches soon, right?
Do these things even matter when we're gonna get Aaron's doom post soon? Really excited to see how the Overwatch gamers react to that
I'm getting Kiriko, I would buy LW too because his is the best but I can't play him
Ok, heading out now, see you soon!
I don't know what you expect /owg/ to be but some social media site where you know all the posters ain't it
very. mechanics matter only for a select few dps heroes, everything else is pure game sense.
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Fuck you I play AND shitpost
>There’s also nothing competitive about it
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
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Some of them are actively posting in the discord and on the forums. Like I said earlier, I've spectated most of them and played against them several times. Keep coping though.
>you don't even play ow
this is my last games from a 5 hour session today. I even made a tranny mercy cry in one of them, so I've done more for this community than you today.
it's really not that hard to spot the consistently worst poster in here
> I even made a tranny mercy cry in one of them
we all believe you and your lack of text logs, anon
the tranny reaction-image-posting, off-topic-metashitting, spam-defending faggot
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>he's afraid of using vc
I also commented on his steam profile, which made him post some cringe rebuttal. Then I replied ywnbaw and he deleted it all lmao.
>h-he deleted i-it..
we all believe you
>anyone that doesn't obsess over Jose with the me
longer list than you think my schizophrenic pal
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I replied "aint no way you're ever gonna be a woman, mercoid troon."
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me more
>Gone so soon :(
sorry... at least 1 good rune
>You haven't seen anything yet, you should watch me struggle against higher ranked players
Yea because you don't struggle against high ranked players. I know that.
>Do these things even matter when we're gonna get Aaron's doom post soon? Really excited to see how the Overwatch gamers react to that
Oh, right. Probably on Friday? You think it will be a doom post? Maybe we're getting 6v6? Maybe he's talking about any balance related stuff. Because most of the tank changes will get revert, especially fucking Dva and Rein.
>I'm getting Kiriko, I would buy LW too because his is the best but I can't play him
is there a single hero that you can't play? I don't think so bodywise, LW looks like me -minus the no visible abs on him
>Ok, heading out now, see you soon!
have fun, see you later
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that poor girl
>cat pfp
>baldurs gate
eh its a 5050
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I heard its voice thoughever
alright alright alright, i concede
well fucking done lol
>did hit on her
That's probably an actual woman, trannies aren't welcome in terf island.
>Get rushed down by the enemy team
>Die an inch outside of my own spawn door with no cooldowns left
>Spectate both supports pocketing a Genji running around the flank tossing out mile long shuriken shots that hit nothing
>Respawn at the same time as my Torb
>We just sit and look at each other for a few seconds
supportoids were a mistake
Honestly, I love little moments like that where you don't have to say anything. Just one look, and you already know what they are thinking.
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yep at that point im aborting if the trio doesnt want to play as a team
this is the part where DPS and tank side adventure starts and you sweep the enemy on winston/ball + venture
>tank player can just hold his 4 teammates hostage if he decides he doesn't wanna play anymore for whatever reason
nice game
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White mans kryptonite
Cute girls! Oh, and Kiriko is there too, I guess.
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Perhaps replace the Kiri with a venture! She’s a cute girl!
Venture was a giant mistake of a character.
no one gives a shit about Illari
I do
Kiri was a bigger one
I'd argue it's either the Tracerfags or the 3 Illaritards but Kirikonigger isn't too far off
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>I'd argue it's either the Tracerfags or the 3 Illaritards
what's your argument then?
picrel is proving my point
you do kinda have them beat with that
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there's like 3 good posters in here and all of them are me
It’s me actually you dumb nigger
Prove it. Post oiled up Baptist breaking it down
Blogpost today?
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on the 'morrow
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genji mains fucks??
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genji main is the one getting fucked
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In my defense, I think you're the worst poster! Ha, got ya'!!!
In the time of Reinhardts I was a monkey
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just set the bot to 2 minutes between posts, what is this 5 minute pussy shit? go big or go home nigga
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sombra's existence is justified by widow AND ball
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>an existence of one of the lowest skill heroes in the game is actually good for the game because she easily counters two of the highest skilled heroes in the game
Widow is not High Skill
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>be D.va
>enemy tank swaps to Zarya/Symm
>don't swap
>win anyway
>they tell me to kill myself
This is genuinely a Blizzard bot to keep this thread from archiving
Randy would never have thought to do this for Battleborn
Another innovative Blizzard W
widow is the only dps along with tracer and genji that requires actual skill and the the only hero with whom you need good aiming skills
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>Ay pero no te enojes.
>me more
Nuh uh
>sorry... at least 1 good rune
Yeah, I got it from one of those blue ghosts that are physical immune
>Yea because you don't struggle against high ranked players. I know that.
Ok, tonight I queue tank and make you suffer
>You think it will be a doom post? Maybe we're getting 6v6?
I genuinely have no idea, absolute best outcome I can see happening is them testing out a 6v6 mode like the hacked stuff
>Maybe he's talking about any balance related stuff. Because most of the tank changes will get revert, especially fucking Dva and Rein.
You think? I don't see what they can say, they know they tanks are over powered at the moment and I doubt they're reverting or changing anything until the next season
>is there a single hero that you can't play?
Most of them
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Supports were too busy fighting Sombra to heal me so I decided to abandon my role as tank, swapped to Winston, and followed Sombra around until I spawn camped her for a bit too long and she swapped to Reaper
Bro the game is doing so bad its the one actualize game that didn't get their devs a bonus based on performance
That's fucking GRIM
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welcome back love
>Nuh uh
yes uh
>Yeah, I got it from one of those blue ghosts that are physical immune
they should have higher drop chance, but I think the rune drops are just completely random and based on how many monsters you kill
>Ok, tonight I queue tank and make you suffer
but then I know my tank will be carrying my game.
>I genuinely have no idea, absolute best outcome I can see happening is them testing out a 6v6 mode like the hacked stuff
We will see, I don't think they do anything 6v6 related. Maybe we're getting the blogpost today?
>You think? I don't see what they can say, they know they tanks are over powered at the moment and I doubt they're reverting or changing anything until the next season
Nah, probably not seeing any changes this season, but next season most tank changes from the mid season patch will be reverted.
>Most of them
You liar. I know how good you are. leaving now, see you later love have fun!
is there anything more useless than a fucking sniper player jesus CHRIST
remove widow, then nerf sombra's virus a bit. Characters that have no interaction with either team dont make sense (widow)
>a moba
>the next big thing
>in the year of our lord 2024(26 probably)
It's really funny seeing deadlockies completely ignore the obvious problem of valve dropping every project that didn't amount to dota/csgo money from day 1 and just how stagnated the market is. Dotards and leaguechads aren't moving to deadlock and valve won't care to continue updating it if it doesnt do 6 figure player numbers.
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Is there a way to unlock stuff from a previous battle pass I want to get the dva voicelines "wanna hear something scary?"
either they kill the whole lobby and you don't have any fun or they kill no one and you don't have any fun, there's no middleground of fun when playing with snipers
lol no get fucked
>more useless than a fucking sniper
yeah pretty much any other dps in the current meta
Fuck you Aaron
A ball player that can’t ball
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>but then I know my tank will be carrying my game.
This tank can only play 2 heroes and you're going to suffer because of it, sorry in advance
>Maybe we're getting the blogpost today?
Today or tomorrow!
>but next season most tank changes from the mid season patch will be reverted.
Most likely, wish they would revert all the other changes they made with season 9 too, just do that and nerf healing instead
>You liar. I know how good you are. leaving now, see you later love have fun!
Lol, see you soon!
>rivals makes both 6v6 AND double shield work
so what will be blizzard's excuse today?
Apparently this >>487562557
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again, curb the spam janny. I will talk about rivals until that is taken care of.
legit pisses me off.
I'm not him, hell I find the cope about rivals to be a total flop when it's peaked at 50k on steam alone and in a closed fucking beta to be hilarious. I'm just pointing out that it being all an ad seems to be the excuse.
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>The Saudi Arabian crowd boos the Chinese team.

This is the future of esports bros. What do you notice?
>24/7 bot spam allowed
>talking about competition that fixes OWs pitfalls NOT allowed
team 4 really needs to be paying some of you pajeets less
ahhh I see, my bad.
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For the time being no. But eventually all battlepass stuff will come over. Could be a while though, S1 and S2 stuff didn't show up till like 5 or 6 seasons later
and it pisses blizzard off that you aren't playing overwatch 24/7
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We're still missing a lot from those seasons so I'm not sure about that?
It's kind of funny seeing saudis trying and failing to buy prestige
I know you're not. That's okay, that's why we ask others for help
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I'm sorry Blizzard
go buy a skin to make up for it RIGHT NOW
I actually got suspended for 2 weeks a few days back. Told a Hanzo I hope his future daughter becomes one of edp's victims
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I completely forgot there was even a Porsche collab
"Opening up the conversation"
Just like "opening up" a struggling marriage between a cuck and his whore, eh?
tl;dr tank gay
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DPS confirmed for being the nigger role.

is bro retarded
Tank players are retarded yes
Wow what a surprise, most people dont enjoy being the meat shield of responsibility or a healcuck? Shocker
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Ngl really considering grabbing Seoul Infernal Dva
It's good to know that at least Aaron seems to know tanks are the problem regardless if it's 5v5 or 6v6. QP hacked trying out different formats other than 2-2-2 could be fun. 1-3-2 or 0-3-3 could be fun.
>players generally queue tank less, leading to longer wait times for all while we wait for a Tank to free up to find a proper match.
>the actual ratio of players queueing for Tank, Damage and Support is much closer to the current 1-2-2 format than the previous 2-2-2 format. As a result, the 5v5 Role Queue format better mirrors actual player interest in each role, and making the switch resulted in shorter queues.
2-2-2 is never coming back, open queue is probably the only solution, there's no point for a 1-3-2 as it would have the same problems as 1-2-2
Swapped from exclusively playing tank last year because the pressure was too much
this says more about role queue vs open queue than 6v6 vs 5v5 tho???
Open queue sucks because of tanks. Even with the health reduction open, in the start of s9 before all the tank buffs with the DPS passive open queue is still just triple tank once you got to actually trying to win ranks.

Open queue would be good if tanks didn't exist.
Tell you what, remove Echo and I will not bully dpsfuckers anymore
>Echo and not Phara
come on dude
that's because tanks are balanced for role queue, if open queue was the main/only format it would not be a problem
Because the issue isn't the the amount of players per team. It's that tanks have the same function as DPS but are way stronger and better even with OW1 stats and kits.
>drill tranny
I am so done
is ramattra any good
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heroes for this feel?

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