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6v6 to make a return (maybe, sometime, probably) Edition

>6v6 blogpost

>Mythic Reinhardt weapon available now

>Juno gameplay trailer

>Juno's abilities

>Latest patch notes

>Season 11 trailer

>Competitive rework

>Comics, short stories and music

>Season 11 (Current) - Ultrawatch Theme, Ashe Mythic, Colosseo Rework, Runasapi Map, Community Crafted mode (Balance patch by streamers)
>July 9 - Summer Games Event
>July 23 - Mythic Reinhardt Weapon skin
>July 30 - Lifeguard skin shop (Kiriko, Roadhog, Lifeweaver, Mercy recolor)
>Aug 20 - Season 12 and Juno launch
>Aug 21-25 - Gamescom, Blizzard will be present
>Future - Clash Mode (Unknown 2024), new tank (Season 14), Map reworks [Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado] (after season 12)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>487440656
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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Mei's ass is my favourite character.
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Mercy is a toilet character
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black cat hana
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>For much of OW2 Tanks have been fairly balanced
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I would suck Siebren off tbhdesu
>Bring 6v6 back
>rework Mei into a tank (which she basically is already anyway)
>rework Sym back into a support because she's already super niche and bad anyway

There, I fixed your game
>Open queue sucks because of tanks
no the fuck it doesnt it sucks because of the 2 support characters being allowed to keep 3-4 tanks healed. its almost like if supports cant do that then tanks who have no way of healing themselves are a bigger drain on resources, and thus its not as easy to stack tanks. but nope damn near 6 years later and we're still trying to balance tank to account for support healing rather than gutting healing output with targeted nerfs to nade or baps radial healing.
shut the fuck up retarded tankoid
I haven't read the blogpost yet but didn't role queue come out like just one year before the content drought? surely they're aware that that would completely fuck up the average of queue times?
>drill tranny
I am so done with this SHIT GAME
Cant wait till I get my MR key drop unironically
just pick hog?
I like how Blizzard releases the 6v6 blog when the biggest, loudest, whiniest piece of shit streamers rage-grifting for views online are too busy playing a different game whoring themselves to a different company out for views and attention.
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the kiriko dance
speaking of support why do they keep adding "more damage" enabling healers? why does everything have to be a damage boost? what about a range boost ability that increases the effective range of other characters or literally anything other than shooting faster or harder.
99% of the playerbase couldn't accurately recognize 25m instead of 20m
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>>the actual ratio of players queueing for Tank, Damage and Support is much closer to the current 1-2-2 format than the previous 2-2-2 format. As a result, the 5v5 Role Queue format better mirrors actual player interest in each role, and making the switch resulted in shorter queues.
>>shorter queues.
why are they lying to me as if I couldn't open up the game right now and check for myself?
have you tried being from the first world
>>The first, and honestly largest, reason is the need to do this in a way that allows the game to have optimized technical performance (I’m referring to framerate and memory constraints) with 12 players in a match. There have been quite a few upgrades and additions to Overwatch 2 that have an impact on the performance of the game. These range from new features like allied outlines and enabling healer vision by default, the addition of more technically demanding hero kits, as well as visual upgrades to UI, heroes and maps

>5v5 is here mostly due to a technical issue
holy shit I knew the ow2 devs were newbies and incompetent but to this fucking degree?
Blizzard is creatively bankrupt and cant think of a supportive ability that isnt damage boost
Moira and Bap allow for triple and quadruple tank stacks because moira shits out infinite AOE healing. Mostly lamp is a problem too, since it covers those quick breakpoints and allows bap and others to survive attacks that would otherwise be picks. Also, that 40% ult reduction passive ensures you can't just delete everybody after they fed you in the first 30 seconds of the fight, which is just conveniently left in there as a consequence of 5v5's incredible(ly shit) role passive feature.

What mind boggles me is this, why can't we just delete the supports that caused tank stacking to be broken in the first place? I mean, why are you so dead set on it being the tank role's fault? Surely you're not defending bapniggers, moiraniggers, and brigniggers, are you? I mean shit dude, it's starting to seem like you're a moira main or something with how much you're willing to shift the blame onto the other role's existence instead of admitting a few characters in a role are problematic. Crazy....
Have you? We're all playing Rivals, buddy.
yeah its kinda retarded to compare "post 6v6 role queue" times to in a game that didnt launch with it to 5v5 role queue. all it does is show that the problem was never 6v6 vs 5v5 but role queue vs open queue and the insistence that role is the "real" overwatch and all that counts.
sadly to be fair to the OW2 devs i cant remember how much of them even worked on the first so its not entirely out of the question that they dont know how some of the stuff was handled. even more so since its apparently 2 different engines
>add more kitsune rush skills
>enable shotgun heroes to snipe
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>6v6 will return
I'm so happy bros
bingo status?
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kitsuna rush doesnt extend range though its just the repurposed part of anas OG nano that gave speed boost on top of fire rate. an ult that increases range probably wouldnt decrease spread because of how niche that seeing as most characters wouldnt be effected. instead it would work better as a tool to push down areas with long site lines like Havana without having to resort to counter poking on widow, and having synergy with characters like rein JQ brig or genji by increasing their effective range on melees.
>can play tank again without getting all the blame for a loss
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>Return to 6v6
>DPS heroes become essentially irrelevant
They really need to overhaul damage as a role. They're already the weakest.
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the biggest black pill is theyre too stupid to make 6v6 work on the new down graded servers, as well as they wont revert all the horrible reworks/og map reworks its a nothing burger
who the fuck is we? nigga im on warframe
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The eternally oppressed dps role
I’m playing kingmaker :)
They did and then tankoids started crying for buffs and more health and immunity to everything. Roll back to the start of s9
Your hero is in pro play stfu baby
luckily I am already tracer
>just turn mei into a tank already
i'm so sick and tired of this stupid idea that has plagued the community for ages. i'm absolutely certain that every single """player""" parroting this statement has not stopped for one second to think about what this change would actually entail, and if anything even remotely resembling a thought dwelled in between those rancid ears i bet it was as deep as "well she has a lot of hp for a dps so....". because that's as bright as the broken light bulb above their heads will ever shine.

>tank mei would be fatter
sorry guys what i wrote above was a typo. actually i think tank mei is a great idea.
>6v6 will make the only role in the game who has the ability to shit on supports busted healing irrelevant
hey man how about, i dont know, instead of crying about another tank to shoot you use your busted passive on the people keeping them alive? seriously when did ignoring healers and then crying that tank doesnt die start to be a thing that wasnt instantly a sign of being bronze?
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it's actually because Wall and Freeze, which is a tank ability
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>the reason they haven't tested 6v6 and avoided it like the plague is because the dogshit engine they built exclusively for PVE (that was cancelled and will never ever come) was rushed in development and is simply not good enough to actually support even two more players

holy FUCK that's bad. there's unironically no real solution to that shit
>See Marvel Rivals is doing well
>Suddenly announce 6v6 is returning
I bet you there were 2 drafts for the blogpost. One saying 6v6 was a technical “impossible” and the one saying they’re going to playtest it. And they were waiting on the the response to Rivals to see which one they’d use. Keep being lazy or actually work.
see >>487598157
it's the same engine
It may be time to upgrade your TI-83 calculator anon
Man I hate underage faggots so much
It's not
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it's not, and they admit as much on the blogpost. It's the one they rebuilt for pve.
i can run the game just fine, read the blogpost
And I hate stupid-ass boomers who are deadweights on my team. Don’t care you only have an hour of playtime before going back to being a wagecuck, play something else.
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well it's that time again
have fun
Those people gave the same mmr as you
Yeah, I read the blogpost. Sounds like you need to upgrade your old computer
same engine new ui, downgraded servers turn on interpolation in the stats options ow1 constant 20 ow2 spikes to 23 in team fights=more no regs
>OW2 is on a new engine
No wonder OW2 is more buggy after every patch compared to OW1
someone add a penis to this
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i get over 144 fps with everything running on ultra
When is Venture going to get sexy skins? Being cute can only take you so far.
Seems legit. Only someone running the latest tech and the most current gear would be worried about a game not working with older computers
Unfortunately the coat hides that ridiculous ass
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It's a tragedy
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Should I play Overwatch today? If so how much?
worst poster
Until you finish your dailies, or 5 matches, whichever comes first.
did you misinterpret the devs' quote for one of my own?
6v6ers won, any 5v5ers were either paid or too stupid/bad to understand the game above a bronze/qp level
For the last time anon, jacking off to OW porn is not “playing” Overwatch.
you are genuinely retarded if you think 6v6ers won anything based on their blog
No, I just think you're either a liar or stupid
never ever, even though i would like it
>6v6 is just too much for our pwour lil engwine to handle

Down bad for some thussy.
it will take a year but everyone will return to 6v6 you included
>increase mei character size and health
>change alt fire to a slow charging snowball that releases from her gun and rolls towards the enemy blocking limited damage before exploding if they cant break it
>finally rework meis wall to be similar to the april fools configurations rather than 2 static positions
>change her frostbite passive to lower enemy fire rate by 25% while effected
theres plenty of changes you could make to her kit to transition mei into a tank because of how defense oriented she is to begin with (because she was always meant to be a tank). the only one that would likely have to go is cryo freeze since it would be really busted or really bad as a single tank.
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i literally just quoted the devs blog how the fuck am i a liar
>win the lottery and born cute girl
>decide to be "non-binary" and cover everything that makes you sexy
what the FUCK is Venture's problem, who wouldn't want to be a sexy girl??
is ramattra any good?
Yes, it is fun to make others SUFFER, AS I HAVE
I said it was an EITHER/OR thing. And you could've been lying about not being a broke bitch with a broke PC. But based on your reading skills, I think stupidity is the more likely one
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my nigga mei is literally a tank in heroes of the storm. just take that idea and put it in the game, because post freeze mei has been fucking awful to play. all they had to do was make her deep chill passive explode on proc like illari ult when you landed an icicle on a someone slowed
Apparently nobody used that combo
What would be Illari’s reaction to anal?
that's not really the point, i don't really care if it's 5v5 or 6v6 since i know the format is not the problem. most "6v6ers" are just tankoid retards who want their retarded tankoid buddy back so they can have less responsibility and just do DPS things and hope the other retarded tankoid isn't a retard like himself and will actually tank (he won't).
>players generally queue tank less, leading to longer wait times for all while we wait for a Tank to free up to find a proper match.
>the actual ratio of players queueing for Tank, Damage and Support is much closer to the current 1-2-2 format than the previous 2-2-2 format. As a result, the 5v5 Role Queue format better mirrors actual player interest in each role
if you read this it seems pretty clear than 2-2-2 will never happen, the "6v6ers" didn't win shit, if anything open queue will return but when they balance tanks around open queue, most lobbies will be 0-4-2 or 1-3-2 at best since tankoids wouldn't hold the game hostage with their constant whining for more and more buffs.
I don't want to be a girl. I for one do not have gender dysphoria
If you gave Mei 700hp she'd be at least as much of a tank as Mauga and Roadhog
any 6v6 roadmap or playtest announcement was a 6v6er total victory. supportoids will have to actually learn the game, tanks will actually die
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I literally just quoted the devs blog how the fuck is that stupid
>tanks will actually die
Oh are they going to half their HP?
thats what ive been asking for obviously youre not an og player everyone knows 6v6 open was better, you can watch my 6 man blade montages soon little buddy keep screeching over nothing you will never be 4300 like me :D
esl retard
>Juno releasing next month
>All future Heroes are unlocked automatically upon release, no Battle Pass shit
>6v6 returning
Is Overwatch, dare I say, back?
That’s a weird reaction lmao
t. actual esl retard
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idk probably. I'm just hoping we get a Resident Evil collab at some point. Boulder Puncher Chris as Mauga would be funny but Claire Ashe with Chris Bob would be just as funny
post peak sr?
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no one used it because it wasnt really worth it. the optimal combo was to get deep chill and then headshot with icicle. the problem is that you have to shoot enough to get deep chill, and then stop firing for almost a full second to wind up her slow ass alt fire and hope it was a headshot. it wasnt uncommon to die during that time against characters like kiriko, genji or really anyone who had decent burst damage compared to how you would never want to 1v1 her in OW1
what are samitos thoughts on the new directors take
>try my ass off
>troll my ass off
I hate this
keph is cooking them on stream
They probably will, considering we are nearing 2.5x OW1 tank pools
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heroes for this feel??
buy an ad nigger
wrong general faggot
Based 6GODS stay winning.

5fags on suicide watch.

My only fear is that the bap/brig/moira/lw comps will be insufferable to play against in a 6's format and some other cancerous unkillable wall meta will pop back up, or that they don't enforce 2-2-2 in the 6's mode and everybody hates the 5 tanks with 1 moira meta and shuns 6v6 for ever existing, but I assume they'll at least be intelligent enough to listen to the community and take these factors into consideration.
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>Buy an ad
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How useful would this be for Overwatch?
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What am I even looking at?
pretty much zero if you're not esports level
Support Symmetra
>ow hype
>multiple ow clones on the horizon
it's 2016 guise
Too bad the clones are ass so I'm stuck with OW
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It's more of a visual disturbance, but is useless in OW. Being able to strafe that fast just means all you have to do is aim down the center and your shots will hit because of the games hitbox size.

Strafing in OW was always about throwing off the shooters rhythm. Well, even that is kind of gone ever since they increase everyones bullet hitbox size.
yeah that's pretty much what happened in 2016
useless when i dive across the point and shove my tesla beam up your ass. stop looking for shortcuts nigga
buy an ad
I mean this is literally something other games figured out years ago. Have you never played a fighting game in the 2010s onward?
No. Fighting games scare me because I don't want to be bullied online.
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I actually didn't mind the combo where you would primary fire and then melee when deep chill kicked in
still a stupid system but it felt more natural than "Wait for your icicle to charge up and shoot"
TF2 tardies figured that shit out years ago with null movement scripts
womp womp
Yes buy one
>6v6 is back
no it's not you clickbaiting faggot
Who are you quoting?
What I don't get about the entire 6v6 and 5v5 debate is. You still have keller and that retard dawson as lead and balance developer. How can the game get better with these two glue sniffers?
Dawson literally buffed Sigma ult for no reason to remove that exact same buff the next season.
He gave dva 3.5 sec matrix, he will also revert that next season.
How can that retard balance 4 tanks? Maybe it's not a format issue? I'm not against 6v6.
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Tag urself

Me second from the right
if they actually bring back 6v6 i'm permanently done with this dogshit game
But if you do that, Aaron said the DPS queue time will increase, from 4 minutes to a million!
Siebren is not in this photo
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Is the game finally fun yet?
its crazy how they just randomly buff sigma from time to time even though there's never been a season where he's straight up bad
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Lucio solos
Don’t rob us of our best game mode
Me 2nd to the left
>>487612281 meant for >>487611305
This reminds me of the puzzle we tried doing
I'm never around for puzzle night, but hell I don't even know where they do those anymore. I'm out of touch
I like talking about sigma idc if you meant this for someone else
He’s never bad but fuck is he situational at lower ranks.
see >>487612601
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I'm already inside the Tracer
some dick head would show up and start undoing all the progress so I stopped joining in. Think it might be the reason the anon here also stopped hosting it.
Angela Ogundimu
he's a game director, but he doesn't nitpick balance he kind of oversees everything.
he's lead hero designer if my memory serves me. he doesn't do the balancing, moreso the shitty ass hero designs such as the taco nigger and the faggotweaver and the nigette. but i don't think he has a say in how they're balanced, so to speak, so that's good. fuck dawson though he's a super turbo nigger that should be fired anyway
>not a format issue
It is though, and the tank roster was actually extremely balanced start of season 11. No tank was too OP. All of them had checks and counters. Nobody was running around like s9 orisa or s10 hog dominating every lobby, every tank felt equally shitty to play and the role was just dying even while it was super balanced, which just goes to show nobody wants to play single tank counterwatch regardless of the power balance, which even with tanks being unkillable raid bosses, they are minute long queue times at the longest. And then it just ping pongs between supps/dps, this season nobody wants to play dps because it's an accessory role ATP and everybody is back on supp because healbotting for free SR is a viable strategy across all ranks lmao.

But look, if we swap to 6v6 we can make the game actually playable again, and while I'm sure this game would have some more tank balancing issues and support immortalities/sustain/aoe stacking issues if they swapped to 6v6, it would at the very least be fucking playable for more than 2 seconds, because I can't play tank, dps, or support and enjoy this game anymore even in fucking QP. Think of 6v6 essentially bowling with bumpers, you may not hit all the pins if you're a drooling retard but you'll still hit something and not gutterball it every single roll without bumpers.

And also, the game is live service and employees have quotas to make. If they start killing the game off with bad balancing, they'll get fired for killing profits. (like the PVE devs)
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>No answer
So, I guess the game isn't fun. All of you should probably stop playing.
>tank roster was actually extremely balanced start of season 11
least retarded tankoid
I didn’t want to talk to you though?
I mean if you hang on for a bit, it'll be fun. The new Lifeguard skins come out next week
which tank was OP after they gutted hog?
all of them
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is it over yet?
You're a retarded nigger, but anyways I'm talking in the context of power levels related to one another. As in no tank was giga busted and broken compared to all the others, they all had checks, counters, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

But i don't think you can discern the difference i was trying to convey anyways because you're a supportoid brigger/moiranigger
it's over unless billions queue tank
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i love this big mean bot. best addition to the game we've gotten since launch.
this might be a turning point. if they can get their code monkeys to properly port 6v6 without crashing the game and they do the right balancing across heroes/roles, they can finally save this shitstain 5v5 format. Because trust me, the moment they port in a 6v6 arcade mode and it causes major schisms in the 5v5 queue times because nobody wants to play that format anymore, they'll eventually give in a fully revert
No but every day we come closer to people waking up to tank being the only problem in the game
What the fuck are you talking about? Anyway I didn't play OW1 much after 2018 and I wanna combo Zarya's graviton surge with Sigma's gravitic flux.
Its Over
It was so fun…Anon the tank combos were so fun
Not really
did you not read the article? they're gonna bring a 6v6 mode back sometime in the near future. i don't have much hope they'll nail it well, but it's a hope nonetheless. i'd say it's iffy
>hog and ball torture back on the menu
It was I loved comboing ults
Holy shit there might finally be a reason to run hog again and won't be a throw pick anymore
You still can
nah, he'll get hyper dived and won't have 6 trillion HP in a 6v6 format. and he'll get 3 shot by reaper again.
What are you talking about hog has been consistently one of the best tanks in t500 for like 6 months
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>cute female hero
>six vs six
Lads, are we fucking back?
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Just got level 50 on Illari bros
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every day i pray for total tankoid genocide

Fuck that fat screeching hysterical grifter.

The Boogie of Overwatch. What a fucking disgusting animal.
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>tfw you get 3shot (only if you use no cooldowns) by a character you can 1shot
its just not fair tanksisters
6v6 tests in "near" future
they'll just keep dragging their feet with it, making excuses, until the noise dies down and people forget

literally coming soon™ lmao
Hog is a bulky DPS character. He is a terrible bottom tier TANK
>Hog is a bulky DPS character.
So is every tank. Your personal retardation opinions don't mean anything.
Doom isn't a bulky DPS character
>throw out pig pen
>destroy it
>you hook me
>you fail
>i farm
yeaaaaa nah
>noise dies down
yeah the noise will die down if 6v6 fails because the game will be dead. this is their last hope. either 6v6 works or they straight up delete the tank role and have open queue hero limits 5v5. the 5v5 solo tank counterwatch format is unsustainable and they know it which is why they're considering 6v6.
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Is that really a good enough reason to [/spoiler]Get back into Overwatch?[/spoiler]

Bitch, tell me if you think the game is fun or not.
Replay code?
It’s fun when I don’t have a mercytard on my team instead of a real support
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Fun game, only shooter I like playing, hate blizzard
there are you happy mercytroon?
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Reminder as time goes on there will be more and more players you're arguing with that have no knowledge of how things were in OW1.
both hands around her tight waist her plump golden brown ass plapping against your thighs
Just took a huge mercy main
man i just took the fattest kaplan in my trousers
Sex with
Geriatric Sex with
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Well, I mainly main Brig because my DPS monkey teammates never did enough damage, and my tanks always fuck off point. So I barely got a chance to actually heal when playing Mercy. You dumb sluts just want to fuck off.

Also, the only Overwatch Images I have are Mercy, so fuck you, I'm posting them.
i just goon
is there a game with worse matchmaking on the market? Cant imagine.
I just coom to the thought of impregnating Mercy
Just took a steaming dump on a fagweaver main's porch.
What team game is better?
apex has literally no matchmaking
lol devs literally have a patent on matchmaking the forces you to go 50/50 and will assfuck you with the worst teammates imaginable vs. the strongest possible enemy team in your rank if you win too much
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That's not true, it's engagement based bullshit manipulative MM though
I don’t play Sigma, I just wanna fuck him.
I play tracer and cree
Nobody ever answers this
I liked Rainbow a couple years ago but I wouldn’t say it’s better
>sorry pal, but we mercynigger5000 was on a harsh loss-streak and he bought the battle-pass
>so what we'll do to make this totally competitively fair and reasonable is match you with jeetmettralover69 who's been hardstuck for 8 years in plat with a 50% winrate and put the tracer/cass duo that has a 90% winrate on a fresh account with mercynigger5000 so he can get his deserved win and so he doesn't get that terrible loss streak!
>but sorry, you were climbing too much anyways
>remember it's mental diff and nothing to do with the other 4 brainlets you got matchmaked with
Kiriko being passed around to each of my homies.
the ony one with "Team" in it...
nah, the lobbies have no matchmaking, you could be a complete noob with 10 hours in game and you'll be running into top 50 players in unranked. ranked is "better" but you're still running into top 50 players as a plat shitter. the only thing EOMM adjusts is how often you'll run into top players, but otherwise matchmaking is practically non-existent.
basically every live service pvp game has "horrible" matchmaking, it's by design. it's called engagement based matchmaking, it's meant to keep you addicted, it's not meant to help you have fun.
No king rules forever my son
Here are your first person emotes bro
Literally every other team based shooter on the market that istn programmed by a bunch of RPG devs.
i got next
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> :fu: emote
its working as intended

4chan needs to add emoji support, it'd make this place way better.
Dirty Bomb because there is no matchmaking. And like 50 people playing.
>reddit spacing
not sure if retard or next level bait
apex legends literally has top 500 regional predators in the same lobby as gold and other low rank players. and i dont mean smurf just straight up top 500 on their real accounts
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it's 4chan spacing actually
The devblog is surprisingly reasonable and open to the 6v6 crowd. While I am VERY disappointed in the intentional misrepresentation of queue times (which reached their worst moments due to the game being abandoned, not exclusively because of 6v6 role queue), exaggeration of Overwatch 2's success, intentional mistelling of the 6v6 experience, and how he treated 6v6 potentially being a successful move as a potential problem rather than a positive, I honestly just expected him to not talk about it at all and tell us to fuck off.
I have no interest in playing Marvel Rivals, Deadlock, or any other of the new attempts at cracking into the hero shooter market that Blizzard has practically owned since 2016, but I hope that their ideas and innovations encourage Team 4 to stop being so self-obsessed and cocky about their development talents. Keller's tone points to a much more reasonable culture than what we have EVER received from Blizzard in the past. I've also noticed that previous community staples like BlizzWinter have fucked off and gone into hiding. Maybe the M$ PR team finally told these retards to stop shit talking their players and do their damn jobs for once.
6v6 won't happen, because even if it's a hit they'll stick with 5v5 out of pride.
I'm just glad Keller finally admitted that they may have potentially overstepped and taken too much fun out of the game with 5v5.
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reddit spacing is double spacing after greentext, not linebreaks in general
I think you gotta double linebreak after reddit's greentext equivalent or your next line is just coopted into the greentext
>support shitter too busy shooting past me
>turn around and point at them
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boy im sure there is NO way that this will be taken advantage of in hilarious ways

Imagine being this autistic about line spacing.

KYS loser.
both of you are retarded

this is clearly basic English Language Arts formatting
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why did she look hotter in this short story than in most fanart?
go take Blizzards balls out of your mouth. You are hard to understand.
She doesn't have a stupid babyface
>Bro just kill supports lmao

>"Nighty night!"
>*Sanics around geometry and 10,000 mph and regen kicks in while self healing*
>*Out dps's you with shiny balls*

This is why people play Sombra. To make supportcuck lives miserable.
Wraith, Apex legends
Damn I miss pre-tranny apex legends
no, people play sombra cause they suck at the game and/or can't play tracer
I hope that every hero released from here on out is trans just so the braintrot posters will give up and leave
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This 6v6 blogpost is the final death knell of the game
Now that the devs have acknowledged it, pandoras box has been opened. The whiny twitter/plebbit community will not stop badgering them until its added. And when they do?

Well if you thought 6v6 role queue wait times were bad before, just you wait until you see what they're like with the playerbase split between 5v5 and 6v6. 15 minute queues for non-tanks, minimum.
The devs will then, I assume, attempt to balance for both modes. Perhaps tanks will be tuned down to their pre-gigachad selves for that mode like how they are in no limits mode currently. It will feel odd. They will utterly struggle to balance two modes at once as they can barely manage one. It will fall apart, queue times will drop to the sub 20 minute mark, and players will start leaving in droves.
The worst part is, they're deciding to do this, right as that marvel ow clone is releasing which will take a bite out of the playerbase, at least for a week or two. Thats all it will take, a slash at the heel while OW is weak, and the game will stumble and never quite get back up
if i see my DPS force support CD or struggle to kill them i usally drop what im doing and dive them the second i notice. sadly theres not many DPS who shoot anything other than the tank anymore
didnt read
must do the needful
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Delusional, disregard this post everyone.
its almost like 5v5 and 6v6 isnt the problem, role queue is. not sure why we still pretend the game isnt marginally worse with locked roles, especially now that they went out of their way to lower tank health in open queue (instead of just nerfing support healing like it should have been so that tank stacking wasnt easy)
They hated him because he spoke the truth
They didn't like his message
My take, as someone who started playing in 2017, is that the root of the issue is that they failed to make tank heroes exciting and dynamic enough to have broad appeal. I love tanks, I think heroes like Reinhardt, Winston, Sigma, and Roadhog are a fucking blast. Most people don't. Most people think they're boring. They need to find a way to bring much more variation to the tank role and give more options so more people have tank heroes they enjoy. They also need to rebalance the entire game so that there isn't such a strong dependence on tanks, and bring every hero a little closer to the middle numbers wise.
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I'm not going back to this shit
i mean if you read between the lines, the blogpost clearly acknowledges that tank role is the problem and that 1-2-2 format clearly represents how much each role is desirable to play, though it's more like 0.2-2.4-2.4 than a 1-2-2. meaning that they would never revert to 2-2-2 so if 6v6 returns it will obviously be an open queue mode, possibly with some limitations like 2 tanks max per team.
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vgh.........as God intended. if a team wants to run 6 dps into goats they should be allowed to.
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remove tanks and make the main format 0-4-2
there, I fixed the game, no need to thank me
in all honestly outside of top 500 and above GOATS was never played and there's absolutely no concern about tanks being TOO POPULAR and a 2-tank cap is redundant
he plainly says that 5v5 is because tank is unpopular and role queue was because tank is unpopular
you will never have widespread abuse of tanks and you're lying if you tell us that your games were GOATS just to win an argument
honestly i like playing tanks but i have to play with chat turned off because otherwise it's just people spamming "tank change to (hero i want you to play)" over and over and getting increasingly mad when i don't.
read it again, its working as intended for EOMM, see here >>487618378 . Winstreak? heres 2 giga boosted retards.
I'd like to see it
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bwc built
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>i mean if you read between the lines, the blogpost clearly acknowledges that tank role is the problem and that 1-2-2 format clearly represents how much each role is desirable to play
dude, tank isnt the problem and never has been. from the moment that ana first released to brig destroying the game all the way to kirikos entire existence its always been supports and their utility that ENABLE tank to be as strong at it is.
ana can apply 50% healing boost from all sources to output more health than she has any business doing
brig at her peak could deliver AoE healing strong enough to keep multiple tanks topped up just from holding W
kiriko dropped and literally made hog one of the best tanks in the game next to zarya for like 2 seasons by being able to remove anti nade and make his ult even stronger when combod with hers

if they removed this dogshit from the game GOATS wouldnt have been nearly as viable and we wouldnt need a damn role queue
GOATS was based fuck dpsniggers
>dude, tank isnt the problem
stopped reading
you're bronze
Can someone run the blog through an AI to summarize everything
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let me guess? support sissy who doesnt want to admit their role is the cause of every negative thing about overwatch?
>dude, tank isnt the problem and never has been
>goats existed because of ana
Why are tankoids so delusional?
guess again
>please feed me AI slop

How depraved
The one that just lobotomized this games dev team and gave you faggots 6 vs 6.
Starts with an M.
This is the internet isn't it, where all fantasies come true?
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feel free to refute the argument at any time and tell me where im wrong. id love some examples of tank being the problem without a support being the ones allowing them to be a problem to begin with.
>being dishonest
>or maybe just illiterate
never said that ana created goats but sitting here and pretending that she didnt play a role in it right along with someone like mercy reviving a tank back to full HP after you spent resources killing them is beyond delusional
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>she didnt play a role in it
She didn't. Goats existed because after brig shut down dive then you could run Zarya in place of a DPS since mobility wasn't the meta and if you can run them Zarya and Dva are just better DPS than any DPS. There's never been a single meta in the history of the game except maybe moth meta that wasn't just in response to which tanks were played.
Name 5
maybe a dumb question but whats the point of a "forced" 50/50 matchmaker when a roughly 50/50 outcome will happen either way when you arrive at your actual skill level?
none because team games are ass in 2024. are you really itching to see what game manipulates the matchmaking less shitty>
Maybe you just hit your peak
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Holy fuck there's a lot of yapping in this blog post, and a lot of it is extremely misleading. They're making it sound like all these problems are inherent to 6v6 when it was just their incompetence and the fact that would only balance the game a few times a year. That being said it's still much better than I was expecting, and once the 6v6 trial launches I'll definitely be reinstalling.
I know they're going to half ass it, probably just apply the open queue health debuff and call it a day, then throw up their hands like they did everything they could and say "Well, looks like 6v6 was a failure! Now we'll never mention it again.", but it'll be a nice send off to the game before end of service.
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The blog post points out tank is the problem both in queue times and design.
next time don't post a picture of venture
If Kiriko suzus a pregnant woman, would the baby dissapear? is pregnancy a negative effect?
Then they need to rebrand it into a Bruiser role and make them all just bigger DPS characters. The perception behind the "tank" role is ultimately the problem here.
I know this is bait but I'll still reply
Tank is only the "problem" because blizzard doesn't know how to balance the game. Nerfing cancer comps like double shield and removing all the CC off of dps and supports like they said they would with ow2 was all it would've taken.
cute girl!!!
Will impregnate tonight!
dva doesn't disappear when mech is suzu'd
>just buff tank more then people will play tank!
Yeah okay you're not even putting effort into this, trolls here have gotten lazy I guess.
Please accept my concession.
>devs say the problem is that even in 5v5 tank queue times are shit
>okay but you won't play tank more
>but the game queues are going to double

Will people ever admit the devs were right in going to 5v5?
you don't even believe that why do you want replies so badly
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Tank shouldn't even exist in this fucking game. They're pointless. The tanks don't tank anything, dps still just go in and kill your supports or dps regardless. It's not like WoW where being the tank means you get all the aggro. You're basically a big DPS in 2024 Overwatch. It's not season 1 OW1 where everyone stands still behind the big rectangle man. People need to admit tanks are a thing of the past
This whole thing really revealed how stupid most gamers are.

Right now, as well as in the past, matchmaking is held back by finding a tank. The largest group of players by a large margin want to play dps, there is always, and always has been, a glut of dps players. Secodn place is support, where there will always be a healthy number of people who want to play support. Tank is by far the smallest group of players.

This means that when matchmaking is forming a lobby, it finds enough dps in seconds, enough support players right after that, and then sits there waiting for a tank player. When your queues take a long time, it's because matchmaking is looking for a tank, not a dps or a support.

So to curb this phenomenon, Blizzard decided to reduce the number of tanks matchmaking has to find in order to start a match. They halved it, from 2 to 1.

I don't know what is so hard for people to understand about this.
nobody played tank because every single character in the game had hard cc, and the few people who played tank always wanted to play offtank because all of that cc was used on the main tank. 5v5 was just a bandaid to this issue because t4 don't know how to make fun or interesting abilities without involving cc (hence why they went back on their promise to remove it from everyone except tanks when 2 was released)
>people would play tank if they were invincible lol
part of the game nigger
You need hard CC if you're going to have two tanks. Having two tanks being able to dive on you with you barely being able to do anything but throw out a soft CC that slows their speed for half a second would be a disaster.
tanks are invincible now and even less people are playing now than in ow1
Yeah because tank is boring lol
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>supports can.......defend themselves? and not instantly die if i decide they should die? huh? what??? b-but, i decided they should die so they should instantly die because i have better stats, why is this allowed? shouldnt they just roll over if i press the "you die now" button like in other mobas? how am i supposed to play this game this is literally tank genocide
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slowly collecting more Mercy skins..
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supports are broken as shit but they basically only exist to help tanks be the unkillable gods every tankoid fantasized about being when they were kids watching dragon ball or whatever.
support as a role is not fundamentally flawed, and is in fact extremely easy to fix. the solution already fucking exists, it's called the dps anti heal passive. but of course, we can't have it be good because then tankoids will cry about not being invincible enough and supportoids will cry about not being able to make the tank invincible enough

tank as a role IS fundamentally broken. you can make them "balanced", and they were relatively balanced before brig, but the problem is there's no fucking reason to play them if they're balanced. that's why Q times became a problem after role lock. the role as a concept is fundamentally the least interesting and enjoyable to play out of the 3, dps is just better in every way for the average player who just wants to shoot enemy gamer. you have less HP and (should) deal more damage so the risk/reward factor is higher, thus the dopamine hit when you make a play is higher. at the same time there's less pressure placed on you so it doesn't feel as bad if you fail. dps kits in general are also usually more unique and interesting than tanks. dps is just all around a better experience unless you specifically want to play a supportive role, and the only way to change that is to make tanks literally invincible to force metaslaves to play them even if they don't want to, and that's what they did.

this is a factor too but attacking CC in general is not the right idea. it exists for a reason. the actual problem is ana. it was always fucking ana. she released with 3 abilities that each alone would be almost gamebreaking, but she had all three at once. sleep, nade and nano literally shaped the game around them, they were almost always used on tanks, which made them even less fun to play, and led to the current heal creep problem
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which is your favorite?
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>be aaron keller
>people don't stfu about 6v6
>bring 6v6 back
>immediately people start complaining about double shields and how "my other tank is dragging me down, less skill expression"
>"why the fuck blizzard brought back 6v6??!! they're so incompetent"
>"but.... I thought this is what you guys wanted......"
>continue to get bullied by the community while the game becomes an abomination with no direction

Does Aaron Keller have a humiliation fetish? Is he crashing down the plane?
If he wanted to be funny he should bring back a 6v6 test run but make it solo queue only
>It wasn't a problem until Brig.
>The problem is the tanks!
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ok /owg/gers, here is what the pros are playing today in ewc. what's your biggest takeaway? for me? it's echo being there as much as tracer, but let's not forget, pharah is the actual problematic flyer because.................she just is ok?
Brig enabled tank stacking because she was an anti-dive comp all on her own.
brig made tanks broken and forced people to play them, she did not cause the fundamental problem of tanks being less fun to play and people not wanting to play them over dps
looks like the same shit it's been for the last year to me
Make the dps passive 30%
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Yeah sounds like they added in a bunch of broken support characters like Brig/Bap/Moira that cheated the game. Imagine if they released well designed fair characters and did good balance changes. Almost like the problem is not the tanks fundamentally aside from not releasing enough of them, and fun ones that people would want to play at that. What they did do was release broken supports over and over that ruined the gameplay for everyone else.
Brig was just giga overstatted because Jeff is retarded and wanted to outright kill dive without nerfing dva
If tanks can do as much damage as dps they are fundamentally the problem actually.
rude. tracer isnt a cuckhold crybaby
No retard. They just need to be designed with the principles of DVA/Winston/Reinhardt that have no ranged damage projection like DPS. The problem was Orisa/Sigma and the horrible designs that did not follow the original principles. Reinhardt has a huge shield to allow his team to move but he cannot damage while holding that, what do Orisa and Sigma do? Reinhardt cannot project power unless you are next to him, what do Orisa and Sigma do?
fr, fucking moira am i right fellow tankoids? why is she allowed to......do damage? and......heal?
>tracer isnt a cuckhold crybaby
Someone post it. You know what.
Yeah only roadhog and mauga should be able to do that
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no I don't know what
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a productive 3 hour overwatch sesh today (i didn't play the game)
i played one game and got exhausted, switched to rivals and valo
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Cute! Big skintight suit fan I see

I really like the Winged Victor skin
because it achieves its 50/50 by feeding you alternating win streaks and lose streaks in order to get you addicted.
remember when we used to get lootboxes for free
back when you had to pay for the game yes
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I've been bouncing between Deadlock, TF2 and Overwatch but I think switching between shooters is making me worse at all of them. I gotta drop one.
is anyone else watching aspen try to cook
she doesn't even know how to operate an oven
C'mon anon, you know. THAT Lena pic.
$20 though lmao
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Yes I have hundreds of skins and sprays and voice lines and victory poses and emotes from those loot boxes
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5v5 bros.... we lost
overwatch has Fallen

Billions must open queue
I think they ban so many players now because it gets people to make more than one account and buy more than one battlepass
5v5ers are too busy playing the game they enjoy to cope on twitter
ah yes the 100 GABILLION players?
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I just came here to laugh at you for getting duped into buying a full price game, and then later being forced into using freemium money grinding battle pass shit to play the same fucking game
but you don't have to pay a cent to play the game
i dont care about whether or not supportards want to own up to ruining the game and passing the blame off to tank. im just gonna keep queueing winston and putting them in their place in the game and tbagging them
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never spent a penny tho?
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>ask mercy in matchchat if i've been the only one shooting at her all game
>she waits till the end of the game to tell me, obviously the correct thing to do
>REE out on my "fren"mates
>why are you telling us now?
No i loathe mercys i wanted the cunt dead
It just makes sense to not loudcap yourself in match chat as not being shot at until the end of the game
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what is this post bro
unbridled anger
let's talk about something actually important
what will the next collab be
There's no reason to shoot mercy over the other support or just hard focusing the tankcuck
i always hated echo but thankfully no one plays her
YOU are stupid and don't have a brain
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If you're in the rank where mercy is a viable target the player they're pocketing isn't a significant threat
she makes me so hard god i love her
>comp isn't working
>nobody that can make a difference changes character
>forced to just sit there watching people die at the start of eichenwald for five minutes
......................... yeah............................. fun................................................
I am bad and angry yes!!
>theres very little reason to shoot the only character who can revive people, boost damage, and who actually self heals from healing others
>just focus her tank instead bro
these are the fucking retards that OW2 is made for btw
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i disabled chat and text but now it feels kinda soulless
pussy nigga
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if im playing soldier and moira decides she's going to kill me, i lose, yeah? she can teleport, turn invisible, doesn't have to aim, and does more damage than me, and if all of that isn't enough, she can also just put her orb down and i die.
i disabled it cause you literally would be banned for saying this
>does more damage than me
maybe if you're shit and can't aim
>character called legs
>retard doesnt know how to use em to run away
why are dps players like this
>>does more damage than me
i AM shit and can't aim. but she doesn't need to aim any of her shit from the get-go.
Just run away?
if you're in niggalow yeah
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her teleport is way faster, though.
Are we back or is it over?
its still over until the trial starts then were so back but then its over again once they pretend it was a failure and stay with 5v5
Her TP is on a CD and you shouldn't be that close to her to begin with.
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Any counterplay to Venture's ult beyond "just pick someone else lol"?
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Protip: use cover to avoid damage!
I feel like by the time i hear the voice line i'm already completely fucked, even if i start running right away.
Well who are you playing then?
I don't have a "main" or anything, I'm new to the game.
That's always going to be the case sometimes but in general if this is happening a lot it's your positioning that's the problem
You can jump over it??
get close to him, his ult is dogshit up close
idk i dont play the game
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anyone else think it's weird that aaron's graph of queue times is the same as the ratio between dps, support and tank characters?
i disable everything but match chat so i can ignore my team but still talk shit to the enemy
I wish Echo played more like Iron Man..
Both are fine.
4v4 would be too small.
7v7 would be a fucking house party.
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>DPS losing to moira in a 1v1
>post DPS passive
>as soldier nonetheless
nigga literally how? are you just panicking and missing? use one of the aim trainers before playing
no he's a lying bitch
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Soldier is probably one of the better dps to 1v1 a moira too, since you can drop your heal and just stand still which should make that stupid back and forth hop moiras do easy to track
shield Orisa and sigma were perfectly designed, the problem was letting orisa use shield while reloading and removing fortify headshot. certain characters are meant to remain in c tier for eternity Orisa was one of them. also sym tp and wall enabled the cancer bastion bunker double shield stuff. sym tp/wall was removed and orisa season 9 was in the later seasons double shield would have never happened TRUTH NVKE btw if you argue youre wrong
>as soldier nonetheless
nigga soldier is F tier
Patch Notes: In response to community feedback, we have implemented a balanced solution; 6v5 will be the team size going forward.
we need to go full battlefield.

20 v 20
6 tanks
7 supports

all the old 2CP maps now function like conquest
can I fly the helicopter
this is the real debate right here.
5v6 because you have a retarded teammate or 4v5 because you have a retarded teammate
My DPS is usually on par with my teammates', it's not like I'm ruining someone's ranked games I'm playing QP...
What aim trainers? Is that in the game somewhere or do I have to download it?
My only FPS experience is Doom (the original, not 2016). Aiming is hard.
my guess is 6v6 will return with no passives and old health with a mix of role and open que maybe 1 tank and healer guarenteed per team with the other 4 players being allowed to play tank,dps and supp
just post half naked overwatch women and shut the fcuk up you nerds
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Evening lads.
I feel like playing Widowmaker tonight.
Time to click some heads.
pipe down timmy the adults are discussing the fate of the game
6v6 with pickable passives would be interesting
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I gotchu
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last time i checked that was not a woman
obviously it's easier for 5 to carry the retard over the 4
youre onto something but leave it for arcade
I just want to note that no one has ever asked for the damage and healing medals to come back. Fuck having to say "I have gold" that shit was cringe
scoreboards are objectively better because you cant have people in chat trying to gaslight you into thinking their gold in damage on lucio
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you don't know
>6v6 QP Hacked drops
>STILL no one ends up queueing for tank

Will this settle the matter once and for all?
i love my beautiful husband sloan
honestly, yes
Tank players will just cope saying that the problem is tanks aren't immune to damage and CC and they don't get to decide what characters everyone else plays including the enemy
if they have the normal role que system in place its DOA
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I will be rolling tank every time though?
i had all golds on lucio a few times. especially if you get a few boops on some juicy roadhogs
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I been clickin heads too
Cute girl Cute girl!!!!!
>what if............2 king kongs vs 2 godzillas
interesting, i wonder how the dps queue will look like
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Juno Ogundimu
here you go
bait used to be believable
queuing up to play winston dva jq or lucio
lol thin dick
Akande Cassidy
Fareeha Wilhelm
Juno claimed by violent and arrogant warmonger.
stop making fun of white people
better than 2 widows and 2 tracers or sojourns farming ult off the tank all match
im not. im making fun of that particular thin dick
Okay here's the plan. 6v5: 6 are not allowed tanks, but is otherwise open queue. 5 are allowed one tank and they're even more powerful than they are now. Each team plays both sides like normal in comp now.
In the current state of the game you might as well go double widow since other dps aren’t shit
i don't really know what happens in niggalow but widow and tracer are probably 2 of the dps heroes with the least interactions with the tank during the match. you could be the only target in my scope and i still probably wouldn't waste my bullet on you.
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I have not been at endorsment level 4 in a LONG time
kinda feels like i'm nicer as a person now
sorry anon they just made it easier to get the levels
So, a straight white male?
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fine, show us yours then King Dongler
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the straightest white male
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the only people who should post their dicks in here are black anons or mercy anons, no one really cares about your average joe 4.5 incher, we all got those at home
excuse me i'm an average joe 5.5er don't steal my inch
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Stop making fun of your dad.
>memory constraints about adding 1 player each team
uhhh guys
1. you have spectators so your game already supports more than that currently
2. your owned by fucking MICROSOFT, just press the upgrade ec2 button, who cares.
jesus christ reaper is so shit
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weak bait
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evens tank
odds dps
0 bed
Has anyone seen that new Rein mythic weapon in the wild at all yet?
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rerolling for you and hoping for a 0 to save you
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Thanks for trying, anon
literally no one fits
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>black anons
are there any?
I want a jojo collab
jolyne tracer
Yes and I have been pretty tired of the weird race fetishism every other poster on this site has. There's nothing to be done. It's a combination of shitposters baiting for (you)'s and actual freaks.
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anon, they have no money to upgrade. they personally 86'd a bunch of folx and microsoft canned their DIE team. plus whatever esg bux they were getting isn't flowing next month because their latest release doesn't check enough boxes
>please understand
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hmm, i see. welp back to the BLACKED WAIFUs thread on /gif/ then...
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wait for me!!!
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Thread is so busy discussing porn that no one will notice me posting that in order to counter the upcoming air force meta I believe that Brigitte, being the daughter of Torb, should be able to construct a mobile SAM battery on the field.
Illios is not a good map
Can't give advice how to counter if you don't mention what toolset you're working with
I like some parts of it
Spectators aren't playing heroes
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i thought this game was banned in china
Had a good game playing sigma
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>support player complains about genji moving around like a spaz
some things never change 8 years later
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anti-air you say?
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Do you ever hate-fap to characters that annoy you in-game?

100% agreed, 5v5 is just better overall because people are natural born sheep and most don't want to be leaders (tanks).

What are you going to do? Make fun of the Blizzard developer for being a GOLD tank player?
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Fuck your "statistics" and "data" and shit samito and the rabble rousers say 6v6 will solve all our problems and we'll never lose a game again so the people want 6v6
>winning trend
How the fuck does this work??
>pride flags
please. get a personality
just shut the fuck up and post your niggalow webms
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Oh my fucking christ.
If someone on your team had circled around back of the enemy and is keeping half their team distracted.
That is the chance for other 4 players to push in and break their front defence.
Not fucking stand around.
"I'M DISTRACTING" is just the dps version of tank's "I'M MAKING SPACE!!!!"
both are copes
you ain't doing shit if it doesn't show up on the scoreboard
t.shitty ass sombra player
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No. I was actually doing something useful and the other players were talking about ramen.
Winners queue.
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>have to be .1 inch away from the enemy or else do 0 damage
>some of the most popular picks instantly remove him from the game
>no supplemental damaging abilities
>self heal is fucking nothing and countered by his own role
yeah.................... he's great..................
Reaper is just a worse venture and venture is B tier
according to blizzard themselves, reaper had the 2nd highest winrate after pharah before pharah (who kinda sorta counters him) got nerfed, might just be a skill issue
also probably a skill issue
there is no skill in ow2 stop saying that
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2nd highest winrate in what skill bracket?
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who cares? you'll find a cope either way
no because if it's a high skill bracket i'll say "oh okay" as i'm literally bad at the game. if it's "all skill brackets" i'll call bullshit because that's genuinely not possible.
>why are they lying to me
Because this is their job.
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it's across all skill brackets
that's genuinely not possible!
im sorry buddy
>Swap to ball
>Supports start spamming no because my chat is disabled
>Win the round
Never listen to them, just pick whatever you like.
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tankhater anon is Aaron Keller
Yeah that's why they just keep buffing tanks over and over instead of deleting them
aaaand ESKAAAY
Fuck you faggots who said 6v6 ain't ever happening again. I told you they would at least try it out.
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good morning I love Lena
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Sorry, had to get it off my chest.
Have a great friday and weekend everyone.
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Warmth for wife posters
Yeah they'll do a limited time event in 2 years
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>Lenaposter is right
>four replies telling him that he's wrong
owg classic
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Lenaposters are ALWAYS right.
now that overwatch is saved for like the 5th time this year, how are we celebrating?
just alt f4'd out of a match and uninstalled. it's over
getting mad at comp
see ya tomorrow
I recently started only playing 1 role per day instead of playing flex and I've been enjoying it more, and I think it's making me progress in ranking too, probably because the practice is more focused and for longer duration.
nah i'm gonna go install street fighter 6 or some shit, i'm just too shit at shooting games to have fun with them and i don't really improve. can only handle so many matches of being the shittiest dps or tank in the game.
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>from fps misery to fighting game misery
Damn son. You like to suffer or what?
>we may or may not at some point in the future possibly implement a short limited time trial experiment with different comps and formats as a small test. maybe. if the technology is there. we promise we're working on it, and you know us, we always keep our promises.
fighting games are also misery but i'm at least decent enough at them lol
Rivals did get 1 thing right about OW1 which is it's almost unplayable outside of a stack
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When is 6v6 coming back? I might actually have to reinstall now.
DPS is already irrelevant. DPS has never been relevant outside of the first beta of OW2.
all they said is they're "looking into it" so it genuinely could be another 6 months, or at the EARLIEST season 13 so in 3 months
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What has /owg/'s take been on the new dev talk?
Tanks bad but unironically and fact checked
when they first realized wanting 6v6 was the popular opinion, they switched their trolling tactic to saying 6v6 was never coming back
now that 6v6 is confirmed coming back at least in trial form, they've switched their trolling tactic to pretending once 6v6 comes back that everyone is actually going to hate it
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There are a lot of shooters on the market. What made you choose Overwatch? Do you play anything else?
>You think you do, but you don't
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I always said they wouldn't bring it back out of arrogance

They virtually never go back on a rework, especially one this major. It would be admitting to making a mistake, which holy mighty Blizzard never makes
Both of those heroes have empty buttons, what a coincidence
To be fair, they did admit the mistake of map rotations
So why didn't they just add an extra dps instead?
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That guy ended up being right
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she's so perfect, even when spanishly angry
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play? no one plays, we just clap at each other for being gay and brave
Yikes. Guess I'm not reinstalling, then.
Stay in tf2 and overwatch, please.
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>Tank is by far the smallest group of players.
ah, now more than ever is a hero needed. i guess....it's my time to return :-)
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The catch: its 1/3/2, tanks get giga-buffed again to compensate
What fucking more can you do for tank? Give them all 2000hp?
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thats what dps players think tanks want but its actually what supports want
Literally just turn them into bosses, like that arcade mode where each team is fighting to kill eachother's Orisaurus
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that's already been done
Remember when he could swing around endlessly and whole teams of shitters who didn't bring anything to shut it down just couldn't kill him
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tanks ruined the game
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I have over 40 hours in the game 99% of it is Open Queue, recently started to try Role queue and I cannot stop getting my shit pushed in only won 2 games out of the 13 I’ve played so far.. I don’t get it.

Hog/Ball main btw
disgusting. get a better girl to nut over
who's your favorite, faggot
Ehh.. I don’t get it either

Maybe this game should bring back 6v6
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Just got one of those matches where 1 guys is controlling 5 accounts and throwing to sell smurf accounts and IT STILL LASTED 6 MINUTES

Making the game free and limiting the number of players per team were great decisions.
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Kiriko is out. Juno is in!
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Good night
no, role queue did
Gays don't play kiriko
What the fuck is everyone’s problem with Tanks? I’m a Tank main.
>I only play Open Queue btw :^)
Don't worry about it, just stay in open queue where you belong.
Persona 5 collab when?
I thought I was in the persona general whoops. But real talk I don't doubt it'll happen
All Role cucks must hang.
Sure anon, keep playing your open queue.
I was thinking
Genji - Yusuke or Joker. Yusuke because I guess they're similar enough personality wise and ofc they're the swordies, Joker because gameplay wise they're both slippery little shits who avoid getting hit.
Kiriko - Ann
Junkrat - Ryuji
Hammond - Morgana
Symmetra I guess idk - Makoto
Dva or Sombra - Futaba. Dva because uwu cringe gamer girl. Sombra because hacker
Mei or Ashe - Haru. Mei because they're similar enough personality wise and both fanbases have similar enough fan interpretations. Ashe because rich girl. And I can't think of anyone for Akechi
if snowball isn't jack frost i'm shitting myself
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no bingo, overall a pretty good blogpost, experimenting and letting people actually try these things will be beneficial for all
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I guess that could work yeah. I forgot that Robin Hood had a bow as his weapon.
I started learning ball. Its really fun but some matches i feel like i cant do shit and feels like a 1v5. Anyone whos good at ball plz give tips
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her boobs are so big in this skin hehe
can we see the data of queue times before 2020? u know, before they abandoned the game and left tank with the most miserable meta imaginable

the lifetime graph is cool and all, but dunno, would be nice to know what tank queues looked like before
sugar plum fairy is the sleeper lewdest skin in the game, her tits are basically spilling out, it's kind of fucked up
yeeee im glad i finally bought it lol. her bum is on display too, she is sooo good.
i love those Friendly custom game servers that let you play in third person. anons always say skins are pointless because it's an FPS, but there's no reason I can't take a break and enjoy my skins in third person for a few minutes.
I thought playing tank in OW2 is the most miserable experience imaginable and everyone prefers even the pre-OW2 2022 tanks?
it's getting there, which is why you often hear the sentiment along the lines of
>I'll take double shield over this shit
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Hi sweetie!
How was sleep?
so when they go back to 6v6 will they call it overwatch 1.5
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>Hi sweetie!
Hey love
>How was sleep?
uhm ok, thanks for asking yours?
Was gaming fine yesterday? no loot in d2 at least OW was fine.
Are you happy about 6v6 returning? If tanks stay the way they are right now, which is also the main reason nobody plays hitscan, hitscan is complete dead nobody plays hitscan at ewc.
I don't know if I liked 6v6 if the tanks are kept as strong as they are now + the tank synergies because tank is just broken.
Blizzard will get such a ruff awakening when they treat the entire dps player base like they do with mercy mains. DPS players can always just move to another game and shoot, tank players are forced to play this game to have their retarded power fantasy where they are unkillable and can one shot you. This is only possible in this game.
Honestly the concept of tank is retarded in a pvp game even in RL tanks are obsolete and get destroyed by 200kg alibaba drone.
A shame. I guessed you would get 3 and you got none.
In all seriousness, kudos and credit to them and ESKAAAAAY for the blog post. Well written, not being pompous and up their own ass.
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Need Juno wife
>uhm ok, thanks for asking yours
Good and good!
>Was gaming fine yesterday? no loot in d2 at least OW was fine.
Yeah it was fun, upgrades in d2 are gonna take forever to get now, right?
>Are you happy about 6v6 returning?
It'll be fun to try again, assuming they don't do anything dumb with it
I'm curious if they'll just revert to pre-OW2 balance or try something new? Because pre-OW2 isn't the best but I don't think I trust them with rebalancing 6v6 now
What might be the best is to take the community made 6v6 and go from there
>I don't know if I liked 6v6 if the tanks are kept as strong as they are now + the tank synergies because tank is just broken.
Tanks can't stay the same because they've been buffed this much only because they don't have a second tank
But that would be pretty funny if they forgot that lol
could we revert to pre-ow2 /owg/ too
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>Good and good!
Are you gaming already? Do we game in my break?
>Yeah it was fun, upgrades in d2 are gonna take forever to get now, right?
yep, well based on how much luck we have. and I want to respecc soonish are you still enjoying the game? We can try d4 as well
>It'll be fun to try again, assuming they don't do anything dumb with it
I wonder if they are open to completely different formats like 3 dps and 2 supports.
>I'm curious if they'll just revert to pre-OW2 balance or try something new? Because pre-OW2 isn't the best but I don't think I trust them with rebalancing 6v6 now
I don't trust them with balancing anything.
>What might be the best is to take the community made 6v6 and go from there
honestly would be the best because it means we have the least amount of Blizzard balance there.
>Tanks can't stay the same because they've been buffed this much only because they don't have a second tank
I'm not sure about that.
>But that would be pretty funny if they forgot that lol
depends on the amount of skins and mythic weapons tank players get they have outclassed supports as the biggest pay pigs it seems.
I want to game with you now
The only way to have a relatively normal discussion about the game is to make it buy it play without discounts and lock forum access to people who don't belong to that rank.
For example gold players discussion only and so on.
None of this will happen because it doesn't benefit blizzard.
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>Are you gaming already? Do we game in my break?
I did a few runs in d2, got a sur rune, I don't remember if that's good? Sorry, I'm leaving soon
>yep, well based on how much luck we have. and I want to respecc soonish are you still enjoying the game? We can try d4 as well
Well my luck in games is bad so don't expect anything from me
It's fun, I want better gear
>I wonder if they are open to completely different formats like 3 dps and 2 supports.
B-but what about the tank?..
>I don't trust them with balancing anything.
I mean, yeah, they've clearly showed over and over that they simply can't follow what's happening in the game, a hero can be hard meta for half a year and not get touched meanwhile some hero with a ~50% winrate will suddenly get gutted because... ?
>I'm not sure about that.
We went into OW2 with tank buffs and they have only kept buffing tanks since
>I want to game with you now
Lots of time over the weekend hopefully!
Soon, space cutie will be yours.
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>I did a few runs in d2, got a sur rune, I don't remember if that's good? Sorry, I'm leaving soon
What we're really lucky with runes yea, we can make enigma you dummy the best item in the game
>Well my luck in games is bad so don't expect anything from me
sure :^)
>It's fun, I want better gear
well if you have sur you got enigma today
>B-but what about the tank?..
rework them into more dps hybrid tanks like junkerqueen. you don't know how much I hate current tanks I'm really thinking about playing some rein just to see how it is. I mean, I still need to show off my mythic weapon skin fashion on him.
>I mean, yeah, they've clearly showed over and over that they simply can't follow what's happening in the game, a hero can be hard meta for half a year and not get touched meanwhile some hero with a ~50% winrate will suddenly get gutted because... ?
They also completely killed cowboy. Like if they nerf dps, the nerfed dps hero is literally unplayable after the nerf. Compare that to support or tank nerfs.
>We went into OW2 with tank buffs and they have only kept buffing tanks since
and tank players are still crying, so the buffs don't help at all. The reality is the tank power fantasy doesn't work in a pvp game, they need to die like everybody else.
>Lots of time over the weekend hopefully!
well, if you want me, I want you
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>Guardian Angel in between Ana and the tank when she goes to nano
>nanos my stupid ass instead
This has happened too many times. Who's fault is this when it happens? Mine for being a spastic who can't stand in one place? Ana's because she's the one who chooses when to press the button? The tank's because it's always the tank's fault?
>The tank's because it's always the tank's fault?
yes why you spoiler that
In the current meta everything is objectively the tank's fault because he's the only player with agency.
>well if you have sur you got enigma today
For me? I thought you wanted enigma or is that something we both should get?
>rework them into more dps hybrid tanks like junkerqueen.
That would be hard since some tanks are just so much bigger, are these bigger tanks just gonna have more health and armor because of their size then?
>I'm really thinking about playing some rein just to see how it is. I mean, I still need to show off my mythic weapon skin fashion on him.
Sweet, I'll be your Ana :^)
>and tank players are still crying, so the buffs don't help at all
I feel them, I had a tank game yesterday where the enemy tank and dps only countered me every time I swapped, I begged my team to help me but they sat on their heroes and refused to swap
>well, if you want me, I want you
You know I do
I'm food then I'm out
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uh 5v5chudders......
twitter trannies always pick the worst choice
stop pressing your charge button into the enemy team when you're low health you fucking retard
possible outcomes, based on what they said with experimenting with different formats and comps. all of them are probably given a 2 week try out period during one season.
will only return as fan service, has no actual chance of returning as a permanent mode since according to blizzard 1-2-2 has always better represented how the queue times looked throughout the games life. will probably have more players than other tests due to nostalgia.
>6v6 with at least 1 tank and 1 support
essentially fixes nothing, extends queue times and still lives and dies by the tank players desire to play the role if his hero is killable, will barely be played over the regular 1-2-2 since it's just a more deathmatch-y 1-2-2, no chance of permanent return
essentially run as a test to see if people hate tanks, turns out they do, queue times are practically instant, people have lots of fun, will never happen cause they wouldn't know what to do with tanks
>fully open queue 6v6
the only one with actual chance of permanent stay. fixes queue times as it no longer relies on tanks queueing, fixes tank balancing because it's not "1 person doing 2 jobs" anymore, you can just ask for help, or even switch off tank if you don't like it, how overwatch was meant to be played, rvtrvn to roots etc. assuming they balance tanks properly GOATS should not happen again, however a simple 2 tank limitation per team should deal with that. now, do they replace the current open queue and let 6v6 OQ and 5v5 RQ live together in harmony? the queue probably get worse since the playerbase will be split and a lot of people will move from RQ to OQ making it close to an even 50/50 split, so the only debate here, isn't really 5v5 vs 6v6, it's open queue vs role queue as only one of them probably gets to stay in the long run. my bet? the majority of the current playerbase doesn't even know 6v6 was a thing, i see them sticking to 1-2-2 after getting some goodboy points from the community for "listening" to them.
you can instantly tell this poster has a below average intellect by the first 30 or so words
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I don't think you know how public anonymous voting works
it's not anonymous, retard
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Tasting Sombra's homemade taco.
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miss the days where peak overwatch humor was genji needs healing memes
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>For me? I thought you wanted enigma or is that something we both should get?
well everybody needs enigma but better use it first you deal way more dmg
>That would be hard since some tanks are just so much bigger, are these bigger tanks just gonna have more health and armor because of their size then?
yea or you rescale them and decrease their size similar to junkerqueen dunno just hard to balance tanks.
>Sweet, I'll be your Ana :^)
I wouldn't want anybody else
>I feel them, I had a tank game yesterday where the enemy tank and dps only countered me every time I swapped, I begged my team to help me but they sat on their heroes and refused to swap
Yea the entire counter swapping meta makes tanking unfun, but how would you fix this? The entire game is designed around counter picking.
>You know I do
I know
>I'm food then I'm out
enjoy your food and have fun
that was the type of cringe viral tiktok humor that you would hate if today a new tribes game was released and everyone was spamming shazbot
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bean here all along
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but did you consider this one
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All the best to you anons
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Illari bros, have a great weekend
total ritual poster genocide
Forgotten and unloved. Exactly as god planned
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relaxing on my couch, might take a lil nappy... hope you have a great weekend too!
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forgotten? maybe. unloved? far from it
The performance issue for 6v6 has to be the biggest lie ever. It's like when Blizzard said they don't have the wow classic files/servers anymore just to announce wow classic the very next blizzcon.
>well everybody needs enigma but better use it first you deal way more dmg
Didn't I need vex too? I have pul and sur now
>yea or you rescale them and decrease their size similar to junkerqueen dunno just hard to balance tanks.
Not sure if I'm a fan of that, kinda like people wanting Mei to be a tank
>I wouldn't want anybody else
We can also go our other accounts for a more relaxing time
>Yea the entire counter swapping meta makes tanking unfun, but how would you fix this? The entire game is designed around counter picking.
6v6 will fix this
But seriously, weaker tanks would help with that because it would let dps players feel more impactful
>enjoy your food and have fun
I saw you were online, did you game some on the break?
But that's enough about you.
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welcome back love
>Didn't I need vex too? I have pul and sur now
need vex for hoto. We need the 2 sur for ber and get enigma
>Not sure if I'm a fan of that, kinda like people wanting Mei to be a tank
I mean, we're not turning tanks into dps. They would still be called frontliners, just not tanks. Though I'm not saying I like this idea, but if you can't get tanks balanced in 5v5 or 6v6, this is the best solution.
>We can also go our other accounts for a more relaxing time
sure, I do what you want
>6v6 will fix this
I hope so, but I don't think they do 6v6 to fix tanks, they do it to drive player engagement again. Also, big changes like that makes the game more interesting again, like the season 9 changes.
>But seriously, weaker tanks would help with that because it would let dps players feel more impactful
the season 10 patch was just too much though
>I saw you were online, did you game some on the break?
yep not for long, was running, only gamed like 20 minutes, got some unique druid helmet are you gaming now?
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>Though I'm not saying I like this idea, but if you can't get tanks balanced in 5v5 or 6v6, this is the best solution.
Nerf supports, there fixed your game Blizzard
>sure, I do what you want
Just thinking if you don't want to deal with t500 players when playing Rein
>but I don't think they do 6v6 to fix tanks
Well, the format automatically makes it more bearable assuming they also revert all the insane buffs lol
>are you gaming now?
Nope, not yet!
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Yeah no I'm done with support comp
past 5 games
>tank leaves
>retarded tank that has negative K/D
>dps that stood still emoting all game
>dos that said "sorry I don't play Cassidy" and picked him all game trying to "practice"
>Enemy Illari using aimbot to get a headshot with every single fucking kill along with knowing where we are through walls
I'm done. Tank, DPS, and Open Queue comp is completely fine and fair. But Support comp? Nope, just EVERYTHING is against me. I cannot win. I CANNOT win a single match in support for no fucking reason, it's not even forced 50/50 it's forced 0/100
So fuck it. They don't want to fix their support matchmaking I'll just stick to the other comp roles that are all fair and fun
I hope Aaron Keller gets AIDS
okay but why didn't you carry when you're on the strongest role
you think I fucking didn't?
What can an Ana do when her tank leaves?
What can a Bap do when both his dps have negative K/D and he has to heal?
Answer me that you troll little faggot
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>What can an Ana do when her tank leaves?
Nano the mercy.
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Hey favorite person
>Nerf supports, there fixed your game Blizzard
nerf mercy ok :^)
>Just thinking if you don't want to deal with t500 players when playing Rein
Should be fine, I think maybe I don't have tank mmr on my main?
>Well, the format automatically makes it more bearable assuming they also revert all the insane buffs lol
assuming they can balance the format because they need to nerf tanks a lot. Like imagine if you had 6vs6 with current dva and zar against you. There's not a single dps hero that would be fun playing against, and the only hope you have is that both of your tanks go monke rein.
>Nope, not yet!
you slacker
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>nerf mercy ok :^)
Delete all support heroes that came out after release because let's be honest, they're all powercreeped to hell and back :^)
>Should be fine, I think maybe I don't have tank mmr on my main?
You gamed Mauga though, I'm pretty sure you still have some rank from that?
>Like imagine if you had 6vs6 with current dva and zar against you
You can experience true hell by going open queue, the lower health pools for tanks mean nothing and dps heroes are non-existent
>you slacker
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>Delete all support heroes that came out after release because let's be honest, they're all powercreeped to hell and back :^)
Wouldn't that be a little bit too hard? You would only have 3 support heroes, right?
>You gamed Mauga though, I'm pretty sure you still have some rank from that?
oh right, hopefully that got reset? I want to play rein against golds.
>You can experience true hell by going open queue, the lower health pools for tanks mean nothing and dps heroes are non-existent
Who's the most op tank there? What's the best comb for open queue? I know it's 3 tanks 2 supports. Does anybody play dps there?
you can be my slacker
>be me, playing tank
>getting owned by enemy D.va
>switch to Zarya
>still lose

how many of you are guilty of this?
if you lose to a dva as zarya you're helpless. that matchup is like 90:10 in your favor
>be me, playing tank
couldn't be me
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>Wouldn't that be a little bit too hard? You would only have 3 support heroes, right?
Hm, Zen, Lucio and Mercy
Do you need more? I don't
>oh right, hopefully that got reset? I want to play rein against golds.
Well you can do that if we game on our other accounts
>Who's the most op tank there?
I really don't know who the single strongest tank in there is, it might be a support like Bap or Moira actually because of the stupid amount of heals you can dump onto the tanks
Open queue is just so braindead you just clump up and press w together lol
>you can be my slacker
But it's not good to be a slacker...
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spam central
You know you can't post pictures on Reddit, maybe that would be more your style.
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you forgot your tranny image, mr. worst poster
Yeah, that's the part I don't get. You have an updated engine, but apparently it can't handle 12 players while the older one did?
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Everyone also gets names on reddit so you can more easily obsess over people.
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>Hm, Zen, Lucio and Mercy. Do you need more? I don't
not me but maybe other people do lol
>Well you can do that if we game on our other accounts
yea, let's see if you want to game there, we game there.
>I really don't know who the single strongest tank in there is, it might be a support like Bap or Moira actually because of the stupid amount of heals you can dump onto the tanks
Bap is op? Unheard!
>Open queue is just so braindead you just clump up and press w together lol
but pressing w is fun...
>But it's not good to be a slacker...
but you're my slacker
going now see you later love have fun
I've never played as Zarya. I hate playing against her so I wouldn't wish that pain upon others.
She was the first character that confused the absolute shit out of me when I started playing. My teammates got mad at me when I shot her bubbles, and I was like "why the fuck am I not allowed to shoot my gun in a shooter game?"
6v6 was an absolute fucking nightmare. I can't believe faggots finally cried hard enough for them to test it out again.
Everyone hates and always hated playing tank so we need to double them up
2-2-2 will never return, rest assured. the few "tests" they might run in the future are just so retards could shut the fuck up.
I might be going senile, but did they adjust it so theres more skins available to buy using credits?
did you just go past 1500 credits?
it doesn't show you you can buy things for credits till you can afford them it shows coins instead
Yeah I did
What the fuck thats so weird but alright I never realized that
That's a insta leave
its a manipulation tactic to subtley nudge people into thinking they need the yellow coins
blizzard is sneaky
it was god tier if you werent a niggalow shitterlow playa
i swap to mauga anytime i see hog im not playing jq through that shit
post rank
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>not me but maybe other people do lol
As a dps wouldn't you like less heals and less over tuned support abilites?
>yea, let's see if you want to game there, we game there.
It's whatever, up to you if you want easier games
>but pressing w is fun...
You'd think you would love to play heroes like Tracer and other flankers with that mentality
>going now see you later love have fun
See you soon!

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