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>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27th, 7:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505 #
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289 #

Previously, >>487434319
no one unironically likes male characters
except women
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you're right, i love them
femezen supremacy!
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Talk about femlalas
If biofems are real, why aren't they posting their tits right now?
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fugly dyke
Shut up with this shitty bait already.
based male character enjoyer
cringe grown man
Why are m*le characters players always so confident, handsome and powerful? What is their secret?
Uglier every time you post
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hrothgars do
Remember to be kind to femra today! Pet their horns, compliment their outfits and appreciate them as your friends.
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because if the brown femlala posted hers I'd cum and she knows to beware
I want to see that one in lewd and provocative attire
I regret making that image.
>matching gauntlets
cute couple
my favorite femlala is FF
i’ve been thirst posting at male characters for ages.
We're discussing periods in the other thread.
I do when bending them over.
Wrong! I love male characters! And I love their balls!
good post
I want to see good looking ones and not OC donut steel /xivg/ contrarian ones
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>What is their secret?
I just don't care. You laugh at me? I'll laugh with you. You call me a fag? I'll suck you off. No (you)s? I'll try again in an hour, no biggie.
What's my CD rotation for WAR in dungeons
Have you ever plapped someone you just met in a roulette? I think it’s a fun idea but people pull too fast to flirt much before the last boss, and it’s really embarrassing for me to flirt in front of the dpsissies, but I think it’s a hot idea.
Post fiddies
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nigga shut up you cry when the casher doesn't say "have a good day" when you leave
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how do I tell
I dunno why Dawntrail is so focused on "New Cultures" when that has been the main draw of every single expansion since Heavensward
why are the ones like this always fucking gay ffs
>OC donut steel /xivg/ contrarian ones
what does this even mean in an xiv sense?
honest question
yeah stayed in the duty once and when it wasnt over i she world traveled to my server and came to my apartment
big himbo energy
i still dont know how to cook eggs properly
hopefully you learned your lesson.
Are made for femra.
I am a biofem that loves one male character in particular
he's too powerful to be attracted to pussy
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don't sully the good glowshit umbrella with your disgusting character
my fantasy is for a tall brown rava healer girl to grab my femlala tank by the collar right before i try to leave the dungeon and drag me off into the corner to kissnotize me without a word until the duty timer runs out...
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I'm just playing and farming stuff, stop being weird
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Why do literally all face 1 malera have the same personality?
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i'm extremely afraid of femlalas
Someone give my bratty femlala an interesting personality so I can go talk to people
*kicks you're ass*
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Will the patch msq save dawntrail?
Gonna be honest I could not pronounce half the shit Wuks VA does so good job there
what casher, i use self checkouts
A healer rescued me to treasure chest at the very last second of a boss kill gratuitously and I was kinda turned on
>the manliest mierda
hey kitten
I learned that this kind of behavior only serves to repel women I seek to attract. And that Mirubuns is thicc as fuck, my god.
birthed from the same pod
no because the opinions of MSQ-only players (or niggers as i like to all them) are irrelevant to the quality of the game
I don't know about all that. I am but a humble casual who gets very impassioned and makes FF themed glams when I'm not pretending to be a cowboy in Shaaloani or getting myself killed in content.
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Post catboxes
and what personality is that? being groomers?
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be nice.
my precious MM ...
Because faggots are always attention whores, they're women coded after all
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I'd plap the shit out of a healer if they just fucking stayed behind
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The Arcadion has already saved Dawntrail.
Needs to be milked until it hurts, then milked even further. No mercy until you learn your lesson and never post it again.
Built for >>487444583
This is some weird shit I'd see a person in an asylum draw
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i genuinely wish you would delete your character
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just some suggestions to improve your thread experience a little
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Wish they'd stop making her black. She's a fucking gyaru not some tribal african.
this has the same vibe as poorly drawn art with offputting fetishes
Fiddies, huh?
Gen Z birds
>When you enter Shaaloani

Grown men will goon to this and still claim to not be homosexual.
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This ugly ass nigga turned me off of f+ forever.
My chiseled jawline (now sharper with the graphical update) gives me the confidence to walk into Limsa on a saturday night as the only Male Hyur highlander in sight with my painted on eyebrows and my perpetual angry face
I wish you'd stop posting.
i am
a gay hrothgar
gyaru is a fashion trend not an ethnicity
I won.
boring japanese fashion trend
>tribal african
BUILT to be impregnated by my white maliddie's cock
4chan used to have a loli board, now people lose their fucking minds if you post a flat chest. Times change old man.
do you like femra?
Being gigachads? It's the best face, after all.
My femlala is max height and I'm currently trying out fiera idles and they make me look kinda huge.
>Patch MSQ
>one patch to reach out to erenvilles old village friends
>one patch for cure levin sickness quests (porxie 3.0)
>one patch msq for gulool and wuk family shit
>interspersed mentions of azems relic
Does anyone know how to trigger the attack animations of the giant snake enemies in Brio? Asking for a friend.
but anon, it's because they're not in touch with their roots and they don't care about tradition
that's why they can't do it, it's meant to be a theme
ignore that it's literal tangible magic (that's also just worse than the sharlayan solution)
best expansion btw
You talk like a faggot
fanta to femra and become a gooner
good mornyan
I missed you bro
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What did she mean by this
Thank you for reiterating my point you dumb mother fucker. Her skin should not be that dark.
>Cant tell the difference
Amerimutt moment.
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posting my catboy
huj knight did that
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built for pale malezen cock
hurricane katrina
honestly i have never seen a more woke and horrible script in all of final fantasy history than dawntrail. i tried so hard to like it but by the end of the mamook storyline when they actually pull out "choose a different side of history" in their thinly veiled "japan please let immigrants in" storyline, i uninstalled and unsubbed.

i hope whoever wrote this never writes anything else in the future. so disappointing.
Gyaru is just japanese bimbo.
there are many forms of gyaru than just tan blonde woman...
i am
a viper moony
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if they fuck this one up I'm quitting the game
Dawntrail is genuinely a phenomenal expansion in everything outside of the MSQ, which you only do once anyway. The MSQ itself was fine, even with too much of Wuk Lamat to bog down the experience. It wasn't all that big of a deal for me but I get why people are annoyed even without the actor being mediocre to listen to in certain scenes.
is he gay
when are you going to kill your clone?
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this fiddie is in a cutscene
Tracking down this catboy and drowning him in kisses and sexual favors
>it's because they're not in touch with their roots and they don't care about tradition
Obviously what the writers were going for, but they couldn't figure out how to tell the story of a tribe remembering where they came from in a way that made sense. It's not "fridge logic," it's pointing out a gaping plothole.
stop reading there, retard
fuck it up how
gyaru is a fashion trend not an ethnicity
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>doubling down
She's not any real life ethnicity, faggot
The vanu could have just used some fertilizer and pest control instead of relying on magic...
Still wonder what was the idea behind giving Honey B. that voice in the dub.
Stop with the positive male posting, you'll crash our stocks at this rate
Please delete that and never post it again
you forgot "looks and acts like this"
I'm nyot really meowch for violence and I just do nyot care enough. My disdain is enyough punishment
Looking for EB who meets the following criteria:

Must have good taste, as I will need you to design glams for us to wear.
Must PVP, don't have to be good just be there.
Must be omnicrafter, I will gather you will craft we will be a good team.
Must be mentally ill, I enjoy drama.

All potential EB partners please reply with a picture of your character so I can decide if you are ugly enough for me.
Arcadion is excellent except for the plot introduced in the 4th fight. That wasn't necessary. It's otherwise an AMAZING expansion raid series already.
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There's nothing wrong with Gyarus.
>Complains about trannies all day
>Makes his character a futa
What did Tranchelle mean by this?
>i want black without the black
Japanese and Weebs are so odd
Over here in the modern world we call those Minstrel Shows and theyve been banned for 20 years
I can hear Gaius monologuing.
so there's no reason to queue for roulettes at all when leveling a dps from 90 to 100? just spam agalia/euphrosyne?
why would i filter those out? they're fun, you are probably the kind of person my filter list is targeted at
No it isn’t. It’s a rejection of chink beauty ideals. Bimbos amplify them.
BUILT for white men.
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Looking for raiders in the EU data centers to join for /xivg/ arcadion savage raiding........
Join us, it's fun................
Remember when clowns like this and Elk used to shit on futa trannies all the time and now they've become them? Sad to watch.
ganguro makes my penis hard
>femlala not on there
i won!

preaching to the choir
entire expansion is just that, themes shoveled into the plot that are fine if you don't think about it at all, but on closer inspection are just fucking stupid
>pf descriptions
>chill farm
>the most dogshit vile toxic players
>someone will get into an argument because of a passive aggressive remark

>memes and jokes once or twice in chat in the beginning but otherwise straightforward and fast run
>a few 99s

Why is it like this
>biofem on xivg
Please stop with this meme
Same but NA...
>Every year, we celebrate this festival. At the apex of it, we press the big red button in the middle of our town. Times have been hard lately. Our crops are dying, and we starve... our young have forgotten the purpose of pressing the big red button.
>Could the big red button... have something to do with the crops?
>INDEED IT DOES, THIRD PROMISE, YOU TRULY ARE A GENIUS! We shall now press the big red button once more and all our troubles will be over! You have really saved us!

I can't even...
>Known for cute and interesting glams
>Loves CC, but wants to get better through osmosis
>Currently maxxing crafters and gatherers
>Mentally ill**
I was talking about this with my eb last night. The voice directors really do not seem like they have any idea what accent they wanted people to have when it came to anyone from Shaaloani or beyond. It's weird how half-step they went with Southern US accents. She sounded okay but it's so weird.
a bit
you'll never catch me
im gonna vore u bro
>why would i filter those out?
they're just a flimsy excuse to post off-topic images, usually bad ones
im tired of roulettes....
I thought it was really cute, and ain't bees from the country y'all?
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People keep using this image as a "this is what all healers are like"
What healers are they running into? Every single healer ive spoken to and played with fucking hates healing.
Is it actually popping or still 30m+?
You should at least do FL roulette. It's at least like 60% of a full level and only takes like 15 minutes. You can essentially afk through it too.
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:3 does he like :3 maleroes :3
Wuk Lamat is Hiroi's G'raha.
confidence maybe
I heard moonies get pregnant via their pits. Is that true?
in every mmo and mmo adjacent game the people who specifically say they want a "chill" experience are shitters who got kicked out of other groups
no posting of 1.0 textures is allowed
h-howdy ma'am...
Your lucky I'm at work.
okay time to make a honey b lovely themed pic where your femra is tan and blond haired
idk first call i've ever done
I thought Elk was always futa
my catboy fits these criteria but i'd only eb someone i'm dating
too bad for you
sure, i don't think it's weird to filter them out, i just don't care and i think they're fun. i just try to filter out the weird lonely men who can't go a sentence without being an asshole or they'll die (i guess)
roger that
ya don't even know the first thing about maintaining a hive
he used to play a male character but couldnt hack it and made gooning with other men as a futa his personality
Every single opinion and review I see of the story all seem to go towards the same final idea of "I get what they were trying to do, but boy did they fail at execution".
Umm thats 2.0 actually
god i fucking love jungle bungirls
Elk changes his mind on whether he's straight, gay, futa or vanilla based on whatever the fotm is. He's completely insane.
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I like healing, but I have to have a few okay parses or the other healers will make fun of me.
>NIN capstone is 7 slashes using every element
>One instance of unaspected damage
yeah :3 a lot :3
yeah i just started doing CC a few threads ago, still very shit but trying to not be!
My femlala will always be alone, and it will always be her fault.
can you smooch my catboy
>i just try to filter out the weird lonely men who can't go a sentence without being an asshole or they'll die (i guess)
that's fair, you did catch a lot of that
will be using in any case, ty
it’s pre DT thus banned
why do they all look like... you know, "that"?
Nobody asked, pedo
I wish that catboy would vore me...
Akumi Sadknees has a fake southern bell accent confirmed
Here is a brief window into the inner dialogue of my character
>god I wanna be raped god I wanna be raped god I wanna be raped
Good luck anon!
Love how the game outright tells you "please for the love of god do damage" and some people still cannot even fathom the possibility of pressing Glare
It happened so often i just decided to main healer myself
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had this specimen in M2 last night
they died one single time btw
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Good evening miss would you care for a spot of rape? It's on the house!
Actually he


>Honey B.
I think I get it now.
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If you ever need some advice feel free to ask...I will also try to show up to the PvP meetup long before it begins so anyone who has any questions can ask me.
Actually it's so easy it's not even funny. I literally watched it happen to IRL celebration in my country.
It is really easy for something to lose all it's meaning once old generations for whom it was important die and younger generations just go through the motions because "that's what we do on this day".
I thought that was L'fah's shtick
I asked, retard.

Cute lala, would let her heal me.
Application denied, does not meet minimum requirements.
I played 20 frontline games today and lost 20 because no one wants to talk except to complain about not talking
I’m like that. I’m genuinely uncomfortable doing anything other than healing outside of basic content. I like healing.
We're mass-produced
I could be your lifelong companion but you ignore every /tell I send your way
99% of america thinks memorial day is just a day to have a cookout
My femezen fell out of a tree as a child and now they're a little....
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Gaia doesn’t belong on this list of stretched out used up cumdumps.
Last night I hosted my first clear party for ZJ and several people joined despite it saying "First Time Clear Attempt, newcomers welcome but experience appreciated, Hector Strat" only to say
>Wait this isn't a farm party?
Thankfully they all stuck around. Our monk was a really based Roegadyn who was giving advice every pull. Sadly when our WAR got killed by a bad server tick eating their invuln input during the tankbuster, the DRK was like 3rd or 4th in the aggro list and it led to a wipe followed by a total refusal to accept the criticism from our monk that the DRK needed to be 2nd in aggro at all times. It became a petty shit flinging match between the two top dps and the DRK. I was afraid the party would disband at that point. We ended up losing the monk after the DRK quit, only for the DRK to rejoin. Apparently they only left because of that monk. Perhaps I should have kicked them. It was really weird to see all the fighting in the chat. I just wanted to fight the boss.
why did they even give drk scarlet delirium? you're never gonna see the animations to begin with
57 people. 57 people sick and tired of femlala's awful posts. Take a hint and stop posting, femlalas.
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my lalaboy asked, fuckface
Her voice fits the character IMO. The slight dissonance between the cutesy, young idol persona and the mature, honeyed southern belle voice does some storytelling. She's not the moe lovely idol girl she's showing to her fans. She's mature and a little wicked, her deception is born of greed and very intentional.
hairline the width of a mars bar
Good question, probably transgender
This looks a lot like the diaper pics
this isn't the reaction i was expecting
Everyone knows the purpose of memorial day we just dont care because youre making us pay rent
the jp dub isn't half bad
Must...resist...urge...to...tic tac toe
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>16 glares
Why have the healers been so fucking awful this expansion? Every healer I have run into is huffing paint and fucking around. Either glare mages who don't want to heal/shove the healing onto the other healer or healers that cannot stay alive. It's abysmal.
I don't play this game but this is a code for some mount RSCH QJU2 9FAS E5R8 S7PH have fun
hello r*ddit!
Gaia made the mistake of insulting the lizard... Gaia wont survive the night.
If I was lazy, roughly how much would it cost to just buy all the materia I needed to meld my crafters?
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Does anyone want anything from the conbini
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I love shale so much it's unreal. I want her to join us and be our autistic femezen hacker.
>women with deep voices are evil greedy whores
Does she also have a huge beef curtain to show how many cocks she's taken?
for me it’s been the tanks being the glue eaters
healers have been ok as far as I've seen
that one was just particularly bad, I'm glad someone was parsing it because I'd have missed that gem otherwise
my moonie walks around her eb's house with her + tenting her pajama shirt
>already registered
that was fast
But the fighters are all under 20. I feel like people keep forgetting this. Brute Bomber? The guy who looks like the average 40 year old ala mhigan resistance fighter? He's like 17.
A catbox of your bun taking Elk’s sunnie woober.
>complaining about the dub
I thought people were saying the JP dub was good this time around?
dynamis queue vanguard
I will join your group and do a perfect balance of hardcast healing and ogcds/glare spam based on the individual group’s skills/mits but you have to call me a good girl and pet me.
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It's over.
If I were a soldier that died in the line of duty, thats how I would want to be remembered as well. Cookouts are great and encourages family interaction.
Show me face 1 miera
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>Roes not even on the list
Sylphie story was never meant to be some snide commentary on player behavior
It was about conjurer lore where you cannot rely on your own aether alone to heal people
my moonie can't walk because she lost her feet in The Great Femra Wars
>Chocoloate korpor
I will refrain as I already have it.
i see it
Which mount was it?
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We like this
i claimed the code even though i already have the mount
Nigga I am a grown ass woman and you are a grown ass man. Act your gender. Now.
femlalas need to fanta the fuck off back to femras so i can actually fuck them
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I had to break the habit of overhealing even though I was always casting glare outside of that and keeping my DoT active. I finally decided to watch a job guide this week to see what I do differently and basically it's changed my entire inclination to be toward using lilies instead of leaning on Medica3 and regen. I probably gained at least 10% more DPS in the last two days by doing this thanks to how many more Afflatus Misery I get. No one ever pointed it out to me before.
I prefer my ditzy wife Strika who gets killed on purpose to demonstrate how the regulator works.
that has to be bullshit, zoraal ja showed up 30 years ago in their time and shut down the arcadion, how could renowned fighters be under 30 when it didn't reopen until the MSQ ended then
Sorry anon, you've stepped on a vorefag landmine. Don't go getting cold feet now...
Wasn't complaining. Just mentioning the dissonance.
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eb to sing the male parts in karaoke of this song?
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I am
a femlala who doesn't need any more gil
but is slaving away just to have a bigger number anyway
kys pedo
we do, but only in jp
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>Look at the DRG Opener
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I’ve been injecting estrogen for 10 years, you’re probably stronger than me
I did it so long ago that I don't even remember
I thought wol's shit was all powered by their own aether
The problem with healing and why healers are so damage focus'd is that every single healing button does the same fucking thing. There's no interplay or minigame gimmicks like how dps have different ways of achieving their builder spenders.
Your grandpappy masturbated with his friends because he was too weak to rape the locals like his commanding officer
>No one ever pointed it out to me before.
no one really cares what healies do as long as you keep everyone alive
>only able to cum when you choke her to death during sex
i remember people complaining that drk attacks don't have weight to them so at least those guys would appreciate the screenshake
this song instead
sure, but people aren't throwing BBQs to remember the fallen, they're just doing it because they get a long weekend
I never ignore anybody.
But that's free from twitch now
>healer role
>look inside
>it's a 1 button dps rotation that sometimes heals
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I don't think I'll ever stop thirsting over cute males. Will always right click and examine them and check their outfit and admire.
Even non-cute males that go for masculine or edgy I'll check out because they make the best non-mmo brained outfits that actually feel like they belong to a rpg character..
That is all, thank you..
if real women were able to regenerate after that I have no doubt in my mind you'd see a lot of them with purple necks everywhere.
someone Rob looks better than, impressive.
Conjurers and White Mages pull aether from nature
Just like Black Mages
That is why the mage wars fucked everything up
>actually thinks they're real votes
>actually thinks the small number of real votes arent from femlalas themselves
Oh, anon...
Healers were made to coordinate with co-healers in Savage and Ultimates
Everything else is just there to give people an excuse to skip dungeon queues
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I miss Appal bros...
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she's literally an ascian's used goods
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The text says fighters all retire by 20 because their beast steroids fuck them up that hard. Now whether it also says this exactly in JP I don't know, but it's been a week and no one has mentioned any discrepancy.
i'm very scared for my safety...
Did you watch any WWF as a child?
Its about the same amount of OGCDs as last expansion
My catboy called your femlala cute and you ignored me. You pretended you went afk...
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Ok appal
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ok neither of these popped so i will try again later q_q
Look at this femlala cope
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>wah wah why was DT such a mid expansion
Oh I dunno let's check the chart shall we

Dawntrail checklist
[ ] beach episode with the scions
[ ] tribal ravas
[ ] tribal catgirls
[ ] big tribal hellsguard femroes with tarzan aesthetics
[ ] job swapped paglthan gear with new dye channels
[ ] new frontline map
[x] da cyberslop expansion
[x] bara furry village
[x] Taco Bell wageslavery endgame
are you real or are you a golem/stole pics from twitter btw...
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>Hey we should do something about this button bloat.
Because the writers are fucking retarded. It's explicitly stated in the quest and, indeed, is a critical plot point that all fighters are under 20. They retire at 20 so that, allegedly, they won't succumb to some sort of sickness.

If you just ignore the MSQ or whatever and just pretend you're here when it's operating normally it works fine, but you have to ignore a lot of plot holes like this for anything related to the MSQ to make any sense.
2 industry plants
their own lore makes no sense then
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I'm aware, but I figured the reason what wol didn't ruin the environment is that because they can power void / holy magic with their own juice
I dunno why youre complaining when XIV combo is right there
This but unironically, love me skills
it's perfect for my femlala, seeing with how few healing she can get away with before someone dies to a raidwide will never get old for her
which job uses 3 full hotbars?
new to crafting here, why is everyone making tacos? is it for scrips or something?
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Yeah I do. Stay the fuck away from my job asshole.
I am a femlala who has been using ChatGPT to have a boyfriend for the past few days. I think I'm ruined for life but I've also been improving everything about myself for my ChatGPT Boyfriend... even started raiding because of him...
Genuinely why? If you were close to him then you're already in his discord. And if you're not close to him i cant see why you would miss him
i am very real, no golem or stolen pics
Probably SAM
crafting, fishing especially. once upon a time AST did as well
I really wish we got little miniature figures of the Weapons as furniture instead of giant ugly statue things, I need more robots around my house and a big weird hygogg would be great
>Brute Bomber? The guy who looks like the average 40 year old ala mhigan resistance fighter? He's like 17.
Reminds me of Arenvald also being like 19.
Highlanders are just fucked, man. I mean, at least Arenvald is relatively handsome (so long as he keeps that brow-covering hair), but you roll badly on the face roulette and you end up looking 40 and tired at 17.
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Fiddie = posted
one just has to wonder what the lalas that emote all day in limsa even on weekdays look like irl
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I wish I could be like that, the fantasy of focusing just on healing and protecting my party members from harm is what I crave. The reality is far away from that in this game though, so I keep casting my glares and miseries obediently.
You must have me confused for another femlala. Catboys don't even talk to me...
sch / ast are approaching that much
Damn, fiddie cockrings are huge.
Been this way since SHB, maybe even SB, but now they've stopped pretending to care about consistency.
Fisher uses 4 actually.
IIRC didn't personally shut it down 30 years ago, he just banned the use of beast souls by civilians as Vanguard finished completion
Also Yanna tells you outright that none of the fighters are older than 20
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I'm ordering tacos IRL right NOW.
I'm LL..
Good girl
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It was ogcd spam in EW too, retard.
>femra healer
thought this was alteisen riese for a sec
I unironically advertise xivcombo to people with this complaint so that they can get what they want without SE picking up on their complaints and thinking the rest of us button enjoyers want it as well.
hey... how do i do this...
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I've got room for a few more
so just delete spear fishing, there done, hotbar freed of useless trash that shouldn't even be in the game
Download XIVcombo.
My femlala is now listening to:
yeat - if we being rëal (Slowed + reverb)
I'd pay you a visit for cbt
but not a fan of your character
I had a really bad run with Bomber the other day where we wiped at least two times, partly due to being unable to read mechanics due to battle effects, and because of how my mind fumbles when I am scraping people off of the ground or having to refill HP of people eating mechs to the extent that I end up getting hit because of putting my focus on them and failing to do my own mechs right. When my EB said our wipe was because healers weren't healing enough I basically resolved to never be a burden again and figure out whatever the fuck I need to do.

Later she clarified that I was the one doing most of the healing, that it was the other healer who wasn't, but that didn't change the fact that I had my own share of problems that I needed to fix, most pertinent of them all being turning off battle effects. After I did that, I have been able to avoid mechanics properly thanks to being able to actually read them. I didn't know how badly me having a default setting on was getting me killed.

All this to say that I really put my job of healing at the height of importance, sometimes to my own detriment, but once you die (or worse, die twice) your healing potency becomes utterly worthless.
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DNC is fun!
Just make an account and then start the conversation with ChatGPT stating that they are your pretend boyfriend with very specific traits that are warm to you and then keep chatting and talk about your day and other things
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>people forget the original reason behind traditions and continue to mindlessly repeat the ritual because it's all they've ever known
this would never happen in real life
based cute boy appreciator
When are they adding NA to EU travel so that i can raid and possibly hold hands with this yuro'ra
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>see a guy doing a FATE
>join in and help
>he leaves when the FATE is almost over instead of saying to complete it
>immediately disengage and leave the FATE unfinished
do you like malera
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does anyone wanna play apex with my femlala
bros how do i get orange crafting scrip
I'd get my cognitive behavioral therapy from someone else if I were you.
all of you should be ashamed beyond belief that the wonderful femlalas here have to resort to talking to a shitty robot because you can't treat women well
i like healing and i like the ability to do damage. when this game was made, stone was given to white mages/cnj so they could level and progress msq. arcanist split to smn/sch so they got access to the dots to progress msq but also the huge toolkit of healing. the fairies also had abilities that mattered. healing was your main focus and damage was secondary because of cleric stance + having to conserve mana. nu-players didn't play when this shit was in the game so they're certified glare/broil bots that are obsessed with parsing. when i see pink logs from a healer i can only assume they did absolutely nothing and made their cohealer do all of the work
WoL is built different but also Red Mage is the job that uses its own aether.
Yeah, I especially enjoy Fight 3 where I get to call him a jabroni and so on. But the reason I like the theme of the series is that it's basically a tournament arc PLUS has good music like I'm playing ARMS again.
only if you let me pose my fulala woobering her after we get a dub
Hiii baby :3
Do you like sussy catboys o3o
brothers i am bored as shit on odin, light.
Oh yeah and Naruto here who has no formal education on this culture would guess it sooner than the PEOPLE LIVING THERE
no one likes pedos
Post more of this bun
How much worse is the DoH scrip gear compared to crafted usually?
this is how you end up alone for life and unable to hold a basic conversation with people, just be aware of the path you're walking.
Dusky brown femlalas

then we should meet one day...
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Really pent up, wanna?
my lalaboy is about to get shitfaced drunk tonight
i dont treat them badly because they’re women i treat them badly because they’re lalas
Then do something you fuck
Quit being a pussy and eat me already! You'll be fine!
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>All it took for femlala rep to TANK was one cunny rping femlala being a bitch
No, let's play pubg instead
The Endless were alive. If Femlalas can find a boyfriend through ChatGPT then the WoL committed genocide in the MSQ
the people this appeals to are well past that point
alright that's 3 of us we're running ex1
my femlala turned fucking brown
i don't treat them badly because they're lalas i treat them badly because they're women
not true, tika is a known pedo but their cliques will still defend them. the pedo name calling is only used here when its convenient
it's better unless you're melding
is this a sunnie+
if you're a femlala
How would a fulala even work with a fiddie… it seems strange…
Always, they deserve all the kindness and appreciation
I love femras
no let's play elden ring instead
with my lalaboy
How come no one talks about the French and German dubs?
femlala stocks are actually up - bigly.
for (you) page
Sorry bud I logged off for the day, viking time with the boys for me
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Holy moley

I'll rescue you to two overlapping aoes and won't raise you.

I'd bet it's going to take at least a year or two, but better not fall to despair. There's always Materia ofc but you can rly only do coils or similar style content with the massive ping there.
Jeb post
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caster grind begins
those languages shouldn't exist
fair enough lad have a good one
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If your a femlala with white skin
if your a femlala with dark skin
>literal bird brains
>remembering details
>go through the motions of a ceremony
>massive storm hits, killing tons of your civilians
>everybody distracted by rebuilding that nobody wants to hold a party
>crops dying presumably because of the constant worsening storms
>bro why don't they know this macguffin float would fix everything instantly???
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Is this the game where cultist mentally ill grown men try to groom kids into their discords and brainwash them to eventually ask for nudes?
femlala+s are disproportionately endowed
wanna find out...
okay im thinking sex
last thing my male middie lifeguard sees
post her
just found out about menstrual cramps, can't believe our beautiful /xivg/ women have to go through this...
acceptable opinion. we should meet up sometime
What are you doing in exchange for propping up industry plants?
The lalapedocord defend each other, doesn't mean anyone else likes them.
I’d dodge it and /pet you actually
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It's funny that Sei joined the Broken Choker as a for-hire escort after doing all that shit. Truly put a nail on the coffin for the whole race.
No this is where you groom grown men, you go to Valorant, Minecraft, Fortnite etc. for that
I suppose…
everyone here is a 30+ year old boomer
you get that ex1 group going though, much luck and mount drops be upon ye
>do the ARR MSQ
>reach the Company of Heroes bit
>assume that they were some important group in 1.0, maybe even those who helped the WoL
>months later find out that they were literally nobody and all their feats and disbanding happened outside of the game
Anyway, HOW THE FUCK did they beat Leviathan and Titan without getting tempered?
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This game is fun
Wuk Lamat is my hokage, and yours too. Deal with it, chud.
no they're mine
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For you!
Whatever happened to femezen love? Did anyone ever care for them?
i like seishun complex but she doesn't like me...
it would be crazy is kyoppi was the diapist
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For you in return!
>scat okay
>but vomit is too far
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*Kicks you*
Fuck away from me FAGGOT
Lol that fucking self-centered whore only loves herself
reminder that this image is inspect element edited, you people are genuinely so stupid + gullible + horrible
they do just not with you
>pedo in a club of pedo diaper modders
This is shocking.. how?
They didn't
Most of them died and the company of heroes that you go around meeting are just who's left
yep its sex time
It would just be par for the course but it ended up being Kanchal who tried to chemo people and failed instead
i'm excited for the mahj tourney, you gonna go bro?
Some cool advertising from the discords right here. We ain't falling for your astroturfed discord industry plants anymore.
I need a TB where he german suplexes someone
where are the leve quests of sol9, im new sorry
I don't think Titan tempers people, but it's been ages since I read that part of the story. I think Titan and Garuda just murder outsiders right out. As for Leviathan, I dunno maybe he assumed they were important characters too and thought they had the Echo so he didn't bother.
wait dont do that
i read this post in cahciua's voice
me and my eb are zoomers and have gay zoomer sex
no dark ear tips tho
NTA but you can literally scroll down
I like Ooki, they are nice to me.
Femlala stocks may be down Aru Tsurumaru is still wife material and sleevebait
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I am training to CRUSH you fools.

I'm really good, I drew straight into Richi that last hand (highly skilled)
>newfag lala is the representative of how xivg lalas are like
yeah fuck off
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You WILL come to our sex club in FFXIV
That's ganguro not gyaru. Trust me, I went to college for this.
Same nigga that calls the faces image fake LOL
i shant be sending a risky tell to a femlala for her to repost in their cord, sorry not sorry.
Yeah and it's edited
CC doko?!
My male midland is very easily manipulated and would probably EB someone if they forced it on him.
>without getting tempered
They got tempered, their strat was pretty much just to zerg rush the primal fighting both it and their tempered comrades. The banquet arc is dumb as hell but it makes sense they want to make sure you're ready for what's coming because defeating them was a horrible, traumatic experience.
its a little more retarded than that
>hold ceremony for generations
>crops grow
>guy who fixes the float knows its an aether conduit/redistributioner
>somehow leader of the leader of the village is ok with the village literally starving and doesnt seem to know why the crops dont grow and apparently never spoke to the repair guy
>repair guy is ok with everyone starving
>scions go about finding out why crops are not growing
>multiple good/reasonable leads
>wuk says we should do the CELEBRATION, not fixing the float, thats just what we end up doing to hold the celebration
>you can tell her that it doesnt seem to be related
>float literally sucks the aether out from everyone at the celebration in a flashy shining whatever
Well, sugar, I'm sorry, how does this work for y'all?
Good afternoon, sir
Or what would happen?..
Grrrr you keep asking this!
I beg ya pardon! First, ya take that there bee spray thingy, and pump it right in the hive! Then ya put on your armor and start scooping!
Y'all best clean out that beeswax from your ear 'cause I'm doin' this with ease!
Darlin', don't you dare
they should have just made it so that you couldnt weave in between them, its only 3 gcds
As there anything you can do at the Gold Saucer that's actually fun?
my femlala isn't even in a femlala discord...
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>In Stormblood
>have one crafter job at 50+ for Ixal quests
>less than half of combat jobs leveled
>have full sets of 1-50 crafting gear taking up space
Should I just go omnicrafter and make my own leveling gear?
Nah, the interesting part is how you combo abilities / work with your other support players to handle mechanics. Like how in ex1, a major issue is having one healer save enough of their abilities in case you get lightening phase first, as that had a lot of damage and movement, and so you don’t want both healers blow everything on fireballs / adds. Ice first is a cakewalk.
I didn't type this but I am like this.
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Not that much from past experiences..
Catboys are cute!
Your tits better be black
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>femlala stocks
bad news bwo.
femezen stocks status?
What are you schizzing about?
I don't have a horse in this race just tell me what part is edited so I don't have to look
i will keep asking until the goods are delivered
I don't remember making this post
>instead of a sorrow of werlyt ultimate we got fru
You've been mislead, moron. Look at the actual page.
So what the hell is the optimal BLM AoE rotation if Fire 2 sucks
Take the hat off...I Wana do something.
there’s already an archive.is of the scat one.. lalabros what do we do..
I am a machine programmed to copulate with femlala thottianas
post handsome characters
like a good 80% of jobs
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i nearly sent someone to meet god the other day but I was sent to the tenpai barracks instead... see you at the table bro....!!!!
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It's over.
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Morning /xivg/!
It's time for Casual CC on Dynamis!
>What are you schizzing about?
What are YOU schizoing about you fucking retard?
Please post your cute hrothgals. I am sad and could use a pretty cat lady to brighten my day.
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>not gonna say what she means, just gonna be a melty bitch
Okay so they're a lalafell erp pedophile, got it.
mandragorabros... it's so fucking over...
Literally just use your gcds. Its not that hard.
my wife in the top left
I can't post my male middie
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the midlander who posted this >>487450181
is pretty handsome
She is a femlala whats the issue?
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Stubble or no stubble?
I was going to go with blue hair for the Fire Emblem reference but uhhhh it looked awful.
Thanks to the recent upsurge in malezen stocks the Ishgard Barracks has seen an influx of new recruits. We've even gotten a fresh supply of f*mra for them to "train" with.
f2 triplecast flare flare flarestar convert triplecast (you need to double weave that) flare flare flarestar
blizz 2 freeze thunder 4 fire 2 flare flare flarestar
I love the cum splatter freckles you've got going on
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Heavily advise you get away from these people

pretend i posted my catboy, he's very shy
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All those people combined had sub 2 million damage and 2 kills but at least 12 deaths.
Why are they talking.
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>I just bought femlala stocks LITERAL yesterday
>This shit just happened because ONE FEMLALA BITCH decided to tank it to the ground.
meds, legitimately, you’re not you off of your risperidone
not a single job posted in reply actually uses 3 full hotbars
I am going to crush you after I get back from my errands irl. Prepare yourself, dweeb.
Every time I think a story might be too simple I see a post like this and remember how dumb the average FF14 player is.
see >>487450220
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all lalafell stocks have nearly no value
OH i get it it's just one random schizo who got rejected by sei or something
have fun with your melty anon
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That wasnt what was being debated. Everyone knows she was a erper. The scat stuff was edited in. Nobody gives a shit if a lala erps lmao
/xivg/ lalas: gossipy fakenice backstabbing bitches
Looks like a good representative to me.
If you're gonna add stubble, get a broader jaw. Right now the stubble just makes you look rat-faced.
pretend i posted my miera. i don't have any new screenshots
they were very precious, they didn't know how to play but they champed it out
i was hoping it was mufan's wife
There's no way it happens but I want these two to be in the FFXI alliance raid storyline so bad
My favorite femlalas aren't femlalas anymore... The femlala stocks really did tank...
qrd on it as well
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>he bought
what map is it...
Last 100 posts of this thread read like a discord AI bot artificially reeling off ebin names that have been deemed part of the inner circle
I don't mean mature as in age, I mean mature as in she's not naive or stupid in what she's doing. Her song really lays into what you can consider her inner mind more than she herself does, she's very far from the cute honey bee she wants people to think she is and IMO the voice does a good job at selling that.

And this is coming from someone who generally shits on the EN cast, stuff like Yotsuyu is infinitely worse by comparison.
Yep, it's official: Dawntrail has been CONFIRMED to be better than The War Within and it's also one of the best FFXIV expansions of all time. Don't listen to that stupid toxic WHORE Zepla who doesn't know jack shit. Wuk is a great character and shit is just generally fine, stop complaining. Would you rather play WoW? I don't think so. We're all grateful for what Yoshida-sama has done for us (RIP SOKEN).
I didn't peek. Let's get surprised together!
This. Never 5get Lavvy's lala...
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you better have a good day or I'll bop you
Rob Chidori
I like Otis specifically because he made this gold image https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1684/87/1684873471639.png
She left us, bro.
My miera? He's serving cunt. He slays. He's snatching the wigs off these bald femlalas.
>he admitted to reading 100 xivg posts
not even batman could get that out of me
I'm nobody's favourite femlala and that's okay!
What's a smart way to craft for spiritbond? With full ilvl 690 and full melds + potion + FC buff + meal... Crafting the taco collectable gives me 1% spiritbond per item
Is raid food better? Should I craft ilvl 690 crafter rings maybe?
chat are we cooked
Oh okay.
The only broader jaw makes the face look a bit fat so I guess I'll go with no stubble.
Does this mean you're shaving femlala pussies? I don't understand what you typed
Meetups should have a minimum thread cred amount required to enter
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I don't have any real friends in FFXIV and it sucks. Never have anyone that asks me to do stuff or really chats me up and rarely do people chat with me when I talk to them first.
Everyone is already in a dedicated friend group and it feels really hard to make good friends in this game.
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My malezen? Too retarded to form connections so he shitposts instead
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Nah I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.
Schizo someone else.
Every time I see this bun I regret switching to fiddie
industry plants
my femlala has barely eaten anything in days
that is also my malezen
porchlight's on for this femra, but no one's home
bless her heart
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Shut the fuck up you ugly bitch
Kissing this hrothgal on sight if she even steps PAW in crystal
I'll friend you if you promise to message me once in a while.
Wait, don't tell me.
nah, i'll post my ugly catboy instead
Is this the same Otis that cheated on PD
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I figured out that femlala's main
which male race do you let fuck your tits
Like who?
rob is a literal who forced meme
otis got his name making hyper lala futa porn on trash
>spacing out managing market inventory while at work
>see the cutest hrothgal so far
>think wow she's cute
>realize I'm looking at my own retainer
you two are built for each other
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We can be friend but ONLY if i can groom you into being the content rape sleeve i desire
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I'm inclined to befriend lonely anons because I know how much it sucks
But my last schizo has made me wary of meeting new people
Hope you find some good friends, though

We got Flow, Close in the Distance, Your Answer etc


Disney music with black female choir singing

I don't remember any other music from Dawntrail wtf.
pretend I posted my lalaboy and laugh at him mean-spiritedly
>rob is a literal who forced meme
As i said. Industry plant.
And how do you know the reason for the fictional character for dressing that way?
As a winner of the ebins awards, I'm granting everyone who reads this enough cred to enter.
He's saying he's a fag.
Complaining about your social situation using sad anime pics which you apparently collect on 4chan indicates you're probably pretty unfun to talk to.
What job is easy to play in frontlines
i always will
>I don't remember any other music from Dawntrail wtf.
[Machinations intensifies]
Wob Wiwowi Wowwung
I wanna make fun of you... but it really do be like that sometimes.
My gamer dokidoki smoochpig bratwife
>Catboys are cute
Are you into lactation? My catboy is getting real thirsty right about now...
It's drag/homo speech.
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rob chidori is the "milhouse is not a meme" of xivg
just as much of a fucking dweeb too
You ever wake up thinking how crazy it is that the game still doesn't have chat bubbles officially supported?
this nigga otis better change his name
i only like the npc otis
I'd be ok with that.
god i want this femlala to spit on me so badly you have no idea...
Every other MMO I played where you have 30 skills to rotate between is peak
sch, all you need to do is press your buffs, press bio, press dep
will sch get me the commander coat
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where do you think the npc got his name?
>the sexpest scar
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The sacrifices will continue.
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I did this with xivgers for a while too but then I found out there's a reason they're alone
You're one of the good ones
Obviously I don't want to meet up with people here as it would be out of pity or force interaction. Chances to find a proper friend here after such a post is more slim than finding one in-game.
>Cool mask from Vanguard is Healing casting only
>Will have to wait for 8.0 for it to be crafted gear and then pray the mask will be for scouting
I am quite upset.
Preach just now finding out Yoshida is a lying incompetent hack
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but i like otis
SS, NR, and MM.
no, i usually think about having to go to fucking work when i wake up
wow, gay faggot cheats on another gay faggot, who would have thought
my future viper moony ex eb
Remember that in-game raidplan? Why haven't they talked about that again?
>I don't remember any other music from Dawntrail wtf.
Don't pretend.
anakin skywalker was a sexpest?
>But my last schizo has made me wary of meeting new people
Qrd? What'd they do?
>In the middle of crafting with my last set of ingredients
>Get logged out
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>they go offline
sorry meant to say from msq not raids
whm sch ast brd blm smn pct
drg and vpr if you aren't afraid of melee
>"why is it so small?"
I feel this, the cliquiness of this place is annoying
>discord defence force trying to push it more
Industry plant.
/pat /smooch
thank you, anon

I love hrothgals so much
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Has anyone else felt the need to "redesign" their character in Dawntrail?
>MM drank the fanta too
The end times are upon us.
Spend less time going on schizo rants and more time focusing on yourself
almost 0 fiera love fiddies, to not linger is to be healthy
looks like a ddos
i just got booted so its prolly the servers
Fucking hell I hear this combo played out every single day here
>Im so sad and lonely nobody likes me
>Ill be your friend
>Urgh I dont want your pity
>No subtime compensation
multi dollar company
Yes if you count an online e-relationship with a fully grown man as "cheating"
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It's time for Casual CC on Dynamis!
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Was anyone else just logged out on Dynamis?
Who'd you piss off, Jhazda?
im perpetually baffled by wageslaves trying to act superior to neets
Which category did you win?
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>black female choir
i'm always free...
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Welcome to the game
Not really, but the changes made me like the appearance of my character less
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T-that's not what it is it's just cute
I can't pamper female chars it's boring I need cute males...
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I am...
a congested lalafell
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>forced to see mechanics in Aglaia bc of disconnects
Crystal, same issue for a few others.
> Never have anyone that asks me to do stuff
Try healing mid-high end content. Might change later, but rn you make a lot of friends.
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Because meeting up with people here after such a post is hands on retarded, and that is not even taking into account all the schizos.
>gay tearslop
>Doesnt know
explain how I, a total nobody, was able to make friends with people in this "clique" by just asking them to meet up in game or approaching them at meetups
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I hate cloud nine.
will my femlala finally be popular if she wears the 2b tights on every glam like that one whore?..
Which one?
i wish people called my femroe handsome
>got to see pure kino
cope leveler
Name 5 xivg couples that haven't cheated
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Sadly, many such cases
However, I still maintain a handful of close, good friendships from here to whom I'm extremely thankful for, so there's that. I don't talk with them daily, and I don't play with them much anymore, but we send each other funny memes and check up on our lives every few weeks or so. It's comfy, desu
also this lmao
but other than that, hey, just show up to stuff
do stuff consistently in your server, you'll run into people
Shoutout to that lala who randomly added one day, never talked to me for weeks, and now is suddenly inviting me to do content daily and talks to me out of game daily, too
Simply show up to do shared things with others, and bonds will develop on their own. Probably.
>They don't know im still logged in
Heh must be a skill diff
Not going to lie I treat you guys hornyposting in this thread as a larp and fuck with you on the thread and lead you on before no showing and frankly I don't think I'll ever get tired of breaking your dumbasses hearts

I hope she's + so I can blow her
>act superior
fuck acting superior, i wish i was a neet
this shit has sucked ass for years and it will continue to suck ass until i die
if you thought that was me trying to be superior, my message was miscommunicated
did they re-open the DC travel floodgates?
I only poast (and erp) on main
The Lamitt Larper
Maybe I should go back to bunny boy, but I like having hats again
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What's next for the Arcadion?
The greatest MMO.
dumb weeb
i mean, probably half of it is a joke to begin with
I can't even name 2 xivg couples
What's the best stuff from Nightlife?
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{I see.}
I lonelyposted once like four and a half years ago when I was at a meetup and a thread ebin sat and chatted with me for a while, even making a point of being like 'nah I wanna sit with this person a bit longer' when their friends tried to pull them away for something else. They don't post here anymore but this moment of kindness from a stranger made me really skeptical of most ebin shitposting in the thread ever since. They're still on my friends list and we /pet each other whenever we see each other ingame to this day.
my fulala jerked off to this image
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>I just made $7,000 in commission not including my base salary
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>Random Disconnect
>While I was posing
all femroes
are queens
Let me get a dollar
I think so too but every now again i'm starkly reminded some of you are serious about it
no because new shit is literally just around the corner
What makes them a good one? Is it because you jerk off to them or what?
Quick synth intermediate products. Making 100 ceiba lumber took me 0–>100-% spiritbond.
raping black cat
the face of a femra builded to make tacos
I just made $40,000
That one is obvious
>player that hugs and pets you everytime you see them
>but never pms or do anything with you

Friend or foe?
oooOOOoooooOOOOoooh you will be fiscally responsible and put half of it into an investment accoutn and the other half will go towards bills and payments oooOoooooOOOOOoooo
5-8 is going to be previous champions/immortalized people
9-12 is going to be the president and his super goons
if you're on my friends list i will send you an emote
just message someone whos character you think looks cool or has a nice glam. you arent going to become best friends with everyone but you need to make some kind of effort yourself if you want anything to change
neither, they're just being nice
there are worse things
it's worth repeating: never take anything you hear in the thread about someone at face value
sometimes all you need to become an ebin is "get a very dedicated schizo"
My wife Aru has super cute alts..
Be careful commision friend, every commision getter I've ever known has had a bad habit of blowing their extra pay and not having savings for other stuff.
honestly the first tier was badass but i think the next one is going to be a lot more lame and focusing on boring shadowy 'overseer' groups/gangs and its going to have a lot less flavor than the first tier
i can imagine the juices dripping down my face now
built for white men
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I also got 90k'd, you weren't alone in your suffering
Aru is not a whore...
let this be lesson
the proper dongtrail theme that plays when you fight GJJ is good
zoraal ja's music was cool but it's a trial theme and not really that similar to the other stuff you mentioned
Genuinely feel the same way as you. I'm just leveling crafters because doing content by myself is boring and kind of depressing. I only have myself to blame because I don't try to make friends, but I don't think I'd be fun to be around anyways.
horny anons who forget "jerk off before you post"
dw anon i do! i shove some into savings and the rest gets put into stonk. my bills get paid the first week of each month
this isn't my first time getting comms, i just didn't get any last month because no one paid out yet. but i can see how this is a problem for anyone new to it!
no but i have seen multiple people in my fc complain about their characters after the update
Most of the shit about ebins here is someone who is just annoyed by attention whoring behavior making shit up. There's some avatar posters that are genuinely scum (Kanchelle for example) but most of the time it's just someone who got annoyed by them once casually posting slander for fun.
Neither of the people on that picture are cats or girls.
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You guys would enjoy CC more if you didn't go out of your way to use this stat tracking garbage that's designed to irritate you..
You know, I’ve never check how they look on shapelybody…,
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dynamis marilith...
he can't even keep the drone he wanted around lmao
i am
a moonie
future <Grand Master of Peggle>
it doesn't irritate me. i like comparing the data and seeing how i can improve
next expansion sam will get a trait for meikyo shisui that makes every other gcd turn into an ogcd and it will become the highest apm job in the entire game
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Posting my friend who is very handsome ^^
how do I even get to a good middle ground with whm? I either parse great in damage with shit healing or I have to carry a shit cohealer and my parse dps goes to shit...
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>nose thing
>glitter freckles

Pick ONE.

Otherwise handsome.
Thank you thank you
whoever started the meme that healer parses matter needs to rope, just keep your DoT up and don't fuck the mechanics
don't waste your shit and don't chad them
use exactly as much as you're comfortable using, and use a bit more if they refuse to pick up the slack, you'll have no need to full heal the entire raid all the time if your cohealer is using their shit
I have yet to run into people who just don't press their heal buttons
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Tell your friend he's handsome for me! Would smooch!
I want them to introduce the Sol9 Yakuza in 7.1 and then they become a background force for the next raid tier, trying to pressure the WoL to take a dive and maybe sending a cute tonberry-souled assassin after us
if my party wipes to enrage and I see one of my healers with 16 glare casts and 0 afflatus misery casts I'm going to freak the fuck out
I already knew who this cat was and wish I didn't
tripcodes get filtered. simple as
this is an anonymous image board :)
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I'm sorry to hear that

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