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>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27th, 7:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

hot ysthola would colonize
No. Seriously. What makes Aru one of the good ones? Is it because you jerk off to their lala? I want answers.
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100 bust femlala
no one unironically likes male characters
catboy supremacy
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Is it over for pale femlalas? Should I just fanta and change my skin?
This thread i will cause more femlala infighting
Sucking off male characters
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Which way, western man?
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You're being covered by me a Paladin.
Please don't run away from me.
You can also use Elixir as well.
It's their discord clique spamming the thread
i unironically love male characters
Aru's pretty cool to hang out with
plus they taught me how to play mahjong
become a darkskinned lala specifically to piss off the porcelain doll poster
Don't. Nobody likes dark skinned lalas. Have you seen all the lalas that constantly get named dropped? Aru. Hodrick. Lucy. Preebitz.
What do they all have in common? They're white and that's right.
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You silly anons seem to have forgotten to hit "reply" on my previous post
I will give you a second chance to feed me (You) s while I craft..
Left and I have a nigress fetish. Not even close.
Just people samefagging as per every ebin orbiter.
I pick the way the character actually looks ingame
no, dark ones get ignored
t. dark femlala
>tfw there were only 3 xiv cosplayers at my convention and i was one of them
there was a yshtola but i feel scammed. it was all genshit!!!
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>PLD in friendlies
i will waste your cover intentionally, even if i costs the game
able to hold a conversation and not schizophrenic
funny the bar is that low for femlalas
>Have you seen all the lalas that constantly get named dropped?
>What do they all have in common?
They samefag
what a cringy pedo
What are you spergs problems
Left is just her without a tan
i mean one is white the other is white but with face paint. Right has no black facial features
swing me 10m tho
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cc niggas
you're the spineless fag that plays hardcore irl would you rather where you play out the actual choices after and says 'uhhh neither xD'
Sorry bro but i need to chase this guy for a kill so i'm going to break the tether. I hope you understand
i'll be sure to say hi next time im on dynamis... we can even run content together or cuddle...
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Personally I'm saddened that we have two cutscene maleroes that look miles better than the character creator can even get close to accomplish.
I'd have played a character like Gosetsu from the start if the game let me.
>male midlander plays dead at start of cc match
>sweep him
>middie: "thanks"
>he peels for me all game and follows me around

Is this how you collect male midlanders? It was so easy....
I would like to tie cute bows and ribbons to to afk femhroth's tails and see them get embarrassed when they notice it later.
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Did you have a fucking stroke?
>Honey B. Lovely blackface
My queen...
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>He's calling for the darkie psyop
Stay pale.
Take a pic with ur femlala dark skin to enrage the JP Photoslop femlala poster
10% of my current wealth?
hell naw
Why do the other 2 teams have the hardcore shotcallers and my team has the quiet 0/0/0 afkers and people saying they want to watch the avengers instead of playing
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based thank you
sure but last one

You get used to it...
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WHY does this always always ALWAYS happen?
>item has really cool leathery texture
>dye it ANY kind of color
>loses unique texture and becomes plain spraypainted plastic

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when you do so much as acknowledge a male midlander you make their day or week, even.
>Is this how you collect male midlanders?

t. male midlander
What do you mean, this is clearly 0 bust femlala.
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Nobody likes non-pale femlalas, anon.
>You can also use Elixir as well.
I really can? even with stuns?
Getting angry can be genuinely enjoyable.
I don't get angry at CC though.
I'm not your baby girl but I can make you smile~ uwu
why did someone with a mouth full of cum sneeze on your face
??? Lucy is brown. Preebitz is tanned or brown. Aru is normally tanned.
she owes me sex

also which body mod do you use
You're my himcess *>o<*
>femlalas: why doesn't anyone pay attention to me?
>also femlalas: this creepy pedo needs to fucking die already
I hate femlalas so fucking much.
my moonie walks around her eb's house with her + tenting her pajama shirt
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the only darkie femlala that looks good to me is this nigga
keep your design simple and use good matching glams/colors please
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met me someone, I need to be milked dry
which dc are you on
cover redirects all damage and CC that would have hit you towards the PLD [they don't get cc'd]
when a PLD covers you, you can freely pot outside of the PLD getting knocked back by MNK/MCH, feared by RPR or pulled by WAR
My femra doesn't like using condoms.
bait use to be believable
sorry, we had to work on making dye channels
texture retaining is in two years
Oh shit WoL is sick again.
My femlala doesn't have a penis.
The funny part is they fixed FL PLD just covering someone and they being able to cap points
But NOT the Elixir thing
>asking which you prefer of an image edit is bait
newfags used to be less retarded
i noticed this happens to the new dancer AF set too. it's got a nice texture like it's made of chiffon and if you dye it it INSTANTLY disappears. why is this stupid ass slant company so garbage?
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It's still time for Dynamis Causal CC calls!
the best part is when you try to correct them in chat
even when you aren't being rude people still say 'no one cares dude'
i think the 6m xp for winning the roulette is worth it, but what do i know
My mava doesn't even know what they are for he was raised in the wilds. Wanna?..
My pale femlala loves herself and that's all that matters.
Then I'll get her pregnant
Is it considered rude to get an erection while a femlala is platonically sitting on your lap?
Is FFXIV the most time-intensive MMO? It's only been a month since release and not only is everyone done with the story and the raids, they've leveled everything to 100, pentamelded their crafters and spend all day making tacos. Nearly everyone is making tacos. How much gil and time does that require? FFXIV is exhausting even compared to other MMOs.
the elixir thing is intended
being able to interact with objectives is not
Name one that ever did that and bring evidence
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Gosetsu is cool as hell, he'd have been the perfect job mentor if we kept getting job quests.
OooOooooo you will attend the mahjong tournementoooOoooooooo
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Both at the same time.
my femroe is completely normal and there's nothing wrong with her
Everyone is making tacos because the barrier to entry has been made non-existent
>they actually responded
if your mava doesn't know what they are for then why does he jump to talking about sex? hmm I think you are a fake hunter gatherer rava and are a city slicker e-boy
i literally bot everything except for raids

there is so much comedy gold in one image, god i hate indians
no, chances are the femlala noticed and is getting one, too
*babbling, incoherent femraspeak*
when the fuck does pre season end
All about that natural feel huh... I'm intrigued.
teach me how to play and i will
i want that framer kit
This will BEE your last time requesting anything of me, do BEE make ourselves clear?
I'm not falling for that one again!
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>"Sphene? Why is there a charge on my credit card for a "Purple and neon light lizard cock dildo? Sphene? SPHENE, LISTEN TO ME!"
probably in 7.1, considering
Nice Gmod mouth
the non-edited version
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No. My unending hatred for lalafell needs no justification.
No, don't fall for it. Nobody unironically likes dark femlalas..
>queue up at exactly 930
>doesnt pop
was i skipped?
I'm going to be real with you. Femlalas don't look good with darker skintones. They weren't made for it but for some reason you guys keep trying to push for it. It's ugly.
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This way.
hello my wife when's the EB ceremony.

T. femlala
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You got me, i'm just trying to give myself an excuse for creating more single mothers.
It's how things should be. If the seed takes then it was destined to be.
Looks like a boy.
Boring wallflower faggots
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Now do something like this
hello my queen
My favorite femlala of all time was a prinzessin of darkness
i am an unmodded catboy
Bimbos are boring
I forgot how ugly she is. Whitened version is such an upgrade.
My lalaboy likes dark femlalas, but femlalas don't like lalaboys...
Personally i'm a Black Cat fan
taking this retard out for some takoyaki
i am an unmodded moonie
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Many of you are Hwittaeki
Make up your damn minds
So which mentally ill fantablobber is this one? Rin?
That would be because he is a boy.
Well said. Your mava sounds like worth meeting.
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all me
i wish i could say right but left one clears, if only the black one had dark hair...
I don’t like melee ones that wear glasses. Wtf nerd, go put on a skirt.
threadcred waters
looks like someones upset do you need your diaper changed
i wish she'd stick her elongated claws down my pee hole while she gorilla grips my balls in her other hand
somebody please queue crystal quick mahjong my lunch break is running out and it's been 10 minutes already
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Doodle your WOL right meow (or post existing doodles of them you've done)
Uh oh diapertroon meltie
chocolate milk truck
Uh-I don't like Black Cat like that bro...
I'm not an art fag sorry
>you've done
I cannot draw
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I relate to the fatherless autistic lizard child
Gimmie a McFlurry, hold the oreos
i'll take one large pepperoni pizza
next time i fuck a certain femra i'm going to wear a condom because it's going to be more demeaning for such a thin layer of rubber to deny her reward
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i prefer paint + pencil nahmsayn i hate digital
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matsuri date into drunk stumbling home together from the izakaya
One order of mava penis in my femlala.
Now I'm not saying malezen are desirable or anything, but if I had a dollar for every fiera (all veena, unfortunately) played by a legacy grown woman who took a liking to me because she thought my longneck was hot, I'd have enough money for a mcchicken small combo.
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just try to refute this
>spoiler alert: you can't
my favorite femlala is dark skinned
Can I speak to your manager?
This image is quite amusing.
Can someone post that screencap of Wuk saying "I killed an expansion with my voice?" Please and thank you.
wtf i love this femra now
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Personally killing, stabbing and MURDERING anyone who DARES say ANYTHING to this femlala
all of your days are fucking numbered
can lalafell breed with tarutarus?
>taking the shit msq seriously
no expansion has good story
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this is my catboy in final fantasy xiv
don’t care. wuk is less obnoxious than reddit selch but that ain’t hard.
Both are a downgrade from the default
does she like other femroes who mainly craft and gather and keeps to themselves
I want a big mac, a large boke, a 6 piece bhicken nugget, and 3 bhocolate bhip bookies
Here's my fiddie
Guessing this is you?
You're either shitposting or a retarded shill.
Shut up nerd nobody was talking to you
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are you a 4chaniel or a reddit-selch?
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but shes cute anon... We can have light skinned/dark skinned lalafell unity... as we should...
>you and your eb enjoying the day
>suddenly a dozen dark lalas start walking your way
wat do
SEXXXXOOOOOOO with this femlala too! While Lucy watches.
Wuk Lamat is the perfect follow up protag to Endwalker by making us consider that maybe Meteion had a point if it was gonna end up like this...
On gods that's what I want, that's it!
dont touch me i need to kill
*sigh* guess it can’t be helped…
which feet gear have been updated?
We make fun of lala players like we always do
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shut uuupppp
Naked I like gen 3 a lot even if it's old fashion. With clothes Im inconsistent bc I love Gen3 XL but also Large on LB+ and YAB..
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At this point the people constantly complaining about Wuk Lamat are becoming more tiresome than Wuk Lamat ever could be.
You'd be doing me a favor
Why did you get a job at McMoonies
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>mfw mom's home in 15 minutes and i still haven't started doing the dishes
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tx bro i did my best with my mouse and right hand...
The endzoomer froths and foams at this post.
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Yeah, it's like anti-wokers. They just make you realize how much better things were before people started to complain.
fandaniel’s otherkin because he makes funny faces
>load into FL
>team has no hrothgals
>instantly know we're going to lose
That's hot, not gonna lie... I wish I could be that certain femra.
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dueling in ps3 era arenas is pretty cool
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Bowlcut domans look like THAT?!
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This ain't entirely correct but
Drop some gil on the pavement and watch as they scramble to grab them
I would like to get sucked by this bun
hit post too fast i didn't make the 2nd one an anon from here did for 500k and i poorly colored it sry
sis you're hair/???
Fandaniel/Amon and Hermes are the only reason EW was good.
Uh.. bros do we colonize this..?
Throw gil on the floor.
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Even Fandaniel couldn't save EW from being shit.
They are the worst characters in EW
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TFW we will never get a new Wolves' Den Pier equivalent set in a colosseum or literally anything more interesting than the fucking Pier with its shitty garbage music.
I think it's the only zone that got uglier in 7.0 too.
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The only good characters*, sorry typo lol
This femlala is a cute friend
Fave femlalas?
Full names, no initials you cowards
Nursing handjob. Now!
I'm the coolest male midlander ITT
I fucking hate the WDP music just from oversaturation
Lets say I was level 100 DoH but I actually have no fucking idea at all how to craft. Are there any resources or videos that can teach someone how to properly formulate rotations? I don't wanna just input it into a website.
can i get a bored handy from this femra
i can only assume most people are memeing or exaggerating by this point
except for the english voice acting in the final trial, that's completely valid
Holy guacamole look at those milk chambers... do you like malera!?
>EW was good
Fandaniel was based and funny for a xiv villain but Hermes was a cringy emo crybaby desu, he ruined it
Hurry up and call a time I have a Lalafell to plant.
for penumbra the additional dye channels for mods under materials doesn't work for me. is it messed up for older mods that got upgraded through textools or am I missing something?
not a fan of lalafell
why is /v/ leaking again
>Femra keeps running laps nears me
Its kind of annoying me, should i just pull her tail and make her sit down?

Hello my anon
Love you too
You can get an enthusiastic "no" instead
totally happened in-game
this desu, hermes' only good quality was setting up the comedic asahi bit in that one dungeon
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replace it with "state of the realm" from FFXVI
>why a board populated EXCLUSIVELY by nonwhite thirdworlders doing random stuff
gee I wonder
Why does failing mechanics give people a DoT on top of a vuln stack? As a healer, why am I being punished for other people fucking up mechanics?
I hope thats true
That way people can stop name dropping me
sorry sorry I mean to say Zenos was the only reason EW was good
Bakool is a better antagonist than Hermes.
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I felt a profound sadness when I found out that mommydom viera who wants to force catgirls to drink her milk was EU
Hodrick Blackstone
Otis Jenkin
heal it up janny
Feriri Feri!
How are you making that kind of money?
Backwater server?
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femlala milkies...
Isn't that nigga Otis a malelala?
Aru Tsurumaru
that sounds good but I don't use plugins
You are the niggest
if i fuck up so badly i get a 3 tick kill dot just let me die bro
ayy wassup lil nigga
>Love you too
wait no i wasnt ready for this wtf do i do i gotta go bye
cc doko
i think about vauthry's intro on a daily basis

Fave male middies?
Full names, no initials you cowards
>otis jenkins
fulala and malelala don’t count
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It's still time for Dynamis Causal CC calls!
My game crashed
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Let's talk about literally anything that isn't just X race endlessly.

Did the 7.0 lighting update ruin or change your house significantly?
Pygo Banthers Balmung
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why are femlalas and maliddies both so thirsty for attention that they constantly ask for namedrops
>fulala don't count
but they are femlalas THOUGH
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old one
might do a petit punutiy giveaway in the future with korpokkurs but people would resell so I cant right now
damn nigga u puttin off that L rizz
calm down lil bro it be aite
*wwalks into thread*
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*fry fry fry*
*fry fry fry*
*prrrring! prrring!*
FFXIV is less fun than wow healing imo because there's less constant damage to heal and you're mostly playing janny.
>healing is boring i want to do more than press 11111111!
>fine, here.
hungrychad has a cute femrar
he came to us
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Rob Chidori
talk about x race and why you hate it endlessly, NOW
my malera? hes _________ owned
Imagining my min height miera getting smothered by this fiera
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Feriri Feri
*pulls your tail*
Femlalas are coping because they know nobody likes them.
This is a great ravagirl even though i'm not much into the mommy stuff
I hate female elezen because they're futas that fuck animals.
/em has left the free company.
Lucy Dusk and Lucy Dusk and Lucy Dusk

and let me think

oh yeah

Lucy Dusk
Andregark Cloudfield
SHE WENT WHITE? Honestly. cuter.
every time it's posted, I pray I don't see my name desu
NO! That is NOT Feriri Feri!
Beautiful people!
Rob Chidori Balmung
im a male midlander and i hate being initial or namedropped so much that i told people who i thought were initialposting me to stop
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My favorite male midlander hasn't logged in for like a year...
the femlala so fat she takes up 4 fav spots
my sataniacoded sunnie is malera owned
Initials? I'd pay for you to be my mommy
my female elezen has a pussy and doesn't fuck anything
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>Can you make healers do someother than press Glare! and BROIL!
>ok? here you g-?
Hermes was the GOAT. The last sane man living in an insane world who had the balls to make mankind prove their worth. Everything that transpires, the WoL, Zenos, all of it proved Hermes right, because he wanted the inhabitants of the star to succeed on their own merit.
“Those Who Live Forever” complete!
You obtain 1,509 gil.
rava buns owe me sex
I'm a male midlander that wishes no one would namedrop him, I have a feeling it's just the femlalas asking for namedrops because they like middies.
my game crashed too, I think a lot of people did since I was dropped into a larger queue
plapping this clone while the dark one is forced to watch
Kouhai Chiisai
Atma Buster
Looks like a fun crew. :)
how does everyone got mods already i dont even have glamourer
Hermes didn't do that, Venat did. Hermes just cried like a little bitch and made a big fucky wucky.
I hate lalas because they're either lolrandumb redditors or the biggest sexpests in the playerbase
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Literally the worst part of endwalker. He should have just killed himself and saved everyone a lot of trouble.
I think the first time around they were genuine, but with how frequent these kind of posts are its to really undermine those players and shitpost
He set up the scene for Venat to make mankind prove their worth because he’s so retarded.*
why do only gay men like my lalafell... i give up... what am i doing wrong... i can't stand gay men... why am i nobody's favorite femlala...
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back the FUCK off
Femras owe me sex
Smooching this cute boy!
I'd do this as well if I had any idea who was dropping mine
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It's much brighter than it was previously despite using a 0 lighting. I might need to take a few wall lanterns down.
penumbra's still in beta last i knew but a lot of people have it
also, textools
The'one Reading'this
Malezen out of the way, anims are too wack, neck is too long and the head is ridiculously small
Malera or catboy, heterosexual sex with biofems mainly (f+ subs will be ok)
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My malera is entering his shadow the hedgehog era.
where's your house @
you need to right click your plugin and use testing version for glamourer. penumbra you might need to press the trashcan button and then restart your game. most old mods can be ported using textools and doing the upgrade to dawntrail option.
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Polly post
what's your race
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My seeker is entering her goku training arc
My bros who I shant be namedropping
Hermes declared the ultimatum, not Venat. All she did was buy time via the sundering.
the only one proven right by hermes was Gaius.
what's good bro?
if arcadion was real wrestling kino, brute bomber would challenge us to a rematch but he goes by a different name, has a mask and everyone pretends it is a different person
ward 3 zone 1 apartment 2 or some shit like that
just ask your usual suspects unironically
it's what i did and it worked
>had a DK to throw kardia on and they just dove in killing everything
I love being a support that watches my team win!
maybe it'll happen in the next series
Once you get past the "it's a mobile game and therefore it must be bad" prejudice, which is perfectly understandable considering the history of mobile games, you'll find that Mihoyo games are surprisingly good.
my very own femlala
of emp
>declared the ultimatum to kill all of his kind without giving them any chance
>she made mankind and gave them the option to walk
That's what I said, Hermes is a faggot.
join me on turtlewow
meds now
You had a DEATH KNIGHT???
fair enough, its been a while so maybe I'm finally free but I'll keep that in mind next time
just fucking get rid of healer dps buttons, jesus
If you're a male raen or a jp-tier catboy, sure
Maleroe. You know what to expect from other races for the most part or they are populated enough that defining them by their race is pointless. Maleroe will be your best friend for a month then suddenly turn into a raging psychopath on you, trying to turn every private detail you've ever shared into a weapon against your character while they try to degrade you until you finally block them and hope they move on.
I miss when maleroe were just kind gaybroes instead of whatever this demonic form they've become from heavensward until now.
they certainly caused a ton of enemy deaths so I'd say so
{No thanks.}
they're good for being mobile games but that doesn't say much, the actual gameplay is incredibly shallow exactly because they can't push limits without making it unplayable for mobile gamers
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oh yeah dawntrail had so many notes of despair like
*checks notes*
a cooking competition and petting llamas...... yup..... real despair inducing
also, wuk lamat was negative as fuck about things after realizing she is a girlfailure up until the scions get her to talk about it
so no, i do not think she is some radiant happy unwavering determination protag
she is just a shitty dumb annoying woman
if you're a purple malera face 1, sure
More discord astroturfing. Don't you ever get tired of trying to prop yourself up as a e-celeb online?
alliance or horde
Which malezen posted this
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looks about the same i think, leather sofas got shit on with the lighting update though
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cool thanks, i'll make sure it's awkward if you're there when i check it out
my catboy otl to unsuspecting middies otr
>MT gets thrown from the steel cage
>even invuln knocks you out of the fight
Hroth+ and Elezen+ and Roe+ owe me sex.
why do we need a "who's your favorite lala" anchor in every fucking thread
are you pedos so desperate for dopamine hits that you make these posts over and over again just hoping someone drops your initials
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Theme of this next CC Match: https://youtu.be/_KG3VM-Ud5k

Dynamis! It's still time for Casual CC!
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>betas screeching about her not being white but none of them are talented enough to make white fanart of her
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I like the dot it's fun
the only time I ever had an issue with it was on M2 where the dot is 45k damage if you get too many stacks (which is more frequent than you'd think)
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is NIN or SAM harder in savage raids
best i can do is red face 1
also feet are a requirement
>unskippable filler
>forced to either play the game for hours a day or whale to keep up
>powercreep out the ass every month
Is ZZZ the same as their previous games in those 3 categories?
>why do only gay men like me (a man)?
I'm mad there's never "who's your favorite catgirl" posts too.
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Bros im fixing to fucking kill myself trying to pose hands clasped together
This shits a pain in the ass
You all took pictures with your EBs at the heart tree spot, right?
now I know who's calling CC
NIN is the hardest class in the game
I really think Healers/DPS should have their parses disabled and instead on FFLogs it should say "Cleared: Yes/No"
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it doesn't matter there
I think most femra come with feet but let's see your malera.
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Wait a second
spill the beans
face 4 femra are for
Give it like a month for them to upload other peoples' art into some AI program and they'll be churning out picture of that generic sameface AI girl with Honey's costume.
Do we like femlalas now?
i don't have anything against genshin but it was 85% of the cosplays
>without a chance
LOL RETARD you missed the whole point. Ancients were going to end up like all the other dead worlds even without Meteion. It wasn't a nihilistic suicidal act, it was to force them to prove their worth or perish, which also ties into Venat sundering because the ancients could NOT do anything because they were too stupid. Venat didn't cheat the system, she was pushed to it as a last resort, but its still well within what Hermes hoped for.
i am a grown ass woman, retard
She's white with a tan though
Plus brown fits the gold and black bee aesthetic better when she transforms
>He doesn't have each callers posting style memorized
it matters to me
Fave sunnies?
Full names, no initials you cowards
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No, but where's your EB picture HUH? HUH!?
>tank buster
>he does the lariat charge
>tank has to sprint into him
>he gets stunned and the ref starts counting while giving a damage up
You can do that easily with just in-game screenshots to make a lora and some smart prompting
Current NIN is the easiest melee in the game, no buff/debuff to keep up now that Huton's gone, Its filler is just 123(sometimes 4), and its burst is just throwing every CD it has
I was listening to this several days ago because a friend mentioned that the weather in Everkeep is labeled Liminality
alliance then
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If you want a good mobile game play Dokuro.
What ms setting should I put artisan on as to avoid getting shitcanned? I just want the automation, not the animation cutting.
there's a maleroe exactly like that in this thread too. honestly basic bitch normie catgirls seem to be the most 'sane' players of this game since they're too busy playing fortnite to get into drama
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not me i'm playing apex
Because you value being lonely over being happy.
I'm not going to say who it is, but I think they're very cute.
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Don't remind me
Because you're coordinating on discord to boost thread engagement with "hottest new lalabin of the week" We ain't dumb.
>match just ended
>queue time already passed
enrage if you break the kayfabe
pure kino
Women love male xaela but will never openly admit to it because women want a male xaela who will claim them without their consent. They don't want to have to give you permission. They want to be dominated and taken. This is what a lot of male xaela players fail to understand and why so many of them never make it and fanta to something else.

If you're on that softboi effeminate shit then you're shouldn't play a malera, period.
…some people like us…but looking for love is definitely Savage Mode compared to Miqote.
Hey you femras
Do you like male characters?
If so, what's your favorite race?
more like gaypex
>It wasn't a nihilistic suicidal act
>"bruhh yeah let me sentence you to doom without even knowing of your impending doom haha, I already hate this place so I know it's not worth saving but maybe you can pull a miracle out of your ass and prove me wrong lmao"
Retards like you unironically celebrate this slop.
Emo boy did nothing useful and the story was admitted to be last-minute shit regardless.
effy, my beloved wailer hating goonie
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>basic bitch normie catgirls
QRD on this poster?
I didn't mean to queue as Viper.
explain how they were intended to prove their worth and what would’ve happened, i’ll wait
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femra owe me gathering materia
my EB doesn't play on his main character anymore..
i like fussy little bunbuns
Bro not all of the callers are lalas....
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play deemo stop playing gambling games
Anon are you feeling okay? You haven't touched your spaghetti and hrothballs
It's funny they dont think we can see it. All it's doing is making Aru look like a faggot and that no one new will want to associate with them after this. Good job ruining your reputation by trying to make yourself seem important.
haha ...
Imagine if tanks had half of their bars occupied by "tank" gcds that did nothing unless other people fucked up, and only had 1 gcd that was called "damage"
> As a healer, why am I being punished for other people fucking up mechanics?

That’s the entire point of being a healer sis. Maybe you should try DPS
who is the person that keeps saying this? what makes you so bitter and angry that even someone like me feels the need to call it out?
Hey when are you casting TCJ during the current EX fights, fellow real NIN player? Or during M2/3?
more like gaysex
Genshin is way better than XIV.
>frequent updates
>loads of fully voiced cutscenes
>side-quests with high quality writing and lore
>challenging bosses
>good character designs
>godlike music
>compensation for downtime, maintenance, etc
>your EB picture
Ha ha, yeah...
I'm sure you'll find one eventually
I slash my arm for I hate discord and astroturfed ebins.
we've been too busy playing the game together to go there and take a screenshot, maybe after we prog savage a bit
I don't know who Aru is.
Your discord deep state bullshit can fuck off nigger
Why? Discord is just a means to communicate with friends isn't it?
It's the same as teamspeak and skype back in the day
i like mieras, maleras and maybe some catboys and malezen and rare good straight hroths
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Genshin’s major flaw is that it was made for toddlers to play on their dads’ ipads and the combat is boring as shit.
I didn't think so, afterall, no one likes midlanders
Aru Tsurumaru my plapmeat onafell sleevewife
clemency is the only one I can think of and it's literally never pressed
Careful, you'll make the xivsissies mald
Thats the funny part. No one other than his clique circle jerk knows him.
where is it
and wuwa's better than genshit, what of it
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kill yourself nigger
Namikka? More like Manikka
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Someone that wants to make Atma happy but keeps getting ignored so they can feel lonely and unwanted.
i hate viera so much it's unreal
nothing but the biggest degenerates you will ever meet, condensed into the most coombait race ever made available to play in an mmo
You won't. But in a few days the discord will have done their job of spamming their newest plant in every thread. Makes you wonder what they did in exchange for thread stardom?
Here's a tough pill to swallow for most xiv players
Healing is fine in it current state but completely unironically
I guess because it takes away from communicating in-game? Anyway I cut Otis' name into my arm. I will not stand for these astroturfed ebins!
genshin gameplay is equivalent to playing healer in xiv but on every character
Add more damage to all fights

Make it so pressing your basic damage button also heals your party

Simple as.
they got rid of aggro combos years ago, so they should do the same healer and make all of them into sage with aoe kardia.
if you healed everyone with your one damage move then you can never be punished.
what does sleeve mean in xivg context?
only shbab trannies say this because they never played the perfection that was sb sch and ast
kill yourself
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Dynamis! It's still time for Casual CC!
I’ve fooled around with “straight” hroths on my femlala. They also seem kind of disappointed I’m not a lalaboy
post location for immediate pet correction
i am not atma buster but you're probably a weird stalker she wants nothing to do with
>heh you guys aren't ready for this hot take:
>[loud reverberating fart]
interesting post
i know them from cc syncs
most of the pvp lalas are pretty skillful, i'm nowhere close to their level
>who is the person that keeps saying this? what makes you so bitter and angry that even someone like me feels the need to call it out?
These people are socially stunted and can't take hints
...what EB?
the same thing it means everywhere else you put something inside something else
Unsure if really shitty bait or genuine shit-on-a-plate enjoyer.
On CD? Are people being filtered by TCJ? It's 3 1.00 second GCDs and you can move after the 3rd, so you just have to stand still for two seconds every 2 minutes
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Learn some manners.
Damn this bun is ugly
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so fvcking based
>More ChatGPT tripe
>cc syncs
how does one join? (i am a femlala)
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why is your chin so huge
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Lucy is so crazy good at mnk its unreal
Where do I get a fat girl EB with a huge ass.
is it just lalafells that can sleeve?
>On CD?
Congrats, you're dead on the ground in each of the four fights I listed.
> What ms setting should I put artisan on as to avoid getting shitcanned? I just want the automation, not the animation cutting.

If you are turbo paranoid, use it in your private home.
Just be approachable and i'll eventually talk to you as well
Go to the data center where times are being called in the thread. Click your in game clock so it displays Eorzean Time. Queue up for casual CC at the time.
no. the plapper sleeves. the plapee gets sleeved.
Genshin would be better without Paimon
Everything in XIV plays like healer because its all using the same skill at the exact same point in the timetable.
sb sch and ast were both obscenely powerful and whm had one of the weakest and jankiest designs it's ever had
I feel like whm has really gotten the short end of the stick for enjoyable kit design just because they want it to be baby's first healer really bad
Yea imagine that, but its now 90% of your job.
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Wait, this is supposed to be the "Queen of /xivg/"?
Like I said, you value being lonely over being happy.
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I'm on my goblinmaxxing arc
Post logs retard
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That's just how life as a face 4 is.
i sleeve femra from time to time
I have had it on 0 since I installed and even crafted in areas GMs are known to frequent and literally nothing ever happens.
>"Once you get past the stench of Ammonia, eating used cat litter is actually really tasty"
>Someone complains about being lonely and tells people to come visit them
>Someone actually shows up
>Ew gross lmao creep you actually fell for it?
How do you play melee in cc
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this is what femra really want
Pass me the controller
Aru Tsurumaru was hot as fuck when she was a femraen
Is this Atma buster
Do damage and try not to die.
You have to admit there's a bit of an imbalance between roles. Tanks should not have that many more DPS buttons than healers.
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No, I'm the queen of xivg but think of me more as the mysterious overlord that no one knows about but I pull the strings from the shadows (i dont do shit)
When will crystal open up for new characters

I need to make a tank alt...
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>Someone actually shows up
Someone is a retard.
Never pursue lonely anons, they are lonely for a reason.
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nnngh stinky moonie sex!!
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the new lighting really fucked up a lot of my house, for some reason it looks a lot more smokey and the work i did to place actual light sources became essentially useless. Thankfully they said theyre going to fix it all and attempt to return it back to pre dawntrail lightning for homes but who knows if that will actually be true. ( https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/97c0a6b1b1eaa77b67e9329588e4e7501facc4d6 )
as long as i can turn the lights down and it actually gets dark i will be fine long term, ill just redesign once they release the "finished" version
Post her
do I focus specific jobs
if you dig deeper you'd know appal is just an alt to a miera.
I am
a male midlander stuck in Lancet jail
XIV would be better with Paimon as a minion. And summon. And housing item. And retainer.
Never eaten nerds candy? Its just like that.
Femra owe me sex, irl.
I’ve noticed people actually like pretty standard glams on other players that play heavily to what their job is and not much lvl 1 all/all slop…. But it feels boring to wear. I guess it’s like having the sprout icon welcomeat.
depends on the job
mnk = use your aoe skills in aoe and set up kills with your lb
sam = uhh lol use your aoe and stun constantly
drg = use all your abilities on cooldown
vpr = uhh lol
if you're playing vs ast just focus the ast because otherwise nobody will ever die, non-drg melees are so fucking dogshit against ast / whm it's not even funny
healing kits should be simplified with slight variance but they should have wildly different and slightly complex ways to deal DPS. Similar to how tanks work with their mitigation and rotations
Too late already won. I just meant to counter queue Otis because I want to beat the shit out of that annoying little cunt for killing me.
Post all the callers and their styles, if you're so great.
I can't take these retards seriously. They take a kernel of something that's actually attractive, then they dress it up in bathroom stall graffiti.
Id rather play celeste
nnngh stinky moonie rough sex on defenseless femra nnnghh!!!!
>they should be groveling at your feet just because you want to show pity towards someone who is lonely
Remove thy hat wench, for there is a task I MUST perform.
is ninja bad in cc
Who's the King of /xivg/?
Atma never asks anyone to visit. He just posts about wanting to commit suicide and vagueposts apologies like anyone even know what he's saying sorry for.
I don’t want to give up a single healing tool for “glareaga: chain off glare for 10% more potency”
Like a tank only twice as squishy
Woah that's crazy, in both extreme fights they can use TCJ on CD because you only need to stand still for 2 seconds
I'm REALLY sorry.
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You mean when she was a brown femlala princess. But she is now too
and women love it
just like how men love the female modbeasts whos one thigh is wider then their torso
i am learning that i am remarkably similar to atma buster...
Press buttons in random combination
Press combo till you get Phoenix rush and aoe.
Pray they add masterful blitz to spice MNK Up

The theory is that healer dps should be mindless so they can focus on watching for heals they need to through out, but in practice, there's just too much healer downtime in many fights that it's fucking boring. If there was more damage going out to deal with more of the time it would be more fun to heal.

I like wow healing better because you're using most of your GCDs for healing and it's more about cool down and MP managment.
no it's good I just forgot about it since it plays like a ranged job
use bunshin assassinate
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it's pretty good, LB chaining can go nutty and you can play as a rat bastard fairly well
Rob Chidori @ Balmung
>trying SCH again for the first time since ShB
>SGE starts with full Addersgall and Addersting and builds meter out of combat
>PCT gets a special instant cast on motifs outside of combat
>SCH still starts with nothing, has to resummon Eos every time they die, can't use Aetherflow outside combat, and has to fish for a prepull crit
how do people play this job without going postal on CBU3
I believe she would very much enjoy the company of other normal, well-adjusted femroes
No, they should realize we're in a committed relationship already and have many years ahead of us as a couple.
DRG sucks against those jobs, too. If they don't die immediately during your burst your shit outta luck and gotta deal with all the regen, macrocosmos, LB stun, etc before its worth trying again. I'd say MNK is better just because of SSS and LB stun
why not go meet him?
Ok you caught me i don't know all of the callers styles only a few
Ninja is a ranged job, do not let anyone tell you its a melee
If you are fighting in melee range as a ninja you are setting yourself up to lose.
You harass people, shit fireballs and bait people out of position so your team can score easy kills.
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What is this area called?
I dont know specifics about the persons you're on about, but if someone is lonely and someone offers to help you should at least reciprocate when they reach out to check on you. I see so many "lonely" anons who literally just dont talk to people and make zero effort and still wonder why.
back in my day you could use aetherflow out of combat
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holy fuck how is this not just the whole fucking game
this is cooler than any other shit
Being unique is more important than being beautiful to people like that. Pure brainrot
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Unironically missing out. Dokuro is fun as fuck.
>has to fish for a prepull crit
no fight needs this
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aru forma de raen>forma de brown lala>forma de fiddie>forma de pale lala
the waterline?
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The robot lady in my head told me I am
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hopefully I can make some money tuesday...
when you become mahjong champ, nerd
In the same way you would on any other job. Stuff like Ranged Phys is focus but you want to group damage with the rest of your team as much as possible.
Unironically go play FFXVI
Okay grandma.
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Freedom soon... hopefully.
yeah ShB really fucked this job in the ass and I was hoping it was at least on the mend
You have way too many tools that you have no business having.
>AOE dot
>AOE slow
>Chain LB can win you games
probably getting broken up with, lads
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Anon the log you posted shows the NIN griefing his party to greed damage by making them take several party stacks with -1 person.
Sge is the easiest healer, dps-mains are shocked to learn
Not MMO doe
can you give me all of that stuff for free? thanks in advance
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Looks too grimy and scary, are you seeing this aesthetic!?
drg can escape all of ast's cc
it can also just deal more sustain damage than the healers can heal and it's supremely tanky which heavily mitigates the healer's burst along with any potential follow up from enemies
the only time drg actually struggles vs healers is when there's a healer who can tank it along with multiple ranged enemies like blm / smn who can all sit 20 feet apart outside of horrid roar range
is atma buster actually a boy or is their schizo just an asshole
how does the sunnie place
Do the breaking up before they do it to you
Is that feri
There is no king
you also crossclassed aero.... and.... virus
hell no it's got a huge toolkit but you barely use any of it
grim lad
does anyone have the name of that better targeting plugin?
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>not even a single piece of porn
Its not the traditional huge male, tiny female dominance stuff that's retarded, its the weird and gross second life style tattoos and deformities.

Just dress your man up in a suit and with bulging muscles, that's already enough. The desperation to be unique is just pathetic.
I don't think so, like when you look in the mirror, is that pink area under your eyes that big too? Is that normal?
You know his name.
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Yeah it's meant to resemble chalk drawings. The main mechanic is using chalk to draw things like a fuse with red chalk or water with blue chalk
NTA but I just call everyone by their character gender unless they specifically tell me not to
'member TP?

I 'member crossclassing Protect.
no, she'll kill herself
my moonie
She's ugly why would there be porn
Like scribblenauts?
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yeah i'm the same way, i obviously know that it isn't always going to match but it just seems simpler
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this is based but he should stand in one of these spots (green dots):
That's what BLM does as well. If you can't survive having 1 less person in just one of the stacks then your healers suck actual cock (and not in the good way).
Yeah but at least you'll come out on top from it
i had a dream that one of the catboys from here was sucking my dick
it might be time to take a break until tuesday
Leviathan fight might be a better example
GOAD GOAD GOAD but yes i do. i miss stoneskin too....
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What is it about lalafell that attracts the worst people? Every lalafell I've met was either a disgusting human or insufferable. What gives?
Ok anon.
Post YOUR logs
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You aren't looking in the right places.
I mean, most of it isn't that great but it's still porn none the less.
you are the common denominator
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Had to look the archive, but here
>tfw so depressed i can't even jerk off to lalas
It's over

Like, duh?
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Posting logs.
>sexpest scar
>futa scar
What if my character just has a scar from a fight?
My point still stands, you're not dying if you do it on CD. If you want to be choosy, here.
It's done before the first stack.
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because they want
1) shortstacks
2) cute
3) paedophilia
or a combination of these
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a little bit yeah, but you just draw like lines and stuff
I'm a WHM main who plays SGE when he has to, and since I have to shield-heal this tier I was hoping SCH might be more fun than SGE.
holy moly
DRG has no sustain damage though. It has the best AOE potential but once you do your wyrmwind+heavens+nastrond you're twiddling your thumbs for 20s. You get heavens thrust every 10s but on its own that's not much and you're just trying to find a pick to keep it on cd.
that's just a cowra though, a real photo of her raen would make her look so much cuter than 99% of the raen who post here
Might have to actually put your mits on your hotbar for that strat.
Yeah glare at 'em funny religious gun man from Fallout!
SCH is more engaging but not even close to fun lol
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I can't make any more Dynamis Causal CC calls after this!
Seething SCH main
Name one of each category.
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aru wouldnt play a fat cow character
which one?

there are no bad pvp jobs
sam arguably has the highest learning curve of melees
nin is fine
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Not for much longer
>Just finished the cornservant quests so i read that as corn.
How do I attract fiera
post your lalafell
Oh those details on the Y'shtola are fantastic, wonder how she made them/if she commissioned someone for it
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Appal is a tranny that cheated on his eb with another tranny
Both shield healers feel janky as shit to me, I don't understand what makes people choose to main either of them.
i can think of one more pic of her raen i have that i wont post out of respect for her privacy
not even that. your healers legit just press whatever free buttons they were going to press anyway.
i play ast on this fight and lady + star + 60s cds + neutral sect are all free there and are capable of solo healing both LPs even if 3 stacked. could macro too but I save that for pad on nails since using it on the fire LP stacks is massive overkill
sch is still atoning for it's HW atrocities
He's fine (grained)
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??? i don't use ai, anon
that's literally how i know who they are
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>press button
>enemy goes into Guard
>my ability goes off
truly the elden souls of video games
>Kong doesn't have access to the Appalcord
>has to resort to this
I think in their culture the term is "khagan."
My malera could have saved effy
Why are you so obsessed with this. No one but you cares.
SGE feels fine though? What's janky about it?
excuse me, CAUSAL CC??
The two finns who play those respective characters ruined those scars for your race, sorry you had to find out this way
chaos thrust is 8k with a 12k heal on a 15s cd
jump + thrust is 16k on ten fucking seconds
most melee jobs have 16k on at least twice that cooldown and it is absolutely enough to force resources from healers
The male character shadow council is now in sessions. Our first order of business- which race we are going to astroturf next. See you at the designated meetup point.
SGE feels good but it’s real boring.
what hair is that?
>Appalcord instantly comes to his defense
>there are no bad pvp jobs
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I spelled it wrong every time.
Thanks for digging through the archives to show me. Pretty cute 'ra
Who in their right mind would cheat on such a CUTIE
Can't make it right now but my vote is to continue with middies. It seems to be working pretty well
there is no reason why we can't have this except faggots with ancient PCs
There is nothing wrong with having battle scars
My highlander has two
what do i spend excess poetics on these days please?
It got deleted, anon...
The council has decided.
The middie fotm will continue.
Effy is good at ERP
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we got the drop
what do i do with these 38 totems
Watch your mouth when talking to me...
EW relics or 90 gear
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Would naming my lalaboy Ne Zha be too on the nose? Moreso the Chinese God and not the meme frame (ignore pic rel).
unironically effy is the cutest moonie that has ever been posted here
My malezen has two scars....does that make him a sexpest AND a futa?
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>See you at the designated meetup point.
No need, the Middie psyop will continue as coordinated.
Did it?
>dark skinned rava with even darker lipstick
fine i'll be your slave or whatever let's get this over with
Mine has 3.. what is the third one suppose to be?
I don't save garbage of characters I hate.
Middies run this general
nta but they're referring to the miera eye scar and the fuddie nose scar
It did
nice larp
rava fiera do not exist
Are you cross dressing
all of his characters have been tasteful
cute roe
delete them unless you want to buy weapons/desynth for the chance at the crafting material
hard agree
It ruined my comfy dark atmosphere so much. I really hope the fix next Tuesday brings back my dark and gloomy house... It's way too bright now...
catgirls cheat on their eb more than any other race desu
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It did not get deleted, I'm still there.
bros they let their guard down and i can finally get a post through please listen to me the middie c ouncil is controlled by f
this fiddie went from fucking dogs to eating them
Need me a catgirl EB..
but you spelled it right a couple times this thread! RECOGNIZE YOUR VICTORIES!!
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Will the 30th patch Expert Recipes have green gathering gear in them?
His femraen had really fat tits and posted really lewd pics
It is what it is.
It's not going to top damage charts, but it's my favorite (despite being nerfed 8 patches in a row) because it's a jack of all trades.
Teammate getting smacked and they're out of mana? Have a regen.
Someone on the other team doesn't like you? You can kite them and ignore them all game while still contributing to killing their team.
Your team knows how to focus a target? Two stuns and a decent burst.
Need to stall the point? Guard and shukuchi.
Other team needs to stand on the crystal because it's overtime? Drop a doton on it to make their life miserable.
Standing blowmage height
no one showed up at the femezen council meeting
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Yeah Id expect Bakool Ja Ja to be enough of an idiot to still try and kill people knowing itd disqualify him
At least thats decent characterization
that doesn't fit the lalafell naming conventions
>controlled by f
I bet he was gonna say frogs
The only good Aru.
100%. Most moonies have atrocious taste and just make a worse sunnie with pale skin and red hair but those ugly white whiskers. Effy is the only one who posts here who has actually utilized moon traits to make a cat that is cuter for being a moonie instead of being an uglier sunnie (which is 90% of moonies)
Yes, I told every lalafell player to be a gigglesquee retard or to be into l*lisho ryona snuff. You got me.
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Can you provide an example? I just like cute girls. Same reason I'm in /bag/ and other boards.
Bite marks from my femlala
Name one lalafell EB that didn't instantly end because one cheated.
Lavendaire by Arabella. It is not hat friendly mind you.
My apartment got ruined
If there's a furnishing limit update I can fix it
Mahjong titles are consistently good players while mahjong plates are consistently shit players. Why is that?
i never cheated on my eb i just gaslit him really hard and pretended to keep loving him and then ghosted him
Catgirls are the biggest sexpests
Hey those ancient PC fags funded that game
>Kardia swapping feels fiddly
>Eukrasia is basically just a ping tax; it's like mudras except without any novelty
>targeted dash is a pain in the ass to use compared to an untargeted one
I know these are Just Like My Opinion, Man and I get that some people vibe with it but I just don't like how playing it feels.
It's gone.
Post uncensored fat tits
Its one of OJ's blacked creatures
Is it worth trying to do TOP once im done with savage? I still need to do p8s to unlock and im unsure how long it'll take to get a group together for that and prog it, let alone TOP itself
>Lavendaire by Arabella
based, thank you.
>not hat compat
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excellent post brother, i'll see you on the other side.
green leftside 7.1 green right side 7.3
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How do you fix mods that have the wrong textures?
it attracts some of the worst players in both modes for some reason
do any male midlanders want to sit on my femlalas lap for a change

I can brush YOUR hair
Lala x lala or lala x other
would you wanna craft, gather or say hi later before my sub runs out tomorrow
My malera could have saved Effy more
I thought this was a thumbnail of Shadow of the Erdtree lol.
Navel piercing spotted
No, it's not
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Is that even a question?
I've seen too many Andrew Tate lalafells to know that doesn't matter anymore.
i want to sniff that oscar isaac chair
>green leftside 7.1 green right side 7.3
danke :)
ty for the calls, feel like im getting better!
The only one that ended from cheating was Otis x Preebitz
The others are just people leaving the game and leaving their EB stranded
I prefer the Reprise version.
I love this little corn bro so much
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know what?
>Kardia swapping feels fiddly
Kind of true, wish the CD was like 1-2s instead
>Eukrasia is basically just a ping tax; it's like mudras except without any novelty
I have ~100 ping and play with no clippy so I don't see any issues. You can't weave on a Eukrasia usage even at 0 ping.
>targeted dash is a pain in the ass to use compared to an untargeted one
I also prefer untargeted dashes but the range of Icarus is pretty amazing

I think it's okay. I just don't think it has any complexity and it doesn't flow as well as WHM does in my opinion. Also crit+dhing a fat misery makes me cum irl so there's that too
jeb's eb
there's also a lalaboy eb'd to a fiera that i can't remember
>it no longer has the best dash of the healers
Wtf yoshi this is bullshit
when i was in high school i had really nice shoulder length hair and i would nap in class and would wake up to girls having done braids on my hair
probably smells very standard
np bro
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My middie's lap is reserved for fiddies only
Yes, YES
Learn about our lord and savior cornservant
He will never let us starve.
Now that just looks silly. let me get you a stool.
Yes it is, (You) just got kicked because your thread cred fell too low. Maybe try not being a schizo pedo?
at the end of the thread no one will know i can't wait for my grown man to get home
It's been deleted, Kong..
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It's very good, I hope smile grows one me
at the end of the thread no one will know that my fiddie is
Sure ig
It's been 86 years and Preebitz is still getting flak for being cucked.
what people don't realize is that they would do this if asked
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I wanna do massive DPS, like see myself at the top of the charts DPS
should I learn SAM or BLM (post 7.05 buff)?
It would be best we don't do that, as I have decieved you. I dress my roe like a prostitute and she doesn't look well-adjusted at all
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forgot to ask this with the original question;
we are getting higher ilvl grey gear to craft though?
BLM is a toss up.
SAM is your safest bet atm and you get DP prio too
would you brush the fiddies hair, asking for a mefriend
A footstool minion would be perfect, but never happening because they are leery of anything that screws with collision (why the cushions all clip massive compared to the housing item)
why do you care about parsefagging
ah that'd be cute...
Maemi Tayu
Honorary mention to Atma Buster
He'd brush her hair and even braid it while letting her talk about her day
vpr is fine in both modes (haven't tested rival wings, obviously)
pct is lacking in cc as the worst caster right now, yes, but manageable when you know what you're doing
both will probably be adjusted heavily in 7.1
I simply craft
Day in, day out
holy... I think a middie like that would fix m- I mean my friend haha DC?
Crystal, you?
Yeah, it's tolerable and I'll probably be playing it this tier anyway but as a WHM main it just feels strictly worse to play. Plus when you compare the new stuff each of them got in DT it's a fucking joke
>WHM gets a shield/regen combo action onto Temperance, three instacast ultra-Glares as part of its 2-minute burst, and a dash that feels fucking fantastic to use
>SGE gets Temperance without the cool sound effect and a new button to press once every minute
Gee, thanks.
It goes the furthest but I hate using it. I'd honestly rather have Shukuchi than have to click on a party member.
Primal... I used to visit crystal a lot pre dt so i wonder if ive seen you
Glue and Rin, too bad Rin went pedofell
can I come get sucked by you?
Might have, I don't go to the AFK spots like I used to but you'll see me every so often go to meet ups. I do post him fairly often enough in certain anchors with the new DT hair
we didnt break up
Doing big damage isn't necessarily parsefagging, it's being not-useless you fucking shitter.
I'm doing some MSQ and eating lunch, sorry
I'll keep an eye out for you then! I'm 4th of my kind in the /scoff anchor
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I like all my swysters though regardless of dress...
I'm the only other middie in that anchor lol
theres 3 of em, the hooded one, the brown haired 2nd new hair, and blue haired 1st new hair
3rd one! And cool, I recall you coming to one of my movie meet ups
The only movie meetup I remember is the Dune one (I have bad memory issues) Your middie is very handsome also!
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Yup, that was the one. And thanks! I dig your fidsters highlights, she's cute.
Not sure how long DC travel is down, but we could go to Dynamis and run content together sometime
I'm always down for some content! except i have to go to bed soon, but I could hop over to friend you before if you want!
Sure, Golem Ul'dah aetheryte then?
sure, I'll be over in a jiffy!

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