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Previous: >>487440125

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
cum2play lost
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The cameraman is soooo lucky...
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I really, REALLY like little girls
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kys pedo
f2p won
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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cum2play's pov
But xiphos is alhaitham's weapon...
But Tulaytullah's Remembrance with this lore is Wanderer weapon. And Xiphos as an exile is much closer to his story.
kiss yourself pedo
ntr game..
Only one who wants to fuck Tabibito is Paimon

Important poll
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not enough
Pagga dabba dee, pagga dabba doo,
Bina will KEK pagther too!
the Nahidatranny is pushing Wanderer and Nilou hoping people will forget about him fucking Nahida
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i wish hu tao had any off field so i could still use her
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nahicuck melty
wanderer fucks with nahida daily btw
I am proud to be a cuck
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Bina is already fucking Capitano.
cum2play melty
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He'll be back...
Preach it fellow Alchemist.
fuck off shounenfaggot
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Birds are born with no shackles
Then what fetters my fate?
Blown away, the white petals
Leave me trapped in the cage

The endless isolation
Can't wear down my illusion
Someday, I’ll make a dream unchained

Let my heart bravely spread the wings
Soaring past the night
To trace the bright moonlight
Let the clouds heal me of the stings
Gently wipe the sorrow off my life
I dream
I am so cucky...
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Wanderer and Durin got more arts in the last two days than your favorite genshin
I am in the Snez waiting room, Natlan is simply the last turn in the road.
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>complain about the writing and game being baby toddler shit
>complain about getting cucked
something doesnt add up arent these 2 things mutually exclusive how can the game be for babies while having ntr
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based nahidaposter
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E > swap, everyone gets 12% crit rate for 8 seconds
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these threads have not been great
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why are they brown?
I thought latam was supposed to be white
this is unironically my favorite /gig/ meme, it makes me laugh every single time LMAO
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My daughter-wives are so cute
>Bina is already fucking Capitano
Bina is Capitano's retarded daughter tho.
chibi wandie........
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how is cuckposting different than shipfagging? you're making up character interactions that don't exist either way
headcanoning that mona wants to fuck scaramouche is no different than headcanoning that nilou hates the traveler for some reason
calm down cum2play
I am... a cuckGOD
I wonder how many Kleefags betrayed her and left her for Nahida
everytime i fucking read pagga dabba doo i start laughing like a child
fucking flintstones man
>something doesnt add up arent these 2 things mutually exclusive how can the game be for babies while having ntr
bwo your adventure time
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kleecucks and nahidacucks are both pagpaggers
I run both for different teams
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>Chiori would rather fuck literal goblins than you
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>mona wants to fuck scaramouche

Uh oh even the Japanese are calling out Mhy for their racism.
where is this? why is she not letting us watch??
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>how is cuckposting different than shipfagging
you cuckpost to trigger someone, you ship because you like the pair, is that easy
have they ever been great?
you're so right cum2play
AI trash
As long as I can watch…
>schizo (singular) itt already running full damage control and trying to control the narrative
tldr on this guy?
any other cuckCHAD here?
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sometimes its bearable, lately its just impossible lmao
i'm the only one here that plays genshin impact
I'm NOT a goblin, anon
How could a game be good having so many characters and nobody is allowed to interact because they all have to glaze the MC?
Natlan release will make this general better.
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oh no
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For me, it's Iansan.
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Kaveh's cute century-old girlfriend!
majima cumslut
My apologies, Ayato
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The hopes of the entire game now depend on these two having a interesting story
If they can't deliver on actual waifupandering, atleast they can give us a good shonenspic tournament arc

My hopes are
>Traveller is actually relevant in the story
>Pyro Traveler is meta relevant and/or a good f2p option
>Mavuika is the actual Pyro Archon, no bullshit 'she was a clone!!!' story for the 1147th time
>Mavuika is actually strong and not a worthless jobber
>The Pyro Sovereign shows up but just to job to either Mavuika or Capitano to show how strong they are
>Capitano remains either undefeated throught Natlan, or is defeated by the combined efforts of every fighter in the region so he can leave with honor
What are your hopes for the region?
No one is excited about this region anymore
Mualani is the only reason I'm still playing this shit.
Anal mating press with nahida
It’s going to be shit and you know it
It's impossible to last more than a few seconds
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Why did Hoyo kill Zhongchi but make Haikaveh canon?
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s-stop it.. some of us get off from that
I only ones allowed to cuck me are hilichurls
Alhaitham angering Kaveh until Kaveh finally snaps and fucks him on their table!
Reminder that you will dump roll all stats into the 4th choice stat on your artifact selector, while the rest of /gig/ will roll godly 50+ CV elemental cups.
A sovereign is not jobbing against no one in Natlan.
>looking forward to kinich's cumsleeve
For me, Its Fischl!
>>Mavuika is the actual Pyro Archon, no bullshit 'she was a clone!!!' story for the 1147th time
>>Mavuika is actually strong and not a worthless jobber
so whos gonna tell him
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the only based poster in this shit general
definitely not the story lmao. i just want to explore with new characters
For me, it's Mavuika's obscene body
Kys child rapist
He's one of our resident cuckposter. He was the guy who replied to literally any picture of a female genshin with "[unrelated male character] is so lucky..." until he once outed himself by forgetting to remove his name
Snez will be garbage. The company has you by the balls.
>so I really like x character

What went so right?
we cuckchads won
No flagship Genshin Impact event is complete without cuckkino content.
the safe horny fire goddess...
does Nilou have to suck traveller's dick to make chinkcels stop sperging about cucking?
those leaks are completely retarded and i'm deliberately ignoring them, no way they're making the archons a complete joke every single region
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>What are your hopes for the region?
That Mavuika removes wig and reveal that she's Kaveh
Capitano is so easy to do right, it is going to be so disappointing when they screw him up.
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Haven't played the game or been to the threads in a while, can I get a QRD on the c*ck thing? Ctrl+F shows me 70 mentions in the previous thread and already 20 in this one.
Like, I get it's shitposting spam but what thing happened in the game to trigger it?
is Chiori the only one you want to cuck you
QRD on people saying Nilou was angry at the traveler being on her? Was she pissed off or embarrassed?
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>Traveller is actually relevant in the story
Not happening
>Pyro Traveler is meta relevant and/or a good f2p option
>Mavuika is the actual Pyro Archon, no bullshit 'she was a clone!!!' story for the 1147th time
>The Pyro Sovereign shows up but just to job
Not happening
>Capitano remains either undefeated throught Natlan, or is defeated by the combined efforts of every fighter in the region so he can leave with honor
He will do nothing and just leave
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For me, Its Fischl!
/gig/ is no better than chinkcels
as long as wanderer fucking her
this just tells me Kaveh was supposed to be a women before the fujos got involved
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for me its being trans
What leaks? What did they fuck up this time?
She's pissed off that she might accidentally release Wanderer's semen inside her crotch onto Aether's head which would be really embarassing.
it was a short, nothing moment where she was embarrassed
the fact that you heard about it specifically without knowing anything says a lot about how hard people are spamming about all this
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I hope Pyro traveler and Cheld have synergy
Just TURTLEther being a KEK as always, the pagpags have just finally accepted their place as cameramanlet.
you're right cum2play
mualani trying to hog all the semen to herself
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sex with alhaitham
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How come Mexican women love Genshin Impact so much?
Nahida vaginal prolapse..
mauvika is not the pyro archon and the statue of 7 in natlan is deactivated and you cant resonate with it yet
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being caged while bennett fucks fischl in front of me.....
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i just received a scam mail.
what should i do?
There’s a m*le in the same event as our waifus, so, we pretty much got ntr’d really hard. On top of that, a surge of actual cucks have come out of the woodworks for some reason. And then lastly, there are the shit poster cucks
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clearly pissed, camerapags are coping
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Reminder that Furina BTFO Fischlpags
She needs cock ASAP
Mualani's FAT thighs...
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>Image fem!Kaveh
We could have had it all...
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this kills the cuckposter
So what she's the sovereign and Xblank is the archon?
The “””cuckshit””” between characters is boring now. Wake me up when we get a character canonically shipped with a hilichurl
Thats a man
Emilie Cheld Loom and Mavuika will be powerful
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Team Mew is often full of shit. But dataminers are basically saying Mavuika isn't the pyro archon because the data says Haborym, not Mavuika. Haborym is an ars goetia demon btw. All we know for sure is that Xbalanque was the first pyro archon and she stepped in later. Kinda like Egeria and Focalors.
She was disgusted because that unconsious jobber touched her.
bro your keqing???
Albedo is so fucking lucky
He's for Yoimiya, sister...
Kinich... Zhongli... Neuvillette...
Wanderer and Albedo are so lucky
Nilou and Faurzans boyfriends
Cute canon couple
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neuvilete's cock.. delicious!
Your hags?
They're too old for tall males and no one wants manlets
Shut up aveline
why is the peruvian fischl avatarfag like this?
>this character is going to replace Bennett, this time for sure!
Bennett will be meta when this game eos'es stop getting your hopes up
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this is a test
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So it's just about Scara physically existing there or did something actually happen?
calm down cum2play
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Amo tanto a mi esposa Mexica Ajolote Citlalí
Nahida, today isn't laundry day. Just leave it in the basket.
...They're for me? Nahida, I'm a guy. Guys don't wear panties, stop trying to give me some. Your prank can use some work, silly.
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>He's for Yoimiya, sister...
Yoimiya is pure virgin, she can see aranaras
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That's right, there is literally nothing wrong with being a cuck, I get off from the thought of it.
based kokobro, do you watch mr beast?
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A test if I wouldn't get hard looking at this slutty slug? Well seems I failed.
I want them to be on screen at the same time in a situation where you can have actual true reasons to ship them together
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...But isn't Raiden Shogun vs Ei a thing? Why would that matter?
It's perfectly ok to be a camera. After all it's only a game and Mihoyo deliberatelyl breaking fourth wall by assuming player only watches.
Just wait for Eula's churl boyfriend reveal in khaenri'ah
it's about fischl having sex with her lover, oz
cum2play is so lucky...
Just about him existing
her lover is bennett though
oz can watch
Is Oz the cuck in this senario
This general won't survive the next event coming in 4 days
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how about this
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>months later
>still several mentions of Furina and Neuvilette every thread
What went so right with them? It's like each one has the perfect blend of traits to make them both really popular, while also being controversial enough to keep sparking conversation infinitely.
A bunch of other characters the game tried to shill hard were just forgotten.
>avatarfag is a fag
water is wet
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Sex with everyone in this picture
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>gets cucked by Mona
>gets cucked by Fischl
>gets cucked by Noelle
>gets cucked by Nahida
>gets cucked by Nilou
it's over camera bros
god fucking damn...
>Another manlet KEK'd
I'm such a happy bouken!
>He forgot about LORD KAZUHA already...
Damn what a manwhore!
The symbol of lost virginity to Kazuha...
nah that's her old fling
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am I the only one who was uncomfortable looking at these obviously male coded puppets acting all lovey dovey with each other
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All it took for the cuckposters to fuck off was some cunny. You're welcome btw
It's about him existing. In fact, Wanderer kinda does a wingman move to put Nilou and (You) closer but the cuckposters are trying to bend it into a bad thing
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he can still be a woman...
calm down cum2play
Albedo POV
they are still here
Basically in the last even Traveler lost consiousness multiple times and was saved by Wanderer. Nilou and Navia were also saved by Wanderer. Also Wanderer was a disignated hero on 4.8 story and literally defeated a dragon by himself. So people now ship Wanderer with Nilou. Oh, by the way Nilou actually hugged us at the beginning of a story, but was clearly disgusted when Wanderer put us to sleep on her lap.
Who's your coop go-to character?
is meant for>>487455221
and >>487454752
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I really REALLY need a QT White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf

I wonder if she's making tons of money with her Onlyfans, those anime figurines are hella expensive.

Hopefully she will make a Citlalí/Xilonen cosplay
>archiveschizoing harmless ritual posts
Mental illness
If he was a woman you guys would be screaming cuckshit
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I sure hope Mavuika isn't a schizo like Focalors or this would just be Fontaine 2.0, but with Pyro Egeria instead of a Sovereign. I just want Mavuika to be her own person and for Xbalanque to be revived and say he wants to explore the world instead of being stuck in his old role.
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i dont do coop
cum2play lost
If Paimon needed to could she run? Or are her legs just useless stumps at this point?
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Oh, okay, thanks. I was hoping it would at least be something funny or interesting but I guess it really was just the circumstance sparking shitposting.
I wonder if there's maybe a couple twitterfags or discordfags coordinating to spam here. Across all fandoms, sometimes it happens that some terminally online retards decide to go "own the [buzzword]" by spamming 4chan threads.
It's gonna be such a let down though
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Wanderer POV
wanderer is so lucky
next Mondstadt event got leaked
Bennett fucked this
>you guys
you mean haithamyumes?
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>likes loli
whoah, he is literally me
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only non joke archon is zhongli
why does "cuck” resonate with so many angry white men?
no one used their demon name as a code name anyway
As a manlet, bennett is a proud cuck.
She can still move her legs around normally, considering the amount of air-stomping she does. I'd say she could
My current friendship exp whore
whatever I had in my team atm, I only coop for events where its required or materials
when did wanderer get so melanated ?
>the dragon dong is rated E for Everyone
Why did you screenshot your own comment, Koult?
We love co-op here.
Can't wait for guilds and endgame raids
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I want chiorizo to cuck me so bad... I want to watch her ride another man while I stroke my cock and try to film for my fap material, as she looks down at me with her usual bitch-face trying to endure the lust, going all " ugh " " ew " on the sight of my stroking my dick to her... and then calling me over to clean her up after she had the ride of her life, I'd probably cum on the spot just by her allowing me to
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>Go to cat's tail for the weekly BP task
>Diluc is the weekly challenger
>Gets cameraman'd off the table
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They hated him because he was correct.
You could be playing real games like imouto life monochrome
Shut the fuck up tranny
if you say so cum2play
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I will NOT be cucked. I WILL have sex with all these sexy little girls. You may NOT watch
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>my ritualpost wanst linked
it sure is a great day
Kill yourself, wannabe janny bootlicker.
The tournament is just a nascar type race that Mavuika dominates with her dragon motorcycle
>all of the kvetching as soon as their post history was shown
Shitposters HATE him
Kazuha's wife looks pretty here
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okay this one made me laugh
Just stop it already, hat guy.
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based and fertilepilled
>can't even watch
>essebtially KEKKING us harder
Pagga dabba doo, this is the best day of my liiiiife
I'll end myself when you'll become a real woman which is never, faggot, kill yourself
Either dual Anemo for resonance or Clorinde
is meant for>>487456675>>487455735
Looking at the current timezones, do eurofags have a cucking fetish? Because it's the first time I've seen so many shitposters obsessed with it.
Shitposting is fun and if you don't agree suck my toes
LORD Kaedehara Kazuha...
You'll never be a janny you worthless loser. Kill yourself.
you do understand the hash is made by looking at the picture and nothing else right? its how 4chan knows if an image has a duplicate in the thread, doest mean its literally posted by the same anon
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>spends 3 years on Teyvat
>several women and men throwing themselves at them
>completely obsessed with their sibling, doesn't make a single move on anyone
>when asked "I'll do anything for you, what do you want~?", repeatedly responds "put up missing person posters of my sibling"
Traveler can't be a cuck when they are so single-mindedly OBSESSED with their sister's/brother's cunt/cock. Either that or they're both extremely sexually racist and would rather endure a 500 YEAR DRY SPELL than touch a dirty Teyvatian.
Furina is DD/LG pilled?
This has been going on constantly since the 3rd event part, this is unironically tamer than it has been.
I rarely do coop, but when I do I tend to pick my C6 Furina
Hat Guy is so fucking lucky
It's literally made by the same tranny that's currently sperging out, if you advocate for such behavior then you deserve to have your generals spammed by trannies cuckposters and other schizos
calm down cum2play
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Incels unironically believe that they're in a relationship with every woman in Teyvat.
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Damn Celestia is going to be pissed when they wake up and see the Hydro throne destroyed and a fully ascended Sovereign walking around
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nice thread gensharts
wanderer gets to fuck this!?!?
this place feels like a warzone today
>he thinks they didnt intend to destroy it
The Abyss twin(Loom in the canon version) definitely had a fling with Dain though. Can't blame her for falling for khaenri'ahn dick.
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barbara's pov
Kill yourself you eunuch hall monitor.
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if you're gonna play coom shit you should play Rance
though it's actually terrible as coom shit
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I really dont find the fun in being obsessed with cheating and degeneracy.
Its disgusting and shows how the individual has no self control or respect.
Surely you can do better anon. Reject it.
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>Xbalanque's shtick in Mayan mythology is that he dies and comes back to life
>Mavuika can transform into a phoenix, who is also known to die and come back to life
>Xbalanque has a twin in Mayan mythology
Mavuika is going to be Xbalanque's sister, isn't she? This is going to be Makoto/Ei 2.0
Venti ate a poisoned apple and now his corpse is being devoured by rabbits...
case in point LMAO
not your hugbox btw
never forget
I will pull for her in 5.0 with whatever funds I have left after pulling K
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Predict his kit
I will link the archives over and over again and continue to make you seethe.
you're so right cum2play
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the cuckposting doubled when people found out that luminepags can get cucked too btw
Fucking neck yourself retard
Now do this with Yaoyao
I'd ship it, but Dain is unironically too much of a bitch to ever get any.
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meanwhile nips are thinking it's ayaka who's being cucked
is the translation different in japanese?
bennett's POV
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There is no fun, only mental illness
where is aetherpag when you need him?
Hat Lord POV
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You lost schizo
wanderer's pov
kek THIS
>Nooo you can't expose my blatant shitposting to everyone
You are mentally ill. Do everyone a favor and follow your own advice
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>Mavuika is the Sage of the Stolen Flame
>she's a shape-shifting Pyro Vishap who stole the authority from the Pyro Sovereign
>Xbalanque is a mortal who reincarnates through his descendants (redheads like Vennessa)
>Capitano is Xbalanque's descendant who's about to be used as a vessel for the ritual
That's the best I can hope for.
wanderer also gets to fuck this!?!?
He'l introduce a new element reaction because of Abyss shit
His gimmick will likely be healing based on damage inflicted [lifesteal basically], and he will stack more damage the longer he's on field
Fits with his theme of being a bitter immortal guy
Go on post it, faggot. No matter how many times you post it, you'll never a moderator.
calm down cum2play
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this is all trannys and squizos have, i dont want to be mean to them
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Don't mind me, just stylin' over this battlefield you call a thread, gensharts.
Not your boogieman
Take meds NOW
Worming the god of China is too much even for them.
And you will never not reply to me without shaking, crying and shitting your pants.
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>you'll never a
>applies the new 'Dain' element that triggers whatever reaction deal the most damage when interacting
>E is a fuck off slash that hits everything in a 20 mile radius, vacuums enemies, and applies 'Dain'
>Q is a fuck off blast (self centered AOE) that gets multiplicative buffs based on the number of 'Dain' reactions you triggered
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best girls, a shame Dori and Yaoyao arent there though
I really wish there were more yandere girl Genshin stories.
Instead, the sisters over at archiveofourown instead have to write how kaven and abraham are fucking for the 10,000th time
Wormvillette ruined Genshin.
Wormbalanque will kill it.
jp nilou said her legs feel ticklish
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All cuckposting should be a insta 30 day ban, every general would be saved by this
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Which Hoyo femc is a Stacy and which is a femcel?
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reminder that you are morally obligated to kill any and all fontainians you come across or you are dooming the world and its future by letting these subhuman pests exist
nyantcha would have fun with this
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cheld fucked this
yae fucked this
wormvillette flopped

now the entire game is also flopping
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>you'll never a
Not what I had in mind but sure, why not
why is there a boy wearing a skirt in the middle?
Wrio POV
Post it again, pussy.
Based. This got the shitposter firing up all his IPs and abusing the power button on his router
>NGNL season 2
10 years ago I would've been stoked
This but add pagtherposting.
Another one to the pile
Also these as well
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She deserves to have her own life
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I don't get why Aetherpags obsess so much about low tier waifus when Loom is a perfect incestuous semen demon that is only for (You)...
Loomkeks I kinda get since Aether is ugly.
Stelle is /ourgirl/ and way better than Lumine.
...with wanderer
cum2play lost
You asked this in the last thread...
>Kiana is /ourgirl/ and way better than Lumine.
that's kinda racist boatus
She got ruined by Downslave
Loom keks pagther too.
Whenever someone has sex, pagther materialises on the spot, armed with his trusty camera and wearing his chastity cage.
with her black eremite boyfriends
short haired girls aren't true women
>woman versus hoodrat wigger that easily passes as male
lol, lmao
This. If she chose Wanderer because it makes her happy then so be it, it makes me happy to see her happy.
HAT GUY......
cute sombrero cocksleeve
>will see NGNL season 2 in my lifetime
>remember I dropped the novel when the vampire turned out a trap
oh well enjoy homos
There would be if you fucks let there be an evil woman.
Seeing what Dendro did to the game I'm honestly not sure if they'll dare to add a new element that late into the game unless they'll skip him in Khaenri'ah and add him to Genshin 2's first banner. There are times where I wonder if they regret changing their initial five year plan to a ten year one (according to themselves at least)
Anyway I imagine he'll be some kind of agile spellblade type of character, quick slashes while also having an emphasis on using some manner of ancient mystery nigga technique, probably giving himself an elemental infusion
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>Doesn't suck Pagther dick's at first sight
>Protects her employee from being abused
>makes incels seethe so much because that makes her a "feminist"
>incels make thousands of porn of her getting r*ped, beaten and humiliated as revenge
what's this mental illness caled
calm down cum2play
Come on, post the link faggot.
She's busy dicking Ayato.
I hope you get raped by hilichurls in every single abyss
Built for big hilichurl cock
I saw this post from a mile away
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Chiori making you watch as you film her getting fucked by another man while she makes all these disgusted faces at your erection is hot as hell.

Cucking is truly the best fetish.
It's called having a spine.
natlan brought back c2p, hope you're happy
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finally getting our anime and it becoming mainstream like kemono friends' anime did would be either the greatest thing to happen to this game or the absolute worst
>kleepedo is behind the cuckposting
Where's the link you janny-wannabe archivenigger?
You'll get raped irl before that happens
Holy shit did this really happen?
oh nonononono kleecuck was discovered
genshin is already mainstream
Maybe they invited Aether's JP VA to the Shanghai event because of the anime trailer...
you're so right cum2play
>pagther is behind the cuckposting
It's gonna be such a flop if it's about traveler instead of episodic stories about other characters.
Alhaitham's girlfriend is pretty hot...
Navia for when everyone else is an AR50 baby with no decent DPS
Kokomi when I want to keep people alive
Xianyun when I want to make people mad but still be slightly useful
Kleepedo melty
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She sure is
i'm not a ryonafag or anything like that (in fact i'm into femdom) but i can see the appeal
chiori's assertive attitude is exactly the right personality ryonafags love just because the stronger something is, the more satisfying it is to break it
kinda like how the victim in NTR porn is always a soft, cute, understanding and lovable boy/girl
thanks for fighting against the shitposters bros...
I'm too ugly to get raped
>Chongyunschizo is behind the cuckposting
Creating an oc to dick down Huffman!
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>breaks the law in front of a policeman
>in the Nation of Justice
>the policeman looks the other way because they're friends
This cunt made me dislike Chevreuse. I don't care about feminist shit but that I don't forgive.
>this further proves that cuckposters are salty anti-aether schizos
sure thing...
Don't make me laugh
Right here

cum2play lost again LMFAO
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Come on you hall monitor, didn't you promise to post the archive links to make me seethe? Did you get scared you little pussy?
what i want it to be is an anthology covering the archon war in past nations. most likely either a gimped adaption of the game or some episodic "tales of ba sing se" type of series.
Why does it feel like this thread is getting raided by Discordniggers?
thats not me
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I've told you fucks numerous times that this gremlin has added NOTHING of value to the game except attract the mentally unwell
Imagine my shock when it turns out one of the resident lunatics who shits his diaper whenever he's reminded that his ramblings are saved for all to see also is the one shitting the thread up day in and day out
Calm down, ACK.
I'm calling it now: Wormderer will be the main character of the anime.
that looks exactly like me
>Loom is perfect
quite literally the blandest female character in the game besides generic NPCs
cum2play's pov
Chiori inviting Navia to her favorite hilichurl camp…
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both of these go here >>487458147
knowing how they handled all the HI3 side content it's definetely prequel stuff
cute and canon
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What got deleted?
What's the "sword girl" meme.
Do people really think the "for you" characters are Nilou, Ayaka, Keqing, and Furina?
Other than Ayaka they don't show any interest, and even she's a stretch.
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I love both, and they have different uses, like why would I use Klee for something immune against Pyro
cum2play won't like this...
mass reply
not enough, apparently
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Chiori is for (You)
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mass replying post
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>janny ignoring the spam and off-topic reveals xirself to be watching the thread
Do your job, janny
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I got a sick idea! Instead of boycotting Genshin, let's just play it for free! We'd be robbing those HoyoNazis blind, stealing all those gems and making their precious server costs go straight into the red!

Think about it, we're literally giving them a double whammy - we're not paying for the game, and we're clogging up their servers with our free accounts! It's like a boycott on steroids!

Imagine the salt levels when they see our avatars running around, grinding for free and reaping all the benefits. They'll be like "HOW DID WE LET THIS HAPPEN?! WE'RE BEING ROBBED!"

I mean, come on, it's not like we're gonna get banned or anything (but if we do, we can always make new accounts, right?). We're just taking back what's rightfully ours, while BTFO them into Abyss.
Almost like Fontaine's justice system is corrupt
(You) are not Ayato.
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As a femcel i think traveler is the best looking male in the game , males are not good at judging other males attractiveness
>HSR listens to the players, very generous rewards, gets praised by everyone and gains players
>ZZZ listens to the players, very generous rewards, gets praised by everyone and gains players
>WuWa listens to the players, very generous rewards, gets praised by everyone and gains players
>Genshin doesn't listen to the players, extremely stingy with rewards, gets ridiculed by everyone and loses players

Explain the business reason for this.
i look like that
He's still the only guy introduced since then, and he's getting raped every day to save his race from extinction.
I don't like twinks. Simple as.
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>he likes Klee
literally me
As a femcel Aether is ugly as shit and Kaeya and Kaveh are the best looking males in the game
>Fontaine waifu
who tell him
Is that a new ad?
>>Genshin doesn't listen to the players
explain why we've been getting QoLs out the ass lately
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Whose POV is this?
I’m glad my waifu is too irrelevant to be picked for these big events
Tits or get the fuck out
post proof trannies
As a femcel: huffman
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I'm leaving gig.
You can have this cancerous shithole all to yourselves
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Lord K
LORD Kaedehara Kazuha
Genshin is too difficult and costly to maintain, they unironically want it to die
cum2play's pov
surely our anime will be bettar than the FGO and BAG fags' right?
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Today I will remind them.
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Aloy still gets cuckposted with Aether
post something cute
Genshin already printed enough money and can coast on pumping out low effort content to its existing playerbase until EOS meanwhile the other three are in direct competition and the question of who is going to be Genshin's successor is still up in the air
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Welkins are such a good deal you're practically stealing from Da Wei anyway
Mika is fortunate
cum2play sisters not like this...
Didn't you play her event bro
She literally bribes some chick with mora for info, in front of you no less

As far as I can see most femcels no joke like Scara and Childe.
May your mother die in her sleep tonight.
That Sumeruslop at the end of the event quest was terrible.
Didn't even bother to have it voiced but that's probably a good thing.
Well there is the issue then because no matter how many QOL changes Genshin now does, they will never change the public's perception that they never listen.

Genshin has dug their own PR grave.
neuvillette's pov
>Wokies are on attempt #10 of trying to cancel mihoyo for muh racism, only to fail again after mihoyo's tried and true strategy of "playing dead" when faced with controversy
>Meanwhile chuddies got Ubisoft to assume the dogeza pose and apologize to the entire country of Japan after butchering their cultural history with assassin's creed

You're BROWN
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Waifufags want to be NTR'd by Wanderer so much, but he's 100% gay, sorry
You forgot that your opinion does not matter sis.
Why is /gig/ going on about cucks? Why aren't they calling it a scaralumi win?
What happened for the second one?
I used to only buy welkins since I felt like I didn't really need any of the BP rewards but after going over the monthly price of welkin+BP I came to the conclusion that it's about the same price as an MMO sub which I gladly threw away without any concern I decided to just start buying the battle passes as well
Feels good to be f2p
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smug brat
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cheld pov
WaifuGODs and pags are not the same.
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Does this look gay to you?
Tartaglia fucked this
being asian
wont stop nilou though
>they will never change the public's perception that they never listen.
why not? they've clearly been listening seeing the QoL changes and seeing how they confirmed that IT would see some changes
>but muh skin color controversy
literally no one gives a shit except twitter trannies that make up 10% of the playerbase
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I look like and act like Wanderer irl
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Per 5 star genshin gives more rewards than all of those, and the slow powercreep means you arent pressed into pulling all the time. Zzz first limited is 2x sfronger than the standard dps, and wuwa first limited was 2x stronger than the standards and the new limiteds are 2x better than their first. Nothing in genshin is as excesive except for neuvillete exploit. Gacha brainrot is a serious issue
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I hope you get a cutie irl Nilou gf :3
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did they knew each other as kids?
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>femcels sperging because wanderer isn't abusing them
You buy every BP? you must be sitting on tons of materials
calm down cum2play
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I doubt MHY even is aware of what's happening on Twitter tb h, it's not really 'playing dead' if they're genuinely unaware

tl;dr is Ubisoft based their latest asscreed game about a black samurai based on a book written by some historian who was lauded as the greatest expert on the subject except the same historian was revealed to just use the book to publish his own fanfic about some random dude who lived several centuries ago
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chiori cucking me with churls..
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>AI slop
>Shitposting is fun
If you have a screw loose, sure.
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This is probably the best Furina cosplay I've ever seen

White women are so cute
So American translators got their own fanfiction in again?
uh oh now you got to suck his toes
Maybe, but that'd imply she's using a false identity just like the twins did to hide from the Xibalba god. Still, hoyo ignored Romulus' existence just fine in Remuria. Anyway, it's kinda interesting how the Popol Vuh says Xbalanque became the moon and his twin brother the sun, unlike the main mayan tradition. If you've read the namecards descriptions, the Xbalanque one says "bathed in the hidden sun". The thing is, Xbalanque itself means that. The first Pyro Archon being represented by the Moon and the second by the Sun would make sense. But then again, I haven't checked Xbalanque's lore in 5.0.
Chuds accused Bugisoft for cultural appropiation, and the japanese joined in accusing Bugisoft for dishonesty.
They had to apologize for the innaccuracies and declared the game not historically accurate
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wait hang on, i get why people may shitpost that nilou dislikes tabibito but where the hell did the nilou x wanderer thing come from? neither one stated to be even remotely friendly with the other and they barely interacted
that's like me shitposting with every single ounce of my strength that navia is deeply in love with hu tao because they kinda almost met once in that one liyue event
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Hope they give us another free 5* if we win
The real question is how did Navia dodge the Wanderer cuckposting but Nilou didn't...

It's all done out of spite, there is no logic behind it.
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where do you think I am sis
farewell gayshit cuckpagt
explains why cheldyumes are so crazy, he's the only male they have for this.
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Kill yourself, falseflagging doomer trash
>muh cn incel
First Scaraship?
cum2play is THAT mindbroken
>neither one stated to be even remotely friendly with the other and they barely interacted
You don't understand... they STOOD next to each other...
Yeah that's the level of insanity we're at
Hahaha look at this toesucking no-fun-allowed faggot.
i am a ryonafag and this guy is spitting straight facts
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Siggy is so cute
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That's a good question. Why did she?
I swear if this is all about that one fucking bellflower ornament in Nilou's outfit i am going to freak out
ohnononono shitposterbros our narrative?
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I stayed up too late farming mats
Wormderer is the hero of the story.
Girls like winners.
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Imagine what paradise we'd have if all genshins were loli
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You can only reply to me if you consider yourself attractive to the opposite sex.
>japan manages to get away with not wanting blacks in a game
how do they do it?
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neuv's pov
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imagine sperging that much about a black samurai
japs having thousands of blonde blue eyed characters in anime and they're not even white
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Good lineup
>neither one stated to be even remotely friendly with the other and they barely interacted
Wow it's almost like Scaramona! Or Kazuscara! Or Scarachilde! Or pretty much any of his other ships!
Learn to capitalize your words shill
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>Hutaoposter is desperate for (You)s
wow, just like in the old days
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Adoro a mí esposa Mexica Ajolote Citlali
>>japan manages to get away with not wanting blacks in a game
They were mad about the historical inconsistencies bwo, the ubishit stuff tried to rope nippon into the slave trade
How pathetic would you have to be to get raped by Furina
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wouldn't it be funny if sonic lost to another mihoyo game?
cum2play'S pov
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oh yeaahhh
shut up pag
Yasuke is still in the game, retard. He's been in many more before and he's not the one that most Japs were crying about.
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Because a natural trait of being Best Girl is being immune to bad influences.
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I know right?
Navia has a cannon she would shoot them
You lost like you always do, self hating white boy.
say what you want but they got what they wanted and progs didn't, not that its going to sell well either
It's simply because Wanderer is unlikeable. You don't see anyone bitching about a female character getting shipped with Diluc, or with Zhongli, or with Ayato, or with Alhaitham.
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>Why did she?
barely interacted
She wouldn't do it, she would send Gentilhomme Usher to do it instead
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>Released over the past 18 months
>must have been released 2023-2024
You can't be this stupid or illiterate.
Fontroons/Geopags are the ones doing the cuckposting
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/gig/ goes nuclear everything Scaradouche is on screen.
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You can sit on Dehya's chair but not on Candace's. Interesting.
loli yucka
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I'm a trans girl and i think boys find me attractive
whoah I like Ayaka now, a shame its AI though but nice gropeable thighs
The hug and the lap scenes made shitposters care about Nilou more for the cucking bait. Navia was just like a friendly golden retriever in this event.
Female ships with Wanderer literally don't exist
Scaramona is a dead 1.1 ship and 99% of scaranahida arts are pure platonic
Its literally just a chinkcel meme
wriothesley fucked this
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>/gig/ goes nuclear everything Scaradouche is on screen
esl fishbro...
holy eslpag
Who fucking cares
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This is why we are being raided
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hag >>>> hebe >>>> l*li
>hello kitty island adventure
finally some goddamn good ass food
I'm still gonna roll the next Wanderer rerun because he was fun to play as. Cuckfag lost and continues to lose, can't even succeed at generating character hate.
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Post images that are literally /gig/
in the wrong asylum sis, /fgoalter/ is two blocks down
peruvian melty
pervian eslfischlpag....
Chiori was shitposted with Ayato, Hu Tao was shitposted with Zhongli and Jean was shitposted with Diluc in early Genshin.
faggot taste
This is nothing compared to the shit they about your waifus in certain threads on a certain board
el peruANO señores...
It was the autocorrect from my phone bros... I swear
You post your garbo again and i will link your posts
Cappuchino is a haglet
No lies detected
based taste
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I'm bored as hell and don't have anything to do since I've finished repotting my potted plants irl (I'm dendromaxxing)
Do I do Xianyun's story quest or do I run through Inazuma and have an honourable duel with every samurai so I can farm handguards
hebe >>> buddyshit >>>>> safehornyshit
Gentle reminder that everyone should pull for who they like but pulling for waifus will only contribute to the “only waifus sell” rhetoric, leading to less male characters.
If we wanna see more playable male characters then we have to stop pulling for waifus, even if they’re great supports for the male characters we like.
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buddypokes>>>>>>>hebes>>>>>>>safe horny
Hey leave my peruvian fischlbro alone
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I regret rolling for Nilou because I'm getting cucked now
you are literally shaking kek
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We're not going to survive until natlan
>fujo and lgbt+ pandering is ok
>blacks and nonwhites arent
What a bizarre company
Cute expired dyke
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>censors the word because its afraid
PFFTHAHAHA, this isnt tiktok or mainstream social media
do you have a cute kokopenis?
Come on do it, motherfucker.
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Could I 100% the Event Map now or do I have to wait like two more days for everything to unlock?
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/gig/ loves to watch lol

I for one love being the cameraman

The Witness has a great ring to it!
based retard
everything is open now
cr sq is alright. much better than slaving samurai mats
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gonna rename my traveler to " KODAK "
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>safehorny kek
reddit is down there
Ubisoft apologized because the game was going through Japanese Parliament and was about to be banned
as a matter of a fact, one of the japanese consultants was actually a fujo, as in, she had a research on the subject of love between old monks and young boys, she even looked like a fujo
hebe > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > the rest
Xianyun's quest is pretty good
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Pedro aka ortiz aka mexican poorfag (banned tripfag) has now posted this webm about 500 times, give or take. He is also ban evading right now.
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they were never woke, the gay shit is femcels getting horny and not a political statement like in the west
>GET THIS FUCKING DISGUSTING NECKBEARD OFF OF ME!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JEsus CHRIST what was Mihoyo even thinking?
Yasuke is still there chud, he's not going anywhere doesn't matter how much japs or whitecels want it
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>5.0 is the Anniversary Patch
>5.0 might have the double Gensis Crystals reset
Shit, I have to buy the double Genesis Crystals now.
pretty cool witnessing the start of a great love story
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I love having no skip button!

Getting cucked out of my time and destroying my keyboard clicking through meaningless dialogue is what life is truly about!

I just love being a modern feminist man!
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What's with the two boats?
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I'll take that as a concession
in the flop list? i agree
I don't recognize this area...
>GET THIS FUCKING DISGUSTING NECKBEARD OFF OF ME!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh come on, it wasn't even that bad. She was just saying she felt uncomfortable that's all
weird that I started coming here during 3.4 and never saw him posting, suddenly he's back around 4.7. Easily the worst poster I've seen so far, tied with ACK and the scatspammer
kleepedo didn't like this truth bomb
this is natlan
are those cons?
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Probably asian
Imagine pulling for cute instead of meta.
Imagine willingly skipping units like Kazuha, Neuv, Furina, and Emilie so you can brick yourself with objective garbage like Sigewinne or Chiori.
“Pull for who you like” doesn’t work in this day and age. It’s as dead as the character associated with that phrase.
When Natlan hits, your cute pulls will fall off a cliff while the top meta units will continue to reign supreme.
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anon, they were never going to play AC to begin with, the chuds literally made them bend the knee. And the Japanese calling them out got exactly what they wanted. It's time to accept the bitter reality, they got their dogeza and game will sell like shit
>characters at max friendship
That's a weird one.
>Mihoyo panders to (you)
>Mihoyo panders to someone else
Thomas, your book was ass and I hope that you get blacklisted.
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>Sumeru quest hints at a red herring in Natlan
>turns out notHimeko is a fake archon and thats why Traveler gets no power in 5.0
>true archon ENTERs at the end of 5.0
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>three commisioner
looks fun to explore
Duly noted, In that case I'll do the SQ
So the 6 tribes are
>Geo, located in a canyon
>Hydro, located in a beach
>Dendro, located in a rainforest
>Pyro, located in the volcano maybe?
>Cryo, located in ???
>Anemo, located in ???
What would be a good place for a cryo tribe and an anemo tribe?
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This fucker refuses to stay on his facebook shithole.
Blame the Natlan teaser and Citlali in particular
Sumeru sirs.. https://youtu.be/wXX1k8_xRJ0
I hope she turns out real so bad, I need someone to roll in natlan
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Theres literally no pandering though.
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How did Chiori escape the cuckposting when there was so much sexual tension between them?
hag = loli >>> hebeslop
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Stop cuckposting, post cute screenshots.
People are pairing her with churls now
Both are non characters
his posts scream "I hate my brown skin"
>natlan sigil offering starts at level 10
huh? didn't it start at 20 the past 3 times?
Who needs Emilie when geo hag is Kazuha 2.0
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awful design that belongs in the trash, thank god fontaine flopped
What's their long-term plan with this? Give whales an easier way to promote themselves and their c6 characters to encourage people to add and interact with each other?
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just two more weeks
nah she was saying why the fuck would my dearest wanderer put this fucking useless jobber on my lap when there's a fucking ocean of grass everywhere
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It would be funny as fuck ngl
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Hey, I can see my house from here!
what about the electro tribe?
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Why is she going to school almost naked? is she stupid?
The scene that changed /gig/'s fate... Something that didn't require sacrificing a god's life...
Delete this outdated unit
After 5.0 the only dendro teams worth using will be burning teams
Nahida will finally fall off a cliff for good even as Raiden continues to dominate her element
An area inspired by the Andes Mountains
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The real Archon is going to be male and you know it.
What quest is this?
bro your>>487456583
C&C bonus camera
if they aren't going to pull any secret tribe shit and one is actually missing, it's cryo
clitali is probably with xilonen and kachina
Anemo tribe is the one that abandoned Natlan and eventually made their way to present day Mondstadt unless the web manga has been entirely discarded and IRL-Irminsul'd
Cryo tribe would be some icy mountain I guess
Same could go for electro tribe, just make it a mountain full of thunder clouds or some shit
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>Holy smokes is that a adult woman over 18 of legal age? yabba dabba doo! suddently her adult body is the most erotic thing ever!!! awooooga mommy boobaaaa i heckin love legal woman in the age of consent my fellow redditors!
>WAIT oomfie? is that a photo of her when she was 17 years and 10 months old? eeerm that's creepy dude, are you a pedophile? seek help weirdo
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Meanwhile in WuWa

How come Gencucks react so negatively to actual for (You) characters?

Are they actual cucks??
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Do I need to do unfinished comedy before starting Act V or can I do it any time?
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Uh oh pedo melty
FUCK Fate for stealing away the nep collab
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uh oh.. l*li melty
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we like to watch
she felt self conscious because he set you down on her bare thighs. it was a funny scene and I think everyone thought it was a funny scene but the usual suspects are trying to shitpost it because there's nothing to criticize about this patch.
There will probably be a few missing tribe locations to fill out with later map expansion patches.
You don't need to do it but if I recall correctly you'll have to finish it if you start unfinished comedy before initiating the archon quest
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Holy shit
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self-insertion is for pags
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>but the usual suspects are trying to shitpost it because there's nothing to criticize about this patch.
More like this patch has nothing worthwhile
uh oh pedokek melty
but I rolled Changli and her sword
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the electro tribe doesn't exist
it's been confirmed that it's only 6 tribes and 6 dinos, and the dino cookies food item confirms that the 3 tribes we haven't are cryo, anemo and pyro
the uglypoke squad
meant for >>487464549
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But more than half of /gig/ are pags
I literally can't get hard unless the word "loli" appears in the tags
Watching nahida peeing..
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I did Act 4 and Wrio's story quest, so idk why it's still suspended.
oh uh "meant for" schizo melty
>electro tribe doesn't exist
then what tribe is iansan from?
Why does he keep linking to his /v/ threads?
We need Kinich to be yumebait.
probably the pyro one or the cryo one
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innuit natlan tribe confirmed???
he is a manlet so the odds are on his side
Maybe she's some wild oogabooga that just lives in the woods which also is why she didn't get a chance to catch the ball and state her feelings towards the tournament in the trailer
she only felt self-conscious after paimon snitched. she literally said she would rather the camera on the ground than her lap
turn off focused mode
Deepthroating Nahida's massive futacock and swallowing all of her delicious thick cum
Two threads... killed... for what?
this post is racism outside of /b/
very uncool if you'd ask me
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No, anemo tribe is represented by Chasca and the saurus clearly has wings.
>inb4 but she was cryo in the trailer, her 3D model is bullshit!!
The flag of her tribe has green as its highlight. The confusing one is the blue flag.
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Would you rather these deranged lunatics be on the streets? They're called containment threads for a reason.
>other than Navia and Durin, everything on the list is wrong
Why are cuckfags so desperate here that they're using fake info now?
And they call fujos delusional
The blue flag is Cryo.
The green flag is Anemo
Chasca (or citlali) are from the Cryo tribe.
You allow Chilumi in here
I thought incels got off to girls being shy so they can seem "pure"
>all the characters i want to fuck are safe horny
At least I'm not a pedophile that fucks "unsafe horny" shit
anon, I pulled for Sigewinne, I do not care about meta
Is Xilonen useful for Dendro or no? She's strictly for Pyro/Cryo/Electro/Hydro/Geo?

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