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Soon™ edition

>>>The Game<<<

>16/06: New Todd interview confirming a second DLC - https://youtu.be/2ew8LQFGNWU
>09/06: Video update - https://youtu.be/UiN5PDu400s
>09/06: Shattered Space trailer - https://youtu.be/iNM1HFzQC8c
>09/06: Creation kit and Patch 9 - https://bethesda.net/en/article/5fJOins2DKdriTNVBvBjdR/starfield-update-1-12-30-june-9-2024

>Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/

>Q: CK?
>A: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2722710/Starfield_Creation_Kit/
>Q: What happened to .ESL?
>A: .ESM can become a light plugin now instead
>Q: DLC?
>A: 2024 no specific date yet
>Q: What's the deal with NG+(+...)?
>A: Restarts the game with minor changes to the story and world, while preserving your powers and skills. 10 cycles for suit upgrades, 6 cycles for upgrading the starborn ship
>Q: Should I reinstall?
>A: If you are excited about a customizable difficulty, 3D maps, ship decorations, new bounty hunting missions and mechanics, official mod support, then yeah

>/stag/ modlist: https://pastebin.com/QJQPqqfe - https://rentry.org/stag_mods
>Artbook rips: https://mega.nz/file/TlJSBTwB#GhmrZRoHDAhhei__Bz2zc6GisgB67_vONrAfYQR8lK0
>Character builder: https://nukesdragons.com/starfield/character
>Threadly space music: https://youtu.be/t-T6lEYJHm8
>>>OP template<<<
>https://rentry.org/stag_op_new (will be periodically updated)

Previous Planetary Survey: >>487022958
ummmm source?
He saw it in an artifact vision so it must be true.
Can't wait to see how people are going to mod these buggies. Motorcycles, trucks, tanks, RVs, so many possibilities
A Halo Warthog is all I want.
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Genuinely strange that a setting with cheap and common gravity nullification tech does not include flying cars.
Yeah. There is a lot to do in Starfield.
It can fly for 2 seconds, Mako style.
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Take Fallout 4's Vertibird with all their functionality; ability to fly to a waypoint at high speed over low LOD terrain ignoring obstacles, player able to operate a turret while the AI flies, and give it more of a small shuttle look. Could even implement them as shuttle/fighters that help out in space combat.
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Is there a good breakdown of extractor rates?

If I just want to calculate everything 1:1 is it the same by rarity or does the type of matter count? Are barns and greenhouses outliers?
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>But the origin of the understanding for the grav drives comes from Starborn Aiza
We've never seen Starborn suck you out of time to talk to them in their time for weeks or months (idr which.)
It was an entity that took Victor's shape.
Closer to the Serpent (though to be clear I'm not claiming the serpent did this.)
>Take Fallout 4's Vertibird with all their functionality; ability to fly to a waypoint at high speed over low LOD terrain ignoring obstacles, player able to operate a turret while the AI flies, and give it more of a small shuttle look. Could even implement them as shuttle/fighters that help out in space combat.
what flightpoints do you need to go to on barren, dead, completely empty worlds like Cheyenne and Jemison's Alpha-Whatever?
Solids (Commercial = x1.25 Basic, Industrial = x2 Basic):
3.33 / 4.16 / 6.66 - Fe/Ni/Cu /Pb/U/Al
2.22 / 2.77 / 4.44 - Co/W/Ag/Ir /Be
1.66 / 2.08 / 3.33 - Ta/Pt/Au /Ti/V/Li/Nd
1.33 / 1.66 / 2.66 - Yb/Pd/Sb/Dy/Pu /Eu /Rc/Ad/Ie
1.11 / 1.38 / 2.22 - Vy

Gasses/Liquids (Commercial = x2.5 Basic, Industrial = x4 (or x4.025 maybe) Basic)
1.11 / 2.77 / 4.44 - Ar /HnCn/F/SiH3Cl
1.66 / 4.16 / 6.66 - Cl/He3/C6Hn/H20
0.83 / 2.08 / 3.33 - Ne/R-COC/Hg
0.66 / 1.66 / 2.66 - Xe/IL/Cs/Tsn
0.55 / 1.38 / 2.22 - Vr
0.41 / 1.04 / 1.66 - xF4

Simple Fabricators:
Comm Relay, Austentitic Manifold, Mag Pressure Tank, Monopropellant, Polytextile, Tau Grade Rheostat are all 5.05/min, everything else is 7.57/min.

Compound Fabricators:
Control Rod, Nuclear Fuel Rod, and Sterile Nanotubes are 1.89/min, everything else is 3.78/min.

Multiplex Fabricators:
Microsecond Regulator and Power Circuit are 1.89/min, everything else is 0.94/min.

Organic Resources:
Commercial = Basic x1.25, Industrial = Basic x2
Common (Fiber; Metabolic Agent; Nutrient; Sealant; Structural; Toxin):
1.66 / 2.08 / 3.33
Uncommon (Antimicrobial; Cosmetic; Membrane; Pigment; Spice; Ornamental):
1.11 / 1.38 / 2.22
Rare (Adhesive; Amino Acids; Analgesic; Aromatic; Hallucinogen; Sedative):
0.83 / 1.04 / 1.66
Exotic (Biosuppressant; Hypercatalyst; Lubricant; Polymer; Solvent; Stimulant):
0.66 / 0.83 / 1.33
Unique (High-Tensile Spidroin (1.3kg); Gastronomic Delight (1.5kg); Luxury Textile (1.5kg); Memory Substrate (1.4kg); Immunostimulant (1.3kg)):
0.55 / 0.69 / 1.11

Good luck to 1:1 load balance that.
Realistically something like that would be heavily regulated, the last thing the world needs is people crashing through roofs, peeping into windows, and having an easier time breaking into an upper story patio door many people wouldn't think to lock
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Beautiful, thank you.
I have not tried getting itno this fabricating factorio malarkey because I haven't seen the point. Maybe if the actual rare components you could only make or find? Currently every city sells them all
Andreja is cute.... CUTE!!
Crafting XP. Wait in chair for 24 hours, craft ten thousand nuclear fuel rods, throw them in the ocean of New Atlantis because no vendor can afford them and credits are meaningless.

But yes it's just being autistic for the sake of it. The fabricators are objectively worthless.
>It was an entity that took Victor's shape.
That's a good theory. We still don't know if The Great Serpent is an actual god even though many dialogue lines confirm that he has telepathic abilities which aren't obtainable by humans and Starborns. Only Terrormorphs for some reason (I remember an anon joking about the serpent being a terrormorph)

Ulterior motives by higher beings, humans are a play piece in a grand chess game.
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My Adhesive farm on Gagarin is literally the most important thing in the universe. I like to modify my guns, which requires a non-trivial amount of adhesive.
How much xp is it for 1 rod?
Oh yes. Adhesive and some of the base metals I use a lot. Also the Better Living mod has every object required iron and aluminium for some reason so I need a lot for more than my xp farming
I like to farm animals for Adhesive and sealant as well and make a little farm of aliens
A stack of 99 gives you 980 xp.
I believe him
>still no mod allowing you to build a class M capital ship where you can dock (store) your other, non-class, M ships
It's over. Nova Galactic has fallen. I just want a clone of the Vigilance bros.
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Go on adventures with Andreja. Explore the stars with Andreja. Flirt with Andreja. Be there for Andreja. Give Andreja your best armor and weapons. Tell Andreja how much you love her. Protect Andreja. Save Andreja. Marry Andreja. Have jetpack sex with Andreja. Build a comfy outpost for you and Andreja. Stay in your original universe with Andreja. Go on patrol with Andreja. Hunt down bounties with Andreja. Arrest criminals with Andreja. Buy Andreja a new gun. Fight side by side with Andreja. Give Andreja the spoils from battle. Kill as many criminals as possible with Andreja.
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Post your non-M Class copeships. I'll start.
Using your imagination is a big of exploration in videogames.
Anon said that spacestations won't get added later but I'm pretty sure our reliable SFAnon confirmed that spacestations will get added later. Same with making generic crewmates followers which might be good for creating simple custom followers without messing with dialogue trees.
Can spacestations propel themselves?
Nah they are supposed to be stuck in orbit unless you added engines to them since they are using the same shipbuilder as ships but it won't be a spacestation at that point
starfield isn't shit
That didn't suck, in fact I liked it
That sounds nice with the 75% xp bonus from settings
Right then I might make a farm
>but it won't be a spacestation at that point
But it is one mod away from being an M-class ship isn't it?
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This is a very specific and obscure detail.
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Go on adventures with Sarah. Explore the stars with Sarah. Flirt with Sarah. Buy Sarah her favorite Chunks. Be there for Sarah. Give Sarah your best armor and weapons. Tell Sarah how much you love her. Protect Sarah. Save Sarah. Marry Sarah. Have jetpack sex with Sarah. Build a comfy outpost for you and Sarah. Stay in your original universe with Sarah.
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i hope we eventually get larger weapons
>cant customize weapon colors
It's over
this & let me place extra shields etc. purely as decorative pieces
There's a mod for that but it means all weapons and structural parts will lose their original color
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Be told not to shoot at civilian transports by Sarah. Be asked to holster your Va'ruun war crime rifle in the club by Sarah. Get a two hour lecture on why you shouldn't hit children with your buggie by Sarah. Get woken up in the middle of the night to be interrogated on why Cora is in the brig by Sarah. Realize this game has no airlock to shove Sarah out of as Sarah calls SysDef.
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multistory hubs would be nice too.
Is there are more depressing thing to do than browsing the Starfield nexus page and only seeing shitty reskins, Star Wars models rip off and chargen files. Shit feels like the Fallout 4 Nexus page with some gems stuck in the middle of an ocean of Chargen files and settlement bluprints
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A 2x1 or 3x1 hab sized 'particle cannon', for a spinal mount big gun would be great.
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Just let me decide where my doors and ladders go fucking please
Modding has declined in general sadly, not just Starfield.
Ripe for mods
Everyone was expecting that long before the game launched
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So if I want to harem I need to romance Andreja first?
pls respond
Yeah but you can get a mod for that if you want Sarah first
okay thanks
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andrejachads keep winning
>gameplay """overhaul""" I'm using updates
>look at changelog
>went from suck to blow
why do modders release decent content and then proceed to ruin it with objectively unfun changes
I wish pirating ships wasnt such a pain in the dick too. The Mantis quest gives you a ship whether you got into it or not, i cant see why we dont have an option to do that.
With a mod to lower that registration fee.
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>no multistory habs
>no 1x1x2 stair pieces
>no elevator
>the only hallway pieces have no windows
>landing bays are basically just exterior decoration, do not function as cargo holds and cannot be entered while the ship is in motion
where the F*CK (fuck) is the inevitable ship parts expansion?
Just let them release the vehicle and shattered space first besides with the current model im sure ship addons will be paid separately for each hab
Multistory hab & stairs exists in a mod, its pretty good but basic & ideally we'd want a load of these habs for each ship manufacturer
If they legitimately put stairs or door placing behind a paid mod i will freak out. I don't care about them putting up skins or whatever but that's too much
Register it in your personal menu, not the spaceport ship technician, much cheaper.
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Does anyone else rarely use the long barrel or compensator mods?
they make so many guns look ugly
They aren't very visible in first person models
>putting a noguns in charge of gun design
I'm still angry about the AA-99's charging handle that I modded a drumbeat to have a higher base damage so I can keep using it. The drumbeat is one of the few non-fucked starfield weapons, design-wise.
Yeah, I like to swap to third person though. I will choose looks over the stats most the time. I also keep my regulator base
There's plenty to trigger /k/ommandos but I like the overall aesthetic of the weapons
I dislike bad aesthetics, but I also dislike being impractical. Practicality always wins in the end, though.
Luckily the only mods that matter are not visible. But yeah the gun diversity is just... why? Poor aesthetics, limited difference in playstyle, huge amounts of pointless features. The most iconic weapons are the mag weapons and they look cool with a grid of laser sights but ultimately don't bring anything to the table you wouldn't already get with a rifle. And that's without the usual complaints of gun sounds being anemic, bullet sponges being poor balance to compensate for crap AI, and all the other standard industry failures.

They should really force the people working on video game firearms to go to a fucking rifle range and put 200 rounds through a fully automatic weapon. Otherwise it feels like I'm watching porn made by virgins.
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Update is out lads, hope you like it. Probably wont touch it again for a while.

It's not even a "this will trigger /k/trannies" thing. It's "why is there a dust cover that cannot do its job because the charging handle is in a way" thing.
holy shit please do
Earth is so retardedly barren when there should be ruins everywhere buried in the mud/sand/dirt
After publishing this >>487478576 I'm gonna take a break for a bit, but yeah I'll start messing with it soon
You didn't dabble much if you think Mag weapons are inferior to basic rifles or remotely bullet spongey (that goes for any weapon with an advanced tier)
CombaTech, CoomTech you mean
An Eon is all i need
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The enemies in the game are bullet spongey, that's an issue outside of the guns themselves and more of a design issue. I play on maximum damage for both myself and enemies because it feels best to me on the highest lethality and fastest TTK.

What I mean is the actual gunplay. A magrifle has a better stat line than a ballistic gun, sure, I think the magsniper does baseline twice as much as the 50 cals. That's exactly the problem. It's just another gun but better.

I'm going to compare it to CP2077 because it handled future guns really well. Power weapons could bank shots, smart guns had auto-aim, and tech weapons could blast through cover. There were actual, meaningful decisions between weapon archetypes and how they handled in a gameplay sense, and they were largely unified by their design languages so they felt consistent.
Honestly, a big issue with both Fallout 4 and Starfield is that Bethesda added most of the features normies wanted, or at least added them in post release patches, so there's far less drive to mod them outside shitty reskins/tacti-cool armor stuff.
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You know that it's grim when the fat tranny "quirky" companion mod is one of the mod of the month
It's an RPG of course enemies will be bullet spongey if they don't match up with your level and it's not like enemies are level scaled to begin with. Still, it's so easy to cheese them with the right build to the point where NG10 damage reduction + Extreme player damage is the only way to even the playground.
Think you're better than that piece of shit you've responded to?
Could you fuck that faggot up in a fight?
Probably not, don't have fighting skills so I only got weight and height besides, what the hell is this question.
So you're saying he'd fuck you up?
Yes I understand the concept of firearms in RPGs and I'm telling you it doesn't feel good to dump multiple magazines of 11mm into a space Trex and it lives because HP pool big. And yes I know when you've dumped 100 hours into the game and have a legendary semi-auto rifle and max stealth perks you can still 1-hit-ko most enemies. I'm saying that other games handle these mechanics better, it's not like it's a mystery problem and Bethesda is a pioneer.

I'll kiss you on the lips, coward, don't think I won't.
Nobody is fucking anyone up, calm down
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>it doesn't feel good to dump multiple magazines of 11mm into a space Trex and it lives because HP pool big
But it does and no, you don't need to become a stealth archer to make weapons viable. That's only reserved for snipers.
I was level 80 and this thing one shot me. I'm pretty sure I had something like 4000 hp and was wearing advanced/superior armor.
Man the Microgun is the worst offender. Assuming the caseless measurement is what we get and not the projectile you're looking at a 7.5×55mm Swiss with more propellant and less cartridge. You're nearly firing a .308 minigun. Do you have any idea how insane that is?

Casting Starborn fireball is more believable than anything surviving 20 seconds of sustained fire from that beast. Unless that alien is made out of rolled ablative ceramic there's no fucking way because you would've just killed any infantry fighting vehicle.
Wow, that sounds like so much fun...
You wouldn't get it.
Get told you're carrying too much weightless critical medical supplies by Sarah. Get asked why you picked up ammunition for the gun you're literally holding in your hands by Sarah.
I "get" diarrhoea.
Wait who makes the Pacifier?
They do. It's missing from the image
>Assuming the caseless measurement is what we get and not the projectile
Caliber doesn't describe either of those things, it's the internal diameter of the barrel
They should rename Starfield to Starlibtards.
Right. The caseless component wouldn't need to go through the barrel.
This image makes me yearn for a more indepth resource/crafting/economy dynamic.
That's because you're gay. You like penis.
Probably fake downloads. They do everything to highlight troons and shitskins.
What about shitskin troons?
Level 203 here. It's either that or killing alien wild life on high level world with the difficulty sliders maxed out
Audrey is kinda based
>I'm a transgirl she/her
>My voice? it's okay bro just ignore it
omg POIs thank you so much
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I just do the Indicite waffers because it's faster
So a kraken with the rank 4 25% critical chance would wreck shit perchance
Kill yourself at the first opportunity.
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funny thing has happened. Cora has disappeared from my ship but every time me & Sam come back he talks to the corner saying "you alright there gumdrop, we're home". I'm enjoying Sam Schizcoe
>You need to let go, Sam. The accident wasn't your fault.
Who's is this? Can I download it?
I always hear it as cumdrop
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Audrey is my wife. Show some respect.
I'm trying to hold off on a second playthrough until the expansion drops.
I don't visit this place often, are we excited for it?
No it's not like I've been begging SFAnon to leak it but he ignored my question so they don't have access to it
I'm going to assume verified creators were getting maybe a week or two's worth of early access prior to a release, similar to how the betas worked. Not sure if they're going to get early access to Shattered Space now though because of these leaks.
I love the Big Bang look, I hate the shitty orb it leaves.
still no pussy mod wtf
I'll have you know that there's no PUSIEEEEEEEEE
>he doesn't Ponder the Orb
Your wife's a dude, dude.
The problem with female bodies is that you have to make FULLY MODELED holes.
This disgusting troon artstyle doesn´t make it better.
Unassign and reassign Samuel J. Coe, Cora should reappear then.
I’m not motivated to make a 2nd character, at least not until Bethesda releases Starfield on PS5 so I could do a Platinum trophy run.
any mod that increases crew count that works?
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There should be big ethnic enclaves on the more settled planets to explain why there are so many micks, frogs, ivans, jeets, nigerians, changs, and japs around instead of mutt monsters everywhere. This could be a pretty quick and easy way to fill up some of the free real estate on places like jemison, in that no real lore or anything would have to be written. It also just makes sense that various countries would have their own colonies.
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>It also just makes sense that various countries would have their own colonies
Yeah. Too bad international corporations like Bethesda hate countries and normies just think countries are a "vibe" and no distinct people.
1. There are already many, many multi-ethnic people in Starfield. You have Asian people with white last names, but more commonly, you have a LOT more white people with hispanic and asian names. Barrett himself is also mixed, or at least I think he is, since he has a Norwegian name of Amundsen.

Todd is essentially saying that all the multi-ethnics, or “mutts”, as you say in incel speak, are white. Ularu Chen, Benjamin Bayou, et cetera.
There are also a lot of Paddy O'Brians with red hair and a brogue. They don't make any sense if there isn't a New Eire out there somewhere. Las creaturas de las estrellas are expected and need no explanation beyond what's already shown in big multi-ethnic cities like New Atlanta or Ram Ranch. There's also no reason to think Barret is any more mixed than a modern day american negro. They all have european names already. So they probably have one or more colonies more or less of their own too.
What race is Andreja.
>Notable Eugenicist Todd Howard.
Expanse did it better because it was deliberate.
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House Va'ruun obviously, duh.
There aren't enough settlements to justify the diversity we see and the settlements that do exist show zero evidence of ethnic enclaves like a chinatown or something. The only explanation is that there are all of these settlements but they just aren't in the game for scale purposes.
Well that's basically what I'm saying. but I'm also saying they'd be relatively simple to implement as basically groups of Arena/Daggerfall type settlements full of citizens set to mostly have certain parameters for appearance and voice. These wouldn't be terribly interesting to explore, but simply being there would add some texture to the setting and fill in this hole. More interesting content like quests, unique architecture, and unique NPCs could be added to them piecemeal.
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I'm level 150 and T-Rexes are fucktrucks, as they should be.
And they're tanky.
But if you have a good gun, you can still kill them.
Balkan, probably Serbian.

>Captcha: MGYATT
How does melee work? Is there a way to bash with actual melee weapons? Basically pull off the good old skyrim vegetable soup stunlock tactic or something. That could be fun against bosses and the like but Im not sure if its possible.
>How does melee work?
Same as in minecraft, you do your one and only basic attack until the enemy health bar reaches 0 and nothing happens in between
Personal Atmosphere and Bash for infinite power attacks. However, melee sucks if you’re not a stealth build because enemies stagger the fuck out of you with their gun bashes.
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>How many years of experience do you have working in a secretarial position or corporate environment?
>How familiar are you with Ryujin Industries and its product lines?
Not familiar at all.
>What is your proficiency with computers in regards to typing and file management?
>What level of education have you completed?
>Do you have a history of criminal activity?
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>the way you escalated that disgruntled employee encounter until you could feasibly murder him in broad daylight and claim self defense?
Melee is underpowered and even if you removed stagger, made it fast and increased the damage, you'll get hindered by movement and jetpacks.
I guess you could use skip boost jetpack and ignore Gymnastics but I haven't tried that yet.
I should fail the missions on purpose just to hear what they have to say
whats the question again currently hiding from Bethesda atm so gotta lay low
>Had 1000 credits from pre ordering the game
>Bought the robot companion and the bounty hunter quest
>Both does not appear in the game
In before i need to remove them from the game files and redownload them because Bethesda are fucking hacks
Shattered Space. Is it one big workspace or one planet with multiple locations you can travel to?
Any story hints?
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Recently tried to download a Wabbajack list for Skyrim and I had to completely reinstall the game twice to finally get all the Anniversary CC content to download
That one is funny. One of the anniversary CC content have two different files names depending on how you acquire them. When you download the CC content, you get curios.esm, but if you remove it from the game folder then check integrity with Steam, it's going to download CURIOS.esm. There are wabbajack lists that use curios.esm and others that use CURIOS.esm. On the safe side, if it is not working, just delete all of the cc content esm and bsa files, do not check integrity with Steam, then enter the vanilla game to re download all the cc content files. It's much better than re downloading 600gigs of wabbajack mods
Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep that in mind for next time. I didn't redownload the actual mods, they were hashing fine so I figured there was no point, but it was Curios that was fucking out at least one time.
I like the idea of why the player was hired, petty office politics.

Yeah I'm not paying for an unfurnished house
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head up, her next one doesnt even look as good as this.
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Why does Greed have to fucking ruin everything? This is not even HALF the shit a good skyrim house mod for FREE has and TransGirl wants 6 dollars for it?
People just fucking suck, modding was supposed to be a hobby. Come at me all you like, I don't think modders should be paid for their work. Put up a donation page and get a job
Come at you for what, being right?
Cry about it, freeloader. Modding for free isn't sustainable anymore thanks to inflation
Modding for payment isnt sustainable either when Bethesda literally take 75% of what you earn lmao.
That's not true.
Based on their past experience with paid mods, its truthful, unless you can tell us otherwise.
Not breaking NDAs to prove you wrong
>im not going to break NDA on an anonymous tibetan basket weaving forum
so you're a faggot and you're below a wageslave? sad!
You can become a verified creator and see for yourself
Best thing they could add is a Test Drive function in ship builder that let's you use your current build in a Ship Simulator exercise pls
>Try out a bunch of different missiles. They all behave differently and have different capacities, but as far as I can tell, this isn't explained anywhere in the part description. You just gotta try 'em out and see. Some fire a single big one, some fire many small ones, etc.
>Similarly, there is a random ballistic "shotgun" part that you can equip. You'd never know it was a unique and different type of cannon without trying it.
Anyone know what ship weapons this is?
I also wish to enter the interior and choose the exact ladder and door placement.
I think Starfield could stand to have more legendary places, such as:
-A planet with an ancient village full of humans who've devolved into primitive roots and are the descendants of centuries old space explorers who got stranded on a planet
-Temples full of ancient tech that indicates the existence of intelligent aliens
-A heavily forested planet with a gigantic world tree
-A 30 minute long deep and dangerous cave on Jemison or Akila that leads to a hidden beautiful oasis with a few creatures not discovered by mankind yet
-A high tech Starborn society
A Starborn society is my biggest dream for the second DLC. The Emissary and his guardians should have a place where they can meet up and organize. Exploring that would be great.
Croatian. Her ancestor was Petar Brzica
hold up I never said anything of this lol
They should have a team of people just putting permanent interesting non POI locations on 10% of the planets out there.
You confirmed the crewmates
but debunked the spacestations
The modding scene is hilariously bad. It's depressing. Even the fucking paid mods are atrocious,
So what do you want people to make?
gay sex mods
We need some serious answers about how the multiverse and unity work for the Rick Citadel to make sense in Starfield.
The Robert S guy is working on that, but it's not out yet
>game is nearly a year old
>still no mod to be able to walk in on your mom pegging your dad if you take the kid stuff trait
Nice "rpg" btw
You're just gonna have to wait for the real Slim Shady to make that.
>your mom pegging your dad if you take the kid stuff trait
So I wasn't the only one who suspected that. The mom seems dom while the dad is lowkey submissive
there's some good shit already, it's progressing well. The paid mods are pretty bad but always were
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StarSim devs are hosting a QnA discussing future mods and StarSim
The fact that you expected more for this goyslop is crazy
What do future expansions need to add?
At least one more romanceable female character since you need at least 3 girls to actually make it count as a harem,. Ideally also make all the existing named crew member romanceable.
Either do procgen dungeons or make more POIs.
nibiru and ancient aliens
This is the way. Todd is very redpilled about radiant content so I'm surprised he didn't ship any of his games with procedural dungeons since Daggerfall
Move on to next projects. They have a better chance starting from scratch again honestly. I know this have been said many times but you cant fix this game any further, its going to be a waste of resources.
Sorry anon, but Bethesda already doubled down and said they would continue supporting this game for years to come, not to mention there are actually too many people playing and enjoying this game. I know you want them to get TES6 and Fallout 5 out sooner, but you're just going to have to deal with their process, or go and play something else for the time being.
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If No Man's Sky could come back from their launch, anything can. But Starfield has such a weak setting and poor writing. And so MUCH of it. I don't know how you fix that when it's so critical in an RPG.
I'd rather have Starfield than rapper bards
Starfield's writing is no worse than anything else Bethesda has done and all those games have a place for other reasons. I read more threads & outer opinions saying fallout 4 is the best one every day. Bethesda games always do well on their other merits, they've never been good "rpgs" for writing or choices & consequences. Fallout 3's main story is ridiculous for examplen
If anything it's a marked improvement
Starfield has moments of brilliant writing in some quests though but it's so scattered and minimal you forget about it after being beaten in the head with emil's blunt writing.

Todd must hear a lot of complaints about the writing, I always wonder why they never hire a group of writers to help write and let Emil just do the project management or something.
>poor writing.
This right here is the reason. No matter what they try to add, the moment a new player tries this game for the first time and see the horrible writing, they will move on to something else.
More natural disasters such as raining meteors, tornadoes, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, thunder strikes, hurricanes, and quest exclusive exploding planets. I wanna feel the thrill of escape as I speed back to my ship in a land vehicle and barely avoiding certain death.
Nepotism got emil where he is and keeps him there, they don't need to spend extra on actual writers since people always repeat the handwave about their games "not being about it"
Todd wants to be mr nice guy cool boss so he never really fires anyone, so all the deadwood that normal companies clear out just piles up over time for bethesda.
Did people stop playing fallout 4 for bad writing?
Fallout 4 is another laughing stock, dont know where you're going with this. That is dogpilled by pretty much everyone.
Does Starfield have alot of curated, good content along the storyline and elsewhere? I only explored random planets and put it down.
>No matter what they try to add, the moment a new player tries this game for the first time and see the horrible writing, they will move on to something else.
This didn't put new players off fallout 4 and it doesn't with starfield
You're the problem.

Are you serious?

Starfield is about the illusion of choice. The player makes no meaningful moral decisions. The player is forced into exactly ONE hard decision, which I won't spoil for you if you intend to play the game. But it's not a revolutionary twist or choice by any means. You see it a mile away.
I can tell you think you're saying something meaningful
I think persuasion somehow got broken in my game, reloaded the game several times and each persuasion attempt kept failing
No I feel the opposite. Like I'm constantly repeating myself in shallower terms because I keep getting baited into these conversations with people who ignore, defend or actively celebrate the ways that games are declining. It legitimately bothers me because I don't understand if people are really this ignorant or if it's some kind of defense mechanism.
You're arguing about Choice in a Bethesda game though. They have never been good with this, you're saying players won't play the game because of bad writing, I'm telling you that's proven wrong kek kek kek
What's actually happening is you're led around the nose by memes and rage bait youtubers, and become confused when you encounter normal people not participating in the two minutes hate towards the journo group text's current targeted product.
Dont bother, the fanbase is the very reason this company has become a joke.
>They have never been good with this
Is it too much to ask that they improve, at anything over the course of actual decades?
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Yeah they consistently get choice wrong and suck at writing. They're getting worse at writing. I'm not feeling contradicted by your statement.

Their sales have objectively declined since FO3 aside from Skyrim, which is kind of cheating with numbers because they rereleased it to the nth degree.

And writing isn't 100% of the sale but I personally know people who I had to explain that "Starborn with space shouts" was not a joke and literally the in game terminology and mechanics, in a game engine that has regressed features from a game in the same engine from fucking 2008.

Are you telling me these aren't problems in any way?
The game is very poor anon, it is what it is.
It isn't. Like every game you've fixated on since TORtanic, you've ignored all real world indicators for the sake of having memes and greentext take a shit in your head
I don't watch youtube. I'm actually playing the game through now that it's stable. At 242 hours and I didn't look up any spoilers but I have looked up a shitload of bug avoida

You're right. I just can't believe people unironically believe these things.
>almost a year
>doomers still wasting their time in this thread
>Sales don't matter.
>Public opinion doesn't matter.
>The game's quality doesn't matter.
>The game's writing doesn't matter.

What does? What actually does?
:( i forgot this
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>waste 1 hour of my life designing a Class-C ship like a fucking idiot
>delete it anyway because it’s so bad
Ha. Ahahahaha. It’s the fucking reactors, man. They’re so fat and ugly and only stick in the back.

God fuckin’ damn you, Todd.
Your very first point reveals that you're not very good at thinking, and have substituted Shazam memes and my dad works at Nintendo for real life. The game has been a sales success. The Old Republic "failed" on /v/ and went in to print money for a decade. "More like CyberFLUNK kek kek based kek" and then it went on to print money. Nobody cares about these irrelevant online meme tantrums, because they have no real connection to real life. It's just a small cloister of irrelevant and angry journos and terminally online tablet zoomers jerking each other off.
Starfield is the worst video game ever made.
you can hide a reactor if you surround it by habs, since you're making a class c it's going to be a fat boy anyway
I’ll always swear by Class B ships.
Class bitch more like
Those games aren't Bethesda. TOR was sold, and Cyberpunk recovered because CDPR cared and the fundamental game mechanics were good, the game just ran like shit and wasn't optimized well enough to be launched. But neither of them are Bethesda.

What makes a Bethesda game good. What is their redeeming quality. It's not a difficult question.
Okay, apparently the May update broke the Persuasion values for a lot of people and it can be fixed with console commands. The default value should be 1.00, but mine was like -0.24 when I used the player.getav 2d873b command, so using player.modav 2d873b # restored it to it's original value
TES 6 is doomed
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Make them part of your design or hide them
Never delete your ships no matter how bad they are
>1 hour
Rookie numbers. Some ships took 12 hours of interrupted tinkering throughout a single day. Didn't even have music on just locked in trying to make sense of the design I was aiming for
The head mesh in SF is surprisingly dense, you can actually get some really decent definition just in the geometry and smooth morphs on extreme expressions. Lewd mods should hopefully benefit from it, but I haven't kept up with developments for SF.
more pictures of this beauty please
I wonder if the land vehicles will have a few radiant quests tied to them, like having to taxi a few npcs to different settlements on the same map
would (buy Creations)
Sfanon said you can use it for those rescue npc radiants so maybe they added some more too
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>he doesn't know how to hide his reactors
>he doesn't build around the reactor
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the lady in akila's enhance office was offensively ugly, so i tried to fix her
i don't know how to get rid of her innate manface
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Yeah you can mess around in photomode and create custom expressions, pretty amusing to see the muscles stretching out.
are sci-fi settings conducive to erotic scenarios? i get why people do it in skyrim -- pelts, campfires, the rustic ambiance. who wouldn't want to get it on in such a place? but sexy times in the cold harshness of the nasa-punk aesthetic? i don't see it.
Not so much with women, but definitely with men, especially if aliens are involved.
A lot of quests, I enjoyed how true to life some of the characters are specifically the companions. They don't rely on quirks to stand out. Instead, the content of their characters including their thought process and how the past shaped them.

I don't like Barrett, his speech in the funeral offended me but I don't blame him. his life is kind of mediocre and the death of his loved ones combined with his love for science and homosexuality lead him to form that ideology.

As for why they don't hire writers, writers need to be quest designers too who also know how to script their writing not just write text and let the others implement it. It's easy to know what Emil wrote and the main quest was written by Will Shen so it's funny to see people blame that on him even though I don't see any issue with the Starborns, period. If anything, the dragonborn is less worthy of that name since he was born from a human mother not a literal dragon.
I see it a lot in my mind but it's always cold given the calming nature of space and not something furious.
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>install deadly hazards
>get cooked by radiation in thirty seconds on mars
Come on.
>tfw vanilla advanced environmental effects are more balanced than deadly hazards
90% of the writing in this game is terrible.
Made by the same autists who thought you should freeze to death in Skyrim
NTA but the writing wasn't offensively bad, in that it wasn't annoying or excessively stupid. My main issue was that it was bland, even by Bethesda standards. I kept thinking there'd be more interesting or fucked up situation the further you got from the inner systems, but it turns out there was absolutely nothing out there. It just needed a sex slave pleasure barge or a quest where children are being taken from fringe worlds and ground up into youth juice for the rich, something more out there.
I would like to masturbate my pussy a few times on the Frontier while I make my way to New Atlantis for the first time, just to pass the time and calm my nerves. When me and Sarah take our first trip on the Frontier I could eat her butt as a friend. Various sexual liaisons in the works, or on planet deadwood. Christen my first new ship with Sarah. Masturbate between missions or on long jumps. All sorts of stuff you could do for roleplaying and immersive storytelling.
the boredom of long space travel leading to sex and masturbation. i can dig it. different vibe from the fantasy stuff in skyrim, but it could work
Think of all the new positions unlocked by zero-g. She could spin around on your dick, with her pussy juices acting like a fluid bearing.
I watched enough MXR videos to know that loverslab mods are always a setup for some fetish not a sexual theme they work towards.
>are sci-fi settings conducive to erotic scenarios?
I intend to roleplay as a rape corrections officer, bane of spacers, pirates, and ecliptics.
just imagine being one of your victims
>t.spacer s(cum)
This is what happens when you get a born again Christian like Emil be supervising. Nothing can be too edgy.
True, the majority of Loverslab mods usually involves prostitution, rape, bestiality and bdsm themes, and are usually aimed towards a female player character, they rarely put out mods with a more vanilla purpose and rarely have any of it involve a male player.
Good. Edginess is cringe
>This is what happens when you get a born again Christian like
It had nothing to do with Emil's religion and everything with the game's rating to increase sales.
That's why Starfield is still rated fucking M?
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Whatever happened to this
He wrote the universal books and the Pilgrim notes
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>All we got out of this was the Sanctum Universalis, House of Enlightenment, and the Great Serpent.

I hope hell is real and he goes there.
You should. But the radiation on Mars should just increase your cancer risks if you live there for many years, which is out of scope of the simulation.
The whole Starborn aspect of this game is rooted in Christian and Hindu/Buddhist theology
Shows pretty clearly in the Among the Grav Jumps book.
> Nothing can be too edgy.
And that’s a good thing.
I liked The Pilgrim writings so much that I wished he's an actual character. It's unclear if it's Aquilius or another person, The Pilgrim has or had eagerness in him that is nowhere to be found in Aquilius. Maybe it's one of his many phases just like how The Hunter is his edgy nihilistic phase.
Aquilius is the pilgrim, he has a couple lines about it if you go back and talk to him. It doesn't reveal much, but the Hunter also has a few lines about it if you talk to him afterwards and he says that they're completely different.
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>Heh. You need to understand that nothing in life matters, Mort-, I mean, John Starfield.
>That’s why I believe I did nothing wrong when I burnt down the orphanage, skinned that nun alive, and hanged every child I could see from the tree. They were using an Artifact as a fireplace ornament, after all.
I'm wondering if The Unity rewarded the first starborns with unique traits. Like The Hunter getting sliced in half with each side forming its own mind.
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>Get the fuck out of my face I'm minmaxxing the unity grind
Depends entirely on whether the Unity resets or diverges the universe or if all universes happen simultaneously independent of time. Or doesn't. Honestly if you violate causality literally anything is possible.
The concept is based on the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. There are literally infinite numbers of every possible permutation of all of the starborn.
Is it up?
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i almost close to the end of my 1st gameplay but don't want to get in to butthole 10times too
will try mods that relates to new game rewards and quickly reaches to NG+10 then wanna start that make my first outposts and ship building but i also feel this decision makes me wasting my 100bucks
did starborn anons repeat the main quest properly?
Only a second time to see The Hunter's reaction and I wasn't disappointed. Skipping is the way to go though
NG10 isn't necessary at all if you don't care about the damage nerf you'll get in 10
A codex or some sort of catalog for flora, fauna, and planets
then i will go to ng+2 and start to enjoy decoration and building, thanks!!!
your welcome
it's over
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>finally found a legendary Va’ruun Inflictor
>it is arguably “inferior”

My Epic Inflictor has Instigating + Hitman, while the Legendary version has Instigating + Lacerate + Skip Shot.
>you can eat terrormorphs now
It's over. Londinion has fallen.
Meals that Vae Victis would eat
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So does ghis add brainsprout & terromorph meat to the loot as well?
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I haven't tested it yet.
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I ate it
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>Spin in a circle with the outpost placer out.
>No rare resource.
>Fast travel across planet to new map seed.
>Repeat 200 times.
im an eggsplorer
I am wary of doing this because in my mind making hundreds of new landing cells will break the game in half but its probably absolutely fine, I guess my other reason is to keep it tidy I already wish we could erase landing site marksrs once we make an Outpost landing pad
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There's literally no other way. If there's no rare resource in the initial seed you still have to walk to an additional seed. Outpost building was a mistake.
It'll introduce longer loading times but that's about it.
>creations only
Have you invested in Scanning? It will show you rare resources areas
Doing unique resources and I'm not 4 deep. It might be faster to grind out the XP at this point.
Why is her hair green
why come andreja oompa loompa
(lol wrong image)
I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky like a tiger
Defying the laws of gravity
Oh come on it was funnier like that
With the buggy we should be able to set up basic trade links if you make multiple outposts on a planet too
I stopped trying to find "perfect" outposts that have every resource in 1 on a planet. It's too annoying and I don't even think it's optimal sometimes. I have 1 planet where I have 4 outposts and 1 of them is pretty much just for 1 rare resource and some farming
Some kind of effect from something, I don't remember what caused it

Well here's another one
What the hell is a sleepish potato?
24 individual outposts with 1 resource is the way to go. Luckily 1 or 2 of the organic planets get the bulk of organic goods down.

And you can just use in system cargo links already. But the cargo link system is so broken I just have the extractors and localized storage and move shit to my crafting base manually because it's less problematic.
>And you can just use in system cargo links already
Yeah, if on the same planet though I'd rather save the space and hassle. I also hate the system kek and want a simplified fallout 4 one
I have outposts producing 2-3 resources, but they only ship 1 via cargo links because of how badly designed the link system is, the Fallout 4 was so much better/logical. It's like they saw Factorio and it's logistic systems but didn't actually play it. With just one resource shipped per link they can't clog up with the wrong resource and fail.

Otherwise my outposts have 2-8 storages for each resource and I haul everything back to my central storage outpost in this large container freighter I built out of a Lil MUV I found drifting in space I built.
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The whole system is a huge backwards step from FO4 settlements. It's really odd.
>It's like they saw Factorio and it's logistic systems but didn't actually play it.
Literally took the words out of my mouth. The factory elements are identical sans logistics and it's absolutely detrimental to use them because you're missing out on XP.
>you can build a self service bounty board on your ship
so what's stopping me from robbing every single ship i see? will my bitch wife get mad at me
1500 bounty for a ship carrying 900 credits.

Oh, also the weird “ship level” system, however the fuck that works. I can threaten a level 54 Galbank ship to hand over all their money, but then its Level 16 little brother scoffs in my face and refuses to hand over anything.
That thought that you're paying space taxes to the space IRS. They hardly give a shit about your criminal activities as long as you pay them for it.
Give me your beat laser - ballistic combo as I grow tired of particle cannons
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>e-celeb shit
why the juno girl haircut? looks awful.
You shouldn't pirate ships without missions since you are losing on extra profit from the Crimson Fleet mission board and the misc items you get from the missions can be sold for 3k+ besides the credits you get from the mission
yeah, but this is Nu-thesda e are talking about. Writing to them is ripping off movies and being as inoffensive as possible.
one of the few objectively attractive females in the game, yet still ruined by the Ellen haircut.
Yes but again. Shitthesda have literally zero interest in making this game have any endearing qualities. after 76 they realised their audience is buck broken and will eat any and all toddslop in their millions and make them rich anyway.
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Can't wait to find out how this breaks my save.
That food looks nice.. oh and some girl is eating it.
what body and textures
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The only person worthy of recruitment. No more living in a fish tank. Time to explore the stars and cherish what's left of his twilight years.
Cute. Take him to see hadrian
He's bugged so he won't follow me or maybe that's how the mod works
I don't know why but just by looking at this image I feel a submissive energy inside of me that tells me to worship her body starting from that cute foot
Can you actually recruit him? I hate running back to his little cage for a mission
He doesn't speak so probably not. Maybe if you recruited him from the inside instead of using the intercom.
>want to start a new game since extreme is boring since it came out after my character was already high level
>that fucking perk grind
god dammit I just need to bite the bullet already
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upcoming proper official body for SF is coming soon, images here are the strong bodytype and Andreja would be using this for instance
>official body for SF
QRD? Physics?
part 2 of strong body type
He is no longer "asking" for Astra.
This is pretty hilarious Bethesda is giving us official coomer updates
physics will be made soon
No, no, this can't be official, you're clearly a false namefag larping as SFanon. that's clearly TheMilkDrinker's work
no official as in modder making proper body mod and not the other simple ones like VBB lol
look at comment above wrong word choice lol
body will replace the vanilla weight triangle so soo much easy to patch than how it was for skyrim
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nah, I'm not buying it. you're clearly an imposter trolling. there's no way in the Nine Circles of hell Bethesda would officially do this. it would be a ESRB/PEGI rating nightmare
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well Involve themselves in a body replacer at least. it would be like Miniature hot coffee incident
That anon's a bit of an esl, he likely meant to word it like "it's official, a proper body mod for Starfield is coming soon!". And the game is already rated M, a little bit of nudity won't hurt it since you can even see vag in Watch Dogs 2.
looks shit compared to 3BA
Someone should mod an Omnitrix into the game that transforms you into different aliens. Imagine playing as a Terrormorph

It's a start at least
ahhhh shit Todd just sued me. worth it though
3ba never coming to Starfield lmfao
Its an M rated game, Baldur's Gate 3 has full frontal nudity.
this I meant
so whats your opinion on this?
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What's the best way to eat heatleeches?
I want to see more Va'ruun clothing from Shattered Space
I want a Va'ruun burqa and placeable snake prayer mat with interaction an animations for inside my ship
I hope Todd doesn't get lazy and we get a bunch more Andreja story along with it.
I want to kill Andreja
Piece of shit
That's what you are.
>End of the DLC is to pick a fight with Jujubee Va'ruun or side with him.
>Pick the [Attack] option. Andreja sides with him and fights you as well.
>You can't kill her and after the fight she gets up and you have the normal angry persuade check for her to rejoin you.
I won't let you hurt my autistic snake wife
>go to snake DLC
>realize snake is some kind of starborn fuckery
>andreja, having a moment of religious revelation, decides to enter the Unity with you
>go to the next universe with Andreja in tow as a starborn companion
give it to me, and then give let me persuade the next universe's Andreja to do the same, until I create an interdimensional harm of Andrejas
>and then give let
>a harm of Andrejas
bros I think I got a gas leak in my room brb
The moment Andreja asked me not to enter the unity I knew I never would. This is the only way I'd ever experience NG+.
Anon will be with the Great Serpent soon
I hope they don't waste the single manhour they have budgeted for writing on companion horseshit.
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I arrested a Va'ruun Goth gf. She looks so sad. :(
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Andreja spilled her ice cream :(
Andreja does not share, not even with herself.
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At best it'll be like Far Harbor where you should bring Andreja for more dialog and context, but there'll be a new local companion that also would add their own dialog and context.

It'd be great if they added new Va'ruun ship modules so they had their own theme instead of flying around in repainted Stroud/Hopetec ships.

But, current Bethesda isn't capable of making a game like Fallout 4 anymore so expect 3-6 POIs on a planet which'll take an hour to complete and that'll be it for 35-40$.
One thing I dont understand about Colony War: how did the Xeno-weapons have a chance against the mechs? Other than Terrormorph, the other aliens seem docile and easy to kill
Why didn't the UC just create children super soldiers instead.
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Probably picrel. Wash it down with a BoomPop! of your choosing
Look awesome but not without bodyslide and outfit studio released yet.
Same way biological warfare beats tanks, probably. I want to know why mechs, specifically, were outlawed as an armored weapons platform when you have spaceships and relativistic weapons capable of insanely more collateral damage.
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I don't think my racist UC father is going to like my Va'ruun gf bros....
why does the UC have a Va'ruun embassy, but Freestar doesn't, weren't they allies?
The UC has a Freestar Embassy, but does Freestar have a UC Embassy?

I think it's just a matter of being redundant and the cities being playmobil sets.
Starsim or Vulture? I have 1100 Toddbux and I'm not buying more
>does Freestar have a UC Embassy?
Ambassadors stay in the Freestar Consulate just north of the Rock, apparently
Let’s just be honest with ourselves; the Freestar Collective is as much of a faction as The Strikers. They’re underbaked, even more so than House Va’ruun due to the lack of mystery and fanaticism that makes Va’ruun so interesting. All the major events in Starfield are in motion thanks to the United Colonies. The UC also deals with problems that affect the entire Settled Systems, while the FC strictly deals with what’s happening in its backyard.

It would’ve unironically been better if the FC gets deleted and replaced with a rival alien race, but that’ll defeat Starfield’s observations on humanity and immediately fizzle out the question of “Are we alone in the universe?”.
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After poking around a bit I realized that DH was really only highlighting the retarded solar radiation condition, so I just turned the whole condition off. You are not going to get that much of a dose just from walking around on a planet with a weak magnetosphere unless it's orbiting really close, or its star is pretty exotic, and setting it up to only happen in those conditions would be a lot of work for basically no benefit.
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Scoreboard, United Cuckoldry!
I kill your friend, he die like a bitch!
Drop 1000 xenomorphs onto a city, dead civilians can't run factories and mechs have a choice to blow up a building that contains 1 xenomorph and 100 civilians or just wait until the xeno kills all the civilians.

They're terror weapons.
Nothing about how warfare is described makes any sense (just like everything else in the setting lmao). You could just fly past a planet and jettison some garbage to obliterate it, for example, based on the (non-grav jump) speeds we see ships traveling. But warfare not making any sense is pretty much par for space operas.
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rest in pepperonis, bayu.
I'm surprised that Starfield section of Basedmods hasnt gotten bigger ever since the release of Creation Kit.
KFC has Neon so...
We see ships max out at 1000m/s for a few seconds. That's not even 1/30th of Earth's orbital velocity, ships in Starfield literally can't 'orbit' a planet, they're kept above a planet with their grav drives.
Someone answer pls
Most legendary benefits are actually not great.
I don't remember which ones are the best, but there's a fella on youtube that tested all of them.
other than removing all the black people I cant think of a mod that would be banned from nexus or creations that would be forced to be on based mods.
Terrormorphs and only Terrormorphs. Three of them can destroy an entire city
So being "based" just means being an incel loser?
Freestar Collective are very poor. They don't have enough money to migrate from that shithole Akila and they are sucking off Solomon Coe for cursing them in that dangerous area. I said it before the UC can destroy them without an effort, if they put their emotions aside like VV. But the new UC is too kind and lenient. The president doesn't come off as a fanatic.
We see ships blast across the solar system literally faster than light, no grav jump required. Now presumably being that fast is just a consequence of the funky way morrowindlikes handle time and distance, but there's no indication that flying across a system takes months or years. The way ships actually maneuver in the flying minigame has no connection to the laws of physics and is probably about as connected to how they are actually supposed to work as getting hit by bullets subtracting points from your HP is to actually getting shot IRL.
I’m convinced there was a regime change plot in the upper echelons of the UC. I mean, there’s no other explanation for pushing the enemy all the way back to their home planet, and then giving up and deciding that you “lost” and will accept any terms.

The new regime has specifically targeted the three top personnel in the UC’s armed forces.
Civilians joining the battle will be confusing to anyone with a heart so I don't see it as an outlandish explanation
If I were in that fleet, definitely, but my point is that it’s awfully fishy and asinine that the UC would declare defeat after all of that. I’ve also been searching for why people think VV is a war criminal, and everyone, and I mean everyone, from UC top brass to the Constellation companions to Hadrian to the Freestar ambassador, they have nothing to say other than he is a bad man. All I’ve got for further context is what Vae Victis himself is willing to tell me, but that’s obviously going to give me a biased answer.
I asked Hadrian and she told me about the bombing of Londonian but I don't remember her saying anything about the battle of Akila.
Not thick enough
son of a lmfao
how thicc ya want them to be extra?
Of course, but no one in the FC considers that a war crime, rather a desperate measure to contain terrormorphs. The player and Hadrian figure out the truth behind the Londinion bombing, sure, but during the Armistice negotiations, Londinion wasn’t listed as a sin on VV’s part.

All I got from the dialogue is that Fleet Admiral Sanon was too good at his job, and the only reason anyone in the UC would ever get rid of him, or imprison him and indefinitely postpone his execution, is if it meant they could secure a higher position in MAST. The current president does imply in one of her lines of dialogue she wasn’t the prez during the Colony War, and I suspect that is the same for all the people sitting beside her.

Vae Victis is one hell of a genius. Even under maximum security confinement, he still managed to orchestrate the entirety of the UC Vanguard questline. If he were able to go into Londinion, I bet he would’ve erased that recorded communication as well, and none would be the wiser.
I want to know who bitched so much about getting locked out of quests that now bethesda makes every npc unkillable. Especially in this game where there is a whole mechanic about multiverses and they can't just let you fuck up a playthrough and lose quests on one go around. The main unity quest already has built in failsafes like just getting the artifact locations from a computer. If someone wants to kill everyone then they just get a lame playthrough that goes right to unity. Maybe your duplicate you meet in the unity tells you that you fucked up and missed the story before offering you the chance to try again in the next cycle. Playtesters are such fucking babies about failing quests I guess.
I genuinely believe that Todd made all named NPCs essential because Bethesda fans are murderhobo psychopaths. I bet the play-testers went on random shooting sprees and broke quests when they went after named NPCs.

Look at how many players complain that the Constellation companions don’t like murder. Non-violent crimes, like stealing and smuggling and trespassing, dont even affect their affinity, their sole hard line is assault and murder, but Bethesda fans unironically bitch about that.
I don't get players who treat games as their own murder sandbox
>Playtesters are such fucking babies about failing quests I guess.
More likely it's just the continuation of bethesda dumbing everything down as much as humanly possible in an effort to appeal to everyone, they think that the majority of people are so stupid that even giving them the possibility of making their own mistakes is unacceptable and in the process make things less interesting for anyone who wants to use their own initiative.
I'm hoping they reflect on why BG3 was so successful and maybe dive back into their RPG roots but I'm not counting on it.
Disabling essential NPCs is as easy as pressing a button, been that way since Oblivion I think
Well you can do that but i'd rather have a game that's designed to let the player do what they will and account for different variables instead of putting a hard lock on them and the only possible result of going off script being to cut off content even if there's still a viable way in universe for it to continue without some characters.
You should know better to not expect that from Bethesda since even Morrowind showed a simple message asking you to reload a previous save
Having to set expectations based on a 20+ year old game that they only ever regressed from is quite sad.
Sure if you want to be dramatic about it, ignoring that Morrowind didn't even have basic dialogue options beyond asking about the lore which will results in a generic answer provided by every NPC
I cant kill this npccccccc aiiiiiieeeee im going ham
What the le actual he*k? Sarah hates killing NPCs? Stupid hag stop judging me
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Total Andreja Death
This is.... really fucking hot
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The time for peace with Sarah lovers is over... this is inexcusable...
This is my attempt at a B-Class Deimos cargo ship, as practice for a future 2nd character. I call it “Bad Company”. Yes, it’s after the band, and also because I want it to be a smuggler ship.

I like the aesthetic and the engine layout, but laying out the habs has been a nightmare, to say the least.
Nice job! In my experience, you can use the tunnels and spines to prevent ladders/doors from forming if you want a specific layout.
A rear view of the “Bad Company”.
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would plap
Actually looks pretty cool. Not buying it THOUGH!
>Walking around MAST. See the President's office.
>Feel the spirit of Ree Tardy Oswald flow through me.
>President of the UC is unkillable as expected.
>Random nameless USEC Officer is also flagged as unkillable.
>there's a gap between the cockpit and the structural part
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>NOWelcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.
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if you talk to people about them some of them mention the UC using them against civillians
Is this game still hard to mod?
Nah there's official mod support now
Consider the fact that rats irl can make their way through concrete, it stands to reason that alien creatures could be powerful enough to tank weapon fire and wreck machinery designed for warfare, have them operate en masse and they could be quite formidable. You also have to consider the fact that even a high level player character who is enough of a superhuman anomaly to genocide an entire facility full of well armed humans, robots, and even other superhumans all by himself could occasionally get one-shotted by some alien creatures.

Probably not enough Japanese people working on the game to warrant that.
I wish this game had BVR space combat, I know it isn't quite as flashy, but I love the idea of engaging in a standoff with a ship 100+ miles away, only being able to see them with your radar, lots of possibilities for integrating RPG mechanics.
Sorry, the target audience can't understand space combat more complicated than bad WW2 Dogfights. You have to make them feel like ace hotshot pilots.
Isn't that what hadrian is
And other 15 who are missing for some reason. Probably died in the war
I think she mentions most of them died
Alternatively, the UC simply completely ran out of ammo, fuel, and food because the FC fleet had been raiding their supply lines so effectively that the UC no longer had any transports. You find a log from some soldier saying he hadn't had any food or ammo in weeks. The final battle was more of a UC hail mary by a depleted fleet who's crews were about to resort to cannibalism.

Describing the FC ships as 'civilians' is propaganda, they're ALL civilian ships, the FC uses militia ships, they don't have a navy.
Pretty sure they did have a navy because they are also subject to the restrictions on battleships and whatnot stipin the treaty and there's something about their navy being largely destroyed which is why they resort to militia. They also have the most ship building companies so could build one easily
The Vanguard was formed after the colony war in direct response to the FC doing it. They had a standing professional navy during the actual war.

Reading into the battle against civilians being a victory but losing the war isn't unusual or unbelievable in the slightest. It's literally how America has lost every counter-insurgency. Multiply the strain on logistics to an interplanetary level and it becomes even more reasonable.
No, the FC *had* a navy in the Colony War, because they were defeated in the Narion Wars due to their reliance on militias. The FC Navy gave a fair fight, but their best mech pilots were getting shredded to bits by the UC’s xenoweapons in Niira, and they were pushed all the back to Akila by Vae Victis. It is indeed the civilian ships that came infront of the retreating FC navy and attacked the UC navy.

What’s frustrating is that you can only hear this from the UC cabinet, VV, the Vanguard museum, Hadrian, and Sarah Morgan. Sam Coe wasn’t in the war, so all he can say is “nuh uh that ain’t what daddy taught me” when you take him to the museum.
Ha, look at my newest trophy, she finally spawned after all these months.

I can’t really mod it and register it, stolen ships are still bugged since the AI is still coded into them, or some shit. Do I sell it, or keep it? Keep in mind that I’m at max ship capacity.
>Multiply the strain on logistics to an interplanetary level and it becomes even more reasonable.
Strain? The FC literally had no supply ships left flying by Londinium. And you find a log from a UC soldier at a POI considering cannibalism and having no ammo for his weapon.

>their best mech pilots were getting shredded to bits by the UC’s xenoweapons in Niira
You're told, directly, that the mechs were slaughtering the UC unopposed and only stopped because they were ordered to.

The UC's museum isn't exactly a reliable narrator given it doesn't even mention the whole supply and cannibalism problem.
Is the "diversity" problem as prevalent as the memes make it seem or are they cherrypicking really ugly NPCs?
>Strain? The FC literally had no supply ships left flying by Londinium. And you find a log from a UC soldier at a POI considering cannibalism and having no ammo for his weapon.

Yeah, that's exactly what I mean? The UC was strained, the FC too, so the war collapsing after a bad PR battle makes perfect sense.

One of the top downloaded mods on the official creation platform replaces the crowd NPCs. You decide what that means.
Generic crowd NPCs are all weird brown mutt potatoes. It becomes strange when you meet a red haired white skinned irish woman named NPC, who worked for her irish family company - who wants to date a somali mine shop owner.
I need a simple script mod that has both Sarah and Andreja appear in a double bed when you sleep with them nearby
>and cannibalism
that what?
They won't give you funny stares anymore if that's what you're asking
Star Wars and its consequences has been disastrous for space battles.
Someone answer pls
Keep it since it's rare
The pulse lasers sound cool too
What do you think of enhanced milky way?
Looks like a sextillion of Starborns all ejaculated into space at the same time
Just because he called it enhanced doesn't mean that it's actually enhanced, those are my thoughts.
I've slept on Venus for thousands of years
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
And you didn't get burned by the sun?
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I’ve finally found Jessamine Griffin after she mysteriously left my ship, right in Gagarin, but I can’t speak to her, and she isn’t in my crew list.

What do I do? I tried making her hostile and coming back later, but she’s still bugged. Did Todd do something and have her refuse to speak to anyone who sided against the Crimson Fleet?
You can still recruit her from Gagarin after siding with the UC. Sounds like you've run into a bug.
I recruited her the very first second I stepped on the Key, and she was still assigned on my ship when I sided with SysDef and after completing the main quest in NG+10.

So yeah, maybe a bug that didn’t need to exist.
Love dense foliage in games, but it's probably gonna make driving through them in the buggies absolute ass
My character wears a nose ring
I kinda like that, forest's you have to trek by foot. There's boosts on it like the mako so anything rocky will be fine
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>Starborn Feds come to my universe to try to kill me and take my artifacts.
>The Unity? Exploration? Fuck that.
>Colonize New Ruby Ridge, put up my Armillary, a dozen turrrets and security robots, and litter the forest with landmines.

I don't care if you're Starborn, UC, or Freestar. If you come within 1km of my property I will kill you.
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Wow, I'm surprised someone saved my picture! I changed the appearance of Rosie Tannehill because I like her soft voice.
next CK update when?
When the game is updated
but I need lip sync NOW TODD
My prediction is there will be a pretty big update sometime between the 2nd and 12th of August.
2 more weeks
I need a Doppler radar either on my ship or in my outposts so I can get a weather forecast that tells me how long I should rest until it's safe to travel back out.
It's up! You can now add your ships for sale!


This is quite big deal for who wanted to share their ships to everyone.
I can sell my ship designs in the Creation Club?
No, you add your ship to ship vendor.
all these cool people adding so many good mods into starfield
Things are probably gonna suck for those modders who chose not to capitalize on Starfield's modding scene early on.
still waiting for documentation and tutorials but ima be the biggest name in starfield modding ever
I'll believe in you anon
god speed, anon
Here's an easier solution for you. STOP BEING A PSYCHOPATH.
I should finish my radio playlist before the vehicle is up
Good news Vae's voice lines don't have the filter baked with them. Now to figure out how to disable the filter
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I could’ve sworn there was a Reliant Medical clinic in Akila City. What happens if someone gets sick or needs medical supplies?
There's a doctor in The Rock. The Clinic also belongs to the Freestar Collective but that's a hospital for long term cases
Well la-dee-da, look at Mr. Rich City Boy, needs his doctor to have "corporate funding", and "medical certificates"
Fuck off back to Neon, city boy
Ok, so if the Freestar hicks get into a yet another moonshine distillery accident, they need to barge into THE government building that houses all the Rangers and hosts all the Board meetings, huh? And for one single doctor, no less?
bruh freecringe collective cant handle that level of infrastructure have you seen their roads??
what a joke of a "country"
Can I have ship crew with isolation perk?
Nope, you need to fully commit to the incel loner requirements of that shit skill.
Are you sure? Even if I'm on a planet surface away from ship?
Ffs half Internet says you can have crew and half say you can't and another third say you can have vasco
They aren't a country, that's literally the point. They're a loose confederation of independent states that get together every now and then to tell the UC to fuck off
Starfield's writing is good, thoughever.
Oh yeah, enemies arent randomized in the first place are they? this mod is gonna help a lot
That 'joke of a country' managed to reduce the UC down to two star systems. Look at the map, the UC barely exists beyond New Atlantis.
>And for one single doctor, no less?
New Atlantis has one single doctor on a 24 hour shift.
based capitalist nation built for glowies
I wonder how long until Bethesda actually allows us to have Class Ms, or at least access to Trident Luxury habs
You did good, anon. Fuckable mixed race girls are a treasure.
That's not the only doctor, obviously. There's a skyscraper, you just access one floor. Thought that part was obvious
And the Freestar Collective having more than one doctor should have been obvious but it wasn't. We were being sarcastic and openly mocking the idiot, which you unfortunately didn't pick up on.
This shit is so cringe I ask you to hang yourself, holy fuck is this dumb.
>sex slave pleasure barge
The closest you're going to get to that is Sonny Di Falco's Island on Maheo I
The originator of the temples and starborn technology must be a human. The main quest has you interact with starborn technology to find the stinger on the scorpion, which is to say identify the last star in Scorpius. But, Scorpius is a constellation as seen from the Sol System. Go to other star systems, and it would look different. Further, Scorpius is a western constellation. Chinese constellations are completely different and it would stand to reason that non-human constellations would be as well.
Therefore, the original starborn were human.
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>The Hunter's not after me, he's after you, and I just happen to be in the way.
I hope they eventually reveal that there is something extremely fucky going on with the past of the setting. The history we're presented with really makes no sense at any point with the current state of earth being a stand out example and the starborn temples being conspicuously unexplained.
Temples and Artifacts were created by the Creators.
The Starborn puzzles lead us to Scorpion was created by The Pilgrim, a random ass Starborn, who obviously a hú4AJman
Hylia-II is home to an ancient ruin that uses light-based technology consistent with the temples. If the Pilgrim could build that, then he could build the temples.
It was outright stated by the entity in the Unity that temples were created by the Creators (and for the love of Todd, I hope it doesnt mean the devs and modders), not any Starborns like the Pilgrim
In which case the ancient ruin which depicts Scorpius was made by the creators as well. So they had to be human.
Yes, and it admits that that's a non-answer. Everything created is created by a creator or creators. It's tautological.
Yeah, but the "Creators" here are capitalized.
Meaning it's the name of a race/civilization.4G0P
Yeah, like how the Aztecs said Teotihuacan was built by the Olmecs, meaning "master builders" in nahuatl. It's giving whoever built it the name "Creators" because the thing you know them (whoever they were) for is creating the temples.
Toltecs. Always get those mixed up.
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How the fuck do I get Vasco to use his equipped weapon instead of his gay baby laser?

He has the ammo. I have unequipped and re-equipped both the weapon I want him to use and the stock equinox and they both have ammo. I've gone to multiple areas. I've tried making him use a melee weapon.
Supposedly he can use lasers, no other weapons. There's remarcably little info online about the game, feels like nobody's bothering to write guides or a wiki.
Both the official documentation and community support for this game is total ass. Not a surprise considering how bad of a launch it was. But I am always confused as to whether things I encounter are bugs are not.

All I can tell you is that I 100% got him to use a Maelstrom on my first 40 hour playthrough 8 months ago. He would shoot the full auto out of his chest. I didn't fuck with him again after that. I can't even get him to equip a semi-auto equinox, orion, or even a solstice now. I really wanted to give him a magstorm or a microgun.
>New Atlantis spaceport turns into a warzone twice
Do UCucks really think this is a "country" when they cant even defend their capital city?? Guess they really like the taste of that government boot
Can anybody tell me why there is a nasa cup in the room before we find the first artifact? How did it get there?
Time travel
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Is there any mod that adds orbital/rotational periods to planet info cards yet? I just want to know if a planet has the kind of days I want before bothering to land.
It would be nice if the time was displayed on the scanner or default HUD. at least sunrise/sunset or N/A from tidal lock. Don't we have this super technological watch thing that's suppose to do all of this but is barely represented at al in the game after Barett gives it to us?
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>go to collect debt for galbank
>*kssh* this is Alban Lopez *kssh* any LIST vessels *kssh*
Literally just give him 3kvz ammo lol

>He has the ammo.
Equip him an equinox. Press y on the weapon
Does it work with doubled enemies?
That quest is pretty fun though.
bro rosie is a red haired freckled girl like pixar brave
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>UC Sec in Spaceport scanning me for bounties
>a woman walks past me, uninterrupted, with a bounty on her head
Sexism in action
Can't you just test it yourself and see how your stats change in various situations?
You can have a crew. Isolation and introvert applies to followers (excluding Vasco)
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>wonder why this totally habitable planet is untouched by humans
>toxic atmosphere
>corrosive soil
>freezing acid rain
>the sea is too acidic for life
Yeah, setting down on Tidacha I was a mistake.

Shrodinger III is still the winner for the virgin habitable planet. It’s got a moon, the water is safe, literally no human infrastructure whatsoever, and you can raise bipedal raptor-sized foxes (Swarming Foxbat) as livestock.
>and you can raise bipedal raptor-sized foxes (Swarming Foxbat) as livestock.
Thanks for reminding me to hunt those for the Pokémon collection

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