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Previous thread:
First for anime
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Where is my Spear and bow.
Why the fuck is the fucking Spear the classified weapon.
>took almost 2 weeks for a new thread
lmao even
People have the nerve to call helldivers dead when this shit is basically a crackden being kept alive with doritos.
Legitimately the worst Battle Pass ever released (even worse than the Vanguard ones) + lackluster content for a seasonal update.

Slophammer doesn’t even deserve to be a support studio at this point, let alone a primary studio with their “own” titles.
The AI banned so many people from comms they had to make the game free.
don't give acti money until they make a good game
Now now, let's not get TOO retarded, okay.
Yes anon, they just had the publisher give away their game for free with zero hype, they really are unable to make a fun COD.
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do any of the boys skins have voicelines in modern warfare zombies?
>gamepass version on pc thinks you are playing on xbox
No, the vast majority of MWII in general skins don't have any zombies exclusive lines no zombies exclusive lines, nor does (at least Firecracker) have any zombies exclusive lines either.
That's because Microsoft uses secure UWP binaries or something. In the past some PC Goy Pass games were also in their own secure directory and modding or even deleting them properly was impossible. Haven't followed that much.
Easy to assume this is Microsoft's retardation. This is also why XB patches are two times bigger than PC or even PS5 ones... Trash company.
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>Legitimately the worst Battle Pass ever released (even worse than the Vanguard ones)
delusional, pic related
>they just had the publisher give away their game for free with zero hype
that had been the plan since the ActiBlizz aquisition dumbass, they finally got uncucked by Sonypony BS now, EVERY cod is coming to game pass
this will ensure the populations on console will be thriving for years
>delusional, pic related
nigga that looks like ass
get some standards
You sound like a trump voter kys yourself chud.
>me disliking slop = trump voter
are you mentally well?
Jenny didn't come back for Season 5.
the only people still in this general are probably unwell, i just popped back in because i figured i might as well check out the new season. i stopped playing at s2 because i can't STAND the hitreg in this game
say what you will about trannyfield 2040poo but my bullets land where i put them and i never experience 1-frame deaths there (y'know, when they put 5 bullets into you but on your end it looks like an OHK)
holy shit there are a lot of new maps, and the spas-12 is busted, i think. on semi auto with the right attatchments your reticle looks like pic related
desu i'm kind of excited for BO2 because MWII and MWIII were meh
Cel shaded maps completely break the little immersion I had for this turd. Fuck you, this is not Borderlands.
the next cod is gonna be shit too
>last cod was shit
>current cod is shit
>next cod will be shit
why are you guys even here if you believe this
so like, how can i play mw2 on my computer without getting l33t haxx0r'd
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>Season 5
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I'm trying to join a couple of my buddies in an MW3 party, they're both on console and I'm on PC having just installed this update. Whenever I try and join I get this error message. Is it a known issue right now or did something get fucked up with my installation?
Season 5 is FUN!!
this is the first BP I am not buying in 4 years. this really says a thing or two about society
best CoD has your needs fulfilled
NVM we figured it out, they had a patch waiting for them after closing the game.
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Hold on, let me launch this SCUD at Israel...
>Release patch
>all zombies content pushed to mid season
>still fuck up MWZ matchmaking
holy shit all of Sledgehammer needs to literally be shot. Every employee murdered for this god awful bullshit. The postal worker that does it would be a national hero
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>new guns
STG44 is bussin, don't care for the new SMG that much
>new maps
Both of them are great, small enough to be chaotic but not as 1-dimensional as maps like Shipment
>new attachments/AMP
haven't tried yet but blunderbuss MORS sounds awesome
hyped to use the buffed SPAS-12 (no I will not call it the "Reclaimer") with the buffs but need to max-level the new guns first. Side note: Shame on SHG for making us wait SEVEN MORE WEEKS for the akimo SPAS like wtf.
>party mode/mini-game mode/whatever its called
dumb gimmick mode that gets old after two matches, wish they wouldn't keep making these and give us more guns/6v6 maps instead
>battle pass
one of the better ones in a while, Mommy Valeria is based, the wrestler woman who's butt you can see is based, and the golden Japanese samurai is based. some of the other skins are nice too.
>cel-shaded maps
lame gimmick EXCEPT the Shipment variant because its set during the day which makes visibility way fucking better

I wish the javelin wasn't being held back until the mid-season uploaded
I wish we got something other than a generic SMG again as a new weapon

but overall this season is solid even if it's not as good as the previous ones, but they set the bar pretty high compared to the trash Infinity Slop had going in 2023

6.5/10 will keep grindin'.
Real chads afk the bp
MORS amp sucks
it changes the gun to have a 1-hit kill only at super close ranges instead of being a 1-hit kill at any range
I'm breaking bucks with my blunderbussy
>he doesn't swashbucklermaxx
never goin to make it on the high seas matey, arrgh
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goodnight codsloppers, keep the thread rockin until I wake up around noon tomorrow
as a codslopper, im in cod for the cosmetics, and i gotta say it's looking like mw3 year 2 instead of blops 6 for me

although if there's some good park skins I might have to get blops 6 after all
With all that money I would rather collect records, comics or even stamps.
But whatever rocks your boat, retard.
>collecting stamps
you're an actual window licker
Isn't that the burst m16 with an alternate barrel.
>hyped to use the buffed SPAS-12 (no I will not call it the "Reclaimer")
I still refuse to not call the F2000 an F2000
kek what a garbage thread
How? They got rid of Zombies AFK.
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damn okay, thank you
you saved me 2400 cod points for the boglight skin
>climb on top of tower
>wait until bimbo gas spreads
>exfil (optional)
Still works for me. I'm getting 3 BP tiers per match thanks to the 2x XP event rn.
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Who did she call?
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I think I spotted you in a game once kek.
It would have to be today.
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The STG is too slow
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>SEASON 5 is here and I'm YEETING PLAYERS so hard that they DISAPPEAR
>The STG 44 is BACK and it already got me reported
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Serious released the source code for the community patch of Black Ops 3.
As expected, there isn't a single line of malicious code.
>you're an actual window licker
You are the one buying disposable digital skins which are overpriced. And this is a first person shooter. Let that sink in for a moment.
Hello franchise killer.
The only fun class nowadays is riot shield for me.
Yes I will aim ahead of you so the lag doesn't allow you to flank me and aim up so you can't stab me by jumping.
I will wait for you to sprint to throwing knife you.
Yes I will throwing knife you before you get that sticky grenade off.
You will be limited to only thermite or you will die.
I will spend the entire game spotting you for my team on invasion so they can snipe you every single time you try to push into the camper paradise mansion and I will hold the mansion the entire game.
My teammates will kill you because you have no idea how to kill me.
No I will not apologise.
One step closer to a true PAWG operator
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>yfw I actually have a CW/BO6 skin IRL
>in a match
>doing well
>might even get a nuke
>feel diarrhea coming on
>only halfway to score limit
What do you do?
Hook up a controller with a really long wire and play while you're shitting. The controller will autoaim for you, just spam ADS.
Source? Its Valeria Garza from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2022) happy because she got another skin in Modern Warfare 3 (2023)
One of our country's biggest ISPs experiencing a traffic red line last night, >200gbps it was this game going on Gamepass.
I could be grinding in cod but I'm watching gay japanese porn instead...
Have the sweatiest shit of my life while nuking the shit out of my enemies. Surely the jannies will clean it up
I miss gooning to Domino, bros...
>"MWIII is dead guiz!!1"
>adding it to game pass is literally crashing entire country's servers because so many people are dl'ing it
doomers lost
Xchads won
Steam is completely irrelevant now
no because that's the normal 9mm m4, not the AMR9
I keep getting this notification ingame, wtf does it mean? I'm doing anything specific, it doesn't work toward my armory queue or anything. I don't understand and it's driving me INSANE.
If I download MW3 on Game Pass, can I then remove some of the elements (everything but campaign) to free up space? 217GB even before BlOps6 is fucking ridiculous.
On Xbox yes, dunno about PC
that pops up when you complete one of your daily challenges which goes towards unlocking new stuff
i assume game pass forces you use battle.net as a launcher; there is a "customize installation" option that lets you do just that
although the campaign was a huge disappointment to me; half of it is just recycled parts of the WZ map
Incorrect, it pops up even after I've completed my daily challenges.
So whats the META in MP now?
kys f@gg0t
KYS livestream it
what a SHIT game everybody is just rnning around
what were you expecting lol, its cod
dunno man i just... fuck me
Yeah, it's become a slide hoppy style game.
They can slide, stop and go the complete other direction, because fuck momentum.
No more just deleting 6 people with an AA12 because you got the jump on them, because you need to headshot people for that now with any weapon due to long as fuck TTK.
>get 1 game 0.9 kd
>next 10 fucking games geta bsolutely RAPED with 2 taps
couple that with basically everyone using aim assisted bullshit controllers
and now with the new keyboards having no double input
fuck sake
It is INSANE to me how the killcam shows people LOOKING AT YOU FROM MILES AWAY THROUGH WALLS and that fucking Controller turning

God fucking damnit this game is so absolute utter SHIT
That was BF5 actually. 2042 was just an extra nail in the coffin
naaah, people were genuinely hyped that BF2042 would be a redemption arc. I remember, I was there.
Heh, bought Counter Strike 2 prime and been playing it for couple of days. Result: 15 hours and multiple rage hackers. Two of them were so blatant people were yelling at them. Still encountered the same guy later during that day.
At least Activision does something, Valve does absolutely nothing.
I know I can't believe I defended Activision.
>Both Mami and the Latina are on Kortac
>No good skins on Specgru
Literally unplayable
Phil Spencer's strongest soldier here, are Zombies and the Story mode any fun or should i just keep shooting the shit on MP?
Also, if you think controller magically tracks you through walls it's not, it's something else.
Also: if you complain about controller you are just a bad kbm user btw. Source: I use kbm too. Sure controller is annoying but it's more about the other broken game mechanics such as broken hit detection and slide spamming.
Story mode is slop and Zombies is decent, don't let the treyarch cultists tell you otherwise
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you did get the best emblem in the game right codg?
how do you get it?
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they fucking killed it
Armoury unlock
>the SPAS-12 is still shit
why did everyone lie to me?
I hope they bring back the operator/skin randomizer from the BO:CW lobby.
What's the point in collecting them if no one ever sees them?
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>last 3 HP games there has been *AT LEAST* 1 enemy running riot shield and trophy
>meanwhile all of my treammates are the people who don't understand that modes other than TDM exist and never bother to uncheck HP in the filters
>teammates worrying about K/D in objective matches
Tale as old as time.
Crazy how both this general and /gtag/ are so devoid of life despite both of those games having a crazy high player count meanwhile FF14 has a decent playerbase yet it's general moves at the speed of light
>Gayme so dead they didn't even bother with a free trial weekend this time
Slophammer can't stop losing, kek.
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>this was the first aislop bundle in cod
it's even funnier when i still go positive on obj while they still go negative. like how's that working out homie?
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>lesbian science baby
Your fanfic is not canon
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the people in xivg don't play xiv. they just sit in limsa and DM minors while gooning over each others modded character models
Timed out waiting for instance inventory [Reason: MILDENHALL - CHAFFEE]
How did requiem extract a sperm sample from ravenov?
so 17 maps at launch (if you include Nuketown)
its retarded and EA doesnt know how to make first-person shooters
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I wanted Maxis to come back in MW3 as Laswell's wife...
This is very funny.
the king kong finisher in the battlepass is fucking kino
>Download MWIII from gamepass
>Cheater in my first match
>Every single match is just people camping on either side with the people moving have to sacrifice the first guy through to get the camper
This game straight nose dived after MW19
Nevermind after the 360 era entirely
Requiem got gamete samples from all employees, but they determined Ravenov's sperm was suboptimal for their purposes. They ended up using Carver's to impregnate Maxis's egg since it had sufficient melanin content. The problem was that Grey was a biologist, so she would have been able to tell that the sperm sample was switched, so Requiem took baby Ava and used the CIA's top secret race changing technology that was used on Bell while Grey was still exhausted and hopped up on pain meds before giving the baby back to her and pressuring her to put it up for adoption.
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Thoughts on MW2 2022? I always see endless praise for the changes with MW3 and the faster movement and more twitchy slide hopping. But I feel like things were going in a good direction. And they just reverted all of it.
Its perk system was awful. The only good thing about it was that it nerfed ghost somewhat, but that isn't worth dragging literally everything else down with it.
I was a fan of how they tried to make swapping to your secondary matter with stuff like quick grips on pistols.

anime chads....we won again
Why are they so unbelievably bad at balancing this game? Is it intentional at this point?

They didn’t want anything to threaten their precious SMG rape meta.
Shotguns should not use actual pellets for damage calculation. It should be based on how much of your crosshair is covering the enemy when you fire (with damage ranges of course). And if you ADS then it's calculated based on an invisible crosshair.
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Holy moly.
CoD on game pass. CoD MW3
It's a big game tho
Had to delete my coomer folder
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Sup /codg/, are you loving the STG meta-slavery?
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cod feels very consumer unfriendly. There's a new game every year, there's never very much innovation between installments, and they start advertising the next game with popups you have to click through just 4 seasons into the previous game. microtransactions that cost 20+ usd. they even tap into fomo strategies with how they're set up the battlepass and the weekly challenges. It's also always botherede me that they make so much money, yet warzone is still on 20 tick servers and mp is still on 60 tick servers, while the competition like counterstrike and others regularly get 120 tick rate servers. They have the money to improve this but the cod fanbase is ignorant enough to not complain enough for it to matter to them. They use every trick in the book and tell you to buy the 90% the same game next year.

I think I've just grown tired of this pattern. It feels fake. The basic game itself is fun enough, everyone likes shooters, but everything around it is so unhealthy and the business practices are bad for you, the consumer.

I know you all are just going to say "whatever there's the door" or "you'll be back tomorrow" or some shit to that effect, but I have a feeling that most of you know what I'm talking about, you just choose to ignore it for whatever reason.
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already got orion and one trick on it, its fucking busted, superi is still better though

just get MW3 it has the most content you will ever need in a mp cod, guns camos nothing beats it
>already got orion and one trick on it
Nice, I got the flowing Poo camo too
>Clementine is using something else than Bas-P
What are you doing?
Well, there isn't much competition outside countless of free to play Battle Royale games. God knows how many years it took just for xDefiant to come out.
CoD is like FIFA, everyone plays it but they hate it at the same time.
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>*AT LEAST* 1 enemy running riot shield and trophy
Sounds based
>>teammates worrying about K/D in objective matches
Getting both KD, and protecting the objective is what makes CoD addicting
everyone in my lobbies still runs with smgs
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TTV Chads, have mercy...
Ayo, Mami wrestler's butt cheeks are ripping through her shorts
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I miss DMZ and I miss the waifu warfare squad.

Alright activision, if you make a dmz game mode in blops6 I'll buy it. Otherwise I'll take a break from cod and play other games like I've been doing recently.
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What other games? Don't miss out on Mami's ass, soon to be censored!
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So I downloaded the whole ass game because it was on goy pass.
I like it. I mean I suck at it. I am nearing 40 and I have no chance against zoom zooms
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Nice ass but other than that Rhea is so fucking ugly, how are you guys simping so hard
It has nothing to do with your age, aimlet. You are out of practice.
Besides, this game is busted and it seems like your enemies are so much more skilled than you because the movement is so unpredictable and too fast in many cases. They are just spamming slide cancel and jumping around.
>Wanted to try learning to speedrun bo3 easter eggs.
>Required to use certain gums by the rules if you aren't playing classic only.
The fuck is this shit? Why?
you will eventually get good at the game it just takes time
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Event is next week
my bad 14th august the anime event starts
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only good bundle, mastercraft, has ammo attachment for the tracers, 9mm high grain so it works on almost all SMGs and pistols in the game
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>Tags: Corruption, Mind Break, NTR, Ryona, Moral Degradation, Humiliation
are you implying mw19 wasn't a campfest?
It could be at times, but not in the same aggravating way
Plus the maps though some were shit weren't nearly as dogshit as MWII or MWIII maps
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>>Every single match is just people camping on either side with the people moving have to sacrifice the first guy through to get the camper
/codg/ standards are higher. Sacrificing one guy to "get the camper" is not enough. You gotta give us at least 3 victims.
Are there no free weapon and operator skins in the BP anymore?
Oh there's a pair or so of gun skins but no free operator skins
Holy shit these games are getting so bad
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>>Every single match is just people camping on either side with the people moving have to sacrifice the first guy through to get the camper
Gang up on the camper. Take him out together!
What the fuck is this TTK
This feels almost as long as fucking Halo
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>What the fuck is this TTK
Hello sirs you from GamePass?? Redeem good gun and kill fast
Yeah I grabbed it from the gamepass because there was no way in hell I was buying it after playing MWII and the beta for it
MWIII is mobile tier schlock
Those one frame long whack-a-mole slide cancels are so stupid looking it's unreal.
>getting outgunned by the stg even when I shoot first with an SMG at close range
duuuude this is not cool
>STG gets put in every cod
>M1 garand doesn't
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I will now play COD
installing Warzone for Ripley right now
is MW3 skin worth it?
retards think it's good and fun, too.

anyway, yea, learn to build your guns. Recoil control is a good start.
Just play. Have fun. Cheating is rampant in Cod and so generic that I suggest you ignore 80-90% of YouTube streamers when trying to determine what good CoD looks like.

My suggestion is to level up all the guns (doing camo challenges helps with XP) and then go after Interstellar. It will expose you the guns and to how the stats work. You will learn what you like and don't like and you will figure out your builds. "Oh, I really prefer fast ADS" or, "I'm fine taking a hit in stability because I like bullet velocity more." Beyond that, just play. There are some intro to CoD videos that are good to watch but play a bit so that some of the tips make sense to you.
MWIII guns don't really have recoil compared to even MWII
Came in using my MWII loadout with the Scar H and was given motion sickness by the visual noise upon firing and my gun having recoil vs even the stock AR you start with having none
Its fucking pathetic
You're not crazy. Anyone who unironically loves MW3 (I post-ironically like it) are just sweat BattleRoyale Fags.

I think I figured out that anyone that actually likes it, is actually playing Warzone or DMZ.

Because the praise I consistently see around it is always peppered with hints that they're not actually playing quickplay or multiplayer, there's always like a phrase or something that makes you go "Oh they're playing Warzone" or some shit.

If you're a quickplay MP purist (i.e. you're not retarded), you generally have above average IQ.

But you know, the youth will over take the old or whatveer. For better and for worse.

QP is still fun from time to time. but yea, the maps and the TTK in MW2022 was superior. and the weapons.

"The perk system was better!" eh. it was comparably equivalent.
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There are people who actually liked mw2022's perk system?
I had to play a few multiplayer matches to unlock some characters in MW3 and at a very casual level, which is what I played it at, the multiplayer felt like MW3 but a little slower. So I guess, it depends on preference?

I saw a youtube video where someone was complaining about the schmovement in 3, saying they made it too much like Fortnie (never played) but's that's really all I know. I mean, it isn't Advanced Warfare or Black Ops 3...

I like MW3's speed, taken in isolation. I'm looking forward to the Black Ops 6 movement changes.
I don't know enough about the server ticks except at extreme ends (US server playing with a British friend I got some lag). I'd say 4/5 games have been fine but I do get some moments where they are shockingly bad. And, at this point, I simply expect the Popov power plant (the 20+ team battle) to essentially freeze up for a minute or two lol. I shouldn't accept that, but I go in basically out of boredom.

Your point about CoD being consumer unfriendly is on point. For a game that's so commercialized, with a new game almost yearly, you'd think the store would be better. It's got a horrible store. The way the game shows you certain things to buy in CoD headquarters makes me wonder if I own the game, or own the right game, or enough of the game. It's strange.

Imagine if you want to spend money on (in) the game. It's surprisingly confusing. It's the biggest sin I can imagine-- they made it hard for me to spend my money. I actually wanted to grab a couple of skins when I got MW3 on sale. It took me so long to find them. There are so many bundles in the game and they are in menus that will be obscure to the person who is just getting started with the game. Fix the store.
They might not, but "building recoil Control" was the first advice I got when I was first getting into the game, and it radically changed the experience for me once I started building towards that. So much so that I really should look into it again. (I've stopped doing so more recently, I should really get back to doing that) Also, don't use MW2 guns in MW3, unless it's the M4 Ghost reaver or whatever the fuck. At least, not until you know what you're doing in this game (yes it's different.S orry, not trying to be patronizing)

I didn't hate it, if that's what you're asking. I kinda like MW3 perks, and I kinda liked MW2 perks. Idk that doesn't make or break a game for me. I was actually pissed for a sec that they took "Quick Heal" out of MW3, glad they brought it back. But a good amount of the perks in MW3 just promote movefagging. And I'm not really interested in this.

Yea but at the same time, it's the only shooter that's just a shooter for shooter's sake that just works.

XDefiant has even worse netcode... and that leaves, what, Overwatch or Valorant? Those games/companies aren't better. And I don't have an hour and a half to kill 17 people any more. My time's precious. I drop into some small map mosh pit, kill some people, feel good. Move on with my life.

I would love it if the game went free to play, but desu, the fact that it's just a basic shooter that just fucking works, I put roughly over 1-2 hundred hours into each installment with my friends. DESU with you senpai? They're kinda earning my money man.

I can afford to skip 3 meals to give money to a company that "Just makes a shooter that fucking works", you know?

Rather that then wahtever the shit squirts Riot has been doing. $500 for a fucking skin. And to believe people suck their fucking cocks.
I have no problem with mw2's perks themselves, but it's the damn timer system where you don't get half your perks until later on in the match that I despise.
$500 skin? What? Good point about CoD being a shooter that's just a shooter.

I guess Destiny 2 and Halo have free to play stuff. Servers in Destiny 2 are just fine. I'm not a big D2 multiplayer fan though. (I love the single player.)
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>As part of our ongoing commitment to a conversation about matchmaking, today we're releasing a technical white paper and corresponding blog on team balancing and skill.


>Activision ran a test in MW3 MP where 50% of players in NA had skill factor reduced in matchmaking.

>The test revealed that 80% of players were negatively affected with player retention dropping off significantly in low- and mid-skilled player groups.

>The ‘marginal’ benefit for the top skilled players was not enough to justify reducing skill factor.
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They are never removing SBMM
Good, we all saw what happened with XDefiant.
sbmm-splainer vindicated
schitzos in shambles
blametruth on suicide watch
Ace confirmed dead in a hotel bathroom
Reminder ThexclusiveAce still has not made a video on any of these released white papers addressing SBMM despite over a decade of complaining and spreading bullshit about it's function and use as fact.
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>Another example was a test to tighten skill in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. This had inverse results consistent with the results of the loosening test. Quit rate was down for 90% of players and we saw other improvements in the experience of low-skill players (KPM and SPM). However, we observed negative impacts for high-skill players. As a result, this change was not rolled out as a standard approach in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, as we continue to strive for a balance in our approach to matchmaking.
So high-skill players are ruining the game because if their skill brackets were tightened they would be matched more with their own kind and stop causing so many blowouts when they get matched with lower skilled players.

The only people who have ever complained about SBMM are try hard streamer faggots and their mindbroken fans.

The anti-SBMM drones have never given a shit about the experiences of others only that they get to feel super special for 10 minutes.
This feels right to me. I probably couldn't prove it, but it feels right.

I think CoD does SBMM in a weird way. It prefers pretty wild distributions in how it organizes teams. I wish the devs would talk about that.They don't do balanced or uniform teams and I wish they'd talk about whether they've experimented with creating match results from different distributions (e.g., normal, uniform, and so on) of players.
I downloaded warzone
I logged in, bought the pass

but I do not know how to find matches and since I don't own any of the other COD games it appears most content is locked off?
If I download warzone dlc thing like it says under warzone section can I play matches at least? I downloaded 90 gb I should at least get to play something.
Just go to the Warzone tab, you have to go down. I probably would recommend playing a few games of Plunder, so you can get your bearings, especially if you haven't played a post MW2019 title.
I keep on hearing from people that they have better netcode with xDefiant though.
Reminder: Bungie already tested all of this when they removed SBMM from their pvp modes and had to put it back in after their player pop nose dived. Five years later Activation runs the same experiment and gets the same results. XDefiant releases without SBMM and flops instantly.

People will still bitch about SBMM despite three companies showing you it works and is needed to keep a game alive.
yeah I figured it out I installed the warzone dlc I needed. thanks

the last COD game I played was 2 on PS2 lol
So yea, it's the fucking smurfing problem. Yea for the most part I get into a fucked match from time to time, but yea, for the most part, i'm generally having a good time. If I get blown out, i'm usually like "yea I'm probably due for a loss, I've been hot for a few days"

Sucks when it happens, but I get it and generally don't have complaints.

Oh. Yea that was kinda weird and objectively not good game design, buuut... it didn't really make that much of a difference? Your complaint is still valid.

Yea, Riot dropped a Faker Ahri skin that legit costs like $500, I'm not exaggerating, it's literally $500. And the thing is, this shit was happening in Valorant back in 2021? Like, They dropped a "Zedd" musician collab bundle. And up until that point, skins could usually only be bought in 40-50$ bundles. But the ZZedd bundle cost like... $120? $130? And for a while, the bundle was the only way to get ANY of those guns.

Obviously, Riot was rewarded for their behavior because their consoomer brained audience is fucking dumb as shit. This, of course, fucking emboldended them. Come 2024, they drop a $500 1337 esports gaming skin for Ahri, a character in LoL. And, like, poorfags were mad that people paid for it? but like... what do you expect? Consoomers gonna consoom. BUt yea, Riot was a real shitheel for pulling that shit, and consumers were rarted for being okay with it and paying for it.

1) I have not.
2) I played a GOOD amount of XDefiant when I was shadowbanned on CoD for a couple weeks. It's serviceable, but at times, it can be noticeably a little worse than CoDs. Like, it's still serviceable, but in my experience, that hasn't been the case. I guess this is a "your mileage may vary" kinda thing.
Oh shit, yea, forgot to respond to your D2 Comment. Yea, I'm not really a D2 or Halo player either. Shit's too slow, and I'm not a fan of looter shooters. That shit's consoomer pig-trough consoom slop to me. Big Skinner box energy imo.

I have heard no complaints about D2, that's a good point. i'm sure their netcode is solid. If you like Single PLayer D2, good on you. I never played and never care to, so I don't really have an opinion. Sorry mate
this one's tough. Game launches w/o SBMM and the game flops.

Like, I think this is a "correlation causation" fallacy here. but you could be right. Like, and I think it's so fucking hilarious, we've been doing PVP matchmaking for fucking 15 years and not a single fucking company can do it well lmfao.

But I think at the end of the day, XDefiant is just a mid class based shooter, an idea from a bygone era. The overwatch tards should hop onto something like XDefiant and actually give it a shot, but unfortunately for them, you have to actually be good at shooting games, and they're too busy gooning to gay overwatch porn and bitching and being bad at actual shooting games to do that.

So they can go fucking die mad about it lmfao
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>"Welcome to Al Mazrah. Explore, secure Int-"
I liked 2022 a fair bit, aside from the art direction in the BPs
Id probably enjoy 23 more if they properly balanced the 22 weapons. Also the maps sledgehammer makes are dog shit. It feels like they come up with the 3d design of the place and then slap a skin over it, they're so geometric, compared to the OG mw2 maps where there were organic elevation changes and shit. None of the mw3 original maps feel like real places
The 150hp wouldn't bother me as much if the game didn't have such dog shit hit detection and net code
I like how they're going balls deep with the aftermarket kits, some of them are pure shit posts and it's great
Overall, the MP is kind of lackluster compared to 2019 and 22.
I take it back, this thing rips in semi-auto.
Agree with just about everythign here.
lmao I've been saying this for a little bit
That's close to my exact setup
You think it's glitched or they intended for it to be like this? If I land shots proper I can two shot people at 15m>>487761581
not exactyl sure "which piece" you're referring to in terms of "It's glitched?"

But I'm assuming you mean hit detection/TTK... oh you're talking about MW2 weapons

Oh no, it's just that the weaps were designed for kinda literally different games/environments. HP setting in MW2022 was 100hp, which means those weapons were designed and then balanced and then rebalanced for 100hp encounters, whereas the weap stats in MW3 were made and balanced and rebalanced after launch specifically for MW3 and 150 HP.

I mean, the Lockwood lever action from MW2, not JAK attachments, mind you, Killed in One shot in MW2 above the stomach. I was pretty good at it. Now, it doesn't even kill in 1 headshot, even with damage attachments on it. I literally think it's because they just dragged and dropped them into the game and didn't change any of the numbers on it, or at least did very little in that department.

I mean, I could be wrong. Some Dev could come in here and tell me I'm wrong, but my impression was they just dragged and dropped the MW2222weaps in there, that certainly was the impression I got seeing them all just there on the screen when i first booted MW2.

Furthermore, the lever action non-JAK lockwood used to kill in MW2; it does not kill AT ALL in MW3, unless you're JAK-ing off. I don't think it's a glitch, I think they just didn't have time to rebalance it.

Still, the M4 isn't bad, and the hurricane isn't bad either. The Deagle still works alright. The GS MAGNA is still a meme.
>t least, not until you know what you're doing in this game (yes it's different.S orry, not trying to be patronizing)
No I get you, MWIII plays differently than MWII and the guns from the previous game are tuned to a different TTK and playstyle putting me at a disadvantage from the get go
I'll keep trying different things and see what sticks
Sorry didn't mean to respond to you, was referring to the SPAS
>when you meet a goon bud who loves feet as much as you do
God damnit posting on my phone here
a good place to start is looking at guns that other people are using too. like, sometimes a gun is really on a hot streak in certain matches, and sometimes it's good overall.

if you see a guy using a certain weapon, try that out. and sometimes, it's match based too

I remember one match I had where I was going like. .75kdr for the match but this one guy was ripping ass with the WSP swarm. switched to that gun and told a teammate to do the same, and suddenly holy shit both of us were going on 5 kill kill streaks. still lost the match but it was an interesting little case study.

just pay attention to what's killing you sometimes, and if. you wanna get decent "" quote unquote, just pay attention a little bit. you can meme quite a bit, but remember, is only game. if you want to win, you gotta play to the field a bit.

I do not play ranked lol
I love the blunderbuss.
holy fuck is matchmaking fucked for anyone else?

I get SBMM being a thing but holy fuck I just played 8 rounds in a row where 4 people on the enemy team have 40-60+ kills meanwhile no one on my team can break 20.

What the fuck is this fucking GAME BRO

yeah it's been pretty fucked since the update. sweat lobbies everywhere. It'll probably get better when all the sweats have grinded out everything in a week a fuck off back to shitzone
SBMM is not the reason CoD sucks, its the fact that its the normalfag game and they treat everything like a sport, you would likely be getting matched against these faggots even with Connection-Based Matchmaking
Redditsplainers are suckins off Activision's cock in chorus again.
>testing on destiny pvp
lmao even
>xdefiant flops
not from the lack of sbmm, but the lack of polish in general which should be expected from a ubishit game
>every single match has cheaters in it
>PC doesn't get anywhere near as strong controller assist for couch play
>terrible netcode dying to people facing away since it doesn't update fast enough
Every single MWIII map is unadulterated trash idk how anyone can play these unironically
>PC doesn't get anywhere near as strong controller assist for couch play
its the same on both console and pc, learn how to activate it properly
I'm coming from the 360 era
Turns out focusing is the closest to what I'm used to
Still turn way too fast at full stick push though compared to on the 360 controller
>double xp
>still takes 30 minutes to gain 1 token
>unlocking STG needs 20 tokens
Come the fuck on, I'm not playing this shit for 10 hours. This game is such a chore I don't even want to play it.
if you want the game to play like the 360 era games, just leave aim assist at default and leave response at default as well. use your left stick and right stick when playing to activate aim assist more.
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your teammates, masta wayne
>XB360 era... all right let's see
>change FoV to 65 degrees (google it if you don't believe me, retard)
>turn down analog sensitivity to 3/3
>increase analog deadzone from 0.1 to 0.25
>do not ever customize controls whatsoever
did tehy reduce the free codpoints you get from the battle passes? the fuck
>all these cell shaded and zombie version of the same fucking 3 maps spamming the quick play
god what the FUCK ARE THEY DOING
Unironically will try this because I can't take this trash seriously
>double xp
>still takes 30 minutes to gain 1 token
Yes dumb fuck. BP is time based and it has always been 1 hour = 1 token
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Game Pass tourist here ^_^
As someone who got the game for free, it's very goooood :3
You are the one who is 'dumb fuck' when you clearly didn't understand what I meant.
Please drink bleach and stop polluting these boards.
how the hell those guys didn't kill you
He's headglitching with a turtle shield, there's probably only a pixel of his body that can actually be hit from that position
this thing FUCKS
mental illness
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>>unlocking STG needs 20 tokens
>Come the fuck on, I'm not playing this shit for 10 hours
Sirs do purchase redeem CoD Points
>how the hell those guys didn't kill you
Shield on my back, it blocked their bullets ;)
>once again posing with games hes barely played
>wasting money on slop bundles
>still shitting up this general
please seek help
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MW3 enjoyers ballin
>headglitching with a turtle shield, there's probably only a pixel of his body that can actually be hit from that position
Correct. This is the hard-counter to SBMM movement chads! Takes practice, but once mastered, it's over for SMG sissies
why not counter them with slide cancels and movement?
It's better than MW2022, but not as good as it could be. The matchmaking and shitty weapon balance holds it back.
that would take effort
Bro you gotta get max level like a real MW3 enjoyer would
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>why not counter them with slide cancels and movement?
Dropshotting counts as movement :D
I'm going to rip off your head and shit down your neck.
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Oh my god they are ruining all these maps with those shitty cel shaders. Looks fucking ugly.
>Bro you gotta get max level like a real MW3 enjoyer would
I stopped playing during S4 because of the annoying DNA strands. I maxed out previous seasons, got 15(FIFTEEN) days played
New bug found
>blue and red dots disappear in some matches
Impossible to know who's who. Looking at friendlies or enemies will show their names but as soon they are not in the center the tag disappears. No diamonds whatsoever. This was kill confirmed playlist.
Sledgehammer just keeps on giving.
>New bug found
>>blue and red dots disappear in some matches
>Impossible to know who's who.
Good, I shoot everyone anyway
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>team balancing can unironically put all the trash players on your team
Kek. Good to know. Won't be buying any more entries from this piece of shit franchise. Might even preorder for the early campaign weeks and then refund once I'm done. Fuck Activision.
Yes we already know SBMM is in the game to protect the bad players from quitting. Nothing new.
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This is not true at all - I have done tests and the game can put me into 100ms lobby from EU, this is without any VPN.
When using VPN my base latency is about 90ms but the game has absolutely no trouble throwing 150+ ms lobby(this would LA / West Coast, while should be playing on East Coast instead).
Skill is a factor with the matchmaking but they conveniently don't talk about the lobby skill throttling because that's a hush hush secret for the real reason why they want to "explain" these things. Every lobby behaves like a loot box, you never know what you are going to get. BUT the lobby difficulty uses your own skill level as a base modulation.

But whatever. Any talk about this turd is kicking a dead horse. It won't lead anywhere.
It's like arguing about politics - it will only make everyone unhappy no matter what is their stance.
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Willing to bet the majority of mw3's store is filled with AI slop now
At first the narrative was that there's "no impact" and now it's suddenly a "small impact". Actishit will downplay literally every inconvenient truth. Increases of 20+ ms in latency is anything but a "small impact".
trying from gamepass and holy fuck this game looks like some shitty chink f2p game
>have to grind dailies for weapons
this is bottom of the barrel design
Connection is king… or so it should be
There are other challenges like weekly's and event specific ones that count toward armory unlocks iirc
This is the future - this is what people want.
And the $40 skins sell this is why they ask that much.
Was just looking at new mouses and I could buy Steelseries Rival 3 with the price of couple of skins... (sure it's a budget mouse but supposedly good).
>This is the future - this is what people want.
evidently not as MW3 wasn't very successful
No refunds
No it only racked in an excess of $1 billion just like its predecessors.
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Just as I posted -
here is an example of what I was talking about.
Out of the blue I'm getting a completely out of place players and it's impossible to even hit them.
on skins alone
MW3 undersold pretty hard
>play some dmz for old time's sake
>go into buiilding 21
>spawn in the garage
>die almost immediately, we're talking within 15 seconds, no exaggeration
>look at the killcam
>the guy spawns into the match, moves him camera to where I am, and walks in a straight line towards me, never taking me off the center of his view until he ambushes me off the spawn with a shotgun
Ok, guess I won't be playing this. Gonna take a break from cod in general for that matter, I haven't really been enjoying mw3 lately. Been playing other games and I think I'm happier.
70% of 1+ billion isnt undersold plus it has a higher player retention than the game that sold 1+ billion meaning more money from MTX, MW3 is a success whether you like it or not, for example everytime there is a new season blackcell is top selling in mtx on steam
You are the living proof that doublespeak works. It's never or have been about SBMM, it remains EOMM. You passed the function test and are working and consuming as expected. Now buy the next skin packs, and submit to engagement optimization.

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