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Previous: >>487472185

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Kama Love!
Nice boobs
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3 hours!!!!!!
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Medusa love!
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I have redeemed it.
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The erice side story was by far the best. Because it had Illya and John Dark
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>you can see her final ascension swimsuit thanks to her cardigan being see-through
I know she gets a costume next summer that removes the cardigan but dayum
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I skipped
>np2 summer abby+mlb kscope at 90+ with double vitch
>at 2/3, her NP hits half of the hp even with buster down
>at 3/3, her NP can't delete Europa with 1 shot
>np1 arjuna alter+mlb kscope with double vitch
>somehow brings the demon to less than 25% of its health
>deletes europa
Fuck, I really need to get the even damage CE. I'm only at my third for fuck sake.
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Don't mind me, just pirating some bros.
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Just got a chocomint Häagen-Dazs for my Skadi catalyst.
>/alter/ claims to hate diggers
>/alter/ also is full of shoplifting niggers
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Get your finger out of my butt Sis
the 90 node...
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I just bought this box.
I remember eating something similar as a kid.
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Just around pity
I hope I can get a high NP level Skadoo
I have come to the conclusion that cooldown reduction is in fact busted.
>Oberon in 3 hours
>/alter/ couldn't be more dead
What went wrong?
>I'm gonna buy ice cream
Skadi won't come unless you make your own ice cream
>300sq, 25 tix
>$20ish for a 3 scoop and a burrito it's ran by tamamo rodregiuez
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90sq and a dream
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All four of them owe me Sex
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I'm going to Grail my summer wife 120!110 after tonight.
392 SQ and some ice cream. I'll probably get her within 30 SQ, no worries.
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Would post more, but i feel pretty sick
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Lip love!
God I love women who wear glasses. More ladies need to wear glasses.
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When is onii-chan anniversary? I want to see Medeafag melty.
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When's her swimsuit?
CUTE Ibuki Nee!
Heckin frozen dairy treats yall.
kichi WHOgen
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Japan doesn't like her for some reason.
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Usually early august
Illya has the best scenes and best reactions. Always a 10/10 for me.
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Don't mind me, just pirating this cat.
Why does she have a hat with dragon written on it? Is it so she doesn't forget she's a dragon?
932 SQ
I have enough tickets and sq to pity. I'm still hoping for the legendary 1 ticket 1 SSR though. Closest I've ever been was a random ticket or two on Dioscuri which got me the SSR on the 2nd roll.
the fate extra teaser for an announcement for 4th august makes me think that'll be the main fgo anniversary date
Don't forget to seed bro
wtf I hate ice cream now. This changes everything
Wtf Skadi...
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>We never did have a conversation
>Uhh yes we did
>Oh yeah that's right haha
Is Skadi actually retarded?
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999 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
3rd and 4th.
1st day is random news, probably new anime announcement, could also show summer servant preview
2nd day is the anni news proper
Now do some nudes
She's just old
July 29th is the real launch day, but they usually do an fate grand order festival. The stuff we care about will probably be the third or fourth.
I have autism
>John Dark
Her name is JOHN OGRE!
>tfw only 900 sq
How fucked am I?
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550 rolls, now I only want np1 Skado, my actual target is Tlaloc but she needs Skado.
>Skadi feeds children to giants
Yes her, they’re both my husbands.
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Nah, John Ogre always sounded dumb
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I love how she figured out what a piece of shit she was in her interlude.
we know iphone bobspammer
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taira is so fucking hot
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I dunno, 6 million visitors just seems like an unrealistically high number.
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No, don't do that!
man I wish Xu Fu would sit on my face
total or concurrent?
Yes. But then, the entire plot of the event is retarded, so she's in good company. I'm not sure which of Summer 7 and Summer 6 is worse, but they were both crap and that's 0 for 2.

No wonder they panicked and plagiarized from Summer 3 when doing Summer 8, ServantFes was the best-received summer event that they have ever had.
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Kam on over and get some treasure, bro
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For me, it's ascension 2.
Stupid sheep. Choke on your fucking frozen snacks. I hope you have to reach pity you moronic cultists. Heckin ice cream dude... dumb fucking Neanderthals...
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>archimedes only has 12 entries on danbooru
lame I was going to request something funny
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Sorry bro, I haven't been able to do anything this week. I'll post some on friday.
Summer 6 had Ana and Charlotte waifu pandering but I think overall Summer 7 was more fun
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unbelivably hot. I never doubted you raita.
But that's explicitly the Servantverse one.
Same, what I wouldn’t give to rub my face on those thighs.
Enjoying your melty, lil' bro?
Those legs looks so pretty and smooth...
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>drop 600 sq
>np0 skadoodle
i'm really going to have to buy BBig packs...
All good bro, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss a post.
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mmmm ice cream so good
God, I'd forgotten how much I hated Charlotte.
Okay, this was better than Dinosaur summer. as much as I liked blackbeards hijinks, it was still shitter than this.
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Xu Fu will never fuck you
You are not Gu-sama, so just give up
Gu-sama will also never fuck you since she loves Horses
Ushi's Hot too!
If only he had something to cool down with...
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He won
xu fu is a frail little girl support with no offensive capability
i am going to hold her down
I'll ask Lady Avalon to turn my into Gu-sama so I can have sesbian lex with Xu-xu
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Oberon, who are you even talking to
Actually now that I think about it, why IS xu fu an alter ego
I will simply get her drunk.
S7 has worse writing, but S6 has a worse plot.
The voices in his head
It's not that hard to follow. Skadi wants to have an actual conversation, and Ibuki doesn't, so she deflects by saying that they exchanged about two sentences and that counts as a conversation so stop talking to me.
>Xu Fu attempted to incorporate two Divine Spirits into her Spirit Origin when she first materialized as a Servant. One was a Japanese god of tenmoku (a kind of dark ceramic glaze that resembles oil spotting) and the other was a Chinese god of agriculture (the immortal emperor of grains). However, she only incorporated a part of their abilities, so it's really more like she borrowed their power rather than making it her own. This is why she doesn't have any Divinity skills.
Thanks for the patience, bros.
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How come he's not an Alter Ego or Pretender?
He literally has three components inside of him to be an Alter Ego (Fran, Siegfried, Fanfnir)
He also only ever fought as Sieg in the final battle, he spent most of his time fighting as Siegfried
He's fucking dead.
fucking steggy in the was while vinchi is sleeping
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Why would I want to fuck either of them when I can just find Medb, and beat her with the flat of my sword?
because fuck you, we need more low rarity extra class servants. It's seriously only Manjew, Xu Xu, and fucking trash.
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Shut up loser! Nobody's wanna invest in you anyways!
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alright sure, whatever. it's not the stupidest justification for an alter ego we've ever had even if it's barely relevant to the character at all.
So what's the point?
We should all be so lucky
Of all the LB Kings, she created the least miserable quality of life for her citizens, save for the Olympus residents.
The crime of Summer 6 was that it completely wasted the premise. Indiana Jonesing on a tropical Caribbean island with Servants to dig up treasure and pirates and even dinosaurs? That should make fucking bank. Instead it meandered around with all the enjoyment of a wet fart and a singularly unenticing cast of characters save maybe Ana.
Sounds like winning to me
The Wall
m starting to go on credits and no sub in the near future but here
hope you like it
>Alter Ego
Usually needs parts of divine spirits embedded into the spirit core itself, not just borrowing their power
He isn't pretending to be anyone, he'd qualify only if he was, for example, summoned as Siegfried.
Also, neither of those classes existed when Apoc was written lol.
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vintage post detected
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Steggy... ;_________________;
Junao's LB was better until Douman arrived
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Ok, but Caenis gave you some Hot Milk in the middle of the night
What a weird way to say based
I unironically liked Steggy.
I ate ice cream but it wasn't because of Skadi. I didn't know Summer Skadi was cumming today. Can you please clap for me?
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Kama Boobies...
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Are you ready?
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based on these tits
You had a chance to live, unlike LB2
Good life in ignorance, similar to LB2 but with higher life expentancy and not diying eaten by giants
Actually good if the clown didn't interfere
You know
Skadi won one, congratulations
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just give me Wu and nobody gets hurt
>still can't decide between Hildr and Ortlinde
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Did someone say Oppaima?
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Warm and soft Kama cleavage...
>needs to shop her tits to be attractive
I have pity so yeah
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>Of all the LB Kings, she created the least miserable quality of life for her citizens, save for the Olympus residents.
Not sure I agree
Literally just clinging to life the best he can, to the point he turned his people into furries
Human camps where if you don't breed you get fed to giants, and even if you do breed you get fed to giants a few years later
Literally just a bunch of serfs who are kept in a state of ignorance is bliss and occasionally given drugs. They literally don't know the problems with their life.
>Poo god
Normal life if not for dough man, however the whole thing was just a long decline.
Obviously the best
Forced her citizens to not be savages at gun point.

I'd say Qin's were the happiest by being too kept in the dark to know better.
Morgan's quality of life is better even if fairies don't actually understand it.
Do you want a demure girl who will support you but be mainly focused on you (Ortlinde), or do you want a lively girl who will work to bring joy and new things into your life (Hildr)?
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Heckin mint' Häagen-Dazs ya'll
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Can’t wait
Why is she so smug here?
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>Obviously the best
I dunno man, the implication that there were 10,000 year old babies in the Olympus society was really fucked up
I like Ortlinde more but I want the green haired Valk more than the boring orange one.
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I hacked into your account and chose Thrud for you Bro
That's nice and I understand where you're coming from, but Auto-Brothels
I want to stuff my face in there...
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flip a coin
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Enjoying Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park.
are you a redditor (ort) or an /alter/bro (true) (hildr)?
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>Forced her citizens to not be savages at gun point.
and they still fucked up
Daybit's is the best
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>Valks get double EXP
Should I grail? A free NP5 Arts AoE Assassin is one hell of a unique niche...
Just got crazy deja vu about sitting where I am reading /alter/ during the summer event two years ago. Time is a flat circle.
>be a girl
>get pregnant at 15 like Skadi told you to so you can live
>have a miscarriage
>“You’re 15 and haven’t had a kid, you gotta die”
Skadi’s an okay character but her citizens were way worse off than the Chinese and the Indians
Some people are into that. All Zeus had to do is allow people to change their age at will. Over 10000 years with perfected nanomachines and nobody thought to do that. Garbage writing.
I'm too lazy to calc but I assume Ibuki way outdamages them even against riders, so they don't have a niche beyond "free"
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I know, but still, thinking about a baby that will never ever grow up and retains the same level of primary cognition for a fucking eternity was kinda unsettling for me
>grailing because of a niche
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I'm going to as soon as I get her NP5. However Tezca is also an aoe Arts assasin who someone said was better than the valkyries. Don't grail for gameplay.
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I cursed your skadi roll
I only grail for both love AND gameplay.
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>grailing purely just for that one 90++ node in 2 years to use for few days
Yes, you should.
Impertinence! Rudeness! The best things in Life are Not Free!
Bro we are flooded with grails. Everybody grailed their favorites, their second-tier favorites, and any servant they somewhat liked, ages ago.
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>asking if you should grail something
Why can't we ascend servants WITHOUT leveling them yet?
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>thinking about
Found the problem little caterpillar. You've had a little too much to think.
Mom don't be mad...
meant for >>487500769
al LB were shitholes that deserved the extinction
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I'm going to buy a limited edition Illya doujin and use it to blackmail Miyu into sex!
>most kino character in LB1 was Paxti
>most kino character in LB2 was Napoleon
>most kino character in LB3 was Spartacus
>no kino in LB4
>most kino in LB5 1 were Jason and Orion
>most kino in LB5 2 was Kirsch
>most kino in Heian Kyo was Kintoki
>most kino in LB6 was Oberon
So why are males inherently more kino?
Reminder that at high bond levels Nito starts acting like a housewife for you. She never says she is, she just instinctively falls into the motions of a wife.
absolutely mindbroken
I've done this same thing.

Nito fulfilling her duties as a wife! Sexual relief! Bearing children!
>>most kino character in LB3 was Spartacus
lol wut

I did not even remember he was in LB3

the only character anybody remembers or likes from LB3 is QSH
Because they have to be well written or do something extraordinary to stand out to readers as opposed to a female who has to just be sexy or cute.
Because they unironically have more and better writing focus. With female characters, it's very easy to get people to pay money to roll for them. Just make them salivate over Japanese teenager cock for no particular reason and let he money roll in. Maybe add pedo (Illya, Melusine, etc.) or big tits (Barg, Skadi, whatever) and so on for individual fetishes.

Males actually need to have character to get people to roll for them. If a male character was just a "for (You)" blank slate then nobody would give a shit about them.
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If the Ares faction won the Olympiamachia instead of Zeus, LB 5 would have been awesome.
iced cream
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eh i'll just pick whichever one wins
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Why does Sakura never have any pupils?
who's wasting their SQ for such a minor upgrade? who even uses quick teams in current year?
>Drake's giant tits
Poseidon FEARS this. Explains why he went after Medusa as a child too.
Holy cute... I need to pamper her more
It's what Miyu is for!
Then you reveal you've already banged Illya and Chloe and have foursomes with all the cups.
>Forced her citizens to not be savages at gun point.
And failed. Nobody could civilize the fa*ries.
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You can't just make something like that and hog what happens to yourself
She's dead inside.
Meanwhile Constantine gets everyone to swoon with his :| face.
Which Valk will bring SKADI to me
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Knows she can never have children.
>>most kino character in LB2 was Napoleon
I can't fucking stand him.
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Please cheer up, mom...
The one whom you'll show the most love to.
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Having to deal with a toddler for 10,000 years would make any parent kill themselves, I'm sure.
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The jokeler one since green hair = quick
>90++ is easier to make a team for than 90+
Uhhhh bros? So what 90+ setups do you have, or is everybody just doing 90++?
Based Napoleon bro.
I love all birbs.
Why are people trying to 6CE the 90++ node when we have like 14 more days of farming to go?
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Its almost time....
You can just use the Summer Valk to loop it but I don't have enough ice cubes yet
well if you say so
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Okay /alter/ hotshot, enlighten us about how to efficiently spend our SQ.
I can barely do either. 90++ took like 12 turns
Drank too much Ati (see: Albert) kool-aid and became obsessed with the concept of 6CE as a standard
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Here, I got one more your pace
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Just buster loop it with Melusine or Arc.
I’m choosing Hildr because she has a frozen daiquiri.
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Ice cream time...
and paisen
I just started 5-8 turning the 90++. Though I've tuned things to 3 turn most of the time. With the MLB damage CE of course. I got the 1200 bricks in 3 apples.
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I've been using the funny pants lady with the MLB damage CE for 90++. It's comfy farming.
This little girl is so erotic.
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>Skadi’s an okay character
let's not get ahead of ourselves. She is cute and all but a character?
>the two autists are still arguing in the previous thread
>Ibuki is way up there in the most powerful servants
>only 1 head of Orochi
Why is Orochi so wanked compared to monsters of other mythologies? And why is 1/8 of it so much stronger than the Tamamos when Amaterasu is supposed to be on the same level?
NP5 your gameplay Ibuki then pocket the rest for Draco next year (unique class)
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I'm using Oi because welfares rarely get a chance to shine in the best nodes
>didn't even finish their 120
Surely they must have actually died
>most kino character in LB1 was Paxti
For me it was Avicebron. Patxi (it's not Paxti) is a fair pick too, though.
>most kino character in LB2 was Napoleon
Ugh no. Sigurd / Surtr was better, but even he falls short of "kino". LB2 was a true wasteland of character writing.
>most kino character in LB3 was Spartacus
Wrong. Spartacus was the best companion, but Qin Shi Huang stole the show and it's not even close.
>no kino in LB4
Karna was pretty great. It doesn't feel like he was given enough focus, though.
>most kino in LB5 1 were Jason and Orion
Jason absolutely, Orion was merely okay. He deliberately kept himself to the sidelines.
>most kino in LB5 2 was Kirsch
Agreed. Not even close.
>most kino in Heian Kyo was Kintoki
Kintoki is a bro and elevates any scene he is in, but not even he could carry Heian Kyo, I refuse to call any part of that "kino".
>most kino in LB6 was Oberon
Castoria was nearly as good as him, but yes, Oberon is by far the most Cinema character in LB6.
So why did Ibuki do it again? And how was it different from BB's plan?
one more because why not
Brother, I don't think anybody cares. For (You) is nonsense drummed up by gacha fans, it never used to matter whether your waifu would literally fuck your player avatar.
>So why did Ibuki do it again?
She wanted to show off her giant erect nipples showing through her skimpy outfit
Look how flat she is, fuck that’s hot.
Tamamo's really bad at being Amaterasu and Ibuki's really good at being Orochi?
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snek wants to rape (You)
It is only wanked by Sakurai. Even Nasu just shrugs at Ibuki.
Little girls are made for sex.
I have a janky 5CE setup for 90+. 3/1/2 Rider with fat HP bars is hard. I'm going to switch to 90++ once I have the damage CE MLB'd.

God I wish I was Oberon here
Cause if they don't autistically try to min-max the game they can't justify the time (and money probably) they've sunk into it.
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Max level BG + Mad Vlad = dead clae
it's not Rape if I'm willing tho
I don't think I could really stop her if I wanted to...
I don't understand why people are so up in arms about ice cream and the people posting about it. Do you hate fun? Or perhaps you're simply jealous certain posts receive more attention by mentioning ice cream?
Yeah but what NP level is Vlad? And grailed or not?
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what you think happened in her cheerleader photoshoot?
So Orochi is for (You)?
How the fuck do you guys already have an MLB damage CE? I've gone through the story at a regular pace, and I only have 600k points. Don't you need like 2.5 mil to MLB the CE?
Show me someone who's more deserving of the title of Grand Saber.
Ce drops. Just be lucky bwo!
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2 Hours!
Based, Orochi Go was the best oversoul in shaman king
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You're welcome
1.75m to MLB it. And they appled. Probably had saved blue apples or just used gold apples like a motherfucker. There's people who basically don't play this game except for events / story parts aand then blow through it as fast as possible so they can go back to not playing the game.
built for rape
its 1.75 million points
people most likely ate some apples to quickly get there
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Clowns need not apply
I wish there was a wife ending with her
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The new medieval map is pretty fun.
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2 and ungrailed hits an average of 1.2 mil with a Castoria NP beforehand
I probably could get away with not using it but it never hurts to be safe and I'm not appleing this shit so eh
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It’s shrimple
God her bad attitude is so sexy.
Someone please post the 90++ setup spreadsheet or something. My summer Hokusai can't do it, what the fuck am I doing wrong?
Did you wait to upgrade until the last 3 areas? Those 3 are like an 80% modifier if you saved your bricks for them. The last damage CE is really low on the point ladder too.
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Just got lucky with an extra drop.
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Bro I thought you were going to link a /trash/ thread
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i'm using summer hokusai with mlb damage ce and two castorias for 90++, sometimes it's 3t, sometimes 4t
Miyu sex...
MLB the damage CE?
DA JOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I still had 10 teapots to use and this was the best place to use them at, so I just went and ate a few apples.
I have this saved from last thread.
Susanoo had to get it drunk to beat it. The same guy that basically made his sister Amaterasu hide in a cave since she couldn’t handle his bantz. Orochi > Amaterasu
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I'm generally fine with faceless old men and hypnosis rape but I really do wish there was more art of cute and sweet loving with Guda and the cups.
That's going to take me forever... what do I do until then?
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The time of Skadi's rate-up...has changed.
Post the Guide for convincing Koma to have Sex with (Me)
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2.5 is for ice brick CE mlb, just upgrade your areas and the points will rack up fast
Pure skill is not enough to be Grand Saber.
I didn't want to wait 4 days to max my valk.
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But why BG instead of the damage CE? 100% event damage > 80% NP damage.
What site is this? Latelet here.
How is the green one sliding like that?
bro you're raw attack damage?
Green is such a fucking Slut
holy shit
Double castoria + Waver 3 turns the 90++ node without MLB CE
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double castoria, saito, proto merlin and the MLB CE
Kintoki Clears
i'm not the guy who hosts those
Nah I ran both and the attack difference + the extra numbers from Oberon's buff smoke a non limit broken damage CE. Clae still had like 70k health left on that one.
costume when
Pretty sure it would only maybe compare to the 100% CE, but not 200% MLB.
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Bros, good job on making it through the main part of the summer event. If you haven't made it through yet, don't worry this is a long event. To everyone rolling for Skadi tonight, good luck on your summons in two hours. Now let's do our best to have a daishouri thread.

I googled it, came right up.
Slut love!
>strongest zerker in the gameplay list can only 5CE
. . .
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You're going to need double Castoria and Oberon to do it then.
when is summer skadoo next rate-up after this one? I might just wait a year to see if I really need her desu.
13 more minutes
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Left behind...
For Morgan...
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Just use xufu lol
Next year.
next year
ok that's enough credits used today
Will do this until I finally get MLB, thanks bros.
Your toki must have MLB or be a lot higher NP, mine barely clears clae.
Not without an MLB CE no, I don't think you can.
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423SQ + Mom's credit card.
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>joker valk question her sanity
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Excited is too tame of an adjective.
rip new valks
What’s summer Wu good for?
What the hell is with those guys?
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alright, i set up 20 golden apples on a top bond farming spot to get me 30sq for tonight
Milking her big fat titties.
Good support for Arc
my penis
pink's got this
Is Skadi coming out today(2hours) or do we need to wait another day?
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I still love my cavewoman very much.
Did Orth turn schizo?
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1 hour 43 min
We need a new chapter that is kino like Stranger in Paradise. https://youtu.be/N0WvpMw0Sko?t=167
2 hours
>Hildr begs for Hildr to kill her. She refuses, keeping Hildr alive
FGO already is this
We're going through all these motions so we can become Marisbury at the end and start a new Grand Order
I'm always impressed that you keep up the same bit for years now :alterapeace:
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Oh yeah, like the other anon said. You can use Waver too if you are willing to use your Castoria's NP as well. Otherwise a min-roll can leave Enkidu alive with 60~80k depending on the MC's level.
I'm just using Hijikata.
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God, I want to impregnate Illya so badly.
I'm scared
Skadi is nice and I'd like her
there goes one possible choice
>Gareth calls Morgan "Mother"
>Morgan does a light smile
>Bob inmediatly gets triggered
LMAO that was cute not gonna lie. Glad to see some appreciation here unlike in this place that unironically would rather their long ass introduction with Zeus, aka Sakurai tier.
Imagine being like this, can't be me!
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Thrud No!
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>Kirei, Nito alter and Tez are Arts
>Kukulkan is Buster
Yeah, I'm gonna SKIP Skado and just save my SQ for said servants. Like I barely ever used the original Skadi anyway.
>39 minutes
Good luck
Is there a collage of all the summer Valks final ascensions?
Heckin Popsicles ya'll
I'm gonna save for the next year starting from this, I wanna get Aesc, Zerkertoria, and Melusine. As well enough copies of Bao and Barg to grail them
>janky 5CE
Can't you 5CE it with np1 godjuna
She's on ice.
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cute samurai girls are the best
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So far I haven't been able to 6CE this, but I have several 5CE comps.

This is NP2 Kintoki with non-MLB CE. He clears it consistently despite just being over the necessary level of damage.
Don't let Miyu see this...
The next big support is going to give guts and then kill the target to revive them with 1hp.
Missing HP scaling NPs will be the new meta as they become consistently able to boost their np damage by 90%.
Hijikata will be the new meta ST god.
Ashwattama and Yuri pirates will also be strong. Everything will flip on its head.
told you pink would win
Damn Criminal!
This but for Tiamat, Draco, Aesc and Zerkertoria. Goddamn, one hell of a year coming up.
Will there be maintenance before the new rateup?
This here is NP3 Vlad with x2 Castoria and Oberon, using level 100 BG instead of non-MLB CE, plus Castoria's NP before Vlad's. Pretty decent result.
Based Pinkstacie
alright looks like i'm picking pink then
I knew I made the right choice
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>skip, general pool, skip
>tempting, but i already have so many buster loopers
Meanwhile, I love Caren.
And this one is just for fun, to see if I could. Mo clears 1 million single target damage, this time with the MLB CE. Obviously not an imitable strategy since it requires a level 120 NP5 Mordred.
holy newfag!
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God, I wish. He'll actually be pretty good once he gets his NP charge, though. And having Chen Gong is also great for Challenge Quests.
>Not rolling for her dad so she can bazooka him
Carenbro (false)
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Waiting patiently
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He's NP2
MLB damage CE then?
Best girl won.
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I'm sorry, but the only Meme Ego I've actively rolled for is Kiara and that's because she's Kiara.
This was fun to watch
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>country hick and domestic terrorist with next to no magical ability and missing toes
How do you feel about her?
Kukulkhan will be the last servant I will ever need. Can't wait to np5 her.
I grailed her.
well that's done
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I grailed her too
i married her

Timothy McVeigh (caster)
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excellent doujin choice, wu.
>Hildr 5 kills
>Ortlinde 2 kills
>Thrud 2 kills
>Olrun 2 kills
>Gieirskogul 0 kills
>Rindr 0 kills
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Post rolling music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmhkAVVRiuU&t=626s
I like how you can tell exactly which parts of this event Sakurai personally wrote by how badly I wanted to skip them.
Returned for Anniversary, had to spend everything I got from it to spark Merlin. When's the next Castoria banner?
guys forgive me. i post in /fgog/ on accident.
For me it was any time Ibuki was on screen
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Quick? More like quack! Go back to 2020 you boomer!
You missed it, retarded quitter. Enjoy not ever having her because of your unfaithfulness.
Didn’t she write all of it?
The Doujinshi part was the biggest giveaway. I thought "oh, it's a Jeanne heavy scene, so it's probably Higashide", then the characters spent 30 minutes talking and it's like "yep, Sakurai wrote this".
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Altera’ll your clothes off and ravage your body glistening with sweat!
Fou fou fou!
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Nah there's some obvious moments where other writers pitched in
Like the Jasonwank during Erice's area was 100% Higashide while the ServantFes clap stuff had Nasu involvement
was it me or was the entire doujin part, one arrow in specific, longer than the entire final sections+epilogue?
literally because she saw that you guys were having fun and wanted to give you guys a world of fun.
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Hey, anon, catch this!
clown on clown violence…
If you rank them by average placement, ortlinde actually wins. The sum of her placements is 36. The next lowest is 39. Pinky has a score of 44.

Shoulda went black.
I don't see myself using Quick in the future.
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Is it even possible to get 6 million points on natural AP before the event ends? The numbers just don't add up.
It was 12 minutes long, all the final node story times added together were about that long, yeah.
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I'll rip your Jeannes in two and make you the laughingstock of /alter/a!
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i don't know, i unironically fast forwarded most of it, no i didn't completely skip in hopes of my favorite doing a cameo or getting an important bit in the story, but no luck so far outside a single word mention.
Boo! get off the fucking stage!!
Why does Douman exist? Who does he appeal to?
Why is she reading her own porn?
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I wear a dress…
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You have to max out the renovation levels at the attractions, bro. It adds a multiplier to the ladder points. There's no point CE, the only way to improve drops is to increase that multiplier to x101, so the 90++ node goes from dropping only 900 points to dropping 90,100 points. With 2 weeks to farm, it's definitely doable.
I can't see any world where Nasu let Sakurai write a scene with XX and Melt both in it.
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>Who does he appeal to?
faggots and the 5% of the woman fanbase
I still can't believe that for the two years that quick was meta they released so few quick servant non of them good because they were scared of looping, bit the second they released way more busted arts and buster support practically every new servant release was an arts or buster looper.
What's so scary about green that even now releasing a halfway decent quick servant seems like such an undertaking?
i'm going to RAPE jannu
Fujoshi mostly.
I see. I do love some Jasonwank though. For me, it’s the Sigurdwank. I used to like him and Bryn, but Sakurai ruined them by overdoing it.
He exist to be bully by Sei.
Please properly quote the posts you're replying to.
>doing extra quest
>it's Gareth vs Ibuki
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Indeed. What's the point of having a perfectly maxed Mo if you don't use her in events when you get the opportunity?
I don't know who to quote sorry
>Beach Flower
>Summer Crisis
>Summer Catastrophe
>Beach Apocalypse
What's next?
I’m depressed
I was pumped for a Gareth and Morgan scene and then Ibuki has more fucking lines than Gareth after showing up out of nowhere.
Sex Armageddon
total summer death
>Rolling music
you listen to music while suffering in despair?
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Fuck yeah Hildr best valk!
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it really is stupid because quicklooping needed kscope, a handful of certain servants, and plugsuit for an external batter
castoria just let arts loopers skip plugsuit and take any ce
at least most buster loopers need a 50% CE and plugsuit
but they still refuse to let quick live a little
Summer Mass Extinction Event
Swimsuit Holocaust
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No, Meteo also does a lot of Jasonwank. He's the guy who wrote most of Little Big Tengu (you can tell exactly which parts had Sakurai step in, because the tone shift between their writing styles is outright whiplash). We know he wrote it because the characters randomly travel to Australia during it. Same way we figured out he wrote Water Monster Crisis.
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After the amount of Ibuki-wank in this event are there still people that try to claim the event wasn't written by Sakurai?
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I'll dress you up like a salad!
>ce drop
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Summer Showdown.
still not upgrading Erice's attractions
Yes, it helps to easy the pain, sometimes i smoke a blunt to sleep more easily and forget all of my dispair or happines the next morning.
Yeah the only parts I enjoyed was Erice's section and the bits with Illya. I thought that section with Gareth would have her work up the courage to speak with Morgan but it was just more bullshit with Ibuki...
You'd be mostly fine in any case, because the attraction renovations scale exponentially. So you'd get to like x80 just from maxing the last two attractions.
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I love bunnies
I've never done any kind of drug, does it really feel good?
What NP? I know I'm not gonna be able to do it cause my Beni i only NP1, but I wanna know how out of reach this is.
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Funny bunny
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I'll toss your salad!
Obviously you fucking idiot, why else would people do them
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Every female servant should have a bunny suit and a lingerie costume.
Mine is np1 so go try it out
You WILL love Ibuki.
I fuck this every night
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That's homosexual!
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What about male servants?
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Still the sexiest meta support
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My heart is already taken by someone else.
Chippendale's dancer costume.
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Good night, and good luck on your Skadi rolls, bros.
>Like the Jasonwank during Erice's area was 100% Higashide
There are basically four signs that something was written by Meteo:
>Requiem characters
>extremely cartoony humor
It checks box one and three, so it was probably him.
This could be anyone....
Uh sorry nope not anymore, thats Merlina now.
Going to be real with you anon, her legs look fucking obese
It's a shame we'll never get Vitch (True)
No, hold on don't be mean you asshole, thats a valid question.
It really depends of the drug, there are nasty ones wich only thing about them is how trippy you get or how it corrupts your body into needing more, while stuff like weed is mostly harmless and even medicinal.
>Meteo also does a lot of Jasonwank
Justified. Greekwank is pretty much the only wank which is justified.
So wich GOOD quick servants get released between now and next year summer?
>how it corrupts your body into needing more
drastically overstated, basically nothing is an instant-addiction machine like that.
>running the 90+ to see if I can automate it
>3 runs
>all runs loop smoothly
>start FGA
>loop immediately fails despite using the same inputs
meant for this post here >>487508078
not enough refund on the first wave... I think she needs slightly more investment. The grails and probably gold fous.
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While stocks last!
>Has both the abilities of Koyan Dark and Koyan Light combined into one character
love when that happens
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Old man cunny literally releases next month.
Good. I enjoy your suffering, blogposter.
Night bro
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Night night
>her legs look fucking obese
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Night mombro
You probably doing it wrong, Beni is supposed to always refund around 30-40% so you need to time your skill a little different
finally done organizing my slop for the most part
here's all the shishou i've done, in time for bros before rolling,
there's some more in other folders, like medb yuri stuff and manga styles if you are interested
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1 hour left
Good luck bros!
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1 Hour!!!!!!!!!
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9 more hours!
There's a lancelot rateup in October, but he's powercrept by Drink Tea who comes out next month
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komahime's pretty decent and the perfect QQQAB berserker but wont benefit as much from summer skadi's buster crits whereas takasugis a really solid semi-support with his partywide 20% quick+buster+np overcharge and targeted skill cooldown+crit buff. Both of their NP's are kino as fuck too
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Souls that returned to the heavens,
Earth bound souls yet to return.
Ye undying retainers, become my servants!
Come forth, my Torturer Jiangshi Troop!
Answer my imperial summon with haste!
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Talking about Takasugi, did Keikenchi write his event, or they get another person to do it?
>did Keikenchi write his event
He deserves a buff at this point. The only "buff" he ever got was getting a third skill...
Thanks, I wasn't fully sure since it didn't had the Gudaguda monicker in the title of the event.
>meta support
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>not enough for Tea next month
>Can either pick more Melu NP or ORT
Both gonna hurt my next summer fund so which is the better choice gameplay-wise /alter/ ?
I pray for you soul. God bless.
at equal level he does the exact same damage as rikyu except for she has supereffective damage on her NP and he doesn't.
Even when they powercreep him they're scared to powercreep him too hard. IDK why they're so afraid of quick.
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No upgrades huh? How unfortunate.
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melu/summer melu is way more comfier to use even though you'll only be able to get her after the tam lin lotto she excels at. ort-chan's super strong but her farming is bricked by the fact you have to permanently extra skill button presses even when that options turned off because of her stars consumed to buff the skill gimmick
>its a spoil of war
Get so turned on scrolling through /alter/.
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I guess so, I got it working now with that skill order + using Castoria's NP on the last wave before Beni's.
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>1 hour
>out of ap
>too lazy to play vidya
guess im gonna beat my stick then...
She's got wide hips with a thigh gap triangle. Its just the digaea style.
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Skidaddle skidoodle!
Your dick is now a noodle!
Double castoria + MLB CE with summer Hokusai turned out to be super overkill.
non mlb is enough
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I am blessing your rolls, hold still please.
you got so close
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>next month.
Uhhh about that
swap a castoria for xu fu to save bond?
Realistically, how do you fix this? I have the same issue.
>bored but too lazy to play vidya
>hungry but don’t know what to eat
>want to jerk off but don’t know who or what to use as spank material
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Based birb.
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Good morning, bros! I couldn't sleep anymore! I am too excited! LET'S GOOOOOOOO! 43 minutes left!
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Dead month? Seriously?
I am probably going to swap out my Castoria for Reines and see how that goes.
That's it. I'm gonna watch skibidy toilet.
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for how long?
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It's next next month...
What the fuck my penis is a noodle now
This thread isn't very hype atm. I guess people don't care about Skadi.
Thanks Ati
yeah that works, it's what i'm doing. lets you save bond on your oberon or castoria which is nice. shame there's no setup I can figure out that uses neither your oberon or your castoria.
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I wasn’t going to summon for her so all my bad luck got isolated in a rate up that doesn’t affect me. Thanks, BB!
Castoria/Oei/Reines/Oberon is an easy clear. You do need Oberon though, since you'll be low on refund so his extra 20% charge is essential. Waver might also be usable in place of Reines.
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np buff damage mod against knight enemies
>6 nodes
>each of them just keep fucking going
>a single node touches on like 5 sub plots from the same fucking node
what the fuck is wrong with sakurai.
There's a reason I have them both bond grailed several times already... I really do need to save bond on Castoria since she's almost bond 14, but Oberon still has a few more bond levels before I have to worry.
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I care, I made a catalyst for her even. >>487509729
It's the calm before the storm
Is Yang Guifei Korean or something?
summer valk ascension mats take 300 snow bricks to buy? oh jesus I have severely underestimated how many snow bricks I needed this event.
>made ingredients sentient
>made an Arctic singularity
She spent all of her points into MAG and not INT didn't her?
if you don't care for quick is summer skadoodle worth getting?
Thoughts on this?:
ruler skadi is your upgrades...
pretty good
She also buffs buster crits if 2x Vitch wasn't already doing it for you.
The thread is moving so slowly. When Oberon was about to be released these threads would hit cap in no time...
She's a lot like Konosuba's Aqua yes.
Every coomroll is worth getting
I also made a catalyst also!
They were much faster during the lead-up to Ibuki and purrlina. I guess no one really gives a fuck about skadoodle...
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Oberon vastly increases the power of any comp he is dropped into, summer Skadi is a minor improvement to a comp that most people don't use anymore.
People loved Oberon from LB6, plus he was firmly established as an utterly game-breaking servant. Skadi is, at best, a band-aid for Quick.
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Skadiddle skedaddle skadook
it may be a noodle but it is uncooked
Thank you. Should I cum to Skadi's FA art as well for good measure?
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brb buying ice cream bros
Merlina is just very beautiful, is Arts Merlin and was an import from Arcade. Ibuki had gameplayfags and the two Ibukibros drooling. Quick just isn't that popular anymore.
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Remember to use the self checkout
>is a great character
>is one of if not the best support in game
>is part of LB6
>has pretty neat "weird" art
Most servants can't comepete desu
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The fun part of Oberon was not knowing when his rateup was because Albert fucked up the campaign
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33 minutes until your Giant bride arrives!!!!AHHHHHHH!
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Thank you skadoodle, hope these 30sq are enough to get one copy of your summer version
this year i only want merlina and ruler skadi.
the sitonai shitposting was very funny
>illyakek posts all week about it being the day
>fails to do so one day
>oberon banner
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Man it's been so long since the last meta support I miss this excitement
cute Gareth's Mom
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Taking requests to pass time before Skadi arrives

Also any of the following anons are here?
>>485849592 (vanilla melu)
>>486511795 (adult draco lewds)
>>486936993 (bimbo birbs)
>>486937756 (BB rimming Melt)

Because I finished their requests
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She is almost here.
>Literally dead month after summer
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30 Minutes till Wu makes your dick explode!
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Don't hate the servant, hate the game.
Quetz please.
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Thanks, Skadi.
>month of blue apples
hell yeah
So wu is merlin side grade
Finally, a break...

I need to catch up on my main interludes
Skadi making out with Wu
Not any of them but post them anyway.
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Less than 30 minutes until Nite Brite, where's the hype?
bimbo birbs plz
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I forgive you.
gives me time to do Ooku and farm bond for sq
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Thanks bro.
Maybe they will be back after the banner drops...
Mind posting it?
Every year for NA. We will be sitting here watch what JP is getting for their anni and summer maybe...
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Morning, bro.
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Wu and Shuten tagteam with Wu blowing you and Shuten rimming you.
So in Skadi's manga, how do the giant/human couples have sex?
Female and Male protagonists pissing on a beat up pregnant Altera covered in bruises and with blood leaking out of her pussy due to her misscarrige and tears streaming down her face.
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AI won...
>let me in. I'm a fairy.
>we forgive Skadi who was constantly lying to us, modfying peoples spirit origins without asking them, abandoned the Valks and was putting everyone in jeopardy for no real reason
>we forgive Ibuki who straight up was going to remodel reality for no real reason other than she felt like it and caused everything to begin with
>DOUMAN gets punished
what the fuck bros. what the hell.
jam it in
That's pretty damn good already. Sorry, I'm not very imaginative.
Any chance you could upload all the Morgan stuff you've made?
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How intense was the Castoria release on /alter/? I was absent from these threads when it occurred, though I did roll for her at the time.
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You okay, bro?
Douman gave them the grail.
If not that they would never be able to do those things so hes responsible.
Douman deserves it for being naked most of the time.
Douman isn't a dumb divine spirit who doesn't know any better.
Skadi just wanted some attention! She did nothing wrong!
Ibuki is just an alcoholic who doesn’t understand humans! You don’t blame the sky for rain!
Doodooman was trying to be evil.
No icky males get anything good in sakurai's yuri heaven
you have 18 minutes to get your icecream ready.
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Gudao, Jeanne Alter and Santa Lily sleeping in a bed together. Have Lily in the middle of the two of them. Nothing lewd, just wholesome, please.
Never been better!
Back when Castoria was all about MW… good times. Anyway the servers were fucked so there was a lot of shitposting.
Pretty busy iirc but I needed a sleep break between summons because I was getting near minrolls.
Luvia taking a strapon to Rin's defenseless anus
>No icky males get anything good in sakurai's yuri heaven
'icky? On 'ecky?
>who straight up was going to remodel reality
Even full Divine Spirits are not that strong even with a grail. Whoever wrote that had no fucking idea what they were doing.
It was mostly just shitposting about the servers being busy
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Boudica (long haired) in naked apron, preferably in this kind of situation
>Douman isn't a dumb
He clearly is
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I'm making a pizza.
fucking chaos
the threads were basically unusably fast
NTA but her wearing Kukulkan's space suit
Well, how else would you punish those two?
Reminder that those were gods, unlike Douman.
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Time for a lot of failed rolls.
>castoria posting faster than /pol/
>passive drip feed of QP and 5 star embers for the remainder of the event
Nice. I grailed my Valk to 100 off of the embers I got already.
She literally crashed the servers so many people were trying to log in at once. /alter/ hit a peak of activity not seen since.
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She's alright, not super sure I want to bother pulling her though...
i need it after hitting pity for ibuki
I have 17 quartz left(15 of those being paid quartz reserved for the GSSR so more like 2 quartz) after rolling for Ibuki(didnt get her) so im not going to be able to roll for Skadi.
Sorry, I’m working right now
sure, but its included in the saberface folder, granted its not much, brb
>Nite Brite
This killed the hype.
Castoria is better than /pol/, so it makes sense.
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The hype is barely self contained annoying my close friends with countdowns.
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Douman exists to be a punching bag while if those two actually faced the consequences of their actions we'd see a bunch of pissed off simps crying about it
Uuuh but she's a buster support?
>(BB rimming Melt)
me here
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did you have merlin and oberon
yeah. lots of lucky bros getting her in 1 roll, lots of unlucky bros hitting pity, many inbetween. time to roll the dice.
I forgive him too but he’s less repentant so he needs punishment. Girls need to be taken care of even if they’re divine spirits so that’s why I’m more lenient with them. It’s not like Skadi or Ibuki are modern feminists or anything.
Whats this website called that lets you see posts per minute of every board?
oberon should have been a girl since vortigern is related to gender bent artoria
Gods we were strong then!
wait what the uck did they suddenly release 3 sections in a row? i was sure i was up to date
>forgive him too but he’s less repentant
Nigger ibuki didn't give a shit
There are Ibuki simps?
Doesn't beat Skadi during election year.
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Everything but the CQ released yesterday if you had the requirements bro
*genderbent arthur
Ortlinde or Hildr…
theres gonna be at least 1 person who somehow gets rainbow rings into jannu instead of skadi
They released one area per day. Extra quests open up once you upgrade attractions, plus the NP quests.
I will be there to say "Oh look, a Jannu" when they post it.
>extra attacks
I skipped this shit event. What's this?
why the fuck did they do that, specially when its sakurai's writting where a single section jsut takes all your energy to read through
With our powers combined, I AM CAPTAIN FGO!
Not on /alter/, there's like 2 simps tops. Maybe just one guy who samefags. Goes to the mat for sakurai too.
All it took was her calling you Honeybun for anons in this thread to start loving her
You want hype? Wait for Kukulkan.
No, being made gameplay doesn’t make those that suddenly claim to like her simps.
>Not on /alter/, there's like 2 simps tops.
there are like 4 120 ibukis
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>jannu already came during the multi that got ibuki
Surely that's enough for her, right?
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Based Beni pickers.
Because people were complaining about time games.
Now time gates removed and people are still complaining about not enought time games.
we can never please you guys
All of section 8 + epilogue is shorter than the fucking doujin scene in section 7 that takes half an hour to read through.
We turn into marisbully in the end
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>Whoever wrote that had no fucking idea what they were doing.
and how many of them have saber Ibuki grailed and aren't just gameplayfags?
Gameplayfags are not simps. They also probably have grailed Poo gods and grailed hercs if their accounts are old enough.
nta but she did understand she messed up in one of the bonus quests
Gameplayfags grail OP servants, it doesn't mean they actually like them. Some of them might claim to like them to justify their gameplay faggortry, but we know the truth.
They are simps, just extremely shallow

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