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Previous: >>487450505

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki-Douji (Berserker) Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Scathach-Skadi (Ruler) Pickup Summon
2024-07-24 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png (embed)
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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I curse all of you to get spooked by Jannu tonight!
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So when can we summon for Ati, I mean Skadi?
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Kama Love!
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>Saber Lily uses it
and far more importantly, and recognizable to anyone who wants to talk about FSN and Saber and their connection (if they've read the VN of course), Shirou fucking projects it.
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>quick dead in a ditch
>bustertards have gone silent
>arts: >>487470817
Extra Attack Chads it's our time!
I don't care
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You mean Astraea
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Medusa love!
So where's the morgan/melusine 6CE????
Morgan and melu """"chads"""" told me they could clear everything??
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I handcuffed Ati to my bed so none of you can get her.
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Lip love!
O look a jannu
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Time to snooze
Good luck tomorrow
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So where's the morgan/melusine 6CE????
Morgan and melu """"chads"""" told me they could clear everything??
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night wugod
In Fate Caliburn is the sword in the stone but then it broke so the lady of the lake (Morgan forma schizo) gave Artoria Excalibur.
>Dont report my work
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Oberon love!
In the myths Scathach once grew a massive cock and violated Setanta's rear end as punishment for a prank.
She literally made Medb's main squeeze her little bitchboy fuckpuppet. Imagine how horny that thought gets Medb
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Where's summer Skadi bro?
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6 hours and 45 minutes until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:

The rate-up is in the morning for Eurofriends, so I'll go to sleep soon. I might not sleep a lot due to excitement but if I don't wake up early then I'll say now good luck to everyone!
I don't have Jannu, so I would be quite happy to get her.
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Love oni.
Love Ibuki.
Love Raita.
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She must have had the biggest cuck femboner from it
Summer Skadi bro!
>not staying up
Yikes, you've waited more than 2 years for her and now you're just "going to sleep"? Fuck off, you lost all of my respect
>The asscheek in the back is bigger than the asscheek in the front
Thanks for the MLB Tenzou. You the realest.
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i want to have a threesome with Illya and Fuji-nee
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I bless your rolls.
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The morgan webm fag dropped the game for star rail bro...
He's going to bed early so he can get up when her rateup releases Mo bro
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The queen of failing to do enough damage even with 5CE
Was it actually said that it broke? I just remember that she lost it due to something Morgan did, but it wasn't clear whether that meant it got destroyed or stolen or what.
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Good luck!
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Good luck, bro. It's been a hell of a wait.
Morgan chad doesnt play FGO anymore and Melu chad is asleep at these hours.
i hate chinkshit so much
>melukek can't read
Stop making retards feel comfortable here.
That's a damage CE dumbass
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hmmm interesting
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Good night bro and good luck
Good luck bro
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??? stop seeing things
Uh oh
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Good luck to you too bros.
good job bro
>the cups not in microbikini
>still no costume to remove Illya's stupid poncho in JP
Good work bro.
Could have said it's the bonus from the event itself
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Break a leg bro
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Sleep tight lotto fairy I hope you get a high np level! so I don't have to defriend you for not having her second append and screwing up my Caren loops
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good luck bros
get better bro

im a certified midwif
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>ESL babble
fake, you dont get that fit by eatin ice cream
FGO is only played by retards so how does one reconcile this?
She stole a fit hag's body!
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aight bros i'm entering phonepost mode. see you in 6 hours for the community ice cream party.
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this is how i would interact with bros if i met them irl
Is there a single 6CE setup that's consistent?
This shit sucks hard
Yeah NP5 Trung Sisters or a grailed NP5 Saito are the only 100% consistent 6CEs
Why are you so obsessed with 6CE bro, you'll run out of stuff that needs ice soon
why does 6CE matter so much to you?
What CEs are you even trying to bring?
6ce is a meme
post your 120 saber Ibuki or you're a fraud
Why did I bother to roll for all these high NP level DPS servants if they can't do any better than welfare Hokusai
>7 ice off having everything maxed
You bitch. Just give me the 7 ice.
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And here's last of Azusa's artbooks that I have on hand. I'll most likely post pics of new stuff tomorrow, since I have a package coming in. Good luck with Skadi rolls, bros.

>memelist has Kintoki at SSS tier
>he can't even 5T this node
I'd bet anything I'm more white than you, Pedro. Phone games are the domain of brown people. You can bitch about me deleting and correcting my post too.
Who else can't 5T this node among the highest placed servants?
Isn't this unfair? Why did they hurt NP1bros so much?
when everything is maxed, do i even need bazett ce or can i drop it for currency?
>big snek and little snek
Good luck to you too bro
I'm not retarded.
Ice isn't used for anything else so you should be good to MLB it and stick it on support.
Melusine isn't an event bonus servant
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Good luck bro
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let her cook
Nah since the crits and buster cards are a small feature of her NP
Lotta stuff in here I hadn't seen before, thanks for scanning bro! Will you be rolling too? Best of luck if you are!
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Embarrassing cope
I did this for my bros, but I get nervous if I haven't overfarmed extremely early, apparently. Even though there's no chance of me getting much more ice than I'll ever need
only retards use 4chin
She gets one buster card to use in Super Aoko form, it doesn't matter at all really.
Thanks anon. Good luck yourself!
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Fuck BB
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Do you ever feel like life isn't worth living?
>Jing Ke wrote a book on Assassinations
>people hated it
>wrote a book on alcohol but rated everything 5/5
>people hated it
Fucking Confucian.
what about the extra attack, isn't it the point to get it as aoe?
I wish I was beloved like Ati.
Life is good. It's why I bully FGO posters. It makes me feel good about myself.
>story ends
wait, is this the shortest Summer event ever?
Don't worry bro Jesus loves you
No, its actually next summer which is the shortest
Based, couldn't care less about F*eslop
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>only the damage ce gives starting charge
I think I could do this without the dmg ce
if the charm lands
Is it? I can't believe a Nasu event being short
i feel constantly unsatisfied with everything
i want to live a normal life
i want to be productive
i want to achieve something
yet i can't
It's just as unreliable to count on brave chains.
so super aoko is just for the improved skills pretty much? i'm confused
isnt next event a Servantfest?
if it's actually short taht's a kick to the balls
damn I know that feeling anon
>yet i cant
you can. you just don't want to. it's probably because you enjoy fgo.
Ye, its the biggest complaint
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>accidentally hovered over the spoiler
>found out there's going to be a summer next year
No, as Super Aoko she has a different damaging NP too.
Nasu was busy playing Elden Ring.
>implying Nasu still gives a shit about this garbage game when he could be playing Genshin.
just use ce's for bonus charms?
What are the Skadi approved haagen dazs flavors?
Super Aoko is for people who love Aoko but in terms of any kind of gameplay usage her kit is too specific for basically any farming content. If you want her to hit her hardest then sure, max her. They do give benefits to parts of her kit. But it's to little end really. She needs a buff.
He was dying from asthma at the time
Medb flavor
I'm blind I thought she was like jekyll where there is no other np after the transformation. thanks bro
Did you already know who you wanted to pick?
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Time to start digging for a hot spring under that bed.
That'd probably be the case if she wasn't a SSR
None of the above
Why are they afraid to make these popular heroines good? Looking at Arcueid that needs NP5 120, or Void Shiki who's really weak.
Yes Hildr
why is everyone buying haagen dazs specifically?
Two years ago, Ortlinde
Strawberry is nice.
It sounds Skadinavian.
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Why can't we pick all 3?
Do I have to play Mahoyo to know what super Aoko is?
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I refer to big vinci as the Da Binci
Is that greed I smell?
Void Shiki suffers from being a year 1 servant, while Arc and Aoko are made exclusively for the superfans
Not really, it sounds Dut*h
Yes, you do. You should download and read through Mahoyo as soon as possible, it's shorter than most VNs and a great experience.
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I don't careif Douman is evil and keeps betraying me... I love him!
Thrud on my main, Hildr on my alt.
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Arc is very useful even at NP1 though.
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Yes I'm greedy, and I'm tired of lying saying I'm not.
We allow fags here now?
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Dark hair is superior, so Ort is the only choice.
Aoko can use the 5th magic because her grandfather perfected it and it was passed down to her, and it lets her access herself from 10 years in the future where she has a better handle on it and she goes super saiyan. Magecraft being the culmination of centuries of culminated effort makes Super Aoko itself pretty fucking boring despite being the one of 5 ever magics in the entire Nasuverse
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>digging for a hot spring
Fuck off or I'll call the Prefects!
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I would if she looked like this instead.
Im a woman.
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No you aren't.
Imagine getting the one named Turd
Sure you are, bro.
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Based. I got him today.
They could fix Void Shiki if they wanted...
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>We allow fags here now
Always did. Nasu is a lesbian.
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She is though. I've restructured most of my basic farming teams because she's so good for the first wave + NP charge.
Ok but. What exactly does it mean to be super Aoko. Is this just the Fate version of going super saiyan? Is she just generically faster/stronger etc? It sounds fantastically to be able to reach into the future for something but is this no different than Archer’s future skills and prowess being passed down to Shirou? Or is there some tangible special thing she can only do in super Aoko mode.
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Strawberry Häagen-Dazs is an important part of Type-Moon history.
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>Is this just the Fate version of going super saiyan?

>Is this just the Fate version of going super saiyan
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I have her NP2 and grailed so possibly I have bias, but she's just an incredible servant to use for all of the early non-90+/++ nodes in events. I can go Arc-Arc-40% charge servant and just clear without activating a single thought key.
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>calling takeuchi's wife a lesbian
That's fucked up, bro
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Can you a Douman enjoyer explain from a woman’s point of view why women in general like being treated poorly and betrayed?
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Does this count as 6CE? 113 cost, so the 6th CE has to be 3 star. If you get 5 Crane cards T1 just crit with her buster first, any crit is enough. Or grail Ibuki to 100.

Too bad I don't have any Cranebros on my list...
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>3 kgs of makeup
Absolute shit taste. Consider suicide
Why are Kiarafags so dedicated to a woman who's a complete psychopath and would immediately vore them?
>1st True Magic

>2nd True Magic
Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon. Kaleidoscope.

>3rd True Magic
The Materialization of the Soul. Heaven's Feel.

>4th True Magic

>5th True Magic
Magic Blue.
Her BBs aren't big enough.
What does a loser like you know about taste? Kindly shut the fuck up and take your own advice.
If you've got a modern human they don't even need a self charge, which is even more wonderful.
>Why are they afraid to make these popular heroines good?
Because they know they'll sell regardless. Same reason Avenger Nobu was trash till her buff. Same reason Yorokobe is mediocre.
Being broken is for servants they're desperate for people to like, like Ibuki Douji, or author's pets like Saber.
Blue magic was the name of an unofficial sex themed DnD supplement.
What's so bad about lenses?
I guess the answer is "kind of". It's obviously 6 CE right now, but would not be 6CE in a lotto event.
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show me her feet
I have Miss Crane but I haven't MLB the Bazett CE yet.
Real question: I always thought bara designs only attracted males, but a lot of women go crazy over Douman and he's FUCKING HUGE.
Is it just the personality, or have I been lied to all along?
Am I saving for someone important later or should I just blow my load on the summer banners
But I only have 111 max cost
>1st True Magic
It makes ploys
Women, like men, can have different preferences.
She's cute af.
Kill yourself.
The fact that I find the abomination you just posted absolutely repulsive makes my taste automatically better.
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i bought belgian chocolate because im a fatty am i getting skadi
tanned BB my beloved
Nero also gets 50 buffs, costumes and alt versions.
>NP upgrade
>30% charge
>25% atk up
>40% arts buff for 3 turns (next year)
She's pretty solid, just nothing exceptional since she can't looooop and doesn't have unique mechanics.
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I can fix her.
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Imagine Dough Man, but an attractive women. Like some giant lady with huge tits who acts like a shameless failure midboss that's easy to bully
Gareth's pretty cute. You sure you don't want to roll for her?
It does not. In fact, it makes you seem like a sperg I could easily shove into a locker.
Post shirtless belly
That's just BB
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First magic is creating thing from nothing, now Shirou/archer projection needs mana to create things so it's not proper first magic but is said to be the closest to it.
But in your case, does his body type factor into you liking him? Would you prefer he looked more like a twink or do you actually like his huge muscles?
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I'll give it an attempt but as far as it goes for me. Won't be awake for when the rateup drops either, so I'm just saying good lucks to everyone who will be around and go for her.
There's not too many living human servants without a charge though. Usually pseudos have a bit more of a stacked kit. Who even fits that description? Lancer Erice is the one I can think of, void shiki is the other?
Speaking of which, it was kinda lame how this event did everything it could to avoid bullying the women only to keep shitting on Douman. Not that it wasn't funny, but it barely made sense in the story when Ibuki and Skadi literally just walk away scot-free.
Now I understand how Kamafans felt. Douman has all these new costumes, but I can't use any of them. Actually we have it a little worse, because he only gets the one outfit while Kama got three ascensions.
I am not a woman, just stating a fact.
>3* CE
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lvl 1 Bazett CE on Crane is just barely not enough if you get all Crane cards, but at like lvl 15 you should have no problems.
She seems like a nice person.
I spent 150 quarts for shit merlin and got Gareth at least. I like her knight outfit since it looks "realistic" and cool.
Sakurai always lets women off the hook, see: Tunguska
Need more like this
They're horny for anime women.
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In what game/VN do they talk about the 1st Magic?
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That frustrates the hell out of me.
“Oh you were a sadistic, narcissistic piece of shit who bathed in the blood of children to try to stay young? Well that’s okay, because this is the version of you when you were a bratty teenager, before you got to that point.”
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Just because people can like different things doesn't mean there aren't trends. I was just curious about the actual reasons behind this specific case.
It's about the face
Women don't like bara because they don't like baraface (see Iskander), not because they hate huge men
ALL women love size_difference
Is that why people speculate that Jesus was the 1st True Magic user?
Depends if you already have all the important stuff, otherwise most are saving for LB7/Draco/Tiamat
Nero is an author's pet
Notice how Timtam gets nothing
It's because they're from year 1.
The lack of body hair helps too. Douman's more of a monster dude than bara.
Nasu did that first in CCC. Liz turned into the comic relief character she is in FGO halfway through that game.
melt is the hottest character in this game
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is summer skadi tonight?
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Mahoyo sort of Alice ancestor was Yumina the first magician
it be doing that
I got frustrated when it first happened to me too
now i live with the pain
Is there no CQ? Are there going to be any more quests or is it just going to be farming for 2+ weeks now?
in 6 hours
in 6 hours
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This, but her sister.
Yeah that theory is dead, we know who the first magician was now
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no I will not calm down
Why the fuck is this happening? It doesn't make sense. WHY?
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Someone from your area might've gotten smacked with a ban and now you're paying the price
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that doesn't make sense because it's only certain images being uploaded that give connection errors. And nothing anyone does in the same IP range matters for me anyways.
>Don't tell fission (aka Shikimod) that. He's an active poster in the /alter/ thread and range banned me once for a month for a certain meme that was making fun of him. Also, don't make fun of his other waifus: Nero, Musashi, and Scathach.
Is that so?
>he doesn't know
I see
In that case a mage did it
Cool didn't try get him bcs still kinda new
>he thinks he knows but he is actually unaware of the knowledge he is lacking
his tantrums are cute
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It's even worse because we got a rerun this year voted for the player base as well and Nasu chose to take that time for a 2 month vacation where he did nothing instead. I am glad for the new anniversary CE and voice lines (?) but Nasu can go to hell.
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>wu and skadi tonight
I can't wait.
Don't give up Skadi, Quick will rise again...
there are programs that let you hide encrypted arbitrary data inside of images
either your images had such data or the 4chan server-side check for it got upgraded to be even more strict for whatever reason
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if you get her early what will you do with your leftover quartz? dump it all on ibuki?
She's a looper, so you want NP3+ at least
save them for edgy Nito and Kuku
Shove it in my ass.
You mean summer Ibuki.
it's called steganography. the most famous example of it probably was the cicada 3301 outguess image back in 2014
see you all in hell bros
Save for Rikyu.
I'm probably not rolling for her until I see JP's anniversary servant. Her rateup will overlap with that for a few days. If I do end up rolling and getting her in a few SQ I'm saving all the rest for Rikyu.
Get more Skadi's.
If you dont have 6 to trully complete her with all appends and lvl 120 then do you really have her?
4chan caps the data traffic in shitposter heavy regions like SEA and australia.
Albert loves your fat whale ass.
>Nobody cares about /vg/
A bit funny to hear that from a way less active board like /r9k/.
have dumped over 1K hunting for a second copy of this ungrateful pretender and will continue till i have nothing
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they definitely don't because they're screencaps I made myself
For instance it won't let me post the original of this. I had to crop it slightly to be able to post it right now.
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wait next week for summer Okitan, she's one of the best Quick AoE servants period
Skadi specifically has nothing to do with Haagen Dazs, you're fine.
Save the remaining for (hopefully) NP2+ Sei during Gudaguda.
It isn't capping data traffic, it lets me upload another file just fine, and I'm in the US anon.
Dump for Skadi's fat NP levels
Merlina NP levels are useless bro
catbox the original and I'll post it and see if you aren't retarded.
Bros, I want a tanned Okita gf so bad.
i just want to match her bro's np level
Stenography is a lot more advanced than what userscripts like lolipee did.
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Here's me trying to post it. Perhaps it has something to do with 4chanX?
>he doesn't know
Are you mobile posting or anything? Sometimes the quick posting window fucks up but the top one works.
summer kama or summer ibuki?
both at the same time
Wait for Koma
Nah, does the same on Kuroba as well.
ibuki for gameplayfagging kama for love
Summer BB's leotard reeks of piss, sweat and shit.
Be grateful you still can post images

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Ibuki is better gameplay AND is hotter
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>wanted Osakabehime for years
>finally get her from a daily 1SQ summon on Avalon banner
>like three days before Summer Skadi release
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ok but she's shit. who cares?
Single moms aren't that hard to get, bro.
I said tanned Okita, not Okita Alter, retardbro.
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imagine eating BB's shit directly from the source...
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She's temporarily aging her body to her much stronger future self. All of Aoko's appearences outside of that where she's older has the red hair and ridiculous power as just her default state.

Basically think of it like if Shirou could turn into Archer for a few minutes.
3 days of the stinkiest fucking NEET sex you can imagine
Let me guess... your favorite servant is Kukulkan?
solder fumes are more healthy
shirou was the redman???
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Ok bros, I am ready for tonight. I am hoping for at least NP1.
>I am hoping for at least NP1.
Shooting for the stars huh
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I love these girls.
>all are Arts
What does it mean?
I can imagine it now
>Cashier: Getting something for that special someone?
>anon: Uhhhh ehehe y-yeah. Something like that
>*quickly rushes out of the store*
You don't really need more than that...
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no he black man
Don't tell me what I need, bitch.
It's to protect Skadi's smile, it's important.
Please stop shoving your fetish on our face Bartholomew
That you love those girls?
Is there any reason not to MLB the event damage CE?
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The Fifth magic is the ability to create an effect without worrying about the cause because you just put the cause somewhere else and just hope it's somewhere it doesn't have an impact on things. Effectively you can fuck with the laws of physics but ultimately the conservation of mass still exists, you just put it elsewhere in time and space.

As you can imagine, that concept can easily be applied to doing some utterly absurd shit. A more experienced Aoko knows how to use it well. Super Aoko is Aoko essentially using the Fifth Magic to force her future abilities and knowledge into her current self.
Good luck bro, I'm sure your feelings will reach her heart.
>2 dudes
>1 dyke
>1 snake
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Very weird. I'm even more confused now. This makes no sense at all.
Shut the fuck up.
>2 dudes
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No unless you care about having 5 copies and aren’t planning to farm the 90++ node.
Anything leftover carries over to evil-frogtober
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I want to have gay sex with a Mysterious Ranmaru X cosplayer (male).
It's not gay if he's cute, anon.
Exactly right. I'll find someone to take that role.
I remember it happening a while back, they must be updating the backend and did something, should sort itself out in a few days.
>use it well
Can you give me a tangible example and the result? What is some of the absurd shit she’s accomplished.
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depends if I get her super early or hit pity, super early i'll use the rest for komahime, if I hit pity i'll just dump the rest to luckroll np2+
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don't mind me, just buster looping with my Ivan
Make me, bitchtits.
Sounds terrible.
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But why would it be only specific files, consistently specific files, which are apparently not even specific to the files but specific to the files to me...?
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>phone battery is going to explode hours before Skadi releases
I'm always afraid I'll fuck up the account transfer
I'm 5Ceing the 90+ quesy
Okay, and?
Actually the flowers were for me mom since I was stopping by my parent's house on the way home. I just wanted to bait, the ice cream is for Skadipple.
I prefer ibuki when her eyeball is black, they just fit her better
it's not if he's np2 max gold foud and append
It's based on binary, mobro.
Couldn't tell you, but something I've noticed is that it only appears to be .pngs that are failing for me, as soon as I convert to .jpg it seems to upload. But I've not had thr error on any .jpgs when uploading.
But I'm rolling for her because I have leftover quartz from Ibuki to begin with.
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That's sweet of you, bro.
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and 102
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Man, this is really chunni. I’d like it if Erice and Jeanne Alter got along. They both need more friends.
Yeah man, PEN is such a chuuni word
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big laser
bigger laser

But genuinely you're asking questions that there isn't really a point in answering. The rules of fifth magic are defined, it's misplacement of the cause/effect of conservation of mass through the use of time travel and literal physical replacement. The potential application is infinite and that's the point and why she's powerful. They don't go into her feats, at least so far, because prior to Mahoyo she's a side character and in Mahoyo she only gains access to the Fifth at the climax of the story.
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who are you using for the 90++ node? my 100 Kriem is wiping claeboy
that doesn't mean anything to me

Yeah I think it has all been pngs for me too.
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I only ended up getting 3 cups of ice cream bros, you are all gonna have to share.
Man is this uninteresting.
Goetia's incineration of all human history is an example of an incomplete Fifth Magic. Actual Fifth can do that and more.
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>Anonymous 07/24/24(Wed)19:00:39 No.4874
if you dont want to fuck something important like that up just write it down on a notepad and save it on your computer/usb harddrive if your worried about your computer dying too
I'd poop in there.
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Thank you, mama...
Thanks mom
Seems about right. You seem like the type of person who buys ice cream for jpegs.
You are my greatest bro, bro.
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This. Goetia's whole plan of traveling to the beginning of everything is Aoko's Super in the Melty Blood games.
If you dont pick Thrud then you're not a true Arc fan.
Burn your Arc you dont deserve her.
But Hildr is for (Me).
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You should read it friend, it's good.
lol I didn't roll for her anyway
bros look at my ice cream bros!!! look im cumming on ice cream bros! arent i interesting?!
I'm definitely going with Ortlinde or Hildr but fuck me I can't fucking decide
Not nearly interesting enough. Now you must eat it.
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What's everyone edging to while waiting for Skadoodle?

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Are we meant to still be maxing out the ice CE or what
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We need about 26 spoons
I just ate ice cream. Please clap.
you can stop running it after all the attractions are leveled and you have 1200 for the ascension mats
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Epic, it's like I'm on reddit.
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Mine is NP1 and lv 100 and is also fine
What do you think of old men?
I love them when they are in the bodies of young girls.
>Takeuchi gets paid 3 billion a month to recollor the same drawing over and over
she doesn't need skill levels to clear the node.

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Ice cream acquired, now off to clean my manchild cave so its presentable enough for skadoo.
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They need to be protected.
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gonna leave my phone in the freezer until midnight so my phone is comfy for skadi bros
That’s not Skadi
once you've maxed all the attractions and bought the 4 ascension hats for your summer valkyrie for 1.2k its largely a useless drop since you get way more QP/currency from the 5* gacha CE instead
don't actually do that
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You guys are fucking sheep. Ice the cream from balls. That'd be so heckin comfy.
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if i wasn't supposed to samsung would tell me not to
I'm purposefully not running any drop CE just so I can run as many bond boosters as possible. The reason is that, with 2 weeks to go, I'm probably going to get all the points/mats regardless.
Most of Reddit is going Ortlinde.
looking for a sister to spoon, me the little spoon of course
>to create an effect without worrying about the cause
so King Crimson?
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>3 cups
Less than 5 hours to go and I'm losing my mind.
but that's the right amount of cups
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did any other nasu kinoko heads (also known as kinokoers) catch this epic reference!? LOL!
Time to start my 4h 37m goon sesh
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yes keep maxxing out ice forever so i can get more fp from my ce
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>only 3
>run the 90++ three times
>close the game
these next two weeks are going to be grim
What's your 90++ comp bros?
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>t.redditor who bought lots of trashfood jut ice cream and failed to get og skadoodle
Now i realize I never tried to do big cup pics
I like that the 90++ node gives more bond.
Phantom of the Opera
Mod Menu
Fast Kill On
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if I recall the lasers have nothing to do with the fifth magic. That's just Aoko. Her circuits are super durable so she can put a ton of force through them.
Already dumped all my sq on Ibuki :^)
Support Castoria, Oei (damage CE), Reines, Oberon.

If I could find a similar setup that removes Oberon for Merlina I would though.
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Depends on how early. But I will probably save it for Kuku. Between now and Feb we only get about 270sq. Then between that and Summer 8 it's only another 300sq or so.
I do what I need to do to save quartz. idgaf.
I only have 600sq left. Probably save. Maybe do one more multi for np2 ibuki.
But need to save for Tiamat, Kuku
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Hm? My class? Right, it's strange. I wonder why Pretender? It's a secret between you and Mer-
no wait I did make 3
it's because she was pretending to be relevant to this event
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If I don't mention Constantine in this thread who will?
too big and doesn't feel very Iri
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Are you here bro?
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Hoku with damage CE
double Castoria + plugsuit Merlina
Pretty straightforward. Dump both Castoria's skills into them save the attack buff on one, swap out the used one for Merlin and drop her arts buff. NP 3 times. You could probably use XuFu in one of these slots if you're lacking one of them.
vlad + 2x castoria + proto merlin
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>throws a wave at you
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Good luck
no. it's wholesome and comfy.
Dont they have the exact same skin color?
Or am i just color blind.
It's just like when ESLs call each other brown here as an insult
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Already posted it earlier today, but here you go.
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Bros running Summer Oei/Castoria/Reines/Oberon, who are you using as your support? I can't decide if I want to save Castoria bond or Oberon bond more...
Castoria is already a good bit higher but Oberon is used in literally every comp forever
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You're brown.
Saber Alter is more pale than Jeanne Alter. Except when she’s in third ascension or in her Shinjuku outfit.
I don't think Xu Fu gives enough damage. You need two Castorias with that setup. Maybe you could swap one for Oberon but I doubt it.
Been testing so far my best result was Summer Oei, but I had to use a CS due to only 60% np refund, so I need a second damage dealer to get rid of the 1st guy at least, that or I just bring reines instead of Tamamo I guess, m going to test that
which is a shame since I wanted some more Tamamo bond, she is near bond 13
Why did you censor your gains??
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I'm imagining it.
Save Oberon bond. Arts servants can generally work with Xu-Fu, Purin, Tamamo, etc etc, so you barely need to use your own Castoria for regular farming, but like you said you use Oberon for literally every future comp.
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Yasuke as new 5 star saber doko? FGO needs Yasuke since Japanese historians consider Yasuke being Samurai canon. And Yasuke being Samurai will be canon. Yasuke will have 3 busters, Area NP with Hiphop music. Yasuke would listen to Hiphop in Chaldea. Chaldea shall have black servants. Chaldea having no black servant is discrimination! Yasuke's NP would be similar to I am atomic, since Yasuke and Sid is both related with shadow.
If only her animations didn't make her look like a static PNG with some effects going on.
I'm not your bro. Kill yourself.
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If I don't get Skadoo (forma de sumer) I'm going to fuck your ass Ati
Are her animations really that bad? I never really looked at them.
Post fc
Yasuke 1* pretender, he is Nobu's pet.
I think her animations look great
Especially the one that actually matters, the NP
Yasuke as Ebon saber will have physics on dreadlocks. FGO must release Yasuke as saber in this chance.
Because bonding with your servants is a private affair, I'm not a slut.
I'm reaching the damage with a non MLB damage CE, so I'm pretty sure with a MLB one Xu would be enough.
calm down
brain rot is real
All of /alter/ would roll for choco genderbent Yasuke.
okay guess i'll just cosmos denial that particular word
I can't believe Illya made mom cry... How disgusting...
Does she give the charge needed? I'm using Oei/Castoria/Reines/Oberon but if Oberon can be switched for Xu Fu I'd consider it. Got any setups with skill order?
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i always use the self checkout in the shop it makes it easier to commit petty theft
The saber version yes. Summer is fine though.
I can tell you're using just a heroic portrait though.
we have black servants already
I would NP5 a female Yasuke, yes.
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Ati kissies! Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah! Kissing Ati! *Smooch*! Kissing Ati all over! Kissing Ati lots while I give her biiiig hugs mwah mwah mwah chu chu chu chu chu! *Smooooooooch*
It really depends on the rest of his vibe. I don't care that he's black. As long as his art style is good, design is badass, and he really fits the nobunaga vibe, I would roll for him.
If he looks fucking stupid then I ain't rolling for him, same as any other character.
>people putting their level 1 ubukis on their support lists
For what fucking purpose? Is it those fucking reddit niggers insisting you need to fill out your support slots no matter what
>yasuke added
>worse than nobukatsu for supporting nobunaga
very true
I like to put expensive chilis through as mushrooms, because the self-service chili bag and the self service mushroom bag are the same thing and also not see through.
skadi is not gonna come for you
Her NP has her in a sexy pose while the tails do literally all of the movement. She doesn't move at all in her NP except for a facial zoom in.
He was going to be in the next GudaGuda event but ubisoft pushed their loxist, DEI Assassin’s Creed game too hard and now Nasu has to wait another year for things to cool down. As a Black man he will naturally be a welfare servant.
Albert will localize him so he says “Master” as little as possible due to racist (perceived) implications and cut his My Room line with Detroit Emiya for racial sensitivity.
>use the self checkout
>i mess something up and the machine tells me to call staff
>leave my groceries and get the fuck out of the store
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>self-service chili bag
>self service mushroom bag
Is this a European thing or something?
>automatically swaps out when Nobu dies
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do you just chuck your produce straight into your shopping bag? you don't have some kind of bag in the produce section to put your produce into?
so uh what's the best use of teapots before they expire right now? this lancer node? or get my ass to speedread Traum?
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i'm an european and i don't know what the fuck he's talking about with a chili bag, usually mushrooms have a special one but that's it, otherwise it's all transparent plastic ones
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>gets deported to india
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Oei hits about 50-60% charge after her NP. So with the MLB starting you at 50% you'd need one castoria for the first NP, The Xu fu+Hoku's charge for the second, and then whatever your third support is for the last 50%. It should work out fine.
Yeah, but in my supermarket the chilis and the mushrooms are right next to eachother so you just use the mushroom bags to put the chilis into.
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>/fgoalter/ - grocery shopping general
Finally, the game we all deserve.
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Heckin' ice cream ya'll!!!
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Shut up. FGO shall have Afro black servant!! Black people=上級国民 of the world. And musical "bushido" in broadway shows that Yasuke being Samurai is canon!!
Usually, mushrooms are prepackaged where I'm at. I can't speak for chillis because I don't buy them very often.
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Finally, some real content.
What do you buy on your weekly grocery shops bros?
I peed in your cup.
You're drinking my pee hahaha...
Good luck bro! I bought Watermelon popsicles for her.

Aren't they all clear bags? How much do you even save by doing this. The self service guys are super lax on the job, sometimes they simply asked me "how much do you think this is?" and put the number I said even if it's stupid low.
What ice cream flavour or frozen treat would be a good catalyst for summoning Skadi? Gonna go to the grocery later and pick up something appropriate. I'm breaking my diet restriction for this, I hope I get her.
Mint is the first that came to mind for Skadi
you can just shove things into your pockets
no one is watching the cameras
it's that easy
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i still wouldnt take risks, they'll notice sooner or later that more chilis are being sold than they really are and you're just ruining self service for everyone by doing this shit
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Mint chocolate chip
No one's watching the cameras but God is watching you all the time.
I got strawberry that’s all I could
I really hope israel and Ukraine both lose at the same time.
What this anon said >>487490895
That or some blue popsicles. I think she likes those too.
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>>Aren't they all clear bags?
They're these ones specifically. Mushrooms are like $3-4 AUD a kilo whereas chilis can be up to 5-10x that so its usually a few dollars saved. The grocery store is simply paying self service checkout tax.
The self service guys at my local just stare into oblivion until someone actively needs their help with something, you could probably scan a blender as watermelons and get away with it.
Yasuke will steal buffs from allies and give them to Nobu.
Chocolate chip cookie dough
Human flesh flavour.
Skadi feeds on people.
If they dont have any human flesh ice cream at your local store you can buy vanilla flavour and add some of your own blended up flesh into it.
Why sperg out like this? Just filter the word ice cream, popsicle, and grocery.
>Be castorialet
>can't figure out a working comp for the lancer node
i probably save like £100~ a month not swiping all the stuff i should
Even at NP1, she enables pretty comfy door setups.
With all her buffs in JP, she can loop 3/3/X with MLB Black Grail and Oberon. Obviously not as impressive as what CLAPmasa or Takeru can do, but the fact she's doing what she's doing with a 1 hit NP is still pretty impressive.
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her valentine CE is a blue snowcone so I bought blue snowcone syrup and a snowcone machine so I could make it ready before she finally arrives
4 hours
Why sperg out like this? Just filter Heckin and ya'll.
>you can just shove things into your pockets
If you act like a retard and the thing you were fake-scanning wasn't ludicrous (scanning electronics as produce for example) you can usually get away with it by just acting confused. It's got a level of deniability that just outright yoinking stuff doesn't have.
I pretty much always scan every kind of produce as its cheapest variety, which can be a full half-off.
Legally dubious money saving hacks with /alter/...
big chain stores save infinitely more not paying workers than they lose on theft
You're the only one who seems to have a problem with people posting about ice cream in this entire thread.
From memory Void Shiki doesn't count as a living human for whatever reason, but normal assassin shiki does.
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I got mint chocolate chip, and chocolate!
Just tested with Castoria, Oei, Xu Fu, and Reines. MLB damage CE. It doesn't work.

Dropped all Xu Fu's buffs on her, plus a Castoria 20% and Arts up (and her own Arts up) for wave 1. She comes out with 45%. Needed Castoria's 30%, Oei's 20%, and a Reines 10% for wave 2. Was left with 46% for wave 3 and only 40% charge left on Reines, so I had to CS the final one to get enough to use the 3rd NP and clear Clae.

If you have a second Castoria it might, maybe, work, but if the purpose is to save bond on Castoria/Oberon you've already failed at that point.
>never rolled for swimsuits before
>never cared because you had enough alternatives
>they now made the top tier quick meme a swimsuit alt
Can I continue being based?... Help me bros, my inner metafag is telling me to summon.
Ice cream flavors that Skadi HATES?
That's pretty cool. All my mushrooms are prepackaged so I don't to use those.

What are you swiping? You must have king hassan in your chaldea.
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Anyone else using him?
You're getting a call
You have autism.
Go to a doctor and get diagnosed you might be ellegible for welfare depending on your stage of retardation.
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don't worry bro, quick sucks so it isn't meta even with summer skadoo
I'm going to have to eat it so it doesn't go to waste, so I'm not getting any toothpaste flavoured ice cream.
I take it you know from experience? What an asinine shitpost. You're a complete waste of space.
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>Can I continue being based?
Don't worry sis, you were never based in the first place.
God I wish a sis would talk to me
What's up?
then get good mint ice cream that doesn't taste like toothpaste, idiot
How's the weather in chaldea, gudako, i-i-i want to be your chair! I mean... I'm going through a tunnel I have to hang up.
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Musashi Status?
I don't get Ibuki's reasoning bros...
Mint IS toothpaste flavour
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Thanks Oberon, you're truly my greatest ally.

I am based and a certified whitelisted bro.
So is 90++ essentially unfarmable without having the damage CE mlb?
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Exactly what I thought. You're a loser and you should just keep quiet if you have nothing of value to say. I'll take the ice cream posters over some retard shitposting whatever comes to his lame mind.
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Summer Abby is the strongest! Sakurai’s fake beast got HEEDMED
I'm currently doing it with a non-MLB ce on a 1/1/1 summer oei, it's fine.
>I am based and a certified whitelisted bro.
Sis we no you're a reddie no need to cope by lying
massive copium, as usual
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Chaotic Neutral
What’s the sauce on this friend? I like the cosplays
You can use MLB BG
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Only if you are unhealthy obsession to 3 turn for some retarded reason.
This is not a lottery, it doesn't matter if it takes you 10 turns to clear you are going to clear it 3 times and then wait 10 hours and do it again.
Not unless you have a super invested DPS. This will be the case for almost all Lv.90++ nodes going forward. By the way, 5CE Lv.90++ is still better than 6CE Lv.90+.
>bottle hack
Vinci pls
Castoria Castoria Summer Oi
W1: 1 Cumhat S1, Cards, the goon can't kill you without some absurdly bad rng
W2: NP with Oi (should have full charge)
W3: NP with Oi (cards or another NP finishes)
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She's aurora's long lost sister
I deleted two people with her grailed today, shouldn't have put her up without having her Saber version sorry not sorry.
uh pls stop
I added two people with her grailed today, should have put her up without having her Saber version sorry not sorry.
Look at them
bros I love ice cream so heckin much! skibibido ya'll!
One thing I like about Ibuki-Douji's appearances is that she's one of the few they never shy away from the fact that she's a God and has the power to match it. It's always treated with a level of gravitas and intensity that feels unique among most of the other Divine Spirits or similar encounters we have. Lines like "He was being allowed to speak." and similar are just huge punches - everything is allowed, and only because She allows it.
Raita never lets my dick down
Idk I’ve been using her this summer. I only have each at NP1 so doesn’t feel much different
My cousin is non-verbally autistic and my aunt took him to a psychiatrist to secure a diagnosis and it helped them secure welfare and it helps them pay the bills so she doesnt have to work as much.
If you get diagnosed it could help your parents pay the bills instead of you being a complete drag on them.
>What an asinine shitpost.
Actually its usefull advice that could help take some weight off your parents shoulders since you're not fit for working due to your mental retardation welfare could help you contribute to your household and not be a complete waste of space.
> still kinda new
post FC so I can add you
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Things I didn't expect people to get mind broken by, today:
Ice Cream
Just fyi I didn't read any of that babble.
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>go through the self checkout
>sneak saint quartz into the quartz fragment bag
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I don't have the CE limit broken yet but I'll try some comps when I do get it and see what I can come up with.

It's well possible with the unbroken one unless your DPS is like an NP1 AOE servant or something.
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Look at that.
>log in
>yeet anytime into some hands with gong
>log out
you posted one girl
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Excuse me miss, loss prevention here. Do you mind if I double check the contents of that quartz fragment bag?
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full adult wu zetian when
>different resolutions so they won't stitch properly
sasuga /alter/
Just fyi i know you read it all.
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Mam I'm gonna need you to come with me.
Summer Oei, Castoria, Castoria, Oberon can do it without a MLB CE. You can drop Oberon for Xu-Fu once you get enough to MLB. That's what I did.
Vanilla is for peasants
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Uhh, I think I saw Tim Buckley over there. Gotta go now!
visible and obvious nipple bulges are my favorite
I can imagine myself using Tony + Summer Ibuki multicore strategies in the future.
I don't read useless shitposts which seem keen on making. Why does ice cream fill you with rage?
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just use Atlas DB
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>Hero show
>Magifender nowhere to be seen
How dare you insult the master race flavor that is mint chocolate chip ice cream. If all you can think about is toothpaste while enjoying a minty treat, that's a skill issue on your part.
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I mean she's really sexy but those horns are quite silly
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/ourgirl/ love
I can imagine myself cumming to cummer in the near future.
why are her toes so freakishly long, are footfags into that
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Lmao Ice cream dudes!!!! Heckin fgo ice
would you?
eh, she's basically a monstergirl. they're going to have weird proportions. comes with the territory.
Where can I exchange the sword thingy from the shop?
I'd hold her hand. Anyone wanna hold hands?
I always though she was gigantic in this form because of the angle.
My disappointment was immense when i found out she was her regular 3 meters tall.
>useless shitposts which seem keen on making.
Why do you tag someone else when talking about yourself?
Now i know you read it for sure since you're projecting your rage at me lol.
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That's not ice cream she's holding...
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don't mind me, just pirating these groceries.
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Will you twist for her?
sword thingy?
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If only this was the skin art we got, vastly better than her sprites or FA
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Then maybe get something that looks like vanilla but isn't instead!?
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I definitely didn't. Not a single word of it, I bet you were giggling like an absolute faggot while you posted that inane unfunny drivel.
Pirating groceries is fine. Jesus hit the ol' copy paste on groceries to feed people so it's not only morally just but your moral imperative to do so.
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Dude in that clip is right, it's just toothpaste
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of course Castoria is great
I hate bare feet. They should be covered up with socks at least
Yes it is, Jannu. That is a perfectly drawn ice cream for someone with just a laptop and no mouse. I don't know what you think you're seeing!
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Damned sheep. Wish I could slaughter all of you.
I'm a footfag but I'm only into cute boy feet not disgusting freakish girl feet.
It's not like it makes any less sense to call stealing groceries piracy compared to downloading copies of shit. I'd rather that just refer to boat crimes
someone asked for a quetz in a kimono holding her breasts up yesterday
ummm ice cream
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>I definitely didn't. Not a single word of it
Sure lol
>I bet you were giggling like an absolute faggot while you posted that inane unfunny drivel
Are you talking about about yourself in the second person again?
This is actually a sign of autism you should really get diagnosed you could take some of the burden off your parents shoulders with the help of welfare.
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I don't really believe in catalysts, I just bought ice cream to join in the festivities and have fun with my bros
you've bought them all, I don't understand the question
The best catalyst will always be money
that's kind of gay bro...
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We all scream
It says I can exchange them for Skill up or Ascension materials.
Where I do that?
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When was I trying too hard to be funny and failing miserably? That's all you. You keep mentioning autism, like a retard obsessed. I think you're the one whose projecting.
>/alter/ getting the meta ice cream for a catalyst instead of getting the ice cream they like
Absolutely soulless.
What flavor of ice cream am I supposed to get?
piratemasa's booty
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are you a newfriend? they ARE a skill up/ascension material. the description is just referring to the process of exchanging event currency for an item that can be used for certain servants
They ARE the skill up or ascension material, you exchanged the Valkyrie ear thingies for them.
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Don't mind me, just pirating your virginity.
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>Can consistently 4 turn the highest tier farming node with Galatea
>Can get it down to 3 turn with plugsuiting in Oberon
Feels good to have made my own build rather than relying on an established one.
Her mouth is fucking melting. Why would you share this?
I'd buy ice cream to participate with /alter/ but I don't particularly like eating it, it's cold as heck, and I'm not rolling for Skadoodle...
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Never soon enough. I'll spend everything for that as well.
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too soon bro, now you face gate of /ck/
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Can you do Astraea or Luvia?
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are you for real bro?
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>I bought ice cream therefore I am reddit.
Sorry, I'm retarded.
For some reason I thought I could use them for saber pieces etc.
Same, I don't even care about Skadi that much but would like a copy.
yeah I can spare some credits, any prefered artist?
Whatever your heart desires.
Yeah I hope we get more experiences like that with other gods as the game continues on
NTA but could you use Butcha-U?
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I scream for ice cream
I'm scared
I don't think I'm gonna get Skadi
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Okay, Lady Avalon is cool, but consider:
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Titania Rowena when?
I wish. Getting a copy of Wu is good enough to be honest
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I got her first roll and stopped because I feel like I burned all my luck on that.
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>had 900sq saved up
>got NP1 on my third multi
>proceeded to spend all my sq without getting another copy
if i could tuuurn back tiiimmee....
Dumb sperg moment.
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Why does she keep making this weird goddamn face at me?
Where the heck am I supposed to get something like that?
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>That's all you
Not really.
Point out what part of my post was supposed to be a joke.
>You keep mentioning autism
Because you have it and you should really get on welfare to help out your poor parents not only do they have a retarded child but they also have to pay for it too thats rough.
Pretty funny coming from you ngl.
Bwos… I can’t decide
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Do you buy the unlockable outfits for Servants you will never use / never roll for?
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Maybe it tastes better when it's under the form of an ice cream, I wouldn't know!
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>retarded slap fight spanning half the thread
>follow the chain up to see what started it off
>ice cream
Was my use of the word sperg what set this guy off? Now I know he's a complete waste of flesh. Crazy.
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Don't mind me, just pirating these cards.
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Depends if I pass the screen or not.
>Was my use of the word sperg what set this guy off?
Nothing set anyone off just calmly trying to help you get the help you need.
Are you angered by people mentioning your condition?
Sorry for being insensitive i guess.
Get the yoker
Keep up the good work
Very good maam now send me the codes.
do Kiara feels like she's a perfect fit for Butcha-u
Man, his pooters doujins killed billions
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So you want me to hit redeem?
This guy keeps yapping and I'm not reading any of that shit. Stop seething and enjoy some iced cream.
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Don't mind me, just pirating some ice cream.
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>Thrud and Rin if you like blondes
>Hildr and Run if you want the valks with the tastiest looking hair
>Ortlinde and the IRS if you like kuuderes
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Only a little
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uuuh make a new thread you mouthbreathers
I picked Thrud because of Amamiya Sora.
Heckin comfy ice cream ya'll
Projecting your anger onto other people isnt a healthy coping mechanism.
Get some mental help.
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Projecting your autism onto other people isnt a healthy coping mechanism.
Get some mental help.
Based and same
I dont have autism thoughever.
You most certainly do. Given all these shitposts you keep sending my way. Why do you hate ice cream?
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I most certainly dont i had it tested by a psychologist and he said everythings fine in my head.
What about you?
Have you ever been to a psychologist?
Why does the idea bring you so much frustration?
>Given all these shitposts you keep sending my way.
Implying you arent replying back?
Why do you hate ice cream?
Why do you hate psychologists?
Are you afraid of getting diagnosed with something?
Answer the god damn question. Why did you throw a tantrum in this thread and decide to shitpost Ice Cream?
>Why did you throw a tantrum in this thread
Your responses are more of a tantrum than mine.
Im just trying to help you get the help you need while all your posts are just YOU PIECE OF SHIT LISTEN HERE ABOUT HOW ANGRY YOU ARE YOU WATE OF SPACE YOU WASTE OF FLESH PIECE OF SHIT YOU ARE SO ANGRY
Why does mentioning psychologists put you in that state?
But you are a worthless disingenuous piece of shit who makes really stupid posts. Why did me calling out someone getting mad over the ice cream posts make you shit yourself?
>you are a worthless disingenuous piece of shit who makes really stupid posts
Wow this post just reeks of calmness and not caring.
You sure showed me how angry i am.
>make you shit yourself
It didnt.
It did because you saw it fit to insult me right away. I'm thinking I struck a nerve, sperg. Stop shitting up the thread, ok? When you don't like a post just filter it.
ice cream? god i love ice cream!
>saw it fit to insult me right away
Autism isnt an insult its a medical condition.
> I'm thinking I struck a nerve, sperg
Im thinking you should go to a psychiatrist.
He could really help you out with your condition.
Screaming you mad over and over isnt going to make you any better.
Also as i said before i have been at a psychiatrist and i dont have Asbergers or Autism so in fact i am not a sperg.
>When you don't like a post just filter it.
Use your own advice
You take your own advice from your initial shitpost and consider suicide.
>consider suicide.
Wow such calmness and not caring coming off this post.
You sure showed me how mad i am right here.
Hm, you're gay.
I shouldn't have followed this chain of posts because now I have an unstoppable hankering for ice cream and I'm too weak to resist help
Hmmmmmmmm, nah.
Is that so?
Good for you.
Just dont eat too much or else your blood sugar might go too high and you might have some health problems such as
Excessive urinating,excessive thirst,feeling tired,excessive hunger.dry mouth and blurred vision.
Remember to moderate your ice cream intake.
Thanks for the advice. You should probably get your autism checked out however.
Just get it over with post your genitals and cumtribute each other you gay lewd homos
Is this your idea of high quality posts?
I see...
Then indeed my posts could be considered shitposts in this upside down world of alter where good is bad and bad is good.
I will need to adjust my future posts to my new enviroment.
If its opposite day here then you were calling me smart and calm and calling my posts great this entire time?
Thank you for the compliments.
You get what you give. You're a dumb shitposter and so you receive dumb shitposts.
If its opposite day here then you actually mean...
Im a smart greatposter so i receive smart greatposts?
I wouldnt consider your posts to be all that great thoughever.
>You should probably get your autism checked out however.
I already did.
I dont have it or Asbergers either.
kwab you string together words like someone who's impaired.
So now that the "you mad" failed you're tring to push your mental impairment onto me?
You know thats not going to fix your issues.
You need to visit a psychiatrist for that.
Oh wait nevermind i forgot its opposite day here in alter so you were calling me smart.
Thank you.
By your own very low iq reasoning, if every insult or suggestion online is a projection, you're a mentally ill autist who needs to get checked out.
>By your own very low iq reasoning
Thank you.
I know its opposite day down here so you really meant high iq.
>who needs to get checked out.
I already did get checked out
I dont have Autism or Asbergers.
Do you suffer with memory loss on top of your autism?
Thats quite unfortunate.
Just fuck already
This post your fucking cocks and your support lists
>Do you suffer with memory loss on top of your autism?
I haven't actually been reading most of your posts. I try to keep me intake of pathetic screeds to a minimum. Get that autism sorted out, you keep repeating yourself.
So you did read all my posts and you want to increase intake of my amazing posts to a maximum since its opposite day in alter?
Thank you
>Get that autism sorted out
Alzhaimers and autism at the same time such a terrible combo...
leave to go have esex for 30 min and the thread goes psycho
god i love /alter/
>Decide to use anon's retarded logic
>He's projecting rn
>He has both Alzheimer's and autism
I pity your wife.
>Decide to use anon's retarded logic
Not really
You're just rambling nonsense you're not using any kind of logic because you're afflicted by terrible diseases and i pity you.
I will pray for you and everybody afflicted by mental disorders or any other disease.
God bless you.
Why are you rambling nonsense?
God bless you.
I hope he helps you someday.
God bless you.
I hope helps you someday.
Wow you really showed me how mentally mature you are by repeating what i said like a toddler.
Wow, you're a toddler?
Get some help.
Get some help.
You are totally showing me how mentally healthy you are right now by repeating everything i say like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Yup looks like im the mentally ill one not you now.
You're well-spoken for a toddler throwing a tantrum.
I will pray for you and good luck battling your brain diseases.
My cousin also has autism but not quite the way you do hes non-verbal which basically means his mental retardation is so advanced he cant talk so i know autism is a very terrible affliction and you have alzhaimer on top of that so you have it rough.
I pray that you one day go to a psychiatrist to get the help you need.
God bless you and goodbye you are clearly not mentally advanced enought for adult talk so further attempt to get you help will probably be futile and result in more toddler tantrums i can only pray for your soul to be saved by god now.
Didn't read
Wowie. You're a toddler battling brain disease? Crazy.
>Didnt read but i know what you said in your post
Uh ok whatever helps you cope with your terrible life.

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