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Previously on /coopg/: >>487224498

This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic and EDF.

>Latest News/Updates:

/coopg/ dedicated server is up. see thread for more details (ded server)
Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.404


Crafting rework info https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/introduction-to-the-itemization-rework-dev-blog/96314

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
EDF 6 Western/PC Release - July 25th
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
virgin paypig vs chadhobo
People are too busy playing darktide to post
two sides of the same faggot coin
no, they've definitely been shitting up the thread
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just got this in the store.
If i was a console player i'd be so hyped.
console players don't need dumdum, it's their innate trait.
>playing helldivers 2
>shielddiver keeps blocking
>pummeldiver keeps stunning
>throwing knifediver keeps running off on his own
>get overrun and die but they won't call me in so I can carry them
Stay out of my helldive.
The knife is good, but God, the process of getting really good with it as a rashad chad is shitty. Low range, heavy attacks are shitty, the light attack angles frequently miss headshots when non-weakspot hits are much weaker and too much clicking
I'm a PC player and i almost exclusively use the columnus AIG for zealot. I'd just replace carapace with maniac
They're just discord/twitchfags that run around shirtless instead with two dozen other mods other mods installed
Damn Fatshark got me so good. My battered wife ass comes back from a long sabbatical and now getting close to 1000 plasteel every game feels amazing.
Wtf you talking about?
Please, talk about Helldivers 2
the chat menu song options suck really hard in 6
They really should have just kept the song from 5 or gone back to 4.1's.
the NPCs still sing 5's songs, these are just the one's the players have access to. 4.1's don't work because half of them reference the previous invasion in 3 while 5 and 6 only have a singular extended invasion.
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>turn off team ping notifications
>game gets 13% better
can you post the rubric you used to measure it as 13%?
wtf is this? it's beyond trash tier. glad I didn't pay 60bux for this piece of shit. dorktide is a better game anyway
4 hours...
I can't wait for new slop
Buy your aquilas, darkbros. Today we're pigging out
The poorfag tears today will be delicious...
genuinely what is the point of having all these doors and manholes everywhere when the game just spawns enemies behind you every waking moment
decorations to break up the hallways
unironically the players are moving so fast that the enemies can't get a hit in unless they spawn right on top of you
I identified this issue really early in the closed beta when I playtested and they just never did shit about it. Who knew just letting the player outrun literally everything in the game by sprinting wasn't a good idea
there should be enemies that can catch up to and fuck up even a speeding knife zealot
the game doesn't really do it that often, there are a lot of spawns where shit can drop on your head. Try looking up every now and then
Zealot and Veteran are OP. Psyker sucks... why are they allowed to shit out damage while I am only allowed to be a shield cuck and eventual soulfood for the God Emperor?
put on a voidstrike with crit talents and headshot talents and the double projectile on crit shit and come back and say that again
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>all that effort just to play worse plasma vet
Nah I'm good
>playing ogryn with lvl 1700 voidstrike psyker
>he's good
>i'm better
>by the end of the mission 90% of his damage is just from blowing up poxwalkers
staff is shit damage. You can piddle with it all you want, but even with perfect play it'll just be mediocre damage.
Don't listen to him, CritSurge Voidstrike is dogshit and 100% worse than a regular Voidstrike spam setup (flurry+quell)

Better yet run CritBlaze or Rending Trauma and put the entire map on it's ass, with all the great team support talents as well you can run Auric Maelstorm at 100% winrate even with retarded pubs
surge is shit compared to peril transfer and charge rate
Trauma is like smite except it kills shit
absolute dogshit opinions
I bet you don't use DD either
Do you think we'll get to visit Campus Wompus in future missions or are they saving it for Darktide 2?
Is that how the second hive city is called?
Yeah, it's mentioned in some of the vox transmissions.
are you sure they didn't say it's cattywompus? it's the appropriate word if things there are even more fucked up.
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you sound like a catty wimpus
kek that anon just got wompus'd
womp womp
I hate this fucking meme.
it's not a meme, it's an unfunny in-joke
>its bad because... it just is OK????
Sorry bro but topping melee elite + mob kills solo and making the team completely safe trumps being able to reduce breakpoints on Crushers down by 1 on crit (in exchange for putting out 40% less shots)
That's what memes are tho
Memes are by definition not in-jokes
it's not an unfunny in-joke, it's a guffaw-worthy gaffe
did these niggers make a discord or something?
who gives a shit about all that I just blast off and solocarry every game because I can actually aim and get headshots
you sound like a fag
just run a grey staff then, it basically does the same thing as Surge VS
They can start that way though
If you're retarded and don't know that psyker has a talent that makes every other shot a crit I guess so
oh wow a crit
what can you kill with an extra crit?
>balled up mass of niggers
>shoot a crit into it
>it now shoots a second ball out for twice the dead niggers
In reality
>shoot into a group of niggers
>they all die to the first crit and the second shot flies uselessly behind it hitting nothing
Voidstrike crit can already 1HK everything other than a Mauler, Crusher or Mutant

It'd be a different story if it had a different trajectory but the way it is now it only exists to impress retards who read 'two shots' and think 'wow double damage!' without actually paying attention to what is going on
people should talk more about edf6 and when they are not people should be asking "why are they not talking about edf6?"
oh and bulks/reapers too, but frankly who gives a fuck
>Voidstrike crit can already 1HK everything other than a Mauler, Crusher or Mutant
>>they all die to the first crit and the second shot flies uselessly behind it hitting nothing
maybe if you play on shitty garbo difficulties that arent auric maelstrom. i send these things off into packs of 10 crushers and 20 maulers with a horde inbetween and it does work

this is kind of stuff is a prime example for why you shouldnt huff your own farts and theorycraft until you forget that in the game there are rows of enemies and enemies hiding behind eachother and your shots have a cleave cap. just because it kills a lone crusher and then a lone poxwalker in the psykhanium better doesn't mean there'll never be 10 maulers behind eachother with poxwalkers inbetween in an actual game. retarded theorycraft tranny
You mean before they become memes?
I'd rather talk about campus wompus
proto memes are still memes. A good example is Milhouse. You can't deny it was an inside joke at first.
>maybe if you play on shitty garbo difficulties that arent auric maelstrom
AM doesn't increase enemy HP you dumb fuck, and if you seriously don't think a basic crit can't one-shot everything other than carapace and ogryns, you need to stop talking to me and hit the lab before sharing your dogshit opinions.
not a meme
>You can't deny it was an inside joke at first.
Milhouse is not a meme
>Nurgle's blessing (enemies have a chance to receive a buff that makes them tougher)
i wasn't talking about their hp you retarded nigger but the fact that there's far more enemies and elites. retarded theorycraft psykhanium gamer nigger
I gotta admit as far as grasping at straws goes that's pretty impressive

Spam VS is still better than Surge VS at those though, though that is the one situation where both trump Trauma staff
I have a personal bias against Warp Flurry ever since I learned that its duration is shorter than a fully charged Purgatus blast so you'll end up losing the buff unless you cancel the attack early.
>there's far more enemies and elites
In which case the Trauma staff shits on both with it's infinite cleave

>i wasn't talking about their hp you retarded nigger
The only thing that Surge beats Flurry at is HP though? In order for the thing to actually function (sometimes) you need to hover at 80+ peril which means you're often stopping to quell after a single shot and slowing your overall output.

Meanwhile Flurry gets to shit out 25% more damage to EVERY target for FREE (instead of exclusively carapace in a line), and that's not including all the uptime you get from Quell.

Even if every single Surge proc actually lands without being wasted (which is peak theorycraft wishful thinking), you're still putting out less crits over the course of a fight compared to a Flurry setup
>bro why not just use another staff instead
Yeah did I ever say trauma isn't good? Retarded faggot fighting enemies in his head (coincidentally thats also you do in the psykhanium so it suits you)
he was saying psyker is shit which means he's a fucking retarded scrub considering it's the best class. surge vs is a good way to learn how to play it (just blast everything to bits) and trauma isnt easy to start out with

>more theorycraft shit about how you can kill one enemy in the psykhanium better
fuck off already I don't care nigger. I also dont know why you keep going on about flurry like I'm not fucking using flurry surge for maximum cannon blasts either
kill all sons of insects, that's my official instructions
>surge vs is a good way to learn how to play it
Surge is harder to use than Flurry by having to maintain Warp Nexus, and an annoying enough blessing to farm that most people who have it likely are already experienced at psyker
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EDF chads we lost
it's EDFover...
kek, it's still 10am pacific after all. I'm going to bed I'll install and play single player tomorrow
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The aliens won...
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>still keeps acting like it's a choice
why though

>warp nexus
why would you ever pick this dogshit
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>why would you ever pick this dogshit
because that's where 20% of your 40% crit chance comes from?
my nigger do you know how crit mechanics in this game work? it works pseudo randomly
if you use the guaranteed crit talent your actual crit chance is more or less irrelevant so long as you're consistently triggering the talent because those guaranteed crits more or less prevent you from getting random crits anyway

learned something you didn't get to test in the psykhanium just now didn't you buddy
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EDF bros we're so back GOGOGO
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its out, install via store page
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It's time.
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its fucking over
try installing the game???
I think you'll find that 50% crit chance crits 50% of the time, actually
>public depot 2 months old
and here comes the japanese preorder DLC, remember the only piece of equipment that's not replaced almost immediately is fencer's gunner skeleton which is about equivalent to the level 32 v3 skeleton
i think you'll find that with a pseudo random crit distribution and a guaranteed crit that happens on every fourth shot resetting pseudo random counter, this does infact not occur
but go ahead bud. Tell me ALL about how you raped those crushers in the psykhanium
Refund Defense Force 6
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how many edf bros are here, I want to make a room here so I don't have to deal with /v/ermins
same reason they took valve's suggested regional pricing and bumped it up 80% in some regions, bamco hates thirdie pirates.
unironically bought it thinking yeah it'll be fun just now and now I'm going to refund it
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sex with wing divers maybe
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Don't count on me... Tim Sweeney got me...
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they already got me with rockay city and payday 2, couldn't give a fuck anymore
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EDF bros we lost
not buying stuff that has me sign up to epic shit
Does this mention anywhere on the steam page that it requires an EGS account? It doesnt right? Or am I just blind
EGS/EOS was known already but it doesn't appear to say anything about it on the store page
is it time for another riot? is it time for a painful lesson in not doing things no consumer wants and sullying the product they do want?
unlike helldivers which could work without the psn account they seem to have gutted the steam matchmaking from 5 to use eos
only worked on hd2 because they tried to update the game into it which would have unironically caused forced mass refunds since many countries cant make psn accounts
this will just be accepted by sloppers who dont mind account link slop plus its not a big game so no momentum
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let's see if the link works
even if links don't work room names and passcodes will
funny thing is, you still can't buy the game again in those countries LMAO muh hekkin based kerneldiver devs btw
>another L for pc

people itt really exposing themselves as destitute third worlders. just buy a ps5 ffs.
>paying 60 dillydollydoos on Steam to get told by Epic you're not allowed to play the game
couldn't be me
it was supposed to save coopg...
You can still play Singleplayer without it.
Ah, here comes the Trooncord raid.
>EDF banished from /copeg/
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I can play singleplayer for free.
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it's ogre
Well, we can certainly play with whatever ghosts of people that are on Epic Games for sure.
I still find it funny how only the Professor knows who we are.
>just buy a game on platform 1, register an account on platform 2, uses online matchmaking from platform 3/4/5
what the fuck happened
>tfw went for my tried and tested colour scheme from previous EDF games
>tfw the choice of textures to recolour looks absolutely retarded on every class

they did us dirty, but I haven't seen the alternative outfits yet, if they exist.
egs and eos is the same thing
i hate egs and want sweeney dead and i do not care, this will not stop me from playing EDF
I would say asians, but the korean and chinese reviews are complaining about it too.
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PSN, nope.
Ebic, nope.
Just you wait.
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>its my birthday today
>edf is doomed because of epic gay service
it's not fair.
much like every company having their own launcher in the early 2010s to replace CD key install limits as physical media died we're now seeing various implementations of crossplay between platforms.
epic online services is the backbone most use but unlike darktide and starship troopers which use some pseudo account edf is using actual accounts in classic japanese shitty netcode fashion.
Yeah I'm thinking I'm buying aquilas instead today
is the sloppa any good this rotation
Instead of wasting my money on a PS5 and EDF 6, i'm instead gonna buy $500 worth of aquilas
If only this was enough to convey the appreciation we have for Fatshark's excellent work over these past two years.
buy some decent aged whiskey if you want to piss money away
>Giving money to the (((Swede)))
swede doesn't need capitalized, it's not a proper noun because they aren't people
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>60 bucks base
>pic related
>store fuckery
>online fuckery
>1to1 rehash of EDF 5
wow, just wow
literally what the fuck for
just use the moebian 21st uniform lmao
Why do people cry about the joke weapons so much?
the broken and proto aren't joke weapons, just weakened preorder weapons from various jp retailers that get replaced with the normal version by mission 20
Fatshark never forced me to make an epic gays account

Fatshark never almost forced me to make a snoy account

Remember who your real friends are
you forgot: mandatory EPIC account use (yes, on steam)

LOLOLOL suck a fat fucking cock EDF spammer and enjoy your $90 shitpiece
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they are too good to us... we don't deserve them...
tencent owns fatshark
>tencent owns fatshark
fartshark just gives them your data without the need for those
>The EGS is just a backend service that requires approval
I wish these Nips were better at coding so they wouldn't have triggered the Tards this badly lmao.
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EDF lobby up 3/4
name: /v/df
passcode: rage
lol go fuck yourself attention whore
Kys shitskin.
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k-kiss your sister?!?
I'd do that after he roped, naturally.
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Fatshark sensei dono... Gomenasai
I'll buy aquilas today
>Free Bike No. 6
Earth has fallen
its over
Fun game is fun.
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lobby anyone?
I have to go to sleep, sorry anon.
it's barely noon
It's high noon
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sloppa is back on the menu boys, it is a rerun, psyker toilet bowl AGAIN
I'm glad they're shitting the bed on EDF 6 because I didn't want to play it and so I don't want you guys talking about it as a result.
No... I don't want the toilet bowl
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scion is back too, still no full set
Alien sympathizer right here
Everyone smart already knew to never move on from EDF 4.1 anyways
hello tf2g denizen
i don't know what that is
>tranny colors
>air raider drones are fun
>air raider drones are most likely usable underground
we're back
I'd rather play 5
this looks fun

but it doesn't look $60USD fun
just saw the news EDF bros, im so sorry...I was really looking forward to EDF shitposting and silly WEBMs
The price is absurd in my country, it costs more than Baldur's Gate 3, almost twice as much as Darktide.
This is my favourite goofball coop series and it's painful to see it priced like AAA slop.
Hopefully I get the playtime out of it.

While we're making hottakes, Iron Rain and World Brothers were both really fun actually and have different appeals than the main games.
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>Wait religeously 2 weeks for the slop rotation
>Slop day finally!
>nothing new, it's the good ol' cadian sets
>fartshart is just resellign sets I already own
am I free? Did I go full circle?
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More like CACAdia!
will you take another flavour of toilet bowl psyker?
>that fucking orgyn headpiece
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No? Shut up?
the next big/premium sloppa rotation will be for the space marine 2 release, trust the plan
>>Future games
>EDF 6 Western/PC Release - July 25th
are we go?
nope, too soon for the release, next slop rotation will be Armageddon Steel Legion please
reportedly it accepts "linking" with a dummy account off a burner email to no ill effect, and then just lets you matchmake from then on from any device install, but I'm strongly hoping for the backlash to be major enough for them to wrench enough out that even that isn't necessary. inclined to blame Epic looking at the Helldivers PSN snafu, deciding 'damn that's a good gambit, we can totally do it better' and then pulling this shit when Sandlot contracted them for EOS backend service coding.
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>dude gets ledged, which lets you survive for a full ass minute or two until someone picks you up
>drop down to go save him
>he IMMEDIATELY alt f4's
There has to be some type of specific term for this brainrot. I only ever see it in aurics.
7 different people disconnected from this lobby.
It's the ASS title brainrot
huh right, would be the first time steel legion came back, even kriggers had their second filling
>fork over additional money for cosmetics YOU CAN'T SEE WHILE PLAYING
fartshart have played you for absolute fools
pretty sure the steel legion set was in rotation at least twice
He already has the damn thing which makes it all the more funny. Half the retards who went down and immediately alt f4'd did.
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What? You can't afford them?
>for the privilege
>to grind more
>99% of the new unlockables are trash anyway
what game am I talking about?
WRONG. You can see your whole body when playing in the Mourningstar!
You also CAN see it in the lobby!
You also CAN see your hands when you're fighting!
>play aurics
>friend calls, he wants to play
>he has a baby so he can only play for 1 hour
>i happen to get ledged at the same
>alt+f4 because my friend is more important than 3 randos, and the team is full health, full stims, has nades, and can easily handle this last part without me
>anon makes webm of me and posts it on /coopg/ saying I have brainrot
life is not fair!
I don't have brainrot! I have priorities!
It's really puzzling to me. I know a couple people irl who react like this but they're the kind of people that struggle on Champion in VT2 and get bored of any game around the 10 hour mark. How do you keep this up for hundreds of hours and don't develop any patience is beyond me.
dinner's ready
mom's spaghetti
Why the fuck is EDF6 over 40 GBs?
do you think a budget jap dev porting the latest greatest and bloatiest title of their flagship game from the Simple Series of bargain bin ware knows what file compression is?
i guess not. It just looks like a 4GB game...
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I don't need an Epic games account to play darktide
Well, it used to be
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>they tricked us into buying the same game
what do you need an epic games account for?
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You DID buy aquilas instead of EGS locked trash right?
play edf6 online
EDF 4.1 was 7 gigs, 5 was 20, I imagine a large part of it is the visuals gaining ever greater fidelity without actually looking much better than it did before
Oh no. Is this a timed exclusive or forever?
>implying more than one autist finds it funny
>sloptidies have no choice but to continue defending their game now
Utterly grim, like the future they live in.
i just want a giant two-handed chainaxe for my ogryn anon
Campsneed wompschuck
It's either that or the coffee filter anon. What's it gonna be?
you buy the game on steam but the online requires linking to your epic account
skim the thread
Wait 2 more weeks to see if you still feel this way.
>Buying microtransaction currency in a completely unfinished game with no progression system
Lol, Lmao Even
Fatshark has been severely lacking in the weapon skins department. The things you see the most of in game barely have cosmetics
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I burned my pizza
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Man, I was really looking forward to playing EDF6, but the shitty thing with 3rd party storefronts is that 2 years from now it wont work or your "key will get lost" and you lose access to your game.
Every single game I have that requires a 3rd party store does this. I've lost access to so many games because of needing a second storefront to play when you buy it on steam.
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>i just want a giant two-handed chainaxe for my ogryn anon
>wanting a shitty shredder special that locks you in place for 50 seconds instead of INSTA smashing cunts with a pick
>shitty shredder special that locks you in place for 50 seconds
literal non-issue because i exclusively play on malice
>wing diver's 2nd and 3rd outfit
at least they know their target audience
Milhouse will NEVER be a meme, you dolt.
Coming back to VT2, I have 10 red dusts which dlc weapons are considered broken/OP? I was planning to make a bret longsword but i rolled an orange with perfect 5 as 5 crit.
not gonna post em?
congrats on the breton sword it's a treat. The sienna's reaper is very powerful, bardin's engiener hammer is quite braindead
More like the Cuck Defense Force lmaoooo
Every single game that 4chan gets hyped for has ended up being shit this year
The coghammer? yeah it might be the most braindead weapon it has good damage vs armor unarmored ,good AS good stagger, the combo is also very simple light spam for horde and heavy spam for armor/boss
edpbros how are we gonna recover from this...?
indeed. Tho I don't use that weapon on the OE, which had a fun rework besides the bomb spam, I prefer the dual hammer for the stagger and the slow mingun to shred armor.

The priest hammer is nice but not stupid op
Anacrusischads RISE UP!
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More like LAMEDF!
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EDF6 looks worse than EDF4 and you dare make fun of Darktide?
do you people not have a shred of dignity?
well yeh, its darktide
EDFsisters in shambles
Darktide still the undisputed KING of /coop/

Day 1 DLC should be made illegal, unironically. The government should enforce a whole month at least before mtx can be added to a game
this would just make previously known day1 DLC into month1 DLC
Yeah and the fan base will complain that they should just make it free day 1 content
pretty much this. Pretty sure what prompted Battlepasses are belgian anti-lootboxes laws.

"the fanabase" will do shit as usual. If ppl were really able to stay their hand and not CONSOOOOM then companies might stop their terrible practices but the average joe can't think for a moment
My condolences EDFdweebs. Remember! Your enemies have names. And addresses.
If you lived in the UK this post would give you a prison sentence.
the fuck is with this long ass intro for EDF6 just let me kill the bugs
The tutorial is annoying but at least the first 10 missions aren't snoozefests like in 5. They can actually get pretty tense if you're playing on hard.
Good thing I'm not in a third world country.
weird, I was 100% sure I clicked on the /coopg/ thread.
for some reason I ended up on another drama bait /v/ thread it seems
>skim the thread
no need, you just answered it. Thanks!
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>mission 9 on hard solo

Fuck frogs
i'm tired of drama, we finally got a functional and fun co-op game then this shit happened.
just gonna enjoy edf6 until this shit blows over
Wingdiver in 6 has such a nice sporty ass
it's the same ass as 5 and 4.1
it's a very nice ass
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>Helldivers 2 barely discussed
>Payday 3 dead on arrival
>EDF6 a chinese scam
>DRG ded
Darktide prevail

Shielded teleportation anchors that shoot you fuck off
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yes that's the 5.1 ass with some jeans on
now post screenshots of the other 2 skins
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i will make the webms when i get there. I am waiting for my brother to wake up
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You're just buying time for the Grey Knights to come
>functional and fun
lol as if
Post player count. I wanna see where everything actually stands.
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EDFsisters. I have the good news and the bad. The good news is that pirates can play online in steam lobbies. The bad news is that you still need an EGS account to play your cracked copy
smelling salts
Thanks for the free game Tim
EDF is currently beating the shit out of dorktide and almost matching HD2. It obviously will not stay that way, EDF is way too niche even without the epig drama
EDF 6 - 17.6k
Darktide - 4.7k
HD2 - 21.1k
the rest - reddit or irrelevant
that's exclusively bad news
knife zealot is great fun
zealot is the most fun class in general
Now post L4D2 numbers.
The great ancient sits at 31.4k. We must kneel to the versus playing brazilians.
Behold, the power of Epic Games Store
900 reviews? it's just the first wave of retarded third worlders, nothin to worry about
Isn't this the same thing that people said when Helldivers 2 started getting bombed?
well in that case it was different because Sony banned ALL the shitskins from player their game
Gunfire Rebornchads, where you at?
Reborn in another world as a furry
Getting 2fps on the wave survival mode for no reason is where I'm at. Powerful PC, no idea why it happens.
Good game though. New content seems promising. Hope we get something to make melee weapons more interesting and usable outside immortal bird.
not everyone who buys a 60 dollar game on release full price is a third worlder you retard
Melee weapons have a VERY important role. Being an element bitch for the REAL gun.
>Greatest and highest playercount co-op game is from 2009
Co-op gaming is reclining........
Even then with the regional pricing it’s more than normal full priced titles so it’s a weird insult in this context
I have a billion (that's right billion, not million) dollar idea for a co-op game but it's not in my best financial interests to share it.
triggered western asians
>EDF playercount already going down from their tiny 17k peak
lmao, it's so over.
Is it Resistance 2 coop, but reskinned as Dwarfs vs orks?
It's a Z-list goofball game series anon.
I was scared when edf 5 got popular because I desperately didn't want them to ""Polish"" it and end up just a regular bad B-game.
17k is way over what this tiny series should be doing.
It's a fantasy themed heist game inspired by stories like Jack and the Beanstalk
Heisters is an oversaturated market, gatekept by payday2. The returns aren't looking good for the annual report.
You'll see, and then you'll be begging for my millions.
heists are gay as shit because it results in turbo autism from stealth and avoiding alarms
I thought you said billions? Already the facade is slipping.
>the rebirth era of coop gaming has been a fucking disaster
industry crash and total chink/kike death when
Well of course you wouldn't try to take billions from me, that would be all my money. So you'd go with the far more reasonable ask of millions to improve your chances of a handout. I've thought all of this through.
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>got off work
>excited to play edf6
>drama ensues
>it's epic
wait a fucking minute, who are these people? we knew about edf using epic online service long before this. Why all the fuss now?
His cigarette is getting wet, what is he waiting for?
They said it was for cross play not completely fucking over online and this coop
It also wasn’t advertised up until an hour after release so people that didn’t specifically look for it didn’t see it
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Simply a physical revulsion reaction to seeing EGS installing itself after booting up the game
And leave the swedes alive???!!
retards that don't realize how many games use eos as their backend because they didn't fuck up with account verification like edf
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goddamn i somewhat called this during my edf5 runs with the anons here. having any involvement with epic won't end well
Don't think I've ever been so excited to hear the EDF 5 theme in a game not EDF 5.
>even cuckibo is jumping on the bandwagon
are helldivers retards this afraid of competition so they're blowing this out of porportion?
I play both but this shit is fishy
is there any confirmation helldivers 2 doesn't use eos for crossplay? literally every other sony game launched on pc went to epic first.
im gonna take a shower, make some food then play some edf6 later tonight, anyone still haven't refunded wanna play?
when the screen goes black and it goes back to edf5 theme and menu was goosebumps-inducing
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der sw*de will be dealt with
Fact: Anyone who doesn't like my weebshit is a third worlder.
What are the numbers for 4.1 and 5?
I dislike how you have 0.25 seconds to react to all the boss attacks
Speaking of Resistance 2, assuming I get it emulated, what sort of black magix would need to happen for the Coop servers to be online/spoofed?
5 is at 756
4.1 is at 141
What, not even a thousand? Weak
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EDF always looked like some shitty first Unity project or "x simulator" slop. Why the fuck would anyone ever get hyped for this?
Do I still have to link it to my steam acct?
arcade style games are fun, it's the mario kart of horde shooters
Weebs will gleefully eat shit as long as it comes from a Japanese asshole.
I didn't because I didnt bother to look at any promo material, and it wasn't on the storepage (at first.)
It's no big deal for me but I can see how someone could easily be misled by the lack of updated info on the storepage.
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I have never seen a game so divided like EDF.
>people who plays and loves it
>goddamn kino, this shit is fun
>people who doesn't play edf
>ps2 game, gookslop, trash
christ, pablo
it's like some brand loyal faggots played some other game recently and decided to attack EDF for not being their game. it's even funnier in monster hunter where it's two sets of console niggers, old console niggers that hate the new ones and pc in the middle of them all.
These androids are so strong and they drop nothing on death, maybe one box. They actually made hard mode hard for once. The Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree of EDF titles.
Its just helldiver trannies and jeets who hate egs
this is a kino image, because despite only playing it with my friends, this situation played out exactly as depicted multiple times
>le epic discord meme
for later levels they do drop more loot, but only in big blobs
I knew I was in for a ride when there was a queen ant on like mission 4.
The game seems a lot easier in other ways though, enemy projectiles are tiny and slow and don't hitstop you during dodge rolls anymore. Red ants don't seem to adjust their charge much either. The 100+ red ant fight on mission 5ish would've been completely impossible in other titles
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Actual important EDF 6 controversy: The song sucks this time

Where's my valiant infantry or fixed bayonets songs, it doesn't even rhyme this time.
>walk through base mission as a fencer
it's just like the MGSV hospital, click clack click clack
literally me on the right. i don't know a thing about vtubers but these decoys are cute and surprisingly effective at drawing enemy fire at times
the cracked version works online but you still gotta sign up to egs, just use fake info though
the nip ones are cute, the EN ones are bad
Gawr Gura is literally a vintage 4chan shitposter under a persona, wild to see her turn up in actual products
they're all camwhores under an anime avatar
Valiant infantry sucked too.
so is nyanners she made multiple loli songs
these old attentionwhores all turned into vtubers ro capitalize on indonesian whales
ok troon
I would've agreed until this one.
she showed up at a dodgers game
what is happening
>Where's my valiant infantry
literally the only carryover from 5 in the players chat menu
absolutely deserved with their constant helldivers-like shitflinging
Guys I think my copy of EDF is broken. The VA on the npcs is pretty low energy, the flame trucker sounds like a spic and the infantry sound like niggers. Please tell me it gets better
Is it?
is this supposed to be a 2024 game? it looks like it's from the late 2000s.
no, I fucked up and mixed up the new brave infantry song with the sacrifice verse that is the carry over from 5.
bros i just read metamorphosis and that shit was sad man
i can feel tears welling up
Fair enough.
Wish the alt universe edf had a robot version of the song.
>what is happening
american advertising firms look at statistics they acquired about merch sales and popularity etc. Vtubers are always in the front.
What advertising companies dont think to check is among who this is popular with. In comparison, indonesians are way way way more responsible for eng vtuber popularity. American twitch/youtube viewers make up only a pretty small percentage. This detail is lost.
So thats why you suddenly have eng vtubers shoved into things you have no idea why they would be. Marketting guys know they perform well but not where and with who.

I doubt its that way for edf6 tho just in general
baseball is perpetually trying to gain new fans when the sport is boring as hell and most fans treat the games like a giant beer only bar.
i don't know how true that is considering how well received it has been so far
Between this and the pledge of allegiance it's clear the states need help.
It's well received cause its a novel and wacky out of place thing. I'm just explaining how it got there
>the pledge of allegiance
What do you mean? Did we replace the pledge with Gura too?
>Started getting ads for epic play store
What the fuck is our lives now
This is going to surprise you but countries that aren't tyrannical monarchies don't usually force their children to ritualistically swear loyalty or have their highest court openly say their leader is above the law.
I might've respected pledging to gura more because at least people will admit she's under corporate control.
non-american NATO members will be the first to know we went full tyranny when they change from countries to colonies.
they're cringe because they spit on their past
Nah I have been to indonesia its correct
isn't it also Germany's project to force you to recognize Israel as a legitimate state ? Between that and kikes trying to associate antisionism and antisemitism...
get the fuck outta here BUG
you guys really paid 60 dollars for that shit
You're trying to say it looks good, but can't find the words
close, france. and french people love it
Imagine hating fun so much that you shit on edf. shame about the egs thing or id play it too
Imagining caring which of two effectively identical countries get to sell your data that you don't play a great edf game
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>just make the account bro it only takes 10 seconds
>just suck the dick bro
>just swallow
Hmmm, no.
>Already took the EGS bait and made an account to collect free games
>Log in with account while launching EDF
Just make a fucking burner account you autistic spergs
Imagine being this loyal to a corporation that you even consider an epic and steam account to be that different.
realistically they could just steal whatever data you're worried about protecting with any unreal engine game
...i'm saying the exact opposite: that it looks like shit, which it does.
come on dude you knew it from the start,oh wait...
Why are you always LOOKING at games instead of playing them?
he should've, they literally posted the article about it in april
they already do
i dont play any unreal SHITgen games
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probably don't play anything with crossplay, eos is a free backend that most companies use serverside like fatshark does with darktide
Nothingburger. I'm predicting this initial outrage will subside after a couple weeks, there'll probably also be some gay petition to remove EGS with like 50k signatures that will get completely ignored and nobody else will care afterward. This is nowhere near the level of the PSN shit for Helldivers either.
>they buffed rocket launchers to high hell
step aside kim jong-un, i'm the rocket man now
Even if 100% of players told them to fuck off and remove it they still wouldn't, japs huff their own farts so much they're verging on methane based lifeforms.
why cope like this? im not just talking about the graphics, the gameplay looks insanely basic and boring
No need to say it out loud, we already know you have shit taste
>not a single fucking epic account in any of the lobbys
wow that was so worth it! using epics servers for everything!
that looks normal for the goliath
>silver spiders that early
huh, maybe they did
Is this ragdoll shit supposed to be wacky and funny? Cause I'm not fucking feeling anything.
it's not released on the epic store yet
they're not silvers, just wet spiders
all rocket launchers have their damage increased by 1.5x now, even sniper rifles are lagging behind in terms of raw damage
Why is nobody posting the fucking armor set looks yet? Come on faggots I wanna see how it looks.
I don't care how much you tell me I shouldn't care, I won't make an EGS account and connect it to my steam account. It doesn't matter if anyone else does or doesn't, I won't

that said it probably wont change
Reminder that people calling you out for refunds are shills. The game is already cracked and the online works. Not paying money for dogshit business practices doesn't make you jaded or miserable. It makes people who do part of the problem.
>that you don't play a great edf game
see >>487586146


now everyone should be aware
I don't give a fuck what you do, the faggy virtue signaling over epic is just annoying
>sniper rifles are lagging behind in terms of raw damage
they always did compared to RLs, at least in 5
>>I don't give a fuck
>proceeds to be mad
sup shill
anon, when you call people "part of the problem" you're literally virtue signalling
Playing EDF for the first time and I'm trying to make Wing Diver work but holy shit. I keep running out of fuel and her Rapier sucks. How do you make her work?
I'm not virtue signalling I'm telling others they can play this fun game without supporting the scummy business practices behind it
This is the opposite of virtue signalling, it's a reminder that you can literally take action with your money and not fund this
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continuing from 28 hard
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No where did I "signal" that this was meant to be a convo tard?
Please talk about helldivers 2
is EDF fun solo? I never tried these games
>June Warbond has half the content
>No July Warbond
>Still no sign of Illuminates
its over.
>chaxe XII is so bad anon use the IV
>the only difference is the moveset, and IV has the strikedowns on lights which means less damage on big stuff
>the only way to make IV's lights good is garbage like martyrdom
>Ever trusting anyone here and not your own judgement all the time
Come on now.
you are definitely a jaded faggot but i also don't care if you refund or not
>It's EDF 6 and not 5
I don't know why the fuck I was expecting a EDF 5 lobby
the one with the clubbing cleaving lights is generally the better one and works on any build
the IV is strictly solely better on a martyrdom build because the combined damage with headtaker, slaughterer and martyrdom, and attackspeed allows it to hit absolutely absurd breakpoints that let it oneshot gunners and shooter with lights and stunlock every tougher enemy with lights while killing them in 2-3 of them, the heavies only being used for hordeclear

whoever told you the IV is better just neglected to mention it's better only in a very specific build setup
>you're so jaded anon why don't you just pay 60 dollars for this game that makes you sign up to EGS without warning you?
Not jaded I just have principles
I wanna play the game so I pirated it but I won't fund this dogshit business practice. You can whinge all you want, anyone who is inconvenienced by this EGS shit should do it. Literally vote with your wallet.

>yeah it's annoying but I still paid the full 60 dollar price and-
What I really don't get is why the chaxe has to have mobility as bad as the powersword. You'd think it would have the same dodge distance as the chainsword's +3%, but no, big fat crippling -12%.
they generally went way too far with making the mobility on some weps so bad they feel like shit. I get using it as a balance measure but they should've saved the real dogshit mobility for big 2h weps
Playing it right now yeah it's fun solo. You have npc allies.
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>Start as Ranger
>Vehicle name is red but lets me use it anyway
>Throw smoke to summon vehicle
>No vehicle
How do I make the vehicle work?
play until the timeline gets unfucked
same as an air raider in 5 being allowed to equip call downs underground, red names won't actually work.
do we get any nix technicals like the ai?
i dont want to be completely shafted in the nu timeline for the entire game
nix technical is only in dlc2, sadly
you can still use the bikes and depth crawlers
manage your fuel
rapier fucks
I love spritefall lady
enjoying the story in offline, maybe this weekend
>still no Ogryn Paladin rerun
Dudes fencer does not feel good in 6 compared to 5. Why did they nerf jump boosting so bad and lower fencers ground traction so much. I feel like an ice skater now.
the 10% horizontal boost from the first add booster makes it feel the same as base fencer in 5, you can also cancel the drag at the end of a boost with a melee animation like the blasthole spear.
why not enjoying the story with the anons?
they're 20 mission ahead of me due to being euros
fencer always feels like shit at the start
Lobby full?
crashed, here's the new one
you can just say it and i'll go back where you started
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>29% positive
Wasnt this the game supposed to replace all the other copeg titles?
The overwhelming majority of gamers dont care to read articles, the only thing people are mad about is the EGS stuff not being on the storepage until after release.
Doesnt look like that's the only issue
>buy game
>launch game
>it needs me to sign up to some chink shit
I've since left a negative review, refunded it, and the I'm currently playing the cracked version, online works fine. I recommend you do the same unless you genuinely don't mind paying 60 dollars so you can get mistreated as a consumer
cursed launches will do that
why are you spoiling it, everyone knew edf6 was coming out
4chan had a brainfart and spoilered it for me, I dont know why
this is all extremely soulful except for the slow loading
>don't include upscaling
>muh high powered rig stutters
that's because he's running native instead of 720p
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People pay to play this?
ye, will repost when there's a slot
can someone explain how upscaling works to a tech illiterate retard
>run game at 1280x720p
>upscale it to like what, 3840x2160p
>supposed to run well and look good without AA
>run game at like, 1600x900p
>upscale it to 2150x1440p
>it runs exponentially worse
You have to be fucking retarded to think it looks worse than 4.
cause that isn't the same aspect ratio tard
literally all of those points are either outright lies or doesn't matter. I will not apologize for this wall.
>looks worse than edf 4
outright lie or admittance of playing at 720/1080p which makes the "unscaleable ui at 2k" an even more pathetic point
>60 fps
you know what you're playing
>pop in
i have not noticed any pop in whatsoever yet, so it's neither constant or extremely noticeable
>slow loading screens
nothing egregious at all, loads like your average game so who fucking cares
>tutorial is LE SLOW
the zoomer accidentally exposes his fried brain
>no accessibility
fair but i dont care
>skip dialogue
the zoomer accidentally exposes his fried brain again
once again reveals the monitor lie
>control tutorial
it's three fucking buttons
>major stuttering
a guaranteed lie once again considering how early the review/post was put out but later in the game low frame rates when everything is exploding is an EDF staple

i fucking hate /v/rannies
ok my bad I didn't memorize every resolution, but assume they're all 16:9
so you're asking two question, first is running a lower resolution on a higher resolution monitor has to do with the resolutions being a clean multiple. 1440p is exactly double 720p and 4k is double 1080p so four pixels in a square on the larger resolution make one pixel from the smaller one. when it's something like 1.5x larger you have pixels that are trying to be two different pixels from the smaller resolution causing bluriness.
upscaling technologies like FSR, XeSS and DLSS take the smaller resolution, expand it to the big one, using software to fill in the missing areas to solve the blurring issue. DLSS 2 and 3 are called hardware-based because they use a dedicated coprocessor on nvidia cards while the software-based upscalers still run on the GPU but use the main chip instead of having a dedicated one.
basically, with an upscaler a GPU just runs the game on a lower resolution then makes shit the fuck up at edges instead of dedicating four pixels per smaller pixel.
Guys I think edf6 might be everything I wanted in a sequel.
I want prowl rider's wires and the anti grav swords to come back.
I agree. All it's missing is a less awkward camera and some basic fov settings, but I know even if they had billions of dollars they would never attempt to actually improve the technical side of the game
First time playing a EDF
whats the uh recommended scaling for the difficulties?
and this "fill in the blank" technology you mentioned like FSR, XeSS, and DLSS is supposed to somehow be less resource intensive than just rendering the game at a single high resolution than at two resolutions + filling in the blanks?
I'm playing EDF 5 (not 6), is there a way to increase the mobility of the ground bound classes? I fucking love the air raider orbital strikes, but picking up drops is soooo slow compared to the wing diver
hard is playable fresh on a new character
anything lower is for children and women
hardest for NG+
inferno for NG++
armor farming was designed for no-life japs though so you quite literally will not reach the armor limit without completing multiple playthroughs or by doing some AFK armor grind trickery overnight
Ranger: Use a bike or equip an armor module that makes your sprinting pickup range massive
Fencer: Take your best dash and jumps so you can go fast
Air Raider: Vehicles. I think the grape and its variants are your best bet since they're fast and control nicely, but they'll be made out of paper since I think they're all low level until you get an upgrade at like lvl67 or something stupid
>two resolutions + filling in the blanks?
just one lower resolution. think of it as doing 1/4 of the original work to draw the frame then touching up some areas instead of drawing the entire thing pixel by pixel.
fair enough
>Game I personally look forward to is review bombed to hell.
The jews did this. Many such cases.
I blame D3's parent company bandai namco, one of the kikiest japanese game companies along with square and sony.
Guess I'll stick with the flying lady for now, also makes the missions easier when I can just fly away and spam Geist
when you want to experience true speed you'll play fencer
Don't you have to keep spamming dash cancels or something?
dash cancels is edf4, in 5 it's dash boosts to fly
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going through the story with anons is epic
hey that looks good for a ps3 game
room name: /vg/df
passcode: rage
mission 1
will join after finishing my mission
>EDF fun starts
>0 darktide posts
this is proving that /coopg/ is just a bunch of guys who play whatever is fun
boy I can't wait to have to join 3 different discords to get basic loot drop enhancement mods for EDF6 again
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gib link pls, search by room name doesn't show anything
its up. I disbanded since no one joined
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lol what ass
but nexusmods doesn't require that?
>spend years researching how to make mechs walk
>they just bolt them on trucks
I feel bad for the scientist
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take it back.
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>The missions where its just 1 billion bugs coming at you in waves
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>absolutly NO streamer playing EDF6
is it THAT niche of a game?
streamers are whores that only play games at launch when sponsored
I'm sure we'll get some vtuber slop in a couple weeks maybe
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I never played an EDF game I just want to see how it looks like gameplay wise
good news, there's years of gameplay on youtube from people that played the japanese version and months from the asian english version. also it's based heavily on 5 so watching gameplay from that is pretty close to 6.
go look at some kevinEDF gameplay
>EDF6 playercount already less than half its peak
Oh no no no no!
asia went to bed while most of the US is at work, every game launch has two peaks now: china time and usa time
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suddenly I have access to all mission packs?
see if 2 is fully translated, asian english already got pack 1 while we got delayed for vtubers.
Everyone talks about the Nyx on a lorry. But no one talks about the actual kino, a semi with a automated turret on the back in the Flying Aggressors hive mission before the first ring mission.
>makes you replay edf 5
what the FUCK did they mean by this?
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you will notice slight differences in the story, the aliens seem to anticipate anything you did in edf 5 to defeat them
>Invaders leave it alone because its a Ford
dreamcast lookin ass game LMAO
that's the SOVL
>didn't notice the half dozen bases saying they're being wiped out
it's two repeats then beta spread is a new mission on a new map
oh yeah, true.
>first mission when enlisted into the edf
>EDF nuked a transport ship
>ayys took out half the bases
>edf no longer has nuclear capability
Please, talk about Helldivers 2
Do it yourself faggot.
have you noticed if you use a packet sniffer on helldivers it pings IPs that are known to be owned by epic games?
yes but I never installed helldivers 2 I installed elden ring
err well you see that's different because ehm... oh dear..
Is Darktide good now? It's 50% off and I liked VT1 and VT2. Might pick it up.
I hate snow niggers but I will begrudgingly admit that dorktide is worth $22.
It's noticeably better than it was at launch but the main issues still persist
>maps no matter how pretty or detailed feel repetitive and there isn't enough of them yet to avoid the feeling of repetition
>shitty weapon attribute distribution system
>still not enough truly fun modifiers, a lot of them are just bothersome
>extremely jewish cosmetics system
>runs like shit at higher difficulties due to too much stuff happening, unless you've got a really good CPU
>>maps no matter how pretty or detailed feel repetitive and there isn't enough of them yet to avoid the feeling of repetition
I like how they're actively trying to address this with overhauling sections of old maps but this really should've been something that was caught even before release
I hate the crafting system. RNG bullshit designed to never let you get what you want.
It's sitting at 56% recent reviews, obviously NO. Wait until fuckin' fall at least then they get their year and a half+ late crafting overhaul out.
they map a system with modular maps, actually a decent idea. they then decided to have the same mission run the same path, making certain sections of the map dedicated to singular objectives instead of mixing things up.
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Yeah just the kino parts till they go all terminator.

>They look exactly like us!
>remnant dlc 3 will be another rehash of an existing area instead of something new
oh yeah that game exists
If you look closely you can tell the eyes look a bit weird
blue board anon, at least spoiler it if you're going to post a naked frenchman.
>no mention of it being 6 stories tall
The dlc has been so incredibly disappointing I think it reduced the overall quality of the game.
killing type 2 drones looks weird now that wings actually break off instead of flopping
Still one of my favorite games of all time, but the latest big update almost made me change my review to negative
what games have you played for darktide to be one of your favorite games of all time?
keep going, it becomes campy kino
Loading is fast so long as everyone in the lobby caps their frames at 60 or lower.
they're fixing this next update
Wanna hear about every single one of them?
What gameplay/mechanics niche are the hellbores suppose to fill that the plasma dosent fill and dominate in?
girth and length of penis
Aesthetically and different in usage. I personally do not at all enjoy plasma rifles and i would be much more likely to enjoy using helbores
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the game is poorly designed.
For those who find weapon swapping too confusing.
Do helbore bayonetes still get BM from your melee weapon?
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being a shitty psyker that has unlimited ammo.

The helbores are fun at least i think so but they also under perform. Only have 2 bodies worth of penetration so specials get body blocked and "Mr. Bomber get down" every fucking horde unless you have some elevation or a very tight shot. The damage is just under what it takes to one shot a lot of the time unless its a headshot requiring either a quick double tap on a charge fire weapon or the Burn blessing.
That said i use them all and love them but they really are kind of trash compared to any other weapon with the only trades being ammo and the broken as fuck stab bayonet....that the MK III doesnt get so its fucked.
>being a shitty psyker
Like all psykers?
>playing valheim
>fishing fucking sucks
>can't dive
I'm so disappointed.
>fishing fucking sucks
Play runescape
>can't dive
Play subnautica

Your're are a welcome
>playing helldivers
>can't dive
I'm so disappointed
make fishing traps
you won't get the deep sea fish, but the occasional trollfish or pike is nice
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d9 bots
>type out dozens of games
>browser reloads
>entire post disappeared
Fuck it
i simply choose to get headshots, so the helbore is one of my favorite guns in the game
Getting less than 60 fps is inexcusable
People unironically support this shit.
room: /vg/df
pw: rage
mission 12
moonman you're up
well he's bullshitting so don't worry about that unless you're on a toaster like the original complainer
rock solid 60 fps on a cheap 5600x as expected, it's only gonna drop on huge fields like brutal battlefield from edf 5 and even then it's gonna dip and go back up after the 1000 explosions are done
finishing up
horse armor and its consequences have been a disaster for the gaming industry
>horse armor
it's more like fable 2 with its 10 useless weapons, those are preorder bonuses because japan still hands them out for 20 different retailers. one of them is literally from a camera shop.
I really don't understand why they had to nerf the ripper guns. They have no ammo and do shit damage, they're only good for horde clear which the ogryn can do much better with literally any other melee or ranged weapon.
We need meltas not helbores.
Shooting shooters I guess but even then on Vet you get more damage out of a Vraks 7 (single shot autogun) with Opening Salvo (applies on the first shot of a burst AKA all the shots of a single shot burst)
why does shirtless mod crash me every time i load into morningstar/mission? works fine in menus and cutscenes, is there a specific setup required? (running healthbars and visible weapon
I never unlocked Fortunes of War so I'm gonna do it now, wish me luck
I like that the Ranger's Bound Gun finally has its own model rather than whatever AK variant it was up until now.
I like the slug shotguns they finally added to the low pools.
why edf 6 lobby die
i crashed
already remade
steam got disconnected
At mission 32 can go lower
EDF? more like IDF with how low the reviews. What did they do wrong, commit genocide?
poor implementation of EOS instead of hiding it in the backend like most games that use it
Their increased range is pretty nice too, actually bothered to use one on the Ring's first appearance. Very nice seeing as I last tried to make use of one in my 4.1 Ranger Inferno as it was one of my few PT options and it was downright awful.
Wing diver tips?
Go fast, don't die
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>Vraks 7

yep, that's a fun gun
>25% of people had all the max armour achievements a few hours after launch
Is cheating YHAT widespread?
>max armour
it's like 1k armor per class except wingdiver which is 550. a good chunk of the playerbase is chinks though.
armor is made to be cheated to be fair. it's a shitty mechanic. you either cheat by afk farming a braindead easy mission or using cheat engine.
Why do cheaters always feel the need to justify it? It's always the games fault
you have never grinded out armor for inferno and it shows
3/4 edf6
pw: rage
mission 19
>t. pay for convenience enjoyer
pay? who is paying for anything?
i think I crashed again
If there were a mechanic that required you to hit confirm 100 times before starting a mission, and a mod that skipped this process, there would still be someone acting holier than thou than the cheaters robbing themselves of this valuable gameplay experience.
>has to invent wild fantasy scenarios to justify his dishonest behaviour
you know there would. look at how elite dangerous forum dads demand nerfs to any decent farming method because they space trucked for pennies for 7 years.
>disingenuous know nothing tries to argue about a game he has never played
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>elite dangerous
i had forgotten all about this garbage space truckers and the space dads
This is you lol
Use momentum to give yourself time to recharge.
sitting in front of your screen, mechanically gathering 128 boxes at a time only to receive a quarter of that in health, over and over again on the easiest difficulty for days until you are no longer instantly killed by any instance of damage truly is a worthwhile usage of your time, i agree entirely.

i'll be sure to check how your armor farm is coming along every few hours when i'm done fucking your mother.
>uses reddit spacing
I accept your concession.
whatever you say buddy. hey, if i throw a handful of rice on the ground will you pick that up one grain at a time too?
just asking.
Generally I prefer to just play the game normally. I don't really find inferno challenging enough to need to grind for armour. To each his own - if you have to do that to make the game easier, fine, but don't cheat to do so.
Gotta love cheat cope
>It's a waste of time
>I would have gotten it eventually
>you're a cheater
>not because you gained an advantage over me
>but because you didn't waste as much time grinding
Picture a fox and grapes.
I feel like you fags sometimes forget that the point of a video game is to waste time
I'll cheat if I'm not having fun doing whatever grind but don't forget playing video games is inherently a waste of time
you didn't "save time" just because you used CE to skip a grind you're still wasting time on the game itself
>nyooooo, you can't cheat the grind
if the game is asian, yes I can
dude spend half your free time doing pointless shit lmao
You niggers are wasting time right now even arguing about this.
i don't think you know what you're talking about. i would typically agree, but if you have played an edf game before you would know that the armor grind isn't "engaging" or "fun" like a video game should be. but if you like walking around a map, oneshotting enemies with zero challenge over and over before you can move on to a higher difficulty, be my guest.
I don't think you read my post. Where did I say it is?
All of you are faggots
neat, this also my favorite weapon too
post it after hadron
time is wasted if you spent it and gained nothing
enjoyment is gaining something
playing a video game is only a waste of time if you didn't enjoy it
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I've always loved using this thing as anti armor, this axe so much fun.
you are correct. i stopped reading posts about ten minutes ago, and i don't plan on reading them again any time soon.
Headtaker nice
Why did you keep upgra- oh...
I think it's a waste of time even if you didn't enjoy it, it's just that you're mentally ill if you're doing something you don't enjoy and have no reason to do it period

as in i am bricked up
Am I meant to fight the bugs head on or get a defensive position and fire and retreat? Wing diver on hard, going fine, but I feel like the only way I survive is by never stopping moving
>dumped mobility
It was a brick from the start
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For what its suppose to be... its iron sights are horrendous, probibly the worst in any game ever made. thank god theres a scopes and sights mod
there are no video game ironsights worse than M16 ironsights
70/70 spread between mobility and defense would've been ideal
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They're not that bad, the one at fault is bolter's with its massive swaying.
Always moving wing diver has the slowest armor growth
Can you just spend points on it and add 10% after the update or something?
Unless the rounding is weird and lets him put another full point then no, weps post patch will cap out at 380 too

you mean the scopes and sights mod that also changes how fov viewmodels work so you can't actually accurately shoot because of the changed recoil mechanics?
GErman fucking faggot I hate him
No pretty sure existing weapons stay as is
>Make anticorruption zealot
>Poxgas maps are free wins
Join my aurics, I'll get you through ;)
Depends on how big the front sight post is. Some games seem to think it's this giant monolith out of 2001.
>play anything
>poxgas maps are free wins provided your team doesn't lose their minds and split up over the miniscule damage
They hand out med stims every 10 feet. Any danger you're in is completely negated.
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i present to you the UMP-45 from bad company 2. It's worse than the wiki image leads you to believe, which is still bad.
I appreciate the anti-corruption aura in general. Never take it myself though, the build path just isn't convenient for all the other good stuff Zealot can get.
>start out with Air Raider
>using Magnum Bot 8
>pretty neat idea, basically portable missile strikes
based tinnitus weapon, also really really annoys your teammates

you have to find a balance between moving around and finding time to do emergency core charges, since that's the fastest way to recharge
can you imagine how bad it would be if they were using the correct aperture on the rear sight?
So are like 90% weapons just abysmal dogshit or do i simply need to progress through the game and they start to balance out?
nothing else hitting like thunder crossbow
posted a /v/df room keeping it public since I don't know how many people are up at this hour
starter weapons usually feel like ass out of a select few, then you get a few more around like, mid-late mission 20's, and then about every 20 levels
Historically the early weapons in EDF games are frustrating to use. Usually with a few notable exceptions that are significantly better than others. The starting blood storms in EDF5 were level 1 or 0 or something, but were still good in hard mode up to missions 40+ for instance. With the way upgrades work even if you get good weapons they will probably be shit until you get some stars on them, so previous ones are still better. I am noticing in 6 that from the scant few weapons I've unlocked so far I have more options. I've been clearing every mission on hard with all 4 classes before moving on and I'm on mission 11 now and have a pretty good selection of load outs for each class.
>The starting blood storms in EDF5 were level 1 or 0 or something, but were still good in hard mode up to missions 40+ for instance
bro what
>unable to join the room
fencer had blood storm missiles that were usable in mission 1 easy mode but they were still good in hard mode on mission 40 or so, they were so powerful. Since they were lockons they could be used practically everywhere as well. The warhead splitting into multiple bomblets meant it was just as good at mob control as it was for wrecking big enemies. Similarly the wing diver had a level 15 plasma cannon. it took a while to charge, but didn't use too much energy and did over 7k damage. The slow charge was actually kinda good because you could fly and not instantly overheat while charging it. It was usable even on inferno and was basically a rapid fire tactical nuke on lower difficulties.

meanwhile entire classes of weapons were useless. like mortars.
>Is Darktide good now?
Yes, but ONLY because the core gameplay loop is fun. It's fun to hack away at cultists with chainswords and shit. Everything else is pretty much shit
Why the fuck is fartshart delaying the crafting update so fucking much, from what ive seen it looks like its pretty much in place, why do I have to wait 2 entire fucking years to not want to pull my fucking teeth out anytime I want to try a new weapon?
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where rest of code
you dont need it
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Sony ponies need to get their port first
Is the Cascade rocket launcher supposed to suck this bad? It just shoots eveywhere BUT where i'm aiming. Sometimes it goes 90 degrees from the point i'm aiming at.
Bruh, fuck me, people bitch about balance in HD2 and Darktide but EDF6 is a fucking mess. 99% of these weapons are unusable.
Yes if you like rejectslop gameplay with boring weapons
It's basically a musou game. There's an exceptional amount of bloat for tradition.
Did anyone find a good missiom to farm for weapons early?
>guy who has "80k hours of gaming" is having a meltdown because the edf tutorial called him useless
Edf chads...
>getting cyber bullied by a game
Thankfully years of being called a Reject™ have prepared me for this.
wow thanks for the update on this literally who mental patient, keep me posted
I am a Warrior
Reminder that if a video game character calls your video game character a bad name, the developers are personally calling YOU, the player, a maggot
He's not wrong - the tutorial is bad. Calling the player 'bad' is just flavor text and fine, but the whole sequence feels like it is straight out of the 2000s era Xbox certification check lists tutorial that sucked hard. >>487687890 just like he called it.
It's awful for no reason, and compared to EDF5, which set the tone, presented the EDF from grunts, to tanks, to exos, but also the enemies it's night and day. Arguably one of the single worst tutorials I've had the displeasure of suffering through. It legitimately should not count toward completion %.
Worst thing is you have to sit through it, what, 12 times for 100% completion?
EDF? more like piece of shit LMAO
If you're trying to 100% a game like edf 3 hours is next to nothing anyway.
didnt know dwarves in warhams were jedi
He's right tho. Its a terrible sequence and I can't remember another EDF game doing it.
Just let me shoot the bugs while the guy berates me on the radio not act like Its a brand new series where I have to get used to such alien concepts such as shoot at the enemy until it dies.
if it were 3 hours of merely subpar content it would be one thing, but it's objectively awful bullshit. Even collecting boxes is vastly more fun and engaging.
Wait until the timeline loops 30something missions in and you're back at the base
so how am I supposed to deal with weapon progression in dorktide. Wait until high tier blessings I want show up at Melks, buy and earn blessing at Hadron, then wait for a weapon with good stats to reapply the blessing to?
You got it, although with the crafting rework it should just be a case of finding a weapon with the stat spread you want and then earning blessings for it over time
Any EDF 6 lobbies up?
You can still look out for godrolls at Melk's to get weapons with blessings you haven't unlocked yet post rework
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Make it happen
confirm the wing diver's ass with your eyes
Did they change a lot for EDF6 storywise? And how is the battle hymn? Is it as good as EDF4.1's?
Then don't do it

No one i forcing you into this and you get literally nothing out of it so why bother?
its worse
Because it is still an unnecessarily atrocious tutorial that didn't need to be that awful.
"You don't have to do the crazy thing of 3 hours" isn't a defense of one of the single worst missions in the series, and this is the first impressions for the game. Being an apologist for it is severe cope.
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>It's starting to get late
>still need one more deathless mission for melkbux
>Fuck it, speedrun a low int heresy map
>Surely no one will die, surely.
>Retard triggers daemonhost in the subway tracks right before we steal the ammo for the final event
>Leave mission
>Check shop
>Game crashes
I forgot why I never took deathless missions from melk. Making sure there's not a single retard on your team is fucking impossible
EDF has and always has been a crappy looking grindy janky japslop
Maybe if it was free it would be acceptable but not for 60 fucking dollars
>hound facing my teammate
>decide to run and kill it
>instant 90 degrees turn pounces on me instead
>Trapper appears
>Starts getting ready to net
>Walk to the side of her
>Net shoots sideways out of the gun
>its worse
you should always be prepared to block and push the dog on sight, they very rarely get me now
>go to the restroom to piss
>piss comes out of my weeanus at a 90 degree angle from both sides
EDF 6 good or bad?
Goyim, you need to get that pesky skin sleeve removed, our rabbi needs a fresh snack.
>people who play games
>people who shitpost about games
very bad
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just upgrade your accuracy bro
edf6 lobby up in 15mins, shit and shower
will continue from 39 hard, or lowered if you didn't progress there yet
never cared for bikes in the previous games but got dam this things slaps
goddamn big numbers
>meanwhile ranger's kepler
this thing sucks, but I love it
>me when a singular fire ant bit my toe
Best entry yet. The song sucks, and not the EDF 5 way where it'll grow on you. It has too many awkward pauses and traces of an ESL trying to make a chant.
This one could have been salvaged even with just a bit of effort by stretching certain words to fit the song itself.
Why won't they stop talking about eating the monsters... what has humanity become....
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next OP better be EDF, or else...
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EDF, now with rat
Well, where is it!?
Well fellas, it's time to do some penances. Smite penance in particular. Some of you are alright, stay out of auric today.
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confirm the edf lobby with your eyes
holy smokes this game looks like garbage
Is it true EDF6 doesn't have any levels for cheesing Inferno for easy high tier weapons?
Something like the monster ball mission?
i kinda don't see the point of the pickaxes with the shovels exist. even the fastest pickaxe is slow as shit compared to the mkv shovel
give me back my screenshot
You can get through it in 2-3 games if you're prepared to throw the match and spend 90% of it doing nothing but smiting. Then you never have to touch smite again.
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You VILL eat ze bugs
It's great. The initial review bomb gave me some pause, but since I already have a chink store account the online aspect was mostly seamless. One of the top negative reviews that complains about performance is literally lying too. Game never breaks 60 fps at 4K for me.
>Overall score already up to Mixed
This controversy will blow over in a week
the eos apologists won...
ok ok we hide the info on steam until after the game released but hey edf edf amiright guys ? And don't forget to buy your vtuber doll as a day one dlc !
The dolls are preorder only... Retard-kun, I...
don't you mean the people complaining won? if they were an apologist they'd be the ones saying to just make a burner
>paid $6 less for exciting new equipment featuring my favorite HololiveEN™ Vtuber stars, including Gawr Gura™ and Takanashi Kiara™
Heh, looks like I won
I found that curious too. That review is literally lying in nearly every point. The first thing he mentions is that the game looks worse than edf 4.1 which is just retarded. The only way I can make it make sense is the aliasing which is only ugly below 2k res. So he's likely lying about his resolution and likely his "high powered rig". Or it's an amd gpu problem because I have not encountered any frame dips, stuttering, pop in issues, slow loading or low quality textures etc after the first two seconds of any mission.
He also recommends Starfield.
you're the one playing slop like EDF, retard. stay coping
>this is what edfags call gameplay
Monster Hunter gameplay be like
we need a janny in here to ban these faggots i swear, how does a shitpiece like this even get 6 titles
I've never played edf but it's obviously pure soul, why do zoomers get triggered by it so much?
because it's actually fun unlike AAA slop that "looks" like it'd be worth the money but isn't
it literally breaks their psyche
The first map I played with it made me miss brain burst so much. A sniper in the distance harassing my team, and nothing I can do :(
>He's malding over a drill sergeant being a drill sergeant
DRG is so fun!

It's like Barotrauma but instead of water it's underground.
zoomers grew up during the gears of war make everything brown and serious era
jews don't want goyim to be circumcised
alright you can stop now
example #1 of said psyche break
How did this stupid sack of shit game go back down to 55%? Goddamn.
any edf lobbies?
when the penance update that almost nobody wanted came out they said the next update would be crafting. the next update was not crafting and also only added a singular map and four weapons after an extended content drought.
this thread is lacking in campus wompus
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That's not how you spell wumpas!
Tide players are so entitled. Review bombing because their content got released slightly out of order. Sheesh.
When exactly will it be "after summer"?
This gave me the thought of a DRG situation where you have to pilot some of sort mega digger; kind of like the drilldozer, but with weapon-emplacements, and you pilot the direction
>they gave my railgun to ranger in 5
>now he gets my turrets
fuck you just combine the classes if ranger is going to steal all my shit
Thoroughly suck my nuts
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trade offer: air raider gets sniper rifles in exchange for ranger getting limpet snipers. non-negotiable.
Confirming wasn't necessary, we have your info already sir
>not even page 9

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