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Baited into Melee Edition

>3.25 League
>3.25 Patch Notes
>3.25 FAQ

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
https://pastebin.com/e1ZBac7J (embed)

Prev: >>487458245
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What's your special snowflake build?
Enjoy your mana costs, melee sissies.
Charged Dash
Newfag here, want to play a Witch this league. What's a good starter, and into what should I transition?
I'm just going to play RF because I know I'll get bored after 2 weeks and stop before I can get to Ubers anyways
freezing pulse golementalist
Flicker strike slayer :D
Thanks bro, glad the best region of the tree also has blood magic.
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bleedgods won
>Capped at 400k DPS at best
Can you fags stop calling it a """RF""" build once and for all? It's a Fire Trap build, and it has been since forever
what's the real gender of ds_lily? this is extremely important for my build
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imo, the best witch is Occultist for explosions.
>right side sisters lost their phys as x
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builds for this feel?
oh nyoooo I need to put three passive points into mana to get costs down to pre-3.25 levels
or have an open prefix on a ring or amulet
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If you are an actual newfag dont even look up guides and just wing it.
Stop caring about the absolute faggotry that is "league starters". Play a skill, try to build around it and get it into a usable state. Unless you rely on specific and expensive uniques you can play whatever.
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prismatic burst shield charge ignite
uh, reaper or absolution, i guess
What's a good amount of pinnacle dps to have before attempting uber bosses?
bout three fiddy
killing once? 2-3m (SUSTAINED) is plenty
sustained as in you dont have to dodge literally every single attack or you use dots/minions

if you want to farm them you probably want a good 8-10m to make it smooth
a big nose interview
>Hexblast requires running a mana flask
How do people do it? Such an awful experience to need a mana flask.
if you want a build that just gets you to red maps with zero issue play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGadeOwMwpA
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Suzan B at the back of the bus
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Don't care, Shield Charge mana cost is the same L M A O
Hear me out. Flicker bleed pop glad
actually good one. you should consider doing standup anon
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No Kirac's Vault showcase yet?
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Post that image.
Yes, THAT one.
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i kind of want to play holy relic of conviction this league but that balormage faggot made a guide/video for it
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And for good measure, just to kill the meleesissies hopes and dreams that PoE2 will be better.
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well now we can put it bed, they are officially bait.
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can't wait to do this 100 times every single league
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I meant to post this one, you didnt see anything
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Daressos defiance and new worm flask is FREE real estate. Thought you'd all like to know
Poison Ele Hit totems for my 2nd build
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Lightning Strike Warden
Loaded the youtube guides from Palsteron
>Supporter Pack
approved vacation leave from work and got permission from wife to blast league start for 24 hours
still don't know yet might order some chik-a-fila


LETS FUCKING GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is this fucking voice LMAO
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Will PoE2 league starts ever amount to the same hype as PoE1's leagues?
Here we go
Retaliation only Glad :)
depends entirely on the next generation, and what kids born after 2045 will like
If it fails they'll just ramp it back up quickly.
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This image is wrong because 90% of the PoE playerbase don't actually enjoy the game and are not enjoyers
I always find myself going back to soulrend.
It's not very good so I don't know why.
what the fuck is this real
literally nobody plays single target namelock skills.
PoE2 is literally the only game I'm excited for these days.
nice. good for you bro. remember to hydrate and stretch every hour
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Here me out, I think I have an ethical SSF launch day Strat: LS warden is still baiting me HARD but I know what I'm getting with archmage and already have all the info I need for it. On SSF I'll have to do a billion Merc labs to get the trans gems for archmage, so on day one, I just cruise my way to Merc lab and start farming gems and if LS or something else is completely broken, I can reroll to that and use it to farm for the archmage character. Very ethical and not really a time waster I reckon.

Imagine if melee was a total bait and I rolled it first! I would look ridiculous!
>not just making a fucking bookmark folder
>using fucking pre-windows-aero UI
wtf is wrong with this nigga
Who designed this? It implies everyone's a D4 player.
Oh no, I spend exactly one skillpoint to fix this.
Unironically a fun (but shit) skill. Maybe after the damage buff it's playable.
If you look very closely at the background, you can see that the green plant in the background has no center trunk
It's a very well done fake, but I've seen more than a few fakes in my time and can spot them quite quickly
why is there such a minor overlap between rollslop and poe enjoyers? I'd say there is at least a 60% overlap.
I do 20 navy seals on the hour every hour. I'm the shotcaller. I hold the keys to the yard
You aren't?
I'm gonna play juggernaut Static strike with Eternal Apple, 3 warcries and Sione's FF/FF
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poe is my favorite game and I've never played a single "souls" game in my life.
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it's dumb because 100% of poe players love dash skills and roll is just an inbuilt free dash??
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Coming right up
should i play this league until wow's expansion launches
>dolphin porn
you will never be relevant, spicysushi
Phishing link
i'm guessing the universe is arpg players
if so then the image is 100% correct
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>approved vacation leave from work and got permission from wife to blast league start for 24 hours

i'll always be a neet. i'd rather die than be a work slave
this has to be fucking bait i see builds called S tier with 3 million dps
No pussy, no work?
welcome to the 40%
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its looking like another trap league
At least poe has WASD and machineguns so it's alright.
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That's a good point. They could pull a Diablo 4 and let us pay to play the league 4 days early. Then have the poors start 4 days later during the actual 'launch'
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all leagues are trap leagues thoughever
>throw random phrase
doesnt help your argument of these shit builds being that high in a tier list
that's a man
Why are hee elbows larger than the size of her arms?
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I'm trying to decide which holy relic to start;

poison necro (https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/holy-relic-necromancer-build-guide)


ele gurdian (https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/holy-relic-guardian-build-guide)

anyone familiar with it know if pob calculates the ele dps correctly and just poison incorrectly or are both incorrect?

which build is better for keeping AG and specters alive? seems like necro tends to give more res, block, and es to minions
sirgog is the only poe eceleb I can even stand and he always reminds me to get a drink
what a disgusting abomination
He's a big guy...
unironically, he seems like a real human bean (and a real hero) compared to basically every poeguy
>no eblade inquisitior
This ain't it
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leveling a shadow is suffering
>bows too far from precise tech
>strike is garbo early
>spells require big respec
>same with traps/mines
pcoc again... yay
but enough about meleecucks
i have the same wallpaper. wtf cmon now
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what's goggyboy starting?
It's not surprising with the nature off the game but PoE content creation is a charisma black hole. Like, forget bad sense of humour, almost no one even attempts to be funny enough to fail at it and most everyone just speaks in monotone through all their content.

sirgog isn't an exception to this rule, it's just that his content is suitable for the universal dry attitude and spreadsheet autism this game involves so it works out. It's sort of the art of education at work, he lays things out clearly, answers questions and gives us shit to work with. There's no real joy to be found in watching someone clear leagues barely talking no matter how good they are and you can only watch actual guides for so long before you start to understand them enough that there''s no point anymore.
Do you also play bows?
It's not too late to switch to jugger, sister...
I'd wrestle a bear to save tabula_russia
I love her so much bros....
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>fat, ugly, bald
men after 30 be like
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Imagine spreading apart his lil tight gogussy and going to town.
i cant decide if i want to start a jugg or if im gonna get memed into dd necro
I hope sirgog never gets too popular. He would look terrible with blue hair.
I ran a Poison necro last league and it was pretty fucking amazing, was able to get all 4 voidstones with it, only thing i died to was T17 Bullshit
post your pic to compare or shut your mouth kid
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are you really so new that you don't know what "trap" means
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It's hard to not see stream watchers as complete losers.
>It's not surprising with the nature off the game but PoE content creation is a charisma black hole. Like, forget bad sense of humour, almost no one even attempts to be funny enough to fail at it and most everyone just speaks in monotone through all their content.

There is hope my friend.
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since when did she have slutty pics I don't remember these on her insta
Are archmage builds based or cringe?
he was talking about some ground slam chieftan I think
>Sextants were better wtf are you on about?
in what metric? scarabs are more interesting and actually have a stash slot
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oh yeah... what happens next
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Dark Souls and soulslikes are the worst thing that ever happened in this timeline.

They are bad games through and through, and it still baffles me the amount of hype and obsession both players and other developers have for this 'genre' and anything related.

I'm a boomer and've played lots of challenging games throughout my life and they weren't a death trap gauntlet, they were challenging to figure out the systems, come up with optimal strategies, experiment with mechanics, beat the higher difficulties, etc.

Examples of such games:
>Civilization 1-4 + SMAC
>Master of Orion
>HoM&M 2-3
>Old-school RTSs in general
>Diablo 2 (HC)
>Goldbox RPGs
>Jagged Alliance
>Old-school multiplayer competitive FPSs (ie., Quake 3/Live)

These games were very hard—particularly on advanced difficulties—and they didn't resort to retarded rollslop, bullet hell, one-shot slams, 6 gorillion boss fights, ground degen spam, etc.

Dark Souls and anything soulslikes-related are, in my mind, absolute dogshit and artificial difficulty compared to those games and nothing will ever change my opinion.


Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.
Irasha , my love, was never afraid to sow off her beauty. Truly a goddess
i miss volatiles
she needs a BCC (Big Chechen Cock)
based but zesty
none of those games are as hard as the easiest souls game
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You missed
archmage is the most honest, straight forward effective build in poe. self cast, no convoluted gimmicks, no plate spinning, not stupidly fragile corpse mapper, no totems or mines or minions. it is everything poeg said they wish worked in modern poe.
God I hate that fucking guy. He literally knows nothing about any game he's ever talking about / playing. I have no idea how anyone watches him. It's like watching someone who's never played video games before start a youtube channel and their only shtick is "I'm acting super nice so nobody can get mad at me that I don't know what I'm talking about!". what a fucking loser
yeah ai cheating resorces in an rts is a much more pure experience of difficulty
And it's like 1/5 as good as it used to be
I do not have any real issues with him he simply makes me feel uncomfortable like I'm looking at some mockery of humanity
Wait wait wait.... why the fuck do these LS builds use spectres? Do I have to run perma-ritual on SSF now?
do I still have the effects of endurance charges with arn's anguish? I just gain the effects of brutal charges for each endurance charge right, I dont lose the ele mitigation?

1. based - added damage
2. cringe - you'll die a lot until you get your gear in order

I was thinking of starting Ball Lightning but I'll try out Warden first and then I'll play BL Archmage if its good
Surprised no one has pobbed an archmage build with the aura spectres
I was thinking of trying out Spark archmage this league to see how it feels.
mana is a lot easier to manage as long as you play hiero
only if you're wearing ralakesh's impatience :)
Only if you have ralakesh
>anyone familiar with it know if pob calculates the ele dps correctly and just poison incorrectly or are both incorrect?
I don't know the specifics, but I do know holy relic is bugged in PoB's damage calc at the moment. Not sure if it's ele, poison, or both, but it's not working properly.
Both builds are fine. You really can't go wrong with either.
Spark is always fun imo
she's really pretty
No it isn't. We used to be able to get like 6-8k regen
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poch won.
Looks fun. Shame it sucks at bossing.
lost faith in spark after the nerf. only animeprincess is still making builds for it and its just too much investment imo. kinda sad since i loved spark and had the mtx for it as well
are energy blade (melee) builds based or cringe?
What this diagram doesn't tell you is that 5% of rollslop enjoyers is more than the total of PoE players.
Try forming an opinion of your own.
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What do we think of the Challenge Reward MTX?
I don't particularly like the portals but the cloak is pretty cool
oh hey i was one of the 4 who died
and then i quit to wait for poe because the only relevant part of the fight is when he hits 25%
thinking make brain hurt
extremely based
So now that poe2 is rollslop and poe1 has turned into soulless grindslop, who's going to take up the mantle of an actual d2 successor now? Can't we just have a game about killing shit without the esport and autistic defense layer/weight faggotry?
fuck it, I'll fall for the ground slam bleed chief

also, when the FUCK are they going to buff niggamahu's flame? I used to love that little guy back in the day.
it's been over 10 fucking patches since it's last pissy buff. I want to spin and puke fire likes its 2018 again.
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you just linked me a Zizaran video. good thing I hate it on mute.

Fuck you.
nope. best stop wasting your life playing video games, faggot.
If I wanted to try out another archmage build that isn't spark, what would you recommend? Ice Nova?
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Fuck slams.
Fuck bleeds.
Where are all my POISON friends at?
Any pobs for those FILTHY poison buffs? Literally doubling of damage on viper strike and pestilent strike
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>He's still doomposting
>Still crying about ritual harvest
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just do it yourself
reminder if you don't get krait buff on your league starter you are a noob
Meh realistically non-Necros are going to use Dark Marionette with Guardian's Blessing in place of Divine Blessing. Archmagies already have Eternal Blessing with Wrath/Grace/Determ so they can't use this setup. Good fucking luck trying to keep Perfect Spirit of Fortune alive in T17s assuming it's still around
i tried making perfect agony poison build since it seemed cool but then i realized assassin dies to a wet fart and trickster does zdps with crit poison, so i deleted it. ambush mamba perfect agony would be funny for uber boss deletion, though
The cloaks are rad. Portals aren't bad, I'll add them to my rotation. The rest are a bit of a miss for me but it's whatever.
>1.5 sec CD
don't bait me like that
>The rest are a bit of a miss for me but it's whatever.
Yeah I'm not a fan of the "I've got a giant ridiculous thing following me around or smiting things I kill" type of MTX
Ball Lightning then transition to Ice Nova, that's what I did last league.
Um... sister, they buffed it this league, read the notes.
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when do they reveal the kirac vault pass?
I'll try that out then. Ty anon.
yo can someone give me a sunder leveling pob into ground slam of earthshatter zerk
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>That angelic voice
Did they change anything with delve this league?
Oh yeah I'm Gogging out
Wtf do I do with myself for the next 40 hours???
i saw
it's still a 20% chance to trigger so it's still dogshit for single target.
You need like 33 APS to take full advantage of the 0.15 CD on a single target
Play some d2r while you wait. That's what I'm doing. You see they have it on the switch now? I can finally play d2 on my gameboy. It's a childhood dream come true.
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I will never play a wave of conviction build. Wave of conviction is a support skill and should not be used for damage.
anyone else here just like running league starters?

for me, this is my favourite time of the league since i get to try out new builds. I usually just take them until 3 voidstones then start out a new build. i actually dislike running maps desu but maps are where i complete the build.

thanks for reading my ted talk
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less than two days until I play archmage ball lightning hierophant for the first time
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Is delirium bad with harbinger?
1h Sunder Bleed Glad. Will respec to Puncture of Shanking down the line
sunder is bad in maps don't do that yourself
I remember playing that ages ago and the single target was terrible.
a handful of days after the league starts
Ele buzzsaw, but with reave.
Maybe on a jug for endurance charge changes.
Probably on ssf.
I played this offline ssf and I was quite sad that I can't buy MTX for it. I did spend about 100 hours on this though but it felt so soulless. Like the graphics are kinda nice (in a unity way) but can't seem to explain why I felt nothing playing thru this. I like the gear progression and the tree skill which I was expecting to love with its options felt like meh to me.

Hopefully they'll add more content to the game. I desperately want to like it but I just seem not to.
I originally wanted to just do Shield Crush Bleed but the numbers are ass compared to literally any other bleed skill. I'm still looking at other bleed skills but I'm not really seeing anything that feels like SC. SST is boring
Unless PoE2 is a complete disaster everyone will move over to it and PoE1 will be in maintenance mode in less than a year
Literally only something that is said on /v/. People who don't even fucking play games, wow.

Meanwhile PoE2 is better graphics than D4, has WASD movement which makes all the 40 year old players with RSI stop crying, has much more dynamic looking combat, and unless they've just been lying out the ass it has the same complexity as PoE. There will definitely be some friction when it initially launches into early access/beta/whatever due to there not even being ascendancies, but once it actually releases it is joever for PoE1. Even if streamers want to not like it the viewers will demand to look at the game with much more engaging combat and prettier graphics and they'll have to play it.
There is definitely a chance that PoE2 just fucking sucks, in which case yeah I think people will stick with PoE1, but right now I am giving it a 90% chance of just killing PoE1.
ignite leap slam of groundbreaking chieftain, gonna exert 5+ warcries too
>I'm still looking at other bleed skills but I'm not really seeing anything that feels like SC.
You aren't seeing anything because they don't exist
There are no bleed skills that both feel good to use and aren't shit. It's why I gave up on the whole thing despite making a numerically great build.
>and unless they've just been lying out the ass it has the same complexity as PoE. T
they are
you can tell this shit is a console game man they're trying to make poe for gamer dads
im gonna play in steelmage's chatSF
haven't been this hyped for a league in a while
hope you all have a good leaguestart, see you on friday
>tfw want to watch lilys vid about leveling archmage to maps
>had to go and masturbate withing first 5 minutes
how am i supposed to watch 8 hours of this?
kek. it won't have the same complexity like PoE1, you're expecting a new game to have the same depth as a over a decade old game.
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can i play flicker strike in new patch?
thenk u
please stop nerfing guardian it's already certain to be the least popular ascendency of the entire league. why do you keep nerfing guardian.
>(70-100)% increased Physical Damage with Hits and Ailments against Ignited Enemies
Has anyone played around with Vulconus much who knows how this conditional works? Does it still apply to converted damage like regular increases do?
I'm thinking of memeing up a spellblade archmage raider while dual wielding them
check my personal meme lord channel
build progression and all
he's an expert on the subject, flicker has been real fun for the past leagues
So is GGG going to fix the massive amount of crashes everyone seems to be experiencing
>can't seem to explain why I felt nothing playing thru this
It's a pretty normal reaction to last epoch. The game ticks off all the boxes for an enjoyable arpg, but there's just something essential missing.
Promising game, but feels somehow soulless. Maybe I'm just comparing it to other games in my mind and not able to enjoy it for what it is.
Maybe it's just incomplete on a fundamental level. Maybe I'm just autistic. Regardless, I'm hopeful though, maybe one day.
Considering they're porting over a bunch of uniques, league mechanics, and just general shit from PoE it will be similar, and when I say complexity I just mean, ya know, the PoE-ness. The ability to make insane builds with different random mechanics. Shit like wardloop or wormblaster or all this stuff that is so dumb it is awesome. That spirit is still in PoE2, and even if "wormblaster" is not in the game, they'll have something like fucking, I dunno, bearskate or greendick or some other crazy build with a weird name.
I am trying to say it isn't a D2 to D3 situation where it just becomes a mindless game (even though D2 is kinda mindless).
even ironically pretending to be sexually attracted to that abomination is sickening.
watch anyone but larrys videos. he just steals builds from other people anyways
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How often do they reset the "daily" deals because I swear the last "daily deal" was on sale for like 3 days. I got like 10 MTX that I have watchlisted waiting for them to go on sale and they just never seem to be.
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>please stop nerfing guardian it's already certain to be the least popular ascendency of the entire league. why do you keep nerfing guardian.

Because I can.
Does Last Epoch still display your account name above your character’s head in the center of the screen at all times, with no way to disable it?

If so, everyone who even mentions it should receive a tempban.
How many divines do we expcet ralakesh to be?
I felt pretty much the same way. The game has a lot of cool ideas and features but for a reason I can't figure out the complete product just doesn't land
Daily except for weekend stuff.
>How many divines do we expcet ralakesh to be?
at least 50
>Okay weapon effect
>Meh character effect that isn't too intrusive so it'll be nice for locating yourself amidst a sea of shit I guess
>Kinda nice cloak
>Decent finisher (I think finishers in general are ugly, but it's fine)
>Good portal
Decent haul overall.
with the nerf to t17 and MF? lol lmao rofl holy shit
this is in chaos. that 1300 peak is probably gonna be the low water mark for this league
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>1.5 days until league launch
>still haven't settled on a build
what should i do
I think the big problem with Last Epoch is that it is a middle ground between Path of Exile autism/complexity and Diablo 4 action game with RPG elements, yet it is not able to do better than either. Yeah, it is deeper than D4, but D4 genuinely feels smooth and easy to play with pretty quick animations that fluidly move into one another. Last Epoch is smoother/more actiony than PoE, but nowhere near the amount of complexity, build crafting, variety, or end game.
So you end up with a situation where the normies who just wanna kill monsters play D4, and the autists (I am autist) plays PoE. It tries to appease both camps and ends up attracting neither.
>sleeping 19-2
>league launches at 22
>will sleep through launch, then have to go to the gym and will add another 2 hours to the delay
>by the time I make a character everyone will have mirrors
sigh I guess I'm skipping
I am gonna do my workout earlier in the day and then probably take a break this weekend. I've done 10k steps a day for months now, I can take 2 days off. Who knows, maybe I'll get some steps in if I am feeling like I need to stretch my legs (shout out to my bitch JK Rowling).
take it easy and starter marauder or duelist. finish campaign on day 2 and pivot to whatever the cracked out no sleep speed runners are playing

thanks bro
played oro's flicker in ritual as my starter and loved it
maybe. but I do get the "middle ground" thing.

For example, in D4, I hate running NMDs but I actually like Pit running since I'm aiming to finish 101 sub 5 minutes. In PoE I love running maps for the side content.

In LE I fucking hated unique farming. Its basically the same but it felt so shit running epochs over and over..
Just to make sure, Impale is ''stocked'' right before mitigation, right?

Does it benefit from shit like pride ? ( i assume it does)
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>Glad reworked
>Bleed bow became worse in the process
God dammit
Yeah, I mean the end game sucks. They tried to make a mapping system but the layouts are all fucking terrible and it is literally just mapping. No league or side content to do in them.
>I have to go to work just 1 hour before launch
At least I don't have to worry about que and disconnects. People will fuck off back to sleep by the time I'm back home and in game
Both Mjolnir and Indigon are crazy expensive at league start, right?
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Here's a reminder for every night during the league before you go to sleep:
>set up your trade routes
>set up your map wagies
>set up your buy/sell orders
honestly I think my biggest problem is how badly it controls compared to other ARPGs. Click move is weirdly glitchy, half the time you use a melee ability your character tries to slow motion run through the enemy instead of hitting it, and in some menus your cursor isn't even where your mouse is pointing. Those are all kinda minor nitpicks but they add up to make it feel unpolished and clunky
Lmao, kids these days...
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Still a whole day and 16 hours. What the fuck do we do while waiting?
Play Deadlock
I bought sf6 recently and I'll grind world tour until I master all characters and unlock all old costumes
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cum violently
>Those are all kinda minor nitpicks but they add up to make it feel unpolished and clunky
this is pretty much inexcusable when you consider that last epoch spent in paid fucking beta about as much time as it took poe to release shaper from launch lol
my mouse hand has started hurting because I spend too much time at the camputer, I wonder how viable it is to have move as a keyboard button, basically use 4 fingers to move, 2 move skills and the dmg skill
I got you senpai. Spin and let fate decide how your league start is ruined with these shitty bait builds
kill yourself troon
I love how this question gets completely ignored by the useful idiots who buy into the narrative that the game is sophisticated enough to pose any kind of dilemma or merit discussion.

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thanks onichan
>set your alarm for 4am to wake up and do it all again
That's the only decent minion build left so is not a secret, ghayzzy also have a build so play whatever and stop caring about what other people do.
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poison conc...
you're still here? go home
>Get baited by range - totem edition
The gods realy do want me to play ballista.
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asmon Kalguur vid reach 1m viewers
ok fagots
i did a run to maps with yungroan's power siphon locus mines
and it's so fuckin good. on 0 gear fresh out of campaign i could start mapping and it felt so fast and comfortable
im no longer on the fence, this is what im gonna start as
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Keep yourself safe, king.
such a punchable face. i still can't believe he killed his mom
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>wait what the fuck why are all the t0 uniques so expensive???? ggg wtf my player power?????
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Not exactly league starter, but I don't think it's entirely unattainable as the league's goal. All things considered, there are plenty of ways I can modify to make it a bit more tanky, but the base idea is to make it a full automatic walking build with HoT criting 100% of the time, proccing Lightning Bolt. My main concern would be the clear potential, but I guess that can be fixed with Oriath's End explosions...
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Thoughts on my Charged Dash build? I will level with Reave and then respec at lvl 80 after buying 1c energy shield uniques & essence spamming good bases.
If you're fine with tossing mines in a different direction and detonating them then go for it. Build's been solid for a while, it's just not fun. Effective at what it does and hard to fuck up. Just not great for a lot of older players with existing RSI issues.
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Now i have to watch that fag Balormage's vid
he lives in a slum being a millionaire, he's obviously a psychopath and will be in jail for murder in the next 5 years
You guys think scarabs are all going to be worthless again this league? Was thinking about going chests but if they are dirt cheap again, no point.
was this post made by AI or are you just retarded?
Did you read the patch notes, anon? Almost every tier 0 unique in the game was dropped to a very small group of players abusing mechanics to drop thousands of unique items per map.
Your IIR/IIQ had no impact on receiving one. Because you never were going to get one. Nobody was, nobody except those breaking the game.
Now the game breaks have been fixed. Now your IIQ is gone. Now your already zero chance is even less than zero.
>getting baited by a jungbait build

cmon now
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It's so over
why don't you grow a pair of balls and make a league starter that is good so you can farm your own t0 uniques and then use them on your second character like you're supposed to
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I'm ok with this
Skipped a few leagues or so. Is archmage penance brand still good?
will you stay reave to farm the 15d of jewels that are 75% of your damage too?
Ok i wasn't a gog fan but now i am
it got cut down by like 50% so yeah it's fine
bro im talking about trade. That very small group of players were using MF
Weapon is good, even if it only exist to be paypiggy fodder. Rune is trash. Portal is ok. Finisher is Reddit tier.
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ahhhhh, but they fixed that by making div cards more available via the scarab.

Mark you son of a bitch, you've done it again
Is steelmage's bleed slam chieftain build bait?
Heist bros, what are you running now that raider is dead?
we all know what the good builds are, but what are the good ATLAS side contents for the first tree?
everyone already switched to pathfinder
same as always, pathfinder toxic rain
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>deleted magic find
>deleted back to basics
>nerfed t17 drop rates
>people are celebrating this as a win
>when magic finders supply the vast majority of t0 uniques in the economy for regular players to buy
All of this coupled with the fact that there's less friction in currency trading now which means divs are gonna be inflated, don't be surprised if magebloods are 500 divines by week 2.
Is this what you guys really wanted? No refunds.
I've played so much pathfinder these last few leagues though, oh well
im going to share a secret tech with you melee bros. the best and most efficient damage skill is actually zooming with shield charge because of buffs and it also dodged what other
>Almost every tier 0 unique in the game was dropped to a very small group of players abusing mechanics to drop thousands of unique items per map.
hundreds of thousands. per map. hundreds of thousand of uniques. a map.
archmage cant support brands now
>tfw playing fire shield crush so I'm not actually scaling my shield charge much
that is genuinely exactly what I want. rare things should be rare again. 50% of the ladder shouldn't have mageblood.
>Is this what you guys really wanted?
Yes. Keep whining MFcuck, I don't care.
Never had a mageblood
Never had a headhunter
Never needed them, beat uber pinnacle bosses anyways.
doesn't really affect me and it makes others suffer so yeah I'm all for it
1-5 Fall for the bait and double strike of impale
6-0 Just do a basic but safe animate weapon guardian
is mageblood really that good?
t. poe noob
The problem is once you get to monoliths incremental upgrades don't exist anymore so you feel something is missing while running the treadmill. Is the same retarded "you need the next set or legendary/primal/whatever" to go to the next torment in D3 but there is no torments, just one doorstep between running in circles being shit and being a powerhouse able to really enjoy the endgame.
fuck mf cucks. most of magebloods enter the market because of gamblers, not mfcucks.
I want people to stop using video games to pay their rent and hopefully this is a step in the right direction.

It's pretty strong.
Well its fucking over.
What build do I go now to oneshot pinnacle bosses while having stupidly high defenses and decent mapclear?
>is mageblood really that good?
It's so fucking good lol
It's actually retarded
For the cost of a shitty belt slot you can solve every problem your character might have with extra power on top of that
Play backpack hero.
In the event it doesn't work out, don't forget you can always hit S to open the social menu at any point and go to public parties & either join or create a pub throughout the campaign or while mapping.
still penis brand
Yes? Rare t0 items should be expensive, last league they cost pennies, anyone could get a mageblood with a day's worth of farming, that's lame and takes away from the rarity of such a good item.
what's the best build for a retard who has never finished maps?
Yes. It is the strongest item in the game by far. Obviously you need to then invest in 4 very strong, well rolled flasks that can also be expensive but yeah it is insane.
That's underestimating it a little anon.
They said it was taking a huge toll on their servers.
It's basically an entire ascendancy in a single item slot. It's insane.
This is a good thing.

Also I just rmt anyway for my missing gear kek.
So he is Trevor from GTA 5?
why is this rat soifacing at mobile game mechanics?
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youre telling me spark is a bow skill now?
I can't imagine getting billions of DPS without the archmage + battery staff abuse.
>anyone could get a mageblood with a day's worth of farming
whoa, magblud will go from 70 to 200 div! instead of a day of casual farming it will be 3 days!!!
Asmon bros wy@?
if you make 70 divines a day, you're actually just jobless
Flasks are very strong as is.
You know those less duration more effect rolls? Mageblood doesn't care about duration, it has 100% up time.
>he thinks it will only be 200d when the league mechanic gives fuck all for increased quant
bro it's gonna be 200d by day 4
pulled up the ziz video now, thanks lad
anon, i thought that you just wanted to kill ubers, not kill all ubers in the universe per tick. penis brand was a huge overkill for anything in the game and its still very good even if it did triple nerfed and they took away archmage support.
speaking of which they also reworked archmage entirely so you might want to look into that if you like the archetype. like now its possible to reduce the mana cost down to zero and still reap all the benefits of archmage support.
the ziz version is shit
look at ben or alkaizer instead
>he doesnt know how to make currency aside from running legion and picking up bubblegum shit
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having 95% block chance does sound kind of nice when I think about it
give us your 18 divine an hour strat that will still exist in 3.25, you don't even have to go into details, just what mechanic you use
im 100% going to make a dissolution of the flesh glad after i get some sick gears. i will almost NEVER get hit and i will NEVER get one shot.
Essence Snorter Speed Demon
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damn man, I gotta research this shit? ziz has the multi level pob
hurry up and give me fucking uniques and the atlas tree
>you don't even have to go into details
>just what mechanic you use
im going to utilize the forgotten arts of clicking currency and trading items
I'm pretty sure ziz said he will be coming out with a full guide for a berserker (just taken from Ben), Ben is making one right now as well
oh nice, I can just relax until friday then
maybe get some energy drinks, it always takes me a long time to clear acts
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Essence, Blight, boss rush destructive play, Einhar memory, Alva, Breach, mix and match it's all ~15 div/hour on day 2 before falling to ~10 div/hour day 3. Bossing and selling maven/uber elder stones is 25 div/hour.
NUBAIT IS UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A9UYa3y_Fc
Its good but its not as crazy as shitters say.
I can think of literally nothing than mageblood in the game.
Not watching but the PDR it gives is never fucking worth it. I'd rather that my lightning projectiles leech than have more tranny armor. My 48% base PDR from frenzies + masterful form is enough.
>I can think of literally nothing
I can see it
Zoomancer, huh...
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>relying on leech for a lightning strike
Has this guy even played lightning strike? I doubt it.
They really shouldn't have enabled him like that.
Actually they should have stopped the PoE2 interviews the moment they stopped getting questions about the game but people saw it as an avenue to air grievances about PoE1, like palsteron complaining about MF.
That moment was right after the kripp interview, he was the only one who knew how to ask questions holy shit
No you can use its gay retarded cousin Tides of Time now for 1/100th the cost.

People only wear Mageblood for the movement speed.
Same but then I think about
>that poe2 interview where Ghazzy kept on airing his minion grievances

I never wished to punch someone over the internet after watching that shit.
nta but lol
Used my necor boxc and got the shattering effect, should go well with my impales.

Ty chris
No one with actual charisma takes this game seriously. Cutedog is the GOAT and he's always just played the game as a joke.

Ruetoo is probably the closest to being an autismal PoE loser that actual has charisma but I think it's just the drugs.
tides of time can get bricked by mods or mobs, mageblood cant.
no wonder they take so long to nerf shit like DD. the playerbase is filled with whiny losers trying to pull them in every which way that ultimately would result in poe becoming an idle game if GGG capitulated.
I can tell you've thought before
>not recognizing a jungbait

cmon now
What kind of Atlas are you going for?
I'm probably doing Essence/Destructive Play/Blight and do general mapping while selling off the Blighted maps to all the new farmers and throwing Essences onto the new Exchange.
I feel like anything that's not just blasting maps is gonna be bait since the League Mechanic is tied to doing maps and maps can spawn a lot of new content now
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Yeah but if your build isn't mowing down mobs before they can affect you it's a bad build.
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/our guy/ loves the league. it is so over for D4.
As a minion enjoyer I like the complexities of micromanaging minions. If we didn't have to worry about them dying then what would be the point?
I never realised that lightning conduit of the heavens existed.

Is it any good for archmage? 270% added damage looks pretty solid for it.
theres no atlas in sanctum

Legion Harvest Betrayal Eater to start
Essences are going to be worth nothing this league
This guy looks like he has a closet full of dead animals.
Just retarded I guess? I've been in a fishing boat in alaska for the last 3 months so I barely got to play the current league and just now learning about the upcoming league.
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When are we getting anime MTX
This past league of D4 was actually a step in the right direction and everyone agrees, but the next season is a filler season and then they're making people pay $100 to play the season after that so the game is fucking dead. PoE won eternally. The top 2 ARPGs in the space are going to be PoE 1 and PoE 2.
>270% added on a single hit
>no overlaps
What looks good there exactly
I was heavily considering Sanctum running but with the Charge changes and Visage becoming rarer I think the gear for Sanctum running is going to be way more expensive than it needs to.
Boots are gonna be stupid expensive for a long time and I'm probably being baited but I'm hoping the city building will be rewarding

why's that? Is legion even worth it? Splinters seem to be worth nothing for Legion and Breach
he also looks like hes fucking these dead animals
$2 russian rentboy
DO people actually use unleash outside of summoning srs faster?
TRVTH NVKE: quin69 is the most charismatic poe streamer
it's up

you too can make 100 divines an hour if you simply had friends
Ritual + expedition + essence + abyss.
Haven't done it in a while and slammer is going to be great at clearing Legions
unironically true
fire and forget, mostly.
>have a build that has bad life sustain but i generally safe
>pop enduring cry on left click
>that's removed, pop enduring cry on automate
>that's removed, guess I'll just die to chip damage
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This guy probably smells like mothballs
because he fucks them
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>frostblink mines trickster
I don't know if I will ever understand betrayal
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Comfy boss rush. I would do Heist but I have PTSD from seeing the green contracts drop.

Protip for any Heist enjoyers this league: The Heart of Glory contract that is always worth 0.00000000000001 perandus coin is now worth it to run because they removed Far Shot from Deadeye and the helm is one of the only sources. The helm is ~40% more damage and best in slot and everyone is going to want one right at league start.

Even though you drown in this stupid fucking contract and get hundreds by league's end people will be paying over a divine for one the first 3 days of league. Quick way to get rich as fuck.
Are you going deep into Ritual and Expedition? They are on complete opposite sides of the tree
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>a handful of days after the league starts
its $40 bro and its a totally new area (probably 3 or 4 dungeons) bro

i'd most likely still buy it though, d4 even seasons have been bangers so far
also retard
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What can you not understand? You put the characters you need items from with the safehouse that gives them.
I did heist last league for challenges and I'm good on that content for a while. Heist can be fun but I hate how long it takes to set up and gear the people
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it's an unironic jungcuck build
>grav transport
Which fucking retard made this "guide"? Gravicius in transport is literally the only good thing about betrayal after the veiled orb change.
>start pconc bouncing trickster
>fill atlas
>get es/int gear and clusters for EE dsa setup
>farm int stacker gear in t17s
>reroll to warden int stack kb
>blast simuls
Good times are ahead
You can spec into anything you want practically ever since they added the mortal gateways. I fully spec into both ritual and expedition.
Poison penis brand with the grasping vine tech
It's just him saying shit like
>No way
>This is crazy
at random intervals with no input from what's happening in the stream
ruetoo is a fucking moron that gets triggered by just about anything
This guy is so shit at gaming, it's like he picked it up 6 months ago
1st run - A1: 42:50 A2: 1:25:34
2nd run - A1: 40:35 A2: 1:23:57
3rd run: A1: 38:36 A2: 1:14:32
4th run: A1: 38:11 A2: 1:09:11

I don't know how to improve Act 1 as a ranger, its so hard to stay alive without killing a lot of enemies and theres a lot of RNG on dropping a good bow and 3L.
9/10 words that come out of rue's mouth are lies btw
anon you've mistaken shouting and cat gifs for a personality
Oh, right. Forgot those gateways exist. Ritual is comfy, I hope the updated bases end up being worth something
ive been playing the campaign over and over and over again so i can still only get a 6 hour time
just aim at havoc's times. that's literally the fastest you can do.
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guys i'm back from farming sanctuary
what'd i miss
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After the change just kill them until lvl3 then interrogate them. Do the safehouses as they appear and do catarina when she's ready. Miss the veiled orb and realize you wasted your time. The 2 rusted scarabs everyone else gives isn't even worth clicking the chest for.
I love watching this shit even though I never plan on playing any of this stuff. The lengths these guys go to to really pimp out a party both offensively and defensively in as many different situations as possible is super impressive.
Caustic arrow should get you under 30 mins with some practice
ls slayer or deadeye and why?
Everyone ranked on ladder is a no life sperg
99% of people never get a mageblood
>Putting them in jail down ranks them
>If you put them in jail until they have no ranks, they leave the safehouse they were in and you can now move them into a new safehouse
>Whenever you see the option "Remove Rivalries", NEVER take it and either Pass or Jail them, Rivalries ensure more NPC's will show up during encounters and the "Betrayal" options you get are POTENT.
>If you're trying to rank someone up, always interact with them first
>Last person you interact with cannot offer a rank up option, instead will always offer some form of private bargain
>If you Jail a Safehouse Leader, whoever is 2nd in rank will replace them, if multiple people have the same ranks, it picks one at random
>Getting specific people as the safehouse leader and rank 3 will yield extra rewards
>Killing Catarina adds +1 to all board members, taking Rank 3 to Rank 4 and offering even better rewards
>Killing Catarina completely resets the board
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but he's so gay
How do people farm essences now after they nerfed t1 map essences and added these retarded essence atlas passives? Is it something I can do at league start?
But I want to play as lightning strike, will I gain a lot of time with CA/TR but be fucked later with regrets/gold to rerroll?
Nobody understand nigger, I just focus in getting everyone to level 3, put the 10 intelligence per map on atlas in every single tree and only care about Catharina after the nerfs.
snapow straight up looks like a comic book villain with 5000 iq, we're lucky he is dedicating his autism to path of exile instead of developing the next form of chemical warfare
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i'm starting groundslam into sunder then moving into volcanic fissure of snaking for map clearing and tec slam for boss busting

will it be amazing? no
will it clear off screen with ease? yes
will it be fun? yes
thank you for coming to my ted talk
What's hilarious is that the guy got popular entirely off of over-hyping poe2 when everyone thought they'd actually deliver more than a pre-alpha and even more delays at ExileCon (god what a fucking scam)
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>They baited another one...
ls start is going to suck ass on a ranger, especially after the attack speed changes, youd be better off playing CA/TR until at least act 3 lab if not later
youll get 15ish respec points by the end of the campaign regardless to fix your swapped points
Chris Wilson saving the world by distracting hundreds of autists with PoE. Imagine how much damage people like snapow, sirgog, or shitstain steve could do if they wanted to wreak havoc on society.
listen homie romeo it's gonna be good enough. 4~5m dps is plenty to start with.
i wish lacerate was just cleave but for bleeds. this two hit shit is so fucking janky
any zerker leveling guide??
You have any examples? I started his DD build last league and that shit was smooth as fuck
>four years of radio silence followed by a surprise announcement that it's actually an entirely different game
>also there's another year long wait to do the beta you were supposed to do four years ago
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as someone that has been daytrading for 10 years now, this image always makes me laugh.
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is this real?
ben did a run a couple of days ago
Betrayal, Harvest, Heist and Eater for the first tree
Destructive play with juiced maps for the second, once I get my build going
every build is shit
all he had to do was not be an insufferable pile of shit. jesus christ.
Are ETFS even worth it bro. Been thinking about getting into Daytrading instead of sinking 2 grand a month into my ETF portfolio
I'm calling it now. Versatile Combatant with endurance charge stacking is gonna make everyone so tanky that the game is just plain boring. Sure people hate dying to one shots, but when you can ignore 99% of mechanics in T17 maps next league with less than 1 divine worth of gear, the game will be fucking boring.
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>a well rounded beast
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>Been thinking about getting into Daytrading

>I'll ask the Path of Exile general thread that is full of deranged schizos for their advance on gambling my money
depends how afraid you are of picking a few blue chips.
he's so cute
>Getting specific people as the safehouse leader and rank 3 will yield extra rewards
Not a thing for a long time now but i don't blame you for that mistake, the only real difference now between a leader and a member are who will be fought during the Mastermind fight.
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Imagine starting at the top of the tree
it's up

Mathil leaguestarter video WHEN????
first time melee player here, is lightning strike warden a safe bet? i know there's a shitton of vids on it but i don't wanna get baited
Will Tectonic Slam be good with the new melee buff and now that you have to stack endurance charge anyway?
>tfw Exsang + CF is my favorite skill combo
>scion version is ded for good
Will immediately reroll into this the moment my Perforate of Bloodshed build goes to shit
did he have a stroke
why does he talk with his mouth to the side
none of the melee builds are a safe bet, they will all feel like shit, the only people who benefit from the melee buffs are people who are turbo autistic and played the clunky messy shitty melee style for years already, so they just get free damage, everyone else is getting baited into something they will not enjoy
It's safe so long as you don't scuff it. Warden doesn't give you defences so if you don't actually build defences you will just kill yourself over and over. So, like, it's not retard-proof.
It lets you have 4 magic utility flasks with 95% increased effect on permanently without ever pressing buttons or worrying about charges. It's the strongest bandaid in the game. Whatever handful of weaknesses your build may have, MB slaps flex tape on them and now your character feels great.
why does ben go zerk instead of jugg when playing HC
starting lightning strike as any class is bait
>custom mods
maybe i should do champion
how so? i also considered doing toxic rain
he said jugg bad damage
>proceeds to spend 3x more effort getting defenses
Actually you're wrong bud. Multiple people still give 2 bench uses or offer 2 reward chests when they're the leader.
you can cap all your resists with 1 flask, permanently
you can increase your armor, dodge, block, whatever by an incredible amount. permanently. whichever flask(s) you choose.
permanent phasing. anything a magic (blue) flask gives, take those numbers and increase their effect by 95%. they're there permanently. it's a horrible item for the game, same as headhunter. there SHOULD be chase uniques, but they shouldn't just randomly drop. they should be deterministic like the one from sanctum.
this was EternalEnVy, not this other guy
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What build do (You) like the best and why?
ye i dont get that part
the nigger dev lurks this thread and thats why champion got ruined for real this time
You probably want natural affinity, and check out tinctures they are crazy dps
and you can get endurance charges from the medium channelling skills cluster since enduring cry can't be automated
I'm trying to make a charged dash build too but on slayer, tho I haven't decided what dps to drop for res/life yet
the most fun i've ever had in this game is leap slamming around and splashing the map with earthquake bleed jugg. It wasn't the fastest, but it was fucking fun and felt good to thump the ground. Nothing has been as fun as that. Well, Tec Slam popping packs + one tapping all bosses came really close.
Guess again.
zerker ground slam
huge damage, great clear, easy scaling, plenty of survivability
>but they shouldn't just randomly drop. they should be deterministic like the one from sanctum.
Oro's cyclone. Hyaon's cyclone. Anything melee cyclone.
what do you mean
>Safehouse leaders no longer drop double rewards when a safehouse achieves maximum intelligence.

Currently double benches is a thing but as a reward at T4 rank from Mastermind boosted rewards. Specifically on Vorici T4 socket bench, and Tora Gem XP Bench.
You don't actually *level* with lightning strike. You level with rain of arrows.
The one from Sanctum is really difficult to get due to having to build specifically for it. It allows people to work towards a goal, and to achieve that goal, which in turn opens up multiple builds or allows you to sell the item and fund other builds to (theoretically) work towards OTHER deterministic chase items.
I understand the thrill of getting this giga item from random drops, but in terms of a games economy it kind of fucks it over and allows people with no life to speak of, or streamers, a much *MUCH* greater ability to fuck it over.
Storm Burst Decay has been my favorite build in this game since it was discovered.
>Love Bane but it is weak on its own
>Get a natty lv 32 Decay Shako drop
>Do some googling and see what people do with these
Applying a fuckhuge dot and amping it with curses is extremely satisfying. I just wish they would give Storm Burst an alt qual to scale this even further so that the build is not reliant on Shako

From Ultimatum to TOTA it has trivialized league mechanics
for me I really don't like ETF much, since I dislike reading a lot of economic news. I'd rather start in picking good dividend stocks then invest in those. I have $120K port for dividends stocks but I started out with $10K with 2 divedend stocks and just added on to my port over time
The only league mechanic I never played was strongboxes. Always seemed so fucking boring and idk how anyone is supposed to make money off a few extra strongboxes? They never have shit in them. should just delete them like they did with metamorph
i mean then the item would have to be significantly weaker and everyone would be pressured into farming it, but also, you can technically deterministically farm MB by farming an apo card and then doing harvest gamba
jungroan makes the most jank ass builds then calls everything else nonsense or a waste of time why is he like this
they're not jank, you just can't read
full cold crit flicker strike with big herald of ice pops. it just feels good man
kiss my ass lil bro
not entirely wrong, i'd prefer if they removed items such that from the general loot table and keep the cards. chase uniques should be just that, chase. not "get lucky with the whole ass item drop"
I dunno. I've never liked huge items like that randomly dropping. I get both every league from either trade farming or generally getting big drops to sell, etc. and it feels better to work for something instead of just getting lucky.
its called a jungbait dummy
ok im doing archmage
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jung is the best poe buildmaker and the prettiest girl
jung is a BOY!
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I'm starting pconc slayer
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>jung is the best poe buildmaker and the prettiest girl

imagine being wrong twice in a single sentence.
larry is not a girl
also does anyone have that pic of ziz and larry and some other guy standing on a pier
>mfw played since 2013 and I have around 4000 hours and I have achieved nothing in the game
Fuck me. Do I finally just fucking look up a guide and go with it to get anything done
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>hardcore build creators
i have never been struck by league indecision so hard before
How can you play for 4k hours making your own builds and you haven't grasped how to make a good one yet?
that's Larry and he doesn't make his own builds
bear trap frenzy stacking summon reaper with devourer of minds
play groundslam sunder into a retaliation skill
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have you achieved anything of the following?
>beaten every boss
>beaten every boss on uber
>mirror drop
>mageblood drop
>headhunter drop
>lvl 90 in hardcore for te achivement
>40/40 at least once
>crafted a mirror tier item
>had a streamer say your name on stream

post yours
kek look at this shit and tell me it's a woman
That's rude, anon. Jungroan has been taking his hormones for just two months now
same, until i actually checked the numbers of glad bleed and i was laughing so hard at the people that will get baited by this shit.
have you achieved anything of the following?
>beaten every boss
>beaten every boss on uber
>mirror drop
>mageblood drop
>headhunter drop
>lvl 90 in hardcore for te achivement
>40/40 at least once
>crafted a mirror tier item
>had a streamer say your name on stream
ye(it was in my first language tho dunno if it counts)
>beaten every boss
>beaten every boss on uber
>mirror drop
>mageblood drop
>headhunter drop
>lvl 90 in hardcore for te achivement
>40/40 at least once
>crafted a mirror tier item
>had a streamer say your name on stream
no but I have traded with some of them I think
sure if you don't mind spending endurance charges and momentarily losing 50% of your defense
a woman would dress better so...
sweep bleed is decent for a starter, scales poorly though
My favourite build of all time was Indigon cold bv pathfinder but it's super dead now. It was immortal, did infinite damage, and had screenwide shatters. I miss the good ol' days.
if any of your choices could be described as "melee", "dot" or "bleed", you can safely get rid of them
Just look at the size of those hands lmao. Fucking shovels man.
you can probably literally just play that build as slayer and be fine
that jawline
bait or solid?
can I copy this
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I ran poison necro last league, its fucking amazing BUT it requires a lot of investment
Neither POB nor poe.ninja can calculate its damage properly mainly because of trigger breakpoints and trigger rate. The actual dps is at least 4x higher or 8x if you're counting poison DPS
Do not bother with AG. AG WILL die during mapping or bossing unless you carefully considering which content to run and picking and choosing mods. Not worth it. Skip it and slot in either Carrion Golem(damage) or Chaos Golem(EHP, recommended). They are much better than AG on all stages of the game BUT super super endgame where you have currency to spare. If spectres or golems die, just resummon them.
bait, just play ele hit
there is no reason to go IS over LA
he just went for IS to say it's his build
Image isn't about PoE playerbase.

Is there footage of him playing a video game anywhere?
damn, How many seasons do I need before I can identify bait?
I haven't watched the video, but i know there's some interaction with trans ice shot and fury valve that makes the damage particularly high.
>Gaza fucked those two twinkies meanwhile /poeg/ is still a virgin
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Tried to change the supporter pack I put 90 bucks into as I realized that I needed the turtle hideout.
But it seems like I'm stuck with the Penance Supporter Pack after equipping the armor and pets. I think this makes sense, but also...
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tell me who is the woman
virus do not click
>Play Minion build
>Stay in melee range
What's the point?
sushi, please stop
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it's gonna be slamming, can't wait
he grabbed by ass and my IP
dont click
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If your build:
-has a stutter-like move and click gameplay
-clears packs behind you and not in front
-has a prebuff rotation
-was made by a streamer
you are a retard
Black people league
no that was tota
Slave trading* league
Because you want to see what the boss is doing instead of yoloing 2 screens away getting anal blasted offscreen. What is the point of not being melee range if you can handle it? Your minions will be constantly attacking instead of randomly trying to follow your chicken ass running around the arena
yep this is my starter
ssf probably 6-7 hours of gameplay there. i stopped paying attention to anything other than the skill tree pathing after like act 3 and the rest of the game played itself. kind of a joke
was very playable. you dont even have to aim really. just run around throw mines all over and they autotarget
do you really think i would get baited by a jung build? he admits he didnt even make this and stole it because he saw iamjustacrazy playing it in his race
FBoK, LA Bowfriend, Slampiaono Zerker, Bleed glad
Which one? I want tor rush into Deli farming and selling orbs + Simu keys
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anime posters are the worst players
tota is 2 leagues ago bro
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>beaten every boss
>beaten every boss on uber
>mirror drop
>mageblood drop
>headhunter drop
>lvl 90 in hardcore for the achievement
>40/40 at least once
>crafted a mirror tier item
>had a streamer say your name on stream
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portal effect is way too extra
gonna keep using legacy portal
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I am a witch starter. how could you tell?
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smelly koreans eat tar in spicy red shitty sauce
fuck you, gochujang is great
Its really good but its not BIS for every build in the game
whats mine is yours my friend
i realized you probably just want to see the pob i was looking at
for the same level of gear cost, snoobae's ele hit of the spectrum warden will be a lot better IMO. Level as RoA.
From where he gets flat dmg
Koreans just look like asians that want to be white. Japanese are cute and have their own style. Fuck Korea.
How is Ele Hit against Maven and UE? getting the 4 stones asap is very important for me
>dealing WEAPON damage
this is just hexblast mines but 10x less damage and they don't work most of the times
why is heist so popular in league start? where's the value?
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>coloniser and slavery league
It's not, unless you are SSF.
simplex amulet slot machine
it used to be good, not anymore
Yep, so that's stupid
alternate to levelling/ mapping
rogue levelling
used to be a good early currency / div farm but not anymore. you can get better currency in expedition
it takes some getting used to, but having to place your mines properly is made up for by the autotargeting.
lockpicking contracts are basically guaranteed chaos orb drops. grand heists drop replica uniques that enable endurance charge stuff on popular ascendancies.
it's the best way to farm +1 ___ charge synth rings
ive gotten a simplex every league
im now undecided between toxic rain and archmage
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i refuse to play meta builds and instead homebrew my own, worse versions of those builds
am i a retard?
Same as any other bow build? Don't get hit, deal tons of damage.
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sad thing is that every single one of us would
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>/poeg/ constantly sucks off hexblast trickster
>it's just a shit version of tristack
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100% truth
they'll suck a giant cock with their crappy builds in like two days and be bitching in this thread like they always do
i don't watch streamers
I'm not gay
u do u tho
reminder to use the penance mark ring to reliably trigger retaliation skills on bosses.
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No you haven't. Unless you play all 4 months doing nothing but heist and have cleared 4k+ wings. Look at grimros community spreadsheet, or empyrean's video. Shit is so fucking rare, that your odds of getting one are astronomically small. You don't have to lie to kick it.
Last time I had a bad time with my LA single target damage.
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Yes, but you're still based
>why is heist so popular in league start? where's the value?

It's the least difficult league mechanic.
Heist is less likely to kill you than an essence mob.
i fuck grannies why wouldnt i fuck a petite tranny i mean come on dude
Guys legs can't exist like that, their anatomy doesn't allow your legs to be that far apart. You can get super skinny and still not be that far apart. She's just a weirdly disproportionate girl. why do you think she plays poe? Because she feels embarrassed to be in public looking like that.

nibba i'd go to town on that bussy
>cum on dude
yeah I bet you do fag
its only gay if you are on the reciving end
Heist has several big jackpot drops and a bunch of other moderately valuable replica uniques and bases. But most importantly, when you first start mapping you can get your first 50 raw chaos much faster clicking on heist chests than by clearing unjuiced white maps with an ungeared character because heist chests don't fight back.

Also RF Jugg and other tanky builds are perfect for Heist.
Blight is even easier. You literally can do it with any gear / naked with just 1 5c ring anoint, and the rewards are much better. The only people that run Heist are people playing speed cap builds farming 1 wing reveals en masse for slot machine loot.
your whiteknighting of a tranny, sincere or ironic, is a waste of your life.
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Do you ever think about how could be earning money instead of wasting thousands on hours on a single video game?
name one trans streamer who doesn't announce their transness every hour and on every pixel of their twitch stream profile

ill wait
I've been playing this game on company time for the last 4 years
I guess it's heirophant again
which annoint
I don't watch streamers, much less trannies, retard.
Artemis of the Blue
allie is a girl tho
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>He puts his onions in the fridge
>Blight is even easier. You literally can do it with any gear / naked with just 1 5c

Blight in the atlas maps wastes your time yields nothing.

Blight in the blighted maps is hardcore CBT, you can beat it, but a shit build is going to be getting one shot by any stray bullet or possessed boss. You will be on your last portal waiting for the towers to kill the mobs while you're dead.
People should strive to be a wageslave for the absolute minimum number of hours they possibly can. There's no point making 300k if you have to spend 60% of your waking hours every day doing something you don't enjoy. Of course some people enjoy that shit and they have the best of both worlds but if you're a slave to your job then you should try to be a slave as little as possible.
makes your eyes water less when you cut them
You're saying she's a sub-woman? All women are beautiful.
stick your tongue out when slicing, it absorbs most of it
that's a fuckin' man look at those hands holy SHIT
>retarded rich daddy's boy talking about something he knows nothing about
why are the gook streamers who live in korea so much more normal than the ones who live in western countries? what causes this?
Guardian Auramancer Iron Mass Elemental.
Cheap as hell, 50k ehp, tons of defensive layers and almost all auras (base lvl 20) but I do not have the IQ to scale it, so its stuck at 10M dps. At least its fairly cheap, clocking in at 5-10 divines total. I can post pob if needed.
her bp feels like a pussy
>weapon damage
Absolution of Inspiring
I want to give Hexblast Mines ago. What is the best guide to follow? Want to change into a juice Escape artist build once I have enough currency
you do realize melee means close range combat, right? you can't kill when the monster moves away out of range cause you know, IT'S MELEE. fucking retards.
ventrua is the authority on hexblast mines
>finna have to be playing in 680x480 resolution
its so over
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What build is the Fyregrass Poison Tornado Shot of 3.25?
all you faggots have never seen an ugly woman in your life. zoomers are genuinely fucking hopeless
be aware that its main strengths are bossing and sanctum, not zoomy mapping
any retaliation build
ls warden
>hopes and dreams that PoE2 will be better.

What do you mean? It looks fantastic, I can't wait to play it, this feels like some Dark Souls shit and I'm a huge colossal weapon crablade enthusiast.

>Hit really hard
>Become god
The dream
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Don't think it exists.
Fyregrass TS build for some reason got a lot of attention on reddit and youtube. He wasn't a big content creator before so no idea why.
Crit bleed maxblock Lacerate dw Glad with The Saviour. Played it in Heist, shit was good.
total chimp neuron activation
Dude you are a literal fucking retard. Blight in regular maps is 10x as profitable as blighted maps OR blight ravaged maps. Please never talk again on something you know n o t h i n g about.
>Open blight pustules
>Get scroll of wisdom

The most valuable thing I ever got was a blighted nap, that's how I learned the blighted maps existed.
dead game
i hope poe 2 fails, poe 1 chads can only gain from that. faggotmongoloid also known as asmongold and kripp will advertise for it but that wont help tbqhwyf
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but enough about sleepoch
wtf are you talking about
is this nigga retarded
Watched a video that assumed the only difference in recombinators this league is that there aren't any mutations. Is that shit true? That makes it better, not worse.
>every build is mid until I equip ralakesh and then it turns into every other build
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Fucking retard. You make your blights into 1 lanes so they have 100% chance to only be blight rewards. Then you just pick up blighted maps to sell, and use oil extractors on silver / gold oils. Now there is a scarab that you can add that makes all blights 1 lane so you'll be able to do this trick on any map. Blighted maps and blight ravaged have not been worth it for 4 years, and will not be worth it until they add passives from the atlas to affect those maps. As is, you will make much MUCH more currency / hour doing regular blights in maps rather than wasting your time in blighted maps. It's the ultimate fucking noob trap.
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>and use oil extractors
hahaha what the fuck
>extractor node nerfed
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>and use oil extractors
Wish I was slamming this cow right now.
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>oil extractors
Oh no no no
The oil extractors are gone, and the scarab doesn't even guarantee you get a blighted map to sell, best I can do is one sepia oil
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based frogchad
love how he started his post with
>Fucking retard.
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Yes, that's why you don't do blight this league. Because the only profit worth it was inside normal maps running triple scarab and forcing 1 lane. Regular corrupted blighted maps and blight ravaged maps were literally never worth it. And this league with the oil extractor changes and with the poll on reddit having 89% of the polled 1,700 people choosing blight as their starter, oils will be worth literally nothing because of over saturation. If you play blight this league, you're an idiot. If you played blight in the past and did anything but triple scarab 1 lane forced method you are retarded. Sometimes I forget how fucking bad people are at this game, and that there are people who are struggling to make 10 div an hour.
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Why are you all stressing out about your builds? Do you really need to clear maps in 30 seconds? Aren't we all just gonna stand AFK and wait for timers to go down?
this faggot has never worked for anything his life. he does not have the concept of being too exhausted to do anything. they put chinks in schools for 14 hours a day and they're no smarter than an amerimutt who only participates in class for an hour and plays hookie in daycare the rest of the day.
these people who are legitimately arguing about it require 30s to 1m per map, constantly, because they have nothing else going on in their life. takes me around 10 hours to get to maps each league and I always end the game with HH or MB and a build that can *technically* one phase uber bosses. it's just game knowledge.
>Do you really need to clear maps in 30 seconds?
t. anon that has an onion on his ref
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I'm not stressed. Just gonna play zenith and be invincible and have millions of dps on 5 div budget and scale it to be the strongest build of the league that can do any content and any mod.
what does this mean

I hope you can get nigger MTX for your NPCs so you can larp as colonial ranch owner.
t. anon that has an onion in his bp
Has anyone done Ultimatum recently? I want to farm or potentially drop my own Hateforge. Also do map tiers and mods matter for Ultimatum loot?
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nobody is saying blight is good, we're saying blighted maps are better then regular maps with blight (which they are)
>nigger music
they're bait
The chieftain warcry FF/F is gonna be giga expensive. I wish chieftain had more than 1 good node so I could just play chieftain and not jugg.
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Finna go sanctum like last league, Ralakesh better not be more than 10 div day 1/2, got them for 6 last time which was a heckin steal so hoping for that again. Surely everyone will play melee instead of cringe like hexblast.
They are, just macro your slams
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They have potential. I remember playing impale slam when it was good, and holy shit was it good back then. So yea, with the changes now, we might get another league where slams are top tier builds.
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So, with melee supposedly getting a big buff, I want to try again.
I've seen plenty of people saying they want to go for lightning strike and I get it, but I want something with a little more oomph, like earthquake or shatter.
Was thinking about gladiator for bleedsplosion or slayer with headsman. Has anyone had ant ideas yet? Any promising synergies? Is it league start viable?
are there any marauder builds that have good move speed/clear speed from the get go on a league start, without scaling aps through undeniable?
I love gog's nee thumbnails bros
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Responded with this today. Surely this will fix everything.
that's neither, and zdps on top. I'm talking at least ice nova of fb levels of clear, that one is very fast once you get some cast speed and frostblink gem.
This is the guy that controls all players filter, a midwit.
NTA but you know, I've never actually started Righteous Fire. Did 3.23 really fuck it so bad that it isn't just the de facto standard starter?
just shield charge/leap slam cope your way through the acts regardless of main skill, sunder + herald of ash to level with is not completely dogshit
i like gog but how many fucking vids is he gonna squeeze out, the thumbnails are also complete messes
I wish, I WISH GGG would release their own official filter. PLEASE, please just do it. It would be one of THE biggest QoL things and that would cut out the retarded grifters out there.
This would unironically bring in tons of new people that would stay as well.
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Another 2 run, was able to do 2 acts in 59 minutes, I think its enough for leaguestart, I think there's no need to continue training acts 3 onward because it will be completely different after that with Warden and LS will have like what? 25-30% more damage and playing now without totems is complete shitshow
well, melding nodes are good, with new max res on tree it's very easy to get to 90, that's already half your passives. then it depends on your archetype, but for ailment slams fist of war is great, if you go ignite might as well consider the res node, otherwise it's jewel node for str stack (will have to steal that jugg accuracy node though), and explosions are alright to amazing on anything. chief is an actual ascendancy for slams now.
I'm getting baited this league
>have good move speed/clear speed from the get go on a league start, without scaling aps through undeniable?

RF JUGG lmao
pretty sure they could make octavian make neversink-like loot filters for them every league
anyone know if the pobb.in devs are taking contributions? i saw it's open source so i wanted to add max hit display instead of ehp because ehp is garbage
How many runs to hit ele hit of spectrum in merc lab?
acts aren't a problem I leveled marauders several times now, it's just I don't want to be stuck being a slowpoke until I fully switch into str stack which requires some decent gear and replica alberons which will likely cost upwards of a dozen div, more if it ends up being popular which is quite likely.
The default filter is already in the game :^)

That said yeah I wish there was a filter generator tool that had less useless garbage that I don't care about but have to deal with anyway than neversink.
which minion build to play
its only gotten stronger as a starter, 3.23 only nerfed the top end and 3.24/3.25 buffed it again indirectly
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something like this?
5-6 without darkshrines if somewhat unlucky and you will able to put your gems to 20%
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yes, I'm browsing through the source and it looks like it would be trivial to add it here under life etc
So did link skills ever become relevant at any point in any league for any content ever
afraid so
yeah, they gave us the most poe moment of all time
nvm I didn't even realise you're talking about pobbin and not the actual pob, that's what I get for going to bed at 8 am to have good poe sleep schedule, anyway godspeed, it's a good suggestion
>13 more poops to go before league
it’s there if you hover over ehp
thanks, I just got the project to compile from source locally, and looking at the summary.rs module it's just a few copy paste elements, let's hope they will merge when I submit the patch
oh ok, nevermind, I never noticed
wait since when did bladestorm get an extra bladestorm from quality what the fuck
since the +1 helm enchant got removed
Oh I guess that makes sense.
Ground Slam and Earthshatter both have satisfying smashing effects if that's what you're after, and they're going to be braindead easy with endurance charges on Slayer.
Bowfriends, we get free returning projectiles on bow!
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>tfw only 105 blinks until league start
feels good man
0%chance return proj is on bows, I imagine its going to be some shit like 2h/1h sword or something as cooked as staff
1h sword would be based. jeweled foils for lightning strike
>Activate Sentinel
>Walk into Ritual, an arena of death for my Retaliation skills
>Get raped
Can't wait
you already get 40% of phys as extra of EACH element! Don't be greedy
Kamil knocked it out the park once again bros
what's a good slam skill besides earthshatter?
I am planning a Doryanis Fist ignite slammer with 6-link retaliation to reach uber DoT cap. Not a league starter and more of a mid league currency waster
childhood trauma due to an abusive parent :3
Pohx goes Chieftan now
That is 2h mace exclusive.
Nice bro that sounds SICK
If any cool dudes are doing staff melee, remember that ezomyte staff is the only non-heist staff base worth using. Don't get baited into using a staff with a crit implicit for a melee build.
ah gay
>Warden doesn't give you defences
Barkskin + resists will carry you to red maps
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who cares about in-game music lmao
post melee tier list for 3.25
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Unfortunately RF is really shit now. At a low investment it will do less damage and have less clear than 99.9% of other builds. With a medium budget it feels like it used to be on a low budget. To make it feel like what it used to feel like on a 30 div budget, you'd need hundreds of divs for the adorned to cheese the damage. Now adorned is nerfed so even on a giga budget it's going to be shit. The build is just gone, but Pohx still runs it because it's all he's known for so it's either run that or fade into obscurity. I hate to tell you this, as it was always my favorite builds and I've still ran it every league. It's awful :<
music in this game is absolutely forgettable
and when you compare it to actual goats d1 and d2 it's complete utter dogshit
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i have music disabled and sound channels set to low because its shit performance wise
wheres the torrent link?
You're a retard if you really think this
What the fuck are you talking about? I am a 58kg guy and my legs are wide apart even though its the only place where I have muscles
>wanted to play arakali
this is fine
>has a shit fighting career where he just fights b-tier fighers instead challenging a single good fighter in his life
>puts all his fighting money into Romanian casinos that his friends run
>start filming youtube shorts/tiktoks showing how rich you are and now start selling a get rich discord channel access that people recruit other people into it. Literal discord referral pyramid scheme
>dude time is money yo you gotta read my tips on how to become rich ayy lmao xD
Yea just hire hookers webcam whores and shill casinos. Its all that easy you just look like a clown but who cares you are rich
My net worth has hit 7 figures so I am doing fine playing video games. I can pay for food and expenses with interest rates
hover mouse over ehp and see max hit numbers noob
retardation skills
I'm going to wing and just do some sort of scion wander build

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