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“Why aren't you Master Rank already you LOSER” Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>487386390

>Game's Introduction
https://youtu.be/qX5AUVIAg_o [Embed]

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but in early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final release that came out on May 28th 2024

>What has been changed since the open beta?
New modes focusing on single-player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Samurai Jack released 7/23
Beetlejuice has been officially revealed

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! The game is getting better with every patch (:
We need some vidya reps
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And now that we're in the fresh bread here's the updated map list thing.
If I missed any leaked maps or whatever let me know and I'll add them... eventually.
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I couldn't care less about ranked
Scorpion was a pipe dream
Joust is just mere speculation
WB doesn't care about Scribblenauts
It's over!
>scorpion was a pipe dream
He is still happening, warner bros buying the studio means he's likely to push up sooner than later.
THIS GAME MATCHMAKING IS ASS LIKE IN THE OP IMAGE Should have put the embarrased man more in line with Tom
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finns ass is literally grass
>This ends up being the first playable Daffy we get in the game
I think i figured the point system:

High Rank + HR Partner + LOW Rank Enemies + WIN = Few points (7)
High Rank + LR Partner + High Rank Enemies + WIN = Big Points (19+)

High Rank + HR Partner + Low Rank Enemies + LOST = Big Points (-25)
High Rank + LR Partner + High Rank Enemies + LOST = Big Points (-5)

Granted is variable the points you get/lose
I wouldn't be surprised if Multiversus gets Sub-Zero so they can save Scorpion for Smash Bros. We already have Wonder Woman who can pull others in and a character built around the freeze debuff could be interesting.
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gotta smoke crack, crack from the past, withdrawal jack.
>"Fuck me, I gotta stop smoking this crap."
Slowly but surely someday i’ll get all my DC skins, im gonna keep this game alive
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r8, space ghost is probably a no go because he's too old and lemongrab is also a no go because justin got cancelled but a man can dream
All carried characters
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Adventure ASS
I'm honestly surprised they're actually going through with the Steamboat Willie concept. I know it's public domain, but it's still pretty wild.
Crazy to me that BTAS is still the only "previous main incarnation" alt skin Batman has so far.
Can the new R&M voice actors do a good Lemongrab?
what the fuck is this shit
probably not, morty's screams in this game aren't as ear piercingly high pitched as justin's were
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You're not abusing Jack hard enough you LOSER.
I would pay so much for brave and bold batman, specially if he gets unique voice lines


Don’t care if other versions of batman are more popular this is the best batman at delivering justice
Need BatB Batman skin.
Need The Batman(Cartoon) skin.
Need The Batman(Movie) skin.
Need LEGO Batman skin.
my mains are samurai jack courage batman and raven
>matches completely freezing or losing connection
ohhh pls understand we're just a little guy we're running our server on a self service checkout it's not our fault! It works on my machine so it's fiiiiine!
i was having more problems last patch honestly
although rifts do keep crashing now
Crack crack crack crack crack
It's probably only happening because some people were like "Hey what if you made him a fighter" and then they went "well that would take forever so let's just make a stage for now."

Of course it's possible it's not that and it could be something else entirely.
NVM i just carried a Bronze shitter against gold dudes ang got 7 FUCKING POINTS
Why? Might as well take everything public domain that's decent. Put fucking Dracula in.
Image drawn by someone who gave up on the face while trying to draw raven
>clearly aislop
>Still can't play 2's online with a local partner
Fucking insane.
I would fuck with Dracula I'm dead fucking serious
If I can't get Castlevania shit, give me the original Dracula.
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Bought the three starter packs currently in store (6 Characters, 3000 Gleam total) Did it by selling my useless humble bundle keys (for tf2 keys) and a shit ton of steam trading cards.
Never felt this savvy in my life, saving all that gleam for PPG and Marceline skins.
at least i’m not drinking brian
at least i’m
least i’m
what the fuuuuffff crack crack crack
I've left Finn and Jake locked this whole time as I've never watched Adventure Time and thus don't feel too connected to them, however when I saw that bundle that unlocked them both for five bucks, I felt, hell, why not? That's probably the cheapest they're ever gonna be.
>beating the rock 2-0
>get him to 70%, one more combo and I win
>suddenly lag out and start losing control of my character
>character walks off stage twice
>on my third stock I can control it a bit but the games moves as if it were in slo-mo
>bagshitter moves normally and even combos me as if the game was working properly
Yeah, lag switchers are definitely a thing. Shit like this happens way too often to be a coincidence
Water tower stage is fun.
>Defend Velma as a perfectly viable character
>Winrates on the tracker reflect Velma as perfectly viable, if not kind of good
>Ranked hits
>Velma is dogshit without any shred of a doubt
I'm sorry I defended Velma. The moment your opponent is actually trying to win with any amount of earnesty, Velma can't do anything.
Steven power!
erm it used to be 23 damage now it’s 19
This is exactly what I was hoping it would be, by exactly who I was hoping it would be by. Can't wait to see this finished, anon!
is she in there fucking morty or steven or taz which one i need to know
Black Adam players are campy niggers, if I see them in ranked I focus in on them relentlessly like a pitbull on a newborn
I wonder who's bright idea it was at PFG to give basically every single one of Jack's move two attacks per single button press so that even if you dodge the first swing you'll get stun locked by the second anyway
Fuck yeah drawfag rock on
>taz loooooves women!
can't believe taz is woke
I miss when it was a projectile and perks were bugged to always be the double up version so you could get like 30 damage off of it from a free ignite + the wall bounce damage perk
Taz is her canon multiversus lover
Can you even say she's your waifu if you don't have all her skins, taunts, and emotes?
if taz is woke im woke because anon loooooooves women too. i mean, have you seen women?
This. Hard as fuck to dodge his shit because I keep getting hit behind him.
>316 fps
Your waifu is taken
Thanks a bunch!
Probably Taz.
women are horrible, I'm sure Taz is more sensible than that and he just wants to eat them like me
But I do
Ohh, was that Harley? For some reason I thought it was Arya.
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I WOULD have all her skins, taunts, and emotes if Player First Games weren't COWARDS!
Is not fair why didn’t my harley get a matrix skin garnet got every single type of skin
>hot black woman
>instead we get nubia
It's just not fair marvin bros, we deserve our wife.
>He bought the recolors
>Marvin looks like a Roman sentinel
>Tyr'ahnee looks Egyptian
I don't understand.
If you aren't #1 Garnet like me, maybe.
>all human civilization is based off of different martian influence
The average quality of the matches has risen substantially and I'm only in Bronze.
Harley x Taz canon
>starting my climb to master
>wins give me +4 rp
>500 rp total to get to master
I just got to the base of mt everest. Now the real climb begins
Arya and Bugs hatefuck. She hates him because he's funny. He hates her because she makes a mockery of pies.
ranked is awful right now in that if you have even a 50% winrate you will just continue to advance meaning the only thing that really matters is how many matches you play. You should lose much more then you gain so ranked actually becomes about skill instead of total matches played
is being #1 of a character nobody plays that impressive?
Tyr'ahnee's design is also likely inspired by Dejah Thoris.
Hey, you better watch out, or I'll get ahold of the other 9 Garnet mains!
>you will continue to advance
Get to plat/diamond/masters and say that. Once you get to the ranks that matter you will lose more points than you gain. You need a minimum of a 55% winrate to actually progress.
it should do 10 max
I am at plat its bad, you do not lose anywhere near enough. Its even worse then it was in the beta which was +4 min for a win and -20 max for a loss
i mean if you get hit by a fully charged move idk what to tell you
They're fucking retarded about nerfs, iron giant has been nerfed 3 times in a row and he's still absolutely broken, they need to nerf characters HARD like reduce their halve their damage
So what you are saying is i actually have a chance of getting those jack skins
and he's STILL dominating the ranked leaderboards
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>get to diamond
>still queued with bottom of the barrel gold v ww who don't use lasso or half her kit the entire fight
I hate this hell I have created for myself
I thought there was a few garnets in the top 100, but I just went back to check and looks like there is only 1 left and the others got knocked out kek.
SUPERMAAAAAAAAN *kills you with a 4 hit true combo*
Was #82 earlier today before I decided to branch to 2v2 today.
I just played with a Diamond Shaggy and he was the worst player ever
I missed you draw anon!
was he an uncle shagworthy
Man Garnets have it easy
You'd think that every character would have a Matrix skin given how easy it is to slap the filter on top of a model.
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Gotta quick slice
Your dodge was nice
But this hits twice
Yeah that was the prompt
She's public domain so they can if they want.
Save some of the base roster to get added with the new roster later when they repeat the event.
Same I actually love the 1931 film but Bela Lugosi dracula is still copyrighted... for a few more years I think
You can buy more than 1? I'm about to get all of them that I can.
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I want an Elder Thing in Multiversus and I want it NOW.
I'm not saying they can't or shouldn't.
But why would they do that instead of dracula from billy and mandy, a IP WB owns.
>Thomas, Gerald, why are we fighting?
Was he supposed to be a parody of a version of Dracula?
Cthulhu as the penultimate boss would be one of the most insane things the game could pull off.
I mean it depends what you mean by parody version.
But he was/is the Dracula. He was a super evil murdering killin machine and Grimm was the biggest fan of him cause of it. He just got old/married/retired and loves to dance.
Best Jack line I've heard so far. So much kino
Season 1
>shark week
Season 2
>cyber circuit

You got any ideas for themes? I was thinking if they ever add, captain caveman, fred flintstone or captain caveman we could get some cool stuff like caveman batman, this superman skin, a bunch of taz stuff, maybe some original skins for bugs and harley that change their bats for clubs
There was no ranked in the beta
there was ranked later into beta’s life (it was less laggy than current ranked is btw)
Season 3
>land of Oz
there was but i was referring to mmr in that statement
oh, was the ranked mode better back then? I’m still not fighting against people in my rank
I want more Wild west stuff, I've played a ton of games and that theming doesn't come up often enough. Hopefully when Coyote arrives since his stage is a desert and that theme fits just don't make them like zesty LeBron please
it was better
>less lag
>you could rematch
I'll take it
btw the teacher in that show is so hawt
scientologists would be pissed so they should do it
well it looks like, once they fix the rematches in ranked, you’ll have to win two out of three just to get points, making it take even longer to get points, so try to get as far as you can while it’s 1 win only
She activated my young neurons 100%. She's hot enough to be worth it
Ranked so far is opening my eyes and showing me that I was a shitter all along who was fighting people who are somehow even shittier. So now I'm forced to actually git gud against spammy and skilled players alike. The downside is I'll only ever be good with one character going forward but what can you do.
What does Cthulhu have to do with scientologists? Are you thinking of Xenu?
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Absolutely nobody cares about billy and Mandy, nostalgia will only get you so far.
We'll get PPG and 5 more DC characters before any more Y2K CN shit and there's nothing you can do about it
I mean that's just sort of the nature of the beast of fighting games. To really be good at the game you have to know the character you are playing and every matchup they can go against. It can make it really hard switching to other characters who change up how those matchups work completely.
I guess so. I mean I did the same thing with Johnny Cage back during MK11, so if they ever put him into MVS maybe I'll just unlock my old skills and become a savant.
Also I want to nut-punch Samurai Jack, it would be funny.
I mean you aren't wrong that we will likely see a lot more DC and general shill picks before we see more classic cartoons. But there is still a chance. I'll be on hopium till the day I die before I become a doomer faggot, so best I can do is whale on classic cartoon characters and hope it gets me more of them.
The leak of Courage's house made me wonder if he'll show up during Season 3, but then I realized that the joke of having Courage, Scooby, Wicked Witch and Raven all being in the same seasonal set would be horrible.
>two dogs and two witches
I need porn of this NOW
They’ll open more difficulties next tuesday right? Just easy and experienced is lame
Why would it be horrible?
But I would be amused if we got courage before scooby just so we have two dogs in befor ehim.
Anon, that's knotty
That’s the title of the video
No, no. It's okay. The dogs can talk therefore they can consent and they have no reason not to
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FUCK I can only get the gay as fuck adventure troon characters because I didn't buy them because that show is fuckin gay dogshit created by a stupid bitch. For some reason I bought Morty, I guess because he seemed really good, and I thought Rick seemed really bad as a character in this game at first, but I FUCKING WANT RICK TOO NOW NOW NOW FOR CHEAP FUCKING RETARDED FAGGOTS!!!!!! Fucking retarded bitches fucking me over for buying characters. Well guess I'm only spending $5 now fuck you player's fucked games for being dumbass faggotards. I was gonna buy more and buy some other shit too but now you're only getting the 5 for being fucking retarded faggots.
First match of rank and already got a salty message.
Easy, Experienced, and Crushing should all automatically be available from the get go. Or at the very least, the next should be immediately unlocked after completing the previous. Keeping Insanity and Looney for later I understand, but keeping any of the first three locked is stupid.
Proud of you son, keep it up
isn't that xenu pretty much? and don't say no because it is, no one above 70 iq gives a fuck about scientology or takes it seriously.
she was hawt too
2 hot milfs in the same show and it had scenes like this wtf that show was really based. always liked older women even in cartoons. I remember secretly enjoying looking at officer jenny in pokemon when she'd show up in the show when I was in 1st grade and would like stare at her legs kek. and then pretty much every other cartoon milf ever but officer jenny is the first one I remember being like yeah I like hot older women.
Scooby can actually speak normally too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw21dO_0ZEM
This shit definitely did something to me as a kid. I distinctly remember feeling incredibly strange, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.
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>You can imagine how this went...
nah not really faggotron tom and jerry and bugs should rape the fuck out of samurai jack, literally the best 2 characters you could have had against them because of their projectiles that should just rape the fuck out of jack easily stupid noob uninstall asap you'll never not be shit
They have the same nair for crying out loud.
Ty gramps
Scorpion's never getting in Smash. Nor would WB care to "save" characters.
>thinking WB cares about their IPs
fucking kek
>Reindog, sorta
Lotta dogs in this game when you think about it. Wonder how many more we'll get.
i can imagine how it went
>bugs dropping projectiles and being absolutely useless every time his shit is on cooldown, can't even use bat effectively
>tom tossing jerry across the map and making no attempt to follow up like a retard so jack can easily kill the rat before he does his stupid tennis ball bullshit or whatever
>time to pretend this wasn't a skill issue
and he's bitching about unranked. lol redditors making posts about unranked in desperation for updoots. totally subhuman.
We need more cats to balance it out.
You can't fool me maomaofag.
It's not, like genuinely not considering Lovecraft lived well before scientology was a thing.
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The dog.
arya is built for grass cock
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Good on the WW for immediately rushing over to try and help that poor bastard.
Can there be a setting where a character is banned from being on my team? We were both at match point. I was +100 damage. I spent a fucking minute dodging both enemies while this retarded faggoty ass nigger shit skin Jake could kill ONE fucking person.
If you play Jake, just kill yourself.
I don't want to wait 2 weeks for a new rift, wtf is this?
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are taunts or teabags better at pissing people off, or should i do both
Salt emote + Teabag is how you get people to make reddit post about how you are ruining the game.
I usually call salt emotes and teabaggers niggers so go with that
They should give the peanut butter jelly time emote to every fighter so everyone in the lobby can do it together.
i like jack
hope they just kill the side b and leave the rest alone, im starting to do cool stuff with him finally
I wasn't a fan of anyone from S1. Their moves all feel like massive commitments, and Joker just feels cheap. Jack on the other hand feels great.
Yeah Jack just feels fun to play as. I was really excited for smith and thought he looked super cool. But something about his kit just doesn't feel very good to play as. Like nothing really connects smoothly with clean animations.

I fully expect them to nerf his side B, either to have a cooldown or just way less knockback. Both would be fair, but his kit is still so fun to play as and he has lots of kill potential elsewhere that he'll live without it.
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Did Steven's shield obliterate Finn?
This was happening in beta lmao. Of course its still happening. Would happen with the platforms on GoT stage, too. Something about the edges, like you pinch your foot really really badly.
We need items
everyone is complaining about finn
someone at pfg mains this faggot, probably the nakat nigger for him not to be nerfed
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everyone saw this fucking thing was on finn at the number one leaderboard spot and went crazy psycho you mean
what did Player First Games mean by this?
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It really is weird just how much of a hard time these guys have with programming moving parts of stages. Stuff like this, Superman's eye lasers not affecting the moving parts of stages, that one theory from I think last thread that the water tower stage took so long because they couldn't figure out the balloons. The fact that they had to remove Dexter's Lav for awhile. I bet Jack's stage won't work right on launch either.
are you having technical problems with the game?
My hobby?
Collecting friend requests but ignoring their subsequent party invites.
Just the occasional running-off-the-stage issue. I hope that gets fixed by next week.
this, idk why the game gets worse every patch
it takes to damm long to connect and everytime a match ends the game just keeps loading and then im disconnected
I wouldn't exactly call it worse, the game definitely feels better than it did a few weeks ago. It's just that damn running-off-the-stage issue that's bugging me. I wanna know what's causing that.
still getting softlocked on loading and being forced to alt f4 and then getting punished if it happens too often because the game for some reason thinks that sitting on the menu for 20 straight minutes is still a viable game thatll load in eventually
rifts crash too sometimes
and the result screen is fucked up now, takes too long to load in
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I have never lost a Smith mirror matchup.
batman is like bottom 10
yeah this is whats happening to me too
finn shaggy and especially fucking harley, she's by far the biggest offender and even gets fucking buffs
literally has everything, fast disjoints, stage control, hits in huge aoes, her fucking dash attack goes under 90 percent of attacks in the game too
>baseball finn from 1 episode
>no baseball bugs or harley despite being characters that actually use bats
>no batman batman
I don't think I've fought another Smith in Ranked at all so far.
his apeball outfit is cuter though
... the main game mode?
I guess they spent the year while it was down making them and now they've got nothing
Did you draw Harley Quinn x Steven Universe that I asked for a few months ago? I almost have completely forgot about it.
Why doesn't Reindog ever enter the free rotation?
That depends, have you done the Agent Smith rift challenge past just unlocking Smith?
compose a strongly worded email to tony with an attached xerox copy of your nutsack
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Matched up with Samurai Jack in 1v1, he kept spamming his dance emote every time I was struck into the air. I was down to my last stock and he was on his first, I couldn't take it anymore and I just clobbered him.
somehow I won...That dance really is funny though.
That event is over. :(
dogfuckers will buy him anyway
True, but you could still level up your gems for future rifts.
Is it the same artist that I asked for request? or just rank link.
I was hope that Harley groomed young Steven like shazam kid then raped him. Not Future Steven
Random link*
I mean to say random. Not Ranked.
Omg. Was sleepy.
It's 3 am here for me.
2 highly coordinated beta players with thousands of matches under the belt hanging in discord voice chat
one fng shaggy charging at the top of the screen

i wonder what will happen
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Nice you aren't in my time zone
Lol that's why thousands of people dropped like flies. Such a retarded glitch too that makes the game actually unplayable. Nice one player fucked games keep on fucking the players. Just ignore a game breaking glitch lol
Lmfao this is hilarious. They cant stop fumbling for shit.
If they ever bring back assist characters, he needs to be one of them.
They use discord, so they automatically lose.
only burgers play this game
My release order for Teen Titan reps:

1. Raven
2. Robin
3. Starfire
4. Cyborg
5. Terra
6. Jinx
7. Beast Boy
Jesus christ, how much did that cost?
Perfect. I want BB higher, but he's probably going to be a headache to figure out like Ben.
It's been a long time since I've seen the show, what the fuck does Jinx even do?
I've gone all in on Smith. I'm using the Smith PFP, the Smith robot skin, the Smith badges... but the .GLITCH banner is ugly. Are there any better banners to rep Smith?
>we are seriously going to get fucking Nubia before The Flash
They're beta testing a possible Flash move with Jack's focused side special and it's cancer. No Flash please.
Blackrock ESG money
>Beast Boy that late
This was my first thought as well.
Beast Boy fans deserve to get trolled
Capefags you already have a game stop asking for more
>The Flash takes a standing start before dashing behind the nearest opponent dealing damage and stacks of ignite. Can be charged for range. With full Adrenaline The Flash will dash multiple times, and ignite on the first hit.
>said the fat cartoon fag for getting more cartoon shit with PPG, Marceline and Scooby
Yeah it's a cartoon fighting game what do you want
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>WB owns the Conjuring
because she's a black nigger and dei is shit
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>Can't taunt on jump rope stages anymore
Boy I sure am glad they patched the Superman taunt exploit. Just imagine the chaos if they left that in. People might actually have fun. Don't want that to happen.
Why are you playing season 1 rifts?
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the multiverse needs moms
Doing dailies fast.
its 4 in the morning
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How did they manage to make Rick so fucking boring compared to beta
it's 6 am actually
not on my machine
>One character can't be in two crossovers

Thinking about doing the same
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>Agent Smith hitting the "I can predict your every move!" line while you're enemy is actively becoming tilted as shit
Go play Injustice
>you're enemy
I've officially been up too long.
Deserved for being an annoying cunt
Wrong, they deserve only the best!
>you will never see the remaining Scooby squad get added
>you will never see the Teen Titans squad get added
>you will never see the remaining gems get added
>still more numbers than Smash
So considering how damn grindy it is does anyone actually intend on trying to get multiple characters up through the ranked tiers like the game encourages you to
Are we getting PPG this season?
Good. Despicable fucking devs need to fix the servers if they want people to play.
I had an idea for a S2 fanfic. Dumb bitch Harley mistakes Marvin's golfing outfit for BBC. Being a size queen she wastes no time and easily takes marvins entire alien head, suffocating him and winning the match.
they're torrenting gay furry porn and jacking off right now
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When the fuck are they gonna address this? It should be their number 1 priority.
when they stop masturbating so never
Anyone not gotten any warmup dailies for the last 2 days?
Pretty sure those are one-off objectives to give you a boost and the main meat of the grind is just playing the game, x2 if you have a sports ready skin.
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They are legitimately running a scam. We have no idea what server we're playing on or what our latency is because they refuse to give us even the tiniest sliver of technical information. My internet is good, I should not be running off the stage in every single match.
>I should not be running off the stage in every single match.
no shit lol
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Works on my machine
but...i just want to do dailies and then turn the game off for the day
Too bad idiot now go get your platinum Jack skin
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>Ranked Missions
>200 perk currency
Wonder loli
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Whoa I just fought most of those guys a minute ago. Steam stats confirmed for fake, there's only 6 players total
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talking about this?

well i can take a request
What am I looking at here? It thought tye mystery van was a player?
Lmao, no thanks, ranked is dogshit, i'm sick of fighting jack 80% of matches
Taz getting fisted
Sorry, but you need to do looney rifts as Lebron now to get tons of xp.

t. guy who speedran the whole warmup event in one day
Do your dailies wearing a sports skin. Worked for me.
how u git medal pls
I thought I fucking bought stripe and it says he's on rotation
Playing the game and rifts
>well i can take a request
More Harley and Steven kissing, this time in their underwear
Arya being jealous at Garnet's thiccness
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I just don't get it. I'm really good at 1v1s, I'm not half bad at FFAs... but I CANNOT win 2v2s to save my life. And I'm not even talking about when I get stuck with a shit or self-destructing partner. No matter which characters I use, I consistently lose at 2v2s. But I feel like if it was simply a matter of me just being a shit player, then I wouldn't be winning all the 1v1s and FFAs I've been winning. Does anyone else have this admittedly rather specific problem, or at least something similar, or is it just me?
The rift where you're fast and tiny feels pretty good actually. But it would be weird if everyone looked tiny all the time.
But it's ok for smash to have shit servers because sakurai said so!
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>It thought tye mystery van was a player?
>Taz getting fisted
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Log ver.

Anyone not having the Event objectives for the Medal add more every 24hrs?
Yes, please! I want to see Steven get loaded by Harley. Reminder, She called him cute.
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Smithchads report in
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Silver II right now, hoping to reach gold tonight or tomorrow.
I'd play him more if I knew how to better combo a player off the screen. Only shit of his that feels like it has any knockback is a double/triple bullet side-special, or telefragging.
As someone who reached Gold with smith a few hours ago, I am not a fan of the jump from 20 average RP in Silver to the 10 average RP in Gold.
Tony wtf.
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Ok, they've started investigating bugs today. Let's see if they address something important.
>jump from 20 average RP in Silver to the 10 average RP in Gold
Yeah gave up trying to reach master right away, every time I lose my progress is basically reset.
I have counted how many of each character in the top 100 1v1 leaderboard. Cause im bored and the insight page of tracker.gg doesnt work anymore.

Arya 14!
Iron Giant 8
Finn 6
Shaggy 6
Harley 6
Gizmo 5
Batman 5
Reindog 5
Rick 4
Joker 4
WonderWoman 4
Taz 4
Bugs Bunny 3
Morty 3
Samurai Jack 3
Black Adam 3
Superman 3
Marvin 2
Tom and Jerry 2
Steven 2
Agent Smith 2
Jason 1!
Garnet 1!
Jake 1!
Stripe 1!
Banana Guard 1!
>Ok, they've started investigating bugs today.
They're going to nerf him again?
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do this for 2v2 pls
I'm dying in Silver with her. Feel like I can't hit anything. Especially characters like Gizmo who feel impossible to approach
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Just a Reminder...
Harley has a secret crush on Steven
So the only two not in there are Lebron and Velma?
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why does stevie talk out of his nose
Please drawing Reindog lewd-licking Toasty's face?
there's a garnet wtf
>no red x
Shit list, his mask is even on the TT stage
2v2 Top 100

WonderWoman 14!
Samurai Jack 12!
Morty 9
Arya 7
Joker 7
Shaggy 7
Steven 5
Bugs Bunny 5
Tom and Jerry 5
Black Adam 5
Reindog 4
Jason 3
Gizmo 3
Iron Giant 2
Taz 2
Banana Guard 2
Batman 1
Harley 1
Marvin 1!
Lebron James 1!

Thats a whole lot of samurai jack for a character that came out 2 days ago
yep really solidates them as contenders for the worst characters but i personally think jake and garnet are worse than lebron.
Will they put out a statement today?
warner bros doesn't give a single shit about mortal kombat and any move they make is solely to make IPs ""appealing"" to sell to disney

t. mk player
We state that Joker and Arya players are fucking faggots and should uninstall, but not before buying all their cosmetics, thank you
no smith? wtf
What's up with Joker's ding ding ding move? It's so oppressive.
Smash is better
not currently but like bottom 20 changes constantly
I can't tell if I like the new event format or not. Getting XP for basically doing anything, but it takes more playtime overall to max out vs. the dripfeed dailies. At least we have the option to no-life it on the last day if you missed most of it.

Is his mom black or something? I was too old to watch zoomer cartoons or shit like Adventure Time.
where is the support site to ask about a refund of the Xbox market?
>more time to max out
Are you talking about the BP or the event? Cause both are faster than before. We get the same amount of missions. Also if you super care, you even get 50% bonus XP towards event, character lvl, and BP if you have a character/skin with sports attire on.
le 22 year old zoomer
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Weird that PFG is putting in WWOTW given how they're technically shilling a movie from a rival company that WB has nothing to do with except for the Witch's design.
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Anon what the actual fuck are you talking about. Warner bros has had the rights to the movie since its inception.
>Marceline will have more porn than Arya
>Wicked Witch will have more porn than Arya
I hope wicked witch starts off ugly but ends up getting like a "young" version or a hot waifu version of her as a skin.
The books are public domain. Literally anyone can make an OZ movie as long as they don't steal the elements or costumes from Wizard of oz
Ok. That anon was just making the point that they're advertising another studio's film.
But everything in Wicked has the 1939 designs.
Also deep diving into this a bit further. It looks like there was a musical of Wicked that universal had produced and made. So wicked will just be a movie version of the broadway show.
Universal is also besties with warner bros so no surprise they had the least amount of issues.
Specific element that was mentioned is the ruby red slippers. Because I guess they aren't mentioned in the book no one else is allowed to mention them but warner bros.
They were used in the Disney-distributed Return to Oz though.
>Wicked Witch will look like this
Then fuck if I know. I have about the 5 minutes of research I was willing to put into it. Copyright law is for people who get paid more than me
It’s so bad. They’re somehow doing online worse than fucking nintendo
No she wont
deep anal with luna
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No more DC
No more Loony Toons
No more Adventure Time
I just want to remind you based off your roster you are a pedo
Xenomorph is Disney's now, sorry.
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Nobody will ever admit it but Disney actually plays incredibly nicely with their non-mickey IPs. I could absolutely see them letting one or two Fox characters slip in. Brawlhalla has multiple full Star Wars events.
he's especially disgusting in 2v2 because of how hard he hits and how much easier it becomes for him to get his attacks in, side special is fuckshit bonkers for how fast, hard, and uncontestable it is and he can just fucking use it to get into a dogpile or break out of one or just stop the other team from gangbanging his ally or really do fucking anything he wants it's completely retarded
Public domain, an anon here could make a short story or game with WW as long as she doesn't infringe on existing WWs or story elements from said versions.
Anon I know you are new and bad.
But his side special has so many counters, you are just shit and don't realize it. I dare you to try to play jack and pretend his side special is a free kill everytime
NTA but his side special is by far the best edge guard in 2's even if its not amazing in 1's
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Same energy
My sister was a big fan until Future, so I know some shit by osmosis. Steven the literal reincarnation of his own mom combined with his dad's DNA. She's also an intergalactic war criminal.
it's not a big deal in 1v1 you sped
2v2 it's retarded, lets him hit way too hard from way too far and too quickly, his ally puts on any pressure at all and it's free
Star Wars is cheating, they licence it fucking everywhere, even milk gallons and fruit stickers.
Surely though you realize that if they are willing to license Star wars to Chacita Banana, they could license a xenomorph to a popular fighting game
>play an adventure time fighter
>garnet doesn't count
>banana guard games count
Garnet is from steven universe you dingus
Garnet isn't AT, she's Steven Universe.
You know what, I 100% forgot that shit.
Fucking all calarts bullshit
AT looks more like noodle-y tumblr artstyle if anything.
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It is now time for dancing
they both look like troonshit garbage and are
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It is now time for raping
God damn, did you buy the lil booster thing to get some extra lvls early?
I want bugs to flash his fluffy boy boobies at me
>both opponents off stage
>jack teammate
>playing velma or jake to spam my long range move as well in different intervals
it's disgusting every time
Why some people can show their rank and others cant
Rank doesn't show up until you reach gold V. If they don't have a rank it's cause they are lower than gold
I played against a master and it didnt show their ranks
Oh well shit, then I have no idea. Like everything its probably just bugged.
How come some skins in the medal shop can't be purchased with medals? Is it an oversight? I don't want to spend any medals yet, if so.
Obviously they want you to pay for the most popular skins
just spend the medals on gleam
For whatever reason they don't want you to use medals on skins for characters you don't have
Any chances of stuff being revealed at SDCC?
What dicks.
I have them all.
Weird. Maybe a bug then?
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my dream toys got revealed
>No Looney Tunes lines
As long as they focus on “default” versions of the characters first instead of short-specific outfits like previous lines.
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ITS IS SOMETHING! its like a dream coming true a 1/12 well articulated scooby do gang, i cannot ask for more honestly
>all those characters come from the same universe
Who's that nigga all the to the right?
I have to complete all the missions on the Jack Rift to get the final medal reward?
almost all of them, if you don't do the "bring a friend" bullshit you'll need to do pretty much everything except 2 or 3 but it's all really easy
Maybe. You can also ask a random stranger to just play with you and complete the stupid "play with another" or the samurai jack/sport attire missions if the other guy owns him
big seconding
>Doing 1v1 dailies
>Up against an Epic Games account Shaggy as Jason
>Not even really playing seriously
>Spend most of the time on court 2 tossing basket balls at him
>Last stock he charges up and then suicides off the stage
Make a Shaggy close the game.
That is Harley Quinn, one of Batman's villains. However this iteration they've tried rebranding her as an anti-hero.
No, next to her...
That is Wonder Woman, one of the main heroes of the DC comics franchise. She's an amazonian.
>Jason vs a gold name latin american name Banana Guard
>Scooby's mansion
>He kills me
>Tea bags and slap emoji
>I kill him
>He kills me again
>Salt emoji
>I kill him
>Final life
>I kill him
>Tea bag furiously
>Toast him
I was honestly going to throw the match and let him win since I don't care about 1v1s but he had to be a little bitch about it. Freddy can wait. Jason's going to be in his dreams.
Have you seen the comic art of her? Her face isn't hot but you can tell she's busty.
Why did Banana Guard fall out of style? Did everyone just get too good at jumping out of the way?
I just played with you Cofee good stuff

Thanks, yeah I'm gonna invite some ransoms to do those
It's doable solo.
If you were on my team you got lucky. I was on a 6 game lose streak to start this morning. It been a rough start today.
The Warmup of Multiverse Games
Doesn't give you more missions?
no, you need to play lebron and farm looney challenges with him
Yeah we won against a Taz and Black Adam, diamond is pretty rough
Any sports attire character works. Jason works and he doesn't even play sports.
you gain points just from playing now as well. I hit max before the reset just by grinding ranked
Travis Scott
A hockey mask is sports attire
They changed it so its just xp now not levels
thank christ
Level ups give you 1000 points now whereas EXP in general is counted. So level ups are just a shortcut instead of required.
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Just lost my first mirror matchup by a hair, and on time. GG to my opponent.
Awww yeah you were the Jake. Fuck black adam, hate that man so much.
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>playing black adam
>match with a garnet, t&j, and gizmo
>soon as match starts the t&j has a massive hateboner against me, constantly targets me and only me the entire match

Never seen the player before, the fuck was his malfunction.
Fuck you for playing black adam, you deserve it.
I'd argue the Garnet and Jizzmo were malfunctioning, bagshitters should always be prioritized
Still upset about Cody.
>taz can no longer indefinitely hold his up smash and run across the stage
>finn can still indefinitely hold his up smash and run across the stage
black adam players get the rope
Finn, Harley, and Shaggy are the devs' favorites.
AT treatment
PFG don't know what they're doing
I'm not a stinky tourneyfag, why do people hate adam?
He shits in bags and throws them on people
Almost impossible to deal with at low level and still pretty good at high level. doesn't have super high tourney level rep but he just murders people who dont know his tricks
That's Finn's entire gimmick, all of his attacks do that. Taz's gimmick is speeen
Remember to claim your twitch drops
Uninstalled it halfway through season 1 because I was tired of the FOTM shit and the progression
Has season 2 improved enough to reinstall? Are rankeds good? Is Jack fun?
Multiversus Battle Pass is actually insanely nice. Daily missions plus EXP for each win is awesome.
I just got back from a long ass vacation and I now have 11 days to grind out an entire Smite battle pass.
Smite only gives you two missions for Battle Pass EXP a week, and your Battle Pass exp otherwise is given per minute of in game time with no bonuses for winning.
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tazzy boy has been malding about this for threads now, reason and logic won't work.
ranked is asssss, but it’s decent
His gimmic is speen? Then how come it has a cooldown? How come bugs and now jack have better spins?

>also finns gimmic is charge
You mean its not his ability to buy from the store?
Or the fact he has a charge up on his clap?
No, he randomly has a third gimmic as well. Fuck off AT pedo defending broken characters
If you were a bitch then you will be a bitch now.
Don't come back
>You mean its not his ability to buy from the store?
>Or the fact he has a charge up on his clap?
He has running chargeup on every single grounded attack he has, that's his gimmick
So did anyone else just have that playstation plus pack not work?
>you're a bitch if you dislike shitty progression systems
Ok lmao
>Don't come back
Considering the player numbers, I wouldn't be the first one
>Has season 2 improved enough to reinstall?
It improved a lot. Events give you a special currency to pick skins for characters you like instead of giving you a specific skin for a character you may or may not use and you don't get cucked out of rifts for not having skins of a specific theme (at least not so far, gotta see how the next rifts handle that) among other things like doing away with rift characters and making events grindable through matches. If that's not enough for you then guess you could wait for S3
>Are rankeds good?
Yeah, kinda rough at the beginning, but once you played enough matches for the game to know where your skill level is it becomes a lot better
>Is Jack fun?
I just noted the arrow with Variant XP
When are they going to fix Hit/Hurt boxes? They even removed the way to view them since the Beta. Can't even practice how to deal with certain characters.
ranked is fucking abysmal, even as somebody who isn't very good at all and switches characters often so I'm not even a decent rank I STILL constantly get put up against the top players all the time
it isn't fun for me, it isn't fun for them, there's absolutely no separation for solo players vs duos and even when you do get evenly paired matches there's nothing to feel good about because in the end the ranked system is just "who plays the most matches of a specific character"
If you don't care about ranked then why are you playing it? Stick to casuals
You've never played a game at the very beginning have you
It takes a while for MMRs to settle.
>then why are you playing it?
You realize the system locks exclusive skins to itself, right? It should have just been banners/badges, not skins.
anon.. this was patched out basically the moment it was discovered. where have you been
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Never ever
I think they should've used beetlejuice's design from the cartoon to differentiate him from the joker, hell don't they both say "IT'S SHOWTIME" in their reveals too?
I mean skins are pretty common. League and mobas do exclusive skins that do entire model changes and never bring them back. I've always appreciated exclusive skins as a sign of how long you've played the game and how much you've tried. But I do know some people have FOMO and hate it if they can't get every single thing.
Joker says "Wait until they get a load of me"
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I've got some bug where a bunch of characters just have slutty purple eyelids
Game has worse balance than Deadlock and that game is an unfinished closed alpha moba.

I guess i should play wonder woman instead of anybody actually interesting
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It's nice now - it was ass until about middle of season 1 when they actually implemented xp per game played. Initially you got nothing and exp was based off dailies and event missions only. Then they made it so you would only get 10 xp for a win. When it is? was? 2000 exp per Battle Pass level. Then they FINALLY introduced 50 xp for wins, 25 for losses.
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I am not having a good time in ranked.
What about you?
Jerry is slutting it up after spending time with Reindog
I'm not playing ranked because I'm stressing out trying to grind Smite battle pass ranks because they finally added a skin I want.
It really makes me happy for what Multiversus has. I only have to play for a few minutes in order to get a gigantic chunk of MVS battlepass Exp.
Apparently Disney had to pay out the ass to be able to use them.
Sucks ass as Smith especially the Jack spam considering i have to constantly space myself with gun and down air gun but then he hits me with a disjoint cause im behind him
Black Adams and Jacks are the bane of my existence. If I have to die one more time from lingering hitboxes I'm going to lose my mind. BA's slap explosion is one of the worst moves I've ever seen.
Ranked is way too much of a grind for it to be character specific. In Smash your roster GSP increases. I got K.Roll in elite Smash in 2 wins.
It actually blew my mind that the game just lets you bank daily/weekly missions until the end of the season and do them all at once if you want to. I've never seen a game do that before. So much less stressful.
*laughs in fortnite*
yeah i think i'm just gonna get to gold and then leave it at that. ranked in this game does not seem like it's worth the headache
they just added medals to unlock specific heroes faster
there's only 1 set of missions for the sports event? do you really have to grind out the rest?
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Even if youre my teammate as Jack and you taunt/salt emote im reporting you. Thank you for your understanding.
this game is miserable when played to win, advantage state is just way too fucking strong
touch of deaths and cheesy early kills were already bad enough in beta we didn't need to make it even easier
>dragons milk
>milk + beer
>mind immediately jumps to curdled milk
yeah, great product. real appetizing.
>Finn has ToD for months
>never touched
Literally just happened to me yesterday i almost died at 70% on scooby stage against a finn but it was 2v2 so my teammate swooped in

I would have died in 1v1
>Sending PFG reports about players using features PFG put in
1 set per week iirc. Quantity wise nothing really changed, again iirc they just changed it so you get a week worth of missions at once instead of a bunch each day
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This right here is why 4chan can't handle Mortal Kombat, the slightest amount of banter puts weebs into a tailspin
>mfw even smash apparently disables taunts if you're not playing with friends
Morty and Finn SEXO!!!
Thank you so much to the Superman who just ran off the map after watching me run off due to lag. You're a great sport!
I have no respect for anybody playing characters like Jack so you dont deserve to emote even if youre on my team. Wow man you killed the jason with a busted fucking character youre so good. The way hitstun works and lack of decay is retarded.
Good, I hope they're quick about it.
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People still teabag in smash while sitting on the other side of the stage as Mii Gunner in a game with baked in input delay on top of the delayed netcode.

Both playerbases are cancerous for different reasons.
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>playing deadlock
But icefrog has done nothing but balance dota for some odd years. That better be the one thing he is good at.
I killed my own bot teamate with Jake's bite on rifts in this same stage but on the other crack, you can do it with Jason too on the walls
>grinding smite
Is there a reason for that, isn't smite 2 coming out and you'll have none of the cosmetics?
>Be me
>Play Jack
>Spam side special
>Salt emote when I can
>Kill opponent
>Mad tea bag
>Spend the rest of the match dodging him
>Tea bag and salt emote when I can
>Toast opponent
>Block them
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I am, best matches I've had so far. Though I'll admit ranked means I see significantly less variety in characters.
Black Adam clap is stupidly strong. Remove it so he stops countering my jack with that bullshit.
Apex lets you bank weeklies, not sure about dailies.
I'll do it again
I've tried it. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever had
Dont push yourself too hard i hope they buff adam more
how's ranked 2v2? I only play ranked 1v1 and it's quite fun, even if the game feels like has some weird input delay.
Void just had a Meltdown posted on youtube about Nerfing broken stuff and people wanting to nerf Jack's side special.

But he wants IG nerfed and never talks about WW because his shill buddy Nakat, and says its our fault his sanity is going down for wanting nerfs LMAO KWABOOTY

Watch it at 1.75 speed https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qSu9IdGNc3o
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>Only just now noticed Ms. Bellum's silhouette walking back and forth in the Townsville stage when fucking around in the beetle drone node
I remember saying a few weeks ago how this guy really irritated me. Anon couldn't imagine why.
This is why. What a baby.
just don't bother if you don't have somebody to play with
>literally who had a literally who cares
Everybody should be on the same fucking playing level cause terrible balancing loses players faster than terrible monetization. Tekken gets shit for it constantly where new DLC comes out and theyre broken as shit intentionally to make money. Imagine if Leeroy wasnt touched and only buffed more like Wonder Woman.
anyone else think the hitstun is way too long
>I play multiversus 13 hours a day every day for the past month
>So its fair to say I see whats happening on social media
How? You're playing multiversus 13 hours a day.
I think it's the opposite
Alright Finn
>Why is nobody talking about how strong characters are?
>Complains that everyone is complaining Jack is too strong
I don't think I understand
More bothered by moves having insane knockback at low percents. Even more so with practically nothing having start up frames.
idk, I feel characters escape from ''combos'' very easily. But that may be just me.
Why is nobody talking about Jack's beetle neutral? Its so easy to catch retards with the fully charged vesion, and it hits like a truck.
I heard that also happened with Street Fighter where a huge chunk of the playerbase has fucked off until Bison gets nerfed because everyone's using him.
Because most of us are playing ranked and the retards there don't fall for it
I'm hitting it regularly in ranked.
I've never seen a single person hit with it because I'm playing games with real human beings
Yup it is literally the worst kept secret that companies sell overpowered characters, use the playerbase to test the limit then nerf them after everybody paid up. Look at smash right now where pyra, kazuya and ESPECIALLY steve break the game in half to the point of steve being contentious for banning at locals.
I've never seen it happen.
Go play PTE if you want nothing but CN. Capeshit is the most successful piece of media WB has and we WILL be getting lots more requested DC characters. Cope.
except for all of taz moves of course
All of the cosmetics released since the reveal of Smite 2 have been cross-gen.
What a ridiculous character.
I can't believe one of the last characters they added was a highly experimental character that turned out to be busted both in strength and literally in how many bugs he has, and then they decided no more patches.
Give PFG some credit at least they CAN fix Iron Giant. Imagine if they added Iron Giant and then just decided to stop updating the game.
Its Nakat's BFF, Void gets exclusive treatment to balance feedback cuz of Nakat working directly with the devs
I'm waiting until they balance/resize Jack.
I hit it all the time. it's best at the edge when they try to jump over it.
not just that but iirc Steve was solely balanced by Sakurai because he was a covid character yet they decided to just ignore him for all following patches
Nope, his movie appearance is more iconic than the cartoon.
What's with Jack's creepy moan when he loses?
He's also one of Multiversus' more consistent and popular content creators. They'd be retarded NOT to consider his stance especially when he's far more open minded than most of the community and plays at a higher level.
They're not resizing characters anon. Jack's entire design is centered around that height, he'd be bullshit broken without it. He's supposed top be a standard large swordie with large but slower moves.
Just had a bugs player kill my teammate with the same jab loop over and over
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>running Resurrectionist on Jason in FFA just to deny somebody one kill
Do you want him smaller, or..? Because small beta speed Jack felt like absolute piss in that rift node.
His complaining is misplaced. The reason the community is like that is because of what he says about the devs. There's no consistency to what they're doing, and that chaos is reflected on the community.
>Constantly off by ranking up by like 4 points

What is this shit? Why cant it just be faster at lower ranks?
No. Fuck you.
I thought he'd shorter, but he's somehow taller than Batman and Superman. MVS scaling is wack without even mentioning Gizmo.
People complain too much about Iron Giant.
What is the problem? He takes too long to KO? I guess I play Jason so I have no problem KO'ing the big bastard.
I hope they add King Kong eventually. Fuck the haters, more Colossal characters.
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He's a big guy, for (You). His size checks out.
Anybody who already has the jack final skin is a paypig and also retarded
at least PFG got enough money to create more maps and chars
I honestly didn't expect Samurai Jack fans to be that much of whales. I thought they'd have a bit more diginity than that.
Can't wait for season 3 and the servers to (not) shut down.
I've seen 1 jack with the skin. but I've seen at least 3 people with the Extra Thicc AKU icon. So they had paid for the pass even without playing jackl
Do we know if they actually are Samurai Jack fans and not retards who want to show off they have the big fancy battle pass item?
Could be both, doesn't make a bit of difference, whales are pathetic.
Every so often I beat someone with a gold name and have to think "You paid 100 bucks to play like that?"
Yeah buying skins is one thing. Paying money to skip through extremely easy to grind content is just dumb. Even my extremely casual friends were able to clear all 70 lvls of the last BP this season it's even easier. More money than time I guess
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>Bugs player with 11 characters maxed out badge
>Is dog shit at the game

Thankfully not on my team
Yeah, whales usually play like shit.

If I had to guess, they're too busy being whales for other games. They love to spread their money, even if it isn't disposable. It's like digital treasure collecting.
This, but shooting my dogshit gold named teammate a "shame to see money cant buy skill" message when they lose 3 stocks before i've lost 1.
Hotfix tomorrow?
Why would it be tomorrow?
>Your jack vs their jack and whoever can side B better is the deciding factor

Im contributing nothing im just throwing projectiles
>Whichever Jack is positioned better at the start and can get their side B out faster wins
The year is 20XX
>Play as Jason
>Only ever let the opponent approach me
>Everyone makes gigantic mistakes and wiffs constantly thinking I'm going to walk towards them
Watching Jack side-B into the space immediately in front of me is comical.
>Intentionally letting the Wonder Woman kill me so the Black Adam doesn't get 1st place in FFA
I love FFA for this reason.
There's actually a good amount of strategy to it. I'd play Ranked FFA.
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>other jack players still don't use the counter
>jacks counter beats his side b
I love baiting people by moving forward then moving just a little bit backwards at the right moment and a handful of players have no idea how to deal with it
The first couple of weeks of Ultimate was paradise for that.
Guys I spent most of the time failing to put someone in Jason's sleeping bag. Why'd they let me win?
Jack's dair has a sweetspot but I don't think I've seen anyone hit it?
now you know why every game has battlepasses
I don't know, I"m just hoping. I want to play sets of 3.
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>1 rank point to next tier
Haven't really noticed the Taz sandwich change in FFA at least, I can still juggle people with the sandwich when they're in the air for a while, the tornado is nice
>see people complaining about "auto sding" characters in the threads since ranked dropped but never seen it in any of my matches
>hop on ranked today
>get paired against several teabaggers/taunt spammers
>every time one of them starts aggressively going at it their character does a 180 and runs off the stage, including a matching names/skin duo where one was still fighting
I swear if PFG added a mechanic that forces teabaggers to kill themselves that's the funniest shit I've ever seen
>FFA as Faggy
>Against a LeBron, Jason, and Banana Guard
>Decide I don't care who wins, the banana loses
>Focus most of my efforts on him
>Occasionally get collateral kills
>He gets 3 kills
>Can't let him win
>Do complete bullshit and somehow get two more kills
>The banana loses
I'd rather the Jason have won but oh well. Got my weekly done.
I've teabagged a ton and still never seen this.
Wtf. Jack can do 3 air specials if he has focus?
i might drop the game if this is true
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This was a fun mirror match.
Fuck you higher rank jack, you aint' shit.
you can still play Injustice
What do you expect a good Bugs teammate to do for you in duos? Constant tunnels? Pie heals?
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>Teammate with 4 rank one wins in top dog event
>Cant even get more than one kill

Shows how meaningless top dog was when it was just a grind fest for no reason
It's a crossover game, a fighting game at that, the heights will never be fully accurate and getting autistic over that is pointless.
Many such cases. Its rare I see someone have that gold badge, and actually put in work.
Injustice is nothing like Multiversus and MVS handles the characters so much differently.
>Smite battle pass takes a little bit more exp to level up with each level
Jesus how did MVS manage to make a battle pass that doesn't suck shit
I only have the top 5 badge and i only participated once cause its literally a meme. The tactic is to wait as long as possible to get opponents so its easy to grind up points when nobody is playing by then.
They learned from the beta, which did have a pretty grindy BP at first.
>teammate with a top 20 guy while solo queueing
>he tries to add me after the match
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MVS needs to have shit like this in it so I never have to worry about another game's battle pass again.
It should be legal to break Morty players' legs.
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>which did have a pretty grindy BP at first.
Wrong. Both pre-season and s1 battlepass was initially fine, but retards were complaining they got through it "too fast"
So for S2 PFG took this to mean they should increase the exp it takes by over 2x the amount.
>We nerfed dirt
>Except we didnt and also buffed morty more

Okay, it was Season 2 of the beta that sucked. Still, PFG learned their lesson.
Season's 2 was such horse shit. So glad they've course corrected and did those mystery boxes for additional tiers.
I've started blocking everyone in 2s that goes 0 when I get 3 kills.
I just blocked someone that went 0 while I got 4 kills.
I'm going to block people until the game is good.
I tried this. I barely have 10 people blocked and I still got queued into the same random shitty ass stripes.
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You WILL watch me kill myself with dynamite and you WILL be happy.
stripe players are ore honest than whoever you play lol
It's not about them being honest it's about every stripe player I get on my team being the worst player I've ever seen touch this game.
Fuck off you lil shit, enable team damage so I can kill them too.
>See a single garnet today in 2v2 ranked
>They struggle to even damage the enemy

Is she the worst character in the game?
I thought he was meditating.
>check roster
>Velma is still there
Second worst for sure
Certain characters seem to replay a taunt, respawn, or other weird voiceline randomly when they lose. I've noticed it on Banana Guard, Batman (I swear he'll always say "I'm Batman, and I'll stop you"), and I know exactly what you're talking about with Jack but I think he's done other stuff besides that moan.
>tfw i like to play garnet, velma and jake
a-at least reindog is good
You sure they suck? His damage doesn't track properly. I was under the impression they fucked him based on my apparent damage output, but its not the case.
My sanity would be going down too if I built my entire online brand and identify around a garbage game that's gonna be dead in a year
This is when I stopped playing MVS. The grind was immense and the content was lacking.
>The Samurai Jack on their team
A trained warrior fluent in multitudes of skills he learned throughout his travels. The blade isn't a weapon but apart of him that he uses to vanquish those who stand against him. He was the one studying the blade while everyone else partied and had pre-marital sex.
>The Samurai Jack on my team
da samoohrai
>made it to diamond 3
>now #150 in the world
I just want my master skin, my fingers are getting callouses on them from this shit.
Nope, still Velma
You've got 50 days bruh
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We will get our buffs, Velmabros.
Velma in the right hands is a menace. Garnets can achieve being kind of annoying if they try.
Yeah, that's one of the biggest reasons I'm not feeling the same disappointment with the Mvs launch as some people. I remember how shit the BP was at the end of Beta Mvs, and in comparison it's fucking fantastic right now.
I doubt it. Velma, Jake and Garnet will probably spend this game's entire lifespan being the bottom 3 characters.
Jake has such good skins too and it makes me depressed i fucking love playing as Cake
Rightfully so. Jake was a little bastard in beta.

>love playing as cake
So did I, anon.. So did I...
Jake is MVS' kirby.
Too strong in the first game, and now he's doomed to be shit for the rest of time.
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>he's never had a teammate hit the Crazy Eight into the Monk Dunk
Ain't nobody badder, brotha. You just haven't met the right playa yet.
I guess is not that expensive if someone buys all the starter packs but even in that case it is retarded,completinh the BP is one of the biggest reasons to play without it there’s not much to do
This guy would be so cool to have in the game

But I'd probably rather have Aku or scotsman...
I mean that guy could be a legendary skin though.
Aku would be his own character
Scotsman I don't think will happen, I'd be fine with him as an announcer
Wasn't Scotsman playable in PTE?
or he could be an echo fighter of sorts. Could be hype.
Doesn't look like it

Ben Tennyson (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
Chowder & Kimchi (Chowder)
Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls)
Flapjack (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack)
Captain K'nuckles (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack)
Numbuh One (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)
Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
Mac & Bloo (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
Dexter (Dexter's Laboratory)
Monkey (Dexter's Laboratory)
Grim (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Billy and Mandy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Samurai Jack (Samurai Jack)
Captain Planet (Captain Planet)
Father (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Vilgax (Ben 10: Alien Force)
Mojo Jojo (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bonus Characters

Kevin Levin (Ben 10: Alien Force)
Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)
Him (The Powerpuff Girls)
Ben Tennyson (Young) (Ben 10)
Scotsman (Samurai Jack)
Hoss Delgado (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Toiletnator (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Aku (Samurai Jack)
>Doesn't look like it
>Scotsman is on the list

Who wants to play as the fucking toilenator
I'm blind and retarded.
Me, sounds like a good time
Reminder that Toiletnator is Wally's uncle
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Your loss, IDIOT.
So what when did we learn about Jack's moveset through leaks? Trying to see when to maybe expect the PPG's moves
At this point I'd take anything KND related
We had jacks entire kit leaked from leaks. We knew he had a limit burst and everything. The only thing we didn't have was the actual visuals
Literally day the game came back.
>Be Jason/Velma main
>Ranked has made me realize both of my mains are actually dogshit, and the only reason I'm winning otherwise is because in unranked my opponents are retarded
This stings.
I would want numbah 1-5 in the game over him...
Pretty sure his moveset was datamined back in the beta. It didn't have any character attached to it but people quickly figured out it had to be Jack
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Diamond 2 and made it to #19 on Jack.
Two more ranks to go, but now I can take a short break.
I thought that might have been the case. Couldn't find anything about it though, figured I was conflating it with Pickle Rick's moveset.
Actually it's your fault. Stop being retarded.
they didn't have that many characters back then
why aren't you playing 1v1?

Are you a carried shitter?
>play a shit game mode that encourages infinites and running around
If they removed 2v2s and this was a 1v1 only game I straight up wouldn't play it.
1v1 is dogshit. Playing grab ass may be fun for you, but the rest of us will be playing the mode the game was designed around.
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>why aren't you playing 1v1?
NTA but if I wanted to play Smelee I'd just play Smelee

Team synergies are absolutely one of the most interesting things this game has going for it mechanically
surprisingly not that many people like 1v1. A shame, I think it's the only good mode alongside ffa
nobody likes 1v1
half of the time i copy someones move as arya the match crashes
mostly with rick
People want teammates to blame, they don’t play 1s
Is ranked 2v2 that good?
I magine the only good thing about ranked 2v2 is there are no double jack teams
I'd take ranked FFA or Rifts over 1v1
Nakat and his buttbuddy Void hates Velma and Jake and are in cahoots with PFG so never, they will keep buffing WW and Harley tough
Better maps (No hazard bullshit)
No duo banana guard/shaggy/jack/etc
I find most my games do have a lot better players in it making the experience more fun.
The only downside is less variety, most people playing the better characters. Garnet being a good example, I saw her semioften in casuals, but basically never in ranked.
FFA is funny when you fuck with people, but rifts suck ass.
But yeah 1v1 is cool.
I'll try 2v2 then, sounds interesting.
Give it to me straight, what are the chances we get more than two characters this season?
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The direction they're taking rifts is much less annoying now, fun to do with a friend and for previewing the titans tower stage.
>Better maps (No hazard bullshit)
I think this is shit desu. The idea that the game is more fair without them is retarded, they're an equal threat to both players. I like hazards, they make levels more fun and varied. If you're good you should be able to avoid them or use them to your advantage.
I'd argue 90% chance we are getting PPG and Nubia.
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Top Dawg Gang We Diamonds now
Top #7 representing
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PRETTY high I think. It might depend on whether or not we get beetlejuice in less than two weeks

'cuz if that's the case then they're probably sticking to that rumored "a fighter every two weeks" deal which is a pretty good thing for the game to have going. The wait for the PPG's killing me, but once they're in I'm good for a bloody LONG while, everyone else we get will be icing on the cake.

Well, I'd also like all of the Harry potter characters and Johnny bravo too, but the PPG'll keep me satisfied.
it depends, I like Scooby's Mansion cause the hazards shake up the match dynamic without controlling the pace of the match as a whole but I can really do without the Court and its get bounced x 50 into big score explosion that kills at 30% bullshit
honestly though neither are as bad as dexter's, the character models are way too fucking big for a layout like that
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Based post, the smelees won't like it.
How do i check my global rank? or does it only work for top 100 only?
I just did some quick 5 matches and it's interesting. It's like a party mode trying to play with a cpu and trying to not get him killed. Very interesting, but I think i'll keep playing 1v1 for a while, but it's a fun casual mode.
Go to the event page for ranked. In the bottom right it'll appear
>It might depend on whether or not we get beetlejuice in less than two weeks
He's in the art for the next rift and Smith became available alongside his rift so we can only hope.
The devs are doing the say beetlejuice three times shtick in their streams however so worst case scenario he won't be showing up until the mid season stream happens
Nvm i got it, its in the character page thx
I won my first ranked with Jake and it says I'm #2200+ I guess the game is not as dead
>Game lags and I walk my ass uncontrollably off the stage
>This counts as a win for my opponent
I'm trying really hard to not get mad.
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>play FFA
>the game just hangs for a solid minute
>stops hanging- everyone is walking off the stage, dying 2-3 times repeatedly until they finally get control back
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I'm only Top 90 in Gold right now, but I'll get there either today or tomorrow fellow Top Dawggers.
Saving my gleammies for the Wrestling Velma skin
>Can't get out of Bronze as Jason, the character I have the most time in
Fucking feelsbadman.
Summon the Argonauts to help.
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nah, using macro
Every time anon complained about their teammate not helping.. They may have been talking about a player like you.
How does that make you feel anon?
>one of the Teen Titans tower variation has the background characters playing a giant robot fighting game
>ui looks almost identical to the SNES Power Rangers fighting game
I want to believe
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Cheers fellow Top Dawg
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hardstuck in gold 1v1, switching to 2v2 to get carried... but im the one doing all the work and ko's so far... wtf?
you can't even lose points in that rank how
I can win consistently in unranked.
I've had two matches where my character would freeze while I was still making inputs, then the game sort of "catch up" and perform all my inputs very quickly. Anyone else?
what rift is best to use it?
Poor Man's Sakurai Presents is back.
>solo Ranked 2v2s
>not even out of Bronze
Fucking buff Velma
I guess my WR is 65% and I'm just being a crybaby about getting manhandled by certain characters.
Is this the legendary "Rollback netcode" everyone shat on Soulcalibur 6 for not having
What a fucking joke.
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I'm playing as Jason, almost outta' bronze.

I get what you're saying though, it's fuckin' TOUGH.
Tips on getting better as Harley?
I just got into gold and until now I've felt like I've had like a 50/50 chance of getting good teammates and making progress or not. Now it feels like odds are definitely stacked against me because I've lost several games in a row, and now I'm starting to feel that if I'm not good enough to carry shit teammates then clearly I am not good enough. How do I get better?
do you guys seriously not have a friend to play 2v2 ranked with?

I thought people liked this game?
Holy shit what is going on
I've been playing since launch and I haven't experienced remotely this much network garbage
Watch Shirogane play
it's still not that good in the public eye, and not THAT friendly to newcomers yet, but it's sloooowwwwwly getting better...
you don't get BP xp from Rifts other than 10xp per star earned
>do you guys seriously not have a friend
>playing fortnite
>playing rocket league
>playing ff14
>playing helldivers 2
>playing deep rock galactic
they are playing literally anything else dude. im the only one interested.
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Rollback is good if you don't suck ass at it like SFV did.
I played with some Velmas on ranked as Jake and some of them are really good and we beaten some broken teams, most of them focus on
>Surviving to do the Van
>Doing projectiles as kill move when his partner is air juggling people or to save his partner
>Full screen grabbing
>Doing the speaker thing to buff
>Camera, bulb, as kill move glasses or flashlight as random kill move
I'm a bruiser so i don't get any buffs from the Velma book so there is that missing
Same this shit is crazy
I think it's Samurai Jack causing the netcode problems, I only experience this when fighting him.
So in which gamemode is best to do this? im guessing the macro just holds back to die and then after a while, just press back and then start game, also iirc you get 10xp for winning non minigame rift matches
Yeah Velma is great if your teammate isn't retarded.
Guess where the problems arise
Samurai Jack's air grab is fucking insane.
Why does it have armor??
PVP. You get 25xp for losing, 38xp with the sports atire 50% boost. Match has to last at least 35 seconds otherwise no one gets XP
It can also reflect projectiles
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Be quiet. They're too busy complaining about Side Special.
Screen cap?
I'm slowly learning how to deal with the side special...
Cool gonna try this maybe I can get him bad reputation by doing this too
i kill you
i jump off stage
you come to get your revenge
i grab you
you die
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ggs
Maybe I can get a character I hate bad reputation* LMAO
It's not even that
If you're a big body character you're just fucked if you get knocked off stage at all
I mean, at that point any attack would do the job. It's not really something to complain about. Using the grab at that point's just flashy.
PPG spanish voices got datamined, pretty much confirming this is the next character
explain why that confirms them as next?
What about Nubia?

'cuz the PPG feels like the last character they'd release for the season. Plus they're teasing beetlejuice as the next character to be released...
There's literally no reason to do this. The game saves your undone dailies. You should have your BP done weeks before the end of the season if you play only a few days a week.
Real shit I might have to stop playing until the
>lag into your character walks off the stage
shit is fixed.
none of the other new characters that already had english voices, had spanish voices except PPG, let a lone 35 mins full voiceslines
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Realistically, what are his chances?
I actually just lost a ranked match because of this shit
Shouldn't have teabag'd
I haven't seen this happen at all. I'm beginning to think there's some kind of psyop and you're all in on it.
Harley is team dependent on 2v2. Aside from that, hammer is very helpful and maybe focus on the most problematic opponent.
Nah, it does happen sometimes.
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Pretty good, I'd say. Would be hype. I hope they can get through all of these characters we already know about though...
you should update this image to have jack already in the game, this image is pretty outdated ngl
I mean after BJ PPG will come, Nubia doesn't have spanish voice lines yet
Ruby is now in Limbo
I have never teabagged
There's no reason to
It's not smash, I can taunt and they have fucking emotes.
Teabagging is smashfag behavior.
Imagine teabagging when they give you FOUR emote slots.
What might the macro be anon?
are notable leaks even creditable anymore? they had to have been back during the hungrybox leak. if they're not in the datamines why bother even thinking about them. neo probably turned into agent smith for all we know
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I feel I'm already doing that, but generally the fuck am I supposed to do about teammates dying too fast. I guess I just gotta find someone to team up with.
yeah since you like posting it every thread
>What am I supposed to do about teammates dying too fast
Throw try to disrupt with projectiles and bombs.
Your teammate should see you setting up traps and lure enemies into them. If they don't do that, I'm sorry.
I didn't teabag. The game is shitting itself constantly
Anyone here remembers how much fighter currency we got from the previous power pledges? Im ready for the next one tomorrow
Black Adam players when they can't do their meme spam shit turn into the saltiest suciding bitches. Hold this L you lagging turd worlder.
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I can't see it?
Badges in general are fucked for me
>says I beat 27 bosses last season
>I have matrix code agent smith
They need to add some fucking anti projectile perks to the game.
Everyone's like
>uhh durr samurai jack so strong
Give it a little time and the best characters in the game will be the ones that just shoot stuff.
Tom and Jerry and Lebron James. Absolute fucking menaces.
>honest jack loses stock
>resorts to side special spam
lol we're complaining about fucking lebron now
lebron is a terrible character but his neutral b is the best move in the entire game by a mile
i really do miss the old projectile shield
Give it time anon.
You're gonna hate the sound of basketballs.
>they need to add some fucking anti projectile perks to the game
You mean more?
Naw cause I throw it back at him as Jack. Then lebron loses the majority of his kit instantly without his ball he can no longer pick up.
He's too good and barely has any weaknesses besides his gay ranged grab projectile having a long ass whiff time. He has two of the hugest hitboxes in the game with his uptilt, air uptilt, and neutral air. He can FLY completely free, meaning almost never restricted to chasing you for a combo vertically or in much danger of falling off the stage because he can just recover by flying over to you. If you're ever under him he can just use his retarded sweet spot kick that always hits. He has a no cooldown double projectile, and he can make an area that just eliminates everyone else's projectiles. He has an amazing forward air that hits twice and lasts forever, so no matter what direction you dodge you're bound to get hit. He's just a bullshit character with a weakness so small it never even comes out because you barely see people use the move.
Are you playing Jason or something? 'cuz I feel your pain, but I feel like I'm slowly overcoming them by just learning to back off a little or teleport more.
gonna assume you play 1v1s because his neutral special is fucking obnoxious in doubles, just tapping your partner with it is enough to make it autoaim towards your opponents and keep them in place for so long that their partner has the most free followups in the world and god forbid both players in a team end up off stage against him because that is spike city
Why is Godzilla unlikely? The last couple of movie made bank.
>mfw just got all the achievements on steam
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Literally not a single piece of data in the game indicating either he or Kong are coming, probably because their test for the Colossal character idea was a failure.
His licensing rights are dirt cheap, and WB already owns some of his cartoons. It's pretty much a matter of "WHEN".

I love the game, but that running-off-the-stage issue has hit me at least 6 times now. Luckily, it seems that the devs have caught onto it >>487592531
>almost Silver 3 with Velma
This will keep me goin'.
Because they can't balance IG and he's been in since launch.
Good prompt absolute shit artstyle
1 iron giant is enough
Not cunning enough for my tastes. 3/10.
Neat, now do Harley farting in Velmas mouth
release godzilla
godzilla ruins games with touch of deaths
take godzilla out of the game to ""balance it""
godzilla comes back 2 weeks later
godzilla still ruins games with touch of deaths
If you jack off to AI sloppa you are an actual, genuine NPC.
You exist exclusively to populate the world with entities for players to interact with.
>Thread caring for AI slop
How far we’ve fallen…
ai slop is fun, it might not be of any value but I'll fap to garbage if it's hot garbage
I would prefer an AI teammate to most of the teammates I do get
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im sorry bro im just not gonna subscribe to your patreon
>get queued with a velma on your team
I didn't want to win anyways
Oh shit, it's almost time for the next thread.
Seriously pick any other artstyle at least lower the saturation on that shit it’s hard to look at it
I don't have to be an artist to recognize when something is slop in the same way I don't have to be a filmmaker to see that a movie is shit.
I've seen this exact same style used by artists who made their art the old fashioned way.
stay crying, twitter tranny
Boooo, AI spam.
Bellum boobies
>Banana Guard in 2v2 ranked
>Know that he'll just spam side-spear and charge every attack
>Somehow it keeps working
Life is pain, I hate-
Imagine a playable Miss Bellum in MultiVersus, but stage elements always pop up and keep her face hidden.
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see but you're equating slop to shit but slop is good for you and good for the brain
worst part is these retards can't stay in their containment threads, can't wait for when they make /ai/ like when they made /vt/ for vtuber spam
/vt/ is the fucking worst place to go to discuss your favorite v-tuber. Why even do that? Just enjoy their streams, god damn.
is it? i have friends who watch vtubers and they seem to like it
Admittedly it's been awhile since I've been there but I refuse to give it another chance. I truly do believe an entire board dedicated to v-tubers is wholly unnecessary.
It's necessary for the same reason the pokemon board is necessary.
Without it, discussion of that specific niche of a different subject would dominate the board.
The generals are better, but only when baiters are too busy flooding the catalog instead of invading generals or some scandal from another brand that isn't your preferred one breaks out whether it was real or not.
I only go there if I'm watching streams though or a major one is happening. It's a shithole during "dead hours"
Maybe before, but vtubers are everywhere now even in america. They just sung and had an entire event at a fucking dodgers baseball game that sold out. I hate vtubers with a passion so I am 100% happy they have a containment board.
you know all of my posts have been on topic
>Why did people stop paying attention to me????????
What an insanely pathetic post lmao
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wooooooooo, got here as jason.

ranked is kinda' neat actually. what a challenge.
K the thread is dead and waiting for a new OP. Truly this is the worst
Jason requires so much effort to win if your opponent is even a little competent.
I'm almost there with Bugs. It's been fairly enjoyable now that the shitters/casuals are done after a day or two of the mode being live
I don't understand why would they have it where if you don't claim the last challenge bonus before claiming a daily it just skips it entirely back to the start again
it automatically claims it for you, don't sweat it.
I thought it fucked up on me too but it just turns out it's claiming it regardless.
Someone share the /mvsg/ logo PNG again
Yeah. you've gotta really utilize all of Jason's moves if you wanna avoid hard-core rape.
Ah that's reassuring to hear anons, thought I lost that xp since I didn't get enough time to quickly realize it at the time
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Found it!
The way certain attacks go under/over one another is insane to me.
For example, Superman gliding along the ground with his command grab beats Banana Guard's side special, because the spear is lower than the fist.
Rick cannot hit Finn with his gun at all if Finn is in motion and grounded, the shot just goes right over him.
Next OP better have some sexy bitches in it
play garnet for a bit and try out her down grounded
watch in amazement as every single movement any character does hops them slightly above the move every time
Cake fisting Taz is sexy
Next thread
>Slop thread
God please someone make a different one
oh that IS AI isn't it.... I don't like that.
Better hurry up and find literally any other image for a new OP before the thread's momentum rolls irreversibly into that one.
Too late. I'm already there
It's making me wait 300 seconds before making a thread
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youre already dead
Non AI thread
i dont get it
does he want to kiss his sister
AI guys five seconds before launching their own patreons

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